The Lehigh register. (Allentown, Pa.) 1846-1912, August 10, 1870, Image 3

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    Y 4,10 llttlistcr.
No paper discontinued until all arearages are
aid, except at the option of the publishers.
Our subscribers who do not receive their papers
regularly will confer a great favor. upon us by
sending word to this otlice.
Subscribers about removing will please send us
their old address as well ns the new.
Will be sent to any address from this date until after
the October Election
Tun Lenten Enutxran contains more reading matter
than any other newspaper published In tho county, and
Ito rapidly Increasing circulation assures UN that our of.
orta to mike it the BEST ere meeting with the approval
of our citizens. We are certain that no ono who takes the
paper into their family for three months will then do
without It, and wo therefore put the Campaign Rate at
the trifling figure of TRUITT CENTS, confident that by
so doing we will rapidly add to the number of our Perms•
nent subecribers. Let our friends throughout the county
make known the fact to their neighbor,
MEssns. Keck, Weiler 45:, Co., and 0. A.
Grider are putting down slate pavements in
front of their stores.
DR. RANDOLPH S. HITTLE, son of our
townsman Charles Kittle, has been engaged by
the German Patriotic Ald Society of New York,
to go to Prussia and join the army as a surgeon.
Ile loft for Europa last Saturday.
GOING INTO CAMP.—The Excelsior Rifles are
going Into camp the first week In September.
Committee to select a alto :—Capt. A. J. Lnubach,
Sergt. D. K. Diefenderfer, Corporal Wm. J. Weiss
and John Dolanlo.
of voters, 133 ; total number of dwellings, 101;
families, 114 ; inhabitants, 477 ; average num
ber to a family, 4.18 ; male foreigners, 15 ; fe
male foreigners, 3—Total foreigners 18.
LOOK MORE I—The public debt statement
shows a reduction of 817,034,123 during, July,
making a reduction of 169,004,001 since March 1.
Is not the Republican administration an economi
cal one?
BASE BALL.—Parties are visiting our citi
zens to collect funds to assist In reorganizing the
old "Star" base ball club. As our population
Is fifty per cent. larger than that of Easton, some
of the boys think we can afford lo support a club
that can win a victory over the Neptune. help
them along.
CITY TAX.—To estimate the importance of
the City of Allentown commercially, one has
but to give attention to the amount paid for
taxes week after week. Mr. Jonnthan•-Rei
chard, the City Treasurer, has received be
wren $lO,OOO and $20,000 for City Taxes
during this year.
REPEIIIMENTB with a new cannon culled the
Lyman or "multi-charge" for some time pro
g-resslng at the Scott foundry, Reading, have
been' concluded. It is claimed that It will carry a
prijectile ten miles, and tests made with a 1,00-
pound ball, In presence of a board of army and
navy offreers, are said tohave proved satisfactory.
SIXTH S'l'REE.T.—That work of macadamiz
ing, which is such a terrible nuisance (luring
its sontiimancc and such a great blessing when
It is completed, is going rapidly forward in
Sixth street. As soon as the work is happily
finished, we presume the grumbling, which is
often heard now, will subside, and the road
will settle down into a first-class article.
CURD SETTING.—The work goes bravely on
and the various Improvements of Allentown will
in a few weeks show for themselves. The different
property holders on Hamilton street who have
not already commenced have been notified by the
Mayor to attend to the business of curb setting
within thirty days and when the business Is fairly
over every one will rejoice in the improved ap
pearance of Hamilton street.
NEW Orr•tcrs.—The taco building now
occupied by the Pennsylvania Central Railroad
Company, corner of Fourth and Willing's Alley,
Philadelphia, has been sold to the Lehigh Valley
Railroad Company, whose business has hereto
fore been scattered anlong several points—Mauch
Chunk, Bethlehem and Wilkesbarre, as well as
Philadelphia. They will occupy their new quar
ters immediately on the vacation of the building
by the Central, and will collect all their ollices to
that point.
PAVEMENTS.—Among the improvements of
the city which keeps our streets alive with the
workingmen and noisy with the sounds of their
hammers, none are more noticeable and more cuu
ducive to the comfort of the citizens generally,
than the stone and slate pavements which arc be
ing so generally laid. Our hotel proprietors de
serve the credit for . the expense they have been at
In paving such a large space as the frontage to
their buildings in this manner, and It is another
Instance of the spirit of liberality lu which things
arc carried on this city.
REPOILT 01 coat transported over the Lehigh
Valley Railroad for the week ending July 00111,
1870, compared with same thus last year:
• Fur Week For Your.
Total Wyoming 9,759 OS 400 575 01
Hazleton 51,101 00.1,357,917 11
Upper-Lehigh 263 18 8,078 06
Beaver Meadow. ..... ..19,802 19 452,575 17
Mahanoy 6,249 08 142,277 00
Mauch Chunk 447 17
Total by Roll t Canal 87,176 13 . 2,271,251 12
Bamo time 1869... 88,161 14 1,935,535 00
A reformed gambler was about to die and
sent for a minister, when the following con
versation occurred " Pastor, you think lam
near death?" " I regret to say, I believe you
arc." "Do you think, since lam converted,
I will go to heaven 1" " I do." "Do you
expect to get there too P" " Yes, I believe I
will." " Well, we'll be angels,, won't we 1'
And have wings to fly with ?" "Yes, lam
sure we'll be like the angels." " Well then,"
said the dying man, bet five dollars I 'cal
beat you flying !"
—The Sunday-schools of the Old School Presby.:
tartan end. Reformed Churches of Catasauqua
went ou an excursion over the Lehigh Valley
Railroad to Laury's Grove, near Laury's Station,
last Wednesday. The train consisted of ten pas
senger and two provision care and It is supposed
the party numbered some nine or ten hundred
persons. Col. Horn, Superintendent of the Lu
theran Sunday School, James W. Schwartz, of
the H. E. Church, ne well as the officers of the
first named Sunday Schools, and many other In
vited guests participated. The day has been very
pleasant thus far and the excursionists are having
a very enjoyable ocenelou.
GREAT STORM-A great rain storm passed
over some sections of Berke county yesterday af
ternoon, which was unusually severe north Mills
city. Near the new rolling mill and around the
Alsace Church large ball stones fell in profusion,
some of which were theatre of hiekory-nuts. The
storm was accompanied with high winds, thunder
and lightning.
We learn that considerable damage was done
lu Bern township, near the Bern Church, six miles
from Reading. The wagon shed of Samuel Dun
dere, who resides In that neighborhood, was de
molished by the force of the wind, and a driving
buggy which was In the shed nt tho time was
broken to pieces.
Mr. Spates grain stacks were overturned, rout
the fences around his fano blown down. The
barns of Mr. Duukelberger and Jacob Koch were
unroorod. The rain youred clown In torrents
round Leesport, but we have not ]earned of any
.rious damage being done in that neighborhood.
Eeqing Raub ; Av. 4.
VERY Goon.—The musk of the Allentown
Cornet Band to•day... We are behind nu city lo
the Valley AS far AA liandri are concerned.
ATTEMPT .V.l . SUICIDE.—A yccnng claiviol
fair and frail," named "Tillie Snyder," at
tempted to drown ber;elf Ittnt evenhitt near the
outlet lock at South F.:Hon. She wit. Ildnq out
by sonic mrdons rtandintr near it Slit 11111 r or he,
ttomertion; and tent home Unrequited love 1,
sold to ilaVe twee the cAmae or tile thiekii.u.•—
Eaxion F.xpress Atiguu
THE Bethlehem Peogresit is personal. We
have no no wish to exchange :melt compliment,
They ere extremely ur.lnteresting to the reader and
productive of unpleasant feeling in the writers.
We can throw a stone or two In the direct lon of
the Progress glass-house, but, without there is a
real desire for lt, we would rather not.
lightning of last Thursday MIS So alarming, that
Many people predicted disasterons results there
from and though our city escaped without injury,
Mr. Solomon Griesemer, who re,ides in our imme
diate vicinity, was, unfortunate enough to lo,e
three valuable horses out of four that were graz
ing In a field near Griesemer'n Woods. They were
worth about $lOOO.
ACM/EST.—This morning about 0 o'clock
a crow-bar was accidentally pushed off a plat
form at the new car shops, and falling down a
distance of sonic 20 feet, one end struck
young man by the name of Andrew Cattier
man in the face and on the left shoulder. Ile
was knocked over and half a dozen of his teeth
were struck out and his shoulder lacerated.
—Reading Eagle Augurs Id.
Is TillS TRUE ? The Easton Express speak.
Mg of the late Base Ball match says : "The boys
of Allentown were very insulting to the ViAlltig
club, and the police force Must he very inefficient,
otherwise they would have been present and
stopped the noise. It must be very unpleasant
fur the Franklin Club to have their visitor sit
treated, but It was plainly evident that the boys
were heyound their control."
We would like to know what the Franklin has
to say to this
have seen some beau
tiful specimens of the photographer's art in the
possession of our neighbor, Mr. Gross. Views of
different portions of the city are very much ad
mired, 111 i also an ndmirable view of the Fountain
house. Mr. Gross has taken many'photographs
remarkable for their clearness and beauty. Ile
inaites them available for the stereoseopc. and we
advise our readers who posse,s one of those Instru
ments to avail themselves of the opportunity of
possessing the shadow of the scenes of beau' y in
our own neighborhood.
the late New York express train ten• approaching
Washington avenue the engineer noticel it man
standing at the switch. When within a few roil ,
the man suddenly turned the switch aunt ran.
This threw the train upon another track which is
stied for trains moving In tho opposite direction,
and at the next switch the locomotive, tender, and
one ear were thrown oir. The Jar was very se
vere, but fortunately no one Was inittred, which
Is probably owing to the presence of utiud of the
engineer, The villain who attempted this whole
sale murder deserves to he hung upon the spot if
he is caught,—Scranton llepubfican, Aug.
Governor last week signed the commission of
Henry Rhoads, Esq., no Associo lr .111.1;412 for
Berlis county, In place of Judge Kul z, deceased.
In consequence of the vacancy having nee arced
within Ices than three months before the October
election, the newly appointed Judge will hold hi ,
commission until after the Geuther election
1871. Judge Rhonda, is a gellilollllll of excellent
judgment, legal experience, and universally e—
teemetl and respected by the citizens of the county
among whom he has. passed his life. The op
. pointment will give general satisludtion.-Rou/Ooy
Anr SWimxtrtio.—As this is the season
for bathing, the following remarks in reference to
swimming may be considered in place:—Men are
drowned by raising their arms above water, the
unbtioyed weight of which depresses the head.
Other animals have not the ability to act in a sim
ilar manner, and therefore swiss naturally. When
a man falls into deep water in any way he pleases,
his head will rise so high as to allow hiss free lib
erty to breathe, and If he will use his legs as if in
the art of walking, (or rather walking upstairs),
his shoulders will rise above water, so that he may
use less exertion with his hands, or apply them to
some other purpose. These plain directions may
be found highly advantageous in prt,crving
surprise has been expressed that the Census '
turns of Catasauqua do not foot up 'nitro than
3000, nod considerable disappointment has been
felt that this business—like, thriving and prosper
ous place, of so much:lmportanee ht eontddering
thy tnanufaeturing Interests of the Leld,.:ll Valley,
has not Increased In population to a greater ex
tent during the last ten years. That thls disap
pointment may in some degree he mitizated wt•
desire to call attention to the following fact. Thu
inhabitants of CalaSallipla are lint nearly all in
cluded Is the return. A considerable portion of
what is called and in fact is, Canis:lll , llM, I. in
cluded hi Allen townshltt, Northampton co un ty,
and Itanowr and Whißdndl
, county, and trill go to swell those returns.
STATE TEACHER ' S Assoct.vrwN.—A.: pre I
viously announced, the State Teachers Association
will be held'in the city of 1.(1111,(^11,r, on the 011.
10th and 11th of August next. Front present in
dications this meeting will he one of the largest
gatherings of the kiwi yet witnessed in the State.
Orders for Excursion Tickets on the Philadelphia
and Reading, Reading and Columbia, Pennsylva•
Ida Central and other railroads, may he olaained
by addre,shig, (stamp enclosed) Mr. C. 11. liars
log, Ticket Agent, 1223 Oxford' street, Philadel
phia. Upon presentation of these orders at the
various Ticket Offices, oketirsion tickets trill he
Issued. The undies of persons desiring orders,
1111(1 the Rallr9ad Stations bet Ween whirl. tickets
are to be 1( ( t ( 11C(1, SllOlllll 111 all eases be stated.
Teachers and friends of education should not neg
lect Otis opportunity of attending Or... Association,
as the exercises promise to lie (.1' the most Inter
citing and profitable character.
835,716 12
088 01
Tar. BEAR.—An .uncoutli visitor returned
to us Friday,from wandaing tip and down and to
and fro among the mountains and valleys. 'The
grace and agility of this specimen of the Bruin
family caused quite it crowd to gather:militia and
watch his elephantine gambols. Ills &timing was
particularly graceful, and when the Illnet Cams for
eigner Prince Kihlekerumberlus (who I; leadi n g
him through the country for pleasure) said to him
"Ski client vu estpn luhyur-paddy whaek.bang i "
the very Intelligent " anindle" find laid down
and rolled over with a freedom and absence of
pride, extremely flattering to US bee title It showed
the Influence of our simple Ilepublican Inetita
! tions on a proud foreigner.
The Prince lute not been treated well by hie own
countryman. lie Just make. , a bare living. • Gets
very little of any other breicia than his awn and
as might have been seen toglay he and the gen
' tleman with the muzzle'on go to the pole together:
WEsTON, WALBisT.--,ther several
Months of qulesence, Weston, the notorious
" walkist," again turns up. The last news con
cerning hint Is that lie had :melee!l arrangements
to go to Europe en the ilOth silt., to walk flair hun
dred Miles In live consecutive days in Paris, and
that after visiting Austria, Russia, and Prussia he
Intended to make his final effort In pedestrianism
by attempting in London the task of walking one
hundred . nod twelve miles Inside of twenty-four
consecutive hours. But the Mu 'of inertial prep:-
' ration on the Rhine has deterred him, and at the
urgent request of many admiring fritmds, he Med-
Bates doing the four hundred tulles lb live tiers at
• the Empire City Rink, New York. The other as
: tonlshing and unprecedented feat of walking one
i hundred and twelve miles inside of twenty-four
hours he expacts to perform at the same time.
; For an of kills walking he is pruinilsed, if success
; ful, the sum of $5,000, which, considering_ the
amount of brains and muscle he has etmeentrated
upon his profession, may he considered small
enough. Mr. Weston, we are assured, says that
this will be his final public effort In pedestrianit.m,
and he means to lenye no room for doubt If sue
' cessful.. The medical fraternity, who look upon
Mr. Weston as a mnrvel of endurance, manifest
much interest In the result. Meanwhile, forprame
thee, tho latter will walk at several of the county
fairs to be held this fall.
L. stock of .sheet music, instructors,
Aank books, inusle paper and cards at C. F. Herr
mann's Ma.,15 Store, Allentown.
lloNoitED ITh.‘l).-I,nst wettl: the End
sound 10: tia. 111'11111 Was 111'11111, 111 1 slowly
und tt.ttry w tt s horny to tile List 1,4111!2'111:11 . e, the
biely or .1:1111 ()It I ho,coillit lit the Ilatr.
of Ids country. The Star; attil tripce that he bull
In life delentled, lovinnly shrtintle.l him, when his
lir,, was done. No more to hem . Ills. elattuinet
Gle not the lio.use roll of the olitrunt drollt,
tins laid 111111 11011 1 11 i 0 the deep, deep sleet, wllll 4 O
nwalienlutz r I‘3ll he the soulid that ealleth till to
the Judzincill.
It is good for those who 'are left to remember
that the "gldry of patriotism" belonged to the
loved one who has departed, and musing beside
his grave on the terrible conflicts of the late war,
to call to mind those beantiful lines of Gray's:
Ilirk! how Ilto scred palm that liretilliem
every llrr a e, 113 , 41011 ren..:
Nio ill accent. whimpering frolit Ili,' groom!
gratitrtil Ittirtietit otttrittil iit•titiet
ltowlvism.-11. is a very disgraceful and a
very deplorable thing if a party of peaceful
and well disposed citizens cannot go out for
an afternoon's pleasure, without being annoy.
ed by the disgraceful acts of such rowdies as
thsturbed the peace at the Goad Fellows pic
nic in Sterner's woods last week. Not con
tent with blackguardism and general disgrace
fel conduct, they attacked each other (in spite
of the remoustrances and even entreaties of
the well disposed), like wild beasts, and, at a
pie-nic, in the presence of women and little
children, these slinmeless . brutes did gouge and
bite and tear nt one another, with murder in
their hearts. :They afforded it spectacle
or the utter degradation to which a man may
come, end were an "awful example" to all
who beheld them. \\ - hen will the day came
that these disgraceful scenes shall he stayed by
such a Mona of indignation trout the right
minded, as shall keep the rowdies down.
\l'U. WENT TO TIIE Cittcua.—A colemr
porary tvritin of the visit of a CitTtls to his town
gets nil' ,01111 ,tilltnents as applicable to this
place as a great many other places. " People
went to the circus, of course. The man who
01111'1 afford to take a paper went, took his wife
and children and spent twice the price of a useful
family journal. The man who owes the store
keeper and butcher, and who "really hasn't the
money to pay, — 100111 and spent two or three dol-
The Man \VIM e:111% ailol,l to buy IL ticket
Inn git.l lecture Or concert went. The WOlll3ll
who can't dre.t, well enough to go to church, and
whose children haven't <lollies lit to wear to Stun
thy School Went. _rearmany people who will
need their money went. The Anlellellll citizen of
Afrienn descent went—to he sure. The man who
dilu't'e: re anything ainint the circus, butt wanted
to sec the wild ben-lit, went. The man who didn't
mint to see It himself, but Went only to take the
ehibiren was on hand. lanAly several other peo
ple went—at night—who did not like to be seen
going In ilnytinte.
Fire Near tilatingt on
A roviTsPnwleill'lle , to us iron] Slatlnglon :IS
follows .-1 have to chronicle one of the greatest
calamities I Prci. saw, which occurred till Mon
ti:ly about eleven o'clock. The barn of 11.
Wllliarils, near this place, was set on fire by an
Incendiary, and in 0 remarl:ably short time the
building was in Mimes and mots past all possibility
of being, saved from destruction. There were six
her-ea lit the at the time, all of which were
consumed, the stench arising from the burning
flesh being slclmitig. One of the auiumis broke
out, but ' he wits in a pill,ilile nontlitioll. ills cars,
eyelids mid tail Were burned "it' close to his
body, till Con,talile tlnnl performed at: ant or
hoomoily by ;Wiling an end to his existence.
'There were twelve or fifteen kegs of blasting 11011 . -
11er in the barn, whlrL exploited with a terrine re
pot t, sending pieces or lotroioe board' and hay tip
hito the air a dist taco of two or three hundred
limn hair till' pnpillat ion of Slatingion and
or the surrounding country wits out to see the
conflagration, and the excitement was beyond de
Several persons have liven subject to suspicion,
and the pollee require them to dice an account of
their whereabouts on that erehiliff, hut to positive
inforinathin as to who did hue deed has been ob
THE, M Gus.—The capacity
of the I.ymatt or Multi• Charge (tun gear tested
again last week at the proving ground, in the
presence of the Examining Board, Commodore
Ilitchenek, and Commander Temple, L'. S. Navy,
and C'apt. l'rinev, Ordnance t'orps, U. S. Army.
The scientific observations were antic by Captain
Ponce, as,ktect by Mr. I , .lectritlan
at the I , rankfortl Arsenal, Philadelphia, Nvlto bad
charge of the" Vignotti l'endtt
lum," an instrument used for measuring short in
tervals or time, or te,ting 111., velocity or n hall.
Nles-rs. Alban C. Slime's and .1.11. Ilaskcll also
a- , i,ted in the exl•eriments. The trial of the gun
commeneed ILticlock a. tn., and elated at sp.
w. Fix I . OIIIItIS leery Ilred—ti e first with two
pounds or pnwdor iu the breech ; the second with
even pounds in one pocket and 01'0 In the breech;
the third with Itco poeliets Illled ; the fourth with
• three, and lite lint' and sixth with all the poelicts
tilled, tanking thirty pounds of powder used in
I, c ,,
vault to t h e In-t two rounds. A hundred pound
hall was fired each time. The gull was mounted
on nit ordinary railway truck, with the wheels
“,praegvd,” and the recoil in the last two rounds
was thitty.tive feel, t he track being Inclined about
tire degree., movard. The ccientltic data have all
been noted, from whielt the results will he eaten
' kited hereafter. The intlieations are that these
It ill all prove highly satisfactory. •
E.%itTON cit. A Id.ENTOWN..—We noticed a
day or .t wo since, the :olvent of a Directory man,
who tens selling the people of Allentown and also
an ".E.0..t0n I)ireetory." The relative importance
of the two places in the I.E.lllgh Valley as far its it
tili'vetitry is concerned, would surely he deter
mined by the number of inhabitants they contain,
and yet this Directory matt had been perspaded
by :mine aspiring genius In Easton, to make it 1111.
pear by MS thrpot" I)lreetory, that the town of
Easton, which does act contain more than two_
thirds of the nunther of Inhabitants, tool:. tire lead
of Allentown. His reason for this suicidal act on
his part Nta . don ' t I:110W, but there has been an un
fortunate joalottsy of us in Easton that might have
something to do with it. It has been a custom In
times past for Emtonians to regard us with dis
favor, and to sneer at 1,111 . 101011 and its 1/nOlth,
flirt it ha, had 110 elicit. .thelltlo , ll has gimlet]
from a town Into a city and gone ahead of Its
n e ighbor in many respects. We drill% say tills
braggingly, but Amply state it as a fact, resulting
front our fort curate po , jtlon anti the energy of our
citizen,. II Is useless to tight agr hist the ittevita-
Mc, and we hOpe that fillr Easton friend s %elk live
amicably 1011 h us, rejoicing In our grn wit, ne we.
in theirs, and be content to exert all their
etterry alOl talent for their own beautiful little
'place %vithout envying or disparaging 115.
THE A i.t.ENTowN UMIAK/AM-011 the Ist
lunot WOO: was suspended on till. road. The
pettsvme Journai says :—'llue work on the
Allentown Railroad, which has been prosecuted
for 11101 . 12 111011 a year past with considerable (mer
cy, inn; keen !wilfully suspended. in the imme
diate neighborhood of Hamburg, the two forces
employed by Messrs. Reilly & Sum Will Chas. MC-
Fallth . ll, 11:1V0 been 111111.1112: deeilli'd progress on
sections No. 4 and C, below respectively. Tile
road has already been completed from Kutztown
lu Tnipton, and cars !menial:hug regular daily trips
between these points. This section was built by
Judge tidily kk: Stint, COW. I:aClKS,tallis regarded
es u mean/dole piece of work. Orders were re
ceived to suspend operations entirely toffilly, but
arrangements have been effeeted by Chits. M
Fadden, Estl., by which the work 01: the tunnel,
incur the borough, will be contlinual.
The culvert on section No 41.1
is a neat and substantial structure.. The tunnel
between \Viitilsor Castle and Hamburg presents
sums difficulties in the construction, although
some (00 feet of the heading has already been
completed. The ino,t formidable obstacles arc
presenteffieer moo.tliVn 4, where the deepest cuts
an‘ being ado, mad which, If the recent forces
were maintained, it would Inc Impossible to finish
before the completion of the entire line. Any,tlc
lay, consequently, on this portion of the line will
correspondingly extend die time, of construction
of the whole road. On this section l'atrick .1.
Kennedy has haul Charge of the laboring force,
and John \I (Padden of that below—both expert
(awed lava.
'file probabilities are, that In view of the grey
delay occasioned by the cessation or work, opera
dons will Inc resumed before many weeks, sluice I.
Is li k ely no more favorable time will
. present It
'‘S for years to come.
SALES OP LAND.—Tho aggregate sales of Union
Nellie Railroad lands for the year ending July
20th,1070, won $114.5,531 ; average price, $4.60 per
acre. Oa July 20th, the receipts for sales of land
were upwards of $20,000 for that day.
day; August 25th, the Columbia Steam Fire En
gine Companr will maim an exeorslon up the Le
high and Wyoming Valleys to Wllkesoarre, the
particulars of which will be fi n ed in their adver
tisement in another column. The well-known and
favorable character of this organl7.ation warrants
us in predicting for them a large and orderly party
of excuis'oni,ts, with whom It would ben pleasure
rarely offered to take it trip over the romantic
route of the Lehigh and Susquehanna Railroad.
Tim Wilmington Commercial of last Wed
nesday says of the peach crop, that " up to
this date the peach shipments by railroad have
been much smaller than during the corres
ponding period last year, and if we were to
jtulge the season by its opening the prophecies
of the worst croakers would be realized. We
cannot' so judge it, however, as the early va
rieties of the fruit suffered most front the re
markable weather last spring, while front the
slime cause the season is somewhat back
ward "
'Pita; BABE BALI. MATCll.—Last Tuesday
a week till Neptunes, of Easton, played the
Frankilus of this city, on the grounds of the let
ter club nt the corner of Eighth and Gordon
stmets. The game opened at two o'clock, the
Neptunes at the bat. The Ilest inning the Nep
tune, made live runs, which showed some good
playing on the part of the Allentown boys and
raised them in the estimation of the strangers, as
bets had been freely offered that the Easton boys
would beat them forty runs. The Frani:Rim
struck boldly, but were only allowed to make one
rite. The playing of the Neptunes in the held
showed that their victory would be easy, but no
bets were offered on their side after this inning.
The second inning showed better playing on tile
part of the Franklin, their adem'saries haring
their rani cat down to two, lint the Neptunes re
turned the compliment by skunking the Frank
The third inning, through the mis-Judgment of
the umpire, gave the Neptunes live runs and the
Franklins were only able to score one.
The fourth, fifth and sixth innings were hotly
contested and showed good plaing on both sides,
as only four runs were scored on either side in
these innings. •
In the seventh Jutting, the Neps, through called
bulls and mitt-Judgments, scored lire runs, while
the Frani:llns by safe batting tied them.' The
game now stood 21 to 11.
lo the eighth Inning the prettiest play of the
game was made by the Frankllus. The Neps
had already made four rims, with only one out.
owing. to the remarkable ruling of the umpire,
andlney had three men on Uses when the batter
struck to short, who quirk as lightning sent the
ball to second.
The Neps made one more run, however, when
the ball was thrown home and the catcher put
another :Ilan out who attempted to steal home.
The ninth Inning elicited no Interest from the
spectators, and was characterized by the same
unreasonable decisions from the umpire, the :oast
outrageous of which wasdeelaring a foul bail a fair
one. It was so palpably " foul" that the Frank
lies were totally unprepared for .the decision and
the Neps made several runs on it.
The following is the score :
3 2
Walker, Ild I)
Weks, r f 5 0
Erdinar, s s 3 2
Ritter, Ist I) 3 1
Kenua, I f 3 2
Mulsleilkerg, p 1 3
ha Roche, e 3 0
roust, 2I 2 1
Eckert, e f 1 0
llren,ing-r, 1 f 1 6
Burke, r f 2 5
Parks, Ist b 9 1
Bryan, 22 I, 2 5
Yoonells, s s
Cool:, c 0 1
Stewart, ad Is 5 1
27 34
Innings. 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 9
Neptune, 5 2 5 1 2 1 5 4 9-34
Franklin, 1 0 1 2 1 1 5 0 0-11
Fly Cateheet=Neptunt. S; Franklin 13.
Muffed—Neptune 1 ; Franklin 3.
Bases ou called balls—Neptune 1 ; Franidin
lione Rune—Neptune 1, by Bryan.
Utupire—J. NVilson of Ea-tan.
Scorers—George Yoke Oil F. Horn.
'finis of Game, 2;45.
THE CITY or ALLENTowN.—Any citizen
of Allentown who during the Summer months
may tour a holiday and travel In or out of the State
cannot if he would readily forget the city to which
he belongs. At almost any depot of importance
on this vast continent he will see, to gladden his
• ey4s :Ind remind him of the long double lines of
shining track which stretch between hint and his
home, the, to him, magical word "Allentown,"
"The Allentown Route," via "Allentown" &c.
Thus Allentown is talked about and brought
I prominently before many people wlto never see it.
Many lupines as to what kind of place Allen
' town is, and what kind of people live there, are
!node by hundreds of people daily, and it is fortu
nate for us that the continually increasing num
! her of people who visit this city are able to, and
do corry.away with them such a good impression
of the thrift, enterprise and business qualifications
of our people and the beautiful situation of the
place of their abode. Our public buildings are un
surpassed for the beauty and solidity of thcir archi
tectural work and the perfection of their Interior
arrangements, and are spoken of with pride
throughout the State. Our private residences and
stores are up to all the. requirements of the day in
appearance and convenience and are continually
being improved and added to. Our hotels are giv
ing Allentown such a reputation amongst all
classes,of traveling men that many who are de•
mined in neighboring towns and cities mull Sat.
Imlay, are induced to conic to Allentown to spend
the Sabbath.
No small amount of credit Is due to the energy
and enterprise of the men of business who have
'nought this to pass, while the improvements now
liklngiplace hi the grading of streets, the cree -
thin of buildings, etc:, point with unmistakeable
, diAinctuess to the fact that we in our day are alive
to the importance of our position, and able and
willing to meet its requirements. But what we
I want particularly Is inure local pride amongst oily
I people. A pride that shall Oct only be shown in
their adoption of the best means for our improve
'bent In all respects, but also in the open, out-
I spoken, earnest commendation of our own people,
our own stores, our own hotels, our own public
schools, our own Sunday schools, our own Fire
department, our own bands, our own public speak
err , our OWII Passenger Railroad, and last but not
least among live hundred other things ct whlek
,have cause to be proud, oun ows NEWSPA
We arc more ready to often go Into raptures
over the beautiful stores, and the efficient Fire
department, and the first-class hotels, and the
Public schools, he., of other places, than we are
to recognize the merit that is our own, and that
needs recognition and encouragement for our own
sakes. Strangers have to speak of these things
for us in most eases. We are so wretchedly modest
not to say unjust and ungenerms, that while we
often talk of the immense circulation of Philadel
phia and New York papers very few of out owe
people know that between 20,000 and 110,000 news
papers newspapers go out. of Allentown every
week. We are so blind to the merit that Is here
in our midst that we will pay $lOO or more for
some 'man from abroad to come and talk to our
people on a subject which some one in his audi
ence will he competent to teach him. Leta be
told to the the credit of our Sunday-school Assoc'.
don that they have discontinued to Ignore the
ability and earnestness of oar own people and•no
longer fetch their talkers from abroad. At the last
meeting our own workers did the talking and did
It effectually. It would be well Your committees
political would follow this example and recog
nize the fact that we have men here as competent
tea talk to our pimple, and more competent
to Interest them than any of those political stars
of the third magnitude with which they arc wont,
to.exereise our patience.
i i
e enough' hue
i an
ustces ad infinitum, but
fleet on the fact that we neglect too often that
which Is our own and contiumtlly illustrate Ale
the truth of the proverb " Familiarity breeds con
tempt." •
It is not vanity to have sufficient and proper
appreciation of our own ; but It is the height of
folly to allow our ohm to be overshadowed ,and
eclipsed by "the stranger" merely brecauso be Is
- strange. If we do not appreciate the good that is
amongst us who will I
Let Allentown talent and'Allentown enterprise
he patronftel by Allentown iit mle. Above all let
t us not be too ready to run after "strange things"
to the neglect of that which needs and in justice
' might to have our assistance.
Ladies please examine our line of Dress Goods--
Our Stock of
ALLENTOWN has an extensive china and
glassware establishment where as great a variety
and as low prices can be found as in the larger
cities. We refer to the new store of Richard
Walker, No. 40 West Hamilton street.—Ally.
A Tonto REASON why T. C. Kernahen, of
the Allentown China, Glassware and Lamp Store
can sell cheaper than others, Is because he sells
more than tiny two In the county put together.
CHEAP PARLOR OROANA.-4 single reed 5
Octave organ at $OO. A double reed organ with 5
stops, at $l3O. A powerful organ with 7 stops at
$180; at C.F. Ilerrrnann's, corner of 7th and \Val
THE best of Italian violin strings, violins,
guitars, flutes, etc., or any other article belonging
to musical instruments, can be bought cheaper
than anywhere else, at C. F. Ilerrmann's mule
Store, Allentown, ra.—Adv.
"'A SPLENDID PlANO.—Linderman A: Son's
Gold Medal Cycloid and Square Pianos rank anumg
the finest Instruments In the country. Their bril
liancy and fullness of tone is not surpassed bya con
certgr and piano at double the price. More Instru
ments of this celebrated make have been sold in
Allentown, Lehigh and adjoining counties than of
any other manufacture. They dim he used !natty
years and not become airy, as most other planes
do, In only a few years. Come and examine them
at C. F. Herrmann's Store, Seventh and Wainu
following is the official statement of the receipts
for Internal Taxes for the Sixth Congressional
District for the month of July:.
Total collections on Spirits 02,330 00
Tobacco 3,939 011
Fermented Liquors 909 50
Banks and 13ankers 1,193 16
Gross Receipts 60 59
Sales 1,731 39
Other Special Taxes 5,199 59
Income 10,275 30
Legacies 191 10
Successions 365 50
art. in schedule "A" 240 15
77 61
4 25
Total Penaltle!t, &e., collected
Grand Total
The Assessor of Cnnsholme L •co, hoeing but.o in
StriMCII to 11014 IL copy of the Voters' Register
the dour of the piddle school building, so that
could he Inspected by the people, has carried our
his Instructions to the letter, hat whet her the pub
lie will he able to Fee much of it is a matter or
doubt. It appcarF the school building is enclosed
by a eery high pale fence and the gate Is secured
by a strong lock. When the Assessor went there
to post the List he obtained the key front the
Janitor, unlocked the gate, entered, posted the
List as required, came out again, and looked the
gate securely, and the public can now take a bird's
eye view of the document from . any point at least a
couple of dozen yards distant.
Easton Express created a great sensation In that
borough on last Wednesday afternoon by publish
ing a lengthy dispatch giving a very minute ac
count of a battle near Metz. The dispatch said
It was "the first statement we have of the battle.''
Yesterday afternoon the Free Press', of the saute
place, published the dispatch above referred to
side by side with a dispatch giving the first par
ticulars of the battle of Pittsburg Landing, as it
appeared In the Y. P. Tin 117 of April 1101,18112.
The only difference appeared to he in the altera
tions of "our forces" in Prussian forces, and of
the Rebels to the French. It is not made clear
who is the author of the Imposition, bat the pub
lication of it by the Express, we are afraid,will do
that journal much harm.
COMM I TUE.—Tile Republican County Executive
Committee lout at the Ehede lintel, in thin city,
on Saturday lust.
The. Chairman, Dr. Wm. J. Romig, hei ab
sent on account of sickness, George K. Reeder,
Esq., was chosen Chairman pro taw, and It. Clay
limnersly, ESV., Secretary.
The object of the meeting es stated by the
Chairman was the election of delegates to repre
sent this county In the Mbadity Convention, to be
held in the City of Rending, on the Mat of Au
gust. The following were chosen delegates
John 11. Oliver, John Williams, NV. 11. Aloe, and
W. W. linmersly.
The Committee further selected Saturday, Si
temher. the 10th, as the day on which the Com
Convention shall he held in the City of Allcutou
• Geo. K. REuntut, Chairman, pro km.
R. CLAY 11/3untsl.Y, Secretary.
Imposition has been practiced upon the Readin.
Railroad 'Company in ennsNlitnice of the rye
paBSCS issued to the member ,. of the I.mislature
which also include their families, being used by
various other persons besides those for n•hom they
were intended. The vigilance used by the Com
pany to detect these frauds rr.,tdlvd yesterday lu
In the uppreheukion of a person illegally using one
of these tickets.
This party, who afterwards gave his mune as
Snyder, and stated that he behinged to Philadel
phia, presented w pass, issued to the Hon. John
Forsyth, to Conductor
.A. F. Rightmyer, on the
morning train East from Harrisburg, claiming a
free passage for himself, an old lady and a little
girl, whom tie said were his mother and his niece.
The Conductor took up the pass, and demanded
the fare, which Snyder was nimble to pay, and Ilk
watch was then'taken us seentity. In formatitm
having been sent by telegraph to Heading. oath
was made here before the Mayor„tt warrant pro
cured and dhe part• taken into custody oil their
arrival in the city, ami taken before the Mayor,
who after n hearing, held Snyder in S:i000 bait to
answer.—Readiwg Timex.
Tut•: Cont. TRADE.—The 1 3 9ttsville Miner's
Journal says :—As all the coal regions. Imre re
the supply of coal will he largely Increased,
but the luereaSed supply OU the sea-hoArd will not
reduce prices to consumers there, brew use the
rates of transportation will he increased in propor
tionAo the decline In the price ht the coal regions-
The rates of toll and transportation will Ito hr
creased on theßeinling road on the first of Sep
tember, 50 cents per too, and of course the other
transportation companies will follow stilt. The
rates may he increased again on the first of Octo
ber. Coastwise freights scull also probably ad
vance. They need not, however, rush Into the
market, because the prices of coal will not advance,
simply because the supply will be •amply, and
nearly all, If not all advance in the prices of
freights on coal leading to the seaboard will be
taken oil the prices In the coal regions, unless the
demand will he much greater than Is anticipated
by those who have posted themselves up on the
state of the trade.
Under the circumstances the press nbron
would do consumers a service, by sulvislng them
to commence laying In their supplies. A regular
trade for the balance of the season will keep pri
ces down, but If consumers should hold back ex
pecting lower rates, It would only tend to enhance
Men's & Boys' Wear complete Prices Very Low.
BASE BALL—The Motunls of Allentown
Lace challenged the new nine of the Stars to play
on Saturday the 20th.
Pic-Nic AT Fout,EsviLLE.—llenry Correll,
hotel proprietor In Fogelsville, will give a grand
pie-nic In Willoughby Fogel's woods, near that
place, on Saturday, August 20th. Extensive pre
paratlons are being made to Insure a grand oc
casion and it is expected a very large crowd will
be in attendance. Excellent dancing music has
been secured.
respondent in Bethlehem laments that that bor
ough is without a lira department. He says the
Reliance suspended on Friday evening, and the
Perseverimee ca m i nt get seven members to meet
at one time. The tilsky is in a similar situation
and doesn't expect to keep up its organization
very long. The firemen, most of whom are not
in the best circumstances, have labored hard dur
ing the past five or ten years, and have paid all
their own expenses, inelmilng coal and gas bills
for their engine houses, and if Connell is asked to
pay for repairs amounting to $lOOl great eommo-
Hon Is raked.
The Reliance and Perseverance a,1:01.1 for a
any appropriation of $3OO apiece, to keep up
eir organizations. It is a less amount than
her municipal zinthoritles give their lire compa-
tiles, but Betidelietn's borough fathers do not seem
to appreciate the department, and they refused to
grant even that small 1111101111 i. SO the days of our
Ore department are numbered. The day may
nom:, when our citizens will bitterly lament the
action or our borough fathers in 1170.
Bethlehem, Augrut nil
A SWIN»LE.—Somp time ngo n "canvasser"
solicited the citizens of Allentown, Easton and
!client, to solocribe for a directory of tlaoe
places, and gave a most glowing description of the
completeness, itze., of the Intended wort:. Allen
town was, to be fully set forth in all Its perfection.
Subscribers were to have their !talkies set forth In
bold type, correctness was to he one of Its main
features, &c., &e.
The hook Is here. The price was to have been
o dollars. We find Il to he entitled "Easton
-rectory," and that Allentown Is merely CaSll
r6,',76 27
ntentione d at the end of the wort: and the
names of the subscribers lint displayed as proinkil.
\Ve were hurried by press of Inisinms and only had
hue to notice this at it glance. The gentleman
who employs his !Maitre moments In collecting
mono• Mr this ,nis•i)ircctory, mentioned that he
would take a dollar and a half. We gave him the
tummy, upon which he disappeared and telling the
folks next door (hut we had highty recommended File
dicrctory, offered It for a dollar, to them. They
did not close with this very liberal offer and were
wise. The hook, as far as Allentown is concerned,
is simply worthless.
B et hl e h e m Is disposed of in live leaves. To call
the book a directory of that pine , woald be an In
sult to every one who lives there.
The projectors of this "Directory," iu canvas
sing, called it a directory of Allentown and Beth
larm, but in printing the work they have not had
the Impudence to hit so. of its worth us a direc
tory of Easton, we ore not fu a position to judge,
hut if the numbers, &v., of thedilferent houses arc
given as accurately ns those few that are
(toned in Allentown, it is about on a par with
the others.
We would suggest to our readers that th. y will
do well to closely examine this article, even it ills
offered at all "alarming sacrifice."
urday last the annual meeting of the Lehigh
County Democracy was held at New Texas. Capt.
Enos Erdman, of 'Upper Saneon, acted as Presi
dent, and a Vice President and Secretary were se
lected front each election district. The Commit
tee on Resolutions repotted the followina, which
were adopted :-
1. Resoled, That "constitiaions" and "Con
stitutional Amendments" arc, and ever should be
the proper and exclusive work of the " people" hi
their sovereign capacity, or or their representatives
chosen with reference to that special purpose, and
that no so-called ultehtlon or amendments of the
organic law of the state or nation made In any
other way has any binding or moral force, or de
serves to be regarded any longer than there is
power in the hands of those who have the control
of the machinery of the Government to prevent
the people From repealing It.
2. llexofced, That waiving forthe present,any
es:m . 4.AM' of opinion of the abstract merits of the
so-vaned Amendments which have been engrafted
M M = =Mil I M = =
arty now in power at IVitsitingtom tve maintain
mt they nre 01101111.1 till or them direct. 111111 pal
attic violations of the sacred and cherished rights
f the American people, to form mid modify their
on free and without three, fraud or diet:ain't
ram servants, and that they are to be 6111,
allied to only hee.itise the endurance of a tempo
arm pollticAlievil in preferable to revolution, lint
re lever to he recognized as part of the Constltit-
Inn, tutu they have been ratllleil by the actlgn or
people of the United States oil their reiiresen
11. Resa/cril, That the tire,ent. National Admht-
I•tra'lon Is entitled to no inure credit for'its !wasted
reduction or the National Debt Own the highway
-01011 wllo roles his victim of nll lw Is worth, and
then returns II 110111011 or It to keep hint from starv
ing., and that It is a dentouutrohlu fact Old if ail
the people's money that has been wasted on use
less nlliee-holders, and et tun by dishonest. ones
1 1a .1 liven applied to the tlayinent 4,r the piddle
dela, United States Assessors ninth r o it i wtors w o uld
lie as inailicis now as they are hateful.
4. Iksolvot, That I lie re-enactment of the linfit
mons Income Tax Ise 1110,4 menu tisparetit scheme to
retain In office In every township of the county a
co, ps or °mom tools to be used In carrying the
next and future elections, and that the Senate•of
the United States, in receding front their first po
shim% on this question, has simply covered itself
with infamy.
a. Revolved, That we denounce the provisions of
the Act of. Congress to enforce the so.called 15th
Amendment, no a flagrant attempt on the part of
Congress to destroy the reserved rights of the
States, no n thing to be treated and opposed by'
oft lawful means, until it is swept front the statute
books of the National floveroment.
6. Resolved, That the new Not unitization law to
but another outcrop of the rotten carcass of Know
Nothingism, and. in common with the previous
legislation of the Republican party a renewed of- i
fort to oppress the friends and relatives of our
naturalized citizens below the negro, and that the
°Mehl spies, which that law creates, are invested
by It with a power too great and dangerous to l'e
endured with patience by a free people, a power
Avhieh should either remain entirely latent, or be
exercised with the utmost prudence If those who
exercise it, would avoid the most dangerous cons
sequene , s.
7. Resolved, That we point with pride and satis
faction to the course of our member of Congress,
lion. John D. Stiles ; his public career has Just!.
lied the confidence reposed In him by the [lemon- ,
racy of the District he represented, and, that by
his straight forward course '
in opposing and de- !
nouncing upon the floor of Congress, the many
FAO:MS Of the Republican party to plunder the
Government and oppress the people, he has won
for himself not only the confidence of his immedi
ate constituency, but also that of the entire party
of the State.
8. Resolved, That we tender the thanks of the
Democntey of this County to those members of
the State Legislature, who by their votes and In
fluence, opposed the Bill to deplete the Sinking
Fund of the State for the benefit of a Railroad
Corporation, stud that by so doing they have
evinced a disposition to disehargo their official du
ties %vitt' fidelity and to the best interests of the
Fort paper, envelopes and fancy goods, at
peace prices, go to Laßoche's Newspaper Agency,
under the CHRONICLE Office.
(a/mos.—The usual quarterly meet hu: a till*
Association took place on Sat urday last, al halls
past one o'cloch, in the school house Laury's
Station. E. D. Rhoads, the PreAdent, rallyd
tfie meeting to order, and after singing a hymn,
prayer was uttered by the Rev. Wm. Swindells, of
The Secretary, .1. C. Welling . , the
minutes' of the last meeting . , which were adopted
as read, and linen the lire-ldeot called the atten
tion of the ineethoz to the fart t hat the term of . the
present oflivers having [`NOM' al. Ulu lasi
the Constitution required that new alile,a•.+
be Immediately elected. •
On motion Oil NOlllllllllloliiiii
SlStillg Of one from each School distrlet
represented, appointed by tire Chair. •I•he
Committee having withdrawn to prtpilre a ',pout.
the dibeiNsion of the lir,t snhject ea, pro,ecleil
Opeoing and Cloßing I....zweibeg of Sllndety Schoots
Ideas or the several ~pealier,, on this stihjeet
seemed to be about the sante. and may be briefly
summed up as follows: it is very e•enuti.:l to
have the attention of the scholars, :Ind that they
should tithe part In the devotional exercises, the
opening lind closing of the simuld
be brief, chosen with reference to the lesson, varied
lit corm, though 111WIlyS COI of prayer ant!
and of a simple charaeter, et.tpted to the under-
standin g or chiltirjs.
• I)iiring this discussion several visitors trout Al
lentown and Easton arrived, a n d tliti etinunittet
on trominations Iteittu prepared to report, the dim
titi=sion ills SU:l44lllrd fora rt, momout:. Iha
their report tnittlit be received, The your miler
reported the amnia:tilt,. or
lourg, etc., 11. T. I
who were elected by aryl:on:al.., :—Pc.,i,lent
Judge Lowry; Secretry, E.• 1). Trois
firer, .1. W. DeLoug. rt,, some ..liivetio. of
their teat, the President and St eret.kry cle •I lou
Rev. Woi. Swindon; of .111ontown
teaching the Infant k the fact (hat
structionaud not anim•eolcut Iliat you are to giv
to the little ours who are its members. The gre.
truths of the Bible, the fundamental principle
upon whieli the glorious superstructure is rea,il
can be expressed In the iunrt simple langwige, ra
he ground dowlyo to speak,iiito
so that the children are readily nble tin retire it
Give them the same spiritual lint us you give thei
father.; and mothei, in the church ; only g,lad
a little liner. More careful preparation neeile
to 11l the teacher for the instruction of young ehil
dren than for any other porpom. Sermons fn
children require more labor than those for adults
We want to go well prepared to the little child rei
to Illustrate our talk by visible objects and to hay
our own hearts filled with the knowledge of it, in
portance. Object teaching was the method i
Jesus. Ile taught the grand lesson of humilit
when lie took a little rldtd and set him in the mid.
of them.
iirof. Collin, of Easton, had found . that chihln
often get tired rely milekly or the average ran
infant eines stories. We xviiiit something to I
terest them afresh aim and then, nod are likely
tire them and ourselves by invessant harping i
the same string.
Rec. Walker, President of the Co. As,ociatioi
spoke strongly In favor of haring the cateehisi
taught In thin iufnul SI.IIOOI 111111 of having II
young children early grounded in the (alit,
)Ir. Heritage, of Easton, disagreed with the la
principally to the etteet that it is Mlle , utmost im
portance that the best tenchers should teach the
younger see that they have II LO/1/11
flllllllllllllOl 011 W bid! 10 11111111 OW apirit WI! huncrl
edCe that would Emilie them %vise nuts imivation.
The Tier. Lauhaeli in a Ilev well timed flannel:,
spolte for line Gelman portion of the 0101,11'V 111111
urged the necessity of therecapiiitlation of every
lesson, SO that:hy repetition, the children may ,get
their lessons perfectly.
" Order." The discussion on order was lipencil
hp the 11eV..1. W. Wood, awl participated iti gen
erally by the previous spell:Cr, It seeined to lie
the general impression that, more noise teas made
in attempting to enforce order, than was 111:11ic by
the ereittot•s or (11,oriliir 'who teen. condemned.
That sii4ais were better than load expiitit
lotion or remonstrance, and that it should lie un
derstood by the whole school that at a mitt:ilu
signal they mast mime to culler, or rho, or go
thritut!li any excicise that had previonsly Mien de
termined rm. After all.:ai dellnite rule eduld 66
htid down for the. preservati in of r'e - , whirl
mi n ty dep,mli,l tipstil Ihr ellirionvy of tutu' Supt.:
intendent lu mainighig Ids seined trill, tail, ihr
faithfulness of the teachers In set•oniling idscllm is
and the steadiness with whlrh seholars aern kept
to the matter in 11.111(1 and prevented from wander
ing thvinghts on Irrelevant subject,.
The last question ' 6 II limit Jinx fat,' .Ineaocitition du,
elalintiXited Niliee 18611" received a very gratifying
reply. The menilwrs of the 1101 Z-rent Sunday
School in the t(ovoshiti which were t here repre-wit
eilirepoitiiil the flourishing condition °lsom, of the
selmols, the purchase of maps, libraries, etc.
Some schoob. had been keia open during; the win
ter. 0111. IlOW' Sunday School Ind been started.
It seemed to he with great difilealty that the
modesty or the member,: or t room
be SO far over(inme as In induce them to ascribe
the good that Intel been ellectetl to the iliret•t iigency
of the Assort:dim, reports, lintvever, from
dliferent Sunday Schools fully demonstrated the
magnitude of the itilliwinie for good which this In
st Itutlon possessed. The vl.llurs had to
say hi praise and taaalaragtancat of the North
Whitehall Sunday School .1-sociation. North
Whitehall Intel honored Lehigh "('aunty the
oirnestuess sine had shown hi this good work.
The doings of this Association had liven spoken if
with pride throughout the State. .1t the laid Suite
Convention the different repre,entatives had (di
verted In It with pleasure, and its Jning.:uul sore
eras were an encouragement for (Owl.; to In, likes
wlse. While yet in its infancy it had been shown
to have done ma rlve(mii things, and there unit grenl
eneolirnrefllelil and hope for It hi the fon... Let
every member lie Inspired to rentitved effort and to
more earnestness and zeal In the catoe, reinem ,
tiering that they ate pant of a great ai•my, that
they are stirrritimied by a great cloud of witnes-es
who will support them by prayer and hold up t heir
hands In the prosecution of their g:00,1 wain.
'fine meeting was dismissed .1t trith
the benediction by the W. It'ood and all
expressed themselves sati,ll.•il with their happy
resunion. •
The miNt meeting • will be held in the School
llouse at Uulhhn't' 'ilia.
" hyit;,l Clovs fr.dr•rrrlion
Ono of the most iwpnrt uut thhh; tits I
A few remark, Were made by 01ber ,peakers,
'i/o: Caul .3111111,1 Mistake of Former days ‘ean
an alter negleei of raidtaly I , l , r:odious. No ~indent
laleatis W.,. adopted for the preceolion of utriCueo.. Sew -
erane lette olihnoo o io chic.; di:tit/Imo teas rarely at
tempted Ili the culinary - . Heaps Or eit,rl were tort to rot la
the Iliadic ntr,eln, and doiroollls rleitullloo., the groat nu.
(Note to febrile diseauen, wan sadly uoglootod, If I„ o , ',
no nut, %Vine lawn, plidaulhropla lontllulloos, aud a
vlglhod salutary pollro, hare, to a gi...d off holt, moonlied
the veld Nor 1.11,1,01. l'haVeNTlVr. II gliica coax he
helped materially to Itei•en the rate' , of no It h
not too ranch to eity flint Thu , or IlliirAria in: i•.ii.ilie sick
Iles. In unhealthy mintmoun ill roascquouro ad 11.,i, in
o lima ATM. , THEIII nTnTH , I4 IN .1 lie aNeki by a c0u,..• o
11(18fETTElf • S STOMACH MITERS. 'Phis 111110 nil,
vegetable tattle :tint alterative viiinfirki, the
r, extract, am
k...rancor Ora variety or root, nod herb,. onow orol fo
their. M1 . 01101.'0 1 4, noolitillig, vllallalag out pulifyis
properties. These medicinal agent+ ore iniatrimmtiol will
u elOrlt ale.elotely free from III„ uci ill I.okon which ale
Ilia, tool,' or Itots, all the liquor+ of commerce, it'd 111 , 1
1 effect In dltftmed through the ulnae frame Ily tliiii active
)el liairlliteini ill Malawi , The re• 011 an such il roUillthal
I-the nyntrin an renders If all but impervious to Ilso offl
nor Calls.s of inseam, euch all damp, fog, amide. alwrai
tians of temperature, dm. Sireuulli. mid lite r Perrot t nu: .
Laity. .of lilt ilia fourth.. of lb. , boll)', o he'd soft
guards against atmospheric fodnou . and filo eirerte of 11l
w h,,1,,,,,ge wafor,
IltlaTlsTri..lvB pi . ' THitS aro II
b o .‘ „t reutt u.,.tin t t au l regillating InedlCllie at pr , nol
known. Vor ulympepniu gml hillutiniteen they arr in eel
' ellile All44l,UTir• •
ever Better.
BA NMI A 12D—MOOSE.—On July Illet, by the
net'. N. S. Strassburger, Mr. Alfred Bankhard to
Miss Sarah Mora e, both of South Whitehall, Le
high COMM'.
RAU—Y . OII:4(4-0u the sane' by the saute,
Mr. Samuel Rao to Miss Amanda Young, both of
A Ile n tow n.
Nei Abbertionnento
. Patent Agent., 8O Nluth ..treet, Wamhluglou, D. C.,
for advice, terms and rammer,
Iw bright,. will not Pade. Coats Lelia than any other be
ans .; it will Paint twice its munch Norf.&
.1. H. WEEKS CO., Manufacturers,
-1 SVITUTE for Young Men and Roue. Send for
rrolm, 11,0.3 E. Afesituder. Principal, Flight,
t,w., New .lert.ey.
A h..ok ~r 121 Mosel>• printed pages, lately Issued col,
mins a list ..1 lbw host AtileriCati Advertising Mediums,
giving the names, cirenlatlons, and full particulars...Lk
corpkg the leading Daily and Weekly Political 111111
Newspapers, together with all those having large elk
rotations. uhimbed In the Interest of Religion, Agricul- ,
Literalltre, Sc,, Sc. Every Advertiser,
persen who content plums beronsiug ouch, will find this
hook of great value.—.llolled free toany address On re
ceipt of Ilfteen cents. OEO. I'. ROWELL & CO., Pub•
N 0.40 Perk Row, New York.
The Pittsburgh (I'n I Leader. to Its issue of May 2101,
I'7o, says.. ' -rho Hera of o.l'. Nowell S Cu., which Issues
this Interesting and valuuble honk, In the largest and best
Ad vet tising Agency llie States and we raw
eles•rfully it to the attention of 'those NVllit de
sire to advertise their business scientifically and syste
matically in such u way ; that is, no to secure the largest
amount of publicity tor lite least expenditure of money."
1 ),i'II'ENTS.
Inventors who Irish to take out Letters Patent o
advised to counsel with & CO., editors or the Ariar
-1 lit si , .11n, Henn, who Lave prosecuted claims ha°, Ilin
! i tent ulll lie fur over Twenty Years. Their American and
1 . :M . .111CM , Patent Agency 1s the most extensive In the
iv Or Id. Charges less than any other reliable agency. A
pamphlet containing 11111 inntrlictionn to InVelitorn In sent
gratis. )LONN S CO., :17 Park Row, New York.
Opened by the
A VOID QUACKS.—A victim of early In
-111,,111111, ranelec corvette debility, premature
decay. &0., bayonet tried In vale every plvertloed retn, Imo a elmplerllo , lllN Of Noll,llro, which he will spiel
rroo td bin follow-satforors. Addrl,4ll.l. 11. TUTTLE, 78
Na-nee street, NOW York.
.7 II l'N 1)1t1:1) TON,: 1.1 I'ONI, broken NO no to
ihrou elk a 1 , Inch rho...Aker way. will he received
al Ilia Nlayor'.. °like until the I.lth Wet. Steno to r llO tle•
I 1 1 , 0 , 41 la 11l ea. 11101 . .51.11 .1 iyaorSaptetnber next,
to Moeda., het. ern Fink tool Stoth .11001'. at .11e)
p• .nt , .. 4 tea) . direetett by the 51.v0r.
11 AVOIC4 tireter., Allentown. Aug. 4. 1870,
uppii,,,tlon line been Inutile to the Court of Cum.
ninon Plea- on Lehigh County to alter mot amend One :Mi
~d no.ennelatlon 41110 LW) N VALLEY 110ItSE I NuOtt.
roNIPANY OF 1.5111(111 COUNTY. A eopy of
.aid niltoratlone and almond memo have been filed In the
y'e 011 l co, and If uo enallleleut :Teem, he mho,wn
to the contrary ton or before the ut
el day of ,mat term, the
and Court will alter:lntl 111/11.1111 the ealil n Helen it,, prayed
Ili eIIA Itn J. Pree't.
t'OERI' (hi THE 11. N.
lI volt 'rilE 14.ASTEIIN nisriti(7r OF I'ENNSEL.
VA NIA. IN linNtistuvrcv.
the. r El) Il'.l flit 11. K.VEItR.
Eon nil Distriol leant I 'taint,
A Warrant In Ilatiltruptey loon been booted by vuld Court
rvl the Enda.. of Edward 11. linnerr. of lino ConniE of
Lelnu natant SIMI' of Pono.ylvennia, in noon! Dientrict. boo
I n n e n o liluod Bu u nk runt ninon poitlon of bin trod.
ntor•, toot the inntyluenot of ant debt. 'and the delivery of
unnY Property Lobo., Ind to void lbonk runt to Inlm or to hi.
11,0. ono! the trar,krur onto). provenly Inv hilts are forbidden
Iny 4 tneoting of tit, Crodllor. of said llonkrupt, In
pro,. their 110 1 1, Kllti rill/OS.IIIIW 01 more Anodunenon bin
Endulo, wilt be held at in Court of ll.nnkrupley tope hoiden
itt Allentown, In void Dinoront, on, the TIII CT %%FIRST
ninny AIIiUST, A. U. 1ti7,1. at 10 o'clock, A. Al., at the
one,. of George N. Cor/onn, none of the Ifogi.terp, In
llzinkrUplt . y of mkikl Dontrict, E. M. til:EntOltY,
notd 10.3 w U. S. Marndattl for vont Diuttlet,
The Executive Coinntitteo of the Lehigh County
Agricultural Society will meet at the Mitre of (lie hocro•
lary, the city of Allentown. oath.) NINETEENTH day
of AFCUsT spat, at li/o'clock. A. M.. for the s rpna° of
appdinting Awarding Committees aud a Committee of
Arratigiuneuts for Ow rest Animal Fair. fly order of
SOLOMON tiItiESEMER, Prrgirhod.
.1111. 4—.11111111. A iiI'AIII.HII.
rho uo,:i school y,. commences SEPTEMBER felt
r emit logn,m nul Intormtion, addrose
nt110•OW W. T. SEAL, Principal. '
1, , :e • 4.. Itta. a ta.a & 11 ot A of tin AniPrit An
. 11 1 ai , or , ily, aro inal;ll,7 wonderfol titres
IA et Cal 'rs, To 111111 l re and Uleent by their
tie,. tin ..‘ ery. A pahtlee, tteatatent, tto
0 titil,•, no lA.-lees, ni. mettle burning.
ow, ' The nikiiil r e mark.
~1,1,, ,f1,...t CANCERS, of tli Is
tr. lament le, lt eel..
p nth, the e1...1ir:0 elm...eta of eaticeromt
. 4 tfroollis, et. that they sheltel, tlle and di.
... appear and will lint rettint. Alt those of.
;.. C.UI will nit till . Profeosorn Ihwhatiatt & Down,
I' .i, -r-ity : or r 01.1..... No. 514 Pine Street, Phllatla.
rolP1) . los u its stir tutu foreoot comftr ox. UP
w rtf• cif
II ha. loto 11 111.11 r tin gond name by repealed trials, hit
.0111i1111i, "re ity a prominent potiltion In every fninll
It f. nn External and Internal Ileinelly. For Summit ,
lor any Miter (matt or bowel db., lu rbildre
t in no almost rettlaitt cure t .11 1111 M. WMIOII
1 , 111111. ..... 1 more micemetbil In raring the var.!, kind
'1'1'110U:1CA than y other hinur rontetlY. tho mm.•
killrol phy.lelan. In 11111fil. AiriCil 1111 d Ihlutt, whttr•
ht. theattrnl ollseare I. 111.1r0 or Irom I.rof Went, t
tr, l'alt
I. von.ttlentil by the natives, 111.
,111..111.1.1 0040 climate. If moire. ri•ltt•dy: awl While I
tatott rometly for It 1. , Verferill rnf
even in nnxkllifill bawls. Dirorilons areara
t.iny it It.olle.
MI Drutml.t.i.
Priett tit"; r nod +1 per bottle. •
HEAD TILE 1.4 . 1.)LL0W1N(3 !
141.'1110 • I.lli 1 1.11V4.11ne
1,, F. 11.
Ca Pritsis
• llt.ll%ed (num the leg el a "duals!
siti , e. I Ihsti tr,..d everyth:nu 1••• I L . -obi 1,,
elleri. I alms lined it with espial s•iivers+ I
:1•1 • 4 .if 10114 allll FELIX 1111.111.1.:Y.
P. 0., ("1”.. , 14, Pa.
In nob' by Dot,tni.t.• nn
trekeepern. NN'ltolesnli. by JASIE4 O. WELLS. E
nf and Spring Garden Stn..
ale In Allentown by I. & CO., K.on Its nllw
'one!, Or. W. C. It ES St SON, I,AWNI,I , & 31511
'IN nn , l JOIIN 11. SIOSER.
%, KI ELS V lI.LE It. It.
tin owl oft, AITWIST lot, 15711, l'aumtt wr
11. Can.:Ml[lW Itullrouti wilt rim 11....utu
wiu with the.& Huuquehunwt, u
Venn. follows
111 1
2 4 I
.1 1 7..31
Lail 7.:p1
1 1
1 lei 7
.1 2 7. 42
ttt):lN Errioss.
The atortiluu trail& west leitires Catalans tat iitt the •trri ,
ot the L. V. It. It. Loral Brisson', train from EAsitt
lloilatoloon, and Alh•ua,wa and sonuesm al AI-Ilan
with 0 train on the East Peam-ylv unlit It. It. for Headlu
Pottsmile, Harrisburg and win
trim tdr Alleatown, Bethlehem, Eastou Nem Vial, •
morning train Edi , t commets 'at wi
Baia on E. P. It. It. from Harrisburg. Itelidi.o , " 4 Al a l t
lowa, and al etitasnittias with train on the Lehlith
Itstilemi for 31auell Chunk, Wilkea•liarre, &Taub!
aud New York.
The . 2.00 •. train West soull. , tii at Al-Ilartle with
tralu on the East Penn. Railroad for Reading, Paltoril
Harrisburg, Allentowa, Bethlehem. Eatitotb.l.bliadelM
and New lork.'
Thu Evening Baia MIA Into,. Al.Burtto oil the araP
of it train from Allentown dad of a train Ipillang Con.
lions at Reading with trains from Philadelphia. Hari
burg, BMW/ illo. &a., Rod comma's with" local pawn
ratio rho L. V. It. It. at Cat...egos (or Allentue
11,111olieni and Easton.
Bat NO. W to go to Alleulowo can take rho gnu
rant train West to AI-Malls, arrive at Allentown 80 a
and return by trait, oar
the Knot Pentioyleaula H.
leaving Allentown at A.
Hunt. and Rue
any 10.1r1
E 1
1?2 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia
.J6III)AN 11111 DOE.
It IGSVI i. 1.1
A 1.. 111111'1'1$..
rr I.
I / 6.
1. F.
I..LP 0
x. ~5
X. ~I