PEE Vic gegisttr. Editor Ina 'l!rtopr,frtor yn BT. I Ittili.ll.ll, ln A.LtiNTO-1-V-N,-PA.:-.111NE.29-, 1870 TIiTWE REPILIIIIIIICANN OF- THE ATE. • There arc thirty-four counties in. the State of :Pennsylvania in . hich tlte Republicans itii In a minority. At the Presidential cam. paign or 1808, these counties polled 103,000, votes in round numbers,for General Grant,and they have upon-"more than taw occasion de cided nur,State election and saved the Repub lican party front defeat. .1s a general thing, the Republicans in these minority counties rekesent the idtelligenee. the wealth and the mann faeturing and bus: n ess entermise. pay the larger bulk bf the taxes, mid they hat large Interests that di mand just and careful Notwithstanding all this,, they are not represented at Ilarrisburg., Accord ing to . the pernicious rule established there, by which the whole matter of local l eg islation i s 'referred entirely tO the sitting member, they dare not ['Wii be heard. in Lehigh county, forinstnnee, 'where the RePubllcans own large manufacturing and mining interests, no legis lation whatever.' con Other be procured or pr'kented, except through our representatives. The .consequeuee.h4 that they must submit to OW most partial awl Unjust legislation. Pro test after protest has been made against this injustice but without effect. The wool, ma chineryof legislation, though in the hands of the Lepnblican party, is inflexibly turned against us. instanc e s, 11111Siralltig this illjt iCe might be multiplic , ' had we space. Suffice It to say, that the Republican party of Lehigh county, have come to the conclusion, that their brethren of the majority cOuntieS intend to deliver them, bonnd band and foot, into the hands or llodr enemies. The Republicans of Lehigh have ever been faithful to the party. They have steadily in. creased their vote,"mitll in 1808 they polled over 5000 Vat.-5 ; and this in the face of the fact that they ore entirely excluded front all Slate, Its well :Is local .411('8 and patronage. same said or till the minority counties. 'rho ni , !•oldionos say to the party, you woy keep y,mr Slate offices. we want none ()I' thew. party is a party prlncl• pie and not of spoil. W light your battles, but us prntl,l 11:4Z1i11,1 either your right or your potter to knit as under the yoke or our oppoooio.,. It seems to us a , plain as day. that an organization, which deliberately deserts one•third Its adherents. cannot re main long in potter. We therefor.• hall lhe coming Convention of minority emoilles. Ve hope their proceedings trill be characterized by wisdom and prudence, and we will then have no fears hut that they will result In much good to the Republican party. As we are advised, a meeting of the mem bers of the State Central Committee, front minority eonnties will be held at the Oirard ' House, in the City of Philadelphia, on Wed nesday, July 1311 i twat, for the purpose of consulting about time and place of holding the Convention. We have seen letters front al' the minority counties upon . this subject, and t hey tire all strongly in favor of the movement, so that we have no doubt that the preliminary meeting will be well attended. We do not intend to make any suggestions, but only hope this subject. :nay be fully G.IVIIIVI'II 'lbw number of houses in our city is two thou6:and sic 11111 U -hell and fins,rtun building is going on rapidly all the time. To realize the in look naett"hla l Al/Hutt present with it tail by this means we can see the reason we have to predicate a glorious fit In the year 1792 Allentown contained nn y nine dwellings and so little was it sought of ter by settlers as a place oPresidence that even as lately as 1830 the population was only 1,554: Sire that time it has doubled itself about every twelve years and we believe the present census will show a population of from 20.000 to 22,000 inhabitants. While the people have grown in numbers very rapidly,thßr growth in liberality culture and refinement has been quite as marked. Th.. Common School system here has attained a refection and completeness that few com munities can boast of and is an honor' to the intelligent and iiberahninded citizens who have been the prime movers and projectors in the noble W orb. The grand edifices sacred to the cause of education in our city,are monuments . to the enterprise and intelligence of the peo ple of Allentown. The situation of Allentown, the numerous lines of Railroad radiating to every part of the country, our mineral and agricultural wealth, our gigantic iron and steel works and the en ergy 'and business aptitulte of our people tchieli incites them to fresh improvement day by day—all point unmistakably to the fact, that in the not remote future, here will 111 . situated one of the busiest commercial emporiums of this great miNotzury couNTIEs The Norristown Herald has the following : It is suggested that the members of the lte publicau State Central Committee represent • hug minority counties call a convention to take into consideration that system of local legisla thin which ignores members of oOr Legisla ture of minority counties. 7liontgomery is I not without a partial remedy for this evil, by having representatives in the two houses of ferent politic44,but our Republican neighbors in Lehigh complain bitterly,and declare that, so far as that county is coneerned,in the matter of obtaining party legislation, the Legislature might as well he Democratic. • Whilst we do not think the proposed con vention would result In curing the evil of which there is just complaint, we gladly sec ond the call, and trust that our member or the State ComMittee—R. K. \Venni, Esq.,—will co-operate with his colleagues In the inove ment. Th, practice of referring all legislation af feeling particular localities to the members representing those localities for final disposi.., !titian operates often to the detriment of the public, and yet to dispose ofa bill, not _mic ro! In Its character, in the Legislature, at this day, In any other way, is considered a gross breiteb of parliamentary honor. THE Tribu lie atter enumerating theitehiete ments of Giant's administration, says " Btu we bred not continue the recital. llow poor and beggarly beside these things, seems the complaint, that the President chooses to take such relaxation as every clerk or shop-keeper seeks to secure ; that he does not nominate for offlce,polltielans with whose claims noisy iter ation bas made the public ear familiar ; that he does not make rhetorical speeches, and does not seek to establish some great and brilliant policy of foreign aggrandizement or domestic expenditure In defiance of the will of the peo ple We never advocated Gen. Grant ns a great Statesman We have presented hint to the people as a sound and sole num. We point on his record with hearty satisfaction, and are sure that the country will unite with us in 'pronouncing hint a sound and Hare wan still." ASSENSM EN TS In onr local columns may be found some .very interesting ligereashowing the eompar ative value of the old and new lISSCSKIIIeIIit3. ComMaisons aro proverbially odious to some body.; but the marked improvement that has token place here deserves recognition not thhatandlng. . Mr. Edward Bubo deserves pry wait rot diligaa ad ngthtliinole lD 4PO I 44 1 !!P WA IP* THE LEHIGH REGISTER, ALLENTOWN, TILE APPEABANCE OF CHRIST. Some time ago a small printed sheet was distributed in Allentown purporting to con tain an authentic letter of the Saviour's, and attached to it was a letter of Publitis Lentulus, giving a description of "a man called Jesus Christ." Many times since then we have seen the same letter published in various pa- pers. We publish it with a communication from a valued correspondent wbo gives us the very good reasons that exist for declaring this let ter to be one or tho, pious frauds" perpe trated by that class of religous individuals who held to the doe'rine that "the end. justifies the means." The "letter written by the Saviour"alluded to above is such an impudent and transparent lie that there is no need to contradict it. The following epistle was taken by Napoleon • : the records of Rome, when he deprived that city ofso many valuable manuscripts. It was written nt the time and on the spot where Jesus commenced his ministry, by Mbins Lentulus, Governor of Judea, to the Senate of Rome, Crcsar, Emperor. It was the custom in those days, for the Governor to write home any event of importance which traspired while he held his °nice ; f` Conscript Fathers; There appeared in these, our days, a man named Jesus Christ, who is yet living among us, and of the Gen tiles is accepted as a prophet of great truth; but his own disciples call tutu the Son of God. lie bath raised the dead and cured all manner of diseases. lie is a man of stature somewhat tall and comely,witit a very ruddy countennuce such as the beholder may both love and fear. Ills hair is of the color of a filbert when fully ripe, plain to his ear, whence downward, it is of more orient colvir, curling and waving on his Mmblers; in the middle of his head there is a seam of long hair,after the mannerof Nazarlies. Ilis forehead is plain and !Plicate; his face, without spot wrinkle, beautiful with a Come' ly red; his nose and mouth are exactly formed; his beard is the color of his hair and thick, not of any length but forked. In reproving he is terrible,in admonishing,courtefms; in speaking very modest and wise ; in proportion of holy, well shaped. 'None have seen him laugh— many have seen him weep. A man for his sur passing beauty, excelling the children of To which n ecirrespondent replies The let ter, sold to have been written by Vl:blies Len- Whin ou the personal appe4ranee or our Saviour, would, if genuine, be a very interesting document. But the following things may 111! of It 1. It was Ilrst priated at the close of the lifteentl: tury—long before the time of Na poleon. 2.. it exist I ion line twelfth oentury in titre.. dif feting matm-,ipt , , moo, are now to Inc :2ren in libraries in Fmobtati, France, Italy and Germaay• S. 'These man, :scripts differ so much as to de stroy all i Y flu the gc onitiene,s of either of them. .1. The 1,..t1a in which they tire all written is manifestly not of the Augustine ago—the time whoa Christ was on ealth— brit, of the middle We owe the rapid collapse or this last nian scheme to the fact that a straightforward man, with thoroughly honest intentions and sufficient popularity to feel quite sure that iu adhering strictly to the law he should receive the support of the great majority of his fel low-citizens, is at the head of the Government. - There is no shift of which a Government, at once ambitions and weak, on the lookout for devices by which to double its term of oilier, is not capable. And if the Americans feel, as we have no doubt they do, heartily thankful to avoid new troubles before the misery caused by the last great calamity has dwindled to any perceptible extent, they should learn from this sober energy and honesty of Gen. Grant how important it is to them to elect as Presi dent a man whose character they thoroughly know, and who also knows them—who knows, that is, the sort or qualities and condnet by which he has 01(11 their respect, mid by virtue of which alone he Call eel - II:till the :,1111t . Man whit won that respect. (due oft nown and, therefore, incalculable. President , •of whom America has unfortunately had so many can not but be deficient in the very elenu ats The Ilarrisburg Topic has an tel on this of the experience by which lie ought to h e su bj e ct, whiYh fits on, exactly. guided. Ile has owed his choice to an !Wei substituted the wor d All en t ow n h er ilcnt, and is apt to think that he shall keep by burg, and it reads :—•' We have several times accidental hits the eminence he has accident referred to the tart llud a great 'natty ° c ont .- ally gained. A man in General Grant's posi citizens nail business people go abroad to pro. lion I hauw,bett,r. l ie i s p erfeell Y well a w a re cure almost every needed article for business that he owes all the success I.e Loa gaiucd and awl lankily use e Lich should and could by ns all his popularity to the coo-h o ary or a clear '' Ni c ,;,( u p . never wavering for . a moment in proper disposition was home industry and enterprise. Until suet, to a plain end. (ll' cour,e he is nut noW•g , d;ili spirit does exhibit, Ibiscity wilt never to hazard that reputation by becoming tricky inahe the .ziant slri.les towards prosperity and and Machiavellian. Probably he could not if grealnUFS-witrylt—ir,lnrallts—and other natural I he would. and also Ike would not if Ike could. prood,.—and—foreren. This 11, is fully aware that his country appreciates only be aecomplished by the lal,ines, own re . I fidelity, perseverance, shrewd good sense and solving t o i me ,,ari t ge those w h o give their a id strict adhesion to the law. \nun could he to the husiness interests of the place. The more insane than to abandon the line of con t.., who will go a hundred miles to purchase I duet, absolutely natural to him, by winch he his dry goods• clothing. hats, b u nts, traceries, rose, and take to playing a goon' or political ;tot' other similar indisp , •usiule articles, has no I hazard instead ? If over there tea: a claim whatever upon the vticotaug , ment and deuce or :tiv,totttg , of putting itt.the support of khe Ilentown mechanic or Incr. a the mmmo , tration a man twhotn tllc people clout whose prosprrit}' depe n ds Upon the di, know and trust, and who, in his turn, knows posal or the, prod nets o r Ids i n d us t r y, s kill and trusts the people. it is this conduct of and enterprise. Let a mutual und e r s tanding General Grant . im an ocea , ion winch would he had on thi , subject, :mil adi tenanted eons have been to many of his predecessors one of cell of ac tion. and Ile res ult w ill soon lr w i t . unusual hesitation and IthupLttion ; wlarreas nessed in ineteased business ent , rprise and Ile Inks in . all probability never hesitated a activity, the ;due real eAste and every de. nomkent about hi, course—never even fell the seription of property, and in the general pros. temptation to hesitate. Perlt.Y of every class of the community. age—the o uwks. F. The ch.enhitelt contrathe ,venal Imown facts of history. 0. No man by the name of Publius I.444tultis 1041 s Governor or Judea in on , time of Christ. history fills all that time with other lIIIIIICS-Pull tith, Pilate a. 14, Governor of Judea before, during, and after the limn of Christ's initille life, that is from A. D. 941 to 70. 7. It is not linown who was the 44urhor of the said epistle, ~,S. All reliable hive:4l2444lmi date, its origin not e,iii, ,, e .. r than the eleventh century art, ('hrio. Yours. truly, • '''', e') ntown, June 27, 1:1744. .1. IV. W. 4,:,\ 111(131E ENTERPICISI. tSE BALI The gri _ante of Base' Ball helween the :l lldelic: and the hieli re sulted in the defeat of the forting., itiracted thousands oC speetators tvlio stood three hour's under a broiling siin to tvitneF;s. it, alll paid tifty cents for the privilege. No greater proof could be needed of the deep interest with which the National guile regarded by tic • people. It is tivery good sign to see this inter est taken in it healthful inunly sport ; but un fortunately it is too evidcat that the game ()I' Ihtw Ball IA rapidly degenerating into a there gambling speculation, patronized and encour gaed by . blacklegs. It has reached a state of demoralization, in which it has 1)(211 truly characterized as a National vice. Let us have this vile gambling disasso ciated %%shit lltiv gaine,or it will be given over entirely to sharpers. Let eyery gentleman player refuse to play for stakes and discourage gambling on the result, or au anti-Base ball feeling wilt soon take hold of the public mind and tlestt•oy the National game forever. MtNOUI'LY ItEI'ItESENT.ITION An article in the Ete , iffn K.rprf...of pays the following graceful coldpliment to our . local Republican leaden , : •. In no pill of the State Ins the Republican party abler and more elli. cient mud deserving representative men than in the minority Congressional districts. They can have no hope of political preferment at I home, rind they have sustained the principles of the pariy with unflagging patriotism and fidelity. All they. have asked is,:that they should he heard. in dispensing the local pat ronage or the national administration in their respective districts, sollial they should not be utterly ignored in the midst 01 their unequal conflicts, and their faithful followers lie Tom. 'felled to stand aside and see characterless and incompetent partisans or some outside schem ing politic:um till the local places of honor and profit." CI'3IELATIVE VOTING The Bucks county /Mel/lye/irer favors the cumulative system of voting, and says that while the Democrats have It small numerical majority in that county, and are thus enabled to exercise all local authority' and to control its entire represeidation in the Legislature, It is well known to all intelligent observer; that by far the greater part of the taxes are paid, and. the public burdens borne by lie publicans, who are allowed no voice in their collection or expenditure. An ' enterprising Boston clergyman seeks notoriety by n sermon denouncing (liarles Dickens. If at the end of his ministry lie can truly say he 'has taught the great gospel ler• son of love with one•tenth part of the effect that the great novelist taught it in his books, then will the BostOn clergyman have done a noble work, in the glory of which the infamy qt his denunciation of tido gm( goad puma,` PI V 9014 4 9nr1q0414, REPRESENTATIVES OF MINOR. ITY COUNTIES. Representatives of minority counties have been requested by circulars to meet at the Girard Home, Philadelphia, on THE 131'11 or JULY. THE CALL MADE FOR TIIE FOURTH OF JULY IyAI3I,UNNUTIIOR IZED AND THE TIME UNgUITABLE. AMUSEMENTS We want amusements in this city for our young people snore than we want anything else. We want a class of healthful amuse• ments to, take away the temptation that is presented for them to spend their time in ways that destroy prospects, morals and health together. For this reason we shall en courage the idea of a Boat Club which has been started here and do hope , to be enabled to record its success. Let all who desire to see it started agitate the question and be sure it will gel headway and be supported. our noon sronTs Boating, unconnected with any rm., or kind of gambling,but no a means of recreation only, is sure of encouragement from every thinking man, With good sense enough to nn• desrtand the " sound mind in a sound body" theory. We want a boat club. We hope that some of our young men of enterprise will take hold of this thing and push it through. It only needS a vigorous start to ensure success. ATVEORNEY GENERAL. ACKER OE This gentleman, nominal , a by President Grunt to succeed Atterney General Hoar, about forty-seven years of ago and it native of New llampshire. In the year 18.15 he em igrated to Georgia where he studied law with the late Judge Berrien. Strongly opposed to secession, and originally a whig he luts'a re cord since his early connection with the Re publican party that justifies the choice of Pres ident Grant. lIOSEST PRAISE 01 , 'IIIIE PRES DENT Eso tht London Economist. Jo," Clara I,onise Kellogg in Utica Insane Asylum A correspondlid of the Utica Herald writes to that paper as follows :—" We do not re nponber II) have heard of a more interesting episode in the life of any artist since the days of the :.rll,ll. Jenny Lind, then that of Miss K, Hogg at the State Lunatic Asylum, a few days since. The circumstance speaks, vol umes for the kindness 01 heart and genuine humanity of this great artist. Not content, as some of ;pi Its irrilabile of a lower order of art would have been, to dole out a few notes to the better classes of patients that could be as sembled for the purpose, she asked the doctor to be allowed to penetrate to the interior and sing to the most disturbed classes. Accom panied by two of the faculty, their ladies, and the matron, and armed only with guitar, she started like an ancient troubadour on her novel journey. Arrived In the department devoted to the more disturbed of this unror tonate class, she was not long , in making her power felt. A. few notes from her wondyrful voice were sufficient to call/order out or the wildest confusion, and Atilt the troubled waters or the soul. In :t moment all was hushed, and except the voice of the eantatrice, the hall was silent as' the hottse of death. After the first song, they gathered about her like children wondering apparently what angel from heaven had dropped down so sod denly and unexpectedly among them. They examined her minutely and 111(os:illy, from the crown of her head to the sole 01 her toot ; for (ow desired bo see the pretty little boot with which she beat time to her own music. This was submitted to; and not only this, every article of dress. and jewelry about her person she suffered to be freely overhauled. Site was turned about by these crazy ladies like a merchant's lay figure, much to her amusentent, and little, apparently, to her noyance. Even when they proposed to hiss her, she not only submitted gracefully, but tremulous, not with fear, but genuine emotion she returned the greeting in each instance. .• a mq.—Wanamaker and Brown hare spent Such is Clara t.ouise Kellogg, and such also. ' more 1111111) . 1111.1 labor on their ( (tyrant -tol; than nay is the pow, or music and kindness On the no , ggil let nio• manage the prices disturbed mind." • . . . irony entire' rather Man take nauseous meal ,ring; unit (hi. Is not b, be wondered at, im the ramody i. Hanged nt tole Vit rd Arm• erten wor.t. than the Sufferer. from cough,' The - Brehm vessel Gazette was captured will C u d in the C ,„ Chinese Eras a few weeks ago by pirates ,„ oi l, - „, n gn•„;tan• the ic icle n. eff „,.,„„ i ;„ who after dismantling the ship left her. The dinense. German man-of-war llertlat having learned of , , 77 „. lydiledtl" wm,wNew the outrage, at once started in pursuit of the well huowa In oar fa•hi,mable soeluty for her ;Usti/I;in/ Chinese pirates. The num.of.war and the junk n ppenrance and Ismullful cimipleglon, was 011,4 111011. W. inned girl, chagrined it her red, freckled face. were 8111 side by side, and niter a short b r 'l7 ' l l .ltehealuto llngenb. Mitguolia Balm, and 1, now i. struggle the I n riles were overpowered and put pretty In eolonli.xi ,, n i, die I. chamalbg In manners. ill imam. . 'Thin article 0 V,COIIIOK fr,Ck .111i0T1.0, : toucher. r ing-marks, etc., nod mckem /110 k len year,. 1 The Ilertha then proceedetdto Hong Kong, umn ther are. alagmtm mom for:, but did not marl' the harbor, for had she done aaa Lyon's Kathalrou to 'nuke the hair piou s°, it would •have been necessary to hand over the • prisoners to the English, authorities. dubdrulf, nad In the be 4 and chenpe.t In the Word was sent to the Germain Consul, how- a."rid' ever, and he was taken in a boat to the Iler the, which thereupon put to sea again. Once out-upon the high seas the pirates were tried, the Consul acting as judge. The testimony showed the prisoners guilty of piracy, anti they were therefore condemned 10 lig 1i14a4. 4 11 0 )c, 0 M . 4 arm Out Door Sporo4. CROQUET 18 Still ono of the most popnlat 7 out-door games in England, where it origin ated. Ladies and gentlemen both find in it a delightful and healthful pastime for the late afternoon hours. Unfortunately the den izens of large cities cannot indulge in this re creation without considerable inconvenience.; but no filially possessing an enclosure of even a few rods in area should neglect to provide themselves with ernqueterie, and we see no reason why the open lots soil squares in the outskirts of the city should not lie as roll of croquet players every pleasant afternoon as they now are of base-ball players. There is really no more beautiful or attractive game to one who has mastered its seienee.' It is Lll - without the concomitants or a heated room and intoxicating drink:=, and with the added attraction , : or laimg played in the pore out-door air, or aliording more exercise ant offering opportunity for more interesting mid exciting coml.buttions. Men frequently play important croquet Hunches in England— matellys for the chninpionship, iu 0 litchi great interest centres ; and though we (10111 a 1112241 . e to see it become in this country such a jockey ing, gambling game as base ball bus grown to be, it is much better deserl ing nl the promi nence now accorded to the latter, for the yen- SOll that it is far lessVitilt•lll :Ind 1101 1i1111g1 . 1 . - (111:i to 1100111 or to limb. Base ball may n u de n few athletes, but it nutl.•es gamblers of many and there is no estimating the malinings. bruise , , and eto-es or chronic heart-disc:we which nre attributable to 11.—/M/ht. Pr•t++. LivrEit et 1. Num':Ett 1300, fur the week ending dune ISIO, null the two preceding numbers of Lit - trlrN Living Age, conlain. ninmoz ”ther article:: of interest and value, The Origin or the English Na tion, Pa rt 111, front llfirendtbn , ' , . thiga,lue ; Poetry and pnc Is of the Pre,o 6,,,mti00, translated for The Living Age Boni the fnie . d , •.. Deux Monder ; The Prince, den B/aetieund l s Maga:due; a review of the Pocins of Dante flahriet Roswttl, by 'William Morris, •Aeadeany; The Velo city of Thom:lit, Nature ; Frenell i'll • 11a// Idie,ffe ; Among Spectator ; Stature and Bull: of Matt In the Brit MI Isles, P a l! Mat/ Go,,Ve; Linip 'People, Saturday Review adatite Lafayette, N!. Pants: 'I he Objects of rt, Fraser's Magatdue ; Michael Faraday, St. !'ant's: Nests, One' a 11",r7; ; The Frcitelt and Ihr Mehl:Atte, Saturday Re ctor; The Di,turbance , in Italy, Pall frite; t1,1011111,1i1117,11/ ; Mr. Arnold on St. Paul, Sii,fidor ; The 'gory of The Affirmation complete, 3/aerni/lan • s Maya;:ine; continuations of " Against Ti,,'. " l by Charles Lever, and " Doro thy Fox," and numerous other articles. 'the next number (the first in July) begins a new volume, and Is a good one with which to be gio a subscription. The regular subscription price a this GI page weekly magazine is £s:t year, r.L, which it Is sent fro: ;or for any one of the Ameri can •; , 1 magazines is sent with the Living . Age (without prepayment or postage) for a veer. I.iUcll ,e Gay, Boston, lire the publishers. THE LITTLE CORPORA". .1111 y number of this beautiful jtlVeldie COOICg to us enlarged and improved, as well as finely illustrated. 'IIM wonderful growth of this young :apolcon of the juvenile has been as surprising as it is interesting. Its circulation has shot fitr ahead or that of any of its compet itors. Its matter is entirely original and of a very high order. The freshness and vivacity of its pages cause the eyes of all our young I people to sparkle. In its new, improved ham it, is one of the handsomest, as it is the cheapest, magazines we have ever se , m.— Cliih1111:e but not ir rejoices the heart; of both parents and children alike. This umbel' begins a lIVW V(1111111(' ; 11011' IS the time to subscribe One dollar a year ; sample copy. 12 vents. Published by Sewell Miller, Chicago. 111. ACCE,,ION lIEN are\'l.—henry the Sixth ‘vas not 11111 of his long frocl:s \viten he came to the throne, for Ins 1..1' not yet completed the ninth month otitis little existence. Though lie succeeded peacefully to the crown, he %vas ill tutus from the first hour or his reign ; and though he (vas not horn literally with a silver spoon ill his month, he 1110 wu there on his accession to the throne, for he was hei,..4 at the very moment that the tleNt's of his father's death (Vil , :11111 , 1111'0a in the r..yal nur , ey. It is tn.y to conepive the int,rosting, pror , odin:-;s that tool: pimae on it: living proclannal that the chill, then in the act or having its food, had become the liitw• (.1' England. A clean bib e•it instantly brought, and he 1111' apostroph i,l a-, a little •' l'ingsey"—tt " Mon archy l'onarelly; — and Nva , addres.sed by many other of 111(w. titles orafl'retioaate loyalty xyllich are to he round n(iwtiore bin in the nur sery dialect. FIN.INCI.II lA, June 2't.-1),•111t% n Bro., 13rohers, No. 40 South Third Street, give the following quotation , up (0 2 0 . c10c1( to,l:ty U. S. r.'s or ''4l 4, .63 'll-1 MEM • 4 " 10-.lo'e U. S. :10 Year 6 per eent.Cy:.......113 11:3 , Union Paviiie R.H.l,t M. 110nd,...870 SSO Central Pacific It. It . Union Pacific Land Grant Howls-77d I'hileteli.l ills /'ruelsln• Extra Fatally Ptiati.i) Iva Ilia Extra Family Fancy Brand , Extra 1:3 Flattr Pouto-ylvoola Whoat Wo,tovo Ityo, Wo.torth Ityo, Poloo•ylv onto V01t... Corn /II I C% I I %I r-4 tl u .. MIMIt= rlour, poi is i IMMEWITG= ~~rn M. 11.111. •. Egg-. Potato., p0r14,1”.1 Drio.l •. I IT'S I N ESS NOTIC' The tire of Hall's Vegetable 61ellIan Ilair lie tww, mill keop Ow hair from 1.011111; out. The "Pliuebc Baker" Salve. fyieSto year. a neeret— Sir-Curve a. by teUgic— All Cuts, Buren, Brehm., Sorer, Cicero. Caterer, Sera Nipples. and Broken Meanie, Chapped Lipa and Ilendr, Eruption., Chi Male., Bar. or Stings of I nreetr, fte.' iffairA WONDERFUL CURE FOR 1'1LE.9..V0 44rOPPR SW/ whom ;V I M R#4l o 4' " 414 1, 110 no Wm) WEDNESDAY, J Ladies please eXP 1 AN EXCELLENT IZEASON WHY T. C. E 1•1111 1- lien, of the old Allentown Ch Lamp Store, caw:tell cheaper than others, is tlett he buys and sells exelnslrely for Cash, thus ..,klll - all the advantage of cash payments 1,, nothing by credit sales. • The Lihilig .11rtehihr.—Jujilve 11le 11,,in ,i . It svat,h 111111 ..1 , 1 y porl ion .1 IL. Si .. It , 1..t. , .w. 11.1 . ..1. Th. Itaintin ..1......1 , .- 1., lb. Witnatt ~..I. Ilial eltwllx pior. of .1.1..1 i+ 1. it .11t..11.....t. r. um . , 'lll.. action 111 111.1 1,111.1 . tont..., :1,11 . th , e. !Witt .st.itt. th. a1,.1. 110 inn 111., : ~... '1'1. , .. tt may It. vat li. a ru,‘1L.,... i..r a- tI. m. ~1..11. • inn...rfvettoi, .1 11.. untin +l. inn i.. 111 , i,Ilt.'d ..11 01 1111' 1i111.`•111,1.1.....1 HI- , i• lII.' ...•,11.1..... ~. .1..,...t 111.,..1,mittelt 1n , 1yny...1 I , y Ow 1,.... ..I . '1'11.• comploxlott 1+ snll..n . iir (..iii , il, OW 1'). ill 1,1.11 , • 111111 11111•111V.1.111,. :11111 111 , I. i- 1 ,V 1.N111.` , .1.111 ill Ille 11 11111 , 0.1111111•11.1111.•%% 111 , Il I, 11 . ,1 ritln. Svoi.l-. ~., 1 11.1 do. ill II.,•;1,...I1 ”... , ri 9 , 1,1 m 11.—.. ollio• it i• 1010:111.1. , t. i 1..• . no+ . i 111.1 1..-Win :1 Ild 1,11., lii II- 1 :wt... ti. Ip. it- .1,0). It v.., ,it,.. 1.11.. v AY,: owl 1 .- ,111., int \ to ...1.,11-11 111, ell.l 1 1.-1 , twr' 4 ...1......ii , 1. lint 1 •,li.llr i.l 1.. . th , ~ 0,, 1,41,1 y 0 .,,1.i ,, 1. 'Flo. 1.1.. i + p, t on .4 11 watch 111111 1.. 1.1,1.1,... , 1 by .t 1 , .... ..n. +I ,0,...11 VA 11 111110 Ili. 1 epair. , l Awl +lt .•twttl , ...It j. . i.i' Ow ..itetn+ ot 11. , Wino. , v..y,•lnt , t. I.' s. 1... It 1..1 rinla , .... years lut- IP'. 11 II I g 11, .1. , 1 , ,% ail tlyrp..pA.t in 1,11 clitont.... A+ a -1. ' 1..11.4.+ti0n a +lOllllO .10m, Will, ill. t......... plintiont...,..i. have 10.011 e Xlialinl. , .111111, 11.., 111.11 , 111311 111 itigittilig the e.loPliont. t . 11,1+ Ns . 1101....0ne 1111,1 pitlnlnlol... yvt p.11 . .1 . 1111, t - elf..e.. it 1+,1.01 nod in.twationt 1.111 O. 111 11 11 1.,. p0p..11 till' livvr II 111.10. or 11,...,1.01.1.....1. awl I Imp...taut nlttml. 11,1 ,V 1•11 11. 111 1011 01' 'l ,ll 11 . 1 1 111 , OW 1111 1111 • 111't Wllll Sitlgllllll . 111,1114'1 11 , -.. 1 1•0111. o,llloitwyntlng vvery +.101 .,, 1iv0 awl ~.-111111., mg ,‘ 1,1.11110.111 y nutl ....WI health J. 4.11.1. en re •I .—S..c• iv : It all a grateful holing Otto. I fool altto tottro the follotvinz •tatozoot for Ow Ittutollt of Ow- , v, lot t.t ,Itter- Ito .tit. lug lino.. Scrofula and other Chrottie %vile Iv:ot 11.01 1,1411 I ,llkring for noel your: , hoot Cur sxt elliog.• on her neck v, Lich Claor a time t‘oultlgathor mot antolutrge twitter, lottvion mooing sole. She bad PItICE '25 C'l'A. ~,.„ for 'nr.. thou a year by plo 41- Soltl I.y all )letlielne clans vvaloott recolvlng ally yorokto•ot helo .lll, Lrr ,loin. ,yor.te, until nit hail live of tho.o roottio2 011111.1 . 111 , 1. Wlll l ll I einployvtl Dr. 11. 11. bow: tt hot,. treatment she rontittoncetl 1 , . ttorravo v. n•, 1.. ikG !Welt to heal, and all her 1111) , 1 ,,, ugroottl.lo symptom. glatlually to a1...ann.. , It , alth re.t.trotl. st Lich 0 . ., 111,0111 1.1111 . eel pi, toed) . ju,tilltult ittt,lll, 1111.1 other physician.. in 1,...1111111.1111i111:11 1 11 11.1•11,x11 Jug from Steroftlltt or ChtkllliC 1/1 , 1 . 11.. , Et. 11, I. otate:o trentutent, NOIIIIIIIIIII I.e uellted 011.1 C 111.0111114•11•11, an ,t II Isigoted, ) * .1 A\l ES lir. it I,.'latuttalsor'n i• eu tho Ea. .1 tort rt. hot tot on Ilantiltou 111.1 W:1111111. AllOlll4 EilEl lia •Illrer• , I A hook ot I'2A 1,, paves. lately 111111 , 1 th-I al Ilia lo.j•t A.I verti•llia 31,111,111, xv ill •:it - I clretilat Loll. till parlicallar• if,. , the I. dolma Daily: 11,,1 Pell , Ira' 11,1 ralll• 1t.%11N 1 ily toguthar ,v 1111 all 1110 , • 1111V11114 . 11111 111 Sit. 1.111,111 ,,,, . p.11,1,11,a1 littere.t of 1111, 1,11,11 • Eve, Ai iu lvettiser. alai every L,',...a.t."N‘:t'1",,.1:1'"c1.., ,1.1, ! :• 1 - V::1; ier,Apt tem.. I'D , . Itt , W EI.I, ) S, - E, k Italy, New York The Illtt•loll ) r. ill it-of Mop . 21 , t11, I` ,o, -1 Tla• ol L. I'. Ito,yell I, loch I••ttes I/11• 11111 , "-1111g alai Valli:111W 1 .. , . n • the large , 11`1,1 be•t ll WEL1.,— . 1 . 111 , 1.. to 11 y runt I I Aga IY Dr. F.•ltx 11. Malschke l • 1 . 1 . 11- , 1,111 I. 111111.11 t •0111.• 1 rla,111111) le,t111L110•11 , 1 lo flll.llllolitlail ll t 11,1.1., %Vila di 1,1 etc., lor the mil. , 1 ,, ailverll•o, tke,y.l..- Itor.t• of the Union 1.,,,,,etwer It. 11. C,... avor All ...We:di -act, that •o ~., , Atre h0r.... we have a ,;,.0,1 appall ta te•l it- A al,tl al I , lll , llcup lor the lea. , ‘,ll,lllllllril 01 llitc.r 10%11111 a 1111 It 1. r.•raint0,•11,1,.,1 1.... I r.,i, reall, men.' a• 11-V far . 11.•• Ahoy,. N% AI. 1. LA .1•• • • 1,,y lital tv1•11 to take no , I...tter• Patal.l NN ,CO 0.,111..r. of the 5,./ l pr::sialla:' , l Vlllllll- bolr the alh 111111 1... "., Their Alll,lllllllll ...11 , A11ea1 , , , 11 lip 1.. SI:113'110' A C.,. ihe Striqt 01011., t.. 111.11111. 11111 11,11 . 111 . 11 , 111 la 111,•11101 , ll •ia Ft.f I.y Dr. W. E. II AIIN ES .A. I.IW A LI, AtrNN .A CO, .I 7 Park it o', : 1 14,V Valk. 111.4 JoIIN lilt. • ! IT IS '1'121'1•:! . I I..• r,—the B. roj,p , 11 . • lo LrDuuul 111 the orld or,' the Or ,1111111 ,1 I:al , ,1,1.• M. , t .I , :TA N MACH ui..!. MACHINE , . :1 1., H.. A.:IN A A 1.% N !TACIT ItIN , I Co., af Ilatelphlat co:Hamm,: ORSEMEN. .I.IrENT lON READ 'TIE FOLLOWING ! s.pcciai Nati a 5 vEGETABLE sictuAN HAIR REN EWER. IT iil L lOS! T11:1: 1.1 11.111: ITS ~111,;IS.11, N. ‘,..111.. , ,..nt 11.11 . 11. , r” st , .tl I. In.Jlli y, •..11 by I 1.:11.,1.1. N II , • ,„.;,,.., L. „. „ ~„,,,„,. 5.1.1.E531.1N 111 t‘, , k ~.t, 11,1 E, 11110 that c..tu WORDS (D.' \Vlsii()Ni r()11 y,,iNr; VII. :N. 00 Ow 1'.,•-;00 in 1' • , ..h 0 I :.,lly M..010001. ,, 10. `FAX 111:1.1 . 00 110 k • 1t:I. .1 I 111 VAIZ I, I , IN, l'h ! .h•ls ' I , ll' • "• tp. 8,11 a tippllppPlP ill•Pting Ilo•C.,111. • ,t; ; IP:ILNW. lluuim .C. Arch r•tip p.n. I'l,l, ppid.l .ptp P-Pp it at ht-po S llico. The it1 , 111 . .il 1.6,1111) ,1 pp pt, pi• pI P cpPolualhy_ 11.: !Jo P.p, Pp • ME 117 , , 117 3 ; 111 , , 111 ,, 110';, 110 ,, . 111 Al 3 1131: 112!_ 113'„ .113 , . A 0 7 ,, 105!, now To cum , : coNzsu M PT lON 'fill: I.llll,osiiiiity iir ult . sill ii . N,•K , i: lm 31Eli II'INES.—W ill iiipli. li•iirii 1.. liiiii,v dim a il,ikii.i.ii h' •rmid nliiiiiarli tterto...aily Ili-.•:I-t• tho . nitro , ...y.tion l l'he Omni , Pt torlpl.. ot cotton., ..00...• t.,0'1l tin, tool yt't there aro lottlro.l- ,11.. fltlootIo)11.• 1.1,1...1.1 W Itf )1:(1 in . lIION, AIR l'lGll'l' 1...11t11111.. ill lla. r 1.111.1. ,1111.11 a1t11...1 I. ital.l Y 11...1111........1tat. 4 y la tta• VI .1.,. 1,1,..i11a .I.• 111.• 1.1.11.... , ..“1 . ' 1 , ' ,. ' ; ' ,:; 41 1 ' .:: ',‘,11,';',.?.:'"11.'„''1r...‘1‘'11...‘11.'1...1.11'1'.‘1.'„'t1'„''1....':"t'1l ' C. - ,k C() .N l - 'll I N (it- 111',,l'I' l',R —••.,..r—if• ..,,...•••—•., nim. i.••,•••,.- ,si•• , ta.tql , ... 1.51,.....•A 111 /111. 11.... of vory rich or it..11,..ti1.1.• 1.... , 1 or ' Ill'it'..'t'rYtti',ll'lltt'•l':it't‘lhin''l'l"ll.'•::','lll'ol.)....Vi'...trt'l'..ti.'.t.l'l'O'Ol i t " O ' i'l " tl ' ..- 1., 1 111 , 11, 11:N11 a • '.v.':',‘'tl;,l!,'.:irel;!l:l::v.:;;!•:',r,',7,":li'r,':•',.",r,i.,.',li.,-,1.":,',..r,.;:i':1. !,v h„,,,,1,',7'1',: . '‘',", i':; ,. ,','1 , fi." . " A" "ESTS. .tl. , i0.r..1, lo Ott:ging to Elio thoroughly expltolod oloio• of 1 aall .ll' I ~ 1 1.vric 111: , ;171..1Tult. 111.• t...t. Dr i, Sell 1iN1 . K . :4 111. ...t11 . 111... ~“.• , 1.1.!.1.18.1!•11.1 , 1 , E.. all -toll. I hey loint,otto It,' ti...t.t , ot it . 1 . 1 . 0 . f . , s 10 t t..., or 1 i.„,: 1;1 • / , N , N ,,. ~,,,,,,,,, 7 ., „, 8 ( 1 .,..,,x„ ( .s tt!:lktrt.T.'llnJ'.:l.-rAt:,i'o'llt.t'f;'Ott't"ld.,lll'l'..Virt).‘ttlii-of":1::to ...r ),...:I't; ~,i /, 'of: 11 ,,, 0, in the 1111111 1.. a tall . anti Itointltial tt . tal'of thoto. I.t t t1t0..0 I ,vll ate nkiptical tot Oat p.llllt. Ulla \VI, 11,.. 1.111111 , i" ' .', • I , i.iii' ,,,,, • •iii'l 2.`' 1a11.11,1,11.1.,011 to pit. 111.1 ire likt•ill agnlll.l 111.....' 11 ,, ,, colobratod teottolto , for Cot,tottyltoti. 111.......1 !loot I'toltt. l Eltr...• uutl be w kverned by •It..' tolociplo• to i ,toit awl I 1...11111 . 1.111 +toot, If the ..y..toto I- .11—.1 , 1 , 1 tlt. 00l oPott I , It. Itt lotto Cat.1.....11, of tett Ow of Ow .1,..r.10r ~ iII. lii. 1 , ..ntol ill Ilto slotttarlt tool fiver. Pl'o :tilt! lilt igorato 1 • k the ntomarlt and to ,tllllllllll.. the It vi.r to homily :iettott. ti :11/ $lO 11 .1 .1 r , l 47 111 14" 1 iwVt. • 1 1 Ye %who , ., -, upon to ~ . daily. Why ? Sitaidy hocau- ,, they net prentptly and rtliciently. Invalid , \lllO may wit find it 1,11,•Ii11 . 111 1.5 . 1 . :111 ii,, Dr, St•hendj hi net,. are Informed that tall and i denti,lete diretitnitp , ler 11 , 0 111 . 1,11111,111) . ~. .1, 1.. , ..h.tri , a 1 '' ~.". "...' . ••., Ma , ' ‘ 4 Hedy )* Wr li all ill Iron , w , ii I ris,,,l t .g. ther, and are warranted In be abAelately G! • -. . 4 Pl'l,3ltlNll' SVIII ' l • AND 51"..%• : tin I 1/i -1 . 'rpm , . ,Tlwy an . the will, Ilentars that are , ,' 0 ~,, I eta , dm,/ P I . M. and in which all 1i11144 r P ~S lip ~ .'nl lawn ttilii•—• 01..11114,1 , e ....1 Liti writ.. i.t • • It may ILI' 11 , 4,..11 by th••••e w hi, aro ti••t fit iniiiiitiwith th.• %it No. •ii ilti••••• g , ni:it riiiiiiiiiii •'I il•• lir. ',i11...NC1: •• itii , liiiitie. eirt•tit their mott•toritil 1•1110 , ••I ti•ot , ttiiliii••it f.. i, 14 Till' • light liar 1i..1 . 1. ••I - H:. I 4 u oil I en Ike liver ill .0.111:10, proliwtmg nini removing e mid ,•1 one %Sine Imve or torpid retolitien oi . . t, to w and the con.'equent auvuittit.dtton ot 'mi.., it Pi th" t IC 1 I t.• a the I...hit/It '.? .. • . .. • , \ ntienhoral ~ ill itO ititili Ott SAVI . ii r• S''"LN''';''Sttl'U"''' ""d it•• u..xt It I orlotd; ‘I. Ow. Illrr ~ taket, ,vith 111.• Ow • • t e'r ft) . of 111,11 purpom. digentive drgano, II u 6•• L A. 1101111,ti • % l nt ,f u „',l 0 ,1. r roll, 1111011,0, IZIVO 11,11 and trvantlt to tlo• pdt,.•lll. 1., . 4 , "'T.' ti" t tln Incitlt • ...ay n hat it m. 0 .. Olt. I. ,dtly to• rot..• II",. It• dII In, ontuntl..t. ate Will, In, ..,1 It). ord., ..f t. cousnints on. .spi i • • . of a doubt, and thousands are toslay :Ott o ate' i ii ' l l ii be • `"' "‘. _ i c • 5 - jt ra 5 • •rootr • a few years since w ere regal .1...1 . a. hotnsos. • ~,,,.... ta, • Attest ..•-• 1 , .‘ 1.5 1 . ...., . ). Who wt•re Induced to try lir. SC lIENCIS 'S isstonit• • •, a tol - - wert • restored to permanent health by their nse. I 1, 1 3111INA'111 4 1)N 4)11 , TEAc iii nits. ~„.• of the first sups the phi ~ 1 t. , 111 ...lion 111 talo• 551 th a • _ALA • . • '"""ythe imikuL 't" '""."-ie th.. '''''''' N"' • Tho C,diati„.•thot of ti•achers i•r 11,11 will lie nOl.l fol. how is t tht to beilone i Certainly not I, givlng titedatt•es . ~,,,,.., • • Iltat i i slis i t iatti, i'ii.',vii"'—‘iidi,'"i''' °.•" liii l l..!* ..-!.'" ` t • l i titad Sane.. Jay 2, st C•••ttod s l itit a• a aortic° the lonians, of dhe illgv,tiVe "Igall.. Ih•et.,r ~i,, ~,,,,,,,. , •• i y ., ~. u , ~,,,,,.,.., SC IIk.NCE ' S medicines cleanse th. • stotitatli und lea els .•7 ,•,,,,, Thic.,,,i . 3„,. i.,. ~, 1,„,.,,,,,, ~,1h.i. , ...•.., all stibstaneos ,'lnch are calculated to irritate a .a...then ~..„.•,..,•,„,,,,a.", ~.. „, 5„5.,,,..,,,,,,„ . than. 'll5O y crt • itte an appetite—itrolliote livaltla,nl tltitt... L„,,.,. m,,,,,,,,, Jul) 2i. 111 Tvonn. Lt.—make good blood. 1111 d, 11+ it C011...401..1,•. 'hr) iii. . ~,.......,,,. ..„,..,,j , „, ,„,„,.....,,,,,. Viguritte laid n 11,11.101.1 Ilit. t•tilite P.ynt..14 1 . an.l 11J.,•• ,••• , ,',:.Lt,..,,,',,,ii: .i . ,1 ,!...2: • „ , i i . 7...... r. aally those parts which aro asvastal. It 1111. i . .. 111011 . 5,, ,,,;: w,,,,,,,, J „1 1 . 2, , .„ w,,,1f,".,,,i„„ . he done, thou litti cast • must be rogiirde.l as a l•• • t•oie •- • t • , n . • mattngle, .1111 y '2.1. nt Fegelsville (Correll's, on \\, -.,.h,, July • _Si, at Ilt•tc•isatt • vill o . 11 the physician finds it Impossible Id mak e o I' -ii , li,, • 1,,,,•• • s lay . 27 it• I.yout •I!• • • 'YE It. IthltaltV. Ir lle diseased persiot edtst•S l'o•idis o of • 1„,, 1,01, jnit• •• _ , , at lo•ott ValleY• good nourishing food and prol i erlY il!,•'''' 11, “ 5- ..,""." 1 Ileid..llart, ' . 2s. et Saecorssalle. ale that he Call aattl 111110th and strength; and it i- • • •tndllY w„..,„,„ . 3 „1,. 30 . a 1,,,ad li..tar • ,,, int,,,stitte to ht tug a caient to this eactitost so lon .-. as • ~ ,, ,..t,,,..1 . . , \ neat I. ..t Sit y•lor ' s• the liver Is burdened with thseased bile, aid tho shoolieh 1 : 1 ., ,.. ,., , ,„ . „ „.,,, ~,, ~ , r , ,,,,,, , ,, ~ , ,,•,,,,,,.,,• , ,,.,,,,5 lode. with unhealthy shine. 11. .1. VOC MI, C. N. ' mitt . n•ate Aljnost tile first tetitit, Matta th Ow raCiall by a call. .-. IthlataiVl. patient Is that as Wth. priaal Ow awai:a- that I will retnove or ails) the couch, night •weats and elals, • No . rwE TO TEACIIIIItti. witch are ...seta. , ••tt •st-ttutiot•Pti• Ito din. . _.k should not be done„ its 111.• cough Is only atietlort ..t it tor. , • T,.. 0 .1... at. watt,' fa 3 1,.. fallacii, ~,a,... o r 5 0,,„1,, !.. T.:he : Yell...dr. ond do' ...0. , ewe... , ~...,d e 1...- or" ede,...•., 1 ! b, .I,l'o v of A 11.... 11, for the term a ten months tr,. toy the ttaaatnaal bath , Thataaaa/a.`','.ab,,,,) 1'.. ,. ... , .. , t tha al .aty at 50111,101,, 1 , 7 0 . Vit.: . do tuore hat.. than go•nd 'Fltoy tapar co . tc••• , •• • ti - o i I its.. Ide reach, tor the 1..1. • Ildilt Srh oo l• • the statute', the ho &toast., 11. t , •it t. , I .sta rolothe fo.ielir for the Female Mgt. sehool. ratht • r than ear.. tbe .115...c.v. • i Thie.• ilith•To.tcle•r• tor NIA.. (Ira inittar Schools. There Is, alter all, Icahn.: tike fails Wtth wlt•eit t•• - co - • _ TI, bt - ,,. rasa,. Taal,. for F.• 555.51 .• lifiltilnint . Schools. stauthilt • a posttion, lillil it Is upou fact - that Dr. St II I.A. 50vett 1.•••• Teseltan ter 31.11.• S..taitclary school., (two rlies• Nearly all who have taken 111. 1ii. , 1,5 • 10 ,.. . 13 at .- , for 11.. , Ili Siora alid 1.111 ., .... 11 for the other \Var.'s.) rortlitUttt , with his direct ids. have ant only 1••••• it I 111. • .‘ i'l Six V.. 11 1, lo• T.Ateli , r. for Festal ,. not.clary Schools Oils , Consumpion, but, frost the fact that those itonlitato , act • a 0n..„ 55% 5 ,1 . ) with triaderltil power nu. the digest', a gals. cdt t e nt -• Mo•ron Venal.. Tracts ., for Male Prlniar• Schools (one altos cured sceinltly gain flesh. Floansag tit , si - t • so : • I • each for Va la i s ts and 3,1 Wards, two 4,1'11 for tho . 2.1. nth all intintritles, titer lai the founiinthat hs it •••• it •I • • tt ti- .n.l :tilt \, 1111 . 1 titre,. for the alb Ward. I Flii1111:11 structure. lio•hding Iliese organ. to 1, , 11t1 1 . ‘ ll t . r Ell.Vell renntl , Teat:horn for Female Prlinary Schools create ay appetite. Tito us,. is is..ittaly asst.. lat••• 1; the I tate for tae 1.1 \Vail, atill,Vot , l l.ll for th•• ether Wards.) iluaniltY ur blood It not tub' Increased, liut iS St• ule to' , I Three Faintly i feaels•r • fur lintell Prlnutry Schools loan and strung and In the face of MICII a taaalltiau of tho sys - I eacli for the Ist, elllls and ills Wads.) o ill ii•sease must be banished. I gh owl lira:ant, Schools oast 10 1' 1 ,1 ' 111 dlr . •ctlotis accompany each of lII.' ineillelto s, No i In. A i l .:‘ ,: i n ' t : nt ' t`t 11e ' ; . 1 4 5 air 1111d 1, 1 ,0 11.... A , 11, " 11 ' 'O r " 1 " 11tul 11 . a .t ithschttely necessary thnt pdtc • nts I d. sh•litit see i St.Cllll.l4lry Wardrimar Schools Ls the Secretary of Ilia Dr. tiCtin:iCti personally, unless they tlesiro to akVa re-in•ette. • Board, their lungs examined. For this curie. , he is • at It. isau • 1 EX.tilitilatiOnn by the City Soperlntentlent, 11. K. !Web, cll. ' ...IR ' . N " . 15 F"r !li Sixt h Sh, ecru ., id Conscoreo, • le. I.:sc., tor the Secondary and Primary celiac s, will Plitlatelphin, every naturiltty, front it A. :M. Until I I'. U. i Ink.. pint ., 111 tilt , FICIII \VIIII'd Balding 011 the SI XTII nod Atlvlce lb gives w Maul charge, but for a lliorongli t . X. tiEVl,l3.l'll tit' .1 1'1.5: , anti for High and tiratutnar Schools andantino with the Itesplanneter the charge Is ilsi. . I . the 1;11511T11 ,11 JULY - , ,ointmentlug nl ,L ., n',l,wk• A. Price of the l l cluidate 5111115. S Static. .... I 'l ' onle each, , jil., Say, C. .Ni. 111 M K. lao poi bcops or in to a Ittl( dolma. muo4ruku 1.111.1 28 I pro* , t Ponrd CoutrolLtri, 1 14 . 9! r!'?f, r 9 1141 , 11 Mt 'South' , ' i , 1 0 , P4 I ,OR,Isi ISIMI'V. Pll4ll . ... • 1( 1 . ioli, 2 1 iN'y -, ~, • ;,, i ~ \\„. , `\'t ',, ,,V , ' ' .\\ 0,, , _ .4, . . \~ ~, Our cat_ EMI lITE 11111 ME T 1.11 'li Till, !161.'1 TS 111 , .11.1, ~1: 1 PERRY I)AN" IS' PAIN RI LLEII, ovcry varidly , I( clinlato and by on I c% dry ndildu 1....avn 1a.% non lvdil•. tin.nhno..l catcdain C. 1:11,:1111..11,111.i 11W...1131' fril . ll l l of twill and All , ir tvdlnc. and land, end In) ond should ‘'lt‘ ;:"...i.'.,1-IV''-...l:'l...Ut'.%!.‘ll,‘ri.lrb‘nl.l:f; cntq, Li „dotal- and a iP1)11 . 1' 111jIllii, 11 4 ,vell lac . didillcd. and cniaplann• andrally, .1 n • 11.0.1 y •nn. d far e, .11 rdl d"I loan 11l the face lb•of Ilir d you lt call bd. Rad Eli ou ILn vile I; ig)•1)1ri•I11,1,11,..,1111,01). .10111,111.. l'121('1•: '25 (%Ts. .k - si) $1 I,Eit utt.l..r ry Ili.. :VIIIut N EIVSI'.tIPER ,II 111 II lII.I' t:. It, 11,,1 , ,11; Oct, =MUMS= E 20, 1870. ;ne our line of Dress Goods—Never Better. I=l 01 Men ' S & Boys' Wear Complete --- Prices Very Low. ) . F .,. ‘" , ( ., 11."'1' I p,•,.,,, ; 1 1i..• w for Ow ...Ike ..0 to 311 n„•,1...- ~'',... Coe 3.31 f..r wiaking I.y L.. wishing to profit .1..• •.,1,01.10111.1' 1 . 1!11 . 11t. r , l) . 10- i , tor 4., 01,,..!11‘..11.,!!. 1 :. .r() (.()Nsult-ri \'F.s.—'rlie advertl,,er I . ',,, ..,',',;1':'''1:''ii,,.:,‘,',':,.."1,,':ki1,,,,.:1,.",,t1:,'.',:i.'1v.,...,."111i';.1.:.,,'! ~n 1,,,, , ~•,,, I'm,: ~,,•,,,,,,,,, ;,,,,, ~,,,, tlrtittl .1,,,e, Coll .ll 111 1,1 , 11. 1,1 , I, 1.. 111.1 t‘i . 1.11.1%, II tlllit* r.`l 1 , 1 11 . niltrt`l el+ th. 1111 1 11'. I l i' .1 I C TO :II i N 1 it.1,1 ,-1 1.• It, Ile will ~ .• 0 11 it copy to Ott: It. • •. 1 ,,,, • It, 1.- d t tit 1. lif .•11.11 . ,), w , th th.‘ .1 , 1'.. ,- ~ l.t, I. , n 1.1 ~,,,. , ~,, ~, , ,.11 OW .1 111, wltlrli they ,vIII Ittitt .1 -111: .111 , 1 ,, 1 I 't:I1 , 11 111111 ~ •11..\ -dm., 111.111,:11111., &t:. - TI•.• ttl.l . I.t. • I :It 11 .k atINI , I il• , 1 ID .1 . 1111‘111: OW l'rt - w ..- i..t. I . 1:. 1.. lit V. , titllleit•.l, :151.1 .-Ittt•-ttl Ittfortittatttli ~ t% tt I. I, t :.. • ~. t.: 1..• til, a1.t.1 1 .1..; tltt.l to 1t..p. , evot y .110. 1., , tl: ti ) 1.1.- 1 t•ttlo : t1), A: , it VIII vt.: , tlit • tti waiting lIIt I I I) 1...•,.t -,11::. I. Kir:, SU . . 11,, Ilit: iiitt-ctlptl.ltt gilt it1.,1.1 . 11:1 ,1 re ... , 1:t v. I:it \V A RI, A. ‘V I ',SON W.lllatt , lturg. 111„0' I."'• \.'. N . rip frobcrtiscmclits A DV EitT ISI NU- Q.% 1.E531 EN W.% N'l' In payiai4 basi s. K. EN N EDY, 418 C11..,11111l 1.111111. HUMAN 31.t('Ill IN E. - NEW TARRANT rpm: .1 AP ESE 1 , 1/11N El ILE retimves Lic.• tl. t. '" I -I" MEM FS'EARLISIIED ISSI Rl , i'S.\l. \XI uESI'ISIF ItF,YN,OI , I)S & • N. \V. (1111. 1: it & FII.IIEIU Sta., itE,TAricANTS Al. , a lIE.kTING RANGY, rn• He, :dying full (hens j0n..22.1y For „Salt . anti 'Co itxt SALL VA LUAB LE CITY PitOPEIVi"V 'VIII lot ...t l .l at PoWk . Salo on 111 1 .`; DAY. Al'lit'ST I+t, Is'ot, at I o'clooli a'. . 31., ..ti the premix s, the well ktmwit 1 . ..1, 1 :..1 . • ( ' II( /SS 1 EYS ~.I . !!it lNi ira, or II A 0 EN 111 1 1 1 11'S II 011 1 .1., nirool' on ..' -- . -- tsg. 161. 010,1 of F.loll'l'll 111111 II A 11 I.TON ...iron+, In 110 1 . (111)' of Allontotou. Tills 11011.1 I+ a Tltinnt.story Brick looltllng. 41 fret front on 110nillton ....trool, It) 54 foot lit ,, ,yltit.ltute ynol, ntablen. nloobling, Of. No. E A TII 111.11'..1 . 0 . 1 1 In' 11 RICK STOIII.I 110104% ... . toljoittlun the 1111,1. I...taunting in front on Hamilton:l ..‘,....t .211 toot by 100 foot In depth, now ottotionl I.)'I%XL A. hornet (1111111no0 1 No. 3. AI.. a TIIIIEL.STOIIY 11511'12 sTonE7,7*.• liorsE. 1111 i ll N 0.2, containing In trout to Hato. t 1 M ott ..troot .2;1 foot 10 101 feet in 110511 t, now 111.0.1p101iii..:.. by 1 . 10.1...tnutu otol 11..w0n, grotto.. Tho 'ovoid onl t I ril ..torin..o tho Ahoy...loves tug now occoptol by the bolo]. . . Al,Ol, n t 11 1 ,....0nt0 time ttit.l plnt .., I.tur ..10, 1 . 1 )* Itto.ttol bulldog lt. trout tot t.II . rvittlt mot 001,11 strool. con. tolti.e.tolt 41 fon in bout ou 'Youth .trout by E6l tit. in ' ''. . ' d i , ' . l o, .0. 1. it., •-' 41111 11111 1 111.144 , 1. porch., nor.. or SEA MA N & T rt. AE(; E 1 1 los. of grottool nto.. ou the womt .ttle of Tontli t.treet, lotuolol I.y Ittol.. 0I eltarle.S.t.tgronvo+, (Ira: b A Runk, tool 11, SCIIII 1111113, 111'1111411W 1,..11111. • or J., ,b tiavubmsh. ho, or th.• Clty or Allentown, docenn...l. I eon-. and cotolition. will lo mole glow n it 110 an) of solo 10 11. .1. 11 101 EN 111 1 (11, 1 1 .. 11. 11.10 EN 111'1711. 1 i I'M 1:(1 11 11 Mi EN E 111'1'11, Per..lll. 411,11 , ..1. of viewing tho ygonortY toll photo` roll on 11. .1, flageolet...lL, Itt Lite 11.101. is. 1,111 . 2 . . 420 ISE he IRIAL LOTS forFOR 4.25AL1,E.-- T Infer sale 11 new Come tary has inntiodtatell adjoining the UllillllCetnetary, tt. atreet. The lota will be sold by sulteriptlon. inituotliately after the whole numb, di.inlMOti of they be award -1 by lot in the satno manner ttti In the organization of tint t Union Assciation. Plats or plena of the prentinindran ite • aeon at our oilier. 1.2 Goo & It"IIE (4001)8 910 LET .-A REASONABLE LEASE lill bo given 011 the Easton Slate Quarry. situated In ' Plainfield towniihip, Northampton county, Pa.,- near Stacke never•fadingrtown slam, fully .It s'lllll3 of nu to mb the well er One Hat-vein known , Chp blue, - Man Stole. With a good water power and a full rigging of pumping and hoisting machines. Persons desirous of on opportunity of ills kind will pleas° examine for them selvos, end apply to Reube n Koch, aekertown r itki O. L. SCHREIBER. President lIUNDUEII I Alt 3; S F 0 It _I- SALE, ranging in price fro:nit...Ste/J/09er acre, accord to tinprovetnenta, location Ar.c. Good soil, genial climate, and ner markt, Tao farms ar altuated in Virginia and Mar a yland, e oome lit he the Immedi o to vicinity of Waal,. ingtett and others front :31 to :Ili milett distant from the Call. ital. Addretet or coil on J. D. A All AV EItE4AS Maaaachit sett, AVelllll' 111.111 . Stxth ,treat Wa•dtington, 11. C. HOUSE KEEPI N (-,1• ' GOO DS, IT • • FOIC SALE. —TivE suit- • arrlber offer+ for sale his home and lot ttituntetin ttit X'l'll oreet, between 'Fe ICI ER and C EWat ,in etl the Coy ttf Allentown. The house la romlllele all the modern ellUVl4lll`llnes hantlatunttly paveted 11...10111111. The ground , . are hmtattlly laid oat and ore well 'docked 111111 trill* tree.. As the furniture watt bought .sly for this dwelling lito tutll.criber would prefer e TIImS it mull the hou,. For further Information, wt.,us or iew of the house call on OW MlbSerlb , out 0111 ke+a ,v between the hours of 9 A. Al. and 3 I'. M. ' B. W. HUDSON, North Gill street, shove 'Furl,. (4 6' Ca tftl r\ ,)ql- 4 A - • JUNE 1870 , EV PRY :..VDV A NTA E IN PURCHASING FINE READY-MADE CLOTHING, CAN BE SECURED IN THE niGnyisT DEGREE AVr 11 A NAM AK ER tiK, _DItOWN's' crow in six 1n•01:= te ti r: Clothing Bazar, SIXTH & MARKET STREETS COHFORTABLE r 1,0 TIII.V(;, 57' Y LIS 11. P.: LAB 011,17 l',' (1 ..'tie.vr N TS, rffi: THE vAsitioNAnt.v.vccLlED. STOUT, WEAR-IVEL! , SUITS GENTEEL BLACK GOO/)s, r..nst*NDAy srrrs AND DDEss occAsioNs BOYS' CLOTHING AND GENTS' FURNISHING . GOODS I AT I OAK HALL, SIXTH ..e. MA 1I STS., PIIII,AD'A. AVANAMAKER • & BROWN SON, 17 II: FOUNTAIN IMIJSE UR YI'AL BPRING This nph.,undelegautly forniA , l svith no‘v atel ro , tly farulittr. Joel r,ploto NV It b evory 111 ..11,11 17.1111fOrt COlll , 11iVIIVO, IX 1111 W the •1•Il•t111. THE FOUNTAIN HOUSE MEM II 11 ' nvilich lorth Rion the base at a d,. water nupply the city of Allentown with the bean:l(o water o which it 111111011, aro celebrated, an the lineiit in the Lehigh Valle)•. In front of the loins. , are the 111111 , 1 M log watere of the Lehigh creek, NV Well 1111W14 through the beautifully nviietleil Valley atfords 1111 onportntiity boating and fishing parite, 'rite Spring Pond Is snwpiii•il with oho attest trout, owl the iliscitilen of Isaac NVltlitnl 111111 at thin 110101 nn e - portunity Cro „i their favorite /tem In Ni „ innovillt „„ elahliorioeld are to liven l works of Nature itiel mechanical skill for which the Volley of the Lehigh is fitioilit•. 'file 111011 , 4 , ,vorky of the Iron Cont e 's the Switch-thick Railroad. the tionieithe • • . , Gra Call all b.. inspected by a r e ears through a coontry tinsurpa•red for beauty and grainhotr. Th.. 1 , ....t:0u it0u.01.130 feet in longthay kith, riot four stories in height. It containscliantheroi inning to.. :ISX:k. natl.., sitting noon, ha, tinning saloons, billiard rooms. hatiiiiiit rmmrv, &r. For Vt. , Illation and II the pnprov onotit• which char:uteri:o a first class niadoril re..l.lenee it is onsurtiit'scil• Ilno situation of th° buns.. the purity of tine air, lb° object. of Interest in the illlll/Viliale M.lOlOlllOlO, ill.• o f toely scotiery AV hick .urroituils it. naming background wood,' bilk unit fOrtlaUtllla fat blur valley and tippilllg water, at the blue pent, of the SeVersink in the ...itthwest, render it I 11 , of line Inont cliarining on well as CIPIM'IIiI.III, resident:ea for tho Inval id or the pleasure seeker during the sutipoormiiiiiths Allentown Is dptant trout f. York, wile,—llaitlinore. lii nitic.—NVit•litugton , Inn 'Twenty trains to and from u. .lll.intown daily Carrion°. will sent tho depot to ince, ginaik, and the Fouittitin Coachen tile. every trot° J. In. llk iJ6, Froprictor. I'. W. 11. Pg.fibeit, Superintetidout. 'WHITE .PIQUES. Full assortment a Striped, Figured and Welt Piques. suitable for dresses and iaeques, and at great deal lower prices than last season to be had at .1e8.2111 KRAMER'S CORNER STORE. I.lllll.otiOrllr OF MARRIAGE.—A New Cornea or LarrraY. an delivered nt the Peon.. Polytechnic •nd Museum. li!PiCheinnin St.. three door. above Twelfth, Philadelphia, mid - acing the itubjecti.: How to Llve and What to Live for; Tooth, Mo itirity and Old Age; Manhood Cleuerally Reviewed; The cum!•o of ludige,tion; Flatulence and :wry.. accouuted fort Marciage Philosophically cooxidered. Those lecture!. will Lo forwarded.; receipt of 23 cents by tiddrowing: elecretury uf (Lo Penna. Porsivennie AND ANATOMIC/kb 141110!Noloo vosmut rhilairitio, rosic t • IBiscrllancotts TIIIS MONTH, OAK RA U, F.. 1: MEN ue PLAIN TA,Trs, =EOM SUMMER RETEEAT cliZial \LLENTOWN, PA lIIMEIMI p.D .-,- ,--.. Cc+ 0- , ~..,„.m r.:-« 0 ;:...,....... M M I:31u Goobs NO. 17 SOUTH MAIN ST., BETRLEHEM FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, \NODES \V ARE, OIL CLOTHS Very large assorinont in every DEPARTMENT. I,olllCht at \'•'f)' LOWEST DASH PRICES, 'rho pulilac are request...lln call And ozalalor SEAMAN & TRAEGER Legal Noticts Aul)rrolvs NOTICE. lathe Mir( Voumon Mew rot' Lehigh eo.. AsaDiorea' Dock. In the matter of the account of ELIAII MERTZ, A.11[1114. of 0 EURO E 110XWO1tTII, of the City of Alloutown. Now, June 7th, 18711, hot Court anPolut C. Ilona bergor, Auditor, to audit aud, if stecegmary, re-aettle, and make dixtrilottiou. Front the Record', .1/Irat:—J. S. DILLINHER, Proth'. The Auditor will rood all parties lu Interest ut hit ale', Decond Sour, l'o.t (Illicit building), en THURSDAY, MINE:3Oth, at chock, A. N. • to ationd tho ditties of the obovo 11. C. 111`SSUERCiElt, juncli 3w Auditor. _VSTATE OF JOSEII.II II IE It rive7,7l'..„(riofi:4%4Y(.l . 7"TP. tratlon in the bort, (14 tato aura 11,11 ranted to ' te ' ti uaJerd All porno. Indebted to aald Extant ere 'salaamed to make pityineut within Kilt Week?. front tho date of Ibis inodica, and nosh who have Wlr legal claim will resort iill , lll, {Veil for aoltiotnent within the above ' , pacified time to NATHAN MiNSICKER SAMUEL . I. .ldellS KTLER, I, istrotorm RIZZI ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. Whereas David A. Smith and his wife, or tipper MaCMI4IIO township, Lehigh county, by voluntary deed a..4(11111 , 11l dale d :day Pith, A. D.1n70, conveyed to the the nobscriber ail their estate, real. personal and mixed. for the benefit of their creditors; Nod., Is hereby ykyou b. all persons indebted to said parties to make payment claims oubseriber within nix weeks, and Oman having claims to present the KM. duly authenticated within the .1k btu OM, BLLEINIO4VII.I.E, Lehigh C0.. jA51 E Ju S tI V I E , ILER. A"l"Zw' N OTICE. °PRICE 1/1 , Tito ALLENTOWN !RIM PHILADELPHIA, itlllo VAIL 1570. The Aonnal Nleotlog or the Stockholdero of the ALL N• TmOWnp N o ttlls R. ONNo C. 0113 V 11WNAY N w U il T l bSeohoel'd M the ofe of the T111111)%1 1 , (ho Tut itTi ETII t9tn6l loy of JUNE:, 1570, RI 111 o'clock, A. 31..itt01 on the satin. ilkly TIOCIION will held between te hoar , of ILI A. 31. nod 21'. M., for Soren Director. , to servo for twelve monh, 11 jelthttl IL CAIIOT, Secretory, NOTICE. CITY, BOUNTY AND DOG TAXEs ily it atippletnent to of the City Charter of Allentown, •p. :nude ty,, 22d day Mnrch, Me, the City Trennurer la :node tho receiver of City, Dounty and Dog 'rase, All of emit tax. , remaining unpaid on the tat dny of Aug., next, A per cent. 'ball ho added Notice in hereby riven that the City, Bounty and Data ton bor le7o will bo received at in office. e 2.2111 JONATHAN REICHARD, Treasurer. DIVIDENDS! 'DIVIDENDS ! The scrips for the last year's dividend on the profile of the PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY are ow im ready, and ollcy-holders cuected with the agent tn AlietituVUJAV 1 1l plea. , call at toy Mitre and obtain their scrips or a state maul of their share of the dividends (a, the core 1.1 be) t others who have an yet not tutored. or w 10. re dispOsed to illerease their inoirahce, are respect• tally a tolerated that tho CompanY have Published new tables of premium rates, which are believed to be stag- Neatly eStEllacli and carious to meet. In general, the wants of the boring public. to-wit: I. LIFE RATES (terminating at the death& the Insured.) Under this table, premium% aro payable in annual nay nn,littl. lawn, payment, and in five, tea, fifteen and twenty pay ineata, an that-W.OU mowing may prefer. 11. ENDOWMENT RATES, with all the rartott• modl• fications of times, tombs and condi/Mar and advantages of tits kind of insurance. JOINT RATES. Under this table two persons can be insured together. The survivor, at the death of either party, receives the amount Inatiredfor. Aileen.. and all required explauatious to thew leering too be lusured, at ali Dune be cheerfully 'won snag srs obtairad by y.t. bIA.. 1.1•MIllon treaFil%-iti'llatia-e:'AIRIMION o lungllll.lll4 /elf '