gagisttr. Editor and Provridor JOBT.IREDBLL, Ja., A.LLENTOWN, PA„ JUNE 18, 1870 DICKENN. Wo resolved last weak a cable dispatch of four sorrowful words, I Charles Dickens Is dead." Who is there amongst all the readers of English literature, that will not Mel all the painful beWilderment and sorrow, which comes upon us at the intelligence of the loss of a dear friend—Rß they read those words. The pen that wrote the "death of little Paul" and "poor Joe," and all the tender passages of poor Sidney Carton's great love, no more for us. The heart that could conceive the noble life of John Jaurdyce, the simple manliness of soldier George and dear old Cap tala Cattle, and all those others whose maul'. nes4 truth and devotion have made men bet ter'and wiser for the rending—that great good heart is still in death, and its, warm charity and•brbtherly kindness, its ready response of syrnikt,thy to'distress, are stilled with it. The tielor and the needy, the sick and the afflicted, the downtrodden and oppressed, everywhere,have lost a friend in Charles Dick ens who will not soon be repincetl. Mtn can estitnate the amount of good that has followed this man's life? In all the works lie hes given to the world he has sought to elevath, and has elevated, into, to a truer understand ing of the nobility and greatness that good nesii and worth bring to the occupants of even the humblest stations in life. Into ninny a ,weary, despondent heart, his words have in, stilled the Idea of thedignity of labor• and the true happiness to be found in a life of honor, rectitude and, truth. Mercy, gentleness end koving kindness were the lessons that lie taught, and he showed all vice and wickedness En Its meanness and vileness so distinctly, that age looked back on it with horror and youth shrank from it In disgust. As a public render, he attained a popularity that has never before fallen to the lot of any man, and thousands enjoyed the pleasure of looking him in the face and hearing kis voice, mid thus knowing him more practically, than through the meditun of his books. lint, great as was fits sneeess in this direction, it was not his greatest iriumpl., nor was it the success lie coveted and obtained. To lie admitted to every household wherein the English lan guage was spoken, to speak his words of kindly cheer to the young 11114 old, the rich and the poor, alike, to !urn the hearts of the selfish and the priind towards the poor and the needy, to make lie happy happier, to cheer the sorrowful n u t ivi ary, and to be known and loved by them, all this. was Ida happy privilege, non by Imednnd persevering labor in the professiom he unnubled. The ...old, old fashion, death," the sweet sleep that came to "little Nell' , has conic to !tint, and helots " voile out on the great tide" towards the everlasting sea. The tears of sorrow will fall, as they have fallen for Tiny Tint and poor wretched hungry Smike, and in many a household the re will be mourning for him who told then. of Mr. I'eggotty and little Emily, and bound them closer together by Lis Christmas stories, ever pointing to that "blessed star, which led the wise men to a poor abode." Full of kindliness, gentleness and goodness, his manly nature made hint always tender and true to the sweet Innocents of childhood and the weakness:and helplessness of age. Of a nature uptight, conselontous and faithful, he spoke ever in fearless terms against wicked ness in high places and the perpetuation of destitution and ignorance amongst the poor. With the keen shaft of ridicule he would pierce and destroy the " littlenesses" of men and of governments, and with tongue and pen he was always ready as the champion of liberty and truth. It is not a nation only that mourns fur this man It*, it 1.. the " world" which bewails his loss. -Wherever there are men who speak the English language, the name of Charles Dick ens is heard with veneration and respect, and is spoken to-day with hushed voice and rever ent air—for the great novelist is dead. Tile " Mystery of Edwin Drood" will not be un ravelled, for the greater mystery of the end less sleep has come upon its author. One by-one these men are fading from the earth and are dying in the harness they have worn in their hardworking lives. As we watch them step into the darkness beyond, we glance back along the road they have traveled, and when, as in this case, we see it il luminated by bravo hard work, honestly done, by kindly generous deeds and loving faithful words, we know that the "darkness will be light about them" and that their rest fromvill be sweet. Charles Thtleens was the son of Mr. John Dickens, who held a position under the British Government in the Navy Pay Department. He was born at Landport, Porti3mouth, Eng land, in the year 1812. After the close of the war with the United States, his father obtained literary employment in London on the staff of one of the, morning journals. Charles ob tained a situation as clerk In an Attorney's Office, but, his natural bias leading him to wards literary occupations, he sought and ob . Mined employment on the reportorial staff of the morning Chronicle, which was then under the management of Mr. John Black, who soon recognized the ability. of the young attache, and in a short time a series of his papers were published in that journal entitled, " Sk . etches of English Life and Character-" One of his earliest efforts, was the production of a comic opera entitled the " Village Coquette." Soon afterwards he was engaged by the eminent publishers, Messrs. Chapman & Hall, to pre pare a serial story, and the result was that wonderful world renowned work, "The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club." Of the numerous works 'which followe, there is no need for .03 to speak. On both eldes of the Atlantic, he and his works arc thoroughly known, and tens of thousands of readers 'have been instructed, mired and benefited by his wondrous delineations of character, his wit mid his pathos. Loving hearts will mourn for him,and eyes that nc'cr beheld his face will weep that he is gone ; but while the perishable body shall moulder In the dust, the manly form be forever hidden in 'the tomb, his fame shall hist while his native tongtie is spoken, a:standing proof that genius is Winona], LO, TIIE POOR INDIAN The visit of Messrs. lied Cloud, Spotted Tail aud•the other euphonistically surnamed gentlemen, who :are at present wallowing, so VI speak, in all the luxuries of civilization, at Washington, brings prominently before the peoipla., a, subject too often ignored, pooh pookediormisrepresented. Thdterrible idea of extermination, which is unblueydn:gly promulgated by men not natur lly bl6:44ilarsiy, and cruel, is the inevitable • suit 4,&Oupertlclal observation of the Indian .uestion,and a too ready belief in the " trench , •rous. 'lazy and sanguinary character of the I .diatOace." To be patient under cruel ronge and to bear oppression and cruelty Ith silent humility, is not even a character- Ulu of th'd, palatial with the tutored mind. is no( fair to expect it from the " peer In • Lan, whose untutored mind" cannot compre :end the necessity for gratitude or love, or • en a:peaceful disposition, towards the race ...t isigisdnally and surely driving him front a latest refuge. • Red Cloud . told Secretary Cox the other y, In Washington, "the red man was the t on all this great land. The Great Father ye be is good to us. I can't see it." If we I consider a little, fellow citizens, may we not find a pretty good reason why this tinier . - tunate fled Cloud can't see it. It would be atm difficult to convince the American white pep& of the goodness of some intellectually supprior and more highly cultivated race of people, who should drive them inch by inch from any oil° tlf the mighty States of this Union. The spirit of vengeance and wrath might surely rise amongst them sometimes and cause them to retaliate by any means in their powerfor the American people are not particularly distinguished for their meekness. Dr...McCosit said,tho other day in the Pres byterian General Assembly, in relation to ex termination, that "it is not the law with re gard to man as established by our Divine Re deemer. Dis law is,that weakness should con quer strength."• There was something very mournful and affecting in the words of these Indian chiefs St Washington. Chiefs of once 'powerful tribes, which not long since formed part of the great and warlike Indian Nations, they tend themselves powerless and helpless in the hands bf the pale-face, and, with proud hu mility, they ask that their people may not be compelled to " die like sick sheep" in a climate that is detrimental to health. Their helpless ness appeals to our humanity and sympathy In the affecting worde,)doubly affecting from the lips of a proud Indian warrior : " Look and see. lam poor. lam naked." To dis regard the cry of the poor and needy, to turn a deaf ear to their pitiful entreaties—in short, to take menus to exterminate them, dare not, be the course of a Christian nation who elect to be the followers of Him who said, " Inns muck as ye did it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye did it unto me." mlivoutTv VPlit ESENTAT lON A circular has been issued calling upon the Republicans in minority Counties to get to gether and take some means to give consider ation to the plan of minority representation. We desire if possible to draw the attention of all the voters of this county to this pliurw Web is about to be adopted in Illinois and has re-. ceived the endorsement of many leading men of both parties in different parts or .be coun try. .It cannot be denied by any thinking nuill that connty business either in a Democratic or Republican county would he managm,lhetter, anti morn in the interests of al( the people, if both pni sw. rc represented in the local boards. in our legislative representation there is mand reason to believe it would work equally well. In some instances the minority pay by fer the larger portion of the taxes and actually have no representation at Harrisburg, a fact quite inconsistent with the spirit of the laws which govern no. In Lehigh C o unt}' for inAtanco there is at present no prospect for the• representation, of the varied interests of the large number of Remit)licun tax payers, in the Legislative at Ilnrrislnn•g, and in Chester and Lancaster counties it is equally true in regard to the unrepresented Democrats. By a system of, minority representation each of them would have a voice in the management of Meal af fairs. Just representation and lair play is what is desired all round and we are glad to see these Piers advocated by the press in this and neighboring counties. The duty of the Press is to keep this idea before the people and, the duty or he people is to act with promptitude and diseretion in a matter sn vital to their in terests. 'THE CIENSUN Uf the importance of this duty, enjoined in le second Section of the Constitution, the eople ought to have it just Ippt•ecintion. The Census of the United States has been taken every ten years since the year 1790, in order to equalize taxation and apportion rep. resentatives according to the population of the several States. At first all that was Ott cmpted was to obtain simply the totals or populations in the various localities ; b u t the great value or the statistics to It obtained from a more thor ough ins estigation into our condition as a people,has of late years come to be more fully appreciated, and the Census of 1870 will em body statistics that will be of 11111111 . 11 Se value to the political economist. The Census of 1790 WAS. a simple count of the people and that in a population of 3,929,827 persons,while at this. time the Census Bureau are under taking the gigantic task of not only enumer ating a population of forty millions, but of ascertaining the name, station, business and condition or each one. In fact the object or the Bureau 1.• to have. a record of the whole people of the United StateS in almost every social particular, (.)f coarse, much of the value of the Infiniti elicit to he obtained will depend upon the tm , curacy 31111 fidelity or' the Assistant Marshals, but the public. can materially facilitate the pro cess by doing expeditiously what the law re quires them to dm It is the duty of every good citizen, if he is the head of it tinnily, to attend to his.matter himself, mid it should be distinctly understood that any number of per eons living together, in whatever mtmbers and under what, ver circumstances, under one roof, con:Ant:le a family Within the meaning of the lair, no matter whether they are bound together by the ties of consanguinity or not. Therefore, it is easy to RP how each "pater can 90 prepare himself as to facilitate the Work of the A. , ,sistaat Marshals by getting ready all the information necessary concern. ing every Member of the family he represents. 'cite questions of the census taker will lie very minute, precise and particular, mtit•will, of course, be regarded as strictly confidential, and the Marshals are instructed that no indis• cretion can be graverthan that of divulging in formation they may obtain in the discharge of their duty. The Marshals have a delicate and important duty to perform, and will, we trust, discharge it with conscientious litithfulness, but the weight of duty is equally Onerous on each iv dividual, to so dkeharge:the duties of citizen ship as to aid the cause or science and do the " State some service." DICKENS' PLACE IN LurEnATunt As a literary force, Dickens is at this nut. ment the greatest in English literature. The easy, popular king of the whole world's en tertainment, lie dies -Nith the sceptre firm in in his grasp. That he is not cultivated—that he has no religion beyond a prayerless, tem peramental good nature,—that lie contemns the deeper problems of modern thought and is ignorant or the leading forces of modern so ciety, is probably - his strength. Only in his half-divine, impartial ignorance—that igno rance which was the might of Homer and of Shakespeare—can the artist so possess his soul as to do justice to his art creation. If Dick ens were a philosopher like Mill, we should •never have heard the exquisite non sequitur reasoning of Mrs. Harris. If he had had, like Matthew Arnold, the Academic spirit; he would be still paring away at the faulty con struction of Pickwick and Nickleby. If lie had been born, like Tennyson, with the love of classic calm, where would be his fair-scenes in the Curiosity Shop,his tumult of low life in Oliver Twist? It is not for the Philosopher, for the scholar, that we are to look in Dickens. By so much as he c slyould have educated and polished himself, leSo much would he have escaped from the grand popular audience he was born to charm. It is as a man of the peo ple, comprelarending intimately their wants and humors ; as a genial and companionable spirit, of which the world gets fewer to its share year by year; as a common friend of all that is whimsical, and good, and bright, and kind in this century of turmoil—that Charles Dickens appeals to the age and leaves it darker by his loss. Eulogies of his good ness and pleasant greatness will be written in every language that has a literature; for he has Interpreted his century to the wdrld and to tuturlty.--Phaa. MINORITY REPRESENTATION. Our remarks on this important subject In the editorial columns of the LEHIGH REOISTER, (which was the first paper to call attention to it In this part of the State), have been followed by an amount of interest in the matter, which shows how •readily the popular mind takes hold of the idea. We are happy to have our views endorsed by home of the most inlluen. tin! journals in this section of the State, and have no doubt that by a combination of effort a successful consummation will result. From time to time we shall quote the •opin- ions of our friends onithis Important subject CONVENTION ON TIIE‘ MINORITY COUNTIES UALLED.-11l many of the-counties of Penn sylvania the Republicans are in a hopeless minority and can get nothing, in and from them, by popular elections as now conducted. Yet it is an established fact the energy mani fested by the workers in these very counties, the heavy. vote polled therein and the gains thereby secured, enable the Republican part• to carry the State in every important, ani mated State and National contest. In spite of this truthacknowledged and admitted and acted upon by every State Com mittee—or President, Governor and " all others in authority," feign ignorance of the existence of a Republican Party in the thirty eight minority counties; and ill Eastern Penn sylvania, the brave defenders of the faith, in such counties as Montgomery, Berks, Lehigh, Northampton,ete.,are almost entirely ignored, whilst offices thick and fist are showered upon the citizens of such cimuties as Chester, Lan caster and Philadelphia. Our neighbor Chester county alone has Dr. Worthington in fat place ; E. B. Moore in clover in Phila delphia ; P. F. Smith State 'Reporter ; Wayne McVeigh on his Way to 'Turkey; Wash Townsend in Congress; all the county offices; three members of the Legislature„ and now wants Old Montgomery's Slide Senator to boot I We propose a strike. Not an illegal and unholy combination ;• not a cessation front labor; but a convention, Ihr consultation and co-operation—an We propose—to assemble at the Uirard House on Ike VII day . of July, A. D., 1870, at 2 o'clock, P. The Legislature, the nest session, will have the important work of redistricting the State to perform ; we will soon have another Gov ernor to nominate—thank God ! there we are equal—and elect; then a United States Sen ator ; the Camn-Buckalew system of voting is attracting the attention of the whole Nation ; and a convention of the Republicans or the minority counties will have the effect of seem ing our rights and demanding our recognition nt the hands of those whom we have elevated or may hereafter elevate to positions of honor and profit. Let there be aNo representation of tim Republicans from all those counties ill the State where the Democrats hold all the of fices and receive all the patronage. Hereafter we will give some important statistics. Mean while, solitary and alone, we set the Ball in motion.—No•r6Uoarn Independent. lImIfITTImTT tE2I3 )IlNottery CouNTws.—The work for a party, in a minority county, is wholly a work of love. We who exercise that quality, to a considerable degree, could continue, were it not known, that in counties, where the Re publicans are in the majority, while the lie• publicans are in control or the Slate and ma tional offices, that there the work for a party . is a work Of profit. We believe that labor for the sake of ,prlnciple is better done . and possesses more merit than work for profit, but it is natural and human to love gain. It is not possible to expect men of a party to work harmoniously in a cause,When some are receiv imr pay while others are out of pocket e..ntinu. airy. The powers ()I' the Ilepublican party in Pennsylvania have grown so hardened that they totally ignore the wort. and o':. ms of .those in minority commies. It .s ju dis tricts like Northampton, Lehigh, Berks and such darkened sections that the Democrats yxpect the most, and throw their greatest strength. To offset this the Republicans in general have done nothing, but tell the real. dent members or the party to do all with nothing stengthen or encourage them. Ask aid an d the central committee have said we must do this and that 'for other places and cannot aid y(m. Our roods are low, and we can only send you a small amount, while to cmuntice where the profit or local gain and offices should carry the party through, they send everything asked. Of us they ask the Democratic majority ; they enjoin bard NV;lrlij demand hard work and in no manner aid us. .WI ten offices are to be filled men are chosen from majority districts where the working men in the party have been imply paid, while those in minority counties are wholly ignored. We have grown tired and heartily sick of such. The work for the party is not onerous. To advance the interest orthe party is an ar dent wish, and a work oh love, but .while neighbors are being probably paid and placed in lucrative posilion.s we are not content to remain wholly ignored. Let some distribu tion of these gifts be made. Give men NVIIO work equal honors, whether they labor with the majority or in a minority. MR. COMMIXSIONER WELLS In no one scheme for influencing the action of Congress, (and there have been many of them), has there been so inuell money ex pended as in the scheme for inducing Con. cress to act in the interests or the Free Tra ders. Once more every engine is being brought to bear, once n u n•e large sums of money lire being expended, in order to render more secure the advantages bought by the previous lavish expenditure. The object now is to insure the re-appointment of Mr. Com missioner Wells, who has so faithfully earned the price or his unfaithfulness to his country men and so willfully mis•represented them,as to Im•feit the respect of every man who re gards truth and common honesty. . • We betray no confidence in saying that this man invited the repre,sentittives of the iron in terests or Pennsylvania to meet hint in' Phila delphia before the publication of his infamous report, and did there, in the confidence of a friendly conversatiomobtain front them infor mation,which afterwards,in a garbled and dis torted form, he used to advance the interests of his Free Trade clients and to injure the business prospects or this whole State. Icor did he stay at this. Some portions of his report contained statements directly at va riance tvith what Inc knew to be the fact, and iu c, ontradiction to the statements made to him by lie gentlemen he invited. The promises he made there, and at other places, to fairly represent our interests, were entirely unsolicited, and were broken 'With a coolness and imbhishing effrontery that are sufficient evidence, if all else were wanting, of the moral turpitude of this purchasable Com missioner, We do not deny to:him a certain sort of talent in the routine duties of his olllte, but, when thitt talent is used in a Mamie' detri mental to the interests of the people; we can not see in it anything more than another strong reason for his being slit' out for ever, trout an office he has disgraced. No amount of statistical knowledge and mathematical ability \Oil enable its possessor to fairly and Itone,tly fulfil the duties and hold the office of Conn iiissioner, (or any other oilier) Hit is tut allied with that rectitude which Mr. Wells so manifestly. lacks. Unless his claims upon the office Of Com missioner grow out of his services to the Brit. ish manufacturer, we cannot see on what they rest. The office Is not intended to subserve the Interests of the Foreign manufacturers, but to benefit American interests, and we want a man to fill it, who has sufficient hon esty to place loft above the reach of bribery, and stifficient'patriotism to be truthful,in rep resenting the interests of his countrymen. The infamous Commissioner Wells does not possess these requirements, and we trust and believe President Grant will recognize his on and appropiately extinguish hint. R. BUSINESS NOTICES The Qttedion Seltled.—Th.c eminent.' men, Dr. Jas. CI l'hy‘lcian to (inv., Victoria. uo.I Dr. lingin , Bennett, say Ilt.‘t coustimption can be cared. Dr. \Vista , knew this when 110 ilineevered Lin a iw" widely known OF WILD ellellitY, end expet lance huts proved Ow cur:prim...4 his opinion, . llc ore Informed that SIMMS' WIIITC ^ .PULNIONIe IIAI.+Av uctm prolllPtly lu citing all Ch route Itlaranut affecting the throat, breaot and Hugo,. an In Ilronelllttl Alfeellono, Soro Throat, Chronic 00. recent Coaglt, Croon Aolltinu. Dronchttlx, Whoupluet Cough. Shortnnos of areath, Spitting of Blood. hortunont of tea Ilremat, Pain and 'natant,a+ lu tho Itreamt. Catarrh of the llountoutoot. Caught At. And 'lsm It 10 x powerful krpoctorectsi tu(th tonic teraffo , B.ltut I/11 0410 e propertlro. and %laud* uttexcell ed, If rarely equalled, In coring all dlooases of tho Throat and Lungs—has cored Aollitutt, of tell yearn 'Wadi an. In Croup It lo .ittto be a perfect opaclfic, uud that 110018 as amnion) food, null will 1111111.1 up weakened nail owns Hied constitutions. Price, CO cents and C. Sea Advertisement. IVltaltoin he do with U.—People wondered what Ir. Waniunnker Wanted to enlarge his Onk Hall for. Lot thorn look in there one of these Ono mornings nod the crowded salesroom will answer their question. Ilall's Vegetable Sicilian Ilia'. Renewer will posl lvoly reAtore gray llalr to Ito orlglnal color. Olve It a flat. • AN EXCELLENT ItEASON WHY T. 0. Kerna.. hen, of the old Allentown China, Glassware and Lamp Store, can' sell cheaper than others, is that he buys and sells exclusively for Cash, thus gala ng all the advantage of cash paYnnuds ❑nd losing nothing by credit sales. I low to Look l'ooing —Sixteen. —Poiel. paint or vile Hair lio.lurere, hot ettoply 'lily llagett'e Mug u ilia Balm 111.1 your fact.. neck nnd !tomb., and use ty -011.1, Inthalrun npon your hair. The halm makes your unplexlon pearly, •oft and natorol, and you can't tell what did It. It remove+ crook let., Inn, sadinwnnr•, I.olk m:whet moth -patches. etc. and 10 liner ore roil, matte fare. you hare the tumble purity ,tly an extittlttlto to age A u • hit tont of perpetual yonth. Add them elfecht to It SOl'lllllll head of hair preattred by thin nthairon, and a lady has done her bent In the way of ndoru:m•nt. Brothent will have no „pte.tee mate, t ope ' , these tatlelt, tot around. The Living .11aehine. —lnjure the multi spring of s wind, inni every portion oof the .troon k • becomes Minor tiered. The Manual stomach Is to the 'lnman system What that elastic piece ..f foetal Is too n chronometer. It Indus Viler . . the the iiiher area,., and controls, to n certain extent, Mon whole living machine. The ronipnri. MAI ninny be carried further: fora , the weakness Inc other imperfections of the main ~pning Is Indicated 1111 the face or tine tione•plece, Ili.) IS the weakness or other dicer. del lif the stomach Inetrayond by the face of tine 'lnvalid. The complexion is sallow nr fooled, the eyes are deficient in lost, and intelligence, and their I. R warn. anxious expression In the 'whole countennontio which tell ns plainly ins tvrittow woad.. could do, that the !Iron( nourPhilog nr gen 010, otifro. It Is to minister to the Willa . . of the/MAY, 111111 relli•W lu , 1,1111., ....., . ditty. It rt lin' , 1,10,1 1 1 11, anal regniatiug, and to cyopplisli this end 110slcitt•r'q Sll,OlOll littler , may to. oly said to 101 //it , net, thin!, no' TIIII 111.11k011 main dying of watch may 110 1,1031,1 lip a ne‘v one, Intl tin , tomaelt can only lo , topaity'l 1.1 1.111.1 110111111, and this 4 oat , of the of nit tin tam.. vegetable rektorative which for eighteen pent , has w'tglag YncceSsfni ante4t ty ill' lip pepsn la all rholatys. As a spee'lle for 1,1 1111,11111 it ',tat,!. Mon, When the resources of the ph rinact.p. been ex, nu ithout, at hest. doing more Ihlll 111 1 1 1,0 1 ill. 111 11 (111111/11. , at. a •unrxc of this whole.only and Palatahl, pal I.‘Vecfnl. 1. p, t' peril. wan coe In all cases of Ilya. ply,. the liver is mote or 1.•4s di...Arced, 11 MI 11 11011 this 10001'111 In glllllll. On %yeti asap'. thn "stomach alai I.wels, the Pitt., art w Ith ningular thsttactuees t'egolating um o rcinYht..tating cOYCY , c OO- cl , vc 04 s 11 °C/°"° o oro°. nn w !itch I.ollly 11 1111 1111'111 111 ill, i 11„1,•11111111. Suit Rheum, Riau 'lnd re 0100 I",errrint , ert,o,l.—tievt..-thlort11111:— . SAL.srItY l'olV tlet. 31, 1 WS. It Is with n guileful feeling that 1 feel nine lo malte the ,lowing statement for the benefit of those who are suffer ,: from Srroftilitother rhumb. 111•enses. My wife ad beim suffering for set eralfrom turners m• ~11111,N en her neck ti itch niter lane would gather oil discharge !natter, le:tying a runtang sere. She hail ism Dented for more 111.013 year by m oOt eminent physl iais ithout rereiving nay ficrotallent benefit, her disease erenitilg worse, until she bail live or these mining son` u lwr neck, when I Umpl..yed Dr. 11. D. Longuker, under vine , treallnioit she roulinene , .l w improve very fast, the over , ou'lier neck le Beal, 111111 all her impleinnint unll Ms greealde syinptonl4 gradually to tli•almenr, unlil her walth was restmeil, milach was in about four mouths. 1 eel perlectly Justified, alter having tried the treatment of law, physicians In recolguirnding ;ill those who are suffer , . tig Irma Srpifula or Chronic Dlse.n.o. LO Dr. 1...ga1:0r for edlcal Irel1t111 , 1:i. Willi a firm helix f tli:nt they will Ine sat" sstied, benefited mid tonna thereby, as lily n they hilt been. !Signed. .1A.%1 1:S ER. Dr. 11. It. loontnltor'...lllee Is oughe Nast 010111 between II:1111110m and ‘ViLliilll..thikt/to,vll. . 41)ittiEill EN, AlrrEvirl4>s! . . ItEA 1) 'l'll )W I NG ! inv“hmbit• I. mmioni loy and I.y WELLS. N. L. .or. 1.111 am! Sioriag I . lllla.lolphia. al.. in AlloaoLawn Icy 1.. SI H 11110116.1 3:u..1. (I. %VI Airy' dint I have 1 . ..11x 11. , 1/11111 111110 .4' for the g. 1 .1111, UlllOll Co., ILaxinllllrrr :w Ml .. have a ~I,l,..mmity tin tr., v and 11.1 N 11 ‘ in ;ill it Inv. I ran 1,1111- 111 , 11l 1111.111.111.1111 e 111 , 111111,1..110 111 11111 111/1,0 Pa••. llallway. N y For side lry Dr. W. E. li UN ES St t.41/N. LAWALL SIS !CNN, and .101 IN li. SIOSEU. p CCiai ::IntlCC,s HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN II Al R RENEWER, rr 11'1 Ll, PoSIIII'ELF 1: PS 7'U111: GRAF BAIL 770 17'S 01: 10 1N .1 1, ,Wl,Oll. It will pivlit tho Halt. roan f:lllituz in l it t„, Itrelo— b.,lllby, and üb..^Y• F. -al,. by all druguists. 11. P. Na•hrlik, N. SANITARY AID . ASSOCI- L - ATION.—For the Helier:tll Cure of the Erring nd 17nrettottate. eh t'lsri,thtn Phllgothropy. I , , , ey•oti tho Errors of Yoilth, and the POW, er Age. Itt reletem to Iltlti SII , IAL aid ler afflicted. S•tit 111 EllVl`lopi . .. Ail ,V.llt D .15soCIATRIN. Box I', Philadelphht. I'm. feb . WORDS OF NVISI)()Nt FOR YOUNG MEN. t 1:,111. V“. 1.11 and E. , 13" %with SELF II ELI' A.l' II erring and unfortunate Spill It, letter en V1.1.,110, lire of charge. HOWARD ASMICIATI4 iN, II n P, Philadelphia, Pa. Mal . 19.13' • DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CA TARR!' treatad Plitt 1111.111010-t sacra.... by J. I`tAACS, N. D.. mai Prot . of Dinr.o., sof ffh, rye and ('" 11)114 Ihr. .11,flicril College of r , it• Aryl rmsiro, y), ft lir,. (formerly (if Leyaen. Hol land.) Na. Arch Street. Phila. TO,illllOlllllS 1,11 be ...aat at lON onll.o. TllO al...kcal i'aralty are Invited to 110• cotapatty (bait. patient, a. haa 110 .000.1.1 S hi- prac tice. Artificial eye , sa , otted xvlthaut citatac ror 00.0101101i00. :7-.;rrou THIRTY YEARS.IO I ) R Y DAVIS' PAIN KILLER, 11,.liovn 1,44 , 11 in every variety a ellinuo by every nation known to American+. It 1. thel4lllllll4 001/.1.11111 . 01110111111111.1 1 / 1 11111 . •ffill111110 N . lOllllOl . nii,•ion art :Ind the trivvil.r. 0 and 1111111. 11101 110 0110 1410111111 110,11111 0111 . LAN1 ., 111 .11 o.ll` , 1011 . 1100 r rr. . .p . oody 111,1.:,x• rem . ody for 1111111, 1.1•11111, cul.h wognd , and variog• othor ihjai well a. h d)...oritory, dtarrho•a, and lodrol thogidaints al . lll.rally, 31111 IN .1.1;141111y hie orory roc , ot iticn ou the faro to globe. Bo yon call for and got tho gognino Paig malty worthh,s Batton not aro attegildod to to. hold 1111 1110 g 1 . 1 .1111 1 .1111111111111 of lint valuable tgoditogo. air D3rortiogs accompany each loath.. l'Itlt:li 25 CTS. AN I) i 1 PF,I2 BOTTLE. Sold lq 1111 Ml'lllolll l lioaler,. Bow TO CURE CONSUMPTION. - - 'IIIE 14111.0so1'HY OF 1)11. SCHENCK'S HICEAT IF:IIICINES.—\\'III people never learn to know live n disc sod liver and stomach necessarily the entire system 1 Th,. plainest Principles of common sense teach this, and yet there are hundreds who ridicule the idest, and continue in the c mr o wldrk almost Inevlttibly luettlan the. 1., the crave. Living tar the utisluu.lY.if it do, ut the In wet of nuturo, it nt , t lae apparent to all that, sooner or later. unhurt. wllfl euge her,..11. Hence we itha that who Indulge li In Nt i iing in the use of very rick or indige , tilile hoot or Intoxicating drinks. invariably luny itlte.l , Y Penally in Lllii C& The disorderusl nod refuses to net; tie liver falls to perform its I . lllllllolln. tip:ll/.1 , 4u and Its lutionulant evils follow, and still the sittferlng uls persist in dinging to the thoroughly ekluloded uuloas of the vast. 14. ore to all , tich. They luring sure and cortaltYrelief ye herover they :tee used tnr directed, and all that is neees•ary to es. hilult-lo them reputation with every :tiling loan or In the land in rain and Impartial trial of them. I.tit those vii the skilitteal on this point.and ,‘ lot have pot - tattled intero , trti Persons Pr...111E11 ,, for (701141111111 - 41011, their prop,. dittos, and he govern 41 by •11.. printuides ' , l' , ulliur r00t... sense. If syniiiiii &Ulit! Win It, In cares tint inn le furl to it, and liver. To cleanse And invigorate tit.. ' , loin:telt not to stimulate the liver to heathy :Let ton, • SCIIENeI'S )I.IN It I: 1: PILLS.—Thi• daily turroas. hig ilemaid for the. Alinls the Bost ev idmiee of then' I pon thottsidok 1.o5,•• : sold daily. Why T You because they o the et promlttlY tall efficiently. Invalids who may not Mid It convenient to cull ou Dr. Schenek lu por-on are Iliforiniol that full hid r , llllliele lyelll.lolllllany elleil Piteliage of the MAN Pl:slf F. PI 1.1.5, PPLMON IC SYRUP AND 1414.1. NV ELI , ll'.—These medicines will mire ronsomption Ise urn no tar gone that pllt1011; Is ...Indy beyond the leach of 110,1 ICal tenet. It may he asked by those who urn lull futlllliurwith the virtues of these great reined les. "'low do Iic.SCIIENCIi enert their eines of colpoloipllon 1" il•er htl/11110 TIWy the, wiit I; of resterthlen by bringing the etionac9, liver and bowels lobo simive 10,11 hi. eimilition. It is 10011 that yore- this for. 1111;1111/le SCIIENPK'S MAN li AIZI: 1.1. S act on the liver auil monied, 1 , 1 , 111.11 Ik health) . eeretio, In the and' shine 111011 hoie tinted them the Warily.. or torpid (.1,11111t0,11 1,1 ths, lorg.ltis, and U na the system generally. Title. dugs's!) slaw ol the body. U the mitiseitheut licrumuoitlon of the unhealthy nubs asnaini,l prevent the proper illgede. id (1,011 ; nu a animal consequence creates iltscase, . hidi in prostration aid (tautly In death. Still ENCli's PULMONIC mingle IUP and SEAWEED •I'tiN IC, hen takett regularly, mingle iv Ith the heol, the iligethlve organs, 'oak° a n Melt blind, old natural vonseituence, give flesh and stilingth to the patient. Let the faculty say what it .011 Y. iIIIS It only true core tor consumption. Eglierlmice has Pruned It beyond the shadow of a nod thousands aro le-taY olive anyvell who a lei,. years since were regarded us hopeless hilt Irmo were Induced to try Dr. SU 1 1E51.'15.'8 reimsdles. sod Irmo restored to pet inait 111,11 It by their use. One et the first steps the at Id take with is consumptive patient Is to hods.... the system. Now how In tilt to beilonet CertulnlV untby sly tag medicines dint exhaust 1111 , 1 enervate—medicines that Itepalr Instead of Improve the e dict of the digestive eigutm. Doctor SCIILNCI4'S inediclues cleanse the stomach gad bowels of all 111111.11111teli which are ealmilated to Irritate or weaken them. 'rimy create an appetite—pro:now healthful diger tion—moke good blood. and, ha rOnIlllqUellre• they In vigorate Hull ,, 'strenthen the entire systole. and mum es pecially Homo parts which, ere diseased. If this cannot be dour, then the case must he regarded as a hopeless If the I , lls,lc:tau Muhl It Impossible to make 0 PATIENT NEEL ,lUNoity, It ;110 diseased person cannot partake of good nouridung fond nod properly digest It, It is lln Possi be that he can gala In flesh nail Strength; Mot it to Impossible to Ming patient to this condition low; us the liver Is burdened ivlth diseased Idle, and the Stottlarli laden with unhealthy slime. Almost the Hest request made to the physician by 11 . 01 m. ',myth° patient It that no wIII prescribe medicines that will remove or allay the remit', night sweats nail chills, which are the ,tre attendants. on consuintitton• anal,.th sloalhl not be donS, on the roUgh Is onlY on oiron. or to robes, Itself, and the night sweats aid chills are Cionool by de:diseased hing•. Th,1,1111411‘,111-11111,111111.1..1,11 , ..11 di11...1.11111111 than TheY 9.01.1 f lho the stolunch, 1111 I t o' 10,11111 dice-Don: mut tig4ttivate rather than cure n o t hing e.. 'Cheri. is, atter n like facts with . .. Welt to sub. mantiate positlini, and it Is mum fart • that lirbielllthiCl4. relics. Nearly all who have taken his cordance with Ids directions have not ottlY liomi cored of commutate, lint, from the :ac he t that them medicines lab With wontlertulpoiVer upon {1..11101,1100 ornans, pot kills thus cured speodtly.galll Cleausli.g the system of all thiparttles, they toy the. foundation for ii solid, sub. etantial structitre. Restoring Ilieno glllOllO 11011101, the 0” , /i 0 uplietlte. Tile faiia Is properly Ur niediallitted; thee Is not only Iticreasmd, hilt Is made rich owl strong and In the Intro of such 111,01/111i1 , 11. Of 1110 sys tem oil disease must be banished. directions ~ .cottipany ouch of the medicines, so that It Is not absolutely soccssitry that patients should So° 1)r. 013 I 1 tiNCI persutiolly7 unless they desire to have their longs examined. For purpose he Is at his prin• cipal No. 15 North ninth Ht., corner of Commerce, Philadelphia, every Saturday, frets A. NI. until IP. DI. Advice Is given without charge, but for, therougli aminatluti with the Ilemplronieter the charge Is Price of the Ptilmoulc Syrup and Seaweed Toole each, teatsper bottle, or sale 40a half dozen, Mandrake Pills 2ti n Lox. For sale by all drugglate. • _ . ERRORS OF YOUTU.—A gentleman who It sullOrtal for years front Servo.. Dohlitty. Preina tare Decay IMO/ the curb a youthful Indiscretion, trill. for tbe sake of sulferinir lounitaity, send free to all who need It, the recipertnil direction for making llie Mtin pplreo fi w t ibeyd y O bwy a w v h e c r h i sheer 'te a e t x l p u ereie.n c S ueffer edrso' t s r oi •bYn a d to dressing, laperfectcohlidence, .101IN u 1. ntIPEN,a -{_Cedar St. Now Yolk. TO CONSIT M alive rt r, u baring linen reiitiiroil t,. health in a tow wool:, lay in vory hitnedy, after having astrona' iiovoral yeas ith n tang nllrrtiun, rail that drinol vninvilon,la anxious to iiiiikiiknoWn follow illiforers the of care. To all whoili—lre it, he will :loopy o r the heelNen , iif iiliargel, with Ow dlr.., H will for preparing and milag the w ni a:'•l.a:'•l.mid a nano care for lihi 'rho only tkert of tho nil rertiner 111 'Wilding. Inn Pre.rri N . (1011 Ili Inn 11111I'llt Ilillkted, nail apron.' Infiirniation whlrli lie cniirelvon hi IR' ill)3111.1141.; 111111 il.• lion , every niiihiror will try a.. It will thoni nothing null may pr,. Partli , wishing Ili , tt in:v. I:l,ll . .‘iti , A. WILSON. William , Liirg, N. Y. SUM M AC ET it TUE FOUN FAIN HULSE CRYSTAL SPRING N, Thin AOllBllll charmingly viegantly furninhe.l AV till 1101 V 1.11110,i1Y illl . lllOll, 1111.11 , 111. w every in Z. t I.lli I,lllVelliel/1,, 1111 0 11 far the se:p.m). I'IIE FOUNTAIN IIOt'SE 11 sinu,trd I. the suburb ., of City, at the Ery-till Sprtnge. The., tip:ll,ga. which ti 1.11 forth 1,111 lII,' hit... ol aoltlelllll and enmity the city of Alkaloid. woh the be.tuilful water for which It II Wlllllll , , are •celebrated, at 11., llo , tt not \ alley. la 11,11( the at,. Ile . 111111 . 111111 h. wt.,. of the 1.1 4 11.11 et. el,. n Inch flow.. throng', the wooded Volley and oounity for booting 3liii , p. , ..g Ppp oud tt soliplied with the linnet a,II I, atol the 41 1444 4 1p1ee If 1544410. WOW., \V 111 111,1 01 this Hotel all oat , o laallY for Ind titivate!. lit tholf ite -.port. Iti looloallato toogltborhooll aro to, he ...en thoso gigaolltt. 1t . ..1k.. el Pittittre and mechanical sklll for which the Valley of the Lelogh Ix famous. The nioneter work.. of the Iron Cont. intnye, the tannin. Sir itelt•lnick Railroad till' 1111111,1 , 0 C.llO 1111111, rail all he inepis i ted by a rids in care or I,l' . vitae, ththugh II cutout . ) . tinenru.1 4 .4 4 41 • 41 for 1.....tity 10111 grandeur. The Fountain Iliac is 130 fort in length I, 1 . In in width. II MI four stortee In height. It vont:Lute AO chamber-, dtaing roma ladies wirlete. sittiag room, har• ber ealoolte, billiard thou], bathing tooth, Ai . : vl Illation and all the - which churn, write a Bret class modern reeidence it 1 4 4 , ttettrpo-soll. The situation of the lionee, the purity ot the air, the "Went ., of Intere 4 4 in ill.. Immediate ninabot hooil, the lovely ..cenet y which enrroonde It. with tte I.4thk groom! of wooded hills .111 loreground ent 11010 valley and rippling water, culminating at the Mae pealll of the Nevenotik In the eouthweet. rend., it one of the nalet •t ru t as ~'ell couvenictit t h e hut the inval id or the pleas., sea t, daring the hummer Ilona lin Allentown is ili:tant trout tholadolphitt. to? — New York, milt, — llaitimere. Ill! inili ,— Wothotiiton, 1 01 1 . 11 y train. to and front Allentown daily Carriages n be eel, to the depot to 130 . 1 . 1 guest-, :tad the FM1111:1111 I louse COILCIIt , ',or? . train .1. 1.. 1 1 I,SE, Prourielor. P. W. 11. Ilkslll.ltn, Saltoritittaideal. A. K. II II Is the hair, -V OTAIt Y PUBLIC .1 .VB CI 1- ENI: 'l'. B. LEISENRING, INSFGANrE AGENT, LAUB, LIFE, AND ACCIDENT. WlrriliAN & LEISENIUM.:, Real Estate Agents and Scriveners PARTIES desiring anything In onr line tvlll do ivell to alto int iv mill. We have upon our books it thd ilespoble property In this city. which will he at low Nome, among which lire Vacant lots varying In 07.0 and prim. Dwellitig loinses of all grades mid prime. Dank and Slam stork, nit 11.0,11,1-Oil ITE PIQUES. Full assortment of Striped, Figured and Welt Piques. suitable for dresses and saeques, and at great d&l lower prices than last season to be had at jeB-'2in KRAMER'S CORNER STORE. t t • 11, ottpitt Ili. • :.t itostt it I.• • •• tit••tlei, grit. rittl . V. • !LK. :••t ExcapiesioN. ISLAND PARK, 11 ; ALNUTPORT, . TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 18;0. ALLENTOWN CORNET BAND. Au Excursion will loave Alliintown on the twinning ..1 Jinni 21st, m S ireliick, for via high and Susquehanna Ecery proistriitiiiii will bit :nada for ilia 1f thisio tithing imci ille i i x . ,•Orsiori. Menninger ' s String [land will hr trill. tho pad. y, and the thinly danc°inli g platform wll lie put In condition lor those who e Jobs In du i dance. Swing-, nodes. etc., will In. provided. For 1111. e Wild bring refre,lddent. with Ills., I wit: in lilt' lVd./dn, wit& at the did,rein hotels 1110813 Who den ire .00111111 , 1datioll tt lli in' Cali d . TICKETS, so Cl's., eau be obtalueil from nn) of the Ineetteor of the Band The lixcht , lon in rxM•ctod to retort/ ILboot A NEW ERA IN lIEAILTII-GIVING TnE wommit OF"I'llE AGI COMPOUND ON.YGEN Ix a primparatlon of that wonderful clmanclit'w Welt 11114 atl h.l ommilllVil ull 111 t mmananlamm boo, Plillomomplomr. and Physician, that InOX Vii ES trould him found a power mmilemohild to tint phymmilmal redmoodation of A scimmiitillim Mid A1(1111 . 111 a,l alini•tration of It miiiriad four cal c c it. claim to bolng the mond Inimical curative anent ccimr hymn ni. That the Co3IPOUND ON: VliElf TREATMENT trill promptly rare many mli•eamcm• afore roloidmmrmsl nidn. CAN Ilk DEMiINstIIATED. Such aneural I'IIIiSIONAIIT 111 A IMFES 07.1. NA Olt OFFENSIVE CATAIIIIII, ion! SPEIIM.11 . 0111:11EA Of yours.% IiTSPEPSIA and minor allincidin aro ,p....,10) enrol. Scud for a mdittennmut of Its nomdc of action amid r.ommiitmm. 1116 Girard Street , . Pltilatlelpitilt, • Between Cheroot turd Market Sts., G. R. STARKEY, A. M., M. D., MEI BLACK SILKS LADIES' SACQU ES. Just received a full line of Black Oros Grain •Silks for Sacques at very low prices at jeB-2iu KRAMER'S CORNER STORE. • EXAMINATION OF TEACHERS. Tho exanilnallou of teachers 'or MU will luiheld as fel lows: Upper S.C., July 2, at Conperaburg. Whitehall, July In, at Micklor , e• lUeiwepper Mi r Milf lfo rd ord , July 10, July 10, at Sarinier,v eport. (Shafer'AL Lower Macungie, J01y , 31, at Texas. Ilialovor, July 21, at Rittersville. North Whitehall, July 2 . 2 at Lanry•s. !loath Whitehall, .Itily 23, at WalberCo Station.' Upper Macougle, July 21, lOb ge, Ilk (Correll's). elsenberg, July at 11 yue11.1.11., 1,700. July 27, Lynn vtlle. Laixl,lll, July at Lyon Valley Holdelberg. Jgly a). at haegeroylfie. • Waidtington, Juiy 311, at David Peter', Haliobury, August 1, 01 StlYd..r . e• The clashes will ho formed at o'clock 11.10. on each day. judo 8.31 v . E. J. TOLINII, C. S. - - BIIIII,E MEETING. The Lehigh flaunty Bible Society NV in Ito annual meeting on WILT-110N DAY, DRINK MI, In the Chairla at Frietlensrillth tipper Mulct, towimillit. 'ritem tc dl ho preaching at In o'cleek, A. SI., Delegatesgular Inmate. meeting held lu the afternoon. of the cougregatenis in the Colllll6l i r i nbel , CVathi:O p igt , :a!i . 11. F. TIMXI.Ert, Secretary. Ladies please examine our line of Dress Goods—Never Better. /1/ • .• .1. \ , ..- ~ ..;, ,I I 4 VW • ' ~..:,- • „,;, ,\\\ „, ,D. . •..:. Our S took ll= \, f & Boys' Wear Complete --- Prices Very Low. -itliocrllancotte , RAND, CO„, 12-1- NORTH SIXTH STREET, PHILADELPTI MANI' rA,,curß , AND DEALER. IM THE MOAT APPROVED B111(1( SIT AND PORT ABLE 1-1 EATE 11,S. THESE HEATERS FOR DURABILITY, SIMPLICITY AND ECoNDMY IF FIIEL II AVENOSUPERIDRS. THE RA 111 ATIND SURFAI•E IS MADE ENTIRELY 111 , ? WRDUHIIT I RDN, A.lll ALL ARE lII IA RA STEED To II YE SATISFACTID. . WI: A LsO MANUFACTURE A VARIETY OF FIAT' DP AND SIDE DYES RAND ES, MA DE TD II EAT An iV s itt:: : ‘ I. lIDDMS, BATH BOIL It - EIcS, EHISTERS, YE. ' I LATORS, AC., AC. ......--- WM. G. HITTER Agent for Allentown. Os.sEND Fon ci Itcl*l.An. my 18.1 y TAM W. A. JEASSLER, -A,' Gradirate of the Afferson Jtetlieal College of I'Mla- delphia =I JEFFERSONIAN MEDICENES IN%quit I en, ' , lLl . ..lrian In the Northern Dispensary of /9111.111V1P/113 10s two years %viten. tint...hands of rases of all kiwis of Chronic illstst , es are pre , ented for frelitlllellt alld are treated. These Med leille. Aro re-tlt try ex perience and ol.ervations. haying not only prescribed them In Ilit , pital practice, hat lowans!. Itttoy private Vnu•lfco ICrelVi'd the honest and are cured. A Physician', ntieslott In to relelve pain nod cure those that al , -Irk. hieing aware "(the fact and knowing the curattx o Sope , tie , that Illy medicine-. I intainot ILO oiler it to the general public that I tong ornom -1,11,1t Lily lui..iou and do the greats-t good to the grotto/it untjenty. (tSLY 0.. E .11E111,'INE 1 , 01: oXI IIISEASE I It +t) that claim to cure it dozen dlllereid (dig . it idle bottle. frier. letfo,oulan Ilotlielue . for Ithootnatiem *l l l i 4 tl " for tho Blood t " "• for N.TVOII,IIP,K ul.ll Debility, 1 It) " •• for tili• Killlley. and Madder.. 1 00 " " for 1111` Si..111:1r11 owl Liver,— 1 lit • • '' lor Cold. atot roughs 50 • ' " for Mart loci awl Dysentary, 10 " I.ln hoont for 11‘11,11/1i l'ain, Brain. and Sprat. no Sal xe tor Cut.. Barn. mat 01.1 Sore 60 " 31ealtainIll for Children 21 •• . •• for Colo. mad Cramp le the Bowels :II •' Medicine fa, NVorno• 25 l'orsona eau obtalit tho medicine; only at toy all,. Chow street, ItotNeeen Filth alai S xtli, Allentown. Pit., or by writing to toy whitens. AV 11 , 11 I .ball for‘veral by man air expro•te, MI tectopt of tho nn ALL CHRONIC DISEASES TREATED EVERY SATURDAY AT MY OFFICE. Voi%ts of FI TS elortd. Cm, X., Mfg !) W. A. HASSLER, M. I). JUNE, 1870. EVERY ADVANTAGE • IN PURCHASING FINE READY-MADE CLOTHING, CAN BE SECUMED IN THE HIGHEST DEGREE • TI US MONTH, W A AN A M A EERER I)RQWN:S' :s;AMAIC jilto OA K. I I!,t, Clothing Bazar., SIXTH MARKET STREETS ILAIN, COMFORTABLE CLOTHING, FOP. MEN ,11 , PLAIN TASTES. ,STYLTSIT, ELABORATE GARMENTS, Fon Tllll FASITIONAIIIX•INCLINED. STOUT, ivreAn. WELL SUITS, FOR EVERV•DAV SERVICE. GENTEEL. BLACK GOODS, FORS'N DAY SUITS AND DIrESS OCCAMIONS BOYS' CLOTHING AND GENTS' FURNISIIING GOODS .VK ITALL, SIXTH & mARKET. STS., PHILAD'A WANAMAKER -&. BROWN w EED SEWING MACHINES ! HUBER & Agtii., Allentown. HEE WHAT WE CI.. IM THE' WILL DO BEST SHUTTLE ,MACHINE OUT ! :f 1 ; t tl1 1 1 :::? - . 1 , v u. i i atako o :jtltolt Itko as both mltleAl NEM ! FELL! DI ND ! COW/ ! !MAID I RIWELE I TUC E I MOLT ! HEMSTITCH! GATHER AND T SEW ON AT HE SAME TI3IE. E • AS lEST TERMS INST ALMENTS 05 A MONTH TILL PAID 'llll.l4lllton to all 11114 thoy aro Equally Clo7tl for Fin o or Hoary Work. HUBER & AOENTS FOE LEIIIOII COUNTY. ..3may 20.1 t JrinanciaL „, of the t hes °Peale and Ohio Railroad Co. Thu tol vantagon stud ottraction4 of 111111 1,0• N, for lover( Sul Purposes. tiro many nod Important II I. Lard inw of Ow Groot TIIROIIa II LI lIETWERS nn: SEABOARD AND me WEST. Titr. SECIIIITY IS ALREADY CREATED, the ttroule poet of the Ilne being In Imecetodtal running ofh`nt 3.—The Local Trolllc, from the Itnefro I feel Age fruit u•n? r , (Minx tend Iron mad (Jul eleY.vilx atljeceol, must 1/0 large awl profitable 4. — Tho onterpritio receive, IMPORTANT CoNCI:A.4I.NA ARO PRIVII..IIO. from the Melee of Virginia nod Wont MEM 5.. - / tinder the managetnent of ellteleut aunt a•et.t.- I=l for MN Easily COMPLETION MIMI SUNNIS/4d lIPONICIMI I= COUPON OR REGISTERED rutin ; they Ititve thirty yearn to mu, both principal and Interest being ItaTalk , la gold. 7. —They are of donoollnalloto. of $lOOO, $5OO AND $lOO, beating Intoront nt the rate of nix per rent. in coin Intyable May lnt nod NuitetabOr Int. From our Wilmot° itcdualotauce with limo mulatto. amid condition of the Company, me know these tororit tee to he pro 1 (arty Itreiroble: owl suitable for agfe employ• ?neat of Rory: us Capital, and ft/ acting of Gorernment Bonnie, by Iny nature, Trustees of Estates, and others who prefer absolute sera illy with reasouuble Incomo.- Holders of United States Five-Twentles are enabled to procure thede Bllad. bearing the 1111111 e role of interest and hiring in longer period to run, and to realise a large Increase of capital In addltlon. lioudx and Stooks dealt la at the Stock Exchange, re ceived to exchange for this Loan, at the fall' market value, and the liond4 returned free of express charges. PRICE 90 EYE ACCRUED INTEREST IN CURRENCY Pamphlet., Maps, mul full Inform:1110u furukhed uu uppllentlon. FISK & HATCH, 5 NASSAU ST., N. Y .or 'al anb o TLft 420 BURIAL LOTS FOR SALE .... The undersignedoder for solo gdO now C • Wry lute linmediutely udjoluing the Union Cemetery, on Tooth street. The bits will lin sold by suligcrirtiou, and immediately after the whole number mu disposrd of they will lm award• ed by lot in the sumo manner us In the organization of the Union d.o.oclotiou. Mots or Pious of the Proudness can be t o it ottire. my 12 011151) & TO F.—,l REASONABLE LEASE J.. bo given on the Easton Slate Quarry. situated in t ....n field township, Northampton county, l ' s., near Stackenown. It consists of number ono flat•yein, blue, never-holing slam, fully equal to the well-known Chap man Slate, with a good wafer power and a full rigging of pumping and hoisting machines. Persona dextrous of as opportunity of this kind will pleaso egamino fur thetn• selves. 111111/Wllly to Bonbon Koch, Shickertowir P. 0. H mar 1, 'Ol 0. L. SCREIBER. President • FOUR HUNDRED FARMS FOR SALE, ranging in price from $.B to Wiper acre, accord to, location So. Ou Hotgain! clirginiimato, and near markets. Timm Carton ar od e situ /. ate a d in Virginia slid Maryland, mOlllOlll the 11111111 1 d11011 vicinity of Womb- Ington said others from D) to 311 miles distant (rein tiro Cap ital. Add rens or mill on J. D. 0 ANUWERE 4.1 S Massachn. oath Avenue near Sixth street Washington, D. C. FOR SALE. A 110I5E, one story nod a hilt. and lot, ritual° on a Chew street, between Sixth and Seventh, about feet frottramsnapdply lie to fret darn.. For ter Sixth Street, below Mitt HOUSE FOR NALE.—TIKE NUB 'scriber otters ferrate his house and lot situntetla oti SIXTH street, between TURNER and CII EMI. in the City of Allentown. Thn house Ir complete with all the modern convealeempt and is handsomely papore throughout. The grouuds are Maternity Intl out and • d well stocked with fruit trees. As the furniture was Le , tre eunressly for this dwellitup the subscriber would Mit.lit selling it with the house. For further tutor:natio Primer nr a view of the hex. call on the nubscrlber n, torn , . hies, between the hours of OA. L. uud P. M. die Pret , U. W.t' ape 27 • North oth street, r• .• DSON. .. .turner. PUBLIC SALE • - oF MY. PROPERTY. VALUABLE Will be go 'd nt Public Sal.. n. LION - HAY, ALM CST bit, li4N, at . i e n . c i nc k c p . , M., on the prowls ii, Hut • 4nii. ....,. Adz. . .., _ CROSS Y Fys or lIA(inNBCCII'S P ( p - i ,„..1 nu.. .. nu ,i - +•-" the eeePer,," ( ,E lOll. ell and . HAMILTON streets, In the "eliding. Ar e ..•?? . This Hotel Is • Threa.story Mick "Witting. 't , ' le t ' runt on Hamilton sreet, by &I fret In dertt.,‘", th Iltr . paid, utablex. shedding. rue , "th :- ^ TIV CEESTORY BRICK STORE HOUSE.nI adjoining tie y tinsel containing lu front on Ilsioliton tt"'t 'it ieet by lOU Let In depth, now occupied by C. A. Burton (millinery). /`„".,„ 3 . Also a THREE-STORY BRICK STORE , n ,tp-te .o ‘e adjoining No.d, containing lu fronton Ilatisoi. ,e lo ,,e, ^ l' eat 21 feet by UM feet lu depth, now occupied by kat , .i.,,,,,,,, a nd 1,1,,wen, grocers. The necoud and t c l o ,n) e . of the ebove stores are now occupied by the hotel. ts, ' ,ti c o, at the sewn thele and place, four eligibl y located liw .hilug lots fronting oil Tenth and Cordon streets. coll ie:Wing each 1.11 feet In front ou Tenth street by 234 feet In dep A th. - a LSO, seven acres and ono hundred perches, more or less, of ground elitist,. on the. Peet side of Tenth 'street, bounded by lands of Cherie. Seagrestes, Ortab & Runk, and ll,Schuurinan. tieing the real ...tate of Jacob Ilagenbuch, late of the City of Allentown, deceased. 'loons and conditions trill be mode known en the day of sale by IL J. HAUENDUCH, C. 11. HAHENBLICH . • . :, GEORUSIMUEN DUCH, , • Executor*. Persona ilesirone of Howls`` the property will please call on 11. J. liagenbnch, at the Hotel. Jell4n2 0 Eil M Dru . Goobo SEAMAN &-• TRA Ec; ER, NO. 17 SOUTH MAIN ST B I LE LIE NI DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, WOODEN WARE, OIL CLOTHS igIOCIRI ES Very largo aysortmout In overt' DEPARTMENT. Goods bought a tho roil LOWEST CASH PRICES, and mold clinip Tho•public arc requested to call and examine SEAMAN & TUAEGER iLcgal Notices ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. Whereon David A. Smith and hit NON. of Upper Macungie township, Lehigh county, by voluntary deed tf assignment doted May loth, A. D. 1871', conveyed to the he subscriber all their estate, real. personal and mixed, for the lament of their cretiltora; Notice Is hereby given to all persona Indebted to sold parties to make PaYtuent to thesubscriber within six week., unit those having °imbue to present the some duly authenticated within the soma limo. JAMES WEILER. AH.lgueo Lell4ll Co., Juno UN MRS. GU ERIN TAKES PLEASURE In announcing that aho baajuxt received tho tom cat a...printout of all 'dodo of FASHIONABLE HOODS to her lino, nod would call particular attention to howl , •xxnruucnt of PARASOLS EAST HAMILTON BAC a 4.ISTEY• STATE OF JOSEPIUIIIUN'r F Late of Ile Mr (burg Township. r AICKEit deem sed. —Nalco Is hereby given that -,thf gh County, Walton In the above estate hove liven • anion lathemli signed. All p e r Indebted to sal , denotedunder. to make payment within nix we , 4 Estate nee' regnested notice, and such who have an- Are from the date of Mho theta, well authenticated, ' / legal claims will present above specified Unto to our settlement within the NATHAN HUNSICKER, MARTEL J. HIkiTLEH, Administrator* OM= WAT . ttENTS.—IIy an ordinance of September, _Y or Allentown. appro ve d lho Ytth .day 3r poi to the' rente for th e use of water 00811 be ror City T r easurer (Jonathan Reichard) at hi. of "'"- - the 30th day of April: to all rent. remaining on that day , there thall be added 5 per cent.. and F Aa r'. . t re . gluing unpaid on {{ho first day of inn., there p • .11,73 added !Draw cent. Retire is hereby glean to all mute still owing water rent that 10 per cent. will be Added on all rent* remaining unpaid on the grit day of June next. May 24..1 2W•VI Owl By order of the Committee NOTICE CITY, BOUNTY AND DOG TAXES, • By a supplement to the City Charter of Allontowd, ap proved tho Ind day of March. IMO, the City Treasurer Is made tho receiver of City, Bounty and Dog Tares. AU of said taxes remaining unpaid on the Ist day. of August oast, 5 per cont. obeli be added. Notice is lieiven that the City, Bounty apd Dog tax for 1870 mill ..col red at my nter, je2-21n JONATHAN REICHARD. Treasurer. AGRICULTURAL MEETING. •', • A meeting of the Executive Commitiro of the Lehigh County Agricultural Society will be held on FRIDAY, the lath day of JUNE next. at I o'clock. P. M.. at the oglee of the Rocretury to the City of Alloutowo. for the Funnel of preparing achedule Of premium. and lashing otuor urraogomente for coot Annual Ex hibltiou. All members of said Cunitnittoo aro roAportfully itirrited to attend. BY order of SOLOMON 0 RIESE/41ER, PlOet. order STAntatn. Socrntary. jel-St NEW'ARRANGEMENT. • • THROUGH. TICKETS VIA ERIE RAILWAY, To Buffalo, 'Niagara Falls, Cleveland, Toledo. Detroit ' CHICAGO, ONIATIAi BAIC FRANCISCO, • Cincinnati, IndlanaPolls. SL Lents, and all pripeiPal Cities West, North, and the Canadm• Superb and unars, Koos roaches designed for day and night Ilst, are a i t i tgrd to all Express Train.. AOKNT H.11:• D 1 4,741611'. I: c o ß italicro w • • apt V • MABEE KNIVES, FORKS, SPOONS 1 COFFER MILLS. lc.. at C. F. WOMB:TVS Stott 88 Esti Hamilton Weal. asp lit.ty