II 0 li - l~rl'tlligl2 Actlistrr. I.lltor end Proprietor. I 3==!E3 ALLENTOWN, PA., APRIL 27, 1870 TIRE ALLENTOWN DEMOCRAT ON TARIFF. The Democrat comments most severely on the motion of Benj. Butler to reduce the duty on pig iron from nine to five dollars per ton. That motion was carried by a vote of 66 against 64. The Demoecat says by his (But ler's) action "our industrial interests are to I bo broken up." We arc glad to see that the briportance of this reduction to our people is recognized universally by the journals of this District. The action of Butler is inimical to American interests and we have nest th. slightest objection to his being attack, aided always that he is not misrepresented as the Great .slogul .1 . the Republican party. It would be as reasonable in us to misrepresent the Allentown Democrat as the Great Organ of the Democratic Party. It is such a short time since the Democracy lauded Butler as all that was good, patriotic and wise—as a Great Mogul of the Democratic party—that we are inclined to doubt if the taint is yet out of his blood. His course on tho Tariff Bill is certainly •more Democratic than Republican, and therefore the disinterest edness of the Democratic organs, in attacking him, is worthy of admiration. The Democrat is singularly unfortunate in its queries; or else is determined to bring the dereliction of our member very prominently before the people. The Democrat asks" What will our iron manttfrcttn•ers say to this kind of Protection." Certainly they ?rat t oy, WHERE WAS STILES? "What will the laboring men at our rolling mills and furnaces say?" asks the reckless Democrat. They have rd. • ready been Haying, WHERE WAS STILES? What will the liegiater say goes on this sarcas tic Democrat, with an utter disregard of con sequences and as though the answer was not, palpably, WHERE WAS STILES? The Democrat falsely asserts that the Re publican party entertain no sympathy or re gard for the white laboring classes of this country, and Ignores the fact that they and not the Democrats, as a party, are for Protection. On this very question the Democrats, with one or two honorable exceptions, were in favor of reducing the Tariff (in pig iron to THREE DOLLARS per ton. Butl'r•s motion was inimical to the interests of that vast host of men who earn their Living at ion furnaces and rolling mills; led "hat shall be said of the Democrats who would hat , • outdieroded Herod, and reduced the o; the iron worker to starvation paint. The most telling speeches, against this re duction in toe duty on pig Iron, were made by Republican liepreventatives, and had John D. Stiles and the rest of the •• Democratic Dodg ers" been in their places,und fairly represented their constituents. the motior must have been defeated. PIG AND MICA I" IRON •• duty tinder the existing tariff on im ported pig iron is xU per ton, and on scrap Lion SS. By Mr. Butler's amendment, re cently adopted by the House, the duty was reduced to $5. while the duty on scrap iron svas reduced to $5 per ton for cast and $6 for wrought. During the debate on the para graph of the bill on scrip iron our Represen tative, Mr. Cake, made a motion to amend the paragraph by making it read "on cast sump 'mu of every description One quarter cent per pound ; on st rought scrap iron of every description one-half cent per pound," which would be at the rate of $5 60 per ton of 2240 pound for cast scrap iron, and $ll 25 for wrought scrap Mr. yoke'; amendment was rejected. It is difficult to conceive how the House can expect the iron interests of this country to prosper, under so radical a reduction as that proposed. Even at the present duty, with Bahl at 112-13, the importations of pig and scrap iron"are on the decrease. Admit this iron at lower rates of duties, and our iron workers, to go on and compete with the foreign producers with their low prices for labor, would have to reduce the wages oftheir work men from forty to fifty per cent. Sot only this. It would check the erection of furnaces And other Iron works, and close a large num her of those now in existence in this country. These facts could not have been adeiffiately appreciated by the members of the House front Pennsylvania who were absent when the vote on pig iron was taken, and which could not have been effected if it had not been for the shameful neglect of those whose duty to the interests of their constituents and the country should have compelled their atten dance during the entire time that the Tariff Bill was pending."—Ofiner's -Among. The a b ove extract from the 3finer'sJournal Is an evidence of the feeling with wide!' the action of the "dodging" members front Penn sylvania is regarded in other part. of the State. THE EFFECT OF HIGII TARIFF. The Free Trader's cry is always that " the people Buffer from high tariff"' and that "•only a few manufacturers arc benefited." A clique, It Is claimed grow rich, while the maisem suf fer. • A reply to their propositions might readily he Made by a comparison of the real condition of the laboring classes, under the high and low Tariff's of 16138 and 1557. lint flgurea that are official are necessary to refute the specious arguments of Free Traders. The figures used in this artide are official. ' That high duties do not disadranplgrously affect the power of the people to buy foreign goods, is thus demonstrated by the Custom firmae reports : Cnnhote.l In Con-ntard lo lorraine IS6II. 1415. ° Per el. Tea. . . 60,033,171 10,839,726 56!; Coffee. 19,614,4(16 24,442,746 24 ti d piece 634,867 970,330 5-1 . Sugar Mole See.-- 33,864,044 47,429,365 40 tium , rt , di Tobacco 858,021 747,1354 1;11,11'1'1'd W 001.... 4,604,834 3,053,801 24 2ient pond pig Iron 1,535,071 2,1105,224 70 MBE F 68,241,417 $92,076,046 . 9,820,073 58,881,888 • Aggregate dude* Wholeenle c00t... /177,061,190 151,817,931 07 It Is proved here beyond controversy, that In those articles we could ❑(ford to, and did, consnme in 1888 nearly double the prime valve that we did under the (1857) Free Triußi Revenue Tariff, In 1800. Protegtive Tariff does not Injure the poor man built helps him. Protection is demanded by Rio people of this Co%.gressional District. Their Representatives can have no doubt of their wishes. To fairly and honestly repre sent them would be to vote squarely and honestly In favor of High Protective Tariff. We shall see. . . BERLIN CIA 11 E The remains of the Honorable Anson Bur lingame arrived at New York yesterday by the steamship "Silesia." Arrangements are being made for the funeral ceremonies which will doubtless be on a scale commensurate with the distinguished position of the deceas ed. :intim busy whirl of eseiting events eoutin- Ually transpiring, funeral honors foul all !.lie pmeantry of woe are quickly forgotten. Bur lingame by his useful /ift and eminent cervic al to humanity has earned himself a name that will be remembered "till time shall he no :ft-(overnor Bullock, who lute Just returned trim Europe, was the recipient of a public re aiiidlon at hi!, bolne )p )Voxeeiner, Mass., on Batooday. IDIOPATHIC MURDERERS. Insanity Is a disease so Insiduous In its at tacks and so varied in the forms in which it presents itself that it is sometimes entirely un suspected, until the person afflicted betrays its presence by some act . entirely at variance with his general behavior and in direct opposition to the dictates of rettson. For this reason Criminal lawyers invariably set up the plea of insanity when the evidence is conclusive as to the guilt of the prisoner they defend. The very cotntnission of an act of murder, it is argued to the jury,is an evidence of a diseased mind. Doctors who differ as regards syrup• toms arc placed on the stand and give the most bewildering evidence concerning par tial, temporary and total insanity, until the unfortunate jurors, always shrinking from the responsibility of a conviction' that results in Death, are only too glad to bring in a Verdict declaring the murderer, insane. and thus get 0/their unpleasant duty. One Sunday in the early part of the new year 1870 Dotninicus S. Voorhees was drink-' ing in a saloon. kept:open in defiance of law, in the city of Brooklyn, New York. A man named William Chambers came into the saloon and, in company with others, stood at the bar drinking. Chambers was hi a condition of maudlin intoxication and was introduced by one of his companions to Voorhees. A few words passed between the men and as Cham bers kept pouring the liquor down the nature of his remarks became very bitter and violent, and he shorty afterwards left the saloon.— Whether or no in his drunken condition he ' had construed any remark from Voorhees into an insult, cannot be known. Mr. Voorhees appears to have been perfectly mild and in offensive, but certain it is that Chanibers, at that time. seemed to have had an idea that be had cause or offense against him. Aftersomp time he returned to the saloon and standing apart from Voorhees at the other end of the counter for a few minutes, in sullen silence, suddenly drew a pistol and fired; inflicting a wound on his victim which, in a short time, resulted in death. It is not our purpose to continent upon the kind of respect shown for the law in the "city of churches." when men like Voorhees are to be found in a saloon on Sunday, drinking with such men RS his 11111111Prer. We merely wish to call attention to the means by which the death penalty Vas e,,traped. When William Chamber+ Wll4 tried during this week for the crime of willful murder the defence set up was, that at the time of the com mission dl' the crime he was not responsible, for his actions. Previous to the trial the prison er had preserved a dull stolidity of demeanor and had answered most of the questions put to him.in such a stupid, meaningless manner that, to ordinary observer,his insanity was apparent. When asked about himself and his parentage he could not he made to under stand, hut when asked "Who are your Attor neys r• he answered readily "Mr. Spencer and Mr. Dowe." The Doctors gave their testi• nanny as t the nanny and symptoms or in:an - ity and all agreed that it wits probable that 01 the Hou of thr ,•ommig,,lion of the mu r thp Wil liam Chambers was , not in his right mind.— The jury found the prisoner Not Guilty but that he mos !tisane it.h, a he committed the deed and recommended that be should Ise confined in a lunatic asylum. The modern criminal lawyer sets up before the jury, in the course of a defence, so many nice, hair splitting distinctions and probabili ties, that the Modern juryman needs to have kat)Wll - •4e of metaphysical sciences and to consider how fills all crime partake , of the nature of insanity. For this ,al, ty of the community, we w ould suggest that :tiny Man WM/ eth.ritime pod. eraged with the denn,n n1'11)1161 ( 1., he locked up for life in 311 itHalt” asylum. 1,,t he :lifmld be possessed again. We are glad to seo Judge Barnard has 11 , 1111' the beg thing possible under the circumstances and sent this murderously insane individual (who, all. r finding of the jury, resumed his usual demeanor). to the Utica Asylum. Dow soon 1 - 1111 hr .it lint If rational con duct will procure his release, Wl' are afraid Chatnhers will soon be abroad again. STILES AND TIDE TARIFF Nhile our Representative, the lion. John D. Stiles, n•as sitting complacently listening to the "Random Lecture" of George Francis Train, and after Mr. Stiles had complained of the tardiness of the American Government in protecting the rights of American citizen, abroad, the most important and vital question to the laborin4 man, the farmer, the mechan ic, the business man and the wealthy too, was voted upon, by the House oflieprt,:entatives at Washington, in Committee of the W hole. Mr. Stiles complained of others while, at that mo ment. he was 141,e to his position and false to the rights of those who elected him to (Mice. Laboring men John I). Stiles dodged the vote on the question of duty on imported pig Iron. That duty, it was voted, should lie re• duced front NINE to FIVE DOLLARS a ton —nearly one-lutlf. We warned the people that whenever it came to a direct vote on the 'Tariff, John D. Stiles would show himself not n Tariff num. There can be no. question that lic t ilodged the vote. Why was he here in Allentown Y. Was it necessary for him to be brought front Washington to intro. duce a rattling humbug, or to try a Fire Dol lar case in the Courts ? The question Will COM' up before the House I again and if John D. Stiles cannot find an ex • coss to be absent when the final vote is taken, we hope by influence of the Press, backed l‘y.-! the whole people of the District. to millet.: him to vote for our rights. The • decline in gold has reduced the, duty on iron until our furnaces are barely, able to compete with British iron and our laboring men are pinched to sustain themselves by the wages they receive. lithe Vote of the Committee of the Whole is susttain- Cfl by Congress, if the ditty be reduced to Five Dollars a ton, every furnace in the Valley will be compelled to blow out, and ruin and dis tress will follow. IV, are ready to back this statement by the most experienced. practical iron manufacturers in the State. Laboring men, what do you think of your Itepresentativr ! The majority in fa. TOT of the reduction was TWO. The vote stood (14 to Oil.. A hundred members dodged the issue, but of all the hundred there are none Who have such a lame excuse to offer as Ihe man who is paid to look after the interest of the citizens of this District in Congress, and dodged his duty to introduce George Francis Train. THE ONEIDA SURVIVORS In our telegraphic intelligence published in the CHRONICLE, of Tuesday was n despatch announcing the departure of the "Colorado" on Monday last, from San Francisco, with the survivore of the Oneida disaster. On board of the Colorado there Is r 05,000 in treasure, but her most precious freight in the eyes of American citizens is -the remnant of "that gallant crew." whose shipmates sleep their last sleep on the coasts Of the far•oo' land. More precious than gold and silver are the lives of these " toilers of the sea," who carry the stars and stripes to every country under the sun, and by their courage, devotion, and manly bearing, teach the world what stuff Americans aro made of. To them e e owe ; n unforgotten debt of gintitude; and careless. ness, neglect and incompeteacii results in their destruction, demands, at the hands of the American Nation, minishment swill and certain, When these men, who are coming, (snatched from the jaws of a sudden depth,), reach their home once more, they shoutd find their countrymen eager and anxious for Jug tics on the destroyers of their shipmates. THE LEHIGH REGISTER, ALLENTOWN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1870. TIIE PUBLIC DEBT Under Mr. Boutwell's administration the public debt decreased since the first of March nearly six millions of dollars. From the 4th March, 1869, to the first of April, 1870, the net decrease was $92.901.130. The increase in the circulation of gold, notes, and fractional currency and the difference between the April accumulation of interest as compared with March the first, ipf last year, snakes up the dif ference between the above suns and the amount held in the Sinking fund. The Funded Gold bearing debt the United States, was, on the first of April down t0.52,- 002,712,792. The Funded Gold bearing stocks have been reduced in the suns or $105,133,358 and still there is more gold in the treaßnry to day, by SEVEN 31114,19 N Dom.mts, than there was when Mr. Boutwell took charge of the Treasury. All the groans and cries of Democratic par tisans cannot controvert the plain facts these figures show, and it is beyond a question that, ! in a financial point of view. Republican rule has been a great success. It is reported that the Mormon, arc buying large quantities of arms and ammunitions. The members of the Ohio Legislature were entertained by the BaltimOre City Council on Saturday. Charks Hodgman for many years a ('ashler of the Boatman's Saving , Institution of St. Louis, died on Saturday. The planing-mill of Graham A; Lyon, at East Liberty, Pvtin. was burned on Saturday. Loss, $20,000 ; insurance, $5.000. Five companies of the 7th Cavalry, now at Fort Leaven l% ortlt, are under orders to pro ceed to Fort Hays for active service against the Indians. Gen. Custer will command. Paul Ileinnn or Buffalo was so badly' burned on Snturdny, by the eNplosion of a kerosene lamp, that he died. A boy aged two years was al.m burned and died .during the night. The mammoth still at Ill'lgelfOrt'S ti.stille sy, in Carrollton, Ohio, enidoded on Sittur day;destroying that part of the building where the still WilS located, and doing eonsiderable other damage, The Government of British Columbia has voted a subsidy to maintain the telegraph sys tem on the main land, and has levied n duty of fifty per cent on all imported liquors and spirits Arriving, to provide a revenue for that purpose. The Southwark Bank of Philadelphia wet, entered by burglars on Saturday night, but were discovered by the private watchman be fore they had secured any plunder. There were $10,000,000 in the vaults. The thieves escaped. There is a great freshet on the Mississippi - elver. On both _the Illinois and lowa sides of the river, a great part of the country and some towns along the rivers' are overflowed. Much damage has been done I .railroad and private pr,rperty. Another duel was fought at New Orleans on Satnrday. Rapiers wen and ...n• of the combatants was slightly wounded. Lady Franklin i, a pas,enger S. itt•aaur Newhern, Nvldelt leli ran I ,, a"ciseo on Saturday for Alaska, in N . 1 , 14 .1 i • GOVerllOr HRIIIIOIIIII or Nc‘t .It.r-,•) ap pointed Henry ('. Ket.ey of Stk,ex county, Secretary of State, vice Mr. Cougar. re-ianod. Independence---Iceping an liiitcl Aquatic When i, n penny a loan (alone). If yon want to In•Cniii. a mil marry a rich wile. A. Qat!lter, rigittly adhering to tlio role, of Ilk :wet. invnriably calla n I'/.l‘• I ren n•` Smite vitt. IitIOW it the 11'n:_tie bll+- kin we hear ,o much "fin the elassicQ nonymous with the Grecian nth lose? The Cleveland Herold think, On marriage seWee shonld be changed to 'read: "Who dares take this woman ? And the groom shall answer, "I dare. — Shame on the man ! An lowa clergyman has ohserved a remark able coineidence—whenever the contribution box hegins its rounds, an alarm of fire is heard outside, and the church is emptied at once. A little girl in a Western town, after slit dying for some time a pietnre of the Magda len reclining on her thee and weeping, sud denly turned to her mother and exe!aimd : Mamma, I kit why MN MI1411:11011 h , erying. It is because Mr. lagtlaCfen doesn't buy her clothes (Mough," PETITION FOR DFT V ON I lI POE E D STEEL RAILS. A committee of steel manufneturers appear ed before the Ways and Means Committer on Saturday, and presented it petition, signed by 05 ,Illicers of railroads in the IThited States, oimPrising Presidents and Directors of Com panies, asking that a specific duty oft WO cents per pound be put. upon steel rails. TLe per sons signing this document control and oper ate 22,000 miles or track, which Is over one• half of all the track in the country, and rep resent railroads in thirty-one States :utd six Territories. Thi9committeetif•teel ra i l 1111,11• ttlitclurere 11:11.VentsI presented to each and every menilwr ot the dlouse or Representa tives a circular appealing to Congress for the passage of a law which trill prevent the anni• hilation of their lmsiness. Their grievances are set forth as ILllntrs : Fits , / : They ate Ignored in the present law, from the fart that• when the Taritiollsilli was en acted. steel rails Were liiit made In America. 'rho use or su,•l rails betran shortly afterward, and they were classed among "manufactures of steel not otherwise provide•l Mr." sr,b pet Inn duty of 45 per centum old melon m. &cow!: The present classitication discriminates unjustly against this branelf-of manufacture. Third : hi, manufticlure I, licW itlid hi its ear liest stager. and phould idiot 11011" receive excep tional protection. !berth: The capacity of the present worhe is ample bar the pre,ent American deinninl, the total yutrly capacity of these liessenter steel teorks be ing 100,000 and 20(000 tom,. : Tile establishment of works In America has been followed by an enorniniin den (ease in the pi ice 1q foreign Fled Sixth The Western and Southern Rnll road Companies are, at present, only Interested in the price of steel rail. to keep it down at that point which will make thevioinestie manufacturer safe, and encourage him to perfect hie work.. Kreyrah : There hos been expended 56,000,000 in the erection and estahll-hment of Bessemer steel worke in the United Eddies, and none of the elect ron makers in the. United Suttee have paid in dol lar of dividend. They therefore pray for a specific duty of taco code per pound on all steel rails im ported. The First Anthracite Steel R►ik The first steel rails manufactured of anthra• cite pig metal, with the use of anthracite coal as a fuel, were made in this country a few weeks ago, and are now being made at the Ta maqua P , lliag mill. and ft good' article is being turned out. Eighty per cent. of Nti. 2 foun dry iron is put into the puddling furnace or converter, and I wenty per cent. of Londerhill gray magnetic ore from York county, which partakes - of the ores from which the celebrated Woolz steel is made In India. The patent f.r this new process was obtained last year, and it is the first time that: good steel rails have been made wttit the use of anthracite iron and anthracite coal, Ilia fuel, in the pint dling furnace. A very lemortant feature of these rails is that they can he re. worked and re-rolled half a dozen times if desired, a thing which cannot be done with the rails made by the -Bees( liter process. This fact is an im portant one to . those who use them, and ivill be appreciated because, while these anthracite steel rails are as good, they are, in conse quence of their espacity to be . re-worked a number of times, at least . one•third cheaper than the rails made by the Bessemer proc' es. It is known here as the Ralston prom es,ffinv ing been discovered — last year while working at the Tamaqua Bolling 'Mill. They are now turning Oat Iheee steel rails from 20 to :10 pounds to the vied, and 1 . )1R0 per lomat the Tamaqua Rolling 3lnt, and will guarantee jlllllll. A specimen can be seen at. the Anthra cite Board Dr Trade Booms. A 20-pound steel rail is said to be mita: In endurance to ffii-pound iron rail. The machinery at the rolling mill Is not of sufficient power to turn out heavier rails than thirty pounds to the yard. NEWS ITEMN WINNOWINW* -N% I it', A. STEEL DISCOVER' I3trORTANT IP TRUE-ANOTHER REVOLUTION It is asserted on good authority that a large deposit of iron ore of a very peculiar nature has been recently opened in York county ansyivania. Theory, we are intot tned upon , good authority, has the power: or turning pig Iron into good merchantable sleet, • by simple mixture and manipulation with the pig iron in n puddling tvrnaceolthe ordinary construction. The chemical analysis of the ore shows the presence or considerable quantities of manga nese, silicon aluminum with the it nt. The ore is soft anti friable in the bed. so mneli so that it can be mined with the spade, but upon exposure to the atmosphere it soon hardens. Professor Lesley, who has examined the ore tied, estimates the contents at I 7,000.000 tons, For a few months past the tli , covery has made quite a stir among the iron furnaces and mills of our State nod Maryl a nd, a nd there is quite a strong desire to know more of a matter that seems to promke such important results. The ore. as we are informed, has liven tested in the presence or experienced manufacturers. in the " Abbott" rolling mills in Baltimore ; the " Cambria" iron works, at Johnstown, Pa. the " Lochiel" iron works, near Ilarrisborg ; the —Tamaqua" rolling mills ; Coleman, Hahn' A: Co.'s works Pittsburg;nt the •• Alliance" rolling mill at Alliance, Ohio, and at other pinees ; and in all cases it has been found to possess the remarka ble quality claimed for it. Tle• steel produced during these tests was generally asst For mak ing steel-capped rails, P.IIII OM' Or flies(' bars, spade at Pittsburg., was shown to possess a tensile strength of I 1 1,500 pounds to the square inch of cross seetion.--ritimblirg Cmn nterriaL N( Lenders.—No house hno done so touch toward hdynneing the sinntini d of Itendy•nhadv (Inching n. Won. It maker & Broivn. they 1):1Vs , 0101 , 411 , 1 other establish uteotik to Improve deer ri"thinc, but •till sissy hurts Shun load. likor lug alit sty+ Ill•• .I•'r h , 11 , .1 4 . and Ole 1 , 011....1 111 1r.,. If II .Ifiry Bottle of Whiskey, let him buy It and lake II home like a WWI, and 1101 hone. with a little of " Illtiers" or "Cordial, — .d Pri'll`tldi 11l It la iiesllrlor. If lio Irauts it tonic that Is sonil•ililnn Fouler than a loniporary icliniulaut i lie shotild Let a bottle of l'o riivlno Syrup lan Iron Tonle. , that n 111 viialifo and give iloralilo system I,l'db:a Uc.ri r. 11' hot Alen Admire. Anil !hi. little thing i. Bonnty. What ilit ? tram_ Parent tiumplexhin tinil it laxity:gut lititid of hair. \flint Produce thiiioi 7 Hagan'? Magnolia Ilahu telll tottkii goy hilly of thirty appear lint twonty: and 101011 will kiiiip every hair it. pi ter, 3 1111 11111ke it grog Ilk.. the April grit., It proventit Or hair (1,111 1111 11 1111 j gray, eradicaten 1t:P.4 . 111T, and in the thoiiit in the WOl.lll. 311.1 at only half ordinary east, If ton want to got rid of Sallowneiii, patelitig, etc.. fitrget 11111 1111 AN Excut.LENT REAsos WHY T. C. Kerna hen, of the old Allentown China, Gla , Aware and Lath), Vlore, can Fell cheaper than others, is that he !nip, and sells exclusively for CILAII, thtlri gain ng all the advantage of car] payment., and losing nothing by credit thlcs. A SPLENDID PJAlu.—Limlt•rmnu at Sons Gold Medal Cycloid and Square Piano, rank aumng the finest instruments in the country. Their bril liancy and fullness of tone is not Aurpas4ed bya con certgr and piano at double the price. More Instru lnentq of this celebrated make have been sold in Allentown, Lehigh and adfoinim: counties than of any other manufacture, They can be used many yen!, and not become airy. an most tither pianos do, in only a fee• yearn. C.llllll' and examine them at C. F. Herrmann's Store, Seventh and l!EISM=1711 ()cc-irrational AiblichtF.—Fre,,ll, pure air in a vi talirma elixir. Whoever In rtrett ttistan en. I from tittret.trirt , tl are,. to th.k titt . 1.11.1... lint Powerful ‘lllo.llant, limn!, a Inerl.c.nal limi t tera tit of seine kind. I The great object •11,11.1 la to char .e the hest , itointjarity I• 11 grit)' geed hi:o;4,m age. and tr..' Iry lion 0111,1011 110.11 , 110 . 1 . . Me:intuit II tier. 'U tnl. lltht arm...! the it...ger:omit and rrittd.tting modwittox loe-ent tl.t)• in the tront, el ; engaged in lade, en.t.t.. ' , pee ally in crolvtled litt . ton , tvher....ven tlw In e d1.0•,111. , VOll. 111:111011 1i11',1111.01.1101 , ` al,vay.. In •01111 1 111.41 de pdlltitml. tht- •.thihriont. settetable idihr Ix 1) adapted. Th.. wintry el the In:tr. - a...lit- I. id. •t el y. ranted. ei ale...lntely put.. 11:11 . 11, n 0 .41111111.1111. liarturetl — or lather • Itrellargetl — k ill thd flit it 1,11,014 or mdimlonx • and harks And 10.1'10, 'net lohartureot 1110111 re, 1,11111 hat at. , they • The tthe....l oily n ',tattle rdet or Lark nr alibi, liretent lu ....M. :;..t one of them the 111,0 111..11,111, al 111.111 if. 1111 31101 . .11.V., 011:1 , 111 1 . .h .. 14 ,.,. 1 . 1 , 1 1 1: ..1 1 , , , 11: 1 11111 . .ci 11/ 1 . 110 111/110 , 11, I 111110.111 U'tt'er; n'r lies• these j ' . ' 1 " .1111•0 . 1 .1101 i111.11;11. I. ;111:111 ' .1T1 ': . Till' rni 11l that t• been pat tmlly ex. hat,ted itt. oxygen by rroo,llolll ' 1 1 1,101:11g Prod oar. 01/ the V11:11111,,1111.111011, 1+ 1101 .11.01• .11.11 IV t 11•11 10 11. 110. xitahr.,11111110•111101,. sttle t raddt mephitic vapor of het air Int na re-, It Id, - tel.,- and th pretx.itg the I,ll‘ 1110. 1 , 11.11111i10 .101111 illl,lr 1 1/t. 01 1 1 0, felt ; he each Mt) . agtt list the ;I ,l ..l:Limit{ Intlnehre Of a vltittoel Mum...phew. it triode...tat tdaltt and alterative Ix . tirgt • ttlir hix grand d0...1....Min is mipplled 111 110 , 1011 0 1'0 1111101,1V1110/1 11, 0 .111 • 11011•.11 , 11101,11,. 110,11 111 - { IIII I I. OIIIIK og o lll /111• 110 I. •• 0100 mp.mg oillintla I or adretthenl tionlwite, Eltath., NI EST.—On Friday morni n g. April titl, Mnry A. IS., wire of 'forms )•,I. and daughter of Ste phen Rhoads, yeilrA. the 111th Atittnissiis Wikersl, nixed 2 years and montht. ISEIMENeSTOCK.-011 the 111th butt., Laura Hergeip.teek, aged i! year, Itnianrial and Continrrrial lE= tVla•at I'lear. Per M1...a. I'•'r ..... li}e. Oat-. .• Clever •• Wheat Floor. per ell' I It) e 11:11 ter. Cern '• pertxattel Land. '• l!a •• per Potato., per hi,11.1 P...* "^h. , Pried • -1)0113v., iii ..... . ..... :).I.year per C interi,lll (Ittoin It. It. 1.4 M. Coultdl It. It Utrom Laud ttraut I=3 Fier 1670. Corrected tvook 5. by.l P. 1100 Inch, Produrt, Comoli..ouu Morch.i, No. :02 via) Ziew York. uurriAt. Itratige:t sn , .ez ('a. rail., god to clioic lb. . thuttango. D.. 1. and Can/tn....Co', pail., clioire, :Ilia:IS Fair tog ~,, it. COIIIIIIOII 28,/ Id, ail— Co. pall., choice, 31 . 411.10: lair to good, i 7; Glint:hot. .22•(.T039. N. V. Muir yellow :LiVrt,..tg; fair to k I. 1.5 , ,a;2.5: rointoon, . N. V. St.tie to aba,ls; N. V. Stale Web. clioire, 34006: C. 1111111,1 :400;,,Y. V. mate 1/itirti•-, Omit ••• LI: it to coml. o i 2. N%'., , tertt IN•rierve , vltoir..lB.4l:l•: Ia r t.. gal 140,17; Ile,ll. Jura. the , a.. 1 week root up heedy ph . L• ages, or au Caere...,, ut /11101.11.x/J packugen over la. t The reeea 01 prime old tirkin4 beeeine very mock .•• dueetl, mad there la la go.' toque y ...sheen "11 as lean sale.. ado... have been made at I.l.ave eutahle quelatite.. dlcil.utu uuJ lox grade, ol ..1.1 hart 1.. me,' al Wt."' any Price. Ness.. eoullug forward quite freely. theugh .he dethaud Ir. l'a'in g earl, 11 has sverged urn readay al p.c.., quoted. To.ttAy lax,iLreimulatud anal ph... laver the lainyer, auJ Ihrht I" every ptehatelity .1., ant shall have more haler that ea, Cill al jetehtet quatht.u.. het...tour text. llEt.als.—Now tart.) . ch., and !alley. 1.1 . : t.2.17; to goe.l, loady geed to chutra, 1thg1.1.,; poor to loud N. 1. at de nt..11141/14• —lerNey nud Pesos. PaCk , l /90...5). Jersey and Pell.. wo.ll riteited 1' 4,1 49 Y. State sl ell gnkeked, good ardor. I, ,(0 0 Y'. \Ve.Pru. lo•s Limed. lyl ,ut.un hbeitil dialog Ilir awl the th•nutud ed 1.0“. hay" total Cllr linter. We d,, CI I koli. kr Jity 1111 [liar dochatr Ilt.• colualg wt•••“. ebolco. nem . . bll.ll. 02 lb-. '.!.' , "4.2.15 Pea Kea , ...111,. 1.1 good. 1.5 , 441.6.1 0.111111.11. DRILL, k'st I . —Apple', Mute, bu,t,. Pid•n',l Jel,•••,y, nnd PentiNylvuola,ll47,. App,••4 tam . . 60.7. Illackberr,...., wit••• 1. new, ...11121; 1111, i 1, (..q• • on . pealed, nen . , l'euent, pet. 14.11, , 1 , :e411. 1., E 1 /5 — C1 ,,, ei!.1:... , d 111. new 14415; it Le, tVAX.-- , Prtt. Itt, 370705. O 'lLLW—att tottd borrol., 110 I' A I,O LIL 1/11t, poll% I ittotto Pltvr, it 1.11%3110)1.0,1. Toritert, 2soi,to otrlat 111.1410 S 1 , IL. 1.. Y.-1); Sprott, }.1t....k top. tar o t, it. t .e. I 00— pot.ttl. 7f.41 0 JeAl'ititt t”..l.lAlt.—ltitto , good to prin.., - e .10 , t‘tFol.t. lin= A4lj 0U G (' 11) OR SORE THROAT requircas Immediate filleutio, m onclet o lei rt .11 tu uu ilicutublo Luoi/ Vonoso ,:f 11110 WS'S IIRON('I11.11, T rd,r•HEs Rti 1 I.! 111 1 r 1 ' ; 1 1 . ',A '1) .1 m i t i Ti A i I'e rAunu, 4' • I .111,1• IE /1111 i 111Ilk,T 1).1,111,1. 00 •. .0111111 i ntlo•ol. oral SPEAKERS 0. 0 . them to eleun and ltrouifthnO ()wi t , m the got rninit p of Iho Try,. olio, runny ir • nit.4* nd rhea 31 lm Ur PIN 10 . • 'off Irhlrh m ort fp.l f.r. lit.fl, ley. Ito ..nr.n to nll r.,,, the tarn. BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCIIEs HOUSE:VIE:N. ATTENTION HEAD TILE FOLLOWING ! TIIIK Inv:du:o.4r Is sold by 1/rtiggiis E. Sturekr..pors. Wholesalo by JAMES U. WELLS. cor. btli nod Spring liarilvo aisle Is A Ileutoiru by L. East Street. I , o l, Affrfl . Goren rk Cool, U. Philadelphia P. 11.1•0., ..11 , 14 1200100 litr.sle, Phlhojelphhi, Sley ISo. W Esq.,--hear PH, We olive .1...4 Dr. 'Pe. 11. klanichke'n Drug.ldh lenlment for vbrY ens,'.ilr ..eretchee, rlipped kill,. ono other dleneree which 01111:1111., li ' ave be e n uohj er i, 'end hero found It to work a radical morn toevery r.••••• Wt. 11. n IMMO two hundred horse• In our etoldee, nod Irootd not be without the re ion upon any eote.lderellmi, end ran beertily reeotntneud It to sil pereone owning or nek• log the rare of horeee. Very Ileep•ly Your., A.e. J. D. WALKER. lintel Green At Conte. HI. P. Sprcial Notids. 10'n PHYSICIANS AND CLERGYMEN' Temlify to the mnrlts of BALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER, In rentorlog tiloAl lIA I II to Ito' orlglnsl color nod pro moting It, growth. It oink, the halt. soft and glossy. Th., old in appottrance arc made young again. It Ic thr hunt LIA 11l 1)11ES G ever tp.rd. It removes Dandruff and nll Scurvy Erup ilong. It dues nut %mit) the r.k In. our Tivaiime tiu thelr freo by moll. pox xtr of Ibr atunerone preparation , . w blob are iluld maul our reputation. It. P. II AM. .t Ntailitia, N. ll_ Proprietor•. For lir all druguiel, • WORDS OF WISDOM FOR YOUNG MEN, an the It nlL g Ihrvxim In Youth and Kirly \l:inhi, i,aith SEI,/ , 11E1,1' for the erring and unforlonnie ,1 In ...Klett Int(en envelop., fee„ of Oniege. 1111 W A 1111 AnKOCI 11., l'l,llx,lelnhla, l'a. 1113. In-ly• • v. Eititons OF YOUTH—A gentlenuni wt o ,11101,1 for year , . hen. Nerve. Dell'My, Pretest.- I e 110eay ate' All lilo 01Yret....f y.etthful Itellerretlen, IA .11, of hollering lientaltily, ...I tree to all .t, the reel ye and dhretien for log the rotet.ily by trhirlt he tea. Salferern wlt•lntin 10 ge.ollt by the atlverclver'n ran vsl 111 0.1- ars —ln.; niverfert confident.... .1./lIN ii. OGDEN, ft. I^_ refl. ,t. Nen. Turk. y 7• p TO CONSU u having been re-tored heath)) In liar rek It a err -.ode remedy. atr, hay mit •ulfeled •evertil y 1,1,1 ta ail a -evero• lung a auction, ere! that Celt. ntoption, • •• t..11111k1041111W11111i1114 rt I he moll ef core. To all whod.,tre tt, he will .enti a copy or the pre•rnytho, n.hlur.... chetwe, , vith the ,Inc ,.. Ifni:. ter I...hut - int, Iln,l tt-ing the 1.31110,tt hirh they v. .11 ntid at + , II , eare for ronvntaptlen, A•tiona, 1;1.'011111,, &c. Te , on e , of lino adverti•er Ill.elnllne the Prr.lt• tem I. en: it, benefit the afflicted, anal ,pr, Informa e,,c tion e eteei at; to be Itotalttable; and he hopeh every null, ret trillany I/1.1 1 . 1.1110(Ir. :Iv it 01.4 01,11 nothing ntel limy Nov , 3 1 , 1,41ng. .t.•ltlng the pre,rihtien trill pleats EDNV lilt .1. 11'11,SON, NVlllfan,lotrg. IV ing• 1 : 0 .. :C. r • HOWARD SANITARY AID ASSOCI- L',. ATIoN . —For 1114. Relief ;mil Von. of 1i,.1 Erring and rofortitnate. an Pr1114.11.11.1t0f l hrl.uun Philanthropy. E..mays.•ct the Errs. of Youth, and the Fo 01 Age, in relation to 31,11.11.1,. 1.11.1 no. lot. EVIII.OI. .111111:l ry old for the littlictod. ,rot tree. In ~'abed Euvolopea. Ad. 11,s, 110WAtr11 ASt•01:1ATION. thin I', Pr. feb DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CA TARIM treated with Ilir nimont ~lirreas. by J. I ` , AACSI, 11. D., and 1'1141...K0r0t Diarryox of the Eyeful., rm.. (Air operially) 11, 31,16411 Prn n. Nyl o. in. u, et, c.ry. it,nl,ll oi Lrya,n, Ito). loll,) Ao. ti A Atch • leel. 1'1„i•. Tl,illllllllals 0,1 bo •cou at him office. The ntetl:c.il ...rally ate yltrA or. ronipany the, patient., an helot- averet• in In hl.prar• tin'. Artittrlul eyes ito.orto.l wilhout p.tin. No Marne for fooltlluntion. tuallthly ME=llMEiffil THE PHILOS , PIIY OF DI:. Sr lIENCE'S' (//1 EAT SIEDIVIN ES. —Will people never ieuia to know that • diseased beer and stomach imee aeerily dieease the mane system 1 The plainest l'riiimples of common heime teach this. and yet there ate hundreds who millccla the ides, and continuo In the coarse which almost inevitably hewn. , them prematurely to the grave. Living as the inaiorit, of peoplecomplete cannons wnh the laws al nature, it mast be apparent to all that. ruler or later. nature w revenge li•melf. Den, we find that persons who Dolulge excess in the use of vary rich ur unllgeatible food or intos.cating drinks. invariably paya heavy penalty In the end. yin beeonies disorderedand rehires to fails net; the liver to perform in functions. dysp.psla and its attendant reds and still the sullering ale hernial la clinnina to 0.1 teoroughly exploded ,dean uf. th.. Past. Dr. Sri! ENCIf 'n medicines ale let...mended to all such. They 1•1 11111 swie and coin n relief wherever then e l ,t:;tls.v d nll everyallt , a L , t i:l ,ir ti t e n t: l e ll s In the land eclair and impartial trial 01 them. Let liaise Wh ale skeptical on thin point, and why have Tier:rutted inferested persona to preitplice then, against thieve now celebrated remedies for Consumption.timcard th•ir prej u. uf imph and be governed by tie priuc.ples of reneon and common brave. If the •ystem dmoidered depend upon it. In nine canes eat of ten the relit of lire ditorder will be found In the stomach and liver. to clean•e and invigorate the stomach arid 41 stimulate the liner to heathy action. u•e ENCK MANDRAKE PILLS.—The daily interns. i•g (Mutant' for these pills le the best evidenc• of their value. l'hormands upon theimands of bones ors sold daily. Why . Simply because they act tiror nod c al l oral Invalids whn may nut rind it convement to call im On. Schenck person are informed that lull sad eomplete direction+ tar Lies accompany each package of the /JR 11 DRAKE PILLS, I'ULNIONIC SIRUP AND SEA• WEED 'MIN W.—These tnedie.n.. will cure coneumption only.. the lungs are so far Year that the patient IN entirely 6.y m a the reach of inedical It may be &eked by those who are not (sniffler with the •irtnea ot illems . gleat remedies. "Ilow Dr.SCllliNeli'S med.cines effect their wonderful cum, consumPtioa The answer , b in wimple one. They begin their work of reetoration by ringing the stomach, liver and bowels Into au net,. healthy condition. it is fuml that con. thl. for amiable disease. SCI llt (IS . 'S SIAN I/ RA E PIMA act on the Lver and stomach, proinotwg heatthyAncretion, sad repaiTlug the bile and abino winch Lave renulted Note the illartiS c or torpid cond.tion ol these urgana, and a Die system generally. fnm a u ol the body. and consiorneul Ileelllllll,lloll 0( the aubealtny sub• stances named prevent Div proper digestion ut food. cud. as a cis consequence create... clisease, which results is pt....Dation and filially in death. I'I'LNIONIC NY IMP and SEAWEED TON IC, when t•keu is IC, 111.11,01 with tho loud, aid tb• digewive organs, make good i h en blood, and a* ay alum! coimegnence, give de•li and strength toe, dm Pallet/1. Let the 'Realty say what it may, thin is the only tine cure for eOllllllOOlOll. i1.111 , 11‘, proved a l i ve od the eliedow dl &mill, and thousands are unday one Anti well Wile SI law year nltire to lir hi.pelese but who tame d try Dr. SCIIEN(!Ii'S reinediee, and were remlored to pet manna health by their uvu. • One ow the Ilret steps the physic.an shoufd take with • caimunititive pabeut is to igoi ale 1111 , .Ynleal. Now L a i 111.11 bedolte• eertalitly not by giv taY that exhaust and Vl/0,1110-la , ligelae , liait 11111. Ir instead 111/1/I . OVO the Inuctiona of the digestive organs. Doctor all II ENCKS cleanse the and bowels o: all substances which are calculated to It ritate ur weaken tlwm• allleititepromate healtlgul dines. tom—make good blood. and, n• eoll,Calienre. they in. •ig orateand ...anthem the einire system. slid tnuro e.• pecisily flies, psrts winien are disea•eil. II tlik cat.. be done, then tar case mullet icgarded a. haipule•s tree. • • It tire plosician finds it linpoesililn to make a PATIENT' ritet. it tn., di,ea,ed cannot partake 01 good uoisro,ll.na londand prope l ly dig,. it, It is itupossl ble that he con g.iiu Ile:Oland ...atilt mud it is eyklAll7 1n.,: patLeot o cud•tivu 10u; an the I,•1' is 1001.1..15...11\ 1111 ill d bile, and the stomach laiden it it ti unhealthy shins. In tire pliyiiielau by a con sumptive pat.ent I, that no Irtii 1 11,, e1 ,111. 111e , 11 , 11,11 that will lcitiore Ur allay rue rough. niant .weal ,, and chills, n, kit In al , the nitre attendant., en con•umption. Hot this •litild not be d rh . tire rotign is onlY ....troll 01 iisitire the 111,1 1 / 1 •1V....11 , 11.141.1 Chili. are Cati.... 11 by Ihe dno.a.ed lung,. Tito innsiod les ,bed Av rte 1.. m than g rod. '1 . 10.y iiiijintr the inyell•n• the stoin.ich, impede healthy dige•tern, ag,iiavato rittl,r than eare the di,easo. I•, slier Alb nothing Ilk,o (sell Willi which to sub statuttatu• a tut...awn, and a is upon tort that Dr. el:II ENC K 2 , darly all Who hires takes his in./divan, itt he , uncolance With Ills dart/not, Lave u.•ltonty been rutted of .tlinntitott, Intl, !room the tact that Illoo‘e itied.ohnee act with tc,,,,jectut losnoct . tunton the tolosestt% to organs, toslteut. Ont. coiled topectioly gain droll. I'leJto.l‘n tile tty-letto ,It all llu ll llriue., they lay the fotionlAttnu bor •ant etnott•lNtructuroo. Re-florin, these organ. to bond., they 5 1 0, 1 te no ntotocttle. The ly atundutlated; she notautity of blond too uttl still tonteoNcd. b.. Is made rich and strong •ud Iu tho lace Si tuna a Contlittou of the rye tam tell cit...., sin-I be he bushed. Fula dsrenton• aecontioniy each of the 11111991C19.9, so that it is not al.nolutely uece,ntry that PAW,. 99091 d %en. Dr. sell ENUE henoually, mile., they denlre to have their Dino exattimell. For tilt. ihirpaat. ha is at his grin npal Wine, No. 15 North Sixth St., corner of Continert.e. Pihladelphot, every Saturday . , Dont It A. M. until I I'. Al. Atio.ro i. g, vett with.ut charge • hut for a thorough ex• 91919411191 With the lit...tor...ter the charge la /15. 1 . 0,00 tho Culohnsie syi tip Mid roamed Tonle each. 51 ...raper i/AI „r 57 4I tik.lllll. 31•ndrako 11.5 cent. a hog. For .ale Ly all dr uggiata. , 111/ g I. 3 mu 1u • ftlisrellaileotts. . _ .... _ _ Qi;),M—Tllll E 111 , 01,5111 11 I MII9It4IIPV ED TwiAlly•Flve Dollar Family Sow ing Machlisr. l'hii riq CIA.. 3inch inti 10 thi• .11aittit. nia ja ei , rY T"lrrl. Liberal Allowed. For r rollar 101.1 r...• A.S. II .\ All LTos. 4;0m...A N.i, 700 Sl•, Phila., Pa. 10 I Is • • FARMER'S SAVINGS BANK, Inenriorated under n State Charter nf 1870 Fogelrvine, Upper 3tartinglotown , lllp, Lehigh ha. barn arg,nlrall °pow,' undo, a Stotto Charter. MOONEY trill 100 takNo on olopooait at all 00.4 and litany lota front and aim...ono, for Whirl] G PER I N 11 EST II" (Ill' 111 ".11.1 1 illy, t.lll 11 , n I , IIJ .11 II 'III r II r 1 I ll_ 1 ll_ SNILL BE 1 3 :1.11), Ittutomita may be withdrawn at any dine. Alen minty btanett out nu fa vurattlu t.•rm .111 rilll 11J 71, =1 . . Dr. 11. A. Saylor, J. 11. Straub, D.lel 51.17mr, • David Pow. Dvritt .4 Smith. SIITTIIPi Knlinn, D, u i e l H, cr,,itz. ' NVIIIIIm dlelu, 11/Illiam Mohr . laDr 6.6 1110.") Lcor - - .11* • • --,. 7',0,11,4•Tf. ; I RS: „ 00 Dito HuM sy r an I Lx:, =II - 13 E R'S COMPLETE MANURE, MAW, PROM r 4 l' PER-PHOSPHATE OF LT MI A AimoxrA ASP PO T.l SU. .1 PER Fti , 'T FRRTILIZRR FOR ALL , ROPS. On Al,. n( the rn.lue.tol anal of !boa Mat. rirtla, I Mn ennblett to.ell "COMPLETE ItIA:WItE" nt n lower price. and by the aid anew nolehinnee. It k improved In mull. inn,tin .0 yantity. ( W.trenittetl fret from ndolerro. t ion .1 • HENRY BOWER, Mannfactoring (Them • ti ray'. Ferry Eudil, Philadelphia. • Thlo tipopire contain., all the elernente of plant (dell in ri Soluble /or:, containing an well, feud far Or Poi litolag fertility to the mull. Experience In the nee of "Complete Manure ' by the beet farmer.; of Penney' rattle, New Jer•ey. Delaware, Maryland, end of three Yew England Sillte, running through a period of three yearn trial. Ila• reanlted In coo- Arming It lo be the beet lertilleer now °bred for sole. DIXON, SHSRPLESS .& CO., 40 S. DELAWARE AVENUE, PHILAD'A WILLIAM RLYNOLDS 105 SOUTH ST., BALTIMORE, MARYLAND mar Ut.3iu&Kep 7.3mw L EMAISTRE . ROSS are offering a new and large Mork of EmnßornEniEs, WHITE (700DS.IIAND KR /IC/I/EFS, kc. , at l'avt.ttally Lowlos• • Dlnny” have been bought at Al'CTIiiN anti are being ...Id ht.bity th..tr teal value. Au t..rucatlly cLrnp hue of LADIES' A NI) 0/.:NI"S lIANDIEIteIIIEFg. NEW HAM BEM/ EDGINGS AND INSEIITINGS, In Alin id FINE 1.1(11 , ES ni Si roulx nP. \o. Mock Good•. All Ow dowablo RUFFLINGS AND TIUMMINGS In IVIOIO. r et i o:Vgc . n of HEAL AND IMITATION GUI NEw cVitTAINS AND CI , IITAINNE . T._ NIIOI LACE cul I %Rs I'lN k: LINFN COI %rs A • al . " " ' • 212 NORTII EIGIITII STREET, =I = IBM 12T193 .ILn . Sate aitb iSo Let 42el BURIA L LOTS FOR SALE.... V The et:dm - slew:4l offer for enle47.ooew Ceme tery lota Immediately •djoiehly the Cele. Cemetery, on Tenth etreet, . , The lots will be .old by subrcrintion, and immediately afire the whole number a• dlclloled of they will be award• ed by lot In the maim• maim, the organisation of the Pubm Pfpto or plans of the Premium. can he s , ml at our odic, my 12 1711011 t II I IIR TO LET.—A It EASONAIILIE LEASE will bo glee., on for Easton Slate Quarry, situated In Plainfield township. Northampton county, Pa., near Stackeriocru. It consists of number ono flat•veln, blue, never-holing date, fully equal to the well-known Chip man Slate, with a good water power and a full rigging of painting and hoisting malt., .Poraona desirous of an opportunity of thin kind will pimple examine for 011,3• tel wx. and apply to Reuben Koch, finickertown P. 0. mar 3, 'Ca H SCREIBER, Precident FOUR 1111 , SliltIER FARMS 0 R S A LE, ranging in price from ggi to CA per arra, accord tlmpravetnent.., location kc. Good son, genial climate, anti near market, There farina are emptied in Virginia and Maryland. none , In the immediate •icinity Wlrah. Naton and others fr. on D. to SU 1011 es diatant from the Cap. ital. Atidrea. or call on J. D. 0 ASO WERE CV Mimachtt. setts Avenue near Sixth 'trees NVaahingtea. D. r. put vATE SALE OF A V ATA'ABLE IRON FUENMI] PROPERTY. oile of the [mint ibutirable cud valuable ~ .............,. Furnace properties in the Miennuiliinh . . 0 Vnlley of Virginia, Po pow offered at.pri-K ..,,,,,, vote ndle, k ...ten iiii .• CAif 0 Li NEFLI 1t. r i ,.. :: NACE." mid In minuted in hhetineoloolt •.4 M." C.llly . twelve Philos mouth-1.144{ of WOOli- .. - . -,.... clock, and eight uncles ea.! of Ellitthum. oil the lion of the Mantpinen (tap Railroad. There are about six thotteaud acme of land yielding ure of ~t trorlar quality and feral übundance ti,' Ithientime nod wood in great abundance. P.m of e Furnace Ilitildingn were dextreyed by fire doling tbn late wer, but the Mack, Inienll. awl Hearth me lo -era ie..ohle condition. Thorn le en the property a inruedeuble .1 wellitig•hooneand eighteen others for work en. Thin In a rare opportunity for persons Reeking ore Hands. For further purtiettlurx atltlreg• either (tromp 0. 1,1)&11 or David P. Hugh. Wittningtou; Delsmate, or ,10..0ph Maretim, Edinburg, Sheonniluall count Va. (I 1.1111(1 F. (.1. I.ollo y. ELL, ItAV lit P. lll'sll. nit 64f furl;. Bomb'. Helm MITE NA LE as' VALUABLE MINING PROPERTY. The subserlhors offer at private sale. Chair very value able MINIM) I'I4OI.ERTY. situated In Salisbury town skip. This tract contains nearly 3u ACRES, all oVergl,llo with splentl“l 701106 ChPldl3lll. vontßlnlig au inexhauntlbl.qu•atity .f Iron Ore, Kaolin, and • large vein of lIAIMANPISI3. Persons desirous of r.awiaa this property vise rail on C. WITTMAN, La•ark, or •pr 13.4 w R.. MERKEL, Salisbury. WOMEN. Make Your Homes CondertalAe!! NOW AVE HAVE IT ritE LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK 01, W A LL PAPER E LEHIGH VALLEY, IDEMEM oLi) ESTABLISHED BOTEN BOOK STORE LELSENRING, TREXLER Sc CO., ALLENTOWN, PA We •ro nailing Paper of all style,. at pricea to salt either the rich or poor. IF YOU WANT WALL PAPER thin vegeon, do not 611 to give lig • rail We have now on hand the largest . stork lo the Valley', nd ran offer greater and better Itderentente than Any a other eatabliAlltuent.._ REMEMBER it will pay you double to yinwiliame at On 110 TEN NOOK STO/11, I.EISENRIN4I, TILER i.EII k CU., matiSti•if Allentown, lie. GREAT EXCITEMENT ! EVERYBOrn CAN BUY HAT OR CAP " AT E. R. MATHEWS' OUR STOCK. IS ALL NEW PRICES NEVER BEFORE SO CHEAP ! SINCE 1860. LOCATION ('ENTRAL KNAUSS' BUILDING, 45. EAST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA FIVE DOLLARS FOR A SILK HAT, I= AT THE OLD STAND OF YOUNG & LENTZ, ALLENTOWN. Call and see our goods and be eonvinced. No charge fur showing good. even If you do not wish to buy. Osman and English spoken• E. H. MATHEWS.. APRIL, 1870. OPENING =EI3 Spring Trade IN READY-MADE CLOTHING WANA MAKER Sr, BROWN Tins MONTJI I= GRAN DEBT' STOCK FINE. CLOTHING FOR ItIEN ¢• BOYS, EIMII OAK HALL HAS EVER CONTAINED Sinn Inc Fall we hams ...cured the two large lot. Id hiloing tie.' nod have erected upon thrim an iron•frout building, equal in sire to our former Building, making OAK BALL TWICE AS LARGE AS BEFORE In order to accommodate the GREAT MASS OF PEOPLE =I lity.We Invite all our custnmera,srltht a h m el i r ne u n o elg r hbor• and aloads, to pay us an early vist to ox MAMMOTH BUILDINGS, nod to Inapert oar AM MOTH STOCK WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK HALL CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT 3° ' 41 ' . s.*til:ilao~ d 7, 6. PHILADELPHIA. 1101,Aeod your orders If you can't come DISSOLITTION OF PAItI`N E It • SIIIP.—ThoCo-Partneralttp heretofete extotlntr be tween Jon. Tinnier. W. It. Treater and E. W. Treater, DEALEIN. tinder. the 'firm of THEXLItIt !Mo. , — wn. doeetlyed by miniml co.ent on Starch IS. Trex and E. W. Trete ler retiring from the arm. The ;wean...idle Into Gem will be settled by either of theunderchood for the pre-ent. All then° tinning clalmtt Allotted the said Arm will Wean., percent them for settle em and thte.e who ace Indebted will Menne trptka otittle. meet. W. THEXLEIC. THE BUSINESS will In rotors. be carried on by the undersigned, at the COI tier of Tooth and Ilatn It.in street.. where he will be eased to tier all the patrons at the old Arm as well as p ny^re a. nersity. Ilebowsi by superiority of stock, low trite and bin brat endeavors to reader satisfaction. to otorit a e intlnnance of the tenors liberally bestowed uncle the old At m. Respectfully •pr 20-Ow • W. ‘ll. nanx,n. Lep! Notices ..... , E NE:IL:VT(I)IFM NOTICE.---NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN, thalletters testamentary hav• Ing been granted to the undersigned in theestate of DA lt• TIARA OIiTT. deceased, late of, Upper Milford township. Lehigh county, therefore all persons who know them. seises to be indebted to said estate, are reit nested to make payment within sin weeks from the date hereof. and such who have any legal claims •gainat said estate will present then, well authenticated for settlement within the above specified time. C. F. DICK ENSIIIED, mar Rt.tiw Executor. . . . . . _ ESTATE• OF HANNAH HHOADN DIANNA RIIOA DS AND CATHARINE RHOADS, late of Whitehall lown•hlp, Lehigh County, deccased• Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary have been granted to the undersigned tip the shove estate ; all penana knowing themselves indebted to said estate will make payment within sir weeks and those having chtlms will present them, duly. authenticated, for settle meat within the above specified time 'N;VAI:PER P. P.llo•Mi t Execurf, MEM EXECUTOR'N NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that lettere testamentary having been granted to the undersigned In the estate of Jacob It.• /Chem late of the city of Allentown. Lehigh county, therefore all persons who know themselves to be Indebted to said estate are requested to make payment within six weeks from the date hereof, and ouch who have an legal claims against said estate will present them well authenticated for settlement within the above specified time. MOSES WISAND. Executor. mar . 2 . 2•1td mar 311.6tw APOOGNEE'N NOTICE. Whereat', JACOB J. OBERLY,of the Borough of Colosimo., Lehigh county, and MARIO E f TA, his wife, by •oluntary deed of aenigninent dated March .1, 1870, • conveyed to the subscriber. all his clock, real, personal hsod mixed, for the benefit of his creditors' Notice is ereby given to all persons Indebted to sold parties to make payment to the subscriber within six weeks, and those having claims to present the stale dulyauthenti cated, within the same thee. JOHN ICERN. CATAMAr(II.7• • April 6, 1870. .4sefylve. ADMININTRATORNI NOTICE. dente of ROBERT JAMISON. Notion is hereby given that letter. of administration on the of the abuse named Hobart Jemloon, of the ell.. loge o: Whitehall, county 01 Lehigh. deceased. keret...an granted to Jame, Schomeberger, of the village of White hall. Therefore all persons who know themselves to. debtod to the void Estate are requested to make payment within nix weeks from the datehereof, and such who home Cu, legal claims againot Hetet., wilt present them, well authenticated, for settlement withis the above 'apecided time. JAMES SCIICENEDERbER, Adm'n WUITIII•Lt, STATION, April U, 1870. apr 20-0 w A `' DITOII,4II NOTICE. IN TIM ORPHANS' COURT OF LRIIIOII CO In the matter of Om account of SOLOMON SCH•NTZ Trustee of Suellen& Stauffer. dec'd. -•. • • . And now , April Bth, 1870, the Court appoint J. Winslow Wood, Egg., •uditor, to make and report distribution. m Pro the Iteeordo, A. L. NUM; Clerk. Notice le hereby given that there will Ise • meeting_ to make oat a distrillution In the abov• matter, ea PATCH DA Y. BUY 7th, 1870, at 10 o'cluel In Ike forenoon, at the °Mee of 15. J. Lure, Esq., In the City of Allentow•.. apr 30.41 J. WINSLOW WOOD, Auditor. APP EAL. UNITED . STATEN,INTARNAL REVENUE! NOTICE Di HEREBY GIVEN to all persons residing or doing basinees in the Sixth Colleetion District of Penn eylvanie. composed of the Counties of Lehigh sad Mont gomery, that the hate of Annual Taxes for 1E OM. a d under tho Act of Con ssss entitled An Act to provide Internal }femme," me., approved June SD, leek and the sineadments thereto, city be examined at my of from 9 A. M. tog P. M., FOR TEN DAYS FROM THE 21 DAY OF MAY BRIT, And a Court of Appeal will ha held ma th• 13th day of May, 1970, from 9 A. M. In 9 P. M.. at the Montgomery noun, in the Borough of Norristown, nod on the 17ru DAY OF MA OF 70t i l l ' N Y T Y 0 W r rICE, 111 TLIFICITY All appeale must le in writing and specify the particular Cs... matter or thing respecting which • decision Is re quested, and slate the ground ur pone pie of inequality or error eumplained. HDWARD Itllllll, Ocoee, Xo. g Heat Hamilton di., Allentown, Pa. OFFICE OF TIRE LEHIGH ZINC V COMPANY, No. 33i Walnut Street, Philadelphia, A 3` r ti ti eL l Tal Meettur of the Stockholders of the LEHIGH ZINC CO ' S:PAN Y will b held at the Company's (Mice in Philadelphia, on WEDN ' ESDAY. MAY 4th proximo, at la o'clock M., for the porpone of electing seveo Directors to serve duriug the IllastliNg year, and for the transaction of other business. OORDON HONORS, apr 13-tm Treasurer. iftebieinal PILLS OR RUMOUR VIONDAL TU. AIDES, INTERNAL nod EXTERNAL. BLIND, BLEEDING and ITCHING. poslt.vely, perfectly and Per manently CURED without path, &Luger, luxtrumetits or caustic, by . , . W. A. MrCANDLESS. M. D.. N 0.191,3 SPRING GARDEN ST.. PIIILAD'A, PA.. Who rail refer you to over Eleven hundred of the beet cloacae of Philadelphia. who have been cured. A prac tice of eleven years as a specialty In this efitenee without a failure, warrants a cure in all case. feb 23-1 y NO CURE, NO PAY 2 Dll.ll. D. LONGAKER, Graduate of the University of Pennsylvania. at Philadel phia. has been In successful practice for a number of years In cartoon parts of the United States; will promptly at tend to ull branches of his profession at hi. rooms. F:ost *fdr 3f.rth Street, bet. Hams/tors and Walnut, = . No Patent Medicines are used or recommended t therm, edits administered are those which will not break down the ....Motion, but renovate the system from all Injuries It ban sustained from mineral medicines, and leave it in • healthy and perfectly cured condition. CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS, DYSPEPSIA. •nd all dieeanee or the Lunge. Throat. Stomach. and LI, er. which yearly carry thousands to untimely vares. ran undoubtedly be cured. . MELANCHOLY ABERRATION, • that !ante of •llenation and weakness of the mind which renders person. Incapable of enjoying the pleasures of performing the duties of life. RIIEUJIATIS3I AND PARALYSIS, In any form or condition, chronic or acute, vrarrantedcor• able. Epilepsy. or falling sickness. mud chronic or stub born canoe 01 FEMALE DISEASES speedily uud radic ally removed; Salt 'theme. Skin Diseases (of years' standing) every dt , criptlon of Ulcerations. Piles and Scrofulous dis eases. %V arrantyll cured or no pay. gittl-Particular attention given to private diseases of every de.crtptlon of both sexes. Ladies suffering from any complaint Incidental to their sex. can consult the doctor with assurance of relief. . . . . Coneer cured. and Tumor. of all kinds removed without the knife or drawing blood. Dive/tees of the EYE AND EAII, successfully and effectually rumored 01,0 charge wade. Longaker will make visits any dinll.o ‘( de sired; can beaddreseed by letter (cuulldentlally) and med icine seat with proper dlrectluus to any part uf the cuuuty. Orrick: East side of Sixth street. between 111.111i1100 and Walnut Allentown., I's. apet.4l-11 Dlt. W. A . HASSLER, ; Y N iii cOLOGI ST Disease of the W. : iel/ Is a complaint that has occupied much of toy time fur the last tour or ilvo years, and I have made it a particular study all that time. Consequently, I am convinced that It vhould be made a special practice to be nicer...rut la diagnoeing and curing the disease. I have practiced both in Hospital and private practice,' when, I had numbers under my treatment with the tees, SWIM of the symptom• are, Pain on the Top 01 the Head, Sick Ileadeche. Palpitation of the Heart, Palo to the Back and Limbs. Disordered Dowels, and many others, which are all very prominent symptoms of a dis eased Womb. All !Yell under Inv lterll6l.l I eW nunrante. to AD VICE FREE I=l RHEUMATISM, SCROFULA, AND FITS DR. W. A. HASSLER ( YNJECOLOGIST NORTH SIWENTH . ST.: NEAR PUBLIC SQUARE, ALLENTOWN, PA $lO,OOO GUARANTEE. BUCK LEAD Hare la LEAD !al other I. For Ito Unrivaled Whitenrain, For Ito Unequaled Durability, 3d. For Its Uneurpanand Covering Properly ror Ile Economy. B-IT COSTS LESS to paint with BUCK LNAD than any other White Lead extant. Thn same weight covert; MORE SURFACE. in more DURABLE, and make. WHITER WORK. R I , CA" LRAM (sake oltea,pcsi and boot. , - 310,000 GUARANTEE. BUCK ZINC JUNCtiI Excels all other . lst. For Its Unequaled Dnrablllty. 2d. For Its Unrlesled Whiteness, 3.1. For Ito U11411r91.04 COII•Ling Property Laotly, for Its Chest Economy, being the CBE RAN DI3OIIIBBT, land moot DURA BLE White Point In the world, . BUY ONLY BUCK LEAD AND BUCK ZINC TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. MAllnfactlon guarnale.d bi thy Hannkettirers BUCK COTTAGE COLORS, .Prepared exureatly fox Drluting COTTAORIL OUT BUIL DIMIB er etvefy CO dearrlptitto. MICE% no. THIRTY YR DIPPRIIHNT LOR% Durable, Chem Uniform and Beautiful allude*. 1 t • v lro. • rr • " tNr !•' 1 '1‘71 cu e er V.,?....1,,,1„..d by lb. mai urar, FRENCH, RICHARDS St CO., N. W. COR. TENTH & MARKET STB., V4ZyJoexpLlNWan6.l... Orp Qoob9 MRS. GULDIN'S LADIES' TRIMMING STORE NO. 34 EAST HAMILTON STREET ALLENTOWN, PA I. ronetactly en milled with all of the beet styles aud •arletles of TRIMIINGIYDD miry thlug a WOIOII.II can put on from theown of her 'head to the sole of her foot; TRIMMINIJS for dresses, capes, bounets and robes] of silk, natio, crap°, velvet and lace; In fat t, TRIMMINGS fur everything to wear that could be thought of besides mud clilldren'm LINDER OARMEICIS, HOSIERY, GLOVES. THOMPSON'S OLOVE•FITTINO COUSETIL DRILLINGS,ICAMDRIC MUSLINS, aud a large variety of SLIPPER PATTERNS.. ALL 000DS OF THIS BEST sold at ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICKS. SHEPPARD. • VAN HA RLINGEN =1 EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS TABLE CLOTHS, NAPKINS, DOYLIES 'FABLE LINENS, TOWELS, TOWEL INGS. ETC., ETC. FRENCH, BELGIAN, BARNSLEY, OOTCH and IRISH SHEETING, and PILLOW- CASE LINENS 4.4 FRENCH AND RICHARDSON'S IRISH LINRNN In fine, medium. and heavy make. of all grade, for gea eral family and ladier' we. EMBROIDERED PIANO ANDTABLE COVERS BLANKETS, FLANNELS, QUILTS, AND COUNTERPANES • L., PERT RII7H, NEW AND ELEGANT LACE AND NOrTINGIIA3I OURTAINN,_ WLVDO W SHADES. ETC., ETC. NSW WELTS, PIQUES, WHITE GOODS, AND STAPLE EMBROIDERIES OF NEW AND BEAUTIFUL STYLES, TILE LARGEST ASSORTMENT WB HAVE EVER OFFER. ED ; PRINTED PERCALES, New and Elegant Pat terns, Fast Colors. ALL THE BEST /SAKES OF DOMESTIC MUSLINS AND SHEETINGS at WHOLESALE PRICES. SPECIAL AT TENTION IS. INVITED TO A NEW MAKE OF HEAVE MUSLIN, WHICH FOR MANY PURPOSES IN TUE FAM ILY WILL BE FOUND VERY VALUABLE. MANUFAC TURED EXPRESSLY FOR OUR TRADE. NO. 1008 CHESTNUT ST PHILADELPHIA TO THE LADIES NOW OPEN, THE LATENT NOVELTIES IN LADIES` DREAM TRIMMINGS AND PAPER PATTERNS, MAXWELL'S, S. E. cor. Chestnut & 11th sts., PHILADELPHIA. Principal. Agency for. E. Berra&lex & Co.'s Celeltreten I atter. of Garment% tor , Ladle.. laws, Boy. and Little Children. Sand for cataMine of style. nod prices. mailed free. Trimmed pattern.. for merchant. nod dreamt:takers. Subscriptions received for the Metropolitan, n monthly mainline of fashion,ell 60 per manna; or the Metropoli• tan and Quarterly Report, combined, OS 03 per annum, with 42 00 worth of patterns gratin to anhveribera for both. gl 00 worth to eubscribere for the if.fropo/ffan alone. Sample copies of magazine sent by mall on receipt of if-- teen cents. • • • . An easy and perfect •ratem of dr....cutting taught aid charts for sale. In the • DRESSMAKING DEPARTMENT. a l t li gteqtrq v uttittel tf r d i ell ' re * S. ' a v t r agt r a ' t n u d o e t r idON t a d d ' i r afitl! " figt r i l o c rittitclug. quilting and embroldorlag in Baum of •uy dealer promptly executed. The TRIMMINGS DEPARTMENT Will be constantly supplied with all the novelties of the eeneen al fast ■• they appear. Also. with • fell line of staple goods. In the ZEPHYR DEPARTMENT. Will be found a full assortment of all materials used In embrolderinc rroobellng and knitting. mar 2.3.1 f WANTED -FIVE HUNDRED DOL LARS. A good Inreatroent. Interest EIGHT per tent. Addl... A. C., Cnaoxict.■ Oince, Allentown. l'a ■Dr 194 w• CANDY AND FRUIT. GEO. W JENKINS. Rancecto to RUBICAN & RELLERN Manufacturer of SUGAR, MOLASSES AND COCOANUT CANDY., FRUITS, NUTS, FIRE WORKS, MEI CHRISTMAS GOODS 161 NORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA dee. 1.5.1 y MIKE GREAT CAUSE OF HUNAN :AMERY. Jost Published fn a Rioted Envelope. 14.01 tole. A Lenny.. 011 Tit. Norman, T AAAAAA NT AN* rt A care of Seminal Waltham., or Sperm.torritma, (educe. by.tielf-Abuile, Involuntary Emiveloso. latiatilesey. Ner sone Debility, and Impedimen t. . to Marriage generally Comminution, Eillepsey and yet. Menta4tnd Physirai Incapacity, ie.— y ROBERT . CULVER ELL, M. D., author of the "(Irma Book, itc. The world enflamed author, In this admirable lecture, clearly proem from his on. experience that the awful consequence. of tatiliabuss may be effectually removed without medicine, and without dangerous surgical opera•, Doan, boogies Instruments. ring• or cordial. pointins 07::413::e f r t 4 :,7,.. " ..arw t rr.tgs a gdi r tro i n ' tt ' y b t:m hi g • core nimself coesply,primiely and radically, Tilleileu. TUBE WILL PHON E A BOON TO THOUSANDS AND, THOUSANDS. Sent under seal, Ina plain entelope, to any ■ddrees, on receipt of •ix cents, or two Postage Mann++. by ad. drowsing the publisher.. Also, Dr. CulverwelPs "Marriage Guide' Prico2S ch. Address the Publisher*, CHAS. J. C. KLINE ik Co, y 21.1 y 127 Bowery, New York. P. O. Box. 4 MZW2ZWiI At reducsdprice.. Ntieoii.re, Pewdallorna • tibial Dam Mu Caps, Ile. by C. I WuHerta. No. iM last Hamilton Uproot espil4l/ PitOFENNIONAL NOTICE. TIIE undersigned having mitered Into a oo.partner taiff a h t trrtegezi;f.l2lll - ndllnillt raldtoOirt: tend to all calls for their professional service.. Any one preferries the service. of either of the under. signed will be accommodalmi. Patient. will be treated Allophatically or Homeopath/. gaily, as may be deemed meetexpedient. °Mae., 111111613 aheretofore, by Dr. John Romig. JOHN ROMIO. 11l D. WM. li KOMI% M. IS . GEO.. M. 110M10, M. D. K. IL—ln accordance with the above arrangemeets oew arcoittile will have to be opened. Dr• John Hialliff Would ranpectfully Inform hie old patrons that he will, as fast as the time will permit, mak• out their unsettled accounts and have them forwarded or ptremnted, requeating also those who have demand. against him to present them, so that settlement may be made at the earliest convenience. Ile would respecouily regent also, all those who have any of his BOOKS or INETRUMIINTEI in their Imawmtion to please return the same se soon as possible • A GREAT RUSH AT TINE OLD I= Low Prices Taking People by Storm RETAILING AT WHOLESALE PRICIGI NOW IS THE TIME to buy Chet*satlu: Old Allentown chins end (14111WIL/0 ato4., 2Qp. 37- FAST' lIA3IILTON etreet, nearly oppoollett,4Jennan Eafortned I Charth. THE LARGEST - .4ND CHEAPEST STOCK of China, (Ilan onOCrockorywara in Lohiall an/ wfloto lag oonlkklak.' Now retailing at the following prhow Good lo cant PLATER at 2i nowLs 18 15 10 7 ' 10 1111(114 10 TU 111.11 RS . . LS iloe GOBLETB. Y 75 per dor or 7loeor LALIPS. at Every variety of Queemware and Olasawate cheaper than the eheapeet. Also. Walter,, Looking HI Coffee Mill., Drittanlaware and Table Cutlery, beeldee a . great variety of meal and fancy article,. too =anemone to mention, belonging to a Ent•cla.. China Store. All blade. .fl. from SS.(X) upward. Remember the place, 37 EAST • HAMILTON STREET, overly opposite the German Re, farmed Church. T. C. KilaMlllll. ARRINON efXr2l Iteent, 1055515 12ceolo In cents 12.nte In cents 6 mitt , 4 cent, 5 cent. eents 10 cents 13 cant. each. 30 cents