The Lehigh register. (Allentown, Pa.) 1846-1912, March 30, 1870, Image 1
ADVERTISING RATES 1 mo. 9 mom. 6 mon. lyr. Ito 1.75 3..0 6.50 12.60 3.00 . 3..70 6.30 9.00 20.1,0 4.M 1 3.23 9.10 17.00 23.10 11.60 17.00 2.1.10 43.10 13.50 22.00 40.00 • 00.00 31.141 40.10 GO. 00 • 110.10 30.00 17).401 110.117 301.00 Jas Sqr are two Squares ThrveB snare■ Ma Squares, . Quart 'r Column Half Column . One Column Professional Cards 61.00 per lino per yenr. Administrator's and Auditor's Notice+, 4.1.00. City Notices, 'A , cents per lion let Insertion, IMI cent+ per lee each subsequent insertion. Ten lines agate constitute a squnre. ROBERT IREDELL, Jat., PunLimunt, I=l Gott[ anti Luntbrr FROW, JACOBS & CO., I=l ROUGH & WORKED LUMBER, SAS/I DOORS AND BLINDS, I=l in.-Orders from the tndn eollelted OM.. 11. M. oTTO. .1. W. MILL,. FILBERT, ovro A: MILLER. . . . I= LUMBER, \VILMA NI - SPORT, PA MILL ON CANAL WEST OF MAVNARD STREET. OFFICE AT TIIE MILL V. F. CRANE, A•op.AL R EIIO V IL2 NM ITU & OS MUN'S COAL AND WOOD YARD The above Coed and Wood 'Cord hex been rot/t0y...1 to the h n e d o e s d u o u tIhT e k Jooprt dan oßer adgdet lltx UuTHp I S y IDE, where will Egg, Stove Nut and Chestnut Coal neleeted from lie !nine. In the country 0 li It: C 0 A L • ander cover—and It le t• the Intere , t of every. oa purchase DRY AND SCREENED COAL WA Muir, of oil kind. of good Wood ronMantlY on hood. and delivered to all Port. or the city nt the lowest market price.. LIRANCII branch yard in kept at the Lehigh Valley Depot, known an the torin, yard of loirtir. and Derker. I=l Onr Coat Is selected freln the hest !nines in the Lchind reklen, and knowing thls is Le the fart end that It will nine perfechinti•inctlett, there is no nse in "tiering to retun he mono. All wo,a+k Is n tiled taken tit flesh Pet. Fo VRANKI.I SMITH jultr II It/ COALCONSUMERS, LOOK TO TOUR INTEREST ! STELTZ lIEEIINER Hereby Inform, the eltitewt of Allentown. nw t•th e Ile in nenernl, that he 13 Online,' le furni•li .11 k I,rl , ot 1 L C 0 from him well stocked Yard, formerly H. Guth ik Co.', at the Lehigh Biotin, In the City of A Ilentnimi, where he will aonstantly keep on hand n full subtly of all kind. of Coal. at the very lowent market pricer. 111. coal in nine and clean. from the very bent and In quality nuperlor o any altered In Allentown. He will aell Coal by the CAR LOAD. at very .mall pro• Eta, an he !Wendt , to do hn•ine.. opal the principle of "(thick Sale. and Small Prellt," (live hint n roll, and upon comparinr prier. you coo lie trill deliver Coal upon rail W any part of the City upon orders being loft at OW Yard, oryeltuthelnter'. tttoro MEM = RENIOVAL TREXLER S.; BROTHERS 191A1.11IVA IN ALI. KIN. Or L TT M R E R Hereby announce to their friend• and Mir". ❑ u tt , hfr hays lust reninyrd (ruin their Old stand to dude NEW YARD near the corner of Tenth and Hamilton aireets, formerly occupied by limn.,, & no Lumlo Yard. where they will coantontly keep on hand a lattco and xeaeoued Mork of LUMBER, nuell on nll klrrln or PINE, HEMLOCK CIIESTNCT, POPLAR, PICKETS, LATHS, Sr. =1 4-All kind. of lumber . cut e to ardor at ohart notice. l'ltaukful for pavt fano. w trn.t our fro•otl, av try!l vo tho Io Pt "groom], will give op a call ot oar time Intl, where we will nve our bevt etolaavars to retalar •at ofactluu both at. regard. goal ity and OH. , feet 2X. , t rpo CONTRACTORS AND BUILD ERS. Tie underalgwd I. prepared to contr.sct for fornialking RASH, BLINDS, WINDOW FHA NES, DOOR FRAMES: SHUTTERS. Awl all kind. of loullthug lumber Agent for HOPE SLATE COMPANY'S LEIII6II SLATE =I CELEBRATED CUCUMBER POMP Ordebt left at tho EAGLE HOTEL will receivo prom!,i attention. limit °taco • Wm. 11. Quakert-mm. Buck. tt2.ll' IRTZEI REVIVAL I ! Tbn liubccrlbern having the "iqll Coal Yard," would be the Ciii/1.11. ..1 Alloutilwu and Ow public lo gcuccul llicY bane jil,t I=l CO AI. Con l akting of Sore, Ent, ChtuautO. And Nut out. It BUCK MOUNTAIN MINES. . . . Order+ left with A. Ilidtewdein. at the litigle 11.. V.A. trill to. tttleUtleol to Ira 1.1 BUSINESS like manner, °Mere for Cool by the roe filled el •11 , .1$ e••tir.• I.r .t the loweit price, I=l BALED H:\\ I= L. W. 'KOONS ut te" Olt Ilupe Copl Vold lisitnillon Street, corner of Lehigh Valley Itolli-trail =I L. W. Koo. oet 27 • Air thalliC,s. CONSHOHOCKEN BOILER AND COIL WORKS JOHN WOOD. .IR., =I ==ffMM= =II All kinds of Wrought Iron Coils, Tnyers for Illabt Fur use, flusninelers, Stroke Stneki Blast Pipe...lron Wheel .o everything In the holler viol Shed Iron line. sll kinds of Iron and Steel Fn./inv....led Ithieksetilth ricks. M Drills. lihillets. iners' Tools di( a Illlel kinds, ...itch us Wbein It due, Ilarirog SOII U.ll 1.11,11,1111.1 of tools of nil kind., sod skilled workmen, I nutter myself that I an turnoni work Wsrrantebolad l r o hr ptnei•l•ss and 1111XIIMICII, nil of which brill be flrcl. Patching Boilers, snd uss ropslrlng goblet - 01f, strlrtly 111• tended to. stir •17 • SCIIOLARS..AT'IENTION I PUPILS, PARENTS AND ALL OTHERS VARREL, HERRINg & EMEND BOOKS OR STATIONERY Are In•Itod to call of No. ‘V,.4 Ilatnlltou Street, (Wolk • •r'a old ',too& l four door. brlota Foolith Stroll, wirer' you will curl n large mot complete .fork of nlll,l[oll of School Books used In thin coontT, nt the Introit each prier.. A full line of LA lIREEK, KIIMA g i n , od FRENCH tclokst for Ctillegfil, Art 111,41004 and Sid ultra), oil hand, at the lowret rote.. A full casortsurnt of "Stetlottery, Plunk Bunke, Ilrinu randunte. Pocket 1100104. Comb+, Alluttne, Picture., liter uoreoper aud Views. Window Paper, fte..eold nt the v ary lovve.t curb price.. Englteh and (termun pocket cud family Padre, Prnyer Books toil Hymn Hooke. A large and epletidld chock of lllloLcollnuouus Books of Prone and Poetry, cud Sunday Sellout hooka All the re• quintet for Sunday Schools cltvltYr on houa at Plilladel phi. Prlceth We are cloelug out our stZfrk of WALL PAPER at einet. Agent for the Palo or • BRAEIBURY'S CELEBRATED PIANOS. _ Pleasr give 'e a mill when yon wish to pi:imbue. I MAPLE KNIFES, FOAMS. SPOONS • - . E. MOS St A. COFFEE UM% Ba. at C. V.WOUPERTVI3 Wm, . h y q ut o . 81., 1,4 , ... Eighth, Aii,ntomn, Vv. _XI. NI R.( Hamilton litre,i; - ..1.111.r VOL. XXIV THOMAN POTTED. JAMY.N F. iiOPN. W AMIIISCRN Eon. S. WORDDLL. • Ii O.IIDIK POTTED THOMAS POTTER, SON at CO., ANIVACTUKE. OF OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADES, Floor 011. CLOTHS; Enamellol 101111 and 011, (1.0110; 11 ..... wood, Oak itl Marl , 011, Cl.O rii,; Stair Oil I 'lollsx rei to l'arp4B. 1 . ,,,.0t 811 A lON nod Shading. I'llllll 10.1 FatlicY 0T 11, SII lON and F I,x•l't • E,4 ,sll kook. 418 ARC!! below I'IIII,..I'DA. mar 11•11,10 r MEE IT. sT EEL U ['II OLSTE.RI - .NG, WINDOW SIIADE & BEDDING STORE, 4. nnq Gn 1) WINDOW SH AD ES, conipiele, irmn ir:2. 0 0. Pair, ttp to ;0.5.00. W II ITE HOLLAND SII APES AT All, PRICES. SH A P OF NN Y STYLI , . AND rol.ol: 3I AOETo OR DER. STORE SHADES 31 ADE AND LETTERED LACE AND DRAPERY CURTAINS. ALL KINDS OF WINDOW DIVPERY PATENT MOSQUITO CANOPIES GILT. ROSEWoo I) AND WALNUT CORN ICES CURTAIN BAN Us, TAs,Ebs, CORM. Sr. FURNITURE STRIPS CUT AND MADE STAIR AND ESTIBULE RODS. FERNEEVRE lIF:•UI'I(OLSfEItK.D AND VARNISHED. Carpet+ mid Mattlugn. old oud arty, made•, altered owl pot down. UPHOLSTERERS' MATERIALS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT WHOLESALE A NEW THING. SILK FINISHED WINDOW SHADES T • E. INALRAVEN I=l NO. 719 CHESTNUT STREET, In now roreiving hin Fall Importation, ron.nwing ( ll; ITITA IN NIATERIALS In Silk.(ninth'. Wori.tii.l.l Linen nki.l prnlirseing ninny noveltioi+ Lace Curt aiiis! of Pati.liin. St. Gullet, and Nottingham make CORNICES AND DECORATIONS of new nod orl¢inal tlexigow. WINDOW SUM ) ES by the 01011.41nd' or +tingle one itt sn¢neurtstrorm. iiTsolTrro CANC)PfES, EEC Qrarprts an VI Cloth Rum AND ELEGANT CARPETS, OIL CI,6TIIS, &c. CARPET BUSINESS AT 19 S. SECOND ST., PHILADELPHIA I=l Withn full an•ortin..”l of VELVET, IIItES: , }:LS, THREE PhV, INtiltAIN nod VI:NETLIN eAItI'ETS, thl Cloth, ‘Vin.lotv 6r., Irtlurt.ti I'LOOI O 1 L CLOTH 4.4. 5.4 nn.l SA in New nnd NMI Lnirfr MEM NEW CARPETINGS! FOREIGN AND DI IMESTIC CARPETS, - AIATrrI - \ (JS Which we offering at greatly iedured ir.'• horn tart LEEDOM. SHAW & STEWAIa 635 MARKET ST., PIIII.AD'A. inn 19.41 n WATSON'S CELEBR ATE!) El It IF AND BURGLAR PIVIOF • -4f gt. SAFES. " 1 1, , L ESTABLISHED IN 1543 THE ohIPES T Sd Fti HOUSE IN PIM, 4 DELPHI:I U. Tha e tlly Safes iv Ph la, Guaranteed Frac from ointment.. Alma price.. from 15 ii , 511 per rent. liner than other maker, Please WWI fur Circular A lid Prhn Lint. 'l'. NV ATsoN & Late of 3lituotacturern, ...I 7 .nut Pe. XI Pearl!) St.. Philadelphia It. F. DoNArallY.T —lr 11l EICICING'R FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF Awarded the Prim >lrdnln nt World'. Fair, London \Purld'e Four, New York. Extto , itlou llu lv rr.rllr, path, II ARV PT r. tliuwg, o. W. 3IA• iy29 CI I EST N,.1"1' ST It EET =I HERRING, FARRELL & CO., NEW ORLEANS E'ainboth Sbabr,s No. 16 North Ninth Street, I= MASONIC HALL, Chlstue out lit :educed price S. C. FOU K RA 3IER's '•nl.l , Co llYfilt.•' We urr I.IW ovoning n Inn OIL CLOTHS, I=! Pre proof "i'"afr,s I= SAFES ovum DRY FILLING.) PHILADELPHIA I=l ' - itbitlb:.,.... 7 g:i...viOtt Ensitranrc • . . rnE AMERICAN • LIFE INSLItANCE COMPANY, OF PIIILADELPIIIA. NV1111.1.1)1N, Fre-odonl. .1. S. WII.FUN, ,-eret.try• blirrtll* TII OF THU .IMERICAN: Ono. N... n( Folwiro. t0..01„ol. Ihrl, Dor. 11, rt , l'or ou nu, tri,OO,(OOJV Lk,. 11, ittei . nee. 11. lib 2.'2 #.4.7.t0,ta0 Cr. The AMERICAN htiturn lollrlr. ou all dealrablet plumb XI iota' rob , ..ttutl tor 'tenuity oud protoptuee. 3u 0100110 k 0..111 puteool by uny CootrotuT IK the hulled Kbote.. BOARD OF TR T EFS : 11 , 1N.JA.11 Es Eu Aro v. 14 Peutut., Dlreetor 17. rt. Matt. .1. ElltrAl , Tlll , 3lStr7i. 1 , 1111/1. R. 2.38 B. 34 St. t. 01.31 . .7, re.rdence, livelnuutuwu. A1,50111' U. Pretotleut Fourth Nutioitul Doak r•Il a r• 31tAlt1-6. :teed Ilotrlbtot, Ist 310tKetur. rittN. ALEX. 0. CA trELI., s. At 0.01.0. Morchuot, 27 -.North Wurer Street, I rrA Al' A 7.1,011115 T, Alltorney -at- Lo , &to ululuut Al. 1.. or. %V 111 L 1.017., Mott...lob nod trout. Stool Ur. 311..1\ SY K 11bA h. 1 .1, Mott . ..tot. 715,tottit rourth At. r. W. 11t1.t., l'ltotoroto r•es moth Nateotal Boort. JA.or. , Comooletal Nat. Haul, ANAMA KKK, Oak Hull Clollitog (Lou,.', K. E. For. titit at atutkot ro•., and NIX (IM IG, N. D., Agent, F:AST 111.0111.T0S od 7-11 Alb-mimeo, IN ginaurial IIille) , A - i'-1 , . . 7 :,:::‘ G.) BAN K. ERS, N. W. COIL THUM & CHESTNUT STS., I I I.ADELPIITA. IN.' nett entreeted to our rate Yhtkl I have prompt pet - hotel! nue:aloe. Dponitsrerolve.l nt! Intere.t allowed. Cheek.on ndelplon, Illilliinon.l4llll New York credited op clesrgo. Will buy on noiluin fur to , Ponhiltle Herons.. Rail Rua.l Rood, Stork-. liold. fbo,rtonent S. townie+, er.r. Enualrie, Ay,, by honer , ill reeeive Immediate linen. tion. Collection". load. on 01l arr , -.11)1.• JAMISON & CO. MACIUN4:II: SAVINGS ITANK. I= .1 1.1. E N W Pd. M.,toy xt all t irneo nod In soy , •an‘o II 0111 .t.• op. ord. ror . hich I= NV I be paid, • lip pamitx may lw withdrawn at any time. Per.onn d.- .Irwt. of notafing ;waley to any part of the United State. or Can have their matters Promptly attended to, and withant any rink )in thaw part. (;,,1,1, Silver, • Coupons, Ponds and other necarille. hanght, I)AY IllProlidant. W. C. I,II"IITrNWALI.NIM Hop 11,,,tf KuTzTows SAVINGS BANK =1 AltniEr RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT, anti Spoor cent. In ert, troll he niloowetl. let - Oen - ter period , . xpeehol rates will lot. punt. A1..0 noeney and not nn FAVORABLE TERMS. Solid Iliook i. looentrol in the litoy.toonto 11011 , e In the Inortough too Nettlown. JOHN 11. FOUEL, President. EtowAttn Iloinotorttoor, M. D. Conohler. I=l • • • F. J. Slough 31. 11., J. 1). Wanner, F.No., Dove' Foto, 11. 11. Sebwarix, E.q W. 11. Fogel, Mullet ClAller I{l.l,mA .1. lin,r, Jou. 111Iler 1ny1 . 2-if John 11. Fogel. E,q. A ILE\ TOWN SAVINGS INSTITE .A-A. TION. Organized as "Dimes Saving Inxtittition," NO. 58 EAST lIAIIILTON ST., 00:AULT VPPOAITII THE errntrs9 110.1„) PAYS SIX PER CENT. INTEREST FOR MONEY ON DEPOSIT. This the oldest Saving hank In Eastern Penn-vivant, ban been In coutinuoun nod Fore,... fat 0p,1111.11 for too years. Slot rmitionen In 1015 FIX Phil CENT. I NTERENT on looney for one year. nod 510.0101 raw. of lilies t for shorter periods, deponitn of ninury will he held swlrtly cond. Exerutors, Adin in intra(ors, Trustees, Assignees, Treasurers, Tax (Wiretaps, and other custodian...l public or private mourra, are of fered liberal nth, of Interest. Fornivam, .11.ron,ata. itud all who-have 111,1er 11111 hat on Interest fora long or .bon period will nod our lu-ititation 1111 agreeable awl ail vuntnitroun our in which to do We eithetintlly 1./10100 to their bankinn with 31.1111(1EO WOMEN and MINORS have xprcial 0.11.41 by war tin. t.,--having 4111 xri 1,11 , 1111 , .. Wllil 11% ill 011.11.0W1111“1111,71 I.bovy doM•lted vUh tLle 111XlitIMUU. IS SAFE AND WELL SECURE!), by 3 Capital tittick nod uurpluil money itecurlty of 4,43 SI \'l'l'utul tlic il•x rd tif'Yrit , tett,. have, us I...tutted hy the churn,. given I bond- unit, the , tipervt.ion of the Conti, In the sum at FIFTY 1101.1..ti11n. which bomb, urn ittgir tervil tit unit held toy the (limn at en:ninon Piet, of thi• comity for the ....corny of • ttur Iron Vutiltu ore of the Most occur, i Intl P3al•ll3{,e killtikuown tht. country. reritiuml htt•Pecltott wtll how. and to which we invtie oat trieudii cuntiunerii. We leiter to till, believing that unfe Burglar Proof V.I. reltutulity ot good Saving ll.tuk. \\l MA A)1 It. AIN kV, l'reindent. rititisrms vitt:Tz, Vice l'rettlilent. JT.SIIL Eli OtAner. WlMinn 11. A ilv•y, Chri,ilau Fret', • . Chnrles 8 11041, Joint D. Sta.., F. E. Som.+, 1 r,.. 1 . il.g' , An`h (.;•.,•4•• Frol•mt, Slttimel $4.11. Nuthlt, l'eler. inn CANDY .►\ID FRUIT GEO. \V JENKINS, I=l F=l SUGAR )hiI.ASSES AI'SD roCOANCT, CANDY, Ann Wllol.N.ALli I , MALhK FRI - TITS NUTS FIRE WORKS, cIIRIsT.MAS GOODS NI NORTH THIRD STREET PHILADELPHIA. CITE KlO9OOO """ANT" t' K .1, EA 1) HzreILEAD . otbot For it. l'orivaled 2tt.' For it. l'negosted Dontbility, For it. Un.urpsweted Covering Properly lat-tly for it. Ec..soniy. thIsTS LESS to lutist with Built LEAD than way other White Lend ex lint. The lame weight cover. 3101tE St' lIFACE, I. more DURABLE, and tusk,. WHITER WWI K.• 1,E.41) iruu rhearerd nnd $lO,OOO CARANTh'E. 131) I\ r/A.NC other lnt. For It Unequaled Durability, For Us rt.,abut Whitenf.... Prornnrt y. bring Pulul In 110. w tIAor I NI/ d. SibIEST, and moat DU RA Willie BUY ONLY BUCK LEAD AND BUCK ZINC: TR Y I7' AND RE CON VINWTD. =1 111"('K COTTAGE, COLORS, e xpre,nly for Puddling COTTAO ES, OUT 111711. UI\OO of every degeripoini. FENCES. 57e. THIRTY FIVE DIFFERENT COLORS, Durable, Cheap, rulforrn by Moll If drglred. litdeir.. will be pronoilly..ixeruled by ihr rude. ufnetiirerm FRENCH, RICHARDS & CO., N. W. COR. TENTH & MARKET LiTE3., =2 !MEI $l2 000 A YEAR AND EIDEN. R , SES.Io Agrute to well lie celrbrete WILSON BEWINO MACHINES. The bola mumble., In 000 World. NW eA ollAe on, both *Ms*. AssllaceOnt wiTliooT'Oloxili. For Nrtb.r priletilan i , aildress 26 N.. lh St.. l'hlled , o. Tn. , be-fen , - 9 . • ME ALLENTOWN, PA., W EDN WAY MORN IN G. MARCH ;30. 1870 g ;; 't g, SEASON A 131 .I'. Sl' 'l:\ 1:1' IES BLUE AND COLORED DRESS SILKS, PLAIDS, pArsrxr AND BROWN SHAWLS, WHITE AND COLORED . BLANKETS, Embracing the most complete stock of Dry Goods at It will be to your interest to esnutise my stock before purchnsitag elsewhere. M. J. KRAMER, SEAMAN & TR A E(,: BLACK Orox Ornls SILKS, BLACK DRAB D'PRANCE SILKS, BLACK TAFFETA SILKS Th.. largeet and cArapre wo,ornuent of SILKS wu haveavor had Ble pl aro of tittering Rao Public. BEAMAN ez TRAF:GER. CI:101MM W N TILES FA .WI SILKS. BEAMAN TRAEGEII FRENCH SILK POPLIN, MARBLE POP LINS, PLAIN, POPLINS. BEAMAN dc TRAEGER. K I.A CA S. i wa grade, Iron, th.• ost numb,. th. .n.,. Mohair.. COLORED ALP A CA.I, u❑ vrwy cheap. SEAMAN A:, TRAEGER IlliiiiMiiiiiiiMEN=l2l 111.EAt'111; L. and I' AOH ED SII TI ?•,s S JIM TI NOS In very largo npworttnent En. TIt•EINIIS bud DENIMS. SHAWLS, Largt• mad extrnnlve mmmortinent of BLACK TiiinET, lIIBICHE mud PAISLEY, BLANKET. NI LLE. MIS , EB'. la mreml vmrimtr , •f•ife , Cad color, SEAMAN & TRAEGER. SPECIAL ATTENTION IF reluested to our olrgnot tool comploto hue LA DI ES DRESS Till M. MINOS. coonlntlug pnrt it VLL/OS on,/ TASSELS, FRISUE, REAL 0 UIPUREeDtoI BUBSSEI, LAIR, GIMPS, BRAIDS, ..vEn SP ILK FLUTED 7'11131- .111BD. A , . nurroNs i ,ver.l houtlred dttforent stylo, HOSIERY, GLOVES, UNDER CLOTH , ING for LADIES' ' CHILDREN and GEN TLEMEN. WOOLEN YARNS, 4:6. SEAMAN & TRAEGER I. A AN ELS k Rel. Jart „„d pi, ,„,z Iltuar-tu ule Flannel. SEA MAN TRAE(4 ER. • %ETD R II ORSTED, ERMANTOWN WOOL, CASIIMERE TARNS, EMBROIDER ED WORSTED WORK, uud a full absortuient iu that BY MAIL wt. nand matopti, ul any sends capablo of 'by lug neut by ..ample throuith Ow h attached to cacti piece. tiVe 111.1 thin to box grant rounitiiiqicii to patties sushi.. to personally visit us. SEAMAN & TRAEGER. AND CROCKERY, ovorythiug required in that Iluefur houhn 10...pum purpotoli. SEAMAN s TRAEGER. • All klfulc of Country Product, taken lat exchange for good. al Ow hlgLent A PSan LAM .\ N & TRAEGER. Dru tsoobS POPLINS, REPPS, BLANKET ••Al IA W WATER PROOKI' OR SUITS &C., &C.. &•( POPITI.:‘11 LOAV Ri•+prctfully OLD CoI.:NEW' 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, BETLILELIKAI Et= SEAMAN Zz •TRAECIER SEAMAN & TEAEGER SEAMAN A: THAEGEH SEAMAN & TRAEGER FAMILY GROCERIES, Staple and Fancy, Windy kept naptingly gotten np and ol the Llext Qomtitles. SEAMAN 45;.• TRAEGER. Tab. P. 11.4. Barbel., and nll .on. 01 Wooden Ware ii.d lu ilou.rkerptug. SEA3L\N TRA:EGEII. • We are endeavoring to neon a lull line of I,oly Ogle tlta w•y of Dry monde, Small Warr,. Notion... Or.- rite, ('rocker - Jr. Wooden Wore..itod in fact everyibitig %rept Carpet+) le be Mold in a rentil afore. RA.DI E R. SEAMAN & M) I. N STREET, BETHLEHEM CCM WA LTEV. LINDEN STREET, ABOVE Emlrrit .41.1.K.VM WY, PA. PLAEN AN D ORNAMENTAL NIARBLE & Illy(►\VN STONE WORKS MONUNENTS, 11E.1 DS 710NES,MAN TRIA &c 110PSE WORK" DONE TO ORDER Aka Depot for the Nolo of TERRA.coTTA DRAIN PIPE, CHIMNEY TOPS and CHIMNEY FIXES, from Ow PHILADELPHIA TERRA-COTTA WORKS- All Orders promptly filled and Work Guaran teed. 14..3-Sm WANTED.—;;A LOAN OF slo.ooor by the Allentown School Dlstrtot. For partleshwe apply to th•anderehined. TIONE, - 1 . .t.. Booed Co.. - . N. TIMM NCIRR. Fwn.tner. COOKING AND COURTING I= Dar Ned,—no doubt you'll be surprised When you receive and read ttil.i letter I've riled against the niarried But them yon lire, I knew no better. I've a n d a lovely girl out lime, Tier manner Is—well—very winning ; We're soon to be—well, Neil, my dear. I'll tell you all from the beginnlog. I went to ask her out to tide, • Last Wednesday — lt was perfect weather She said she couldn ' t,posslbly, The *errant , hail gone tilt together. ("Montana a iwilys rush away, At eau:Ails' funerals to he lookinzo Plea must be Made, 10111 slit . must stay„ She said, to do that branch oft utuhin_. "Olt, let me help you," then I 'Tied "I'll hen cooker, too—how She laughed. and anuwererl tc It I. " All right ! Ina you'll repent your folly ; For I shall Ir a tyrant, 'dr, And good hard work you'll have to grappl Sc, Fit &Mil thu•re, illl.l dlili't you cult., But take that kuile, and pare t tint appk." She rolled her sleeve aliove her arm— That lovely arm, so 11101111, and rounded Outside, the 1114.101,g sun shone bright ; Inside, the dougu Was deftly' pounded. Iler little ilt4ers sprinkled !lour, And rolled the pieerast up In masses passed the ino,t delightful hour 'Mid hotter, sugar, and molasses. With deep reflection, her hwect even Garaalon each pot and pan alhl hettlp Shp sliced the apples, tilled her pies, And then the upper crit-t did t.ettle. Her rippling waves of golden hair In law great coil tree tightly twisted; lint locks would break out here and there And curl about where'er they listed. And then her tderve manic down, and I Fa,tened it up—her It 110 4 were doughy Oh, it did take the lutittet.t title, lier arm, tied, wits fair and titintry ! She blushed, and trembled, and twitted tilty. tiontehow. that, made lie till the bolder; Iler 111111 lip, looked no red that 1— Well—found her head upon my thoulder We're to be married, Ned, next mouth ; Come and attend the wedding revels. I really think that bachelors Are the most miserable devils ! You'd better go for mine girl's hand: And you are uncertain whether You dare to !mike a due demand, Just try cooking pin' together. THE AMERICAN BONAPARTES The Imperial Family ol'Erant.e and Its Connections in Baltimore. : sumblage. „He replied that he was over Thy Lmii ,,, lnevo .. o .„ .1,, , ,, , ,b,/ bus the mol. w helmet' with grief, and was unable to do no. lowing :' The reeohitionary movements which ;The rites of the Boman Catholic Church were going forwent in Prance invest the , then perlinmed. after which Father Sorg [M are now Napoleonic dynasty Wllll additional interest, dr e ss e d t h e spectators substantially as follows: Prince Pierre Bonaparte, who has caused the "Nicolas wishes to tell you that he is sorry pot to boil sic fiercely, is a son of the Great for all the sins he ever conmiitted, end he is Emperor's brother Lucien, who was consid• reconciled to his fate and hopes for salvation. ered the ablest of the family next after Napo- Ile trusts that his fate will be a warning total, lean. The iiksent Emperor is regarded by young people." is Dutch Admirid, by H h ortense Beaticharnais, Nicolas then stood up, his arms were pint many as not a Bonaparte at all, but the son of' 1 owed, the black cap was drawn over his fare, the daffghter or .10,:epiiine. Louis Bonaparte was forced by Ilia brother to marry Hortense. 1 the total noose pressed upon his neck, the nig -1 not given, the drop Tell, and he was launched withal n dreamy sort of person. Teose who u„ was i„ love „it', m i ntier woman, and into eternity. He fell about eight feet, and ; died without is struggle. His body was given' believe in the operation of a principle or !l0 1113 friends. This Was the first execution in hon o r jnstice miming thrinigh the preg ress of , Catteraugus county. There were about one history, make mention lif iliv Met that the hundred spectators present,. including the grandson in Josephine, and .not of Nupokuu, county officers, The following are the par ' npw rules in France as proof that the " whirli• ticulars of the heinous crime. , gig oniim . broiguiu lii. , ~,,r , ,b 4(, ... . 1,, , , , pbbb , The murder of Dr. Andrew Mead, in the once said: ': My pro.kny shall be suprolev,— village of Allegheny, N. Y., on the 18111 of B ut Jamplante was an Ille only w titian ii w lio 1 December last, is one 'of the most shocking was mused by the i ttip ,„ i „ t c0r ,, i0 ,,,,.. :,;,,,, , crimes on reword. An old amt, over 70 years was she th ,, only one „1„, cherished hop, of of age, was literally pounded to pieces by a a divine revenge throngh her ,I.,,cende,t,. beardless youth of 19 years. The doctor was ' And hereby hangs a tale. a highly respected citizen if Allegheny, and In 1803, Jeanne Bonaparte, then in coin. had resided there about 50 years. Ile Was Ull mann of a French frigate, landed in New , ~tarried, and lived entirely alone. using the York. As brother of Napoleon Bonapertr, front part of his building as it grocery and t o , iv, rece i ve d wiii„ii,oitieti,,,,,. and „.,,,, . provisioit store, iind the back part es a dwel. most hospitably entertaini , d. Whil e i n 13 ,, !t i . ling. A customer called at his shire about 7i inoi•e• he met Miss Elizabeth Patterson, the o'clock on the evening of the murder and daughter of a , „,,I 11, y merchant a , bat city , Mond the. door locked, and seeing n light and married her on the 2 Ith of December of ' in the back part Mlle , building. he called to the Mane year, The ceremony tm.;is is•rformed the doctor, but received no reply, and sans Icy 11PM:1i Carroll, or tin. e ut iniiie pi,,,,-,, of i about to leave, whim he heard groans from Baitimore, a brother - of the distinguished I within. He called rur help, opened a mvinilow Chas. Carroll, of Carrolton. The marriage ;had entered the building from the rear. On contract, teas drawn up Ice Alexander Dallas, ! proceeding to the store-room they found the ii terward Seeretary of tie '1',,,,,,,,rv, nn a was Old Illilll near the stove in all 1111COMSCIOUS COll - by the Mayor of Ilaitiamre an d (Mimi, in wrier he remained until he died, :weerel other official personages. Alter re• "'II" urns a few Inn "' " Ilerward. lie was milking in the Coiled States about a year, bruised and mangled in the most frightful Jerome Bonaparte told his wife embarked far ; manlier. There were the the marks of 20 1 France in an Sine:Heim ship. . ' heavy blows upon his person, evidently in in the ineentime Napoleon, to whom the ; Meted with a fire-shovel and an iron poker marriage of his brother gave great offence, , Mena three feet in length, the fragments of had ordered that the newly married pair ;of which lay on the floor near by. His skull should be permitted to land at no port over . was broken in many places, so that apart of which France exercised authority. Th e y, i the frontal bone dropped curer one eye, and therefore, landed at Lisbon, where Jerome one ear was cut MT. His hands and arms left his Wife, directing her to proceed to Am sterdam, and went to Paris with the hope of were bruised and broken apparently' wldle at . tempting to ward off the blow's of the assassin. Prevailing upon Napoleon to recognize Isis 1 His watelt and Purse Were gone.while a sateltel marriage, but this Napoleon refuses' to do, it I containing several hundred 'dollars, in an the same time upbraiiiiiig his brother for dar- 1 joining room, was not taken. 'Thu light in ad ing to marry without his eminent. Arriving 1 the st"re'r n "" l w"9 extinguished. and a raw et Amsterdam, whither she went in the Amer, I of barrels placed between the body and front icon ship, Madame Bonaparte was confronted 1 of the store.. For some time no clue was with :Napoleon's order forbidding her to land. Mond to slur murderer, but large rewards I She then sailed for England, where she took I were Offered for his apprehension, and at last, ' up her residence at Camberwell, neat:London, ' by the. idenifileation of the watch, he was Itr - ' And here, on the 7th of July, 1805, was born nn Only child,child,Jerome Napoleon Bona- rested in Buffalo, N. Y. After his arrest the to her fi i prisoner made n full confession of his crime to w iving in Baltimore. . the of fi cers, hoping thereby to escape the ex- Nfilleleell bail determined that 111 brothers treme penalty of the law, and on being or- I „ tumid ~,,,,,r y ~,,,,,,4 „ , . thr pri0r ,,,,,,,,,, of Europe reigned at the January Term of the Cattarau. and all efforts to Induce him to recognize the , gene Oyer and Terminer, he pleaded "Guilty" 1 of the charge of a murder, but the Court coin wife of Jerome were vain, and Jerome Was at hest forced to yield to the wishes of the Bin- pelted a trial, and he was convicted of mnr peon: end marry the Princess F re d et i i . a ('nth- I der in the first degree, and sentenced to be arise, of Wurtemburg. Madame Bonaparte 1 hanged on the 18th of March. , met her husband but once afterward, and then t Theodore Nicolas, the murderer of Dr. An no word passed between them. It was its the drew Mead, was of German extraction, and gallery of the Pitti Palace, at Florence, i o was born in Buffalo, N. Y., March 10, 1821. Italy. The Princess was leaning on the arm ' 1 lie has always resided in this city until last of her husband when the meeting took place. ; April, when he removed ; with his parents to Jerome started aside on recognizing Madame 1 Allegheny, where the murder was committed. Bonaparte, and a moment afterward whisper. ; lie Was a person of ordinary intelligence, had ed to the Princess, " That lady is my former : a fair common school educatinn, lint of very wife. — lie immediately left tl.e guilt ry, and 1 dissolute habits. Although young in years the next morning quitted Florence:. . ihe sans old in crime, haying been convicted Although Napoleon declared the marriage , several tidies of petty offences, and once for or Jerome and Miss Patterson null and void, , slabbing a boy. That he was an adept in die could never induce the . Pt so to declare eluding justice was manifested in his skill in it. and a few years ago, when the question as' blinding the officers as to his guilt after . his to the rank to which the lionapartes of Bald-' arrest. • Fur some time prim tp his heating more were entitled to as princes of the Impe• , Butildo lie served us a barber's apprentice, rind household Was op hir decision, the protest ; which was the only stated husiness he ever of the Pope against the decree of Napoleon followed. was brought forward. • Nicolas made the following confessien :My Soon lifter the birth of her son Madame sister and I hind a quarrel, and my father had Bonaparte returned to Baltimore, where she : turned me out of doors on a cold winter day, has principally resided ever since, in the en- . and 1 had no friends to go to. I went tm jayment of alarge fortune. She was about ' Olean and bought a pint of whisky, and came' eighteen years, of age when she first met je- i back to Alleghany, drinking the whisky on runic Bon a parte. and is now about eighty-live. ! my way. I thought how nice it would be if Sinn' was always a great admirer of Napoleon, , 1 bad .$2 to get to Dunkirk, where I could get in spite of the cruel manner in Which he treat- ' work. I saw a light in the Doctor's store, and ed her. It is said that she believes her grand- ; thought I would borrow the money of hiM.. son will yet be Emperor of Frame. I went in and told him my story, and asked Madame Bonaparte's soil, Jerome Napole- • him to tied me $2 and I would pay Idol is a on, no w• in his sixty-filth year, has lived in . few- daps. Ile refused me, and I told him I Baltimore Sine,- his boyhood. Ile Was educe- thought he was a d—d mean man. lie then I ted at Harem,' College, where he graduated Mill me to get out of his store, and I made up in 1820. Ile afterwards studied lame, but .my mind I would knock him down and take I never practiced at the bar. When quite a: the money from him. ' I then atruok him a' young man he married a very wealthy lady, blow' in the lace with my fist, and ho Jumped Miss Susan Mary Willizuns, originally of Box- foul pushed me over a barrel, and went and bury, Mass., and -has since unease(' his time ; lotted the door and said : " You rascal, I will to the management of his large estate and to ' flx you now." He started for the other door, agricalttiral pursuits. His Own fortune, ad- I and I thought he was going for aguu to stand tied to that of his wife, made him one of the guard over me ; so 1 picked up the shovel and wealthiest men in Baltimore. He visited his' hit him . on the side of the head. He had the father several times in Europe, and for numy 1 pecker in his hand' and struck mo over the years received from him a large allowance.— 1 shoulder with it; then I struck him over the . He is on' good tains witli. Louis Napoleon, head with the shovel two or three times, and and has once visited the French Court, ac. he fell. Ile then got up again and I knocked companled by one of his sons, upon an invita- him over again, and struck him a number of Lion from rho Emperor. During the reign of times after he was down. I was so excited I Louis Philippe 11P was permitted to remain In didn't' knoix what I misdoing. 1 mialill drunk' • Paris a short time, hut was compelled to as same his mother's name of Patterson- Mr. lfonapai•te has, two children, Jerome Napoleon, who was horn in Baltimore in 1832;and Charles Joseph, born in 1852. The IBst named graduated at West Point, at the age of twenty, and, after remaining a short time in the United Slates Army resigned his commission and entered that of France as a sub-lieutenant. Ile was with Um French and English allies in the Crimea, and received a decoration from the Sultan of Turkey for his gallant conduct at the "siege of Sebastopol. Mr. Bonaparte is said to bear ft strong per sonal resemblance to his uncle, the first Na poleon. If the validity of his father's marriage with Miss Patterson was recognized by the Court of France, it would give him and his children preiledence over his half-brothers and their sister, the Princes Mathilde, the children of Jerome by his second wife. Efforts to se cure such recognition have been made on perhaps more than one occasion, but they failed, though how far they fell short ot suc cess has never been known to the public. Jerome himself, who died at a venerable, old a - ge a year or t iso ago, bitterly opposed all such stforts to obtain precedence for the Bal. tiniore Bonopartes, -foul would acknowledge them only by the mint of Patterson. MURDERER RANGED Theodore Nicolas was hanged in tittle Val. ley, N. Y., on Thursday last, for the murder of Dr. Andrew Mead on the 18th of Decem ber. lie showed great indifference to his fate ,up to the time of execution. Ills mother ex pressed a desire to be present at his execution, but was declined. The scatibld was erected in the jail yard, and consisted of a platform ten . feet high, with a frame aeven feet above that, to which the rope was attached. He left the jail at halbpast one o'clock, in charge of Sheriff Cooper, and, leaning upon the arms of two deputies, preceded by Fathers Sorg and Bloomer, and billowed by four of the county officers. Ile ascended the gallows with a firm step, holding in his Mind a cross. When all were seated upon the platform, the death scat rant wds read by the Sheriff, who then told Nicolas he was at liberty to address the as- I don't -remember of placing the barrels. I took his watch and money from his pockets, and picked up the key and went out of the front door, and locked it again and threw the key in the prim•; walked to Olean on the railroad track, then got into n freight car and went to Hornellsville, then bought a ticket and went to and assumed the name of William Youn. I sold the watch there to Tew. if I had thrown away that watch I wouldn't be where I ant now.—Er. BLACKBEARD THE PIRATE I= In person as well as disposition, this de , - perado, who was a native of England, SeCIIIA to have been qualified to be the chief of a gang of robbers. The effect of his beard, which in creased the ferocity of his countenauce, h.• mita always solicitous to highten by sulTerin..; it to grow to an immoderate length and twist. it about in small tails like a Families whence he derived the name of Blilekbelird. Ills portrait in time of action is described Its that of a complete fury, with three brace of distols in holsters, flung over his shoulders like bandoliers. and lighted matches under his hat, sticking out over each of his ears. That Blackbeard's pretentious to authority over his companions were grounded on his being." in darkness proudly eminent," may be con ceived from the character of his jokes. Hav ing often exhibited himself before them as a demon, he determined to show them a hell of his own creation. For this purpose, he col lected a quantity of sulphur and combustible materials between Bo; decks of his vessel, when, kindling n flame and shutting, down the hatches upon his crew, he involved him self and them literally In tire and brimstone. With oaths and frantic gestures, lie then acted the part of the devil, as little affected by 'the smoke as if he had been born in the infernal regions, until his companions, nearly suffo cated and !hinting, compelled him to release them. its convivial humor was equally ec centric and mischievous. (Mee, while ex cited with liquor and sitting in his cabin. , he took a pistol in each hand, then cocking them under the table, blew out the candles, and. crossing his hands, fired on each side of his companions ; one of whom received a shot which maimed ldm for life. The English Government having determined to clear the seas of the ruffians in the Bahama waters. some ships of 55 nr vr•ere sent itgai n,t them in the early part of the last century. Blurt:beard at that time was lurking in a small vessel in the creeks and shallows of an inl.l near ('ape Hatteras, in North Carolina ; the Chief Magistrate or that. province having long connived at his robberies, the sufferers gave information to the Governor of Virginia, ,and the naval force ut that station was directed to assist in extermiicatingtheadrates. The in trepidity displayed in this service by May• nard was at least equal to that of the rover, and in n better cause, deserves a circumstantial re lation. From the nature of Blackbrard•s po sition in a sloop of little draught of water, and on a coast abounding with creeks and remark• able for the number and intricacy of its shoals, with which he had made himself intimately acquainted, it was deemed .impossible to ap proach hint in vessels of any force. Two hired sloops were therefore manned front the Pearl and Lime frigates in the Chesapeake, and put under the gallant officer before named. On Nov. 17, 1718, this force sailed frOm the James River, anti, on the evening of the 21st, came to an inlet in North Carolina, where Blackbeard was discovered at a distance, ly ing in wait for his prey. The sodden appear ance of an enemy preparing to attack him, occasioned some surprise ; hut his sloop mounting several gnus, and being manned with-25 of his most desperate Mllowers, he determined to make a resolute defense, and having prepared his ship over night for action, sat down to his bottle to drown dull cure. The navigation of the inlet was so difficult that Maynard's sloops grounded again and again in their approach ; and the pirate, with his experience of the soundings, possessed considerable advantage in inatueuvering which enabled him for sonic time to maintain a run- ninL, tight Ills ve , sel. in her turn having at length grounded. !lila a close engagement becoming inevitable. he reserved his guns to pour in it destructive fire on the sl oo ps as tiny advanced to board hint. In this, he was so successful that 29 men of Maynard's small number were either killed or wounded by the first hroml side, and one or the sloops was for a time die. aided ; but, notwithstanding this severe loss, the lieutenant courageously persevered. Ob serving that his own sloop, which fit for aC tion; dreW more water than the pirate'a. he ordered all her ballast to he thrown out, and directing his men to conceal then, Ives 'be tween decks, took the helm in person. and Steered directly on board his antagonist, who continued inextricably fixed on the shoal. This desperate wretch. previously aware of his danger. and'determining never to expiate his crimes in the hands of justice, had posted one of his men With a lighted motel over his pow der'inagazine to blow up his vessel in the lust extremity. In this design,. however. he was disappointed by his own ardor and want of circumspection ; for, as Maynard approached, I having begun the encounter at close quarters by throwing upon his antagonist a number of hand grenades of his own coMposition, which produced only a thick smoke, and judging that from their destructive agency the decks had been entirely cleared, he leaped over her holds, followed by twelve of his men, and ad vanced upon the lieutenant, who was the only person then in view. But the men instantly springing up to the relief or their commander, who was now furiously beset and in imminent danger of his life, a violent contest ensued. 131ackbeard, atter seeing the greater part of his men destroyed at his side, and receiving him self repeated wounds, at length. while stepping back to cock a pistol, fainted from loss or blood and expired on the spot. The remainder or the hand were soon onto- yelled to sue Inc mercy. and a short respite From ales,: honorable death at the hands of the executioner. lOW SMITH ASKED THE oLn Smith had just asked Mr. Thompson's daughter if she would give Min a lift out of bachelordom, and she hail said "Yes." It therefore became. absolutely necessary to get the old gentleman's permissiini: so, as Smith said, the arrangement might be made to hop the conjugal twig. Smith said he would rather pop the inter rogatories to all of Old Thompion's daugh ters and his sisters, and his lady cousins, and his aunt Hannah in the country, and the whole of his female relations, tlain ask old Thompson. But it hail to be done, and 60 he sat down and studied on a speech which he was to disgorge to old Thompson the very first time he got a shy at him. So Mr. Smith dropped In on him on Sunday evening, when all the family,had meandered around to meet ing, and found him doing a sum in beer men sure. "How are you, Smith I" said old Thomp son, as the former walked in white as a piece of chalk, and trembling as if he had swallow ed a condased earthquake. Smith wasafraid to answer, tweause ho was not sure about thu speech. He kriew he bad to keep his grip ttplm it . whilo'ho had it theca, or it would slip RO: ' T MEDELL,JR., Plain anb jam Sob No. 48 EAST Ii&MILTON STRZET, ELIOAXT IntINTINOI LATiIaT ITT LIM itamped Checks, Cards, Circolars, Paper rook. Cane!! gull.. and By-Laws, tula School Catalogues. Bill fis lin•elopes, Letter Heads Bills •f Lading. Way Mils, Tags and Shipping Cardm, Posters of any else, etc., 110., Printed al Short Notice. NO. 13 from him quicker than an oiled eel through an auger hole. So ho blurted out: "Mr. Thompson—sir : Perhaps it may not have been unknown to you that duringan ex. tended period of some live years, I have been busily engaged in the prosecutioni!of it com mercial enterprise—" "Is that so, and keeping it a secret all the time while 'I thought you were tendln' store ? Well by George, you arc one of them, now ain't you ?" Smith had begun to think it all over again to get the run of it. "Mr. Thompson—sir, perhaps it may not be unknown to you that for the extended period of live years, I have been busily engaged in a commercial enterprise, with the determination to secure a sufficient maintenance—" "Sit down, Smith and help yourself to beer. Don't stand there holdin' your hat, like blind beggar with paralysis: I have .never seen you behave yourself so queer in all my born days." Smith had been knocked out again, and so he had to wander back again and take a fresh start. "Mr. Thompson, sir : It may not be un known to you that during an extended period of live years, I have been engagedin the pros ecution of a commercial enterprise with the determination to procure a sufficient mainte- IIIIIICC-' "A which ance Y" asked old Thompson, but Smith held on to the last words as if it was his only chance and went on : "In the hope that some day I might enter wedlock, and bestow my earthly possessions upon one whom I could call my owu. I have been a lonely man, sir, and have felt that It Is not good fur man to be alone, therefore I would—" "Neither is It, Smith ; I'm glad you drop ped in. How's the old man ?" "Mr. Thompson, sir Y" said Smith in de spairing confusion raising his voice to a yell. "It may not be unknown to you that during an extended period of a lonely man, I have been engaged to enter wedlock and bestow all my enterprise upon one whom 1 could de termine to be good for certain possessions-- no 1 mean—that is—that—Mr. Thompson, sir It may not be unknown—" "And then again, it may. Look here, Smith, you'd better lay down and take some thing warns, you ain't well." Smith, sweating like a 'four-year old colt, went in again. "Mr. Thompson, sir : It may not be, lonely to you to prosecute ins whom you friend for commercial maintenance, but—but—be—long it=3lr. Thompson, sir : If—" "Oh, Smith, you talk like a fool. I never saw a more first class idiot in the course of my whole life. WhUt'b the matter with you anyhow ?" " Mr. Thompson, sir:" said Smith, in an agony of bewilderment, "it may not be known prosecuted a lonely man who is nut good for a commercial period of five years but"— "See here, Mr. Smith, you're drunk and if can't behave bettor than that, you'd bet• leave; if you don't I'll chuck you out or you ter I rin a Dutchman." Mr. Thompson, Mr," said Smith, frantic with despair, " It may not ho unknown to you that my earthly passions are engaged to enter wedlock five years with a sufficiently lonely man, who is not good for a commer• cial maintenance— ' - . "Thu deuce he Isn't. Now you just get up and git or I'll knock what little brains out . you've got left.' With that old Thompson took Smith and• shot him. into the stret es if he'd run him against a locomotive going at the rate of forty 111111 . R an hour. Before old Thompson bad time to shut the front door, Smith collected 1119 legs, and one thing and another that lay around on the pavement, arranged himself In a vertical position and yelled out " Mr. Thompson—sir, It may not be known to you"—which made the old man so wretched mad that he went out and set a bull terrier on Smith before he bad a chance to lift a brogan, and there was a scientific dog. tight, with odds in favor of the dog, for ho had an awful hold for such a small animal. Smith afterwards married the girl, and lived homily about two mouthF. At the end of tha time he told a confidential friend, that he would willingly take more trouble and under. go u million more dog bites to get rid of her. flow many apples did our first parents eat in the garden of Eden ? Eve 8 and Adam 2. A QUAKER once hearing a person tell bow math he felt for another who was in distress and needed assistance, dryly asked him : " Friend, has thou felt in thy pocket foi him?" A rtivstmor examining a student as to his progress, asked him, "Should a man fall Into well forty feet deep, and strike his head against one of the tools with which he had bean digging, what. would be your course if called in as a surgeon ?" Tho student re. plied, " I should advise them to let that man lie and fill up the well." "THAT was a severe coughing, fit," re. marked a sexton to an undertaker, when they were gimes together. "Oh, 'tie nothing save a little ale which went down the wrong way," replied the undertaker.. 6' Alt, eh I that's just like you," said the sex. ton ; "you always lay the coffin on the bier." Is a woman wishes to be .a general favorite with her female acquaintances, she has only to permit them to outdress her. The more intent they aro upon gewgaws and decent ! Sons, themore Profound will be the respect for her that totally disregards them. Letany one look amongst his or her friends, and see if she who is most beloved is not one of lees pretention to fancy than thews around her. absent minded old bachelor is in the habit, when he comes home to tea, of putting the kettle on the stove, and taking a snooze until the kettle begins to sing, when he would get up and make his tea. The other day be ing a little prostrated on account of old SiolP kin's daughter " cutting" him on the street, lie put the kettle on the lounge and got on the stove himself, and never. discovered his mistake until he began to sing.— IVilmington Commercial. THE WATT-DIAMOND CASE Among the witnesses examined before the Lcigislative Committee iu the Diamond-Watt' contest, on Friday night, was a New York repeater named Lawrence Ball. Ile swore that he was mica a party of eleven whocadie from New York and voted the Democratic ticket at numerous polls in the lower part of the City. In the train that brought Philadelphia from Harrisburg, ho being on the way to New York, were several policemen -L. Detectives A. W. Fletcher and Special 011icei James McGuckin, beith. of whom, although re. relying pay flora tlaCity, have been In at- 1 tentiance iu liarrisburg at every session'of the committee, beibg among the nutaber. 'Ball was arrested by some of these police.` men and run into the Centrial Station, wherir he was informed that a charge of perjury ha& been or would be preferred against him W. the afternoon he was induced to go before a magistrate in the vicinity, where he 'ivied • document asserting that what he testified at Harrisburg was untrue. Tide magistrate, OA inquiry last evening being made of him, gave the lurormation that Ball was'brought bawl him, and alter signing the document,waa ro. leased. This crime of arresting • - witmelis while on his way home is one that I. punish• able by imprionmerit.—Merniteg Posi t , - ‘. • C.' - • z,LErrogrz. rI NRW DR9103111 FUN. U