The Lehigh register. (Allentown, Pa.) 1846-1912, February 23, 1870, Image 3

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    Ely YttiO 1145tcr.
No paper discontinued until all arearages are
paid, except at the option of the publishers.
. subscribers who do not teeeive their papers
regularly will confer n great favor upon us by
sending word to this office.
Subscribers about removing will please send us
their old address as well ua the new.
Flattered by the large additions to our subscrip
tion list during the past year and believing that
our list can be still further increased with very
little labor, we are induced to make the following
very liberal offers :
Any one sending us the names of two new sub
scribers, accompanied by $4.00, will receive
the American Agriculturist for one year or a
photograph album.
For Three new suber'rlbers we will send Tun La
-111011 REGISTER gratis, for ono year. Old
subscribers upon sending us three new ones
will be credited with a year's subscription.
For Four now subscribers we will give the Scien
tific American for one year, subscription price
s3.oo—or Godey's Lady's Book.
For Sixty new subscribers we will give the sender
one of Grover.S. Baker's $6O Sewing Machines.
For Ono Hundred subscribers to different Post
' offices, we will give the sender
Any one getting up a club of One Hundred sub
scribers at one post-office, can have the paper
seat to each at 81.75 a year, and will be pre
. sealed with
It Is expressly understood that every subscriber
sent in for these prizes mast be u new one and
not a subscriber to THE LEIIIOII REGISTER at this
date, and that each name must be accompanied
by the cash to pay one year's subscription.
Parties desiring to secure these prizes may send
In the mimes no fast as procured, and, if they Sod
themselves unable to raise the required number,
they will be compensated by prizes which shall be
proportionate to value and satisfactory - to them,
except lu the cases of the Sewing Machine and
last prizes, to regard to which arrangements should
be made beforehand.
The publication office of the LEL11(111 Rua
man has been removed to the Register Stationery
Store, first floor, Hamilton Street, two 'doors above
Sixth, lu the building formerly occupied by Young
David Paul Brown in Allentown
We hear that the Literary Societies of Mull
lenberg, College will he addressed by David Paul
Brown, at the commencement, In June next. Mr.
Brown will of course have a large and intelligent
audience, and his reputation no n speaker will
undoubtedly add much to the interest with which
"Commencement Day" Is looked forward to at
that Institution.
Sale of Valuable Horses
Augustus H. Dankel sold his sorrel bursa
"Barney" on Saturday last,, at the Allen House,
for R3OOO to Win. li. Boehm, of Reading. It Is
stated that " Barney" fetched a higher price thah
any single horse yet sold in this section of the
Peter H. Weikel sold lds pair of nmtcL horses
to Robert Kromer, for $l2OO.
Presentation to Dr. Char, L. Martin
Thursday, the 17th•inst., was the 40th anni
versary of our townsman Dr. Charles L. Martin's
birth and lie received an anonymous reminder In
the shape of a handsome gold headed cane. Annoy
ymous gifts though pleaSant, are embarrassing,
and generally the receiver would have the pleas
ure much enhanced if he knew the name of the
Increasing Circulation
The additions to the subscription list of the
REGISTER from week to week are very encouraging,
and we are desirous 'of thanking our friends for
the interest they are taking in our efforts. We
are not sparing pains or expense to make the
REGISTER a fire paper, and, while we desire to be
bold in declaring the opinions of our political
faith, we trust we shall never use insult for argu
ment in differing from those who exereise.their
right to hold others.
Franklin Sarings Bank
On Monday last the following officers were
elected by the members of the corporation of this
Institution :
Preside,!—S. A. Bridges.
nee President—J. W. Wilson.
Cadder—J. E. %Amerman.
Trustees—S. A. Bridges, J. W. Wlleou, J. E.
Zhnerman, Daniel H. Mlller,John Hothen, Wm
Bear and Edward Zlmerman.
St. Patrick'a Day in Athaatown
The Fenian brotherhood are making prep
arations to celebrate this anniversary with their
usual enthusiasm. Meetings of the Allen Circle
have been held and resolutions adopted arrang
ing a proceselon, &c. • Every• one will remember
the admirable turnout of last year, an: the good
order that was preserved. Such demonstrations,
so conducted, are pleasant to all concerned, and
we are glad, to hear that this year St. Patrick's
Day Is to be celebrated with unusual parade. '
Removed front Allentown to Reading.
Wm. S. Young, Jr., who was 'admitted. to
• , the bar In this city last year, has left town to
commence the practice of law hi our neighboring
city of Reading. Since his admission here Mr.'
Young has been to the Law School of Harvard
University, at Cambridge, Zslassachusetts, where
he was a close student. We are indebted to him
for several graphic and entertaining letters, (de
scriptive of Cambridge and the Hub), which were
published In the RCOISTIM some weeks back.
Mr. Young carries with him the good wishes of
the numerous friCuds who regret his departure and
we shall be pleased to chrimicle his success at the
A,. bar of Reading,
Annirerriary Ser
Jordan Division No. 380, Sons of Temper
ance,will celebrate their Twenty-First Anniversary
on Monday next, February Mnh. A Special See.:
sloe of the Grand Division of Penneylvanla will
be held in the ball of Jordan Divfsion at 11 o'clock,
A. M., on 'Fuld day. In the afternoon. at I o'clock,
a convocation of the Divisions In Lehigh and ad
joining counties will he held at the' Caine place.
As delegates from nearly all the Divisions in thin '
Benton of the State will be present, thls convoca
tion will no doubt be very hiteresting. In the
evening. the Anniversary exercises will take place
In the Court House; at 7 o'clock. Pant Grand
Worthy Patriarchs, John A. Bhallcroes,:rnd lice.
Wesley C. Bent, will be present and address the
meeting. Most Worthy Patriarch of North
America, Robert M. Foust, Is glen expected. to be
present. The public In respectfully Invited to at
Another Fire in Allentown
By the praiseworthy action of a number
of our citizens, what might have been a very de
structive fire was suppressed and the surround
buildings saved,
,wlthout even the alarm of "lire"
being raised. Last Wednesday night about 12
o'clock, the stable of Mr. Gideon ftortz, on Church
alley near Liberty street, was discovered to be on
fire and the flames were actually bursting out of
the doors anti windows: The neighbors got to
work at once to subdue the flames and labored
with such zeal its to succeed in. extinguishing
them without .any other loss being incurred tints
the destruction'of the hay stored in the building.
A cow was In the stable but was got out uninjur
ed. The lire Is supposed to have bcen the work
of amincendinry and it.would be well fur our po
lice to keep a vigilant eye for sigh offenders and
If possible to bring them. to Justice. Ton much
praise cannot be awarded to those, wlmsoprotnpt
ly wentto work and stayed the-progress of the
fire. Such presence of mind In a moment of ex
citement le worthy of commemintion, 'and we
doubt not the safety of our city from the devour
ing element has often been due to title character
title of one people. •
Jordan Rolling Mill
The Jordan Rolling Mill Is to be started '
again next week under the management of n new
Superintendent, Mr. John Downing.
Public sale
In another part of our issue will he found
the advertisement of the Lehigh County Agricul
tural Society. The animals they offer for Hale,
are worthy the Inspection of any one Interested In
agrieultural pursuits and who Wiesen Interest In
the raising of line stock.
VlWary to Visit
e understand the National Artillery, of
Norristown, numbering about one hundred and
fifty men, Captain Edward Schell commanding,
contemplate making a tour the coming summer,
during which they will visit Allentown, Reading
and Easton. We hope our citizens will give them
a hearty welcome.
Warner's Skating Park
We are glad to announce that skating at
Warner's Park Is no longer a myth. The Ire Is.
good, and excellent skating Is to be had there and
we shall be pleased to see our citizens patronizing
Mr. Warner, whose public spirited efforts to sup
ply the people of Allentown with the means of In
dulging In this healthful recreation, deserve re
cognition and, support.
New Restaurant
- • •
On Hamilton, between'Sixth and Seventh
streets, Mr. CharlesLaudensehlager has opened a
new Restaurant and has fitted it up In first-class
style. Its central situation and the complete sep
aration of the bar-room from the rest of the estab
lishment, are likely to make this place very popu
lar, and we have no doubt the proprietor will sus
tain kW reputation as a first-class caterer.
Columbia Overcoats
The members of the Columbia Fire Com
pany were measured for new overcoats, on Friday
evening, and we shall soon see the boys In "gorge
ous array." On parade, when lire companies
visit our city, the neat appearance of our firemen
Is very creditable to themselves and the city, and
when they have their work to do, as late fires
have proven, they show themselves able to fulfil
the arduous duties of their self-sacrificing profes
sion as well as Join In Its festivities. The history
of the world shows that great results must follow
when-" Columbia" goes to work with a " Good
Nuisance at the Jail
Citizens residing in the vicinity of the jail
are much annoyed by the unruly conduct of the
prisoners. Night after night the Most unearthly
MAT, ore made by them, and front a late hour
until sometimes midnight, they sing, yell and
shout In a way to disturb the whole neighborhood
and alarm the children and the aged and sick
who are waked out of their sleep. Whoever Is
responsible for these things, should see to It that
it is stopped at once. Diecipline is one of the es
sentials of prison government, and offenders
against the law must not be allowed fio wantonly
and defiantly annoy the public.
Yogthful Shophfter*
On Monday evening, three young girls,
each about fifteen years of age, entered the stores
of Peter Wenner, L. C. Huber and Mr. Fenster
metier, apparently with the Intention of making
purchases. At Wenner's they took some groceries,
nC Fenstermacher's they stole two boxes or figs,
and ut L. C. Huber's, the clerk noticing they bud
grown fat after entering the store, accused them
of thieving and upon searching discovered about
thirty dollars worth of dry goods and trimmings,
together with the goods stolen fromthe other stores,
concealed in a basket and under the shawls ana
cloaks of the young maidens. They were taken
before Alderman Whitman, but a prosecution was
waived and they were released.
Counterfeit Fire Cent PIeCCA in Circulation
These counterfeits are in circulation and
without doubt many of them are In Allentown,.
but as the best of them cannot be detected except
by experts, it Is of little use warning people against
them. The Assessor et the U. S. Mint has de
clared some specimens to be so good us scarcely
to be detected, except by the weight. As it Is not
likely folks are goluglo weigh every one they are
offered, we suppose the good and the bad will be
considered of equal value by a majority of the peo
ple and the counterfeiters will grow rich. it has
been stated that it is in contemplation to recall
the whole Issue and give Mr. Counterfeiter a more
difficult task to execute.
These men, In the prosecution of their nefarious
and hazardous business, display an ingenuity and
perseverance in overcoming .diMcultles that, If
exercised legitimately, would certainly attain for
them eminence and distinction, and yet, such is
the fascination of crime, they prefer to misuse
their talents, and in most cases reap their reward
In a miserable life and at disgraceful death.
Fire Again.—First irtrd
The necessity of a steamer for the First
Ward, was very clearly demonstrated and the
efficiency of the new fire company plainly proved
by the fire which occurred there on Monday morn-
Mg. Between 11 and 12 o'clock, two of the new ;
buildings iu course of erection by Mr. Colt, on
Water alley near Turner street, were discovered
to be on tire. The first intimation given was the
thick smoke seen issuing front the doors and win
dows, and it was then discovered that the lire was
spreading rapidly between the ceiling of the lower
story nod the first floor. The Vigilant Fire Com
pany quickly' turned out and aided by the citizens
proved themselves' worthy of the name. With
only buckets to carry the water, they by-tremen
dous exertions succeeded in subduing the Baines
and preventing a disastrous conflagration. The
prevailing high wind and the proximity •f Mr.
Cole's lumber yard, caused fears to be entertained
that an extensive tiro was inevitable and the thanks
of the citizens are due to the Vigilant Fire Com
pany and to the citizens who aided them that
these fears were nut realized. The promptitude
with which the flumes were extinguished explains
the fact that the alarm never reached the upper
portion of the city. It will be a good thing for
the inhabitants of the First Ward, If this accident
! results in a more generous support to their newly
organized fire company.
Shoplifting in Allentown
A Mrs. John Rudolph, of Eighth street, has
lately left town under very disgraceful circum
stances. • She hue been In the habit, for some time
past, of going to the store of Mr. Gressley, corner
of Seventh and Chew streets, and there buying
her dry goods, etc. The early morning she has
chosen for her operations, and entering the store,
would ask for some article that was kept in the
cellar, which of course the clerk bad to fetch. At
that hour lu the, morning there would, In all prob
be but one clerk in the store and Mrs. Ru
dolph had a clear coast for her operations. On
the return of the clerk she would pay for what she
had ordered and then leave the store. Time after
thno articles of, value were missed—pieces of
goods, balmoral Wan, etc.,—and no one kbew on
whom to fasten suspicion. At length the frequency
of her visits at such an early hour, and the singu
larity of the fact that the goods she wanted had ,
to be fetched from the cellar, excited suspicion '
On the occasion of her next visit, a clerk was con:
coaled in the Store, and she was seen by him to
hide some articles under her clothing. Ou being
accused of the theft she denied it at first, most
strenuously, but it promise being made that she
should nut be prosecuted If she gave up the goods,
site restored them. Subsequently, she sent a little
girl with several articicii, which she declared were
all she had ever taken; but it hue since transpired
that she has Bold a shawl and balmond skirt and
offered other articles for sale, to her neighbors.
Site has always accounted for the possession of
the goods by saying her husband had traded for
them In the country. lice husband declares his
ignorance of any such transactions and she has
levanted to Baltimore.
Officer Hofford, armed with u search warrant,
went to the house, but no trace of stolen goods
could he discovered. Mrs. Rudolph, we believe,
had hitherto enjoyed a fair reputation and the dis
covery of her guilt has been a severe shock to her
former friends. .k warrant for her arrest is In the
hands of the pollee, and If she should ever return
to Allentown, she Is likely Co hove nn. Intimate
neounlntanee with the accommodations of ourjal I.
A Splendid Piano
Linderman & Son's Gold Medal Cycloid
and Square Pianos rank among the [Meet
Instruments In the country. Their brilliancy
and fullness of tone is not surpassed by a concert
graud piano at double the price: Moro instru
ments of this celebrated make have been sold in
Allentown, Lehigh and adjoining counties than of
any other manufucture. They can be used many
years and not become airy, as most other plants
do, is only a few years. Come and examine theta
at . C. F. Herrmann's Store, Seven* and Walnut
at rects.—Adr.
The Lyons Hotel property was offered at
public sate to Rending . , on the 1 2th inbt., together
with ale building lots. We understand the whole
property was bought by Messrs. Milton Apple and
Martin Kemmerer of Chia city.
Large genntities of ice were shipped from
Bowman's Station on the Lehigh and Susquehan
na Railroad, last week. The ice ix, of course, of
Inferior quality and only four or lice Ineheß thick,
but it la better than nothing mid many people have
filled theirV 'Muses with it.
e - heutn..
MISt, Grand NV rtity Associnte Chas. 'Massey,
of this city, with other members of the "Sons of
Temperance," instituted a Division at Dr. Miller's
°Mee, In Phillipsburg, on Wednesday evening.
The large and magnificent Map of Nicotine,
by Prof. H. B. Osborn and Rev. Dr. Coleman,
which is the admiration of eminent Biblical schol
ars all over the country,. Is now within reach of
every one Interested in the cause of Sabbath
Schools, on very favorable terms. For full par
ticulars, address, with stamp, J. C. Garrigues
Co., Publishers of The Sunday School Times, 608
Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Some uninvited guests took supper at the
public house of John Ruff; on Friday evening last.
They broke into the house and helped themselves
to all they wanted to eat, and then quietly left
without disturbing anything OH.. If they will
only be kind enough to let the proprietor know
when they are coming again, he will have some
thing prepared for them. Fie is afraid they found
their supper cold last Friday, and be will endeav
or, next time, to give It to them "hot."
If you wieh to insure in one of the oldest
and best managed life insurance companies In the
country, insure in the American Life, of Philadel
phia. If you wish to tnake it absolutely certain
that not a dollar of your money Invested will ever
be forfeited—lnsure in the American, of Philadel
phia. If you wish to get the largest amount of
life insurance possible for your 'money—lnsure In
the American, of Philadelphia, which offers all
plans and nt the lowest rates. Dr. Wm. J. Romig
Is agent for Lehigh county.
On Saturday, the 12th inst., at West Cocalino
township near Reading, an altercation arose over
a shooting match. A man named Tucker, com
mitted an assault on one Murr, who resented it,
and in the scuffle that ensued, knocked off his
(Tacker's) hat. Tacker immediately drew a dirk
knife and laid about him savagely, wounding n
young man named Lantz, and inflicting such a
serious wound on Murr; in the abdomen, that the
Intestines protruded. Tacker is In custody and
Murr lies In a very precarious condition.
The Conference of the Evangelical Anode.
lion In Eastern Pennsylvairla will hold its annual
session for 1870, at Catasauqua, Lehigh county.
The first meeting of the body will take place to
day, (Wednesday, the 21d.) It Is expected that
a large number of visitors from Allentown, Beth
lehem and vicinity will be present to take part In
the proCeedings, or evince their interest as specta
tors. Catastoqua always shows a lively Interest
In such meetings, awl her hospitable citizens will
welcome their nutnerons visitors with their accus
tomed cordiality.
It appears from the following which has
passed into,a law that there Is to be more safety
for our trunks, &c., when traveling: Auy bag
gage-master, express-agent, stage-driver, hack
man or any other person whose duty it is to han
dle; remove, or take care of the baggage of pas
sengers, who shall wilfully or recklessly destroy
any trunk, valise, box, package or parcel while
loading, transporting, or unloading or delivering
or storing the same, shall be guilty of a misde
meanor, and mwonvietion thereof shall be sen
tenced to pay a tine not exceeding $lOO. The
railroad company shall also be liable for damages.
transported over the Lehigh Valley Railroad
for the week ending Feb. 12, 1870, compared with
same time last year:
For Week Far Year.
Total Wyoming 6,685 13 109,408 13
" Hazleton ^6,071 14 269,915 13
Upper I.ellgh 1117 12 230 05
13eaver Meadow 7,408 17 95,13 U 16
" MlthatlOY 3,090 14 57,509 00
" Mauch Chunk 22 01 427 18
Grand Total
Banc dine IHIIS 42,703 12 416,149 12
Iherea e
Scranton is achieving an unenviable repu.
gallon for crime, and the newspapers are con
stantly supplied with accounts of murder, robbe
ry and violence. One weeks account contains,
murder, shooting, stabbing, 'assault, insults to
women and several minor offenses. Nothing ever
puts an end to this Mint of thing so quickly as a
decisive and unyielding; administration of the law.
For the safety of inhabitants of Scranton and Its
visitors, this course we hope will be pursued.
Crime left unchecked Is a plant of roll 1 . growth.
Nip It In the bud and it will perish.
The production of iron ore in Pennsylvania
for the 'year 1869 has been as follows: Pig Iron,
065,000 tons ; for 1869 against 872,000 tone 11
1868; Increase, 03,000 tune, the sales of the pro
duet being about $34,000,000 or very little beyond
the lesser quantity of last year. From forges and
blootuerles, 31,000 tons; rails, 280.000 tons; other
forms of manufactured, 271,000 tons; increase,
31,000 tons. The added value on the manufac
tured article may be fairly estimated at $35,000,-
000 showing a total productive valee of fully $69,-
000,000, with an Increase In total quantity from
1,424,157 tons to 1,563,000 tone.
The Lehigh Crane Iron company have been
the repellants In three sults, (brought respectively
by John 11. Troxell, David Trpxell and Michael
:Munich), which were Instituted for the recovery
of damages' alleged to have been sustained by the
complainants, in consequence of the company al
lowing the muddy water toescape from their dams
and thus rendering the waters . of the Lehigh River
impure. The complainants all reside on the banks
of the Lehigh and alleged that the said impurity
of the water rendered it unfit for ordinary domestic
and farming use.. The mud dam at Guth's ore
bed, near the Jordan Creek, Is the dam particu
larly referred to In the above complaint. • The
arbitrators, after a session of six days, awarded
each plaintiff one hundred and sixty dollars and
costs. Quite a number of sults are now pending,
involving the same questions of law and probably
this decision will result in the settlement of many
of.them, If not all. - The law seems to be clear In
the case, that where any damage can he shlown as
the result of the operations of any company or In
dividual' they will be held responsible and must
make good the loss.
At a meeting of the citizens of Northamp
ton county, held at the Good Cheer" House,
Portland, preliminary to taking measures for the
speedy completion of the Northampton, Railroad,
the . follotving officers were elected :—C. R. Heber,
President; C. Robinson, Vice President; and J.
Beck, Secretary. The charter recently obtained
from the Legislature of Pennsylvania authorizes
the construction of a Railroad, between Portland,
and Bethlehem, :tad Allentown. The act of the
Legislature wan read and approved and the fol
lowing resolutions were offered and adopted:
Rese/red, That as citizens of Northampton
county we believe the construction of a railroad
between Portland, Ilud Bethlehem, and Allentown,
to be imperatively demanded as tending to pro
mote not only our State interests, but the inter
ests of agriculture, manufacturing, and the gene
' ral interests of the citizens of the county.
Resotral, That a committee consisting of F. it.
Hagerman A. 2. Moore, R. M.jones, be appoint
ed to aid the Commissioners named in the act, in
corporating the Northampton Railroad Company,
in circulating subscription lists to procure the
means for defraying the expenses of surveying the
mute, to obtain subscription of stocks and to ob
tain cessions of the right of way for said road, and
to report at a subsequent meeting to be called by
the Commissioners named in the net of incorpom
It Is confidently asserted that within Iwo years
the Railroad will he completed. .•
I 1
.43,4'46 11 532,691 11
047 10 110,100 10
Fred Douglass is to lecture in Reading on
the first of next April. His subJectAs announced,
will he "Our Cosmopolitan Population."
Preparations are being made for starting the
" printers Paper MITI," In Reading, and Inn very
abort time It will be In full operation.
The way to blackguard a respectable old
gentleman with a red nose Is to call him " Judge."
Pay for what you eat is an European plan.
ray double for It, is ah American plan, practiced
by the unsophisticated.
The citizens of Norristown arc making
efforts to have a free bridge between that place
and Bridgeport. The object Is commendable, and
we wish them success.
A contract for a grand opera house at Scran
ton has been •ured by 11. E. Klein, of Potts
town. It is to cost $lOO,OOO. Mr. J. C. Sidney,
Architect, Philadelphia, is to supply the plans
and the building Is to be put up under bin direc
tion. We should be glad to see a move made in
this direction by some of the "public spirited" In
Allentown. As the Democrat has so persistently
pointed out, a large public heals needed in Allen
town and It would be well to adopt the suggestion
thrown out.
Mr. Daniel Hartman was instantly killed on
Wednesday afternoon, just below the old depot at
Mauch Chunk. Ile had been riding down on a
,ebal train and when lie Jumped off wits struck by
the engine of the freight train that was passing.
Ile was frightfully mangled by the locomotive and.
several of the curs running over him, and was
scarcely to be recognized, except by his apparel.
It would seem that the frequency of these terrible
accidents would tench men caution and prevent In
some degree.the recklessness that Is causing so
much destruction of life. Mr. Hartman leaves a
wife and family at Packerton, who are thus de
prived of husband and father.
On Thursday morning a disastrous fire 'oc
curred at the store house of Messrs. Voorhees
Shliner, situated on Church street, Euston. The
store house was situated Just in the rear of Messrs.
Voorhees da Shimer's drug store, and was used
for the stewing of large packages of chemicals and
drugs. It contained at the time of the fire a large
quantity of goods on each floor. These valuable
goods have all been completely ruined by fire and
water. The building was insured for $l,OOO and
is the property of Alexander Wilson, Esq. It is
feared the foundation has been injured, but if this
should prove not to be the case, this insurance
will probably cover the loss. The stock destroyed
is variously estimated from $5OOO to $6OOO and
was insured In Northampton for $l.lOO, York,
l's, 81,250 and In the Beacon, $l,OOO. It is general
ly believed that the fire was occasioned by sponta
neous combustion of some of the chemicals, but
the proprietorlieuspect Incendirtrism. '
On Saturday morning Joseph Sharpe, em
ployed at the nokendatiqua Iron Works, met with
his death under very singular and distressing cir
cumstances. lie was wheeling a barrow load of
Iron ore up an inclined plank, for the purpose of
loading a car, when he slipped and fell between
the car and the wharf. The heavy barrow and
its load fell upod him striking him a fearful blow
on the back of the head and he was 'almost in
stantly killed, breathing only for a few minutes
alter assistance bad arrived. This accident was
not the result of any carelessness on the part of
the unfortunate deceased. The plank, wet from
Friday's rain, had frozen during the-night and in
some places was as smooth as glass, so that foot
hold was very precarious. The fact of his hands
being engaged with the barrow, made It impossible
for him to recover his balance or to grasp at the
plank as he fell. This sad accident seems to have
made a deep Impression on the fellow workmen of
deceased, among whom he bad many friends.
A case •of considerable local interest was
tried last week lu the DistiA — Cotart, No. 1, City
of Philadelphia. The case was one that In law Is
called " a case of [rover and conversion," in which
John Hockey was plaintiff and Erwin Burkhalter
defendant.. Both parties reside at or in the neigh
borhood of Coopersburg, and the plaintiff claimed
$4500 for hides, alleged to have been sent to de
fendant to tan, and that out of some $9OOO worth
sent defendant had kept hides to the value of $45210.
Defendant alleged that there was an agreement,
between himself and Hockey, that the hides should
hetanned at 12 cents per pound. For calf skin he
Will to havel:l2l,l cents each and for kips 91.55,
and was to receive his payment in hides. Pre'vl-
OM to this action being brought, plaintiff had
brought an action of replevin against same defen
dant to recover possession of these hides. 'This
action was brought in Lehigh County Court and
instill pending. After the plaintiff's counsel closed
their case, defendant's counsel offered in evidence
a certified copy of the pending action of replevin
and called John I'. Miller, Esq., Sheriff of this
county, who testified that the defendant had given
him a "claim property bond" and that thereupon
be had delivered the property to him. Defendant's
counsel then asked for verdict for defendant, on
the ground that the title to property In question
was by these proceedings legally vested In defen
dant. Thereupon the Court instructed Jury to
find verdict for defendant,. We understand that
Mr. Burkhalter's counsel claim that they have a
full and ample defense to plaintiff's plaint on
the merits. The case was tried by Messrs.
Davis and Dittman, of Philadelphia, for plaintiff,
and Edward llarvey and Jahn D. Oliver, Esqs., of
this city, with M. F. Givins. Esq., of Philadelphia.
for defendant.
The Conference of the Evangelical Luther
an Synod of Pennsylvania, (Second District.) held
Its Meetings last week. The much talked of case of
St. Paul's German Lutheran Church, has occupied
their attention and been disposed of, but an official
report of their proceedings has not yet been pub
lished. All we are enabled to lay before our
readers Is simply the resolutions adopted without
a word as to bow they ware arrived at. The pub
lic has a great Interest In the proceeding of such
an assembly and we regret that we are unable to
make our report fuller, for the benefit of the Eng
lish portion of the community.
The Conference adopted the following Report:
1. After an examination of the papers handed.
to the Committee, andihearing the statements of
the two brethren representing the respective par
ties In the church, your Committee learned that
the resolutions adopted last July, at the meeting
of Conference held in Allentown, having reference
to the election held on last Easter Monday, bad
not been complied with. The Church Council,
however, declares Itself ready to hold an election
for two sets of offleers'on next Easter Monday.
At this point of the proceedings the five mem
bers of the Council, elected last year, publicly ten
dered their resignations to take effect on next FAO , -
tee Monday. The complainants declared them
selves satisfied with thin.
2. Inasmuch no different opinions exist with
reference to the elections to be held In the future,
your Committee deems It necessary to direct at
tention to a proper answer to the question, " who
mialilled to vote?" by declaring that:the entire
oth Article of the by-laws must be taken into con
sideration; nod not only the first section of It, eo
that only those persons can be refused a vote.
who have been excluded from the church by disci
pline in accordance with Article 2d, and Si.
Matthew 10.
3. With reference to the third point, how pro
tracted meetings and prayer meetings should be
held In the church, the Church Council conceded
that they were held as the complainants set forth,
and inasmuch as Conference had already express
ed its opinion upon this point, therefore
Reitolva', That we simply direct them to that
opininn, which is-that we cannot regard the
Method and manner In which these. protracted
meetings and prayer meetings are held as in ac
cordance with the practice of the Lutheran Church.
After Conference bad adopted the above report,
the Church Council declared itself sntisfied, and
asked advice as to how the weekly services of the
church shoithibe conducted?
The answer was that In general they should
regulate themselves by the order prescribed In the
Liturgy, until Synod nt its next meeting gives a
more complete answer:
Rev. Brobst read a paper on prayer meetings
and protracted meetings, which, In twelve points,
set forth what Is, and whet Is not, Lutheran In
such meetings. By resolution of Conference It
was ordered to he printed In the ZolurArifi.
This malady is giving plenty of work just
now to the physicians of Ilellertown, and in spite
of thelrvigihmce it has appeared to Increase and
has In some Instances proved fatal.
Dr. Heading has introduced a bill into the
House of Representatives to establish n new poet
or mall route from Zion's hill, In Springfield
township, Bucks county, to Coopersburg, on tile
North Pennsylvania roilroad, In Lehigh county.
This would accommodate a neighborhood that is
now very poorly supplied with mall facilities.
An engineer has been ordered to be appoint
ed to locate this Road which will run between
Norristown and Lansdale, and It is now certain
work will be commenced during the Spring. Its
advantages to the citizens of Norristown cannot
be over-estimated, and It will be a great accom
modation to the people of this end of the District
who may have occasion to visit that' town. The
public is Indebted chiefly to Gen. J. F. Hartrauft
and James Ilooven, Een. f lor pushing the matter
Italian violin strings, violins, guitars, flutes
etc., or any other article belonging to musical In
struments, can be bought cheaper than anywhere
else, at C. F. Herrmann's Music Btore, Allentown,
ON baud at all times, ladies' ready-made under
garments, such as tucked, embroidered and plain
skirts, chemises, night dresses, &c., at Mrs. OM
din's, No. 34 East Hamilton street.—Adv.-st.
SZLIANG off winter goods nt cost and below cost,
hose, leggings, socks, hoods, gloves, (kn., to make
place for spring goods, at Mrs. Guldin's, 34 East
Hamilton st
sheet music, instructors, blank books, music
paper nod cards at C.F. Herrmann's Ifusic Store
Allentown. —Adv. •
A single reed 5 octave organ at $9O. A
double reed organ with 5 etops, •at $1.30. A
powerful organ with 7 etops at $lBO, at C. F. Herr
mann's. corner of 7th and Walnut.—Adv.
(21.Aussr9Li.n,Feb. 221, 1870
News la very scarce. The wenther has been
so mild that our farmers have done their Spring
plowing already. They now only attend the ven
dues, which are very numerous Indeed, sometimes
two and three In one day, and soon they will have
their moving to look after.
A vendue took place to-day, on the farm of
John and Frank Knerr, who are going to leave
Lowhlll for your city. They have contemplated
moving since last March.
Mr. Reuben Diehl, blacksmith at Clnuaen9lle,
ban made arrangements to move his business to
the "Leather Corner Post.''
Last week Richard J. Knerr, our stotekeeper,
sent to New York 275 bushels of clover seed, which
was quite a large shipment of so valuable an ar
ticle. But Claussville is growing In enterprise
and population also, as you would think if you
now the number of children on our streets.
The Debating Society was still flourishing at the
last two meetings. Court was hold, mock trials
were conducted, and it would have done many a
learned Judge good to have heard tne pleadings of
the amateur attorneys. Next week the debate
will be held at Rupp's School House, and the ques
tion to be discussed Is, "Shall Polygamy be abol
ished by the Government, and. If necessary, by the
The last snow had a very severe effect upon one
of our mail lines, the Kutztown and Schneeks.
vine. The mall has not made its appearance In
two week,<. Some of the pmt toasters are uneasy,
not knowing whether they are compelled to go to
Kutztown after the mail or not,.and the people
living on the route had not seen the REGISTER or
any other paper till your correspondent furnished
them with his copy.
On Sunday, the Rev. Henninger delivered a
very interceding sermon at the Lowhill church, to
II large audience. Yvnet
A Ride Among the Indiana—Aspect of the
. Con nfry—Thrilling Adventures—Matri
monial Adrantagex—The Capital of the
Chortali• Nation, •
Correftpoiderere tpf The Lehigh Register
On the finth received orders from U. S.
Marshal Britton, to proceed to Fort Smith, Join
Marshals Brown and McLemore and accompany
them Into the Nation. Two hours ride . brought
me to the city, which four years ago numbered
only one thousand inhabitants, but now boasts of
a population of over three thousand. It is the scat
of Sebastian County, and strong efforts are now
being 'node to have the Circuit and District Courts
removed thither from Van Soren, which meets
with the hearty approbation of nearly ell parties
interested, shire Fort Smith affords superior tie
commodations In' comparison to Van 80re,,.
Prominent among the distinguished citizens of
Fort Smith, are Generals Cooper and Cabbell
confederate officers and Colonel Fishhook, who
organized the 4th Regiment, Arkansas Union
Cavalry. I bad the pleasure of meeting Colonel
Woolley, a resident of Van Buren, previous to the
"onpleasantness," but who has resided In Texas,
ever since the close of the war. He has returned
to look after some matters of business.
• left Fort Smith on the morning, of the 30th
ult., and after a ride of Seven miles drew rein Is
front of H. Miekle's farm horse, who requested u.,
to remain and enjoy his hospitality until the fol
lowing morning, when he, with several others
would accompany us to this place. We readily
consented. and did ample justice ton good dinner.
In the afternoon we were Joined by Lewis Miller,
of Fort Smith, who was to bd one of our party, and
who interested the company, in the evening, with
tales of hl thrilling adventures among the In
dians and miraculous escapes.
On the following morning the sun rose bright
and clear, giving indications of a pleasant day:
Our party, which now consisted of five, left at It
a, nn. and in half-an-hour crossed the line of the
Choctaw Nation, when " Lo ! the poor Indian,"
was the chief object of interest. We met but very
few until after our arrival at Scullyville, the home
of ex-Governor Walker, member of Council.
Evening found us at the residence of Mr. Burke,
a white man, whose better-half, however, is a
Choctaw. One year's residence in the Nation en
titles a man to an . Indian wife, and vim verm.
But no one is to refer front this than two year's
residence entitles him to two, yet some " seem" to
view the law in that light. Two charming young
widows, related to Gov. Walker and residing at
Scullyville, are watching and waiting, not for a
Hiawatha, but forsevertil pale-farce to make their
appearance, and win, woo and wed them. The
httle papooses in the vicinity of Burke's are taught
by a Cincinnati lady, and I ant informed are pro
gressing finely.
By S o'clock on the . followirig morning, wit
were again on the tramp. After proceeding a few
miles, we ascended an eminence, when a bread
prairie WAS spread out before us, bounded on the
south 'by a chain. of mountains, which looked
beautiful in the distance. After crossing the
prairie, we entered the Big Narrows, at the west
end of which lives John McCurden," a big Inilu,"
member • of the Choctaw Council. lie was absent,
having gone to Tishomingo to draw this year's
annuity for the Indians in his immediate vicinity.
Although very wealthy, he iivoe in a log cabin.
Proceeding ten miles further, we put up for the
night and were treated with hospitality. A mult
i her oft migrants camped across the road from us.
They for merly lived in Beaton County, Arkansas,
had gone to Texas a few yearn ago, but, becoming
tired, "packed their duds," and are now retracing
their steps to the land where people lived in
peace and harmony.' •
!There are thoustinds of acres of waste land in
the Choctaw Nation, which will never be culti
vated as long no the whites are dented the privil
ege of settling thereon. A few Indians are Indus
trious and cultivate hundreds of twice, but the
majority of them are indolent audgive upon the
bounty of others. There are, however, more re
fined than the ragged and dirty 'Omahas and
Pawnees of Nebroska. The present seat of gov
ernment- of the Choctaw Nation Is .‘ Chahm
Tamaha," but will soon be removed to " Moosho.
latublee Mamba," situated on the road leading
from Fort Biiiith to Doggy Depot. We shall re
main here a few days to rest, after which we shall
strike oat for the Chicknenw Notion. U. S.
J arriage%.
HUFF—DANKEL.—Oh the 12th of February,
by Rev. N. S. fitrassburger, Mr. Irwin Huff, of
Routh Whitehall, to Miss Sarah Dunkel, of Allen
13 catbo.
SNYDER.—On the Stet of January, In Salle
bury, Misr; Catharine Snyder, aged 72 .yeare and
DREISBACIL—On the 9th of February, In this
city, Parker Dallas, son of Edwin and Clara
Drelsbaeh, aged 11 months and 18 days.
DRESHER.—On the 12th of February, In thin
city, Charles John Alfred, son of Charles and
Marietta Dresher, aged 9 months and 25 days.
Neto Atifurtioemento.
P -
Pupils admitted at Roy thus Lail quarler•f Collegiate
Year will commence
MONDAY, APRIL 187 n, 1870.
Nonni and Tnltion In Engll4 Blanche*. $4lO. For Cate
loan** ethic,. the President
Collegeville, Montgomery Co.. l'a.
ITCIIINtI, poelLvely, perfectly •cl pertnaste•lly CURED
without pals, danger, illidtlllllo,lol or cemtlr, by
No.Dslspnma GARDEN AT., PA.
Wit• COO refer yon to over Stereos Bonder/1 of the beet
elttzene of Plilladelphlv. who have been cored. A prac
tice 01 eleven yenre an
cure spcial!), dicta fe lt 7.l.l without
t, failure, tcorronfo to on ensee e 7
Agent*, tonell the CELEBRATED HINK
LEY KNITTINtI MACHINE, fur family use. Simple,
clomp, reliable. Knits everything. Circular and mintile
pinching free. Siblrevs, No. 2.1 N. Nitta, St.. /41111111'p.
Pa. fob 21-Stu
= =A 5
‘ .7: .7 , %,, , ;4p
' ,
4 .,
11 2
4,r:-Izi:-• Be g ' rc:gr
g ; 1-1
&INFRiglf?.r.fg ' Fg;UP:f:;,? - irgrd '6 :E ' l
.. tir..,'-$..g..a
ri 'ill , Attl.
t .
..6 , :itizin, fff.i.26:11115;72
?Titi.F., - -“.21. 7 g2F,EV5,1nii:288E85E 8 ?..f a.... = -!
th i ,lit - th•9:fiElw
L..y.''~~y T `- il~i9
To County Indobtol•own, Jon. I, ISM 1104 IRS A 7
To lone• 0.,t In ISoO $147. t 2 IX/
To bonus poll In tutu 1141,970 93
4:1, VV. 07
350 40
To County Scrip ontntanding
By COUP', TlMne uncollected for the follow
1 1
343 39
1,(417 18
493 08
2,...41 33
13,191 34
Dy State Taxon outetandlng for the
following year.
331 1S
113 flB
0 1 1
11 31
- AS
By lock I Allentown Water Co. 1,191 al
Balanc n e
In bands of Trea.nror 312 61
County Indebtedne4eJae.l, IST° 221.713 rU
-- AA15,811 At
Amount expended ID tfo77 14•14,6A1 TS
14s 61.027 42
• • • • • :18.90.1 42
1b171,241 42
- -•-- •
SIMON MENT.II, Emu., Trmomrer or ,Lehlgh county, le
arrnnt with said county for the your ending December
314, u A. D. Itil9:
. , . . .
To balance In hands of Treasurer . 47.010 42
i.411L11. 147.372 03
Judgment pold . 1.000 00
Interest on still 2... lament 101 (Al
County Taxes fur 18.10 IR 121 01 10.3.0 00
State TM". for 11111 6.934 70
• . " 18.03 1.00170
197 21 MI
Jell Material old 200
Wnter Company, Dlvideud 70 80
Celt. Iltouto ent 247 00
Old Lumbergold 4.34 96
Sealer sold 12100
Ba lla 00 18
817tingtou Bridge, refunded 04 RI
Inq 0051, refunded 13 44
Rules of Court 31 130
Wines revolved
15 10
By volt paid sundry prronno on orders 110tUNI by the
County Couttolosionero during the year 1&D:
Ily Loam( paid 01(11,926 Ri
Interest on Loans paid 14 . ..n) 01
.• Coupon Hoods Iliad 4.70116
New County Prison 118,11(C1 CI
Iron Fence, New County Prison ' 0,004 23
Court ilommexpetwee 1,130 SS
Court Crier and cleaning Court Ileum( 313 21
'Coroner it Initiate 3x)115
Ton Voreit 'Lars 3,311 91
Ilrand Juror.B o 4 Al
Constuble'R returns to Quarter Seoolinto 917 RI
taeeaments 1,103 72
I{ , 2l.l(qing voter's itu.l copying 1,207 V
Elections 1.878 07
AlaltPllloEis. 1,707 ia
Commonwealth's cools 9,1 m DO
Tip Stucco 2ki11.30
Indexing Recorder's Deed pocket, 70 011
Ruleo of Court ar; 05
Jury Commissioners' salaries 12500
' 11erilr x xecoomt 1.700 01
Poor house account 25,000 18)
Prison expenses. Including ((lathing, fuel, Am.. 2,744 30
Lehigh County Agricultural Society 10100
'' '' Teocher's Institute 3000
County A itilitore, 18;8 13 107
Nilson, Penitentiary 9,1585
Rewords 25 MI
Blatinglon, now 45,021 83
Kline'm tiallobitry, now 4,ltn 42
Uittner'o, Lowbill, now tkill 25
n, Allentown, rilialring 1,011 3i
Trout Hailisintry, repairing.. 5 75
Apulia', do to .. 11 00
aaildoliotn, Hanover ado .. 01 5n
Lull. , Lobigh do .. 350
Trozoll'o, :WWI, Whitehall do .. 3111 A
VIM. Cruz. Upper Allirord do .. 10 (01
Ileller'o, lluper Saurian do .. 48 80
Scheror's, :Ninth Whitiahall do .. 127 75
Wiikkg Bridge, finlimbury do .. 74 75
Spring Crook, L. blitoungin do .. 40 24
Sehnurmitu f a, Sallolittry do ~ 10 00
flatittowor'o. Upper 8.0000 do .. 2121
Schrollier'A, Sallebury do .. 32 00
li lino', North Whitehall do .. 6161
ilerninalsoille, lieldelborg to .. 39 49
Stiackeria, Whitehall do . 291M1
Diablea . , Lower 5111 ford do .. 5.5 00
Weld', Wiaaalliti :ton do .. Pi 48
14 tink.e . o. Heidelberg 110 .. 14 75
I'leamidit Corner do ato .. 21 0e
Knerr'o, Lowhllli do .. 2.5 61
Jordon do .. 31 19
Jack P1011V111.., Lynn Jo i.. 3807
Lower Maritugle do .. 12 tit
liarlucher & ............ 11131 23
I. D. Lelson r St C 0...... .......... 116.
T. V. 11166.16 711 03
32 00
D. F. Trexler 613
Stittlottery nn . •
Dorkeis tl Indices
12031211h510N Ent , OFFICE SALARIES.;
Daniel Focht *WI 40
Thoonne Jnroiy 66486
Henry U. Pearson 203 20
Stephen Kern 720)
L. I. Engletnno, Clerk lorn 01
Solicitor 00
Attorney FM. T n o./
Revenue lanolin. 64 CO
Mono - refunded to J F. Rcrd, Tresser
o error In Andtitan' acc ei ount ha 18.7
n ellaneuu.
Treannrer'x Coinembodou on State Tozer'. celery
Stole 'Eltx for ISO
Balance 6r hustle of Treasnrvr
*245, MEI 55
We st ud drid Auditors of Lehigh Couttly hare
stunted examined the accouuts of Simon Moyer. Brat.,
Treasurer. and nud a balance a above Mated.
Witamlo , one hands this 31th day of January. IBM
F. J. NEWII ARD. Auditor..
To cash retired during the year trout
Couuty Cusantlsalouers
Jury feel*
By 11,,nraing Prisoners (Sheriff's Jou, n al) $1.814 75
suininouing Jurors. 0) 187 21
CConveying to the Ikuu. of Range, il) 30 07
Colli•Cli1111 fines 3 lig
0.m5 61
Audllyd and examlued Jury 11 lico.
D. 11. ail IA ER A
F. J. NRWItAitD. Auditor,
• r: Z. lIV.EUVRIt.
Account of F. P. JOUST. Treaeurer of the Directors of
toe Poor nail Douse of Employment of Lehigh Pointy for
the year ending December:Oat. ihiDi
To Cant recel T cd from County Troimuvr Mau..
dry time.. umper Colmty odsdement WS. fill 00
Carte from T. U. Tama, Melo," n. 84.1'79
By ltelauce overpaid as per last year's Itsport 111.22112
Cush paid out during the year ou Orders of 01.
rectors as per Order llook 21.933 07
Belem, lu huuds of Treasurer 2.9.10 00
07,80 70
Aodited and npprovell J•tmarr MU.
D. a . mictiot,
,F. NEWHRAD. lAndllorn.
Lehfah County In •orount with the Commonwealth of
Penneylvanta for State Tames for MP:
To amount aseeneed bp Revenue Comminelou•
err 165.057
Lens 5 per teat. for eollectlng 427 66
elk VA Hi
Len I per eenl..Treneurer'e coratslaelon 94 W
By amount remitted to Slats Treasurer, as
per vouchers 10.9a1 fQ
Nebo abbertionnentts
There will be excepted to Public Sale two very line (un
blended BULLS, the propertr of the Lehigh County Mel
cultaral Society. on SATURDAY, the 12th day of littAllCll
next, at Iclock. P. M., oo the Fair Grounds of etid
Society, to the City of Allentown, Pa . to-wit.:
ROAN BULL. calved Dec. Bth, 1863 y bred by James 0.
Sheldon, Geneva. N. Y.
DROWN DULL, calved 3 years ago, bred by George
Patterson, Springfield, Md.
The above animal. are from the best Imported full.
blooded Muck, and raised by the meet renowned breeders
In the United States. Full pedigrees cleat., animals will
he produeedon the day of sale, and elm be seen at any
tline It the Secretaryin °Mee. In the City of Allentown, Pa.
The attention of .11 farmers is called to the above sale.
This In a splendid opportunity to obtain full-blooded stock
at a reaennahle price, without the expense of Importation
Condition, of sale will be made known nod dice atte•d
acme given by SOLOMON ORIESEMBR,
Attest—Jesnc• firtenita. See•y• t.
Willa Latest Stylen and Dent Manufacture. Liao
feb 23-aut •
D R. w. A. lIASSLER,
I i
9 ,
In I
Disease of the Womb in a complaint that has occupied
much of my lime for the last four er five years, and I have
made it a particular study all that tame. Consequently, I
am couvinced that it should be made a spealal practice to
be AUCCPIINfuI in diagnosing and curing the disease. I
have practiced both in Hospital and private practice,
whore I laud numbers under my treatment with the best
enema. Some of the symptoms are, Pain en the Top of
the Head, Sick Headache, Palpitation of the Heart, Pain
its the Back and Limb.. Disordered Bowels, and many
others, which are all very prominent symptoms of a die.
rased Womb.
All otteett given under my treatment I will guarantee t•
NEAR runiac sQUARK,
iDru 600130
ir213,1.93 55
E.S.SHIMER & (10.
Mammoth Slow
Are prepared to furnish and supply the wants at all, at
the very lowest possible prices to correspond with the
times. All we ask Is a call to examine our stock, which
le complete In every department. Our clerks are polite
ond.obliging, always ready and willing to show 0000 S
and give prices. It then remain. for you to judge and
doclde. There shall be no misrepresentation to effect enter.
It is entirely impassible to enumerate articles, but will
glints only a few of the leading articles, such as
101 74
Whantrer Winter hock
232 30
214 40
94 E. 9
I,COO 90
9,364 93
313 61
Call before perk:Ewing el.ew here, tto we will auaraaleo
It to your advaolaae.
$lO4 00
In i RRADV CASH taken In exch.,' fur Oundp.
*2 OM 01
A I nue and complete amortmellt atilt Sleds air
Spec Melee, Eye Max.., Sm., at
ring devoted a great deal of care and attention to the
Speet ante bunters. for dime last few years. 1 god that my
basin ens In that line has Increased gm much that I have de
terml. nod to make it a SPECIALITY. There I. nu article
mann factored in which there is so much deception parse
tined as there Is In Spectacle Glasse.. Knowing that the
public have been frequently humbugged by parties Pr--
tenth ig to have a superior article of Glasses, and charging
snort Rant priers for them, thereby traelcing upon the ne
ural* lee and Infirmities of age, I have taken Paine to et , -
lect a large and complete assortment of the finest and bed
Glass est ever manufactured. thus affording all persona
shoetlßog Spectacles ea opportunity of purchasing at rea
sonable prices. Porsoas having any dffeculty In being
suited elsewhere will du well to give me a call, P. I feel
:Val n it. VI one
l 6111111 b e
g i t l , e' c i l p B ..111"111r.
tamßefe . remq. Church *Contemn Pe. - ion 211- , 1. Stir.
Soy Sale ttnb 'in Let.
The undersigned offer for sale 03 new Ceme
tery lots Immediately adjoining the Union Climate:Y. OR
Tenth street.
The lots will be sold by otbscription, and Immediately
after the whole numbor ate disposed of they will be award
ed by lot In the same manner as In the organisation of the
Union Association. Plats or plans of the premiums can be
seen at our office. MY 12 00013 k RUHR.
will be given on the Easton Blate Quarry,situated he
Pleinfield township, Northampton county, Pc '
Btackertown. It consist s of number one gat-vein blue,
never.rading elate, fully equal' to the well-known Chap
man Rate, with a good water power and a full rigging of
pumping and hoisting machines. Person. desirous of an
opportunity of this kind will please examine for them.
solves and spot") , to Reuben Koch, Ennekertown P. 0.
mar 3,'IM 0. L. nellltBll36R, President
SALE, ranging in price from lit 'Viper acre, accord
to improvementa, location &c. Oood soil, genial climate,
and near marketa. These farms are situated in Virginia
and Maryland, some in the Immediate§ vici n ity of Wash
ington and others from 20 to SO miles distant from Lb. Cap•
Ital. Add... or cation J. D. 0 ANOWERE4.SB Allasaachn ,
antis Avenue near Sixth street Washington, D. C.
Situate on the North-East corner of Front and Allen
beets t o XT Wißl; troLttLEtlrl
6,tocjiu.fnp.opaio doubt ,
good bn•lness stand.
Inr°rm'ti°' apply
Alderman of First Ward,
Allentown. Pe.
offer their beautiful hotel, situated Wont -
of ant adjoining the city of Allentown,
for rent. The building 16E10 by 40 feet, •
four stories high, in built with all tho I' rr
modern improvemente, and 13 situated
in one of the must picturesque spots In thin part of the
country . There is a lake of water In front of the building
which can boomed fur boating purposes, and helps to Mahe
thin a most delightful sutnmer resort fur citizens from the
large Milos. A cool, refreshing spring of water risen in a
confluent Wenn) near the building.
Proposals will he received until the 16th day of March.
For farther information and for terms parties will call
ou or addrens the undersigned.
fell JOitN 1, HOFFMAN, President.
Will bo sold M public nolo on WEDNESDAY, MAUCH 16
M 10 o'clock A. hf.. on the➢
vanities of the onbwriber
In Lower Mactourie !ownelhly, county • f Lohlgh, near
A L lilltTlB STATION °nth° Loot Pommy imtula Hallrond.
tho fallowing dexcribed
e•wIt:—SIX which of which Is a
are slx years old, c for ',peed cannot be
orpa..ed; Ouo pair three year old sorrel horses;
Four of which are heifers which will ho in
sower, by day of sale. SEVEN 11008. two
two•honm wagon, two one•borso wagons,
reaper and mower, two harrow., On. corn OM one
groin drill one torn planter, three ploughs, ono land
roller, one hay rake, one threshing machine, one fanning
mill, feed muter, two sets hay ladder., corn
n y clo arm f evr ds iio
nd c h a g t r ter.
grind oth n rartic n e e to o tln e o y n e n c m p enti n n a and a wh ea h
be hunted up by the day of sale. Conditions made
known by the subscriber.
feb 9.5 w
will be sold at public sale at the late residence of JllOlOll
Rower', eleceattetl, In Whitehall towenhlp. Lehigh county.
oppotti to the borough of Catanauqua. on
MARCH 7Trt AND BTI3, 1870,
the following PERSONAL PROPERTY of said decedent.
to-witrOno stallion. three horses. coves milch cows. one
bull, three calves, two heifers, nix head sheep, ore hog,
coven small and four large shotes, two heavy four.horsa
wagons, reaper, grain drill. nvachloo power, two straw
cutters, corn shinier, grain fan, two now top buggies. two
to light carriage heroes.), four sets heavy harries..
fly nets, sleigh bells, halters, plough harness, etc., wolf's
sicin, buffalo robes. one-horse sleigh, set of wheelwright
tools, grind stone, and all the Implements used on • well
stocked farm. Also, at the .n3O time and place, Thirty
Acres of Orals its the ground.
Consisting of three dozen chairs, settee, three rocking
chairs, five dining tables, about one hundred and arty
yards rag carpet, cook and dining room stoves , number of
blinds, ono sowing machine, six beds, bedsteads and
bedding. butchering.implements, copper kettle, large Iron
kettlo, dishes, and many other articles too numerous to
Conditions will be made known on der of sale by
Adm . .. of James Stewart. dea d.
J au 12-21 u
Consisting of POUR TRACTS of• GOOD FARMING ;
LAND. situate near the village or Friedensville i I , l4p o r f
8011000 township, Lehigh contity4 , a.. I
the Lehigh Zinc Compel,. adj Agu:a 11.1-
.109 Peter Witrnan, Jacot U P :ee r rroth ". a v n e d . Jere, and the
FialatielPhia Rood.
No. 1 contains 11 acres ri c a j . er
ti h a e c e r i e. N . o n . d 2 s4 co p n o ta r ix . ll3 .
' afl r dlio m .. r :on o ra i lla o :6 N a o iren and 10 perches, tusking In the
The troprov ementM thereon conftist of a good HOUSE
and large DARN, and other neressury outbuilding.,
Tho . o ' v r' e di tirote f rlyVlrlt fur Private Bale pot
whoo, If not dirpoeed of , It will bn offered at PUBLIC
BALE, at R o'clock, I' . M., at the AMERICAN HOTEL, In
the City of All ntown.
Yor term• and conditionx. or further Information , apply
or RUNIC & BALDWIN. Attorney. ut Law ,
fob 14.4 w Allentown. ra.
inat 2dotkcii
A -
Wlwren*, John F. Buckley, of cas.saanna, Lehigh
comity, by •oluntary deed of assignment dated February
9. 1970, conveyed to tho sob...liter all hie stock, real, per.
canal and mixed, for the benefit of hie croditon., notion Is
hereby given to all portions Indebted to said J. F. Buckley
to make payment to tho subscriber within eta week. aAd
those having elnime to present the came duly autlientl•
rated within the same time. M. ILMOiiti.
CAT•ft•INVA, Feb. 9, 1870 Arsignaa.
Notate LEON MARBAOII, 4actaal4 ,
Notice I+ hereby ghee that letter+ of admlnletrallon on
the Clint,' of the above named Leon Marbach, late of the
tow nail ip of Salisbury. lu timer:nutty of Lettlan
I deceased
have been granted to Mary Doleher.. rosiding n the said
township of Salisbury. Therefore all pemona having
claims or demand+ regaled the estate of the said decedent,
pre reotte,ted Insilco the sumo known to the sald Mary
peinhe rwithout delay
,113.6 w
-1.." it hereby alarm that the co.pactutc
ahip heretofore exixtlug between Jqeeph Matchett and F.
C. Haines. &Ong lumlnets under the firm name of MAT-
C tiErr & Al N ES, Is title day dintolved by mutual con
sent. The btmluett of the lute firm will be settled by lo•
seph Matehett, to whom those Indebted are coquetted to
make payment and lbw.. havintsgaltvt should. proeent
them. C ' I I I A ti li A s T B C . Bent .
FCarne .
January 11.1670. ianlo.6w,
Where., J. K. Fetherolf and Me wife, of the Clly
AllPelolVe. by voloutary doed of saalStement datod the
25th day of January, A. it. 1870. conveyed to the under
signed all their rotate. real, personal and mixed, for the
benefit of their creditors; notice la hereby Ely , n to all
permona Inevlitcd tu barite& to ma pament to the
etiberrlbor within ale weeks from the date newt,
tho.e having elating Alan present them duly aulhentlea kd
within Cie .:WO thee to
9.11 w 1611111100 tit., het. lbt d 17,1. Allentown. Ea.
JLLI • IS HEREBY I YEN. that lettere tectarnan , ! f yikdihi
tt,SPiTafi r kiat h :l i 4 t° l ' L d l:ll ,l l:: ll . `„b in e nT , T. "
bablab county, therefore on who kno hem
only.. to be Indebted to said notate, are requoated to t make
Vr/ e l witi t
ixge c s fro T th e dole reof, nod nosh
loanalt Ingot e& agoet alto:1:
theta will enthentlentod for settlement within the above
apeoltled Huy , HENRY HAUERWINE,
fob 9-SW • Executor.
BllAilleSA Loention—Perleriolen, Lehigh Co
AMOUNT INSURED, 00,750,000.
At the Annual Election of the members of thin Conn.,' .
held on Y o de r. h of December, HAD, at the pabilc
Gideon ln Treriertown, the fellow nit
were tulli . olf i c . tg . ll , !rne tore for th . c. y i ts i t c l o ye . ar
Joaeph Boomer. kanford Stephen.
Levi Liehtenwttluer. Knob. Oackenbaoh,
(imago Roth. wllilam Mink.
t Image Ludwig, Hamel J. Moller,
Bentley Ille Yoder, Solomon Klein, (millet,/
John D. Behutoyer.
tin the 18th of December the now Board elected Ike tot.
lowing Aker., to wit:
D. 11. BASTIAN. President.
NNW r.
Reuben bittier,New Tripoli, Lehigh county.
Henry Kuntz, Slatington•
Levi L. Snyder. Sloltnereville.
1.. S. hiebtouwaluer. Krolders•llle, NorthaMplen Co.
Reuben It. Kl e in. Kat:town, Berko ceuttly.
The account of •Loyll.lchtentralner, Treasurer of the
Farmer.' IJulon Mutual Virol rroranre Company Of r...•
Junuary 1. m.o. Iloluncc la bandit of lent y0ar....61,7fd 25
intereot received
115 50
re:plume received during the year
577 21
a% collected uu Aiiiicaiduent ho. 1 717 25
May 7..154`1, Loan of Thomas Strauss
Dec. l 6 do Reuben Seibert
Oct. 2, Oficial labor and expenses
Dec. 4. Expenses annual election
Dec. 24. Printing mud sdrertislag
1),,, 31, fu55......00 tax, License and stamps.
Tam lost on Assessment 40.1
Directors' services
Sere ICI'S of Special Committees....
D. 11. Bastian, signing policies....
Levi Lichtenwillner. Treas. salary
Sanford Stephen, tax collector
isalan;e In hande of the Trenmuter
• 03,141 24
ac \ c ‘ o N u i n tlr . o u te n tlitig n ed .K t . dl c tore heore.exatelturei the.bnve
OEOllO7, ec liOTH.
F. P. AIICKLEY 'Auk!lto.,
160 L. KLEIN, (miller.)
Tb.• acranut or Itoa.vllle Yoder, Secretary of .11,1 Piro
loaurouce Company:
• received axwoo/Wt. ott Polio!es of losa. •
01.100 from Jou. 1,18 W, to Jou. 1, 1870 077 04
Cash pold during the year PO to the Treasurer of
Id Corium 1577 24
We the uudersigned Auditors hero also examined tie
above account ind found the same correct as mated.
liEolloli 110T11,
F. P. MICKLEY. lAuditors.
• -
gOL. KLEIN. (LaMara
February 0 —Ow
N_A Balf..llanufactured Pocket Knives Bud Balaton eau
be found at C. F. Wallace... No. 9 BAH Hamilton street.
N. 11.--Ealors. Hatcher Knives and &lowa grouud UT
water power and • made ea tend so now. men inly
$3.749 24
aan 00
1, 250 0
44 I:,
41 10
03 CO
1.5 2 2 00
23 1/3
23 00
29 00
61042 81
1,403 13