The Lehigh register. (Allentown, Pa.) 1846-1912, December 01, 1869, Image 3

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No paper discontinued until all arearages are
except at the option of the publishers.
Our subscribers who do not receive their papers
regularly will confer a gient favor upon us by
sending word to Oils office. ,
Subscribers about removing will please send us
their old address as well as the new. ,
The publiention ofllce or Tim Ltatum REci-
ISTER bas been removed to the Register Stationery
Store, fleet floor, Hamiltott street two doors above
Sixth, In the building formerly occupied by Young
As Lentz.
For Sale
A pair of pet grey squirrels, male and fe
male, with the cage, will lie sold (limp, apply at
the RucosTmt Orricc.—Adr.
A ball will be given at the Fountain House,
Tuesday evening, December 7th. Manager, FAlwff
Mart ; AsFistnnte, Joblah Trnmhour, John
Prott:aded 11i dings
The German Methodist Church is now hold
ing protracted mectings'nt their church on Linden
street between Shill and Tenth. We understand
they have made 0 large number of converts.
Change of Editors
Rea. E. J. Koons has assumed the editorial
management of the -Veal. We ‘Yeleonte 'dal to
the editorial profession of this city and wish him
success in his labors.
Mae frill Tapping
The money drawer of Helfrich, corner of
Sixth nod Hamilton, was, again robbed on'Satur
day night. This time the phinder amounted to
Iwo gollarx In pennies.
loa n s 44,1 d
At a meeting of the :Farmers and Mecham.
ks Loan and Bullding Asemelatlon, held on Mon
day evening, 17 loans were sold at the following
premiums: II at $47, 5 at $.16, and 3 at $45.
AlleniolPh has
an extensive china and glassware estab
lbilintent where as great a variety and as low
prices can be found as In the larger cities. We
refer to the new store of Richard Walker, No. 40
We,d. Hamilton street.—Adu.
Outfits fur (Jousting Houses,
papers of every kind, drafting materials, sta
tionery for ladies, penknives, scissors, razors and
pocket books can be found In variety at iredell's
Stationery Store, in building formerly occupied by
Young C Lentz.—Adv.
The Thieves on the War Path
The pursuit Of plunder has been followed
very Industriously of late in this city. On Satur
day night the store of Win. Kress, on Ninth above .
Hamilton, was entered by burglars and twelve
hundred cigars and a lot of chewing tobacco were
carried off. The entrance wan effected by break
ing open the rent door.
New Organ for Egypt Church.
Mr. Itanzleman, the organ bander. of this
city,is constructing a new organ for Egypt Church,
in Whitehall township, which will cost $2400.
The yeller:Ode organ which is now used by this
congreghtion was built in Lancaster, and furnished
the accompaniment for the choirs which have sung
in that church sluicing the past eighty-six years.
A New
Messrs. Bnllicl & Nagle the celebrated
clothing men, have put up au immense sign, which
for s ize slid leanly has no equal in town. Be
sides the names of the arm and their occupation,
It has painted on it an artistic design of our coat
of arms. It is a sign of their untiring energy and
ability to keep up with the times, which have
bronght them such unlimited prosperity. .
Batter and Eggs
Mr. 'Thos. Koch, of tipper Macungie, drove
into the city, on Saturday, with a load of butter
and eggs. When at the corner of Eighth and
Linden, his horse mistook a bunk> robe for some
thing else, ran away, upset the wagon, and scat
tered destruction among the eggs and butter. Mr.
Knelt was dragged some distance, but, tnrtunntely,
wits not seriously hurt.
Excellent Derer,tges.
James Rise, the celebrated brewer of Allen
town, manufactures malt litinorA that are pro
nounced by judges pure, Palatable and wholemme.
Mr. Wise is one Of those who believes people ought
to patronize home manufactures, and to order to
supply home consumers to their satisfaction he
spares no efforts to brew the best ale, porter, etc.,
In the market.—Ado.
Womb . rfu 1 Cu riosilies
Among the events of rare importitnce to
our citizens this week \ vill be the advent of sev
eral living curiosities, who retired from llartnint's
Ntuscout when It was burned, iontead of Ploy
in and being consumed with the other curiosities,
such as wax figures, whales, dogs, etc. They
all. we believe, arc members of the human family
and can he seen for twenty-five cents. •
Rev. J. W. Wood will deliver a lecture
this (Wednesday) evening, "commencing at 8
o'clock„ In the Presbyterian church of this city
upoit the Suez canal, Illustrated with maps, and
Its connection with divine prophecy as recorded
In Isaiah. All who have been Interested In the
completion of the great work are cordially Invited
to be present. Admittance free.'
A Splendid Piano. '
Linderman & Son's Gold Medal Cycloid
mid Square PlllllO6 rank among the finest
instruments In the country. Melr brilliancy
and fullness of tone Is not surpassed by a concert
grand piano, at double the price. More Instru
ments of this celebrated make have been sold In
Allentown, Lehigh and adjoining counties than of
any other manufacture. They can be used many
years and not become airy, as most other pianos
do, In only a foe years. Como and examine them
at C. F. Ilerrnumn's Store, Seventh and Walnut
The Lincoln MollllMelit
jo t Four years ago subscriptions were taken for
the purpose of erecting a monument to the mem
ory of our martyred President, at Springfield,
Illinois, and each subscriber was promised an en
graving of the monument. The Monument Asso
rdation has fulfilled its .promise and on Monday
afternoon, Mr. T. it. Moyer, Superintendent of
St. John's Lutheran Sunday School, distributed
the engravings to those entitled to them. The
Association has not sutilelent feuds to finish the
work, and solicits further contributions, and will
present each person subscribing with an engraving.
• Toselava'Atitule,
The Lehigh County Teachers Ii
will arsemble at the Court house, this rity
Monday next, December tith, and continue its
sessions Milli the elope of ille Well:. Tile
exercises promise to be unusually interesting.
Among the distiuguished teachers and professors
from different seetions of the Union who will be pre
sent to deliver addresses upon educational subjects
and engage in the discussions are Prof. J. P. Wick
ersham, of Lancaster, Prof. J. Allen, of lowa,
Rev. Dr. Alexander, of Princeton, New Jersey,
Mrs. A. T. Randall, of the Training. School, Os.
wego, New York, Prof. S. A. Potts; Prof.:J. S. ANOTItEII swisnLEtt,
Ermentrout, of the Keystone Normal School, .1. K. writes from South Whitehall to
Prof. Cady, foal others. • News, as follows —" Stone scoundrel, calling
As the School Law now makes it the duty 'of self Henry Morris, and representing that he Is
the County Superintendent tin issue a call for a agent traveling in the Interests of Packer & C
County Institute once a year, and as the teachers of Boston, an establishment engaged In a one ft
are obliged to attend, the coming:lnstitute, like Mr gift enterprise, sold certain tickets, to be re
the One of last year, will be of extraordinary In- deemed by articles valued at one dollar, such nil
least, not only to the instructors, but to fill con- i cloth, knives; forks, watches, muffs, muslin, &e.
corned in the rouse of education. Mr. young Is the money In each case being pall in advance
sparing no citrons to make this one what the law The goods were to be delivered at David Fatzin
_ Intended it should be, and tinder Ills able manage- gar's tavern on Saturday, the 91111 of November
meat, we might truly say, that more beneficial 1 Ile made conflicting statements with reference is
results are obtained than the originators of the Ids home, the place in, which he was raised, the
act could possibly have expected. ' parties with whom he has been living, &e. Ile
In Our next issue we shall give a report .of the realised about sixty dollars. •
" proceedings nil to the time of going to press, with lea man about 5 feet 4 Inches In height,
the programme for the remainder of the week. , red face, sand.? hair, black mustaches (dyed,)
Oh Thursday evening of Institute week; Dr. Alex- , wears a white ruflied shirt, breast pin and studs,
ander, of Princeton, N. J., will deliver his celc- had a light brown casslmere suit, white overcoat,
brated lecture upon "The Telescope and Its Rev. and talks very little. People throughout the
elations." The other lecturers will be announced i country should beware °Nam and help bring him
hereafter. to justice."
Railroad Soaanhatp. LARrin 6TOCK
On Tuesday morning, about half-paat ten, I sheet music, iiistrnotors,: blank books, musks
No. 71 furnace train ran into the rear end of No. paper and cards ut C.F.llerruaann's Music Store,
83 coal train, at Hamilton street crossing on the Allentown. —Aam
Lehigh Valleylleoad, and threw seven cars off
the track, three of which were much Injured.
The track was blockTrilitLand passenger trains de
layed half an hour. Nobody hurt
Seals and presses for societies, corporations,
etc., can be procured at the Itautarau etore tit elty
1 baggage master was killed end a condne
fatally injured by n collision on the Morris
d Essex Railroad, near Easton, MI Saturday.
A single reed 5 octave organ at $OO. A
°able reed organ with 5 etops, at Rl3O. A
owerful organ with 7 elope at $lBO, at C. F. Herr-
corner or 7th and Walnut.—Ada
The following are the receipts for the week
ending November 27, 1867 : Hay, 520 tons ; Straw,
62 tons. Prime Timothy tiny, sl4o@l 50; mixed,
$1 30(a1 35 ; Straw, $1 30@.1 85.
Italian violin strings, violins, guitars, flutes,
etc., or any other article belonging to musical In
struments, can he bought cheaper than anywhere
else, at C. F. Ilerrninun's Mimic Store, Allentown,
At a meeting of the Washington Loan and
huliding Association, held on Saturday week, five
loans were sold nt $B7, and five at $Si premium.
It was resolved to change the hour of meeting from
8 o'clock to 2 P. m., at which latter time the
meetings will be held during the Winter.
cen seven and eight o'clock on 'Mors
dad• evening, the locomotive of a coal train on the
Reading Railroad ran into the rear portion of a
stock train from the vest, a short distance above
the F.ast . Penn Depot, at Reading, overturning one
of the care containing some 200 sheep, between
sixty and eighty of which wore killed or so much
Injured that it was necessary to dispatch them.
There is no truth in the published report
Unit " two brakemen on the North Penn. Railroad
became frightened at the manner of the recent
death of Mr. Berkelbach and resigned their posi
tions." A brakeman on the Lehigh Valley Rail
road, however, , who bad been railroading but a
week, did get enough of It, and the cause was the
accident at Bethlehem.
The Reading Daily Times conies to us great -
improved, wills' a new head and new dress.
The " make-up" of the paper has been changed,
the telegraphic and local news occupying the first
page instead of the third. The Times Is one of
the neatest, most Interesting and best conducted
dallies in the interior of Pennsylvania, and we
are glad to know that It Is a paying concern.
Property is reported to be on the rise in the
)orour,lt of Kutztown. David S. Levan recently
(Ad to Jacob It. Freas, of Pluenlxvllle, a two and
three-quarter story brick house and lot on Malt
street, for 3,100. David Reldeintner sold three
quarters of an acre of land to James S. Heffner, o
Maxatawny, and a !gr. Gasser of Lehigh county
for 51,200. The latter Intend opening a coal depot
Rev. Henry Ward Reedier is a gaud judge
of newspapers, and lie says of The Advance, pub
lished in Chicago, I regard It as standing fairly
on the highest ground yet reached by religious
Journals In America." Dr. Horace Bushnell
adds the opinion that "It Is the ablek, best
cost outspoken paper published." It is a
';insectitrinn, wide-awake, aggressive, and readable
Family ,Tournal, having for special contributors
such writers ns Rev. Henry Ward Reedier, Senator
Wilson of Massachusetts, "Grace Greenwood,"
Alice Cary, etc. By special arrangement with the
publishers, we arc enabled to club the The Advance
with the REGISTER, for $3.75 per annum.
The North Pennsylvania Railroad Company,
says the Easton Expras, for some mouths past
has been annoyed by a system of petty thieving
along the lies of their road, and with a view to the
discovery of the thieves, employed the services of
Detective Johnson, of Easton, to ferret out the
depredators. On Monday he succeeded in arrest
ing a man named Wilson Elsenberger, a resident
of Bethlehem, who had Just stolen front a freight
ear at Coopersburg about fifteen gallons of whisky,
and secreted it lu a coal ear under the coal.
Elsenberger is a brakeman on a coal train, and
Is in the employ ofthe North Penn. Company. Ile
was brought to Allentown for trial..
The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania has
decided, Judge Sherwood delivering the opinion,
that a mortgagee, or a purshaser at Sheriff's sale,
Is not bound to look beyond the judgment (Melte
to ascertain whether the entries thereon are proP
erly monde by authority, and that where there Is a
defective entry of a judgment, or nn unauthorized
entry of satisfaction, the PrOthollOtary is liable
for damages to any party injured. ilenee, tyliere
the Prothonotary, .without the authority of the
Court, entered on his docket against a judgMent,
" satisfied on Ji.fa.," It was held that the entry
was perfectly regular and conclusive na to third
persons to whom the Judgment itself regularly
docketed was coustrusive notice, tkini that It was
not necessary to search,further and ascertain
whether there was any record of an order of the
Court directing such aatlifactiou.
One day recently Mr. Audenried drove to
he Coplay depot to receive a friend who was ex
pected to arrive on the passenger train. While
his horse was there hitched, the operatives of one
of the quarries belonging to the Thomas Iron
Company arranged a blast, and when all was In
readiness tolgnite the powder, the workmen In
formed Mr. Audenried of the danger. Not heed
ing their reminder he . was again given warning,
but not manifesting any disposition to move out
of danger, the fuse was lit and a terrific explosion
quickly followed, and Mr. Audenried's horse
dropped dead, a huge stone having struck the mil
mai on the head: The noise was a very valuable
one, and we understand Mr. Audenrled has Once
made a demand upon the Thomas Iron Company
for $5OO damngeszje
In another column we have the advertise
neut. of the World Mutual Life Insurance Corn
unty. Mr...T. F. Fruenuff,.the General Agent for
the State, has been in town, and with the care and
promptness which characterizes this Company in
MI Its dealings, made out the proof of loss and
then paid the 115000 to the administrators of Daniel
11. Kemmerer, deceased, without deduction or de
lay: Martin Kemmerer, the local agent for this
company, is well known to all our citizens 'and
should be seen by any contemplating insurance
before insuring elsewhere, because in no company
can they receive more favorable policies, and more
safety and care thanin the company he so ably
represents. We are glad to hear that this ease
has brought the matter more vividly to the minds
of our people and that the Life Insurance business
Is again reviving and numbers taking out policies
every day.
THE 1 u ALLETO*:'!)-S7V'D'IIINESIj.k. ';'btfti j Bii t tP , ii :.i t, 1860.
Fire ut (lie Copia,' Fariiiiee---Lospi
Nevem] Tholitsitud
On Tuesday morning, about six o'clock,
fire broke out hi the engine house of the upper
stack of the Copley Furnace and communicated
to the hoisting apparatus, which was soon envel
oped In flames and, as the fire apparatus was de
ficient, it was entirely destroyed, involving a loss
of several thousand dollars. The engine was,.
fortunately, lint slightly damaged, and can be re
paired at a small expense. The steam fire engine
from Cataimuqua proceeded to the firs and arrived
on the grofind about eight o'clock, but owing to
difficulty of getting water was unable to render
any service. The fire was extinguished about ten
o'clock, without being allowed to extend beyond
the stack where It originated. As the other two
were built some distance from-the first stack their
situation' favored the efforts of the workmen In
I saving them. Work, it is expected, will he re
, mimed this afternoon.
On Wednesdny evening the down 'issen
in which passes here at 5:45 was thirty
late. As Is eustotnary when this train
i at Bethlehem, the engine and Orst baggage
car went ahead leaving the Philadelpltla baggage
and passenger curs, with the balance of the train,
ger tr.
standing on the main track. Isere, while A. W.
Berkiebach, a baggage-master on the North
Penn., was standing in front of his baggage car
ready to couple the North Penn. engine, a special
engine on the Lehigh Valley Railroad ran into the
rear end of the train, breaking n platform or two,
and knocking Mr. Berkiebach under the baggage
car wheels and killing him Instantly. A crowd
quickly gathered around the acetic nud while
efforts were being made to drag the remains of the
unfortunate man from under the ear, the Pacific
Express from the West came thundering along,
but the engineer seeing danger ahead slackened
speed though not in time to save him from run
ning into the ill-fated train. By this shock the
ears were badly broken and one man had his arm
broken, and it was n miracle, indeed, that the
slaughter was not appalling. As we under
stand the.cane the engineer of the extra train was
brought down from the middle to the lower divi
sion, and was following the passenger train. It
. •
Is said he passed two signals without heeding them.
At any rate he knew that the passenger train was
ahead of him nod his earelessuess Is most culpa
ble. We understand he was discharged and placed
under arrest. There Might have been a more
serious result ; mourning might have been carried
to more than one home, but it could not have
made any of them more desolate titan the one Mr.
Berklebach left that mourning, In the spring-time
of his life and with health blooming In his cheeks.
He was a man universally liked and his sad death
cast a gloom over the employees of the Railroad.
lie had been In the employ of the company for
many years, and was to have been promoted to
the position of conductor In a few weeks. He isms
a soldier In the late rebellion and served out an
honorable service. One of the saddest facts of his
death Is that he was to have been married to a
very line young lady of Bethlehem this week, and
her suffering can be better Imagined than described.
We are informed that upon the night previous he
had a curious warning of his fate In a dream, and
on Wednesday morning when he. related the cir
cumstance to his mother she begged him not to go
on the train that day, but he replied "if an fled
' dent is to happen my train, I want to be at my
The Lehigh Valley Railroad Company re
cently ordered twenty-two large slx-wheeled
freight locomotives. They have received six of
them and the rest will be forthcoming shortly.
W e have received the first number of a new
paper issued from Lehighton called the Tribune.
It claims to be independent In 'politics. We sup
pose It will be, that is Independent enough to' he
Democratic. It savors strongly of the Mauch
Chunk Democrat.
Mr. Benjamin Kistler, of Allentown, has
sold his beautiful house and farm, containing
twenty-threc acres, In Heidelberg township, now
occupied by Lis son, Dr. W. P. Kistler, to Nathan
Snyder, of Wcisenberg, for 32,525 50.
On Friday night week, the store of Messrs.
J. & I'. Gross, in Behnecksvllle, was burglarlously
entered and the money drawer containing about
sixty or eighty dollars, was robbed of Its contents.
It is supposed that the thief or thieves affected
their entrance through thu cellar by means of false
The Lehigh Valley Railroad Company gives
notice that persons holding receipts for full paid
stock can have them exchanged for certificates of
stock by applying to the Treasurer.
George Bullock, the Republican candidate
roc Congress In this District In 1864, has presented
the Conshohocken Band wilts diffident cloth to
uniform earl' member
Some " big guns" will lecture in Allentown
this winter, if the engagements can be effected.
The 'Norristown Daily Review charges the
Bethlehem Times' wild stealing he editorials,
whereupon the Times waxes wroth. The Timex
should evince more amiability and explain to the
Resins that it Is an honored custom among the
papers - of tits Lehigh Valley, a custom which we
have discovered by seeing our own items In a
dozen different papers in a week without once
seeing the courtesy of a credit bestowed upon them.
A sale of the late Oliver A. Ritter's personal
property wilt be held at his late residence on
Saturday next, at one o'clock.
A decision of general interest tin farmers,
and especially to large stock raisers, has just been
made by Conimissioner Delano. In some districts
persons bad been assessed for texas cattle brokers,
who were to the habit of buying cattle lu the sum
mer and selling them for beef to butchers and
drovers us soon as they were In Proper condition.
Tho questiou:of their liability having been referred
to the Commissioner, be decided that they were
not liable, If such buying, pasturing rind selling
was necessary to their business us farmers and
graziers, or properly Incidental thereto. The real
cattle broker, under this decision, Is held to be
one whose regular business is to buy and sell cattle
In values greater than $lO,OOO annually, and
and simply for profit.
The barn of Thomas Lightfoot, near the
Three Tuns, in Montgomery County, was de
stroyed by fire on Friday last, with Its contents,
consisting of the summer crop of bay, grain, &c.
We have not learned the origin of the fire or the
extent of the loss.
transported over the Lehigh Valley Railroad
for the week ending Nov. 20, 1869, compared with
same time last year :
For Week. }'or Yee,
Total l‘iithttuoy '10,882 12 412,717 10
" Beaver Mead0w...13,413 00 391,030 01
". Mauch Chunk 827,03
Upper Lehigh 8,581 11
Hazleton ^0,521 07 750,955 17
' 1 Wyoming 11,001 13 430,0187 04
Gran) total
Same thou 18136
Pig iron transported over the Lehigh Valley
Railroad Co. for the week ending Nov. 6,166 r
From Toe
Carbon Iron Co
Lehigh Valley Iron Co.
Tholinui Iron Co
Lehigh Crane Iron. Co..
Allentown Iron Co
Roberts Iron C 0...... ....
Glendon Iron C 0... •
Lehigh Iron Compaby
Bethlehem Iron Co
Other Shippers
Peoria are beginning to uuderstund,—and to on
stand in earnest, that their best Interests are con
served In the wise and benevolent Institution of
Life Insurance. Prejudice is being banished by
knowledge, and everywhere men aro availing
themselves of the benetlts , of Life Ipeurnnee. The.
OF PHILADELPHIA Is a company of longstand
ing and undoubted stability.' De Wm. J. Romig
ht agent In this vicinity. • • • •
70,717 02
5,24 u 10
Lehigh County Sunday School In-
We 1011 welcome ton place in this depart
ment any items of Sunday School news from any
and every part of the county. Pastors, superin
(emirate and teachers are requested to contribute
matter of Sunday School Importance. All corn
immleations should be addressed to
The Corresponding Secretary,
Lehigh County Sunday School Association,
Post Office box 391, Allentown.
GATHER Tint C1111.11111:N."—Joel 2, 10.
The Convention of the State Balabial' School
Association wns held at Williamsport, Lycoming
county, in June last, and wan an occasion of very
great interest. Time Rev. George A. Peitz gave a
spirited and earnest address upon the year's work.
lie spoke of the healthy progress that bad been
made in every direction, especially in literature,
organization and charity. lie read the account
of the organizations of Illinois to show how effi
ciently their State Is being canvassed for Jeans.
Ile hail attended that great culmination of Sunday
School work, the National Sunday School Con
vention, held at Newark, N. J., where were met
representatives of twenty-seven States. Thus
coining to our own State, he asked " What ere we
doing 7" We must realize that there Is an Im
mense work before us.
We have to-day; nearly 4,000,000 people and the
Governor claims we are the first State In the
Union In population. We have, indeed, a great
State in area, the seventh In the productions, and
In wealln the second. We have about 1,000,000
children between the ages of live and twenty
Years • of these we have on the rolls of our day
school ' s about 600,000, and on the rolls of Sunday
Schools about 150,000. A careful survey Indicates
that over 600,000 of our yontli, between the ages
of live and twenty years, are outside of Sunday
School influence altogether, and 720,000 of the
Caine are habitually absent rom Sunday School.
Onr duty then is—tirst, to get more people into
the Sunday School, anal second, to do them more
good when we get them there. Our motto is, to
have a Sunday School in every district school
house and lie thanked God that we have a State
Superintendent of Schools who is In sympathy
with us in this desire. Our great want is thorough
organization, County Associations, Borough, City
and Torn Associations and institutes an working
actively in the cause of Christianity.
In the repott of the Secretary, (Rev. Alfred
Taylor), Lehigh county Is thus spoken of:—" It
Is refreshing to see the work In Lehigh. Like
that In Lawrence, It shows what a few earnest
men can do. The population is as thoroughly
German as hi any county in the State, so much
so Gant in the Conventions a speaker Is as apt to
deliver himself lu the German language as In
English. In some other counties the largo Ger
man population has been considered a valid reason
for making no effort at all towards County • Con
vention work. In Lehigh our last Convention
was held in a church, In which only the German
language is In use, both In worship and preaching.
The first Convention was held In the Court House,
In Allentown,ln May, 1868. I have never been at
any Convent ion In which the ministers of. the
county took such a warm interest. Most of the
pastors of the Allentown churches were present,
and the debates, whilethey were kind and eourte-
OUR, showed marked individuality of thought and
decided conviction ns to the opinions held. Such
debates are touch more valuable than those In
which the speakers think exactly alike.
"The schools of Lehigh county are for the most
part highly flourishing. There are about ninety
is the county, attended by about 7,000 children,
supposed to be shout half the juvenile populntion
of the county. There is an Increased desira for
teachers, study meetings and for nll otiterlmeans
of help and / improvement in the work. During
last year one very successful Institute was held at
Catimanqua, which contributed largely to the pro
motion of Interest hi the work. The Lehigh County
,sedation has a great work before It and may God
bless 'chat has been done and prosper the icorkfor the
future." ,
So ends the report as far as concerns Lehigh
county. Now, then how has the work prospered
since then. A livelier Interest has been mani
fested by teachers and scholars is the majority of
schools throuthout the county. The people are
more universally recognizing the blessings of a
good Sabbath School and era waking up to their
duties in the matter. The old obstacles in the
way of progress have yet to be met. Notwith
standing the bright record of little Lehigh, not
withstanding the general good sense of her practi
cal people andlhe earnest, selfglenying efforts of
the Sunday School workers amongst them apathy
and indifference, prejudice and ignorance, as ever
of old, oppose their cold barriers, chilling the
warmth of enthusiasm and clinging to the old
abileffete . in preference to "a new and more per
fect way." lint the thin end of the wedge is hi
; serted, a little leaven Is working and by the bless
ing of the Holy Spirit, it will leaven the whole
lump.. Already a township association has been
started at North Whitehall, under the auspices of
the Comity Association and its meetings have
been marked by tbu earnest, practical remarks of
`the teachers of the district ; all showing a desire
for improvement hi their schools, a love for their
work and for the children committed to their
charge. This *iodation owes Its origin, under
Providence, to Mr. J. C. Welling, the active Su
perintendent of the Ironton Sabbath School; and
to tr.. v 6 tiara teachers and citizens of the neigh
borhood, who so warmly co-operate with him in
the good work.
In almost all the different towuships the people
are ready, able and willing to form such an Asso
ciation as this nod to take hold of the work of the
Lord in a business like manlier, with the same
spirit of order and regularity that would be
evinced hi the secular concerns of life. All that
is wanted Is somebody to start it. That which is
everybody's business Is nobody's business. It is
the glory of the Sabbath School work that Its
laborers are the business men, the farmers, the
toilers of the world, who tind their sweetest rest in
going about the Lord's business. Can It be that
they will have Christ's work done in an irregular
and desultory manner ? Surely not. The et:Ha
mad is to "let all things be done decently and
in order," that It may not be amid of this genera
tion, " that the children of this world are wiser
Ginn the children of light."
Who will shoulder the respousibilityl Who
will undertake the work 1 Christian men of Le
high', workers in the Sunday School cause, are you
asking of the Lord " what vrouldst Thou have
to do. In every township a man Is vrauted to
start into life an Association that shall foster a
platilt whose fruit and buds and blossoms shall' he
gathered for heaven.
C' Y NOT1C•1?
Cheap papers at the Register Book and Static)
etv Store
Games at Iredell'e Book anti Stationery Store
Fine pen•kniaes,and razors at Iredell'aßook and
Stationery Store.
The Immense business clone by lioeenmi, fi
Wil.llol. Punta. them to eny to gentlemen who live out,
of Meru, ■e well ahh Ulnae reel dent In the city, shut they
eau cell clothes elfesper mud better than any either hewn.
Clothe/ hit every ,oceselou of every uhaturlnl, nude In the
choicest 'etylev, end at the lowest peke., at the (treat
Browa Hall of ROCK HILL & WILSON,
. hill cud SO CheNtout Street, Philadelphia.
15'e hare teat ehed the course of so many distressed,
emaciated and forlorn dyspeptics, of worn-out and
prostrated females, who have taken A new lease
of life, and gradually received vigor, strength,
health ' and the power of social pleasure front the
effectsBI.ANTATION BITTERS, that we are not sur
prised nt the testimonials dully received. If it Is
a pleasure to do good In the world, how full must
be the measure of the Proprietors of these cele
brated Bitters.
mold "'ported°
P. Hall A. Co., Noslga, N. If., proprietors o
C!Q}lable Sicilian Ii Renewer, tlubliat • trout
oe up tho Ilatr, veltirli they will e'en,' free to any one o
ppllndlon. Im a ♦alnnhle (Mk book. .end for It.
, •
- We take It for granted that by tbla time all our
patrol. have visited Philadelphia. and attended the great
sale now lu proves% at the great Oak Hull Iluildhigs ut
wpuap‘aep & Brown. all whom we hare met with have
expreesed their surprise .d gratification at the rare bar-
gains they were able to offecrthere.' day man will tole•
It who lets thin chnnee slip, nod nay mother will tales it
who does not see to It that "tin boys" are well PreViclecl
for lu thin emergeaep.
• -
The Oetat Pictorial Annual,—llostetter'a United
States Almanac for 10711, for distribution, prat is, through
out the Called States and all civilized countries of the
Western ll,•misphere, will be pablished about the Ono of
Jaunary, And all who wish to uuderstund s lite true pill•
onophy of health should read sail ponder the valuable
suggestions It contains. Is adrlitko loam admirable mod
teal Wealth° on the moves • preveutiou and cure of a great•
variety of Liken.. it embraces a large amount of Inform•
allow interesting to the merchant,the meclondr, the miner,
the farmer, the planter, and professhynal man; and the
calculations have been made for such asterldians and lad
, tuiltw as are 'null% imitable tors Collett and comprehenaive
The nature, risen, and extraordinary sanitary effects of
HOSTETTER'S/Mt/MACH BITTERS, the staple tont° and
alterative of more than half the Christian world, are fully
set forth lu its pail.. which are also laterapereed with
pictorial illustrallous, valuable recipes for the household
and farm, humorous anecdotes, and other Instructive sod
unotaing reading matter, original and selected, Amon['
the Annuals to appear with the opening of the year, this
will be one of the most useful, and map be hod .I ,o e
ask fug. Semi for copies to the lleneral Manufactory, at
Pittsburgh, Pa.., to the nearest dealer itt I 1011TETTER'S
STOMACH BirrEtts. Them. BITTERS are .old la even'
elty,tuwa and village, and are exteusively used through•
out the i.utire civilised world.
2,001,109 04
" 7,33 733 10
291,845 10
116Iidav Presents for All—can he found a Par
ker St Co.'s. lei St 100 Summer Bt., Boston, Mas•. To en.
able every person to provide themselves with handsome
and useful Iloliday Preeente, from now until the Bah of
January, lief'). these gentlemen will Issue large eight
paged Ceitalogues of all the newest and bort novelties In
such goods as Fahey Bores, Desks, Disco Boxe•, Album*
lu Morocco, Milt and Velvet Bindings, real Morocco Shop•
ring Dane, Furolehed Reticules, !Hirer Plated Ware and
Cutlery of all descriptions. the latent etylee of Jewelry In
Cold, Coruollan, Jet, Shell, Etruecau, Carbuncle mud
Hair, Dry Goode, &c., Ac., and hUndrod• of the lat
est and beet publielted Books. They are (Wog Oita lire•
[men Tua/Ira to every one who will became Slide Agent,
without charging them 10 cents each as heretofore. Read
the change la thole Advertleemenl In another column, and
send for Catalogue.
Trimmed with silk i3j . wltif,Trelvetri or)
-.cemented withi.Oft.' to Id°r
.0, there are no Onterieerletenti o uhPb t.O
al, as the elenent °Yell h$ _
0 ire'eipoefiellall. ,
CUS and Ond'Fneetnut Streit,
The slilv ering evenings of ont - changeable climate
Ind folk. that they need immetplug, comfortable t ar. For comfort, eleatutee, durability; eeonocuy; thole
nothing to wear like the floe, auhatautial garment. of
a 031134 eu6Oheeladt Street, ,
Vrof On, Sell Rheum, Skirt and Female Disease.
Warranted cured.—See teetimitialt—
SALM:OCRS' Townanrr, Lehigh CO., Oct. 31, MIL
I t is with • grateful fiellig tint 1 t4l 'able do salts tlife
following statement for the hotel of ihtme tre.afoll
lag from Scrofula and ,other Cbtionlit Marla& My Mile
had been sufferidg for several years from tumors or
swellings on her neck which after a time would gather
and discharge matter, leaving^ running. sofa She kred
been treated fur mum than • year it,' lane milieu( Phial.
Cllll.l without receiving any permanent benefit, berdiaease
becoming worse, nulll site had five of these running sore,
on her neck, when I employed Dr. 11. 0. Lotataker, under
whose treatment the commenced to improgovery fast, the
sores oei her neck to heal, and 'all her nnplenattut and dis
agreeable symptom gradually to disatTear, until her
health was restored, which was in about fame mouths. I
feel perfectly jtiatified, after haying tried the treatment
other physicians to recommending all those who are entre,
lug (rum Scrofula or Chronic Disessea to Dr. Lougaker fo
medical treatment, with a firm belief that they will be ant
laded, benefited and cured thereby, as my wife has item
(Signed,] JAMES BAUSCH . .
Dr. 11. D. hongaker'• °Mee la on the ttnoi aide of Stall
street, between Hamilton and Walnut. Allentown.
Circumstances control some men, other men colt
trot circumstances. Four hundred thousand dollars'
worth of goods, oboes and beyond the apparent nod oldl
nary demand, would throw wont men into a tenor, If no
sink them in helpless despair. But Messrs. Wdnamake
& ttruwa sewn equal to any emsrgency, and the neol
are showing their appreciation of their pluck by hand
somely potronixing the Sale,
custowei taunt be allowed to leave the store uo
supplied.' • That Is one of dm oidere given at Oak Hal
fur the present crisis. Nut that the salesmen ore to I,
rudely Importunate, or to try to over•pereuaile any on
hat that ouch painr will ho taken W 4.14, •ud ouch Lwow
modallou :mole on prlcea, that all trill, of their YW.
•erord, deeire to Imp, •
ifinanrial. anti Cantmcrrial
. •
_ ... . . .
0,,b01 evert week Au Webadittener & Newhard.
Wheat Flour, poi bbl., ' '' , 610 IN) 0r11104%
Wheat, per bugle] 13). puiug.
1 10, ''
Clover Seed,
Wheal Flour. Der cwi• • • •
Eggx, per ......
Potatoes, Per bushel,....
Dried APPI... Per bushel
Dried Peaches
Tile r h N ,I 7 :Zu b C . o " ll6 l t "i Nion C a " rct i nnu k . 1 t2744 1 .11:7 1 14 1
New York.
ISLlTTRlt.—orange & tittowes Co. Pulls, good to choice,
@lb. 43030. Chonango. Del. anti Cottoning. Co'. Palls.
choice, 4"..010; Fair to good, 300131 Cotnatos hoe
guelitinds Co. palls, choice, 4'050; fair to good, 3.16444;
Commun. N, State iirklus choice, yell.l
400121 fain° Mr 4 COMIIIIIO. 30051. N .Y. State
'rubs cholee,.4ll**l; rto Igt1140: emgmrrnMna):3 -
N. Y. riegto.Wrilsh to Abater, 30440; continua 40 g f.
AthXdfv!'",.',.'e,t,', l !Mitn.lf,ieti , AVA
store packed common to good :Mat. Northern Di. bilis,
choice, 40042; poor to good, 2-'O4O. Rolls In Cloth, choice
S10:15; poor to 'food, 2.5030.
Receipt. during the past week foot up .1 0 Packages.
Ingress° of 9,o(Kipackages .•r lust week. Though the re
receipts Levu been I , rge, yet a very recall proiortion or
It was strictly fine, •15 tali, whit II taledoinand avetttlod
gone. Palls ore vly amity and slow , buirs
prefer tube or firk M 11101.01.4 gp* Vett. in Iv 11-
ty and carder lurpr re. The bulk of the tuedltini mid ow
grades nOW attwe are hard to move at satisfactory pri
ces. It is becoming more and more apparent, that there
roust be a considerable glrug away lu price before this
butter eon.nt moved.
CIIERSE—New factory choice and fancy, 17',015; fair
to good. 16017. N. Y. Ritter Dairy good to choice,
1317; poor to good 14015. N. Y. Rtgto Isßitanted.'
MlDS.—Jerse y and Pen.. pttcke Chaff, dor.
430144 Jersey and Penna. well packed d its .wts.
N Y. State well packed, good order. 40042. Uhl,, cud
Western. los.. off :t4¢4o. hinted, 300 1 4.
Receipts of fresh 3tre light and prices Ilren let prices quo-
EA NS. —Marrow choke, 11.. w b.l). &lib, :I. 3nr,c3.
Kidney, choice. 3.:103.110. Medi iiiii 0101f0.
2.:A1W.1) . ); fair It. loud, 2.0''a2.4 0 Mixt'd lui
. ,
and [OllllllOll .
Jerey, Ohio and Pennsylvania, IWO. Apples Synths._
new, Will. Blackberries, 1:41:1. Raspberries, 35404.
Cherries pitted, new, Stialki; plus In, cas. Peaches inc
pealed, new, 10a14. Peaelies peeled,new, 150155.
FRUITS.—Apples, Mixed lots, ? bb1...1C11P.(4.3 75. D.
Selected, 2.5. Common, 0.52.3
BEESW AX. —Pure, IA lb, SACUSii,
POPLTRY. Ducks olive, IS pair, ' _
alive , p:dr, 2.51)9:1.50.
POCI.TRY DRESSD—Turkeys, choice, 17(1.2".
continua guod, 11(5 11 ! . Chicken, choke, 1 , KF517; com
mon to good. Ducks, conlinon to choice, Ilkinlnt
. .
Geese, 1041 U.
Receipts have teen heavy all the week, mid the winith
or being warm and rainy buers held oil, whirli• eawitud
a heavy decline lu prints. Holders wore hh7Ciallh le t• nee
out their has, ninny of thou belug very I and musty.
'To-day the supply is ample for alt requirements, but the
stuck arriving Ws. WaY ahriag the warn , req u irements,
part of this week and appeared very slippery. Many
such lots 010,1 be sold below one lowest prices. we have
hall very little really fat and handsome poultry sea•
sow but hope we shall bo favored with twilling but prime
stock for the holidays. and UI have it in market ut least
three days Inifore, respectively to: which they aro
tied. Live chickens and turkeys are dull awl low. Tur
keys II to 11. chicken* In to 11 we beg nor friends will
out send ally more live 01100 us and turkeys tholl OPCCI,
V, 61 Our ahippors of putt try lte kind en•aigh to ceweid
her and inark their initmla, or full IMMO MI OW side of
every package, that we limy know who it h. , from: many
moon to sorrowthat we ought to know win every hock
ago is from, whether the name is on or not. It i•
Ide to keep thluga strolgitt, treenlvttut
of packages drily,) tulle. every package has the skinners
.100 or initial% on It. Those NllO are owler. in mit
marking their packages, Inllst,out tind fanit f their imul•
try gets mixed up, or not get returnn no soon as they
otherwise wooldi and Wo Would also twit; tint they mark
the co•Weis Cu the Ode of every package,“ that we may
know whet catch cootalus Without epcging every package
to tied llw kind the continuer wants, iota send full luvoice
by oath for each shiPotrot•
DaDE—ltolibite, j 1 pr .s(Yatl). Partridges, 1 'Aral tei
4.14.50. Veutaton Puddle, lOni•la; \ ems., whole
Deer, 16id.1.
Calves Dreamt& 11 at, 170t1S. Do, poor to good, itat6.
Cheatoulta bushel, KI \ay' 1 . 0 •
Ick dry ,nits, ykt,,,,,h,t, 1 C• 21102 00.
HONEY—Clover lu small 11Iaaa honer, t 11,, 104114 d•
uc kwheat in small Diana bour, :Vidatt.
Bkwheat Flour, 41 C W I. :1 75(ii4
THROAT o ft e n re e s ul n t t n th n i u s I t n e ua n iteo A . M
n ceg e let
cit s , ,j, Rnoivrrs nßi ,, TROW I /4 1 _
BR o NcHI Al, oni N e..t
: lova rhillty 101 , 6.1'110.i roller:
c 3. t;:, , r ,,,, Ottd . Nettlith, 1 Arllll, 'iI i AT.LIIIR!/.
I.4.OCC'' —llftia:rta r tlatig " .l7o.l.l" "' 11 ",. 1141, ‘ 1
SINGERS and j'ig/LIGIirEARBIts oaa ,
them to clear and atrengthen that 00t:*,, , , •".: . '.,... ,;„
owing to the good reputation aud .It tat 039 Tit
chef,. tunny lourthlrer and cheap i Mt!) Ore Ara' di.
trhieh are good for nothing.
git:tib ft Olp." IF3 0 .
(rue. ,-; ~,,...•:;-:i74le::;,'
HOLD xvHDrwungr. •:"
IN. proved it, great healing and pootlitua to the
cure of the nawlAnualtienome affectlyun to which thulium
I nubject. SpetiltuL Stlifneen of the Johan and
Tendono, Scratchen, Braker. Italie and Phafen, produced
by the baritone, Foot It•nt In Sheep. (target or SWPIII`d Pri•
der lu Cattle. 'Memo:ale., Quinsy. Nun In the Fond, Ar.
Put up ill lint Bottle, Price 11,1,00.
For hair b y all renpeetable 1,4,40:1nt0 and Sturn-keePern
Throughout the cotteliy:: iVlidllwale by •, •. '• •
N. E. Coy. Ninth and Spriva liardep St.., Philed'a.
For male by L. SCHMIDT' kMalt lintnlitud St,.
. .
Jewe Horn.. Violin String.. of the bent quality. to
be bad at F. Wulferles Slure, No. stl E. Hamilton St.
. - . .
• - L - ' - tilaPit -- .4:• - tkf. tlt
MOYER—FACKENTHAL. — At the residence
of the bride's parents, on the 15th of Novetnher,
DM, by Rev. C. P. Achenbach,• yet', Illegels9leti
Dr. 1. B. Moyer, of Quakertown; to Ml6!' Carle
Fackeuthill, daughter of B. Frank Fackenthal,
Esq., of Itlegelaville, Pa.
Xtiii • libticitideinniis
EXEC UTOliti • NoTier , 110TICE,1
Mushy xi yen the{ the unilopsiflefibiusis taken 011 t
letters testamentary 1, the Estate of Chilstlan de•
sed, Into of Lynu township, Lehigh comar ; therefor.'
I persims wit° are Indebted to said Estate, are requested
;nuke pnyinent within six weeks from the Mite hereof,
d such who hove nuy legal cegallaims against said Estate
preseut them well autheu Cleated for settlement withiu
• above specified thug SARNI'M. KISTLER,
"Adonlnfelratnee. '
i yunfrows. •tvd OTICE.o.# It ;TM V.,
tlematter of the sewn nt of -Reuben Kriebel and Thomkel
tults. Executor. of the Estate of ,Jueob Kriebel. deed. •
who watt guardian of Levi tiattulLl., In the Orphans' Court
or I.oltlan ' on tr. • . • •
And now, November Atli , Court lIPP"Int R:VIUT
II u111,.1 y, End.. auditor to audit and If stereo. nay
said account stud make dixtributin.
Tito auditor above nitinvd Will Inert lateeell
t the ostler of Menem Runk & lialdwin on the heat day
U.m:ember. 11+11, at 2 tt•eick, r ; M. to Attend to Abe. tinti.w
if his anottintment. It. CLAT'IIAMY.KBI.T.,
dee 1-1 t . 144 , /og;
• G. A. suilAkrAirrz,
lOuti WrltEET.(altove Tenth. I l'hllattelphlit,
re.pertfully Inform. him c.lowerm ettoil the politic. In gene
err' that ho hoe now open all his NEW I NIVORTATNINI4
or (term., Freud] and Engll.ll FA
. 00111 IS and
TOYS. (Irvin[ rlalted all the large , . .Eltroltuutt Mot.:
fuctorlex peptonally. I auttneallttt that the VarletY tutu
Cheauttera of rl "oda catinnt br nt...11 in till. country.
All are Wilted to.rlmlt the hither they ion ehloot
or °thorn leo.. G. A. SCHWARTZ,
den 1 immee her, nod Wholtootle not Retail Parlor.
0000 S, OF GERMAN, YIO'NCII, ENol.ltot,
• . •
he only place where a complete ...writ:tent of Toys and
Fancy tomb. cotelllued Is to i.e found.
A s any onournoration of, the boantlf ul goods mute us . ex
hibition and (or smile at thle palatial store coot foil far
short of ll.e nullity, we Omit mutt It, Molting star readers
to call And examine for llsoutialows. fly aping at mire Yoe
have an unbroken own
went to select Crum. and avoid
the annoyance of au overcrowded Store at Christmaal l llllo.
LEON 111101,
10. 512 Chestnut street, Plollooloo
09...lucerL 1 ;Ica, ViliMtlgt.r.V.Je.
orod ~_
2Te,14 AtteXtusemento.____
• -
hl 101,0. Ull4 . teatamontary have bona
W . we an the uuderalano4 tbe ext r ate of John T. Nata
trairg pi.tntiVitt trna,r=NolWtie
Ms t°
' tot I.tµl, Kr l'ILITI:tl'e7:6711":4
Vah`.lAre., IT:Mr=",, t till s w,l!ni,":;.` „ ": , ^74 1,1
time. ..: . : ,: , : 44111LTA BIA_TCIIIt,
. . '.... ..,1311reat'," Kr •
.•/!fftlry !
.0 ~:4;, t :, : , ,,,th., ,; .,., . . Ji.recle tors.
AA i• I*NP.E„__• l7 / 44 1 L L. ,. .
. ,No.lo3o.;cffirvv, v..riiiREET,
, .... ...,,..
Sgeh air all hret,tylto or ,; ,t - ' i '.. I ,
) .EMRP. O tr 8,
i j ' . ; /'..
Naa. a full 11. of S / •
sten As
DOM , to onlor.
Also, Mauch 'louse,
(Stteet , .or* to lVm. 0. hilt Axer.)
IMPIIRTe Mlx, 111/11,,CV11.T0ELM1.1.44 1/1111411011111. 07
the Lowest Rotes, stt
Fre are dolly iceotring (ram our factof7 in..C.Untnctient
Le Inlet ',Wes of amicm, an
of all patterns , !from lOW ,
trot/tort, awl "Itferillett lirttia C 0..." manufactories.
2 21,
3 00
Ha, ••
4 CO, Ono(
801 CHESTNUT Street., Beeoritl Flour,
A. 11. 1-I,OG ERS
1.314.11,FiVe'1l PECTORAL CURES
11 I X I.Ii6TORAI. COllOll
I X PEcroitAi. eritEs co (ill
. ,
", • _ - •
Centm. WrikiAltie d . 4 4
• • •
Thu Phenix Pectoral will cure thodineases of the
TitAv An to Lc rise. tacit ut ctlati, Croup,_ Astil•
me, !MonetaUs, Qutaryli.eote Itrieff, Ito niivism,Wltoop•
lag Coughnyd Pgueriv•itv C.o.d. This medicine
la proparoil by Dr. Levi Ober 0 Pfill,Plphig, and
formerly of Ploenixrllln, Pa., and although it has only
been offered for Ilve yen o
s. mre thou one 01111100 bottles
have already bees sold, nod the delliand for It in inertia.•
lug every day. Many of theilletall Druggists boy it in
lots of five gross, and nut a few of the Country Storekeeti•
era try tine gross ate limo. Nearly every one who has
ver sold it testifies to its popularity. and swirly ill who
have need. it beer tentimouy to its wondertni Power in
icuriag.Coggit. We are confident that there is no known
medicine of such great value to 1110 community
PIIIII Pectoral.
It hss cured cases of the most painful and distressing
cough, of yearn Mantling.
It lta:t given itodaut relief in*.pella of coughing.
It lota Ittglautly stooped the perukyspf iit Whooping
Cough ante greatly.shortened its duration.
It has cured Croup In a few minute..
edi es
Con.uhud niption h liven c l. ured by It, where till other rem
failed g
lloarnenerei Ilan been cored by it in a single sight.
Many Physician. recommended it. and other. 0.4 It
tlieligteltrng toll administer it in their touchier, while other.
appose It bereft.. ft takesway their littninenn.
lie reettlinintool it to our I . oodorM, 1001 for torther put tic ,
alarm would refer you ti the circular around the bottle
where you will And numerous certificates given by persons
who hare 0 , 011 it.
It it Cu pleaaant to the taunt that chllttrett cry foe It.
It Is a niiinaltstfug expectnrant,• kir lag etrekigthi nl tlto
sante thole that It olio) , the Cott Its.
The proprietor of this ...Mein.• has so notch confidence
lu its curative powers from the testimony ol thousands
wino have ovoid it that the money will be refunded to Huy
p lss who Is not satisfied with It. results.
• ••
It In prepared only Dy
011E1t1101.17.k111. D..
Wilt.lttALE Itaguilloor
No. North 'lliird Mt., Piffled it
11,—If1. your nearest Druggist or StorekeePer due. no'
Intve this medicine nnk iflin to other for you, and du au ,
let lam put you titf with seine preparation becaue
he mikes more nioney ou It: but go or send at once ti
«onto store when, you know it In kept,or fiend to If r. Ober
list •
Solder r.
Schmidt kCo , Dr. Wm, Barmen Mou,
It. Mose,Lawall Daniel. Druggist , Allettliiwo• J. S
Lawall Cataniiiiquif,and nearly every draggint and
keeper in Lehigh County. . . doe 1-Gm
Wllleit 3(1"ril A 11,
7:,41.:15. 'Gee.
W. S. TISDALE,. Vier Prf.sitlnti.
IL V. 01.11ACIAN, tirre•tnry.,
Table ebovi lor l.t,.Tbp.wultol ef,Tutal Real held Asset*,
.134:.Y . Itottto.i ofnt
nutt LluPpitl+l. 34. rerevutPg•
:le.' York I.lfe fusitritte
0,1491,k, Dirt'ir.thit!tibrer pouttly• .•Pl..complled fro •
'HJtttiOtriiititOe•mksols4pere' Report for INW
01 • • •
• ..-••• kazJitl.24,a
.• V
. . •
4WI Cant. In.. Llub. Per Cent.
a iL. ; .. (3 ' .
1,41151 r nt „AI LIG 11 ‘. 2'.. .1 7..;.i'W;;;111,, 13 .12 4 ,1
Ifiti New York Lilo., ',',• 61 •1 3 1 '; 1 1 , rk,,, 02 . 614 4. , •,.. 304 '
169.1 Bulled Slate.. 1.1,... •,. 0 !,...`,i ..., 3 . 6 . 4 . 1 11 ,„ 4, : 2142
11450 Manhattan Lire— ; •.;,,d t ,!,. ~,,..„ ~,
Iwo Knickerbocker .. 1..0....... 1 . V .. 4,.... ‘ 1,..,,..,1`..4,
.y,.. .Z!
I ti9i 11.011nble ... ...... •,19 6 i7 i .i , C .21 .1. , 1.7 .2 :I ,
. ; 2 6 .a ;
laY111111:allInn 1.154,14: 711 1,1616.31.2 9.6 I,noin
3 , 1 , 4,4:18 411 I, ti. 91,73.5,7.41 .902
800 Benne 2,111,444 ril 2,0/7,1,1 Cob 1,0519
11641 llerinunin
1141 . 21Voirity. 4.11 t . 0
1. ATI XV 1.41
1,...). urth A it.riest... • • 7:•,2 7I• . 9.50,11/1 14 . ' .4140
181:1,1511,1100u1 1 •_...7 971 1.41, 1,111, 4 11 57, • 144 .14
1914 1 111.1 e • 706159. :o! 1111,...11 t6i . 6 .0,1
1914 Brooklyn 400 let/ 111 N 15,591 94 1.1403
Inn W idow 66 Orphan.
~....„..1 „ 3 „, :641.2 , 1 70 2 , 4 ,„
. iii i i ' o,l . lillrlVlLlart , ..t. l, .4. I . f . ,vift it,i, k.0.,1114 7 11 114
1911 Annuli,. 51011161- 7,w-4, i 4 I z..,:6 2 : 27
.31 ...„
11+41 Conlinenl6l, Life-, • , n0.u . 2 • 75 , 7
. .. t ., , , ,
. ., 00,,
Mid' A merle. 1 01 , 1 , 16 , ' 115 .,*t,i- 4 IY , • I 14.::: 4
800 Worl4 5101.611.... -iu. •. 4 ' .1/3.1 B 1
I ,
Averai.. aircitt. t;0uirynt..v1..1:1..1..;:ft.4....i..k5„1.:,t.i1111.
ntit:lslt; 7 ." i ii . itl4 . C . .•
. "54
York We lumuntu:v Comp:l9lex. 14.19
f'er 19 , 11(11ge of the World Jlttlool 11.0 5
AVPrago Of 111.1..1. to Hinttliiii illlllirl . ll of t1i..1i , .94
York lumorunce C 0194940. ** • .. ' 4;.1
r., 0,1,1,,,,,1 Ihr World .110 rift,.
1 1
ALLESToWN. 17, 110.
/1.411,1:( Alleutowu, Agent or 0.0
World Mutual Life 111.11nmeo Co. of N. 1.
Urnr R(r:—t•rru6l 114 to tlturrlr your for t luo prompt utuu•
nor lu winch your had'• cptlu iR4 boy Ito quq goXprured
your Company or? Air. lit.; Or lAuttlelal: eunuirkrer, our
lruhlutrulvu{ Ibruflrlr. Wrufe I.llsllFtukfull to your for
luirviug persuaded yrors ago It mole Uri. who,
ftfovltltot (or the ivauto of 111. family
the enjoymout of excellent:Wait; with 1111 , 41 Ilro and
faintly record both holleutlve of unto? Va.. , of u.orttlttotot
.Sie' attullJiluttkintitlion lirtegrp, tottinfrettigtor
totellool uouecoootry. But Provltleuce. In the vrholitim
• .
which In so often hard for us to uniii•rstund,
othersiliW, l ldefrOin Ada& of Irtplinid:liiriir
April, lust he never entirely recovered, but continued
singing until Ilta ogllnlogg were. M.O. guid,he departed
' this Ufa a few weeks ago. Alw tips careful of lain loved
undo. tflL •
Pmrl+WA~feg itieV'ugedstilcallot titlit;alkar his
forethought and lore, and from the midst of our grief and
Oars we would lbw; putdtely teelitY lO.'stio Oslnv of: Lire
In ttritto;, and to the' reiltkPlltty m odOt,iptisti,'lof thiV,
World I.lpluel Lao, yhtcll you ,rvitroyolit, is pfrilen{Mly,
Myy thb, e vemplo be thv'entive.or Manyllvildg 0; 6
ample of our ilrpertml tovrd 'oneo• care sad fu , re4lVotight,
end Ilkew Insole of 'omen, for:no ouo Os day mr
hour lu which they may b.4-talisu sick or,
sod lbw , be prevented from Moorluy. • •' ' '
Ittll'llEN U. KEDIIIEIIEIi, brother,
9 .19 . ) • c ,.•-
MARTIN ~KE.N,Lnif,gsit,
Awl 4t ,
do 14111
Nero cab4rtifsettnittO.
TO THE WOUKING CLAIM—We are now prepared to
furnl.ll all cheeses with coustaut employment at home, the
whol e of th• tie or for the apare moments. Halloo"
new. light aud p m roalable. Persons of either sea easlir
earu from Ws. MO per evening. and a proportional stun
by details' their whole time to the hostage*. Boys and
girls earn nearly Ili much as men, That all who ice this,
notice may send their addree., and test the business, we
make tide unparalleled offer: To •ctch as are not well sat
isfied, we will mend &Ito pay fur the trouble of writing.
Full particulars, a valuable mample, which will do to
continence work on, not ands copy of The People'' Literary
Companion—oho of tho lersost and beet family newe•
papers published—all rent free by mall. 'leader, if yog
want permanent, pruetable work, address E.G. &LLB&
& CO., AL's Cr
as, Mains.
. 1-ars
(2.IRVAT DiFrinurituytori BY THY
amount 0/4000,000. Entry Tirkel dra toe ft Pr
620,000 40 Caeb Gift.. each 11 1 . 000
10' , " '1 10,000 2110
20_ s . 6, flad 900 .. 105.1
Elopid,74 airvio dens dos - each 00 to 6700
75 • .• ; " Melrideorte • ' - • 74 to• 100
9.3oBewlng t -
• Onto '175
ND Gold Watch. - • - " . 76 to . ; 1 ?)
Cash Prime, Silver Ware, he., valued at •:. AC,
A chance to draw any f at the above Prizeitoilkg. =
eta dezerildell Paine n are sealed in lin•olopen nail well .
mixed. Ou reeelpxof Me. a Ha ;led Ticket ladrawe ith•
out choice and cent by mall to nay address. The prize
named upon It will be delivered to the ticket-holder un
payment of One Dollar. Prizes are immediately seat to,
•ity address by express or return mall.
You will know what your Prize la before you pay for it.
Any Prise .schanged for another of same rulers. Nu
Blank. Oar patrons can depend ou lair dealing.
It cranium.. , -- We select t h e fullowing from many who
have lately drawn Valuable Prizes and kindly permitted
on to publish them, Andrew J. Buena. Chicago 610,000;
Miss Clara 8. Walker. Baltimore, Plano, 6.10UJ
; amee M.
Matthews, Detroit. 410,000; Jobe T. Andrews, Savannah,
65.101.• Mies Agues lilremone,Charlestoe, Plane, PO-B. We
publish no names without pertnission ,
OPINIOre oy vita firsn Is reliable, and de
serve their anereae."—lreeil 1r Tribune, Mop 9. " We
know them to be a fair dealing Arm."—.Y. Y. Herahl,
May 29. " A friend of ours drove a PA prize, which woe
promptly nscetved. "—Da fly News. Inns
Mond for Circular. Moral Inducement. to Anent., list•
Infection gnat . ..teed. Every package of Sealed Envelopes
counties nail tacit TICkPls NT; 11 for 62; 35
for , 61; 11(1 for 615. All letter4hould be tid reseed to
II A JIVER. WILSON & CO.. 13) lirendu ay, N. T.
Then he INILMI in
.thoorsl.Airsid fur lkhelltal•i.
Nu. a aidiaaa•a am,
le s beeersgopertieniarly adapted to persona of weak and
debilitated constitutions. and those mattering from dim-
Vlrill'OlX(V.f PAPitil. I ¢ t •octal d•LIUty, etc.
spirnourt lialanfn in casts where
and tholes are needed, Enduenl,physlcinue of Saw York
any; •• We keel) need Hoer MOLT EXTILACT lo wadies,
and the results have beery such as hto tulipjtooify the
claims made for It: we feet certain that It Is destined to
supply *sweat long foit• • •
Sole Aneuts for 1110 United Stales, ete.
gouda wpm phlpped from our bonne lu qua Year, to
faMillatt, einbisaarl merchant 4,.in Wry Dart of tho nolabt
try, from Mal. to California, amounting lit Taloa to over
Out facilities for transacting this tut:muss hostess. are
better than ever before. We bare Uji.litx In all the ;oil,
cipal cities to purchase goods front the Manufacturers,
Importers, tool others; Inc OAF 11. nod ofteuatau leuthettne
onerigce from the original cost of projection.
Oar httek consists, its part, of the follovelog goods: —
Situ lets, Blankets, Q fs, Odle as, ainghtt tag,
/bass (J.,oils, Tulde 1,111,1. TOIOPIN, Ilosir,y, Glare,
Skirls Cufsefa Ale_ eke.
Si v, r• Naha Ware, tiptronw vlnted on Marl fif leer,
manor(itreJ.,ll te Welled Pastors, /lel/non In
Wore, ff /ass three. Table .101 rochrt me ter/. to
11 7e.l f i ' f " trari l t : d
erash nIS•11 6 v Beale,
{ t e s t tml,:hrf /1,4 ,
, hisn nilWeAl d choicest style',
Jblreq7l ., Teeire . liny l Il n ag li er " , g llunflkerelitel ,sid Bitten
I Mixes, fir'
411, Jewelry, of
the newest eights.
We liner made arrangetoeuts w ith stone of the lead.
lug Publishing Houses,. that will eattlale us to sell the
standard and latest works of popular authors M ahout
one-half the regular priest—such a• 00,
Bongs, MILTON, SIDd TENNT•OIeII WORKS. 111` , Iii Gilt
and Cloth Itindlngtidhuudreds of others.
These and' evorythlog else tor • •
We do not offer a single article of merchandise, can
be mold by regular dealers at our prior .
We du nut
you to buy goods from um unless we can sell them cheaper
than you can obtain them in other WO% —WWI e the
greater part of our goods ere s u pmt about
We want a I rellehle trait ha er4y part of the
try. By employing your . Knit, time to form aloha and !
sending tig orderm, you coo oblate the moat Illiend
nikvions. either la CASH or BURCH AN VISE.. and all
goody maul by tie will be repro...fled. and we guarutitee
sativfactlon to every one dealing with our hod's.
- As the Holiday. , ore coolie.. we are making sPeclal or.
fatly...atm to supply ..sere on. who rend. our ad yr rib , -
uncut. with the meal - handsome sod uasful Holiday
euto that can be thought of or wished hir s v n,l io onahle
them to ....ore them cheaply and eelleditimislr. we will
/loot., oily IMO wtaho will become our ageutng Inten
Eitalt TIONETA, eituaratiag sotto. of the loony different
article. from which you eau make your aelection of llolb
pros eat,
For returning full clubs from theme Free Tick eto,acconi
panted hy the email. we will give tlio same extra Kent'.
auto that We now give, just the saute as If you had paid 10
seats fur each one of your Tickete. We with you to
deratund that nut any ether firm in the buminevt cue colu•
Pete with us in ally way whatever.
As this free ticket lv only good fur the Holiday.. you
moat read ill your orders before the tell of JaitUary, 1870.
is every order amounting to over KAI. accompanied hy
the tenth. the "gout May retain Fr/AFL aunt I. every order
over *ILO, Ittittir may be retelued 1.1
r T u h a l. l; , ?e ' o ' ulll: ' :;;
Agouti, will bin geld tee per coot. 10 Comb or Merchaudise, I
-- ..,.,
when tboy VILA. Ur THOIO 10,1101 (A:II, for which below 1 •
WO glve a partial Llmt. of flonnalomiontm: _ .
For au order of WWI. fr ttttt a 01011 of l'lllrty, we will rY 1 TIIE EMI'IItE lIJTILIAI.
the Agoul, am•conoulmalon, tili yard. 11 in or Bleat. iril 1 .
Shooting, Good I/romm Pullin., Wool Square Shawl,
Trench Cummlniere Paul.. and Vemt Pitlern, Fine Large •• While Peunterpaunn, inic., OW., or 43.1t1 ill comb. (LIFE INSUItANCE AND TnusT CO.,
For au order of VA from a club of Fifty. we Will peg 1
the Agent, as commission. 0•5 yard' , Sineetiug, One pair
busivy WoOI Blanket.,Foldln Oremm P10t..., ilanal•nonie
'wool Snjuare Shawl, Silt cr,Cosis Woin il, 1.10., etc., or
Millie canibe
Foy ran tinier of 1100, front it Club of One II neared, wo I CAP ITA 1.,
MITI put One Anctit„a• Colin nalsmoili, ItO yard• good yard- I
wtolit leotiug, Coto-elle, liontiug Came A etch. Inch
Laug Vi unit Shawl. Suit of all Wool Freitell Camminnore, i
oft. ° att., or 110 ill caralt.'
SS e du not employ ituYT.l.llllll Ag , ..U, and callonlmr , :
mlninttill not pay motley to permonm put•portiug 10 bo our n AARON .F'l
nlartabi, tin Ergo pre,ronta ILI erry,mitited. I Mi 110 l ANCam.
. D 1101 4 .004.
13 . end Money Always by I?egistered friters. ; Morgan F. Medlar, A. O. Sinning , .
EMI rat til tab,,, William Hunttlinger,
• Paul Balliet, - F.l.Unliu P. Mickley.
W. 11. &fwd., i , ~, 411FOU Uralllet,
Jomenis ' A Owbard.
For futthervurtleulars nrwl f..r
PARK.BIi & L CO., - ,-!
' Are • open and pi...pared loth, all btu 11-11:1:4111 . t. 111111 ttg
en & 1106 " . "'" gt • • i t '''''' n • M.. ' to W. 1.. Money lu largo or small am ants r.,••ived ou
_ .. '. ' ' L . • •••••••"'—. .."----.1,-"-••• disTolt. end Ipm cent. paid on daily lAniance• and a per
• • fer olv. toutilto and lougert
. 7 ":ifor Zzite Tait va zci.
- • ,-.,_ • , , • 1 'Au ,„,„.. of Ildvdruulent Runde and Other nentrilies
houaitt :11111 aold. sep 7.3111
T --- o --
will he given 110 tit • hoaton Slut. Quarry, %heated lu
Plalulleld LOllivitkle,. , liortlisuiplou c.o.'', I'm, near
Stackertown. • It CotMlids of nuMber out. fiat vein, blue,
Dever-Whim elate. fully equal 4.0 the Well- 1 11..f. Ch•P•• 1 MUTUAL tEthtFlt SOCIETY OF 'PENN A.
guan Slate, with a:good water Power .attti a fuilliaging of 4
ug to d hoisting t0na1.... Persons deoirous of .au . .
M P tuitit7 Of this klutraill plea. eautuitte fur thou, Prlucipal Oflloot, Allent•wct. Pa•
gelaim. and apply tO Iteubou Koch, Stackertowo P. 0. • Ogriegmt
„,,,o,•to . , 0, I, SCHREIBER, Preoldout i JIIIIN C prIVI.T Pagningry.
,H nn toraar. ' '
TOOILIR iii/AIDBIKIR Y. 6 It D S IV OD I M A CTIN gini . l.6, 11.P.AtIlkaal • 1 . '
.12 HALE; ranging lu price from IsS to Cot per acre accord I i1."1. , 4 ~ H t.".”'s - Jolt. C. Attewalt. Woll., I!. I!...!•••
Ao 1111111 . 0 V cutest +, Imetion foe. tio•••I hell, genlaedimate, IV . . Ml`r9l l t''' 4 l,''., Dr.; Z. P. Dr.._ A. 17 r;..V,.!..,r.•
and near market. In
too are Bleated lu Vlrgiula 1VL"'1,11'...b..,',.i";.,.9,..,r,.;?..;:., a1 . r.6.4; ,, ,, i,:. j . y si:
and Marylauti, some In tho hut...lWe violuity of Waoh• .1. I t . ,, n n l o l i le . 1. , . l'• O. "um ,
itigtari aud others from HO In Hlltalles distant from the Cap. .
Ital. Addrom or call. J. D. 0 ANC WERISBAS Maamiehul. , . ,•. .•.. L. N —”, ' • . ' • ...
111.1t1. Avenue Hoar Muth enrol Waohlugtou, D. C. • This Society le virtually a Life insurance Comp.)* on •
- ---- - --- -.•- •.1 plan by which a peroou of the otnalleot menno Co., Woo. ,
EXECUTOR'S "LE OF REAL Y.N. "li'r.,`.:,..'l‘i,.:l"„ci,in..,=lll'liff,:'„'Mirl,:i ii. „,,,„. •
TATE. Will ho .old at public oafs. utt I It
11101111. its 110 other Life luutraum Voitivaillo., bat
tarn meinher eau Wait) Ilin W r ay P „ wit oall.d. for lb the
YIATu RDAY, DEC'ENIDER n, .'6l) "I'Vrten'"ll.aptll•l..l'intty'olTla goolety fttiliug.thofttudo
are all 111 the hands of the members thentoelym, I\llll the
At I o'clock. P. M.,. the prentioro,lll MA X ATAWN l' , timidly iv purely mutual. Reuther , . have a Ilea 111 got.
TtaW BIM I P.•IIRRICSCOUN ry. PA., th e folloWitrit . Real -1 at all elec.°un for officers.
rotate, to wit: WHY 11EC024.1;.; A ..11E3IBEII.
' - ... i Ku, ut re the dui ' - f . t vide th•
H1{11311.1111 or ?ear the Public rind i leadl i tg fromt l i leluey 4 ' diii i iiy i bread ' fo i r T.1 1 (161101 1 ) , wit o tt v i e , ii. •
~,,, h tV /I li t;
6 . '1 li'V'th'el'il,, 9 r
15 ". A n t 7 , 1 1 4,1'11VgilIVIP.3!"&d s .Aid:g'IL."4.rh.` 4 ".:r"i' ,2 .1 ; /e ld s e th ^ . " AVlli.VVlT l artlig )n divy n i .LeilKAPllliT
Ilenjmniw 1,1110.•er, MAIM R. Hotteastela, Juno Chriiit- , outty3Apßrutodeof -waking•
• turista provlotou for nada •
limo. amfolitere. '
Tint. Improvements there. oontolsl or a 1,011 1101' tiri ::: a Vi a ll ' N 'l u l II Milt. ski Ilatilti to,talml•ve of Ilk oil Ow
AND BAItN. : old. Death to unetert•ln. We lob you. therefore, 1,. ann'
• The premise. were lately lt, the ncrupancy "Me wt ow alder the CHEAPNESS •nd SAFETY of Inourlng lu will
or iii.epli Siegfried, and are a portion of the Estate of Jolla Company and ho•
asoured that lu ca. of death you will
Berger, late of Lehigh County. deortmed. woos In you • blmslug to a w idowed loollOto or de'
T ice,
Condition. mode known at the solo out at• vend,. oloter.
tentlance irire. 1.7
It Inc lb.' oubject your thought, send to the Ilecretarr for
,j per circular, outsider Its chvaptie. and we are sure yeiiii
Elecuter Of Juba Smspor, deed. - will al once take ant . Dt:110 . •
---.•-_-.-_,---._-ou -....
- .
Olt PII A Nfr COUVT HALE. ftliztrllancono.
II y r Rine of an order of the rrn)bm' e
gret of Lehigh „.. • .-,__ , . , _ , . ~.
ounty, will ho rold at Public' Hale, on the nime, uu OUTII PENNSIVIL• -,•.•••, •
pr•pr enBATURDAY..DECEIIIIER lith, lbd, at one 'N .. .... . .._ _ a lgi . ~....,...•
.., . ,!;,,,, in th.tiblo re
rule or wir.LIA3I - mAAIA' It A ILROA 11, ........ - -
1141 , 34f0ga•1143.034..ting of two aajoluling 111.04 uf laud
Ihe wholePontaltilim 12 oohed stud 12 perrhe, more or le-, . WINTER A ItRANOEMENT.
Oilier in Ilmilelberg tow tddy, Lehigh comity. nomr the p,,„.,.,rer• for Philadelphia take 1•Ohlgh TalleY 11, IL
o il l^, W 4 "..."."'"'• 11 ' 4.^Pr"ern."" 1n v "" . ..., -. . , I traino tome ug Allentown ol oor a• In, II 45 m. la. mud
e m o te of a ISt a•PIOrY 11.06 1101' S. t: 10111 hit rhett al- . 3 - .0 p tn.,
arrive it Phlladeltdila .ePO. . 2 IS P•
tnalied. Wentherbooded, and rtirdl log barn,
rr wlth . other ontboildlngo. 'Vire land to allargrellont trot 1,y.r.:.k1,%;11'22-11p1'P,17,7. ',,lni,,ll;V:rll.lloll.l,lt,'V?l‘rhij:‘"L";;lll,l,r,":'i.
l a ud, m pllOlO of whirl. b. gorhi lnerplow. A grot.elet r ...•
IPPLE ORCHARD mud other fruit tree• abomml oil the 101:,,,`..".trfue;1.(1,.1.7.,rfAt0m.;1ii,.:::.10. ((AI. traVilig lbalb•
property.op ' .r i ' I '' ,
Teri,. sad condlll‘4l. yrilUtt *de known at •ale by. LUCAS. BC 41 ROB LE,
nor 17-4 t ,t:W18 P. 311:1134 AN, Adut r. flour Through Train.. Valli: Bond.), Rterlded• 1
. - - - • . Ir ...ger trail. leave the donut NurthWrot echoer Bettis
QECOND A 111.1 0 II; It NF. D AfiSIG N. , .., 1 " A•••,,•• •,,, , 0,.. philio•iphi,
1.0 EES• SALE. . For Alleutowu at M ill mida. In. aud I 41 and 3p. M.
'ad 4 n od la.
to tVtilllataill:..iiet ra‘l i ft i ll i t) .B , 1111..UtrI tha l
47n" ' :: Oi l Wattu ' g i tu b ta * :A ll i .4 .. ill ti :, ru. , 11:12 tr:We
rr Abington at 1 13, A :Baud bp. la.
. • • latitsdale at 091 tr. 113. 1
. , ~ Train. , fur 1%11.0114 , i ,,
r" . I . . • ~,, Leave Bothleituist at 031 a, 111. 12 itl, 221 and ri to P. in,
Al 10 o'clock A. AL, all 101 l i r• , Doylortown at 6:13 4. Li, 245 and II We: M.
; I• rd d 111 a.: 31. . i i
• '.
VAlitht.Bioti 4/ ii.i• P*01E1111( f Fort Waehlugtuu at 8 RI, P 43 a. 11, and 2 2 1 1'• in.
• Abington at id. u w mud 883 p. tn.
. I 1 • .4
Of Vita. M. Klotlor. Rank ruPt. r•liorrl, l ' ~i Lyon Id w• Leah Bethlehem fur Phil!delphla all 00 p. la. .
tidy, ',LI a h 1•1,110)•l ,
<oolaUng W... ' •• 13..)1.4•t0 MU ' ton a. tit,
Leave Philadelphia for Bethlehem At 9 91 14.111.
.S ' .tI6T •M ILL, .• for Duyir.tolf 11 at 2 tor: 111.
. (11 Faro—Allentown to PitiladolPhi 11 1 1 Pi:.
EL rr. LS C 1,331115, Aatalt
with Too: palm ur Moue.. th• 114 p I C,IIIANCE•
mull whioh is e•- I.
tirrly uuw 4tl CollAtlllii. belt the sod recent Int. .A 1 , .
.1 , D
• 1 •
prefer:uvula. The WATER POWER is never falling.
Atom, a
8 A I's' Al 1 1.1.,
. . .
with Mg %mot. wed., power. Thum 31111 1r- .1 twat. Oral.l .
9 3 4 Mlleirfpim . the flu: Illdgo, •11 , 1 tlir 3.14 th
1 - power 1r o 7 . 11 A. LA'ADINO AWRICULTURAL JO UR.VAL'
oparo.s to 111.111 tell.
• A {mei at fotrm. Mud Ili perrhoor, moro or leA., of ox• '
cellaut farittlow hoill'belking+ to the above (I o+l 34111 print.„i
. . __
A ao, It trort of•%%lso)Dl.Afil), routaining la *ere. and tr:
pereheo, .Voile ••n "the foot ..1 .aol mooutaln, In daid
~...A.aal e au groat' Jovnar•r;
p —w .w l s i . ri d t;e r l o nd i xoonth r i . 7 .•
towu•hlPaud cr , o , ty,, t whl , r.lurpl In. mold .
~,,,, by a by
.►PPIYIot ~, w. D. 1 I,'' ' :F t i: ul o ll : B •lo l 4lo ll : r i7l "ll : l :,l “ .l b :: ' ll u . L l u ry r'l l;l:ii ot t.l l k ". ll d re e % ,4 :l ,: t ie d, r igr, I % : % . 1o °1 h o;
LuaAhlfril. at A11em.... ra, or 14 Awel J. Kialler, a t Droner, and Poultry KoAper, fko., 80c. Illuatrated with
ti . e ... aville .1414i+ com) , Y, P.... • , atutteroud nue'
,p)graglngs and , bound In handeoluely
Termaldrid'eendltloua wilt 1.1 , made knoWo At male by , ‘ tu l l ':,: so ,re di ,, , :i ., : tr v . l . l . l .l r :t ul t. a er . } a p.: w c. i f l r l i ll i l ri d y . l l3 . r.t l . a ir m .. . r o tri n h ,.. lh i . u l e y n n :: :, : e ry ; , : e : g l 7 .•
.•., , a. , NAMUR!, J. if IfITLISR,
'1 Vto " o " na ' w u er. through the SOglaggg.fgeB :LP "
791 ]]•t • , . 1 , , , ,, L igue,, of Cot. M,dilatler, IlankruPl,,
e nl , t i et i. tioua relation to Sick, Injured or Dldeadad t • tl
eilliE ONE•DOLLAR STORE OU'r.. h...:llal Bl .6: e i P .L.l.l.a• 4 l ::::D 4 l :mae: si ultr :/ . :7:::::: 4 -6 : r .u s b ,. .": 71 : .
:A. nytm—ltstrurg.:ll4.llll,.frtait:',rrmbefk.u..l4Varr
ta lya ar . o i now f wetred Wolfer tie Jrnerfoon ,Vfork Joor
mud Dreading hose . , lo great rurh•tY: Situ You•,.l.ealhor roucwiladto' um Wigton Mtn Wig h h
4 11 1 .1 4 : : :; ‘ ,71,:o. o na, p a ean, Lagn,,flehanslad; a:: 24 . C .3 11: I to u n:l4 o d v ia . t az ly and
ii pa o y S l T u . s i d n a l an t :.::l)t . a c A n . :;: f : w b : . "l rs
~,„ , h a 0,...,,,, 0 t.f mohroljaa, jpwelry,Akv., tot Una t :: . 1 1, i , t , ) , , , , , 1ch lila inlpillgenl Sktople of out dectlL 'P x;viT,a
Dollakato k...,,c1\1p0q examine (or youraelged. lot July aPPror.l.,_ tbuid In your pulp aa al
H. LION, .14. 1. h WAITS Street, betweeu Market once And atom I.h. Mutt Journal freer " % 1- a n r ° " - ` - •
,T 31., celmit. toil abl e, Plfliadelplsla.
.4 - A. In the Orphans' Court of Lehigh County.
In the matter of the account , of Martin Kemmerer and
Tilghman grantor, Executor. of the Estate of Rubes
Guth late of the City of Allentown, deceued. And now,
November Bth, 1110, the Cenci appoint William 11. Oases:
Auditor, to audit and If necessary resettle said accoant
and make dietributlon. Yrom axe Record. L ,
Toote:—O. W. HARTZEL, Mart.
The Auditor above named will attend to the duties of
bin appointment at the law ogles of , Larl Sawyer, Rag * . ;to
the City of Allentown, on Wednesday, the 7.14 day of De
cember next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. when and
.where all person. Interaded may attend If they think
proper. • WILLIAM 11. °LACE,
Notice Is hereby Elven that the andereigned have
taken out letters of admlniatrallen to the Estate of Daniel
It. Kewerer, late of Sallsbnry townahlp, Lehigh county,
deceased; therefore all persons who are Indebted to sa id
Estate are requested to make payment within six weeks
from the date hereof, and such who have any legal claims
&anima said Estate will present them well authenticated
- for settlement within the above specified time.
PANY of Lehigh County will hold its annual mooting at
the Hotel of GIDEON YODER, at Trezlnrtows. ou SAT
URDAY, DECEMBER 4th IfloU, aLythich time and place
an election for THIRTEE DI R E CT ORS, to verve the en
eAU.lig.ri.,rl.4w)lcliobcekb, N
ey,rwoom the hours of Id o'clock..
D. H. BASTIAN, Preafdenf.
Daaavtces Yotomit. Bferdary. . uov 3.1 t
Notice In hereby given bat the undersigned has
taken out lettere of administration In the Estate of Peter
Holl4l2lger. deceased. lab pf Lower Messner), • Lehigh
county; therefore all persons who are indebted to mad
Estate. aro requested to bake payment within six weeks
from the ditto hereof. and such who have sterg legal claim
•galust said Estate will
shoveprt them e well authenticate/
fur nettle:mut w ithin
logs listik Will make application it the next Kes
el. of the Legislature of Pennsylvania for the repeal
of so much of the I.t section of the not Incorporating
.1,1 hank as provides • ' That nothing in thls act coutalued
shall be so construed as to confer 011 the corporation
bunking privileges, or seas to exempt th• same front the
operation of tbo lowa of this Comsnonwenith prohibiting
oho issue of hank notes or engagements of credit In the na
ture thereof t" and will aPPIY fornerwral loopking privi
leges under the
' present style and title, The Macungie
Sayings Bunk,' with oho present capital of r,OOO, with
Fo r it ! ' Clip t ". t ‘g. ""'"AtilititALly:Pig l l."
We. C. LICIITISMW•LLNER.CashIer, Jo3U-titu
_A-N loge Inetitution will L
Make application at the next
session of the Legielature et Pennsylvania fur the
repeal of so much of the let section of the act incorPo.
rating tho cad Institution as construedhat nothing ha
this act contained shall be so as to confer upon
the said corporation banking privileges, or eons to exempt
the came from the operation of the laws of this ilonitrunt•
wealth prohibiting the Waning of banknotes or other en.
easements of credit In the nature thereofwill - apply
fur general banking privileges under the presentetyle and
title—the "Allentown Baying* institution" — with the
preeent capital of gt 12.000. and right of further Inoresse to
4300,00L1,and to be located In A ll entoWn ,
Lehigh , seuuty.
WILLIAM AMY: Cukill.z4ll: Hugo,
JongSribits. PCILISTIAV ?UTZ; •
F. E. Samoan. ILLesilevon,
°gonna Plotter. SAW: " •
• ki PI
e to-um M. • Trustees.
• IV that application will tee made by the tender
sinned to the lineament of Pennsylvania. for letters patent
11 711Fe g m..tufeje "P rot i n Wn o.. 7 ' a : t r. !LA= illi l .7,!_*;°Vl b 4
maid to we Borough o f atillerstumu,Joehighementy4 • The
object of meld ASlVOlntital If 111 be to reoelve money an 40.
count at teenier ratan of Inteteat. to leer
`meantme, dlii.
count note., billn„lic..., tipkd to °notelet,. banking •
lilt!: gr touglro tg".11,1 1 '41 1 1171 V trOg3T; felt:
thorny to increase the same to 11200,000. to be dinlood 1.10
share* of fifty dollar. Neb.
Jame. Weller, .1, F. M. Shiflett,
George Ludwig. Cherie. Shinier
1 ' Benjamin J. Behinoyer, Gideon F. Eirtle . Y,
Franklin Bbliner, John Shilfeet.
Horatio T. Herten., William Bellday.
J•mee 811101111StOr, Anthony Mechlin,
AlOnandOr fIllirMULOr. ' Jill
Lifc Enottraucr.
(181111'711 OF riIR 4.lltililCAS
No. of yoliclor
Una , .
ISO, I) r 9l
ISM. Doc 91
D c.
1 , 1;8. Ilrc.
The A3IEILICAN 1.4..11011c1. ou all dordrable plane.
at low at.x, and for aeenrlty and prnmptnenn 11,11101'1191
loam , L o unxurpashed by any Compauy tbe Valled
110.4111) OF TR MITRES
IltiN. JAMES Po LLOCK. F.x.Gor. of Poona. Diroctor U.
N. Mint.
If ItiPllit ' O t N T l' l l l 3. l r 1 4 1 . e Pro,.. tle a . r u! a r ' e . ll,l l e t Uc ".. (l - 7rm g aillo S u i ' .o
. ALBERT C rourth e Aational Dank .
PIII LI P NG LE, Seed Merchant. RD Market St.
rt S. SWatet, Merchant,enator
No Bt.
ISAAC 11 ABLEIIHRBT, Attor noy•st• Lave, Ma Walnut St.
L. M. WII ILL D IN, Merchant, 21 and 21 South Front St.
HENRY Merchant, 74.5,50uth Fourth St.
GEOROB W. HILL, President Seventh National Bank.
JAMES L. CLACIIIORN, Pr.!. Commercial Nat. Dank.
; JOHN W ANANIAS:BR. Oak Hall Clothing 'louse, a IL
. . . 1; • :Car. tillt a
Chestnut 31 krket Sta.. thud CO a
all Street.
W.M..1. ROMIG, M. D., &gent,
It/pp.etlle Court lieut.,. Allentown.
• t,(1rm,4.10 00
1,100.003 0 3
,$ 8.312,478 03
Alloutown. P
stoi i,l ;00