Eli Elle VOA (16,egi5ter. Editor nmf l'roprittor. ROBT.IREDELL, Jet. ALLENTOWN, PA., NOVEMBER 3,1839 THANKSGIVING Gov. Grunt has seconded President Grant in appointing Thursday, November Pith, for a day of Thanksgiving and Praise. As a nation we have much cause for praise. None of the disasters predicted fir us have come to pass and our people are happy and contented. A wise administration of laws has calmed ex cited feeling North and South. Providence has been kind to us. Abundant crops have teen gathered and trade has met with no dis aster. It is therefore proper that we should not forget the time honored custom of setting apart one day for prayer and praise. In many localities, however, the day has been seized upon for every purpose but that for which it was intended. It is a holiday for carnival and frolic, and too often drunkenness and rodyism disgrace it. Instead of a fast, it is a feast, and eating and drinking are its chief events. How differedt this front the observance of former years, when, indeed, thanksgiving meant something. Mani of the. States have disignated the same day and thus in nearly the whole country, the people arc called upon to unite in thanking God for his blessings. What a solemn event if observed properly—a nation offering up united thanks ! Tun statement of the public debt - for the past month is just as satisfactory as the state: merits made for the' previous months. Not withstanding the false charges of the ungrate ful Democracy that these favorable eNhibits were produced for the purpose oh aiding the Republicans in the past campaign, now, when the smoke of battle has cleared away, and shown the Republican party triumphant, the good work still goes on, and we have the pleasure to announce a further reduction of •$7,6J8,889.7hi for the month of October, mak ing a total decrease I,lf $62,:3:32,070.66 for the eight months that the Republicans have had control of the administration. Thus, it will be seen, we are paying off the National Debt at the rate of over $00,000,000 per :1111111111. The reports of the heads of the different depart ments are now being made it to be submit ted to Congress and will all show a very favorable condition of affairs. lb honest hands our finances prosper. The forthcoming reports will be the best arguments in support or the efficiency of President Grant's administration, and we hope all who are interested in taxa tion and trade will give thou a careful perusal: Tin: New York Tribune and ir,rld are having a small battle over their respective cir culations. The Till,/ e charges the World with having made fraud di.ent and exaggerated returns to the I:. S. Assessor tir the purpose of benelliing its advertigdng patronage, and, challenges a reference of the matter to impar tial arbiters. Every body NC ht. knows any thing at all about the matter knows the claims of ;the World to be preposterous, as are every other of its assertions where a little arithme tic is concerned. It would he a very poor tribute, indeed, to the intelligence of the American people Mlle eirvulation olthe 11%,r/d could be proven greater than that of the Tri bune, both papers published ;it the same price, 'for the latter is unquestionably the most com plete newspaper in the entire world. PRESIDENT GRANT was in Philadelphia last week. On Wednesday evening he attended the wedding or Bishop Simpson's daughter. On Thursday he was presented with a goh medal by the Gray Reserves, of Philadelphia, commemorative of his visit to their encamp evening he was serenaded by Beck's Iland, at the residence of Ex•Fecretarc Boric. The President made his appearancm• at the window, and in response to calls ler a ,peech said : " Gentlemen, I thank you for Ibis compliment, and for this delightful music. My old Mr. Boric, does not wish to hear a,peecli, Ido not wish to make one. I repeat till thank you." Tim elections in New Via!: were Ind( yesterday. Owing to the 11111 . 11VOrable arrange ment of our Lehigh County Mull , we are 11l able to wait for the returns. If thene was a fair election We feel confident that the Repub lican party has won a handsome victory, but If the audacious lenders of the Democracy were successful in dodging the Registry Law In New York City the triumph will be for the -7:emocrats. The number of votes tequired has been, heretofore, known (m the day be. fore election. The deficit has lawn arranged for in Gotham and Democratic cut-throats thieves and other villains have fraudulently annulled the honest v o ice of the people. Such are Democratic victories 'l'IIF: difficulty between Gov. Geary and B. 11. Brewster is a personal matter, to be settled by the parties themselves. We can rest as sured, however, that the new Attorney Gen- Kai will be a valuable addition to the Stale administration. Judge Brewster is well known as a lawyer of the highest intellect and ability, and during his brief term upon the bench was an ornament to the profession. Ills successor, Judge Paxson, was born in Bucks County, but has practiced law iu Phil adelphia for twenty-five years.. GEN. GRANT has more trouble with his brothers-in-law, than all the rest of the family. Dent in Mississippi, tried. to make the voters believe that the President desired his election but this has been denied by Oen. Grant him self. Corbin, the broker, has been cut because be—he—lied about the gold speculation. The Democratic papers arc mean enough to hold Grant responsible for the acts of such relatives and even the name of the ['resident's wife tins been dragged into the muddle. GOVERNOR CHAMBERLAIN. of Maine, has appointed lion. Lot M. Morrill United States Senator from that State, to fill the vacancy made by the death of Senator Fessenden. Mr. Morrill has twice heel' elected to the Senate, and as he is a thorough Radical, the appointment gives universal satisfaction to our party. . • FUR MAN SHEPPARD is already spoken of as the Democratic candidate for Judge in place of Brewster, resigned, hi Philadelphia. We wonder what mercy, if any, would be shown those men who attempted 'illegally to elect blm District Attorney last year. They know their man and mould gladly hail him Judge. (levels some space this week, nod shall continue to do so hereafter, to the Lehigh County Sunday School Association. The de partment will he in the charge of the Corres ponding Secretary of that organization to whom communications may be addresed. hope the object !tiny be imecessful.. THE height of Pendleton's. ambition is at tained, notwithstanding his defeat for the Governorship of Ohio.- Ile has been elected President—not of the United States-4mt of a ,railroad company. What's the (Ads, so he's President ' Tun full cOlciel retureki from Ohio allow a 'majority for Governor Alava, Republican, of 7,601, b Republic= gitiu o 1 4,b18 over the ma jority for Governor in 1807. THE LEGISLATURE The follow,ing is a list of the present members of the Legislature, including those elected at the last election. In the 20th Senatorial District two certificates will undoubtedly be present and it will devolve upon the Senate while member is legally entitled to his seat : 17. 11:11inel11, It. J. 11, M'arfel, It. 11. :Sillier, 71. J. Robison, It. .1:1'. Nlelittlre, P. 22. 'tarry White, 11. • 71. \V.A. Witllaee,D. 21. A. A. Plirainn, 11, 76. Jae. Itutan, It. 27. Jay. I:err, 17. 24. 11. Allen, It. •79. Lowry, It.. I. W. AI. Watt. It.. 2. A. W. 114k:4.er, H. I). A. N.,141, 1 , T. . Comx•II, IL .5. C. IT. " 11. 2.11r ,,,, b 1 )•. 11. I,lll,l,•rinn 11, P. 7. IL S. &owl) 1). 5..1. D. 1):‘ , ..1.). 'I. 9. \V. M. 11994911, to. A.. (i..1{19911.99i, 11. P. 11.11.1, rh•ntt, It. 12. S. U. Talriter, 1 , . A. t I. 01,11,1..,1, 11..1. It. Beck, It, Irl. C. It. V. D. It. David Mumma, It. 110@!E OF ItEPIIFAIENTATIVIIII. Philadelphia. Centre. I. L. It. Thomas, It. 'Jacob O. Meyer, 11. 2. G. Maxwell, Pt, gain. Coltunbltt and Montotlr. 2. Sam. juseplts. I). I I teorge Scott, I). I I. Wan. Elliott, 11. Cumberland. H. Edw. li. Carl lit, I). !John 11. Laidig, I). 7 . Jno. F. Nlooney 1 , It. It. Hobert JOillISOl, R. j.‘. r. Smith p , It. H. James V. snolten, It. IJohn E. Parsotia, It. 0. Saltine] It. Oaf ley, D.' Delaware. O. 1.:11slia W. Day Im, lt. ITltoinast V. Cooper, It. I. NV al. NI. thin)), It. I Erie. '.l. Alex: Atlaire, f t. I('1. (1. Bowman, It. 1. John Forsyth, D.D. 11. 11. NrCrenrY, R. I. John Cloud, It. I Fayette. Co A,1”1., Albright, It. , T. 11. Istelniatterly, D. fl. Nltush. C. Hong, It. ;Franklin and Perry. 17, Watson Canny, n. (1. \V. Skinner, 11., gain. Is. James 'A 1111.. r. It. ,I). 11. Milliken, D. Adams. Greene. A 71.12111 11, 11. I.los. f4e.iginvlck, D. Allegheny. 11 Intllngton, MI 111 1 11 and M. S. Ilmaphreys, it. i Juniata. Alexander Miller, It. I 1.3. 51 'Ateer, 11. Joseph Walton, IL A. Hover, 1).,.- , - Janus Taylor, it. IndlanannaJWCStlllOrel• 11. NV. White, It. lnd. John 11. Kerr, It. IP M. Mantlial, It. Armstrong.,.N. Nl.'Fullost, It. NI. M.Steele.lt. '.l,trolt I'. Kreps, 17. Beaver and Washing- i Latteltster. Jon.. • A. I 1.1:Ma1., It. NV. C. Shurlttelc,"ll. I.N. C. Iteinoehl, It. A.. 1. Millington. It. . E. It. Ilerr. It. 1 1..1. Vaal:lrk, It. 'John E' NVlltty, It. Bedfrd, Fulton and i ' Lebanon. Sonteis.et.. ',.1. It. llchtinger,. It. : .. 17. I.oltu...iis,l:er. 11. ' LOlly.. It. ...yi!l2ll,.Wl).ll_llCr, Bork's. 111. 11. C'rellz, 11. only Illobst, D. i I.tria.rtiv. A. T. C. K.4r,r, 1). S. NV. I:eene, I). 11. 11. ,ellsviu . l/., li. 'John I , :\ l'3lalion,ll.uniti lII.Br. 4 hsa ge c. I ry, It., Ruin. .1..5. Itol.ll, pm It. I.yroldlinz, l'itton 111111 1111111 !Old /Us.: null! Vail.' stip er. .1. l'. Cl•anil,elaln, It. 'I I 11•1, 11 ill, It. .1:111Ie4 11. NVehh, 11. , Mamma Clitireli, It. Mad,. '..N 11.1rew 11. Dill, li. If .1111:t Bean., 11. :llifiltgomery. V- 1% .NCli.lnstry, D. kI LH 11solilm:11, L. Wier, law rem, aml .lohn .1. llarvey, 1 1 . .. Nlereor. i Northampton. (1. W. ll'Cra.•l.en, E. sainu.:l Boileau, I). 11. Ciale. It. David l'azletrum, I). 1;.:\. \\ hauler, I:. I .Northuntberlitial. .llexamler 1.1,11 e, It. H. lottlgollmr‘',D• ('mill .Ida. I Pllto and Wayne. John Porter, B o ,Willlittn 11.14mtillelc, 11 Campton. cllnton Itiel !'utter 11IIII'I'llittil. I'liellll. 11. 1!. Sir, 1.1,/, It. A. 11. A ritistrmw: 11. '.l. It. Niles, It. 1:111 . 111o11 and )1.010, Sehttylltlll. Weslt'Y 11. 1,-liml,l. II„ .13m,',, L: 11 1 , . D. Chostor. .1. Ervin SteelP, D. James C. ItoherK. It. ;1•'. \\l. Snyder, 1). Jos. l'. I.: I ~,, 11. 11. 'SI1, 4 111 • 11111111 1 l 111111 Wyo N. 'L. ' 0n,:,,,, It. salmi. loollz , S• Fa"l'll, it• lI.IOW I 11. 1:1. 11. I). A. I% strphrits, 11. cran . a.t.l. Vi•IIIIII411I Iklll.l Wltrren. 11. I '..101ink..... It. J. 1.11. :\ l'Jti Icin, 11. ,Cliarlos W. Stolle, It. It,-:,r4ad.l, IAI: and York. .(lenru(. It. 1 larsh, 1). John 11. 111111, 11. Ili. F. Porter, D. RECAPITULATION 1117.E3 Republicans Democrats .. Ittllllllllcall 11l Ijority 11,0 l -1: (11* 11EPRI:il:NTATII"ES Republktins Democrat. . Repuhlican majority I)l.:rErri DitooKe is .again in danger of Laing shot, lie seized another distillery last week. :4; EIV SI IT Ell —Down In dill: cull u colored titan n " Fincodlt Amendment." . —An Onutlnt iirni in the irliole.inio liquor trade brgnu bittine, with $1:1000 caiiital four yearn ago, anti lIIIW t. 100,000. —A 1,1'111i:11st meteor posed over Dayton and Forest Station, Ohio, on Wednesday moming. It was steeompanied by R rumbling 1401111 d, and at Forest Station there were three explosions heavy • enough to break windows. —The strainer SU/l:Wan %Vita burned on the early on Thurmhiy — morning, find of 250 persons on board, •only 52 are known to he 'aced. The dha , ler was cant.rd by a pile of hay catching lire from a candle. by the light of which some dock pad:wagers, were playing cards. The vexed nari valued at 545,000, alai had on' board 500 tons of freight, including 290 horses and mules. s---A Fort Wayne (led.) gentleman recently threw out a lot of brandied cherries which had spoiled. Ills chickens ate them and apparently died. They were pushed hut 'their bodice east Forth as'wssobless. The next morning he heard a °rowing and looking out stir ricer lien and rOO , - young and ohl,grave n ad gay, marching round eyeing ...telt other w,ith suspicion. many or them entirely nnhet, and only a ICAV w MI Wing alai tail Nat'e.ers. 'l•he cherries, had made •• pour chick de:ld—drunh. THE Sl' .0 E N EIC S orNEW V 0 R I=l I = Amain 4 the wooopoileA of the city that one cu grossed by the scavenger in ma. inconsiderable. One would scarcely credit, milta. the stuthdlea were brought be6ore him, to Nviukt tian*cr of peo ple this husine., giN't, employment, nor to what large result of fortunc it is mnde In many Instances to coialutd. The people employed In this capacity are the poorest and mosbmiserable when ofhu twinges; yet, such Is the elasticity of the Iffienut soul that, despite the,deletslng. associations and contlitlons of thin work, men are known to rise in It to the pobsession of worldly comfort, and sometime of ailluanee. The legitimate scavenger, like. he owl and hat, Is only a night la burnr ; he begins his work ut, mkt night nod quits in the morning. 01 these work men ono hundred, on an average, are In the em ploy °retie city ; out orthis number twonty net as principals, receiving their permits to labor front, the Board of Health. The principals employ' the others ae substitutes to perform the work ; of the former all are men of respectability, enjoying a, competence, several are wealthy, anti one is men tioned :14 the president itf a hank and the posses- FM' Of 11 handsome fortune. 'Of the latter it is altid that the euonoinlcal, honest, nod sober, gradually work their way to the positions of thew principale, as they are withdrawn by death or other' CHINCH. Notwithstanding the exposure and risks of( life which these Workmen Moir, mortality. among 011`111 is not greater than among other laborers. The largest proportion of the men are Hermans. • included in the class of street,cleauers, but quite distinct from the seavengers, are the ash gleaners mid street-sweepers. Both of these bodies of latiorers are employed by the authorities In cleaning the streets during the day. Thestrstet sweepers number from hive to four hundred 11111.111 ; the ash-gatherers amount to nearly a thousand. The latter, who every morning are seen driving up and down the city' with their small wagons drawn by dogs, or horses, carry iiirfroin the streets the barrels of ashes and refuse from the kitchens which are 'deposited for them hi front of the houses. They silt the ashes and sell the cinders, which are obtained, and from this derive a larger prollt than from the . wages received from the city authorities. lam told that there is living on One hundred and Thirtieth street one of these ash capitalists, who, besides having accumulated In this business fifty thousand dollars, which is In bank stock, is the owner of real estate on the Boulevard ; yet is the stress of habit with this man, that he sow comes daily down to the city with his wagon' and horse, and returns to his house with the COl lected ashes and kitchen refuse. lie has always maintained his family upon the cold victuals thus obtained, and now that 'he is wealthy Makes no change in the regimen of his fatuity, but stubbornly insists upon his table. being set with the broken pieces from other me n 's tables. Thls is not the sole Instance of wealth having . been ACCIMUInted In this channel of ledustry; them are, doubtless, others of equal means, and hundreds in comforts , bin circumstances. • , The refuse from the kitchen Is an important perqui.ite in the ashmau's business. A gentle man living on a "cold corner" of Fifth avenue, Auld Mink' two PUMICES to heat his house, was told by one of the independent ash-gatherers that ho would not take away the ashen unless the re fuse from thekitchen wore given In, and as the gentleman had* wish to have that appropriated In is different way, he refused it to the ash man. The result wan that the ashes remained on the sidewalk—not a man of the brotherhood would take them a way—autil Fifth avenue yielded to the demands of the persistent minuet'. However nu eolith and filthy the ash collector, may be, be to always fat and healthy, And so also are his %tire and children, alma he brings In his cart, and so also are even his sings. Ma there is still another clans, which, like the followers of a great army, obtain subsistence upon this heels of its superiors, though not strictly of them. This class comprehends the women and children and imbecile men knetwn sti rag-pickers. At curly morn, before th• stars aro gon• in, while. the great city 'tin timelier°, they pour upon Its enact, a outland, ualmpt. hungry'hoard. Then begins the search along the gutters, the streets, ty6 alleys, the crew); eves possible aud impanel pin place mug cool:slam' coiceal stag, s mint of bread, a piece of olditOn, or a fragment THE LEHI 4 . . t w at tii Thl o g ib s t e ' r l iTt i fr g usl i :lt i l l itte n ci wo n pf aird hat 1 lid oyer nt t o i t Aearii: ri and. urf .t rb y bahp deep.ll Pp bate . , rein', f reftr Alturtil g them'iouniV and , roundo sin tg thentltp atilt doWn to bringlo the, top of thst ngtektitintenti sonic :coveted 'tbing , .ichl4lt the* hope assures them lies In the bottom.' l imn closest scrutiny they moss on to the next barrel;. to which they give the same investigation, and so on through the streets. . It would be amusing, were it not so pitiful, to note the jealous, greedy-look, With whldh'thq te; gard another's trophies as 'they pass each Other. li , is alinocLltte only proof of the presence of poor human nature 1p them. No ball-room belle who blkholds the display of a snore engaging toilet then her own,eould fasten such envious eyes upon her rival as one of these rag-pickers turned yesterday morning upon a compeer who passed her bearing in her hands a dilapidated hoop skirt and a Shaker bonnet. ' After the forage Is over for the day, with bags and baskets replete—or slay be empty, according as they have succeeded—they return, followed by their children, to their homes. There lies, an one approaches the Central Park nt the right, a rise of ground known as Dutch 11111. Upon this hill, which In 80 barren that the goats scarcely find browning thereon, are found many of the shanties of this poor people. Form erly a large number of them lived In Third street and itodgelnity, but as the city made rapid growth. up thelsland these poor creatures were forced from their quarters. Land, they hold free of rent on the hill, and they put up their sheds, which cousht of a few boards and posts nailed together, a covering simply from the storms. Their shan ties arc found from Fifty-ninth street upwards, nn the eastern side of the city, to Seventieth street. But it Is along the western side of the town, !skirt ing the Central Park and fur beyond. It, that the largest settlement of the rag-pickers is to be seen. Going pp. this course toward Manhattanville, one sees on the rigid, just over the Park wall, those velvety slopes of green Interlaced with white drives, dotted with flowering shrubs, and spark ling with pools of clear water—u stretchl of beauty ; on the left hand he beholds along the rocky ledge those clustering huts and hovels which elbow each other upon the entre and overhang the stagnant pools of water beneath—a long encampment 14 misery. lif These hovels are scarcely higher than the wig-, scums of the Esquimau:. The door is of just the height to admit one, atild a little square aperture cut Into the boards admits the light. The earth in many of them forms the floor; and a circle 0r stones the range upon which they build the poor fires to warm themselves in whiter. That person among them who possesses an old stove is rich. In these hovels the rag-pickers herd. Hundreds of this poor, outcast people huddle together with the animals which they shelter and claim—with pigs andgoate,chiekens anti dogs. Children, who are half naked and covered with vermin, swarm around the doors, and in warm weather cover the rocky shelves which project around the cabins, gambolling with the dogs, and quarrelling with each other. This class of the street-cleaners, numbering be tween eight hundred and a thousand, become so better off by their Inborn. They simply require food to keep them from starving, and clothes to cover their nakedness. Pushed to one side as the very scum of humanity, thrown out of the range of sympathy beyond those who have sytnpathies for the poor, their chances for betterment In life are absolutely nothing. To pass these wretched homes and behold look ing out upon one the ttbJect,soulless countenances of the women—countenrinces in which there la neither cheer, nor hope, nor aspiration—dark, downcast, hard countenances, and the coarse, brutish fnees of the tnen, and the children which are counterparts of the parents—you will feel that tile Talcs missions are not altogether beyond the Cape of Good Hope nor the Cherokees and Chick lINIINVA the only benighted people within our terri torial limits. Lrer A. Mitts. Extract from a l'riaateLltter front annili, Sal * .* • Although the eruption 16 not so violent now, the volcano is a fearful sight to be hold. The rivers of lava still Bow, and the smoke froimthe crater ascends In awful majesty. During this volcanic npheavnl It has been very sickly here. A peculiar sort of low maim ions fever, which has grown out of the foul, condensed vapors of the volcano, has prevailed to an alarming extent, and at ono time It was feared It would depopulate the island. But fortunately, u sea-captain (calling here for Fupplles) distributed PLANTATION BITTERN to the suffering, and quick and thorough cure were the result. The news spread like wild-fire. Messrs. Ching-Takla it CO, Commission 3ler chants, had these bitters for sale. In a short time their office was besieged and their supply ex ' twisted. A steamer was dispatehodto San Fran ' else° by order of the Hospital Department, and a new and enormous supply obtained as soon as pos sible. From that momentihe scourge was stayed. Not another fatal case occurred, and the epidemic has now 'entirely disappeared. Is this wonderful remedy known in your city! I hope so, for It Is a sure cure for all fevers and miasmatic sickness. You may tell your friends no for me. *• * * * * 11. Id. C. MANAOLI• WATIVIL—StIVIIIOr to the beet towelled Der wan Cologno. and void at hair the 1117 ST N 1 , 7, SS NO'r I 'Trimmed with silk or with velvet ; quilted or plain; nooonented with elnbermled seamed Pinching, or etherwlve, there are no enter garmentni.o neat and no OM- Ibrinery, a. Ole elrnaill overcome or ROCK lIILL & WILSON, ()rent Broom Hell. 001 and (AlSlllteelnut Philadelphia. IMIC. Vegetable Sicilian Heir Renewer. The . x.•culno It.t• k proprletcry cturttp ruunlna ocer lltet cork of thr bottle. tho• .Ithyrtislup (?olunamt.—Bead our adveirth3e- Inchti Thoy tde not ho dull null unlitleroxllng tm you ibbdi than, null you may nfton lu Mom stumble" Over mute: thing le your sulvnutago ; at any rota,. mad the our ltmrl rd for Wuunnmker S Brown. nud nor If it dook not Imr• y.el Ilml flak Ito II is the plat , where you nhould bay 3 our %V MIT NUR. Thr hlilvering evenlngc of our changeable climate remind folks that 'they need something comfortable to near. For ram not, oloyntice, durability, economy, thorn to notbine to near lil, It fine, pubstuutial garments of ROCKIIILL tai and COS ("hoot nut Street, Phlludelphis, Seo , folo, Ilhoon, Skin n u n , &utak Monts," ntr•l etir,t.—fieeteallmoulsl: S•l.l..unr Tow:mire, Lehigh Co., Oct. al, 1600. It it R ith a iraten I feeling that I feel able to mype the following statement inr the benefit of thoee.whe are alllTer. lag (rota herofula and other Oltrunir Disema. My wife hail been •utfering for eeeee al yenta from Immure ur towelling& on her neck which after • time would gather rani titacharge •matter, leaving a running sore. She had been treated for mute than • year by moat eminent Pit Yet claus without moulting any permanent benefit, her alma+e becoming worse, until knit five of theta running P.M uu lire neck, when I employed Dr. 11. D. Longaker, nailer whose treatment Ote commenced P. improve very fact, the soles oft her neck to heal, and all her unplenaant and die. agreeable syMptiOnry gradually to disappear, until Ito . health was restored, which was in about four mouth.. 1 feel perfectly Instilled, after having tried the treatment of other physicians In recommending all those who are KU Rrn lag from dent Fula or Chronic Disensee to Dr. Unlinkrr for medical treatment, with • (rut belief that they will he sat haled, benefited and cured thereby, as toy wife has peen. [Signed,] JAMES DARNER. Dr. It. D. Long•ker's Mace is out the goat aide of Sixth street, bet. ern Ilautiltun and Walnut, Allentown. • le /hal" Ewerprlie.—Atnong the many LuxiurYe improveme him that ton deny . apriaglog up In our midet tnity be toeutloded the new and npleudid Dry (loud. Estaldlidoneut of the enterprising firm o(Cooper & Cunard, at the ..unthenst colorer Ninth and Market *treat., Philo dcinitili The Ono r•lnmenced bosom'. In Doe year ISO2.at the slit' of their present new and handsome haute, and from cooll beginologm they crept up to ao enviable posi tion lu the hotline. world, and they now boast of one of the :inlet conplete dry goods euiporiums lu the oily. Their new Store at Sloth undliatket creel* will bear favorable comparison with airy &Dollar estubllohnient lu said 1. hl monument to tin homilies. tact nod energy displo)ed by It. proprietor.. The new building is a soled°us and commodious one, sand while It premeute a very ottructics external appear• lance, the interior urraugetueule net admirably adapted r the porno.. loteutl•d. The structure J. compomed of pressed brick, three stories In height, wills a very handsome Manenni roof. The Market Martel front I. p•lttled in Imitation of marble, and the w imlowo are capitally arranged for the display of goods. The bitmetuent I. Oevoted to tho sale of blenketi, eoverleto, and to tho enmity. of dupli“te woolen., du• ntoOlc gootlx,Av. The lint lin er in a general uoLleuruum, coututufng sampled of the bulk of their lutudrume dimplay of due &eau good.. clonkieugs, cloth. stuekn, linens. dumeutle iroodo, &co. The sorood iloor contains their superb cloak and shawl stock,. buys' clothing, mud cutters' room for boys• and men'+ onlared 'linking. The third four is devoted principally to manufacturing the cloaks and clothing for which thahuuue has earned so emviable a reputation. " Haw /fastener's /litters cure Diptiosta.-7714 whole Slurp in o Yot Shell.—The office of the. stomach is to convert the food tutu a cream-like send-Mad filled Conan. Thb+ Is effected partly by the action of a solvent, called tho gmaric joie*, whirl, exudes from the coating of the stomach, and partly by a tnechaulgal movement of that organ, which churns, an It were, the dissolving' all ,:ment. • The Corn! paws from tho stomach luta the doo• denim, or manatee to tho bowel., where It is subjected to the action of the bile, end the nutritious portion of It converted Into u fluid celled Chide. which eventually be- Oconee blood. Now, It Is evident that If the great solveet, the gaetrie juice, Iv nut proiluced in Kull:Meta et...entity, or if the me. oh onkel action of the stomach Is not •ufficlenti y brink, tho fleet promos of &De/rifen will be but Imperfectly per formed. It 14 also clear that if the livery which ',loyl such an Important putt lu changing the nourishing par- • lion of the chyme Itadthe m'aterlal of the blood; is con gealed, or In any undaturul condition, the aeconti promo will not bo thoroughly accomplished. The result of the !ma failures Is dyspepnin, complicated withbiliouiness. The mode In which 110STETTER . 8 BITTERN operate In each cases l• this: they invigorate the cellular mem brane of the stomach. which evolves the goalie juice. thereby Insuring on ample nufflciency of the fluid to cent• pietely dissolve the food. They oleo act upon the nerves of the stomach, minslng an acceleration of the meohenical movement necessary to reduce th• fool to shomogeaaoue Inane . They also set enscitically apse lltell•sr, strength- Antos It. and no enliblime It is produce an ample and nes-s -tar supply of bile, for the pusysego of covertingt the an , trillion% particles of Ike (Atone and Chute. and promote Ito /MOW Ihroulth tile tmwels if the uselese debris. I. this w DITTE I / 6 cure dlapep►la and Hose complaint. The explanation Is plain. simple. Alloeophleal, .4 tree. H RMISTER O A - 4,,ENTo - v :„ 1-7 , .11., h'plerttliiCricmo.tbsiderman it: Sou's NitilalcYool(l.lnd B(44l4o),.'intios rank anion lie fin Ibtestknitrun te In tlitionntry. Their brill cy and (Onus i:tonc IsMt aurpaapicil by a co crt grantrtjlano V douldo . Abe price. More In u metitil'of thltcelebriVrtrilike have been so In Allentown, Lehigh and adjoining counties than I any othet : manufacture. They can be used many years and not become airy, as most other pianos ,doh in oply .few years. Itiorne awl (longue them al, C. Vli • eirinituit'eSiore, 'hit Mid Itiallittt stied P: vich Islands .-•• 'NEW STYLES FALL AND 'WINTER cLOTIIIND. Nov , in stock rt Pie asitOribund t;/ . 51EN'S YOUTHS' ANDIWYS' IIEADY-NIADEVAinIENTS, to which larye daily rtildilions 111 . ebrillg, nos* ; 81.T . EllION IN STYLE, PIT, AND WORNMANSATI . to any other stoele.of a(1010$ —Also, a choice selection of 011 W FALL AND IVINTEn GOODS IN +DE will be wade up to order in the LSAT AND FINEST 'MANNER for those trhu ALL PRICES GrAIL‘NTEED t.nwrit ThAs TnELOw- EST ELM:WIIEItr., AND FELL SATISFACTION GUAR ANTEED EVP.ItY 01•111•11AsEll. IN ALI, cA.E.s, 1511 THE SALE CANCELLED AND 'SIDNEY DED. SantyiltA of ointerlal sea by orardi ' , hen de. sired, for 1/111.111ellfil Bendy-310de to• made to order. • ilr VVlty ""7:'‘',7l-18‘1 Filth and ' 141‘111.1r,...t. Mll.l-1. PIA 1...1.1.1`111A 111,A1 , 11 . AV NEW-Y.IRK sperial tlotirrs .. . .. . . VFGI , TABI.E SICILTA:s; 11. A 111 \ \*.ll:l{ Ix the unly ProyaraLi.ni for !===COM= AND PDOMOTINO 7TH muiwrir It le the claexpet.t preperatia In VOr 0ft , 1,4 n, 111.- an one bottle trill layt longer nod aerylepli..ll 111.)1 ,• then three bottle• of nn)• other In , learallatat• Our Itenewer Is lit a dye; It will ay at at du Illy •kilt as others. It will keep tin• heir front radian: ,mt. If elealvex the. Soap, and makes the / bac SOFT, IS 7'll and ILK EN. Our Trend." , tilt the Heir await free by mail. It. I'. HAM, et I'ii. • N.tsnna• Y. 11.. rr.apri.ater.... For sale lay all alruggart.. I)EAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CA- L TARIM treated Wilh theIIIIII , 4II CO,, by .1. 1111 d Profesato . of PiNellA , M of the Eye and tine; ()tie xpeefalty) in Mr Met/le/it Colteg, ttf pen.- ty/ranio,l2pettra experit not, trernterly ofl.eytlen, Rei land.) N. S‘• Arch tttroot, Philadelphia. TeAlnionittla can be ?Well nt hie niner. The no•tlical foraity are invit ed to accompany their patients, no he han no serrate In Ida p ro ctico. Artifielni ryr mirth a tiniti nI pain. No chart:a for examination. iii , .Z7-Iy•ett TO CONSUMPTIVP.S.—The advertiser, url having been restored to health Inn fow weeks, lip a •ery remedy. after hot Ngr • r orul Y. , ' with a Ilene, lung affection, nun dot tirettd disease, Cons suniptlon, is anxious to toithe known ttulti• hatiervio the uneaten of cure. To all who desire it, inn will Nonni n ropy of the pri,eription used (free of riot ttef, milt the direc• lions for preparing and using ii , s n,e, 1 11101(114 , y will nto sure core for nl lc. T Is to benefit the afflicted, nod sprout Whim:Mon Which he conceives to be Invaluable; nod he hopes every nutter, tt 111 try hi. remedy, a. it SI 11l CO thou nothing Will tinny prove a Mention. Pinion wishing the proscription on 111 ukase address, • Rea. Eli ('.unit A. NV (7, , 0N. Willintusburg, Kluge Co., Y. • WORDS OF WISDOM FOR YOUNG 4.,•• MEN, the Holing l'neehet Youth 1411.1 Early MlltlhOnd. NT till REIS II F.1,1' for freerring and nofertnente Seat In neuted lett. telvelepes, charge. Addreue, 110 WAR ASSOCIATION, Ildhetelidit,,. May le-1r... ERRORS OF YOUTH.—A gentleman who angered for yearn froin Num.,. Debility, Prema ture Decay and all the effect, of youthful imilscretion, will. for the eke of suffering humanity. mind free to all who nerd It, the recipe and direction for making the sim ple remedy by which ho tens oured. Sufferers latching to Profit by the adverticer's experiencevan do so by ad. dresellic loperfect .101 IN D. No. 42 CedAr bt. New Yolk. TIIE ONLY RELIABLE CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA IN THE ENI,W.); WORLD. DR. WISEAUVR GREAT AMERICAN DENEEPRIA PII.I.IIIRIVI PINE. TREE TER Count Al. are a. positive nod infallible cure for dyapopala In 111 mod aggravated form, and no matter of how io., , tuuding• They penetrate the veeret abode of (him terriflle .llaeove, and listen/tin:tie 11, Not and branch, .reter. 'Chop alleviate mere agony cud 01101 u suffering than tongue run tell. They are noted for coning the most deoperal , and hone.- levy eases, when ever k nown mums-full to it itur d relief. No form of dy-peledn or IndiaellErdi eon t --.l•t their pen etrating pourer. DR. WISILI I LITS PINB TRKE TAORMDIAL It is the sitidpriticiplo of the Pine Tren obtained by a peculiar process lu the distillation of the Lir, brrehich its highest medical 'properties are rebutted It inXittiorlties the digestive organs and restore. tiff tipped,. It strength ens the debilitated sys tem. It put !Six curtehcs rho 1011,01, and expels from the r).iteln lhncorritpllen Which scrofula breeds Ott the lungs. It dissolves thr innate. or Phlogni which stops the ntr pattaSgies of the lauds. It , ealing principle acts upon the Irritated -sturfaco of the lutdrs and throat. penetruttud to earl, diseased port, to. Iles leg paint and subduing intltintubiti•tu. It is the result of ye. of study awl exporitnest, mid it Is err, - .•.1 to the afflict a ed with V , n trite aloillretwe et its IPtXrer In curt thin following ilkettses i If Ile. patient lin• 11 , 1 tit.. Ittng delayed a retort to the means of cure:— , '"rosti TII Non Of the /den y.., r,.ro r ti iv I d, B , Brearonehili and Blerding Pa/A. Aidhutri, ll'hnoving Coregh. Dirtheriti, A medical ea pert t holtlitig honorable eollegiAte devotes his calm , time to the exatoittatinit n( pa t r eats nt IhB 'aCrictitiihriortn whop.. earn tree are giveu to the public en,: Thin opportunity C li o hy other hi.litution In the country. Letters from any part of the cuntry, a.,kittu,lairo t el ill he promptly uml ar.ituilously rocuoteleti to. Whore cost. eintieut,.rentlttatteo• eloitahl tole the allot , of DRIFT OR POST•OFFICE ORDERS Priem of Wls hortA Americo!, Dy.popolo. Plt tt n box' Pont by moll on reculpt of pro,. Pries of Wozen .hoharl'as Plot 'pro, enrintli, 0 bottle. or 411 per d Soot by expre,, All I' orlalllll.ll.lll.l4 t ic r••••• 11 L. Q. C. IVD,IIAIiT,.M. D., N... '212 N. 50r..1,1:4., 1..)111/“1,11,11in MEM • SCUENE'S I'CLMONIC SYRUP, SEA w LED TONIC and Vend rake Pills, will eon. Coo numigien, Liver Complaint. and Dyspepsia it taken ar, cording to direction.. The) are aII i te he Irk at the ...Puke. They cleanse the the and put it to work then the appetlt. , noe, owg co m i f o od digests and tuaken good Id I the painott Iwskon to grow 1., flesh; the illreared matter citric to Ifs lone , and the patient outgrow• the thseare nod ge. nett. 'Thle la the only way le care cioiatinitithin. To those theft, medicines Dr. J. 11. selootk, Philadill phln, pro 1114 unrivalled nue,. In the teeafiii.,l of til inouttry consompuun. Tee Palm l.e Syrup ritionn the morbid matter In Ilt.. Ott liv espeetoration, when the phlegm er noun, I. ripe. slight cough will tiro ait off, and the lull has .t o°lllllp begin Wheal. T., do this, the Sean red Tonle awl ~l;.• Pill , / must he freely uved to cleanse the etomaelk idol liver, ro that the Syrup and the toed will make ;coed Id 1. Schenk's Alandrake Plan art upon the liver• removing all obstruction', relair the, klnein of thall.l , lodder, the bile mindsfr.ly, end the liver is soon reeved, st•wir wl show what Pill do k othiog Inv il ented except calomels raii dendly u pekoe sk 10.1, i s r -.„. r . dangerons to oe unless with great gore', tliat n linkd. the gall•bledder r and setart the /km-pig/ma r 11, et like Schenk's 31audrirke l'ills. Liver (7timplatnt Is one of the in pi , in' am,' rid... ..r Coustaniption. Schenk's Seaweed 'Nett' it a gentle ',lmola. ktod ape, alive, and the alkali 1. Odra. weed. n Welt Ann prepara• Con in made cif, anslets the s 1111 l melt to throw old the gage.: Juke to dissolve the food with the Pohlman,: Sirup, 81,11 it ramp• Into good teal fermentation or louring in the stomach, The great reason why phyrleluns do not yore my- Lionds, they, try t' de too muck; they give tokslichie tomboy the cough to atop chills, to stop night riveats, eetie fever, and by ati' h dning they derange the whole d lit/kegs" plt kk ern, Welting np the reervilone. and evoutually thirpotiont auks and die, Dr'. Schenk. In his doer not tryto sane roe h, night sweats, china or favor. Ittnnavo ilt.,rtatte:nnd thvy Coll all stop of aver own Reeved. No kale can lie mired kit Consumption, laver Complithit. Ilyikparialti. Catarrh, Can. ker. Ulcerated - Plug:at, unless 1.111, 11%, Wade healthy. It a petition 11.1 Conautuptnin. ut gene/write lungn lo emits was, aro diseased. either wherries, leritatton, pleuro adherion, or she ou ch aeon itia•s uf hr be and fart decaylng. In such cases n hat be dour It Is not roily the lungs that are W41141111t, 1. it, whole Lally. Thy awl liver tat,.l. , st thew It of power to make blood 00 of food. Now the /oily rh•neki is topeke Srhenk 'n three medicines, It Well will bring p tone to Ike stomach, the patient well,' ,.! en to 0r,...t it will digest in and make and blo than 110. patient begin. to gain In flesh, and no noun as the body begone te grow, the lUllite to /witl lip. and the pacent filially and well. Tlits Is the roily Way te 0 1. 1 1..1.- 11On. When there In no lungonly Llafilr`;unpinint I and Dy141044111L, fichenk'n Senn red ','dolt aunt Maudrake Villa ere aultlclent without the Pulnionle Syrup. Take I • Mandrake Dimly all bateau complaint. or they ate I perfectly harlot., Dr. Schenk. .110 hut enjoyed onintorrupted Jwitlllt by many yearn pant, and now weigh. 0 )' kvas w or k,' away to V. mere Saelrteu, the seri hurl ninge of Pulite. nary Consumption. hie haring pronetiticed his Caen hopeless and altandunerl 1., hie In., De Wlll4 mired by the aforesaid inekltrlncr. and Rine/L.lllr thou/mode Mud tarty aMicted have ore& Dia Saha lak's prep. mentions with therein° remarkable Norge,.. Coll diem-Deur accompany each, lank° It not absolutely itecensary to per. soually nen Dr. Schenk, unless the patting, wish thew longs exandued, and for Dila purpose he In lirnfenitiollallyl4l Prluclpal 011 Ice, every riatiteda), sl lin. all letters ter advice moat be adder...ed. lie Is taro prefer_ atonally at No. 3). Ruud Street. New York, every other Tunda.y, and at No. 33 Hanover Street, Boston, every other Wednesday. Ile giver advice Cr,',', lott fur a rhor• oust, uXntllllllltlloll . Wlth bin Itesplrekneter the Ike re gi 01). (Mice hours ut amok rill Dula 4. 31. to BP. 31., Dn. J. 11. 15 6t/ St., J'hiladti., mar 10-Iy*** le }list the thing the public hove long wwdrd. It In a dull resembling beer, eoutains the least particle of Spirit, situ has been proved by ittittl 6 ynin to youtttltt, in addition to punt. super. pita in, ear en, lupe/fn. rerfaio (egre t/it/Ir/ Or ‘'EOETAIII.t: origle. (no 110r0 00 xi N Ell Al., I to width rt owes Its beneficial nod poworfol offettn uc 3 tonic, nutrient and retard y. TARRANT A: CO., NEW YORK, S,;le Agent, f, the rutted rte MEI ENTAIII.IBIIED IN 1840. MEAD &..ROI3BINS, Suceeetore lo John O. Meld & So., M A :WO ACTURERS OP THE FINIIT. I IRAIIEY ow SILVER. PLATED WARES. We mho our own anode' depuell the Inlyor Rory ra i ely,- tl y t Tn e e t t s h e'e t :;. i d ‘ 4r ar t r e a rl ‘ t t i::t o g h „a a r r et i l c i l e e es l lTP4Fe ' r r r r tl n , d l„: . '11 . 4 are aqua, to . the Illseet grade. of F.nalkh and Preach \VIOI.I, iota croft. In design and elegantly ornatuanted. CUTLERY. Pearl, leery ana Rubber Cutlery Is greet satiety, plated ead upplated, la qoaulltles as required. . N. E. Cor. NINTH and CIIFISTNUT STB., PHILADELPHIA. orl 133 m Nr -1- 9 7 7 .. . ~,,,r4 ••,, tal , 1 1 4 •,. . COI "t i ,C , • I .Fit . i . ~' f ) / . t''' 'l 4 a m lA. . . .. ) •f.r. , .,, - , 11 , Ait . uy , ~t. ,co 0 LET.-. . REASONABLE LEASE I " ' 7...,,,,i,f„,,,,,.„.,... Lamin data loot y, sltuittod lu 1 ;! - A -1 1 . - 4-1-,rj I- -;e . V t) , , A4l . 1 4 5,g,',V,T,,,1". fit,t . ..1.."! . .`,!',",‘',T,r' ~7,111i. . ,!.:ii. : 11‘',T' - ,-,-..,--, ,, -.4ligifi r ei i ,lifitTikg- Y 4'444 l 4Tr , lLVi l i t i l .ll7gNi pumping and hoisiiiiii inchlii•-.. Permoivi ilioilr•iiin of no importunity of il kind will pl••ip focuinine for them , ivivill. nod iipply to ILitiliton Korb, liiiirdivrtnwil I'. . I mar 3, • 13'.1 0. L. si'llnillEli, l'rehident I.;VV EfinE ' - • ' • ' • 4 ' , )61. , I\l ( 1,1,1 N A SALK, rananenl priee ' frona /St ' . 430 per I:ere, F arrora t Vr 1 1.. Itill.“9,olilClit, Inneatonn .ke , linnet! genial climate, -" 111111 innor-nnarktin. The , forma /11 . 0 in . . . !inni int ininnenlinto vicinity or NVnobl • • • cent. Avenne 1101' OtrOet wnAlinc..n. C. MEM FALL (11111STIAS T•11.\1)E 11.1 G TNT )(i K, i•;7II'I ES WATCHES, JEW O.ltY. SILVER- WIMPI, FANCY GOODS, &C. BRIDAL 'GIFTS A SPE('I A LTY 11AI LEY 3: CO. itooro (be hnl,danwa.t •IPPit iv•Prip And will at Pill (Ir plpPip•pt lip r.,. Pi p;, , ptipti -lippii . ordthronoll their e.P.Ie.II.IIPIP,P•PpI BA II TaEY..i.t (X)., ••srSclittoNor.onv or iNcIENTAND NISI'S:RN LIDS TORT 11(11\1 TII I: CREATION OF SUN TO JAI:MARTO 860." I Ai: I !tin 'hunk has ....delved the. hlphe.ol rernmmenrhtleni New 11,11...0r wit.. great It Irt r......ded OPIIn cc su• nevi' . urinal:Ll ceuseniceit 1,14 a, used to all tissues ..1 ...tetely, and as a or refer..dee fer Peureestnuni ?am, -.la eats, , It is a• kunst W ..4'e as all unabridged' aigli•mary. Ota• Vel. 320 oetaVe pages, WWI Chart in Sot-. "r 4, attst/O: spechnon copy sent free by mil, od receipt of Intr. • "".1.1 exelnsively bp ageatn, and cums..l..- .........Ipskt. • pertieul.tes 01111,5....TEP11 EN HAW ES l'..l)ll , ther, act 11-71 1•;SV lESEN ,12T I I 'SI'S., PIII LA DELPHI A MBEI SPECIAL .t-A•Norver.lnEvt j a ' 1it,(144iyvc.7714,-.;..4,1.(19' .t1)11.:S• F • . ANCV IFTIVI. . . J.l .... . TOIIN FAREIRA, 4 ~ -) ...4,,,. 7IS ARCH . ST. Middle of the lc, fart. tl Silt S S. ti II eide itl'tik ./1 4 .1W ELEItt-;, •• -, .-.8.3 , --1.. e ..-.- .1-' '.' ' ' , fif ,1 14 Nnin.An'Eniti • lA. tu, f -.4 t , l'eporter, Nun otfacturet, :20010,:t11. end Dealer Wall kludge.' Quality of it. ,-.•••11,, FANCY FURS 90...) .., (: I-1 FiSTN 1i T sT It EET, 1,. : .../ . . i \ 'Olt I i ADIEI:rf7III,,IMLN•i . tl -1 , t ~ • ~,ki 11' . !kat Ilig . eutaroel renio ,.. . Ilave robullt, tollarnoll end IttioUeled their ....Idiot- i' Al ''t• W /If - ei.i'l !Via vr k , .. , nvi v ir, Inttt, cloth°, eil lty flr.• itt .I.lottt ) 14.1, and haVe opened -.. f: .1 .r: '` P• A' ' , 11. • 01 1 aTti r r 31, F tiN ‘ ttit the POI Isli. lor linrin , .. tiLL: • • • ••••,' Imported a Very large atel ',... u" - A nlentliti a.+: linen! of all - WITH .VN v.wr rm.: NEW 5T11.c4,, . ' r .. 1. :. 1.' ' . ::.tu t ."'YJ the different kind , of VIM. r , front drat Litude, lu Europe, • - ` . ." '4 - Mid hero but thorn' made nit by the outfit .klllfel Workmen. I trout,' robpeatfully itt: Ile to) ltiett.b. of. Lehigh end what:out Couutlce, to vat M,!NI 'F.ll'7' UR 1....1) t'' /if LOA' ii:Vie I; OOPS , and examine my very large a,a beautiful aegortitteut of - . • i • . • • - Eh Ice y Pia., for Led tee mud Children. lan deter:Mond to roll ut or 1 'Co peter an any other rehnociable Mouse in MIS Sfore ., t, ' r en). ,k IIIO ar. Weir:cutout No itatreprescutationa to of- I/ pel'itil i 1 , 1 any tht y Iv Ire It, It peat r,.,., ~ • J oF.syha:lllt A oeel I t•ite cit ,t,g ..._4_. s _to the - Prblie, • _ NICATION.I r " r ' nll3. "" vi-. ‘ - ‘7ll . CIDEAP AN I) GOOD. Sow, • iVliere there me tut many Ettr Store* tv• there are in the nit + of rhilt•ololphiA It H clitilenit for Ihr uninitiated to to. tortnine wly.ro tit huY. whn ate ver•ed In the Of , fernnt 10051111os of Fit., k1411,1V1,. know where to g.l.and tune reader. nf 1111. paper, who aro not netionint•••l With JAS. E.. CA LD h h CO., 819 eIIESTNI1 1 STREET, - ii • --- --- --1 - ---- - i. - • i•- -••- • - • -. to LB estAbllßlttPtiffrOTtlYtilih•orri , Putalfiiii:tigo - re they rau I • SAAC IC. STAUFFER. ' ' ' . 1 jitureli,e with the a riiaterit eouftdeure, awl, be ontielleil that they tire honeetly draft with. ' tVeVite . w . fif 11. leitter NVATCIIES.' AND .TEW ELlt I', er MU, rMIIIIIII . •oire than that .11 - Itfireeiro. . . , , NO. Ifi :o , lll'll ' , lit% PA It ti. T.. colt, ey ttemi tt e, Pill LA .11,f1I'll IttisEN BAUM A Ili.. A.i. 51f1Aerliiitteel. Milli. Zit ) . An “Miirportit "r w„t0,.•4, .t , A)olry. V. 1 - ..a ; bug their new hication, triter, tee are rottsileut from ',L'z Plareil Ware ounetnnt I y .11111110 ' ' .... lee 4. it.palemir .il Watclo-ii and Jewelry promptly : Ilimif Itimeillifloile - oripti the !fur balite-it, 04 1 , 091,4 e ,t,...,d....t ~.. Lautfll-11 I can ifilefitiiil liori a ttfl the leurtli of Outr reituel. - --- • " --- '", - --- - - ''• ' - ---:--- --,, Their New. /iftere le the tient, of tatrrirtion uu oceouut of / 1 It. , y\ JR 0 t o iL:N INC', . .. ...b. good fitful lu I, ilfch !boy ' , how utf ial tliuk good,. ~ '3 i .414,—,,,,, Silt ll Yd. tril fftegr di] no el ti Ar I net ~ m. -4-11 • • •'no :data faahlatathi.. Far.. thin searatt will ha the 3111. k EW •TEL\V ,R 1" • 911 lig lathe,g,S; yjr,legalg•lgr v altll , oovo J. It. EIIEIt. la.ga leave to Inforta [tie cititras al Anvil- Owm t. gar' .I.^Olir ...I qua a 1.., and and for p era th Alit Lawn and yirialty Altai ho - l.ta, otivroul itn‘i JliNVELlti I all ,int.. , a holy .1.. r• ual Ay ith t , . buy' a gaud t"r STOItE al : • i Furor, vry ,i,t.ett. It Is vo?y n241111'40 to know Wiwi,. to NO. 36 WEST linjsuuroN.sTitErr, gO bad parrha ,, . gaud Fort, ha will kr..p ctt , talltly 110 tlood 1001r1111.01, 0 1 . 0 .100 the NIII4 attrtt. ,, a.k.a. , Mid al.ltiauct.tta wATen E 9 and 31:WP.I.TIT at Tart..., 1,. ',tit tha fint , ll 4:01 thair For. ,vlll 1,01 repay a v tail to this - 11 in.,. wntrlir and Jew . j. j ,Lll,l all their Cur. ofe utkrlJlttted yenniru a. It. Weller bo.fm; ;; p , •rivuo...l i•Areful,werpm.tic, re. t' , / ,, ".`" ,1 " , - ..p..etfally nO. thy tattrannar $l.llO Soto. , vvry joly ttb•tint\\intl' It ; ' rare dark rob. hritta• a little nigher bilt . from ill ki EIOI • . .. . . _ .. _... : trill bay an excellent dark +at, and those auto last a luily 4 . I'IIII.ISIIED IN ISMI. . front ciolit to Artrots Frail. '' , '• 1 f ' ' ' . , i• • t Then thiTele iho llngeof Bay Finish., the Siberian Squir- A) 3' A C' 0 A • i rel. Royal Emit, liertitan Fitch and Chluchillt and La ll.B II ft LEy ,' ' -1, a ; di,..• il.ltlik. :Whl other high nail low• priced Far. In J )': \)11.1_, If.4,ii 11.1,1 variottoo. Remember the Inoue of Jilt:l:Ain to isENBAcm & co .. • ' and the nnintier mn Arch ekreet, Antonio .sth and Cub, 1.10 , lil• Patron. alld Ow imlolle gont.tally, 3., Ids NeW Store, NI.. MO I'll ESTNI"I' sT., rum.% DELPit I.\. whore I e••iith stile„lthllatl'a. • they Will II nit at lark 4 :tad well •electial stock of 0)),.., .• ,1... S.—Furs repalred i 131.1 alturi.d in, the present (ash. 11r1\ DS, 'WATCHES; CLOCKS,' JEWELIty, SIL N P.R 1.1',,,,.. ' 00. 6—lin .7 nod PLATED W ARE, at Moderato Pricts. . •s! ' • N. 11. —WATCH ES and JEWELRY mit...folly rop.dred. 1 .................i...—................ JEWELRY and sILVER WARE of all klads made , tti 1 " order. . , . i f l it I NDIN(4 BY WATI:IIt,PONVER. ---- ' - duly 14. Sta 1.... - ... 0 -....filittoVelVT.dckot KnWist and' Stisto , -- . T9ttii•iit.ottilititllelHeloli6t . l 7 l n - 1 Z. Mitt' Sitititwitt rm AVATLIKES. JEWELRY. be at I'. Wolf . ..rt.', No. 3 Footlll.l.llton stroot. ~ • 1 —Moor, llotelter 1101V. , "11118Cilliont grottod by SI IN ER ANI).. - PLATED • • . t T T yo yt•r and °u.lo n, gtottl tut net.. .00 15.1 y I - • 'WATSON'S CELEBRATED FIRE '. T T AND lII,AIG LAR PROOF. •CIf.iII h I: .5' s . ..it .4 S ..‘i EY ' Al, " ' l' 4 '''''-" ; ' ' v...i.:.:: • : , • -7,4 A ,1 4 - 11-1, c_ No. if.l F. 1.1 Ilumillou •Ireet, orsualle tlo th•rulau te• e/ • a il,'l' i• - . 1 - IL r TAO% forolell Church. Ju•t If rarly... ro. New 1 , 0 k :11 , 1 Phil- . adolphiaeall the Waal nty les • • • ' , ' •.. l -NS TAB Litil iRD IN 1£144: . GUW) IV AT GOES; . . . 11,. i..,.. ii... 1.,,,,.... , ~ .11,, : ... ... un ~ or , ;., i d w0 „ .. i ,..., TII 1..' oh!) 1:31' sA rx A 116; 'INPII 1 n 4 Dri: P irr A. and at low., Price. i ' l ' unn call be te r n.' el Feu here. 'jrh 0111). S/ifo, „ ' 1111 IcnIPE 11(1111lA ,• ..• . • • . , , I , • ' i ' Cluoranieed Free from INlnfosa . • • 411i3V DR ~I VATCTIES° . - .• . . f • :kik.. arlres 1 47 . 3au IT] . •Jo per rout Inures Situ 011161. ookers. Plea ,saud for Circular mul l'zioe Lint. Hells.. II largefaiutliktier it re of All 'I er ‘V 41.• ~ ,T. ,Wkl'SON k SON. • ' thou eau 1.. purelso•ed Joy W here 01,, ' 43,ftv,„.. k \Vivant: Manufsetufert, oat 74ka al ? , l': ... ? t , • •:116-.'N S. Fourth St.. Plilladolabla. !), 01,j) J,EW p,'LJ-1,'.1;••• , .., ,- • t .. --,.. - f"..4•41 -------, ----- --- Tl.. lot, tlaa lorgeat &Da bent astortmout or all. k 1.14 Of '. ' .. 4ccoRDEADNIN. co N c E R T I NAN, Gold Jearrlty, -. • J.... llor., Violin String, of the boot quality, to GILT AND PLAIT. I 1 %I rnin".T.lll`'. - •':' b e llld 11l l'. I'.'sv..qlcrtv.tore. Nu. BO E. Hamill. , " He has a larger and looter laeorline. of all k hob. of 11111 j'ABEN S. EARLE ..t. NUNN, sod Plued J..welry than can be 1410.1 e 11.% 11,... .., i , t ?, , S 1 0 .1 . 41 t. 4:l i lv PPAtr EP 11',A,is , r, t , i ,aftwo irpEn , ,•• 'AND MANUFAC'CUBEIIS. Ile ha. o •ple.lllll IlV011•11111.111 got 511,1, and l'lntril Wltri.. kuy Ter.,...l.•eirlog 111111 d, ill this lin.. ...111 lull roll 10 be . . toiler. LUCKING GLASSES, • .. CLOCKS: / • A Isogon than at linty , altar 0 , 40 , 11 , 1.11...111 M A aplen,ll,l lo—ottlitoat or Prlne ,, , , .1,010.1,•••11; the bast In the it .11 1,1. • . AC('ORDEONS. A xplatollll e.mortinent of all kiuls "(A104.444 , 6 illx eatatlAllibilwfslhaa.litgly:ls4o' , lllo&U ' , NUN .111 nOVe Neellna WWl* tp •w York afi,l l'lllladelg .la, na4 alleed of ay thin out.i, l• tilt. I.4ii cltlee. Ile hae it larger eteek 4 fe.bionable g“..1., lu LOS . 1:10 ten y 1 claim 1.. I.ohigh county 1,41111414 A. T,, c,,,,,v yok y_uorpq).vo, of 11. Aboo• call and or, === NO. 27 WEST I.I4,IpLION;§T „CLI.KaiToWN,, • . . . CtO. C 1( . : S: - , , • ellrivel.F rt .2thl.et tad prloa; imi; 2,p g r i Ar gxM ,,f GOLD AND SiI,VER WATCHES, thin enu be fmtul 114 Inpviict S t t HIV E L fir or ALL KIN , SILVER WARE, •viiry JipirWatcheis repaired au Short Nail,. !114) wte. Wafi_ KitcyFr?; , WHITE LEAD, ZINC; AND' COLOR WORKS. 'R•e'mnnufacture a Chemically Pare CAIIIIOSATE OF LISA I). Also. Maiintririurcra„ Importers and healers In all gruder and enalitleaer 119 mid J'AdNTEI. GP4.• OltS, Sala Manufacturers of ibecolobrated Permanent SYRIAN GRERN. yr ILL tooKAllyilllancy, Beautiful Shade at Ruler,. 'Body and Durability than any ether green In tha market. •'Also. Sole Manta Millirem of 3fc,Sr. S Clik'N celebrated JAPAN DRYER, very ttdn .llgl,t In ruler, free oteedi ineut, and very strong. Dealer. also 14011 s; Thtrrntlue, Wareilellea,• Glam. DrusheiiAc„ Ac. , Priers low., sidd . sl.l l 6 . 4le Warranted aeieerebroutod. ; & CO., - ItauutitetyrerCfinVrhiflitivitlikitiAlllls(aliA, vlirt Nit-Gado:o ..ckb RACE WI'S, • ,IfirSend for PitiC . . CPui•ll.l2l 2.; • ~ 7 • jTor •Zalt;:t01:, gt ,r r Ri L st • f 1 BURIAL . LWISOII . I4A LEI The nn deralgnell St, to •0t1440 new lialaolliniely sljolaitb: the 'tlionComittary, . will 1...01.1 by .dhiteripgtn allaCitalneklttlr. naorob, at .• alflploool aZthoy will be awl, In the ,t of unmoor:11111 01.'4i:114.1[m1. of till , 0..06.1,1. Plat , or plan, of the prernionil ran be.. our my 12 611011 k RCM:. 1. 4 .1 1 171 EI 1 411 IF y 1 . / erut. lutittirt } 11115.F1 , 14. " . ittno,-tr 10.11011, ANT 60 i. 41: . i t n .N . : o l , ! . F 8 ror Apply to thi• t . Con .1. 1./11.1LINtiElt, Secretary. EOM 1,040 u. AGEtWks itANTED PM THE AI.niIIIOGRAPHY AND PERSONAI RECOLLECTIONS, BY IBIIN B. GOUGH, A cotovlcte 111..t0r7 111.. 1111 11i111,11.4 1111111:111111.111111 ; ..tretigle etiallpt intento.,:toec, Ith vivid pen victor.. of he ...eh' in Ecropc. The ,‘ till Aticet• luivre taut pathos. The work trill le. b....mildly !mood' end illti..tratoll Thcre 1/1. 11 , 1 Olill.1.111;11. EV , y ,11111, it. Aivot. Arc taking from '21,1 ~rdvn, Th.• loweig report Ty( T 2 0r... In three day, tho oi.l:l.lin 11. C. Attn. SON, de Atoll AGENTS WANTED T(► NELL ~ At". . , 41114 At. • A -t ,--0 '• ) = W:' , . ';. . V i. eft .7 4. ' I V '.'. 14 . 1 7 f . , ti l .1 " ...n.J:: ,',''' - - Ai.. ..:E.;"-...„! FOIL BUSINF.SS' MEN, INV•IXAOLE rv, . . r, or , / Ear,d , r, ry 3frreit•rttf, ry tirsiittsm Mutt. anti ry Youtty .Volt. Worth t t .tt lin e r Avtivi alid full irt.trtnati.m, tttl,tream or t 11. D. CIL 1 . 111,15-livr4,llart ford, Ct .1 fIOOK E NIL'S ir.tvrED. /KJ A rfl, 011..11.4 le mot offered to ladle.,Jr gen tlotneu Ca.,. fir II very valmtblo and Intervstint poraitArr AND PICTURE FR.UIES, IF r I fairnnMll and Anterie.—aa lunnenjie,aaanctarfl„ FIN]: ENGRAVINGS, Thntiri-e.t IWe are autt,orizrd Whole/.ls JAW retallAealara the It. , teir' roupen tut hin Slate, sod well ill ..f thew tuanu (return . ' rat“. • • Cirrlalari"..eut on nt+pltratl.u. pEV'IV.tLSS , sT',4•"",`"f,rii un~l ,1:,!Lh„„3,V,“1 .I,l l `net.' 4 ! ..„, I ,t' to the cltlaep• of Ow public in gunurol, that they lizytijo.ii gut • i i' 1 I , I F,1,.41,0!10r uswortine,ul...( Cootlttltig of Stove, Egg, 'Chet tuut stnd Nut (root the DUCK NIOUNTAIN , MINES. °Hon, left .Ith A. A. Mawr, Sieger St llottentteln, nt the Engle 'Dole!, Move EoMnil 31111. 00 the turd, wJll ho attended to lu.e. • Illcn manner.• • tit,lnr , , for ronl by the cur 'Mint al ieln.rt notice and •t the lononti • - • IlnuJipm corner of 1,1110 Vulle.). IlaMoak! i11t..1 ~ ;ti! ; !,' ! ALLE:qO7I4, ; L, EY,I matt ( 'II A NI RERUN'S OE :rhel,P4Cand clicaPOk. E= NIROMO-LITTIOGRAPIIS, HOG ERS' GROG PBS E.VIILES7: (SiALLERLES 816 CHERTNUT STRIIM =I COAL BUSINESS L. NV: i(OONS & Co., •als4l`,. ( 'kti ilvvy ur.1..r!,0•".`! R. A ,Dox.strumar ~(iS). ) 13 t u apabs . 1 ., 1 A 1;9 !I; }, POPULAR DRY GOODS STORE, .1. 11'.• pitocroll & co., . NO. 9'20 (•1 TI STREET, MO= N.EAV GOODS 60 NrATA ss .'lcr RECEIVING Pit ICES FAIR, IN PLAIN FIdUItES, W 1( )1717 D EV • •-•••• - • I 1 / 4 • - IVALRAVEN, I: . - NI SON IC EAU., NO. 1 r I ESiN UT ST RIM, I. uotv ree•tvlll.l LI. roll ImpOrtntion%. ron.lollog lu part of . CIAZI ;11 N MATERIALS, Itift111:71401(11V. Maur n0,...10trn. Lace.: . Clirtaifts - ! rnrlformie lit. 1101.11 and Noitlnglinta mite. (()ItNICES AND DECORA.TTON'S - ttr , lT, on4l (Wm, W I N 1) S .1) E S, by no. ilonomtill or Moil. It,i. us rott'ouradt-arrrs' NIU*QL; I TO (%-\ NSW] Cl.ottng out xt ttolitootiPriett.. MEE T EMAISTRE dit ROSS. _I_J , Have jtmt !laded In tholratork a ue,l , :lul. of HAMBURG EPOINGS AND INSERTINGS, stt7l l 4 "nnl y,!. lle J , “ 08 . 8 VAK..' 3 ylt: lor LTAnd 18 eer... L., .?‘ Thom lino of WRITE (1001/8 is ....millet° not good 561Virttt .ozo 21 1 . 1 ( C AM ER, gooa •ty, and . very 0 . . CAM lIRICA, 'loft 11111 i bard lloialled. llltt II It Ell 51I1SLI No, wide Freud. Goode. it EN AS DI KA.' 0014kuclo mind :far bweniYhtl anti train Splendid Ilne tif PLAID AND STRIPPED NAINSOOKS. 'Real and Imitation 01111'URE, a ft,il , lot. IMITATIO:s; CROCHET EDGINGS, wrong nod e1...P. troni It turd Up. CLUNY EACH; cliolee pnttet.. Roon owl titillation VA LENCIA and THREAD. 110111 NETS WASH BLONDS, PUT eT („t vino;C USITA I NM. "mu( RTAIN T.ACE, Lndleoi. . , Miuvt- , ' m! Boys' Cul lum Culls, Wiz f. DENTS' SHIRT FROSTS, 212 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, PIIILADA ASTAH BLISED IN 1810., , 4 0 181111 ' EfiT ' • J. & W. JONES, 432 F rout !ITO, above•Colto r vyaff Mye Silks, Woolon and Vatlcy 000d..0f ery descrip tion. 'noir euperiorily of dyeluk Ladles and Gentlemen Gentlemen 11 (lament. Is widely known. Crape and Merino Shawl. dyud the moat brilliant and plain colon. Cr.lIV and Me- Jim. Shawls destined to like new. Alho, Gentlemen. 'A•parel, Curtain., kr., eleansed or cieulloed or dyed t, lib,. new. disrliall nod look, at our wort bt•fore gotyti,•.lv.'l4.9r. Clothing The Real Excellcnoc e,d Chaspnein, of opt Cloth. ing in the oni!setret of our greet ituecotr. PERFECT: . OF " 6 BIEADY-M DESLOTH I Nai, 0 S nut AIID WINTER OP MM. Wu have made the GREATEST PREPARATIONS YET Numberless Garments, Endless Variety, Ohotacit Satiation', • Goods to Wear Well, Standard Styles,/ , Latest . , fashions, • , Nevi , Furnishing .Goods. • ct 5) 1 tn .111 -All our gootle. tire Itywa lit Lows* &LIDA W.11 . .1134.:11111. 11r111.1OA soot II 'CUSTOM DEPARTMENT if DEPIRTHIT FOB BOYS' IND YOUTIIS''YEAR Are elipeelally well prepared to Bleu astleactl.. New and•Bethir Outten,' Improved System, Greater. Dispatch, IA F iner Line of Goode thin ever, SOhool Clothss, Sunday Clothes, Many New Styles, Wearing Qualities Unequaled. TO !ALIGHT 1111 TIM lITATI,, LI. ear. 6th k lARYET STS . 4 mi t t°, l nwt 4l. ,g„. PHILANALWA. 1511 "" 1 OMMMEISIO* MACUNGIE SATING"; BANK. 310.1 Intrn nn ilrpoxlt at all that,. sad In nay Immo froal one lipWarol, lor wlA:ali will fie paid. Di peal,. inny he withdrawn at airy Pale. Persona de airfils fir ..ofs ,t,na mney to any earl of Mil Matra or Canada NVIii have their mailer* promptly alty•deft r*OrAPOsslibon.t.uty rtskant th eir parr, - Cold, Oliver, C0m1.., Bondsnd other aecuritie• b. W. a =I ti ICJI7iVIIIO,IISIII " • ! G()01) & RUHE FIST!WOE NV7.ST AIP TIIR FIRST 1:A'11(1fAl!, DArk, r r • AIA.P.N .; r4)WI4, PA. ' ' ❑t order to eftord e❑ pesos. Ku nej...Welly ..hoTveret sinull diem 'mtual to deposit tummy iu siusiller amounts dint what are sow received Is the various. lisposilotioa of Okla city, lit haft, rolletteleil to RECLIVE DIIPoSITg IN SUMS ONE DOLI.A2t. and allow lutrgal for the same at the rate of six per cent. per xeno, lute...lSt to he calculated tram the first and fifteenth days of encl. month, subsequent to such deposit. - lowest will he welly up on all Deposits remaliftri with , us, half yearly, to wit : the first days of April sad Ortolier, and will be pall to depiefitern 0:1 those days .• If of drawn they: wEI go to thole credit and be compounded. Ao ittrirest will bn CILICONIII fin fraellenal parts of IA dol• ler. No lose amount Iliac Five Dollars eau be withdrawn unless It be to done an account. Every Depositor will be forolsbeil with a Deposit llook containing the conditions upon which the Deposits err, rewired, nod no money will he received tulles. the book be presented Anil an entry ' inside aklbe time of making the deposit. Suiallsuni•over , the micastry expenses of Individuals and families that, , . are liable to be wasted or needlessly expended, mat, 4/I deposited, produce in time amounts that will surprlatrany 000 who boo elven no heed to the subject. A deposit of li.oo per week, euittlnued-sue year will amount to +AI Ulf I two years Stud throe years $16 4 four yours live years 4.111. (0, and ten years Oil It commends Itself as a safe, .courenteot prolitabl• depository to Executors. Administrators. As• slaucies, Collectors, Agents, and all Public (Hikers, whether for thmuselvoe or their trust funds, to voluntary Societies or )11110C111 IWO*, and indeed to all el f our' • linowine that a perfect .011:10 of security to Depositors is neciiiisary to the attainment of success In this enterprise. we to our own Individual respuosibillty, (which le not too fact incorporated Savlngs Bankfi) on flouted and delivered to W. Eeroper, Cashier of •14 • leutown National Bank, and Tile.. bloyer, Cashier of tel National Bank, Bond of Indemnity (with ' approt ed security) in the sumof Twenty Five ThOUSaild Dollies. to hr held by them In trust for the security of our Depukitors. This fact will place no fully equal (as re• genus to safety of depositors) to any Depository to this C V . ; buy. sell d oschano all lasses ofdIIVOTOM . 1111 Bonds, execute orders fur the purchase and sale of all first Class securities, fool negotiate leans on Real hstat• on small conimisulons Ad 011110,1 IOU& to our dealers at all times ou approved rollaterak, at market retie. of interest. Goon. Euiraft to hewn. Aux] 1-diii; + '. KETzTowN f/MVINGS BANK, NIIINEV RECEIVED 1):: DEPosiT, and 6Por rsul In• turs , l. will la al For short,' periods special rates win be paid. .Also, mousy lonuod 01110 a FAVOILABLE TERMS. 6.14 Ilunk•ls locanol In dm Royston.. 11.0n0., in the borough of Rolston', 11. FODEI, Ilr•Ald•ut. Euwnito llorrsgsl nix, SI. D. Ca•llier. Tx° 444 li 4 :. F. J. Slough 31. D., J. 11 Wauuar, E.•:, ~ 11.. IA Flew, 11. If. helmam, Eci., . IV -B. Vogel . , - ilrallel Clader, Rickard J. Isnerr Jena. Millar, , to yI2-tf .It.hu 11. Fogel. livi. - I • 5 A LI.F. N 'l' 110 NV 5: SA VIAIIiS INBT ILT TIoN 310nr) received ou II pelt, and 0 Per vent. 10 wed jQr she ire.; ..r shorter periods epeelel rite. Will be paid. At,o, MONO? LOINEft orr ON FItONLILI TIMM, Banking House-11.114.11:10N STUMM, tnld•wal - me. the Court 110na...L1 Iluiel, opposite side .Ul.utewn, I? • Charle, $ 13“4.. . John D Stn.* , ChrlttlanTreta, ' • Francle C namuale, licer,ge Proloot., sat:pm:ll4l4 Nathan Vater, U? ]I "" lqi ' ll ' ilo, n A iIIOY. lair 71 THE GREAT PACIFIC RAILROAD EEO .I,TNION & CENTRAL PACIFIC 1 BANKVIIS AND DBALERS UOrvaymkNrfii lire Valor Safes HEURING'R . W.. 1.1 nu. but "MI u • crop /Ando • !itch welt orwnged, ' 02111111111,11. our. , ot.fuu or 11014. • Clothing ere rut „ FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF n 1 ; iliglr work corolint with .1; • Our onvialsa tirl h • , h• b ms&rat triNo, • - , •••• that they 11.. th• •r. let try •rilch• ,I• !,•••1.0.:Iy toiled 1,11 , "1".4.1.1r.ki put lulu .luck. kv..ry ,41 ment sold Is no. ~log, , nlrd with • legal go. ....ire; holding to re. • r,.. for tbi nor r.otio-4, of all the re p ileelitmtlons made. • Arvardod lb* Paso IS•d•Is st World's ?Mr, I.ml. World's P•lr, Nvw Expovition Uni••rsslls, Parts s. ~,a9.•.19.91 that oar 1... r • .i..i110.01 and many . raniagna, on able 1.91" r,•il lower than an) FAI3,REL, HERRING &. CO h.r 1,011. t. 'We Invltd • Icr eominffisbu ~!1' prices. OM AN IiNPERIENCIIM BOOKIKEEP .r and rukral•Lowig, with • 41aoro.gh buldnen.dunti.r.' would Mu to ulduln a Donlonl4oolo,V. Couitrub few IlsouounPapThrfultis —.l i p;i4zureataltle .toquittzt st..,.•ud it tottaikolititikili adulltiblasf9irtlile probstloa wottld elthor !Ulu plisl (ir.iff•-• rir.1,40 , '• Address I'OACTIi 5a 0,411 , k0.:: : , • • , rro zi l'itcrirA . A.ict:oll,ll' , AND BuILD— I. Tim uuder..lolilit!rePared 10. sontr•si for fural•hlrm SASH, lILTN.D , IVIND 0 FRAMES; • DOOR".AAVES: . "SlitrrliEßS: tlOl9 SLATE, COMPANY'S LKIIIGH SLATE Cinlora ieft at the lIAULE 110tEl. Will revelry' Prompt a,ttaattott, yyrkl tqato iielarewl, wig u. .':. IN " Qtialiettama: Ducks R.. igat. . • • 6 ? 12-1 Y Jfinancial. Ilowiltnn.l.P:lV.Pll7lll and 8,11 eireal• . .1 A'S TO WN, I'.l. SIX Pitlt CENT. INTEREST E= (nropj,.,l Charter lq II M.) (Organizntt under State Curter lu IWO.) WILLIAM 11. AirlaY,Presldenil S JAVO S. DILLINOEH. Cwthlitr. I= FIRST MORTGAGE BOND RA I ',ROADS BOUGUT AND SOLD DEH _A V EN & BRO., 40 ROUTH' THIRD STREET, Cl=l 1Jr0 . 1:1•ED I'ATEN'f ('II•YI'U~Y SAFES IMY lIARTIT (IMLAY, WiTll)lWt, Om,. W. M... 6 , 29 cIiEsTNuT -STREET, PIIILADELPHIA MINIM'S°, FARREL - lc 811P.RIIAN, NSW YOWL &CO uIIICAGO & ro., 'AZNY onrsptre •arll And All kinds of building lumbei.'•AYem far Wbuleuule a n d mall duster lu the . CJLEI3I{ATM) CUCUMBER PUMP =
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers