The Lehigh register. (Allentown, Pa.) 1846-1912, October 06, 1869, Image 3

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bridge in Saueon on the North Pennsylvania Rail
cycbinb. fir; ct road was' washed away. For a whole day we
' 4, 5$ N • were cutiolVrom the outside world.
CCCJJJ6 • Zs i UU The sibrM appears to have been general. At
rent.tsurn witosrsoAr tir
Baltimole reports have been received of great do
11013Ela MEDELL, JIB. r
. • .vy :
orT rue) n. At Albany, along the Erie and Dela-
TEHMS, $2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. ware and Lackawanna Railroads trains were
No paper discontinued until all arearagei are stopped by emban meats being swept away. At
Philadelphia the Schuyikillivas higher than It had
ever been known. The Reading ' and Norristown
Railroads did not run any trains on account or
their tracks being silinnerged.
On Monday afternoon it 'candy peddler froth
George Frey's establishment, at Allentown, In
trying to cross the creek that runs by Dokendati
qua missed the bridge, the Wagon was Upset and
the whole tenth was washed down the stream.
The omit made his escape, and the team was, for
toothily, rescued some distance dawn the strealn,
hilt his stock In trade was a total lops.
The eliiiiimhtnelituf the Valley Railroad
between Catasaugna soil liokendanima wan wash
ed away for a distance of between two and three
hundred feet. A large force of 111C11 commenced
work there on Monday afternoon.
Along the Lehigh the Maid was greater th a n in
any year since 1802, and it Is Contended that al
though this one was not so violent as the one sev
en years ago, the body of water was greater on
Monday and the flood of longer duration.
The scene presented yesterday was one of do-o
htion and distress. Those people who work hard
est 'for what they get are generally the ones com
pelled to reside in the low places or the city. Nice
tidy homes, which had been built up by hard hitter
and front seamy savings. were 111,1111 1 111'ell it - 101mnd
and iiretielled With water. Pretty gardens, the
delight °Hite wife. were gutted Dill. Fences were
carried away. Outhouses were tossed here and
there without any regard to person or place.
pen, were everywhere except where they belonged.
Where, Monday, was a •violent stream. yesterday
a wagon road showed Itself once more. houses
and stables and sheds emerged front the water
looking a good bit the worse fur their lcitit. Dead
bodies could be found along the streams—that Is of
rats, chicken , : and dogs ; but regards the hun
dreds of reports of babies 'wing carried away in
the Mimi, we hare no authentication of any such
paid, except tit the option of the publinhers
Our subscribers who do not icecive Owl!. payers
regularly will voider a great favor upon tin by.
Rending word to OW oilier
Subncribers about rellumint; mill please soul 11V,
their old address as well as the new
It em 03111.
publicntion Tin; ',Knout Hsu
13TIlit lots been remove d to the Register Stationery•
Store, first floor, 1111111illoli Ft rrrt two doors allOVe
Sfxtli, in the building formerly ocrupiril by Young
A Lent?
Drafting Paper
in variety nt hetlairs Stationery Slot%
Nominatiwis pr • City Officers.
At the Republican primary election, held at
the Engle lintel on Saturday evening, Win. 11.
Kleckner was nmninated for High Constable anti
110010(1 S. Leisenring for Auditor.
Death o l'roininent Citizen
It pains ict to announce the death of Mr.
(leorge Wetherliold, one of our oldest tail most
respucted citizens, who died on 3.loutlay in the
rtlxty-elghtli year ofhis age. Ills Putout will take
'dace 01l Thurmlay, at 9a l o'clock.
.11len tr,ern Brie/.
The Phillipsburg repeater uf the Easton Ar
fprs says are engaged hi carting Allen
town Illicit from the Morris :mil chleing for
the new' school house on the hill. There acre
SeVo3ll . llr port of them already 11111113111 ., 1,
add we pre:mine more are to came. \Slim, are
the FAislon Miclimakers?
I xi •(1, d
The yule:11111M' in the Denlislrs of :Niessrs.
Barnes Jacoby exploded with a loud repori
Thursday forenoon. breaking everything 111_1010 it
Into 011Ig and driving, the top of the chamber
through the ceiling and floor above, Fortunate
ly neither of the gentlemen were near the machine
or they might have been severely injured.
Messrs. 11nrcaw, It. ,lcr and Dillinger have
~rdd a vacant lot of ground. 29 feet fruit by 110
feet in depth, situate on Pine ptrect between Fourth
and Penn, to Henry Burger for $2OO.
The Balla: Ceallellivil liaVt: Sold a lot or ground
adjoining the above, of Faille dialeilt•loll6 . . for ,1200.
Thomas Steckel has ,old n hrlek house itud lot
of ground situate on Gordon street between Fifth
and Sixth streets, to ,John Roth for 217011.
Republican Ward 21-ontinatione
Elections by the Republican party were held
hi the 'First, Third and Fondit Wards on Monday
evening, and the following nominations :snide :
First Want—Judge of Election, J. It. Cole ; In
spector, J. C. More Select Coneil, Iletmnn Sehu
; Common Council, IS. C. Roth, Harrison little,
Cite ries Scholl ; School Directors, John
Dr. P. L. Reichard:
Third Ward--:Judge Elections, Samuel S.
l'homson ; Inspector, Alfred Ettlitger ; Select
Connell, Joseph Weaver; Common Council,
Ephraim Grim, Charles Osier, Reuben Kauffman ;
School Direetors, Thomas Mohr, Charles 11. Ruin: ;
Alderman, A. K. NVlttman ; Countable Abraham
Fourth \Vont—Judge of Election, Elias Mertz;
Inspector, Jonathon Reber ; Select Cumuli, John
1.. Hoffman ; Common touticil, IVut. Evge, Hen
ry F. Scagreare , , \\*inlaid Yohn; Constable, Sam
uel Wchleineyer.
A large and very entituslastie meeting of Re
publicans was held it Cent reSquare on last Thum,—
day evening. General Swift, of Massachusetts,
was the lint speaker. Ile was followed by lion.
William Williams, of Illinois, who kept the large
audience chained to the spot by Ms powerful elo
quence. On Friday evening, another Republican
meeting was held at the same place which was
addressed by Gen. Jolt M. Thayer, of Nebraska,
and Reese Davis, Esq. "Lehigh" rut/ "do better."
isruDGEs, ouTitousEs. ETc., wAsii El
Sunday inornint; last wets ii , liered in by a re
kutlio, storm, which vontintied during the whole
day, and late In the evening it turned to a delge,
the rain falling In torrents till daylight of Monday.
Our eitixens were awakened from their slumbers
at early lawtt by the alarm whistles of the found
ries and machine shops of the First Ward, and
ne‘l . , of the rapid rising of the Lehigh and exag
gerated repoitg thereof !Tread from mouth to
mouth. Soon crowds gathered at the svelte of tie
inundation and prompt assistaa•e wa. , rendered
those in .longer and the work of removing portable
things to places or safely was eouuuenevd ill ear
nest, but the great 'Mod was more aetive.'more
powerful, mSre untiring in ila CirOrtS to destroy
thou tic combinations of men could possibly he to
save, and much was tarried away. So rapid was
the rising or the waters that many narrow escapes
Were made. Families had scarcely been removed
from their houses NI hen the water ro-e to the
height of their door knobs. The families on the
Island left their homes early ht the morning. and
by eight o'clock their houses were surrounded on
all sides by a rushing flood. Mtwlt'velitablu lum
ber was washed down the Jordan Abbott
Ititter's planing mill, which lodged agallint the
county bridge, where a large amount was saved at
the risk of the lives of tile men. Alum' half-past
right the flood had reached such a height :is to cut
olicolnuilinieation with the bridge over the Lehigh,
and was nearly even • with the railroad track.
- Where were before rich gardens, pretty yards and
traveled streets, was now at depth or ten to fifteen
feet of water. Al ten o'clock the height was
recited, anti 1113 If the time had some for Its de
,parture the suspension bridge which eonneet.. the
Island with unthi land, swung gently frown Its
moorings, turned round and gliding gracefully
down the stream, disappeared from sight around
the curve. Frarg were felt that t Ills floating
monster — of the Lehigh would tarry consternation
and destruction to tile Itethlehetnites, but the
channel was uneortain and the eourse was rough
mill the veulure,otne Craft Weill 1.11 pieces nl/1111t
Iwo 111110 S brines.
Despatches front Ntitheit Chunk up to A a. M.,
were received by mer+,•lGer, ;ding the two
bridges at that pluee were wa•bed :may, that both
telegraph lines had been swept with them, and the
streets of Munell Chunk were navigable fur small
craft. As communication Was brokvn,Txa , ,;gerated
reports of the flood and the damage tht celsrion
were rapidly Invented :tad more rapidly circulated,
butt up to this Owe there Is very little that is till
thellth: 10 be gablezi.
Small shanties were swept away and a canal
boat was seen to go to pieces, but extant of the
damage here can only he guessed at. The county
bridge at the mouth of the Little Lehigh stood its
ground manfully, hit at noon it succumbed to the
almighty power of - the current and was thrown
against the iron bridge of the Lehigh Valley Rail
road. Wavily laden ears had been played upon
both trans of this :11111111re aui Il was dins saved.
It Is thought to he eonsiderably damaged. how
Great destruction was dime Reek's hriek yard.
The loss here cannot be less than if.,000. John
UThelyl. soup and candle ammo lost abOut
$5OO. The spoke mattufnetory of Klotz A: Roth,
the grist will of Pretz, Weinshelmer A Po., and
the,photlng mill of. Abbott A Hitter all. tzuq.lned
great damage, but It cannot be cmilmated at pres
ent. Fry's briel:'yard lost at least $2OOO.
'flue embankment ut the water works gave way
and our citizens were deprived Of water, until
. Trains on the railroads were sadly Interfered
Nvlth. The morning down train passed here on
time, but (lie up train was compelled to stop at
Fast Penn. Junction. Several culverts on the
Eiuo Pennsylvania Railroad were torn out. A
ai~ua ILleri
Last work to- oite not noon to lie forgotten by
Allentottlans. For ftair clays our it rota Were
rouged with tdrntigertt front every• direction
From Tuesday noon till Friday night everything
yae se • alluwed up by Fair. Business of most
binds reaped little benefit, but hotels, saloons and
confectioneries had their golden harvest. The
omnibus lines nod street ears put on extra teams
and provided extra purses for their tanner.
Thursday wits the Mg day. HIM the crowd was
variously estimated at from twenty to forty thou
billlll people. All the railroads did no much busi
neon as their facilities would allow, and some idea
of the numbers which crowded our city may be
gained from the following statement of trains
which arrived via Lehigh Valley Railroad on
Thursday morning alone :—at 0:20 a.m., an extra
train arrived front Mauch Chunk, and had thirteen
ears crowded ; nt 0:30, the regular down tram,
which Is due here at 0, arrived with seven ears ; at
7. the " Pee-wee" came In with two ears, contain
ing 300 passengers ; the excursion train from
Mauch Chunk arrived at 9:55 with fen care, and
the extra Boni Bethlehem arrived at 10:45 with
tell cars, all crowded to their utmont eanteity ; at
10:50 the regular up-train arrived with thirteen
cars, all full ; at 11:50 extra arrived from Laury's
with nine earn ; at 12 o'clock, regular down train
sirrived with nine cars; at 11:53 the `• Pee-m ec"
arrived on its up trip with three cars, and after
running to Catanauqua, returned with three more
car loads. This road alone must have brought in
between five tutu nix thousand, and when we take
into consideration the immense crowds which
came on the Lehigh end Susquehanna mad the
East Pennsylvania Railroads, and the streams of
conveyances of every , description which poured
Into the city from all sides during the whole
inclrniug, we cannot think that the attendance at
the Fair on Thursday was less than thirty thou
The exhibition was one of the most successful
that have ever been held In this State, and the dis
play was never excelled in any county fair. In
the horticultural department the display of fruits
was particularly line, but as the articles were only
numbered we were unable to obtain the names of
the exhibitors. This system was also carried out
hi other departments. A quantity of butter made
hat., pound prints, the sante as every pound of but
ter that is sold by farmers hi every market in
Philadelphia, attracted as much admiration and
variety of comment 118 though it Was a production
of some recently discovered tribe or nationality.
The profusion of pies, cakes, etc., was an honor
to the ladies who contributed their skill and well
sustained the reputation of Lehigh County ladies
for their skill hi this department. Pumpkins as
large as the onion, and potatoes huge inn their pro
portions, as well as other monstrosities of the
vegetable klngdqui, weighed down the tables In
the room set apart for their particular :Wolllllll°-
dation. On the bailie floor With a colleetion of
w a gons and sleighs, exhibited by Fogelsville car
riage manufactory and by Allentown makers.
'rho sevond story was devoted to fancy goods,
articles of home manufacture, etc. Our enter
prising tow neuron, Henry Gabriel, exhibited
woolen goods aniJ yarns manufactured nl his
wooion mills at the foot of Seventh street. Sim
ilar displays were made by C. 11. Foster, of Ott
telauner mills, and by Shinier ti CO., of tiro Ranson
SCIIIIIIIIIIIIII, NeWliAl & Ca., displayed
various styles of full and winter clothing, which
attracted much attention. One of the inrush no
liveable display was made by henry Bitting It
embraced the latest styles of hats, and the varloty
and beauty of its furs wail the universal praise of
tlie Indies. sportsmen'. implements, knivee, etc.,
wrre shown In profusion by C. F. Wolfertr. In
boots :mil slates E. Mertz Son and J. L. Farr
exhibited beautiful selections. J. W. Giim, Al
lentown, exhibited leather; F. I). Wieand, carri
age harness, saddles, etc.; W. F. Hartman a
tine assortment of tobacco and cigars ; Charles
Reichel and M. Foust, of 53 West Hamilton
street, musical Instruments ; a collection of rustic
wood work exhibited by W. 6z J. Prete, of Alien
town, 'called forth much admiration ; a case of
Huffed birds was exhibited by J. Monkey ; wood
111111 willow ware by IL W. Cole ; beautiful designs
in pottery by WM. Fisher, of the Allentown pot
tery ; stuffed birds and birds eggs by W. 11. Werner,
of Nazareth ; Miss Gould, of Allentown, exhibited
come beautifully executed oil paintings ; 11. G.
Wilson, professor in the Allentown Business Col
lege, exhibited a fine collection of portraits in
crayon, among them striking likenesses of some
of our prominent t. Itizens ; W. L. Blackman, pro
fessor of penmanship in the saute college, had a
profusion of speehnenx of Ills skill hi that depart
' ment. ' We noticed route splendid specimens of
dentistry deposited by Di. La Roche, of No. 41
East Munition street. There were beautiful sets,
and as they all were manufactured for custotners
they better display the Doctor's skill and work
manship than if they bad been made expressly for
tie Fair. A small upright engine of exquisite
workmanship was exhibited by John Kestier. A
collection of currency issued by the United States
and by State Banks,including Continental money,
was d6played by a Mr. Shaffer. The following
sewing machines were in operatioriand doing their
best on falley neW hug. Whieh was entitled to the
premium it would be hard to say, stud l four readers
have any hesitation about which one to liar, we
advise them to take one of each and they will get
the full worth of their money :—Wheeler Wil
son, A. ZN:,117.1g, exhibitor; 'rite Florence, eXidb-
Red by Wm. F. Wolle ; I Ed. aril Deshler,
agent ; Siuger,•W• It. Houser, ; Weed,
vies. B. E. Fritz. Allrulowu ; Wl6Oll Setelin; Ma
chine and Ilinkle. Knitting Machine exhibited Ly
Enos tVelse, Allentown. Maulburg .N! Well's col
lection of furniture. is worthy of special mention!
Their chamber set was tune of the handsomest ever
inannfietured. Their parlor set of antique design
and cushioned with Bismark Rep attracted much
admirathin. Reuben Sieger had a variety of chairs
of hits situ manufacture. Besides these displays
the second story contained an endless variety of
bred work, zephyr and worsted work, fancy needle
work, much of it beautiful beyond description,
afghans, and various other articles whose names
We forget, Huff exhibited the enviable skill and
taste of our Lehigh County Indies. And while we
were admiring these evidences of untiring industry
the thought struck us that when sister mantles
Asti us that " Lehigh must do better," (politleally,)
we eats return their pleadings by saying'all Other
counties must do better, in fel ne handiwoik,ir
they would have their h a lt's se rank with ours
In their perfection In lia , w tales.
Allentown's muster maehini,Le, Messrs. Moser
6: ('amp, exhibited a tine horizontal engine manu
factured at their works, near the L e high v a lley
Railroad Depot. A. IL Fisher, of Allentown, ex
hibited beautiful designs in ornamental Iron work,
emn.istina or door cud window sills, railing, etc.
James 11. Rush and Wm. G. Ritter exhibited stoves
and tinware, the former " the 'Oriental — and the
latter the I. Morning Glossy."
In agricultural implements Selp &Annoyer ex
hibited combined thresher and eleatter, and hook
horFc power; J. Stelninger patent hag holder, a
very userni Invention for farmers and millers;
\V. 11. Powell ik Son, llenJamitt Yeakle, and tither
manuf,cturers and dealers who, names were not
<n the tickets, exhibited a variety of implements,
consisting of corn shelters, 1110Wern and reapers,
threshing machinert, hay cutters, ploys, harrow a,
grain drills, hand-power cult, etc. A patent farm
gate, that could either be raised or swung either
way, was exhibited by M. J.111` , . Philadelphia.
'flic entity Amite Were tilled with Imported and
domestic Innis. Among the former Were :mine
tine specimens of the .\yn•,hirc. Durham, Alder
ney, Devons and North Devon. 'Fla. ts , titithtlown,
Italtew ell, Cotswold, Cashmere and Native breeds
inf sheers wet, well represented. 'flaw. , were
some very line speeitneus tepresenting
the breeds of Sullitik. Jersey and Chester Comity
The display ut poultry %Van particularly fine lout
embraced 111111,1 every breed extaut.
Thur;.olay-afternoon was given to eitcrul trials.
of ,I.eed riot the r:,eituz w'.m• very exciting". The
fiiliuu jug were the victors :
Road,ter—best two in three, by St. Charles iu
three straight heats. Titer 2:4:: and 2:44.
Itiftthle team, -11 was with difficulty ihat the
Iforf.cs were .tarred CO as to Make the contest, all
being too anxiffte. for the fray. This twee was
on Ify Samuel team. Time
and t2:51.
Single teams.—BeA 't hree in live won' Iv the
Donner hors in '2:33 and
Best hort , e lli tlo• (minty I'm the voinity prentitto
Vllll hr peter Misr', horst. in $th:16,2,10 2:40
Clt, 'miler four yvare old.—(one heat. tr ..1 1 t,
1::i0 by Lots,. I,tvot , tl by E. Scholl.
Several lievidehl, occurred AM the ground,
Augustus Roll had two of his Huger, cut It ill
out• of Yeahers rutting machines. .% luly was
run over on the bark mid badly ellt. William
Walhert's horse tall 011. Ile was permitted to
roll 0111 the upper gate. The :olimal Was caught
at Clapboardtmvo and the wagon, o 'dell 111111 been
I)rmight from illy factory the mcvions
was badly broken, I.Nlt, of the whorls briltC att.t.iy
first roped. The occupants were t 111.0,11 out mi
the ground:, but were not dangerously hurt. .
I'l I E )I'N'l'
The Evangelical Mennonite 'hum!' at Coop
ertzburg will he dedicated to the worship of Al
mighty God on Saturday and Sunday, the
And :'.4th of Octoher. Services three time a da)
—on Saturday in German and tin Sunday in Ger
tans aunt English. Pastors from a distance NVil
hr present. N,illnekstero allowed on the pretniseit
Saturday evening week, as the dawn
train on this road came near Ebrhares Mill, about
four miles below Ilellertown, the engineer
the lusty of a 1111111 lying Intl the track. Ile
whistled down brakes, but before the train could
he stopped, It passed over his hotly. 'rite hotly
was soon after got out, lout the 'man was dead.
One of tilt brakemen was ordered Inc tin• conduc
tor to amain with the body. l'oroner Blamer
wit.: sent for. who arri veil at the seetie alasit mid
One of Heading's prominent hardware lirins
Bent a lot of contributions of light hardware to the
fair on Monday, together with loose labels, in
charge of the driver, who was entrusted with the
busineu<e, of potting the labels on. Unfortunately
the man could not read, and the result was a con
siderable intermixture of goods and titles. 'l•he
people examiniug the collection were edified by
finding a Hat Iron labeled a n eider mill," a core
<dueller a " <dollies wringer," a lot of shilgh bells
" small hand plows," a bird cage a n coal bucket,'
lieMilll9 Tito ri:
The Bethlehem 'Flaws calls William John
millionaire °idle Lehigh Valley. NVith due respi
fur the wisdom or ‘• yurei. trowy,- We must
siet that William John is aot one of thew, h a d
dead. Ile re,idell in Pottsville and acquired I
weal, 11 ill the Schuylkill region,:.
The Northampton Connty Agricultural' Sld,
commeneed their annual exhibition at Nazare
yoderday, to eontinuc lour
All :Melilla tea; mule In '4016 the church jilt
at the Catholic Church of ) hu tch Chunk on !ilia
day morning hutt. Through the courageous it
lion of the urie,t, who ill,covervil the intruder
the very aet, the thief wan arrested and hamd
oeer to the authorities and it, note in jail.
transported over the Lehigh N . :111).y Itailrut
rm. ti”. Is - veh ept11111: sq.'. 95, isr.u.).)))otrur.):l ei
6:11111 . tune 11))4 year :
E., T.).
T01:11 N1a10010y..... ...... .13.020 IT :131.11)3
•• Brayer Mvadow... 7,:)2 345 ; 123
•• Niaill
•(1):101; 21 13 Is 2
•• 1.))11igli
" 11').010)01.;
Grand 1..aul
Same lime I,lis
Pig ii. n Irati,ported over the Le•liiclt Valley
for the ,vel; ending Sept. 2:1. ING4I:
From Ton,.
Carbon firm 110
Luillol V:1 lif`y I roll Co
T110111:1 , 11'011 CO
Lehlult ('rune Iron Co.
llolwrts Inn; Co
Glendon Iron ro
I;ldgh Iron l'ompany
Iron Co
Other Shippers
We clip the following from tic New York
'Tribune. It Is true, (1114 we COMBlelid It to every
one who has an Interest In WIWI,' he rehlill'i,:
Nothlug Is store COMIIIOII than to hear people
talk of what they pay for adverthrlug, .tre., as so
much given In churchly. Newspapers by enbarar
log the value of their properly in the neighbor
hood, and Oviscx the Mounties In which they are
published a reputation abroad, benefit all such,
partharlarly if they are merchants M. real estate
owners, thrice the amount yearly of the meagre
HIM they pay for their support. Beside every
public spirited citizen has a lamlible pride in
having a paper of which he Is not 11.1111111 ed, even)
though he should pick it up In New York or
A goodslooLing, thrlclug•sbest help, property,
give, a character toloeality,and 'sin n o un• respeein
a desirable public COIIVCIIICIIVC. If from any came
the matter In the Meal or editorial column rhould
not he to your standard, do not cast It aside and
pronoun, It good for nothilig, until satisfied that
there . h as been no mare lobar bestowed upon it
than is paid for. If you Want a wart readable
sheet It must be supported. And It 11111.4 ma be
Implicated In a marl' of charity either, but beeltuse
you feel a necessity to support it. The local press
Is the power that moves the people.
This is the mune or the railrowil lirittimilly
eluirterell from Allentown to Auburn, whieli lilt ,
been suspended slave April, 11. , 117. The Philadel
phia and Reading itafireail Company have now
taken the 'natter In hand, and are griollng the
road from Topton to port ('linton. The laying of 1 -.1 „,„„ , 1 „, 11 he k no w. hy his company--
rink has already commenced on the l ' llialill Vial lbat IS the Ilfc insuranee - cianpany fu which he Is ~ ; til. i . . ,',Ar n i;',!,ll : :,- , ‘,,N , ..1 , ,"4. ; ;!..t,',h , ::',';',',„'„7,,',1 , ',',"::,",1 , ','„,, , 1 X ,',',
, , ,
or the road, mud Ii Is supposed the road wila he i intereeted. i,,..., ii. oirsele,....d hi as) ccoic.,,,) o , th , ' Co•t , ' ,
opened for trade and travel to I.litztown by De- For a nom to be in the A NII , :IiICAN I.IFE'IN-
cember 1,4. We understand that the site for a I
e e l s lit Kutztown has already been selected, am' f o r i m it a oce, implies that he I s a mutt into liar a ' WIS. .1 A3II:N PIILIMrIi. lii•ll.,Nl in ~ of Cuonal 1!•. , ~. .r V
that the lellhlll 11 1
": 'ill he .eaPleleil by the time proper regard for the Interests of Ills own city' mud 'J. ElinAll TlloSnioN, l'n••. s
Peon., it. It., . Jo 5.:1.1 NI.
the mid Is opened. The chiller Is to be einistniet- State, a becoming eimildenee lii the leading bast- 7,[:V i l l i Al i . 1. ,7, 1 ',Y,',.... r g,V,,N. 1 ,1T.',7;.•„r i 1 ;;;:',',T,'3;'„';','„7,' ; ',71;;,',',::
ed at the company's shops at Pottstown, and .be i ke , o , men aid, own community, , goo d ~0 0nd . IMi..ll l l : ll , iiii , t..& l l ,.. .ii,l . Niryclliil ,, i .:. u , iiiavi . :• , i ,.i s o i ,„ ,..„ : .
In readiness for putting tip on soon as the track Is Judgmon't In the matter of Investments, and au , North Won, stn
ISAAC 11:17.1.1:11C HST. Alioruer-at•LaW, Ns WAllail 01.
lath. It will be a handsome structuie, SO feet by eve to the welfare of Ills family. •
. 1 11 . 11 . 11 ‘ 1 Y1 1 1 1 1 . 1 11F! 'ls
l''.V"ln ' t ' , ' . ' t " c ' l . l:, i 4 : fl i . S .lO u li "' f ~, r i ii' l ! ' . l i . .
35. Kutztown win 600 u waken up to n new life,
Rockhill & • 11'itsc - ri -; 0 adVertlSenient lu another l E"EnE ".•
HIE' ) Er'""dr"' '"".4IE N'i'""'"' ' E'"k•
and wlll have something better tlitin the old fast- , rlt ell. The riot). on Jiln s NUN .L .iiiTa ' oak' il:ll . lll';.'ili ' iii ' g i i',‘, ' il. " :, ' ../1.
c oaten or ii,l• Ixl. r N •sas re
touted Battalions to Interest Its people. There Is lUteks of our best eit " int ., as P n . ls , l speak ;ohm: , la juat . isu of • s r j' i ri , ;';`, / 4, & „„', l ",t` L k ,•,..',",''' .. "'""'''''
a heavy foree engaged on the remaining portion goesaii.i.A'Wll.sioN's loud kiddie. /loth for well and ,
of the road, with the view to its early eompletion, for th• /rain or HOU, lIOCKUILL Si WILSON Cecil to have
This will he the great lipid route . to New York. :.`: r Y
ii ihMl","4lol7llleml.".ll4i°l7l:,inzis"is or
is tb y e ic t' in ' ii7 s c. ri ' : " li l ln g e ''
from the Schuylkill region, being a uniform down happier by the fart that the men and hors of the household '.,
grade from that beet ion to the DelitWitre.—Rend- list their clothe at the litnal Brown 11811. Used. nod sae i
ilk/ .lintrunf. or Tralicl,.., gerillennut
,!116 011 679,0.j7 II
11,477 00 330,510 15
:N ::O; 011 1.11,41.0.2 S 11)
TJ3,115S lt) 1.7:11,91S 01)
P ,4i s 14
A young boy. named Davis was drowned at Mr.
Andrews' Ice !louse, at the canal in this place, on
Timidity. Ile had been In this country about two
weeks.— riltallllllqllo JOl/11101.
MItIKTING rosTi.omn)
In comegnenee of the storm the Republietin
Moss Meeting at Ilakendanqua has been postponed
to Friday night.
On Saturday, Sept. 2M.11,.a. Mr. Nathan Grim
ad - Mr. Wm. Siegfried were driving down the
111 near the Northampton furnace, below South
Sellslelivin, the spirited horse they were driving
Imeame unmanageable, and ran lulu the gutter,
upsetting the Wagon and throWinti: both Men out.
Mr. Siegfried bad
~.his Jaw broken and was severe
ly but nut to seriously hurt us Mr. Slog
.. ....
13(.11. gentlemen are 11011Ig well. There
eons to exkt IL rata' tendency among borers to
recome unmanageable on the bill above men
haled ; we have chronicled numerous runaway
yehletite which have occurred is this locality In
he last LWO . Or three years. •
Application will hr made at the next session
f the Leciblitture for the ineorrormion of the rot
hug i a ailntivan to he located 0, ii:11111111 below :
Franklin Nuyings Bank. 50,000. Tll
10 1111:011.1i 11t A I lel: iIIWII. 1110110PorlItOrrl, S. A.
{ridges, J. NV. Wikon. Peter Wyckoff, John
Ilellertnwn Savings fiank. Capital, 1.550,000.
Inenrin,ratnrs, George AVllltaker, Rev. Samuel
!less, I'. R. lireinig, Win. It. Yeager, Jesse Iliteh.
• Girard Suvln n liallk. CHOW, $50,000 Ye
he located nt. Allentown. 'lncorporators, Pluton
Albright, It. S. Shiwrr, 11. K. Ilartzell, Aaron
Eit•enharl, .T1Igloo:tit Mertz, Charles Eckert.
, Fogel,ville Savings Bank. Capital, frai,ooo.
Incorporators, Ilenry• Colwell, Daniel Moyer,
tsainuel Kuhns, NV. Fogel, NVta. Stine, J. Straub,
%Val. Nfuhr, Darhl .A. Swith, Joann A. Ettinger,
Solotnon Peter.
Millerstown Loan and Saving Asitoeiation.
Capital $.50,000. To lie located at Millenitown.
Incorporators, James Weiler, George Ludwig,
licidatnin J. Scistuoyer, Franklin Shitner, Horatio
T. Ilertzog, :lames Singuraster, J. F. M. 61111ktt,
Charlee Shinier, Gideon F. Egner, John shiirert,
winiam Solhloy, Anthony Mechlin, Alexonder
There wan thing quite taking in Mr. Wontiuniker's
Wed of beginning the fall and winter trade of his Clitsw•
wit.stidet clothing lodise with n "reception." Tlni, wan
demons:rated by it• •nris.••. .%11 day long the hulking
Crmtm row de.' nut thronged by gentlemen mid ladies, glad
wich an ollnertrinity of looking through the fleet cloth.
lug house in anti city, mid .Inking its proprietor by ain
had. 'rind hens, was lidantifolly deownted, and nothing
onll linve bedn morn attrnetlve and plon•lng. Ilut of nil
Ise attrnetions•dut things of the nreasien, slant
attialliSi. and pleasantest .4 all non the really wonderful
stork ..r ow opening of which wa• the occasion of
this cetdion." thin Involuntarily a•kinl, " 11114
1,,i11-1.1.1d0 clothing`. !sorely much &lir:tient, lonia
lint e been mrilido to mil., and monsitowient In the gust an
deportmout. •
Mr. Samuel Watmtnaker, to whom 14 'argot,' committed
the rotolurt ..1 the Cho4tnutodreet burdnooo, rerholnly wo•
for hittoodf n repittetion for nom' mote mid 'kill to decor,.
don. and .hawed plainly that he Woo n gentleman to
hl,lll any other 10.011.0110 n night merely commit tho got
an of hi. flhest clothing. Mr. Hang , wn 4 on hand M
411 ow tin :hrongh the honor, pledging., 04 noun!, with
1114 khelne4o ond nontlemanly bearing.
The Proprietor himself Mr. .101 iii Wit namaker. WYr
everywhere, kith a tt ord And otnile for all who came.
Indeed, it wan enough to make any man amile—aye, and
laigh outright, to N.. 1. /114 ,tore no crowded with admiring
Lot Mr. NVaiiiiinalcoir, i to blob ut Mtn, seems like
n gentleman of leisure, cool and self-pieiveraed, the very
laid loan . to be bearing, RA he Is. an amount of Lilian , .
which ir pit Om vhoulder. of no ether man in Plilladelphia•
A. an index of the trade of the coming he/limn yesterday' ,
experience el •IS and fOl Che , inut Atreet natal he highlY
esitimfactory, mill justify the espoctatiima we entertain
that an Powell... subiof good. trill reward the proiligioua
elforta whieli hove been put forth by Mr. Wona maker.—
bri lout.
Sum; American Shoe ' lip Com
pany have Introdueed, this ht!lte.,ll, It new white
metal tip, which by wear has thin appearance or
silver, and is deeidedlr ornanieutal. A metal tlp
adapted to first-class shoes has long been needed.
This 111'W lip Merk this demand, and must come
illlo as general nice on the diner grade of children ' s
shoes as the copper tips Incise ins the cutionon
grades. — liestett deartial.
—The Berks County Agricultural Exhibi•
non, held at Heading last week, Was very largely
tteuded and was ale of the finest Fairs, in every
respect, ever held in that county. Asa Packer
was there on Thursday. The attendance au that
day k estimated at 20,000.
—ln pursunure of the joint resolution or
Reading. Councils, 31csurs. David McKnight,
Mllllll/111.11111, IliCSter Clymer and S. E. An
emia have been appointed delegates to 'represent
the city of Reading in the Louisville conitnereial
Convention, whielt meth+ on the of October.
—(;eorge N. Corson. of Norristown,
1111M1 loom nonduated fur law Judge of the Scycnili
Judicial Dint:let by the Republicans.
()e% old friends Iima:HILL it.soN are UR
Lard at work a• eirr. w•vry denerlption iit
attractninii 111 Ilii• it ay •if elognnt Anil Iniiirinur
Hi.own Stone II•11
twit, flit - m.llml unit over with core thing that man in
ran wont, 1. , r warmth, comfort. All OM
trio nil% 1.1u.1 to callin Awl . •saniiiir
Alionimlve•aml compare Or prise, of tlii• °loth.
lug it ills timt i.f.ny titlinr or el.ow
Mr Public will llnd everything In the stationery
line at Ireilell's Stationery Store, 4:1 East Hamil
ton Street. Stationery . for the Ladies, for the
l'onnting 'louse, the Lawyer, the Merchant and
for everybody else. We make at specialty of vit
t. lolls :11110, It) it n et. cue tint: the atteutiu❑ el' the
itt n pie:trill' to tell the Santo nary over flllll
aglim, if it ix • good story. Ittir rtory now il, of thr
hati•fureotnwe;el,l „ y II nrl lilt thii they
trwtkr at ill , gro•at II - it 11811, l'lsilutlt 11 , 1 , 18. The fart i+,
It,are tot other clothe., made el+ey,,re, that look hall
n-•r wear half w• halt It. the Itocktitrt. St WI I..itiN
The 811,1 Yttrietl J....a1t0/tot of flue
cloth. , for Foll w 111Clilt• , • - 1,11 I 1.1. St WI I.itoB 1101 V dIBPII4Y
worthy the of oil who to the city. Sr..
Hot tr•ii qvcrllwitit•rit to auother o dawn.
flit thousand Pianos of Haines & Brother, Ni•iv
Turk, Were .11,1 lu one year. Not only are they
the cheapest piano In the market, ranging from
fli7s to 85uu, hut have given universal Fatishietion
throughout the military. Only fur sale at C. I'.
Ilerrman's Mushe store, 7th and Walnut.
Shed If ',sic, Books, music Fort Folios, strin g , '
or anything belonging to a regular Music store, : , Ho you W ANT A
can he hail eheapei: than anywhere else, at C. F.
lierrmann's Muele rtore, tor. 7th anti Walnut . ( 1 () ( ) K S 1 1( ) V 1"
,teens, Allentown
Liadernian dr Scrod Gold Medal Cyeloyd and
Square Pianos are considered by the most prom l
tientmusicians in the country a first-class Instru. l'""
inent In regard to durability, fullnees and brit-
Haney of tone. They sell Pile Hundred Dollars n•
loner than either Chickerlin.i', or Steinway's ; are
4hl " Thnh h
Ilenv iPot w !mi
In every respect 400 d, if not superior to THE
load WRlT:tilted for 5 years. Number of refer
elicei in affirmation of the above ran be 'given
from ellizens. of Allentown, Lehigh or adjoining
Counties. Come and examine them at C.F. Derr
mama's M \isle store, 7th and IValinit
For it low tittle We tinge tilitioril it genilititi In
errs, In Ow number of good.looking nien ia init. neigh
liorhoil, raped/Ally ninon& one knhaefihera. The rhanga
hua la•en No marked as to be aubjert for general eon verso
lion. People ask "Why Is title the.." And tho
gonerul enawer In that almost all Our fellow-visite.
me' wearing the eelehrated " & Iguana" INSI . IIA:WI , ', I'OMPANI
clothe , It I• well known that the people who weer the
clothos of tide inoke command the esteeta of their fellow •
ereitinres. ail ont reader* know lii!ert) 8ur1.11.1.
WI LaOr in. The mammoth Drown Swim Clothing lint%
yin and real Cheetnut Street. Philatielphli.
A 'A II I 1.1.1/1 N.
Bear . 111 labia that hone muilunietures shoot .
be supported at all times, Roil tvhilNt you do so io•ti•
none but Wine's ale, porter, 'Oilers' water old
xarSaloaritht ux they are llotilC made, pure, the best '
in market and can be hail ut almost every bur Lt lfvn, n„. 11,
1861. 11.. r. 11.
the eonty. live. II
Scrofula, Halt Rhetwa, Skin and Feinute Inseam's.
Wurra pled curetf.—See testimonial:—
S•Ltenerar Tow:casino, Lehigh Co., Oct. 31, ISM.
It la with a grateful feeling that I feel able to make the
following statement for the benefit of those who are suffer
ing from Scrofula and other Chronic Diseases. My wife
had been angering for several years (ruin tumors or
swellings on her neck whirl, after a time would gather
and discharge matter, leaving a running nnte. She had
been treated for more than a•year by must eminent phynl•
elan, without receiving nay permanent benefit, he: disease
becoming worse, until she had five of these running sore,
"11 her neck, when I employed Dr. 11, D. Longooker, under
whose treatment she commenced to Improve very fast, the
sures ton hoe neck to heal, nod all her littloleaotant stool olk
agreeable symptoms gradually to ilisnloloear, her
health was restored, which wen hi about four months. 1
feel perfectly justified. otter having tried the WM1.0.111.4
other physirlans in recommending allthoose who are suffer•
lug from Scrofula or Chronic. Diseases to Dr. Lougnk,•r for
medical treatment, with n firm belie/ that they will he sat
isfied, lonefit•d end c ured thereby, not my wife has been.
Dr. 11. D. I.oo,Dtkor's oftito I. on tho Einti 'filo or Sixth
strret, 10O,rneu llLDniliou and NV 01001, Alloollon 0.
Allentown has an extensive china and glajfavare
establishment where its great a variety and as low
tutees can be fnuld in, in the larger roles. We
refer to the new store or Richard Walker, No. 40
West Hamilton street. •
CRESSMAN.IIOLDER.—( in Sept. fit, by the
Rev. N S. Straesberger, Mr. Abraham Pressman,
of Philadelphia, to Niles Maria, Ilatight , r of S/10 -
111011 Holder, •If :\llrutmi n.
KODER—ZIEGENFUSS.- 0 11 the 11111 of Sep
tember, by the l A •v. li. 11. Kistler, D. Kotler
to Miss Lvtliatatt Ziegettfliss, both or I loyencl:.
ERDMAN—FINKNfORE.-011 the 25th of Sep
tember, by the some, Mr. Wm.ll. Erdman to Miss
Mary E. Fineinore. both of Springfield.
EIIM AN—W I EDER.—On the . 2711 f of June,
by the Rev. S. K. lirobst, Mr. Alfred Gellman to
Miss Eliza Rieder, both front Lower Macungie.
REIN ERT—KOI.I3.—On the 25th of September,
by the tame, Mr. Wm. IL Reined, of Lynn town
ship, to Miss Hannah Kolb, of Heidelberg. •
WILLETS—GROMIS.—On the 711th of Sep
tember, by the sane, Mr. Nehemiah S. Winds, of
Leesport, Burks comity, to Miss Lydia Ann Gro
. mis, of Perry township, Berks dinty. \
HAILEY—ESCHENBACI I . — On the tlfith of
September, by the Rev. J. F. Crouch, at his resi
(levee, Chew street near Fifth, William 11. Bailey,
of Philadelphia, to Mies Georgiana Eeehenbach,
of this city.
. .
RA I'SCII--GEBEI..—On the Nth of September,
by the Rev. Win. MenniA*, Mr. Theodore Rowell to
M Catharine Gebel, both or Allentown.
M EITZI.EIt —SCI I i:CKI.Eit.—On of
September, by the some, Mregilliont Meitzler to
Kate Seheehler, both orlmwer Nlatmozie.
WA LK —SOLD.-011 the :10th. by thernmr, M r.
David Walk to Ntiss t'elinda Sold. both of Frank
lin 10W11011p. Carbon eounty.
dnc, Lc the NUM'. Mr. James M. Franke:llldd, of
Bethleitent, to MIA , Sabina Fenner. of Ilittersvillr.
BRIGHT—RINK Eli.—On the snow day, by the
smile, Mr. David Bright to Mis, Lydia Rinker,
both of Bethlehem. '
RORER'S—OVEIIPEUK.- 0 11 the :itlth ult.,
by the Rev. Richard Walker, Mr. David Itobcrte,
of Allentown, to M 1,4 Overpeek,nrCata
WETIIERIIOI.I4.—On the 4th of October, lu
this clip, George Wetherhold, aged p 7 years, 7
months and 17 days.
BECK.—On the sth of September, in IhlYetwh,
Martin, eldest son of Wm. !it. and Carolina Beek,
aged 8 years, 3 months and 2 have.
RINK I.E.—On the 21st of September, In Rich
land, Annie C., Infant child of Frauds and Rebec
ca Hinkle, aged 10 mont h s and 3 days.
RUDOLPII.—On the 12th of September, Han
nah K., aged 0 years and 11 days and Septem
ber 20th. Mem:mita. aged I year, ri months - and
3 days, only children of John and Angeline Ru
ROTIIROCK.—nit the 2stli of September, In
Loeust Valley, Anna Lanni Itothrock, wife of the
late Lewis Rothroek, aged 32 years. 7 month 4 unit
2 days.
1 . 869 . PIMA DELPIII.I. ISlift.
HOWELL & BM' li I: E
SALES RoOMS, C., For RTH and MARE ET St• ,
Factory'. Cur. Twruty•ttird and SanAota Sin,
I Oct 6..:1ta
added la Ihelr•lark n no, kr or
In choice pallernn and at chunp ALS.), deuiral.l..
NEF:111.11 WORK Swls• and ennilirle, at n
. I. arm Juranyt Edgings a yd... for 11!. I.".aud
TIWIr lineol Wllll%. couipl..!.. :rot
9 11 1 21:', 1 1111 A LAWNS al Al.
1 . 1111 • 11 S, good and cot low.
• CANIIIHICS. }Lob and hard Um-bed.
Sllll/111.31 :de Fli•Ill'h 1...
-0111; AND! Hs, fa. much far 0v.a....1:11,
and from Al oad•
, R ea l'l.A I I) AND STllll'l'llo N.llNsoliN.,
Real arid haitatiall H1'11'1'1:1% a 11.'w
IMIT.}TION 1101,11E1' EHHINI.S. •ir log and d u ...,
from purl II•
I'Ll'Ny LACE choice I3tter.
Itrx I and N' LENCIA Ti nr. I ,
}WHIN WASII . I4I,ON Hu, 11.1.1' , 1:,.
IuIT NET for vial, LATE Fa 11'11TAINN
anal CURTAIN I tai .llll.t
11.1 k I',
212 Noit'rit EirniTti sTitEET. PHIL\ 1)A.
C A It D
E. (). 'l'l 1M PSON.
MEItCHANT T.111.()Ii. '
No. 90s Walnut Str,et,
atl , llti..ll I. ILI. 1 , .1 , 1i..1 ,
bratrlierti r— , ll• 1151•,, Atr oll ~ 11
pr-,l••krial , l ,
(..i . ail.l ."'
Althoulth vinirt.,,t lu tlw
tlw Ow particular 1.0.11.•ilt .1 Ilw 1111.1 1 .,
P.% C loch 1- itiNll.• A+ r." 11.
is Ailts , ollare.l ~ ar:liot ..1.1.111101i by 11,111.10,1
1111 i thr•Fligli and in nrtii....
1 . 15 , .•e h•i, 1...1:0....h.... , 11,, a.
gi,e trio I.
A ND 111.:10:1,A Ploml•
1! I . SA IF ES.
ES7'.11:1.1 , 111:11 lA' 1,1
Tur:• r sArE lowsE /.////..IPELP/11.4
The only Suf... 1,11 o: !loon,
1;1E1.1,4,1 Fri, front 1..11111.1/• • ••
Al%o prito. from I" lo 3i lii. rout. lon oilo
l'Ivn••• to 'o,n
llar 0,1
loor ol 1:1,11..t. %Vat-on. N10nn1,n11 , 1....
oct dm Fon: 11l
Th. t..1....11ritl ,nrl ..t/r lbw
Po r.
Allentown, Pe
Ir Ti, UP Tin: .1 Ill;
W M..T. ItO.MIG, M. 1 . )., Agent
NOD (Abbrrtiontrnts
For Pure Water, 0. 0 ItiTIT,.., CHS G
tele celebrated Pump, a r t , o, tv t, . B LAToo rt
entirely lasteleSs, ,1-,,A , r 7 ,:rotte,
durable and cella• :a' .. ~,,% 624 &626
ble; °goal to tho k r f...;\;„ fiIBEIIT ST
good olddlohloned , fl o ,, .'' ..1:. • PI IL N
wooden Pomp, end 4 f>.... ~ ,q, (11,
emit tea; than hall the '',.Ve' ..", , "'". ~`,.
money Entity arranged ' -. '...,Vir,..
to rot to be non-fn•eziog, l' ,:••• `.. 70. ,
and lo construction .0 .1111411 a "/ .. NI ''".
that any ono con put It up and %,.'. t../ifT
keep It In repair.
- ke...t,:..„ . ..: .
Who, the are y, ntuny Fur..Stertut nit there urn In tlon
city Phil re
ndrlphitt it tl. dtillryll for tho uninitiated to dn.
termite. u le July. 'flume who are yoreed in the dlr.
forent Fun., however, know where to go,nutl
g ee , re.eler, el w le , are 11..1 argil:tinted with
the y.giote. 0r...1. • of Fur.. w , would telylse them to gu
to an c•tnl.ll•liinent of the brit relettettUll, where they con
Forelut•e ill, the 14,:ite•t :gel be -tangled
that they ur.• honeytly dealt will. W. , know of nu better
r'11, , • rellnlde .lore 1111th that of M 0.,.
IttISEN lIAFM 4 CO.. N. , . fdtt Arrla Street, Flinn
bring their new I ~,, mien. yvlte, we Sr.' vnofhl , ot front.
their long esp., ...nee in the Fur 1111SItig.,, that peryonn
roll get keel Fur. and the weal of their looney.
The, Nagy Store I, centre of attraction on areount of
the geotl Intlit iu u Ilion they -hew elf nll their geotiv.
ordovs flub do no Paisine.."4 - 11
111..., la-itlotoilill• For. [lll4 +,....111 NI 111 he the Mink
101 l 00. l thi• iy the meg lib •y lin,
theta ytg ,en• ntel qualith, and for urge. to salt
ell : mot , i 11 1 3• hily •
4I••••• 113 i ,V 1 ,111.. hut - a cu l .d not of
Furs e]. I') •••111I.LI le know here to
go ;gel lett oltae.
To •.... th.• 11••• A 1111 t/ .i.lIk114••• :ot Aran tire of
111 :r For- tr ill ttrll ralia) 1.11 to 1111. 4,-
tabli•lomoit. :tool thoir all. ~arlalll, l !lon rrilie ex
rrpr , .. , , :1 , I.
Moll; art front j , ll and ...Pt.° rrrY
ntro itank art. brim: a lath ; lout !root 4:10 to 4a)
,vlll buy l,o•l'.•lll.lark tho.o. Nut, la.t a holy
front right t.. fotroit vorp,
Then the ti• lie)' Minh'
rel, lh Merman [Fitch and
dir b, awl other 100111111 i low-prlev , l For , in elid
lteme:ober the nano. or Jol4ll'll ROSENII.II'3I A 1"0.,
101 the wool., 110 Arch Street. bettreolt 111 t n otl 001.
Pth sole. 1 1 11110.1'0.
. S s -I , lms repaired stud altered lobo tho I rot noth
ms• Oct. 11-1103
The Real Excellence and Cheapness of our Cloth
ing is the only accrot of our great success.
REFfrit CT'
/ OF N.
o 0
Wr hare made the
Numberless Garments,
Endless Variety,
Choicest Selections,
Goods to Wear Well,
Standard Styles,
Latest Fz>liiorb,
t. 1 4 itt LOW Elt
PM, a, .I.• a:•4•8 it.t )'t i ll.
and Getter Cutters,
Improved System,
Greater Dispatch,
A Fincr Line of Goods than ever,
School ,Cloth,;,
Eunday Clothes,
Many New Styles,
Wearing Qualities Unequaled.
Ome ' ,, ':41' 1 0.1:40:1 NOS .
E. cot. MARELT
151taket 10 Minor.
Rifityr,":l7 , ,N • •_-•.•
) 1.'11A ,3 11).• e
I UV I) 1t.% I.ll* O , ll'lllE,
(-; E.-11; 1 . .1N I) 11 I 1,1,1.1M5,
And J1114,-1,1.4. t•• t 1..• :it thy public
.1 I. oil. 11, t0.,.11.1. LYNN LY.u.
111 .1!1,111... , 11 .611.1 ..f 1., 9111.
T 11 1 .111.. 14 1?? 1•• 1110 b?.?
31111 N 11. /1.1 VEIL ESQ. AND
Dn. T. c. .k ; li. AND
\V. 1). I.I . ('NENBACII, ESQ.,
11 , •111 •l •flt n. •
Fr•oolool oin your ndgIPI
our pIo• •Itotr ain't .. ., al ot an tosonoinkal
ndlion,trolon tho liocrrikeirolt, protretion to li•oor in.
nod thr tram 110:11••ty to nnln , •r fun , In 1..1 ,
lir taro.
- 1101ZSE Ai R.
l'lt Ell I I'MS
011 01t. 11101, '2OOl, 21st and :2241 of ()etober. 1060,
1111t1)1C I'AIU ASSocIATIoN
rotsT vAr, I .Clohi, 1:101.
11 , 1 y "THE TIME,
Ptarst. $1,(101)—No. I.—Fur llor , u, that
I lip•ver hot, beato•ti :I lit.thit..• or wag.oi:
OW to til lior.o.
Purse $2.1)00.--Nll. liar..., that
hat° iwattat , 111,1 0, .: 11.1.
flr-11,1%, O.) ml,
rl:l't oN IlAr, xrco
litlr,es that have
n.-5,1...11 , 11 4 111 . 11 , 1,.• 111 It irm•-• or w• g
I•mrth 0,,
0..” tlrlh
-I —For 11.. r...
11. 1, Ili ..rnyni
11,-I r... . t•• t 11.•
I'lll'4l' t.45,11t111.—N0. that
sl.•+• ..r 11.2.! ,1111 I.J iir•tt
I. 41. t 11.1, t.. /111 , 1 Imlrth•
111!:I , 1..11'. 21+t, Itta
• 1 . 111 . 11 e Ilorhes.
•:•.. 'II.. to third. null
7.—For llor,es that
.• ti t•i I . I , ia VI. di,
' ;
' 4 ' P I ' 4
' CI ' lllllll
51:n1d 3..1 .11, I I to
W.... I
I e
$1... 111 r•
• or::rii
Mo..- that hare
:,).11/.—No. 114.—For Pacer, t , 200 to
Ilr•t t.. pvt...h.l. +I t• th.rd. and go 1.. fourth.
.—No. 11.—For 11or>a= that
lots.• t.ri....11 , •11' :4l hl 41,1011.,
h.o ..•, s ttl 1.1.
l't)tltl it ton,,.—.\ II inu,t be eligible:llC
th.. ..1 1,11,111 re to per coat. of
5115 111 •AL for
115.1 111.1 , 1 Lilll,..ttl) 111•• 1,11.11111 1.111 11/ all CA.., litt•
trahro motto inoligthle St ill he foriolted
tho tool. A 11. a ilogatsetag tho 111.14 .hall
attl) h. 0•ata1..116 tho iil.t Pl , lllllllll. lu alllatt6oo. three
/11,1.1. UV , . to .fart. Ilya! , earh
a:0 a llli I. tr.a6 .1 alt. moiety. .All 00/th...tares
ate nolo loat•, ho-1 •••• 111'.•,1,11 iti liarser, except
al - 4 , ../ . 1 , 111.. right 1.. 1..•‘ .
1:111 , 1111•31t .•111 her. or any 'mill
out roll.o. .1 lI'I-011010 111111118 a heat in .111 e, 11ui1.16
rul.oloot, a :11 10.1 he .111;0,1 a 1.1 , 11011 111. /1 , a. ,
r.I 11 , 1 .11 .tart al 2,11, rxropt No. No.
6, tool 1... 1111 ill ho at o'clock A l M. The
hare. .I 1 1... .tr.rtly lu accord:taro N 1 till Its,'
itll OS do' 1 . 111011 Vont. , All rat.... by mail to be itd
chto...Oll to ti. \l'. .Slay mod, Svc:wary. W Matt...port, Pa.
F.otno:l\ l'il.•1• at lII.' I 10141 ll' 111n1.e,WII 11.1.11011. Its..
E166.1ay, 12411, at 111 o'clock Is. Y. Prottatitila
111 ho pool at tho llordir lion." -on tho night of each
f. NV. M A . 1 .0.5151, told • I/621
.~ n, II I- o~,'
ttr tt lilt It 1, %tell Ititotttretl,
and carefully exataltied.
11111• IN of Iten•ly
• C:eilling are inch
iii I wet n In oilier
.1, .ratoorld on I'us.
:./ tk; tholr work
t odouca curator' with
Our Itemht hre supplied
11, I im tirst trimmings,
•m• rihtt they time,
Ile hi. .11.1 owery amide
i• tested be.
1 into othek.
grt• ...DI nob! in 50,11111.,11
,11111.,11 w1:11 a logal
VII 111,t, ~,. re
, • • ~ I.• 111.. err.
of alt the 1.1.
iv: , inude.
1l j. emw...11.11 thnt nor
I i , 11,11.01 null 'moo'
tp- • • I
‘V.• hi% iit•
I lie compaloal pi
W11,11.11E11. Al
\V ELL! A msru la, PA
Malt Vaper anb Stationcru
FIRST CLASS PAPERS at cheap prices.
WRITING INKS—M.ll°l(l's, Thaddeus Davids•
,t Co's., Maynard kt Noyes, etc.
TUE PRETTIEST assortment of fancy Ink
stands In the city.
FANCY STATIONERY fm private offices or
BLANK BOOKS of ever• kind on hand and
made to order.
DEED BOXES, a large assortment.
PAPIER MAUDE. and rosewood writing desks
aril work Mikes at less than Philadelphia priCes. •
THE LATEST works out and all others furnish
ed promptly itt the loWest rates.
BEAUTIFUL KNIVES for ladles and gentle
men at living prices, and common goods at lower
SCISSORS that will 1.4 a lifetime, in great ot
POCKET BOOKS that will hold a fortune, and
pocket hooks not no large, a pretty assortment at
every price.
EVERYTHING in the stationary line at
IREDELL'S Statio n ery Store,
Corner of Sixth and Hamilton Streets
T., ARGEhiT wrocii OF
Ever ..tro•reol W thl. r micolenlty. Thr•o• I. projuir..,l
to "tr., WIIOI.I".`4ALE and urru I. I'I . I'I'NIICES.
l'soward, .1r :work, .tock eull,rnring L II stylvn
•tittably for PA1..1171 , .. I'l,l"lrA6
Execultut at at •liort
N'rlloN lItrIII.
No.. !I awl II 11.11/1..1/ein. l'a
Are Invited (.1.11 at No. 3.5 We•t IlatoMott Strret, I Walk
rev. Old nlllllll. foot . doorg below litglith Street. IVIII•ri• you
will Mal a large and complete gonk of all kltob. of
School Book
sed iu this comity, :alb,. I"west eiv.ll uric
A folllinool LATIN, Gild:Eli, flint AN Rad
book. tor Collge., AC.111,1114 , anti ,lehool., lawny. nit
hood, at the lowe•I rate,
(nll it.o.ortinotit of Statlor•r, Blank Ronk, Mon,.
y ; ,adann., Pocke{ Book., Allottn, IThnure, oter.
ro‘.rope. and Viow, NVitlou. Papor, fir., , d hl at Chary
I:null:di and lierntan pocket and tantily Pray,
Hooks and Hymn Book,
A largo and splendid ,-tork Books In
oil Poetry, and Sunda y Ildok. All
f„ r .4010.1. al na
. au hand Plolddel
vltiu Prions,
NV, aro eln.itsß oar stork or NVA LI. PAPER at en.t.
Agont r%%1 - ~b•
1 . 1%,••• air„ can wiwil )%.11‘1 , 1% 1 1 % 16,1 % , • 11
1,6111 Itnilt,,n l'a
lJru Goobs
S. E. ('OR. 9TII & MAR KET
1'1111..A1)EL1'I I LA,
l'pwartls of neventecu years of active I t, busness nt tilt
present location, enables
to to judge of , yttllts
their patrns, tu bny at titt. lowest prices and to sell the
sinollost margin of profit. Finl 1 . 1 1 nem of
Black Silks.
Dress stuns,
sum velvets,
Cloaks, Shawls,.
Hosiery, Ties,
Collars. Culls,
White Goods,
Blankets, Quilts,
UUslills, Linens,
Cassimeres, Cloths.
('look logs,
Velveteens: ate., ac
(1)(iI)Elt )N,\1(1)
S. E. COE. 9TH & MA ItE ET STS.,
Pll I LA DELPII lA. D.l)
lq:1111,1.;111 , :\I
Ur...l;nitot DRAB irricANcE:
rhertpext v.uttinent ot , 11.1 i ,),. h." •••,...1' 11.111 ill , p 1....
N 'rli.\ I,.GEI{.
courts .VEIr STILES FAN , '" SILKS.
tiggi, ~
rr to :h h e r
til t •;(
,1 1 , gritoles; from the lowest
COLORED A hi'.l , .lS. ull Prin., chear.
DRESS vv., r Plain
11 1. I: .4 , . 11 und 1,1:.1 , •11 El; SI! Eh l TI
uod Sill T I NUS :n very large a..oltineta
and DEN 131.4.
SII I.V••• .tll.l extvi
TitlisET Ii Itlll'll h: auk ,
311titiEsi', in great %: .
.Irletyo? c,.1,;”!
spEcim. Al rENTIos reque,trd to our
~41 4 41,4!„ ,!nd
unrlju A i 4pi
' Phi I ." 1, o:d
r; .11 1%, 111: .1111 S, NE STILE f:.9 I) TN/
.11 ING, kr. 111 . TTONS eev. , l Ittt,lred dtit,
SEAMAN A: Ttt.k c:(;Eit.
SEA & TH.\ E it.
Red, ie
.I 110
Uenethar nte-nif Wh ttl t e .
11' (HIST ED weiRE, and a .11111 aF,ortinent
lu that liuc
SE. I.IN Tit.kEGElt
MAIL w.• ,end ~1.) u I. VAPAhIo. 4.1 1.,
Witio111111.1.• lit,llol lii 111:1 ,111 ii lir
\VP 111141 till , too boo a great rol,rtillLie•• to
Pinntlo , 1111 u I 11.• I • 11,...11.11i) Vl,l 11,
SEA 1.%.N 'l'lt.k EG Eli.
r.\.4 1.1 . nua
tIP Mid 4.1 the ii.•. 1141,1“..•...
•i I. Ih.•
elloCK Ent', tl.t
SEA NI.‘N TitAEffi:it.
Tat, Pahl,
Buck., And .011. .1/ %%%11
UP11 . 4 111,olbek
SEA I.‘N Tii.k
All kind.. of l'ouut • I'
it...mi.:it Ow l"k'"
eliava,,krillii fo keep a 1(:1 III••• •.) .•)••) )
lu Ow Way ot Si T el I W. ,
errj•A. Wood," 11./o
lexrept Carpet-I to L. 1..1111.1
Solf-Muunfuemed Pocket Kole. nod Srkrore eau
be found et C. F. Wolfertz'o No. 3 Fto 111.1111 nm sirdet•
Y. 11.—Razors. Dumber Niiives and firlemors ground 3n.
water power and Wilde a. good on Del, • eep 14.13
SPEC I A AN N . 0 — (TE TI e
F 11..facy11ELL &Co.
is 4l.s„'P
e k . 3 - 4
7 , r 1 3
90 (11 EST:\ t 1 , I 10,IA
nave rebOilb onto., ond remodeled their todablisp
otent, deeor.t.yed
to by
p hr.. in January IoA, mid hove opened
the ,•ant ro loet,,
Btelietior t any they hare heretofore offered
Inviti• nll to And lospecl 111.4ir •
111 SECi.SII 1 . 411 t, (WA RUT, PIIILMI
.0 a .. r n,„,,,t oi and
/1•;'.I. Plat,:
It. pail and
k ..v
J. I:. IV LitER 1... a• I. qv.• to inform Ho z ,. of . ufoo.
to,. 311,1 11.1 h. a;..a..11 a bow JEWELRY
sTiola.: of
No. 31; WEST 11.1 M 11,T(1N
It. will k.•.•l•r , nr lii Ii II on hand an a%sortinent o r
I.lll'l g. W.% O'll I,pl .IEN% El.ltl at prier, .11It tba
nal j.,vvlry rarornlly Kepalrnd.lNJ
It. Wo•InT Inntn., uNi.. rtnno,l and carelritt tneell.tnlc, re
sportfully sl.k. Irittnnage of the
j ly J. R. WEBEII,
A C 013 II AItLE Y,
Inv it... Ili- intit , o.. :nut :h.. Iniblle p.n.:thy. 1.0114 New
1:1At VIII LA DELI.III.I. when.
Ow) st 111 thl.l Itn.l stm•lc of 1 , 1 A•
t A It,. .1F.WE1.41% SI I.V ER
nt..l PLATED w EE. r. 11.•
lI.—W A I'CILES and .IEIVELILV carefully r.l.lred.
.1 E11'E1.1:1" uud SI I.VEIt WARE of all klutl4 111100 IQ,
order. July 14.tiut
'No. ill East Hamilton street. iipposito the (lemma He
formed tilittreli. hist receive w d from Set York and Phil
ldelphla, all ilia latest styles
Ile lia• the largest and best assortment it Gold Wendt.
tied at lower prices than coo hi' luuud elsewhere.
Ili, 111,. n larger uad bettor I,..rtinent Jf Kilter Watelil
I han can be purcham , l stny where ON,
U 1 J) .1 .EWELItY.
Ilr th , largokt and hoot tt...rtment of all kalif% at
has it largo, awl hoter :tssorttnent or all kin& of lull
am! Plated .11•svoll y that/ rah hr 10111 Id
•1.1.101i , 1 u•—.l tuu•ut
An). pot Imo cat. rail to I
. A larger than iti any ~iii, r
A -1 , 1 , 11.1i.11.5— ,, rt1t , t a Prince' , ilto I„•.tin
tit.' %, iPliti.
A .Pli'll.l/11 tti nll k hid- of
tt•talth-linntot Ittot lattly I„•1•n titled op. tnt! ItlkW
nul ttIll•PlIt. 111 NI•A, York 111111 1'1111.1.11.10/la. 1111111111.,111
of auX 01111, "11t.541.• 011.• O
' , P. , 11 , 1.1 , ` 1. , 1l "..''
ta•11,11,11 , 1 , 111 11. lowthan all ottn.r. to It.ttltigh
ettnnty etttnltittett. Ttt rot, - turn yttur.t•ll,ll ow
1•11 r..golitle.l U11111111t...1. .kl I 'it... 3114 pric.,, (I,lu
t 2 ut an A
ANT 7ti lEf m.
,rii.l) ,I 1 111 .Ittli•. ° Ai;
.k 1. 1•• .• 11, ! ... 1 ..1 11..11q
TIII i •
l't tlt 1:1: tt. At . I.l'l, .3. 31. 11,
, •1 11, If .alkl .1.1,.11 1.. 1..1N11.11 . 11E,
5r114 . 13 , y.
VT.% 11114111)S.t.N1)
VEIIII.--- 1.1).t7e 01' S 111.0111),
11 I.; For
.1. 111 1.1.1 StiElt, vietal
• I'.l/1• I. 1.. . ..1 11, ,:tl.l
Ni 1..1t 1 Vllllll.llll. 1:1111.1111•1 1 ,1
, /,11..1••1 111 •• 1I•1 1 , 4,11•.1./1.111...11, 111161 • , 1,11114
1.. . , 1 , 1 ..S. • ,1•• 111 , 1 . 11.• 1i11.1111 , 1 and
11...1.11 ..1. I
.bur 1.11. .:1.1,,,
1 . 11 I.tii• inly 7 An.
alib (175 a ,, jiiXtlIVC5.
311.1.1:v TTEnS. ;
SEAMAN A: Tli.%Ef; Elt
the 1.•••1 um ArrM. 11,1. ~.14
i 1'111,14,1.g
;m , : ,`
IS 11•Ivirunt:N
J•••I .ui•l 1;....1 itt IL.. 1,0,1. •It glee , g„ •I 1,0.1
THE 1 111 , :.11 1 1.:ST 1.10111 IN 11;;E:
51L.,..11' • .k.ikk kllkklkk Pr ale
Itk . ,kl. rk kklt . I.` kk. vkkol,k•gik,„.
4,111-1111 W, Ali lik:t101 1 1.0 l k • ikkolotfartiiikk
And k - •••• •••• kkk Ikk k.k, .1 k, /...“ 1 /...1 till I#
Itkkk• 11•111.• sit; k 1 IP) stily
prk.kl(tikk.,‘ .111... rLk•I 111 1k . r . , 1 .1111. 41:11( .•,111kt, Imkg slll 11:1. .\ PPM EA. 01 . 1•111, 1.• All, /wit ikk •kiklitkary ag.t,
1111 lixtkisk, km]) %.kt tatk.os 1.••11.1: Ow pialunkPliikkhlk
kkt !mink, \II lk • •I 11,. 111 , .nr.'111.111P 111:
111.. in". 111. rkkkiiilk :iv.' 11 kr!, , klk Ho. tilannkkik, SilP,rlority
1111.1kkukkkk. k - kkuk,kkkl 113 I.lll.llVitni Ilk,LmcitliLrh;
Fit 1 . 00,111. !Ulll/1111,1i.; C1•11/1C:
11.11/..•-1 1 / 1 1.1) 6.111. t, 1,1.0.111 milk,. Fourth, Et 0 trinly
in:kik.rilk 1. k a ikkoklkuk, VAlkAlklik 1 1 ? I .IIIIIOIIIK 11111
1111 n, • tk•••i• $7.1.
kly 1111 kk rk 1,. ov/kli and ll , ...kkrklma
",„ „ k „ „Niki.k•k
kkktl lky tlikkw It aokot
1,1,41,11 ck,lnty.
Athl it... .1 .• h tl by
t•I )Inol, . P's,
"1:F.V10. I) I III: • 1 ,,
lltchArthott. synth, n In llo• .81‘111, •altitoor of
ss tit hot,. N.
text. lo•si ...gilts tog- ht., no.SY mar.. It eatital.
Pa-- NVo it, with all
• .1.1,t, tt ••11wi I
It I• It., tl, 111.1 t . .to
II ( 1 1.1) NVE , T .1S l'l' 'VAS,
....y bttolim, or
•-t• Islch Ittt . h ttiir Wo , lern
). a:0 1 of tint, but What
f rl*u
ty I trg.,. t • t/II:t1..111101.00
rr, Nei
Ilartford. cannt
111.1,,, Co.. N. ,t ail% N. J.
Z.Ziatrljrs anti 3eturtru
ti the Public
F: \\-ELER,
( L 0( I.i.`,
NO. 27 w EsT 1 1 . MILTON S'l
LilC K
th:111 rll/1 i.. 11.1 in any .411.n...t0rn In the nit>
II I ;\VEIL) . (11 , '• ALL KINI)S,
I, I all, •i •,I1 N..tit.
1.! it( \ PS
31 n D 1.1 N iVIISE I,
.11)NEs & co.,
MANITMI I•1:1:1:, , AND %V ItithEsalA:
702 Al:c11 PIIILADA•
VOIRT.11C1.1: A I n CIAN
r/: .V • vpl VA KI.V' I n•.S• (L 1
c. \V. ST
\. - . 1 Km*. f•..L N pEN:f
ruc pi , II I , ll. 111.1:, 110 oi.j:ALvi