The Lehigh register. (Allentown, Pa.) 1846-1912, September 08, 1869, Image 2

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Editor itittl Proprirto
JAMES S. BIERY, Allentown.
PAUL BALLIET, Ninth Whitehall
Clerk of Orphans' Court.
Clerk of Quarter Sot:dolr,
gße g ialer of Wilk
SOLOMON KLINE, (miller), Salisbury
u t Comm is.4l.»er
Director of the Bwe:
WILLIAM 11. HOMIG, Allentown
J. P. P. KISTLER, Allentown
LEVI WERLY, Weisenberg
Trustees of the Academy.
THE POOlt 31 A\ :S PA itTv
The Labor Congress which met in Phila
delphia, adjourned without achieving any
thing practical except to attract the attention
of the public to the demand of the laboring
man. 'l'9 attempt to farm a political party to
remedy the evils which were there made
known, is in our opinion a mistaken idea, jus.
as it would be to start Wpoliticar temperance
party. Neither of them could command
enough votes to do any good and the attempt
would only end in disgrace and mortification.
That labor needs protection Is not denied, but
how is it to be protected ? The Congress de
nounced Chinese immigration and the Coolie
system, as calculated to lower wages, &e.; but
to there any difference between that and man
ufacturing goods in foreign countries, by cheap
labor, to compete with our manufactures at
Lome ? That is just. what Free. Trade menus
and what it will produce if Democratic doc
trines are to prevail. That the Chinese can
control the market is absurd, but that Ameri
can labor can be reduced by the abolition of
the Willis most true. No new party is re
quired to remedy the evils complained of.
The Republican party is assuredly the poor
man's party and the champion of the laboring
man. R has always advocated the rights, of
every man whether rich or poor, white or
black, it gave us the homestead law, by which
we arc enabled to obtain free homes:it a noml-
nal cost and to which the prosperity of the
Western country Is so much indebted ; it
passed the eight hour law, and in Pennsylva.
nia exempted land from taxation. These are
facts to be kept in mind by those who demand
reform: What has the Democratic party to
show in this natter? It has tio• years been
ruled and ruined by a cabal of aristocrats. who
never knelt' ()reared fur any interests but their I
own and who were willing to ruin the coun
try that they might live in power. Witltthem
wealth is the one thing needful and to that
god they !towed down in abject submission
for years. But, thank fortune, the lordly bul
lies no longer reign in Congress nor does the
Southern demand meet with the prompt an
swer as in the days ()I' Democratic triumph.
• All men are now 11., and Republicanism
means Freedom in its full senses. But the
. Democratic idea of wealth:lnd aristocracy still
remains and hence we have Am Packer: mutt
hinted for (inventor of Pennsylvania because
of his riches.. What are his claims for Imblie
confidence? Where was he during the rebels
lion'? Did lie gland by . his State when she
was threatened by rebid hordes? Was he
with the party who tried to save the Union
or with the vandals who tried to destroy it?
Were Ids sympathie;( A•r or against us ? Ills
riches are his merits. To make him the
Crumb that he is, thousands of honest teen
have toiled day after day. Monopolies have
filled his coffers. Is he then a candidate of
the poor laboring man ? Does he belong to
the party that respects labor and enconragee
honest Industry? We invite close attention
to his career. Ira tabor Congress is a neces-
city and if any rights are to be protected by
— legislation, let the laboring man look to it that
he votes only Mr that man and that party that
represents his interests. Be nor deceived by
false names or delusive cries, but judge by the
record, which will soonest bring the desired
reformation. Political pair ies like individuals,
must be judged by their past. record and the
laboring man can easily judge which of the
two parties now asking his vote is the one
to which he will entrust his interests
Denmerats cannot coMplain if we approve
of the sentiments of their own candidates.
Hear what Gen. Roseerans says :
No local decihrations inviting a popular pre
lutigtnent nfnuy legal questions about hue lerM
of payment of the national bonds should impair
the priceless value of the public' credit at a tune
when It Is all important to create the speediest
means Of ridding the eountry of these euormous
oppreuslons, but every Demnerat le platform should
tend to raise higher the public credit, and to satisfy
the people of Europe that the Democrat is Is the
last party in the United States that proposes to
.whlue or net reluctantly about paying the public
debt, even though present holders should have
bought it below Its par value. .
What say the Packer organs to that. Will
they stand by "Old Honey" now or is he
again a " hireling r No wonder he refused
to be their candidate, knowing as he did that
their great aim is repudiation. They now
have Pendleton at the head if their ticket
whose greenback theory is to lee the. Pres
idential Issue in 1872. Packer is a millionaire
but lie takes good cam not to invest in gov.
eminent securities, 'because he believes that
his party will yet cause the holders of such se
curities to lose their money. Oen. liosecrans
Is a good soldier—his last shot will demoralize
the enemy.
A DEMOCRAT of the new school,—that is the
school which teaches the art of figuring out
' Democratic gains,!'—writes to the Luzern e
Union that two per cent. of $600,000 is $120,..
000. Ile says $600,000 is the total amount of
salaries received by the Republican officials of
the State, two per cent. the rate of assessment
for political purposes, and $120,000 the amount
realized to carry on the campaign. After such
figuring no wonder they see the election of
Packer sure, .5.u.11 it is also an explanation of
-itheir way of est hot lug the United States debt.
WANTED-A 1110111 E
When Aka Packer was nominated by thd
Democratic party as its candidate for Gov
ernor, he was announced as from Carhim
county. Some of the Democratic papers still
announce hint thus. Tome time'ago,
we saw him announced as from Lehigh, but
this we are sure is it'lnistake, because upon
reference to our tax list, we found he was not
on and we all pay tax in Lehigh County.
:11r. Packer's family resides In Mauch
Chunk, Carbon County. Either he or his
family owns an elegant residence there. His
family certainly resides there Who does not.
He was always believed to be a resident there
until a few years ago when the tax collector
()Nile borough of Mauch Chunk, in the per
formance of his duties called upon him, when,
lo ! his residence was changed, It now being
Philadelphia! True. to his word of honor,
Mr. Packer seized the carpet bag and leaving
his house and family behind him went to lift
home in Philadelphia. But what n treacherous
lemory 1 arrived in Philadelphia, he regis
tens at the hotel " Asa Packer, Mauch Chunk I"
Was it the cheerless aspect of the suite of rooms
rit the hotel, and the sight of the carpet bag in
be corner, that sent hie thoughts back to his
'itountain retreat among his' family and
kin Y Or was it the fear of the tax gatherer
In Philadelphia that inspired the name
"Mauch Chunk" and placed in such bold
relief the carpet hag of the wanderer ?
The "carpet baggers,'' you know, don't pay
any tax. Be that as it may the family and the
mansion still are at Mauch Chunk and the
carpet bag is still in Philadelphia. Mr. Pack
er's /tome is still with the carpet bag, (wonder
whether his greenbacks are in it ?) but the'
treacherous memory still records on the regis
ter " Asa Packer, Mauch Chunk."
A recent authority, indeed, none less than
an organ at Packer's late residence, says his
home is. in "the shrill scream of the Iron
horse !" What a beautiful idea. What a
poetic home the old gentleman has ! Almost
a Santa Claus ? Stripped of Its poetry, how
ever, it is eminently practical, for what tax
collector would he audacious enough to pene
trate "the shrill whistle of a locomotive" or
attempt to stop "the iron horse in his mad
career?" How joyous it must be in that
home, rushing along to the soothing refrain
"Bless me, this is pleasant, ridinK,..on a rail"
and paying "nary" tax !
Yet in spite of the assistance of Packer's
friends, the "shrill scream of the iron horse"
and the tax collectors, the question comes,
where is Packer's Lome? He has a family
and a mansion in Mauch Chunk, a home " In
the shrill scream of the iron horse" and a
carpet bag in Philadelphia. His friends say
his home is in Carbon County and "the shrill
scream," &e., 'int lie himself says in Philadel
phia. Whitt an enmlous " pride of our Val
ley !"
To settle the vexed question will not some
body present hint with a house, for his mine nt
sereiees to his sountry in her hour of need, ns
the. Toor man can not afford one.
Olt ! for a home In some, enchanted spor,
Some lone hut beauteous Isle,
Where weary mortals freed from toll
May count their great, their horded spot!,
And tax collectors reach them not.
Till: Reading Gazette says Ku Klux out
rages are being manufactured by the Radical
press. That's a bald lie ! They are being
manufactured :old perpetrated by Southern
Democrats, and are the result of the defeat of
the Radicals in Tennessee. Land owners of
evert• political shade are becoming alarmed
and are calling upon Got'. Senter to protect
them with the military. But it is folly to ex
pect to see the truth printed In any Northern
rebel organ, and especially in a Berks county
Democratic sheet. Read what The Haßlinille
Peso of Monday week says
For the pall 1111 daysnuountrd Toro in di,ulno
Levu riding through the country, tinkling ungroea out of
their hods nod at hipping them moat cruelly. They have
ako been takiun ow ay their goon and pi doiat and. in .•Y
-..t.tliii+llinces, hate warned nogroea to leave the country.
alleged provocation for till. conduct Is that some 1 1 .,
11,11011. and 1141111ved to it disorderly inanner. The tie•
nu e• allege, an the oilier hand, that they curried arum in
Th.. (0110W1111f Is a copy of it notice which
111,1111 runt under the cabin door of ono of tits negrotta. The
DOW 14111111'3i 1111111111111S1B11111,111111111WrILIIIC
1111111. Wild WOodo wn love to 1.011111.
MOM II Al MIA: r° We love pea and harmony, wo ad
vIn SI n yon to hour theme pdria nu noon nu ponnlble. We glv
you 01000 01110 In nntiln op your built..., (Oar time
NIX day, )
AND lb A11.1.10N V, A TI101,10:0 STRIIS.I.
S. T. P. K. K. K.
• Similar ti undue. have been lett at the doors of noveral
other,. Other mix:noir who have been biding in the woods
have been utnrned n, return to their work immediately.
There are now in Narhv 1110 between 75 and lronegro Ines,
who have us they moirt, tied for their lives, leaving their
I . :willies behind 1111.111. The fngltiver were coming In
1•11111111, 4 , 0 root at Interval. , during Sunday. If this midius
coutlnnes, the effect upon the cotton crop will bonost
disastrous to the planter., who will Lo utterly unable to
gather one•touth of thoir cottea, while the negro labor.,
will Le deprived of the fruit, of sin mouths' hard work.
All the fogitiviiii, nearly, report that they are raking cot
ton on unarm. The following statement will give au Idea
of tie estimated quantity of cotton now growing and
owned by the nijfroor In one neighborhood; No.l estimates
his rip of natio; at 12 bale.; N0.,.2. has 10 baler;' a squad
of thrmi have growing- 21 bales, to be divided between
theta: three other. have 1(1 bider betweea theta; another
ken three Lab, of velum; a squad of three hove 19 bales
bet ween them; another ono ha. live halo.; a squad of ive
Inure 32 bale. between thi , lll; a squad of novel estimate
their Anae at over 10 bales each. Hero Is an aggregate of
nearly 1151 baler of reed cotton, owned by some '25 laborers,
Witieh in In a blue way to be utterly lust. If we add to 01111
the planter.' share of the crop, we have a total df aso bale.
ill a %highe neighborhood which will Perish for want of
picker., This would Involve not only n notion.; loss to
oim markets, hot a 1111141 injorions and Hi:honorable rob.
bine of laboring men who have nothing else in the World
to denot! on for their support. They have worked hard
for It, and rarely the laborer In worthy of his hire. The
eo n,. crop I. not the 4111ir .110 raked by these laborers;
nearly all of thorn have boeu Cultivating more or less corn.
The men who have ral.m) It aro Twill yes from bow, and
whono hands shall it fall into tine largo land•owner In
Huthoirford. who has some half a ilnleti One farms, and
bun a large amber of negroo. In his employ, seems to
have incurred the bitter enmity of the Ku• Klux on ac•
runit of the kind treatment he gives to his tenants'. Ono
of the Kik Klux remarked to one of hill laborers whom they
were 'whipping, that they "Mended to put n idop In Hon
! big farming. The negrons giro him a good
none, mid say that ho Inns always given them a gioid
chanro to make looney. Await, plauter, whose house
war approached by 1,111111 , 1111 y ifKit.Klux, took down
him ',hot-gun, nail wit thew L , flight Ly n volley. The
ruinous lied preelpitittoly. and have not ventured near
hint rinee. Amither gontimnau of Intelligence nays that If
the Ku-Klux operations are ant quickly iitownitt.
ford County will like at least ilCial,oollwroirit of cotton and
other mtot. Th, fugitives nay that the planters allege
• that outragen are committed by Irresponsible and trickier.
dyer Wi. they have, no coutrol, and they are
poworlenn to prevent this vhileare. Such inhumanity
went.' loft it Irwin of Her:lran banditti rather then It coin
triunity of American,
11ov. Seater ling hooted m'ocinmation, threatening to
call tint the anllltnry power of the:Onto unless the dkorders
Mrs. Stowe's article in the Atlantic on the
Byron difficulty, has met with but one opinion,
that it was an injudicious publication, ill timed
and unwarranted. Mrs. Stowe stands too high
in the eateem of the American people, to have
her sincerity doubted. That Lady Byron
really believed what she related, we can lvadtly
imagine, but of what use was such a disclosure
after both parties were dead, and when there
could be no denial or substantiation f Lord
Byron's tonics and crimes were well known,
but that charity with which we cover the sins
of the dead will even gain him friends because
of this attack made after so many years of
silence and without a particle of proof. If the
intention of this article was to create an excite
ment in English circles, thd object will surely
be accomplished, for'Mrs. Leigh stood high In
society and tlds attempt to blast the good name
of her family will meet with a general feeling
of condemnation, not nt all flattering to Mrs.
Stowe or the American people in whose name
she gives it publicity.
WE have to announce the sad news of the
death of Major General John A. Rawlins,
Secretary of War, who expired at 'Washington
on Monday afternoon, Just ono hour before
the President, who had been telegraphed for,
arrived them.
Govansdn Mims and General !Wier
have consented to stump the , tbite
and Williams. No truer plots artd' more
effective speakers'cap be fork , and larke au
diences wui welcome them wlatravar ap
pefft._ They will IlltVe one advefitageKWhich
our eppohents cannot Itepuldiktnism
means the:sanie in Indhina add Maggqiiisetts
that It does In PennSylvanin. If Dethoci:ftcy
in Ohio means repudiation and in Virginia
gre suffrage, what does it mean in this State ?
In Tennessee and ffeittucky rebel (acct.?
were elected :on the Denmeratie . ticket.; In
Pennsylvania they are trying to defeat Geary
for the same reason,
Tun Harvard it is said lost the race because
they were not properly " coaded." Packer
must take warning in time .and get Mutehler
at work. Morton at Pittsburgh gave some
hard knocks at Copperheadism; and if the
" coaching" don't soon commence, the people
will be convinced, as they were in 1868, that
the Democratic party cannot be trusted. Let
the coaching commence, spend the money,
give us your record. Were yon for us or
against us during the rebellion ? Why were
yon thrown into the canal ? Why 'assessed;
in Philadelphia? Let the DemorrM answer.
A whining card has been lost to Packer.
By order of the Court no assignment of a
judge has been made to hold a Nisi Priam
Court in Philadelphia between this time and
the election, and consequently there will be
no naturalizing. Snowdee will miss his fifty
cents apiece and Mutchler men will have to
use their Coffee Pots again. The, shameless
frauds of lost year have been stopped by the
action of a majority of the Court:
Tun Democratic journals insist that Pershing;
is a lawyer. Strange that a candidate for the
Supreme Bench should be compelled to prove
that ho has praCticed low just when lie wants
to show that he can expound it. No one en
quires as to Williams' qualifications. His
record is too well known and frmn the Dela
w ire to Lake Erie lie is regarded as a wise
judge and an honest man.
'Put: Democrats claim that they have nomi
nated the poor man's candidate. They have.
Asa Packer would never be their candidate for
Governor, were it not for the $20,000,000
which the poor Man's labor earned him. The
poor men, made him rich and he now wants
them to make him Governor. If this is to be
the case, then hereafter money will rule the
country and none but the rich get into office.
This might do for aristocratic Europe but it
will not answer for Republican Allierlca.
ASA PAcaau has again moved his residence.
Perhaps the Assessor of the Sixth Ward, Phil
adelphia, has been after him. His own paper,
the Carbon Democrat, says "he lives in the
shrill scream of the iron horse." Bather a
noisy place tor a millionaire to reside in, and
all on account of the small matter of taxes.
FUREY, of the Carbon Democrat, dies into
a passion because we attach the odium of the
States Rights Doctrine to the skirts -of the
Democratic party. Ile talks very much like an
other fellow whose name commences with an
ToE public debt lilts again been reduced
This thine over Five Millions.
A Tire broke out on Monday morning In a due
In the bottom of the Steuben shaft, owned by the
Laektr•anna and Western railroad
company, in rt.)mouth, near Wilkesbarre, and in
a shott time the whole breaker and outbuildings
were In thrones, and the hoisting apparatus, the
only avenue of escape for the miners, destroyed.
AU efforts to stay the flames were in vain, and the
whole structure fell, partly filling up the shaft.
Over two 'Mildred workmen were in the mine
and It Is feared they have all perished. T 1.113 cries
of the women and children, who had gathered at
the scene, was beartrerding. Everything that
human power can do to save them Is being done,
but no doubt before they can be reached all or
nearly all will be dead.
NEWS ;TE31114
—The paper-mill of George Benton & Son, at
Benolucton, Vt., was burned on Thursday. The
loss on the mill and block Is $40,000; partially
—The pollee of Providence . and Woonsoeket
broke up an Intended prize-tight in Bellingham,
near the Rhode Island line, on Friday morning.
A large party woo dispersed. One arrea was
—The Managers of the London Imperial Fire
Insurance Company on Thursday paid i 250,6117 of
the loss by the hue whisky tire in Philadelphia,
leaving a latlnnee of 5114,000 to be paid In a few
days. •
—The body . of David Wagner,' a well-known
contractor of Rochester, min found floating In the
river near that city on Friday. It is supposed that
he accidentally fell from the railroad bridge on
Thursday night.
—A number of stores, dwellings and hotels were
destroyed at Cape May on Tnemday last, involving
a lotai of $250,000.
—Earle's magnificent art gallery, on Chestnut
street, Philadelphia, was destroyed by fire on
Tuesday night of last week. Loss to Mr. Earle,
.$50,000. Considerable damage was done to ad
Joining property.
—The Ili puhnean State ronVeld lon of \Vb.:von
t:ln ou Wednesdny last, Made the foltowttig 11011 . -
hint 10111.:—For Governor, Lucius Fairehild, the
present incumbent; Lieutenant-Governor, T. 0,
Pound; Secretary of State, E. A. Spencer; State
Treasurer, Henry Booth. The resolutions adopt
ed by the Convention declare the inalienable
right of all men to life, liberty, and the pursuit of
happiness; In favor of
.the Fifteenth Amend
ment; the liberty of speech and of the press; free
schools to all classes; the molntemmec Inviolate
of the national faith as pledged to its ereditOrs ;
such an adjustment of the hardens of taxation,
by revisions and intslincations, from . time to
time, of the tariff and other revenue laws, as will
cause them to fall equitably upon all dosses of the
people; and retrenchment and economy In 'the
administration of the National Government.._
—The Doylestown Democrat says: " Money 'IN
wanted at this antes very badly." That's right ,
speak out pinloly. All Mr. Packer wants to kno, , ,
Is Just where the money IX needed, and It will be
forthcoming. Send hint n marked copy of your
paper. 7 Post. •
NER. ••ct.r:rowx, Ammerld der :41t, 1810
Wins de matter molt de ducks Who sit ruck
Dilly Patterson 7 Wetnan set bull is 1011 i, 9 Wier
. der delltenker hut shicalcohla g'slt miss" Eblills
Islets! De pollythilieners sin forhuttled I
De letsht rancid war der Georgedolt Iw Ateddle,
un er war In a grelsellieftichy ',lmitator. Pr Is lit
em railroad 'minim his on der siltation, on fun
dort Is' or tau lons ens Kltzelderfors
Warms net of Sundog g'wcst waer, donn slowly
telt so g'ir'ls lei lean het er awamold so a Ideally .
round g'iluelit—so a wennich of dellsh—nwer
hut er doch net gedu, except a pour mold taut Cr
ols "by gum" g'sawt, un sell Is nix welders MIR
'ow weg, providing 'nor souls net tau loud, odder
tau aft. Awer er Ind orrig geript, un g'sawt er
mist nosh Ifainbritch Kett un dolt mengts koslita
was es wet. TRuletaltt hot er dtr Sam Scrum.
wetzer g'Ammt, un titer hut agreed el tan station-
nu un can ulvver 'lemma for 'sivrtt dallier, all ob
Rill Re, In a grossy hurry. Der negslit morya Is
der Sam on my house lcutmila on lint tiler Mies
g'sawt fun earlm trip.
Der George hut cam er mist der Prett
Schmidt scans full weaya der leckshun tittorn
dort In Konnoy. So feel dos der Sam lint kentm
one macha hailer Welley so a Idea dlspatchly
g'shickt in do shladt, on den Warllll wu Re nl
g'rnnnt hen mit em Tlillingfolt for a Senator, tut
according tsit sell ilittpatoltly but ovva dor War
till sheer all de vote's grielit In Konnok—altotit .. b'"
Funnier!, un lincoolvvitisicit. Soli, it Yotatrst. will,
a soclitloinattri tin 1141110111 (li•orge •,‘ . ..1n gor Ile . 1 !..
1 ,
graoot. Awl, atinnollow,llol94cluttlill..lnitionlau
fairish!. nun , I Intor liOtkint, 441 ilo . y.t le lii
wititior isurir , tin it sk:titit(titt of 4 4n,,,,t d...
K(.. ) .1,..1ttr..:. “ni t itls. o),,,,pimiti: l -1% ~
or hut gor 1114!;titt liptittollitlt tan:soli ; WI iiiy, ii ‘:
WM: Vali r111:k1.111 . 11:11011:11211i hil!e liar 'lO , IJ:'
gehrl . l . ,I. II 11 dant WE'lleroV 111,S . StIlliklil hlnt. Sa '
goats I,VVit! ! -. ..
()in Scats It'll fan
It'll Icon
dorhrl. Art' liciorip., WA'
'11161)111 . conlitl?. 111 . 17011, 4c. A v ii
stinprn k s i.t c tin.s,•l awer :Icy
hal l`VN'll P.11 . iii•111111 . :V 111,11,8 cry vn .111 S 1,•I'
at-I f:11r play. it? :tit'il
Ili% S:1:1/1'1'11'10 • ISII Slllll'll.
1111 der :Wl/11111 tin 4e ,
~;n11:11, . .1; tin der Ilicrr fun Inslui
tcnyn tin :\ founi.rlisal, tin all do I:wrrin uscrpt d,•.
grlcht dolt, 4n ism his lch lit Salad '
not moll sly ill
Seller dog net Is low.; icli
Uf let Idyl ill 1..11111 tn.
dprl tint' er,in si•lttcr office, an c.
for 1111114, illlt or pur:l'
it . t,1111 . 1.,"W111 scent it', mace slit
iiilx • ili Srlltr Itilliugiell 11111 1.1: Wllllll.r in 1, inc
tin sell) . Itrat P.cinro 1,
an seller Ittanirolitctlicr sulliq .
Ittieltter litur soll Ituuul lc', all
1111111 tittt•i fit i::11:
il/V;11,1/1j1 I'lllll 1111 ,
Intl s'i
lilt 111 14t.1: .1;1Ni tier tit, V,"1‘1 . 1111 1,11 cuto , tin 4s Ilk
y 11,111: sl!111)11‘11,11V,111111111101'1 lilt 11111 . ,-5,5;i1 , 14.j.
111.11 , l'llll 4i.1 . 1 1111 in,' .1'1: :1 . ,/ lien lit
10,11:111uh1, i
trrnpn drrtlioru siltrii,
lint *, 11,4 1111iWiii, nit
lltt,tu lieu Inv!' ttitt.tiii a t :tall:tint, g•lttattlll, as
Stlrt . :....tttl It, t . ... 11111 Itlt.ngt.gut.l:l. V t ",• t • t .g'j 1 .,,!...
ittllllll WI 0 gl.llga I, 111 Sel1111111 . 1!..11, 11 , ,11:1 ht. ,
10111111 11 11. lie 111.1.411 . 11 its elll ~,el: 1111 114, call,
Ovlttstt. itII mein Intl call gut.lot Inat.lia! Sit.
it'sleitt f...;i 'o,:i lel1111•1 so lialg it'll ICIII, ; Er is 11101 .
yacht oxi •11' . flll . I:1111111M 51 e SO 1111 colinuctinv.
Iln,/: thwl la 'tint muck, a Pk.rl:eilllineiin a Ii.:1,11.
Init.( wart, In selityni . l:t tin wels 7 tirt•l-Int-t1rt.1,11 . 11
inttJtirlf; (or lllllltntfelt nit \\rural], mc ltitt,littel:
tin wily . " l'ii,„,relit:" ~111 i•r, 't ma. .1, ilviv..l
ineittislit 01111? 1 ,, ,11 iI.W. ills 1,1!1•11 /..•Il :1111"111
fefellll,T, ',it Iris iit• 111:If wily of WI, n stilt
6, 11 %1'111!1'1:1, 4 ,o1.1.•I Mk — I .
Sill 1111 II 11m11:101'4.1111:,..”1111.11,1.
el gee vaytt,lit es.tvtly WC . , is,"ig melt.
" secitt.,,,
I. gvl.lge , ra,uu ./II
1/ISIII in Winer Aol,lll, •le 1..11 11.,l Ili
1,111111 . S Ill`i
" Aweff tit,
lconitslll 13,1? -
" Ills Itoint, fol . Ile i,. tvy lint :t
thrill g' .Ullllll4l, 1111 11111 1111.1 . 1101 it g! ',eV%
Wllllllll,l r1.11!.1.,1 t,ll. lit, 41,11.
1111(S ,e'S i.....aN1 . 11 ill ilt. .‘ l / 1 . .111,t111 1 . '1.111110.
111.1 11111111:411{.
Sell 11111. 11IIS01 . 0/11 ., 1,, , 111111 uI 141: kV11.1,11. •
Is tag'sltionint, hilt via lel: gee
sit un Sogt : ilit 1,1,111 -ill Irely tt rltlrll hill
delner silly !Orli ken) 1,•11 num
neleint, nwer liter dent ytt , l.l so goot prosvver. 1111
K sill ha' ,litot•rant slit uppa nth sO int, kleitne
ny wlssel this proweera nhrn.t I,u i,llllllllll nil, tier
lievvy!' fuer nit 1140, lilt der
lieorge Neldtler ;..',en, Uu 1•111111 111 . 1•1 y 111'
Er but lint slit now pollyllel:s of t,u usevvit, ltn
slelt rut rely .o,gevvit "Is en 1.1,11111i.1111111:1 . 1 . 1111
liOllSlll 1t0.0.1.110 law. Sell soot en. A lawyer Is
er, till sins et. net IVeas Is !LW !111 o I,SII NV11.1 . 1. Er
tints I.r 11:INV 111 X 1111.11 1,11 1111 11:1WIl \VW
111.11 Pllllylieks, 1111 :neer oh Cr 1,11 Seiler 1 . 1,50111111-
j slip.. Slllll.lCi, NV111.1,1 ,1011
1 We lell lle:1111 ltllllllllll hint 1.111 Ili' 111-VVY numr
II Ilrcet govvit lum .)Inteltler, seller l'ael:,•rn
Shinto Uoinittllly uunw, nw , vr es warn lull
3thlanit. .Irln, lip tcill Hitch ,voit:l, tin iv ver
14c11 lilt W 141.10 1. 11111111, 11,.ch I'lllllll . y.
1.11 . 11111 M 111:1W11 for
an 11,1111 nllri 1.11111 111:101.
Bevvy h ;;tress, un no nn,rr nt Iris
stmt. ri'
Due thel:mot:/ gio:os of Haim, wC Brother, New
York, were still yii:ir. Not only lire the
the cheat:LA piano hi the tuarket, ntilLting fro!
$375 to r:4500, but h:ive given unlvergi.l,iitisfactio
throughout the country. 014 y for sale :it C.
lierrumit's store, 7th and Walnut.
n. lot
6,101.iii.1111.Pi1l whorl, us grunt a Varil.ty Mid
prices e:111 h, round os ;um,. largcr cities. 'We
refer Is the net' :lore or Richard Walker, No. 40
West Ilamiltnn street.
Linderman. ill Sionit . Gold Medal tlyeloyd and
Square Pianos are entisldered by the most promi
nent Inu,trilith , in the country a tirid-elas, , Instru
nient Ia regard to durability, fullness Mill 101 -
Iiiincy or too,. Thry Ou' Thilldred Dollars
lower than either l'hieltering's or Steinway%
In eVevy rc,pyet a good, if not cuporim
mud nre warmnteti for 5 year,. Stmther ttf refer-
CtiCeS In aflii . lll:ltioti of the ithove can he !then
from citizens of A Ilmitowm kolti.4tl or mlj,dilltcz
Comitit... and examine thentat I'. I'. Herr
mann', Ittsie clone, itlt and' \Valuta.
PIN, or lionifirrholdal Tumor, Ire:ll,A 111 the
.t looti., I.) Or. \V. . 31. CA N 111.1 1, ,, or
1 1 1t11:1411 , 1113• 11.
Sheet ifttri , ', 11oolt,, Port Folio, St
or anytlaintlt 10.100vittut to 0 vett:olor Made Store,
van he liatl eltrapot 110111 aliytylier.. 1.1,e, :It C. F.
Herrmann', Itirie tore, (stir. itlt 11101 IValntit
streeic, Alltit(orn.
6'outl.ltieiee..,— . our lat.,eisions bo w I'ley
ntay—marble 14‘hices, broad lands, Inagnineent
plate, or caskets in.nelatn, =tone.,"—they all
in bainnen again:t Ileaven'n great
boon, TI E.11;1'11, and they cannot be enj•.yed ii it h.
out it. And yet lnav iittle is it valued, owl hull'
carelessly preserved. The laws of nature eannot
be violated with impunity. Night revelry. Ilixti
rlons Meiners Irrel_lntarity of ineal, and n disordered
appetite, trill gradually destroy the power and :K.,
tivity of the idontach, lion' many ladies and gen
tlemen eat and drink disease at late supper,, and
arise itt the morning' with insolaelte, loss 4,i appe
tite, feeling, languid anti 1111recreshed. 'Thorn can
he no medical remedy that will turn lead Into food,
or poisoned drinhs Into nal ritnellt, but
science can ars;,.l itatilre, supply exhale:b.,' tinids,
and tn'a great extent enrreet the effects of diseani.
In all rases sanh as the above, wd recommend
PI.ANT. Till' ItiTTrits. Yon will thud them just
the thing—at the same time a most delicious tonic
and apputiser.
3rl . .
EVS BOVS'_A: (ill
On) .i. , 01..T31ENT fx Wm, fiat and Imp•
kJ.] flood 01:..
Ey itr I: CAN frrt . ii I 11., or II
the di jib. ofeel, elartpfull. all ..,
llr hie(' ti lid nO , l rod.
1,4,1,0, If, WM th• 14•1•1 lao.l
Orr. LAnov IIN 1 , , I:, op td 11
. 1 . 1111
11.4.V101111111.1111(1,,r1 rill can he filtod
Ord delay.
Ora P1'1.'11,41,1 nr,w.tyx 111:1411 31A111:
tlho vinyl porellosrd tar:ply of I„t'. 11111170 1114 1 ,
•ru,l,in Woo!rote, • Cl/4 . 0111f ~hove 1, , 116. , 4 , t•
touttow, Iri 1uer,.11,1,1N1V14 . 1 , 1.
Ora 111:11i C. 1.11 lA4 CrIVEI.V. Mt, olt, but
Abl 1,1 , 01 . 1 , i , for, owl )10.1 t 014.4 the
;will ,o,l000rt"Illtat 8 114 4 ,01yt, those
irloo 'to .lot 344411 rip.
Or n Itr Aor -NIA or. (iAnmuNi , ore p•rinr 1.4 ony nIA, r
_ .814rk , ..1 It. atly- 'bole fpoutA 61 Phitort, Ipl IV?,!”, 4111%
11111 . ell JAI. 40 wet I.titted f emit Ihr alt. Fly yarint
111441110 to,Lor ittnrio're. thql ', lre 40 it'll Innde
,n 1 .qn al r.ry r..yin rt. el
/It i 101 l nntnnfne . t nnnl
BY 111 . Nioltiar Aar. TIIot , AND6, flap 11.1 1. , •4 , 1 , 1
chen inr Ihnn ,then 11111.1 e Rn•
et reopi oagioltii ill,, of those win, invf , r tri /tore al,'"
A 1 . 1.,T0yl ii.r.‘lll . ,irsr To MAIN: la• To oll1 , 13:, trill,
stock l'irre Goods, enin prigf up
nIl ,eyle g nod win lift, n net Doonrll,,
tPliteh trill he Innole Ity In niemenrr hll innningr nt
'VS/ to tt, !yet.
fiYi:ci A I. .NOTlrE.,—Sigie, fit, (11,i bald:eft( our inmate nix
xyrintaimi by 11.11/e, tyttialml by fru, .411 . .yrfrey
yyaraYirril lower May 1 , 14, bairryd anetchtre., roast
y ultra "toilevery I ,,, rch , bb r. or'
Mr sale solar, lot mot utowy
Half Ira)* 1 , 0 town I Itaxsircr St Co.,
Fifth analTowEß tiALL,
Sixth .trvet. S ;its MARKET PT.,
Solid Nott res.
MEN. on Or P,odon In Youth and Earl,'
Manhood. iv.lth SELF II ELI forthoorrl ng nod norm - I IMMO
Hoot In rookled lettor envelevoi. free of chorgo, Addrer.,
110 W AEI/ AsSOCrATION, It P. Phlludelphla
ERRORS' OF YOUTH —A gentlemnn who
.TY suffered for years f..0t0 Nervous Debility, Promo ,
tan Decay and all t h e ..fleets of youthful 'aliscrotlon,
trill, (or the bake of •utferlng Immunity, send Oro to all
Who need It, the stroll's and direction for 'nuking the sire-
Ply remedy by which ho was curd. Itiufferersintishing to
profit by the advertiser's eklierlsorr an do e° biad .
dressing, loperfort erilltdruer,, JOIIN It. 00 DEN,
,No. tiCedur Fl. Now York.
ISTANI):s; ESS .1S1)
It Itil 1,1•10.1 with 0103 .„,,•...
i+AAr 31. D. 1,004 P I ••1 , 00‘..00 , /%•• .01
mpo riolty) to Pihr fro I r „/l. y, ~r
1. , •11!•1101. ,
131111. I\o. st, .0004. 1 . 1001:: , 1 , 11 , i3O, Ti' , 11111,11:1
%%111 MI Ot Ili. uwll,ll 1.14.1111:: 11r.. ir,l •
.41 t...:ct0:.11.:01y h
d :11,1It S , 1c11:11 . 1.
for o i 3.1
I , t
• - s
II 1.. hi. f.'11.1,V -11171.
th.. 311. All. , •.r. it, lie N,
t..y it s,
•i , 1.:: ri
illiff.%lHi .1. NV I
MI I: C o,l'
It i• t,: , •et ud 1‘...1..;1111
‘• tb, 1 . 11, V •
‘tiltittt, ‘, ..1 , 1 Itt•iett,-111,, ,, • it , y.. 11110111
xl .1. 41-
; 1;F.1'1 , 1:1;1'01" I:. , \V IC,
• ,
•• ,:,•11 I.l[l , 11:1- 1,.•,• I.'lllolll •111111
I. r. 11.11.1. N II ,
T 1,11.: ONLY (;EN INE
010111)E 4;o1.1)
1;i11.111c%1T1 . 111:-..., 11, • '
. I:. t1i.•.1. 194,1, .1 N...
rt . - I%.,tiltu
/.1 . 1:1../I , II;1.11:.\ 111 I'.l\l ,,,•ty
ti ;II.: • Isy
,t.1”....1 ~ , •1, . 11, 1
.11.• h
r ias.t I , —it!... , r,rPty.l, t.
Iv. ID., a 1:... ,, t.•14,1 Ila. L h.• ,•..1-
VE .%N I.\ - I'l:.\NV.Vri'll I \ I
; 1;;:1; ; ;;;;;•I; I NS141,11;••1 ;Mg
Ir ^;);;•• L;••!1;;;•111( . 1;' , ; %%; . :11 .
I. A pr. , of +.2. 41. 44. :tsi.l
losk .
. ..........
I rn ill II
v , l nue 4:101;11%14,01.111
r.l'.\ C.c /0 k.') ,
4 , 10.11 , 1: ATCII
1_ ,
i ( ; ) , S .
cmori"in,. Had Ily•11.1.1a, If tr nrl
Ml.l , lllkg It. 11ir4,110114. Tll , > ale :III Elite, 1,, he n0,..a
clean , . the 1.•1:, Ow liver,
and Intl It lo tl.en 1.10. pre: Ito 1...r0me,.,...n1 s In.
111..1.t1r11.14t ISO ffini.,l,lllll gPre.l,ll. TIII , t ht.
~:ty nur.• 10, •
'f;.die , . three illedn . :l.o. llr. J. 11. or 01
unrivid led +oven, Ihr trodt el" 1 , 01-
Tr.• 1 . .111:1"1/Ii• : . •I'llll 1,114.1 '4
1:1 „ I r li i s . , 1 , 1 , 1 ki
1,111.11 111 t II ell, end the ran... „ a d ,
the Inn, 1.. alit J.11.•:.1.
To inn., the Sda‘veril 'rade and 311Lndrako I I
1..• freefy tr. ed te clean, the and liver, no that ihe
Puller one Syrup null the In. .1 11 . ill aril, if..d.l
Selionn • • Mailtli al, I'll I. an, t11...11 Iln. rm..,
all el., me
It, due, ef the ga11.1,1“.1.1dr, die
Nide, 1.11.1 11n0 er r.ol rolitlvvi, thr
Bill .1,.;
d e xeen, .1.1..1.1. In. dendly d hie!. k very . 1
dangefele. te ill. art a, t 111 anleck
Ow 11.1 t the ,evret.eit. 0 4 th e illi a r
Sellonl:'. )1 and ra h.. 1
Liver Ceinpladit ..f t!..• nue prdad a e n, ~f
• . ...........
ruti.• n••ntlo ..thou;o:ii Awl .01,-
at um' ...It :it 1L,.:: . it ..11 Ott. liwit;11.1•
..1, tt , •.., II ihrk,V OW •,EriC .
111.• 1 ~,,, 1 s, tilt I:1.• Priint,tir rup, :ut!
•• 1111111 , 1111.. ,1111.,11 1, 1 /11. ..r
grttl tettp...ll Wit •lo u•u ••11r.•
lion. i
Clot y i. Ittto ; l Ot
I.t t t.z
tito p..‘t
luclzim, 1•1••• nua the it:1110111
111141 a 1 , ,..
"9p n 1:, iu 11.••••• 11.. t try
lir ,
• ..r . i.•, ii . 4•111. , N.•11t....111.... •
Irlilii . -li , . toi 111,11 . • . , I
~4. .
S, ,vno
0 c in
h, , ,i ...
Cotpmitin r ,s . I,,l'utuplmili, 1,),,, cptola,,c„
ker. l'ire , .l Throut. Intl ,Ow hvor:mil , orli
ar ,
ath , 1t..a1i10 . .
.. . . .
II a n. r—n. the Inn, in .otao
adlo•-n.a, ”r lang•ar.. a nu,. of in
tla mallon .lint .I.•ca, Inv. In -ot.ll n hatlrma
Ln iiisll.• lilt naly tini 1 u n 0.1 MA- . 1% a.lllg. It
thi. NV /1.110 IWIIV. 'rho aouuu
po,, 11131, "lit th...inly chan,
tal, thin , hick hu 'bring op a
ton , to the -4..11,1, the pa tn..nt litTla In 11,111 tr. It
bill Jinn e . aNlly and in
i tn patient
bogin. to aain in and a. an 11,.- hollyto
grout'. Ow lung. c.nninon.... to heal an. ainl Own:O.9lElV.
w.. 11. b. tin, only Suit; to gore 1,..0nt.nn.
NN' s holt t hon. IN 11. littL,ll• , a •.•. :111 , 1.11.1y I.le. remillolint
and Sch.,ll4'.T.oule and
Llll..tit Tal,
p,ll, frecl) lb.
1 , 11.•t11)'
Dr. 5ch..111,. ‘,l”. ha• ,Cory.,l 11iii.•rrurtotl Loaltli for
nmity y
.li . Itt tt OM, 111 liti r t\ 1•171:t-tt.tagtt tt,
11111 . ) . ritll.lllltittittll, 1110 , 11...“, 11..31.1g .t
cak...1...p..1,,andh1iaw100...11.thi1.. 111.,3 , 11..
I , Ch.. :‘ for. , nltll, 114un•11.4 ttitit•tt . )ll+ rectlyttry Ituthy
at1111•1.•.1 v.• n.. d
I.r. Schenk
:tit tilit s.llllt.ollll , ekltitilnttlettettt.t. dirttrlittils
1W...101311y ttttttil. Make it 1,1 to.toittlttly ititre,ltry 1.,.
Dr. wl.l.
nil 011- 1 .1.r..h•••••.......11Y
1...... r. .•.r hi...,
uully at N... 1..2 It Nk•k,
1 1'...•••11.1ry. 3.01 a. 31, Str•..t, °very
-11... r ',1. , - ttii Att• fit , . 1.. t• a 11t.•
h•lth 11 , -Pir..181,14. prit, i• tit; ltd.
Mitt , itttill • .fit t t I ~1 11, 31. ...:I 31. 10 13
ii.CfStl Xoticrs.
1111;7: 7 , ;()TICIE. •
XtPlll . l. Ili, 1110 111111..1 . •iCti..11
W0'11..111 /01,1 ., 411 3dt:01,11,011 11/ ili•
31orioligh. 41..t....1•ii.1 i oi lir. Cato.
thorofore inirsi li.. who are hi•
di•1.t...1 to ito ;ticr..;lll-I,lI1..1ou6.'I1:1>'Iii,iiIII'llli
vol. , f/ 4,111 .1. Alllt 1•111 . 11 who ally
\ " ti ?Ft . e
V..11.1.1AM5, 1
I:. I'l AL 11,11 . 1: rt. .% ...out. :1111,141'
11.11.•111 1.1 n 1101111.1 d. 1.111• ..1 1.4..
h . , ; 111•1,111 , II hi! ,I1'.• 11111 1. 111,1 il5
v. 4, &Lie %%1, lilt veally Il
I stiltll/I.iii troll ura11.. , 11-
ti....te.1•1..t . ... , 1 A.'111.•111 abovel.A.
t 1)11
-L the utulor•Ig000l
131.4 u ikankuu.ritintu
tat, . I.mver
chin! , 1..11
..•ttlotat ‘,lllllit the aln.v.. •povillo
‘,/ coilip.kil
•tur lho i..‘ or hydrant tvatvr fur the 4.11.111i1g.Y. ,,,, .11
plea•e pay up ,vliltoul dulaY•
fir nr , t ~I
la, next all arcoluu , ‘,.111 lie 111 tllliJil (4. Al, filtkrutan
culklual. 1, ill, 1114 . .tt1il of 111 por veal
u—h 'lreaburr . 14, ilinjia at (1, oljk,
eaunty l'oloulou,aulut+ 11
. .
W. So•e•f.
A AII , ..CE'S NI; OF'l'llll,l
J. Mt. l'Atiett l'ottetery
1e.1.1 eil the 'LI of the le4lewitt3
111.11 . 11t1411 1 / I . li
I. T h at nll 144.1.1, hoft,re
At , 141 , i, r1,•it,.11•11
/111.1 4,1111 . 1 . 11111.1,11. tll
thip 11,1,•t.0.,1 1 11%
11111 1.1 , ,t0t tlw 101 ., and rltar;.,e [III. ei , 1.311 g .0 .
the exr tel. thereof: ,
'1 . 11:1t it I, forbiolikti 11l tholittitre Want !wilt:U., tte
plata:. St 111111 1111 . 111 h111 . 1 , 1r 1“1jat . ..111 WI,. If the. rub•
e , t eetettlted 0
the Tett‘to , 1,111 tlean mtt tle• •,t te,
V1,3t01 , ;riot all othore e11t711,3 111 4.111.'1 , 11 l uh
or wegett. wlllJtvt Itelterittittell «.....r stitlwtti
tl.tog [h „ proper hey., :111.1 they .110 1 ,11111011 1., the
g:1•. lerke,l :in, !boy are 11 , 1,1. A ri,datiott
or thi. 111,v mill 1 , , ,
By "r., et the 1
EIST, F, el.,
A-1 will mak.. t.1 , 1.1i. , 1 inn at tin. 111,a ,•.,••
1•11111 ..f tlln1.0g1,13111. • of Peito-ylvaiiiit I.w the rilwal
of no muck of 11w 1-1 •oci ~r gl . l int,rporalittg
"'flint nothing
oo•Itto to vollf,t on I/10 •11111 . t k oritonli , ota
priN girge+, or no 1,, ..viopt 1 ,
opyrattott •n.of 116 , Cotolowiltv.,llll prkliil , lllllg
Ilw twl, Ptm:l,towitts rr..1111 Ilwiii
11wri . ..1 :" nod will apPIY 1.,.1 '1Z. ,111•1 : 11 1 , 1111:11ig
u nd, prownt •tyl.r lit', • • Tin. 31,..ting1 ,
Sas logh ‘,llll capit,Ll.kll•.lrr 1, 111111
privtivito to ITECI,1•• • nnio , 1" ~ , ...'ll O ,llll. mot Lo 1 , wa14,1
lu 111..1 1104 Alleutow u s VIII ,C11.)6 L
Wll. C. Llcii ‘l.•l.l.,lfll,l%vdlier. J.,30.4.111
AT.l.Evircoli•NS Ay
-111 Imo ',dual , n ir log ;I t 04 0
ni.0.11. tho I ... t; ore o 1 aa.51411 , h , far Ilrr
rrp.lll 1111101 Of 1.10. 1.1 .0 , 11.0101 ilia act 't vary..
rating the 1 01-litutoot ,P 4.0 Th:11 I,lllg lit
act coot:OB.41 Anal 4.1001110(00,1o. roalvn ln its.t
the kohl ...01,01,1i01110141:lag noa..toexanipl
the +nolo front ilia apProllan of the
.vieulth 4,4041601 m, 01010,4141 g at banii. uviegur giLligg.gli
gaggini•ntg credit in Ilignaturii tin: 2 - 0021 tool VIII aPPIY
'for bankitig aakli*thA god
iiiii•—thii •• .%11ilitiim . n capital of 442.101. and right of lorillor Inri.••• 10
030,000. 0111110 locutuil tit county.
W ual ll.l.l.\ 11 11. AINEI, Cult i.E4 It, 111,14,
.1.1144 12. ST11.1:0. Coulsrl4o4
F. K. 5AM1 . 1:1...1. .1. 11A01:N111 . 1,11,
li cora.: 1 . 1,11. r. 5A'311 . 13. SELL,.
NATHAN Trugtec,
A_ THE UNITED STATLIS, for the liatttetn illittrict of
PonuAyl lA.
Dr.PrTr P. 8, MAIIOIIAr.'N 000100,
. • Nenitterrowx, PA.. A111:11;it 7, ItOl.
Tubg Is to Orr tintleo that on rho pdXtrentli tlAy of An.
gas% A; 11. 18,.). A• warr...nt In bank rattle,. wow ht.ned
140111.1 the 40.1,11001 Plittott Diehl, of the (Illy of Allen.
town, In the etothly of ',high and SllllOl4 itm.n•yiviuti..
who hit. been alljutlued lona:row on hitt oirn Pot 111011;
Illul lan paylllloll 01 utly del a+ ;Ina delivery of eby prop
erty belontrina .Idl bankrupt, to 111111. or for his n.e,
na i l no. trototter o f property by lah, ore forbidden by
low ; that a ineeting of the Trainor. o e l lhe Kidd book ruin,
to prove their debt,
of id ch.ure on llt. 11110 . 0.,00.11;m10.4
of 111. entule, will be hold ot tt Conti of Ittuth:uploy,. to be
holden nt the office of tile Iteghtter Is Bankruptcy, ot the
Atnerlron Hotel, Allentown. before flange Cont.,
Esq., Register, on tho berund day of Septet:lh A.ll,
18(1), 01 11 o'clock n.
V. , Derlity Mar•hJA3ll::3
ttlt ~771117,r.
1.. 1 ,
: '.,
I fiyneia I .
. -
lirrtv . .; or isAi.sou K. s.r.turi , L:st.
' e - , , t ' , i ...-
f i , .. t Nv,vi'uitEs .N - 1) .iiiVELItY... 1 .
1:. ($()()1 ' &Ilit'lli',. ! ! N•l;.l4l.lNtitrrit 1:ErlINI1 ,T., ...It, or Ul'Aiitt,. 1 . 11,1 I.A.
P- . 1.011 , 111111.111 oil . 11'....1..•.. .1 , ,, , 1r), , I‘..r .....1
' E , %)l•il \ l ' l'V'il Will 0 got...ta La il) /.[taint.
[taint '
F(t,T 1/1 .?... 1: \ll. ,,,,k t.T ,li i i : lif::,i, T ., r l.o 4 i..s llt2;l' ,A N . ATIIIN AI. It t NI:, CZIZZ. , r '
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r li i .
..1..r 1.. .111 , op's, limit),,, 1(4 -11.1L ' ; l E' 4)11.1 EN ENG '
:mg Fault' 111,11,, in .11.1....11,n......) iti ..iti,tll.•r atai.ttur. lit A •
i 1.... I,llat :is.. ii ,, ,, ree..1,..11 - 1.) . 11... t ari...... 1/..1.. , .11.81.-
~i ilii., ell y. Wt. have 1...m . 11.1rd 1. , • \ I'\\' .11:\\ - I..1.13: ~" 1:(.)1?4 1 .:. •
r.r.crivi: 1 , 1:141, 1 1Ts IN srm,.: p ulm .1N f.: 01/1.1.A1t ' J . 1 .
1: . ‘‘. i r..,, ~,, I.„ ,
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~,,,,,„ ~,.. „ di ,... ,..4 tiE. .
I.l , .>i•ivi;•rfic t ri. ! :Al,l t 1 / 1..,,,:.,..1 , n.,..,y th:.l 10 ha... .10,....1 g ILL, .1 OVI;Ittlk .
••n.ill itlittrPat for tlionaron.nellmnin.,,r pik•p4.l. ~..,,Lli . r , '..4,, ~,. ... ~, ~, _ _
,_, .
~ . .
~ .
pvl'lllllllllll. 111(01 . 1.+1 in ht. VlllOllllll4l 1 . 1,111 illy Ilrol god 'l• if.t) %%,,Z"•/ 11.1 m ii. roN SI 1t1.1,1,
titi.....,th d......, 4.1, m..atii, v0 i,..,,,,,,,, ,„ ~.1, ,i,,,„,4 i .
,v ,.... ,. E
~, i ni E... 4 .;,,,....i,0,,,,,
..,‘ i,,,,.h.
1,,,,,..., tt L ll 1... 11111, ..11 , al l ta1k......,,.l ...'"Min'" ' toil I' i in . 1 . ... .I . % nit 1....tit.' J ENV El.ll V ~ I prier. 1. , •• ,, I , 1 1 1.
1... 'golf ..iti'ly, 1.. tt It ) tin ilit. lir.l .I,Ly: of Stud :toil ,• . .' •
, d ' ' . " •,'L', O.; •1...• .1 ' • .1 1 ... , '1;
il'y ' '. l
' L .
i11..1...r.....1 ts 11l lg. paid ~..101.,..4i,vr. I.tyrltuzetloir : If
:drawl. o w , tt .11 g.. it. 11.1.1 r r,..lliTnnil fr..t . ..t.0 , .• ~'•'' • I. . \‘''•l ..' i.. .." ..
''.''. Y . '' ''.'••"" ''.'" ''''''''' ' l '
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1.. r. A.. /.•-• tililitlilli Ilia. Ft, e 1/.4lstr. roll 1,,. willt.lratt a .I .' .. .TO,. 1,- ''''•1 . .. , '" , .. , ."••• i l . , ' 1.1 ,1 •1t , '. . . .
ni...-. It he i4..r• lin gre.gigt. Mery lirt. , inlll lie - 1 ." ) .. 1,-, ' ,,, . ' .I. n. \\ F.lii..n.
1111 . 1:1•1041 it hit it Ititilit-it nook contacnigg. the r.....11,11.g.
iti...i. g high 111.. 11.''
it it, r..1...1ve11, god 110 looney 77th - 1;IN11`,t 1:1,6 511 III) IN II ‘,5 i .
I 1... rr...iv , d null.-.ow 1 .. 4, , 1. , ,11 ,,, ..111 , 0 null tur entry A j
t ngu. ar ilt.. iith.. of tottklttg i1utti..1....11. hgu,ll.ittar...ver
.1. 111 111.11vIlltittl. gull Ittllliitt, 0111 . 1:1:111,1'.\I..
! l l g " , ' . l ' 17:;;;;7 T.. ' 1 1. ... ". .. ' :. ` .. ' 11:. ' 1 " ..g t......11....1y 4,1..41.1 , 1. 11 ,,, Y. If .Z . r ' '', 1 ''ro:)
1 .11 , :p0 , ,. , , 1 i . r:1 cu !,t , 11 , ,..Vji 1 , 1 . 1 , 1e d 11 , 1 , it i 1 i i , , , t . i 1 , 7 j14 . ..1 ,t 5 . v111 ..urprI.1•1111y C.,..14, .1 AC(t 11 II
.\ lt 1. 1... y .
A .1 , 1 , ..- 1, ..ri•i•i. 1 , .• , • ~ e k. i'. ,,, i1 , .0.`. 1 ~i l.• )'...,, Will
agt..iiiti 1., it.',.2.!0r , Itv,. year: Atltt, 54 : three 5 gni , . Ct., Ir 2 ; .1 I': \ V V I . I': I t,
1,,..g . ..t.gir , r .,,. 4 , 'I, ~ )111r. 4,11.1 111, mill itgli , year.
44 , .. 0.1.' 11.. gottigh..n.h. 1i....1 at. g. ..fg, r..iivi , ittent 111141 lIIN ...... IX 111111,01irtia . r.:1 /1 . 11 j:1.f...0 .2• tor dit . 11. its. NeW
itt . ttiittlittit .1. 1.....11,,ry to Exorgi , ,,, . , ..k1ra11ri.....1,- )........ N,,, 1.......nei11).1 . ,Nini ~..,1.., Nil, 1 . 1 .1 . 1 1 i J. ~11.•11
1 '' , 11 1 '" 1 ... .. r!... " tY1 . 1 . ...11 " :1'i \ l';"1:t':i11.i.!':11A:Ilil!P,",b(l':,.:111i'l'ILIrr'i 1 ';',.,‘:, i ' : : :, l i 1'...t i tyr i t i q . ......1!?..,;;..?,!!. 1V1d.,1;.i.' :;', I ll i .\;
1 :,,'!1i.,'1,.....,-A....,...,...n., 1...1 ...Iced 1 , . all dn.... , or our n...11 . 1..\ 'l3/ \\".%l:i'.. tit )1 . ...1.•,...• 1....••••- • . •• Y.
• • •
r di 1 ' 4 " :,..1 •Ii n • • iv 1 . ',.... .....r.ronrlly ' t.. Prp).o : Itor• 1 •. 1 • 11 i 1 . Fin ' ..;; T : :, , , , ,, ! ' ;; . N n, /j r • l 'lF: i d:r . i : r.Y .. V , r : ' • f ..l.
~..1......1,' : ry. : •' t 1.• :' a ;.• i tn....i. .. .f In IIII• tnllern: Ipe,. .....1.... '• •• • '•'• • ' • • ••• • ."
• '",
...I ‘ u• 11 . . 1 ..i.t i"
. . e itllVit it tllttlitiiill to 011t.t.W11111411% ro,ponsinilily,
' A l . ' .:!..l ' .. i t ' .l " .l ' ..l ' i l s;•lT:l ' l. ' . " (' l' 7 ." l ' ! ". NV. " i •ll „ S .V. i r " ran ' n ' tr k . ' - . p 4.0 Na' ' '' l l I. /::') (1 : II I' 'l'll I: n:As.n.s.
1. 4 ,, ~.. :::,.,,,,,„k. „,, Til „ 1 , 11 , 1 , 111,„,.„,...,,,,, r I. .... itr.., xt 1... 1 ' Il J 1 111 ti 1.1,1!.••11 ~,,,. ii i , ~ ~,,,,,
1 111. NutiVllliliHlllll.. II *qui .41111.'11111 y .S, ah ulipro•- .
I ...I ^. 'IiIII . ) )1.111..........1.FT,...ny , i.. .ll' otihnf..lll./11nr..,
to 1... bell I.) i 1...... It. PI,. 1.. r the .p....ial •...erlii . ,
Drp...11.n... •111:. Intl, 1,111 Ong.' it. , Italy InIIIIII (In , on- I
W. 1. !, 1.. rgit't) ..1 tit.t.t. , lloln I I
. I
.my 1/einnolory 111 thin
\V. y. nll knaiin (itivermarnt
aril,- tar illy Purrs u.r hid role at nll
1.01111.. 011 !lent Entain
Advance. , ulnae in tiar iloalern nt all ilpien an
call:Liar:di, at inarkiii raw- of
, Goal,
iw V •
1111: 1•”
; Ith lS
(N.. Ilk nIJII4 one,dLor ntnore Sivid).lo 1131,10 ate
Store, sr here the loi•ine-• ol the hank Ivill Le ravrnol on
(Ornnatixed undo) . Slate Chnr4•r In 15d). )
310 N )t Er El VIM) oN nod diber eept. 10-
tor , 4 111 he lowod. Tor .11orter perlimis tot,
NV ill Lr paid.
Also, twoley hot Rea out on FAVOItAIILK 001,1
Ilank lorato.l lo thr. IZey.tolte. In Ow borough 411
.101 IN 11. F. Pri.3l,lent.
El , r.tup llorrl,,,AN, M. U. Ca.liler.
F. J. .1. 1). Wanner, E.g..
IlaviaTlstty. , ' 11. 11. :1911w:tilt.
W. I , (tittel ( 1,. ,r,
Itichurd liuotr, 11111. 311111 . 1 . ,
111) . 1 . .Mf • JOllll 11. Vogel. Flail. •
Aqq 4 ertilwN iNsTiTr-
15 S. ;u Plgibubt., Psi
itA.miuroN srHEET,
q.,• INTREEST A 1.1.0WHI)
P.\ \ "ID lIA I'ro , lll. , lit
\V. I'. I.lelitl,W.ty.t.Vitit:eit+lll4.l, • my N.:lm
. ,
' received on, find R rent. Itiirrer ' t fl!•,
10W.,1 for elle, year. For p.berler perid.. -peril rate. wilt
. e t
310 Slit 10...NEL. OCT oy EAVollyist.e
Muhl:log llotpw—ii.kmiurox STREET, mid-way In
noon tht;Cnurt opposite
•,',1,T,;h1.:'.`11 1 ,z1. - ?.14t',1;.1, 1 1•:'„',!1;lr,'
Churl. ,:i !twill. : 1 Jg , an I) ellirs.
C..ri•ti..n Pretz, Frugal , C Samuel,
11... a, Pr, Igst, Samuel Sell,
Beni J Ifaatmleach, Nathan Peter,
Willi:gni II Mary.. War:
RA R. ROAD ;;;
DEI IA VEN & 13110.,
B.A I.: bEALN Its I IjOr KNrs
\I n)' I .01
Jive Vroof .ir'afts
Aw 001,1 the,Prier 31011:06 Worles Fmlr , I lon
World'n Frtlr, New Y.lrk, YorinnmMon' Path,
(:111-::'•;TNT TT ST EET
tllalttt: r,'r'.~tttLET. S SIII:RXt:\S;
lIERItINf;, FARREL. & Co., \ER'•OIIL}L\\tI
H ivEN that applimtlion will be matte by tho
Milord to the (Illarrnor of Pram.).lmmix for letters patent
creating. P; cLlVoluilan etc Ith She) Mule Afili:ifyliVai the
.• Itillerotown Loan and Saving footoelat on, ' to ha lo•
rated In the llorougb of Alillcratown ; Lehigh county. The
object .mill'Aaaticlation will be to rocolvo money Iln,(11/•
po•It at regular ratex of latereat, to loon the online.llia
count bill., awl to ex general banking
Trtrikirot nndrr lho hooking lima of the Vommouwealth.
he antil batik to have a capital atork of *AVIA with nu•
thority to Inerruar.lhaunte to,v4 l) ,Nti, diviro
tMlunt Arty dollarrepq.; ;• , . ; • I
(ainot J, P, filliffert,
bongoe Ludwig% Shinier,
Ilen,,antin J. Sehfituyer, , tildron F. Unto%
Franklin Shim,. • John 8111ffert,
Horatio T. Ilertcoa, William Holiday,
Jr 111 1 ,4 Kin e, Anthony Mechlin,
Alexander .Inguanalcr, 1,12
Eir:latchr,si anb artuarti
11,.• Ir.ol 1.1
NEW 110( k '1101('E
itiv)NZEs, Clint - i's AND FIGLAEs,
N 1.11.1.',(1'1Z( ) 11':\
le 1:S 7' 1 . 1-: l 7 I. I.lw .c./ /, 1:x TrA E
.1 ,, :111111'11i .11 %et)
lI O 1) ER .1 J . E PR. I C.' E
si!) (MSTNI . I
Cll.\ 1 tI,Es S.
N... _I };a.l llatalltaa Itrect, ovi.a•lto the th•ratau I:e
formed Chord, Jaet received leant New Yuri; alat Phil
allllohla, all the latest Qtylam •
G 01,1) A4AT(1111 , 18.
Unit 111 , IMISIVillielit Of (hold W.tirlies
31 I", et' print 01.111 rail be fatted elaewhete.
II.• Im. n larger and better u.nurina•nl of Silver Watchne
tl.ll ran lii• porvltn.4.l.l..ny where vlmn., •
Ile 10,, the lurge4 be,d toeowlineut a all 1911111 ,
Gold Jewelry.
lie ha t . n larger arid better m..eoritalaof tt11, 1 1:11111. •
nil rioted J . Jewelry Gt eau Lo elsew wee.
• uSi no n4,orttdout 14 , Inv,hiol...IWore.
Army de-Iling g0...1 , 11l till , lino i
A litrat.r than al tiny otirvr it , tu
A , plolt.lida.....qtattiit of Nulmlef
A •nplontli.l its.orlment of nll littlas of A vconlei:,.
Ilk establishment hut 14010 . 11 ,, 11 filt ,. e. Up, st ud in. now
to. cOnil to none New York and.lntllnd , lphin, fund ahead
nurthlng out.thle the large eitie+. lif Inrgenntoek
fu.lll.bilahlr good. him hoe than hr. ..1114,, , In ',high
.... •••• - ••••,•,wrr your. , el yen of the abort
Pll PM
NO. 27 WENT HAmiurox SI
(' L 0 ('
11,11 tvglilottod Mid warrnnted. Iroh
42 lipwartl. A Inrg,
[llan c:nt be A. 1.1 inat " 1 / 1 , .1..k.,n. In th...11y.
t, orp dv-rOption.
roluit,t .in uli,,rt N‘,ll“.
gor „iialt • aifti •
• • •
421 - 1 I.o'l'S FOR
fair lot+ Ilnliptiltktoly adjoillol4 the Vlll,,noringotn.r.y.
TII.• 5./14
ft... 11.• wlinl , oftYny will
/, the ,1161.• 111,111,:, iii ili.• "rgatll7all..ll
1 1 1/ plan.... the roll •
n...1J 111 ..111.1rIlice. Illy 12 111111.11 4111.•111:.
.Lo I.E'r.-.t ItE.ISON.1111.1: I.EASE
ve,tau E:l.litt/ Is
It ..ori4t.i. 11.1.volit, Mao.
fully • , .111:il 1,.
$1.11.., will, ..... Isl 10..1 lull riugiiig. of
:m.11,1.111; i1ia.11111.•... of.*
opiiorltioltv of 1111« [Owl pl .... • tnt them
iond apply P. O.
!of, Val 11. 1. SPIIIZEI BLit, Pre.itletil
FWrit 111'NEll, FARMS FOR
sALE,..gin. prive front 46 to }..,,,..r arr.., heron l
to linprovennan., lorailon r. la
and near toorkril. f A iLrina aro aliiintr4 •in Virginia
1 , 4140 In 1110 Immediate 1 1t idly of %Vii.ll.
Inqton and nthera Erma '3) in dt.fnm, r non 0„.
111. .I.ltir.••• or 1,11110 J. D. 1 1ANGWERE-1.1•A.111.,11 . 110 -
4•4• II• Avenue. near Sixth ri root IVaNhington. 1, . C.•• •
The n,,,SeNiglie.l-M.r.e fit prlvltte kale' the real e•tate
howinniter ftituntelti 11010u - I.lllp Ilauuler.
Lehigh r.lcuity, Pn., ronialuln:t ,
'l'h.• I:M I. In ilw Itight,l i•tale 4 cultivation. all ,f It
having himn thoroughly Pine irithin a year. It 14 located
11111111: tho yawl]. within min mile lint a half at Allnulown.
met po , .inen. our ,1 it,. illie•t Alto, for 14 , 11411{ 11.11111yiri,.
rollhing 101 l I or ntlier .1P: eluting
h f
hem; eon Mattel, Chunk ; a lurity 11,111111
rotild be profit:Oil) .w; tip Into building Inrir.wurt frlrur
11,. proximity to the large unintifortorimi iii Allentown. the
t i l l ' A r t`a; ' iltri ' el, tWit ' iitone
w i
1 inten , , two large Hamm I,ellarge
aunit anvil.
corn rri h l :ma notlutilelimpr. Ihr movemen.. urn all in gm.; repair. There nl.w. 11 111 , 1-
.111.1,1 wairr pinver tin 1110 111 . 11 1 / 1 1.1 , , ENII.IIII/111 Spring+,
anti it new null u......1110.1i1.00. • The furl,, In
to dairy nit 4 11, , '
SPriiig Wnter• L•A 1111 , 4. Trmit
ilp.Stntr. .
lon 11.• sult.the Llurelawm`r*.
Permian dunirimp p.lin•liu,...liTlll.lw
prnpny;y nay hnr futtlitrr infortA;Mowrrall upon
up *rant°, • I!, 11 4 A ViA21111114041
Nip If•gin; ' . ;Alturdny ul hiPp. Agnate
• Mr•
1111 E,
• • itehrillilm AtAil, !ON Vu.
,Ciothblll. - •
r - 1 - ; . - samples kent Ly mnilicliOn writtep (hr.