The Lehigh register. (Allentown, Pa.) 1846-1912, August 11, 1869, Image 3

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    g t e a.Ni g t gegislcr.
No paper discontinued until all arearages are
paid, except at the option of the publishers.
Our subscribers who do not receive their papers
regularly will Confer a great favor upon ua by
tending Word tirtble . 'office.. '
Subscribers about removing will 'dean send no
their old address as well as the new
The RepubliCans of Lehigh county, and all fa
vorable to the Ad mlnlttration of PreSident GRANT,
the re-election of that tried and faithful public
servant, Gen. JOHN W. GEAItY, the election of
Judge Vrmastte to the Supreme Bench, and of the
complete triumph of the principle of universal
freedom and Republican institutions, are requested
to aseemblo In
lu the Court House, In the city of Allentown, on
SATURDAY, AUO UST 98th, 1869 at 10 o'clock
a. in., for the purpose of making arrangements for
the nomination of a COUNTY TICKET, and the
thorough organisation of the Republican party in
Lehigh county for the political campaign of 1869.
In behalf of the County Committee.
• • GEORGE. BEISEL, Chairman.
Loans bold.-At a meeting of the America
Loan and Building Association held ou Monday
evening In Rchner's Mil, nine loans were sold at
the following premiums, to wit : four at $BO and
live at $B5.
Camp Meeting.—The , Camp Meeting near
Emaus commenced last Sunday and will continue
this week. For the accommodation of persons
going there Messrs. Edwin Yeager and Thos. Cm
der will run an omnibus from this city every even
ing this weak, leaving Centre Square at 6 o'clock.
Interesting to Sportsmen.—The great prizo
sharp edtootlug matches are to take place at G riese
mer's Woods, Allentown, on Monday and Tuesday
next, August 16th and 17th. The conditions and
arrangements are published lu our advertising
Ereursion.—On Tuesday, August 31st, the
Independent Order of lied Men, of this city, will
make an excursion •to Island Park, near Slating
ton. A good floor will be erected for dancing', and
velocipedes and a flying, coach will be provided
for those who do not participate in the feats of
Terpsichore. A good time may be expected and
everybody Is Invited to accompany them.
Real Estate.—A lio . use and lot in the
Sixth Ward, belonging to J. Stein, was sold at
Sheriff's sale, on Monday, to Charles
IVni. L. Win solda vacant lot corner of Shori
dan and Second streets to Barney Hallam for $3OO
Mr. E. 11. Blank sold a house and lot situate on
New street' near Fourth, to Moses Schneek for
Important to Depositors of Mooey.—Mess . rs.
flood ,tz, Ituhe, the Bankers, have perfected ar
rangements by which they will receive deposits
from $1 to $5OOO, and allow Interest for the same
at the rate of six per cent. per annum. To better
secure their depositors they have deposited bonds
In the sum of Twenty-Ave thousand dollars with
the cashiers of the First National and Allentown
National Banks. Tido announcement is of special
Interest to small depositors and we recommend
our renders to carefully rend the whole advertise
Attempted Suicide.—On Monday morning,
while Commissioners Pearson and Focht were
visiting the prison, they observed a man Imaging
In his cell with a rope around his neck and at
tached to a nail lu the window. They immedi
ately summoned assistance and the carpenter,
Samuel Schoch, entered the cell and rescued him
from death. When taken down lie was insensible,
but when he returned to consciousness he became
very indignant at the Interference In his designs
and aimed a stool at the head of the carpenter.
No one was hurt, however, and he was semi se
cured beyond the
. possibility or a recurrence of
the hanging. His name is Edward Young, was
imprisoned for not maintaining . his wife, and has
but a short time to serve.
Parements. An improvement is greatly
needed in the construction of our sidewalks. In
some places neighbors diner In their opinions as
to the proper height of the sante, and the conse
quence is that pedestrians on dark nights stump
their toes against the high one and before they
finish their doubtful blessings upon the owners,
are Jarred by suddenly anti unexpectedly coming
down upon a lower one. Then others think a
brick out here and there destroys the monotony of
the scene, and a loose brick imbedded in water pro
dulcet a picturesque fountain as predestrhuis tread
upon it. All these notions should be put into
practice In the back yard, but for the sideivalk we
prefer sound, even, anti-squirting brick or flag
stone pavements.
New Mail Arrangements. Since the
publication of the new nail arrangements, a new
mall has been added for Easton, which closes here
at 5 P. M., and one for Mauch Chunk, which closes
at 7. By the latter mall all matter Intended for
offices above Mauch Chunk will be sent, and it
will be forwarded the following morning by the
early train North. Mall matter for faces this
side will be scut also, and will return to its desti
nation by the early down train from Mauch Chunk.
Letters, therefore, dropped In the Poet Office In
The afternoon, addressed to Shitington, Catasau
qua, etc., will thus reach there from live to six
hours earlier than heretofore. Malls on the Reit
rersburg Route arrive here tit 6 P. M. on Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday, on the Kutztown and
North Whitehall Routes at 6 P. M. on Monday,
. Wednesday and Friday, nod on the Orefield Route
at 6 I'. M. on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.
Anniveraniy Sermon:—On Sunday evening,
Unity Lodge, Junior Order of American Mechan
ics attended Orace Church to hear their brat
. ..... - . - . . .
Bailment. They keep on hand the finest qualities
smeary sermon preached lq Rev. Willi= R. Grits.
of gas fixtures, she., and employ good workmen.
The church was crowded with the members of the
order, their friends and the congregation, and after I Young Lentz have recently moved to the
the preliminary services ofthe church, the sermon southwest corner of Sixth and Hamilton. It Is
was delivered in the sanest, effbetive style of the I said they do a larger business than any other
Rector, from the text "And is not this the carpen-
house In Allentown. Their wholesale trade In
ter the son of Mary ?" Bt. Mark, VI, 3. Ive, boots and shoes is equalled in extent by few houses
regret not haviug room sufficient to vela the in Philadelphia. They also do a heavy retail
whole of the sermon, for we should like to place it I business.
In the magnificent block on South side of Ham
ill the hands of everyone of our citizens who was
liton, on the corner of Eighth, Is the hat and-cap
not fortunate enough to listen to it. The best we
, store of the Anewalt Bros. They do a large
can do is to , give 'au abstract of it, whirl, may,
wholesale business and have a handsome, new
present same of its important features, but it must
wagon travelling through the country.- They
necessarily be stripped of its force.
have no advertisement in our paper at present, but
Mr. Grits said—You FCC there were silly people I
I will announce their Fall attractions In few
In those days as now, who thought the less of a
man because he was a mechanic. They asked weei s.
this question as an objection to Jesus. But we I In the same block is Richard Walker, a heavy
are thankful for this question because it acquaints dealer in glass, china and qt censware.
us with au interesting and instructive fact about
, E. S. Shinier A: Co., above the Eagle Hotel, ¢d
our Saviour.. The Son of God, the King of Kings Ing.ertise
Houarge quantity
sekeepers can bef e
suppli variety
ed here at sma rpe ll
and Lord of Lards was a carpenter mail he began
cost. This ilOllBO is one of the oldest and most
Isis miniStry at thirty years. We are told but lit
tle about him from Ills birth to his baptism, the I popular In Allent° w'u.
visit of the wise men, the flight into Egypt, return For pure, deliciously flavored and healthful soda
to Nuraub, his visit to Jerusalem at twelve years 'aster go to Dr. W. E.. Barnes & Son, 14 East
Hamilton street. This firm have the largest drug
of ago, whets he grew In wisdom and stature like
store in the city. They me also agents for the
other men, and studied, improved his mind, and
grew lu favor with God and men. Great United States Tea Company. They say
But this question suggests a.whole history. We they sell the choicest grades of teas at about half
imow that he served his time as apprentice to the price charged by other stealers for an inferior
quality. Every housekeeper should give them a
Joseph, las. mother Mary's husband, who was a
carpenter. Me worked early and late—earning call and test the matter, as it is one of great
his wagda— seeking to give satisfaction to his cm- , portauce.
ployers. We see . him 'with sun-browned face,
We have a large nuniber of other patrons, who
sturdy arms,and hornyliands, work in that hot do not advertise at present, but who will bring
sunOp shop, with Warner and hatchet, • their advertisements In in the course of the next
chUol month. As they npppear we shall make special
and plane. It tells us that honest hard
Work Is conslitent with cultivation of mind and ; mention of them our local columns. . • •
holiness of life. It teaches us that the ' , Font° who I For Winter Reading procure "Homes and
despise a mechanic now because be is a mechanic Fortunes in the BoundlesslVest and Sunnyitioutb."
and works for wages, would have been foolish
enough to despise their Saviour.
St. Paul wouldso a mechanic, and even when
atr Apostle, worked sometimes at his trade as a
tent-maker. Peter and other Apostles worked for
a living as fishermen. Sensible people judge of
a man by what he is, not by what be does for a
living, so it is honest and not injurious to others.
Among sensible people if a man Is a gentleman—
not a fop or a dandy—but a gentleman, intelligent,.
cultivated In mind, genteel in dress and manners,
he is respected and recognized as a gentleman;
but if he is ignorant, coarse, rough and rowdyish'
in his dress, manners and associations, he Is not
received as a gentleman, whether he be a profes
sional man, or an office-holder, or rich, or rogue
enough to live without any work.
But them aro fools in this wort as you have
perhaps found out by this time. I speak of the
fools who despise a man for being a mechanic and
working forwages. There aro two classes of these
fools. One class I shall merely mention because I
want to speak to you particularly about the other
class: The one class are the nice people who
don't work for a living and fancy themselves bet
ter than those who do, The second class are the
mechanics who are ashamed of their business and
despise mechanics. There arc several forms or
manifetsations of this folly : There are men who
are mechanics themselves and are ambitious to
make their sons something else. They must be
lawyers, doctors, preachers, merchants, even loaf
ers,,rather than learn a trade. All right if they
have no talent for mechanics, or possess peculiar
talent for some other business ; • but when a man
makes his son, or allows his son to become some
thing else, because he despises mechanics, be is a
great fool, and Is it any wonder that the sons and
daughters, and grandsons and granddaughters of
such men despise mechanics, and after they have
squaudered their Inheritance would rather live by
their wits than do honest work for a living 1
Still worse those mechanics who despise mechan
ics and make no effort to Improve themselves be
cause they are mechanics. They dress like row
dies, and live with and like rowdies, because they
are mechanics and think mechanics despised.
(When a man despises himself through a mistake
It is worth while to correct him.) They are rough
In their manners and appearance t . they make no
efforts to improve their minds ; don't go to church
—a great mistake; and. all because they are
mechanics. There Is nothing to prevent an Ante ri
can mechanic from taking his place among gentle
men, no law here to keep down one class under
pretense of protecting another, there are no privi
leged classes. 'lave respect for yourself—not pride,
conceit to think yourself better than others—but
self-respect. If your business Is honest and you
work honestly at it, you need not be ashamed of
It and it cannot stand in the way of real respecta
bility. Improve your mind, dress genteely and
not vulgarly, act the gentleman and you are a
Above all be a Christian gentleman. Conceive
such a man—lntelligent, decent . In his dress, gen
tlemanly in his manners and associations, honest
and capable in his business, and attentive to reli
gion. finch a man may, must command respect
and, above all, such a Christian man is honored
in Heaven—a member of Christ.
Our Advertisere.—lt Is a fact beyond argu.
went that the men who advertise are the men to
be patronized. Their advertising Is an evidence
that, boweVer large their business Is, however
crowded their stores may be, they are anxious to
increase that business and multiply that crowd,
and in order to accomplish this they devote their
energies to buying the cheapest and selling the
cheapest, and call the attention of the public to
their goods through the columns of the newspa
per. Millionaires have, time and again, given the
public a history of their experience, and In nine
cases out of every ten they owe their fortunes to
advertising. ' The truth of this is so well known
that, now-a-days, the man who does not advertise
at ail Is stamped as having no energy and enter
prise, and therefore can't compete with those who
have. We give below a list of the Allentown
merchants who patronize the columns of THE
REGISTER. This number will be increased as the
Fall trade opens, and as they come in we shall
notice them:
Leopold Bolinger appeared among our new ad
vertisements last week. He keeps the "Cheap
Philadelphia Store," on Hamilton street, between
Second and Third. We do not know the extent
of the great advantages he oilers, but recommend
everybody to stop In and inspect for themselves.
Then on the first page at the top of the column
Foster tells the people what he will do. As his
store is patronized again and again by the some
people they must be convinced by actual experi
ence that they can get good bargains there.
Schreiber Bros., next door to the First National
Bank, believe in selling good goods at low prices.
The Bros. arc very polite and obliging and no one
leaves their store without resolving to call again.
At the southwest corns, of Centre Square is the
"Old Corner Stoic," kept by id. J. Kramer, who
rails as one of the heaviest merchants of Allen
town. Ills country trade to immense, almost
equalling his city custom. Patrons have bought
at the "Old Corner Store" for a long 011ie and
they always got their money's worth.
In the fancy goods line Is Mrs. M. A. G. Goldin,
nearly opposite Tue REGISTER office. Iler trim
mings are of the last and prettiest styles and are
sold at the lowest prices.
Then there is clothing to he bought for the Well.
Of course men want to dress handsomely and at
the same time cheaply, as well as the ladles.—
Messrs. T. Osmun J.; Co., two doors above Toe
REGISTER (Mice, can supply them. Their stock of
gents' furnishing goods is complete.
Then there is the palatial establishment of Bal-
Bet & Nagle, one of the finest clothing Mores in
the State. Their stock of ready made goods,
gears', furnishing goods, etc., is in keeping' with
their magnificent building. Besides this they em
ploy the celebrated cutter, George K. Reeder, and
have at'ail times a large assortment of the latest
and most beautiful patterns for suits out.
At the corner of Sixth and Hamilton is the
Clothing store ,of Franklin Knauss. Clothing
bought at auction Is sold here at less prices than
It can be manufactured for. Mr. C. K. Heist is
in charge, while Mr. Knauss suPerintends the
Philadelphia store, and everybody will receive the
politest attention.
In the coal business arc Smith A; Osman, at the
East end of Jordan Bridge, and P. 11. Steitz, at
the - yard formerly of 11. Guth A, Co. Both these
yards keep the best qualities of coal and sell at the
lowest cash prices. Mr. Steitz Is also agent of the
Chain Powder Company for Lehigh county.—
Orders for his coal may be left at the store of
Weinsliliner Newhard. corner of Sixth and
Hamilton streets.
In the Lumber Trade are Trexier C Brothers,
near the corner of Tenth and Hamilton streets.
All kinds of lumber cut to order. Purchasers can
depend Olson the best quality and prices.
In clocks, Watches and jewelry we have C. S.
Massey, Hamilton below Church, Keller Brothers,
Hamilton below Eighth, and J. R. Weber, MI West
Hamilton, who has Just °petted. We ask the
reader to refer to their advertisements before timk-
lug purchased.
Addis LI: Roberts, 136 Went Mimiltcin street,
above Eighth, have a splendidly fitted up estab-
Pay Your Witter Peratibi.—The Allentown
Water Company advertise In another column that
after the first of September ten per tent. will be
added to all accounts unpaid at that (line, and that
they will be handed to an Alderman for collection.
The Treasurer, Thomas Jacoby, Esq., can be finind
at the office of the Commissioners where payment
can he made.
Card.—The new• organization denominated
the "Allen Zouave Band" is now ready to receive
contributMns from all lovers and appreciators of
music, for the purpose of purchasing the necessary
Instruments. This organization consists pried
pally of young men whose intention Is not only to
reap pecuniary benefits therefrom, but the object
is to obtain practical and Intellectual Information
in the noble art of inside as well as aecommodat
log our respectable, citizens with the same.
To all thOse that arc liberal in contributing: to
our noble cause we would tender many heartfelt
thanks and remember them kindly after our ob
ject is attained.' We would also announce to the
public that we have engaged the esteemed ser
vices of Prof. Bankinni whose persevering energy
in combination with our own energetic determina
tion will make us beyond doubt successful In our
This organization consists of twenty-six young
and active members, whose names will be made
known hereafter.
Mull Ant, IL EMERY, Le❑der
L. C. G. lIANIIES, Serrdary
H. J. ROTH, Treaxurer.
Allentown, Aug. 5, 1S6;).
and festival will be held at Bath, on Saturday,
August 14th, by the 0. U. A. M. 700 members
will be out in full regalia. Addresses will be de
livered by several prominent spealiers from Phila
THE TURF.—There will be a trial of epee(
at the Rlitersville Driving Park, on Saturday next
'August 14th. Homes from Allentown, Bethlehem
Reading, Nazareth', Bath and Easton have hem
entered for the races. A general invitation is ex
tended to the public.
SEND .t RECEIPT.—This is the request with
which many of our subscribers who send _sub
scriptions by mail close their letters. By this they
mean that we shall go to. the expense of sending,
them an envelope with 11 three-cent stamp upon It
for 00. If they will Consider that fifteen hun
dred others would ask the same thing they will see
that such a demand will encumber us with a heavy
and unnecessary expense, as every one of our
readers can see for hitn6elf whether his money has
reached us by simply examining thddireetion label
and noticing whether the date thereon has chang
ed. That Is the object of printing the date on our
subscribers' papers and it will serve even• purpose,
besides saving us both time and money.
nings, running as conductor between Harrisburg
and Nor York, via Reading, Allentown, Easton,
and Central Railroad of New Jersey, has made
arrangements fora Grand Excursion to New York
on Wednesday, August 25th 181)0. This will give
Excursionists an opportunity to visit Central Park,
Navy Yard, Prospect Park, and other objects of
Interest in New York and vicinity and return home
the same eveiiing. Arrangements will also be
made by which those who wish may visit Long
Branch, take a sea bath and return In time to take
the traits. Fare front New York to Long Branch
and return $1.50. The fare for the round trip
from Allentown to New York has been placed at
the low figure of t'5.00. Our citizens desiring to
take a pleasure trip should avail themselves of
this opportunity. A special train will leave the
East Penn. depot at 5.50 a. m. Tickets for sale
at the depots and principal Book Stores.
ALLENTONIAN IN 01110.—.101111
formerly a resident of Allentown and engaged in
the clothing business at Lion flail, writes us from
Bascom, Seneca county, Ohio, as follows :—"We
have a very good country here for grain, fruit and
grass, but this summer is unusually wet and crops
are suffering therefrom. Old settlers say they
never saw so much rain. Fur over two months
WC haven't had three days without some rain
Muds of the wheat and corn In low
places has beets completely drowned out and Is a
total loss. I can't complain much, myself, as my
crops are all good thus far, and the prOspects of
those yet to be gathered are very promising, but
It was very expensive to get the harvesting, done.
Every farmer here Is provided with mower and
reaper, but in many places these could not be
brought into use, on account of the genius being
too soft and much tangled, and cradling had to
be resorted to. Half of ttlegrain Is not hassled in
yet on account of the rain. Apples, peaches and
all kinds of fruit are very plenty."
persevering efforts of Mr. J. C. Welling, of Iron
ton, Vice President of the Lehigh County Sunday
School Association, representing North Whitehall,
that township Is the pioneer township In the work
of township organization. According to invitation
a Sunday School Institute will be held at the Iron
ton School (louse, on Saturday, August 140, at 2
o'clock P. M. Friends or the Sunday School
cause and the public generally are invited to be
present. The programme of the Institute will be
as follows
Temporary Organizat ion.
Devotional Exercises—Prayer and Singing.
Committees on Organization and Constitution.
The Object of the Institute—Att Address.
Report of Committees.
Addresses and free discussions 'on the following
subjects :
1. The wants of our township, and how best to
supply and open new schools.
2. The superintendent's and teachers' duties.
3. The relation of parents to the Sunday School.
4. Can our Sunday' Schools he hept open the
entire year?
5. The benefits conferred upon our Churches by
Sunday Schools. •
Closing ExereisCs, consisting of Short Addresses,
The exercises will be Interspersed with singiiiir
soLvn.—As dark nights are selected for the per
petration of dark deeds, so. the dark Democracy
of the county assembled uu the darkest day of the
year tonnes resolutions on the irrepressible darkey.
The place of palavering was Gmhsville and the
day Saturday, the year was 18G9, but a future stu
dent of history reading the proceedings without
reading the date would place it ut least ten years
back. Dr. Jesse Samuels was President, C. F.
Haines and John G. Wink Secretaries. The
Allentown Cornet Band and that other Democratic
requisite soothed their spirit anti they resolved, In
effect, that everything said and done at the Demo
cratic State bargain anti sale was right and proper ;
second, they intimate (hat the Democratic party
started with the Government,. thus making Old
Hickory a touch older man when he died then any
of his biographers say he was; third, tiny are
consequential enough to imagine themselves the
wise men of our Commonwealth, and dem and
, great
things hi the name of the people of Peramwl.snia ;
fourth, they demand the defeat of John W. Geary,
and that they have their turn in °Bice as the radi
cals have had itiong enough ; fifth, that the pee
plc demand honesty anti economy in our State
Administration, n reduction of the expenses in nil
Ito departments, the abolishment of the hordes of
unnecessary otlicern in the Legislative brunch, 1111 d
a return to honesty In the expenditure of piddle
monies. They forgot the attempts of the Demo
erotic legislators to raise their salaries last winter
and to raise the salary of our County Treasurer,
therefore mention of thin subject was overlooked.
Sixth, they ratify the 1101111111a1011 of 'Asa Poe er,
which is a big thing to do, and declare that Joint
W. Forney Is. not always a liar. Seventh, they
hailed with pride (that accounts for rumors of
hail storm and the cobl weather) the . nondnation
of Cyrus L. Pershing—they discover him to be a
man of " acknowledged legal ability." We sup
pose out there in Guthaville, away from the noise
and tumult of the outside world, the Democratic
spirits communed with them and told them so, for
no one else ever discovered that important fact.
Eighth, that B. M. Boyce is a bully good fellow.
Ninth,so Is John D. Stiles. Tenth, so are Brown,
Fogel and Creitz. Eleventh, that the nominating
convention be henceforth conducted openly and
that delegates east theO•oten hi alphabetical order.
Afthr all this Lehigh will be right-side-upside-,
down, and probably may do better. The Democ
racy (of the county) will march to victory, and If
they get there without being routed they will in
augurate their county officers Is the halls of the
Court House.
Nora..—lf the next !tontine,. Air the .111 es of County
Treasurer can't manage the ottlce on the precool salary and
Ilse, wouldn't It be well to spend his tune between thin
and the election lu ink Inn lesson. from Ann Packer the
pair 1.11 . n candidate
WILLiAM T. Mourns Is agent for "Homes
and Fortunes In the Boundless West and Sunny
South." When ha calls on you, subscribe for It.
Hmaumus.—Rev. Thomas 11.11lowman will
preach In the German language In Slatlngtou
Ilall, on Wednesday evening, August 11th, nt 7,i4
o'clock. The public Is cordially Invited to attend.
THE liciartm.—True to the announcements.
or the astronomers the eclipse of the Son came off
on Saturday afternoon. There woo an error,
though, in regard to the time. It did not come off
till 6:53. It came on, however, at 5:08. Crowds
of people stood nu corners, of course they couldn't
stand anywhere else on the shiewalks,and wit
nessed the phenomenon through smoked glass.
We heard one boy declare It a fizzle, ho had seen
It darker'u that many a time, but we believe with
this exception the affair passed off satisfactorily to
our people. •
THE ENtiman SrAttitow.—As the English
sparrow has been imported Into this country to aid
In destroying the caterpillers which Infest the
shade trees In cities, and has alto been accused of
doing much injury to small fruits and. grass, the
following testimony of Alexander Crawford King.
stone, in a paper recently read before the Bally
motion Farmers' Club, may be received lu the de
fence of the imported bird, and may be of Interest
to our citizens and farmers as many of them have
made their way Into this vicinity. lie says : "The
sparrow only lives near the habitations of man ;
varies Its food according to circumstances ; In a
wood lives on insects and seeds; In a village on
seeds, grains, larva of butterflies, &c. ; In a city
on ulI kinds of debris ; but prefers cockchafers
and Ini:ects to all other food."
RErolur OF COAL transported over the Lo
110 Valley N . illroad, for the Week entlintrJuly 31,
860, compared with same time last your :
For Week. Far Your.
Total Mal'alloy 16,937 03 214,543 00
" Hearer Mead0w...14,042 19 227,856 08
" Mauch Chunk 150 10
" Upper Lehigh 28 13 8,147 16
" Hazleton "7,5138 09 600,060 10
" Wyoming 10,260 15 239,691 09
Grand total 68,807 16 1,292,448 . 18
Some lime 1868 32,012 07 1,348,203 16
.34,881 10
94,069 00
ransported by the Lehigh Valley Railroad Co. for
.he week ending July 31, 1869
Carbon Iron Co,
Lehigh Valley Iron Co
Thomas Iron Co
Lehigh Crane Iron Co.
Allentown Iron Co
Roberts Iron Co
Glendon Iron Co
Bethlehem Iron Co
Other Shippers
No CITIZEN can afford to be withon
" homes and Fortunes In the Boundless West an
Sunny South."
littnem.x.milious..--Levi Ochs of Snucon, re
cently pardoned out of the Penitentiary after a ser
vitude of fourteen years on a sentence of seventeen
had the amount of $76 coming to him for over
work. On his departure from the institution ho
was presented with $lO by the chaplain and $5 by
the physician as a mark of appreciation of his good
conduct duffing confinement.
The fall exhibition of the East Pennsylvanit
Agricultural Society Is advertised to come off a
their grounds in Norristown, on the 23d, 24th urn
25th of September next. The Secretary, A. S
Hallman, advises the public that the premium his
will be liberal.
Jelin Sebellly limn retired from the management
of the United Staten Hotel at ,Slatlngton, and is
succeeded by Wm.ll. Miller, a landlord of experi-
On last Saturday, the Sabbath School of the
Presbyterian Church In conjunction with the
Union Sabbath School of the Lutheran and German
Reformed Churches of Blatlngton, held a pie-ole In
Kuntz's Grove, at Walutaport.
Joe Lynn has retired from the Mauch Chunk
Democrat to enter upon the publication of the
daily and weekly Union at Wilkes-Barre. Wm.
I'. Furry, formerly of the Clinton Democrat, 011)-
1611 H at Lock I (oven, is his successor. Mr. Furey
is.unahlc to make Mauch Chunk his residence for
the present, and in the meantime F. A. Pony,
Esq., for a short time n resident of Allentown, will
act as editor and look after the interests of the
proprietor. As Mr. Pony made himself notorious
In writing of Wilkes Booth as the hero of the cen
tury, Mr. Packer could, have no better spokesman.
The loss of thuoßeading Fire Insurance Com
pany by the recent disastrous Ore 111 Philadelphia
was $lO,OOO.
—The Court on Thursday issued an order
far the holding of an adjourned term of Common
Pleas, to commence on Monday, the 27th day of
September ' to continue one week.. Twenty eaten
will he trie d Miring the term.
—(in Tuesday •of last week, as a farmer
named Gehret, residing near plain's Chute!), in
Lower Heidelberg township, was returning home
from Wernersville with his team, lie fell from his
wagon, sustaining such serious Mulles upon his
head that lie died a short time after the occurrence.
lie was a middle-aged man and leaves a family.
—Charles Fritz, County Treasurer, on Fri
day last paid over to the State Treasurer at Harris
burg, the full amount of State Taxes for 1569 due
front the County of Berke, which was between
p 15,000 and $16,000, and also the sum due front
licenses within the county, which amounted to up
wit rds of ><17,000 additional.
—The saw mill and grist mill belonging . to
Daniel 11. Linderman, situate at Port Union, near
Douglassville, was destroyed by fire at lipi o'clock
Am Thursday night. Mr. L's loss is very heavy—
estimated at about s7,ooo—no insurance. The
tire Is supposed to have been the work of an In
- !—Dr. Weaver Ludwig, a grandson of Peter
Weaver, of Amity township, while returning from
a trip to lowa, died suddenly of heart disease, at
the Sherman ouse, in Chicago, on Monday week.
Ile was 21 years of age, and bad only graduated
last spring front the Jefferson Medical College, in
Philadelphia. Mr. John Wagner, undettaker, of
Amity township, has gone on to Chicago to bring
home his hotly.
EASTON, PA., Allgild 9, 1869
—Euston is as quiet as n stagnant pond with.
out a single frog to " m'rum" and plunge in to
break the monotony. She in enjoying her annual
siesta. The College is asleep on the hill. A few
houses have the front windows closed, while the
families are living in the bark kitchen on ham and
eggs. This represents "away at the sea-shore."
A good 'Moly others go In for quiet enjoyment—
emerging At night from home to enjoy a walk and
lee cream. When the exhibition came off on Sat
urday afternoon, the place seemed alive again.
Cncle Sol., was propitious and smiled with his
blackened face, like a prize fighter. After the
15th round, evidently the moon had a momentary
advantage. All the Inhabitants and their little
boys and girls lout smoked glasses and blackened
faces, looking intensely at the "clips.' So the
" clips" was a success. What the next sensation
will be to stir the blood of this quiet town, it is
hard to tell.
—Business is dull at present, but wise men
are taking advantage of It, to write out fuller and
finer advertisements than ever and thus are pre
paring for a deluge of customers, when the season
commences. There Is the truest wisdom In this
--The County Court opens at this plane
August 16th.
—A buy 15 years Old, named Peter COLICU,
committed suicide by hanging, August sth, at
Washington, N. J. This disease Is becoming alto
gether too common among children.
—The political pot is only shnmering at
present. I t will soon begin to boil furiously.
—Freemansburgh shows many signs of im
—"Old King Cole" keeps his price up won
derously well. Owing to the cold weather, we
suppose. Inu.s.wmtn.
-3. Dutton Steele, Esq., and family, have
returned to Pottstown us their permanent reel
denee, after' iur absence of several years. Mr.
Steele Is still Chief Engineer of the Wilmington
and Reading Railroad, and is building the Nesque
honing Valley Railroad, for the Lehigh and Sus
quelmuna Railroad Company.
—A good but unintentional joke was per
petrated near Norristown a few days since at a
farm house. A servant In preparing dinner for
some Germ hands poured whisky Instead of vine
gar over some sliced onions. The dish was highly
relished, though none could tell why they could
not get enough of It. Shortly after returning to
the field the hands became slightly obfusticated,
and one sturdy old deacon was so overcome that
he had to repair to bed. The vinegar Jug has
since been labeled.
. .
—The examinations of Teachers, by Colinty
Superintendent Rambo, will take place in the*
uper cud of Montgomery county, this year, atv
follows:—Upper Providence, August I,lth ; Lim
erick, August 13th • Frederick, August •19th ;
Pottsgrovc, August 91st; Douglass, August 27th,
Upper iianny'or, August 30th Mailtioroughi
August 31st, and New Hanover, Septetaber Ist.
All examinations to commence at 9 o'clock, A. M.
—An interesting artntration case, from
Pottstown, was tried last Thursday, at Norristown;
before Wm. Custer, Wm. Zimmerman and Chas.
Sllngluff, referees. The plaintiff was Peter Meyers
and the defendant the Township of Pottsgrove.
Suit was brought originally before a Justice of the
Peace for the recovery of about $65, expended by
plaintiff for repairs ou a road in said township,
over which Mr. Meyers wan doing some hauling
for the Colebrookdale Railroad. It was claimed
by plaintiff that the repairs to the road, which was
In a bad condition, had been authorized by one of
the supervisors of the township, which the defen
dant denied. The suit was gained before the Jus
tice by Mr. Meyers, who awarded hint $46, and also
before the arbitrators, who gave him nearly $44.
31. D. Evans, of Pottstown, ably represented the
plaintiff In the case, and 11. U. Brunner, Esq., of
Norristown ' was counsel for the defendant. It is
said that the defendant will appeal to Court. The
costs In the ease, we presume, by this time amount
to more titan the original demand.
Since the very nature ofun advertisement Is to
secure more business and greater returns, it would
seem as if the above question was practically un
necessary, yet our experience thus far proves the
opposite. There Is a large class of advertisers
who, when (lull times approach,iusteMl of exer
eking the usual sagacity exhibited at other sea
eons, tie an additional knot In their purse-strings,
withdraw their names front before the public, and
then sit down to lament their sad fate and wonder
'why "so little is going on." We have often en
deavored to expose the fallacy of such a course,
nod point out its ruinous results, yet neither the
example of the wise and prudent who heed not
dull times, and consequently are not afflicted with
them like others, nor their own 111 success, has
yet convinced them of their error.
. It may be laid down as an indisputable fact that
If In good times It is necessary to advertise to se
cure business, In dull times it Is all the more so.
And why 1 Simply because the fact of advertising
at all Is proof conclusive that such u course will
and does bring business; hence, the more one pat
ronizes the press, the greater will be his revenue,
and the more certain his success. Many men are
dependent entirely upon advertising for success.
Suppose they were to refuse to advertise at sit?
"Dull times" would be the Inevitable result, and
no one would wonder at their failure.
Of course sonic seasons of the year are better
adapted to particular classes of advertising than
others, yet the general advertiser can never afford
to withdraw himself from the public, even for a
single day, and the Judicious one never will. Per
sistency and energy are always requisite, and their
fruits can be gathered by no other incentives,
much less by Inaction and lamentation. If, then,
you find that business Is dull, or profits are grow
ing beautifully less, instead of thrusting all the
blame upon the poor public, look closely to see if
It Is not rather in your own self, and, If convinced
of this, act as you would at any other time, and
obviate the cause by advertising.
7.13 ,71'
: ."
. 1
4 . 4 ?'"
. ;;........ 4 ,
.4 ., , 41 (_
fri :::1,- . :', C i
order to further the dlseemhwtlo❑ oh Repoli
Bean Ideas and to ald In strengthenleg the Repub
lican party lu Lehigh county, we will send THE
ELECTION, Including the Issue of Oetoher
to any. aililress, Free of Postage, for
100 copies to ioVeral port alleys
Fur bleached and unbleached niusilusGo to
Schreiber Bms.
For calicoes and debtors—On to Schreiber Bros.
For all kinds of tieklngs7Go to Schreiber Bros.
For a cheap dress—Go to Schreiber Bros.
For cheap lawns—Go to Schreiber Bro,
Whi/t the politicians are quarreling over NVISO
Shull be our next Governor, the people have quiet
ly voted Foster's New York Store at Allentown, to
be the best and cheapest place in the State, to buy
all kinds of Dry Goode and Carpets.
Stdaitholanding the &lime, on Saturday, Wlse', ,
Brewery did not. suspend operations, and the q u a ).
Ity of 111,4 laUnednanufaetured ale Is better than
Allentown has an extensive 'eliina and glassware
establishment where as great n variety and as low
privet; eau be found as in the larger eilles. \'e
refer to the new• store of Richard \Walker, No. 40
West . Hatinilton street.
neet Bo.lcs, Music Port Pollos, Strinws,
or anything helong,lng ton regular Mud,. Store,
can he luul cheaper than stnywhere else, at C. F.
Ilerrninnn's :Singe store, cor.' 7th nnd IVithoW
streets, Allentown.
One thunmand Piatiox of Haloes & Brother, New
York, were sold lu one ear. Not ooh• are they
the cheapest piano In the market, ranging from
p 375 to $5OO, but have given universal sallsthetion
throughout the eountry. Only• for sale at C. 'r.
Herrman's Music store. 7th and \Valuta. •
Li f idermm, Soto' 601(1 . 51, - 1A Cyeloyd and
Square Pianos are eonsldered by the most promi
nent 111110e111118 in the country a first-class Instru
ment In regard to durability, fullness and bril
liancy of tone. Thoy sell Otte Hundred Dffilare
lower than either Chlekering's or Steinway's ; ore
In every respect an gdod, If not superior to those,'
and are warnotted for 5 years.. Number of refer in affirmation of lite above cam be given
from citizens of Allentown, Lehigh or adjoining
Comities. Come and examine them at C. F. Herr
mann's Music store, 7th and Walnut.
Solar wives , nettinlly throw their intluenee
against their husbands getting their lives Insured.
This Is ahnost unaccountable, except in the eases
where there Is a strange superstition that the life
of the Insured is in some way endangered, or some
other equally foolish prejudice existing In the
wife's mind. And of these she should quickly rid
herself, for she is doing herself, and wind Is still
more to the point, her children a great injustice,
by not allowing her husband to offset the
Mlles of sudden death, with a policy of life in
surance. How yoit would blame yourself, Mad
mu. if your husband should die this year, and you
should see your family without the four or five
thousand dollars which . he would have secured
for then), if you hadn't prevented him. Tell him
to get Insured immediately, and at the same time
whisper to him that ' , The American Life Insur
itnee C0.,.0f Philadelphia," Is the best Company,
Or. Wm. J. Romig, Agent, No. GO East,Hamilton
street, Allentown, Pa.
Hallway up Lookout Mountain, the place where
memory is stirred by a thousand thrilling associa
tions, and wher'e the„brave boy's of both 'annlea
met and fought hand to hand, where the blood of
both friend and foe was mingled together and run
down the mountain-side in rivulets, Is It smooth
faced rock, upon which a poor, whinnied soldier
inrcritied the following:
In the battle I aux wounded,
and carried to thi. e pat hr two clover 'Yonke.. They
bade tie fy,04,11, ajld u+ they tllthiko. , ll, to die, Cur I Was
weakfrom loos or blood taint “iuld but falutlr thank
Item for their ',lndite.. They left in my canteen a part
bottle of 1.1...21TAT1”:: BITTEUA, Witch owl. my life
for it etrougthened 111 P, and kept life within rne until MAP
Came and toy wound wan dreewil. Und• Mee* them for
their kindness, and for the.Pkkarerios lityTta'a.”
31•41.1i.1 W•TE6.— Su P.rlia (UMW ben itnpoitid . oei
Wan 1111i1.0141 xt Imif the price.
Woteh,r, Jewelry, Silver nod Plated Ware co...tautly
on hand ut I. H. Stnatlor', 113 North lteeona HI., Plilla
delphln. Thin house la teorthp of public patronage.
Header, hew, thtit fart In •itlnd. card In thin Iron,
Wit/ Hall's V;•geuthlo Sirllinu Ilair Renewer Ch. M . .
urn) Ilnlr to Ito oriulnal cokr and not dye the tittlu
will! and I. rt preparation oritcknowledivd xtiperlor
: I have used the Brrrnas I obtained
from pat m 1.111.11111. to heal] they are rt..lllllll.litiNi ill be.
Muutl tate battle to atfartl nun etamitlerable relief, I feel
as though I cannot do very well wit! 1111 l t theta under my
pr,seut state of health.
It. ylrx toy, No. 11l South Sixth St., Philatlelphiti.
Paator Ilartbu. Passyttak Church.
Air 800/ SVIIKETZ'S xhinding ottrertiteeniene (a
a ot othre
xurr .1(leer? !xi y. —Wrikt'A tfie 11M. of 011 , 1101iAll10 0
Mare 60 Well keetra to the .attire community ne le the
Brent Clothing 11.140 Of Witteattatker & Ilretre I 11161.11,
qtteetlon awn ts.ked awl the tallier 1.111114 IMP , . 1 , 0 it to
a toestiee Mt Melt Intimately convergee film, attswera:
Isl. Tiler. , nro• .till ft fern people whoa net yet ...-
bill., La Oak Hall :hailOak hull is after them.
lid. Much on the 'mottle knew or the " latrirma Clothing
!M0.... , there are Itopreyetsteom cenotautly being made
anal tiew fetttore. ever taloa Introduretl, with which they
!tut be mode acquainted. •
The priiiiiietiiro liltn uliove ull lhllium 10 grittily ltt
nml next 10 buying new
tlilll null. the ITOPIe like to rend about it anti Its ever lit.
and 1,01011.1H0 . . .
11 . h.q Ord 1.1 .vo rt . .. 1-.4.4 ns reseal vso.lll.i*
11011. It I% hoc:lll..o*n.. organlyntlott 1111tOrallY
eat, ene you make It see by violating the lames of nature.
Life Is a burden to tens of Home:ands of 11U1111111 b rings
only on 11( . 1,0111t or their .11) , tiu , “04
W 14.14511, A. an upproprinte and legitimate penalty they
•ulferilig from nervous irritability, Irregular Sell.,
tion, uncontrolled Impressions. inifortualelal unentmlness,
e-elle—nes, qualms, minglvlngs and denponaleary.—
Their learn will How or laughter break out unprovoked
by moirrOW m• joy. They pre vlellann of bidden dlgeases
sa Inch proance this 1l uttering stale m* 11111111111 splrlln to
not this your condition'! What you most need Is harfpo
renient. Is a lank anal
gentle. saitinallat which will re(regla loath nalnal anal holly
ulna natural strength, anal what II gaits for you It main
tains. Pernoos of nervous temperament will he ulna to
overcome:nut keep In check tlneir Infirmity by the daily
rase of this Vol. and wholesomer oervlue sun invigorator.
Sr. roll, In, Suit Rheum, Skin and Female Dleermese
11 'arra tato/ cured.—Beo
SAhhtlitraV Tow: mum, Lehigh Co., Oct. 91, ISCS.
It is with a grateful fooling that I fool shin to make the
following stutenteet fur the benefit of those who are puffer
lug from Scrofula and other Chronic Disease.. My wife
had been suffering for several year. from tumors er
swellings on her neck which after a time would gather
end discharge matter, tearing a mooing sore. She had
been treated for more than a year by most eminent playnt.
clan.. without receiving mq• Pennmmnt hettolD, her disease
beetled ug worse, until she had flee of these running sore,
ou her neck, when I employed Dr. 11. D. Lotigaker, tinder
wh. o.treatment she commenced to Improve very fast, the
sores .tat {tar ouch to heal, and all her unpleasant and ‘ll4-
hgrevable nytuptomm gradually to disappear, until her
health was rellored, which was is about four• mouths. I
feel perfectly instilled, after having tried the treatment
othrf phy.lehtun la recommending all those who are suffers
hag from Scrofula or Chronic Diseases to Dr. Lisugaker for
medical treatment, with u firm belief that they will be sat
isfied, beitelltedi and corral thereby, no my wife h. 11,•11.
Dr, 11. D. loonntlter's ellier IA on the Elott nide tit' tiltal
tArrel bet n von llntnllton and Walnut. Allentown.
IC/oilr 11,,w. —Very how parouno know valuo
of the \\lone 11011. e 1.. this 0. .y. Wo 11.11. loy
this the tooth., ott Wanloingtoon, lout the white painted
dwelling ,vilerovef it may 100 White paint not only Pre
m., on fr., rotting, loin by forming to hard Coaling Pre •
veitandit trolood front giving out its torgattie dooray to the
ainaphere, Una roomier' , the air healthy. Country ploy
odelann lures ooldervell thitt there is (Infra et, moth torn
fl roe, typly , iel Ih. like, ill 10112,001 , d loorriNra os in
Mo..r prooroorry proferlrel. White paint Is of
mare real Importance t hot, all the carpets Idol mirror, In
the iroritt,{'Choir who would !obtain dm article of rho.
test quality nlionlol apply to 31e1Colight & Co., Twenty•
modootol and ljnono street I'h l'eunnylvania.—
Thk grinod, ntweialty 0150 no 1 . '1,1(11111d Sprilf
Goo a :olio' a n
Jo, p. Dry, r, teldelt they gutordlltee to ho oof
It very superior duality, and rhealwr dol. the .ottoto rat
be totatto tailored else. here. Melinight & Coo. ohoo man
ufortnro a chemically pure Carboni:lto of head, 1111.1 import
every 4..dy:dole gruoloo cud quality of loeall 'and Zinc
!'tuns, C.mooolor, &r., ott the Very lOWO-t price, Kl,lllllll/
Is the lowa "fa city iu Crania, whence van. , the whitoont
of white lead. and 310:night & Co. lotto adopted ii an the
,gnat of tholr relebruted brand of pure white-load paha,
it haw manufacture has toady Iholr 11.10 foutono lu 11,0
trade. Dealers or partici interested pleas° send (or priee
The Great .alidinal Ifigtake of former days was
an uttow,neglect of 'sanitary Precautions, No efficient
means Were adopted for the prevention of sicking.s. Sew
erage was unktoogru lu Most drainage, was rarely at
tempted In the country. Heaps of offal were left to rot In
tiny nubile streets, and domestic cleanliness, the great OH
hid,m to febrile 41hcases, was sadly neglected. It t, not
now, Wise laws, philanthropic institutions, and a
vigilant sanitary pollee, have, to u great extent, remedied
the evil. Nor Is thin all. PHRVENTIVII 111:1tICATION has
helped materially to lessee the rates of mortality. It Is
110 t too much to say that 1050 ur 11101,4ANtlel 01.1.110 sitk
neon to unhealthy seriatim iu eousequenee of having in-
vegetable !mile and alterative catuprlges the extract*,ond
of a variety of. root, and herbs, renowned for
their etrengtheniug o ...ailing, vitalizing and purifying
propertiee. meiliciimi agent. Ildt.llleorl , otllled with
spirit uli..dntrly free from the arid poleoto which de
files. Inure or lose, all the liquors 11( counnerce, and their
effect in dillueed through the whole frame by this active,
yet loorinit , . Th.. re.tolt sliell a Colltlltioll
110• .) . •1 , 111 n, 1,1 , 1, 11 all but itilpfrrirm, 10 the
of thee/rev, -aril ne damp, fog, stidd..ll4lll.,lllt
tion. of doc. ifilreng th , loud the perfect regn
lardy o•l toll the Mimi none of the body. are the beet tale.
guard. ingainet poinon awl the effecte of un
to hod w uter i mod itosTurrEirs BITTERS tore the
6,4 edrengthening and tegitlating utedivitte tot present
linen a. For dyepothela and hiliouelie, they are It 41 . 1:•
I•11'1.• /111+01.1•TII.
41 rr. rD u, ek by Irr itothrinfer Newhtiril
Wheal Flssr, is, bid
NV host, is, bp510.1,..
I at,
Flax I,
S.ssl, iosr 1.0 , 110 3 On,
CloTer Seed.
I'o OD, rs 31sul. "
porissusl ~ 30, imilslC
Fp, domsl
lolais., is, Istslisl
Pull Apples, Is, Istsliol
Pest "
For'attattet 1111, Idp. Car heeled we.&ly by J. It. Bel.
frirb, Prodnen Cornmeal's Merchant, Ni.. nil !larch.)
New York.
in"rr 11,1. and fittinritugils Bo's
choice, fair to good, INgigl/. Cominon
boll unto n 511.111101311110 80. mile,
4111:ot. im . fair to vad, 4:4415. Do., 011n111911 bollon.
N. Stine Tithe choice yellow 41111, 43
fair to good, 3.4a,40. white 41(a.:k;
S. Y. Mate Welelt lull, good to choice, 1 037. N. Y.
Stat. , Flrkiia. •Loin, , , yellntw for Aligning Do
fair to gaol, WI•Mleoll. Firkin. ohmic.,, yelloW
:23.61 . 2.ii. Do., lair to good, , coniinno and
white, eJaI2,
In; .I.tring the pa et veek foot nit Intekniten,
or a decreit•.• .41.250 irk n , from lot 'week. The de
mand lee evict!y line pall a h been lively itnil in mine M
eta..., we have rrowdell the extreme price of tile. for
guild Il'ho imilority of fine 11re milling tit
1•'11'. ehonld re•olgt. 101 l otr.llll mere lair C. 1111111( week
row mill+ tell] ontioulitedly go nt tide. Lower grad ,
havenot Inn, effected to nuy advance,
till DE S— , 'iv factory 0180,111111 fancy, Do.
fair to good, N. Y. mate Dairy good' to choler
12',(51i4. poor to go.) 10(41.2 , .. N. Y. BMW, akin,
toed. ,this,
Fait IS. —.tren). and Peon, well packed in chaff, Tail..
Jtireer and I'manst. well Nicked In onyx, VOW.
N. Y.. Sloe, well pauked, g I order, 24a21. 01110 and
W...tern, good order,
Rectal , . have luu it free tinting tho goat week, old the
demand being light grieve have declined about our cent
per ,lux. 3lost of the elock role poor, evidently malty
neet• of egg.. have I ..... 11 f.lllllll the harveet field... In
°malty the no..', 1,01111100 , 1 5 1 , 0 parkedo Wllll4llllflllll/1111g;
NIP elllll.l.llllVllre in 110.1 moot till mark e ven near by Jer•
coy unit Pa, have to lei a.' 11/..1 , 41 , 4 1111 . /11
111 . 11 g Ve'r) . 111.0 y•
BEA NS.—Barrow choice 111!W.'sabu.I WA., Y.. finLiltill
Kid choice, new, _.-.IA 2.l 1. 1. Meglilllllll, 4,1101C11,
2,01101,2 ney,
N. Polt, choice, 2..' , 111,2.1;t1. tie., fair to toed.
.Mixed 101+11011 VllllllllOll. 7Q1.011,
I,IIIED FitcrE—Aitot, Prime State, la Imida 1:1',0}114
Do., Jerecy, 01110111111 Pennsylvania, 12 , ,,6gia',. AVplra
Sentiotru, ticutli. Black herrive. 54111. 11.1iinirrieet
Mi . . 'Cheerier., pitied, :Plan Peaches imputlad,
46 ,i re:lOO . A 1 . 2.6111 , 1. •
IlLiEnWa X.—littre, 4:144,11.
SEEDS.—FIan need, 1 , bu,h. .J.C...(42.:ia Clover.
TALLOW-1n goal barrel, "t. lb,
1•011.TIIY. —Dock+ "t. pale, (11`1•10.
I,IIV, pair, 2.1.00110. Alice 'fin key, • - e
110., Ilootere, 146L1n. Spring Ditirkena
Inrae I.'l . Pair. 7:440 tit.. Dn.. .041 1 10a47." ,
Renumber mid mark your William or fail u: 0111110
aide package, 11011 WO slay know who It to from,
and aim mirk 110. content.. on 1111 , Midi , of every imekage,
e may know tviatt each i'olltllll. wllllOlll 01,1•111114(
to dad the kind 1110 ...touter want., stint
rend full invoice by tool!.
The onloreigued wonl.l reepeelf oily inform 111t1 friends
nod eigggere throughout Biwa...tory, dint h., is alit' at the
old .tan), Ira iloclity .!reel, old le hot innuy COO.
10`1 . 14 . 11 ,11111 the lino oelfih, & e,
and is titter.... not resgonsibla fof
r H slip r
li c mit. COOKigued
nail) grin. Iteepectfully, J. It. HELFRICH.
lIERSII—KNAUSS.—Ou the Oth of Auguht, by
the Rev. N. S. StrasOtorger, Mr. Henry D. Hersh
to Miss :thole E. Knauss, both of this city.
- .
M ARTI N.—On the sthin this city, Fan
nie .llortense, only daughter of Dr AlfreilJ. and
Amelia P.*Martiti, aged 1 year and 10 mouths.
SEIP.—On the 6th inst., in this city, John P.,
son of James and Marla Seip, aged 1 year, 1 month
and 12 days.
0E1(111.—Ou the 17th of July,' In this city,
William Henry, soh of Harrison and MarlA polger,
aged H mouths and 20 days.
REISS.—On the 28d, In Ode city, John-Edgar,
son of Tilghman' and Rebecca Reiss, age 1 psi;
C months and 3 days. • ' •
SNYDER.—On the sth of Aegast,. Jo this city,,
Occur Eugene, son of Richard and Sarah Snyder,
aged I month and 2.1 days.
BELLING.—On the Bth of August, Its this city,
Phlllp L. Belling, aged 72 seam. • •
SCREETZ.—On the Bth of August, in this city,
Christiana F., wife of Henry Scheele, aged 51
years 0 months and 27 days.
C 01011.1 ). B. lOth Ott
jrinancial aub Commercial
.11.1.F.SToWN 31A1:1111% .1 , . 11'11, 11
T4TCI33 littertfsrntruto.
. .
• GOOD & lITJH 143,
In order to afford all persons au opportuully (however
small their menus) to deposit money in smaiihr atimunto
than what are now received by the various Depositories
of this city, we bare concluded to •
and allow interest for the same at the rate of six per moil.
per at iiiii tn. Interest to be lculated front the first nd
fifteenth days of each month, ca subsequent 10 such depos a it.
Interest will Mt Millie UP on DOPOMUS remaining with
no, half yearly, to wit : On the first days of April and
October, and will lie paid to depositors on those day' , • If
n o t drawn they will go to their credit and he mint pounded.
Nnluetrest ho calculated on (meth:nalparts of it dol
lar. Nit less attoluot than Five Dollars can be withdrawn
unless It be to ei.ellattrrolltit. Every Depositor will be
furnished with a Deposit ilook coutalulng the conditions
you which the Deposits are received, and nu Motley un II
be received unless the book be presented and an entry
made at the time of making tho deposit. Small sums over
the itece.ary expenses of individuals and families that
are liable tote wasted or needlessly extruded, may, If
deposited, produce In time amounts that will surprise airy
ONO. given no heed to the subject.
A depold,,fif 41.111 per week, continued one year will
amount to two years 41108 .• three years 41181
ffoto yours (ITN it; five years (r2tr.: tt./, and ten yearn
1066 Of. It commends itself no a Aare, couventent and
profitable depository Agents.urs Administrators, As
signees. Collectors, and 'ail Public Officers,
whether fur themselves ur their tract funds, to YOhltllltrY
Societies or Associations, and Indeed to all classes of our
lit:owing that a perfect sense of security to Depositors
Is necessary to the ottoinutent of success in this enterprise,
tve have in addition to one own holt viduol responsibility,
(which Is tuft the fort in incorporated Savings mars) 0%.
Vented KO ft.:livered hi Charles W. Coeper, eflehier of Al
lentown Nation:it Bonk, and 'rilelonan Moyer, Cashier
of Ist National Batik, Bond inde,nnits (wto,,-
etl security) in the snot of Twenty 1-Uol'lnm/ono! Dollars,
lo be hold by them in trio.t for the sperm d security of our
Depositors. This fact will pious is fully moult lee re.
minis to safely of depositors) to any Depository in this
C l.? ; It buy sell in I exclian e all issues of O.fvernitiont
Bonds, egectite l or l ders for ' the purclut, and sale of all
urn class securities. :old negotiate loons on Real (Motu
°I small commis•dons
Illade to our dealrws at all times a° approvsd
...11aterals, at mark.o rat. , .if intoresi.
H. uuo. to
All permits
of lohydrantdebted to water for the A llotd
the e ow u Water C suing year will
or tho tmen
leant pay op delay. After tho Pipit of :Milton,
ier next all aveounto will he 11311,441 to an olden°au lair
olleetion, with the addltlim of 10 per rent.
119—Tho Tivzwirer eau Ito found oaro oillee of Om
'ounty Commiosionem lu tho Court It every day.
JOS. WEAVER, Pro,ideut
W. it. 111.1'111M, Sie . Y.
TllOll,l A1 . 1.11V. Tn./vain.,
Train hove. Harrisburg at 213 a.m.. T•Obal1011:1.:1 0 a. in..
Heading CM a. ut., Lyon. 5.00 a. in.. Alleutowu 5.1110. m.,
Bethlehem 6.15 a.Arylying M. Now Turk at Id a. to.
lry RN leave . NEW YORK, f &not of Central
Railroad of New Jereey, foot of I.lhorty t.treet, at p.
'Mk trill give EXCllrololllStli MI I ,pporinally to vi at the
And .101.4 elgerta of Interest in New York and vicinity,
and roturn ho n.. the .tone evening. Arrangement!.
olio Ng Made by which thore who wialt may vkii
TAKE A SEA BATH, and return in time to tube the train.
Fare front Now York to Long Branch and return. 111.50.
For , . for the rd trip train BARRI:4111BM to NEW
YORK. 01 OIL LEB oun ANON, .10.111, READ1N1..34.2.0, LY
ONS, A LLENTow 41.11'. writ I.EitEm, 4a11).
proinl..e , . to be not only the ciii:AvE , a, but ono of
the I'LIIABANTEsT ExcuttscoNs of till , 5e:4 , 011. lioml
Cairo provided with froth water hove heels ecored for the
orro•don, with experienced Engineers toad careful Col,
duetora. The mod timid truly feel Cal,'.
Tirkalx for ride al all tho xlalhmx ul trkieh 00 (111111
plop.• stud at bit principal 11.10 h .tore,
au 11.1 d .11111 N J Conduct,.
puntm: SALE.
111111 lamp. WHARFPRO PROPERTY. at Ila Are de Omen, Har
ford (,aunt', Maryland, and 2.50 acres VALUABLE IRON
ORE LANDS la saki coouty mad „11, valuable real I,lalo
will be Fold al public aide, tot Thursday. 1110 Salt day of
Setet/1101r tow.. the prendsoa, at Havre de Brace, at
I o•elork. I. 31. For further particulars send for circu
lars with full thotrriplhol of the property to of the
A. I'. 31.0't131115, Hay r.• 41.. Brace, NA., or
E. 31. BYE, Booretary autl 'Treasurer. Wilmingt ln on; Dela
. t
KA 311 'Ai SI( V .1: :111,11E11T,
We take pleannre In unnonticlng to Ilan public that, hay
ing mttaltlkliml IL new Ilnokblndory. tan aro tIOW fully
propa red to promptly emnnito all onli.rx for binding book',
or all sortn, luegatiller., paper, pamphlet/. ete.
gnarantmt on? mottoiners mllottatttl ' al work and 'hantltmmn
xlyltt of o•Very dotltta• nag 11-Unt
Th.. .o year.•fillikillN for y.ang LIU
Attar.. II Priudiml
"ISAAC K. sw.turrun
NC/lan SECI,SD ST., eon. ilt-Attnr. PHILA.
a An ara.ortaaait of Watch... .I..weirY. nllyrr and
Plated War.. roahtantly Oil 11A1111.
111.11,0 th, AV:twat. , alai J.ach . ) pr..saPtlY
The uuderxhined 11l utter al rubllc Sale, at 111 . CIIKk
111 the Gsreuoeu, uu
FRIDAY, AUGUST :27111, 18G9,
ilO m selllUll.
I 50, 001114.
the valuable propertyw It
10 Ids ottse , lou on Third
Street below Ferry, In the Ilurough of Enttton, containing
In front on Third street, flfty•two feet tool running NVO4 -
wardly In depth toot hundred and fifty Pot to a lot late of
Teter Miller deed — the anionl.4, 0010141111 g to •t 14
front on 1.341111 und extending otastwardly nits hoot
B and thlrty•seven awl n half fret. On the south side
Is a feet with , privet,. ~Ile). Erttettol tho sold lot
of ground is 14 , 10 . , •
FOUR STI)ItV MUCH catott,th,
"tt the whole fifty two-feet In front, tout littylug a tlntith
nearly the tot not as the tlttlttlt or I.n. l'hin
1.1041143 the
"oLD wAuipmaoN
which rortoorly eaiored a largt• , frost dm loth
ltc and which Is now one of tbo a/I,A &Arable I)rop..c
to be (moot In ttooton. TO , whole I, to Rood
condition, It latv tog boon y ototlred at 3 cos t 01
and at It slight antlity It may to tl , llll , 01 any
other ta•orts stand In this vicluill'•
iittelt a lintel %VIII be In great Is.
publio aeressity. Al,lllly
or. is
Air tri.
/dent mid permanent ha:anion. far m hilii
pima 'Aro id the largest 11011.14 WWII Franklin mid
ilimerieliti will pass itway, their id, nor. rhav dig dotes •
Inn f./11,41 1111'111 11110 stores nail business 0111,
Tile premi.lll I. 0101 mint 111.11111.111 Cri nay ana
desiring to secure a
on T
th er men,.
ono ord rot n
olltloo will be known by rolling
The nmlerelaaed ennnulueo help leave to laid.% lb..
piddle that MI 111011.104,.. tionttioned days the Inwood l`rize
Shooting flint ev.•r loidt place itt title port of alit country.
will l.• held lit Allentown. All aham alioidela front fur
and from near are Invited. Tho aliiiiittnit will la. otf bond
and without teli•ec•itio, ut 31 diAltlll,o of tut rinds.
folloir ion •
heen finial anon ig.Catileatittits lad Intvlun tines 1
their WO 0 . 1111 wipplied With gowl ouds at lbu ground
by win wends •ti gunsmith. 31r. John rib ,
bring !boot on the groinnl.
Th.. well-known tine...oiler'. Woods has beett swiveled
for Ow purpose. it liere nil not...short' tirrangolneilla have
been mink to ialtertititi tbe public ill gin ttitreoalgo tit:minor.
It In
Re/Oared. That all contestant. for the wires will Lu
d i arged Far titikat. l'ersons Oohing tlin grave bur
pleasure will ts. charged At rein. 11.11111n.1.0n fro.
The Allentown Cornet Unhurt will be preaeat tot both
,l thu
will nerve 's :GHANA) hitt! i I r .CNCII with rnant
pig. nt his Klloon, lin Eat) tnlltnn n few dnnrn
i w t o w the First uthaini Itittik t low bleb all 1111111,itiett
are respectfully . invited
The best lanrk union on either rlay trill be decorated and
onducted with honors And untidy to Use City. The coin.
tad trill Omit , al 54 o'clock or natl.
11 1,011.111 11. Sill A LI., President.
(it/riming BEMitt. Vie.* BB'lillBilt•
B. Y. 11A1I:s111 er!. Secretary.
JoxnnA •
ST•II 'rielntrer.
4irTl. mu., of iho Shooting Committees of Allen
town, Bethlehem. Easton, !bottling, Manell Chuck
1111.1 fun 11.'110!1. 01$ 1110 !mud
3,1110. 11k111'111:1..
We nintiuracture a Chemically l'are CAR Ito HATE iiy
3lotstiforltlrors, 11011..1. 4 uud Uruler, in nil
ra dux mud quolitl. of LEAD awl ZINC PAINT 6.
ORB. &o.
• •
• • , •.
8010 Mali ufacturorp , of the celebrated Dermituent fiT SIAN
MIKES, a lib morn Brillianny, Beautiful Shade of Color,
Body and Durability that's Roy other Oroou tu the marker
Abio, Sole Manufacturer , of McK. & Co 'a celebrated
JAPAN DRYER, very thin, light In renal veal.
meta, and very, nttvolib
D e aler, ylgo jyt/ilo. Tot nom Vutubbes, Window.
Glass, llru,lo , r, An., be.
l o w, awl all I, I, lent ranted a- reproveuted.
.31.cKNIG1IT S Co.,
Bi atm Inc ure rs, Importers, uml Wholebule Dealers,
imrB.ll - for PRICE 1.1.4