CChe afttid egistcr. Editor and Proprietor. iidIIT. I TLEDELL. 7d., ALLENTOWN, PA., iTULY 7, 1869 REPUBLIdAY STATE ,N"OHINATIONS. FOR GOVERNOR, GENERAL JOHN W. GEARY. FOR JUDGE OF THR SUPREME COURT, HON. HENRY W. WILLIAMS, OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY TUE REGISTRY LAW. The constitutionality of the Registry Law was again argued before the Supreme Court in Banc, in Philadelphia, on Friday last, all the Judges being present. It will be reruembered that Patterson and others applied for an in junction to restrain the Registry oMcers from performing the duties imposed upon them, and that after argument Judge Sharswood at Nisi Pries granted the injunction and declared the law unconstitutional, because, principally, of certain distinctions which it made between the city and the State at large. An appeal was taken from that decision, and argued by Chas. Gibbons, the author of the law, William M. Meredith,' Moses A, Dropsie, J. Alexander Simpson for appellants ; and by Win. L. Hirst and Henry M. Phillips for the appellees. Mr. Gibbons took the ground that the plain tiffs having shown no injury to themselves, had no standing in Court ; that the regulation of elections belongs exclusively to the Legisla ture, and therefore the Nisi Prins Court had no jurisdiction ; and lastly, that the law was constitutional. Mr. Gibbons also said ; The importance of this,point (the last) is great ly increased by the fact that the law In question repeals all other election lawn. Unless the statute be good, the State is without an election law. If this act is unconstitutional, and the reasoning of Judge Shorewood sound, nearly all the election laws of the State, beginning with that of 1785, 2 Doll. Laws, p. 334, are in the same category. The law of 1785 contains varlqus provisions op ',limbic to particular districts only. Section five contains one applicable to the Northern Liberties only, allowing tho election of four inspectors, in stead of two, as In other distylcts. The election laws In force prior to the passage of the act were not uniform in their operation. The law now before the court. Is the only eke - lion law is force throughout the State. Its object, which is apparent upon its face, is to secure the purity of the ballot box, and improve the charac ter of our public servants. You would not destroy the law to get rid of nu obnoxious section even If there wore such. • It contains nothing which conflicts with the po litical rights of any class of citizens. If it does, the party Injured has his remedy, either by man damus or action for damages. It Is simply a law for the more perfect registration of qualified elert oni. Three of the five Judges sitting at Nisi Pries decided, a year ago, that a registry law Is a con stitidional law. Sec Judge Read's opinion in Page vs. Allen. The Registry law of 1830 was in ope ration for three years, and nobody doubted Its va lidity. It was not doubted by the Convention of 1838. It was, doubtless, suggested by the remarks gj Chief Justice Tilghman, In Catlin vs. Smith (211 i, & R., 269), twenty years before. A registry of voters, showing with certainty every person' who was entitled to vote, to secure peace and certainty, and to prevent tumult and confusion at electione, wax not considered unconstitutional by that pure and eminent Judge. It was not considered un constitutional by the framers of the present Con stitution, as time debates and votes In the Convv tion of 1838-0 clearly show. The Registry law of 1830 was precisely what Judge Sharswood complains of and condemns. It established "for the people of Philadelphia one rule, and for the people of Pittsburg another." There wad an attempt to destroy It In the Conven tion by so ammu•muling the Constitution as to make the law unconstitutional. The attempt was ex posed by Mr. John M. Scott, afterwards Mayor of Philadelphia, es appears by the debates, vol. xi, pp. 240. Thus it Is made plain Mot the opinion of the learned Judge at Nisi Prins is without foundation. It is apposed by that of ono of the most Illustrious judges who ever sat upon this bench ; by ev.kor law on the subject of elections that has ever existed In this Commonwealth from the days of Pomo, and by the very framers of the Constitution, to whom the question was presented, and y whom It was carefully 'Recessed, considered and settled. The case was held under advisement, and an early decision is expected. Thu uneducated Democracy of Lancaster county, following In the footsteps of Bill Mc- Mullin, the Fourth Ward Gabg, and the other newly accepted leaders of the fallen Democra cy, assembled in County Convention on Wed nesday of last week, and put forth the follow ing low, coarse, senseless resolution :—' 2d. That the administration of Ulysses 8. Grant has failed to meet the very moderate expectations of the people, and has caused them to agree with Andrew Johnson when he says that " Grant hasn't a single idea: Ho has no policy, no conception of what the country requires. Ile don't understand the philosophy of a single great question. He is mendacious, cunning and treacherous. lie is no thing more than a bundle of petty spites,jealousles and resentments. ,He Is the greatest farce that ever was thrust upon n; people, and Is only fit to ornament a country cross roads grocery." What could be expected from such a party ? • Dead to all sense of shame, fallen from power through connivance with traitors, and deserted by every man of honor, its spokesmen are• front the lowest, most degraded walks of life, as has been witnessed in the disgraceful assem blage of rowdies which nominated the Phila delphia City Democratic Ticket last week. In the country, of course, the complexion of the leaders is a little more advanced socially, but their refusal or inability to read has left them ignorant of the status of their city leaders, and they follow blindly in the way there pointed out for them. Decent people will turn with disgust from this base display of falsehoods and will resent this gross indignity offered to the Chief Magistrate of the Nation. We would be demeaning the party we rep resent by replying to such stuff, but that the Democracy is the party we have accepted as our opponent and its name, although stained by taps-tifte, still has an influence in many of the districts even of this enlightened common wealth.. The New York Tribune, in replying to Andy Johnson's charge that President Grant's Administration is a failure, makes the following incontrovertible points: "Failure?" bow? In what? Have we not peace and plenty lu the laud/ Is not our flag displayed and respected on every sea? What foreign foe molests or threatens us? Who fears Insurrection at home, or Invasion front abroad In which of our thirty-six States are the masses wanting work, discontented, suffering? Consider our financial condition. Nearly every . State and municipality paying off debts Incurred In raising melt for, the War, while the National Debt has been reduced nearly Thirty Millions In the four mouths that Gen. Grunt has had his hand on the helm; The Public Expenditure is falling off on every side, while the Revenue Is up to high water mark. Even Indian Wars, If unavoidable, must be considerably reduced in cost by the facili ties for moving troops and stores afforded by our two Pacific Railroads. Yea: Gen. Grant has failed to gratify some ea ger aspirations, and' has thereby Incurred some • Intense hatreds. These do not and Will not fail ; and his Administration will prove at least equally vital. We shall bear lamentation after lamenta tion over his failure, from those whose •wish Is father to the thought;' but the American people let them pass unheeded. Their strong arms bore hint triumphantly through the War and into the . White House, and they still uphold and sustain TAct/ neveffalled, and never will 1 Tuit Democratic State Convention meets at Harrisburg, on the 14th, to nominate a State ticket to be defeated in October. If the scenes of last week' aro to be re-enacted, we would suggest that Gov. Geary haven sufficient guard on duty to protect innocent parties who may be passing through with money, watches or valtiables on their perions. Whoever the candidates are, let there be fair play. Tun next State elections occur August 2d in Kentucky, for State Treasurer, members of. the Legislature, and same day in Alabama for meMbers of Congress. Kentucky, it Is thought will go Democratic, owing principally to Nas ky and his friends. GANIIIILIEW CAME. The 99th Judicial district, after troubling Demodrilta and Republicans and causing tt flare up in the last legislature, is now before, the Supreme Court upon the question as to whether the Legislature can deprive a Judge of his position, by abolishing the:district after ho has been elected and commissioned. Prior to the 28th of February, 1868, Lycoming county was a part of the Bth Judicial district, comprised of the counties of Northumberland, Montour and Lycoming. On that day, by act of Assembly, Lycoming county was erected into a new district called the 29th, and on the 26 Tuesday of October last, at the general election, James Gamble was elected President Judge of the counties of that district and was duly commissioned to hold his office from the Ist Monday in December, 1808, during a period of ten years. On the 16th March, 1869, the act of 28 Feb., 1808, was repealed, and the county of Lycoming was annexed to the 4th Judicial district. Judge Gamble insists upon holding his courts and this quo warranto was sued out to test the question of the con stitutionality of the repealing act. It appears that the now district was carved out for a particular person but when It came to the nomi nation and election he was left out and the re peal• was resorted to as a revenge for disap pointed hopes. No decision has yet been rendered. THE Democracy of Philadelphia has fallen completely under the control of the rowdies. Nearly every candidate nominated is the choice of the Fourth ,Ward crowd. Never before was such a disgraceful ticket placed before the people. Even Democrats, those who profess decency, are disgusted and as the election of this ticket would bring ruin upon the city, those Democrats who have property to lose have held private meetings and resolv ed to run an independent ticket. With such a set of villains seeking office as are presented on the regular Democratic ticket, the contest at the polls in next October promises to be disgraced with the greatest amount of fraud and rascality that has ever darkened Philadel phia politics. The acts of personal violence were so develish and the frauds upon suffrage so outrageous, when these men were only fighting for their party,—to what ends will they not go when every one of them has a prospect of a fat place and a chance to rob without breaking through doors and shutters? Wu= Andrew Johnson Is predicting all 'Sorts of bad. ends to our National GOvernment and frightening timid people by the bugaboos which fill his mind, Mr. Boutwell Is causing a corresponding hopeful feeling by his last published statement of the national debt. By it we learn that the decrease of the public debt during the mud month was $16,410,182 64, and decrease since March 1, 1889, $80,460,- 770 43, which we think speaks well for the economy of the new administration. If this continues, and there is no reason to fear the contrary, Mr. Johnson's predictions will amount to almost what all his former efforts in that line have ended in—moonshine, lION. JOHN COVODE, of Westmoreland, has been appointed Chairman of the Republican State Central Committee. This selection will prove highly popular. Ms experience in fer reting out Democratic rascalities will enable him to prevent gigantic frauds upon ctio ballot box by that party and the perpetrators will re ceive summary justice wherever discovered. Under his organization the Republican party will march to a sure and oVerwhelmnig vic tory. TIM proceedings of the Philadelphia Dem ocratic Convention ought to be printed in all the Republican papers of the State, to show the people what class of persons are the lead ers there and how things are managed amongst the Democracy. lf decent men can vote for the nominees of last week let them do so, but hereafter let us have no more talk of reform. WE are glad to see the announcement made that Hon. John Covode is to be Chairman and Hon. M. S. Quay Secretary of the State Cen tral Committee. These appointments insure a thorough canvass of the State and a vigorous, active and earnest effort to secure the election of the ticket. A REFORM ticket is called for in Philadel phia. Break down the ring, nominate honest men and not allow a few corrupt politicians to make a ticket, is all that Is necessary now to make a winning party. Why will people, who are continually reforming, stay away from the delegate elections P Attend to them and the convention will be all right. How very miserable A. J. will feel if Gen, Grant does not become Dictator and the Gov ernment should not go into bankruptcy. As an act or kindness some one should take the Ex• President back to Tennessee. lie does not want an office and ought not to be run ning around making foolish speeches. " Pity the sorrows of a poor old man." NEWS. ITEMS. —The Dubuque omnibus owucre have complain ed of time street railroad as a nuisance. —Fifty-seven thousand acres ,of prairie will be broken in one couuty In lowa this year. —A Michigan bOrber .has been fined for riolat log the Sunday law by shirting a customer on that day. —By the explosion of an anvil at Da Moines, lowa, which was used as a substitute for a cannon, several persons won fatally Injured. —ln a new town In lowa all the deeds stipulate that intoxicating liquor shall never be sold ou the 'remises sold. —The Belgian ministry asks the King to dis solve the Senate, because it has twice rejected the government bill to abolish imprisonment for debt. —The " seventeanycar locusts" made their an nual appearance in Rhode Island, discoursing music that is beard at the distance of a mile. —Sugar plums, rich food, wine and beer are among the things which the royal children In Prussia are ucrcr allowed to taste. —Wales has been made a member of the French Agricultural Society. Probably for his efficiency in sowing wild oats, —A lady shut up In n carriage on an English railway, had to light fire with cushions and mats for a long distance before the train reached a Sta tion and she was rescued. —The report of Gen. Warren and Jas. F. Wilson on the construction of the Union Pacific Railroad, unlike that of their associate, Mr. 'Morris, is fa- vorable 4—All the Cuban prisoners have been released at New York, the privates on their own recognizance, the officers on bull, to answer If over brought to trial for violating the neutrality laws. • —There Is a silver lining oven to the elould of grasshoppers. In Nevada, if they have destroyed all the Crops, they have made It unnecessary to give any other food to chickens. —Thb correspondence between the President and Secretary Boris, on the resignatiOn of the lat ter, is published, setting at rest the rumors of any personal disagreement. —The Board of bianagers of the National Asy lums for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers report less than 2,000 disabled soldiers In their respective it atitutions, and represent all the Asylums as In good condition. —oil *ells ate still sunk In Ycitnsylvaniaj but they ant Usually failures. ' —The Cubans and Americins under Gen. Jor dan hate won an important victory. over Spintsh odds 4 - Holguin. —The "Fourth" was generally observed on Monday throughout the country.... 4t Boston the orator of the day came out against Woman Suff rage. —f3uo Anthony is out with a paragraph to the flevaution recommending that married people should no longer sleep together; that every man, woman and child should have a bed to him or herself; that those who are just going to house keeping should buy no double beds; and she ex claims with enthusiasm, "Cribs, cots, and single beds for health and happiness I" —The Philadelphia Library aro puzzled to de termine whether or not to accept the bequest of the late Dr. Rush. The site selected by the testa tor Is on Broad Street, entirely too far away from the business portions of the city. The bequest amounts to over one million of dollars, which is a very large sum of money, but the probabilities Ore that It will be rejected. In that event the Exe cutor will erect a building for the Ridgeway Libra ry Company, In accordance with the terms of the will. • —An Austrian mother has been arrested for ex posing near the bee-hivo her infant child, of which she wished to rid herself. The babe was rescued but not until It had been badly stung. —Gustave Doro was In the streets during the late Paris riots as a spectator. Being mistaken for, a workman, bedtime he wore an artist's blouse, he had money thrust In his baud, to urge him to take an active part in the fights. INTERESTING NEWS. The Great Flood in Kaneas—The Public Debt —Reduction of over Sicken Millione—The Dedication at Gettysburg, etc., etc. —Advices from Kansas in regard to the Into storm and freshets in that State, say in the neigh borhood of Junction City and west of that place the flood Is reported greater than any other since the settlement of the State. Bridges have been carried away, houses destroyed, and many lives lost. The greatest disaster occurred at Chapman's Creek, thirteen miles west of Junction City, where several houses were washed away and thirteen }motions known to be drowned. It is supposed that a number of others have perished. The rising of the streams was so sudden and un expected, that before the residents in the valleys were aware of the danger, their dwellings were surrounded with water, and all chance of escape cutoff It was reported that numbers had es caped by climbing trees, and in that situation were awaiting the decline Of the flood. At Man hattan, 14 dead bodies had been seen to puss float big down the Blue River. No malls or trains from the East have arrived at Ellsworth since Friday last. There has been great destruction by the freshet to the bridges and track of the Kan sas Pacific Railroad, Irma the Solomon River to Manhattan, and 30 lives are reported lost. —The statement of the public debt for Juno was issued last Thursday. It showsadecrease in the debt of $16,110,18161; This was a great sur prise to Secretary lioutwell, for only 21 hours before he did not expect the decrease to be over $10,000,000. It was not known till Thursday that the decrease would be so large. Within the last 30 hours over $0,000,000 had been paid into the Treasury from miscellaneous sources, which was unexpected. When Secretary, Boutwell read the statement to Gen. Grant he expressed himself as highly pleased,and remarked that if the receipts of the Treasury continued to increase, and the public debt decreases, he was satisfied as to the success of his administration, and cared not for the croaking and sneering of the politicians and their representatives, the partisan press. The payment of the semi-annual gold interest, duo on the public debt, began last Friday. The total amount payable at all the offices of the Treasury is about $31,000,000. It Is estimated that, in addi tion to this amount, various other dividends payable in, the principal cities will amount to 920,000,000 more. These payments, with the purchase of suffix) of bonds ordered by Secrete- Boutwell on Thursday, will, it is thought, relieve the stringency of the money market. —Owrrrsnuna, July I.—Fifteen thousand peo ple came together to-day to dedicate anew the beautiful cemetery which no words could so con secrete as the tender speech of Abraham Lincoln, uttered here MX years ago. The cemetery Iles on a hill, swept over by the storm of battle in those terrible days of July. On the spot where they fell the soldiers lie burled, the resting place of each known and marked. Commissioners of every State, whose sons sleep here, have had the cemetery In charge. Each State has contributed her proportion toward the cost of the grounds and the erection of tne monument ; and to-day the eighteen commissioners resigned their six years' trust, and delivered the cemetery to the National Government. On the platform sat Gen. Meade, Secretary Raw lins, Gen. Robinson, Gen. Parker, Gov. Geary, Gov. Padelford, Gov. Baldwin, Gov. Fairchild, Gov. Ward, Gov. Jewell, the Hon. Simon Canter on, the Hon. Mr. Ferry, the Hon. Edward Mc- Pherson, the Rev. H. W. Beecher, Bayard Tay lor, and many distinguished citizens of Pennsyl vania. The public ceremonies were opened with mush, from a line band. Then Henry Ward Beecher uttered a solemn prayer in the large, and loving, and fervent words so familiar from his lips. Gen. Meade said a few earnest words, re calling the history of the place, recognizing the courage, and solf-sacrilleo, and patience that !node this day posgible, and feelingly pleading that the bones of the Rebel dead should be gath ered, and kindly and decently interred. After music front a volunteer choir from Baltimore, the monument was unveiled, while the Star Spangled Banner was played. The monument is an obe tisk of granite, 50 feet high, surmounted by the Inevitable figure ,of Fame, in white marble. At the base are four projections, on each of which stands a commemorative figure. A belt of thirty- Hi x stars surrounds the column, and the national bird Is emblazoned on the front ; an entablature bears the date of the battle, July 1, 2 and 3, 1863. Senator Morton, sitting in his chair, read his speech on the cause of the triumph of the North and the future of the Republic. It was compre hensive, mildly belligerent, able and extremely encrgetic,.but fell without response on the ears of those phlegmatic border farmers. Then Ba yard Taylor read his fine poem. Tho great until dience stood quiet, touched by its grandeur and simplicity; his clear voice bore the swelling strain far out over the Hummer fields; and the sweet C h arity, and Forgiveness and Reconcilia tion which ho invoked seemed to stand visibly beside the leveled grave. Music sounded again and than a prayer was breathed. Then Gen. Meade, who had managed untold brigades of men, marshaled au array more powerful—the • little army of the little children of dead sold hers. To their great delight ho reviewed them and gave them a bit of friendly talk, and they cheered in small voices. Maryland in the form . of a gallant young °Meer, gave them a Bag, and the; small voices cheered again. Atter the children hind dis persed the crowd drifted away, lingering in the quiet place, or wandering oar to the old battle field, or coining into town with friendly speech and handshaking; right and loft. To-night Uottysburg will he a village again, forgetting al ready the faces of her 20,0X00 Inhabitants of to-day. —There is no longer any doubt of the fate of Major Powell's scientific exploring expedition consisting of twenty gentlemen from several towns in Illinois and two half breed 'guides. On the Bth of May last, the Major with twenty men, attempted to cross the Colorado river in a small boat, about twenty rods above the rapids, and about fifty miles from the Canon, for the purpose of exploring the Big Black River, Winch empties into the Colorado at that point. When about thirty yards from tile shore, gilding along on the apparently smooth water, the boat was seen. to enter a vortex which at once engulfed It, and not one of the party, which left the shore a few mo ments before gaily cheering, was ever seen after- Risdon, who had been left at the pOlnt of embarkation, saw tho boat go down. He had been loft In charge of the teams and baggage belong- Ing to the party, and was to have gone below the rapids to meet the party in two days. • We n,txr.tatig:eZigoboilt„%clPT:abfia,:,ll.7,isr eatue. • WI SAYS OOOD STILES FIJI CAIIIDIDISI PAINTS reduced to $3, 84 and 61, which formerly vadat IA 88 and quo. WI HAYS VISTS •thlliar goods reduced to qv: We NAYS CIOTII. CSSIDINISN. "MI, and other atyles sack coa lsren, reduced to • onilf a Xtheir pres hi value, Tulsa ASS SVIPLVII STOCK. Osli. addition SO Our rept larthrortment of nets and choice ywode: we have the ore resolved to dote than out at prices abore me toned. They are all good, sound, desirable goods. Sven • CO•Net VON BARGAINS is seldom Otred. ll Na why ed.... Pon and • t llsaperr & 'o.. To HALL. Rath streets. No. 518 1( INSET. I'IDLADNLPUIA• AND No. 0011/1200DWAT. New rollK. CITY NOTICES Entinott New Yotk and Pilladelpbla Pliyalelana claim that Dubola' bilealaquol Powder actually curea Cancor. It Is advertised In this Issue. Desiring to Increase otlh business and believing that in making ourselves known to the piddle through this medium It will Id if measure' tend to secure that end, we thereforo call your attention to our varied nod complete stock of 'muslins, sheet+ lug, ticking', linen and cotton table' diaper, Call coes, ginghams, all kinds of tiress•,goods, lawns, white goods, all kids of listens " for metes wear, black silk, parasols, fans; hosiery and gloves of all description. While In the city of Allentown It will always afford us pleasure to have you enllnud take a look thiough our stock. :We will spare no pains - in making it to your advantage. Yours respectfully, Scunninen There will ho a total eclipse of the min on tho 7th of August. It will be visible,throughout the United States. The eclipse will last over all hour, commencing between .5 and 6 o'clock In the even ing. But this will not interfere with the sales of neat goods at Schreiber Brothers' store, next door to the Bank. This store eclipses all otbcrs•ln sell ing.goods cheap and the very khid of goods needed. Give them a call. " The world Is not governed by chance, but by certain laws, and the result of the operations of insurance companies will be, like our study of the physical laws of nature, to confirm men more and more in the belief that there is a God, and that the world Is goVerned by regular laws."— Albert Barnes' " Life at Threeateare anti tett." This Is a more remote result ; the Immediate ef fect Is to give a good investment to men of means and a contented and quiet mind to poorer men who uro constantly harassed with the question, "what would , become of my family, If I should die 1" The agency of the Insurance company In which It pays hest to be Interested, is at No. 69, East Hamilton street; It is "The American Life Insliraueo Company of Philadelphia." Linderman .3.7 Sons' Gold Medal Cycloyd and Square Pianos are considered by the most promi nent musicians In the country a first-class Instru ment In regard to durability, fullness and brit liancy.of tone. They sell Ono Hundred Dollars lower than either Chickering's or Steinway's arc In every respect as good, If not superior to those, and are warranted for 5 years. Number of refer ences In affirmation of the abcive can be given from citizens of Allentown, Lehigh or adjoining Counties. Come and examine them at C.F. Herr mitnn's Music store, 7th and Walnut. Allentown has an extensive china and glassware establishment whereas greata variety and as low prices can be found as in the larger cities. We refer to the new store of Richard Walker, No:40 West Hamilton street. Sheet lfrisic, Books, Music Port Folios, Strings, or anything belonging to a regular Music Store, can be had cheaper titan anywhere else, at C. F. Herrmann's Music store, For. 7th and Walnut streets, Allentown. One thousand Pianos of Haines & Brother, New York, were sold In one year. Not only are they the cheapest piano in the market, ranging from $375 to $5OO, but have given:universal satisfaction throughout the country. Only for sale at C. F. Herrman's Music store, 7th and Walnut. "inure is Drake S. T. 1860 Y 1" We have heard this question asked many times, and for all we knew for a year past be might be dead. Re cently, in New York, we called at his Laboratory In Liberty St., and there found this gentleman bar ricaded behind a tremendous pile of boxes, distrib uting funds to a Sunday School Committee. Our business was to secure an advertisement. He said: " My dear sir, what is theme of advertising the Plantation Bitters? They sell better now than when I advertised at such enormouS expense, and now I have not made a contract fora year. I have all this amount to give to the poor. To sat isfy the Press, however, who have always been my friends, I think I will give you a little-some thing to do again, for? have improved the Bitters ;greatly, and It may be well to have you let the people know it." And so he ran ou in a happy, cordial, appreciative manner, showing no the won ders of his place and the cords of certificates. Everything Is on a magnificent scale, and is done with neatness and. promptness. While there we saw at least forty orders come in for these cele brated Bitters. Cases were being shipped to the four corners of the world. Drake Is not dead, nor his Bitters either.—Exchange. !LA o Nr o l ig . l A IN a ' t tlF ;, n oi — d S „ i: te a r , trail toniemho t It/sported Our BUSINESS NOTICES Scrofula, Halt Rheum, Alit and Female Instates, Warrunfed cu cal.—Sec lexlimuuhd:— SALINOUIII' TOlrrltillrP, Lehigh Co., Oct: 31, IRIS. It In with a grateful feeling that I feel able to mako the following etatement for the benefit of those who are suffer ing from Scrofula and other Chronic Diseases. My wife bad been suffering for several years frost tumors or swellings on her neck which ate,. n (IMO would Maher gm' discharge matter, leaving a running more. 'She had been treated fur more than an year by most eminent pLyst clunx without receiving any permanent benefit, her disease becoming worse, 110111 rho had five of these running sores ou her neck, when I employed Dr. 11. D. Lonitaker, under whose treatment she commenced to improve very fast, the sores on her neck to heal, atria all tier unpleasant anal dis agroenblo symplotun gradually to disaPpear, mail her health was restored, which was in about four months. I feel perfectly Justified, oft,ii'llavlng tried the treatment of other idtyslcians in recommending all those who are suffer ing from Scrofula or Chronic DlrieltseN to Dr. Longuker for medical treattnent, With at firm belief that they will be tow baled, benefited and cured thereby. int my - wife has been. (Signed,) .1.131 ES DARNED.' Dr. 11. I). Lorankeex office irk or (ho Eu 4 stile of Sixth reel, bhtwiwn Hamilton nod Wulnut. Allentown. Pain Paint will Stop Pain when Doctors Mai.— WOICOWS PAIN PAINT will do It; and if you have Catarrh. recollect thot Wolcott's :lxsttttt.Arun, plot bottles +I, so ill eradicate thin dingustloir disease, root nod brooch. Rix pliSts. free of °slim,,a chargo.i. for 5.1, or no plot of Wol cott's PAIN PAINT. Address Dr. WiIIANITT, 170 Chatham eclair°. N. V. Small batthai sold at all drog.storos. Oua taught Precept alight tho wholo routlease, Do sure your tailor Is a mu opetton" This Is after all tin secret of gond clothes, to have a tot. 100 who Is a Inuit of good lash, and Judgment, Inaklug up the best selections of goods lit the moot approved styles Nhiud melting them ut a cost an low an Is at all consistent safety. Such men are Wauatooker & Drown of Oak Hal : Do you deal with thou I "The house ►le Lire Tra."—Bpace forlildo our speaking of rho bones, muscles, lung, brain, nerves, skin, etc. But consider for a moment that the average amount of blood in 411 Minh Is thirty poumhi or about one-fifth of the body's weight. At each beat of the heart tWo and a half 'ounces of blood urn Ahrown out of it; ono hundred and aeveuty•flve ounces per minute; six hundred cud fifty-six pounds per hour; seven and three-fourth tons per day. All the blood In the body P." o ‘ through the heart in three minutes and distributes, the nutritivo principle to every texture and the source of every secretion. Now, If tho blood Is weak and Impure the danger of Incurring disease a Imminent. This is certain to be Ito conditlon, more or mut, nt this period of the year. And Just here we are ad monlshed of the superior advantages of MISIMEIt'S 11Elt11 BITTERS for cleansing and renovating the blood. This It will always du, and also prevent any dine.° aris ing from Impure bl'ood, because It re 1110,41 the cause. Ile• gin at once to purify your blood with this great Mule, and, thus ward elf disease before it entrenches Itself In your system. • Something Xerdal in Every Rimsehold.—Every man's house, according to good old English law, In "his castle ;".but during summer time, in our country•, If tho castle bo not guarded against dies nod toosoultomi, this woutod Immunity will avail but little against those ene mies which enter wheu sheriff and writ cannot. Thu screens, manufactured by the Adjustable Window Screen Company, OM Market street Philadelphia, ate offered an a sure remedy ugalusttho above annoying pests. Title Coot• puny have brought out an article which, for artistic ap pearance and practical use, in unexcelled. Their Patent Scrota combined In two frames, made to slide by each oth or, and kept in position by Iron guides, cattbo readily ad justed to any window. The screen, moreover, in lu Itself a haudsouni and ornamental piece of furniture to any room. Wo know from observation and practical tests dial.° screens aro all that Is claimed for them by the proprietors. Thurso goods nra sold by all dealers In furult urn house famishing Nods, etc., throughout the country.—Phfla delphia Press. Mr. Schatz: I lave need the BITTERS I obtained from you omitted thorn to heall they aro reeommended to ho. 14ound one bottle to afford mo coualderublo relief. I feel aolkhugh I cannot do very welt Without them uuder my prefeut elate of health. . D. Ilexio It, No. ItiSouth Sixth St., Philadelphia. Pastor Nuptial Puesyurtk Church. pr Ren o icßedlENTZ' eranding advertisement in a hirV m Mori Economical, Remarkable Virtainly of prompt action. In fact, every good quality Is guaranteed for Mrs. S. A. ALLEN'S Improved (new style) Nair Re storer or Dressing. (In one bpitle.) Every . Drugost molls It. Rrlce.9qo Dollar. • . • An Invaluable Preparattort.The attention of our readers is directed to the allvertinement of Dr. L. Q. C. Wished's Pine Troo Tar Cordial, for the cure of Consular • lion of the Longs, etc. This Invaluable preparation lass met with such on increased demand during tho Penn Years. the proprietor has found It 'necessary to ittnnellee the (Anti lles for and has now ono of the largest Laboratories in Philadelphia, and has recently removed his salesroom to the large and commodious store, No. North Second Street, Philadelphia. Somo of - the largest Patent Medicine dealers In the United States sap the der nand for Wlshart's Pine Troo Tar Cordial is greater ut the PASent time than any other Paton' Ble,ltelno to thin Min im. fflarrittgro GEIER—LINGSTROM.Ou the 31st of Mayi by the lief. N. S. Strassburger, Mr. Qnelu Ocher to Mimi flothlhbvlAngstrom both of Allentown. 11OFFMAN—IIENRY.—On the 3,1 of July, by the same, Mr. James flolTman to Miss Eliza !hen ry, both of Allentown.- NORMAN—WALT.—On the 4th of July, by the snore, Mr. William Jacob Worman, to Mhui Catharine Walt, both of Allentown. anb Commcrriat LLE:4I:OWN MAIUCEDL JULY 7. Corrected erery week by IVeinf7rtmer & Newhard Whent Floor, prr NV lira. per "el". .. MIZE , Timothy Sell, per bushel Clover I: I, " Whent Ityr, Coro Seal. " Per ..... l ells Egg., per tlexeu Pet:tiers,per bushel. Dried APPI., Inlet Dried readies 3 5 CO. NEW YORE PRICE CURRENT rla r h j , Itin s l a t l e '. Cl l nriniaolouVr a a 117 n e S, k No. I lltr Barclay l St.. New York. DC'Cl'Elt.—Chenaagno, Del. and Catiaran gas Coo pails, almieen Ih n 370.10. Do. fair to good, MOM. COMM. bottoms white, anyilia2. Susquehanna Co. pails, choice, 3saio. fair to good, alCiatC;. Do, Cannon bottoms White, tinr,7•33. N. Y. Stem . Tubs choice yellow 311037 Ito., fair to good, :MV O. Common bottoms, white Waal N. Y. Slo th Wel,ll tub, cool t o dunks, ss(Taxi. State Firkins choice, yellow for shipping 3,V):lnt. Do., (pine gland, SAR..3I. Western, Firkin,, choice, yellow .4..(7632. Do., (air to good, 2.1(•1(5111. Do., antiunion and W 20®21. Dernants daring tho past week fool nu 1:1,1TY1 packages dr a decrease of about packages from la , t week. The emand has been good lon choke yellow irking for shin ning, also for Prime State tninsond palls for home con sumption. Lower and medium grades are I,ellve and hard to move at prices tittoted• Cil ESSE. —New factory choice and fancy, 195 1 19... nO. haw to good, 17(4010. N. Y. State Dairy good to cholaa 17(n15 5. Do., 1 to tunnel 10(1515. N. Y. State skim- . toed, (as, heavy alai pricer declining. ElHic..—Jersey and Popo, well packed In chaff, Tido:. Jer,ey 111111 Penna. well parked in oats, .11025. N. Y. State, well parked. good order, 2.10425. Ohio and Wester., good order, 23(n•24. Iter•elpts have been light and the demand being good prices have advanced, and should receipts contilitio light the conning ',reek. We do not advire shippers to hold eg,p , back, bat rather to tel them curia forward gradually. HEANS.—Marrow choice, new, Lash. UJ Kidney. ,holce hew, 2.4.Ar,2.60. ch , oice, new, Pen, choice. Do., fair to good, 2.1410.1 . 31. Mixed anal common, 7 , 01.0 0 . I/111 EP FRUlT—apples Prime State, II bush. 1. - ‘015 , 4 Do., Jersey, Ohio and Pennsylvania, 14(3,15. &Mlles Southern, 12e14.... Illackl , , , rries, 210121. Raspberries, Hanltk Cherries, pitted, aog-13. Peaches annealed, 11017 11,1141 'AWN. lIEESWA X.—Pure - .6 L. 41611111. SEEDS.—FIax seea, 2.50 0 (5.2.Hi. Clover, TALLOW—In good barrels. P IL, 10 , l'Hill•TßY.—Durks pair, 1.1 , 01.&). (lees° alive, II pair, galtyn2.(Sl. Ali, Turkeys, II 2-I(ncN. Fowls. i ;JAir c Roosn.rr, Weak spring Chickens I, * 2 7 ) ... cakes, new, 1 1 lia a idd. Lid Fair to g. .. I, 110,1:1. Largo Cakes, good, 120114. Poor and Dark, k4. - CIO. • Remember and mark your Initials or full 1101110 on th side of every package, 111111 wu may know who it Is from, and al Mark the coutents on the side of ever)' packag, that we may know what each contains without opcnin every package to and the kind the customer WWII,. nut! send foil invoice by mail. The tindersigneti would respectfully inborn Ida - friend :pal shippers throughout the country, that. Ito lo still at th old stand, 92 Barclay street, and Is not ally way 'onc neett.ti with the so-railed arm or Helfrich, Hilbert & Co., and is threrore ova rerponsilde for any goods consigned t raid limn. Respectfully, J. It. HELFRICH. XES'S YOUTEVS, BOYS' 111t1:N'it SPNINO AND CLOTIIINO. °VII AtInUILTMENT lx uum fall and cuttaphie, tce lame e eery desirable, kind and size. Cllr O:VI:CAN Mt At . :Tr. oLfront the stock—ay hare all fhe f 1 Verent style °fent, adapted to all tastes, W angling the vie ni and subdued, preferred by 7/111/19, Its let(( as the , latest and I,lllBi fashionable style. rualetes us to keep at all times a full assortoieul,xi; that 1 . 111 ea o he Jabot at once udth nut delay. Otis PUltell6+lll , l AMA. 11111 NO anal: FOB CAM, and having purrhaosoot target g of late, since the de cline to Woolens, our cost footers share In the nit ' rantoges ICY hare thus secured. Ocu r , A . I.ErI mass FOll CA2III /:XCUSLVHLY, ire lustre no bad d e ws to proodele for, awl are nod ohl tiled to; lax the 'mg( og customer to make up losses through those ich eloi aol pay bp. - Urn RUA A ue tI.UUIISZTtI are stu:lgor to any other shack Vl:twill-31,dr 'jowly in Philadelphia, hilly one ran be I e lrelt filled from th;11 us by garment, ""he to order they are as well made aad • vibe! in every rtsp, et, unit 3is tieh cheaper. Belay outanfnct bred BY THE II UNIIII.EDA AND TIIoriANDA, they cam be said cheaper thou ichca math: up singly; but fur the arceiiii in mint bin' of those !rho prefer ice have also A CUSTO3I DEPAILTJITNT To MONT. VP TO unmat, ?rah choice Scitelett stock of l'icce Gll4ll l / 1 , comprising rill styli s and 'Anal it its. Foreign awl nomadic, ichich bill he made or to measure by rflltllleirlit tylreel to the beet. 81.1:1•1A1. NOTICE.—St Or, fin . lend looke of our yeerietteys eterjoeseed by none, "'trolled by Ate. All price, geteereseeteeet lower (f ou l the lowest el...ober', 1 1111 1 fall entivfeeetioes yeomen bud corny porehoetr, nr the: il& eernerleel troll money ref needed. • A PAIR TltuuT to All. WE Alit. Hallway between BENXI:TT & Cu,., Fifth and 'l'ou•eat 11A1.1., SIXtII lit Ate itx ET IT., AND am lIIIOAIIWAT, NEW VOlOl. Sincial 'Notices. A GREAT REMEDY Full TIM. 011111 ut, THROAT AND LUNG DISEASES IVISTIABLI7S . PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL. A t Is the vital principle of the Pine Tree, obtained by a perallor process In the distillation of the tar, by which Its highest medical properties 1.0 retained. It is the only safe-gourd and reliable remedywhich bas over betaprepared (non the juke of the Pine 'free. It luvigorates the digestive organs and restored the'appe tite 1 t . siren the debilitated system. • - It purities and enriches the blood, and expels front Ito hytent the corruption which serofala breeds on thethe lungs. It dissolves the 11111ClIN or phlegm which stops airs thowages of the lungs. Its healing principle acts spool the Irritated thrface of the longs and throat, peto•trating to each diseased part, relieving pato and subduing inflammation. It is the result .if years of study and exPerlment, and it IN offered to the afflicted, with the positlvo assurance of Its power to mire the following diseases, if the patient has not too long delayed it resort to the means of cure:— Coumpoptlon of the Lungs, Coma, Sots Throat and Breast. Bronchitis. Liver Complaint. Blind and Bleeding Piles, Ahlittou, Whooping Cough, Biptheria, Ac. We are often asked why are 110 t other remedies la the pup het for Consumption, Coughs, Colds, and other Puts monary affections equal Cr, Dr. L. C. Wihhart's Pine Tice Tar Clin11(11. We'anawer -1,4. It cures, not by stopping cough, but by loosening and ashistiag nature to throw off the unhealthy :natter collected about Pm throat and bronchial tubes, causing Irritation and cough. 3lost Throat and lung Remedies nth os comped of anodyetes, which allay the cough for awhile, lint by their constringing effects, the fibres Imc 1111 l hardened, and the tlllllOBl thy fluids eongolate and aro retained lu the system, using disease beyond the' control of our movt eminent physicians. 3d. Th. , Pine Trey Tar Cordial, with Ito [whist:pits, aro preferable, because they remove the cause of irritation of the mucus membrane and bronchßtl tubes, assist the lungs to act and h trow otf the unhealth sections, mid Purify the blood thus scientifically mak lug Nre u , run' perfect, Dr. Wit[hart Arm no file of glee httrittreti. nod I (boon/mils of err( illeitter, front Bien 01111 IVIIIII. if rig la/world/a, chnroorter who mere hare hopeletreiv (pre en rept° tile, but r,ii the Prot:l4l,llr e '` ert Tod mere T7„ l :4".`l 7 ::.;„.'‘lr„rt; person sir I. mall, free ,j .harp. Prim, of pine Tree Tar .cordial per Bottle, 411 Jute dos, heat by Itxp remt on receipt of prim Address L. Q. C. Wlshart M. 11., Na, 3.l:North Second,St. Pa. ape 21-3 m .o. QCIIENK'S PULMONIC SYRUP, SEAWEED kJ TONIC and Mandrake Pills, will cure Consumption, Liver Complaint, and Dyspepsia, if taken according to directions. They are all three to be With at the sometime. They cleanse the stomach, relax the liver. andpot It to work : then the appetite eetlinee good; the food !flesh; themakes good blood; the li patient begins to grow In flesh; the diseased matter ripens la the lungs, and the patient out grown the disease end gets well. This Is the only way to core consumption To these three medicines Dr. J. If. Scheidc, of Philadel phia, eaves Ids uurivalled nacre.; in the treatment of pul monary oonsuniption. 'era l'illtiondO Syrup ripens the morbid ;natter in the hums, nature throw. It °trio) , au easy expectOratlint, fir w lieu the phlegla or mutter Is ripe. a plight elingli will throw it off, and the patient has rest and liiig Wage liealitto heal. ' To do this, the Seaweed Tonle and Mandrake Pills must Le freely used to cleanse the stomach and liver; so that the Put:mule Syrup and the food will ;mike good blood, Schenk's Mandrake Pills act upon the liver, removing all obstructions, relax the ducts of the gall-bladder; the bile starts freely wad the liver in noon relieved g the stools will show Wlllllll./ Pills can dor nothing w h i c her Vary Invented except falinnel Og deadly poison bi Very danger°nn to ate unless With great care), that will unlock the gall-bladder tool start the; of the liver like Schenk's Mandrake Pills. Liver Complaint Is ono of the must prominent comma of Consumption. . Schenk's Seaweed Tonle in a gentle stimulant and alter ative, and the alkali in the Sea Weed, whirl; this prepara tion In made of, assists the stomach to throw out the gastric juice to lulu good food with the Pultneele SP. sad its !themud. lute good blood without fermennition o re ooring in the et Ontlirli. Thu great reason why physicians du not care con/tun:lP tion It, they try to do too much t they give medicine tom e, the cone.. to stop chills, to etc t •weuts, hectic:fe and by so dolug they derange thy whole digestive powers, looking up the socretious, and eventually the patient sinks and dies. Dr. Schenk, Mille treatment, Mies not try to stop a cough, night sweats, chills, or fever, Romero the ramie, and they will all stop of their own accord.. Nu one can be cured of Consumption, Liver ComPlaiat. UrsPePsia, Catarrh. C..- ' Iter, Ulcerated Throat, tiniest the liver and stomach tiro Can tu healthy. If a perdu lig. Coolgetaption, of (curie the hinge In some way are diseased, either tubercles, abscesses, bronchial Irritation. pleura? Wheaton, or the longs area mass of in flamation and fast decaying. In such cases what must be done? It Is not only the lungs that aro wasting, but It Is the whole body. The stomach .d liver have lost their power to make blood out of food. Nov the only chance Is to take Schenk'; three medicines which will briug up a tone to the stomach, the patient m'ip•gls to want food, It Will digest easily and make good d : then the patient begins to gala In flesh. and as sou as the patient to grow, the lungs commouce to heal up, aud the gels fleshy and well. This Is the only way to cure Commt.P• lion When there Is no lung disease, and only Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, Schenk's Seaweed Tonle and Mandrake Pills are sufficient without the Pulmoule Syrup. Take the Mandrake Pills freely In all bilious complaints, as they are perfectly barncless. Dr, Schenk, who ha, enjoyed nulnlorrupted health for many years pant, laid now weighs ttll pounds, was Wasted away to a mere skelrton, lu tho very last etas° of Pulmo nary Consuraption, his physicians haying Pronounced his case hapelens and abandoned him ale his fate. Ho was cured by the aforesaid medicines, and e hie reedy.'ry many thommada similarly afflicted have used Dr. Schenk's prep &ratio. with the mum remarkable success. Full direction. accompany each, make it nut absolutely necessary to per. zonally see Dr. Schenk, unless the patieuts wish their lungs Principal and for this purpose ho fa professioually at his Principal Unice Philadelphia, every Saturday, where all Iletters fur advice must be addressed. Ile In oleo profes. sionally , at No. :11 Bond Street, New York, every other Tuesday, and at No. Si Hanover Street, Boston, every other Wednesday. Ile gives advice free, but for a thor ough exemluution with his Itespiremeter Mewl. Is IM W. 011 ice hours at each city from 0 A. U. to 3 P. DI. Dn. J.. 11. SCHENK, 15 N. 6th St., .Philada., Pa war 10-IY*O ~... .1 !:„Sprclat , , t perr,g. ERE . !.'1!'4 11 . r.„Yr . .(iru„,4t.„ A „ ' ii t,1!111'1" `,",,,".°,,1‘`‘'., - f - A n.:, ..,,, to Orq.t.4 oll it ypiali belkeretlen. Iv lll,for i, the tewltif'et nu eri BIZ lilltil telly, Free VI ell win nooni it.:th.• 1110110 II Illn•dtlou .0 loWkinst OW 4ilillile roue.' y by., whiff) ho w s eOwd. Hitirocpta wlelllng to Droll. by 140 ody/rtb..1 . 1 expariown F 61191. en by mbire.e4hiat, In trerfectApeliclvece, .1...;e ' '. :: 'JOHN lb tRIDEN, 4- ''''Nn. 42 Cedar lit. Now York. • TIEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CATARRH treated with the utmost stirrer., by J, ItIAACA, lit. In, and Profeccor of DIRIONIR of Ms Rye and .1.:(tr; (Ms Are chilly) his the 31.11fralIlefiE ✓ l'ennitylrftnio. 12 pears experience, (formerly orleyden,'llolladtb) street, ein, l'hilatleiphin, c'roWlutonitils eau 4bh hem at 1119 11111 Ce. Thu medical faculty art, Invited to accompany their patients, an be hasmo sorrel. to hi. oprastlcet-Arli Nnl CIOS Inserted without pal u. No charge for examina -111111. • - .11t11'27.1y•o• 01110, .eIII, g I 2.1, paying I 40, IDRO F. 1111A11111LTON'S • .-------,, • . 1. ! sernokrin } (S.TOI I ' • COUGH CANDY ! Mailorri.extractA prepare In Vayo ' • 7 i r 4 T ; --n.leerlatn nod ellrealvo;rimedy: r „„' ~,,,.. . CI Only., &Add% t Mannino., 114 e 1 CVUUIi 1 Tl ' itant, Asthma . , Ilranellltlannd C,I, gllMPliOlf. ' Thome who try—always ~....,_„,..___„., 17 1 n m l p t i- 1 o c . n r r r n lk e ,, 1 , r , , C . o r l 11;4 r r, d t ovoid lily 12 cent, One Inllll‘on gold annually, and [ dal Prim, every ',here and by MI drugglAtx In Allentown. Irchl7-0m..• BM .100, I • • SI 3 00, 00, • • 31q, " rs? log. MO CONSUMPTrVES .—The uttvertlier, having born re.tored to health In a few wools+, hy a very rimple remedy, after having roffered 'nevem% ream with a revere long affection, and that dread disease, Connemp. lien, In nogious to mkt, known to hi, fellow sufferers the of of eure. Used who desi charge) l withed a copy the prescription (free of the dire, liens far preparing suet using the name, which they will - find a sore core or Como toptlen, Arthom Bronchitis, Sm. The only Object of the , advert wr In needing the Prercrip lien is to benefit the afflicted,and spread Information which Ito conceives to be Invaluable; and he hopes every roger, will try him restudy, ascii will cold them nothing anti may Prove a blessing. Parile+ wit.bleg the prescription will please oil 'llse. EDWARD A. WILSON Williamsburg. Kings Co.. N. I,- • 'Legal 'Noticrz INTHE DISTRICT COURT OF THE D. S. FOR TIIE EASTERN DISTRICT OF I'ENNA. In the molter of Frank Pu lanky and Simeon J, Naum bum/. lute trading as F. Peansku A, Co., Bankrupts. Satire is hereby given that a general meeting of credit ors fur the last oxen:km[llm of the above named bankrupts; for the report of the Assignee, and for ordering n dividend among the creditors, in the ahoy° bankruptcy, wilt be held at the American Hulot, City of Allentown, Lehigh County, in sold District July 10, IFiO. at oa. m. And the 11.1 hearing on the bankrupts' etition for discharge bo rer.. the 11. S. District Court nt Philadelphia, will be held July 101. ISA at ]0 a. tn., when and where all parties MY appear and show rause, If any, why said tomkrupts should not be discharged. 0 LO. N. CORSON, Register lu DankruPtcY. Affest:-0 cumin IL Herr. Assignee. ie23-3c NOTICE* • The Mnetingle gallons Bank will make application the next Neosho, of the Legislator° of Pennsyl Yenta for the repeal of au much of the Ist section of the act Incorporating said bank as pros Idea That nothing in thin act contained shall be so construed no to confer on the said corporation Intuiting privileges, or en an to exempt the saute I r hhh the operation of the laws of this Commonwealth prohibiting the issue or itank , lleteS or engattentents of credit In the na ture lisPreOrC . 11114 will apply for g Till banking privi leges tattler the present style nod title, "The Mom:lngle Savings Bank,' with the present capital of ICU 000, With Privilege to incrense the some to tiegi,ll.lo, and he located In the City of Allettlowu. LA 'IL SCIIALL,yreaI. Wll. C. LielivitowAt.txon,Cashier. je3o.Gna NOTICE, he Allentown Sari oge I ofilltution will make application the next xeßtilon of din Legimluture of l'eniniylVaiiin fur repeal Of so lunch of the let section of the net Income ' ' ----- •' Ili net contained shall he no construed no to confer menu au maid corporation banking privileges, or no nn to exempt .lienn.lllo (non the operation of the lows of thin Common eealth prohibiting the issuing of bunk notes Or other no w get:toils of credit In the nature thereof; ' nod will apply for general holt:leg privileges ender the present style and title—the " Allentown Savings lustitutlon"—iwith (ho present capitol of 1,42.000. and right of further increase to 04 , 3,1k11l and to he located in Allentown, Lehigh county. signed: • WILMA)! If. Aloes, CIIMMEN It. linen, dons . I). STILES. IMO.IAM PBEV, F. E. SAlirEldi. t h ug,. J. liAnnitnutits. • Inlnti PllOl4lO, gAIIII,EI. SELL, je 3U•01.1 PETF.II. Trustees, moTHE OWNERS OF UNPAT- Mina) LANDS. . • • titmv iron ORNIMAI..II Orrien. t Bd., Juno 22, 1331). 3 In obedience to on Act of Assembly, arProyed the eighth ,y of April, ono thousand eight hundred and NIX , y•niale, are hereby notified thnt the "Cuttnty Land Lion ocket," containing the list of unpatented lands for Le igh county, prepared under the Act of Assembly of tho entleth of May, one thousand eight hundred and aixty mr, and the supplement thereto, loin lids day 'been for ardeti to the Prothonotary of the county, at whose amen may be exnmined. The liens Can only Ito liquidnted by it payment or the tomb .° money, interest and fees, and •ceiv Attorney through lids Depurtment. Proceedings y the General hilVtl been stayed for one year toil t hiS litltt• in order that partles•May 01411111 their Pc It without tidditional coot. JACOB N. , f , ; , . ( 441 0 1M 0 PUBLIC NOTICE. ME Public not ice Is hereby given, to all whom It may con pro, that a writ of partition has lately been homed out of the Court of Common Fleas of Lehigh County, at tin In stance of 3.1.1 nattllnd Pelee Woo f s, Delleao W to, Daniel Sheen, and Anna his wife, Into Anne Wields, Michael Flood and Mary his wife; late Mary Woods, McLean and Bridget his wife late Bridget Woods, John Tonmuy midden° his wife late Jane Woods, James McMillin nod Calla:wino his w\fe, Into Catharine Woods, nod William Bailey mid lithrgaret his wife, Into Margaret Woods ,• the said Peter 'Woods, Oeorgo Woods, Anna, Mary, Bridget, Jane, Catharine and Margnet Mang hell, told legal representatives of (thorn° Woods, Jr., Into of the City of Allentown, to the County of Lehigh, and State of Pennsylvania,.decensed, make partition of two certain lots or pieces of ground shunted In tho late First now Sixth Ward, la the late Borough now City of Allen town, in the said County of Lehigh, the ono bounded on the ratan. . y lands of Suel A. Bridges, Nathan Berman the M. WilmOn, no the east by a public alley, on the mouth by Allen street, and ou tho west by twenty feet wide street, containing In front on maid street ono hundred end eight feet, and la depth eighty•seven feet, moro 'or h.s. Wilt the oPPurtonances. Tho other bounded on the north by Sycamore Alley, on the east by n sixteen foot wide alloy, on the south by other grotto& of the mild Simnel A. Bridges, Bothnia Dorman and Jnines M. NVllmon, nud on tho west by Hideo Alley, containing In front on Sycamore Alley eighty-eight foot, mid In d,•pthitile hundred nod eight ftmt, more or less, with the spin , , That the mol writ Is made rothrnablo to tho said Court on the Sixth - day tit September next, when sad whom nll pa interemted may attend if they think proper. Julie 23. tit ESAIAS BEHIND; Franey. Spcdtulco. • • • Sr EtTACLEN! SPECTACLESIr, EYE (IL ASSES, &c. Si A ,ec i t it u r c a l e ,ad a , u E d ) c u oi c t i te s t e e ,, a , sLo c rl . m a rt of all &lulls of CIIAS. S. MASSEY'S, NO. 23 EAST HAMILTON STREET, • ALLENTOWN. I'A. Having devoted a great deal of care and attention to the Spectacle business for these lust few years, 1 and hunt my business In that line has increased so notch that! have de termined to make it a SPECIALITY.. Them la no artlEdo. matinfact tired Inn which there Is no touch deception pantc tired as there In Spectacle KUnWille that the public have boot frennentlY ...bugged .hy parties pre. tending to have a superior article of Glasses, and charging exorbitant prices for them, Llierlo trainable upon lito pe n cessitles and Infirmities of Mtn 1 bran /Taken P a t n a led 0 large anti complete asserl meat of thelluest and Dent Olasses ever manufactured, thus , alfording all Venous noetling Spectacles an opportunity of purchasing at yea sonablo prices. Persons having any difficulty in being suited eisewher.4 will do well 61 give mo a call. as I feel confident that no ono will fall to bn ealted. (ha old stand, No. El East Hamilton street. opposite the Ger man Reformed Church, Allentown, Pa. jut WNTED.---A LOAN OF 010,00 d, by the Allento*aßc4del DistFic. Fur p4rtlouldrs apply to the underelknee. • C. U. RUNK,_Prest. Board Coo , J. 8. Secretary. MOB ITIIIOLMANIU I W. COLLARS united-ell:ins Itttore47 per cnt. Inuire nt tIIIE OFFICE. Juno u.tfq WRITE GOODS. BELOW REGULAR BATAS'S. PLAIN, PLAID AND STRIPED NAINSOOKS. PLAIN, PLAID AND STRIPED ORGANDIES. vicrottiA AND BISHOP LAWNS. • I'EK IN FORTES, Now SW" ittul Choke fur Dross°, SOFT AND ln l a l l A l IrD r I FINISHED : CAMBRIC S. MUSLIMS. A Choice Stock. Rarunorp.v.iuss.. • FINE :SEEDLE . WORK EROINOS oud INSERTINOS et ONE-lIALF VALUE. II AMIIIIROH, In SWISS nuAICAMBRIC. A FullElook. RUFFLINGS of all kludo. no MAOIC, EMPRESS. Ac. ' LACES. REAL and IMITATION Op rim • TH I READ ;ut VALENCIA., BOBINETS nod WASH BLONDS, REN A DIN ES FOR VEILS. ; TB! , Now Color, LADIES', MISSES', And DOTS' CUFF'S uud COLLARS. LEINIAISTRE & " loss, 212 NORTH. EIGHTH STREET, PRILADA. ' July 7-qAO CHEAPER THAN EVER. THE REGISTER . r. :, 1.1 • FOR ,THF, pF.1.860: In order to further the dissemination of Repub lican Ideas and to aid in strengthoninglhe Repub lican party in Lehigh coUnty; we will send THE LEIIIGII REGISTER till 'after tho OCTOBER ELECTIGiI; hicluding the IssuO of October 20th, to any address, Free of Fostamfor , • • . ; ; ; ( ; ; FIFTY WOW. . , / A n ' 1 • 100 copies to different post maces l i *lO la warranted to loop all kinds of Fruit. Preps..lona of grult oud Tomato., without bolus (or • Pc oo 7 qµaal. Il la a patented artlolo to Prepare food. and . un to.. Loaltliy,. no patent would be 'rutted. Price 60 Couto, •Pack"'. P°"3.l* by " the til l rellTrardO and .,_ Manufactured OnlY bY lane 90-9 in Ise N, ileconu Maittgb. Elru &lobo. Life rtuktranre THU l!IONT SUCCESSFUL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WO It LD , THE NATIONAL-' APE INSURANCE 1111213 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. I= CASII CAPITAL, BRANC II OFFICE PHILADELPHIA OFFICERS CLAIIENCE 11. CLAM:, ProiWont. JAY COOKE, 1.1,112,1e1ph1a, Chairman Flux.° nutl E ecutive Coat HENRY D. COOKE, W. , lllngton, Vleo•Prenldont. EMERSON W. PEEP, Phlllo°lolln, Secular) mill Ada FRANCIS Q. 8311TII, M. D., Philadelphia, Elctllcal DI rector. 'This Company kmucd, In lb° Unit TEN MONTHS of Ito xi/donut,. 5,395 POLICIES, INSURING $15,142,800. This Compaq• urea to Its Polley-lloldors 3 E.RFECT SEUL' RI TY ur Coo paid up Capital of Ono '3lllllou Dolbin, and goarnute.,s to the itptured. by Ito Low Rates of Premium LARGE DIVIDENDS IN ADVANCE, Or n it 0 vendonary Dirk bowl of WO per cent. by Ito RETURN PREMIUM PLAN. GENERAL AGENTS E. W. CLARK& Co., Bankers, 1.101 . 80Util Thin] Street, Philadelphia, Cloneral Agents for Pennsylvania and Southern Now Jersey,. 11. S. Itudsgcb, Manager. . Char W. Cooper Alloiiniurn iistionSl Bonk, Whoa Weiser, Repot.Benner Book glom, Agent. for Lehigh and adjoining Counties. Jacob A. Blower special agent. oePt AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, SmitlcEdaCor. Fourth and Walnut ;Sheets Intim° 181:S. THE AM LIMAN offer. low rates of premium. It offers more Insurauce for the same money than other • company. Itisallome CompanY. Its Policies aro ell non-forfeltablo. It pays life-policies at death, or at the ago of 80 raj.; 00 the reducing-premium plan, the Insured pare gout premium the and Year—which is the same as Pala on tho mutual-ordluary-Ilfo-plim—and each subsequent year It io loon and legs, and at the end of twenty years becomes paid up and thereafter a permanent claim on the Campauy. On the return premium plau, the insured Is credited an. neatly with all he has paid to the Company, so that his insurance costs only the interest on the annelids paid In. On the Income-producing pine, the insured may metre 10 per cent. on the amount of Ma policy. I= I= pre.ldeut WM. J. ROMIG, M. D., Agent, CO EAST HAMILTON ST., apr'2l-tf Clotbing. fH:TrAIDSLP.HIP,i. wir &implee ifrbt 'fif mull sdhoii Aiioccllaitcono. vy On the O ut 1 . 11.10110/1 In Youth and Early Man. hood, with SELF lIELP for tho erring and unfortunate. Sent In eroded letter envelope.% (re° of charge. Address, H NO' OWARD ASSOCIATION, Eon P, Philadelphia, Pa. '•.t , • , ASTIVAY. Strayed away on the lath lust, from the promises of the subaerlber, In Wrledenavlllo,:Uppor Batmen town. chip, a vsluable row , marked with Ileht brown and white anent and • yritito,streslr, on dap heel • Üboral reward will he paid t 4 tno penion; aITIEW Info manna where she may be found. J. J. UEBEII.IIOTII. Juno 21.31 ,'" i l Tr1 2 71 *- ; Important to Housekeepers, Hopis, punks, Offices. de. ' THE PATENT WIRE ' ADJUSTABLE WINDOW SCREEN, • WILL PIT ANY WINDOW. (live •entltallon and light,. • Screen from view and exclude FLIES, MUSQUITOS AND OTHER INSECTS TIIB ADJUSTABLE WINDOW SCREEN CO., 1:1=4 023 NiAIiKET BT., PIIILAD'A. • For .alo by _Dealers lu Hon. -Furnishing CloOdn. - Juuo*l-Sm ALLENTOWN CITY DIRECTORY ! ;-.' :FOR 1869 AND , 7 70: ‘;- .'i Tho a ulocriberotespeolfullyinform cllittala of Mina lowa, that they aro hot* cumulating for thia valuablo lit work, which will oontalo (ho ammo mid mildresit of •Y eryailalt roldont of tho city. ALSO A COMPLETE BUSINESS BIBF.ZTOBIi of Iho city, classified by Trades. and • list of the Vermont of Lehigh county. Tho Impatience and usefulness of such • Work la to too clog hum to need comment, white as an index of the growth, enterprise and butte.. intermit of the City. of Alloutown, It Is entitled to the support an PM: O mM. o f the coo rt community. Au import.. of fourteen Viers withis peculiar clue of publioot ions faithfully g. that the co mpiler+ will perform their duties and se. cudrately. bout typography. binding. Ake. , bo ego.. hod le ti".'1P V1 T122 W 112 11..._ ..14°1 Juan 2114 w $1,000,000 01.118,C:11131 J. B. WILION. Bocrelari ME=I!!