Yv. E. BARNES & SON, 0 - 12, TY a- a- 'I 8 TS , ".• NO. 14 EAST HAMILTON ST., .A-LLENT OWN, PA. • The attention of the eitilolllk of . Allentof o i ag u rad r e g szy c lr f =t a tag ir o lg a t i VeT.741 1 4. 1:1112 " D rug PDR APE R it HITATeIifiIaIR C IFIEWIb I II4, N iß u ltrhefird.ht 1012/P.'s A FULL LUTE OF ALL , TRE POPULAR EMCINES, HAIR RESTORATIVES MN' PATEN of all kinds. Constantly on hand a large stock of Soda halt, Soda, Baking Soda, Cream Tartar, Pure Pepper, Cinnamon and Lnbricating Oils for machinery, and a thousand and on kayo the largest line of Trusses, Supporters and Shoulder B cowed physician consequently a perfect fit in guaranteed. builders are invited to our store before making their pur. " 74%1 "17.4171n900ni t l,ool.Nstlif eno Y for the Great U choicest grades of Teas at about half the price charged by o vnced. Physicians and Country Merchants supplionLat th Bruner attention to the Wholesale Branch of the business. as we feel confident we will be able to give satininction bot to. Quotations for specified quantities furnished on applie. aprM-ly Pratcro. ESTABLISHED ISM. J. REYNOLDS & ON., TITIRTEENTII & FILBERT STREETS, PHILADELPHIA, PA Solo Manufacturers of the celebrated (Four Through Tralna Daily, Sunday. ExcePled.) Passenger trains leave the depot Northwest corner Berks and American streets, Philadelphia, For Allentown at 7 Mend D 45 a. m„ and I 45 and 5 p. m. oyleatawn at 8 45 a. tn., 2 45 and 4 15 p. m. Fort Washington all 45 11 45 a. at., and It 30 P. 4th Abington at 1 15, 315, 521 and Bp. m. " Lansdale at 62) p. m. • Trains for Philadelphia. ORATE LIAR RESTS, AND Lear WROUGHT-IRON, AIR-TIGHT, GAS-CONSUMING HEATER, WITH PATENT DUST 7REEN, WROUGIIT-IRON RADIATOR These II name. are made or iloays Wrought-Iron, well riveted together, the only mire prevention against the es cape of Ras or Dust. They are easily managed, without any dampers. Than Patent Radiator avoids this use and annoyance% of drituts, and is permanently - attached to the Heater. This is the most durable, simple, o.ll.lllliClli and popular Heat int/ Appurf °roc . otferod fur sale. They ork. all gunruntuud. COOKING RANGES, for ILdols and Paullll4al. PORTABLE HEATERS, LATROBE HEATERS, LOW DOWN ORATES, SLATE MANTELS, REGISTERS AND VENTILATORS 15'e aro also manufacturing a NEW FLAT-TOP HEATING RANGE SZ-Seml rOr our Illmitratml Pamphlet RAND'S AIR TIGHT GAS BURNING. I - 1 EATER, • WARRANTED THE BEST SELF FEEDING EVAPORATOR SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. RAND PERKINS AND CO., Manufacturing Dealers In I= ECEIMEEE2 114C= Also agents for the Celebrated Magee Patent Heaters, Ranges and Stoves NO. 124 NORTH SIXTH STREET, PIIILADELPIIIA, PA I= sep eONV 1) Coal nub 'Lumber. REMOVAL! SMITH & OSMUN'S COAL AND WOOD YARD ! The above Coal and Wood Enrd hag been removed to th • east end of the Jordan Bridge, SOUTH SIDE, whom wit bo conetantly kopt n floe and full supply of Egg, Stove Nut and Chestnut Coal, ■elected from tho boct.mlncs In tho country. 0 U 11 C 0 A L to under cover—and It fs to tho Interest of every one to purchase DRY AND SCREENED COAL AGTA large Mock of all kinds of good Wood constantly on hood, and delivered to all parts of the city at the lowest market pp Ices.BRANCH _ at the Lehigh V yard is of Loots and llecker. 4:e'71118 18 THE PEOPLE'S COAL YARD.-IM Our Coal In selected from the beat mines In 'the Lehigh region, and knowing thin to bathe fact and that It will ghat perfect satisfaction, there Is no use In offering to refund the money. All we ask Is a trial, Orders taken at Desh• lees hot NlOnf. FRANKLIN SMITH, jut). 10th COAL CONSUMERS, LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST! P. H. STELTZ Hereby Inlimos the eltlseue of Allentown, and the pub Ile 113 general, that ho le prepared to furnish all kinds of C O A .L , from his well otocked Yard, formerly H. Ruth & Co. In, at the Lohlali Basin, In the City of Allentown, where lie 'trill constantly keep im hand fl full suppl 'of kiodr. of cool, at the very lowest market prices. Illy cool is alto nod dean, from Ihn very best inlnes, and In quality superior to any o ff ered In Allentown. He will snit Coal by the CAR LOAD, at very moll pro fits, at lie lutends to do business upon the principle of " Quick Soles and Smolt Fronts." (live hum call, and upon comparing prices you eon judge for yonmelves. • Ito will deliver Cool upon all to any port of the City upon orders being left at the Yard, or Welmilieltuer's store POWDER AGENCY. Also, Agent for Lehigh county for Um "Loftin Powder Company." Prepared at all Hanoi to deliver euporlor Mining and Bleating Powder,Sporting Powder. Sporting Powder in kegs and canisters rose, O &C., at any point nod 1w anY quantity. The Hume at retull at n Ono and Cot. r ry 97 East Hamilton tared. EIMEMI • REMOVAL., TfiEXLER & BROTIIERS, DEALERS IX ALL KINDS Op LIJMMER,", rereby announce to their friend, and patroni 'that they Lave jam. removed from their old stand to their NEW YARD, near the corner of Tenth and Hamilton streets, formerly , occupied constantl y & Miller, as umber Yard, where ' they will keep on hand nlarge and seasoned stock of LIIMSER, each as all kinds of PINE. HEMLOCK, CHESTNUT, POPLAR, 8111NOLES, PICKETS, LATHS, &c. In fact everything usually kept by the trade. Sear. All kinds of towbar cot to order et short notice Thankful for past favor., we trust our friends, a. - well as the public In general, WM give us a rail at our New Yard, where we will ore our best endeavors toreador sat. lekto U9ll, both as regards quality and NUM Cott 53'0114 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL l'otaeli sod Concentrated L' , Cloves and Spices of all 11 to other articles which eau, races in ISO city. These go Paints, 011s,lrarulsbes, 01 bases. Wo keep full ' idled Stales Too Company of ther dealer., for an Inferior . 0 lowest market prices. W) Dealers will find It to their - In quality and price. On l talon. Respectful) o f NN flroatio. N OR . SYL-auzzgag VAN ROAD. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Passengers for Philadelphia take Lehigh Valley R. R. trains panning Allentown at 645 a. m., 11 43 a. M. and 660 p. rn., and artist, In Philadelphia at oa. m. 210 p. tn. and 8 Lip . alma Lehigh end Susquehanna'Railroad train at 2 07 p. tn. and arm. In Philadelphia at 4 45 p. m. passenger', for Doyientown take trains leaving Beth. lohom at 0 R) 11. M. and 12 05 p.m. o Iletblobam at 0 20a. m., 12 CO, 2 23 and 6 03 p. m. Duylodown at 0 10 a. at 6 30 m a. m., 10 and 502 p. M. Latoolnio Fort Waohington at 830 9 65 a, m. and 2 20 p. m d Abington at 2 03, 4 03,10 and 9 COp. m.. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Beth Mum for Fhtleelphis at if g a ll. : LI : 8 an Leovo I'llale7plq o f r obl o tothleltem r t 9 . 30 0 a. m. for Abriiir t Z, t , n n w al 8 p. m. Fore—Allentown to Philade pIIadIsBZILARK. Agen t. CATANMUQUA ANDggigag FOOILSVILLS It. It. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. and after JANUARY 18, 1641, Passenger atasauqua & Fogalevillo Railroad will run citil the Lehigh Valloy Railroad and &at 1 as follows: VoTd; = 6,43 0.50 .53 7 00 7.03 7.10' 7.18 lIIIE2 DEE . • - . The morning train west leaven Catasanqua on the arrival of the L. V. R. It. Local runnier train from Easton, Betblebetn, and Allentown and connects at Al-Bortin with a train on the East Pennsylvania R. 11. for Reading, Pottsville, Harrisburg and Philadelphia, and also with a train for Allentown Bethlehem, Easton and New York. Tho morning train Sant connects at Al-Burtis with train on E. P. It. R. from Allentown and at Catanau- Con with train. on the Lehigh Valley Railroad for Blanch hunk, Wilkes-Barre, Scranton, Philadelphia and New York, and with the Lehigh & finsonehanna It. R. for Bethlehem, Easton, Philadelphia and New York. The 2.00 P. M. train West conneetn at Al-Berlin with a train on the East Penn. Railroad for Reading, Pottsville, Harrisburg and Philadelphia. The Evening train East leaves Al-Borth on the arrival of a train from Allentown and of n train making connec tions rat Rending with train. from Philadelphia, Harris burg, Pottsville, &r. and connects with localpassenger trainlehem on the L. V. IL It. at Catasauqua for Allentown, and Easton. aprl4-17 Femme wishing to go to Allentown can take the morn. et rain West to Al-Burtia he , arrive at Allentown SAO a m, 1.1 return by a train on t Haut Pennaylvanla R. .ovine Allentown 014.03 P. M. C. W. CHAPMAN. Supt. and Engineer. EINEM IMPORTANT TO FARMERS! CALIFORNIA AND OREGON SEED WHEAT AGENCY. We furnish Farmers with the BEST SEED WHEAT IN THE WORLD Perfectly free from Insectiform or other impurities; grown from AUSTRALIAN and CHILI Seed, yielding, on good soil, SIXTY BUSHELS TO THE ACRE, • And weighing 55 POUNDS TO THE MEASURED BUSHEL. The Earn of Wheat, when mature, are usually eleven or twelve inches long. AMP Put op and securely tied and sealed In linen bags, and sent by mail free to all parts of tho country, on re. celpt of price. PRICES: SAMPLES 10 CTS. EACH I BAGS 50c. and $1 EACH Or in larger quantities at reasonable rates. Address— CALIFORNIA AND OREGON SEED WHEAT AGENCY, SAN FRANCISCO, eb 10-'OJ•If CALIFORNIA. I= BOWER'S COMPLETE,MAIRMO, Super-Phosphate of Lime, Arnonia and Potash WARRANTED FREE PROM ADULTERATION This Manure contains all the elements to produce larg crops or all kinds, and Is highly recommended by all whe need it, also by dlalluguished chemist. who bays. _by au alysis, tooted Its qualltim. Packed la Dag. of =lb.. each. DIXON, SHARPLDSE3 & CO., 89 South Water and 40 South Delaware Av., For eels I,y WILLIAM REYNOLDS, 70 South Street, Baltimore, Md. For Information, addrese Henry Bawer, Philadelphia. fah 10-'00.17 I= Grocrtiro, IPro3iEsiono, &c. THE RIGHT PLACE TO BUY. E. FENSTERMACHER, CORNER OF TENTH AND HAMILTON STREETS. to the place to buy all klude of PROVISIONS, APPLES, PEACHES • ORANOES AND LEMONS POTATOES, SALT. Also, on Mode of IMPORTED DRIED FRUIT, PEARS, PRUNES, RAISINS, CHERRIES, EA, Always on hand • good asaortment of the beat quality of GROCERIES of all deacripllong Do not taiga the place, comer of Tenth and Hamilton, to buy good things at reanonable grieve. aug.23tf B. PENBTERMACEIER. I= FINE CUSTOM MADE BOOTS AND SHOES FOR OENTLEMEN. AU the leading styles on hand or made to mosaure Price/ fixed LOW FIGURES on IllustralealPries List with Instructions for silf.taossursment sent on rseslpt of Pat WM. F. BARTLETT. OElee addres. FOUR UIINDRED FARMS FOR itim a pe=fl.°L'Alro l .regfmfratirilrieauTfaga and Mar a matkets. These farms are allnated la Vinttila and land. some In the Immediate vicinity of Waah. Inaton and others from YO to 30 miles distant from thei Can. Ital. 'Address or call on.). OANOWERM4OB Moran sett* Anima. near IlLtth Wee. Wublagton. D. g . . Washing t.ulgOin.. I. by an export rainless and le.. of tho best are selling the It and be ran ee to pay par e ■ trial - order iptly attended MEM LOCAL SCHEDULE. I#'(,)f:. •Q 7 CATASAIIQUA. M • S J HI ORDAN S& Bums. GUTH'S. WALBERT'S. • CHAPMAN'S. TREXLERTOWN„ BILEINIGSVILLE. FARMINGTON. .SPRING CREEK. AL-SUET'S. CONNECTIONS gt . gticultural. MAXIIFACTOIM IT HENRY BOWER, Chemist, PHILADELPHIA Made from ♦GENTS, ==! ALLENTOWN. PA., &c., &c., At choap price., much as =MI `toot Natter. 33 South Sixth 'treat. above Cheidtitil Philadelphia. fire ifiroot Sato. HERRING'S PATENT OUANPION FIRE BURGLAR PROOF SAFES (WITH DRY FILLING.) Awarded the Prix° Medals at World's Fair. London, Fair, New York, Expo.Rion UnWorsens. Parts. FARREL, - HERRING & CO HARVEY OILLAM, 1 CHAS. MATHEWS. OEO. W. MTERS• 629 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA HERRING, FARREL & SHERMAN, NEW YORE MIMING & CO., CHICAGO HERRING, FARREL Ac CO., NEW ORLEANS apr 14 Life Enotirrincr. AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE CO OF PIIILADELFIIIA I= 6.21:1 0.15 0.11 0.08 .02 5.50 5.50 5.40 Fria!dent Income 18. The Amertean—is now one of the Oldest Comment e In the United Mates The American—lssues phlielea on ALL desirable plans The American—Makes ALL Donde. non•forfelteble The Anierican—llee no unneceseau rettrictiona on travel and residence. The American—Declares Dividends annually at the end of the Aral year. The Amerleao—Psyn all loom. promptly. WHERE CAN YOU FIND GREATEN ADVANTAGES? WM. J. ROMI9, M. D., Agent, OD EAST Ilt MILTON ST., •pr2l-tf A kt i kAßK4, ) _ c e • 'BANKERS, No. 35 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. eavommirrF3iCUßlTlES, STOCK,GOLD AND NOTE BROKERS. Aseounts or Banks, Firing, and Individuals neared, ratijoist to cheek at sight. INTEREST ALLO WED ON BALANCES. eENERAI R kENTS, FO S 0 PENNSYLVANIA, 41'47 ZRN A WEIN 17 0 " prt , „ .. , OF THE ii :53\ .. 9 a 41E03116 h P UP Of THE -41 4E6. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The NATIONAL. Carr INSURANCE COMPANY is a corporation chartered by epeeist' Act of Congress, ap• preyed July Al, INS, with a CASH CAPITAL, $1,000,000, FULL PAID. Liberal terms orered to Agents and Solicitors, who are invited to apply at our office. foul particulars to be had on application at our office, located In the second story of our' flanking House, where Circulars and Pamphlets, tally describing the advantage offered by the Lompany, may be had. B. W. CLAIM et CO., No. 35 South Third St. D.'S. RUSSELL, Manager, Charles W. Cooper nd Nelson Weiner, Allontown Ns tlonal Bank. Agents for Lehigh ds Carbon Countlee. Pa. Sprctatico. SPECTACLES! SPECTACLES!! NYE GLASSES. &c. s e . , o ltg l e , r , i;:tcla . svt . m i rt of &Ulan& of fg, CHAS. S. MASSEY'S, NO. 23 EAST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA. Raving devoted a great deal of care and attention to the Spectacle busidess for these last few years. I find that my business In that line has increased so much that I have de termined to make it a SPECIALITY. There Is no article manufactured in which there la se much deception parac tired as there laity Spectacle Glances. Knowing that the public have been frequently humbugged by parties pre tending to have a superior article of Glasses, and charging exorbitant prices for them, thereby trafilcing upon the no cessitlea and Infirmities of age, I have taken pains to se lect a large and complete eseeHment of the finest and boat Classes ever manufactured. thus affording all persons needing Spectacles an opportunitY of ntireliesing at rea sonable prices. Pardons having any difficulty In being suited elsewhere will do welt to give me a call, a. I feel confident that no one will fail to be suited. Remember the old stand. No. fit Bast Hamilton etreet, opposite the Ger man Reformed Church, Allentown, Pa. Jun 23-'l3Btf UNFAILING EYE PRESERVERS! LAZARUS & MORRIS' =EI PERFECTED SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES The large and furrow;lug Wes of three SUPERIOR (LASSES Is a Imre freer of theiruseynest Ylezero taunte d gui4.:fiht,ra7vParigree.dotreec:ll:4l7lr47ogrtb:atitle. ful lenses, •In. • the ease and comfort the assured and readily aseertaceed Improvement of the eight, and the brilliant assistance they give in all case., were In them naives no apparent on trial, that the result could not be otherwise than it has, In the almost general adoption of our CELEBRATED PERFECTED SPECTACLES by the residents of this locality. With a fell knowledge of the value of the a”ora, we claim that they are the most perfect optical aide ever man ufactured. To those nealing Spectacles, we afford at all times an opportunity of procuring the twat and most desi rable. KELLER & BRO., BI ITEM ifiD JZITELEHS. • NO. SM WEST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA., Have always on hand • full assortment, suitable for ever} digleulty. Wet age occasion to notify the public, that we employ no peddlers, and to citation them against those pretending to kale our goods finagle. • apr 21.t0 NO CURE, NQ PAY . DR. H. D. 'LONGAKER, Onidunto of lb° University of Pennsylvania, at Philadel phia, ban been la successful practice for a nonther of years In various parts of the United States; will promptly at tend to all branches otitis profession at his rooms, • • East arkte qf Sixth street, bet. Hamilton and Walnut • • ALLENTOWN, PA. No Patent Medicines are Used or reeemmended t the rem edies administered am those which will not break town the constitution, lint renovate the system Crum all Injuries it hen sustained rrete mineral medicines, and leave It to a healt PitirtilliV4illk,l.ll%Zi t ni, DYSPEPSIA. and all diseases of the Lungs, Throat, Stomach, nod Liv er, whirl, yearly carry thousands to untlmly graves, can undoubtedly be cured. MELANCHOLY ABERRATION, that state of Mien:akin and weakneav of the mind which renders persons Incapable of enjoying the pleasures of per forming tho duties of life. RHEUMATISM AND PARALYSIS, in any AIM) or condition, chronic or ;Lento, warranted cur able. Epilitany. or falling Meknes., and chronic or stub born cane, of FEMALE DISEASES Hared Ily nod radically removed; Salt Minim, Skin DINNINPS (of) )earn' standing) every deocriptin of Ulcerations, Plies and Scrofuloom dil emma warranted cured or no pity. Partlenlar ;Moition given to private diseases of every denerrion of both +OXOX. ' ming from any complaint Incidentui to their sex, can cots the doctor with unnurmire of relief. - Cancer cared, and Tomorn of all kinds removed without the knife or drawing blood. Diseases of the annossfully and effertnally removed or no charge made. 4114-- Dr. Longaker will make visits any distance If de- Itirodt can be addressed by letter (confidentially) and med. ICIIIO sent with proper 411rOrt1011a to any part of tile county. OFFICE: East ',Weer /Sixth xtreet, between II: mitten and Walnut, Allentown, Pa. nprtn-ly D R. HUTCHINSON'S WORM DESTROYER TR the bent Worm Medicine fur removing the small seat worms from children, without making the child sick, an other worm medicines do. It will also remove tine tape worm and the stomach worm. IT 18 AS PLEASANT TO TAKE AS CANDY NO MEDICINE TO BE GIVEN AFTER IT. PRICE 2 CENTS A BOX I= • BO Mlle Bald MOO you get Dr. llu u s Vegetable Worm Destroyer.. Hes that each . yel low wrapper. If your druggist should not hero It ask him to get It for you. JOHNSON, HOLLOWAY & COWDEN, BE= Secretary. !EMI NATURE'S GREAT RESTORER. IMIEMI CELEBRATED BITTER CORDIAL. Title medical preparation is now offered to. the public as a reliable substitute for the many worthiese compdontle which now flood the market. It in purely vet:of:o,le, coin posed of varionn guthered from the great i.torelionse of nature and selected with the titinoid care. It is not re commendedyin cure all, but by direct und salutary in fluenco upo he heart, liver, kidney., handy, stomach and bowele ; is both as a preventive anti cure for intinY of the tifieases to which those organs ore sober(. It is it reliable family medicine nail ran be taken by either Infant or adult with the Mo3lll. beneficial rimits. It I. it certain, Trowel and speedy remedy for Manioc.. lir ~ catoci'. Bowel Complaint, Dyspepsia, Loviii-ls of Spirits, Faint• Inge, flick Headache, die. For Chills and I'4 vera of all binds it is far better and safer than quinine without aey of Its pernicioun effect , . It creates an nplielitii, proves a powerful digester of food and trill counteract the effects of liquor In a few minutes. Prepared by , JACOB SCHEETZ, SOLE PROPRIETOR, N. W. Cor. Fifth and Race, Philadelphia cnovl7 SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. ( VrGIJIRE 'S SPANISH HAIR ..O..I.DREssE.R, for nomntlug the growtb, ',Nullifying the hair and render' glt oat and gloonY , ri o WhOr com pound possesses coo, mcullarymperties which so xactly emit the various emu Pons of tho human hair. Thin use of this oil as a hair dro ss ham been unlveroal In every sec tion of (ho country In th Punish Main for countries. Na preparation of art ennui gly‘Ttlairelegant luxurbinco and abundance of hair which barn on often In., the admiration of travelers lu Sputa Thin oil Is highly aml l e tiegtely perfumed. forming an artielo nnrlvaled hi eNcelirnee nod upon which the Spanish people for many years havo rot the seal of enduring approval. Allentown. 'Pa. MEXICAN WILD FLOWER SHAMPOO LOTION, For removing dandruff and scurf from the head, whitening and perfuming tho elan. This article Is entirely different from anything of the kind ever offered lu this country and Is warranted freo tront nitpoisonous imbstauces. This valuable lotion wan used by the Emperor Masimillian and Empress Charlotta of Mexico, and universally used by Mexicans for three hundred years. As a. wits), for the head it Is CO. ling, eleansingAnd refreshing. When thus used It at once relieves headache. MeGUIRE'S WILD FLOIVERB FOR THE TEETH. All those who are In favor of tvidte teeth and a pleasant and perfumed breath should at 0.0 use alcUtilro's Wild Flowers for the Teeth. All these prepamtions are pat up In the most elegant and ornamental manner. We make no exception In saying that they are an ornament ton lady's toilet table, and nails can be complete without them. Warranted satisfactory or money refunded. Dealers will bear this In mind. Sold by all respectable druggists In the Dulled States and Canadas. Address orders to No. 26 North Second St., Philadelphia, Pa o flopt 8 Plumbing an Pullips GAS FIXTURES ADDIS & ROBERTS, PLUNDERS AND GAa FITTERS, NO. 130 WEST HAMILTON STREET, (OEOEGE HAAS' NEW BUILDING). ALLENTOWN All kinds of Oas Fixtures of the best makers, Hydrants Hydraulic Rams, Lift and Force !'amps, DEEP WELL PUMPS, Bath Tubs, Water Closets Circulating Boilers, &c., &a. Special attention given to putting up rortablo Clan Works In lowa or country. All work warranted. apy 7..1Y PUMPS! PUMPS! For pure water use, neither bad lasting wood, rusty Iron, nor poison lead, but the Celebrated Cucumber Pump, made of wild cucumber wood entirely tasteless, duraide and reliable. Not a patent article, but the good old.fashioned wood. Pump, rondo by machinery, and, therefore, perfect and accurate in all Its parts, raising an equal amount. of Neater, and costing loss than half the money. Entity Arranged so as to be non-freezing, and in construction so sharpie that any one can put it tip and keep it in repair. After thorough trial It In acknowledged to be tiara BRAT AND ARCA PEAT. Twelve feet of tub lug with each pump, free of charge. Deal ere supplied at lowest manufacturers rates. Poe circulars, price hats, dtc., call or ad dress, 011 AS. G. BLATCHLEY, No 624 FILDRICr Sr. between Oth nod ith ao Market and Arch Philadelphia, Pa. /01 - AOENTS WANTED. G AS FIXTURES AND KEROSENE LAMPS. .10ItEAT VARIETY OP NEW STYLES. MERIDIAN BURNER, Safest and Deal le, the market. It giros the largest light of any burner made. ' COULTER, JONES &.CO., MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS, 702 ARCH ST., PIIILADA. 1c2.1y Vaper anti Stationcrg. CLOSING otrr • OUR STOCK OF • • WALL PAPERS AT COST, At the Book and Stationery Store. Zio. 91 West Hamilton Street. below Eighth. Now Is the Chao to art your rooms papered at a small -cost. E. MOSS. [Jan 9.tf • E. s s . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKS, STATIONERY, BLANK BOOKS, AC. CIRCU LATING LIBRARY, containing the latest and beet publi cations. Agent for the celebrated BRADBURY PIANOS. I. 7 l, lllt i ztp:p . sX, g lsoftl t s T ad cheapest stock of goods No. 81 West Hamilton Street, below Eighth, Nora side. an ft.tf Ittebicinall. EYE AND EAR, VEGETABLE AM:NTS, EIOII2IEI SIIEETWS EME333 .RICIIARD McGUIIIE DEPOT AND MANUPACTODT, I=l DEALER IN Thu Goobo. 6 6 WILL LOW PRICES INFLUENCE YOU! OLD TIMES AGAIN IMMENSE REDUCTION IN PRICES ! THE OLD CORNER 3U41 owned on euurmnu• STOCK OF SPRING GOODS, I=l STYLE, VARIETY, AND LOWNESS OF PRICE uncl cannot liii ssrpaseed compaitivn Nita with any other Edo&nehmen! °Weide of the larger dike... 411 SPACE WILL NOT PERMIT OF NAlllNft such an Im mense stock of goods : hut let It suffice to say that we bons the most COMPLETh assortment of Ladles' Dress (hunts, Dress Silks Poplins, Shawls. Balmorals, House Furnish ing (Mods, tropes` Cloaking Cloth, Men's Wear In Cloth, Cassimeres and everything that s kept in Is Fl RST CLASS DRI* GoODS STORE lit endless variety. Ido not QUOTE PRICES' . no sot:who.. do, but W ill guarantee ASTONISHING FIGURES. Ti,., d IfTerence In prices of goods to-day, root n 11101Ith ago, Is really painful for those who have been caught with large stocks on hand at high prices, but as that is not the' caEßse with me, I shall ns heretofore make the OLD COR- N GREAT PLACE OF INTEREST AND HEADQUARTERS for the 1111141,10 get their goutht at the LO W EST MARKET PRICES I rally realize that 110 permanent success can be achieved nuless the promises belt) out by advertisement' , are found to be rally stud:tined on a visit to the store. Nor can it bo a lame sIICVOSM uithnntrupulously reliable and fair 111.1111111: lit oil ulln , sllnd uniform courtesy to every custo mer, and the endeavor to make every buyer nocortglant dealer. All I tpdt Is simply to decide by °dant trial, whether or not it Is to your advantage to become a condo. mer. =I! X. J. KRAMEI-1, " OLD CORNER,' OPPOSITE THE EAGLE HOTEL aprll 11 SENDER DRESS GOODS, MBIO "BEE HIVE," POPULAR DRY GOODS STORE, PHILADELPHIA ON MONDAY, MAY 31ST, 1869, =I 500 PIECES, SILK FIGURED GRENADINES, (The balance of an Importation) AT 37% CENTS PER YARD Coot to Import FIFTY-FIVE CENTS These Goods aro sonsuaublo and Great Bargains J. W. PROCTOR & CO., THE " BEE HIVE," NO. 920 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA ME= earprts anti elotb. J. hiTEW A RT DE PIIY, g 12.53 SOUTH SECOND STREET, ABOVE SPRUCE, PHILADELPHIA or Now offers on unusual negortment of CARPET:4, I t ri OIL CLOTIIo, WINDOW SHADES, MATTINGS, C c. 10 eery reduced prices, to Itlelfrleutll itud the p ublic. mar 31-3 m re RICH AND ELEGANT CARPETS, OIL CLOTH, &C. S. C. FOULK • n as resettled the CARPET BUSINESS At No. 19 SOUTH SECOND STREET, PHILADELPHIA, • (Below Market,) With a splendid assortment of CARPETS, which will be sold at a very small advance. Aloe, new style Carpets, Brussels patterns, at 90 and cents. The beat gooas fur the price ever offered. sprit-3m VIE CARPET AND OIL CLOTH EMPORIUM OF K S. SIMMER & CO., NOS.' 5 AND 7 WEST lIAMILTO,N ST I= REPLEN ISHED In all Its Int est Twining. Myles and pattern.. PRICES REDUCED! No koop for nolo all tLo following popular makes BODY BRUSSELS, 6 FRANK ENGLISH, 5 FRANK DIGELOR, 5 FRANK HARTFORD, ENGLISH TAPESTRY, cnossLEvei TAPESTRY, STODDART TAPESTRY SMITH TAPESTRY, HARTFORD & LOWELL, oxtn 3 ply, IMPERIAL, extra 3 DIY. • MEDIUM SUPERFINE, 3 ply, SMITH TAPESTRY. INGRAIN. • PIIILA. SUPERFINE do., PHILADELPHIA FINE INGRAIN, PHILADELPHIA COMMON INGRAIN, PHILADELPHIA WOOL INGRAIN, do. WINDOW SHADES CURTAINS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, STYLE AND PRICE. 1115 , HOOP SKIRTS. . 1115 WM. T. LIOPTCTNS Else Removed his Manufactory and Salesrooms to NO, 1115 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Where his "Own Mahe" of Champion Hoop Skirts, es pecially adopted to First•class IF/tolerate and Retail Will be found to embrace the most extensive assortment in the Union, andel] the Intestinal most desirable Styles, Shapes. Lengths nud Sizes, 2, Si.i Dr, 27( yards round of Plain and (toted ranters, Wand - tin ekirts. Reception Ac., Ac., together Ivltb over ninety different varieties of Misses and Children's Skirts, all of which for symmetry Cf style. finish, light.. elasticity. durability and real heapness, are nominated by any other goods lathe mar ket, and aro warranted in eve respect. Shirts rondo to Or der. Altered sod Repaired, Wholesale and Retail. Fall line of Low Priced Eastern Made Skirts, 15Springs, 51 Cents; 37 Sprlogs.l.l Cents; Si Springs, 53 Ceuta; 5i Springs, (13 Cents; and 40 Springs, 75 Cents. CORSETS I CORSETS I I CORSETS II I 57 different styles and prices, from 75 cents to 57.00, embracing R. Wortley, "Becket," "Glove Fitting," Madame Fey '• Cornet Skirt Supporters, Aire . Moody Patent "Self-Ad justing Abdominal" Corsets. French, English and Dolom ite Iland•made Corsets, and superior French Patterns of Cotell Corsets, "Our Own Make," to which wo Invite especial nitration. Complete assortment of Ladles' Under Garments, at very lowprices. GENERAL AGENT for the DARTRAM & PARTON FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, superior to ally other be fore the public. Fifty-two of these No,. 1 Machines, Price 11.13 each, aro being given away to onr customers, In order to get them Introduced. Every person in want of articles In our line, should oxamino onr goods before purchasing elsewhere. Call at aced for circulars, at our Manufactory and Salesrooms, No. 1115 Chestnut St, Philadelphia: Mar3l.3mos IVM. T. HOPKINS. I HAVE JUST RECEIVED AT MI (ALLF.NTOWN, rA• . ) CLOTHING STOVER Inrao lot of very Ilea nud Qond < nail t g er fect Illtlug roodY mode clothing from Ike l'hl~adol IidAUCTIONS, which I will sell fifty rents on the dollar cheaper Utensil) , other store in Alletown. • 000 D QUALITY Satinet Coats. at g 2.00 •• Cassimere Coats, All Wool at 4.60 " • ' Black Cloth Coats, " at 6.60 • ` " Mist:nem Vests, `` at 1.50 `` • •• Cassia:ere V.'s, "• at 2.60 1.50 Pants. at 2.25 • `` • ` Cassimere Panto, . at 3.00 `• Cassinicro Black Panic, at 3.60 {Shale sults from ao.no to $12.00 The best advice I can give yon Is to call and examine my clock before you buy elsowitcre. • The reason why Ican sell my clothing fifty cents on the dollar cheaper than any other store lu Allentown Is be• cauoo I have two stores and I um constantly myself In Philadelphia with ready obuy them at AUCTION. 25,000 YARDS, As I on, permanently established In the Wholesale Notion and Clothing loudness at No. lid North 3rd street, Pliihnlelphia. I would call the attention of country mer chants to my large and extensive stock of goods before purchasing elsewhere. FRANKLIN KNAUSS. • REMOVAL. ANEWALT & BROTHER'S NEW HAT AND CAP STORE B. E. COR. EIGHTH AND HAMILTON BTB., We would hereby announce loony numerous friends and lstrons,•as well an the public In general that we have ust removed to our now •building southeast corner of Ighth and Hamilton Streets specially , erected to moot the wants of our large • and Increasing trade, wheys we have now greatly replonlahed our stock In all IWO per tains to. the Spring and Summer Trade, to an Inspection of which everybedy.ln Invited. The latent and most fash. ntyles or SILK HATS, CASSIMERE HATS, SOFT HATS, STRAW HATS, CHILDREN'S FANCY HATS, SHARER HOODS, LADIES' SON DOWNS, • In endless variety, Which cannot fall to please all, at prices lower than at any time within the have ght year.. We propose to sustain the reputation we heretofore enjoyed of selling a better class of goods, more of them, and at lower prices, than any other house In Allentown, Feeling thankfol for the patronage heretofore extended to us, we Will endeavor In the, future, as In the past, to pl e me ail—furnishing choice goods ut the very lowest pr O ce u i r wholesale department, to which we Invite all coon. try merchants, 14 full aIItICOINIIIIOW, nod styles suitable to all sections, aunt tiro inducements offered will he equal to au enoluuhro bobbing huuoe lathe city. lug, as sea charge nothing for showing goods. • Now Building, Coruer of Eighth and Halalltuu Streets. (NEXT piton TO 31. N. TOTNO S co.'s 11AUDWARIS STORE.) ALLENTows, 27t11, ISW. TN CONSEQUENCE OF TINE DISAS. IN troll+ fire, wlOch In Jauunry lust delttroyed thulr store aud Its cont.., J. E. CALDWELL & CO., JEWELERS, =iladsr entirely NEW to their order In Europe and In NEW STOCK OF CHOICE GOODS Nyhto, are now opened and ready for examination. VERY FINE PARIS MANTLE CLOCKS, (Every movement with the now impiovement;) BRONZES, GROUPS AND FIGITBES, FINE ELECTRO WARES WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c., &c MODERATE PRICES ' For the meant at . 819 CHESTNUT STREET, eigth lug. CASH FRANKLIN . KNAUSS Vats anb Cap (Nearly opposite Ilagenbuelt's Hotel.) ALLEIVTO PA ANEWALT &. BROTHER, Eirlatrto anti .Irtmclru. NEW BIDE ORNAMENTS TO MATCH Entirely now GORHAM MLNUVO CO.'S BEST STERLING SILVERWARE. New designs ♦ full auortmea► at vary PHILADELPHIA Mardi 10130-lirm Vrofesofonpl qarpo. .711 - 4tHEN 9. 1 1 LERV, Ark"eitNEY .Alr CP LAW: ettico. with E. Albright, E,O. No. 80. East Hamilton (dram, Allcolowt, Pa. - (Special attention given to collectioo ( .) roarl7-1y ; TILI G. SCIIIVAItTZ.. ATTORNE Y _11.2.1 AT LAW, Knauss' building, Sixth and Hamilton . Btreets.oPPosito the American Hotel, Allentown, ten . Euglir , h and German ape cud Collections in Lehigh, adjacent counties promptly attended to. may •• GFORGE U. RUPP, ATTORNEY. AT LAW. Office, with Ron. John D. 81110., Allen• town, l'a. wD. LUCKENBACII, ATTOR• • NET AT LAW, (formerly practiced lu Carbon county). Office, No. —bast Hamilton atreet, igeemid floor, nearly oppmiito the Court Howse, Allentown,rn. mar: bo cow:lilted in the Gorman language. QAIIIUEL A. BUTZ, ATTORNEY AT kJ LAW. Office with P. Wyckoff, opposite the Eagl. Hotel, ALLENTOWN, PA. • LEINIGH VALLEY rinE INSUR AZITECODIVANY, ALLENTOWN. PA. Oftlee over Seentid National Beek. Insures property siottunt loss by fire 011 the stuck mutual One. C. S. Bout. J. S. Dit.t.tkekit. Sect y. BIigI it ILLIIFEL LIFE LIKE IP IC- CARTES DE V MITES, ir PER DOZEN. All negatives reentered. S. W. BURCAW, ALLEN TOWN, I.A. • .DROPER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. • Office Av lth U. Kuntz Esq., Sin,tlngton, Lehigh county, Pn. Collection% In Lohlgh, Northampton sod Carbon countlen promptly attended to. may ELISIIA FORREST, ATTORNEY AND COD:MELLOR AT LAW, No, Went Hamil ton ntreet, Allentown, Pa. Jan 14-1( JH. OLIVER, ATTORNEY AT • LAW; Allentown, Pa. °Mee, North Fifth rtnrt, below tho Court Iluore. Jon 1.1-'6S-If RUNIC &BALDWIN, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Allentown, Pc Mike No. 51E. Ilumlllon xtreot. C. AI.E nom/. (jab 14-'6840 P. A. It. DALowitt. LAJ. MORE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, • AT,I,ENTOWN, PA. Office, No. 6ONaoI Ham Woo Wool. AP-Con bo coueutted to Uormab. 1.1.14-.NN•tr - OCLAY HA IN EMILY, ATTORNEY AA, • AT LAW, CATASAUQUA, PA. Jatill-'68.4 THOMAS B. METZGER ATTOR NEY AT LAW, ALLENTOWN, PA, 026c0, No. 62 End natalllea street. may 3.1..4.3 ELIAS MERTZ, ALDERMAN, SURVEYOR AND CONVEYANCER{ AGENT POR THE BALE ON REAL LSTATE, El Went Manißoo Bt., Allentown, Pa E DWIN ALBRIGHT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, dista doom above the Glut House, AL LENTOWN, Lehigh county, l'a. lebl3-'66.1y WILLIAM 11. NOWDEN, ATTOR V NEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. ONlce. Cor nor of Hamilton etroot and Law Alley. Routh side. ALLEN TOWN. DA. fob. 70-lt EDWARD HARVEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, with 11,,. Samuel A. Bridges, ALLENTOWN, PA. may 1.17 TORN RUPP, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ofllee, N. E. Corner oth sad Ilamilloa Strada ALLEN. TOWN, may 1.17 ADAM( WOOLEVER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oalco. maalte Me.iCuturt Homo. AL LENTOWN, l'A. may 1-1 y faEORGE B. NCUALL ATTORNEY N...,11 AT LAW. Office, YINI door above Law Alley. AL, LENTOWN, many all-em C. HUNNEERCIER ATTORNEY H AT LAW. °Ake, with John II Oliver, Fifth St.. rear of the Court lloutte, ALLENTOWN, PA. Apr. 21-ly LEVI smovn, ATTORNEY AT E LAW, ALLENTOWN, I'A. Odle°, N. W. Cornet oth end Monition Streets, Second floor. Particular atten tion paid to the settlement of Decedent estates Collec tions undo ho Jan 0-Iv TNIt. C. C. 11. GULDIN, SURGEON DENTIST. No. over Mrs. M. A. 0. ALLEN Trimming Store, No. 31 East lissallton street. ALLEN TOWN PA. Sinancial. REMOVAL. THE MACUNGIE BAVINGB BANK Has been removed hither building recently secured by 'Purchase, ou „ HAMILTON STREET, (North (lido). ono door above Siegfried &Co'cliardwars Store, whore do Molineee of the Dank will be carried on m heretofore. SW INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS.VS DAVID SCIIALL, Prealdent. W. C. lacariniwaLtavEß, Cashier. my 2tl•Sas KUTZTOWN SAVINGS BAMK, (Organized under Mate Charter in ISOM MONEY RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT, and 8 per cent. In terest will ba allowed. For shorter periods special rates will bo bald. Also money Reined out on FAVORABLE TERMS. 811.1 i Bann s locnted il2 tho Keystone House. in tho borough of Houtowa. . JOHN 11. FOGEL, PresideAL EDWARD !tor:swan" M. D., Cashier. I= . .. . F. J. slough M. D., J. D Wanner, Es a. David Flitter. 11. 11. Schwartz, &Q., W. D. Fogel, Daniel Clader, Richard J. Knorr. Jonas Miller, 10y12.4f John 11. Foga], Esq. A LLENTOWN SAVINGS INSTITIEN TION, (Organized under State Charter In ISA ) Money received on Depoxit, and 6 per emit. interest al• lowed fur one year. For shorter periods special rates will • be paid. A . 1.60. MONEY LOANED oar ON FAVOUADLE TH111(11 Banking Boum—HAMILTON STREET, mid.way be tween the Court House and American Hotel. opposite aide. Allentown. Pa. WILLIAM H. AINEY,PreMout JACOB B. DILLINOBB. Cash tor. ISTLITZI Charlent; Bush, John D Stiles, Christian Wets,Drawls C Samuels, George Probst, Samuel Sell, Bonj J llagenbach. winhun 241 than Tatar, seiner,taar 31 THE GREAT PACIFIC RAILROAD I=! FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS UNION & CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROADS BOUGHT AND SOLD DEHAVEN & BRO., 11-3 m opr BANKERS AND DEALERS IN GOVERNMENTS 40 BOUTS THIRD STREIT, =ID May 111-02 715 CHESTNUT STII PHILADELPHIA. PENNSYLVANIA HOTEL. • COR. 7th AND LINDEN EITS., ALLENTOWN, Tho au denim, ed ham takes this well-known ',Mud. The Dor, Table and Bede have all ken newly famished. Us D also well supplied with stable Toole. Every atteullog home [sap tow WM the attest& to make them feel at 1...89-tt MORES OUTIL . . • GOOD WILL GIFT .ENTEIIPRISE. ' Parties having drawn prim must take Clem away be fore tho 21st of Jane. as all articles nentaintnit on hand aftey that date Will tie appropriated to the use or the Com pany. WW. P. WOLlA.Chatraiss}, OEM je2.Bm
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