Yetigt gegister. /Mier an 4 Proptiaor. ROBTJUEDELL,JL. ALLENTOWN, • PA., JUNE 10, 1809 THE SITUATION. After passing through the ordeal of such a terrible struggle as was witnessed during the late rebellion, we can better appreciate the value and beauty of our free institutions and republican form of Government. In all the late Insurrectionary States, with the exception of two or three, the State Governments have been re-established and civil law prevails. Everything bids fair to have our Union again ono and indivisible in feeling as well as in fact. The administration of affairs at Washington shoWs a sincere desire on the part of President Grant and his Cabinet to pursue such a course as to promote harmony and good feeling, North and South. No great political ques tions now agitate the public mind, nor is there any reason to suppose that we aro in any dan ger of a foreign war. From every section of the country we hear good accounts of the crops and of. the probability i f a rich harvest. Truly, It seems as if our country was destined to peace and contentment. But look abroad and mark the contrast. In England the Irish Church bill la creating great excitement, and the Times says : "Wo nra in a crisis, one of those rare occurrences when the national mind has been fully declared, and the Lords must defer to the will of the country, or other wise the machinery of the country cannot be carried on." At Manchester 200,000 persons assembled and passed resolutions. At Livd pool and other places large meetings were held. In France mischief is brewing. The recent elections have aroused the people, and the days of barricades and street fights have again re turned. The latest despatches represent that the troops are parading the streets day and night, and over 000 arrests were made in ono day. If peace does prevail, it is only because of the bayonet. From Spain comes news of disorder and riot. At Cordova a great repub lican demonstration was held on Friday, at which resolutions were adopted as protests against a return to the Monarchical system of Government. The American flag was dis played and loud cheers given for the United States and Gen. Grant. During the progress of the meeting the military interfered, a panic ensued and many women and children were injured. In Cuba the revolution still continues with occasional fighting. The war between Brazil and Paraguay still continues, with no prospect of a speedy termination. Have we not, thert,sause for congratulation, that in our own country peace and order prevail, with the skies still brightening for the future ? OUR DUTY. The Democracy have not yet succeeded in finding an available candidate for Governor, and are earnestly imploring General Hancock to allow the use of his name. In theirdistress they see the necessity of recognizing the sol dier elethent and hope by this means to carry the election. When General Hancock was a candidate before the New York Convention for President, he received but few votes, and even his own State could not unite on him. Then it was thflught the country was ripe for a change and that the cry of " negro equality," &c., would even defeat General Grant, al though a civilian opposed him. They now see how they were deceived in their estimate of the' popular feeling, and knowing the weak ness of that dodge, have turned to Hancock as their saviour from another defeat. The Re publican party can carry Pennsylvania at any election, when local dissensions do not divide their vote. Let us this year again march with solid front and unbroken ranks, no matter whether this or that favorite has not been re worded by office or nomination. Let us sink all personal feeling, and acting only for the general good, gain another glorious victory. The Philadelphia convention will no doubt nominate a good man for Governor and Judge of the Supreme Court, but no matter who the men are, let the platform of principles be Re publican in sentiment and progressive in spirit, and let all who love , their country and their party, who wish to endorse the adminis tration of President Grant, and continue to advance the credit of our State, stand by the ticket and do all in their power to assist in Its success. We want no grumblers now, no scolding or faultfinding, but an earnest, hearty support. WILLIAM FAWLEY, more familiarly known as "Reddy, the Blacksmith," Is the lender of the Bowery thieves, and a politician of some note in New York city. He has been mixed up in numerous thieving operations, throat cuttings, .Ic., but being "a man of note and a politician," he has so far escaped the law. Recently he and hie gang were arrested for attacking and robbing a Jerneyman. The gang were tried, convicted and sentenced to fifteen years imprisonment. "Reddy," being " a man of note and a pohtician," was reserved for a separate trial and admitted to bail. When the case was called he did not make his appear , ante, to the great joy of the admiring crowd who came to see the persecution of their friend. Ills ball was forfeited, but we apprehend that when they attempt to collect the amount they will find nothing but straw. This is the way In which justice is administered in New York and Philadelphia. To escape the law and defy justice you must be "a man of note and a politician." If you aro not, be cardul how you act or justice will surely overtake you. IhIIIITOPORS election fights have been so frequent in large cities where party feeling runs high that we scarcely give theme thought after reading the news of the arrests and commitments of the offenders. No ono thought of restricting the right of suf frage because of these occurrences, but now, lance colored men vote, no sooner do we hear that a few negroes are disgracing themselves by the same means, than every Democratic newspaper at once announces " negro riots I" " effects of radical rule 1" &c. The Republi 'can party is „pitched into generally and the downfall of "constitutional liberty" is pre dicted. Rioting and throat cutting l i tre claim ed as peculiar privileges which by custom and long usage belong exclusively to then emo crat s, and the result of the Washington election was almost forgotten in their eagerness to an nounce the riot, which would not have been the case had the radical ticket been defeated. Tint Republicans of Montgomery County have Instructed their delegates to the State Convention to vote for Gen. Hartranit for Governor. A more popular nomination could not be made and no one in the State could poll a larger vote. During his term of office he has won.,“ golden opinion front all sorts of peo ple" and his brilliant record as a soldier is so well known, that If nominated, we would be sure of success. The following is the resolu tion Retorved, That the historical military services of 43eneral J. F. Ilartranft and the faithful execution of the trust reposed In him as Auditor General of our Ptate give us confidence that ho would he worthy of the highest ofilde in the gift of the peo pie of Pennsylvania, and should ho deem it proper 'to accept this honor we pledge him our unani mous support, and we hereby present his name and Instruct the delegates by this Convention elected to support him In the State Convention as our candidate for Governor. Jortx M. MonrAnTv, President of the liish Republican Associatibn of Pennsylvania, has Wiled an address calling upon all Irishmen in the State who favor universal suffrage, pro tectieh of American industry and the Dent.' Lion of Ireland, to meet in each Congtessional district and elect one delegate and an alternate to attend the Irish Republican Convention, which takes place in Chicago on tho 4th of July. The address states that the position taken by Senator Sumner deserves the support of all true Irishmen, andlhat a vast majority of the Irish citizens will ally themselves with the republican party for the practical enforce ment of his policy and views. THE gentlemen with white aprons who offi ciate at the tables of the New York hotels have been obliged to yield in their demands for higher wages. It was found that waiting on a table is a business that any person can easily learn and as many persons can live on $3O per month and found, the strike did not last long. We hope the "Union" will be satisfied with this attempt at coercion and now use their best efforts to provide for those who, by their stu pidity, have been thrown out of employment. WHEN the Atlantic Cable first went Into operation the timid predicted a failure because of the high rates charged. Increase of busi ness, however, has belied the prophets, and the rates have now been reduced from £2O to £2. The same class of growlers are now find ing fault with the Pacific Railroad for the same reason. In a short time the rush of travel and increase of freights will operate in the same manner as with the Cable. In Chester County an entire now Legislative ticket has been nominated. It has been usual to send the members of the same house for three terms but the extra pastern and folders bill of last session, led our friends of Chester County to believe that a change would reflect credit upon the county and probably save a little to the State. Let others lake warning. The Condenser is the name of a little paper, devoted to Temperance, &c., issued from the Lebanon Pennsylvanian office. POLITICAL. The Republicans of Luzenae, Delaware and •Armstrong counties have Instructed their delegates to vote for Oen. Geary as the Republican candidate for Governor. Hon. Caleb Clublug, for many years a Repre sentative la Congress from ldassachnsette, and Attorney General under President Pierce, and now regarded a. one of the most impartial thinkers In America, take. strong ground in favor„of Seuator Sumner`a speech on the Ala bama claims. Goa. Cushing has been one of the ablest leaders of the old Democracy. It is also stated that llou. R. J. Walker, another Democratic loader. is Preparing powerful paper In Napped of the same aide. A special despatch from Nashville to m 4 Louts Democrat nay. that The Nashville Press and Times, heretofore the organ of Blokes, ban come out strongly for Senior and universal suffrage. The old edi tors of The Press rind Times have all ceased their con nection with It, and the leading article declares that here after It will be the organ of no man or sot of men, but Will boldly and independently advocate whatever the conduct. ors think politic and right. The Senior movement amine to be gathering strength throughout the State. LITERARY. Amieton's Journal.—We have received from Ap pleton & Co., the first twelve numbers of this magnificent .publication, and our only regret is that we have lived that many weeks without It. No lover of art, literature, or science, can look through those pages without being filled with en thusiasm over the triumph of the great American publishers In issuing the best publication of the kind In the world. We say to everyone, for their own good and the good of their families, subscribe at once, and get all the back numbers, for they comprise a standard library In themselves. The publication of first-class novels, poems, articles of a scientific nature, etc., such as are given weekly In Appleton's Journal, are sufficient to satisfy the demands of the hardest to please in such matters. But the publishers are not content to stop here. In addition to these, a beautifully softand expres sive engraving of a master painting, an illustrat ed supplement on mining, or a finely engraved, cartoon, accompanies each number and increases its attractiveness. The terms are only $4 a year, and If the contents , do not satisfy the cravings of the subscriber an additional sum of $3 will secure In addition either Harper's Weekly, Bazar or Magazine, or the Galaxy. TM Surgeon's Daughter is the 25th and last volume of Appleton's cheap edition of the Waver ly Novels, which are sold at twenty-Owe cents each. The entire set, complete, with a new steel plate portrait of Sir If Scott, suitable for framing, can now be obtained for six dollars., Or the publishers will send, by mall prepaid, a set of Dickens, 18 volumes, and Waverly, 25 volumes for $lO ; the cheapest Ten Dollars' worth to be had in the whole range of Literature. D. Appleton Co., 00 Grand Street, Now York. NEWS ITEMS. —Tho Massachusetts House of Representatives on Thursday passed the Prohibitory Liquor bill by a vote of 134 to 36. —England bolds over $780,000,000 of United States Bonds. The amount hold in Europe is esti mated as over $1,400,000. —A fire In Cincinnati, on Saturday morning, de stroyed about $40,000 worth of property, and rendered eight 'or ten families homeless. It Is rumored that three children perished In the games. —An express train from Louisville for Lexing ton, Kentucky, ran off the track , on Saturday, and was wrecked. Three railroad employees were In jured—one severely. —Tho regular troops In Santiago have been ordered to the field. General Jordan's expedition Is reported to have taken the road to Holquln from the bay of Nips. The commander of the Salvador expedition Is reported killed. —About 150 men surrounded the etortiat Buck Mountain in the coal regions, on Friday night and broke It open and stole all they could find. An other party went to the house of Mr. Henderson, the Superintendent, and took him out of bed and beat him very badly. —A serious railroad accident occurred on Wed nesday night, to a passenger train on the Wash ington Branch of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad on which was President Grant and family, Secre tary Boutwell and other Government officials. Several persons were seriously Injured, but the President's party 'escaped. —The Grand Lodge of Good Templars of Penn sylvania closed Its three days' session hr Scranton Thursday. About 2,000 representatives and others were in attendance. S. B. Chase, of Great Bend, was elected G. W. C. T., and E. W. Kirby, of Northumberland, G. W. C. The next session will be held at Erie. —Es-Secretary Seward and party were In Chi cago on Thursday, en route for California via the Pacific Railroad. At San 'Francisco the party will take a steamer for Sidra, India, China and Japan. Ben. Wade and Senator Coukllng, with their fam ilies, are also enjoying a trip over the Pacific Rail road to Salt Lake City and California. —A duel took place on Saturday between two Virginians, across the North Carolina border. The principals were Capt. W. E. Cameron, editor of the Petersburg Index, a Conservative journal, and R. W. Hughcs, contributor to the Richmond State Journal, Republican. Roth wore wounded —Catneron severely. The cause was an article denouncing Hughes. —Mr. W.R.Robertson, of Washington; and Mr. John Tyler, of Virginia, propose between them that the conservative men of the South select their .Senators and Representatives from patriotic states men living In the Northern States, and thus throw overboard " the villainous carpet-bagger and the Wm, perfidious and treacherous scallawag." They contend that one day's prior residence In the State to be represented will mdet all the require ments of the constitution us to qugintintion. —Lyman Whitman, of Agawam, tines., a paper manufacturer, committed suicide on Saturday. —The Israelites of Philadelphia have purchased a lot at the corner of Broad and Mount Vernon sts., 'and contemplate erecting a magnificent zyna gogne there= at a cost of about $300,000. —The War Deportment has directed Generals Sheridan and Schofield to treat as hostile alt Indk ani outside the four great reservations. This is done to protect the settlers on the frontier. Should tho present military force be inadequate, General Schofield will be authorized to raise volunteers. =All enlisted men detailed for duty ne clerks In the War Department, and all other clerks of the Department not authorized by law, will be charged. Between 800 and 400 enlisted , men will be dismissed. Twenty-tight temporary clerks of the Pension Office will also be discharged on the 80th instant. —Accounts of Indian murders continue to come from Kansas. Some sfttl6rs havo emigrated ; and while most of those virh: i i•omaln aro well armed, trouble tubio lofctir Apices from Arizona report the capture add destaction of n troll; of Government stores by Indians, three of the escort being killed and three wounded. There is a call for "more military protection" from the Arizo ohms. MUNDANITY. Indianapolis papers say that Iron can be tuna cheaper thero thou In PenusylvaulaL anti lleusil. Oval melte with Lake Superior or 3fielouri ore without coking. Jeff. Davie's plantation le now leaned to one of his former slaves, who pays 4110,(00 a year rent and em- , ploys 100 hands to work It. No whito man about the George Peabody arrived at Boston on Friday morning, and was mot at tho depot by Itnbert C. Winthrop and othor trust°oa of the Peabody Fund, and convoyed to tho residence of Richard 11. Dana, Jr. Ito loft for Salem in tho aftortmon. A veteran French sportsman, M. Sutton, who died n few days ago, made n calaulatiou of the amount of game ho had slaughtered in 50 years' experience, and accounted for 5,000 hares, 10,030 rabbits, 20,000 partridges, 1,600 foxes, 30 wolies, and eight toad dogs—not to speak of quails and various small birds. The great Musical Peace Jubilee, at Boston, commenced yesterday and will continuo all week. A 1 building capable of holding 25,000 persona lots been tempo rarily erected on tho Corm.ns for tho occasion. One thousand Instrumental performers and five thousand' voleos took part lu the first musical rehearsal, and It was pronounced a grand success. Thu celebrated 010 Bull In to play first fiddle, and all the celebrated 1111111iCht1111 and ' rennin's of the country are engaged. Visitors to the Great - Jubilee are crowding into Boston from every part of the country, and this week the rush will be Immense. Prod . - dent Grant and Secretary Boutwell will be lu attendance. The condition of both sections of the Pacific. Railroad Is rapidly Improving; and for the past four week. every day has lessoned the risk of accident. Tho trench eronn temporary bridges over the Weber have been re placed by good trues work, the worst carves have been straightened, the banks widened, and whore new-mado k t ground had sunk, the track ban been raised. Tbe compa nice leave much to do before they will be repared for winter storms and next spring's floods, for eumnier and autumn Waffle the road, by the middl of Juno, will bo as good as the average of railroads, ay a large portion of each 'section i• already bolter. Latest reports speak of Improvements in the rentaqrant 'accommodations, and ex cepting whore there are children or ladles In the party It is not necessary for travellers to carry any solid provi. stone with them. The Pullman palace bleeping-care aro now running to and from Promontory eastward. This re duces the number of nights to be spent In ordinary cam to two, and that hardship need not be borne another treek,• • as lone or more for the Central Railroad Company are expected at Sacramento on the 6th lustaut. Mr. James Donald, mate of the Quebec trader Margaret, hattrrived at Quebec, the sole survivor of two crown, numberlug thirty souls, belonging to the Margaret and the bark Zelus. Both theno •ennolit struck ou Caribou reef, fifteen miles northeant of Cape den Monte, during a hurricane ou the morning of the 16th ultimo, and went to pieces within two bourn, and the crews perished. Mr. Donald's account of the catastrophtels an follows: On Saturday night we were running with a strong wind from the E. N. E. at the rate of seven miles au hour. We had a strong nest, but did not feel it much, us we were running before it. At ono A. M. on Sunday the bark ,chin mane within balling dint.ce natter same .11 and steering same coarse. She gradually went ahead of us, as she . mailed faster, but when mho got about three or finer times her own length ahead she was un the rucks. It being at the time very thick and raining, thin consequence was, One next minute we were on the rock also, with the ;ran mult iag a clear breach aver us. A. we were the last to break up, I witnenoned the last of the Zoltan. She tr. scarcely half an hoar on the rocks when hoe male inuni minau toast. wont overboard. The POa by thin time was Inn-skiing mountain high, cud she went to pieces. We next tried to launch a boat, when one very heavy sea broke on board, smashed the boat to pieces, and washed us down to the main deck, when we all got forward. The second mate's leg and ribs, ou the right side, were broken, and seven more of the crew's limbs were broken, The weather was very cold. Wo then eountructed a raft of the deck planks an they were washed forward. Then the forenumt went. We were tin. fifteen noels clinging to the bowsprit. Tine bowsprit weal, and all hands with it. After I got to the Kurt.° a lean caught ma by the legs and hauled me under, by which means Ito raised himself sad lot me go. When lito up I caught a piece of bulwark about three foot four Inch. In length. A short time after ward I got hold whoa deck-beam, which dueled um. I got on the rockn; through num. accident, tiny piecin'of wood turned round and put mo up boforo it, and fell very Leerily three or finer still. MI my breast, fairly disabling met but I managed totrawl clear of it, and tried to get. my feet, but bad not strength to steed. The blood was running down toy . face. I tried to crawl on ray Imola and knees, but my .os were leaving the when two men came running down and carried me in their arms to their cabin, where they treated me very kindly and put me to bed, where I slept for throe hours and awaked very greatly refreshed. I inquired it any more people bud come on shore. They said "no." I naked if there were any peo ple from the other ship. They said "no." They said Shore was .ono came ashore but ne t 'I put on some clothes against the people's will, and wont down anisette the rocks to see If I could aou any of any shipmates ; but there wan not a sign of any . of them. The wreck wan lying dry amoug the rucks, in pieces. About thirty-two 111. per hired. At 1.31 we ntruck, and about 4.15 Iw. carried len to the cabin of the ...nor Mary, where every attention was paid to MO. , THE CUBAN 'REVOLUTION. Ilavaua, June 13.—The reports of a heavy en gagement at Puerto Padre are confirmed. The Spaniards admit a loss of sixty killed, and esti mate that of the Cubans at 1200 killed and wound ed. The Insurgent General Marmot was killed. The following news from Santiago comes from Spanish sources. A schooner recently landed a party of 100 fillibusters at Port Battiquert, six miles east of Santiago. The party was betrayed by lie guide, who gave inforturtion of their laud ing to the °Meer in command at Damon. The troops of the garrison marched out and coming up with the fillibusters attacked them and in the light, fifty of the latter were killed and the others captured. The leader of the party was shot on the spot, and the prisoners were taken to Santiago for execution. All the stores of the ex pedition were captured, including $2,000,000 In unsigned revolutionary currency, several hundred rifles, and three or four pieces of artillery. FRANCE, ?Ann, Juno 12.—About 200 arrests were made last night. The populace generally assisted the troops to preserve order, and the streets were clear by 10 o'clock. No outrages were committed. The tumults in the streets continue. The cav alry paraded all night, but met with no resist. once. Arrests continue to bo made, and the streets were more tranquil after midnight. Strong detachments of military are posted In the city to prevent an outbreak. The Emperor and Empress drove through Monmartre yesterday unattended. WU n ioKfct Vis n r i eleffinTr b o.k t f ,p ° (ialit e ek t bfi a o r aTt e et; value. WS HAIM 000 D STYLES 1 , 1011 CANNINIUM PANTO reduced to ill, $4 and 61, • which formerly so :dot id. 0 and $lO. WS WAVE VEIT. of similar goods reduced to W. 1,• WE DAVE 010E11, CABNIESIV, Tricot, Pique. and other styles of rack coat. reduced to 145, .17 an half About one alf their present value. TEEN. •RE BURPLEN STOCK. and In addition to our regu lar alSOrtniene of new and choice goods: we have therefore resolved to close them out at prices above mentioned. They are all good, towni e desirable oOdS, SVCS g A CIIANCE EON DARUAINE IE I seldom offered, ite J h be , pgen @NEESE & Ca., TOWER NALL, birth street.. 1 No. 0113B1•Ellier NTIWIEr, I.IIILADELPUIA. .1010.1D1 AND No. pp BROADWAT, NEW YORK. There Is no mistake about it, PLANT/moil BIT- Tens will ward off Fever and Ague nod all kindred diseases, If used In time. No family need suffer from this distressing complaint If they will keep PLANTATME BITTERS in the house, and use it ac cording to directions. The most important Ingre dient of this medicine is Callum% or Peruvian Bark, which is known to be the finest and purest tonic in the vegetable kingdom. The extract of this Bark Is the active principle of all the good Fever and Ague Medicines prescribed by Intelli gent doctors. Calisaya Bark is used extensively In the ntanufacture Of PLANTATIOR BITTERS, as as well as quinine, and wo dare say they owe their popularity mostly to that fact. We can recom mend them. MMINOLIA WATlM—SUrlOrthe to the best Imported Oor man Cologno. and gold at half tho prim. O REMOVE MOTH PATCHEB,FRECKLES T and Tan from the Into ONO PRRIIT'N MOTH AND PONCIII.E LOTION. Prepared only by Da. D. C. PERRY. Bold by all Drug'late. marl 7-3100 KELLER dc BROTHER, NO. 27 WEST HAMILTON ST E=l CLOCKS, ; , tl i prz u lt iod tr d w e r i x o t , e i t au tl c l ,f .lsoa and pripes, how GOLD AND SILVER WATCUES, than can be found In any other ■loro In the city JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS, SILVER WARE, of every description. /Fir Watches repaired on Short Notice. 'AirEN'S YOUTIBS, BOYS , it DERIVE SCRIMS AND SNMMER CLOTHS:DI.' OUR ASSORTMENT ft now full and complete, tee have every desirabGt, hind and else , EVERT ONE CAN oBlivrtrailisons the r stb4—isk hare an the different style of cut, ddaptett to all tastes, in cluding the medfuni.and 'subdued, preferred by many, as well as the lategand most fashionable • style. • OUR LAitoß STOCK,. enable* SIR to keep at nil times a fall assortment, an that rill can. le filled at . iince with out delay." • OUR iURCHASE4 AI,WAYR Innnil RADE Coo cAuti, and haring purchased largel y of late, since the de cline in Wooten', our euxbaners Aare in the vantage* we hare Gots secured. - OCR SALES DRUM POE CACTI EMINIVRLT, We hare no bud debts to provide for, and are nu! obliged to tax the . paging Cnitionger to make up inv.vta //Ira nuh those who do not pay n2i. Otis DI:ARP-MAIM DARMNNTA are superior to any otl✓:r ' Stock of neatly-Mate goods in Philadelphia, any non can be as melt Piot frau, Mini as by gtirmettis made to 01-der unotchcrr, they areas . tad: made and equal fn erery reaped. and much cheaper. Dc trig manic/We/tired DT TIIN lianonatiq AND TIint7PANDP, they can be sold cheaper Than Wien mails up singly; but for the acconanodat fon of those mho prifir we have OINo A Cl'ilTo,l DEPARTMENT To MAID; Up To ORDER, With choicc selected 6104,4 I'lec,l Goods, manprittiny at/ style* and qualities, Foreign anti Dousrmite, which tell be matte up to Incurrare by cumin lent (Ina r.qurdennd elitirlit Mid WOrkUlfli in a a/gte • equal to the beet. Stuatst. NoTten.—Afute, fit, and make al. our garments earpiece,: by nurse, (quailed by few. All price, guaranteed lower Than the lowest elsewhere, and full satisfaction gdaranlce it every purchaser, or (be sale canceled and mone: refund,A. A PAIR TEST IR •LI, WE Ant. Half way between Ilmenntr Fifth anul xt Sih street. S Olt MARKET AT., •NP llttomtwAr, New YoltK. Z.pccial NOti 0.'5. • WORDS OF WISDOM FOR YOUNG MEN tho Hullo t Pa.lnn In Youth and Eddy Man hood with SELF for the erring nod unrottuunto I Sent n lwaled letter envelopes, free of Otani, HOWARD ASSOCIATION. Box I% Philadelphia, =Mal FOR BLACK WORMS AND PIMPLES ON Lhc t.eo, m , Primr'. comm,,,n AND PIMP.: RUM MY, priparinhonly by OR. C. C. PERM, 4:) Bend ntreet, Now York. held every where. The tr:ole vupplied by Whelevide Medicine lle:ilerv. indrl74lloo "r 4 REORS OF YOUTIL—A geutleman fered for genre from Nervous Debility . , Premature Decay end nil Die effect+ of youthful hollserionin, will, for the coke of sulfuring humanity, coed free bl all who need It, the recipe Owl direction for making Ile• idiot& remedy by which ho wan cured. Sullen,c wiiihinn to PrOtit by the inivertimir i experience can do by atiliro• , %lllg, perfect confidence, ,IOIIN it. ti IIEN, No. 4 0 . Color in. 'New York. DAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND . GATA EMI treated ith 111.111.1 xucrrnn, by .1. Ixnat x M. D. and Profits., of IlixresNett 11 Um Elie and Ear ; xp, atilt yl ta the .11"1,',,I full -De of Po oil'', 12 warm c.cperic floc, (111rinerly at Leyden,. llolittat). ) Na. NCI Arch otreet, Philadelphia. Testintoniale can lot wen nt his Mike. Tito medical faculty aro invi tedi la i c .Ar myo their patientm, an Ito has no secrets In practce l- Mal eyed Maenad without pain. Nu chargo for examlm lluu. Jan 27-Iy•e PROF. inAnumroltes MEDICATED STOPI COLICrII CANDY! { THAT Undo from extracts minim' In Cavite a certain tool °Weenyr remedy for Coughs, (hada, Hoarseness, Nero COVGII 1 i Throat, AAliten, wh o and Cow oniptlon. 'noon who try—nlwaya ‘.....—..y.---./ set-cure their Colds and avoid eon nunwiln and an early grave. Price, only 12 cents. One million Kohl annually, and sold every whero sad by all drugglida In Allentown. (ge1,17.010.• TO CONSUMPTIVES.—The advertiser, having boon restored to health In a few works, by it very simple remedy, later having suffered several years with a vere lung affection, nod dint dread d..% consump ti se on. Is anxious to mako known to hit fellow sufferers the means of core. Ti, all Who desire it, lie will semi a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with flof dire, lions for preparing nod using Ow same, which tliey will find a sore core for Consumption. Asthma Ilrourlllt is. Sr, The only object of the advertiser in ',noting the Prescrip• lion is to benefit the afflicted, nod spread information which ho conceives to he luvulttable; nod he hopes, every sufferer trill try his remedy, ES it will Cost lhcw nothing and may proven blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will phon. fold re, line. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg liiints Co.. N. Y• A GREAT REMEDY POE THE crtlli or THROAT AND LUNG DISEASES AVISIIARVS • PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL It le the vital principle of the Nilo Tree, obtained by eenllar process In the dinllllntima of the tar, by which I Moto of medical properties lire retained. It In the only eafe-gaarilitial reliable rented ?• which hi ever been prepared from the joie° of the Pine free. It Invigorates the diNextivo oreton itailreiiteres the app, tile, Ii strPngthens the drhllilnhsl xylem. It purifiew 3,11t1 ourichen the blood, and expels from tho system the corruptiou which scrofula bleed" on the Plugs. /t dissolven the MOOma or phlegm Noblelf wtupw the iflr possngew ado, lung, Ito lienlitig princlido net,. upon the Irritated i:urnice of thin lungs fool throat, ponetrating to cach diseasoil part, l volleying pain ad ouiduing It is tho recall in d' yelfrif ot iitudY nod Ifxlforllfff ,ll . aiffl Il In offorod to thin afflicted, with MO 1,0111,1,10 111,11t/lIIVO Of its power to care tho following diffeasew, if tho patient lugs not too long delnyed a resort to the means of fuff:— Con,iuniptifiti thin Lungs, Cough Sole Throat and Bryant, Bronchitis, ',lvor Complaint, 111111,1 and Bleeding. Pile, Asthma, Whoopiitelpogh, Dlptheria, SIC. We IWO often asked why aro mit other retnediew In thin market for CollllOilliltloll, Cungl,w, (:olds, not other Pul monary affoctions equal to Dr. L. Q. Wisliart•ii Pint, Tree 'fair Cordial. We unstour-- Ist. It curio., not by wtopping cough, but by lotiwoning nut) asslifting futon) to throw ill the unhealthy mutt, collected about the throat nod hronchial Whew, causing cough. - • • Rd. Mont Throat am! 'Lung Itennalli, are rompaved of nuotlytui, which allay the contain fur ate hile, hilt InY th , dr constrlnglng effort., tin,, llhret Devon,' hardened, and the unhealthy Saida coagulate and are retalotal to 1110 1 , ) , 11 . 111. c axis 4.111 , 01., beyond the control of our most eminent ithytlielllll.4. :Id. The l'lne Tree Tar Cordial, with it`, II arm preferable, henna..., they romove the cause of Irritation of the ntuctuintenilicano and bronchial 11111FX. neBlnt the luntp , to act IlllEl throw otr tin., unhealthy norrotlons, and Walt)" the Mom], thin. acleullfically otaklng tie- can , in•rh•ta Dr. IBlifirl line eat file t el him f•f, Ise nitre &rand throlisnif f l.v 1.1 fl. s, from .Ifr 1111 11 . 11, II Of ttng next Ponible cha Intel( r Who mire ' , flee lAO7. f' •l f/ giv en tip din-, lint r.. qh h. ff 0- , of (io , ho , llh Aq llio. Pine Tr, TIM Ow mat. A I nynirlan In ntivollance who can ice. I:01,111041 111 peroou or by 1113111, fof eh,' rgr. l'elco of fine 'free Tar Cordial mail. ree % sit per dot. Sont Extwogs tot receipt of pr Ire. Anhlre, , W mt. ('. h.hart 31. 11., NO. '2712. NOi th SCCOMI St. l'ltllad , st. ('a. stns cIeIIENK'S I'ULMONIC SYRUP,,SEAIVEED L TONIC nod Mandrake Dills, tell' rune Co.tooptiou, Liver Complaint, innil Dyspepsia, if tab 011 according to Al I rectionn. Tinny are all throe to bet:LI:0111a OW Salllt. 11111, They elean , o the stomach, reins tho liver. and put it to work: then the ntopotito becomes good; the food digests and makes good blood; the patient begins to grow Inn nosh the tilsoased manor ripens In the lung , , and the Patient otit• grows the, dhleaso and get.. well. Tinto In 1110 oul y way to cute consumption. To these three medicines Dr. J. li. Schenk, of Philadol- Oda, we, his unrivalled s norm. lu tine tn.:PI/lent of pul monary consumption, 'fro Dalmonic Syrup ri TWIN Ili4. 111 tie lungs, nature throws It oil' by no easy expectoration, for whet; the phlegm or nuttier 18 ripe. in slight cough will throw it off, and the patient 11110 Test and Doi lungs bog'n to meal. To do this, Ono Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake fills tutpd Le freely used to CIOIIIISO the etoumch :11111 liver, el. thatlllo Daimon'. Slrell nod the flosi will mak., golarblood. Schenk's Mandrako Pills net upon tine Door, removing all obstructions, relax tint duels of liteall-bladder, the 11110 start. Dryly, and tho liver In soon relieved;. the stools will show what tho Pills can do; nothing Lan ever loom invented except calomel (a deadly poison AVIIICII Is very dangorotax to lice tiniest whin great care), that will unlock the gall-bladder and start lino secretion., of the liver like Schenk's Mandrako Pills. Liver Complaint Is ono of Die most prominent causes of Conaumptlon. Schenk' n Ficatvend Tonic In a gentle stimulant and alter ative, and the alkali in the Seaweed, which this prepara tion made of, modnlx the stomach to throw out the gastric intro to dlssolvo Ono food Nvlth the It o Syrup, and It s made Into good blood without fermentation or souring in Um stomach. The groat reason why physician. dpi ot litre consular lion in, they try to do too much t thee medicine Meter .(ho cough, to atop chill, to stop ulgitt sweats, !tootle (over, god by no doing they &Mug° tho whole 111 trehtl vo powers, locking up who emotions, and eventually thy patient stake and dies: Ur. tichenk. In hie treatment, does not try tooter a cough, night meats, chitin, ur fever. Remora the cause, mud they will all atop of their own accord. No ono can ho cured of Consumption, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Catarrh, Con ker, Ulcerated Throat; unless the liver and stomach aro outdo healthy. If a parson has Connumption, of course the bulge In IMMO way aro diseased, oither tuborclen, abscesses, brouchial Irritation. }dour° adhesion, or tho lungs aro a mass of in dentation and fast decaying. In such cases what must be done? It in not only tho Mugs that are wasting. het It 1. the whole body. Tito stomach and liver have lost took power to make blood out of food. NOW NM only chants, is to take ( ho three medicines, which will bring up to tone to otumach, the patient will begin to wont 'food, It will digest easily zind mike good blood: then the patient begin. to gain In flesh, and its soon ns tho body begins to grow, the hinge commence to heal tip, int o tho patient gets acidly and well. This Is whowny to cure Cumquats- Hon. toy tbaro to umR s tit s t e t'e n eT l 'T,ltTe ti a ' u e l Waa l , are sufficient without the Pultuenic Syrup: Take the Mandrake Pills freely In all bilious complaints, as they aro perfectly harmls. Dr. Schnk, who has eujoyed uninterruytted health for many years pant. and now weighs ?Hem UU ds, war wanted away to a mere ekelrton, lu the very last stage of Pulmo nary Consumption. his phyeicians having Pronounced hie case hopelette and abandoned lam to his fate. Ho was cured by the aforesaid medirince, tail since his recovery many thousands similarly afflicted have used Dr. liclotak'e Prep arations with the same remarkable Full directions accompany each, make it nut absolutely necessary hi per !tonally oleo Dr. Schenk, unlese the patients wieh their lungs examined and for this pug.. Ito is professionally at hie Principal Office, Philadelphia, every Saturday, where all letters tor advice tonal be addressed. Ile h, also profes sionally at No. tt2 Dead Street, New York, every ether Tuesday. and at Nn, 33 Hanover Street, Mixt., every other Wednesday. Ile Once advice free, but fur thor ough examinatton with his Itesplrometer theltrice It 4,1 W. Office hours at each city front o A. M, to DI, DR. J. 11. SCII.E.NK, 15 N. Gm St., Phaada., mar 10ty*.* NOTICE. .OFFICE OF TON ALLENTOWN /Row CONIPANY,I PHILADELPHIA, Juno sth, I DO. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of (ho Allentown 'lron Company will be held nt t h e Otlico of the Company, 1)01 Walnutstreet, l'hiladelnhin, on Tlinlidni, the twouty-uluth (ninth) of Jour, DSO at o'clock It. 10., and on the Name day an election will Ito hold between tho bourn of la a. m. and p. to,, for coven Directors to /Hiroo for Melva mouth, • 11. CABOT, Socly. D ISSOLUTION OF PARTNER SIIIP.—NOTIfIE IS lIEREIIY given that Morgan It. Willa and Robert Irmlell, Jr...arc/thin on littcliie^a muter the firm of Willa & Iredell, have this day dirolvod pitrtnorshlP. "Tito Herald & Froo Press and "Tho Piorrlstowu Republican, published at Norristown, Pit. now belong to Morgan R. Willa, and all tha bushman cif the late firm in couneellou with mold papers will be settled by him. Tug LEIIIOII ltrotarrn, ubllahtki nt AII.IOWII Pa., now bolOnas to Robert Redid!, Jr,. nod all the lud nets of the late fine Iu conuectlou with sold Mat awed Paper Will hosettled by !dm, IitORO AN n..WIL A, my 30-9 t • ROUT. IREDELL, Ju. DISTRICT' COURT OF TIRE U.-H. FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNA. lathe metier of Granville Gernert, it flitiokrupt. Notice Is hereby trlvon that hi pursuance of an order of said Court, a meeting of the creilitent of said bankrupt sill ho held at the Wilco of ()cor N. Coro., one of the fleabite. a° of Bankruptcy for raid liletriet, at Gin Americanhotel. Hotel. In the City of Allentoten, ott the 17th of !out., A. D. N% lat 9 o'clock a. in.. (or the p 0f100 0, ..010ed to tho Section of tho Act of Cenucesa entitled Au AM to ettalp nal a uniform atettem of bankruptcy throughout tho United 510 b.," npvroval Mardi li. • Jauo 2-It EDWARD DECE. destines; esooilo EM) AND JUDGE. R DAROAINS AT SCHREIBER BROS Bollavltut that the ulmbla mlxpauco Is the true IMILOSQI -1 11Y OF TRADE • • In pre:muting to the public the annexed prices of our block for the ceavon, we beg leave to mako tho following remarks: We keep Up our assortment SIM far no practicable embracing over,- article of bath Foreign owl Domestic Dry a oodx and Notions. Blenched Muslin, IS, 13,11, 15, 17, 10 and 31 cents. Unbleached Muslin, 10, 12, 14, 15 anti 17 cents, Linen Table Diaper, 40, 65, 70 and 13 chi., and $1 00 a yd. Bed Plaid Diaper, $2 00 a yard. Cotton Tnhlo Diaper, 35, 40 and 45 cents. Ticklugs, IS, 31, 21 and 33 code. best. Blue Cheek, 3 . 1, 23 and 23 cents. 'fowelings, 10, 12, 13, 14, 1500, 17, 18 and 31 cis. a yard. ntbric, 13 and 20 cis. Flannels, 25, 31, 40, 50, 00 and 75 cents, and $1 CO. Calicoes, Dark and Light, 10 and 121 y eta. White (Mods, 31, 23, 30, 40, 50. 00 and 75 cont., and 41 CO. Fringed Towels, 13, 23, 45, 41 and 50c, and 41 00n piece. Linen Table Covers, 4,2 (p, 3CI 00 and 4100 a piece. Ginghams, IS, 19, 31, 31 and 40 ctn. C111111110111)11111. , , 12 , 5, 31, 722 and 23 eta. Alpacas, 40, 45, 50, 60. 750 and $1 00. Striped and Plaid Ilohalr, 25. 35, 40, 20 and (12 eta. Wool Delninoo, tAV, *1 00 and 41 2.5, best. Lawn., 25, 31 and 10 cis. Ladies Sackings, $1 23, $1 ro, .92.1 23 and $1 Gila yard. Hammer Slums, $1 00. ill 00, 4.300, $lOOO, $l2OO and $l4 00. Balmoral Skirts, 87. , e, $1 21 and 4e'• 230 piece. Hoop Skirts, 50 and 73e, 41 41 2.1 and $1 best. All Wool Boys' Cats.iluere, :A and Eroc, and $1 CO. Temtnertino, all colors, 35 and 50 ctn. • Buff and Flak Capthrie, 4.1 and SO cents. Marmilies Quilts, $4l 01, Coi CA, $7 00, 45 OD and $lO 00. . Grenadine, 23, 50 nud 1B ch.. Black Corded Silks, different prices. Light Summer Silks, Plaid nud Striped, and Cheuo. Parasols, all the latest styles at may figures. Lace. Collars and Lace Handkerchiefs, Black Laces nud Fringes, liohlory and (loves of all descriptions. Coates' Cotton, 7 cents, no hallatiou. Colored Cotton, 3 cents. Alpaca Skirt Braid. 10 cents a piece. Sock Loops, nit kind, Ilinck tail Colored Satin Itibinm. White Marsailles Trimmings. Ladies' and Gents' Slid Gloves, Irvin's inake. The alto.. list of goods Includes al/ the leading articles Intor. at 1.11,0111 kIoOVII. But without doubt tunny oyeities trill come out with our Inter Purchases. which • asottot note enumerate. All 'wt. ask Is a call and ex tol.. otlr stock. No 'notable to MhoW goods. liespertfully yours. SCIIItEI IIRE BROS. Clotijing GREAT ATTRACTION! NEW FIRM! NEW GOODS! CLOTHING! CLOTHING! GRAND SPRING ANI) SUMMER OPENII`I,O. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES T. 0 S AI UN & CO., Stiectssors to Jletzutr S Osmein BARGAINS AT Tilt GREAT CLOTHING EMPORIUM =I NO. 13 EAST RA3IILTON STREET, 121=! woald Inform the citizens of Allentown and the our. .and na rilllutry that WO are prepared with a large stmek r goods for SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR, nd offer them to (he public nt mas ouable price. To thorn rho boy thole Clothing ready-mini°, they ore prepared to Mir BARGAINS. WHOLE SUITS MADE TO ODDER! COATS, PANTS AND VESTS nt and made Intl., latest and by the workmen Olin STOCK OF CLOTHING, CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES larger thou 11 hao been before, and we Intend to roll at Ty 531.11.1. PROFITS, and give our memo°. Else Lruo• of our low purcliarrs. real guanlitia,, and varieties of NECKTIES, CUFFS, COLLARS, Aud everything in Lilo line of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS MEN'S, YOUTHS', BOYS', and CBILDREN'S REA DY-M ADE C LOTHI NG, =I lton't forgot the Waco, No. 43 Exist Hamilton mitreet, third door chore SiXiil 'Arcot. I= T II x ;' tr -I Eliatcljo, .Muetru, &r. „•.,...... Ipitv N ' iiAitibi:it, 520 ARCII STREET, PHILADELPHIA, .14 Ir.' TWIES, JEWELRY, Sold)) SUL VIM ll' • . Ilan a largo stack, at low prices, of Otto PLATED SPOONS. CASTORS, TEA SETS. &c. toir 7-31 n wATemius, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE CHARLES S. MASSEY'S, No. 21Easl Hamilton street, opposite the Oonean Ile °rue lnlns! Church. l Just received front Now York and Phil dna, 101 tho test styles' - - GOLD WATCHES lie has the largest and best nasoittnent of Oold Watch., and at lower wham than can he found °Nowhere. SILVER WATCHES. • Ile has a larger and better assortment of Silver WeWhoa lulu cnu Le purchased uuywhoro eine. GOLD JEWELRY Ho haw the largest and best alworlmout of all Mud. of Geld Jewelry. • GILT AND PLATED JEWELRY. no has ler aud holler asrme ofAll of 0111 nun Plated Jewelry than eau be so foundelsewhere. SILVER AND PLATED WARE. A P;Ptr " ok ‘ , ‘ ll ' S l o ' ; ' ?;l l 4z7t7i ' :gi " lrl ' ill7e r4 8111Vo"cA211'11,9,1VM:rci, CLOCKS A larger .4ttortutoat titan at any othor ostabllslanont. MELODEONS. A splendid assortment of Princo's Melodeons, tho boat to tho world. ACCORDEONB. A splendid assortment of all kinds of Accordeons. Ills establishment hes lately been tlttod up, and Is now second to mole in New York and l'hllatlelphin, and ahead of anythln g i ant/tido the largo cities. Ito has a larger stock of faiddonaltio goods to his than all others in Lehigh county combined. To couviaco yourselves of tho above call and .0. iliccbartico. CONSIIOIIOCKEN BOILER AND COIL WORKS. JOHN WOOD, JR.; I.I.(2II.IPAUTUUL9 OP . TUBE, FLUE AND CYLINDER BOILERS, BATH AND STEAM CIRCULATING BOILERS,. All kinds of Wrought Iron Coils, 'Payers for Blast Fur nace, Gasometers, Botoko Starke, lllant Plpes,lrou Wheal -I,IIITOW, and everything in the Boller and Sheet Iron lion. Also, all kinds of Iron nail Sleet Forging+ and Blacksmith work, 'Pools of all kinds, much as Whom Buckets, Picks, Brills, Mallets, Sledges. Ac. Baying it 0100111 Hammer and met of tools of all kinds, and workmen, I flatter myself that l can turn out work with promptne s s and dimpatch, nil of which will bet warranted to be first-class. • Patching hollers, and repairing generally, strictly at• tended to. npr 7-ly STRATTON'S PORTABLE AIR GAS bIACIMIE. PATENTED MARCH 3IST, SAVE MONEY Br MAKING YOUR OWN GAS. THE CHEAPEST LIGHT IN USE. Stratton'. flax Dfarhino for Illuminating Hotels, Private Residence., Stores, Mllls j etc.., Is sleuth: In cor:traction, Colll4lllllPli OM tuaterliti used In the manufacture of gas, and is no cheap as to loritig it within the reach of all. It Li free r explosions, can be managed by any person, and produces a Nuts:Our light to all othera, ono.hnlf the coat of ordinary burning gas. 110 FIRE IH AIIPLIED TO THE APPARATUS. It can be attached to ordinary Ran PlPes and fixtures, trio only variation being lu the culargemeut of the burrierjet., All parts of the aPParatun are made in tho most thorough and workmanlike manner. Superiority over oil machines clahned In tho following particular. : First, Cost of Constructiou. Second, Illuminating C*l4o - Third, Compactness and Simplicity, and consmgdont Impossiby material gettitigont otorder, Fourth, Economy lu inn of A tunable:: ca alto of aupplying ten burners costs 175. o f A NO ( 11 rue " r e ' Zi a ti t i l :iTd . " e; I gafil l u e g n u aad the elgl i t n er Lehigh county. • C. W. EITUI3ER, WALNUT STREET. CORNER OF MN, (Auorc )11:11LENLIMI coLLsoiL) LENTOWN.PA +~ &4it~w nce. NATIONAL • LIFE INSURANCE CO., UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Chartered by Special Act. of Congress, approved Jnty 25, 1808 CASII CAPITAL, =! BRANCH OFFICE PHILADELPHIA First National Bank Building, Where the general bunlnean In trannaeleil, sad to arttlela general earrespandenco should be addressed.' OFFICERS CLARANCE IL CLARK. Preddent. J(tY COOKE, Chairman nuance and Bantullvo Com. HENRY D. COOKE, Vice• President. EMERSON W. PEEP, Beet+ and Actuary. This Company offers the Miming advauLages : It a hatioual Company, chartered by 'special act o Congress. 1.50 X It has n pnid•up capital af(kl.llo3.o(P. It offers low ratos of premium It tarnishes larger insurance than other companies for Elio Wnmo tnonny It Is definite And certain In Ito terms. It is a home company lu every locality. Its policies arc exempt front attachment.' There are no unnecessary restrictions in the policies. Every policy Is nou•furfeltnhlo. Politico tony . bo taken which pay to the Insured their full amount, and rhluru all the premiums, so that the Inner. ante casts only the Interest on the annual payments. Policies may be taken that will pay to the Insured, after a certain number of yearn, during life, an annual Income of one-tenth the amount named In the policy. No extra rate Is charged for risks npou the lives of te• It 'mores, not to pny tllylilentln to policy boldern, 01 no low• n coot that dividends will be Imponnible. Circular., Pamphlets and full particulars gives on up pllcutlou to the Brauch Oath of Um Company at Phlladol pldn or to its general Agvuto. GENERAL AGENTS E. \V. CLARK A, Co., Philadelphia For Peonsylmila nod SouLhern Now Jersey Charles W. Cooper Allentown National Bank, Nelson Weiser, ilepublicaue,Book Utore„Agents for Lehigh and adjoining Counties. Jacob A. Blamer special agent. cept 15-13, TIIE WIDOWS' AND'ORPHANN! MUTUAL BENEFIT SOCIETY OF PENNA Principal 01licc, Allentown, I'a OFFICEM JOHN C, ANEWALT, Pampas?. \V, .IL DEAD LElt, flgonarAnT. MARTIN SEIPLE, Board Of Directors—John C. Anownit, Wm. H. Dash ler, Martin Heinle, Dr. L.P. Laßoche Dr. A. Oreasernor George delple, Ephraim J. Knau.; dharles K. Hetet, 0 B. M. Sell, Lewis 0. Huber, Wm. H.N. Oros., Petor 11. Romig. • Title Society la virtually a LI fo Imo:trance Company on a its prtect Pp hy w !. t o hirl! a Il pls faorso milyu of t ln cOOO of Ills deathhe mualleat moans . cau procure o It does not accumulate mllliotte of dollars of the mem bers' tummy, MI do othor Life lunar.. Companies, but cacti member can retail, his mouoy until called for In the case of tho dooth of auy member. Thoro Io uo possibility of 11,1, Society falling as the funds aro all in thu hands of the Woad.s themselves, and the Society Ix paroly mutual. Mouthera have a right to veto at all Menthols for !Alcor!, EMT= WHY BECOME A MEMBER it to no more tho moral duty of a man to provide the doily bread for I,ix fondly while he liven, than It In pro• vide ngotnot their tonna left penrillONS In tno nvont of hi. death. A POI.ICY IN TLII b SOCIETY 14 tho CHEAPEST and SAFEST mode of making n certain proclaim for !loch VI I .WIN are liable to toko leave of life as tho old: Death le uncertain. Wu nok you; therefore, to coo older limo CHEAPNESS and SA F ETY at looming in Oda Company, and bo &enured that in Came of death you will leavo hold a Mooing to a widowed mother or do pendent olottr. (live ilmo graded your thonght, rend to tho Secretary fur our circular, consider Ha cheapnoria and we are aura you will nt one° take out!' policy. ffor Laic anb Ea Let. plasm() SALE VALUABLE FARM. , • Will bo sold at public sale on TUESDAY, the 11th day of JUNE next. at 10 o'clock In the foronoon, at tho house of floors° nosh, doceaued, late of Lower Macuuglo township, Lehigh count/. hi. VALUABLE FARM, Minato In 'laid Lower Macungie township, Lehl o h county, adjoining lands of Jonas Christman , Thomas Anshan . , John nintith and others, tho Catitietuqua and ogelsvllle Railroad miming through the land near its junction with the East Peon Railroad, containing " 118 ACRES OF LAND, more or lens, of which 313 acres aro WOODLAND. The improvements thereon consist of a two story doable Stone Dwelling House, with elate roof, nearly now, a bates. barn, 45 by 7.5 feet In dimenelons, with slate roof, also now, wagon house, corn crib, hog stable, smith shop and other outbuildings. Never-falling springs at the hound nod barn. The premises aro well provided with the bout of fruit trees. There Is also a nplendid IRON ORE BED on the farm; - opened 31 feet In depth without end, and of Which a largo portion to rock-ore. There la also a splendid sand bed opened, which of great value. A small stream runs through the farm. In abort, It is ono of the most valuable tracts of land io tho county, and Is well worthy the atten tion of capitalists. Terms ou the day at the place of sato, and duo attendance given by OEOIIOE DESII, HENRY DEMI. • ELIZABETH DROCRENMILLER, MARIA HEREUNDER, CATHARINE CARL. may 51.31 Executors. 420 BURIAL LOTS FOR.SALE.... The undersigned offer for salo 4,10n0w Como tory luta ituniediatoly adjoining the Union Cemotary; on Tenth otreet. Thu tots Will be sold by subscription, and Immediately after the Wilolo number are disposed of they will ho award ed by lot to the nano manner no In tho organization of the Union Association. l'lnts or plans of the premiums ran bo seen at our Wile°. My 12 0001) & ItUllE. To LET.—A REASONABLE LEASE will be given on the Easton blob Quarry, situated in Plainfield township, Nortiumptun county, Pa., near lituckertown. ltcousists of number ono dal-vein, blue, nurer-fading slate, fully equal to the well-known Chap man Slate, with in good water power and a full rigging of pumping and hulxting InnCilllloll. dollirtillit of An opportunity of this 'kind will please examino for thorn noires and apply to Bonbon Koch, Stackertown P. 0. tour VIM • 0. L. rresidont ARARE CIIANCR—The right to nn facture and epply a pate content reefing i ma n Northampton the counties of Carbon, Lehigh and Northampton Is for 111110. This roofing Is the best subatituto for tin, being cheaper and far mare durable, is nut acted upon by rain or beat, and ban been pronounced by the Examiner of Patens at Washington the most complete roofing in invented. TLIB These coun t i e s will he sold together „aprpl or separate. Apy. at F. VALUABLE MILL 'PROPERTY FOIL SALE. •ainnblo mill proporty of Wm. N. Kistler, nituato In Lynn totru hixp, Lehigh county, In olforod for salo. It consist. of a Mono • V y " " w " Pi" l7 tne l ' itll h arn i t r i: fwi t h p on ee e e no Th ' wArt AowEltte NXtlt FA e L t Nu. Altr; a With tho same water power. Tho Mill Is not More thee 29d miles from the Dina Ridge. and tho water Poster is the nearest to said mountain. - A tractor al acres and 65 perches. mom or loss, of egoell• lout land belongs to the above mill property, Also, it acres andO7 porches of Wood laud - situate on said mountain, in said township and county, Further Information can lo bad by applying to W. D. Luckonbach, at Allentown, Pa.. or /humid J. Kistler, at &enemy Me, Lehigh Co., Pa. SAMUEL J. KIBTLEI2,' W. D. LUCK HNBACH, May 12-tf Assignees of Wm, M. Kistler, Bankrupt. WANTED TO RENT,-.-A MOUSE u r2s. e t tplable for • !molly of throe porogneffilu.l ANTED.--A LOAN OF $lO,OOO, by the Allentown School District. Vor puticulers pp y to the undersigned, U. PI. RUNIC. - Prest. Board Con. seplbtr. J. B. DILLINOBiI, Secretary. TED...-TIEUEE TnOUSAND LLAItB artt•elaaa toontity• 7 Ptortud 7 .Por In at Tlll*olTicri• WAN DO 4 \pain Juno( MEZU;;;I4 THE MOST BEAUTIFUL KEYSTONE HALL I3ALLIET &. NAOLE Have the largest. bed and cheapest Stock of CLOTHING ever got op In Mr elty.and sell Goods In their line. snob as COATS, I= $1,000,000 GRIST MILL. SAW MILL anta. elotbing. THE CHEAPEST, AND biOBT DURABLE CLOTHING,, PANTS, and nil other floods portalolgit to MEN'S WEAR FOR LESS MONEY, has yon can buy elsewhere In Plastern Penney'yenta. No'Blopßhop made Goods sold. CLOTHING MAI)B TO ORDBR. We heap eonstantly en hand a large and elegant snout of UOODN, from which customers can make rb u et selections and have them made up on short notice. Their Cutting Department to under the supervision ot GEORGE K. REEDER, who has had many years exp'erlenco In tbo tailoring bast ness and who will be pinned to receive tho calla of Ltd former patron.. • Nr ork warranted to La of tlia verrhest. Call and xeo oar now SPILISIO STOCK, received al the, KEYSTONE HALL, No. 24 West Hamilton Street nort door to tho Gorman Reformed .Church, ALLUN TOWN, A full assortment of Gouts' Furnishing Goods always on AARON BALLIET, may 12-lf • OUR STOCK OF !WRING AND SUMAIEH CLoTHINO Ix tin CHEAPEST and the BEST, DEVLIN &CO ISBOAIWAV, CORNEII OF OHANH ST., 11E0A MAT, CORNER OF WA HIM ST., N ENV- YORK. OUR BOW AND YOUTHS' SUITS for DRESS ur SCHOOL purpo.u.• nra thn most DWI. rul market, DEVLIN At CO. BROADWAY, CORNER OF GRAND ST. . • BROADWAY, CORNER OP WARREN 5.... NEW-YORK. OUR CUSTOM DEPARTMENT DI Mind with th Itnoot and tbo boat EUROPEAN an! AMERICAN FABRICti,, DEVLIN It CO. BROADWAY, CORNER OF GRAND ST.. BROADWAY, CORNER OF WARREN S. NEW OUR CUSTOM CUTTERS ARE MEN orUETE and ABILITY, and tomorpas.nd to Ihikr proltrselou, ' DEVLIN k (W. BROADWAY, CORNER OP BRAND ST., BROADWAY, CORNER OP WARREN YORK k., NEW- voilK. OUR AMERICAN YOKE SHIRT DURABILITi IR EA" ' ulatin 90 6 BROADWAY, COREBR OP GRAND BROADWAY, CORIUM OF WA RR EN Be.. NEW-YORK. OUR PRICES ARE TWENTY PER CENT. below othor HOUSES producing the Nemo 1100 • DRUM • CO. of good., ' BROADWAY, CORNER OP ORAND BT.. 111lOADW•Y, CORNER OP WARREN MT., NEW-YOUN. FHILADELPHIAI !gr . Samples sent by mail when written fot Carpet's anb %ft Ciotb. CARPETING% Wo aro slow readying a largo •lock for SMUT smas. LOW FOR CASH. LEEDOM & SHAW, NO. 910 ARCH ' STREET, PHILADELPHIA. atarlo.3si CARPETS. REDUCTION IN PRICES. 1313LLINO AT LOW 1 , 10111/11a TO VIADUCT UTOOZ. Dugslas eau lo kd In CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS. &C.g AT • , . •• .E. - • H GODSHALK 723 CHESTNUT 13T., 14ILADR:LPIIIA, rnlLAnzuown. apr.2l-2m . . 1• N. WATERMAN,. sProprietor at IYATIINNIANIS COOKTAIL'AND TON 31111TTHUS. Whittondo alai Retail, No. MI Market St., iroi". il f linen Bitters have been certified lento , l f rerr Ofl t o em r ,..t ,i . pra ining phyalelaus. as to fp n al n ra n nle itei . ar n li n t . use, a n d lila Cocktail Balers Is the universal favorite atuotitt tildes or a good Mawr whisky Cocktail:. , . .., - . . VESTS JOUPII NAOLS spr 91• Sm
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers