FARMER 'AND HOUSET(EE'ER Mixes Puts WITRoUT APPLE. OR MCAT.— In Magazine for July, we find the fbllowing valuable receipt. Take one cupful vof sugar, one of molassbe, half a one of me gar or boiled older, one of boiling water, one of butter' one of chopped raisins, three crook. ars, two eggs, one teaspoonful of cloves, and one of cinnamon. . GREEN CORN S n n knuetol of veal to boil in three gnat is.): ,cater, and three teaspoonsful of salt Cut the corn off oh ono , dozen'ears, and put it on to boil with the veal. When the real is tender the soup is done.— Then roll an ounce of butter in floor and add to it before it is served. If the fire has been very hot and the water has boiled away too much, a little more may be added. • Sptivan TOMATOES.—If they are not very rifle, pour' boiling water over them, and let them stand a few minutes, the skin will pool off very easily. Then cut thorn up, put them in a stew'pan without any water, and cook them till they are soft. If they prove too jui• oy, dip some of the water out and mash them fine. Season with butter, cayenne pepor and salt. They may be thickened with bread crumbs or crated crackers, if preferred. Foa TM?. TEETIL-At the American Dental Asaociation recently in session, the Commit tee on Dentifrices and washes recommended the'following recipe for a tooth powder : Prepared chalk, three , pounds ; pulverized Peruvian bark, two pounds ; Orris root, one phund ; whitecsugar, one and one half pounds; Cicale soap, ono ounce ; carbonate of soda, one ounce ; oil of sassafras, eighty drops. To make a tooth paste udd to the foregoing three ounces of glycerine and a sufficient quantity of honey t make the preparation of the proper ooneistency. • SANDWICHES FOR PARTIES.—Chop tine some cold pressed ham, say a quarter of a pound ; put it in a basin with a table spoonfull of chop ped piokels, and a teaspoonfull of mustard, a little,pepper or Cayenne ; put about six ounces of butter into a basin, and with a spoon stir quickly till it forms a kind of cream ; add the ham and seasoning, mix all well, have the sandwich bread cut in thin slices ; have al ready cut, thinly intermixed with fat, either cold roast beef, veal, lamb, mutton, poultry, fowl, pheasant, grouse,.partridge, &c., any or which lay evenly aad not too thick, on your bread ; season with a little . salt and pepper ; cover over with another piece of bread ; when your sandwich is ready, cut them in any shape you like, but rather small and tastily, and serve. You may keep them in a cool place if not wanted, as they will keep good under cover twelve hours. CUNNING COnN.—We copy the following from that good periodical, the Prairie Farm er.—Some one is inquiring for a receipt for canning corn. Last fall we saw in the Farm er the modus operandi of otnning corn follow. ed by a faotory !n New York ; among other Opdratione they boiled it six hours. Wo fol lowed the rule laid down but with- no better success then your correspondent. We, did some, however, but not by canning nor by drying it, but by salting it down in crocks or tubs. Our method is as fol owe : Take your croak or tub, put in a layer of corn two or three inches. then a sprinkling of salt, you must use your own judgment for the quantity of salt, as I made no note of the amount. When your vessel is full prose it down, put , a weight on it and let it stand. In the course of three or tour days it will fer ment, but that is no evidence that the corn is spoiling, for it will ferment. It is prepared by soaking in water over night, change the water as often as necessary to make it fresh enough to suit. Cook the same as green corn. This receipt is old ; no doubt n great many know its value and others du not. I would like to hoar from those who have canned corn successfully. PROTECTING THE WHEAT PLANT.—AII ex perienoe teaches that over a great portion of our country the wheat crop ie liable to be seriously injured by our severe winters• In very extended sections this was the case with the wheat semi last fail. We doubt if farm ore have exerted themselves to prevent fail ures from this cause, too often considering it a matter entirely beyond their conlrol. They sow wheat year after year, but always with a fear that u long, severe, changeable winter will deprive them o! a crop. As a protection the Prairie Farmer recommends the follow ing : A top dressing of manure or compost spread over the wheat field late in the fall or to early winter will be - exceedingly effectual in keeping the plants sheltered from winda and frosts, at the same time the land is bene fited by'the manure. This it may not always be convenient to do. To those thus situ.ttcd we would recommend the sowing of buck wheat or oats with the wheat. If oats, cow say one and a half bushels per acre, broadcast, just before drilling in the wheat if the drill is used. Such a course will prevent the dirt from being blown from about the tender roots, thus preventing the frost from throwing out the plants, and in spring the mulch rots, affording them nourishment. This is no id I' theory, but has the practice of ' successful farmers to support it. We cannot urge its adoption too strongly• Those who practice sowing oats or buckwheat aro in the habit of sowing early that a good . growth may be_ made before winter sets in Allentown Post Office. ETTERS remaining unclaimed in the Post Office J 4 at Allentown, State of Pennsylvania, up to the 20th day of August, 1060 . Angeline Lindenmuth, Lizzie Simpson, Isabella Simpson, Angeline Zuber, J. E. Baldwin, Michael Flutherty, 'Harry S. Gills, Samuel Rees) S. Rake, Dr. Shean Strauss h Tram,:ll, W. J Wixan. .. - i.`49 - To obtain any of these lettere, the applicant must cal for advertired letters, give the date of the list, and pay one cent for advertising. ... ..7grqf not called for within one month, they will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. RESTORE YOUR SIGHT 1 vsE DR. .T. STEPHENS & CO.'S PATENT CORNEA RESTORERS, Or, RESTORERS OP TUE EYESIGLIT They will Realore Impaired Sight, and Prottrre it to the Latest l'eriod of Life. SPECTACLES RENDERED USELESS. ,ii,'ir. ;le Tho moat eminent Phyele• ~ sir Jana, Oculists, Divine'', and >' ~..,' n . 7 . : the most prominent men of .: .. t "4... i our country, recommend the ' 1 j r - i) ' use of the CORNEA RESTOR . '1 EltS for Preabyopia, or Far or , :. , •" 1 / 4 ,-- Long•Sightednesa, or every is' person who wears spectacles from old ago ; Dimnesa of Vis ion, or Blurring ; Overworked Eyes ; Asthenopia, or Weak Eyes ; Epiphore, or Watery Eyes ; Pain in the Eyeball •, Ataaurosis, or Obscurity of Vision ; Photophobia, or In tolerance of Light ; IVcakness of the Retina and Optic Nerve; Myodesopia, or Specks or ?cloying bodies before the Eyes ; Ophthalmia, or Inflam mation of tire Eyo and Eyc , lids ; Cataract Eyee ; Heinle pia, or Partial Blindness ; ' I Sinking of the Eyeball, and Imperfect Vision from the effects of Inflammation, ike. and by any ono with a certainty . .. .. . . _„...ra without the least fear of injury to the eye. More than 5,000 certificates of cares are exhibited at our Mike. Cure guaranteed in every case when applied according to the directions inelosed' in each box, or the money will be re. 'funded.. iVratfor a Circular—sett gratis. Address, Dr. J. IiTENIENS dr CO., Oculists. IP. O. Box 926.) For sala at Rushton'• Family Drug Store. No. IC Astor Rouse, corner of. Barclay !Bloat and Broadway. New York. me Dn. J. BrErncris & Co. havo Invented and patented a MYOPIA or CORNEA FLAT TENER, for t h e cure of NEAR-SIGHTEDNESS, which has proved a grist success. Write tor • Circular. Augudt 14, 1868 Special Notices. The kloyal Lady in the U. B. There's a live Queen, with a darkish akin, But bright, black eyes and ditnpled chin, Arrived from the Sandwich Islands. ' On grand now sights her optics dwell, And Oh ! what tales she'll havo to tell To folks in the Sandwich Islands. Of trunks she's got a monstrous row, I ull bf fine things to make a show At home, in the Sandwich Islands. Were it a King his trunks so tall • lied fill with suits from Tower Ilall, To astonish the Sandwich Islands! Non's, Yowl's', and Boys' Clothing. Towns Mu, No. 618 Market Street, lislititait 110. Catarrh Snuff. THIS Snuff has thoroughly proved itself to be the best article known for curing the Catarrh, Cotd in the Hcad and Headache. It has been found an excellent remedy in many cases of Soro'Evet.— Deafness has been removed by it, and lienriny has often been grand, improved by its use. It is fragrant and agreeable, and Gives Immediate 'Stella to tho dull heavy pains cawed .1‘; the heed. The sensations aftor usin h i ‘l,.,4htfu. and invigorating. It opens and purge, 0 :. struntions, strengthens the glands, and gives a healthy notion to the parts affected. More then Thirty 'Weak' of salo and use of Dr. Marshall's Catarrh and Head. ache Snuff, has provod its great value for all the common diseases of the head, and at this moment stands higher than over before. It is recommended by many of the boat phyalolans, and is ascii °with groat sues as and satisfaction everywhere. RE ED THE CERTIFICATES OF WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS IN 1854. The undersigned, having for many years been acquainted with Dr. Harehall's Catarrah and Head ache Sae, and sold it in our wholesale trade, cheer fully k tme, that wo believe it to be equal, in every respect, to the recommendations given of it for the curd of Catarrhal Affections, and that it is decided ly tho best article wo have over known for all com mon diseases of the Head. Burr A Parry, Boston:Barnos A Park, N. York Rood, Allston k Co., " A. B. .t, D. Sands, " Brown, Lamson A. C 0.," Stephen Paul I Co., " Reed, Butler A Co.; " ifersol Minor A Co., " Seib W. Yewle, " iirKosson A Bobbins " Wilson,Fairbank A Co." lA. L. Scovill A Co., " lienshaw,Edinand ACo " li.Ward, Close I Co. " 11. 11. Hay, Portland, Mo..Busit A Gala, fl ../alt•For sale by all Druggists. Try if. April 3, 1866. IS— The Great English Remedy. CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS, Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Marke,ll.D Physician Extraordinary to the Queen. This invaluable modicine is unfailiqg in zhe cure of all those painful and dangorous diseases to which the con+iltution is subjoct. It moderates all excess and re s ovos all obstructions, and a speedy cure may oc roiled on. TO MARRIED LADIES itis particularly suitod. It will, in a short time, br og on the monthly poriod with regularity. Each bottle, price Ono Dollar, bears tho Govern. ont Stamp of Groat Britain, to prevent counter feits. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal AffeetionS, .Pains in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on aught ex ertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics, and Whites, those Pills will effect a cure when all other means havofailod; and although a powerful rome. dy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or any. thing hurtful to.the constitution. Fulldireotions in tho pamphlet arourta eachpack• which should be carefully preserved. •\ Sold by all Draggitds. Bile Agent for the United States St, Canada, JOB.MOSiCS, 27 Outthink Stree4Now York. N. 8.—51.00 and 6 postage starnile enclosed to amy authorised Agont, will ousnro a bottle, contain. og 50 Pills, by return mail. LApril3-1y HAGAN'S MAGNobIA BALM.—This le the most delightful and extraordinary arti cle ever discovered. It changes the sun-burnt face and hands to a pearly satin texture of ravit.hing beauty, imparting the marble purity of youth, and the Wei:tang appearance so inviting in the city belle of fashico. It removes tan, freckles pimples and roughness from the skin, leaving the complexion trash, transparent and smooth. It contains no ma tcrial injurious to the skin. Patronized by Actressef. and Opera Singers. It is what every lady should have. Sold everywhere. 'Retail price, 50 ots. Prepared by W. E. EAGAN, Troy, N. Y. Address all orders to DENIAS BARNES A CO , Now York. Sept. 26,'65-Iy. Tho advertiser, having boon restored to 'health in a few weeks by a simple remedy, after having suffered for several yours with a s.:voro lung afloc tion, and that dread disoaso, Ounsumption—is nox ions to mako known to his fellow-Bunn-8 the moan of cure. To all who dcsiro it, he will sand a copy of the• proscription used (froo of chorge,) with the direc tions-for preparing and using the same, which they will find a tinte curet: for Consumption, Asthma, Branch% tie , Couylie, Uolde, and all Throat and Lung Affections. Thu only ohject of the advertiser in sending the proscription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be in valanhlo, nod he hopes ctery sufferer will try his -omedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a loosing. Partied wishing the prescription, FREE, by re turn mail, will please oddross .; Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, ant-Iy] Williaufahurg, Kings Co., N. Y. AGE DE MAGNOLIA.—A toilet delight The ladies' treasure and gentleman's boon! The "sweatost tiling" and largest quantity. i•tanufactured from the rich Southern Magnolia.— Med for bathing the face and person, to render the skin soft and fresh, to prevent eruptions, to perfume clothing. its. it overcomes the unpleasant odor of perspiration. It removes redness, tan, blotches, /to It cures nervous headache and allays inflame ion. It cools, softens and adds delicacy to the skin. It yields a subdued and lasting perfume. It cures mosquoto bites and stings of insects. It, contains no material injurious to the skin. Patronized by Actresses and Opora Singers. It is what every lady should have. Sold ..verp.bere. Tty the Magnolia Water once and you will use no other Cologne, Perfumery, or Toilet Water atter wards. DEMAS BARNES lc CO., Props., Exclusive Agents, N. Y. Oct. '65: —ly THE MASON & IIA NI LIN CABINET a ORGANS, forty different styles, adapted to sacred and secular music, for $BO to $6OO each. PIPIY-ONE GOLD or .iTLVEIR MEDALS, or other first premiums awarded them. Illustrated Catalogue free. Address, MASON & Boston, or MASON BROTHERS, New York. Sept . 12. ly LA VERY young lady and gentleman in Ihu United C. 4 State . can hear something very much to their advantage by return mail (free of charge.) by mhiress lug the undersigned. Those having fears of being humbugged' will not noticing this card. All others will pleaoo address their obedient sei vont, THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Sal Broadway, N. Y. T. GOOD, P. )1 ERRORS OF YOUTH. I GE) TLEmAN Ithn suffered fur years from Nerv a one Debility, Pronut ore Decay, and all the of fsets of youthful indiscretion, will, for the solos of suf fering humanity, send free to all who need it, the re cipe and directions for inching the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do so by addressin .1011 N B. OGDEN, ant-Iy] No. 13 Chamber street, N. Y. NOTICE. THE yearly meeting of the Stockholders of the Lehigh . Water Gap Bridge Co., (fur thu election of officers, &c.,) will be held un Monday, Supt. at 1 o'clock P. M., at the publiu Louie of C. Reese, I3eq., Lehigh Clap. The Company a Transfer Book will be dosed from Sept. Ist to Sept. Cth, inclusive. 11. J. ILINKEE. —augl4-3t3 Treasurer L. W. G. Bridge Co. WANTED. --in a popular Dry Goode Es tablishment in Philadelphia, an energetic young man posari.minoi a knowledge of liminces as vale:man in the Wholesale Department. Apply or tuldress with reference, (UIIWEN STODDARD A BROTHER. No's..iria .152 A 454 North Second street above Willow, Philadelphia. 'g ,' ,- „ ,Nalczcalikz, tP -, .gerze/// , vq , (4e-eZti Wdc6are L 9_lz IMO August lith, 1P(10 FOR BOUNTY, PENSION, INCREASE or PENSION'S. AND ARREARS OF PAY, PRIZE MONEY, orfur the prosecution of any claim whatever against the National Government, or that of any State, arising out of the late war, or any pre vious one, tap•cially that of 1812, all persons would do well to apply to the Military and Naval Agency of JOSEPH E. DEVITT .41 CO., N0..127 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. All information and advice given free of charge. Augustl, 18115. 3ta. OIDER MILLS, FRUIT PRESSES, AP PLE PASSERS &0., for Bak by D. LANDRETH A SON, 21 a 23 S. 6th St., augl4.ltu] . between Market and Chestnut, Phila TURNIP SEED, NEW cuor, of our own growth, warranted, for Nilo by D LANDRETH d 80N, Zia 23 13. oth at' ) augl4.lm3 batman Narket and Cheatnnt, Ph!Ja. Dr. XARSLIALL'S SIR JAMES CLARKE'S TO CONSUMFTIVES STRANGE, BUT TRUE. .BARNES $c SON, Cor., of Hamilton & 6th Sts., ALLENTOWN, PA., D ii,ALEits IN ' Drugs, Chemicals & Paints, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BA RNE. , : A: SON'S DRUG STORE Ts known in Allculnw❑ BARNES L SON'S DRUG STORE. Is known throughout Lehigh county BARNES 3; SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to got pure Drugs BARNES ,t; SON'S DRUG STORE Is tho place to'got fine and fresh Drugs BARNES d; NON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to get cheap Drugs BARNES & SONS DRUG STORE Is the place to get good and reliable Medicines BARNES Si; SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to get prescriptions compounded BARNES Is SON'S OMR] STORE Is the place to got Perfumery and Fa s ney Articles BARNES Sc SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to get any genuine Patent Medicines BARNES ,t; SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to get Dye Stuffs BARNES ,t SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to get 'flosses, Supporters Shoulder BARNES A , SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to got pure Winos and Liquors for Medical Purposes. BARNES d: SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to get Paints and Oils. BARNES & SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to get Window Glass and Putty. BARNES & SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to get the best Varnishes. BARNES & SON'S DRUG STORE. Is the place for country merchants to obtain supplies. BARNES 41: SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place fqr Physicians to obtain supplies BARNES ek SON'S D.RITG STORE Is the place for Storekeepers and Country Merchants to obtain their supplies of Kerosene Oil, Sal Soda, Concentrated Lye, Pare Ground Spices, Matches, Starch, Shoe Blacking, Biearb. Soda,Salarntus. Alcohol, Lard and Whale OilNcat's Foot 011,Castile Soap, Indigo, Bath Bricks, Stove Lustre. Willie Chalk, Cream Tartar, Rcf'd Saltpetre, Epsoul Salts, Castor Oil, Ref'd Borns, Camphor, Sweet Oil. Black Ink, Essences, At haelleB & ,Son's Drug Store—You can bay your Cattle Powders. At Barnes & Son's Drug Store—You can buy Lu bricating Oils, for Machinery. At Bftrnes & Satin Drug Store—You can buy Potash and Soda Ash, At Dailies & Son's Drug Store—You can bay relia i hie Family Medicines. At Barnes & Sutrs Drug Store Will ho found a fail supply of all article used in the PAINTING BUSINESS. At BARNES S SON'S DRUG STORE is the place to find all r 4 the popular Patent Medicines , 0 and Bair Restoratives of the day. Wisharts Pine Tree Tar Cordial,llunter's Worm'Cakes, rt. Reinhold's Extract Buelm, Dr. Rose's Family Medicines, Ay. 0 er's Cherry Pectorial,Sarsapa rilla and Pills Dr. Jayne's Medicines, lloot ' land's German I stg , Bitters, Woods hair Reston, tive,Sterling's Ambrosia,Mer chant's Gargling Oil, etc. rso. We would call attention to the fact that we are constantly receiving fresh goods from Philadelphia and other markets,. and we aro aisle to LB COMPETE WITH ANY OPPOSITION Thankful fur the liberal patronage bestowed upon this house, we hope, through the favor of a discrim inating public, to merit a continuance of the Our endeavors shall alien . % s bo to PLEASE ALL, and to furnish Rim% Artic.E, Lc w' Rriga4 kay2 BARNES & SON. Lew York Price Current, For August 1. Corrected weekly by J. R. HELFRICH, • PRODUCE COMIIESSION MERCEIA biT No. 92 Barclay Street, NEW YORK. - B wrr biR. V.Y. State, Tuba, fair to geed, per lb. 40 to 45 N. Y State tubs, choke, " 48 to 50 Orono and Sussex, paiht, " 50 to 55 Western Reserve, choice, " 33 to 40 Norden. Porma., goo to choice, '" 35 to 92 N. Y. State Welsh Tut e, " 92 to 43 N•Y. State FirkinoPrin o for Shipping, " 45 to 48 Penna., in Pails and Tubs Store Packed 28 to 40 Western Rosary°, Will) and 31ixed, " 23 to 20 CHEESE. Factory choice and farcy new, " (sa to II) " good • " 17 'to In N. Y. State, diary, " 15 to 17 Skim mirk, or poor, " 5 to 10 rods. Jersey & Penna.packed in chaff, per doz. 30 to 31 Jersey& Penna. packed in oats, " 29 to 30 N. Y. State, packed, in good order, " 28 to 30 Ohio, packed—by express, to cotmt, " 24 to 25 BEANS. Nfarrow,choice,full sized, per bush nibs 2.50 to 2.75 Kidney, ehome,fall sized, " 2.50 to 2,7 a Mediums, choice, 1,75 to 2 00 Mixed lota and common, " Z• 0 to 1.00 DRIED FRUIT. Ipplus—N.Y. State, choice, per. lb. 20 to 21 ' Apples—Jcirey and Pennsylvania, " ICY to 17 Blaekborrias New, " 2510 Itatpberries do " .12 , to 45 , Cherries pitted New, " 43 to 48 1 dl pits in do . " Sto 12 1 Posabas unpeelod old " 16 to 19 do peeled, Jo " 20 to 50 GREEN FRUITS. Apples, per al. 1.10 to 5 du etnintin 4.1 2.50 to 3.50 Pours, 801 l " 4.00 to 5.00 do common " 3.00 to 4.00 Par* Elazseed, Clover, In gaol Barrole o por lb. to 12:1 POULTRY. Ducks alive, Alive (Wet°, Spring Chickonu, por pair • pring Chialcons, mall Fowls, Tui , sey a BUTTER.—As will he seen by our circular we quote an advance of five cents per pound on New York State Tubs and firkins. Choice lots are bring ing the advance. There being very little fine State Butter in market, will account for the advance in prices, unless an unusual quantity is consigned to Luis market—these prices will continue if they do not go higher. EGUS.—The receipts this week have been moder crate, prices us usual, having advanced to our quo tations. We have sold, this week, almost at the mAnx, and, should the present state of the_atmos phore continue, we shall have no difficulty to sell all good lots in this way. —aug Iltb, 3t ILLVEINTI'OUT Weckly by 11'a Wheat Flour, T 3 bb1.14.00 Ryo Chop, yl 1001ba. 2.25 Corn Moat, bbl. 5.25 Wheet,ld bushel, 2.50 Ryo, 1.30 Corn.l.oo . Oats, " 521 b .75 Cloversood, " 5.00 Thnothysood," 300 Blaxsoed, 4, 2.00 Dried Apples," 3.50 " Poaohee." '4.50 -2th PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD,— The Whitest, the most durable and the most econom ical. Try it! Manufactured only by • Ziegler di Smith, WhOlosalo Drug, Paiot & Glass Dealers jan3o-Iy] No. 137 N. Third Se., Philad.s MARRIAGE AND CELIBACY, an Essay of Warning and Instruction for Young Mon! Al so, Diseases and Abuses which prostrate the vital powers, with" euro means of rollef, rent free of charge In sealed letter envelopee, Addrese 2121. J. BKLL/L'iIIIVOILIVIIIi 'toward Aedoolatlon,libll• Adolph* PT: Apra ldee-ly I=l RARMIMS BEESWAX por lb. 39 to 40 SEEDS. per bush. 56 Ibp. 3.00 to 3.50 por lb. 11 to 12 TALLOW. per pair 75 to 1.50 por pair 2.00 to 3 00 t'7 to 1,25 .50 to 75 per lb. 28 to 28 1 1 44111.1i8T.8. !Weimer, Newhard & Co' / 1 .5g 4 ', "ii dozen, 24 Butter,p lb. 30 Lard, " 25 Hams, " 2 5 Bacon " 18 130onwax," 40 PotatookV brshell.oo Beans, " 2.08 Salt, " • 1.20 Salt,tn nobs, 3.25 Hay, por ton, 15.05 Straw. 8.1.0 IMPORTANTTo FEMALES --- - --7 ---- 1 0 1 lit ESv it - ,. • 7(A,v !..:;%.,.. ,------- ' Pe\ill) (z, ‘ c PILLS ))) TO THE LADIES. BOTII MARRIED AND SINGLE. Tho Oldost Regulator for Females Dr: Chaeseman's Female Fills Will iminediately relieve, without pain, all distort. aimed of the periodic discharge, Whether aribi:4 froth- relaxation or suppression. They act like a &arm in removing tho pains that accompany di:- ticult or immoderate menstruation, and aro the only mtfa and reliable remedy for Flushes, Sick Head ache, Pains in the Loins, Back and sides Palpitie lion of the Heart. Nervous Tremors, Dyslexic:. Spasms, Broken .lee;, and other unplea.:ant situ and dangerous effects of an unnatural oentlitlen nt the sexual functions. In the worA ,14, , Cti of Flom Albus, or Whites, they effect a speedy cure. Dr: Cheesoman's. Female Fills • Have boon used,ovor a ; Quarter of a Century. They are offered as tho only safe moans ofremewing intel rupted menstruation, bat Ladies 111111. t bony in mind that, there is one condition of the female a;: stem in which the. Pills cannot be taken without produc ing a peculiar result. The condition referred to is Pregnancy. They eannoedo horns in any other Dr. Cheeseman's Female rills Aro the only Medicine that Married and Ladies hero rolled upon for many years. or ran re ly upon now. Dewar.) of Imitations ! TheFo Pills form the Fincot Preparation ever put forward, with immediate and persistent :mccoss. Don't km dereiv. ed. Take this edvortisement to your Di aggist,and toll him that you want the host and mutt reliabl. Female Medicine in the World, which is coloprii.ed OE Br. Cheoseman's Female : They have received, and arct now re,mivlng ILr sanction orate most eminent physipiansin Aim:riot} Explicit directions with each box—the price oiii Dolllar for box, containing from 50 to 110 Pills cent by mail, promptly, by remitting tht price to the Proprietors, or any authori.tcd rg,mt. in current funds. Sold in Allentown Ly SoLinidt ACo J.:111 B. Moser, LaTull dc Martin, and by Druggiab. gen erally. 0011'65-Iy] 2S Day Streit!, Now Talc Lifi,--111111311-11 1 1111Gfil, LE---SALTII--STEGiII, llnndra# and thouFnn,lF nntonlly d'rt pro 1;::: - Iy, whoa, if they rionll give the Uielt Freuell Hem. edy. DR. JUAN DELAMARRE'.3 GELEBAATED ZPECWIC PILLt.3 Prepared by Foraneicre No. 2 1 1 Rue beratrird, Patio, from the proscrildion et Dr. .111., Do•ainarra, Chief Phj tiaiaa of the Hospital du ou Larilmisiere a fair trial, they well f .1 li t il t jefij. ate relief, and, in a short time, be fully Vc.itored to Health and Strength. it is tel in th pri:`ti , 23 of many eminent French witli it iiGam success, and lightly recommended as the only pet i five and Specific Remedy for ail perinno from General or Sexual itebility, all deran;eiiit nt of the Nervon Forces, I%!elancliely, Spertnate,trl in or Setninal BtIIiSFHTIF, nil Wealincesc: Sexual Excesses, or youthful itlllileretio7l?. 0 Murcular Energy, Physical Prestratit Nero , us !less, Weak Spine, Lowness of Spirit!, Ditants o Vision, I:ysto.ric 3,, Pains in the Iti,ck and Limbs Impotency, he. No tatiguage Con convey an adequate idea of th home Unto and almost miraculous chan;te it teen tsions to the debilitated and shatt.,red sy tem. I; very lorr) v:trizty of WINDOW CURTAINS' fact, it stands unrivalled as an unfailing 011ie th- it or 200 ditTCront p ittorne. nnilaclics ahoy() n3antionod. lSult.:x Ind Inure, but uidi Gros. French itc.min- 11Rto ! S S! ! dy ; it will effect a cure wtere all Mhers fait, and A larva vartety of Hair Emetics. Teeth Druidaes, although a powerful remedy, contains tiethim-, hurt I Coint, of o,cry di iptii.u. nil to the delicate constitution. strict at ten his dll.7l'lCos, low prices anti Pamphlet!. containing full port kooldtro nod I goads, he hopes to tut, it Ids chore of pulildi tinny fir uing, iu EligliSh, Pry nrii, 61.1llith t ~tr.,;11, 11Nqyz its.ep in r . trat,tful tlornyto, pvconpany earn and :lido neat lice 1. •.r. v. RE DADS, AO. :my luldress tt boo requested. April 21, 1066 Iriet) 0110 dollar par box; six boxes for flee dol.. Sold by ull Druggists thr;tlgbout the world ; o: will be font by wait, securely acalcd frrm all o :cr vntion, by ettelosing spccificd yrieo, to any auLbor ized agents. Beware of Counfrrfcits and Imitraione. _ Proprietors' exclusive Agents for Arteries, OS CAR (1. MOSES .Ic' CO., 27 eourtlntidt St., N. Y. ,Authorized AKints for Allentown, BARNES A SON; Bethlehem, EDW. T. MEYERS. btpr2-.13 kNNO UNCEMENT To THE Quaker City Business College Tenth and Chestnut, and Broad and Spring Garden Streets, Phila OPENING OP TIIE FALL SESSION, SEPT., '2n. Liberal lizeilueements. • A discount 2u per cent. allowed on all Seholar shipt4 purchased during the month of Anguit. re, during the terms to Money army he tonitt by moil, and Scholarships reenred be thom who pro to enter at any future timo. S UPERIOR ADVANTAO Thin Institution tanks the first in the count a regularly incorporated Colkg , . anthori7ed I I o grant Diplomas an 1 eourer The Pall SessionP. will open with greatly foeilitie;!, and young lint. to qualify 0. , f.,lveq for bminc life • here advantagv. to lie ohtainad 11011 hen! el Fairbanks' Bookkeeping. This work, the Most complete and extensive Trea tise On Bookkeepinor, ever written, containing 121 pages, and compo4col'exelusively ,of Aetna) Sets, will be ready for publication in A11 . V.12t. $11: by Subscription, paid in advance, Remit money. and secnre it copy. De2eriptive Circular, All topplicat intl. Imp/ova:1 Course of Instrueeos. with the introduction of this hook, and with able and experienced instructor:. the students of this in stitution ore guaranteed a vii.keTwAL ACCOUNT't COURSE Of the high, ti value, such ao has never before beau iljaCed 1111.1011 tlln 111 , 11 stitolents of Commereial Selmods. L. FAIRBANKS. A. PrePidc:t. T. E. MI:nu:ANT. Scerct.r.q. fnulr7.3w Orphans' Court Sale: BY vIII.TCt . and in purFaanco.. °fail order iesued out of the Orphan's Court of the County tits Le. high, there will be exposed to public sok. 011 Suter day the let doy of September next, it 1 o'clock in the afternoon, upon the promises, a certain mei...stooge tenement and Loot of , ,,,:routul with the appurtenances, situate in the Borough of Catasampm, le the county of Lehigh, aforesaid, bounded on the east by a lot of 11. D. Yeager. on the west by lot of:David Willimns, on the south by a public alley and on tile north by Bridge Street : containing in front on said Bridge street 60 feet and in depth 180 feet. The improvemelit: , thereon consist ofa double two story frame dwelling house, .10 by 211 feet, to lentil dwelling house 18 by 20, and a frame :hop 20 by 110, There is a variety of choice fruit trees on the lot. Being Om Beal Estste of John A. Wilson, dec'd., late of the horoul4h and county aforei , aid. Terms on the day and at the plate of: ale and due attendanee given by JOHN HUNTER, I Ad, . L. W. 1.06, no. .S By Ordoe of the Court-111:o. 31'..11.turzm.. Clerk. August 7, 1966. 27 to 30 BEGARS! F;IZAILS 7! 34,000 No. 1. TEE subscriber, at. I:mauQ, offers for talc 3 I,00 , ) 1 good segars, 'lnc year and a half old, pot up . la Loxes 100 each, superbly labeled. The segars pronounced excellent by competent. judgei. The manufacturer being a et ipple, he canal tole samples around to exhibit, he therefore wwild inritr buyers to call and exandue his stock before purchas ing elsewhere, or send orders. fulyl7-tf] . JESSE. ZELLNE'It, limaus, Put. PURE LIIIERTY WHITE LEAD. will do more and better work at a given Cost, than any other I Try it! Manufactured only by ZIEGLER & wnoLEsAtr. Nur°, PAINT and GLASS DHALIIIIB. jan3o-ly No. 137 North Third Street. Philad'a XTR A PENSION TO WIDOWS. Wows aro now entitled to nn increased Pension of S 2 per month for midi child of the soldier under 16 years of ago. To be obtained upon application in person op by )(Ater, to the Military and Nitv:d Agency; No. 427 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. ,MH. V. 11. 7 117 it: CO. August 14 ) IPV, . --- 11" iIIiNTOWN 1110 K STOOL • (3 - 9 1 77 rAnt 1 i g 110. 31 cot Hariilton Street, T the of tha ;;utiieriber will be kept nou n. statitiy hand, at tin, very lowest i rices, in the toast ologaut and also in common binding. ALL AI 1)8 OF SCHOOL 11OOKS, Such as complete aeries of Sander's Iteading and Spelling Books, . \V " ' ti " 11 11 Graelikar. Aritlimetics, Algebras, iqentolfli':l Geography, Colton't • " Mitchell's Geography and AtlaH, Brown's Orntmmara, • . \Veld's Grammar and Geometry, Br , Normal Arithmetic, 31,•noll Speoinacc Copy Bo lts,• Potter tc lianiniolani Books, ALI. LIN 1).3 OF EXERCISE BOOKS. Ail kinds of Inks, ItilistatitD, Sand Bones, Writing eland, of^et Pens, Lead Pcheile, State:, and Peueila,Slata Rub bers, Pen liclikra, Gold Porn!. and • o i Drawing Pencils, Gum . Robbers, recline Wax, Weici 'rave Measoreu,lndeblilo Init,Poeltet liiniver, Collar Pins,Ucchot ricedls,Touthricits,ete. Also n i.tdendid lot of Pocket Booko, including ayety kind •les"red—all of tho vary bc9t quality ana it ti!o lown9l picas. Alan a large Fel:dim' of ENG LL:111 dIND GERMAN 13IBUBS, reo,unentF, Pefortnt,l and Lutheran Liturgies, oro:11 ,, kinds of Hymn and f'rayor Book i Al .o all Lit,dl of Al uric BooIt;;; such as the oum ,,n StimLly Sro..oul Dell, No. 1 and 2, Lay Harp ; ; 11.30 Sinattlfs "Woher'e dem: thorolt Nitvfle All kinds of Foreign Books. Styli ft , Latin Res Ing lionize, Latin Chatntuars, V.revir. Antlital'A C:e4ar6 LATATilfilur SCHOOM 3300,11 E. A 1411 niF , rtniii , :t of .-randay Booke, in •itiflin:: el; (lin pnblic.iiiims of the American Troet oiily, (Ito t 0•31 lot n Sunday School' Union" and the "Pennulvani t 8.1 .10 10, 1., ;;i.ll I i eny111: 1 . lie liaa dplon iii Lbrarioe (11 1 11,v; ‘7 , 1 Tiol, sot ::s hive never occo hept un pale in (hid town before. BLA NEC COOKS. II 1,1, .1 . 1011 I i.l 10 I , 11:1,1 ihi !111, Very beet 411111- I'S. ',Choy ure of .1.11 Can be I ,l.:t K lued full ..r half. MEL'OriANDUY( BOOK.-3 ) •;na dory teat I.e 11.1 i the uinFt vldendid •I',llcmonnnir.rn Buo!:i of every de:;nrip io•l 611 ;:uud, that rut La found al any pace except New I'i•rh and ALBUNIS iII.t3UWIS I leri7ett t.ter't of :grnpli AlbutnP flint ling cI. ,ern is can be found et liboaqe' p 1;1 ,A 11• A; c%. and if so, every )% ill at 01. thr.t they arc de NI cu.hT and ottr..t PetlT 01.1 et cr r tw. At the stole place there aro also over . :0‘) P hot a:.l alto Intens atc.l a epluntlia tf lurtto Pictures for rate. vy Q A 11 43 1 .1 PAPHR, nv:r _if 4 , !r lent rattorroi of W.lll paper and t orders aro Min at Cheap Book Lttoro, to wrh •= hundreds of other al tie es tou nun orous to men tion. GE:S 0 LlN•r.s . IiVEISHiNG COIViPOUND! nnah•rsigncd to ttonounen to the public k tint( inlitni . it , :noy ut this valn.tb!c v01111:0111111, TIOW 0ir01.:3 FAMILY 111(71lT6 for Compoun.l ha, in loony pLtee:: ahlao,t aaiNl.l . Bally Waal' inlu urr. EC! , lllting in a Great Saving of Labor and Time, awl prorinc far le Fs Or . :lrtl,:dive to wearing apparol than the old mole of wa:-hing. By this method the .c finest :Linens, Maces, Cambrics etc" van he tea him and easily cleaned with very little troulq.% NII tacit of rii4:,ing the :14 . in off your hands :tnd te::ring the elothee to piww. It will wash in ha id and ,oft water. Ilothez,3 neo , l ',oiling but a few ininute, and but very little it any rubbing with halld?; thn. hyoid I !lei ,. wear on the wash-bon rd. It VOllltoV, P,11:11, U move, or ilniita Of all kiude. It 11.Jt injure the color. U It I , no! too }lotto'. than ordinary , oup, but Intteb ohvaitoe. eit a trial ntd you trill %not nothing 1. 1.•.,..11..c1y not injure the many leen it r f.lir trial for several 'tur, and it 1.e.1.1:‘ , for itFer. emrponna eann,t lie sharp Wien cVl`ry p.mml :11::redient: retinire. , .:.o gallons of r. tter. Per • ) 1.1 • C •LC.i it tto4ring to :let 39 araralr their neil•hlore and friendg. by in : 1..; applioatl-n to Inv will he titithoriied to do o. rn 1 receive n C. , lllllllllitoll Of 10 p.•r aunt. only sl_ for n Family Right - Et wan's, Ag%., Hera (Loma. U. 0 - 61111 a. CoilogrAte Institute. Y. M. L. i 1• yr,Ro, A'. M., Pittt:oll , Al.. ..111enfowq, TM: Will ith. With it ell' lippOrtunj. it` i h•i" iustruetiuii oh all t h e o, e..unnun and iti,;ln-r : Greek. Latin, Ger man, lrenclt, 3lttsie, Military Drill, Itook..keeping, by fingle and dcail.le Entry, ‘t e., • A TD.I.EttRAPIIIC DEPARTMENT in chat ,•^ fd . an experienced instructor with a com plete :ct of apparatm.. aill ho added t 9 the former advant.t!;c , of the Imfitutiou, affording pupils a full efferro of instruction in Telegraphing, the general pcinciplor of electricity and magnetism, the adjust ment Tmtrument. , . combination of eireuito, hatter (cation of eicapeff, dry. Tl.c Ladies' DepartUlCTit offers rt course of loft rum Ma iii Engli:di Mathematical :Scientific Stud- G reek, Latin It 'French, Music, Ornament al We% 'Fruit end Flowere. Hair work, Painting, etc., cipml to the held ii wt , An:rtvd. •--3rr .17 4 1 4 .tiT1i A • 130 UN Y :,..ui,DlElts! WIDOWS! FATHERS ! MOTHERS flounty Bill just pasted given all soldiers who en listed for three years, t•inee April 19, ISGI. and purr ed Ilteir, e full term of service, or were dkcharo4l be fore the xpitation of said term of service on account of wounds rt in the line of duty, and received On hundred dollars Bounty and no more, aro now entitled to an extra bounty or stet: it I:NI, RLD Fathers, Moiltcrr, and Minor child rut of decease I soldient: who , :nlit•ted for three years ut- stne, and•died in the service or'from disease or wounds contracted in the service and lino of duty, ale entitled to the eaten Osn 11eNnunn Dot.- bcolJtainati upon application in person or by I' r t.r in rile Military and Naval :Agency, .No \Vaintit St. JOSEI'.II E. DEVITT CO. 11:11,IAr,a. It 1/A ILE Et EA n y,DER vit(::, 01 the Court of Common of I.c tht , tuntcrvignnd will t xpoto to Ftlc, n the pronig.:l. on the 25th of Au tztt,t, at 1 o - e!ocl. I. the Mouse and Lot of I; round en the iinrth-we.t cornerof.Eighth anti Wal nut .t•trect , , in the Borough of Allentown, known as Alientow II Academy. The Belding are largo sold commodious, the Grem.d idca-antly Ando], and the 'Locality tend Neighborgood one of the wok delightful in the bor ough. Terni, , awl conditions, as directed by the Court, will he made known on the day of t.ale by the Truk.- ces of the Academy. GEO. WEIL, President, AI . . J. Kiwir.n, Seet'y: —July3l-1w $200(1 A YEAR rondo by any one with sls— Stencil Tools. No experience uctessa- The Prepidentr, Treasurers and Ciohiers of 3 Banks Riche-se the circular. Sint free with samples. Ad deo" ! 1 ; , rn,rimn stenell werle9, Springfield, Ver innro, lul 01-BM THE CHEAP To sle , i.ribo them it impos-ible AND MINOR CHILDREN! .16 . ..4t (;. MtIICJ,MEIICtJI $30,000,000 L 0 &N WI TUE REPUBLIC OF MEXICO. Twrntv-yelr Coupon Bonds In Sums of $5O, $lOO - $5OO, and $1 000. interest Seven Per ,Cont. Payable in the City of Now York. Principal an 1 Lilt:rest Payable in GOLD. $10,900 ) 000 to be sold at SIXTY CENTS on the DILUR, in U. S. Currency; thus yielding an interest of TWELVE PER CENT, IN (SOLD, or bIiVENTUEN PER CEN T IN CURRENLY, at the present rate 01 premium on gold, Elltta TEAR'S INTEREST ALREADY PROVIDED. The "Most Desirable Investment ever OFFERED. Immense tracts of MINING and AGRICULTU RAL lands Sixty per oast, of PORT DUES, IN POsTS and TAXES, in tho Stat.- of Tamaulipas snd San Luis Pesti:l3i; and the plighted faith ot tla said Staten and the general Government are al pledged for the redemption of these Bonds and pay ment of interest THE SECURITY IS AMPLE $3O in U. S. Currency will buy a 7 per et. Gold Bond of $.50. fidd iu U.:. Curronoy will buy a 7 per cent Gold Bond of $lOO. $3OO in U. S. Currency will buy a 7 per cont. 0 , Id Bond of 4600. Saila in U. S. currency will buy a 7 per cent. Gold Bond of $l.OOO. Lot every lover of Republican Inetitutione buy or least ONEDOND Circulars for Warded and subscriptions received by JOIIN W. COI & CO., and J. N. TUFT, Financial Agent of the Republic of Mexico, b 7 Broadway, N. Y. - }3...Subscriptions also received by Banks and Bankers generally throughout the United States. November 7, 1:165, —ly MANHOOD: How Lost, how Restored E p rx Jost pabifelual, no Areto Edition of (lt - LvEnwnt.t.'s CELEBRATED LAMY on the radical cure (without medicine) of Spermatorrhien, or Seminal Weakness . , Involunta ry S•culinal Lose., Impotency, or Mental and Physi cal Inenpa,:ity. Impe,liutenta to Marrin&e:ete ; also Conmimption. Epilepsy. and Fits induced by self-In dulgonce or sexual CNtinvagance. :a sealed envelope, only n cent;. Vie celebrated author, in thin admirable essay clearly demonstrates. from a thirty years sueetc‘:fful that the Manning consequence: , of sel f-abuse y be radically cured without the dangerous use ol internal medicine or the application of the knife-- pointing out a mode Of care at once simple, certain and effacl oaf. by means of which every sufferer, no mettue what his condition may be, may cure bimse.f damply. privately. and radically. • ii, Ibis Lecture should be in the han k ie o f every youth and every man in the land. swol, in as plain Envelope, to any ad drUFi'. poi: paid, on ru.x , ipt. of tix eent, or two poet ttator. Addre39 the pulaishers. CHAS. J. C. KLINE & CO.. 1:27 BONTery, New York. Port Otlie Box 15813 THE CELEBRATED RAPP'S GOLD PEN; The hest the World, FOE 'SALE .i.T MASSEY'S JEWELRY STORE No. 23 East Iffinuilion St. THESE Pens have acquired so wide a reputation 1 for their superiority us to render them the most jutpular pen mode. Where once used no other pen will be had. jjunl2-3mos. SA MITP.L M. RITTER WIIoLESALE MANUFACTURER OS' LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S Shoes and Uppers, SI'ITABLE FOR COUNTRY RETAIL TRADE. 41,1rA1. f, W('TIN CC.I 11.1 N TEIN) - Xija 121 NORTH THIRD STREET,APHIL'A. June. ISG6. WAR K, MANUFACTURERS DEPOT, No. 85 Cent Street, • NEW YORK. ITALLEABLE awl Grey Iron Castings, Machine ry and Hardware, Trunkmalters"fools, and S Shoemakers and Saddlers toole, Carriage Castings, Wilco's, Simi; Co, Ilttls, Axles Drills and Patent Chunks. Ejtut2o-3m BARNETT'S 61aUcible, , arta Grel Croft FOlindry and Machine Shop, lIIMILTON, 31cIVIIORTER and BRUEN STS,, NEWARK, N. J. A T ;IBS, Shaping Machines, Drill 9, Foot, Drop, IJ Soren , and hand Preares, on hand and made to order. STORE; S 5 CENTRE STREET jun2.l;-;:m.] NEW YQRR. ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGANS A RE not only unexcelled, but they ate absolutely tt. wocqualctl, by any other Reed Inntruinent in the country. Designed expressly fer Churches and Selo°lc, they are bound to bo equally well adapted to the patter and drawing roma.' For sale only by E. M. BRUCE, No. 18 North SEVENTH Street, PEIILADELPHIA. BRADI3IIItY'S PIANOS, and a own plot° ofsortmont of the PERFECT BIELODEONS Soptonabor 26, ql5. —ly Plllllllllllll GIIIIO SI1BSTITIITE! 114,VGRIS 3a..nL. - VET C>Wl3 Super-Phosphate of Lime ! TRADE MARK k • , . • • ,After Inure than twelve years of comtunt IIEV, this highly concentrated manure hue attained a wide spread reputation as a Substitute for Peruvian Guano. Being fntnd active in its operation, and of great du rability. It does not exhaust the soil, but on the contrary, permanently improves it. Thu increasing sales annually, abundantly prove the high popular value of this manure, and establish tho fact of its being relied m on by a wide circle of agriculturists to :apply all aunts in the direction of manures for every crop. aPaati & slam& Sole Manufacturers Proprietors, Office, NO. 20, South Delaware Avenue, PIIII.III4ADELPIIIA. Price $56 per 2000 lbs., Cash. JUST FUULISIIED, the 13th edition of our now pamphlet, "How to ;Uaintain the Fertility of Ameri can Farms and Plantations,"—furnished free upon application to us or our Agents. BAUGH & SONS, 20 South Delaware JOCIIt/e, PHILADELPHIA July 21, 1800 NOTICE TO OFFICERS.—Actof Congress, approved July IS, 1860, gives Three Months Pay Proper, to officers of volunteer service, who were in any manner honorably discharged utter tho 9th of April, 1805 and wh, had been officers March 1805. Apply immediately, in person or by let ter, to the Military find Naval Agency, N 0.427 Wal nut street, Pblintietpliin Ikl/1111 91 lefif.. JOS, J DTVITT JA CO, Milkr,..SolOeibet -4'0(4 -AT • NEW YORK STORE No. 10 East •Hamilton:,Street; ALLENIOWN, PA., , Are now receiving their NEW EitOON, of SHIN HD SEER •ROODS. .bleu tuoy nave bought at 25 to 60 per cent. Wit than they could to bought for, and are now preper. ad to give their customers the advantages of onr LOW PURCHASE . No soli Goods cheaper than any Oa in Allon town, 601 h -otter Goods and thore - tif dOn't ;visa to boast , of what we do t * e and BM youice, cos. Never botor_gkeia priegated to the p [Alio such in attractive an Jegaqii isortutenn of 'GOODS'. Consisting in part of FINE FRENCH S'ERINOES °Awned and light colors. MUSLIN DE LAINES, UNION PLAIDS in Ohoced and scotch Plaids All Wool De Laines AND itiourniaig Goods. A great variety of L .dies', AHEM' and Ohildren'a WOOLEN SHAWLS, BALMORALS, Foe. In addition to the above will bo Aland the leig Mt stork of Brown and Bleached blueline, Tiokings, Denims, Striped and Checked Shirting, Canton Flannels, Prints,. Clinghams, • Woolen Flannels, Cassimeres, . and Cloth Ever shown In Allentown Our Cloths, Criselmnren and Flannels are cheaper and superior to anything ,ffored at ary other establishment in town: • Como where you can get Goods at prices' Mit ensure a ready and eatlsfaeto7 sale. Our Stock is complete and offers groat inducements. When you are ready to buy, tall In with the crowd and bring up at the Store No. 35 Bust Hamilton Street. MILLER, SCHREIBER CO. January 2, 1816. .—t InTSTuaL IN ALLENTOWN JUST OPENED Lawler & Steckel. At LION LULL, No. 20 east Hamilton treat [JAW: opened a tew DRY GOODS and ORO CERY store. All of their stock Is new and fresh, and has been purchased for cash et the pres ent reduced prices, which will enable them to sell at greatly reduced rates. Among their , . Dress Goods ho found some of the latest and most fashions•' blo stylos, comprising Silks, Mahnir.Lenn, Leno Voyage, Grenadine ' Len° Melange, All Wool Delain., Amuree, Melange, Plain and Figured. Poplins. . Bradley's Improved Duple: Hoop Skil% Also a fall line of "lia3EHIVFlit VriTMEICEL, Consisting in part of Cassimeres, Tweeds, lientuoky Jeans, Cottonades, &e. Domestic Goods, • uoh as Tickings, Flannels, Shootings, . •• Prints, _ .• Cheek, &0., &o. Terms are CASH! iks.COUNTRY PRODUCE taken' in exchange' 1.. r goals. M. It. LAWFLR, tpril 17, tbai Cons.ult Your Interest In Buying Goods! Metzger & Osman Have just oponed nt their TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT,' - . NO. 33 EAST HAMILTON S,TREET, ALLENTOWN, PA., THEIR SPRING STOCK OP' CLOTHS, CASSHWERES. VESTINCS, &c., ego., as , which will be ft fa Blade up to Order, .11, IA WE LAMS EVITLEB, BY TIP-TOP WORKMEN, at tho aborted notice. Ts2ADV4E2DIE (BILVIMUIM(01, akill OREM' IMISMIG 6003 SOLD CHEAPER THAN EVER. Cali and Examine. WE HAVE THE , Cheapest Coats, Cheapest Vests, Cheapest Pants, Cheapest Overalls, Cheapest Clothe, Cheapest Cassimeres, Cheapest Shirts, . Cheapest Collars, Cheapest Bosoms, Cheapest Neckties, Cheapest Scarfs, • Cheapest Handkerohiefr, Cheapest Hosiery, Ch. apest Gloves, Cheapest Umbrellas, • etc., etc., eta., etc. Our stock ie much heavier end better assorted than • • - EVER BEFORE: Don't forgot the place, No. 83 East Hamilton air., next door to tho "Independent Republikaner." METZGER & OBMAN. NATHAN MWTZOER, late of the Arm of Troisll • Metzger. Tmonu.ti ORMAN, lately head entter at the catch,- Ilzhment of Trozell & Metzger. Allentown. Aug. 8, 1805 Application for Charter. In the matter of the application) In the Court of of Julio Sivorts et al, for a I Common Pleas 'of oharterof incorporation of tho Lehigh countyolY "Union Beneficial Society" of April term. the First Ward, Allentown. ) .. • An now, August 2, 1866, the said instrument of writing having been presented to the Court, and perused and examined by them, and the objeatsoir: tidies and conditions therein set forth appearing lawful and not Injurious to the community; it is di rected that the raid writing he tiled iu.tho ottleis..of the Protliono try of the Court of Common Pleat oCLa high county, and that notice be given in ono news paper published in •Lehigh county for at leaskthreo weeks, setting , forth that an appliontion has been made to this court to grant the charter of ineorpore ation prayed for, and that the court will oot on AO application at the September.term_ _ •. , By order of the Court--Esnies August 7, 1866. ,' • , IMPORTANT TO DISABLED SOLDThiriff, SAILORS, AND MARINES. ore, or Marines, who havo lost an armor leg,*otbeen, permanently and totally disabled ln'tinrstrtnA,4l% now entitled to a pension of :''fifteen' pok6 l l- per month ; those who have lostien said let of both legs, Twenty Dollars; those who hare lost. , botti arms or both eyes, Twenty:title Dollars; 'Thitr:ned also restores the Pensibn to Soldier! einilloYcd. any civil capacity under the Ourernment, ApplY in person or'hy mail V. the Military and,NargAgency of JOSEPH E. DEVITT & CO., N0:4127 WALNUT STREET, PIIIDApELPIIIA, Menet 71 18601 --3 m Wm. R: Buccicit. —ty