. . . . AN EFFEOTUALINN,tIPDICINE. !biomes P itGip oy . ?ITS, Or Wn .1949;14.071 r itnala r tapt, with oblldlttekall tau , , lb tod to othar' Ana s' sk il la c *Mitrus=ti k ir g er aitZ cnti I poulb e injury to eber t mosttelio4to,ol l 4, ~This val uable combinatien - EasbOen successfully used by oby slolansloinlaatisa worms t , d oo e le4 g tog . ktim itirlow i i : lt 0011. R. 9 r tutgrellif tbrirfiubby-ofteniturdes Pietist slaku9p!.. , - , : . ' , Yr& ..104,"*ArAi 3.lli,Chilkircu open oro r -. 100ki4,4; frnit stoulneti•an.l bowels cause ir ritation, whicll,4;an,bqjetopycil only 11,01941 st: f n 'cure remedi. • cfAl3 ,. .'nmoliineticii-ofingir.lients used in roalefilf ftrownqi . 1 11ermif1igo' Comfits" is such as to glisefhelbet.possiblofeffeati ith safety. . .Proprietors;-'New York.'— So Mir alliddebrryin medieblts, 'at 25'.ets.' a •box. it; 1 , 410tb: L?4't; trfulley .Railroadi 111111n1.6: 7' ' S ; gr 6 AA; 11 1 -.ItAtt:ANGEMnriTSLABCII. . . On and after Monday, Noy 21st, 18M, passenger Trains of the. Lehigh V.l.llo*_ltryilroaktpuippany will run In oonnolOdhlOth tho.:roWfal,ronde, running to Wilkeebarre, Now York and, Phil idolybia, as ful: lows : Dflp 7 ,-pII..VIESTWARD - T.RILOI.- ~ - . ''''' :Iso 1. 'to 6. No. '; No. 9 PTAIMONa t ., .., 1, . j . .. .. . ' 1 1 4 ' pM - A.ll Leirftr ei """ - -" • A. M. A.. . _F . M . . 'l9l , kes Barre 8 0; 1.16 W hits 11,1rak ' , 7 ,..' :': •,• .' ' : 0.30 3.00 Tann,eisp; . ... • ~. - 9.38 • 3.06 ..• • el 3 hi 0161• Y• R_„eah , ' `' - ' * ' 9.45 •3.15 .Pi Mud Run 9 51 9.22. 1 Rockport / 10.00 3.3 t: 14 Shenandoah. 2.10 s •Mahanny City, ' - ~, t 0 15 0 : -o , Andenried, Jeaneavillo , ., . 2.15 . . 1 " . .,_ Beaver Meadow , . ' 2.35 4. Weatherly "'' '.-: ' 8.25 3.20 . Penn Havenl" -.-' : - 10.24 353 ~„9. Manch 911t,ttillt:.: .- • 4.30 10.47 ' 4.25 '-' Lehijatt,er,) 4.40 10.57 4.35 I Pa1 7 21113_ ~...f ' 4.46 4.41 R• 1 Lehigh' ari ~ „ • 5..01 4.66 Blatington ' ''• 5.0/ 11.20 5,02 Rockdale •'" 5.17 . . . 5.13 Laury'a 5.27 5.23 Whitehall 5.34 . 6,30 Copley 5.38 11.42 5.34 Hokendattlida. .42 • 5.38 Cataaattena 46 11.47 5.4.1 Allen Furnace' 5. 4 6.50 • AlletiliWii•''" ' • 6. 0 11:57 5.55 1.10 BetliHtlittin" "' - 6. 5 ' 12.13 0:15 1.20 Pree, ' menabufg" ‘..;. 6. 3 - 624 Bugle; .., .11 4 12.43 6.45 2.00 Ph nilelothl9`,.. , ' .... , 0.20 2.35 8.45 Ne*Toilr',' ' • 10.10 4.10 10.45 6.00 Na: l s...=Lee.ves Bethlehem at 12.40; Freeman,. burg 1249% Beaton 1.15 ; Now Yolk 5.20. . 1 ::62: dli TrESTIVAIID TRANS. wreertome.--No. 8.-No. 8. No.lo. No. 2. No. 4. ( - I. ht-.M. A. M. P. M. New .c. 710. I, ..!', ,7.00 12.00 _ . 4.00 9.00 ' 8.00 Phi Ipliis '' .!' -7.10 - 5.16 1. Rae hdL;:. ,4 :+- , ~...- 9.47-- 3.25 7.40 11.51 11.24 Preemanaburvr, 40 07- 3.49- 8.08 Bethlehem:. •,.• :, .10.20 .4.00 8.15 12.24 11.53 Allonteinf i i ' ' 111.37 '4.16 8.30 12.35 12.04 AllentrinrPurnuFer - - .4.20 8.34 . ,-ii , Cates uei„ ',.,),0.47. , 1.28 _8.42 _ _ .. Ur , Hoke!' ensue 10.53 4.33 8.47 .!... Copley,, 7 . 0 -. ",- , -10.57 4.38' , 8:51 Whitote`' '' A ‘-' 11.02 4.43 " 8.56 • , Lautylill 2'; ' ;'G :11.10 - ,4.50 9.04 RJekdale, • . 11.19 - 500 9.14 i>, Slagnicton',. _ '11,21 5.12 9.25 •,•;' Let4l! i f?fili . ;11.36 5.18 9.31 ez Parrxy .10.. , 11:48 5.33 0.45 . a. Lebiglitilit - -.. 11.55 6.39 9.50 1.1 WI Mauch' Chunk • 12.05 550 10.00' Peon Hays 4" . - 12.32 6.13 WeatineY.-., . . 12.54- • Boaater , Meadow . .1.24 Jeanevillo Andenried. 1.59 1.44 Mahatioy City, 1.45 . Shenandoah„, 1.60 ']253 8.37 Mud Run • 6.p3 Hickory Rut.- '; LOT 612 • Ta" 121 1 1 741R. : 137. 7.01. White Haven 1.23 7.t7 • At Wilkpaarzo, 2.50_ 8.35 . 'CONNECTIONS: • Central Railroad of New Jersey—All up and down trams connect at Easton with the trains of the CM]. tral Railroad of New Jersey to and from Now York North Pennsylvania Itailroa (I—Down trains No. 1, b,:snd 7.:and up trains Nee. 2 and 8, connect n: Rottenly:n - ter : lib trains for Phil ttielphia. Train. from Phil!t*lfthia-ConnectatTellitelinta with don't train NO; ( 7401d-with up trains Not.. 8 and East Pennsylvania Railroad —Down trains Not.. land 5. and up trains Nos. 2, 4,6 and 8, connect a Allentown with trains for. Illiading anti Harrisburg Trains from Ilarriabterg and Reading ccnnect at Al lento fn with' all doWn trains. Datware Raiircad.—Down trains Noe 1, 3 and 5 oonnagt.lt Philtips'ourg, with - trains fm Philadelphia. Tinins from Philadelphia connec at tthillipsburg with up trains NOR. ' 2 and IS, anti trains from Belvidero nutmeat with up trains Nos. e and Ehltawisaa Rallrorl.—Down train No. 7 and or train No. 8 connect at Quakako Junction with train. of the Oiltacifssa Harletod—Raieroad.—Tiown trifins Nos. 5 - und 7 and op train N0.'13 connect with trains of,tho ilaz!e ton Railroad. - • . llgnnt?h a nna E a ri• Dawn train Nc a o r lptiitnß t .laBennte; at,White Havoc, with trains of the Lehigh. nd Sue. quehanna Vallroa;d:to and fro:, N. change..o"qqrs,between Wilkesbarre and Now Yorl on utitralh iVo fFand down train No 7. No changt between Wilkeshaire and Philadelphia on up trait No.B and down train Na. 5. • r :11. SAYRE, Supt. A Eng au A 9 01 - '5 . ' READING RAIL ROAD. 4UNDIEIt „ARRANGEMENTS, '" " Jutie 11ik, 1866. - • MIIITTI:TRUNE",:LINE. FROM THE NORTH . 1..11i , add Noitli.tlWeet for Philadelphia, New Telt, Reedmg, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashland, L , banan, Allentown, Hatton, Ephrdta, Litiz, Lancaster, Cul umbia. ho., &o. Trains leave Harrisburg for Now York, as follows At 3.00. 8.10 and 9 05 A. 51., and 2.10 and 9.15 1' M., connecting with similar Trains on. the Pennsyl vania, Rail HMO, and arriving at New York at 6.01, and 1010 ,a.. in., and 4 10„, 5.29 and 10.45 p. tn— Sleepintr Cain - acooMpanying the 3.00 a. m, and 0.. 16,V.kintirsitia; Without chungo. Leave Harrisburg fur Reading, Pottsville, Tama , qua, Minersville, Ashland, Pino Grove, Allentow,' and Philadelphia, at 8 10'a. tn., and 2.10 and 4.11 p. m., stopping at Lobanodand principal Wr y Sin Howl; the 4.10 p. ni.; train Making connections fo, Philadelphia. and Columbia only. For NG, vlile. Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Sehuylki , and Surquelianna Railroad, Isavo Harrisburg at 3.20 4 11:eiibru1nie: Leave New York at 7.00 and 9.00 'a.m., 12..04iocenarid8.00p. m.; Philadelphia at 8.15 a.m., and 3.30 p. in. Way,passonger Traiu , lonvos Phila. delpliWatl.Bo win., 'Warning from Reading ni 6.30 p. m. r atopping at all Stations; Pottrwiro n. 8.45 a M. and 2.45 p. rn.; Ambient 6'oo and 11 Si 9.'600;1.05 p. tn.; Tamaqua at U. 45 a. m. and 1.. 00 1 arid13:55 p. to. Leave Pottsville for Harrisburg, via Schuylkill add 914fifhimpi Railroad, at 7,60 a. m. ' 'Reading lLocOmmedation Train ; Leaves Rending W. a 00 /4431.1 returning from. Philatielplfia at 6 011 .. , ulumuiajtailrorl trains, leave Reading nt 6,45 a.m.; 12:05 - Hods and 6.15 p: 'm., for Ephrata, Litiz,. Lancaster. Coltilidda, arc. On Sunday; Inava_New Yoi:k at 8 00 p in, Phil adelphia 8 00 awed end 3'16,p in, the 8,00 n in train runningwrille tai Rending.. Poltaville 8 00 n m, Ta maqua.72o, a in. Tfarrliburg 0 05 a in and Rearlinp at 4 5 114,41:..." . au11., :10 a - im.„. for Harrisburg, and coa.d . 4.25 p.m. for .I'lola dolphin. mumintion, •Mileago, Season, School and Ex mato* Tickets to and, from all points, ut reduced 4 'gime dumbed through • 80 perm& allowed salt Pare ti Or. 0. A. NICOLLS, t • General Suporintandont,. Jo* 25th, 1866. nit'Pennsylvania Railroad. w ".'z44t:e'" 1"41 , 14-:1* . .• 44" x edi IBILMMEICARRANGEMENTS. 41066,1,1,enei,ny Mai day. May 21 - st, 1.P66 r WC? ;144i,W ; :,YO)*,,AiND PITTSBURG WITHOUT lc to:n:lm, , g.::-011ANOR TRATNS leave Allentown doily. (Sundayi except rtkid)oLe47:oll4l aatd - Imo, A. M.; and at 12.8, .1.15 alltd illoSCP.:al: , -The 1( 1 .344 A.- 51.,1na1t0 direct eon.' 31144401114411farrfabnrgrfor Chambereburg, lingerie, town and points on the .Cutuborlaud Valley Rail- Mai Nilrthm. eCtintrat- Itaiiroado North and south. Imet ilitimilftegioni - -Thia 141.314. A. M., I 2.: 1 5.and 11.- 41 P. m„,fire,thermoritern •Expresa trnine, direcl through to Pittsburg witboutchungo of care, UM, 7:01)-A. M. train slope ut all stations of this coal. and m ke oolineaitiont(lit ..Rtindiug: for Pottsville. P0f4.1 Ta tu uq4 anl pointy itl, e , ehu y - 111 4 11 onetor 'MI5 fipluptn p Ofpotitta on the hl ddehin Mitt liiing It/dim:m4'llBo rur larrhutg,4tyophTtburg,jlogrptpwo, YurkiPet- SysbW. thhiteegfen, Willlamaport, and tlid \Yak. The 4.15 P. M., train ator -at.all_statt ions, connects at Reading, with 'fraine for l'ettsville, Columbia. Pli, , mettikr tpusesdiAtt-uarritbort; 4 01? :1 1 4g, I.L r P A G: trAii ..refftrp A tk, (tisn4airsl444 . or , • imillorrisliurg r anit thaelt,_, - tagriontilieftieetik Lifr' nso.Weirctlaltett i t AT ~ g ;V r. 7 , ntft.. as, NOterPVfa:,!iYrif' '''"" . ' ilt . 111 . Ili . . A.tr I . ~' Mit ig UCIINWIt - 0, C 0 r oil. .. 51 to .. i on I O' 1%0101 efnitOhe Otillie• - • ' 4 11114 Ad alb , Lobolon viilloy,' mid" imill Olt iirbil i) S'ttL Npttll4lCPl 5114 liiigWllll UttIIILID Oa ID:01/C Nois i t/ di 114•41 ; ...... .. , __ - -z~ ~. , ~ NORTILITNNan.VANIkRAnnia. TEIMIWNEWEM. i Throj/c4i/lt-Trgfxs-.4lles!tyym i take' L. )ABSENGERS for Philadelphia take' L. V. R. R -trainafpnasingt 'Allentown' at '6:00:4..m:ti11t.01 noenrandlb.6sp. m4make .olose ootanboilonk with the tralhanftL at .Botlthihem,...and; arrive ' in 'Philatlelphin at'9.2o ti. ns.;, 2d30 and 4?...10't.. respectively. ; ..- • : 1 3 amotigbre forPoylestown take. ti Rei a. m. t4aia' • (Foto liothlehem and make cent action at Inns-Jule and can return to Allentown the same evening. • Ali Passenger Tralna (except Sande y 'frains,) , ^eti. loetat Itorksitrect, Philadolphta, it-Ith btl, and am 'treat City Pascengerltuilwa. •' ItßTUltlWitt. Idiavo the new Depot, Third 3truet, atriVO Tholny eon, Philadolphla at 7.30 a., in., and 5.15 p. in., arils •lng in Allentown at 10.31 a. M., and 8.30 p.m., ro spoothrely. * " LOCAL SCHEDULE. Three Through:Trains Daily, Sundays Exeopted.] - Farsonaer trains leave the now,, Depot, Third street, Philadelphia, . Yor Bethlehem, at 4.80 a. fn., 3.30 p. in., and 15 P. M. For Doylestown at. 8.35 a. in., and 2.30,4.15 p. m. For Lanedide at 6.15 p. in. For Foil Waohlnton at it p. in. • • . TRAINS FOR PIIILADEI;PIIIA. Leave Dothichem at 6.25 a. in. 12.25 noon and 4.15 p. in. • Leave Doylestown at 8.40 a. in., 3.15, and 5 30 u.m: LefIVO Lansdale at 0.00 it. to. Fort Washington, at 2.15 p. m,, 10.50 a: m. Pare--Allontown to Philadelphia, . ..... 411 85 ELLI 3 CLARK, Agont. augB-'65. SCHNECK'S 31.A.NDRAKE PILLS, FOR LIVER COMPLAINT A SUBSTITUIT FOR CALOMEL If your toriols are costive, . TRY TIIE4I If youliavo vonxis, Y '- TR If your breath-is bad, .. -- TRY THEM If ycu fool drowsy, (TRY . . If you aro low spirited, TRY THEM If you havo a sick hoadiulho, I TRY THEM, If you halio taken a drop too tnueb, TAKE A FULL DOSE They only cost 25 conYa n box.' . TRY TIIIISI ,Blue Mass, and other rreparations of Mercury, produce more suffering'and death than the diseases which they profess to cure. And yet this corrosive mineral so denounceh by the allopathic docters, i 6 prescribed by them almost universally in Liver Complaint, Consumption of Lungs, .be. THE MANDRAKE PILLS aro committed entirely of mots and herbs, obtained from the great storehouse of Nature, and their sal utary effects will appear as toot) nn the medicine is brought to the test of a fair experience. Sentsuca's MANDRAKE PILLS do not produce any nausea or sickness of the stomach ; but whoa given for Hyspeptia, it may be-proper .to uno-them in con nection with SCHEN'Cii'S SEAWEED TONIC.—, By this judicious trentment.the digestive faculties Aro speedily restored to their full vigor, and the worst cones of indigestion may to cured. When we reflect that the liver is the largest inter nal argan of the hedy, that to it is tissigued the im portant duty of filtering the blood and preparing the bile, that it is subject to maw , disorders, and that when it in diStf"tlCP ittactivtAhe whole body suffers eyropathctically, it is not surprising that a medicine which can restore the healthy operations vf the Liver should produce wonderful changes is the general health, and effect cures which may ap pear to be almost miraculous. Headache of long continuance, severs pains in the vide, breast. and shoulders, (telling of the limbs, a feeling esf general weakucra and wretchedness. and othoralorming and distressing symptoms, indicative of imperfect or disordered notion of the liver, are speedily removed by the use of SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. 008tiV0005ffl, piles, hitter or sour eructations, and hut in duscribablo fooling of oppreueion, mental unx ietv, languor, lethargy. and depression of Fpirits which untit n man fur the rnanogen.ent of business ind the oojoymont of le. ore nil relieved by the use of BCE! ENCK'S MANDRAKE FILLS. Scnercic.—De'tr Si, : tnko pleasure in Onding you a ecrtifimto in n'ldition to many you taro o Ireody received from ruffering humanity. ] an Eearcely find langnugo Futileicnt Ty strong to ex refs my hearttblt gratlllcation of tho wonderful arcs your MANDRAKE PILL' and t,BA E 'O:4IC 10 - o offeett:d In tl - o onliro cure of ono of liu moat slubhorti'mzes of tho nitration 'of the liver. For three yoere•l suffered beyond deseriltion ; all ny friends, no well as myself, come to tee oonclu •ion that My time in this life wee short. Such tea, •ho tort iblo condition to which I was iedneed that life to ate had become a bunion : my whole system was in a - ntate of hulk:nation ; I cumid not oat, I could not sleep; my wholo body ryas filled with u uain ; wxuld arieo in my wr st ;Aid ankles, ordering them [fanny tiseler.s On Feverit occa ,i.ds llra9 nttached with a rush of bloel to the head. which would fell me to the ground, and I would ho carried away for .lead. I upp , ied to sev •rnl eminent physicians of our city, who odminis ,ored all the medicines that they thought would reach my ca- , e, but of no avail. • One of them said ho could do tin more fur me, and tdvised me, us n lnrt resort, to drink cod liver oil. got relishing the horrid trash I declined to take it, ixeident put your advertisement in my hands. I ealled on you ; you examined rao and told me the na ,ure of my disease. You then ordered me the Pill , Ind Tonic with an otservanen of diet, pledging your word that in ono we, k I w. uld find myself another ,can. I followed your advice, and, as you predict un astonishing cure Ws effected. I continued your Pills and Tonic for some time, and now thank Ind fur his goodness, and ytnit valoOlo medicine. Eam once more remora to perfect health; ..I most earnestly rocommena those who aro suffering from ,ffection of the liver to give vour,Pills - und Tonic a 1116triol, and a cure wilt be effected. 7 Imre sent twiny lcroons to you, and they have all been cured kny information ray fellow.eilizens tray require will In, freely given.by the subsoribei, at MS residence, No. Sl't Federal street, between Bth street and Pas- Ayunk road ,Cliklti,o.S JOHNSON. Sa.,' Formerly Friel e:re' Ink Manufactory. Dn. SCIIENCK will bo professionally at his prin lipid office. No. 15 North 6th street, corner of Com merco, every Saturday, from 0 a. m., intil 4 p. N 0.32 Bond street, New York, every Tueaday, from 7 to 11 ; No, 38 Summer street-, Boo 'on. Maas , ovary itiotinesdby, from U to 3 and evo ,y other Friday at 101 Baltimore street, Baltimore, lid. All advice free, but for a thorough exemine -ion of the lunge with his licapirometor the charge is three dollars. l'riro of the Pulmonio Syrup and Seamed , Took, ,och SI 50 per bottle or S 7 68, per half dozetl. 11andnike Pi 115,25 cents per box. For Salo by.nl Druggists wail Dealers. January 8, 1868 - 2 —ly S ILVER AND YLA'S•!.f) GOODS OF lIIL MOST SOPER DO R WORKMANSTtIP, AT TIM NEW STORE, a N'o. 70.1 arch Street, PHILADELPHIA. 4; The undersigned. (late of the foments Rogers Bros. Manufacturing Company,)reiFeMfully announce that they have opened it new tutd.bcautibtl store for the , ale of SILVER and PLATED \VARE, nt 7114 Arch Street. Our lang.tikperienee as manufacturers will •nable is to keep nothing but first-class Gods and those who mny patronise our store will find, our late! goods far superior to any imported, and our mstruners may rely on the goods being precisely what they are.represented to he. • i uly3 2 G6 y] ' - • BOWMAN do LEONARD. REMARK MANUFACTURERS DEPOT, No. 85 Centre Street, . • , AiIEW WALLEADLE and Grey Iron Castings, Machine ry and Ilordware, Truulinnikers"fools, rind Si,oelaalters and•Sadillvis tools, Carriage Castings, Wive 6, Spokes, ITuba, Axles it e., Twist iirillo and Patent Minas. [jun26-21n DATUTETT'S Pli:atleabfq; arid Gvextrga ii'onn(lry and Shop 11,0111101V,111cW1IORTFAnnd BRUIN STS., 6 , • NEW.Altli, N. J. ATUES, Shaping Machines, Drills, Foot, "'rep t 'Screw and Hand Press. 0, ..nititild no d ton d o to 421.. d a:; 85 CENTRE STENET it 111.2 47;4”1 . ; , , • NEW TOTtE.. Lai.) EL.t.fisz wniTE LLAD. 4111(10 inure and buret- work nr:a gi-ton Uciat, - ,than any' othbr r Try ft! " Matitrfnctrirrd only by ••A or lititbLoom.is tittuu l TAINt atitl DbAmo. JatitrOdp tit!, t 6? li!nat Whlrd !WINN MISEE=MIIIMI s SUM GRIDS LOO K. I T U :53 NEW ME 1713 X 311! CaM., (LAIR HUBER & DILLINGgR,) No. 7 IYEST'.II.4.IIPILTON STI?EE7, ALLENTOWN, PA. Would respectfully inform the eiti en of Lehigh county that they have just formed a co•parnership as above, and that they have just unpacked a fresh stock of SUIVIIVIER..COODS, FROM NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA And are4ww,affering Mein al t/.e LOWEST MARKET PRICES.' DR - '5( . GOODS! CONSISTING OF TUE LATEST STTLF.B OF Figured and Plain Alpacas. Figured and Plain all Wool De Lathes SHEPHERD PLAIDS, BLACK SILKS, SUMMER SILKS, IRISH POPLINS, WHITE GOODS, White Counterpanes, Linen and Cotton Sheetings, Checks, Gingham; Bedticks, • Flannel; &c„ Shepherd Plaid Balmorals, Black Cloth, Cassimeres, Velvelinc, Corduroy, Cottonades, Kentucky Jeans, LADIES CLOAKING, Plain Colors, Middlesex Cloths, Reppellants, and PLAIDS OF VARIOUS COLORS. rh If IL FE lfil RI 6 Ci:l LE A full line of Cloths, Cassimeree, Sattinette and Vestings, all kinds and prices, which will bo sold cheap. We have constantly on hand a large and well so: looted stock of all kinds of OcIaZEII.S!, GROCERIES, MACKEREL, SALT, &c Which wu will dispose of at the very lowest cash prices. All kinds of Country Product) taken In exchange for goods, and tho kigheet market prices allowed. Friends, Awake to your Interest ! for WO feel satisfied that we can suit your rAsras ae well as your minims. Don't forget the place, Nn. 7 West Hamilton street, second door ober() the Fnglo Hotel. Returning thanks for trio patronage received in the pest, and hope that by a continuous effort to accem odoto their friends and customers, and in cruise queries of the largeness and variety of their stock, to merit and melte, a continuance et the support and good. will of tho people. A. A. Dianna, • C. L. r.unun. Allentown, July 18. —t Important Notice !c. G. 'BROWN, No. 410 Arch Sreot, Phila. FROM. a lin, of study, oltrervation, and experienec, and years of practical appli •••• • ca ti on o f wy Mt.:l:ll,llVA , lti Discovery" on thoti.knds of disc:and men, women and children, I have justly conic to the conclusion that every fami ly in tho land, who wish to get tid of (ii:C . IFO and keep it at bay, most have my Alctaphyeie.tl DiEcov ery always on hand. It is a certain preventative against disease. It rilnAt treats and destroys the cause of disease, consequently the effecti ctio, be ginning with Deafness, Catarrh, ltheumatistn, Neu ralgia, with every disease man, woman or child is heir to. It is the only eafoguard against Cholera. It eleanees every sower ef thu beam!! body, Ivrdens the flesh, and purifies the blood. In ennsequ , nce of the above facts, I hove this day reduced the price, so as to kayo no barrier in the way of tho di , eased. The paehsgo consist of three bottles, ono used for the Eyes. euafor the Ears, nod one for tho Those three work in eet,:unction, passintl into the syt.tim by abserptio , thus killing the very root t f the ii.EOaSO, which is in a specific locality in the hoed, My' Metaphysical Discovery is packed in a neat wooden ease, and will he desnatched to any part et the world on receipt of the price, which will be, from this Ilsth day pf November, sold at $1 per package, or three packages $lO. Celebrated Pour Richard's rye Water. Largo size, $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. Small size 50 etc., t--ealp Renovator $l, or six bottles for ss. rho medicines can be obtained through your drug. girls, or at tho Depot, No. 410 Arch stroot. Tha following letter is one of the many which I receive daily nt my different offices : REMARKABLE CliltE. —Catarrh, Aehma, &c. Moe. CnitavErt, residing at No. 02 Allen street Roston, says : I have been troubled for four your; with sore throat. Fir two years I ),uffered w,tit ca tarrh and great dizzir.cas in my bead, almost cans. ing me to fall. I suffered gready with asthma, it being hereditary in the family. I was dblr mad all over. I could not go where there was any duct. had treat pains in my head and neck. I have suf fered much with cold feet. The bones is my neck Were drawn out of place with the asthma, and my throat le eked like raw beef After Applyirg to va rious physicians and obtaininn... no relief, I finally applied to Mrs. M. G. Brown, by whose medicines, I have been so much benefited that I am now like another woman Formerly tho least exposure gave me cold ; I could nut go to the door with my head uncovered without an attnelt of the asthma. My asthma is now entirely gone. tly catarrh line wholly disappeared. I felt weak and languid for many years, so that I wan aburdon to myself. The empess of my feet has disappeared, and I feel a general ciroulatfon through my entire system, caus ing too to be, as formerly, full of sttength and viva city, and can attend to household duties as as ever I (lid in my life." It Is the only ,foguard against disease, including CHOLERA. It cleanses every rower of the Kaman body, hardens the flesh, and purifies the Wood. Tho Colebrated POOR. RICHARD'S 1_,Y1 , 3 WA TER is the hey which opens the door to the health of both mind and body. .Let all use it morning and night. L. Eelnrildt & Co., Allentown, Pa., Side Agents for Lehigh county. December 12, 1865. --1 y Great Western Remedy ! THIS remedy it now perporncing tho most won dorful cures. It cures Itneumatistn, Chills and revers, (loitered Debility, Kidney Complaints, Dyspepsia, Neuralgia. tiioir Ileacianhe, .to. • In all eases a sensible relief ig gu , ranteed in from five to ten minutes, and a PE IirE.IT CURE in from six to twelve ‘layr. Wevcr has it yct failed in one solitary instance to accomplish far more than we have promiEed or the afflicted applicant anticipated. Tho Curative PrupettinE of the Great Western Remedy ore truly wonderful. Whale pages of tes timonials Galli influential citizens might he given to the public, but we dm m it to be sopettluous, as you May readily find persons Of your non acquaint ance in every part of the country, who will testify to the •disonsu. dispelling and health pia motion qualities of tho Grout Western Remedy. AARON DAVIS, • DlE:coverer and manufacturer, 13rond Ni., Newark, N. J. The Great We tern 'Remedy may ho obtained of all extablished DruggiAs throughout the country. ' I . llrnos Son, DruggistaAllentown, whole- Halo Agauf.s. [ART. 3, .6ru '• INVENTORS' OFFICES, I - 4 B - U1 E V . l NB, LIVIL ENOINEIII+B & PATENT SOLICITORS, No. 435 Walaut street, Philad'a. EnglneOring Rkanghting and Sketetwo, Models and Alachincr, 'l.lOl htnde MAUI and. ah ittonded to. :Spa cial :wonting _given, to,,RINO:QTED CASES and IN TV.ItIPOIVENCEN. Auttlotilio Copies of all Do , :- umentii - frapi.riileilfr. °Mi: pr'oeuro ! l. " yOt111011(08 untleve trouble and trav elling rxpensos, n. acre is no in tun' nond .or per toinul intoritew• with 114. All bilbiDeSo with &bah, ofactpNr‘rt fratencted In wrlllng. Per further Itiftirttetlt4 tfireet Pe %bore ) with !tuft!, ettelneutl, Cr etruttlet t•ith Ot.ase47 el SCRIO. FROM A FEW WORDS ABOUT ^rt. 4 FRbbt - GOLD Coittiin Reductd tIOM • $l.BO to 08 ,Cts. pep, rOUND. 7 FT: Goods Groativ—R - eiluced . P_RACIES AT '1111.; CHEAP CASH STORE Burdge & Jones. GOODS that sold she year ago at 85 coats per yard, aro now selling at 25 cents par yard. Prints that sold for 62 cents,for 1 S cents per yard. Do La nos at Prices Before the War at 28 Cents per 'Yard. (Or :EL (CD C, /Ell JCI - • AT PRICES THAT ASTONISH TUB PEOI'LL Dress Goods ! All shades of Wool Do Wiles, Figured Silks, of all 6hados, French Veronica, beautiful e tyl (Is, Choi iies, Common De Lathes, &o. Mens' and Boys' Wear! Large stock of Cloths, Cnssirneres, Tweeds, Jeans, Cottonados, ac., suitahle tor Mona' and Boys' wear SPRING RALMORALS ! SPRING SHAWLS I HOOP SKIRTS ! Carpets : Carpets • PARLOR CARPETS, BED ROOM CARPETS, HEMP CARPETS, STAIR CARPETS, ILOME MADE CARPETS, all bought at the rooont Auction sales at greatly re duced prices. DOMESTIC GOODS ! FLANNELS, • MUSLINS, • TICK INGS, MEEKS,. SHEETINGS, - PRINTS, &c., &c., Doing a Cash Dusines.e only, they aro thereby onablod to eell goods nt much lowor primp than their neighbors that sill goods on Credit and have heavy losses by bad bona accounts. They aro de termined to soil goods at low prices notwiths tend ir g the high prices the other mores aro asking for their goods, nnivirinzasEß Tan rmacr, TIIE Cheap Cg.,sh Store BURDGE & JONES, Aro . 9 East Ilalitiltan &rect, 3 doors below the Allen Douce. April 17, 1866. -tf AUGUST, 1866. POPELAR HUES! FOR THE POPELAR TRADE AT THE FOPULAR STOHE ei#ooll tAPI ALLENTO WN, PA. Immense Attractions! Goods Purchased For CI,S4. AND SOLD For Cash and. Approved Credit I GREAT DECLINE IN PRIORS! • Big Drop in Gold , %nether temporary or permanent. dep , ment raid] not. With gold Irout ouw to $11:7, a cotton 39 canto n pound. STANDARD GOODS o now relling,nt n hoary loss to the maw fneturen+ but t.bbil.s neit bur b:ro nur there, fur • Is bound to keep time to the tiSusie, and ountiLue :is horetaure, To tiJead the Trade AK) ®PiP2D, arimucKumm.?.l DEFY COMPETITION ! From April 3J, I ehrtll offor a complete lino of Ladies . Seasonable Dress Goods, being pet featly ALIVE with everything in thin ino that is EllEt- , 11, CHOICE and ATTRACTIVE, iu short as usual for Style, Variety and Lowness of Price shall and can not be rurpassed. STAPLE GOODS ? A full lino of all tho choico brands of bleaohod and unbleached inuMns, eheotings, and every thing that belongs to housokoepers in this lino at EXTREMELY LOW FIGURES I give no quotation A price?, but will sell you fit LESS MONEY than you can got the cams goods elsewhere. Shawls, Cloaks, Sacquas,llas, So , in groat variety Cloths, Cassimeros, Twoeds, dLc. This department has receivtd special attention this spring and comprising the newest end most de sirable spring Ptylce,adapted to Ulu Piste of the aged, middle eged, "Young America," uod'ehllaren, and will be sold at present Gold Standard Prices Aloo tho . • CHOICEST LINE of GROC SRIEEI and at pricce that will convinco ono and all that - ramer's IS TIIE Great Place of Interest for pcv , ons wishing to P elect from tho meet exton sive and reliable atoelc t.f giods and at • THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES. An exomination is all I ask, 'mowing that I can of fer inducements that cannot ho surprisscd by any reliable house in town. 1%1. J. RRAMER, Opposite the RAC IltiTlifs. REMEMBER That now is the Time TO IMPROVE WI ROOM LITTLE 1110:.slEY YOU CAN ALL •DO TY, eo. Oo to tho "FRIEDENSBOTE" BOOK STORE L 1 fe.relimo some of that splendid Wall Paper, ohloh has just been received. Wo always have ot. end ouo of the Largest,.rieest, Cheapest . . and beet selected stooks of in this Ecet io n lluylng your papne at a place whoro thorn is a large aessortmorit. is worth three times iho prlee you pay ut other places whom theronza only a Bosun patterns offered for solo.. An we ask is for the people to coma and see for themselves. We charge nothing for showing goods. lieop it before your. neighbors, your friends and 11 purple, that the Odra and. thet,ouly,plar.e in this section,. to buy tho tine* nurdelattpPst, assortment of WALL PAPlip t is attho ' ; _ , „ antIEPUSBOTE".BOOK. STORE - • • ; 'au . ILFISENIPINC.& C 0... vrAnnti - cn AND CEDIDACT; nn Ensitirol /NI Warning and inatruction f6r Xonng .AT: pletniunef and Abnate prolirntb yit4ll; Eif Itint.ti',Ntrfir ;r hiovfivehronei , A ociimp) Ml, 4 a Mt e_ 1 3,1 1 101q! iheltrtt ovi9Diflelti adolpli e l 6, April 06 el, WI 'Era Sctofa, or . . • g'6.E . crik is iftregittitiinial:'disaVe, n'eorrOption of the blood, by- which .this fluid - becomes vitiated, weak, and titter; Being' in • the circulation, it pervades the whole .body, and may burst out m diseaso oq, any.part 9f it., No organ is free front'itte.att4Mits nor is :there one vtudh if m9y; not destroy. ihe'seroftilon4 taint Is irarlottsly caused by, mercurial- disease, low living, dis ordered or unheahl iy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the domes-Am; vices, and, above all, by the venereal infection. What ever be its origin, it is hereditarr in the con stitution, descending from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ;" indeed, it seems to be' the rod of Inn who says, "I will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children." Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is teritied tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul Cor ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu-T tions not only suffer from scrofulous com plaints, but they have fur less power to with stand the attacks of other diseases; cense. quently vast numbers perish by "disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, arc still rendered fatal by this taint in the system.' Most of the 'consumption which de cimates the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all. the , organs; arise from or are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous ; their persons are invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food. and exercise. Such a,' medicine we supply in AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the most active remedialsthat have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequences. Hence it should be employed for the cure of not only Scrofula, but also those other Mice tions which arise from it, SUCIIIIS ERUPTIVE, and SKIN DISEASES, ST. ANTHONY'S FIRE, Rosa, or ERYSIPELAS, Pimmals, PUSTULES, BLOTCHES, BLAINS and BOILS, TUMORS, 'ATTER and SALT RHEUM, SCALD MAD, RINGWORM, RHEUMATISM, SYPHILITIC and Islinte mum. D ts- EAsns ! DROPSY, DYSPEPSIA, DEUILITY / _ End, indeed, ALL COMPLAINTS ARISING FROM VITIA TED on Newell BLOOD. The popular belief in impurity of the blood" is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and . virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate this vitaifluid, without which sound licalth is impossible in contaminated constitutions. . .A.Y"Pi-R,''S Ague Cure, FOR TOR SPEEDY CURE OF Intermittent Fever, or Fever and Agne, Remittent Fever, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical Headache, or Rllions *attache, and• Hiltons Fevers, indeed for the whole class of diseases original.. log In bilinry derangement, caused by' the Malaria of Miasmatic Countries. We are enabled here to offer the community a remedy which, while it cures the above complaints with certainty, is still perfectly harmless in any quantity. Such a remedy is invaluable in districts where these afflicting disorders prevail. This "Cung" expels the miasmatic poison of FEVER AND Aeon from the system, and prevents the de velopment of the disease, if taken on the first ap proach of its premonitory symptoms. It is not only the best remedy 'ever yet discovered for this class of complaints, but also the cheapest.; The large quantity we supply for a dollar brings it within the reach of every body ; ant Lin bilious districts, where F.EvEn AND Anon prevails, every body should have ittgnd use it freely both for cure and protec tion. A great superiority of this remedy over any other ever discovered for the speedy and certain cure of Intermittents is that it contains no Quinine or mineral, consequently it produces no qiiinism or other injurious effects whatever upon the constitu tion. Those cured by it are kn. as healthy as if they had never had the disease. lever and Ague is not clone the consequence of the miasmatic 'poison. A great variety of disor ders arise from its irritation, among which are Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Headache, Blind ness, Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Asthma', Pal pitation, Painful Affection of the Rpken, Ilyster-'" ws,•Pain in the Bowels, Colic, Paralgsis and De rangement of the Stomach, all of which, when originating in. this cause, put on the intermittent type, or becothe periodical. This " Cane" expels the poison from the blood, and consequently cures them all alike. It is an invaluable protection to immigrants and persons travelling or temporarily residing in the malarious districts. If taken occa sionally or daily while exposed to the infection, that will be excreted from the system, and. cannot accumulate iii sufficient quantity to ripeh into this ease. Hence it is even more valuable for protec tion than Cure, and few will ever suffer/from Inter mittents if they avail themselves of the protection this remedy affords. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER L: CO., Lowell, vase Alt (Att. Ituittetli;:s lire for t:.l, Ity oil tlict.Druggiit. in Allentown, ntml by DruitgiEtA aid duelers every%rbero. At Wbuli:sal° by J. N MARI A: CO., rob ilutlelplibt. o.7to:Ar 21. — ly ri f illSie l a Music!! Music!! SHEET MUSIC DEPOT!! Alarg(i . supply on hand—it we have not got the piece you want, we can get it for you in n few t.l..ye if you wilt leave the name of the piece with IstaTurcrioti Boons for all hinds of Ina . truments constantly on hand at Fouat'a Vat icty Store. VIRILE! 11101,118 VilitliS ! I At all' prices. Violin Strings, Tail Pieces, Pegs, L'ow', Itce9iri,l3lank'Musiapaper, at FOUST'S Vatic :ty Stoye.' • STAMPING' I S TAMPING ! ! Done at shnrt notice—receiving new patterns con stantly. Call and see the patterns at Foust's Varie ty c3tore. , NOTIONS! NC HONS. I NO7IO YS! ! ! Uaniko:ieblors, Ilosiory, Gloves; Ti mead?, Sewing Silk, Pins, Needles, Combs Iltuids, and Hoop Skirts. Call in—it pays to go room! the corner to Ponses Va riety. Store. BAsKurs t BISKE CS BASKETS ! ! Market Baskets, Dinner Baskets, Traveling Bas kets, Cake Baskets, Cord Baskets, Fruit Baskets, Valley Itai4kets,.at Foust's Variety Store. • War= is FcalsT'S VARIETY STORE Sixth Street, Sixth Street, • Sixth Street. Sixth Street, Four doors from Ilmnilton, in ono or the rooms un der Col. Good's (Americom) lintel. [mo.y22-dm PACIFIC HOTEL, 170, 172,171 & 176 GREENWICH ST., WARR WEST or 111:0.1DWAY,) Between Couritandt and Bey Sts., L . = York JOHN PATTEN, Jr., Propriotor. f'HE PACIFIC lIOTEI, is toll and widely known '•' to the traveling public. The looation Is mac inny sultableto merchants and butinoes mon; it In in elmo prox inky to the business part of the city, —ls on the highway of Sontheri and Western trav el—and adjacent to all the principal Railroad and Stentnhont depots. Tho PaoWm has liberal necommorlatien for over 300 guests; it is well furnishstl, and possesses every Inodurn improvement for the comfort and entertain ment of its inenntes. The rooms are spacious end well ventilated; provided with gee and water ; the attendance is prompt and respectful; end thn table is generously provided with . ivery delicacy of the BellSol3. MO subset ibor, who for the past few years, Jos beon'rhe leased, Idnow sole Proprietor, and ithende to identity himself thoroughly with the interests of his honeo,"., With long experienco as a hotel-keeper, 119,41484, bylnodurate charges and a liberal policy, to maintain tho favorable reputation of the Pacific JOAN PATTEN, Jr. New Tork, Sept.:l2. • , • .. —ly Banks , Dinmore & Co Successors to A. B. DAVIS & CO., Manufacturers oWatent St.-indent PUITABLII VOlt EIQ.II LocK§, it. It: TRACKS,' & DEPOTS. COAL. II AY, AND LIVE STOCK. - " Also, all tho variotta dobotiplii9ii •- • • -. ..mi•thezid aird Pdrlable • PLATFORM EmfLgs AND. PATENT BEAM! ;; tt t couxna oi; - - , 15th St. it'Penna. Avenue, Philed'e; Refai. 20? 313 4 , .. • • r ; ••• ,; • • ( 77-. I Y: 4114;t1.4 1 14,FteiiihriFltjti , likte:triit, uma I Ao ;1041419A an rvigt tureelh Ina wtten ,Vpti aan otifo . kt,9 litiku s o tilts ttlint• FEBISIN STABLISMEITI NEW FIRM. • Kamer Bros, (LATE RENINOR & SHIMER.) No 5 West Hamilton Street ,1 LLENTOWN, Sext Dode to the Eagle, Shimer's Mammoth Store LIVE IN STITUTION I Nlon©y Saved BY BUYING AT SIMMER'S STORE,. Filled Stacks High with Goods at 312 1 461.247 I"' 3EIL Our entire Stock bat been MARtiED DOWN the lowest noteh, wo defy competition. WE STUDY TO PLEASE • every ono, old, and. young, rich and poor, we en deavor to Lop a woll soleeted stork of DRY GOODS, GE )CERIES, QUE ENSW A RE, CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTH, PROVISIO:iS SALT, FISH, Ac. to give bargains to all those who may favor us with their custom, not only for sixty days or a given time, but wilt always continuo to soli our goods at the very lowest possiblo prim. We do not pretend to say that our al stern is strictly Cash, but guaran too our prices to bo as low as any others who are boasting of selling the cheapest, in consequence of doing business entiroly upon cash prinoipto. Strangers follow the standard customers of the well known old stand, and you will all in turn be with courtesy waited on and supplied with the cheap est Goods. Do sure you aro right, mingle in the crowd, then oomo ahead to SIZIATEIRS POPULAR STOREI. where you can be best suited with the most goods for the least money, with boch durable and fashion- Ale goods. LADIES' Dress Goods Department ! Unusually . comploto with rich and elegant goods na wall as the cheaper styles, it comprising Black and Colored Silks, Pla d and Figured Wool Do Wins, Marianas, FigdFcdPlain, and carded NI oh American Do Lslnes,: Coburga, Alpaccas, • Reppe, Poplins, scotch and Union Plaids, MOURNING. GOODS, Wool Delainee, 11Ierinoes, Repps, Poplin, Mo- hair Goods, Boinbazines.,Alptia cas, Canton Cloth, Dolaines, Coburg Prints, & - e. Crapo and Love Veils, Crape Collars, Square and Ling Thibet and Blanket :::'havris, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery and Cloves, &c. • Oinghnrns, l".annels, Tieliinp, Diapero, Chochg, Linpno, Boeonis cnd White ood3, CLOAKS AND CLOAKING CLOTH Or eVory discription, styles, quatity, COIOT3 an prices. SHAWLS! SHAWLS' ! Aqua o and long Broclia, Blankets, Thibot and Plaid Shawls. DMZ:IOIi•AI4 ANT) HOOP SKIRTS At vary reducoil pricos, and all sizes. The SliVier Skirt This shirt is more durable, ut , tre elastic, more 4r.tuultil, and will keep its ?twi, and retain its place ttettar than any other Skirt. The Stool Springs be ing covered with a lies plated wire, in place of cAton covering, will ant wear ell or hecome soiled, sad t'c , u whole shirt uu y he washed without Injury r filar of rusting and will be as good as new. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTH, A full 06:30itinout, (thew, WINDOW SII A.DES AND CURTAINS Of ovcry dpolption. Groceries, Fish and Provisions At the lowest prices, comprising s full line of all lrtielesusautty kept in a first class Grocery Depart ment. SALT—Ground Liverpool, Ashton and dairy salt by the sack and bushel. Country Produce. All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange, and the highest prices paid fur. GREENBACKS NEVER REFUSED An early cell will secure advantages that, will ho certainly lost in delay. 'Co aro thankful to cur old customers for post fa vors, and solicit o con tieuance the sumo, an d as luny new onus, who will favor us with their patron age, wo will endeavor our utmost to treat thorn with courtesy and punotuality. ltemomber the well known old stand late 'SEN. MOE lt S SitLJll R, No. 5 %Vest finusilion Street, Allentown, Pa. SitlrdEft BROS. B OWE N'S FIRST CLASS GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, CONSTANTLY on band and daily arriving a largo and choice assortment of Staple and Fancy GROCERIES, to which the attentlou of the public is respectfully requested. Point, Dninn Aert,ts, Svamts, ll.tms, " Pn.tents, Gitnn't COFFEE, SIIOPLIIEII, " CHERRIES, ROASTED " DRIED Barr, COI/KENO PRUNES, MOLASSES, SMO'D.TONOPE ''/.ANTE CURRANTS, SYRUPS, .MACKI:anL, Pt.t.ms, l'unEsn, COD FISH, FRESH FRUITS, SOAPS, SALMON, COAL OIL, CANDLES, COARSE SALT, FINE SALT. t r Air 3IFM AIL Mil g A huge assortment of choice flavored Green and Black' Teas, superior to anything in the market. IMP IIEE, :111( (11 311. M - Rig Ringer, Allspice, Cionnpion, Cloves, Nutmegs, Mace GROCERIEt, Au elegant variety °bray! on hand, zoturosed in part of CANN L/1 1 . 1:111T, SALAD 011, SARDINES, CHOCOLATE,CATSUPS, VERB 1Lf.101 , 1, MACARONI, PEARL BARLEY TOBACCO! CIG'A'RS!! Constantly in receipt of a largo variety of FRESH CRACKERS. WHEAT FLOUR! RYE FLOUR!! Come and 134! Come and buy! BROOMS, I:IRUSHES, ROPES, STONE WARE! WOODEN WARE!! And every thing usually found in a first-class GROCERY ROUSE. " ; Z:fi.,, PRODUCE BOUGHT. 1 - ""All goods warranted as represented. , W. S. BOWEN; Sn. Allentown, May 15, 1865.—1 y Geo. K. Reeder, MOUNT lAMBI No 15-East Hamilton Street, Next Door to John. D• Moser's Drug Store vAtllitltE hi hoops constantly on hand a full 114- 1. V sortmant, of roatly-unulo clothing, such as (k2l6'2t Q also GENTLEMEN'S !UItNISIIINU GOODS of all kinds, which.f.r Workmanship, Quality and PriOes, aro not surpasstd in own. A large.and well relocti cd stook of T. D (22. n 110 IL DE always on band— . Clothing 'made to order on abort notice, and a SOU LB AN TEED. Call and examing our stook. Midi lb, 10-131 ft NO. ItTIEDER. an A Ott it le ,,, Atlgritili ,visats4 tot ..AE Yj r ,4filitli s t i grar1 6 :4 11 1; filtdatrOta etc., etc., etc., etc. A very full stuck, new find rich designs QUiLL`N:.S'4,VARE NO. 11 EAST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, P.t. COATS, VESTS, PANTS ko = THE - di'.tAT - 0 .._ Wi . :.:lll,4,dway's Pills, Note. PER BOX. DA. ILADWAT'S PILLS. FOR'THE OHRE OF ALL DISORDERS OF' THE Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Itidncys, Blad der, Nervous Dineaßen, Headache, CcnstiPation, eastivense, Ind!. cotton, Dyspepsia, ~Billioneness:, • Billions Pavers, Inflammation- of the Bovrele, Moo, and all De rangements of the Internal Visoera. , ONE TO SIX BOXES ARE WARRANTED TO EFFECT A POSITIVE CURB• PURELY VEGETABLE. 00NTA1:41.70 mencunr, litltALN, Ott DICLETItIii. 01:18 DRUGS. DOtiE.—As a brisk purge, four to six pills.' u a laxative, ono or two pills—to bo taken at night on retiring. pekObSerre the following symptoms, resulting from I' isorders 91 the Digestive organs : Constipation, Inward nos, Fullness of the Blood .to tho Head; Acidity of tbo otornach, Nausea. Heart-burn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight in tho Stomaoh, Sour Eructations, Sinking or 1, Inhering at tbo Pit of the Stomach, SWimming of the Head, Hur ried and difficult breathing Fluttering at the ;loam Choking oc Suffocating Sensations when in a Lying Pos ture, Dimness of Vision, Dote or Webs before tho Sight, Foyer and Dull Pain in the Dead, Deficiency of Perspira tion, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyea, PAIN IN THE SIDE, CHEST, LIMBS, & SUB. DEN FLUSHES OF HEAT, BURNING IM THE FLESH, Dr. fl ad way's Pill s Are composed of extracts of Roots, Herbs, Plante Gums • and Ba:sams, prepared in vacuo. Nothing but the notivo and positive curative properties of medicinal plants ontor into their composition. Be ing high:y concentrated, two to four of Radway's Pills produce a more thorough evacuation from tho bowels t and exercise a more healthful influenco on the Liver, Bploon, Kidneys, .t.o , than eight to ten of any other purgativo or alterativo pills in general use_ They have in hundreds of cases secured tho.dosired discharge from the bowels after Croton Oil, Harlem. Oil, Elaterium, Podophillon, and other powerful. Catbartios hullo diem used unsueoessfally. They can Ito taken on all occasions with tho positive as surance of success. THE LIVER. Many of the disorders of the Stomach, Bowels,. Kidneys, rutig other glands of the system, are caused , by derangement in the notion of the Liver. Head aches. Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Hysterics, frequent ly owe their presence to a disordered liver. What a bloating, then, to suffering humanity, are . Red. way's Regulating Pills, (called Regulators.) Those Pills are the most safe, effectual, and spee dy Corrector and Rog lators of the Liver in use, and aro the only Medicine known to the world that possesses the wonderful power of imparting netri went to the diseased system while it is undergoing medication. In all cases of Liver Difficulties, Dys pepsia, Costiveness, 13illieueness, Headache, Neural gia, Hysterias, the patient taking these pills derives .I. nourishing principle from their use that cannot ho obtained front ordinary food. In all oases of In. digestion, whore the torpid stateof the Liver inter rupts the progress of Digestion, Radway's Regulat.- rtg Pills quickly restore each and every organ to its natural tone, vigor, health, and duty. DR. RADWAY'S PILLS ARE SOLD BY DRUGGISTS AT 25c. PER BOX DR. RADWAY 4 S OFFICE, WI MAIDEN LANE, New York. Foul 11 oath Ladies or ilent!innen who aro troubled with this its iusting infirmity may rosy upon a quiok and rad ical cure by theme of Itenwer'situouLerma PILLS. In many instaticee, foul breath is induced by a dis ordered stomach; in tho letter the continued use of tho Pills 1;111 import such vigor of health to the rdsonach as to render tho aroma from the teeth im perceptible. Let those who are conscious of this in firmity make a trial—few however, who ere thus troubled are aware of it. Cure cf DyeFiepala. J LIETTB, 0. 8., Oct., 12, 1884 DR. Jong R , DWAY & Co., Montreal, C. E.—For four years I have'suffered with Dyspepsia, Lose of Arpotito, Slaking Pains nt the Pit of the Stomach, Nervousness, Bad Dreams', end very little Sleep; my tppotito entirely gone nod my stomach so week its to be unable to digest the most s.mplo food. , Dur ing this time I lost forty-Ilan pounds of dash (or weight ns you may oft'l it.) I was induced to take your Regulating Pills as prescribed in your Alma nac. I used only ono box, and before I completed tho box my appetite was restored to me, my atoms .teli perfectly healthy, my dyspepsia, bed dreams, .ind other disagreeable symptoms cured and wits re stored to my original weigut ; so that one box or your Pills cured mo of a disease that for four years tied made me miserable, and gave me fortyilve pounds additional weight. I hay . ° taken many kinds f pills, but I be love Dr. Radway's Pills the best in use. JE 0. DESOIIAYS, Ville Joliette, C. E. • IMPORTANT TO LADIES Suppression t f the Menses, Headachearyster. lcs—Nervousness Cured. Nr:wsult, N. J., Clot., 10, 1863; Dn. RanwAY—Your Pills and Ready Relief have saved my daughter's life. n June last she was eighteen yearn of age, and for throe months her men ses was suppressed. 6he would frequently vomit blood, suffer terribly from headache and pains in the mall of her back and thighs, and bad .frequently Sts of hystericJ. Wo commenced by glying.ner.six. of your Pills every nlg6t and rubbed the Ready Re lief on her spina, basic, and hips. Wo continued thistrentment one week, when, to.our_joy t .she wan relieved from her difficulty. She is now, well and regular, and ban been so ever einem Yours, very truly, J. G. RODG,GOIT; Your Pills cured me of Piles that,' I feel Damned was caused by over-dosing with dfantio'pills.' Dn. RADWAY'S PILLS ore elegantly coated vritlt sweet medicinal gums, which render theth very con venient, and well adapted for children and persons who dislike to take medicine, especially pills. Price Twenty•five cents per box; sold by druggists and Country Merchants. Principal office, 87' Maiden Lane, ,New York. RADA4IIALOG,I.I' August I, 1865. —lyr -D• , r. P.B .PA JAL, LATE SURGEON IN. THE UNITED STATES ARMY, would announce to tbe citi zens of Allentown and vioinityethat he is cantle ? uing the practice of Medicine in.Akamtrowtcen Eighth Street, above Hamilton, first house aboie Lichtonwallner .t Co's store. Having bad thehan or to belong to the OPERATING Cones tat the bat tles of Fredericksburg, Chtincellersville;'Franklin's crossing, &a., and having had charge of fineltitea. HOSPITALS, ho has hadinnah experienee'in all the details of Sunorati , and the treatment of diseases generally.- The Doctor is a regulastgradeaterof the Juneau"( MEDICAL COLLEGE of Philadelphia, and has been practicing medicine during the past sight ecn year's. Having had much eiperiemce in tbotreat ment of diseases of the EYE, he would - espeoially solicit the patronageof tho , o who may be afflicted with diseases of that impollreforgan. Having re stored the sight of ninny a .ts have bagan') pOR YEARS. lie would also solicit the attention of those suffering from chronic diseases, mob as Dnorsir, (for which behas au almost infallableremedy,) Dineases of the KIDNEYS, KtIEUIIATIIIM, SMURALGIA, ORRoN -10 COMM, DIAIIRLICEA and DYSENTARY, (which he professes to cure in less than Milt the time required by ordinary remedies,) GRAVEL, °intim, or enlarge ment of the nook, PILES, MARAIIIII7II or Consumption in children; SION HISADACIIE, TAPE WORM, MILAN CIIOLIA, SCROFULA, or King's evil, EPILEPSY, or falling sieknese,;Pernin Sone Tunes.; TETTE F., DIS EASES PECULIAR TO FEMALES; also diseases of the Liver, Lungs and Heart. Having now practised medicine here for over two years, the Doetorle obis and willing to refer to per sons in this place who have been cured by him of mostof the diseases specified... All calls from town or county. will receive prompt attention by day or night, ' Medicines furnished to all patients, which be pre pa:os himself, as he will use none but the very beat. References : His former patients, 4.llentown, May 211 1840 EntrintEl3E RUPTURET LATEST IMPROVED TRIA333.g AND BRACSS . AT Dr. C. A.. ifoorhie...& Co's• . DRUG. SIP 0 No. 45 Northampton Street, Easton, Pa. I N order to enjoy the advantages of wearing a 1. • Truss, it should be accurately fitted to the parte by one who understands the nature of rupture. A' poor Truss, or a Truss badly fitted often does more harm than good, )n coneequenee of which, particu lar attention lapatd tb the llttitiiht tlukm who de; s.ro,R. FCIII6IO Abdominal Supporters and Elas tic Stookings on tand, tipinal and , ,ClubfootAPPs-L ratus furnished op application.. ~ A private °Mau and regular attendance! 'lJuly.lo. 1868. " ,t . l . - - - r ifea•Don'ilbei is' toot Iloior itreave tb*adill'o tingiont. 111 FM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers