FARMER END, 110USEKtEPER ELDIRBERRY Wiza.—To make tills wine the berries should ho, gathered when perfootly dry, and if one is very particular in regard to flavor, the berries .. E aarated—frotn the stems, mash fine, then ,t4 og water to ono of 't be• gins t add two gallons bet rice, and lot it stand unti • l• linen t. After pressing out • j.. 11 ree, pounds sugnr to etch ganue ; put F r io c:con ei,skti„jog4. or d orj , tl,oB, fi I the,. ult ; and keep then; full t It; rertm, whin ; thou toik up ail. Lott:e oil . It wilt Lo fit tar uco in kur to tvx olutatr., but will improv - 2 with age. II the quantity to be made is small, it may be pressed in a coarse strainer, or a piece'of coarse cotton or floineb. or,what is -:better, a strong cask with holes thickly bored through it, and put under. a hand eider-mill or eheesepreis. a winter's night, when one has a cold and feels wheezy generally, wo should like to know any physic that is equal to elderberry wine. As an article to have in the house, not to be used constantly es a beverage, but occa sionally as a gentle stimulant—a sort of med icine when on dues not want physic, there are not, many things equal to the juice of the elduberry, ,Both these statements aro to be quatified with the proviso that it must Le pod and pure. HOW TO FRISLIEN SALT FlSTl.—Mdriy per. Atone who are in the habit of freshening ma cre' or other salt fish never dream that there is a right and a wrong way to da it. Any person who has FOOll the process of evnpora don going on at the salt works knows that the 'salt falls to the bottom. Just so it is in the pan where your mackerel or white fi•li *Analog ; and us it lies with the skin side clown. the salt will fall to the skin and retnajn there, when, if placed with the flesh side iltwn, the salt falls to the bottom of the pan, and the lish comes out freshened as it s'ioutd; in the other case it is nearly as when put in. CAOH.IOR GROWING —lf you are going to put tut plants in Juno and July. for winter cabbages, and would like to keep clear "clob rout," and "head off," plant lice ; for theirst, dip the plants in bulk in a bath of not very strong cold soap suds, made pretty thick with soot. Then, for the littla blue pi• rates, go along your cabbage rows, say twee a month, with a rose !lorded watering pot, giving (Lich plant a shower bath of lime water, not t•c strong as to bite. It will make the bup go and the cabbage grow, depend upon it. (JaeDal3o Sat:Rte.—Daily do we see the ohm 0 grabbed by the wool and hauled about Will people ever learn better? Let some one take them by the hair, and they would probe. Lily learn a lesson. Could they look under the skin they would be surprised how touch suffering they inflicted, for the sheep is dumb and does not tell its pain. 'Take by the neon; any place rasher than the wool, any iltee but the hair. Su it is whore sheep are hooki d, or thuinped, or knocked about. They are teo&r, it meet be remembered—more so than any stook on the farm.—Ex. LARGE: vs. SMALL POTATOEFI.--lloMry Tilden writes in the Prairie Faru•e, : —Ai to the srze and quality. of seed I would as soon 11130 the poorest and smallest nubbins of corn for seed, as to use small potatoes. I sat e the !argent and beet, and chauge my seed oecasionall r.— Last Tear I received a barrel of potatoes from Michigan which containe-1 two bushels of Peach Blows and one half bushel of Pink( yes. The Peach Blows were very much superior to the old stock, and yielded 1 buslielz., or 55 fold, Saw Dust and Clt IThinure, or fine pieces of wood and bark fribm, the wood house, are excellent articles for promoting the growth of vines, shrubs and small plants. They should be thrown into a pile, after removing thy coarser portions of the mass, and. thlroughly saturated once or twice a Week with a mix ture of urine and soap suds. This will induce incipient fermentation, and so far break down the texture of the miss as to prepare it to ant with energy when applied to any sAl'or crop. It.TATIMIEMEiT of VINER.—Let the vines lie upon the ground, during the first summer af ter planting, only pinching the ends of the growing shoots occasionally t 3 sot, hack the son and ooneolidate the young wood, which is to be the heart w: od of the future vine, which if properly treated will :ire for centuries. It is therefore important that the young wood should be well ripened and consolidated, and occasional pinching promotes this end.— E. J; 81. LL, in J!088. IluttOman. i . ZE3IRIOr 70R SUN- &ITC/U.—A gentleman who bad travelled extensively lit the East slates that in Egypt, where sun-stroke is of frequent occuronce, the Arabs dissolve salt in water and pour it into the sufferer's ears, thus speedily relieving him. ARTIFICIAL OFFTERS.—Grate as many Cart. of corn as will make Z, e pint of pulp : add one tea-cup full of flour half a tea-cop of but ter, one egg, audipeppe • and salt t..,) eui tyoui taste. EYE AND EAR I)ROF.J..I3AACS, M. D.. Oconlist and Aurisa JL formorly of Leyder, flollnaid, is lacrimal ut Na. 519 PINE Street, PIMA DEL I'll lA, wheropursonr afflicted with discasos of the EYE or EAR, will b. scientifically troceal and cured, if curable. B lIPICIAL EYES inserted without pain. No ohargos mode for examination. Tho modoral finally as invite 1, Tr he has no reeeet it it mode of treatment. Du 2 M ARRIED. On the 2Gth of July, by Esquire lietnbel, Mr. Da- Sehtueyer, of Upper Macungie to Miss Catha rine Mertz. of Cedarville; South Vhiteliall. On the 21th of July, by Roca J. Yeager, Mr. Ed. win F. Deily to Miss 313tilila 6ollidy,,both of Han over. Oa the 29th of July, by the saute, Mr. Charles F. Ihrig to Miss Fcyanua Krum. both of Salisburg. Ou the 20th of July, by the same, Mr. Charles Yoakim, of Whitehall, to Miss Mary Ann Frey, et Allentown. DIED. On the 20th of July, in Lower Saueon, Ephraim Stein, aged 3S years 10 mom h.l and 11 days. On the 7th ofNune, in South White all, Catharine Boldler. aged 69 years, 1 month and 21 days., en the 25th of July, in Trellertown, of apimplexy, Solomon /11111012 In„ ng d 72 years. On the 20th of July, in this borough, Eugono D.. ran of Charles F. and Maria Young, aged 11 years, 10 months and 2 days. On the 27th of July, in Allentown, Maria Magda lena, wife of Frederick holler, aged MI yearp. On the .4th of July, in New Tripoli, Polly, wife of Joseph Rickert, aged 63 years. Special Notices. An Ominous Lel for. When threatened pestilence appears, Ihudence should guide us, but. not fears; And 'twill be well most things to shun That am wills letter "ti" begun. From cabbage and cucumbers fly, Ault lot tuft cherries te:upl your eye. Likeiviso avoid what's very cold, But still to caution you must hold ; :Sur of good clothing be afraid, Like that which at the Toner is made. LlllOll Dusters. Lightl lICIT nu.!, Alpacen, I)rap Duck and Linen Sauk Coats. - . bight Cassimore, White and Colorful Duck Simi() tou Arcata. Light Caseitnere, White and Colored Duch and a kinds of Linen Manta. An kind. of SeVonahle Clothing for Men's, Youth': and Boys' wear, in large suliply at the lowest price: poseible. Towrn lIALt., No. 518 Marlcot Streit, IhxNlrrr A: Co AtILLLEIDVXCi:97= IVLARRETS. Correeed Werkly by Weirtaheinter, Netchard i.nout Flour, bbl. 14.00 11.) , ,Chup,1.1 1001114. 2 25 C..rn Meal, t.. 4 bbl. 52S MioutV 4unhol, 2.50 W.Ye. " - 1 25 Corn. 1.00 °ate, " 121 b .75 Cloveriood, " 5.00 Tiwith.rworl," 500 Plarawel, " , 200 Drlcal Apples," • 3.50 Pesobos," 3.50 Pli . 1.1 , 1•14111 TY R ITITA Thr. whito4. Oo nitmt durable and rim most comicial loth Tiy i6l Manufactured only by 41k Smith, NV11,,411310 Dru g , faint & Glees . .. Dealers 187- N. Paid thi.r.linidit 4 Dr. X ARSIiALL'S ' atar - rh S3aufl. THIS Saul & boat art in the Bead excellent rr Dealners 11E Often bom ! It is fro:, to the dull hoary pains catisrd Lc 'tie: ••• •f :it • 10,14 • vea, 1:jr..113 . It INT Uniflp, it are invigorating. It rip2lls .1111 i purgvs out el; v• strengthons the glands, and give" healthy action to the parts affected. • • Moro tho s Thirty . Tears' cattalo anti use of Dr Man/taint Catarrh end Berm. ache Sattf, has proved Its groat value for all the COM MUll diseases of the head, and at this moment stands higher than over before. It is rocontmoadud by many (Atha best physicians, and is used with groat sued Es and satisfaction ovorywhore. REkD TUE CERTIFICATES OF IVROLICSALE DUN:MISTS IN 1854. The undersigned, having for many years been acquainted with Dr. AtarahaWa Catarrah and Head ache Snittg; and sold it in our wholesale trade, cheer fully *tato, that we believe it to be equal, In every respect, to the rocommend4tions given of It for the oura of Catarrhal Atfectioes, and that it is deoided ly the best article we have over known for all com mon diseases of the Head. Burr & Parry, Baston'Tlarnos & Park, N. York Baca, Allston & Co., " '. B. &D. Sands, " Brown, L.:ingot] & C 0.," 4 tepbon Paul & CO, " Item], Bann & Co., " Israni Minor dr. i'o., " ;etb W. Fcivle, " M'Kosson & Robbins " Wilson,Pnirbank & Co." ,k. L. Scovill & Co., " llensbanr,tithnands. Co " IM.Ward, Close. & Co. " IL 11. llny, Portland, Me !Bush dr. Gala, ;Mr•For silo by all brugghts. Try April 3, The Great English Remedy. CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS, Prepared from a prescription of Sir ✓. Clarke, Al. D Physician Extraordinary to the Queen. This invaluable modloine ie unfailing in the cure of all those painful and dangerous disoases to tr.hich the oon.altution is subject. It moderates all excess and ro OVCA all obstruotiona, and a speedy cure may of re'ind on. TO MARRIED EADIES it is particularly suited. It will, in a short time, br vg on the monthly period with regularity. Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the govern ant Stamp of Groat Britain, to prevent °Counter leite. In all mum of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Paine in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight ox artion, Palpitation of the Heart, hysterics, and `Vhites, these Pills will effect a oure when all other moans have failed; and although a powerful rem°. iy, do tint:contain iron, oalomol, antimony, or any. thing hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet lround sock pack which should be carefully preserved. Sold by all Druggists. Sale Agent fur the Unita(' States .t. Canada, JOB M08.;,;5, 27 Cortlandt Street, Now York. N. 8.-81.00 and 8 postage stamps enclosed to my authorised Agent, will anuare a bottle, ()entail). ng 60 Pills, by return mnil. [April3-ly H AGAN'S MAGNOLIA BALM.—Thie is the most delightful and extraordinary tatt le over diseovernd. It changes tho sun-burnt lace and hands to a pearly satin texture of ravishing benivy, imparting the marble purity of y.:uth, end ho d atingue appearance so inviting in the city belle f kit, removes tan, freckles pimples and roughness from' the skip, lenvifig - the complexion fresh. transparent and smooth. It contains no me ti.rial injurious to limo skin. Patronized by Actressns and Opera Singers. It is whit ovary lady should have. Said everywhre, Retail price, 10 eta.. Prepared by W. E. EAGAN, Troy, N. Y. Address all orders to Dl AS LSARNEI C, CO , New York.' Supt. 111,q15- ly. • The advertiser, having bean restored to health in a few weeks by a simple remedy, after basing t , uffered f:r several years with a severe lung nate Lion, and that Broad disease, Cunsunidtion—is anx ions to make known to his fellow-eulTere-s the moon of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of elnrgo,) with the direr lone preparing and wing the same, which they will find a sone Cone for Conounvjoa, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and all Throat and Lung A ffection s. Tho only object of the tidvortiqer in sending tho prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which ho Conceives to be In ?Mashie, and he hopes every soffcror will try hie •emody, ns it will coat them nothing, and may prove . hissing. Partiot wishing the prescription, wnsz, by re tro mail, will please address Ras% EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings Co., N. Y. n 2 - I y] AGUE DE MAGNOLIA.—A toilet delight ! The Indies' treasure and gentleman's boon! The "swestest thing" and largest quantity. Manufactured from the rich Southern Magnolia.— Mee I for bathing the face and person, to render the skin soft anti frcsh, to prevent eruptions, to perfume clothing.. e. It overcomes the unpleasant odor of perspiration. It removes soOneen, tan, blotches, &e. It cures nervous headache and allays Ittflama ton. It coots, softens and adds delicacy to the tkiu. It yields a subdued and lasting perfume. It curea moequcto bites ond stitiga of inEoctx It oontaLia no material injuricits to the shin Patrunieei b" Actresses and Opera Singers. It is what every holy should have. Sod , Tty the Magnolia Water once ['it'd you will use no other Cologue, Perfumery, or Toilet Water eller wards. DEMAS BARNES k CO., Preps., Exclusive Agents, N. Y. Ott. '115: —ty THE MASON & CABINET a ORGANS, forty ditTort nt styles. adapted to sacrod and soeular music, ter SSO to $BOO each.— FITTY.ONE GOLD or SILVER MSDALS, or uthor first premiums awarded them. Illustrated Catalogue froo. Addrews, MASON Si lIAMLIN, Oo.ton, or MASON. BROTHERS, New York Sopt. 12 LIVERY young lady and gentleman in the United LI States can hear something very much to their advantage by return mail (free of charge.) by address ing the undersigned. Those having fears of being humbugged willoblige by not noticing this card. All others will please address their obedient servant, THOS. F. CHAPMAN, 831 Broadway, N. Y. GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Nem , ft ous Debility, Premature Decay, and nll the ef fects of youthful indiFerction, will, for the Enke of suf faring humanity, send free to all who need it, the re cipe and directions fur oinking the simple remedy by which ho was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, car do so by addressing JO lIN B. OGDEN, ly] No. 13 Chamber street, N. Y. 82000 A st Y o E ic Ap ru n o v s t . do ~b (0 a. , n x y pe c , ,li c e n n c . 6 coitnliesl.Ss—a. 'llte Presidents, Treasurers mid CR:liens of 3 Banks indorse the circular. S•nt free with sninples. Ad dress the Amvilean Stencil Works . Springfield, Ver mont. —july3l.-3m HUAI ttlig SIVITIITE laitkiv.nt Super-Phosphate of Lime! After more than twelve years of constant use, this highly coscentrated manure has attained a wide spread reputation us Substitute .ftir Peruvian Guano. Being found in i's operation, and of great du rability. It deePtiot exhaust the soil, but on the contrary, permanently improves it. The increasing sales annually, abundantly prove the high popular value of this manure, and establish the fact of its being relied m on by a wide circle of agriculturists bi supply all wants in the direction of manures far every crop. . N:ggn,l dozen, 94 Butter, 11 th. 20 Lard, 0 1.5 Hams, " 25 Bacon " 1$ Beeswax," 40 PotZtoes 1 bus ISO Banns, " 2 r 0 Salt, " 1.20 Ehlt,in :man, . 0.95 Ray, per ion, 15E5 Strive.. • ' P. 01.1 Price $56 per 2000 lbs., Cash. JUST PUBLISHED, thn 13lb edition ofour now pamphlet, "flow to 'quintal , : the Fertility of Amori ean Furrus and Plontations,"•—furnished free upon application to no or our A,l,nts. Ll7l - Ilutt't late a goal li•lrer talfa a dollar Co. &We Llairni,llsl ' • 1 SIR JAMES CLARKE'S TO CONSUMPTIVES STRANGE, BUT TRUE. ERRORS Or YOUTH & „ [igADE MARK U.AttGli SMOSt, Sole Manufacturers di. Proprietore, Diller, NO. 20, F oath Delaware Avenue, • BAUGH & SONS, zo Smelt Delaware aurstMe s • —3m July 21, 15,60 BARNES is SON, Coi., of Hamilton & 6th St.C, BARNES & SON'S DRUG STORE Is known throughout Lehigh county. BARNES d; SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to get puro Drugs• BARNES & SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to get lino and fresh Drugs. BARNES & SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to get cheap Drugs. BARNES & SON'S DRUG STORE, Is the place to got good and reliable Medicines. BARNES & SON'S DRUG STORE . 18 the pike to get prescriptions compounded. BARNES & SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to got Perfumery and Fancy Articles. BARNES & SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to get any genuine Patent Medicines. BARNES & SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to get Dye Stuffs. BARNES & SON'S . DRUG STORE Is the place to get Trusses, Supporters Shoulder Braces. BARNES Jr, SON'S BRUO STORE Is the place to got pure Allues and Llgtitirs for Medical Purposes. V= BARNES & SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to get' aints and Oils. BARNES & SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to got Window Glass and Putty. BARNES & SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to get the best Varnishes. BARNES & SON'S DRUG STORE. Is the place for country merchants to obtain supplies. BARNES & SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place for Physicians to obtain supplies. BARNES & SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place for Storekeepers and Country Merchants to obtain their supplies of Kerosene 011, Sal Soda, Concentrated Lye, Pure Ground Spices, Matches., St :reit, Shoe Diaeking, Bleach &Au, Salaratus, Alcohol, Lard and Whale Oil,Ncat's Foot Oil,CastileSoap, Indigo, Bath Bricks, Stove Lustre, White Chalk, Cream Tartar, Itef'd Saltpetre, Epsom Salts, Castor 011, nerd Boma, Camphor, • Sweet Oil, Black Ink, Essences, &C.) &Ca, FA 1k At Barnes d Son's Drug Store—You end buy your Cattle Powders. At Barnes (f: Son's Drug Store—You can buy Lu bricating Oils, for Machinery. At Barnes d: Son's Drug Store—You can buy Potash and Soda Ash, At Barnes ,E• Son's Drug Store---You can buy relia ble Family Medicines: Al Barnes cf; Son'e Dray Store—Will be found a full supply of all articles used in tho PAINTING BUSINESS At BARNES I:. SON'S DRITO. MCI STORE is the place to find all the popular Patent Medicines I and hair Restoratives of the day. Wishorts Pine Tree Tar Cordial,llunter's Worm Cokes, Reinhold's Extract Buebu, Dr. Roses Family Medicines, Ay er's Cherry Pectorial,Sarsapa rilla anti Pills, Dr. Jayne's Medicines, German Bitters, Woods Hair Restora. tire, Sterling's Ambrosia,Mer chant's Gargling Oil, etc II mid call attention to the fact that we are ly receiving fresh gOOllB from Philadelphia , r markets, and we are able to MPETE IVITII ANY OPPOSITION. Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed upon is houie; we hope, through the favor of a discrim- Wing public, to merit a continuance of the same. Our endeavors shall always be to PLEASE ALL, ind to furnish R'o WO conqantl and of e CO Rum 10.7tidos at klaW PriQOS, ju1 . y2441.1 BARNES & SON. ; MO N'S WASHING COMPOUND! undersigned wishes to announce to the public L that ho has taken the Agency of this valuable compound, and now offers FAMILY RIGHTS for sale. This Compound has in many places almost universally come into use, resulting in a Great Saving of Labor and Time, and proving far less destructive to wearing apparel than the old mode of washing. By this method the Finest Linens, Laces. Cambrics etc., can be readily and easily cleaned with very little trouble. No need of rubbing the skin off your hands and tearing the clothes to pieces. It will wash in hard and soft water. Clothes need boiling but a few minutes, and but very little if any rubbing with the hands; thus avoid their wear on the wash-board. It removes Paint, Grease; or stains of all kinds. It does not injure the color. It is not only better than ordinary soap, but much cheaper. Give it a trial and you will use nothing else. Quiy St kw a Farroity Right. B. MARTENS, Ag't., Allentown, Pa. CM Persons wishing to canvass in Allentown and vicinity, at 10 per cent., can apply to the Agent. PUBLIC SALM I —0 F— VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE. uNDER and by virtue of the Court of Common LP Pleas of Lehigh county, the. undersigned will expose to Sale, ..n the premises, on tho 2,th of Au gust, 11(16, at I o'clock P. M., the House and Lot of tiround an the north-west cornorof Eighth and Wal nut Streets, in the Borough of Allentown, known as' Allentown Academy. ' Tho Buddings aro largo and commodious, the Grow d pleniantly shaded, mid the Locality and Neighborhood ono of the most delightful in thu bor ough. Terms and conditions as directed by the Court, will he made known on tile day of sale by tho Trust ees of the Academy. CEO. P. WEIL, President, M. J. KnAtten, Secry. —July3l-4w PUBLIC Silllll PERSONAL PROPERTY. u(7 ILL he sold nt Public Sale, on Saturday, the V V 18th day or August next, at the house of Sam uel Heiberger, late of Upper Macungie township, Le high county, deceased, the following personal to wit : 1 cow, 2 shoats, one and two horse wagon with body, 1 trttek wagon, 2 plows, I harrow, bay ladders and leters,2 setts of yankee harness, now,2 setts of plow harness, carriage harness, collars and bridles, cheek-line, full sett of shoemaker's tools, grain cra dle and reyth, beds and bedsteads, 1 cooking stove, small parlor stove with pipe, log and other chains, tubs, stenners,and various other articles too numor oils to mention. Conditions tuna known and attendance given by July 24-2 t EDWIN!' EILMAN, Athnin'r. ADM IN ISTRATOR'S NOTICE. No tleela hereby given that the undersigned has taken out letters of Administration in the estate of PETER MOYER, deceased, late of Lynn town ship, Lehigh aunty ; therefore all persona who ern indebted to said estate, era requested to make payment within slx weeks from the date hereoLand urh who ha.e any legal claim! agalnot said estate will prenont them well authenticated for settlement within the above specified time. ittlylo-Rw] B. J. MOYER, Afineon. PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD,— preferred by all practical Painters 1 Try it l and you will hare no other. Manufactured only by ZIEGLER & SMITH, WITOLICSALB Dana, PAINT and ()LAM DUALISM, mlllO-131 No. Iht7 North Third Street Philitinlinbin Gross' Palace ofArt Photographs Iv Oil, Water Onlarn, India Ink or Min, from Miniatures up to IMO Mei. Cards 82 per doien. 07or Frank Knauss' ntnre, °artier of Bth and Ham .lltnn streets, Allento. n• Mar. 20, 18n8. 90 A MONTIII...A.OENTS wanted fbr en ' itrely new nrifelee t lutt. but. 4 Addrall Q. T. k•AANT I fieditig ) Baddeftiril t (dlral94l, I -01- IMPORTANTro FEMALES '' ---- A.,11,10E5E144:, , - v; . %.. i. • --:. 494\w, 4r. t(4,40 .•s , i o• • ~ ,„\i (((- PILLS ' T. THE LADIES. MARRIED AND SINGLE. The Oldat Regulator for Females. - -4. ,ii Oil] tb i 24 , 1 'hoosoman's remale i k e , . Will im - imitately relieve, without pain, all disturb ances the .periodic discharge, whether arising from re gallon or suppression. They act like a charm in moving the pains that accompany dif ficult or immaerate monsirtiation, end are the only safe and reliable i'eiedy for Flushes, Sick Head ache, Pains in the Loins Back and sides, Palpita tion of the ' Heart, Ni?;vous Tremors, Hysterics. Spasms, Broken Sleep, ati4 other unpleasant and and dangerous effects of an\atnnatural condition of the sexual functions. In tha Worst oases of Fluor i Altus, or Whims, they otoot iie coda cola. • Dr. Cheesemaies re ale rills Have been used over a Quarter o a Century. They arc offered as the only safe means of renewing inter rupted menstruation, but Ladies must boar In mind that, there is one condition of the female system in which the Pills cannot ho tak.n without produc ing a peculiar result. The condition referred to is' Pregnancy. They cannot do harm in any other way. Dr• Cheeseman'a reinale ring Are the only Medicine that Married and bing e badies have relied upon for many years, or ran re ly upon now. Beware of Imitation, I These Pills form the Finest Preparation ever put forward, with immediate and persistent success. Don't be deceiv ed. Take this advertisement to your Druggist, and toll him that you want the best and moat reliable Female Medicine in the World, which is comprised in Dr. Choesoman's Female rills I They have received, and are now receiving the sanction of the most eminent Physicians in America Explicit directions With each box—the price One Dolllar er box, containing from 50 to 00 pills. Pills sent by mail, promptly, by remitting the price to the Proprietors, or any authorized agent, in current funds. . . Sold in Allonedwn by Lewis Schmidt h Co., John B. Moser, Lawall & Martin, and by Druggists gen erally. TIUTCHINCIS k lIILLTER. Proprietors, oetll'6s-ly] 20 Dey Street, New York. Lllll--BEALEHTEIGTII, LIFE--111311--STREISTiI, 1,1111.--11EALTESTDEER Hundreds and thousands annually dio premature ly, when, R they would give the Great Froueh Rem edy. DR.IHAN DEL kMARREiS CELEURAM SPECIFIC PILLS Prepared by Faranciere t Dupont, No. 214 Rue Lombard, Pails, from the prescription of Dr. Juan De amarre, Chief Physician of the Hospital du Nord ok - lariboisiere a fair trial, they would find immedi ate relief, and, lb a short time, be fully restored to Health and Strength. It is awl in tto practice of many eminent French physicians, with uniform success, and highly recommended as the only posi tive and Specific Remedy for all persona. suffering from General or Sexual DobilitY, all derangements of the Nervou Forces, Melancholy, Sfiermatorrhum or Seminal Emissions, all Weakuesso4 arising from Sexual Excesses, or youthful indiscretions, Loss of Muscular Energy, Physical Prostration. Nervous ness, Weak Spine, Lowness of Spirits, Dimness of ViNlOl3, hysterias, Pains in the Hack and Limbs, Impotency, &c: No language can convey an adequate idea or the IMMO Tinto and almost miraculous change it occa sions to the debilitated 'and shattered system. In fact, it stands unrivalled as an unfailing uuro of the maladies above mentioned. Suffer no more, but use Tho Groat French Reme dy ; it will effect a cure wtero all others fail, and although a powerful remedy, contains nothing hurt ful to the most delicate constitu,ion.• Pamphlets, containing full particulars and direc tions for using, in English, French, Spanish and German, accompany each box, and oleo sent free to any address when requested. . . Price ono dollar per box; six boxes for five dol are. Bold by till Druggists throughout the world; or will be sent by mail, securely sealed from all obser vation, by enelosing specified price, to any author ised agents. Beware of Counterfeits and Imitations. Proprietors' exolusivo Agents for America, OS CAR G. MOSES A CO., 27 Cowden& St., N. Y. Aulhorined A gonte for Allentown, BARN ES & SON; Bethlehem, EDW. T. MEYERS. [npr2-ly New York Frice Current. For Anglia 4. Corroded weekly by J. R. HELFRICH• PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCIIANT No. 92 Barclay Street, NEW YORK. BUTPER. N.Y. State, Tube, fair to stud, per lb. 34 to 38 N. Y State tubs, choice, " 4U to 42 tillage and Sassex, pulls, " 42 to 50 Western Reserve, choice, 90 to 85 Norden. Penna., goo 4 to choke, • " 88 to 40 N. Y. State Welbh Tubs, " 82 to 88 N.Y. State FirkinePrinie for Shipping, " 38 to 42 Pe.,uu., in Pails and Tuba Store Packed 28 to 30 Western Reserve, White sod Mixed, " 22 to 2.t OGRESS. Factory choice and fancy new, " 18 to 181 good " 17 to 174 N. Y. State, diary, " 15 to skim mlikeor poor, " 6 to 10 EGGS. Jersey & Penna.pacited in chaff, per dos. 26 to 27 Jersey& Penna. packed in coos, " 20 to 27 N. Y. state, packed, in good order, " 25 to 27 Ohio, peaked—by express, to count, " 25 to 26 BEANS. • Marrow,cholco,full sized, per bash 62 lbs 2.50 to 2.75 Kid coy, oho mo,full sized, " " 2.50 to 2.73 Nitldi LIMN . cho:on, 2.00 to 2.15 Mixed lots and common, " 50 to 1.00 DRIED FRUIT. Apples—N. Y. State, choice, per. lb. 10 to 20 Applos—Jelsoy and Pennsylvania, " 17i to 18a BEESWAX. per lb. to 38 40 SEEDS. Pura Flaxeeed Clu ver, per bush. 56 lbs. 3.00 to 3.20 por lb. 11 to 123 TALLOW. In good Barrels, per lb. 1l to 12 POULTLY. Dunks alive, Alive Geese, Spring OblOlene, per pair pring Chiekena,.emall Fuels, Tur (eyq BUTTER.—There is a little better feeling in Choice grades, of State tubs and Mins, in conse quence of the advance of Orange County Pails to 50 ets. yesterday. The receipts aro light, but enough to supply the limited demand, which is confined to the local trade, and a few of the neighboring cities. The Stock or Common Western and Pennsylvania store packed is large and selling unusually dull and EGGS.—The receipts have been free during the past week, the weather very warm and stock arriv ing in bad order. Dealers now insist uon buying all BUGS to count out, paying for none -but those that are good, and half price fur cracked. MANHOOD: How Lost, how Restored Jtot published, a New Edition of ggl/. CULVER WELL'S CELEBRATED ESSAY , 8R., 1 " on the radical cure (without medicine) of Spermatorriaca, or Seminal Weakness, Involunta ry Seminal LosseQ, Impotency, or Mental and Physi• cal Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc; also Consumption, Epilepsy, and Pits induced by self-In dulgence or sexual extravagance.. III -Price, in a sealed envelope, only 6 cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates, frum a thirty years successful practice, that the elariniug.consequences of self-abuse may ho radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or tho application of the knife— pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and effectual. by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure hicuse.f cheaply, privately, and radically.' 11.5%...This Lecture should ho in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent, under seal, in a plain Envelope, to any ad dress, poAt-pad, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Address the publishers, • CHAS. J. C. KLINE A: CO., 127 Bowery, Now York. Post Office Box 4586. —july3l-Iy.] SMARM MARS 'I! 34,000 No. 1. 'Flit subscriber, at Emus, o ff ers for sale 34,000 I good scgars, one year and a half old, put up in boxes 100 each, superbly labeled. The sagars are pronounced excellent by competent judges. • The manufacturer being a cripple, be cannot take ItAnipleit around to exhibit, be therefore would invite buyers to call and eicinine hiS stock before purchas ing oluwhere, or send orders. 017174f1 111191419 iBLINE% Munk Pat ALLENTOWN 030 K STORE. T. V. 11.1108,1)9, Agent, Id o. 31 West Hamilton Street, A T the Store of the subscriber will be kept (lon il stantiy on hand, at the very lowest prices, in the most elegant and also in common binding. ALL KINDS OF SCHOOL BOOKS, • - Such as complete Bodes of Sander's Reading and Spelling Books, Wi " 0 Meguffies' " Greenleaf's Arithmeties, Algebras, Monteith's Geography, Colton's Mitchell's Geography and Atlas, Brown's Grammars, Weld's Grammar and Geometry, Brooks Normal Arithmetic, " I‘lental Specimen Copy . Books, Potter & Hammond's Books, An, KINDS OF EXERCISE BOOKS. All kind,, of Luke, Inkstando, Sind Dozen, Writing • Sand, Steel Pons, Quills; Load PoLeßoy thatos and Pencils, Slutu Rub bers, Pen Holders, Gold Pens. lona Pon oils, Drawing Pencils, Gum- Rubbers, Sealing Wax, Water Cclors,Tape Sleasures,lndelible Ink,Pookot Knives, Colar Pine,Lrochet Nocalas,Tootliyieks,ata. Also a epl..nilia lot of Pocket Books, including every kind des red—all of the very beet quality and at the lovrest prices. Also a large selection of ENGLISH AND GERMAN BIBLES, Testaments, Reformed nod Lutheran Liturgies, as woll as all kinds of Ilymh and Prayer Books Also all kinds of Music Books; Such as the Gold en Chain, Sunday School 8011, No. 1 and 2, Day School 8011, Choral harp; also Smauk's %Veber's (Jarman Church Music Books. All. kinds of Foreign Books, Such as Latin Rea lug Books. Latin Grammars, Greek Grammars, Bullion's, Anthon's Csaotrs, stiranalt sdrzoora sooics. A full assortment of Sunday School Books, in cluding 01l the publications of the American Trect S‘amety. tho A merican Sunday school '•Union" and the "Pennsylvania Bible •ocriety." Particularly does ho wish to say that he has splendid Libraries and Reward Tickets on hand, such as have nor boon kept on sale in this town before. flo bas a splendid lot, and of toe very host qual ity. They are of all sites, and can be obtained full or half.bound. IitEMORANDVI BOOKS. No one Will den!, that he hits the most splendid assortment of Memorandum Books of every deserip- 'ion on hand, that can be found at any piano except New York anti The largest stook of PhoLigraph Albums that hoe over been seen In Allnntofsn, can be found at Rhoads' Cheap Book Store. To dewribo them is tinpos,ible —thoy moot be seen, and if so, every one will at one() say that they are the N 100.31. end OFIEAPKBT they ever saw. At the same place thero aro also over 600 PhotographOi and also mimeo and a splendid assortment of largo Pictures for sole. Over 200 iliff , reat patterns of Wall Paper and Borders aro also at this Cheap Book Stord. as well as hundreds of other artie es too nun arena to men- A very large variety of WINDOW CURTAINS. Over 200 different patterne. BI?G‘SLIES! BRUSHES! I A large variety of Hair Brushes. Tooth Brushes, and Combs of ovary description. By strict atteution to his business, low prices rind good goods, ho hopes to merit his ehnro of public patronage, which he will nlwaye keep in grateful romemborance. T. V. RUOADS, Ag't. April 24,.1866 —tf Consult Your Interest In Buying Goods! Metzxer & Osman Ilavo Just uponed at Mir TA ROBING ESTABLISHMENT, NO. 33 EAST HAMILTON 'STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA., THEIR SPRING STOCK OP CLOTHS, CASSIIVIERES, V ESTINGS, &c., &c., which will be Made up to Order, qfr IN TUC LATEST BTTLEB, BY TIP-TOP WORKMEN. 7LJE)U-D]&l l Ct (BIIYTIELIIZk% AND 6EIILEMEIS' F 1111112116 eto., eto., eto., oto. Our stock ie much heavier and better aeaorted than EVER BEFORE: Don't forgot the plaza, No. 33 East Hamilton .tr., next door to the "Independent Republikaner." • M ETZO ER A OSMAN. NATIILA MaTeCtall, late of the firm of Troxell A Metzger. Tll,OlllOOl 09MANy lately head cutter at the estab lishment of Troxell A Metzger. • Allentown. Aug. 8, 1885 per poir 75 to 1.50 per pair 2.00 to 3 00 87 to 1.25 " 50 to 57 per lb. 20 to 22 • " 24 to 2r, WOOLEN MANIPACTIIIIING COMPANY, A T a meeting of the Stockholders of the Orefield A Woolen Manufacturing Company, held on Sat urday the 21st of July, Mil. The following per sons were appointed in theirrespectivo boroughs and townships to solicit the subscription of Stook, to wit: Allentown.—J. F. Newhard, Wm. U. Hanover Townehip.—Edward Kern, Herman M. Fetter. Salisbury Tuunship.—Martin Kemmerer, Fred Yelist. Upper Saucon Township.—Val. Weaver, Abraham Geisinger. Upper Milford Township.—lteuben Stabler, Chas. Derr. Lower Macungie Townel4.—John Madden, Hen ry Biter. Upper Macungie Township.—John Fogel, David &Inn ult. south Whitehall Township.—Charles Weaver, Jo seph Hammel. North Whitehall Township.—Benjamin Gemmel Hiram Bit!het. Washington Township.—C. Peter, Abraham Neff, Peter•Urose. lloidelburg Towntthip.—Ephraim Biogor, Samuo Kibtler. Lynn Township.--Jaeob Kern, Dr. Saylor. Lonhill & Weisenburg Townships.—Nathan Biery, JAin Culbertson, Jonas Ettinger, Benjamin Weida. The Committees appointed aro requested to report progress to the Treasurer, Win. 11. 131umer, on the 13th day of August next.. —july24-3t • PETER GROSS, President. RAUSE & MOAN'S PAPER WAREHOUSE PAPER BAGS, PrEctt, ManiMa Stravot And English Glazed HARDWARE PAPERS, , No. 10 Decatur St., Phila. Constantly on hand n large variety of all kinds o papers whloh ire offer ht tho LOWEST PRICES. , • Diuly Illst 1 nia THE CHEAP . is Y.F~'..~i:~~5~...~.^ -.~` ~.i BLANK BOOKS. ALBUMS ! ALBUMS ! Ak.i. PAPER : at the shortest notice SOLD CHEAPER THAN EVER. Call and Examine. • WE HAVE THE Cheapest Coats, Cheapest Vests, Cheapest Pants, Cneapest Overalls, . Cheapest Clothe, Cheapest Cassimeres, Cheapest Shirts, • Cheapest Collars, Cheapest Bosoms, Cheapest Neckties, Cheapest Scarfs, Cheapest handkerchiefs, • Cheapest Hosiery, • Ch npest Gloves,• Cheapest Umbrellas, MI a Di um • al ow al WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Allentown Collegiate Institute Chartered by the State with all thepowers and privileges of a COLLEGE. WILL open Its next, neaten on TUEBDAY, T V Sept. 4, 1806. The Course of instructien embraoes all the branch. esf an English and Mathematical education,— with the Gorman Pr4nch o Latin and Greek Lan guages. Pupils will be reSelVed in every depart moot of study, from five years of ago and upward, and prepared fur College, Business, or Teaching, or gaduated with the degree of A. B. Thu Militkry Depurtm-nt is furnished with a complete supply of muskets And accoutrements for infantry D.lll, end a Battery of six brass field pieces is expected for artilley practice. Pupils will enjoy to best advantages yin every department of instruction, under. teachers fully competent for their position. THE YOUNG LADIES' DEPARTMENT will present new attractions and superior advents gee A hall for clothing and a suit of three com anwnicating rooms, strictly private neatly papere.t well warmed and ventilated, and supplied with piano, drawing tables, and new cherry desks of the most approved patterns, afford the most plea ant accommodation , for Ludy. A Lady Teacher, fully capable of giving instruction in all the common and higher English branches, Algebra, Geometry, Chem istry, Geology, Botany, Rhetoric, English Litera te o and Natural Philosophy, has been scoured and will enter upon her duties with the highest mum. mendatione. Superior ir.portunitioe are . ffered for instructio in Vocal and Instrumental Music, Latin, Greek, German and French long ages, Ornamental Leatber Work, Wax. Fruit and Flowers, Drawing, Hair Work, &d., he. Young Ladies, upon the comple tion of a proscribed course of study, will receive a Diploma. la tho Primary Department for little girls suffi cient relaxation from study will be afforded by pleasant variation nod zystematio exorcise. For Circular. , address Rev. M HOPPORD, President. Allentown, Jul.s 2f —t Biery & Mertz HAVE JUST OPENED A Boot & Shoe Store, At No, 85 West Hamilton St., TWO DOORS BELOW NINTH, WEREwill they 111 keep constantly on hand a well assorted stock of all Mode of fle'4o - iffaae Boots aria Shoes, of Eactorn, City and home-manufacture, which they will soil CHEAPER than the same can bo bought olsewhere, because they sell Exclusively for CASH. They Invite all to call and examine their stock be fore purchasing elsewhere, as they feel confident that customers can suit themselves, both as to pricy and quality. Ali kinds of CUSTOM WORK and REPAIRING receive prompt attention. They employ none but the best workmen and are therefore prepared to manufacture Boots and Shoos unsurpassed by any other eitablishment. Particular attention is given to the manufacture of French Calf and Patent Leather Boots. .0:R1 - Shoemakers can be supplied with stock and finding's, at reasonable prices. J. S. linmY, . May 8, 1888 REMOVAL OF A. MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT MRS. MARY C. ROGERS, No. 28 East Hu nilion Street, Allentown, RESPECTFULLY informs her friends and the pubiio in general that she has lately removed to No. 20 East Hamilton qtroot, two doors east of the Democrat printing AVM, and there opened a new m tllinery establiAmen t in all its various branch es. She has just returned from Now York and Phil adelphia with the latest styles of SPRING AND SUMMER BONNETS! and ie now prepared to mako them up with the choicest trimmings and flowers, in the most fashionable manner. tier stock of ribbons and artificial fhwers cannot ho Burt tamed by any other establishment in Allen town for beauty, to to and cheapness. Persons should care her a call bofore purchasing elsewhere. Terms strictly cash. As she has acquired a general knowledge of the business and employs none but the beet milliners, she is prepared to warrant all her work as repre sented. She is also anxious to satisfy ,all who may favor her with their patronage. Ohl bonnets bleaoL ed and repaired. By strict attention to business she trusts to merit a share of public patronage for which sho will ever lie thankful. Nay 1, 1868—tf REMOVAL J. F. Bohlinger's BOOT and SHOE STORE F . I . AS been removed to Rost Ilamil ton street, opposite the German Reformed Church, Allentown Pa., where ho keeps constantly on hand, of his OWL manufacture, and also of Philadelphia, New Yorl and Eastern manufacture, a large stock of Boots and Shoes, which he is disposed to offer to the public al a small advance above cost. Re also will make to order all kinds, of fine work for Ladies and Children. having competent workmen especially in that branch Feeling determined to make it an object for person: in want of A GOOD ARTICLE to oall and examine for themselves and learn hie prices, which will be as low as any other house in town or country. Measured work and repairing promptly attended to faprl 0-tf I J. F. BOTILINGER. ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAIV3 A RE not only unexcelled, but they aio absolutely Ji unequaled. by any other Reed Instrument In the country. Designed expressly for Churches and Schools, they are found to be equally well adapted to the parlor and drawing room. For sale only by B. M. DEUCE, No. 18 North SEVEiTTE Street, PIIILADISLCIIIA. 0211fr•Also, BRADBURY'S PIANOS, and a 'corn plate assortment of the PERFECT MELODEON - September 26, '6b. —ly PAUL BALLIET. . • DNDERTAKER& FURNISHER, Seventh Street, belcw Walnut, West Side, ALLENTOWN, PA. April 11,1866' MEXICO, MEXICO! $30,000,000 L 0 &N OF TIIE REPUBLIC OF MEXICO. Twenty-year Coupon Bonds in Sums of $4O, $lOO 000, and $l.OOO. Interest Seven Per Cent. Payable in the City of Now York. Principal and Interest Payable in GOLD. 810,000,000 to be Sold at SIXTY CENTS on the DRUB, in 11. FL Currency, thus yielding en interest of TWELVE PER CENT, IN GOLD, or SEVENTEEN PER CENT IN CURRENCY, at the present rate of premium on gold, TIIE FIRST YEAR'S INTEREST ALREADY PROVIDED, The Most Desirable Investment ever OFFERED. Immense tracts of MINING and AGRICULTU RAL lauds ; Sixty per cent, of PORT DUES, IM POSTS and TAXES, in the Stet- of Tamaulipas nod Bien Luis Politest; and the plighted faith of the said States and the general Government are all pledged for the redemption'of these Benda and pay ment of interest TUE SECURITY IS AMPLE. $3O in U. S. Currency will buy a 7 per et. Gold Bond of $5O. $6ll in U. S. Currency will buy a 7 per cent Gold Bond of $lOO. $9OO in U.S. Currency will buy a 7 per cont. Clad Bond of $5OO. $6OO in U. S. Currency will buy a 7 per dent. Gold Bond of $l,OOO. Let every lover of Republican Institutions buy at least ONE BOND. • Circulars forwarded and subscriptions reoelved by JOHN W. CORLIES A CO., and TIFFT, Financial Agent of the Republic of Alexia.), 67 Broadway, N. Y. iggi.Stibseriptions also received by Banks and Bankers generally tbronghott the United Slates. Bsrineter 7,1866, Schteiber & - 004 -AT THE-- NEW YORK STORE,. • No. 10 East Hamilton Streak .4Lb.p N 2 OWN, PA..' Are now rooslr:Air4heir,. Nato aTOCIC of p which SIVE AID SllllBll GOODS.. - they entire nought in . :O t to lit er tient. lese than they onlvd be bought fir, and are now prem.. od to give their ourtomers the advantages °YOU/ LOW PURCHASES.. I ., We sell Goods cheaper than any hods* in'Allen. town, Ball hotter Goods and more of them. We don't wisp to boast of What we do, only come and 7 see for yourselves. Never before was presented to the public snob an attractive and elegant assortment et 'GOODS. FINE DRENCH nr DINOES, ageorted and light colors. MUSLIN DE LAINES, UNION PLAIDS in Oheced end Scotch Plaids. All Wool De Mimi AND Mourning Goods. A groat variety of L dies', Minas' and Children's WOOLEN SHAWLS, BALMORALS, &a. In addition to the above will be bound the lem on stock of Brown and Bleached Maeline, Ticking., Denims, Striped and Checked Shirting, • Canton Flannel., Prints, Ginghams, , • Woolen Flannels, • Cassimeres, • and Cloth. Ever shown in Allentown Our Cloths, Quainter** ind Flannels are cheaper and superior to anything •ffered at try other establishment in town. Come whore you can get Goods at prices that manta a ready and satisfactory sale. Our stook ii •lompleto and offera great inducements. When yen .?t, ready to buy, tall in with the crowd and bring ip at the Store No. 35 East Hamilton Street. MILLER, SCHREIBER • CO. Januqry 2, Ma. NAV STOIiX: IN ALLENTOWN ! JUST OPENED Lawler & Steckel. , It LlOl Mb, No, 20 Host Hamilton Wei S. E. Maim. —ly [LAVE opened a Lew DRY GOODS end °RO- I.' CRAY store. All of their stock is new and fresh, and has been purchased for cash at the pres ent reduced prices, which will enable them to sea at greatly reduced rates. Among their Dress Goods will be found some of the latest and most legless. blo styles, comprising Silks, Mohair Leno, Leno Voyage, 'Grenadine, Leno Melange, All Wool Dekko,' Amures, Melange, Plain and Fighred Poplins. Bradley's Improved Duplex Hoop Skin: . Also a fall line of 71.1 1 -MTP/E3 VCTICIAL3FI. Conflating in part of Cassimeres, Tweeds, Kentueky.Jeans, , Cottonades, 1o; Domestic Goods, uoh as Tioklngs, Flannels, Shootings, Print!), Check, &a., ie.; Terms are CASH! —COUNTRY PRODUCE taken In exchange for golde. SVM. R. LAWITR, April 17, 1866 REMOVAL! DESHLER'S HAT, CAP & NOTION . ESTABLISHMENT ,••• SAS b.en removed to GODFREY P111T3103 bn il.ling, on East Hamilton Street, • Opposite the Court House, Where can vow be found the latest, Most elegant and fashi.mable styles of HATS AND CAPE. Also hen been added a Gents' Furnishing Goods DEPARTMENTI) With a full line of NEW GOOD 3, nuth HANDKERCHIEFS, SUSPENDERS. UNDERSHIRTS, OVERSHIRTS,' • UMBRELLAS, BOSIERii• DRAWERS, . COLLARS. NECK TIES, GLOVES, •.„•• etc., etc., etc. COME ONE I COME ALL . ! l ;: end see for yourselves, the beautlfal assortnientant,l goods, before purchasing elsewhere. I will take great pleasure in showing my goods, and can 111411 , 11 fy all that I can and will sell goods - 95 PER CENT CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHIIRI. ROUSE OUTSIDE OF THE CITIES. New goods received daily from the maintactnrari and for sale at the lowest rates. 1feb20.4. OM STAND FROM UNDER! GOLD 144! And Prosilels of 81111 Further Decline'•, I\7" Ci I RULES 211 E HOUR., , ' T Hats Caps & Straw Goat • SPRING- STYLES. „, Christ & Sauer's,; A ,.., Igo. 15 West Hamilton street opposlte... the Odd Fellows' Hall, have on hand that largest assortment of Hate and 'Oaths spring and summer styles, ever seen La Allentown, comprising every style and TIMIi_MK from five dollars down to fifty cents, and ormetftnoni will become old and young. . . Their stook of Cops is the largest In Allentown, and at extremely low pricer. To convenes thsritub- He of what is said, it may be *alibi state &hit they have vonrr-ona different styles. Surely enough to give a person a chance of smiting his teats. jafr Messrs. Christ A e direst attention hi. the fact that they are the only Id•noimmusuino of Hats in Allentown. ' :. r •., , STRAW GOODS.—A beautiful nasortment'of:etrair bats, for men and boys, will be kept Sionstaattp $$ hand during the season, to which we invite pails: attention. Give us a call. ho n. Country Merchants would do well to' g re. us a call, as we will wholesalsi them Hainan& 14 cheaper then they can got them in the atty.!: '.7 , Allentown, August li—tr • ' ' -, ,e ' RAPP'S GOLD Pg:t.t.. TM Boat thili World; FOR BALE AT : MASSEY'S JEWELRY STORE , No. 28 East itamnatOit,l4ll. l * THESE Pone have soquirdd so *jai a' ' apa Moor' for thekt superiosity as to ;:eido theta tbeilillt P opular pd; oo•aside : arapapo tip nO, itffi be ho ' , • Comtoting In part of Wm. IL Brscxsu —l, THE CELEBRATED = MEE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers