The Lehigh register. (Allentown, Pa.) 1846-1912, July 17, 1866, Image 2

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    tkt'V4ig4 'Aligisler.
The REGISTER has a larrier cirouln.
thin, by several bun red. than anT
other English paper in the county.
TITW4M.Y..3rTLy li. 1860
rim" u vEnNoR,
Major 'General John W. Geary
~gOrA meeting of the Union Executive Coun
ty Committee will be held on Saturday next
4 1 4,.21.e.i., at 1 o'clock P. M., in the Unioi
to gtto room, this borough. A full attendance
is. desired. s business of importance will be
Bernotse.—The copperhead members o'
Congress have issued an address to the faithin
to elect delegates4o the office-holders conven
tion, which is to meet at Philadelphia, Aligns
14th. Saulsbury and Harris (who almost ever'
day denounce Lincoln as a tyrant and exto .
Jeff.. Davis and the traitors), are for the presen
kept in the back-ground. It is not time to "tro ,
'em eta yet"—a few green ones must be drawl,
on first. The call or address commences Witt
a profusion of clap-trap, as follows :
°Dangers threaten. The Constitution—thr
citadel of oer liberties—is directly assailed.—
The future is dark, unless the people will come
to the rescue."
' There was' a time when these sneaking cop
perheads might huve issued such an address
in good faith—when dangers really thratened
the Constitution; when hundreds of thousands
of armed traitors stood arrayed against the Con
stitution and the Union, and threatened to bury
all in ruins ;—the citadel of our liberties wa:
assailed e'reve (alas! the widows and orphan:
and graves of our heroes too truly attest the•
fact) ; and how often, during the stupendous
struggle, was the future dark—not to the cop
perheads—but to the liberty-loving loyalists of
the country; and did these copperheads come
forward then—when the news came of a Union
reverse? Oh, no, they heard the news with
apparent stoical indifference, and then retired t(
'their retreats to chuckle over the (to them
satisfactory result. And when our brave boy,
called for reinforcements, they discouraged en
listments and opposed the draft. And some o
the men who sign ed a jainst sqp
;lying the army titirit rovisions We repeat
there was a time when such words as the abort
would have sent a thrill of joy to many a bray(
heart—but not a word of encouragement wa
heard from this class. But n to when the trail
Ors w o levied war against the liberties of th•
people, have been defeated in the field, and arc
to be deprived of the privilege, for a while, a
Making laws for the loyal people, these snea'c
fog copperheads send up a terrible" howl the'
the •Country, the Constitution, everything an('
everybody, are in great danger unless the trait.
ors are admitted instanter, and without guaran
tees. The swindle is too apparent to decieve
any one:
Table, in an article on the call for a conven.
tion to meet at Philadelphia, August 14th, says-
The names attached to it are respectable, bur
represent no marked ability. The gentlemer
who signed the document are known to be sue
cessful politicians and partisans,bnt not as rca'
leaders of the people. They have managed to
keep abreast of public sentiment rather than
'striven to he in advance of it; and however.
much their fidelity as officials may he extoller'
it must be owned that they are not among the
men who mould public sentiment. What or
influence they exert must be attributed less to
theirindividuality than to their official position.
.The enbject•matter of this call is mere impor.
taut than the language in which it is ennche•d.
or the names appended to it.. In a word, it
, paraphrase of President Jnhnson's views or
re•aonstrnction--just. this, and nn more. Quer ,
:tions of finance, of internal improvements, nr
tariff, of foreign relations. etc., are entirely it
it6recf.. * * * We mslce no account of or
.ficial patronage. upon which the daily pr e .. much stress; for those who are
eneod by that, are not the men who give lir ,
and strength to a party. There must he some
distinct principles—wry. more. convictions—n'
the bottom of a party, else it will fall to pieces
for simple lack of cohesion.
IMPA:The Southern Unionists declare that. it
the patritity measnres of Congress are not sus
*tined, "there will he no safety for the love'
.eleirtent of the South." aid no gnarantees for
the "beneficent principles of free"government."
They have learned by bitter experience the in•
evitable tendency of the ultra State sovereig •tr
doctrines, which form the corner-stone of tl e
:Johnsonian platform, and have seen them car
;tied 'out "until all authority in Congress was
denied, the Union temporarily destroyed, thr
COnstitutional rights of the citizens ofthe South
nearly annihilated. and the land desolated b'-
civil war." If, in spite of the sacrifice of three
hundred thonsand.lives and the expenditure o'
billions of dollars,Northern voters can becomr
indifferent to the perils of an unconditional res
toration of traitors to power, they cannot. Foy
their sakes, for our own, and for the sake n'
Republican ins•itutions every patriot shoal , '
vigorously repel the combined attacks of thr
envenomed foes of freedom.
1111.PostIda9ter General Dennison has rnadr
.the first break in the Cabinet, by handing hi
resignation to President Johnson. Mr. Denni-
son supports, as he has always done, the Unior
Republican party, its men and panciples.—
Considering the Phiindelphia Convention move
mot as only an attempt to destroy this Brea
organisation, he feels unable to remain in thr
Cabinet, consenting to, and appearing to assis.
such a work. He deserves the highest eulop
for this nobility of conduct, and it is to he hor.
ed that there are few of our people, in the -n
loyinent of cOvernenental pttronnge, wbn, in
. these owtt partici/I.r time of trial, will prove
tutv less patriotic than Governor Dennis n.
He regards his' uty to his party and bis coun
try, the endorsement of his conscience, and the
avrerds of the fatnre,as far higher than an ap
!Went terep wary advnroav‘p to big pocket.
11103. The Copperhead organs treat the demon
' Ftratien at the flag reception in Philadelphia,
~4,gia 4th lest, gingerly. It must not be ex
, rieted o towevar, thai our opponents will enjoy
proceedings Calculated to destroy them.
.Pyery meeting of soldiers called to commun.
te the gloties of the Ivor, has a tendency to
reeve the odium which attaches to those who
'. conspired with. traitors to overthrow the Gov
• •
-.oererea Tit E lit t 1i .n icrl6.4 the
'Xofl'ma l
. , , aent Roberts to the Fenians, at
be is rePfivted to have said':
"The dawn of Ili‘ch liberty is approaching,
and in a friendly 6 111 r it I aslc you to este
your hand'm ore'Y , 1 " 8 :q^ relve A .0
''paing•frwry , - e'P e... Tore no mint and
remember Grd. ers,t 4 , o 1 oil in hie ••to.
inert Lit* A. :moot mu on much at 0 , „„, m ,
of lbeface seal rAs color qf hurl.'' VAti.
pum's, • • ' lv'
Clymer's Platform.
Clymer and hie ;Pak./ in Peniutylvatiltoo l 9
that the war was ,carried on the Govern
ment for the purpose of. conmielling thhmem
hers of Congresi *dm thkSouthern Statei who
took up their hats and left their potits with
or without a, formal resignation, and went in.,
to the Rebel artny and attempted to take force
oble possession of the Dovernment. to return to
heir positions and . make laws for the country.
Soldiers and Union men how do you like the
modern democratic platform?' th..t none but
hose who have - beeti engaged in the rebellion
.rod their sympathizers are true Union men
end capable of managing the affairs of the
cation, are you prepared to say that every bat
le that was fought by the Union soldiers, was
or the purpose of compelling the lenders of the
. raitor army against which you batted to goy
,rn the country. Do you, can you believe that
lt , t was the object for which you suffered
ihe privations, toils and hardships, of the
!amp, and 'the dangers of the battle field, un
'ess you do you certainly cannot vote for Cly
ner, as all that vote for him or with his party
gill do so for the reason that they believed, and
till believe the traitors were right and should
m 'applauded and honored for their acts of
reason and barbarity, and that the Union col
liers were engaged in a wrong cause and on
ha wrong side, and that they deser' e no honor,
Ind they certainly will get no sympathy from
he copperhead faction for their acts.
FOREIGN NEWS.—The steamship America,
'rom Southampton, July 4th, is at New York.
Miantonomah, aster reaching Cherbourg,
41;1E8 to London. The Queen had approved a
new ministry submitted to her by Lord Derby.
Gitschen had been taken by the Prussians. It
is thought that the total loss of the Austrians
to the present tics is forty thousand men.
der troops have evacuated Oswiecsin. The
lighting still continues. The Austrian army
ass retired to a position between Josephstadt
and Konigratz, and is represented as being in
t state 'of disiolution. Desertions from the
Efalian army are increasing. The Nova Scotian
passed Father Point last evening. Iler ad vi ces
re two days later. It was thoughtthat a Con
•;ress would shortly assemble, and that a gen
.!ral disarmament would be advised by the
Prench Government. A great battle was
ought on the 3d, near Lodowa, between the
lustrians and Prussians, in which the latter
vet; victorious. The Emperor of Austria has
leclared himself in favor of the armistice re.
_.ommended by Napoleon, and has sent to the
tostile powers for action on the matter,
WESTERN VIRGINIA.—The official vote for
he constitutional amendment disfranchising
dersons engaged in the late rebellion was count•
d on the 11th inst., and the amendment was
leclared adopted by 6,922 majority. Where
he wicked and intolereut spirit of 'those who
ustigated, planned n. , :d condte ed ihe rebellion
ire best known and their acts of barbarism
tnd cruelty have been.felt. The people have
iy a large majority decided that they have no
ight to participate in the administration of a
:overnment they have tried to subvert and
.hat they must be contented to live peaceable
etired lives for the balance of their days.
That they shall not again have an opportu
tity of plotting treason from high places—
hat men who have once proved recreant to the
rust which they assumed cannot with safety
to again trusted with power.
Che Nashville (Tenn). tress and• Tones says
hat Andrew Johr.son is proscribing and per
ecut'ng the Tennessee Union men in a malig
mnt and revengeful spirit, because they refuse
o support "his policy." The 'I imes says that
lodge Fowler, Governor Brownlow, Horace
Nlayruird, and other prominent and stendfait
Union men, have in some way, felt his wrath ;
but the last "small affair" is his conduct toward
Col. William B. Stokes, a gallant soldier. It
ippears CI at when the name of this brave sol
ier was sent to him by the Secretary of War,
o be nominated for a brevet, in recognition o
Istinguished services in the field of battle;
rohnson acted like an infuriated demon,snatch
.d up a pen, drew it across the paper,and threw
t aside. Very pretty conduct for the Presi
lent of a great nation I „
TREASON TO BE "Reweantm."—The section
f the proposed amendment to the Constitution
lasing representation on voters, is apparently
just and pr cr that it scarcely needs corn.
,neat, and yet 0 e copperhead press attack it
vith unparallelled ferocity. The reason is obvi.
They desire to give the rebels' a double
represen ation in Congress, thus rewarding trea
son. L al men of the North, will you ackw,wl
- yourselves inferior to the rebels of the
ioutli, and meekly concede them a double rep
remntatiott ? Will yon acknowledge that one
rebel vote in the South shall count as much as
,wo loyal votes in the North ?
irint in to•day's Register a call fur a Conven
ion of Southern Unionists to meet at Indepen
lence Hall, Philadelphia. on the first Monday
in September next, intended as an off-set to the
Rebel Convention which is to assemble at the
4atne place on the 14th of August. There is
manifestly a secret conspiracy at the South to
-xclude consistent Unionists from office and
persecute them to the utmost. They are scat
ered, overawed, and must organize for mutual
Irotection and to claim the protection of the
Zation. This cl.ll is a sign of promise. We
trust it will be fully responded to.
is telegraphed from Washington that
leneml Grant is warmly in favor of the terms
if restoration offJred by Congress to the Rebel
bates. He declares that the men who tried
o destroy the Government should not ho admit
ad to power without sufficient Constitutional
cuarantees of future good behavior. This
what might be expected of the victoriou. leader
If the Union armies. He knows the power
Ind the malice of treason, and will c..nsent to
Ave it no share in national legislation until its
tbility to renew the struggle has been destroyed.
10ZrA Year ago, such Copperhead Senators
is W. A. Wallace, now the Chairman of the
Copperhead State Central Commit ee, rans-ck
ul the Constitution for proof that soldiers in
he field had no right
. to the exercise of hr
lective franchise ; to•day the same set of men
ire overhauling the same instrument for power
o prevent the disfranchisement of deserters.
Joy friendly th is in the soldier !
VERY PLAEISIBLE.--" Wait," says the John.
ion.eopperhead•rebel-coulitionists, "until the
itates are all represented, then will bo time to
mend the Constitution." The loyal people
'cnow,as well as the cops.,that , the traitors will,
prevent amendments to the Constitution, and
hold on to their double representation:
Tne FENlANS.—"President" Roberts has is
sued an addreas to the Fenians in which he de
ails the operations against the "blue noses,"
And denounces President Johnson for his con
duct, and also charges inconsistency. We have
no doubt of it. Andy has a way of saying one
thing and doing another. It is a "little fail
ing" he has.
DARK.--The copperhead members of Con
gress Say in their address that the "future is
dark." We admit that as far as their prospects
fir power and place are concern it is exceed
burly (kirk t and, if the loyal people do their
anti at the polls UP fall) it will - remain "darks".
Nora' gtcorl.
TEEM@ 01P 'Mil@ PAPER a
$2.50 per Yeat. or $2.00 U Paid
Strictly in Advance.
ID% Copt, Sdratiel R Lehr, has soul his
zreoery store, corner of Seventh and. Linden
sts.,- to -Mr Sohainn K Itnp..
Cotre I, the Editor ot,the Daily
Pews bas been presented with a beautiful cane
• y inembere of the Columbia Fire Co.
vie The . Member!' of the Union county
Eieoutive Committee will meet in Union
League Room on next Saturday afternoon, at
u'olock.. Punctual attendance is requested.
. The. Bummer term of Frederick In
stitutecwill commence July 30th. This insti
ution is rapidly growing into favor. See ad
A PROBLEM -It, ai the poet says.
"beauty draws us with a sing o hair," then
a hat-01 tell us what—mast be the effect of
a modern waterfall.
Mt The juveniles will be pleased to know
that there is a prospect of a very good crop ci
chestnuts the coming fall. The trees, which
•ire now in full biotin, are loaded with him+.
Ite...Tho Lehigh Valley Railroad Com
pany hay declared a quarterly dividend of 2.1
per cent , poyuble at the Gfftue ut the Company,
No, 412 kV a ut Street, Paila ,un and after
July 18th, 1866.
AMNESTY 'lO Dr.stavrEns.—The general
army order idlers utuuesty to all deserters from
the regulur army who aims back before Au
gust 15, mid make good their time lost, Mi&
i,rauch of the service has sullered largely from
desertion fur tome time past.
ON THE TAPIS.—A billiard match be.
tweet' Two gentleman of Allentown, it is ru
mored, mill come off in a few days The gum
is to be a friendly' one, of five buudred
and is to decide who is the champion of Allen
Va 3" Gen James .L &Midge had the mis
fortune, while in attendance on the ceremonies
of the flog presentation on the Fourth, atPoil
adelphia, to sprain his ankle so seriously t gat
ha will be compelled to keep his room fur
.70M0 time.
RLMOVED.— " tu.G.ltitter has removed
nis stove and tinware estal lishment to the
room lately occupied by 11 blew ried & Co ,
,vvo doors below tlie Black Bear Hotel. Mr.
Kato bus an extensive stock 01 goods, and
tiou,ekeepers wilt iiud it to theiqeadvautage to
give him a call.
J Saeger, E-q , A-sessur ul thu Gh Do.
irlet, Pet.. lots (tem.-red the attliomi asses..-
.nem f r 1866, to the Coileetor of Internal Rev
nue for coil. °lion amouloiug to the Bum of
:5312 357 27, , f which Montgomery county pays
$242,58.125 una L• high ueutit} $69,773 U 2.
TAKE NOTICC...--esil cu rt nov to be rt
leemed below the denomination of ten o nut.
should he sent to tiallleB Pollock, Director of
he U S. Mint, instead of to the Treasury to
Washings n, and have it exchanged f.r the
-owe denomination, consieting of the one, two,
hreo and five cents in coin.
Wt nit BD:RM.—Mr. 'William Call, o
Reading, contractor, has Commenced work in
he new Railroad from lopitin to Port Clinton
being a link iu the Atiantio and Great V es(
,•in through lino from New York to the Wet
ur.d.r the agr'emeat between the A & G %V
the P & R and the E P. Roads, which eon
tract has just h. eu ueeided valid by the Su
memo Court 0. PerlllB al caubt.
HORSE STOLEN —A buy horse was tak
en from the stable of Mr Michael Butz at
"aston, on 'Saturday night a week, together
with a set of harness. $5O reward is offered
tor the horse and thi f, or $25 fur the.horst
i;2s for the thief The horse is about sateen
and a half hands high, and is blind iu the
left eye. (Seep a look out for him.
ATVEITION 8(.1.11t ERE —A meeting o
the First Soldier' National Union of Lehig.h
cuunty,wia be held in their hull, al.uve thein
ig and Leh's Citahing Store in Allentown, on
Thursday evening ti 8 o'clock, Punctual at
entiance is requested of every member, and
ad returned so tilers who are not members
and aro honorably clisehar.:eil, are invited to
attend. MANY tioLnigas.
A Go?D 51t.tvE —1 he Connell of the
Borough I f Allentown, at a meeting held Ju
y IO,IaGG, paeeed the following retoiutiun ;
licoofrrd. That the 'largo's be directed to enf',.rc.
ho 44. n and 4ath of the ordinate' of Oct.
2, 1854. relating, to alnugnu r nouns in the boruu{.
•.t Allentown, Larded unauhuourly.
This ordinance relered to, prohibits any
person ft.( m maintairing a slaughter house in
the Borough limits between April Ist and De
tember Ist in each year, under a penalty of
$5O per week, unless the mine is connected
with a running stream of weer.
To Owl .St Iti,cttt,3eLts—A collector
will call upon our subscribers in the borough
within the next two weeks, to make our an
oual col ecti,u. Please receive him kindly
~tul send him on hi• way rejcieing. We have
also sent out a number of bills this week, hod
will send more next week. We hope that
,hose who receive them will respond immedi
,Lte.y, as We intuit have money, and it we can
not beg it, we must tot row or steal it ; the
latter we don't like to du, as we fear that the
accommodations at Furt Hach are not cum
lortrible this hot weather
TUE TAX ON ]u ate.— Iho new Tax
Bill. as passed b 3 bi th branches of Congress.
ovikes the tax on cigars as follows
Tao dollars per thousand on cigarettes
hurl Sixes, cheroots and twisted heads. when
oot valued above $8 per thousand. Four do i
ors par thou-and on cheroots. cigarettes and
vicars, when valued aliiive $8 and not above
312 per toousand, and four dollars per thou
-and when vain , d above 12 with 20 per cent
ad valorem on the excess in value above 512
s we understand i , the above valuation
ire inc u-ive at the tax. so that on cig4rettes,
valued at $R including the tax.
he t will be $2 per thous and ;on cigar
ed at $l2 inewding tlpi tax. the tax wil
.a $4 par thousand. Oa all cigars vit , uPd at
Dove $l2 per thou. , and, the t x will be $4,
it.d. 20 per cent ad va't,rens additional.
Palau.—The patent which ha. heed uwitideo
0 Messrs Fred Bandshuti and W. B tutu
•ester, of thus htirouAh, for the invention ut
f funning reeking char can be seen at the
esitlet.oe of Mr B.iumeister. this week, unti
fitursony The invention is a valuable one,
%.,d r• fl .uts credit urn the ingenuity tf Al
et,town ineehunit s. The fanri tug spino mut.
min be attaohed to any roukingohairoind rs eas
I nojosted. For the us'• of the sick and iova•
'Med it is partici' tarl v suite f,fur by the sltghtes•
, 13 ,, v e t uent et the 01 air on which they realms
ey ere fan tied. The invention is a situp r
no. and not ut all likely to get our lit order
An it•Vitation is , vended to the ei is •ns • I A -
'etit , wu to call at Mr. Baumeister's, and set
the chair.
Is aac IC Johnson, a ciii„z-n of Cumberland
county, was assaulted with a chili in the v•um
i.y A' the nonillion street ...Jordan Bridge a t
shout 5 o'clook. Friday afternoon by John
Knorr, a resid nt of Allentown Ii seems that
Johnson and Knell.. neitlt. r of whom can
lay claims to tempetatice. wrre togtolo.r in ~
beer saloon near the bridge, at which the for
sier made a [•t ow 4.f his money. Alter leay.
ing the saloon liners hit Johnson over the
head with a club, knocking him down
senseless, and thin robbed him of his pocket
book. containing $45 55. and a number of
ooket, pierce. Ktierr was seen in the Hot h . )
several persons, who chased and suoce•ded in
capturing him at ',genii's b ick i yard lie was
taken in charge i v iligh Constable Rohe. who.
took him before E quire Witinviti. The Juh
ties after hearing the sag) eumnaitted &err
to Jail in dal auk of $lOOO boll.
• -
nuaT.—We are 13 bare a special Ocurt'
feir the trial of jury onitiii„:o ornmenoing on the
30th of July nett; Judge ByarrPfSaltuylkily
county will nrestde, • 1.•
Our worthy ()aunty Cranmissioricks
have given their tax collectors notioeu‘receivs .
State and Co unty tax from every men who
pay, and give •receiptotfor the same. tl.erefly
enabling him to vote without being assessed
in open violation of the law of the Slate, do,
tioi consider the readers of the Re. -istereti titled
to tiotiee of the time of holding cow ts, the
cases tato - tried - and -the -names of the jury
who are to try theta. Periiitt-a it 13 well di ,
, hr latter ore riot extensively advertised. ntbet
wise the Commissioners mieht fe'el ashamed
of their conduCi in so arranging tho list as tA
have it composed, in great measure, of their
'party politicians, and render it a political ma
chine. •
It is time some method was adopted
which the selection of Judges juries arid Coon
tv Commissioners could he taken out of the
hands of political tricksters, and honest. caps
I le men selected to those important positions
The soleeiton of Assooiate Judges is a mat
ter of great impor once to the people of a
county, in the absence f the President Judgi
they must hold the regular Quarter Sessiont
WEIERE TO PuttOuAbE —Every person
in want of an article look. around to Pt-s
where ho or she can get the best and tho cheap
est, they examine adyerthsemen , s in the pu•
pers, posters, hills, circulars and cards seat
thred by dealers profusely all over the country.
then start out on a voyage t f inspection, but
unfortunately for themselves, many are suet•
had judges of the wares of the trader, and
pluee such implicit eshlienoe in their state
tnents that they are most egregiously deceiv
ed and swindled out of their money. It ie
time that the community learned to avoid
cheap John shops, and that the only safe
method tor them to pursue is to patronize reg.
ularly established dealers, those who are wel;
known in the community or have become set
tied, and conduct a legitimate business
We have in our midst men of character wit•
have been engaged in business here for man '
years,wbose word can be relied u; on,and tilos(
who purehuse an article on their recommer;
;la;ion can rely cn getting just what they bar
gained fur. We also have young men, nes
beginhors,wortliy of the patronage of the pub•
he, who are striving bard by honest industr y ,
to build up for themselves ohdraptera as up
right business, men. They should receiv•
their full sh're of the patronage• of the pet;
plc; as well as their good •s urds. But we hay;
arnongst us another class of traders who bin•;
come here for the purpdso of awind ing th;
ignorant and deceivrog the easy, careless ant
confiding, out of their money, prepared r'
leave as soon as they have run through th•
list and supplied the lovers of bovelly with hi;
gus jewelry and other trus'l at the price u•t
genuine articles. Such should be avoided ano
illowed to seek some other and more conger•
itl (time, and am• ng a people not quite F'
eteady and proverbially honest as ours, to pl•
their riekrinti. traffic
Bli3illoS3 Notieds
Notwithe ending the ifitie noise they inoi‘•
inky time ore do bu , ineee on n large MAIO. 00 do.
N. O. esinith, he ie nut given to in ion blowing o
Liebe, b,.tt ho ie grow on setting cheap go..,de.
Air To find out the uutuber of chi than In LP
tl r runt, o LIHIPAICO boating au a bans drum. 'fa Liu•
• , LLL 011)1,11.U1). r f ulat luau, wart a dog Light. 1
Ilan out vinare tho ()wit 14..11.) fi , fir ben be bud , g
,u J. W Llewe I'3 gram, 13.ur cud feud tuure,curut
7th and Lando,. OITUeil
)„,,,..Wlty iv a husb.nd like a Misdiesippi
buai ? 8uc...11.0 hu uevur when be may gut
wowing up. It hnsbaude w.h to avoid I
u, . tbuy vhouid buy their coal at J. W.'. hwut,'.
.oruer uY oevunth and Liaison litmus, 0 hum thus
tan gut thu bout artitoo t tree from dirt aud
in the time to tuy it
grumbler. (giveu u light boots we sup
p. ez,) mul) lama ut tbu •• I nferbul hevenuu Sy blow.
clad day( he eauft Fut un buutd without a WALL')
al% would bevel nu oecobiun to grumble it bOboaktii
alb bate ut (fiery a hier s • s nture, un Elutui tun vt
UCI,,VI' o,h, tM they give u gum' fiy guu,i muturid
and guud work.
,:yy'•Bdl'r suit Buu, • w.,y to that tree celled
Vf coping, w dime?" ••• nose one of the snonatog
p guy thing,' grew nearUUr tich 'ol•house, and eui
plied muster wilt/ • waches " linens Bill was on tt,•
wrong track and w .uted twitching off, but ih
..lso ate on the way to (Sumner At u b grocery, at•
on the right track, and should go ahead.
LP•"I ihink I have so n yo.t before,
you not Owon Enith "On, yes; I Am owl',
Joilo-, °win' Brown, and °win' everybody " Th
bolt w•yr is to owe nobody, pay ca.l3 for what yo.
buy. and buy your goods at Lawler /t, o,lk.
score, :No 20 East bamEtun -t., who. a you w,ll sal.
mousy in umniag your pu.riieses,
Hor.—The weather has seen hot enough, Vie pas
week to satisfy all zrumblers at the bnokwardue.•
of the 68115011. ICO c man and shower baths bar,
been in demand; heavy clothing has been throw]
aside, and every') itly has been rushing to proeur
shoal), elegant, and condt rtal fa summer suits, at th•
fashionable merchant tat oring estatlishment of 1
U. Breinig, Ao. 11 L. Elam l on street.
plysetCow does that luui ?'said Mr. Cramp. hol.
in a eut hie brawny baud. That," interpo• ad Amor
• Inaba us if y.n.l w,rei out of soup " R e advise M,
iiratnp. and ovoryaody else out of the article. lo oat
linwen'a No. 14 E. liamittion etre t, whdro the
will find a largo stark o all kinds, and ovorythin,
else they want in tho grocery line.
l'fist The edamr of a country paper in Wiscomi,
onys that ho telt ealed upon to publi-h Path°, Lee
a sermon on the "LoculLy of 11 , 11" as ito a que•
tion in welch near y all his readers were deep , y it
•ereeved. tl,e cannot •y bow much interest Cu
,eaders may fee In this guestiop, but ono hing
know, they a 11 feel deeply Intereeted in hm,wit,
where the eheopeet goods eon ko h, tight, hence tL
crowds constantly fl ckin r to liromer•o cheap stet
az."Ain't it W.olc.d c.. rub did chicken root
Georg° ?" "Dal's a gr.•at mtr,.l flirtation. Sam ; w.
ain't got limo to argue it now— hand d.•wa 'mottle
pullet" There are Irmo important quoidionb th .t w.
+houlil take time to di.rnet,and ono of them is wher
can I save the mast money in purcha•ing good.?
l'o obtain an answer to that question, rail at flub(
Bros , three dome above the Kagle Hotel.
A risco IDE& —$ me writer has said that a f.x•
• d lase is o e irt of gimlet ; every year gives it an
..her two • to pull it out le first year is like plum
mg the hide no the ratite ; in the pee •nd year lik ,
•earing the akin ; in the third, like breaking th.
mines. and In the feu t), like removing the ver
brain itself, henro the groat d ffi•ulty of remut
ing the idea iron the amide ot the people that th
place t.. fl d the largest, hest and cheapest stock .•
.m.di's is at Chimer tiros., .WJ doors nbuve the Eagi
For the benefit f fortune.; we introduce the fo'
wl g totter, It pi.,g it may induce them to avn ,
thomwdvms of the rich •fertilicing merits of Dots
Allentown, Ju'y 14, 18da,
Ma. A. J 'bloom —glr : In amover .0 sour
riot I preFtut the f..lh w • g odatement, in refortdse
to the merits f your Hone Duet.
Labt ha 1 I purchmed a tract offend he'ow Aller
*own. I wo; inf./toed by .neighbore that the let
wit ao poor tit I sr obi not ne able to mite 01,
my orop of tn•lue I need your B its Dutd, and i
•nosequenco my crop of rre b; en ex If Ilent that ti iu rho vicinity hero made epeeist inquiri.
R to went I put on the lat.d.
My :serious° enable+ ra‘ to reentnm.nd ycu
Duot as a strictly fine And purl art! le .
Yawn liewert
Puro Pone Duni for NV host, Itye Corn, Puce wheel
1:i B. Pot s Prui Trees, Urapo Vines, e.•.
P opered nnA '4Ol I at the
B 11ge fi 1.7
The city auditor u: S I, uie hrt. &emended
„leaving marl credirere in the lurch. Ile ha
oleo lel t eh. a wives to mourd hie 1(439
The Mayor Moniguni.ry. Alaba Ere.
the haekmen five dollars per d —n tor swearitig
in the sue to of that. city. Right 1
Morriesey, the pugilist. &o. is a onn
diduie or emigres,. fri m the F.fth distriet it
New York city, on the Dewar:ale ticket.,
A blushing bride of GO, married to a get
young tallow of G 4 oommitted suicide from
jeutousy, in Stamlord, Eziglatid.
It is stated that Eli Walker, a gunsmith at
Ilariflird 0 inn, has just inherited an estate
in England, valued ut thirty millions of dol
Chief Juo•loe Boole, of Maryland„hatt O.
aided that thp Civil Rights Bill suporood.!..
•ho lows of Mirylona do tin to adroit dm tied
twiny of Word peuone sgolnei white per
A couple were recently ro-married in New
Hampshire, who had been divorced twenty.five
leers, the husband *log had a seintia rpife
in tho; meantime. J:
'; Senator Fessendeti hut lest heavily by, the
fire at Portland. Ile fears that one-halt of Ins
property; has been totallpdestroyed,ineluding
his private papers and valuable library.
A Voiestass Don.— The Hartford Frostier
rl at there i in that .city n 41 , ‘„; who has lost
his voice. Whin Atriffittorp 110.4. he rushe,
out, goes through the tnOti ne ~1 barking.
"liristles up jumps about and "wag - a - hitt jatve,
yet not a Sound issues limn them.
A well on. Benneheff run was struck by
lightning on Saturday night, setting fire to the
•.il in the tank. The themes spread. commu
nicating to about twenty wells, and causing
the IcHe or destruction of about twenty thou
sand barrels of the article.
—The Nebraska Legislature today on joint
ballot elected Mejor-General John M, Thayer
and F. %V Tipton, to the United States Sen
ate. Both of them are R•puhlicans. The
Legislature has adjourned sine die.
A Louisiana paper says that in that State
norse•stealing is managed as follows: The
owner of a horse makes a bargain with IL thief
to take the horse to Iberville or Baton Rouge,
and sell him. The thief br!ngs the owner hall
(he money, and tells the name of the purchas
er. Then the owner gees and reclaims the
horse as having boon stolen.
A HsANT INCOME.—The income return of
Jay Cooke, Esq., the well known huoker,mado
I his year, upon his profits fur 1865, was over
$625,000. On this his tax will be.something
iver $OO,OOO Ile resides in Cheltenham
township, Montgomery county. This wil
most likely he the heaviest income return made
ty shy person in Pennsylvania the present
The Tawny print works, located in Frank
thrd, Twenty-third ward, wore entirely destroy
-d by fire'on Thursday afternoon, involving a
otal loss of nearly $1300,000; partly insured,
150 operators thrown nut of employment
ch,• fire was unquestionably too work of un
a't. at L•a.venvv,rth, while taking a rido w iti.
iriendu, Senator James 11. Lane stepped be
,ind the carriage and shot himself with e pis
inflicting a wound froth which he cou:d
not recover, though'it did not immediately
rove fatal. The reason fur this act is onh
.uppomitional. It is said he found his constitu
otts generally opposed to his recent course in
ho Senate, and that .his reelection was ex
edingly doubttul. By others it is said thal
eccent exposures in reg rd to' subsidies paid
mini for his influence in Congress and with th.
! , 7,xecutive were the cause. Ha was a twilit
•1 Indiana ; a lawyer ; served in the Nlexiern,
mid Union wars; killed his neighbor, Mr
Jenkins, in Kansas, in 1858, on a slight mis
inderstanding ; had a powerful ambition and
lir ability but was not well-grounded in prin
The Washington correspondent of the Trab
ant wr to. as follows of this event:—
"Jim Lane died of Andy J‘ilinson. He went
rani hero to Hansa., impressed with the dr
usion that his support of the President we
acceptable to the pet• pie of that Siam the ,
to Could carry it for Johnson's policy by 5
MO mid rily. His first apprartince upon th
'reels of Lawrence shocked him with 14 SPID“
•1 his terillo eiror. In the town where h
ce walked a monarch, no man spoke to him
) d friends p..esed hira without recognition
oi the sidewalk On horsehook, in toe prin •
ipal street, ho rude unrecognized and ri .et
d. He went to his hou.‘e and sent for molly
f his old friends to come and see him. The
• turned answer that they wished to have n.
otercourse with him Two days ifter his ar
ival, represonia.ive Clark came from Wash
flgloll. What aco 'trust and what a lesson
A. vast crowd mot and welcomed him with mu
.ia and fidgs. A pub•iu mootin! applau .ed
is votes, honored him for his ft Wiry, alio
ledged to him the love an I support ct Kan
as. Humiliated, smitten with remorse, and
itterly despera e, Llnn terminated at once•hi•
do and his career in .1 'lman politics
Loyalists' Convention.
The following is the call for a convention n'
, outlo.rn Union et's, to be lipid in I •depend .
•nce Mill in the city of l'huladelphia on Of
.st Nooday of SPptemhcr. 186 G:
to the loyal UalouLyty of the South:
Ihe ereat issue is upon us. The majority
in Congress' !upporters, firmly di clam
hat "the rights of rho citizen enumerated
-he Constitution, and established by the su
prism° law, must he maintained inviolate."
Rebels and robe: sympstliizers assert that
"the rights of the cit zone must be left to the
states alone, and under such regulations ns
oho respective States choose voluntarily to
We have seen this dootrine of State sove
reignty carried out in its practical results un
-t1 all authority in Congress was denied, the
Union temporarily destroyed, the constitution
,il rights of the citizens of the South nearly
innibiluted, and the land desolated by civil
The time has come when the restrieture of
S , luthern state government must be laid on
...institutional principles or the despotism
4i.own up under an atrocious Tradership he
bermitted to remain. We know of no utile ,
Ilan than that C..ngresn under its constitu
Tonal powers, shall now exercise its authority
toestablish the principles whereby protection
.4 msde coextensive with citizenship.
We maintain that no State, either by its
.rganic law or legislation, can make trans
fression on the rights of the citizen legiti
We demand, and ask you to concur in de
,iimidiog, protection to every citizen of this
'rent Republic on the basis oft quality before
he law ; and furtker, that nu State govern
ment would be recognized 'as legitimate under
he Constitution, au far as it dues not, by ith
irganic raw, mkt: iminrtial peeteution furl
4ifi t complete.
Under the doctrine of "State sovereignty"
vita rebels in the foreground controlling
iouthern Legislatures, End embittered by
tisappointnient in their sob tnee to destroy
ho Union, there will be no sateiy for the Joy-
I element of the South, Our reliance for
.ro.ection is now in Congress, and the great
Union party that has stood and Is wending by
ne nationality, by the constitutional rights
Lod by the beuefwient prineiples of free guy
For the purpose of bringing the loyal Union•
eta of the S. wit into entjanotive notion with
he true friends /of republican government 111
he North, we invite you to rend delegates in
zond.y numbers from all the Southern States,
inu•udi g Itentuay, We 4. V rginia
lary•and and Delaware, t. meet at ludepend•
nee Hall, in the (troy of Phi udelphta, on the
iret Monday &f September neat.
Ir is propos• d that we should meet at tb at
line to recommend metourea fur the•
neat of such governmer.t in the S atth a.' an
•orils with and protects the riKh s of ell Oki
cone We trust this call will be responded to
ty a numerous delegation of such Ile repri
the trite loyalty of the Smirk. That ki n d
f government which gives lull protection to
ill the rights of the Ll izon. such as our Milt.
rs intended. we claim us our birthright
the lovers of constitutional liberty
oust rule the nation, or rebels arid their
.vmparilizpi a lie permitted in e It.
11 I loyalty or ditrloyalry have VI keeping
of the destinies of the nation? Lot. the re
t.t tins call, whio is now in circa's,-
: t , e signatures, and te being . outuerousty
signed, answer.
..tor is given that gentlemen it a diatom.•
on have their n .mss wraith. dto it os se m
ita a ratiest by letter, direcom to
D Washitignin, D C. W
Stoke.. Ifetioei.see. James Fowler, lenn•
es•tee. James Gear, Tennessee.. C B Sat,.
in, Team. Henry Co e, Georgia Jahn
11, helm, Miasouri, Geo W Anders ,n. Mts.
muri. J. ilan)o..ll, Texas. Geo. II W. Fas•
•11.11. Texiie Lore a) Slnir cumt. T. x„8 C
%V Ashburn, Georgia J W MuC mg, Mi--
..mri J F Benjainin, Missouri J din B
troth, Fait fax C. II , Va. J. M Stewart,
tlexandtia, Va. W M Berkley. Virginia
Allen C. Harmon, Virginia. J. %V Hanoi-,
amt. Virginia &aim au) Wardwell, Virgil..
ice. Byron I titian, North Carolina George
Reese, AlahaTha M J. Stiff ild. Alabama
Lawrie MoKetisie, Virginia John C Under
wood, Virginia Alexander . M
I glnla, R. 0 milloo, No
tarol.tia. D
Bingham, Alabama. .H. Lardombe,.
Waahlosten, July 4,1180.
Erulaik thiattnn, an Illinois luriner-Stat, 7 ,,
that one gallon of coal oft tti ii barrel tif•Watei.
sprinkled lightly over potatMitines will effeet
may destroy the bug. . i:.‘ •
, ,
GOOD Yvan. — Take a dozen Ow potatoes•
boil and mash line; add one cup of white PO
gar and n quart of boiling water. After stand
ing ten minutes add a quart of wild water and
call a tint ef,yenat, and• bottle off.
t - 't• it e•itt fivuot T—A ; • •t • L
pi:;,e given to a ettvv since a ,-;. ,„
,our days, is an effectual remedy for the gee.
get. It can be given in 9 n mach, if the cow it ,
hearty, or in a - d,,ugli pi.l. Su says a New
oondeut of the American Farmer says: "Iteet
the fetlock clean with enstile reapsuds, and
ben wash them twice a day with buttermilk
Give them a good rubbing each time. • ,
ORANGEADE.—RoII and press the Inject from
the oranges in the same way as fr, m
It requires lees sugar than lemonade. The wt.•
ter must be pure and cold, and then there can
he nothing more delicious than, these two kind,
of drink.
A GOt,D CRMCNT.—Two parts of sifted iron
filings, from rust, nod one part of pulverized
glue, when stirred - fnio a dough in sharp vin
egar until they are Well mixed, make a good
cement. It milik be applied as soon as made.
however, ea it pardons rapidly and cannot bi
ased a second time. This cement is recom
mended es a good coating for mills, air pumps
and steam connections.
Cones AND WHEY.—IOIII3O a piece of ren
net in a little boiling water, as fcr making
choese ; let it stand an hour or two ; then
put a table spoonful to three pints of new
milk warmed. Cover with a cloth, and leave
until the curd is thick. Press out and usf.
'he whey, or sweeten and use both whey and
curd. This makes a very nice dessert for
—Many of ourdomestie animals in some sec
tions of thia country are sonly pestered with
fleas ; the best remedy as a "ticket of leave"
for such torments, is a few drops of the oil of
pennyroyal, to be rubbed over the region of
he spine. Should the fleas be very numerous
infusion of the herb ono/ be prepared, with
whiCh the animal should be bathed occasion
ally..—Dr. Dadd.
BLACKBERRY WINE.—Tho following is said
.0 be a goud receipt fur making blackberry
wine, which'Our readers may preserve for two
n• three weeks, when it may be tested satin
laciorily. "There is no wino equal to bldek
oorry wine, when properly made, in flavor, of
tur medicinal, and all persons who
oan conveniently do so, shou•d mandlacture
,nough for their own use every year, as it is
Invaluable in sickness as 'a tonic, rind nothing
is a bettor remedy for bowel complaint. I
heretore give the receipt for making it. MOOR
ore your berries and bruise them ; to ever.%
allon add one quart of boiling water. Ler
he mixture stand twenty four hours, stirring
consionelly ; thon strain off the liquor into a
Ask ; to every gallon and two pounds of su
gar : cork tight atd lot it stand till the follow
ng October,-and vou will have wine ready for
use, without further labor, that every famil3
sill highly appreciate, and never (lo without
t nf•erwatd if they can help it.
BL- , AT IN CArrt.c.—When turned into a pa.-
are where fresh grace is abundant. cattle is it
rt quently feed M such excess that from th
fermenting toed will issue a poisonous gas
vhich,unless finding an immediate escape wit
cause the animal to bloat. and ultimately elitist
us death A remedy u-ually effective in suet.
01181 r, is to pour about one quart of soap di at
with one gallon of water down the threat of
he bloated animal. After cattle have become
badly b oared and no medicine will prove effec
ive, a slender knit° must I e thrust into the
•ide a little distanct , f trward of the hip bone
['his is invariably ffeetual.and not usually w
etted with tiny serieue harm to the animal
!'here will ho no need of any finch harsh rem
•dies, however. if the armor will keep plenty
.f milt in reach of his cattle at all times. "Ai.
fbetive preventive la better than a Mild rem
.dy," and certainty better than a tallith one
Harvesting Buckwheat.
The American Agriculturalist Bays Th.
scellence of hock whett dop••n c
lie management of the grain between the thin
i ripening and grinding The co ninon w•ay
1. treating effectually prev..nt,
malting goid !Lair, it eing allowed to remaii,
in the swath for several weeks. whoa it Shim d
lever be suffered to lie longer than a day to
wo, and it is decidedly better for the grain to
ak e it and set it on entlots fast as it is cradled
Much less grain will he wasted by shellirn:
ut ; the straw will cure and dry out soot er.
•tad make better I,dder; the crop w.ll he reati
for threshing or housing in 1 BEI time ; aid
he grain will yield a much better quality 't
flour. it is especially injurious to the grail,
it be exposed to st.trms heture it is set up, for
dirt is spattered all over the grain, by the fall
ing of large rain drops. This makes the flour
lurk-colored and gritty Wetting and drying
the grain set oral times, destroys the life of the
flour. It, never will bees white, nor make as
good cakes, tut wi I be sticky and the cakes
Mammy like the fl .ur of -pr•nued wheat.
Report of Borough Auditors.
account ofJonathaW Reichard, Treasurer of the
Borough of Allentown, fur the year ending
March 27th, 1865
Balance in hands of Treasurer $2,812 57
Loans 71,265 60
Borough Tax for 1664, D. W. Lehr, col-
leotor in full
Borough Tax cur 1865, J. M, Rohe, col
lector iu 1u11......... 8,308 00
Bounty Tux fur 1801, lleorirc Baser, col., 42 33
" J. M. Bathe, col., 157 20
Dan. Brown, col., 41 60
Bounty Tax for 1815, J. M. ltulw, eu1.,.. 5,171 00
" Dun Brown, c 01.,.. 7,852 00
" C. W. Eckert, col., 0,830 00
" G.. 1. Esser cul , 3,134 55
$l5 Contributions fur Bounty, Wni. 11.
Ainoy, Treasurer 4,095 00
Fines of C. Kline Burgoes
House and Shop Rent
%Vac'. Stook Dividend
Contributions for Good Will Bloomer— 14500 00
.4 " Young America Hos°
Carriage 250 00
Contributions for Lamp Poste 10 0•
Repairing un Lamp Poet, Win. Fry 8 00
T. iJooil, for half of East Wall of Town
Rail 127 75
C. Kline for Ci.airs 14 50
Interest on Loans $7,081 4
Loans Paid 80,225 Ui
B linty Paid to Volunteers 675 Ot
E. genstertnachor, titrcot, Cummitosioncr 4 70
Jacob &liana, 447 92
!Cram Zenner, .22a 20
Jacob :•chultz,
State, County end School Tax for 1865., 56 Ot,
State Treasurer for 'I ax on Loan 173 bt
Right of Way ..... 10 0.
C. Kline, for money paid 37 67
" " Burgess' Salary 200 IM
Coal 111 00
Jury for opening Font sweet 12 Of
1 , 1 Forrest fovprofcssional sorvicos 20 0.
Borough Engineer 33 1.
Allentown 1% atvr Company 20 Of
Borough Auditors 40 Of
Warrants .
ting and Stationery
flood will St am Engine •••• 5,01111 0
Hose 1,0011 Iq
Coal Oil
Allen One Company
Pollee °diem
Good Will Engin= 'a Salary 2111
Treasurer'', Salary 75 00
" Connubial a 01' per cent. on
$241,234 17 Bounty Tax received 131 17
Stwetary 75 00
Cross ‘‘'alks
Repairs to Engine llou. u , Fire A ppora
stag, and expellees of pureintsii.g
Miscellaneous Repair5..........218 54
Balance In hands of Treasurer 5,546 45
We, the undersigned, Auditors of the Borough of
Allentown, hereby certify that we have audited a d
adjusted t o account of Jonathan • Reichard, Esq.,
Treasurer of said Borough, for 18115, and that we lid
a balance In his hands of five thousand five hundred
and forty-six dollars and forty-live cents, (0,546
4b). Witness our hands and seals this 9th day of
July, A. D., 186 d;
WALTER II 9IP • Auditors.
L BEILMAN t _ AutHeors.
Jet, I'6 18664 —.Bs
'' , VitoiliOurn . Post Office.,
ni ETTERS remaining unclaimed in the Poet Moo
' at Allen , ow.n. Stitt( Pennsylvania, up'to the
16th day ofJuly,lBl3o.
E. dc Thomas Fouller,
James V. Gifford, Wm. Hitching,
• James D. Hall, Yeane D. Haines,
W. L: John, Samuel Mellon,
Edward McGinley, Smith Fenstermaeher,
Messrs R. Seibert It .4on.
Memare. F. W. Bacou t Cc.
Sitrqu obtain any o; letters, the applicant
Intim ca 1 fur eadrerf. red G 01. :iv.. tlt.• I•i',• .t the
Hist, antl pay one cent fur
be sent to the Dead Letter lithe.
FOR I'OONO ./. 7 1AD so rs.
THE FALL - ThEM of this Institution gill com.
menco on Monday, 'July 30th, 1800. Seven
teachers are employed.
Professor Lofighinst, of Cambridge 'University,
England. has charge of the Classical Department.
For circulars containing the full particulars ad-
Rev. F. T. Hoot/ It, Principal,
A. MINCE SUPPLEE, Ananciate Pane ;pat o
riItDERICK, Montgomery Co., Pa.
July 17th, 1866 • • —at
34,000 . N0. 1. ,
r iTE subscriber, at Emaus, offers for sale 33,090
I good segars, one year and a half old, put up in
boxes 100 each, superbly labeled. The segare aro
pronounced excellent by competent jAges.
The manufacturer being a cripple, he cannot take
samples around to exhibit, he therefore would invite
buyers to call and examine his stock before purchas
ing elsewhere, or Pend orders.
julyl7-tf JESSE ZELLNER, Ematts; Pa.
Teachers Wanted.
Teachers are wanted to teach public schools in
t! Washington township, for five months, begin
ning in October next. Salaries paid by the Board,
from $27 to $4O per month. Applicants examined
before the Beard by the County Superintendent, at
David Peters, near Slatington, on Thursday, Aug
ust 2nd, at 9. A. M.
For further part.culare apply to
F. bUENTON, Seo'y,
olatington P. 0.
July 17, 1864
• Orricc or THE THOMAB IRON CO.,
Ilukendanqua, July 11, 1860
TIE Annual meeting of the Stockholders of the'
Thomas Iron Company, for the election of Di
rectors, and for iho transaction of other appropriate
business, will be held at the office of tho Company,
at llokeuclauqua, on Tuesday, the ith day of August,
next, at 10 o'clock, A.m.
Polls open from 11 A. M., to 12 M.
—it J. T. KNIGHT, Seo'y.
DROP. I3AACS, M. D. Ooonlist and Astrid
I. formerly of Leyden . Holland, is located at No
JI9 PINE street, PUILADELPIIIA, wherapersome
dilated with dietmea of the EYE or RAE,' wl.l be
•Montifioilly treated and cured, if curable.
N. EYISS inserted without
Jain. Nu ouarges made for examination. The
uedtaal tioutty is invited, as he has no secret In
ode of treatment. [3u2
At Oatmeal:min, ju , y 7th, by Rev. F. J. P. Sehantio
Mr. Henry A. k.nglohardt to hliEl.9 Wil'holmium P.
13rodbees, be h f Hanover township, Lehigh Cu.,.
On too Bth inst., by the eame; Mr. Pranklio Der
hammer, o Allen township, Northampton cu., to Miss
Sarah It. Lor tech. of Saudi Whitehall.
On May 290 i. by Rev. J, S. Dube, Mr Peter A.
Frey to Miss Einem Lbeae, both of Isorth \Mite
On Juno 7th. by tho eltme Mr. James V. Christ
man, of llerett , rd, to b•ts Atleina Buts, of Lower Ma-
On Juno 17th, by the same, Mr. Benjamin Peter,
of, Washington, to Miss Feyanna. Bur, of North
On June 19th, by the same, Mr. Owen Kern, of
Washington, to Miss Lydin. Zurfas?, of North White
On Juno 30th, by the ame, Mr. Edwin Stealer, of
Weimenburg, to V se Sallie Haar, of Lowhid.
On the 10th of Juno by the Rev. Mr. Ruth, Mr.
Lando 11. Moyer, of Oropereburg, to Mies Emma Z.
Rumfeld, of Upper Barmen. '
On the let of July, by the Rev. N. S. Strassbur
ger, Mr. Jahn Stufferatine, of Tamaqua, Schuylkill
county, to Mile Elizabeth B. Swoyer, of Lynnville,
Lehigh county.
ois the 10th of July, by,tho same, Mr. Solomon
lieimbaoh to Eire. Julia Philips, both of Nockamix
en Bucks county.
:It the M. E. parsonage, on the let inst. by the
Rev. 0. T. Barr, Mr. Harrison S. Kern to Vise Ah
oy Jane Vandyke, both of Allentown.
On July 7L", in Allentown, Louisa, widow of Wm.
11. Boas, aged 47 years.
On June 27th, in Lower:Milford, Lewis Roberts,
aged 48 years.
On July ltrd, in Lower Milford William Flores,
aged 70 years, and on :fitly 40, in the name town
ship. Christiana Flores, a sister of the above, aged
84 year?.
bpecial Notices.
Dreadful Mortality.
Oh, see those flocks of beings
That look so delicate and pale,
Around us falling!
They flutter past—touch them—they're dead,
And on their corpses slain we tread.
not appalling ?
"Millers" arc these, and yet not "jolly ;" •
Their feebleness so melancholy
Is not e'en helped by light cool clothes,
Whose worth each &louder Ramat knows.
Linen Duattre
Light Cadeancro and Cloth, Alpacca, Dray
Dock and Linen Sack Coate
Light Clesayinterc, White and Colored Duck &fele.
on Ve.ta
Light C teninieen, White and Colored Dock mann
kinds of Linen Pant..
A kinds o; &atonable Clothing for Mat'', You'he'
and Nye' agar, In large supply ut the laciest prim
TOWER HALL, No. 518 Mart , et Street,
BENtrcrr .t 1 Co
rho advertiser, having boon restored to health in
a few weeks by a simple remedy, after having
ufferad fir aeverai years with a a vero luny also
.3on, and that Broad disease, Cansum 3tion—is aux
t 3us to make known to his fellow•bufero•e toe mean
. . 00
13 o'-
. 150 ..0
. 1.'11,05
. 300 0,
To all who &tiro it, he will send amopy of the
.rosoription used (free of oh irge.) with the diroc
lona for preparing and using the same, which they
God a true onus for Consunrion,
'fronchitis. Coughs. Cold+. and all 'forum and Lung
nations. The tally object of the adverii.ter in
ending the proscription is to benefit the militated,
ad spread inf o rmation which be cotp•olves to bo in?
aitiable, and he hopes every eoffercp• will try b•e
emadY, as it wits oust them nothing, and may prose
Par io.t wishing the prescription, rams, by re
tire mail, will p oase addrass
11..hur.. Kings Co., N. Y.
8110,447 08
An AN'S M At, 01.1. A BALM.--This
is the inn.t delightful and extraordinary nrti.
le over discovered. It ch.inges the sun-burnt taco
did hands to n pearly satin texture of ruvishing
aianty. imparting the warble purity of y uth, and
dying.., ..ppearance so inviting in the city Mlle
ft -ht in It rinunves tan, freckles r Outdo.. and
..tightiess from the akin. losivintr the cinnplexitin
end) transparent and rm. nth. It contains no Ma
ri.; injurious to the skin Patronised by Actresses
i Oliera "lingers It is what every lam y vbould
inc Sold everywhere Retail price, 60 etc.
Prepared by W. P. HAGAN, rn.y N. Y.
''address al .•rdnrs to
P: uAHNFS d. CO , New York.
4 ept ly. ,
45 01
MO ANN f.rt% differ nt orgies 4.lupted to,
,oral an.l reeular manic or ttio to VIM. °nob._
orPnr•oNE Goi,o or ISHII M RDA L. , . or
ther first premium. , awarded them Illustrated
“talogur froo Adlirose, M 440 N & 11 M LIN,
Minton, or Masi)); 'norm ERS, New York
Soot. 12.
1211 31
709 (.
228 0 •
7,5 5 5,
246 .1b
272 10
NeVERY young lady and gentleman in the United
i States can hear something very much o their
ulvantage by return mail (free of ch •rge.) by address.
ng the undersigned. Those having fears of being
humbugged will oblige by nut noticing this card, All
others will please address their obedient servant,
831 Broadway, N. Y.
479 85
110,447 08
GENTLEMAN who suffered foryears from Nerv
' ono Debility, Pretnature Decay, and all the of
cots of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suf.
lering humanity, send free to all who need it, the re
cipe and directions for making the simple remedy by
which ho was cured; Sollbrure wiebinif to profit by
the adeertilier's exposit's:me, cow
do •o by addressing/
111 Chattiber etrinj Pit Ts
w 22473
D I 11 r. will