The Lehigh register. (Allentown, Pa.) 1846-1912, May 15, 1866, Image 1
El • "'; =,.ct a . Its) 4, MEI t ;:VO LIJME XX Attgisttr —l4: 30 Viet Hamilton Street, (Lion Hall.) a. MOSS & E. ronaEss, • s Editors and Proprietors. Trams 01 subsciirrtow: 'lt Per .A.nnum, ifir•No deviation made from our published Was, and no paper discontinued until all arrear l ligel are paid, except at the option of the publishers. • RATES OP ADVERTISING %:,14., 3 times. 3 mthe. 0 mthe. 1 yr. OH Square $1.55 $3.00 $5.00 $B.OO }Two. " 8.00 5.00 8.00 12.00 Three " 4.50 1.60 10.00 15.00 " 1 014, , Twelve lines (Minion) constitute a square. 'Lager advertisements in proportion, with a reason able deduction to those advertising by the year. Professional Cards per year - - - $3.00 Administrators' and Auditors 'notices - 3.00 1111rDisplard advertispmente will be pharged for the space they occupy. ib-Resolutions, Tributes of Respect, and Obit teary notices will be charged 75 cents per square. ' tols,Business notices in the Local Department . 20`eants,per line. 7 •i (Plain!! a flitglaV OF ALL /UNDO, executed la the . BEET STYLE, at the shortest no tice; aha atthe LOWEST PRICES. BUSINESS CARDS. 'JOHN .H. OLIVER - Attorney at Law, ALLENTOWN, PA "tst,OFFION removed to North Fifth Street, op posite the Presbyterian Church, and nett door to the Court Rouse. • ffebBr3m H. CLAY HAMERSLY, Attorney at Law, CATASAFQUA, LEHIGH COUNTY, PENNA. Maroh 6, 1866. —ly JACOB S. Attorney at Law, Corner of Haft Hamilton Si. and Law Alley, ALLENTOWN, PA. April 15, 181.8 P. WYCKOFF, Attorney at Law, ALLENTOWN, PA. OBFICE on tho south side of Hamilton street, two doors west of Smith 115 Kramer's store, and op posite the Eagle Hotel. [aul9.Bl] EDWIN ALBERI aT, Attorney at Law, SZOOND Hem Ansve Tax Coosa. House, ALL ENTO TVIV, LEHIGH CO., PA Feb. 13, 1868.—1 y ELISHA FORREST, .. Attorney and*Counsellor at Law, ALLENTOWN, PA Feb. 20, 1866. WILLIAM H. SOW DEN, Attorney and Counsellor nt Law. Office East llamilbin Street, 2 doors above Law Alley, ALLENTOWN, PA. Feb. 20, 1806.—1 y EDWARD HARVEY, Attorney at Law, ALLENTOWN, PA. Qrrio with Hon Samna A. Bridges. [nutyl-ly 101 IN RUPP, a. ATTORNEY AT LAW, A LLENTOWN, PA. • °Trion with A. Woolever, Erg., opposite the Court Rouse.,, Can be consulted In German. [mayl-ly A DAM. WOOLEVER, • ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALLENTOWN, PA. Orrice opposite the Court House. [msyl-ly GULDIN & GREASEMER, IDIEUVIIOVO a 01lloe : No. 46 East Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pe. One door below H. Guth . Co's. store. Awe 8, 1865. • 1 PAUL BALLIET, UNDERTAKER, & FURNISHER, Seventh' Street, below Walnut, West Side, ALLENTOWN, PA April 11 21865 BEAUTIFUL LIFE LIKE PICTURES: Cartes de- Visites, $2 per Dozen. ALL NEGATIVES REGISTERED. 8. W. MIRO AW, No. 7 East Hamilton St ALLENTO IVN, PA. Allentown, Sept. 13. ' —t EAGLE HOTEL 227 North Third Street, Btetocen Race and Vine, PB ILA.DELPHIA TR"is a Bret class hotel, located in the center of business, with ample and excellent noCom modations. R. S. MEHL. Proprietor. January 23, 1868.. E. G. Gerhard & Co., JOBBERS OF Cloths, Cassimeres, VESTINBS, ITALIANS, &G.. NO. M 3 CHESTNUT STREET, Up Stairs, ' PHILADELPHIA. Jann3r3 30, 1868 —6m S. P Newhard, W ITU Seigle & Shimer, WHOLESALE GROOERS, Teas and Spices. ALSO ALL KINDS OF OIL. OpposLe the (ALLEN BOUM) spr3 3m] ALLENTOWN. PA. Willoq• bp- 4 1.1eigeob;olgeh,. „11, . • 110h10641RAtUICJPAIVOIR1tp, • , , • q tr , i -t"' Aeorf#i '4l4;:c 't r k. . .. . . . 9'.' 4 .Cin.f..q.d.• • .., • .• - .. .... . , . . ...... . .... . . • . ~ . • . . ~_ . . ... . . . ~. . . . r,. t, , 0'7..--"11'",•1••1•1-1%. ' i • .1 . . 1• . . . ;7 ' . ..1.. , ,A., • 7 ~ . V . • .. . a. . .. . . .... , . • ~ 1. . . .. . (• " A 7 l . . . . Li: • . . . . • . .• 1 . I'. .. ..Z... .. . ' • . • .- t . .. • . t, ... r. . . • . . . . . . . . . . . , . .. .. . , .. LATH SIIRGHON FIRST BRIG., FIRST DIY., FIFTH A. C. AVING returned to Allentown, is now ready to Li resume the pradtice of his profession at No. 78 West Hamilton !street nearly opposite the Black Bear Hotel. [aprlo-36 Palace of Art Photographs Its 011, Water Colors, India Ink or : Plain, from Miniatures up to Life Size. Cards $2 per dozen. Over Frank :Knauss! store, corner of 6th and Ham ilton streets, Allentown Mar. 20, 1e66. ASPLENDID STOOK OF GOODS SIIITAISLE for Bridal or Birthday Presents. Now is the time to make your purchases. The' stock is entirely new. LADIES' & GENT'S GOLD WATONES. We have the finest assortment of Ladies' and dente' Gold Watches ever brought in this city. We have the larg±st stook that has ever been brought to Allentown. We have also the celebrated Amen. can Watch, and 101 styles ( f English and Swiss Watches suitable fur ladles and boys. We exceed in quantity and variety of the Wert styles. New and beautiful atyles of Ladies' full seta CM DEALERS IN DR. H. A. GILA, Gross' WATCHES & JEWELRY. MIMI WATCHES! KFLLER & BRO. JEWELRY OF SILVER WATCHES JEWELRY. Pins, Eardrops and Bracelets, Ladies' and Gents' FINE 11OLD CULLINEL • Gents' Sam. Gains, Gents' Scarf Pins, Ladies' Gold Thimbles, and a very large variety of Silver Thimbles, Neck laces, Belt Buckles, Charms, Rings of rare and beautiful designs, and also the Plain Ring suitable for engagements, and a large variety of other things too humorous to mention. GOLD PENS Wo have a very largo assortment. Also Gold and Silver folders of all styles suitable for Ladies and Gents. ELEGANT SILVER WARE. In this line our Stock exe,eds in quantity and variety of styles, anything ever offered for sale in this city, and cannot fail to please the most fastidioue. FULL SETS 'OF TEA SETS, CAKE BASKETS, FRUIT BASKETS, • CASTORS, SILVER CARD STANDS, • SILVER PITCIIEitS, CREAM CUPS, SYRUP CANS, SALT CELLARS; GOLD AND RUBY LINED OYSTER LADLES, PICKLE FORKS, BUTTER KNIVES, TEA, DESSERT AND TABLE SPOONS, Etc. MLR AND SILVER SPECTACLES, we have a very largo assortment; persons cannot tall to suit themselves, and all of the most fashion able styles. CLOCKS! CLOCKS! We have the largest assortment of Cloaks that has ever been offered here for sale. Persona desir ing a good Clock, cannot help but sult . themielres. All rinir and all of the latest stiles. We have also a large assortment of FANCY GOODS too_numerous to mention. REPAIRING. All kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry care fully repaired and warranted. • KELLER St BRO. Remember the Place, Newhard's Old Stand, No. 37 West Hamilton. street, Allentown, Pa. E. KELLER,. S. 8. KELLER. decs-ly VAULSOZO4 WATCHES! WAICIIESI Clocks! ,Clocks! NEM' HEY ! 1 JEWELRY H $15,000 •• WORTH OF Clocks, Watches & Jewelry ) TO BE SOLD at the LOWEST DASH PRIM. 1 The largest and best selected assortiaent of Watches, Cloche and Jewelry, in Lehigh county, is to be found at CHAS. S. MASSEY'S, N 0.23 EAST HAMILTON STREET, Allentown Pa. We have no desire to boast, and we speak ad visedly when we say that our stock is (urger and nsoro complete than all the Jewelry establishments In 'be county put together. Just received a very choice and elegant assortment f WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE* Comprising Ladies' gold HUNTING WATCHES• GENTS' GOLD a SILVER HUNTING Imeritau .3v OngtioD Itutroi GOLD, SILVER .4 PLATED CHAINS, mum AND PLATED SPOONS, FORKS, NAPKIN RINGS, FRUIT KNIVES, etc., With an endless variety of the latest style of Jewelry Also, a large and complete assortment of SPECTACLES, In Gold, Silver. Steel and Plated eases. We desire to call attention to our stook of MELODEONS. We bees ennstently on hand a fall assortment of G. A. PRINCE'S Celebrated Melodeons, of sizes suitable for churches or parlors. . N. B.—Particular attention paid to t:,e Repairing of Watches. Clocks and Jewelry. All work 'war ranted. We &Are to inform parties living in the country, that any Clock repairing they wish done at their homes will be promptly attended to. CHAS. S. HANBY, No. 23 Bast Hamilton street, ALLENTOWN. PA. d05'65.1f ESTEVS' COTTAGE, ORGANS RE not only aneioollodi hut they sue ahoolutely a.. Otaigharßee tjo tty to at In 'lle coup peal *owe for qinfetee Bahia% Wet 401/1•40 4 to thspitt l 4.o*C - IVA . 4# 1.„1, Published Weekly by Noss & . Forrest. Terms:: $2 00 per Annum. A.LLENTOWN, PA., TUESDkY MORNING, - MAY 15, 1866. IMPORTANT NEWS: lIMAIRtiCII, HELFRICH & CO., CAMMTMAMS All INIERTAMS, NO. 28 West NaminoD Street. ALLEIV,2 O.W.N; PA. 'THE undersigned take this method of informing A. Their friends, land the publics. generally, that they have oonetantly on hand a full supply of FtrANITURZI eft SUCH A 8 • Bureaus, Sideboanda, Dining and Breakfast Tables, Whatnot and Sofa Tables, Book Cases, Sofas, Bedsteads, Washstands, &0., &0., &0., &o. and in general every article which is kept in their line of business. • House-keepers and persons •Intending to engage in keeping house, should give us a call before pur chasing elsewhere. They manufacture also every kind Of I =Lure to order at the shortest notice. 17NIUMMAX1210 will be promptly attended to. They will furnish Mahogany and Walnut Coffins ; also Coffins covered with cloth.. , _ B. F. HEIMBACH, SOL. HELFRICH. GEO. HEIMBACH. ly. STORE. Jan. 3, 1365 EYES THIS WAY. CABINET WARE ROOM • John iliniburg, IN ALLENTOWN, LEHIGH COUNTY. TOHN MALBURG takes this method to inform cf his fri mds, customers, and tho public in general, that ho is now carrying on tho business on his own account. :as building, NO 52 WEST HAMILTON STREET, opposite ilagentuch's Hotel, whore he is now pre pa to s.4.sfy ill whe they give him a call. His preeeot stock 13 hot to be surpassed, and consiats in part of one folbwmg articles: Bureaus, bide Boards, 'Pier, Centre, Card, Dining, and Breakfast Tables, Book Cases, Cupboards, Whatnot and Sofa Tables, Par lor Tables, Man, Piano Stools, Spring Seat Rocking Chairs, Bedsteads of every variety, and in general every article which is kept in a well regulated establishment. He manufactures also every-variety of Furniture to order, after the latest style and every article sold by him must be as represented, and Must be satis factory. House-keepers and especially young persona in. engage in kjmping house, should not nag loot to call on him before purchasing elsewhere, as he feels satisfied that he can offer bargains that can not be surpassed anywhere outside of Philadelphia. For the liberal patronage already received ho is very thankful, and will still endeavor through lib, oral prices and fair dealings to increase the same. _gar Don't forget the place, No. 62 West Hamil ton Street, where you can call and satisfy yourself of the truth which is herein stated. JOHN MALBHRO. Allentown, July 2.1865. ly COULD .fk. CO.'S celebrated Furniture Es-S6 tablishment le removed from Second and Race streets to the st londid NEW DEPOT, Not. 37 and 39 North Second street, (opposite Christ Church, Philadelphia, where they purpose selling for one year. at about cost, elegant Furni ture, at fttbutotisty low price.. Also, at their Ninth and Market streets branch, where they are tolling equally low, being about to enlarge the premises. GOULD & CO.'3 Furnitme Depots. Noe. 37 and 39 N. Second street, anti corner Ninth and Market streets, 'Philadelphia. March 27, 1866-3 m NSW Boot and Shoe Store. New Firm, New Store and New Goods. HA store juat taken the extensive 11. store room in Rates Building, next door to the Allen House, would respectfully invite the attention of the people of Al lentown and surrounding country, to their large, varied, and well made up stock of BOOTS AND SHOES.. They will sell you a better article in V. e way of BOOTS AND SLIOES, • for less money than you can buy them for elsewhere The most sceptical can be satisfied by an exami nation of the stock they offer for sale. Their M anufaeturing Department being under the supervision of one of the firm,, who bas had much experience in the business, they are confident that PERFECT SATISFACTION _ can be given in every instance where work of any description is o•dered. There is nothink in the lino of wear for the feat that cannot be found at this BOOT AND SHOE STORE ! AT PRICES RANGING AS FOLLOWS: Infant Shoes,'all Styles, from 10 eta. to $2 per pair. Children's Shoes, all Styles, from 25 ote. to $2 per pair. Misses' Shoes, all styles, from 75 eta to $2.60 per pair. Youths' Shoes, all styles, from 00 eta. to $3 per pair. Boys' Shoes, all styles, from 75 eta. to $9 per pair. Ladies Shoes, all styles, from $1 to $5 per pair. , Gets' Shoes, all styles, from $1.50 to $1.50 pe' pair. Youths' Boots, all styles, from $1.50 to $2.50 per pair. Boys' Boots, all styles. from $2 to $5 per pair. Mons' Boots, all styles, from $3.60 to $l5 per pair. Country Merchants and Dealers Sup plied at City Jobbing Sates. iltal..Tho public arc invited to give a call before purchases are wide elsewhere. • J. G. ODENHEIMBR, WALTER U. Sam. April.l7, 1800 —ly FURNITURE. TO THE GREAT Furniture. BOON AND SHOES ODENHEIMER & SEW CARPET and . OIL CLOTH I PBOUGH, Ja , CO., would Invite tho ottan • Hon of buyers to tho largo stock of • NEW SPRING. STYLES Or CARPETS ! Consisting of Tapestry, Brussels, Three.ply, In grain, Entry, Stair nod Rag Carpets. Also 011 Cloths, from Ito 6 yards 'wide. Window Shades in great varietyooanton and Goon Matting, Bags, .Matts, so., La. P. DOUG ti, an., 00., , - i flol3 NORTE SECOND Street abv. NOBLE. Drineti . Store, S. W., Cor... B and Spring Garden . Sttala ' " " ruar2o-401 .P..1•0101i . • 43/10.40 Wm. - H. Seip OPENED 1118 BOOT, SHOE, HAT AND CAP STORE, AT NO.. 35 EAST HAMILTON ST, A MINING KERNAHEN''S OEII-th ior LI.. na Store , where ho offers 'to all who will give him a call, the very best and moat fashionable goods over offered to the cid tens of Allentown,,at the following low cash prices: Men's calf boots, One, $5 00 to $9 00 " kip, double eole; 375 " 515 Boys Mids . boots, 175 " 475 'Men's glove Kid, Congress, Ao. 260 " 575 " " . Bal. shoes 190 " 800 Men's• women's, boy's and misses glove kid, lasting gaiters, 175 " 575 Women's glove kid, very One, 326 " 675 " fine goat morocco bale., 260 " 400 " men's motoo:o and calf 175 ' 1 260 shoes, " common shoes,• 160 " 250 Misses' and child's shoes, 25 " 160 Men's, women's, misses', boy's and child's slippers, ' 25 " 100 No auction goods in my store, but from tho best manufactories. I also have all kinds of TILTS, CAPS and STRAW GOODS of,every kind, at the lowest cash prices. Call and see for yourselves. WILLIAM IL' SEIP. April 17. ....13, . . Bier.y & Mertz HAVE JUST OPEN 11.11) A Boot & Shoe Store, At No. 85 West Hamilton St., TWO DOORS BELOW NINTH, WHERE they will keep constantly on hand a well assorted stock of all kinds of 1ie,44-IAVe Boots ana Sijoes, of Eastern,City and home-manufacture, which they will sell IEAPER than the same can be bought elsewhere, because they sell Exclusively for CASH. They invite all to call and examitib their stock be fore purchasing elsewhere, as they feel confident that customers can suit themselves, both as to price and quality. Alt kinds of CUSTOM WORE and REP AIRING receive prompt attention. • They employ noun but tho best workmen and are therefore prepared to manufacture Boots and Shoes unsurpassed by any other establishment. Particular attention is givh to the manufacture of Irrouoh Calf and Patent Leather Boots. J. S. Binnr, May 8, 1866 REMOVA I J. F. Sohlinger's BOOT and SHOE STORE ni - AS been removed to East Tramil "Ji. ton street, opposite the German Reformed Church, Allentown Pa., where he keeps constantly on hand, of his own manufacture, and also of Philadelphia, New York and Eastern manufacture, a large stock of Boots.and Shoes, which ho is disposed to offer to the public at a small advance above cost. Ho also will make to order all kinds of fine work for Ladies and Children, having competent workmen especially In that branch Feeling determined to make it an object for persons In want of A GOOD ARTICLE to call and examine for themselves aad learn his prices, which will be as low as any other house in t own or country. Measured work and repairing promptly attended to raprlOstf J. F. BOHLINOER• REMOVAL! DEsilixtv's HAT, CAP & NOTION ESTABLISHMENT HAS been removed to GODFREY PETER'S building, on East Mimißon Street, Opposite the Court House, Whore can now bo found the latest, most elegant and fashltnable styles of RATS AND CAPS. Also hes been added a Gents' Furnishing Goods DEPARTMENT ! With a full line of NEW GOODS, nob as HANDKERCHIEFS, SUSPENDERS, UNDERSHIRTS, OVERSEHRTS, UMBRELLAS, HOSIERY, DRAWERS, COLLARS, NEOB TIES, GLOVES, etc., etc., 'etc. COME ONE -l- COMA ALL ! and see for yourselves, the beautiful assortment of goods, before purchasing elsewhere. I will take great pleasure in showing my goods, and can satis fy all that I can and will eell goods 95 PER CENT CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE OUTSIDE OP THE CITIES. New goods received daily from the manufacturers and for sale at the lowest rates. ffeb2o.t. STAND FROM UNDER! GOLD 128 I And Prospe is of still Further Decline ! C=l 'JP .49.1 V X C 1 I RULES 2.HE HOUR. Hats Caps & Straw Goods, STYLING STYLES. Christ & Sauer's, ANo. 15 West Hamilton street opposite the Odd Fellows' Hall, have on hand the largest assortment of Ha's and Cap„ spring and summer styles, ever seen in Allentown, comprising every style and quality. from five dollars down to fit ly cents, and ouch that will become old and young. Their stook of Cape is the largest in Allentown, and at extremely low pricer. To convince the pub lic of what is said, it may be well to state that obey have TORTY.OAN different styles. Surely enough to give a person a chance of suiting his taste. pi. Messrs. Christ di Sinters direct attention to the fact that they are the only DIAIIOFACTURIM of Hats in Allentown. STRAW GOOl2lB.—A beautiful assortment of etre w hats, for men and boys, will be kept constantly on hand during the season, to which we invite public attention. Give us a - call. WI. Country Merchants would do well to give as a call, as wo will wholesale them Hats and Caps cheaper than they can gat them in the city. Allentown, August 13—tf PURE LIBERTY WHITE LVID,-- The Whitest, the moat durable and the most econom ical. Try it I Manufactured only by Zlegledt emit!), Wholesale Drug, Paint 84 Glass Dealers jan3o-Iy] No. 137 N. Third St., Philada _HOWARD. .A.SSOCIATION PHILADELPHIA. PA. isneass OF 'THE . racittious, annso , URWARTAND *SEXUAL BYOTRA46--ruiw , . • '• • ' `•• • 7E7 - it 3EI THIS KEW SPRING GOODS LOOK IN AT US: NEW FIRM ! 331GT.113311R. SROS., (LATE HUBER & DILLINGER,) No. 7 IYES2' IMMILTON STREE2, ALLENTOWN, PA Would respectfully Inform the oltl,en of Lehigh county that they have just formed a. co-parnerehip as above, and that they have just unpacked a fresh stook of Spring Goods! FROM NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA And are now qffering them at the LOWEST MARKT PRICES. DRY . GOODS! CONSISTING OF TAE. LATEST STYLES OP Figured and Plain Alpacas. Figured and Plain all Wool De Laineu * SHEPHERD PLAIDS, 'BLACK. SILKS, SUMMER SILKS, IRISH POPLINS, WHITE GOODS, White Counterpanes, Linen and Cotton Sheeting; Check; Gingham; Bed6cks, Flannels, &c,, Shepherd Plaid Balmoral; Black Cloth, Cassimeres, Velvetine, Corduroy, Cottonades, Kentucky Jeans, Drills, prIE3 GLOAKIIO, Plain Colors, Middlesex Cloths, Reppellants, and PLAIDS OF VARIOUS COLORS. MEE A full line of Cloths, Cass'mores Sattinetts and Veatings, all kinds and prices, whichh will be sold cheap. We have constantly on hand a large and well se looted stock of all kinds of CROCKERY, GROCERIES, MACK.EREL, fko Which we will dispose of at the very lowest cash prices. All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for goods, and the highest market prices allowed. 'Friends, Awake to your Interest! for we feel satisfied that we can suit your TASTES as well as your PURSES. Don't forgot the place, No. 7 West Hamilton street, second door abcve the Eagle Hotel. Returning thanks for the patronage received In the past, and hope that by a continuous effort to acoom odato their friends and customers, and in conse quence of the largeness and variety of their stock, to merit and receive a continuance of the support end good will of the people, A. A. Hunan, Allentown, July 18, A FEW WORMS ABOUT 1111:111.2111:111T3C69. Great Western Remedy ! THIS remedy is now perporming the moat won derful curse. It cures Hbeumatism, Chills and Fevers, General Debility, Kidney Complaints, Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Sick Ileadanbe, Lo., &o. In all eases a sensible relief is guaranteed in from five to ten minutes, and a PERFECT CURE its from six to twelve days. Never has it yet failed in one solitary instance to accomplish far more than we have promised or the afflioted applicant anticipated. The Curative Properties of the Great Western Remedy are truly.wonderful. Whole pages of tes timonials feom influential citizens might be given to the public, but we deem it to bo superfluous, as you may readily find persons of your own acquaint ance in every part of the country, who will testify to the disease dispelling and health promotion qualities of the Great Western Remedy. AARON DAVIS, Discoverer and manufacturer, 825 Broad St., Newark, N. J. The Great Western Remedy may be obtained of all established Druggists throughout the country. W. E Barnes & Son, Druggista,Atentown, whole sale Agents. [April 8,'66 Gm 628 HOOP. SKIRTS. . 628 normals. " OWN NC aim , Manufactured and sold wholesale and retail. NO. 628 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. The most complote assortment of Ladies', Miss es' and Chikdron's Hoop Skirts, in the city; gotten up expressly to meet the wants of first-class trade ; • embracing the newest and most desirable styles and sires of " Goro Trails, of every length—from 21 to 4 yards round-20 to 56 springs, at 2to $5. Plain skirts, all lengths, from to 3 yards round the bottom, at $1 40 to $3 15. Our lino of Mims' and Childrea's skirts, are proverbially beyond all coinpetition, for variety of styles and sites—es well as for finish and durabili ty; varying from 8 to 33 inches in length 6 to 45 springs at 35 cents to $2 25. All skirts of 1. OWN •• , AKE" are warranted to give satiefacti•m.; but buy none as such unless they have " Hopkins' Hoop Skirt Manufactory, No., 628 Arch street," stamped on each tab Also, constantly on hand good skirts. manures tared in New York and the Eastern States, which we sell at very low prices. A lot of cheap skirts —'6 springs, 85 cents; 20 springs ' $1 00; 25 spring, $ 15; 80 springs, $1 25 and 40 springs, $1 Or Skirts made to order and repaired. . Air Terms Cash. One Price Only. REMOVAL: MILLINERY AtTABLISIOIENT MRS. MARY O. ROGERS, No. 28 East Hamilton Street, Allentown, RESPHOTPULLY inform. her friends and the Li public la general that she has lately removed to. No. 28 East Hamilton street, two doors east of the Democrat printing offiee, and there opened' a 'he* millinery eatabliehment in all its various branch 08. She has just returned from New York and Phil adelphia with the latest styles of SPRING AND SUMMER BONNETSI and is now prepared to maim theca up w:th the choicest trimmings and tl swore, in the most fashionable manner. Her stock of ribbons and artificial flowers cannot be serialised by any other establishment in Allen. town for • beauty,, torte and cheapness. Persons should Rive her a call before purchasing elsewhere. Terms strictly cash. As ehe has acquired a general knowledge of the business and employs none but the best milliners, 'she is prepared to warrant all her repre sented, eh* is also anxious to satisfy all who may favor ber . with their pitronage. Old bonnets bleach ed and'repaired. • • . By strict attention tt:t business be trusts to merit *Abut* 0; babilet'itultunlistutitt witteliibn will etter tag • • lisqt t . to. I`:e•* . a ''.',l44)lt;llls". Consult you Interest In Buying Goods! 11 tzier & Osman Have just opened at their T AIL 0 111 NO, ESTABLIRMENT, . NO. 33 EAST HAMILTON STREET, A.I.LENTOWIV; THEIR SPRING STOOK OF CLOTHS, CftSSIIIVIERES, VESTINCS, Ike" ai which will be 11. Made up: to Order, I BIADV-EPDA tntValillgiko 1111 MMUS' MISR HOBS WE HAVE Tap Cheapest Coats, Cheapest Vests, Cheapest Pants, Cheapest Overalls, - Cheapest Cloths, Cheapest Cassimeres, Cheapest Shirts, Cheapest Collars, Cheapest Bosos,in ' Cheapest Neckties, Cheapest Scarfs, Cheapest Handkerchiefs, Cheapest Hosiery, Ch apest Gloves, Cheapest Umbrellas, etc., etc., etc., etc. Our stock is much heavier and batter assorted than EV Eli BEFORE • Don't forget the p lace, Ng. 33 East Hamilton etr., next door to the “Indepondent Republikaner." METZGER t OSMAN. NATHAN METECIEU, late of the firm of Troxell Metzger. Osuart, lately head cutter at the Estab lishment of Trozell k Metzger. Allentown. Aug. 8, 1886 C. L. HoBEn. —ff OP A 111 TIIII LATEST STYLES, BY TIP-TOP WORKMEN, et the &erten notice. SOLD CHEAPER THAN EVER. Cali and Examine. "Take Down the Fiddle and the Bow !" VIOLIN! VllLligl VIOLINS I! AT all prices. Violin Strings, Tail Pieces, Pegs, Bows, Rosin, Blank Musky :paper, at Fousr's Variety Store. Sheet Music I Sheet Music - - A large supply on hand—if we have not got the piece you want, we can get it for you in a few days if you will leave the name of the piece with us. INSTRUCTION BOOKS for all kind of Instru ments constantly on hand at Foust's Variety Store. STAMPING 1 STAMPING 1 Done at short notice—receiving new pattern. con stantly. Call and ace the patterns at Fonet•e Va riety Store. NOTIONS I .N 0 ?lONS r Handkerchiefs, Homy, Gloves, Threads, Sewing Silk, Pins, Noodles, Combs, Braids, Hoop Skirts. Call in—it pays to go round the corner to Foust's Va.iety Store. Where la FOUST'S Variety Store? Sixth Street, tlixth Street, Sixth Street, Sixth Street Four doors from Hamilton, in one of the rooms un der Beehtel's Hotel. [ma2-ly NOTICE. I N pursuance of the several acts of Assembly of this Commonwealth, relating to the rates and levies, the undersigned, Commissioners of Lehigh county, give notice to the taxable inhabitants, the owners ant agents of real estate and personal prop erty, that tho appeal from the assessment for the ensuing year, for the county of Lehigh, will be bald on the follow ing: days, at the Commissioners' office, in the borough of Allentown, where all persons considering themselves aggrieved may attend, if they see proper. For the boroughs of Allentown, Millerstown. Emaus and Hanover township, on the 15th day of May next, at 10 A. M. Lynn, Heidelburg, Lowhill, Welsenberg, Sails burg and Upper Simon, the 18th day of May. Upper and Lower Macungie, Upper and Lower . Milford, the 17th day of May. North and South Whitehall, Washington. Slating ton and Catasauqua, on the 18th day of May. On the same day and place. the Commissioners of the said county of Lehigh will receive sealed written proposals for the collection of the county and State taxes for the present year. The sot sties must be name.l in the'proposals. The Commission. era will, however, not invariably confine themselves to the lowest bidder, but to the one who they be lieve to be to the beet Interest of the county and district for which he °enacts. JOSEPH NEWHARD. REUBEN DANNER, JONAS HOLLENBAOH, Commissioners. Apr. 24-4 t E'SIABLIB.ED IN 1810. 3FaBTCrlit DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. & W. JONES, No. 432 North Front St., above T el • Callowbill, Philadalphia, dyes Silks, Woolen abd Fancy Goods of every description. Their su perior style of dyeing Ladies and Gentlemen's Gar ments is widely known. Crape and Merino Sit .wis cleaned to look like new, also Gentleinen's ap parel, Curling, &o, cleaned or re-dyed. Kid Gloves cleaned or dyed to look like new. Call and look at our wo:k before going JONES.elsewhere. J. et WW. March 27, 1866.-2 m • • 1.111-IEALTIF-STRINGTII 01--11104131E-STBEIGTIL ( IIFE-111ALTEST11116T1 , Hundreds and thousands annually die premature ly, when, tf they would give the Great rreuoh Item . edy, DR. JUAN DELABIARRE'S CELEBRATED .SPECIFIC PILLS Prepared by FAlnnelere & Dupont, No. 214 Rue Lombard, Paris, from the prescription of Dr. Juan Delamarre, Chief Physiolan of the Hospital du Nord on Laribolsiere a fair trial, theywonid find immedi ate relief, and, in a short time, be fully restored to Health and Strength. It is need in the practice of many eminent French physicians, with uniform success, and highly recommended as the only peel tive and Specific, Remedy for all persons suffering from Generator Sexual Debility, all derangements of the Nervou Forces, Melancholy, Spermatorrhaut or Seminal Emissions, all Weaknesses educing from 'Sexual Excesses, or youthful indiscretions, Loss of Muscular Energy,' Physical Prostration. Nervous ness, Weak Spine, Lowness of Spirits, Dimness of Vision, Hysterics, Pains, in the Back and Limbs, Impotently, de. ' No language can convey an adequate idea of the immediate and almost miraculous change it occa sions to the debilitated and shattered system. In feat, it stands unrivalled as an unfailing cure of the maladies above mentioned: Suffer no more, but use The Great French Reme dy; it willeffect a cure where all others fail, and although a powerful remedy, conteins nothing hurC ) .fal to the most delicate deostitution. Pamphlets. containing full particulars and. dine lions for using, in English, French, Spanish and German, accompany each box, and also sent free to tuay. address when requested.. .• . Price one dollar per box; eix boxes for live dol lars. • •• •• Sold - by -nil-Druggists • throughout the world; or 'will be sent by MB% securely 'sealed from all Gem 'ado. by enclosing specified price, to any author- (N IYM-B'E,-, ottrg. (Fos the Itightirr The Sixth Spring. - t • Five years we have' watehecl the Spring time pup, Dropping ifs violets in the grass, '• : r! Bringing to mountain and valley and.shore rt The same sweet life it had brought,befere, ' As fresh as creation's sevonth,,day The earth in its now-born beauty lay; Above us the blue, below us , the green. are With the bounteous sunshine poured betireco, But what io xis 'Wore the bloom and light r.. Over our hearts gloomed,.o.winter night; Into our homes a presence had come And bidder} the voice: of mirth be dumb, Out of our homes a presence had gone— Fathers and brothers, e.n army as tOnP And ere tho hut storm Mow white from' tile Borth We saw them march to the battle forth; •'• 0' And the earliest flowers Gould Namely bud Before they were Wet with li (low While the startled, land heard,near and far The tumult and Wild alarm of war, But a change has come;—no more in fear We wait while the spring renewer t a year; The roll of drums no longer we hair, . The call to arms and the martial tre ad, tee i But the peaceful ham of toil Instead. And 'neigh these heavens that band,so . fgre In this holy calm that fills the air . Like a silent blessing, Oh! let us kneel And murmur the thanks our full hearts Let us Mk that many a spring like this May coma with its hours of peace and Ulu; ; , That the tempest cloud of strife and war, May darken our beautiful land tromere'ro • That that land from the woes of thopasrmailriap,r; With a fame as clear as these shining silos, • And the years of her glory glide away • • 4 As perfect and bright as this May day.iff Gisokils Jo J 1 ~ A Doublo' Sif t : - The following has a very •wide'ePPlllii_ tion and will be read with a anal° elation by both sexes ' • HUSBAND TRAVELlNG.—Soenel : ''lit:.L Room in Hotel. •Spittoons fulinbreiffir stumps. .13outbon whiskey. .Httshildirm , a hurry to be uff, writing I.orrio,:r , . DEAREST WIFE :—My time ill Ocl, pied with business, that I can baldly spare a moment to- write to you. OhPdeiliii`g, howl miss ycn, and the only•thitietbat sustains me during .my .absenee.iite thought that every moment thus_ !pent ,je for the benefit of my dear wild and Ail : 64. Take good care of yourellf, nip dear:",Fiiird the baby on one cow's milk:. &e. • 0.1 u: di WIFE AT HOME.:••••S:e110 kalorm-- All the gas fir. Thirteen grasp yiktm . ; Fred, from around the miner, with 'but olin • Jim, from above, with hiliAittip; Jack, from across the-way, with hi gtiit~; Sam, from below with his flutoi..lotaefetb er fellows, with their inatrumente..„Pe.n ing, and singing sideboard covel4 l l.-with nuts, ft nits, cake, cream, winiiirhiticOrit. Wife in a hurry to deuce; writinglo btie. b a nd • DEAR. HUBBY 101idsome I: feel in your absence. The hours page tp4l9loy. Nobody calls on me, and I am coneterio thinking of the time when ytn; will be:tier*. and your cheerful countenance lightlifOlte now dreary routine of every day life.:::11y household duties 'keep me, copotaßAY lt)gi ployed. lam living as ecoriemioal "toe sible knowina that your sinallincoine 11111 not admit, of trivo ous expensea. • Bei; Inine dear, I will say good by, or I- willibeitoo late for the monthly concert ef trtlyetri- IR hastn, yours, &c. . L:1 Luck is ever waiting for sothethiugilto turn up. '; Labor, with keen eyes and stronioßAll B will turn up something. Luck lies in 'bed, and *lithe. UM :tibia.. men would bring bim nows , titti tegatiy.s' Labor turns out at six io'olunk; knd, busy pen or rigging burning, ,lays, a t tagi. dation of a competence. • Luck whinea, Labor whistles Luck relierrnn - tiranoes. - • Labor, on obaraoter. I • a `alt Luck slips downward to . indigerilkhoe Labor strides upward . and t 9,, Adore ence. . Una - /EPA naturalist sive t' 14 1,ast - stiellth, while walking in ,ms' yuk,,l ..oblervbtit: green wood-peoker 41/.1 some fifty paces before me, look rlop nd to see if he was observed, flat. lie apliCittd 'simulate death by stretchingl'himbeff tionless, and hat ging. his tenguaitedrisllkr as possible. He occasionally tolilleit hula his bill. lie had eelected P. 41 !) 4Fl o slin ant hill. The ants thinking._ pips d would cover his tongue" to" (hided ; when it was blank with' knte,he*biddifiria• low tiem, and repeat the lA*, untitidltis maw could hold no more.", . I ci!) .• • . A MisTAKz IN . 45111001401 FF ,Ccintpteat —A Raleigh N. 0.,) letter in the Out natti Gazette records the folfowloe.""' eiThe teacher of One of .the sohools was examining .the oham in geokw phy the other day. rointing,.o ,e),tilqwps the map, he said, oill'hat country , ,In'iltnt, children ? They responded,.. l Afilei.ti-- 'That' said the teacher, 'is where :tynite'in oestore came from—your fathers and stali ers' At this remark a !aright I.okintilit• tie colored chap jumped upAnd itni& i Lfgb, no ruasa'r teacher,dat stint so- r is a white man, anlives 'ln Ralelitfil,' si BWITIVIVIDIA.—ThIit IIII4 tiful idea in the mind of a littitgitliWim. on beholding a rosebush, whetd v ori *atop most stem, the oldest rose was fadiag, r j h)let below and around it three.beaulirut er.11.1110 11 buds were just unfolding their otuiriai, at once artlessly czpreesed • to her' brattier, "See, Willie,. these - little buds balnitiled awakened in time to kiss their motbsEby. fore she dies . . L.: CONBICEVATIBM. - A witty'' Finitelieu defines conservatism - thus: "Your real eon serrative is a man who, It he biallired at the first day of creation, wodld ii a ifbind fault with the Creator tor dibtitrlgnOthe chaos. . , •: 3$ air General Sheridan. Texan tonr E atared hie and fotaibly, se folloira. "HT and Texas; .t 'would 'Vent , • live at dui otheepiate?'" ' t • Ai0: 431. BERCI .:.i' ' : ; ;a =LI =TM EMI Luck and Labor filo -A 14M1 IBM ME MEI IM