The Lehigh register. (Allentown, Pa.) 1846-1912, May 08, 1866, Image 1
ES VOLUME XX. .0 fetigt • gegittr fY pniinhed oven* tueedsy Morning. :—No. 20 Eastlton Street, (Lion 11 311. MILOS' & a. rowans% Editors and Proprietors. viisms sussourvas: •,. .. 2 Pek - Annum. , Plrlfo dentition made from our published Was, end tab paper discontinued until all arrear ekisiitt pOld,iiiibt etas optini of the litiblinters. RAIIIII or AOPitipiA: 8 tittles. 8 mths. 6 mats. 1 yr. One Square $1.50 $B.OO $5.00 $B.OO Two " 8.00 5.00 8.00 12.00 Three 4 ' 4.50 2.00 10.00 15.00 Olb-Tilelv• lines (dinten) constitute a square. Itnielir advettlibifientb ih tfropottlen,With a reason able deduction to those advettieltig by the year. Professional Cards per yen - , -$6.00 Administrators' and Anditdia 'notices . 8.00 !/-Misplayed advertisements will be charged for *ace they occupy. --- - . 11111.1teaolutions, Tributes of Reepeot, and Obit ' notices will be charged 25 cents per square. '2llls.Duelelass nothies lb the poen Department cents pet like. , &alit PIEDIMITTP oir ALL tune, ifentha In the liht3T STYLVat the shortest no tine, Ind at the LO WEST PRICES. BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN H. OLIVER. Attorney at Law, ALLENTOWN, PA. Va.OFFIOE removed to North Fifth street. op posite the Presbyterian Church, and nex t eoor to the Court House. ro 3m O R. CLAY HAMERSLY,' Attorney at LIM', CATASAUQUA, LEHIGH COUNTY, PENN A March 6, 1866. —1 JACOB S. DILLINGER, Attorney at Law, Corner of East Hamilton St. and Law All 4 ALLENTOWN, PA. April 15, 11465 P. WYCKOFF, Attorney at Law, ALLENTOWN, PA. OFFICE on the south side of Hamilton street, two doors west of Smith £ Kramer's store, and op posits the Eaglo Hotel. . Laul9-1A EDWIN ALBRIGHT, Attorney at Law, BECOND DCOR 'MOVE TUC COURT MIMS, LL ENT 0 W.N, LEHIGH CO., PA Bob. 13, 1866 —l'y ELM A FOLUtEST, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ALLENTOWN, PA Bob. 20, 1500. - . WILLIAM H. SOW DEN, Attorney and Counsellor at Maw. °Moe East Hamilton Street, 2 doom above Law Alley, ALLENTOWN,TA. rob. 20, 1866.-ly. OULDIN & GREASEMER, IDMIOtWa63 9 /09 Moe : No. 46 East liamllton Street, Allentown, Pa. One door below H. Oath & en's. store. Leg 8, 1865. ly PAUL BALLIET, iINDERTAKER & FURN ISHER, " Seventh Street, below "Walnut, West Side, ALLENTO%V CZ, PA April 11 ,18(15 LIFE LIKE PICTURE. Cartes de Visites, $2 per Dozen ALL NEGATIVES REGISTERED. S. W. BURL AW, No. 7 East Hamilton St ALLENTOWN, PA Allentown, Sept. 18. EAGLE HOTEL 227 North Third Street, Between Race and Vine, PHILADELPHIA. Tuts is a first class It Mel, 19ot tmt iu the ecnter of business, with ample itnd excelloo Rerun. Modations. R. S. RIE.IIL. Proprietor. January 23, 1:158_ —ly E. G Gerhard & Co., Cloths, Cassimeres VESTING% ITALIAN'S, &C.. NO. 333 OHESTNU STREET. Up Stairs, Pill .ADELprim. 7anwry 30, 1866 P Newhard, WITH Seiple & Shimer, V HOLESALE GKOCERs, Teas and spices. ALSO ALL KINDS OF OIL. OppoeLo the (ALLEN 110118 E,) apr3 3inl ALLEN'COWN. PA LATH BURGEON IN-OItIEF n 1 FIRST BRIG., FIRST Div•, FIFTH A. v. ri AVM retutned to Allentown, la now ready to 11 resume the practice of Ms profession at No 76 West Hamilton Street, nearly opposite the Black Bear Hotel. • faprlo-3m Xicilieob34ll)o, 110M101 EOPATIII C IrIIYSICI AN MILtERSTOWN; PA., efrAXE3 this mode of inf the peopl of the I ststroundinenthshborhood,orming that he hen located bloisolf • Afar 4 1 . reiits'• 'but, Altalierifolori, whets nitot, to atoll tie poop!e shine o toplttl.l, itT M . . . . . • EDWARD HARVEY, Attorney at Law,.. ALLENTOWN, PA. Brews with Ron Betteael A. Bridges. [mayl-17 JOHN RUPP, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALLANTOWN, PA. Or➢iOE with A. Woolever, Bsq., opposite the Court owe. Oen bo consulted in German. [tneyl-ly ADAM WOOLEVER Gross ' Palace of Art Photographs IN 011, Water Colors, India Ink or inalti, from Miniatures up to Life Site. Oar& pet dozen. Over,Frank linaues' store, corner of lith and Ham ilton streets, Allentown. Mar. go; ugh. BEAUTIFUL JOBBERS OP DEALERS IN Dd.. H. A. GRIA, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AiLiNto*N, Pi; Orem opposite the Owlet goose. [mas-17 KOMI - V ONES KELLER & BRO. JEWELRY , STORE, A SPLENDID STOOE. OF GOODS SUITABLE tl for Bridal or Birthday Preaenia. Now is the time to make your purchases. The stock is entirely new. ,LADIES' &GENT'S GOLD WATCHES. We have the finest assortment of Ladies' and Gents' Gold Watches ever brought in this city. OF SILVER WATCHES We have the largsat stock that hes ever been brought to Allentown. We have also the celebrated Ameri can Watch, and ell styles • f English and SWille Watches suitable fur ladles and boys. JEWELRY. We exceed in quantity nna vanety of the latest styles. New and beilutiful E tyke of Ladies' full sets Pins, Eardrops and Bracelets, Ladies' and Gents' TT= GOLD 021ALINIL Gents' Silver C7d.ains. Genie' Scarf Pins, Ladies' Gold Thimbles, and a very large variety of Silver Thimbles, Neck. laces., Belt Buckles, Glaarms, Rings of rare and beautiful designs, and also the Plain Ring suitable for engagements, Lod a large variety of other things too uumerous to mention. GOLD PENS We have a very large assortment. Also Gold and Silver &lidera of all styles suitable for Ladies and Gents. ELEGaitT SILVER WARE. In ibis line our Stock exo ode in quantity and variety of styles, anything ever offered for sale in this city, and cannot fail to please the most fastidious. FULL SETS OF TEA SETS, CAKE BASKETS, FRUIT BASKETS, CASTORS, SILVER CARD STANDS, SILVER PITCHEItS, CREAM CUPS, SYRUP CANS, SALT CELLARS. GOLD AND RUBY LINED OYSTER LADLES, PICKLE FORKS, BUTTER KNIVES, TEA, DESSERT AND TABLE SPOONS, Etc BOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES, wo have a very large assortment; persons cannot fall to suit themselves, and all of the most fashion able styles. CLOCKS! CLOCKS! We have the largest assortment of Clocks that has ever been offered here for sale. Persons &ek ing a good Clock, cannot help but suit themselves. All new and all of the latest styles. We have also a large aseortmont of FANCY GOODS too numerous to mention. NEP.A.IIIING. • All kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelrj care fully repaired and warranted. KELLER & BRO. Remembrr the Place, Newhard's Old Stand, No. 37 West Hamilton street. Allentown, Pa. • E. KELLER. S. S. KELLER.. dcc6-ly EMI tricrituxua Mud TO YOUNG MEN. dust Published in a S'scded Entielolie. Price 6 Cte A lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Radical Cure of Spermatorrbrea or Seminal Weakness, In voluntary Emirsions, Sexual Debility, and Impedi ments to Marriage generally, Nervousness, Con sumption; Epilepsy and Fits ; Mental and Physical Ineempoeity, resulting fem Self-Abuse, c. By ROBERT J. CULVERWELL, M. D., Author of the . 1 Green Book," ha. 'the world-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly peeves from his own experience that the awful oonscqueeoas of pelf-Abuse may be effeetua ly removed without medicine, and without dangerous surgical operations, boogies, instruments, rings or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may he, may cure him self cheat ly, , privately and radically. This lecture will pross a boots to thousands and thousands. Sent under 4. eal. to any address, in a plain, rattled envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, by addressing CHAS. J C. KLINE A CO., 1 27 Bowery, New York Post °Mee Box 4566. Flab. 13 y Great Bargains. THE U. B. GOVERNMENT aro tellinK their 1 useless and supernumerary stork of lioness and at low r.itea. Don't he afraid to huy because ru many ore sweenied, sprained, and other wipe crippled. Buy the lloree, and then buy ope or two bottles of SMITEL'S LINIMENT, anti use as directed, and you can double your mon ey. Ohe bottle will effect a cure, unless of very long standing. This is the best cure for Sweeny ever known.— No Rowel or Seaton needed. Smith's Linimer t has been proven to be one of the but things to cure and give relief to persons of flirted with ktheumatiem or Neuralgic pains, or pains occasioned by over-exertion or exposure. It can always be had wholtsale and retail at the Drug Stores of Dr. W. E. Barnes, Allentown ; W. W. Selfridge, Bethlehem; J. 8. Lama', Catasaugua, or of the Proprietor, 'July 11 '615-ly CARPETS and OIL CLOTHS! PllOllOll, Jn , b. CO., would Invite the ottan a lion of buyers to the large stock of • NEW SPRING STYLES OF CARPETS! Consisting" of Tapestry, Brussels, Three.ply, In grain Entry,,Stale and Rag Carpets. Oil Cloth ' s, from to fl yards wide. Window Shialles In great vatlety, Canton Itnit s Cono Matting, tap, Matta, ac., do. . P. nouOli, JR., & 00., 000 211111TII SECOOD Striae Mot. I.lonut. .ntaica atom W. Cot.. 0 and fipting Gard e% Myr" PIIIII4 risatit.aaf Published Weekly by Moss & Forrest. Terms : St 00 per Annum. LENTOWN, 'PA., TUESDAY_MOttNINGF, MAY 8, 1860. swavtaratell CURES! HMS' Clocks! Clocks! BUOY If.VIM 1 dEuuiY I $15,000 WORTH OF Clocks, Watches t Jewelry , T O BE BOLO at the 'LOWEST CASH PRIM. I The largest and best selected assortment of Watches, Cloaks and Jewelry, in Lettish county, is to be found at , • CHAS.„§. MASSEY'S, N 0.93 EAST IIAYOTON STBEEP„Allentown Pa. 'We have no desire to boast, and we speak ad visedly when o sa tat our stock is larger and more complete than a ll t he all the Jewelry establishmen t'. in the county put together. Just received a very choice and elegant assortment .1' WATCHES, . JEWELRY, SILVER WARE. Comprising Ladies' Gold HUNTING. WATCHES. GENTS' GOLD Jr. SILVER BUNTING lull= Bz. (guano!) intro GOLD, SILVER , & PLATED CHAINS, SILVER. AND PLATED SPOONS, FORKS, NAPhIN RINGS, FRUIT KNIVES, etc., With an endless co of the latest style of Jewelry Also, a large and omplete assortment of in Gold, Silver. Steel and Plated cases. We desire to call attention to our stook of MELODEONS. We have constantly on band a full assortment of G. A. PRINCE'S Celebrated Melodeons, of Billet suitable for churches or parlors. N. B.—Particular attention paid tol-m Repslrina of Watches. Clocks and Jewelry. All work war ranted. We desire to inform parties living in the country, that any Clock repairing they wish done at their homes will be promptly atteuded to. 11- e. S. ,SIASSEY, No. 23 East Hamilton street, ALLENTOWN, PA. c5'65.1y REMOVAL! DlistmEws • HAT, -CAP & NOTION ESTABLISHMENT HA been emoved to GODFREY PETER'S building, r on East Hamilton street, Opposite the Court House, Where oan now bo found the latest, most elegant and fashionable styles of Also has been added A a ND CAPS.. Gents' Furnishing Goods DEPARTMENT ! With a full line of NEW GOODS, ,ueh as HANDKERCHIEFS, SUSPENDERS, UNDERSHIRTS, OVERSIIIRTS, UMBRELLAS,,, HOSIERY DRAWERS, COLLARS, • NECK TIES, CLOVES, etc., etc., etc COME ONE! COME ALL !I and see for yourselves, the boaut:ful assortment of goods, before purchasing elsewhere. I will take great pleasure in showing my goods, and can satis fy all that I can and will Neil goods 9b PER CENT CHEAPER THAN ANY OTIIER lIOUSE ou rsioF oF 'ME CITIES. • New goods received daily from the manufacturers and for sale at the lowest rates. f feb2o-t. IMPORTANT NEWS: lIEIMBICII, lIELFRICII & CO., C~DII~ETMt S QED DNDD~T~~RfIS. No. 28 West Hamilto St n reet. ALLEN 7 OWN, PA. TUE undersigned take this method of informing Their friends, and the public generally, that they have constantly on hand a fall eupply of F17.28112=8.11 aNalk SUCH AS Bureaus, Sideboards, Dining and Breakfast Tables, Whatnot and Sofa Tables, Book Cases, Sofas, Bedsteads, Washstands, &0., &0., &0., &o. and in general every article which is kept in their line of business. louse-keepers and persons intending to engage in keeping house, should give us a call before pur chasing elsewhere. They manufacture also every kind of ferniAre to or4er at the shortest notice. urnmalutarxixre will be promptly attended to. They will furnish Mahogany and Walnut Coffin •, alo Coffins covered with cloth. D. F. s HEIMBACII, BOL. HELFRICH. GEO. DEMI:IACR. Jan. 3, 1865 iv . Great Western Remedy THIS remedy„perporming the most won derful cures. It cures Rheumatism, Chills and Fevers, General Debility, Kidney Complaints, Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Sick Headache, Ac., Le. In all cases a sensible relief is guiranteed in from five to ten minutes, and a PERFECT CURE in from six to twelve days. Never has it yet failed in one solitary instance to accomplish far more than we have promised or the afflicted applicant anticipated. The Curative Properties of the Great Western Remedy are truly wonderful. Whole pages of les timoniala from influential citizens might be given to the public, but we deem it to he auperfluous t as you may readily find persons of your own acquaint ance in every part of the country, who will testify to the disease dispellinst and health mutotion qualitfis of the Great Western Remedy. AARON yDAVI9, Discoverer and manufacturer . 32h 'Dread St., Igewark; N. is The . orent Wellorn may be Otalhed of alt eithbiteholl 12feggiS5 tilfdegbont Mb country. W. II intact di Wen, n,l: 1 111 *ben. tole 4itittte. • • tAtl4l tl) °4161 G. W. BMITII, Catasaura Ps ... SPECT.AOLES, A FEW WORDS ABOUT VD. _AILTIETJUMMI 40 THII II I fiT 1 KW SPRIht GOODS LOOK IN AT US! NEW 3211:3133EUR. 3311.015., (LATE HEBER & DiLLINGER,) No. 7 WEST _HAMILTON BMEE2 • ALLPiNTOWN, PA. Would respectittliv inform the alti et of Lehigh county that they have just formdd a co-parnership as above, and that they have just unpacked a fresh stock of Spring Goods! _.. FROM NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA And are now offering them at the LOWEST MARKT PRICES, -DRY. GOODS! CONSISTING OF THE LATEST STYLES OP Figured and Plain Alpacas. Figured and Plain all Wool De Laines SHEPHERD PLAIDS; BLACK SILKS, SWIM EH SILKS, IRISH. POPLI E NS, WHIT GOODS, While Counterpanes, Linen and Cotton Sheetings, Checks, Ginghams, Bedticks, Flannels, &c„ Shepherd Plaid Balmoral's, Black Cloth, Cassimeres, 1' Vaseline, Corduroy, Cottonades, Kentucky Jeans Drills, LADIE3.OI. O AKI on NG , Pi Colors Middlesex Cloths, Reppellants, and . PLAIDS OF VARIOUS 'COLORS. tEV IdE Gil g Rl , ' V 7 a [Bo A full lino of Cloths, Cassitheres, Statuette and Vestings, all kinds and prices, which will be sold cheap. We hare constantly on hand a large and well se lected stock of all kinds of CROCKERY , GROCERIBB, MACKE S A LT, &o Which wo will dispose of at tho very lowest cash prices. All kinds of Country Produce taken In exchango for goods, and tho highest market prices allowed. Friends, Awake to your Interest! for we feel satisfied that we can suit your netts as well as your runes& Don't forget the place, No. 7 West D street, second door Once the Eagle Rotel.amilton Returning thanks for the patronage received in the past, and hope that by a continuous effort to accom odate their friends and customers, and in conse quence of the largeness and variety of their stook, to merit and receive a continuance of the sapport,pnd good will of the people. A. A . BUBEII, All ntown, July 18, gig 1100 P SKIRTS, 628 110111INsw "OWN IVCAN.2I! , „ Manufactured and sold wholesale and retail. "".. NO. 628 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA.. The most complete assortment of Ladies', Miss es' and Chi dren'e Hoop Skirts, in the city ; go'ten up expressly to most the wants of Bret-class trade ; embrooing the newest and mast desirable styles and sites of " Gore 'Deihl, of every length—from 21 to 4 yards round-2 0 to - 56 springs, at 2to $5. Plain skirts, all lengths: from 21 _to 3 yards round the bottom, at $1 40 to $3 15.., Our line of Mimosa' and Childrea's skirts, are proverbially beyond all o,illlpotition, for variety of styles and vises—as well ai for finish and durabili ty; varying from 8 to 33 limbos in length 6 to ,4 6 springs at 35 cents to $2 25. All skirts ot.. OWN .4A.E.E" are warranted to give ratisfacti n; but buy none asunless they have " Hopkins' -Hoop Skirt Manufactory, No. 628. Arch street," stamped on each tab I Also, constantly on hand good skirts• manufac tured in New York and the Eastern States, which we sell at very low prices. A lot of cheap skirts —5 springs, 85 cents ; 20 iprings, $1 00 25 spring, $1 15; 30 springs, $1 25 and 40 opri ngo, st pgr• Skirts made to order and repaired I p Terme Cash.• One.Priee•Onip. Furniture. ClOtabliULcelebrated Purniture Es- Si t D shment is removed from Second and Race streets to the al lendid NEW DEPOT, Nos. 37 and 39 North Second street, (opposite Christ Church, Philadelphia, where they purpose selling for one year, at about cost, elegant Furni ture, at fobubmsly low price. • Also, at their Ninth and Market streets branch, where they are Ealltog equally low, being about to enlarge the promises. GOULD & CO.'S Furniture Depots, Noe. 37 and nd 39 N. Second street, and corner Ninth a flail:et streets Philadelphia. March 27, 1866-3 m ESTEVS COTTAGE ORGANS ARE not only unexcelled, but they are absolutely unequaled, by-any. other Reed Instrument In the country. Designed expresely for (Morahan and Bchools, they are tound to be equally Well adapted to the parlor and drawing room. For sale only by E. M. BRUCE, NQ. 18 North SEVENTH Street, PIIILLDILPIIIA. rAlso, BRADBURY'S PIANOS, and s com plete assortment of the PERVEOT MELODEON. September 26,'65. —l7 . Sew* Ilarper, .1 - ;*:•% - = - , :-...,, 7'2 520 ARCH ST., PHIL'A. W ATOM, fine gold 3E WEL RY, solid BILVER WARE, and enperior BILVER PLATED WARE, at reduced prices ! March 20.—,3r0 MILLINERY & STRAW GOODS. T W. CALL ER .2k." CO., hive opened and tJ . are rboelving weekly hi ve opened of stow Mits, Bonnets, Bilks, Ribbons, Flow ers, FrtiMad, do., ito., isholessab and retail. J. W. Cd.LVllft - Al CO., No. dl North Steond!treat, Phila. AtitliAA)a.l 4 ?Stave Mlttltiarti Pattorti idi tgol ft—lnk; - . In • 1227 r. • • SIAM) FROM UNDER!' G-OLD 1 61 *1 And iirospecti nt still Further Deilinn! A. Wr I C:3 RULES 711 E HOUR. Hats Caps & Straw Goods, Srania MMES. Christ & Sauer's, itgo. 18 West Hamilton street opposite the Odd relloWs i Stall/have on hand the largest assortment of Hats and Cap,, spring and summer styieta/ ever soon In Allentown, comprising every style and qaality, from five dollars down to fifty cents, and stlch that will become old and young. Their stock of Cape is the largest in Allentown, and at extremely low prices. To convince the pub lic of what is said, it may be well to state that they have eonrv-ortnfiifferent styles. Surely enough to give a person a 'Chance of suiting Lie tat to. Messrs. Christ di Slauers direct attention to the fact that they arc the only MAMMACTUIIIIIIB of Hats in Allentown. &rawer Gooes.—A beautiful assortment of Ora w hats, for inert and boys. will be kept constantly on band during the season, to which we invit ! public attention. Clive us a call. .Country Merchants would do well to give us a call, as we will wholesale them Hats and Caps cheaper than they can get them in the city. Allentown, August B—tf Wm. H. S eip 11A6 OPENED BIS BOOT , snoE riA.T AND CAP STORE, AT NO. 35 EAST HAMILTON ST, ADJOINING KERIsIAIIEN'S na Store,where he offers to all who will give im a call, the very beet and most fashionable goods ever offered to the citi zens of Allentown, at the following low cash prices: Men's calf boots, lino, $5 00 t " o $95 75 00 " kip, double sole, 375 Boys childe boots, 175 " 475 Men's glove Kid, Congress, As, 2 " " Bal. shoes 190 " 800 Mon's women's, boy's and misses glove kid, lasting goiters, 175 " 579 Women's glove kid, very line, • 826 " 575 " fine goat moron° bale., 250".4 00 " men's morocco' and calf sh 1 75 " 250 " com oes, mon shoos, 160 " 260 25 " 160 Misses' and child's shoos, Men's, women's, misses', boy's and child's slippers, 25 " 1 00 No auction goods in my store, but from the beet manufactories. I also have all kinds of .11ATS, CAPS and STRAW GOODS of every kind, at the lowest cash prices. Call and - le for yourselves. WILLIAM IL SHIP. —1 y April 17. PACIFIC. HOTEL, 170, 17% 174 & 176 GREENWICH ST, (ONE EQUAUE WEST OF DROADWAT,) Between Courtlandt and Dey Sta., .New York. JOHN' PATTEN, Jr., Proprietor rrHE PACIFIC HOTEL is well and widely known to the traveling public. Tho location Is espec ially suitable to merchants and business men; it is in close prox mity to the business part of the city, —45 on the highway of Soother and Western trav el—and adjacent to all the principal Railroad and Steamboat depots. The Pacific has liberal accommodation for over 300 guests; it is well furnished, and possesses every modern improvement for the comfort and entertein ment of its inmates. The rooms are spacious and well ventilated ; provided with gas and water ; the attendance is prompt and respectful ; and the table is generously provided with every delicacy of the season. Tho subsclibor, who for the past few years, has boon the lessee, is nose. sole proprietor, and intends to identily•himself thoroughly with the interests of his home. With long experience as a hotel -keeper, he trusts, by moderate charges and a liberal policy, to maintain the favorable reputation of the Pao Jr. la' , Hotel. JOHN PATTEN, New York, Sept. 12. y C. L, Miles `' Take Downe Bow 1 the Fiddle and th" VlOlllBl VIOLINS! VIOL - 11S 11 A T all picas. Violin Strings, Tail Pieces, Pegs, .001. Bows, Rosin, Blank Music ,paper, at Fouar's Variety Store. Sh , et Music f Sheet Music A large supply on hand—if wo have not got the piece you want, we can get it for you in a few days if you will leave the name of the piece with us. INSTRUCTION BOOKS for all kind of Instru ments constantly on band at Foust's Variety Store. STAMPING 1 STAMPING 1 Done at short notice—receiving now pattern. con stantly. Call and ace the patterns at FOUIWEI Va• rioty Store. NOTIONS 1 NOTIONS > Handkerchiefs, llosery, Gloves, Threads, Sewing Silk, Pins, bloodies, Combs, Braids, Hoop Skirts. Call in—it pays to go round the_ corner to 'oust's Va.loty Store. Where 18 FOUST 'S Variety Storer Sixth Street, Sixth Street, Sixth Street, Sixth Street Four doors from llamllton, in one of the rooms un der Bechtel's Doted. . [ma2-ly b.. I',..VIABLIS ,ED IN 1810. FANdY ,DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. 7 JONES, No. 432 North Front St., above J . Callowhill, Philadzlphie, dyes Bilks, Woolen and Fancy Goode of every description. Their su perior style of dyeing Ladles and Gentlemen's Car l/AIM is widely known. Crape and Merino El .wls cleaned to look like new, also Gentleman's ap parel, Curtin s, &c., cleaned or re-dyed. Hid Gloves cleaned or dyed to look like new. Call and look at our wo , k before & goin W g elsew he J. . * March 27, 1966.-2 m HOWARD , ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA , PA. I.BEASES OF THE NERVOUS, SEMINAL D URINARY AND SEXUAL SYSTEMS—new and reliable troatmont—in reports of the HOWARD ASSOCIATION—sent by mail' in sealed letter en velopes, free of charge. Address, Dr.J.SR ILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard ABBooloilol l , No. '2 South Ninth Stree Philadelphia, Pa. • June 13th. —ly . REMOVAL. 11. C. STEINMAN, DEALER IN Leather Findings, Trunks and Travoling Bags, has removed from his old stand, 53 Main street, to 19 Broad street, Bet Pa. March 10, 18f0.-3m 1866. PHILADELPHIA 186 Wall Papers! Wall Papers!! HOWELL & BOURKE, MANUFACTUREP,S OF PhPR lIAMFING—AIIIII9IMOI9 ttrIADI • ' Corner of.101:11iTH and MARKET 131reete, }l.—Alwiye flioite“ larks Stoat of Litilligg itAd Orfs tninde.ting Consult your Interest In Buying Goods! Metzger & Osman Ravi just opened at their T AMA RING ESTABLISHMENT, NO. a?, EAST HAMILTON STREET; ALLENTOWN, PA THEIR SPRING STOr f ii. OF CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINCS, &0., eco., which will bo Made up to Order, 1 111 THE LETZBT EITTLES, OY TIP-TOP WORKNIE;tip at tha shortest notice. MIEALOV-EalLik- @LlgusaniTyki, NI RITLIIIIIS' !MISR]; 60011! SOLD CHEAPER THAN BYER. Cali and Examine. WE HAVE THE Cheapest Coats, Cheapest Vests, Cheapest Pants, Cheapest Overalls, Cheapest Cloths, Cheapest Cassimeres, Cheapest Shirts, Cheapest Collars, Cheapest Bosos,m Cheapest Neckties, Cheapest Searle, Cheapest Handkerchiefs, Cheapest Hosiery. Ch , apestAloves, Oheapost Umbrellas, etc., etc., eta., eta'. Our stock is much heavier and better assorted than EV ER BEFORE! Don't forget the place, No. 83 Haat Hamilton sty., next door to the' Independent Republikaner." METZGER es OSMAN. • Ifkruius MErzaan, late of the Arm of Trozell Metzger. Tmonues °suss, lately bead cutter at the zeta& lialunent of Trozell Metzges , Allentown. Aug. 8, 1888 N E.W Boot and Shoe Store. New avid New Goods. Firm New Store ODENREIMER & SEIP OVUM just 'iaken the extensiv Li store room in Ben's Building, next door to the Allen noun, would respectfully invite the attention of the people ot Al lentown and surrounding country,to their large, varied, and wolf mudo up stock of SOOTS AND SHOES. They will sell you a batter article in the way of BOOTS AND SHOES, for leas money than you can buy them for elsewhere. The most sceptical can be'satielled by an exami nation of the stock they offer for sale. Their Zaminfactnring Department being under the supervision of ono of the firm, who has had much experience in the business, they aro confident that PERFECT SATISFACTION can be given in every instance where work of any description is ordered. Thoro is nothing in the lino of wear for the feet that cannot be found at this BOOT 'AND' SHOE STORE AT PRICES RANGING AS FOLLOWS: Infant Shoes, an Styles, from 10 eta. to $2 per pair. Childron's Shoes, all Styles, from 25 els. to $2 per pair. Shoes, all styles, from 76 ele to $2.50 per pair. Youths' Shoes, all styles, from Bp ots. to $3 per pair. Boys' Shoes, all styles, from 7 r 5 ets. to $4 per pair. Ladies Shoos, all styles, from $1 to $5 per pair. Gents' Shoes, all styles, from $1.50 to $4 50 per • - pair. Youths' Boots, all styles, from $1.50 to $2.50 per pair. Boys' Boots, all styles, from $2 to $5 per pair. Mona' Boots, WI styles, from $3.50 to $l5 per pair. ConntryDlerobants and Dealers Sup plied at City Sobbing Rates. t211...The publio are invited to give a call before purchases arc made elsewhere. J. G. OD2III/11111118, WALTSB U. SAM J. April 17, 1866 —ly. "NOTICE. i.Nzusigatironowt i t fo h i e t rv r e e r ia al tin a g ots to .of Assemblys r s a em te b o ly an l levies, tb g e undersined, Commissioners of Lehigh county, give notice to the • taxable inhabitants, the gent s and a s of real estate and personal prop..• ar owner ty, that the appeal from the assessment for the ensuing year, for the county of Lehigh, will be bold on the following days, at the Cokamissloners' office, in the borough of Allentown, where all persona considering themselves aggrieved may attend, if they see proper. For the boroughs of Allentown, Millerstown, Emans and Hanover township, on the 15th day of May next, at 10 A. M. Lynn, Heidelburg, Lowhill, Weisenberg, Sal burg and Upper Salmon, the 10th day of May. Upper and Lower Macungie, Upper and Loy Milford, the 17th day of May. North and South Whitehall, Washington, Slating. ton and Catasauqua, on the 18th day of May. On the. same day and place the Commissioners of the said county of Lehigh will receive pealed written proposals for the collection of the county and State taxes for the present yliar. The stoetiee must be named in the proposals. The Commiulon era will, however, not invariably confine themselves to the lowest bidder, but to the one who they be lieve to be to the best interest of the county and district for which he JOSEPH collects. • NEWHARD. REUBEN pANNER, • JONAS HOLLENBACH, Apr. 24-it Commissioners. REMOVAL J. F. Bohlinger's BOOT and SHOE STORE fIAS been removed to Enst Ilamil- AZ ton street, opposite the German Reformed Church, Allentown Pa., where he keeps constantly on band, of his own manufacture, and alto of,Philodelphin, New -York and Rasters manufacture, a large stoat( of Boots and Shoes, which he is disposed to offer to the public at a small advance above cost. ° lie also will make to order all kinds of One work for Ladies and Children, ' having competent workmen especially in that bran eh Peeling determined to make it an object for persons in want of A GOOD ARTICLE to call and examine totheMselves and learn bid pricer, which will be as low re any others Wm In town or country. Ptintiitirtni Work end renoldrik nrotnntly_attindod to tiptlVA) SWlNstlosllt • -' (NUM Li tit 2-3. GOLD REDUCED FROM ER. .8. ) tr e,1..115,d Cotton tb.educed FROM $OlBO to 38 Oto. per rovase Goods Greatly Reduced IN PRICES AT THE CEP cAsa STORE Burdge & Jones. GOODS that sold one year alga at 8 seas !it yard, era now selling at 25 cents per yard. Prints that sold for 62 cents,for lf cents per yard. Be liaises at Prices Before the at 25 Cents per 'Ward. JEL CO CI MI R.X31116 AT PRICES THAT ASTONISH THU pxopb Dress Goods ! • All shades of Wool De Lain's, Figured lilliksof all shades, Frenob remake, beautiful styles, UV& lies, Common De Lamas!, ,to. Mens' and Boys' Wear I Large stook of Moths, °animus's, Tweeds, thalllib Cottonadee, dio., suitable for Mons and Roe" Imp • ESPRIEQG BALMORALS SPRING SHAWLS I HOOP SIMI. 1 Carpets : Carpets . : I PARLOR CARPETS. BED ROOM CARPETS, HEMP CARPETS. STAIR CARPETS, HOME MADE OARPII B, all bought at the reeent Auction sales at graft itto• duced prices. DOMESTIC GOODS , 1 FLANNELS, MUSLINS, TICRINGS, CHECKS, SHEETING% PRINTS, La., Li., an. Doing a Cash Business only, they sire dtersby enabled to sell goods at mush lowa priers aka their neighbors that 11611 goods on Credit esta have tloss es savy by bad book accounts. They an 41 ermi ad nto sell goods at low prises notwll/010114- bag the high prises the other stone are sales AR their goods. RILIKEIMIZSZ. WEB 3111.111 M, THE Cheap. Cash Store OF BURDtW & lONE% • No. 9 Eaet Hamilton &reek. 3 doors below the Allen , now,. , April 17, 1866. • • 1: • • 1N -ALLENTOWN !- • JUST OPENED ! Lawler & Steckel.. At LION WALL , No, AO Bost Hamilton Atte, uAVII opened a Lew DRY la 00Dti. sad .‘a CERY Blot°. All of their stoeitlelosTlini fresh, and has been purchased for sash at tka gra& ant reduced prices, which will enable than to folk o, at greatly reduced rates. Among their GoicKlAt 7-1 " Dress. • t. d will be found some of the lateitt and Meet ble styles, colorising - t . t;C ' Silks, Mohair Leno,i :‘; Leno Voyage. 1013 Leno Melange, All Wool 1361146W' "1 Meares, Melange, (Irn Plain and Figured Popliq,e.u , , Bradley's improved Duplex Hoop . SAM. 'AVM Also a fall line of 33A 7 103 V'Cf 39.231‘1,1 -Iv Consisting in part *of • :0 °ode , ;&. -. • c: !`a Cussimere T o w , K o ntuoty, 4ea dottatittaiii& hi; (I' , .it a . vavova Dome:stir , • - lir t.! Tickings, =4n 1,4 E marmots, Sheetioje& as ,3 , (F.8 6 • • prints, r o e t • Cheili,4,4'av Terms- are CASH , -°' t -18/B.OOUNTRYRoDucs taisa luta:law for golds. Ws. ut Bemps. Wu. R. LAUFIIII, • ; ..111 .'•; '34170C4 Aprll 17, 1808 "T" , - R,FAM - FAM - isthe Time 74 That now , a L.., o g 61 T 0 IMPIM YOllll ll #l l or , - • WITII LITTLE MONEY YOU CAN AO I ...',. ' so. Bo to the ''BRIEDBBBBOTB"- BOON , siroji,, ._ _ end paramount. of that spliaidld , .. Wail Paper,,; ~ ~ which Unjust been resolved. We always hug . , bend one of the Xgargest, Pined, Cheapest ' ..' and best selaied stooks of ' • • • •• i ,• ;-, W.416.X-iili 3P.A3P-11SICEL ,:: in this seotion. Baying your Murat gkEhimk=n there is a large assortment , is worth - three the price you pay at other plains where .thstattareik 4 4 .1 only a dozen patterns offered for , sele& . ~. v • Ail we ask is for the people to some liaise,. theniaelves. We charge nothing for slowing, Neap it before your neighbors, you. frisa SD all : roils, that the place and the only DWI ill 1 1111p• section O•buy the trout dud eitealatO en,lo ll W li/ f , , • 1.. WALL PAPER is at the ITRIBDEN8130TB" BOOK sToßiFfg , ~.:_ . • , . • . •-•,,, 11 011 e . D.. LEISENRINC & COPm, Trusses. BNELEY'Silaril 'Rubber Truss, ,ceire* Up. frees the cord from all pressure; win nit . ir• break, limber, chafe or become filthy, (thelbe spring being meted with hard rubber ;) sprlngA .• any power required ; need In balling, attet torahs requires no strapping; cleanest, itAteo,.viskoKfivi best, Truss ,known. bond foripplUet. I. D. SILEY, solerivi • . 184 T Viif staid MR, y Mrailhiee.- 11111 ••- - - 1121 I=3 BE 1132211=1 ICE Es =EI ME = IMIE r .0" ‘3 , MU ME =I .11t1V J , :ort Ts ''. cn.4 , ' oft. ; MIT SO'