The Lehigh register. (Allentown, Pa.) 1846-1912, July 25, 1860, Image 3

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    '''' RE.Tri c. 4,-.4:(n Friday evening last, between
the hou o nine and ten, a bright meteartias
:seen by the citizens of our"Okice. It appeared
'to rise slowly in the North-Western 'part of the
'heavens, like a balloon, until it bad reached
considerable titan . elevatteri, and then taking
.a South-Easterly direction, it increased in speed
:until it disappeared beneath the horizon. Du
ring its through the heavens, it seem
.l:id to em7ar sof fire, like a rocket. It was
•Anore than ordinarily b rightl and attracted-con
siderable attention from such, as chanced to
• see it. The same phenomenon was noticed' in
:the city of New York. We copy the follow
ing notice of it from the New York Tribune.
'The description corresponds with its appear
-twee here, except as to direction. The die
' tance from the earth must have been
. greater
'than the writer underneath estimates, in order
:to render it visible at points one hundred
;miles apart.
" A MKTEOR.-70 the Editor of the N. 17.
:Tribune.—Slß: Sitting on the roof of my res
idence this evening, with a party of ladies and
..gentlemen, I was fortunate enough to witness
the passage of a meteoric body through the
heavens suchms has not beeo_seen in a great
many years. The time was 9, 45, and about
a minute was occupied in the pdssage of the I
brilliant object . t started in the east' and
took a course duo west. Before getting., fair
ly under. way, it went through a variety of
changes, like a piece of fireworks. When on
its course, it left behind a brilliant train, about
one-eighth of a mile in length. As near as I
couldjudge, it disappeared somewhere in the
neighborhood of the Bowery and Grand street.
The heavens were studded with stars, and the
darkness was relieved by an occasional flash
of lightning in the south-west. The highest at
titude it attained, as near as I could judge,
was about a quarter of a mile. Upon consult
ing the—thermometer a few minutes after, I
found it marked 78. ,
New York, July 20, 1860.
We noticed in the Easton Express the fol
lowing account of a meteor, seen at Enloe, the
!same evening and about the same Imp"; The
suggestion of the Express, that, during the
.evening, there was a succession of meteoric dis
plays, may possibly be correct. In this way
.only can we satisfactorily account for the
•ehange of direction, noticed in the appearance
•of the meteor in different localities.
Messrs. Editors:—Our citizens were startled
last evening at about a quarter before ten
o'clock, by the sudden and unannounced ap
pearance of a meteor of extraordinary charac
ter and behavior. At the moment of its advent,
the atmosphere was perfectly' calm. the sky
clear, and the temperature about 870 Fahren
heit. This blazing intruder was first noticed
by persons on the south side of Northampton
et., near Fourth, immediately over Mt. Jeffer
son, and at no great elevation above it ; and
fortunately, at the moment, the attention of
'this group of observers had just then been call
ed to several faint jets of the Aurora Borealis,
peering up from the North-western horizon
their base being lost in the receding twilight.
The size and shape of this wonder-exciting
body might not inaptly be described by coin
paring it with one of our fire-plugs, with its
larger extremity for the nucleus, and in its
passage, constantly throwing off disintegrated
masses of its substance, which, falling in the
.rear, were rapidly consumed by their own
flame, and this combustion forming the train
of the meteor. Its light was a blueish yellow,
or of a sulphurous appearance, whqlly unlike
that of any ' falling star' or similar body
known—and its elevation could not have been
much aboire two hundred feet from the earth.
But what seemed most to distinguish this body
from all preceding ones of a similar kind, was
its uniform resistance to the attraction of the
earth, or gravitation,—fbr it seemed to main
tain an even elevation, though it manifested
an irregular and faltering face; its general
rate of speed being apparently about one mile
to the minute, so that the whole time of its vis
ibility to us in this part of the Borough, was
about one minute.
The direction of this body was nearly East,
as it crossed the Delaware a little below the
bridge, and became extinct, as was believed,
on the hills of Phillipsburg. As a great deal
of.speculation will naturally follow - MS - 0e: '
nomenon, and a good deal of inquiry will be
elicited, it may be well to anticipate some of
these so as to impart an intelligent direction
to earnest enquiry. For example, some will
maintain that it was a species of rocket, or
other pyrotechnic experiment. This could not
be, for it emitted no sparks, nor produced the
rushing noise peculiar to artificial fireworks:
and moreover, it described no arch, as all
known projectiles must, but seemed rather to
fly like a huge, sulphurous bird, than rush
like a rocket.
Others will contend that it was purely gas
eous, being an agglomeration or combustible
gases, like carhuretted and sulphureted hy
drogen ; emanating from some bog in the vi
cinity, ignited spontaneously by its own mo
tion, or by electricity, and propelled in the di
rection of the vacuum, which its own combus
tion first created in the manner of a common
whirlwind, and afterwardi assisted by a slight
All the lamination I have been able to
gather as to the first appearance of this re
markable body, is derived from, several lads
who were at the time on College hill ; and
who say that the first intimation they had of
its present°, was a bright light suddenly light
ing the darkness around them, and so bright
that they could distinctly " see each others
faces,' and simultaneously with this, an ex
plosion like the starting hissmf a rocket, caus
ed them to look when they beheld the
strange body diretly over head, and in an in
stant it started off in its triumphant career.
' Whatever was the origin or nature of this
strange light, it was certainly something new,
and as it was evidently purely local, and pro
duced for the edification of our citizens and
Jersey neighbors alone, it becomes them to in
vestigate and speculate upon it for the benefit
of general meteorological science.
Yours Respectfully,
—On or about the 4th inst., a young man,
hailing from Philadelphia, bought an excur
sion ticket, at-the Bethlehem station, of the Le.
high Valley Railroad, for Mauch Chunk, Food
for ono day only. After the time had expired,
he attempted to use it on his return. The con
ductor, as lids his duly to do, demanded his
fare, which the young man refused to pay,
upon which lie was 'ejected from the train at
the Lehighton station. He came back to
Mauch Chunk for legal redress (entering com
plaint for assault and battery,) but couldn't
get a bit of law. He next went. to Bethlehem
and made a similar complaint, but couldn't get
a constable to serve the warrant. Ile next
chased up the Railroad conductors to Easton,
-but there ho met with no better success. He
then started for Bethlehem, and after passing
the Freemansburn , ' station, the conductor, Mr.'
Ramsey, politely demanded his ticket, which
Mr. Young Man refused to give up. Mr. Ram
sey pulled the rope; locomotive whistled down
brakes, train stopped, and young man was po
litely handed outside. On leaving the Plat
form, he made desperate attempt to fall down
• and hurt himself, but the 'brakesman held on
to him, and saved his arecious limbs and a law,
suit against the Company for damages, which
was, no doubt, what he was after.
Should this individu a l again appear on any
of the Railroad trains, he should, by all means,
bo taken into custody, and the state of his mind
enquired into. If lie has a father, mother,
guardian or friend, notice should be given to
him, her or them, that ho he at large, without
a protector.—lfituch Chunk Gazette.
received from the Publishers a copy of the
Sunday School Times, edited by Prof. John
S. Hart, and sold at the low price of one dol
lar per year. It is deSigned fur parents, teach
ers, members of bible classes, and all who are
engaged or interested in imparting religious
instructions, or in prothoting the good of
others, either by home instruction or mission
ary labor. We can recommend it as a valua
ble paper for SundarSehOols, and parents
for then• children. Horace P. Ambler; Agent;
Poet Office Buz,•1171, Philadelphia.
- sparTha Amoral of Mrs. VICTOR BLuMiR
of our borough, was largely attended on Tues
day morning, the 24th inst. Mrs. D. was re
spected by all who knew her, and an eithibi
tan of more• sincere grief and sympathy on
part 'of the neighbors and acquaintances is
seldom witnessed at a grave. May she rest in
peace. The funeral services were conducted
by Rev. J. H. Dubs, assisted by Rov..Kesslor,
Brobsc and Zeller.
THE lIARVEST.—The wheat and rye har
vest for 1860 is over, and the golden sheaf's
with their heavy heads are stowed away in the
capacious barns of our farmers. The harvest
has been a good one ; rewarding the husband
man for his capital and toil,' and sending high
hopes to the mechanic and laborer. God has
well provided for us in the coming year arid we
ear.not be too thankful. for his kind Providence
in keeping the famine from our land.
A Year of Plenty.—From all parts of the
country we receive the most satisfactory. ac
counts of the harvest. The extent of ground
under cultivation is greater than in any pre
vious year , and the 'humbandmah's labor is
promised a 'gob reward. The great cereal
crops, wheat, oats and corn are generally in a
flourishing condition ; and even orchard fruits
are mere abundant than they have been for
many past seasons. When, in connection
with this liberal harvest., it is recollected
that the season has been unprophions in many
parts of Europe, and that especially in Great
Britian a dearth is beginning to be apprehen
ded, it will be seen that prespects of a most
prosperous season for our agricultural and com
mercial classes of the community were never
better than they are now.—Baltimore Ex.
Fatal Results of a Joke.—On Monday after'
noon as a youg girl named Adelade Van Sick
lin was passing through West Eleventh street
N. Y. a:boy named Coffin, by way of frighten
ing her, threw a lighted match upon her clothe 3.
Her dress, which wad of light fabric, instantly
ignited, and in a moment or two she was en
veloped in a blaze. Several citizens hastened
to her rescue, but before they could eztinguish
the flames she was horribly burned. She was
conveyed Ao St. Vincent Hospital, where she
died the same evening..
EDWARD L. Ottl:."
Iparßecently received English papers give
details of a remarkable Snow stem that occur•
roil all over the North of England on the 28th
of May last. The snow fell in many parts of
the North of Yorkshire to the depth of six feet.
Tho sheep had generally just been shorn, and
the destruction among the Hocks was very
groat. The wind also did much damage to
buildings, trees, &c. It is said to have been
the heaviest snow storm on record, so late as
the 28th day of May.
Child 'Frightened to Death by a Monkey.
A little girl, twenty-seven months old, was so
scared by the sighrOT a monkey a few days
since in Philadelphia that death resulted from
her terror. The child was playing at the
door of her father's house, when an organ grin
der with a monkey came along. The child
became terrified, and congestion of the brain
resulted from the excited condition of the suff
erer. She died on the seccond day after her
Coffee, Tea and Sugar.—These little items of
family expense amount to a vast sum every
year. The United States Treasury Department
reports that, for the year 1859, the imports
of these three articles amounted to the follow
ing sums: Tea, 5 7,500,000 ; coffee, $25,000,
00 - 0 ; sugar, $30000,00. The importation of
molasses is valued at $5,000,000. How many
bushels of wheat, corn, rye, oats, etc., does it
take to pay this little grocar,y bill?
SliiirA bedstead has been invented by which
a person can wind it up, lie down on the
bouelt, and it will run a given nntnber of
hours, with a fan constantly in !notion over
his face and tpdy, to keep the flies off and fan
its occupant to sleep in a cool and pleasant
breeze. Now let the dog days come : who is
(17'Rev. James Hobart, of Berlin Vt., is
probably the most remarkable preacher in New
lilnschuul-__ile is. now about entering the 95th
year of his age, and the seventieth or his mm
istry ; and still he is vigorons and active, prea
ching every Sunday when and wherever •he
can engage himself.
xm,The lovernor of Mississippi (Pettn.4) is
a private in a volunteer military company in
Jackson, and drills regularly and punctually
in the ranks.
(r_Modest---the young lady who says the
reason she carries a parasol is, that the sun is
of the Masculine gender, and she cannot with
stand his ardent glances.
110,..An American hay crater took the first
prize a gold medal at the exhibition of farming
machines in Paris, a few weeks ago.
The, city of Harrisburg, according to
the United States census just taken, has 14,
862 inhabitants.
Wheat Flour, per bbl.
ltye.Cligp, per 100 lbs.
Corn Meal, per bbl. .
Wheat, per bushel, .
Rye, •
Corn, 4:
Potatoes, "
Dried Apples, " .
" Peaches, " , ?
TUESDAY, July 24, 1860.
1 80
Clovereeed, 44
Timothy mod, "
Ngge, per doton,
utter, per pound,
Lard, .1
llama, 44
Bacon ' "
:gait, Liverpool, In sacks,
Hey, per ton,
On the Ist inst., by the Rev. Mr. J. S. Dubs,
Mr. Ducim. J. RRINIIART, of Jordan, to Miss
ANNA MARIA MAJOR, of HeVida's Spring, Le
high County.
On the same day, by the same, Mr. Jolla
South Whitehall.
On the Bth inst., at the house of the bride's
parents, Mr. GEOROR FROME, of Asbury,
NVarren County, to Miss ELIZA . lIAAS, of Fa
gelsville, Lehigh County, Pa.
On Saturday last, in this Borough, of Drop
sv ; Eraz,s, wife of Mr. Victor ,Blumer, aged
iihoitt 40. years.
•On the 17th inst: ' in this Borough, Issisn,
son of Benjamin and Eliza Landis, in the tst
year of his age.
In New Jersey, Mr. DAVID Fox, formerly of
Allentown, aged about 64 years.
On the 3rd of July, in South Whitehall,
SARAH SNYDER, aged GI years.
On Saturdayevening last, in Euntus, CATH
ARINE, wife of George ling, deceased aged
74 years.
On. the 12th of July, in Lynn township,
Lehigh county, CATHARINE, Wife of Samuel T.
Lutz aged 67 years.
Allentown Academy,
pll E Fall Term of this Institution was opened on
1 Monday the 3rd of September. Pupils are re
ceived into the School at any time and charged only
from the date of entrance.
Primary, per quarter, $l.OO
Common English branehea, . 4.50@5.00
Higher . " with Latin and Greek, 6.00
" " French, 7.50
Use of Piano for practice,
Fuel for winter,-
A few pupile ere received into the family of the
Principal nt the rate of $4O per quarter for board,
washing and tuition' in oil branches except Music
anti Drawing
July 1111; 1880.
r - Ongriiiin red and thirty-nine .yohng
men applied for admission to Harvard College
an Monday merit hg, Among them ivas a
distant relation of Gen, Washington, and a son
of Hon. Abraham Lincoln.
Bane you a Cough, Cold pain in tho Chest, or Bron
chitis ? In fact have yon the premonitory symptoms
of the " insatiate archer" Consumption ? Know
relief is at hand in Wistar's Balsam of 'Wild Cherry.
Vg,..Thera's a vile counterfeit of this Balsam,
therefore be sure and buy only that prepared by S.
W. 'FOWLS 4t CO, which has the written signature of
I. BUTTS on me outside wrapper.
That is the man who refused to take Dr. ilarn's
Invigorating Spirit to care his disordored stomach—
hence the crook in his back, and the melancholy
tones of his voice.
"We take groat pleasure In recommending the
Mexican. Mustang LiniMent as a valuable and indis
pensable article for Sprains, Soros, Scratches or
Gelds on Horses. Our men have used,it for severe
Burns, Bruises, Sores, Stiff Joints and Rheumatic
Pains, and all say it acts like magic. We use no
other Linimnnt. J. W. HEWITT,
Foreman for American, Hamden's and Wells, Far
go & Co's Express."
Gentleman:—" I hada negro man worth $1,200
who took cold from a bad hurt, and was useless for
over one year; . l had used everything I could hear
of without benefit, until I tried the Mustang Lini
ment. It has perfectly cured him, and I can now
take the above price for him. 'Respectfully yours,
Every Planter, Teamster and Family should have
this invaluable article. Sold by all respectable deal-
era everywhere
July 4, 1860
Tus VALOR Or GOOD I.IEALTM cannot he over esti
mated and no better legacy can be transmitted front
parent to offspring than a sound and robust constitu
tion. What are honors and distinction without health
what are riches without the capacity to, enjoy the
blessing 'of life? These thoughts are not apt to sug
gest themselves to any of us, until, enfeebled by
sickness, we look about for some means of recovery.
To all troubled with thatdread disorder Consumption
Bronchitis, Asthma, or any form of Lung or Throat
complaint we can confidently recommend Dr 0.
PHELPS BrtowN's great remedy the ACACIAS BALSAM.
Its effects surpass, in healing qualities, all concep
tion. It is the only medicine in the world, that, by
its combination of rare ingredients, eliminates an elec
tric power which, seizing upon the nerves, the stom
ach, the lungs, the heart, the brain, act., infuses ad
ditional vital force into every organ, and by the re
newed action and energy thus obtained expells all
morbid influences from the body, produces a reaction
which checks diseases, and produces even in • the
worst eases, a restoration to perfect health, in a short
time. The ACACIAS BALSAM is sold at $2 per large
bottle. It may be obtained of Lewis Schmidt & Co.,
Solo Agents, who have also a small number of spec
imen bottles, price 25 cents that all may have the
opportunity of trial.
What is it? How Cured?
Thousands of persons have Piles—suffer for years
with the disease—yet few know what it is, or how it
is cured. Every ease of piles, whether manifested
-in the form of external tumors, frequent bleedings,
or in violent itching and irritation, depends essen
tially upon congestion of the abdominal venous cir
qulation. This produces the ongorgeMent, dilation
of the veins, formation of tumors, hemuorahages, pain
and suffering ; and the disease can only he funda
mentally cured by medicines which, taken internal
ly, relieve this venous congestion. Bence ointments,
washes, and even injections, are so ineffectual.
CIVIC, a simple sugar put, two or three mama per
day, ewes the disease by curing the condition upon
which the disease depends. Hundred have been
cured by it, oven of the most obstinate cases. All
will be promptly benefited by it. PrEe, 50 cents a
N. B.—A full set of Husll'llriFtYlie Ilameoratme
Seactrucs, with Book of Directions, and twenty dif
ferent Remedies, in large vials, morocco case, $3;
do. in plain ease, $1; tcLaf fifteen boxes, and
book, $2.
These Remedies, by the single box or case, are
sent by mail or express, free of charge, to any ad
dress, on receipt of the price. Address
No. 562 Broadway, New York.
Sold by E. D. TilkwAm., No. 21 West Hamilton
Street, Allentown, Pa
July 4, 1860
STRAYED from the premises of the undersigned in
Catasampia; on Monday, July nth, a six year
old row, light broWn with a brass nob ontight horn,
white tail, with a white star on the fore-head, Per
sons leaving word of her whereabouts with James
Swartz or Joseph Laubach will ho liborall rewarded.
Catatutuqua, July 25. --It
THE Executive Committee of the Lehigh County
Agricultural Society will meet on Saturday
the 4th day of August next, at 1 o'clock P. M., at
the Allen Muse, in the Borough of Allentown, for
the purposo of making arrangeinente for next fair.
All tuembors of said committee are requested to a
tend. By order of
0. L..SCUREIBER, Proaidont,
Jositue STAHLItit, Secretary
Allentown, July 25,
' P A Clergyman having cured his son of Coif
sumption in its worst stages, after being given up to
die, by the most celebrated physicians, desires to
make known the mode of curo, (which proves suc
cessful in every case, to those afflicted wi th Coughs,
Colds and Consumption, and ho will , send the same
to any address, free of charge. Address, enclosting
two stamps to pay return postage.
22 Frankfort Street, N. Y.
July 25, 1860
APPLICATIONS will be received by the Board
of Directors of the Allentown School District
fur three Male nod three Female Teachers to fill
vacancies in the schools of said District. One male
and ono female to take charge of the male and female
High Schools respectively. The Sehoole will be
opened the first Monday of September next, und
continue TIN months. Applicants will be examin
ed by the County Superintendent on the 27th inst.,
at 9 o'clock A. M., in the Third Ward School House,
Allentown, Pa. By order of the Board.
DENBY J. SAEGER, Secretary.
July 11, 1860
Valuable Stock of Store Goods for Sale.
A VALUABLE STOCK of Storo (Nods, together
with a Privato Dwelling House nod Store room,
is offered for sale. The stand. is located in a thriv
ing village, surrounded by public, works, whore n
large number of bonds are employed, antLeurroiltd
ell by a rich agricultural community. The stand is
one of the best in the county: The Store room is
conveniently arranged, and during last year a busi
noes of over $15,000 has been done.
Further information can be received by applying
at Oil office of the " LEHIGH REGISTER."
Juno 27, 1860,
20,000 Rolls of Wall Papers of every
possible variety and description.
rrIlE undersigned has just received direct:from the
manufactories, the largest, the best and the
cheapest assortment of WALL PAPERS, ever offer
ed to the public in Allentown.
Persons dashing to purchase, would do well to
call and examine my stock of nuw Patterns and
beautiful designs at low prices before purchasing
Also all kinds of Gilt and,Plain Window Shades,
and Fixtures. EDWIN SAEGER,
No. 64 East Hamilton St., Allentown, Pa.,
Dealer in School Books, Wall Papers, Perfumery,
.tc. Also a News Agency:
March 14. -,tf
But now his note I thin,
And it rests upon his chin
Like a staff,
And a crook is in his back,
And a melancuoly crack
In his laugh.
Proprietor., Now York.
Cow Lost.
Executive Meeting
Six Teachers Wanted.
Terra* Cotta ilanufa6tory
rj OR. braining or Forcing' water—for Vent Satin
Heat or Smoke Flues.
Itecom . manded fur their Imperiehubility r Non-Cor
rosion, Smoothness, Facility of . Laying and Cheap
(Being less ihan.guarter the price of Lead and Iran.)
They have boon tested in Europe for centuries, and
aro now used in immense quantities there.
We have all the sizes from 2 IN. to 12 rel. mins,
(made iniengthe of 3 ft. besides the Socket which is
ins.) with' all. the Bend., Mows, double and single
Branchee, - (both right and oblique angles,) and all
size connections, P. 8 and Running Traps, Poppers,
IPe., Making the best article known in every respect
for CULVEHTS and DRAW of ail kinds,(theft hon.
corrosion especially adapting thrall for alter Clan
ote,)*Fortcrso, (we have them laid in nearly 50
'places for considerable heights, some as high as 70
foot, and will rbarrant the small sizes for 150 feet,)
it is pure at discharge as nt the fountain,) HEATING
HOTHOUSES, (giving a better heat than Iron—lasting
longer, and not setting fire to surrounding weed
work,) SIIOKE PIPES, dco.
We are constantly prepared and aro now shipping
them to all Tarts of the Union.
No PACKING REOUIIIES.—We have sent them safe 2
ly to Wisconsin,lowa, Texas, and other States, and
never parked torn. . _
Manufactitrers, LINK & BLACK,
Factory 7111 and Gerntantown Road )
Orncr, S. A. HARRISON,
1010 Chestnut St., Phila.
THIS in an article to which every Builder's atten
ition should be particularly directed. At this mo
ment, from any roof in our largo cities you can
count thousands of brick chimneys so completely
immediate removal—to do which soltiotn costs less
than $5, at once showing the necessity of some aril:-
that will not decay or be eaten by gas, Jo
This we now offer in our Ornamental and Plain
Chimney Tops. They are burnt harder than atone ;
in fact; perfectly vitrified, are impervious to the
strong acid emitted by coal, (which eats up brick
and mortar in less than three or four years.) We
are now malting, nod have on hand, large quantities
of several diffeteht styles, And from 2. feet to 8 ft. 9
in. high, and from $1.75 to $2O each, (bass 13 TUN
Designs furnished and orders promptly attended to
by addressing the manufacturers at the
Factory, LINK & BLACK,
7th and Germantown Road,
Orrice, 8, A, HARRISON, .
1010 Chestnut St.; Philo,
Cheaper than any other material.
Finer Designs than any other material
A lnrgo stock constantly on band.
Any design made to order by addressing the man
ufacturers at the
Factory, LINK & BLACK,
7th and derataaemen Road,
1010 Choetnut St., Phila.
Philadelphia, July 25,1869. —3m
Executor's Sale
Of Valuable Real Estate.
WILL be sold at public sale on Saturday, Sep
timber the 16th, at 1. o'clock, P. M., at the
public house of Josiah Strauss, in the neighborhood
of the premises, the following valuable real estate,
to wit :
situate in South Whitehall township, Lohighmounty,
Star the public roads leading from Allentown to Sny
der's tavoi It and Fogolevillo, ad, oining lands of Jacob
Henninger, .rohn Troxell, Wm. Wenner, and others,
containing ill acres, more or less. The same is di
vided into fifteen fields, with about 16 aeros of wood
land, with large timber theroon 1 the fenees
good condition. The above is good farttland, and
in &good state of cultivation. The improverdonts
thereon aro a largo two-story
!te r - 1 with a Stone Kitchen attached, a large
--- stone Swiss Bar% two wagon-sheds,
two hay-sheds, one wash-house, a pig-stye, one other
stone building, and Cider Press, under shed. -
with the best springs of water in the town- ■■
ship, upon the land, are under the dwell
lags in the cellar. Two orchards, having
all kinds of fruit, and a well with a pump twelve
feet deep.
It is in all respects one of thb finest and best farms
in the township, and persons, wishing to purchase,
would du well, to attend the sale.
Such as wish to see the farm before tho day of sale
ran call on Henry Fatzingor, who lives upon the
farm, or upon Henry Strauss, one of the Executor's,
who lives near by.
It is in fact a splendid farm, ivith good water, wood
and, limo-stone, and enclosed in good fences.
Being a part of the real estate, of Henry Strauss,
ate of said township and county, deceased.
Conditions made known on tho day of sale by,
WILLIAM AVENNER, Sr., 1 V Xecutors.
July 11, 1580. .
WHERE the Hon. Joint H. FINDLAY, Proeiden
Judge of the
.Third Judicial District o
Pennsylvania, composed of the counties of North
impton and Lehigh, and Joshua Stabler and Wil
loughby Fogel, Esquires, Associate Judges of the
Court of Common Pleas of the county of Lehigh, and
by virtue of their offices Justices of the Courts of
Oyer and Terminer and General Jail delivery, -an d
Court of General Quarter Sessions in and for the
said county of Lehigh, have, by their precept to me
directed, ordered that a Court of Quarter Sessions of
the Peace and Common Pleas and General Jail de
livery and Orphan's Court for the said county of Le
high, to be holden at Allentown, on MONDAY the
6th day of August next, to continue two weeks :
NOTICE is therefore hereby given to the Justices
of the Peace and Constables of the county of Lehigh
that they are by the said precepts commanded to be,
there at ten o'clock, in the forevoon of said day with
Iheir rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations, and
all other remembrances, to do those things which to
their offices ore appertaining, and also that those
who nro bound by recOgnizances to prosneuto against
the prisoners that are or then shall be iu tho jail of
the said county of Lehigh, are to be then and there
to, prosecute them as shall ho just.
Given under my hand in Allentown, the 29th day
of February in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and sixty.
Sheriff's Office, Allentown, July 18,1860
Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope.
RIIOEA, or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility,
Nervousness_ and Involuntary Emissions, producing
Impotency and Mental and Physical Incapacity.
The important fact that the awful consequences of
self-abuse may be effectually removed without inter
nal medicines or the daugertms applicats of caustics,
instrinuents, medicated boogies, and other empiriCal
devices, is here clearly demonstrated, and the entire
ly new and highly suecessful treatment, as adopted
by the celebrated author fully explained, by means
or which every one is enabled to cure himself per
fectly, and at the least possible cost, thereby avoid
ing all the advertised nostrums of the day. ,Th 6
Lecture »•ill prove a boon to thousands and thom
Sent under seal to any [alms, poet paid, en the
receipt of two postage stamps by addressing • Dr.
CHAS.J. C. KLINF, M. D., 480 first Avenue, Now
York, Poet Box 4,586.
July 18.—Januitry 17.
TIIB undersigned hereby notifies the Boards of Di
.l rectors of the several districts, that ho will meet .
them for consultation and ex:minidon of Teachers
at tho following limos and places :
Allentown Districts, July 27th, in. Third Ward
School House.
North Whitehall, July 28th, at the public house of
John Shantz.
Upper Macungie, August Ist, In 'Pogo'Ernie.
Upper Bnucon August 11th, In Cooporeburg.
Lower Milford, August 17, at the public house o
Solomon Holder.
Thu hour of meeting will be 11 o'clock A. M. A
general attendance of Directors end such Teachers
118 ticeign to teach in any of the aforesaid districts,
is respectfully requested. A notice of the examina
tions for the remaining districts will be inserted as
soon as the several Boards shall designate the time
and place that will best suit their convenience:
T. GOOD, County Superintendent.
July 11, 1860.
Adininistrator's Notice.
LETTERS of Administration having been ranted
to the undersigned in .the estate of Racurm
Scum Lt., Into of the borough of Allentown, Lehigh
county, deceased, all persons, indebted to said estate
aro requested to make payment within six, weeks
from this date; and all persons having claims against
said estate, will present them, duly authenticated, for
settlement within the above mentioned time.
G 1111 , 1 0 1 TH H. SCHOLL, Saeger6vlllo.
July 18, 1860. •
& Curtin,
TnE Republican voters of Lehigh county, and all
others opposed to the corrupt administration of
James Buchanan) all such, as aro opposed to the in
iquitous Lecompton swindle, the federal usurpation
and interference in local elections) all such as are
opposed to the further extension of slavery ; all such
as are opposed to free trade; all such as aro opposed
to lavish expenditure of the county funds, and all
such as aro in favor of a protective tariff and econo
my in the Federal and Stntcytdministrations, and in
the management of county affairs, aro requested to
meet in County Convention, on
Beturdalr the 4th of,Aegust next,
at, 10 o'clock A. M., at the public house of B. P.
BEISEL, in Upper Macungie township, Lehigh Co.,
for the purpose of preparing for the ensuing elec
tions. A largo attendance is desired.
William 11. Gnusler, Wm. W. llamersly, William
Maddern, Daniel C. Miller, Moses Wioand, Charles
W. Mcleod, Harrison Rower, Sanford Stephen, Wm.
P.Mosser, Robert Oberly, Thos. Litsenberger, Joseph
Mosser, Nathan Wetherhold, Elenius Kramlieh, Ben
jamin Somme], Nathan Wuohter, Ephraim F. Bute,
James Singmaster, Solomon B. Ritter, Horatio. T.
llertzog and Charles Schoenly
July 11, IBM
PASSENGEItBfbr Philadelphia take L. V. R. R.
• trains, passing Allentown .nt 5.3/3 A. M., and
5.10 P. M., make close conneetipn with the trains of
N. P. R. R. at Bethlehem, and arrive in Philadelphia
at 8.30 A. M., and 7.40 P. M.,'respectively.
Leave Front and Willow street, Philadelphia at
0.30 A. M., and 5 P. M., arriving in Allentown nt
9.30 A. M., and 8.50 P. M., respectively.
Threo Through Trains Daily, Sundays Eic(4)Aid.]
Passenger trains lonve Front and Willow street,
For nothlehorn, nt 0.30 A. M., 2.30 P. M., and
5.00 P. M,
For Doyleetown of 0.00 A. M., and 4.00 P. M.
For Fort Waohington •at 10,30 A, M., and 6.50
P. M.
Leave Bethlehem at 5.58 A. M., 6.20 A. M., and
5.22. P. M.
Leave Doylestown at 7.30 A. M., and 4.15 P. M.
Fort Washington, 6.25 A. M., and 2.15 P. M.
Passengers for Doylestown take 0.20 A. M. train
from Bethlehem and make close connection at Lans
Leave Philadelphia fur Bethlehem, at 8. A. M.
Leave Philadelphia for Doylestown, at 3 P. M.
Leave Doylestown for Philadelphia, at 6.40 P. M.
Leave Bethlehem for Philadelphia, at 5.00 P. M.
All Passenger Trains (except Sunday Trains, con
nect at Barks street, Philadelphia, with sth and 6th
street, anti 2nd and 3rd street City Passenger Rail
Faro—Allentown to Philadelphia SI 65
July 4, 18t30
OR and after Monday, May 28, 1860, the Passenger
Trains on the L. V. 11. R. will run as follows:
Leave Pro. 1. No. 2. No. a.
Mauch Chunk, 4,10 A. M. 10,45 A. M. 3,20 P. M
Slatington, 4,45 " 11,28 " 4,00 "
Whitehall, 5,14 " 82,07, " 9,32 "
Cato/unique, 5,25 " 11,20 " 4,47 "
Allentown, 5,38 " 12,35 " 5,05 ar.
5.10 dt.
Bethlehem, 5,53 " 12,53 " 5,22 "
Freenumelurg, 6,01 " 1,03 P. 81. 5,30 "
Easton (arrive) 6,20 " 1,30 " 5,50 "
Lenva No. 1. No. 2. No. 3.
Easton, 8,50 A. M. 3,35 " ' 8,00 "
Freemansburg, 9,08. " 3,57 " 8,25 "
Bethlehem, 9,17 " 4,08 " 8,35 "
Allentown, 9,30 " 4,20 " 8,50 "
Ontasauqua, 9,43 " 4,87 " 9,03 "
Whitehall, 9,58 " 4,54 " 9,18 "
Slatington, 10,30 " 5,28 " 9,50 "
Ar. M. Chunk, 11,05 " 8,10 " 10,30
R. H. SAYRE, Supt. A Eng.
May 30, 1860
mH AL*. ow
The most certain and speedy remedy ever discovered
for all Disco/fee erg.' the Cheet and Lanys, Coughl,
Colds, Asthma, Consumption, Bronchitis, .
bylacnza l Hoarseness, Di, icult Breath
ing' Sore Throat, dm., de.
THESE WAFERS give the most instantaneous and
perfect relief, and when preserved with accord
ing to directions, never fail to effect a ripid and last
ing cure. Thousands have been restored to perfect
health who have tried other means in vain. To all
classes and all constitutions they are equally a bless
ing and a cure—none need despair no matter how
long the disease may have existed, or however se
vere it may be, provided the organic structure of the
vital organs is not hopelessly decayed.
fers era peculiarly valuable; they will in o'ne DAY
remove the most severe occasional hoarseness; and
their regular use fora few days will, at all times,
increase the power and flexibility of the voice greatly
improving its tone, compass and clearness, for which
purpose they aro regularly used by many profes
sional vocalists.
JOB MOSES, Solo Proprietor,
Rochester, Now York
Price 25 cents per box. ' For sale by J. B. Moser
and B. D. Lowell, Allentown, and Druggists every
fir AA - ARMAGH GUlDE.—Being a private
instructor for married persons,or those
about to be married, both male and female,
in everything concerning the physiology and rela
tions of our sexual system, and the production or
prevention of 'offspring, including all the now discov
eries never before given in the English language, by
WM. YOUNG, M. D. This is really a valuab , o and
interesting work. It is written in plain language
fur the general render, and is illustrated with numer
ous. Engravings. All young married people, or those
contemplating marriage. and having the least imped
iment to married life, should rend this book. .It dis
closes secrets that every one should bo Acquainted
with ; still it is a book that must be locked up, and
not lie about the house. It will be sent to any ono
on the receipt of twenty-five cents, in specie or post
age stamps. Address DR. WM. YOUNG, No. 416
SPRUCE St. above 4th Philadelphia, Pa.
matter what may be your disease, before you place
yourself under the core of any one of the notorious
QUACKl3—native or foreign—who advertise in this
or any other paper, gist a copy of either of Dr.
Young's Books and read it carefully. It will be the
means of saving you many a dollar, your health, and
possibly your life.
DR. YOUNG can be unsuited on any of the dis
eases described 111 his publications, at his Office, No.
416 Spruce Street, above Fourth
July 11, 1860
Oxphans' Court Sale.
BY VIRTUE and in pursuance of an order issued
out of the .Orphans' Court of tho County of
Lehigh, there will be exposed to public sale on Sat.
uiday the 28th day of July, nt 1 o' clock in the after
noon, upon the premises, a certain messuage of land
with the appurtenances, situated in Union street be
tween bth and oth in the Borough of Allentown, in
in the county of Lehigh aforesaid, bounded on the
south by . said Union street, west by lots of Joseph
Young, .and cost by a ten feet private alley, and
north by a twenty feet public alloy, containing
front on said Union street 30 and in depth 230 feet.
Being the real estate of Washington Dunlap, &-
deceased, late of the Borough and county aforesaid.
Term§ on the day at place of sain t and duo attend
ance given by
By the Court, BOAS HAUSMAN, Clerk,
July 11, 1860
Insurance Company,
Franklin Buildings, No. 40H IVabmt St.,
Capital and Surplus, I Chartered Capital, '
$3b9,746 70. I $500,000.
TNSURES against Loss or Durango by Fire, and
/ the Perils of the Sea, Inland Navigation and
A. K. ALARM', Agent,
' , Howard's Exprees Office," Allentown, Pa.
Mny 11, 1800. —ly
#44:l;f-14 44444
TAR aim •ivooD_PreirliKii..
Is the beet Minnoinn in the world for the-Ousts of
_Coughs and Colds, Croup, Bronchitis,
Asthma, Difficulty in Breathing
Palpitation of the Heart,
Diptheria. - '
For the relief of patients us the advanced stages of
It is peculiarly adapted to the radical cure
of Asthma.
BEING prepared by a practice( Pireamin and
Druggita, and one of great experieneiin the cure
of the various diseases to which the Haman frame
is liable.
It is offered to the afflicted with the greatest con
Toy iv and be convinced that it is invaluable in
the cure of Bronchia/ cylictione. Price 50 cents Aer
a very valuable remedy for Diarrhoea, Dysen
tery, Cholera Morbus and all Bowel Affections.—
Try it. ' Price 26 cents per Bottle.
`The above medicines are prepared only fiy
Druggist and Chemist,
N. W. Cor. 9th and Poplar Sta., Phila.
jtar•Sold by every respectable Druggist und Deal
er lu Medicine throughout the State
Juno 20, 1860.
Prepared from a prescription if Sir J. Clarke,
M. ii., Physician Extraordinary to the Queen.
THIS invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure
of all those painful and. dangerous 'diseases to
whichlthe female constitution is subject. It moderates
all excess and removes all obstruction, and a speedy
cure may be relied on.
it is peculiarly 'suited. It will in a short time bring
on the monthly period with regularity.
Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Govern
ment Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counter
feits. •
These PillB should not be taken by females duriny
the FIRST 'THREE MONTHS of Pregnancy, as
thay arc sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at any
other time they are safe.
In nil cades of Nervous and Spinal Affections,
Pain In the back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight ex
ertions _Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics, and
Whites, those Pills will effect a cure when all other
moans hard failed, and although a powerful remedy
do not contain iron calomel, antimony or anything
hurtful to the constitution.
Full directions in the pamphlet aroundeach pack
age which should be carefully preserved.
Sole Agent for the United States and Canada;
JOB MOSES, (Late I. C. Baldwin .1 Co.,
Rochester, N. Y.
N. 8.—51,00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to
any authorized Agent, will insure a bottle, containing
over 50 pills, by return mail.
For 8(110 by John B. Moser and E. D. Lowell, and
Druggists everywhere.
July 4; 1860.
Agricultural machines and Implements,
CORNER of Fifth and Chew streets, Allertown,
Pa., Manufacturer of all kinds of Agricultural
Machines and Farming Implements, such as Welt
knecht,'s Patent Threshing Machines, tho best in ex
istence, Corn Phoneys; of all patents, Horse Powers,
and in short any and every Implement needed in car
rying on Farming operations. . These Machines are
warranted to be made of the beet materials and in a
durable manner, at prices below those of any impor
ted machines.. Farmers will therefore do well to
take these facts into consideration and make an ex
amination Into the above facts before purchasing
elsewhere. lyhirlle also manufactures Rollers.
REPAIRING.—AII kinds of repairing executed
at short notice, in a durable manner. Don't forget
to call before purchases are made elsewhere.
July 4, 1860
WHOLESALE RETAIL dealers in Leather
&c. embrace this opportunity of informing
their friends and the public in general that they
still carry on business at the old stand, at No. 48 West
Hamilton Street, nearly opposite lingenbuch's Hotel,
and that they constantly keep on hand the hand
somest, best and cheapest
which was ever brought to Allentown, consisting of
the following articles :
Red and Oak Sole Leather, Harness, Zipper
and Collar Leather, Kipps, Calf Skins, Mo
rocco, Kid, Linings, Bindings, Shoethread,
Shoe-findings, etc.
Which they are prepared to sell at the lowest rates.
tlk.. Also on hand and for solo the best Tanner's
U4...P0r green hides they pay the highest markol
They are thankful for past patronage, and will
use their utmost endeavors to give satisfaction to all
who may favor them with a call. •
Allantaren May 18, 1860
T he tki ) e la g e tor t e o O b f u gra m Me C r h th ea ft t a n t !
No. 79 West Hamilton Street, next
door above the Hardware store of Hagenbuch,
Hersh & Co. They having just reduced their prices
full 10 per cent, with a large and well selected stock
of goods to which constant additions are being
made,and would respectfully inviteone and all trigive
them an early call, confident that they will not go
away dissatisfied. The stock consists of is general
variety of Toots, Shoots, Hats, Cape, Trunks, Va
lises, Carpet Bags, dm, all of which will be sold
cheaper than the cheapest for Oath or trade.
N. B. Merchants will find it to their advantage
to examine our atorek before purchasing elsewhere.
May 2, 1860. ." tf
Head Quarlers—Weiss' Building (Up Stairs
Now to the thee to prepare for tho
ADDRESSES will be delivered every Wednesday
Night. Persona of all parties are warmly In
vited to attend. Dear both sides and then Judge.
WM. 11. AINEY, Prosid't ,
HENRY J. SAmien, I Secretaries,
Allentown, May 30, 1880
Whore may ho found the largest and 'handsomest
aessOrtment in the city.
Aar-Purchasers from the country will find it to
their advantage to call at our etora, where they will
ho suited with a superior article at the lowest
Allentown April 25, ISO. Sin
AYOUNG MAN, 18 to 20 years of age, who h a
knowledge of the Dry Goods business, as sales
man In a large Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods
Sure in Philadelphia. Communications addressed
to the undersigned will he attended to. ,
No. 450, 452 and 454'North Second Bt., Philo.
July 18, 1880. - • , ,
Trial List, for August Tens e • ma
is Gilit-A4aningesei:HireViißratifEi
2, Bork* a Rums vs. A - . 1 J. Lewis.
S. Hamilton 11. Erihnon a W. 11. ( BaraL t •
4.. Charles D. Hanes yr. Bathyal/ & atirtz.•
6. FranCis G. Haines vs. Hoary & Lewis
6. John Itebevi admialstrattrri.6o4 , of:l l l.os4l W.
Miller, deceased. vs. Solemner G. Millar.
7. John Long vs. Edward H. Knorr. r
8. William R. Starve, for the use of =I:-
Backus, for creditors vs. Johnson
James Yeager vs. Charles Marts, .•
Charlie G. Rimer vs. Wm. & Ferdinand WinL-
S. 11. Laolar a-Co. vs. Warniok A Laibratit.-
James Yeager vs. Charles Marts. .
. Joseph Merl vs. Catasauqua and Fogalwrilla Re
Road Company.
14. Thomas Yeager and :Sabina Yeager vs. Jacob
16. Nathan Schaffer vs. Paul Sterner.
18. John 31. Banter vs. David Mertz, garnishee of
Solomon G. Miller.
vs. Osman Wilson, garnishee of
Soloman G. Miller.
18. Philip Gross vs. David Marts, garnishee of . Sol
omon G. Miller.
19. Same vs. Osman Wilson, garnishee of -
Solomon G. Miller.
20. The Commonwealth , of Panceylvania for the use
of G. Gilbert Gibons, administrator, *a, of
Pater Kern, deceased vs. John Kern.
21. Same vs. Same and terra tenants.
22. R. J. Roily vs. Joseph Hildebrand.
23. Thomas Yeager vs. David Schmoyer.
24. Moses Gaumer vs. Peter S. Lelsenring.
25. John M. Bonier vs. David Marts, garnishee of
Solomon G. Miller.
28. Same vs. 11. 0. Wilson, garnishee of Solomon G.
27. Edward Wilson and Charles Wilson, administra
tors of Samuel Wilson, deceased vs. Solomon
, G. Miller.
28. Same vs. Peter germ°, garnishee of Solomon G.
• . Miller.
29, Same vs. H. 0. Wilson, garnishee of Solomon
G. Miller.
Adam Heillek ye. Jonathan Reit.
John Boyer vs. Michael Woodring.
Daniel Bartholomew ye. Thomas Frederick.
Theresa Roigamer, to the use of Philip Strome
vs. Reuben Henninger.
A. Ginder & Rebrig ye. Lucas Schlough.
35. Charles Daniel vs. Robert Daniel, trustee of John
36. Henry Hart vs. Jesse Knauss.
37. Mclntyre, Lents & Co., vs. F. C. Low p.
38. George T. Gross and J. W. Mickley . Joseph
39. Christian Colmar vs. William Wiem .
40.. Jonas Raup and wife vs. Christie Craig end
41. Charles Lukens vs. Jacob Schultz.
42' Henry Heimbach and wife vs. Henry Dißinger,
executor of John DiHinge; deceased.
43. John Miller vs. Henry - K. Leny.
44. Daniel L. Fetherolf vs. Isaac Barton.
45. Samuel Badder vs. C. A.. Ranch.
46. Reuben Knecht vs. S. W. Bareaw and Charles
47. Henry Henritze vs. Levi Walter.
48. John Fry and Philip Gemberling vi, Joshua H,
49. Nathan Roth vs. John Smith.
50. David Leary and Leslie Miller re. Edward U.
ler. •
51. Ezekiel' Gerhard vs. Reuben Solliday. •
52. Handel' Weiner vs. John Ely & Co.
53. Victorina Zenner vs. Henry Smith.
54. Henry Steibig vs. David Scheadt.
56. Tilghman Shaffer vs. Meyer Sehntrman.
56. James MoQuillin vs -Alexander Chambers.
57. Maria Keichner and George Roth, jr., admiral"-
. trator of Abraham Kerchner, deceased, vs.
Michael Woodring. •
58. Jeremiah Crowly vs. Joseph S. Smith.
59. William Lentz vv. Tilghman Zellner.
60. Thomas Yeager ve. The East Pennsylvania Ball
Road Company.
JAMES LACKEY, Prothonotary. •
July 11, 1860.
THE most elaborate and. noted work, of Art ever
painted by an American Artist, is the "COURT
log covers 312 square feet of eauvass—oontains 23
Life Sire Figures, and has never been valued 110 lass
25,000 Dollars. •
It has bean gazed upon with admiration and de
light by tons of thousands. The subscriber kiss pur
chased tho painting, and issued a splendid
• Chromo Lithographic Engraving
Of it, presenting a perfect FACSIMILE COPY of
the original painting, WITH ALL ITS BEAUTI
The sire of the Engraving is 23 by 81 inches, and
the price ($l,) for which it is offered, is only oa•-fifth
the usual price of similar works-100,000—being is
sued instead of 5,000, the usual number. The home
of every faimily in the land, should be adorned with
this picture, as besides its beauty as an ornament,
the lesson it teaches, illustrating the evils of Intem
perance and War, and the end of a good—a Chris
tian L vie are invaluable. Mr. PIALB says of the
Engraving : " I can certify that it is an accurate and
admirabld copy of the Original Painting.'! Testi
monials without number,
have been received from
- distinguished Clergymen in praise of the Engraving.
Many who receive it, say they would not part with
it for ton times Its cost, if they could not procure
Clergymen and Church Societies supplied in gland
ties of not loss than 20 copies at a time, on liberal
(Terms for 1 copy, $1 and 4 letter stammer 5 oop
as for $4 without stamps. For a letter of Aisne) ,
stating special terms, and 1 copy, $1 and 6 letter
stamps, sent in sh rot"..' by return mail, with a
description. If $4 or more se sent in a letter, get a
draft, or have the letter registered. Write the NOM,
Town.• county and Mace plainly. Addles'
0. Q. 'COLTON, - --
P. 0., Box 9391, No. 37 Park Row, New-York.
Juno 20, 1880. —l3l
A L'PIIOUGH the nation Is convulsed from .eentre
A. to circumference with the news of the.. Groat
Prize Fight, and many. of the noblest patriots of the/
land are alarmed and tilled with apprehension for
the safety of the Benicia Boy, and while it behoove.
every philanthropist, whether Heenan be the champ
ion of the world or not, to do his utmost for hi.
country's valor,.tbe undersigned, in order ,to settle
the whole question, hereby announces that be his
entered into voluntary servitude to the. panels
general, and his friends in particular, whereby able
community at least may rest recurs as to the supply
of their most pressing wants.
Hereabout Prise Fighting is a novelty, but it I. a
practical matter, which everybody can understand,
to be able to procure at very low rates, the best,- the
neatest, the easiest and cheapest .
Boots,Shoes, Gaiters
That can be procured anywhere this side oflin
horn. , ,
. .
No. 9 South Seventh street, AllentOwn,P*.. opposite
the office of Dr. T. H. Martin, where.yon ban pur
chase Boots and Sheen cheaper thin anywhere ells
And now whether one Convention ham it:lionised
and the other organised or not,. let it be mounded
abroad that Boot Bell is folly organised, committees
appointed and ready for business with
JAMES LUCAS, in the Obitlt, -
June 20, 1860
' 2%111186n Teachers Wanted._
APPLICATIONS will be received by the Beard of
Directors of North Whitehall School District
for 14 teachers, to take charge of the schools of Judd
District.. Applicants will be examined at the pablie
house of John Schantz, Jr., North Whitehall, Lehigh
county, by the County Superintendent, on Saturday,
July 28th, commencing at 0 o'clock, A. M. The
schools will open In August and continue open for
six months. By order of the Board.
P. P. MICKLEY, Secretary.
• July 11, 1860. —at
A MEETING Of the 'Association, known u the
4 . President, Directors and Company hr the
erection of a bridge over the Lehigh-river near the
borough of Allentown," will be held at the - publie
houre of Moses Schnook, in mid borough, on 'the
first Monday of August next, at 2 eolook P M.
the purpose of electing a President, tour Direetdri,
and Treasurer, to serve for the coming year. At the
same time the Treasurer will present to the, stook.
holders a statement of the affairs of the company.
-s 4t
July 4, 1880
• i/
FORMERLY a privato'olfide . student' of Dr. 0. L.
Martin and graduate of the University of Penn
sylvania, announcea to the citizens of Allentown and
vicinity that' he has 'opened an °Moe .No, Bast
Hamilton street, directly. opposite LOWIII 18010siiii •
Co.'s Drug Store, where he is ready 'Sy day orby night
to render hie professional set vices to all afflicted. •
April 25, 1860. • -
For --- Sale - • --- : ----
SEVERAL Town- Lois, handsomely - situated for
building, on Sixth streati,nerthrof-diAndfingars
offered for sale on reasonillleltenns. :Porfatihm in
formation apply to Wm. H. Ballipt,tns the vir of
P. S. Prete& Co.'s Steam Planing : I_ll4,ofsli sof
tie. of the " Lehigh R eg is ter' " ' . .; . .. L)
~ . .
July'll: - . . . . . —Bl