• "AttrioleTtlnib vd *itrhitt Yti 161 Vi JKIP 'lO Li 09/1 - .7 line .f xlln9or.it• 1:1 tytl Rll/11j. , 11 /1() 0:4 4114,11 1,0 f: 101 rift • 10 xriilll: , ) 1,;,1 of ••••••••....•••••....114MICOM• . , . . • • ) • ' 111111‘13;iA,•, '.ll V Clicititlf:Pitll X V Di!) 11 . ' 614114')0 1 5/N - I:PflWair M; a p ) f) ( , 1 1 . 1,,, 1 . ;t , jiff ! titia - - '' .. l ,1.,1 ...! : I , 1.4 : lir .*:/' .. /slti t lll t 'lll.l,2 , l .V . I. 1.1 NEL ~. 1 i ( .y , , ! . .1 ,. 1 .1 .-- , • - , a , na-.‘,..i 0 . .,41,1 ... ... ..., ..,. ! ..., w 4.4 , . m1AN ,, ,1.. vo (A go ri.nl • it .. ~,,-1 mo gßjb li ,Aa t u,x,c,l4.., :.; •>r:,, •,!1,, 4 Q non hung!: Unkon hrpken• r up,i).4,,Whole.tinle, 1., JC,U, 't; tares ,In NP,w, York ,bnatett, and,o, or,lo ,011'il,. 11)11 ,iii:o. L. V ,'. It. it.',all'rali . info ppp ipioPie'orPruijeat 'I all theit'ttobieiniltlits hitiilildrne'W''46iplii'l Di aPliiiiti 's:tarp's -Cligrib•Ciiiih l •Siqro;lNd."3s 'Arai Iliiin(lithi 'StI: Allontowit,••ht•j•iintilStrillP is nt;lv detetilaltie&W roll Diem at stidir low rates; that ievery anyin;•-Wohnnn nipl• childi cull ttet,i storm afttite New Onellf.w•MCII•• ...pillipr p,:!r4 utue,bing4,oikfilit ,;1760y0 por : ,yl3 10 . 16 now l atilmi fancy drusivellknifor,so emits a ya r ; 1,1:'1 11i1111P11,.12.1.contg ll'yfir.}; mil i s eri'nl;ll - , deintoos, i#V l illr..slYNll.'Jii•lt mit, - dill cliaap',':.'for 'hitsli,.—' Ali, altnnt 'll,ooo.'ynille (if reniimittar'brmlll'eolors ott•hprices. (tirpot,', oll'efoth,IIM•l• tielthvgimuslitti l•litnol.M1 rind vii-blenched.•lahltv •IMper, , thweling, I).cah.renfittre k ,.t..c...vory elioal•,•. - Altto.tiballt 11 ,000 %} coittitor,-pninos. j•••t in limo for Alio young) morrle•l peilfde ; . nild. 11., old n. 0,, limy 111. •• lilPlll ' 'ilik it liloy bait, iht. in.,itey., Al.ntrning. \ • •••••I l'ldlarsmii.l nil lanai Ot l l:intirobleriortiv•tiu.ir•voir i t trioi,!. .-.. . • .- e ith i? A LSO Al Poi.. STOPP •.b CO, are (Hosing out ' :1;•- ''' their stock• or iyhter bottoms, Ilowurei rib , bons; .t'.. it liltsi 111.:11. 44 0 P ISAwir, Coital: . 11111 i 11111ile/P(;:l : j11)t ,übmik .sweet. Money Syrnia_hfol:i.ge:/ nt'D cilia qicirt.. - licst - 11Micy Syritp - ill,' 121 cent:' n qini,rE' Bal. Mild §llgiir at In Mints 11 Itr. • barge lot of Itilitilns and bther ilrle•I fruits NW) , cheap. (Ibis, nod ()natl. , - ' wnre and Looking Masses just nbout cheap enough -, • —, x ji lir I.liliz., sitx . '..;4lk• - lc ji : i j r.:. ;. l - 14 snit Ithe limos. Now Ltitlios and Gootlomen IC N E T . VI) r litiNl.d.llialing.it o iniperalVa ~yod•linve the CASH and Want suck Cheap (100,10 found ii •, call at S ; topp' , H ,, C s ilg iv P ii C t ll l B )e il o S ii t e s . lC :Ind ityou hove no fit P:tilliemainiriptlitte the publiq; neeessaiSi46Prcltrotiinore pointntidlane place of It. uun .' e St ,u6t I • ..• ohms, stnineoerdlitly emoted ti . :.. . • , IfFit . N. IL Al.m 7 dwelling liimsos to rent, nDo • PALATIAL OLOTIIINO HOLISE,: - . . I 211- 1 basement and 21 and :Id t•tories In Ilniuil• Sven cituutcd for n Dootor, 'Lawyer, Daguer on the 90111cr•of.Phuvolt,.Alltay : tino Muni/ton Firoet, ~ 101 l St., oppositp,?rfpeeee. Drug StOre, ,qf which they love roan or Dentisti Office. Basement fora segnr store just talesy pees.speolou, beicg:thainrgest, most; eum• Am. Also a gond brick, back building suitable for a modiouf, and bdeelirranged building 'for the btn.inese I Shocumker or Tifflor riloN n AlloOtiiWn •:- ''' • •• . • • " ' .'' ~ _• • ' Inquire :-35 Wtlti Hamilton St. The peoprietoreaf this New and Magnificent Cloth." Allentown, January, 23. • ing listlibliehMentiitakirplausure.ln further nnnounm. ' ing that they have also ineroused thoir tremendous HANDSOME LADIES ATTENTION! 'Winter Staqk cr• 0 , • READY ' MADE' CLOTIIING, 00D LOOICING MEN READ:! and aro daily adding thereto all : kinds of ttrtielvs op. • _ pertaininettOren and Bny's year 'which will lie ' Children Don't Cry. t sold atexirmittilitnry leri rates, as they'go upon the • .. --- prineinte thitt‘it "nimble 'sixpenhe in hotter thnn n' 1 1 01 t JAMES HESS his paid attention to all plow slillling.'t , ' They , havo•notrash of years on their. 1 . . shelvesvaithiehthey try . to palm otf for new . salmi,, your wants. For ladies ho his the nicest fors or •r seen in this county, mull as Mink, Fitch, Sable, goods,l;Mtsop'.ol6 'contrary, ere superior in quality, Opossum, he., of every description and grades-Mil, make and style, to.an,y,ertaglishment in the trial and you will place.- stye a, 'ona tne PALA TTAL fir al capes, half rapes null victorines,-and selling them ive t ''-'-- - - ;most nothing. Only $6 for a whole net, Cape, CLOTHING„HOIJSE Is' the place for everybody.- ,Cuffs and Muff. I defy competition-if any denier Their iiiiller purchases coMpriee entirely new nod' in this county will or can.sell Furs cheaper than I desirabl6 l ityles, such as' enn not, be found it any nth- tie I will give them, away- noir is your tima and er Meraitarttlallering estahlishmen ' Altentown.- : Their goods worn selected with the re test Care, and • °inn”' just roll anti mtl ' iS yoUrselves. will bemmdorpp in the latest style tn fashion, and i n . . . EMT S,AN DO4P • warranted, o:, prove the , some no represeqted al the ; time of p, rellaSe. Observe, that °Very, article or . T_TE has nn firma in elegant assortment Clothing.s Id ih,y tho ' prOprictors, of this establish- ; -1-1 of Fasniennhle Styles fur 1860, 1 , meht ileof ( tholf 'own mike', and may be relied upon ' among which are tt good supply from thel :us beint'g , Slad;'ditrahici work: Among their exten- ' beet establishments in Now York and give astertment' may. be found, tine Black and Blue • •I'hiltidolphia made expressly to order, which lit new style;Drose nil.Ftech Coats. made in the latest i elegance and durability are net excelled. Toshio!) , 4:4•French and EMgllolt Cloths, now style . Also, nll kinds of Fur nnui Wool , llnte, Infanis and BusinessAoats„ of, Pluck, Blue, .Olive and Green Youths Sill( and Beaver tints. Also, n large assert- Cloths, and,, piniii and figured, CaSsitneres ; Over meat of Silk Plush and Cloth Caps, of all prices mid Coats, bf all'qitallties, styles and prices, imntaloons, ' qualiyt--all of which will be sold at the lowest rates. vests, Marin fact everything in the READY MA DTI W If, Oa an d Modal Robes. CLOTRIN9 'F;Tfil.3,. front' an overcoat down to an • and selling cheaper than the cheapetit. undershirt'' ,' •: , ' '.• • ' For ebildteti, filmy Cape and Furs of ovary dle,2', Thoteur grentfeetxtroa or Neligh 46 Breinig l s Sterol seetption mid color, from $1.50 to $6 a rot, are, that,;tbay,lnt, •Tor.Cnsb, anti consequently can ! N. B. cash, anti the very highest market price, eel' cheaper. than any. of the oth e rs ; thoir goods are 1 paid,for Furs and t lins of till kinds. Remember mods up tinder their own supervision, find they "" ; the:place, No. 2:1 East Hamilton St , nearly opposite them foti l tatitt they ren/Vare, and last though not ' the (Terms' Reformed Church. least thy Sell their kootbi for Cosh. • . 1 • SYLVESTER WEILF.R, Agent. Raving 'Wonted , the 'CASH system, they nrn not Allentown, Jon. 18. . -II compelled to Prouido against .ltsooti, la y - inoronntbt•....--....-,---s-,--------, .--..--- -(-- - ---,.: prices.l ißuyees who pay cash are not required to make up.Htelosses, of such as will not pay, (AV ea,t, Pittx attic) n l . Wt hi t o e , r alii o r or to , 6 .tin or de u r nna, i e r r t, ,,, n ie nTilr h a ir z ,..c ( 0 ,11 . "n rii ikSlllol}lllll GIIODS AEI CLOTHING" kinds, MA itvotythitig In fact that is tonally ittlit In stores 6rThe , lthitl.. 'Call and see before you purchnse ;,. ~ Wm, F. Miller, eleowliotl3,4ls they willingly show what they have.- , ' , They arts saddled. that all their goods will bear a NO.. 58 EAST LTA 3.1112TQN STREET, close examination. , ' , . (Two Dooms ilutow 1111.1 AllElliCAN .11L.T13.,) ... Tant!ari 4,.1800 We Hive a Larger Stock 1 AND SELL AT IS WL.o F± 1. 1" -,THAN ANY OTHER CLOTIVIN G- ST 011 E lAr AL LENTO 1 VA,. & Colver En.t, 11+111111ton street, have just. received 111 trout Philadelithitt tt very heavy staclt'of FALL ,AND WINTER GOODS of most, favorable stylee, from all ofv!iicll they will make to order, and also keep,on hand a large sup. ply of . /IRA!) 1r MADE CLOTHING. at such kv prices, that eannat lie equalled"Stt 'nay estlibllehment in this or any oth• or town in Eastern l'enneylvimin. 'Our Smelt is twice as large, and we sell doable the amount or the two beat ettaldisliniants in town, conseipienily ens: Ming us,tr sell nt 31 very small profit. They have on haud..every,iityles of Giwinents adapted to the season,. to which the attention of the public is invlt 1 ed ton Careful *examination or quality, workman ship, OYU) of trimming., sloth cut, which the proprie tors will guaranteeto ho superior to that of any HOUK) in the•trade. They constantly keep on hand a well,Onkleotedt stock of Gentlemen's FurniAing Goodei'eonsisting of Shirts, Collars, Stocks. Cravats,, ilan,,lltorehlefs, hose, Stipeoilers, Sc., Inicides many oracles catalog in their line of horsiness, all of which are solda filo lowest piece. CUSTOMER li'Oß K. Orders for custonier work will always be received with pleasure, and attended to with punctuality, and as two of the limn are practical tailors, none but the bolt workmanship will be suffered to pass their bands.• tig,..Thoy ale° particularly invite Country Mer eilautp„to give them n call, as they utter cktraur . dinary bargains fit ISREI\IO Sc COLVER Allfltqwn, Oct. : 5, 1839 FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING • -kr TIM- ALLENTOViTN CLOTHING STORE. No. 35 East Hamilton Street, Allentown, Penno. I WOULE again call the attention of tho citizone of Allentown, and tho surrounding country, to :ay stook of FALL AND WV INTER CLOTHING Which' for variety anti excellence of manufacture exceeds that of forther sonnons. I have row on hand, and intend keeping a gen eral assortment of OENTLEOEN'S AND BOY'S CLOTH .ING of all qualities and grades t consisting of • BL:APK i BLUE AND Buowx FROCK AND DRESS COATS, OVERCOATS, IN FROCK, SACK . AND RAOLAN STYLES, PANTS AND VESTS. Alio, all kinds of 'l3entlouion"3 Furnishing" Goods viz: • • SHIRTS, DRAWERS, NECK AND POCKST lIANDKEECHIETS, . GLOVES, STOCKS, SOCKS, SUSPENDESS, ! Particular attention is' paid to the getting up of this clothing, and there will find a largo asturtment comprising all the New styles, equal to Custom Work in make and lininh. OA 'band Cloths Cassirecres and Vestings, of the host /quality which will ho 'made up to order, in the most, Inalienable manner at a reasonable. rate and at very.short rketice. The Cuitom Department is under the management of n'practicel end experienced Cutter, who has Os. on satisfaction, and purchasers may rest nssuted that' all Goods furnished nt this establishment•are selected with strict regard to durability. I will also keep constantly on hand and for sale n heavy assettment of Broadcloths, CASSIMOVOS, Vestings, Trimmings, which, will ho sold by the yard at. the very lowest rates. nospectfully, Allentown, SeptombOr 28 PURE:OHIO CATAWBA BRANDY, D. LAWALL, role: agent for the county.— Price per bade $1,25, by the hare $lO, Allentown, . -- • .. —'•... . „ , • . , aztoflnevaoo ailiii=, • thbrfoccragr eitT • ~ • i 0 ,. ? , / - 11 ;-; • 9 sum . ; ; iii .3 , • .zoi u-r irr - I . i) 11 , )71;17 : ,I . P.)fiyr . .t: ,-• if -,* •1 I A r i . A AD() ' .0441- OM? olipipamea ' ., . trtol4. ottniacm4a eifT Pid ' .1 - : ''i.i •-• fn.'. -..' 1.1 ..."/...:1' at f ,(1; EL II If 3.........„. f,Vi x .- I,7l•ing7Pri noi,:•. 11 J Dtili? ' , i1511',;01(1 , ., 4 1 5ti .0 1.7.- - " ' Cl49l(ttillit)7l lc, .1‘ A-4 I . 1 1 . Vittipil ' '"I 0 014391'.1.1mnol ml . runnier? INDC , f7fI 0.1 .1) ..„..„ „„• . ~-7 - -,,,,, it, ,r,,,,„,.: .!t...!.: ni rtf. f ,:•::•Tr' (17 . ...117..Z- lit . •) 9 , •..giq LEW . mni • ma 114.)-.. , • ...n. g q Di lt 10 l lir nE.:••mbfi.'if no ~.,7 n iikn..ii.t. - -1,) 7. . 1;(1. •.,iinvoutrAk •iiii 19 I , ,llinton i ''ii ,r1ni1ft , p711P... 1 ,141 % . „ - IJ,lll'wttt`tc/ ttltf Ili Ppili .../ 1 ,,a 7 r i 4: : :-9 - - - ; 1.1 tools, .Z - '7i .0 !L. ~,,:, 1. 1., !It' :" ntli,W; ,rf , ftt I . ottli 1 - 11/.> it t - tt •f , i3 b ':%',• It ~',9 % / . 11 . . ton . ...Ili...minim: i • ..,.. ;" f Dr."/Tr• 'i ,P .I.,0)• *4•4:.i s t 1 WM . I ',l •, V.it rn17;11•9 . 11 .... J . , 40nn:•• .. . „ ;) ,. . , !.....„, n'i• i - r - bn - An i - . ;,I i• • \ 7P"• - •': kl•• •(. 1 •• 1 1 .•7 / Ptiri,N ill .. ‘ (VIII ' . tI :' . I . 7/ i l l I : . .." 1 . 1•.;',.• II 7 i,i , , , : 1 7( 9 1't./ 4 . it,- e 1• - 0 i;•• , mum! ll , tbirtft-5:::, 7 , -,,. . _ .-) , - •of i".l. .- :;'t,,.„ 5•1:. , . i . . , : ~ ...../ 71, , rttl , ~ ; , :- . „ . 1; . ~ Klkiit 1: .; -vi A:31 11 ,.,;;• if! ~ .?,,i). i•f2 I : ,j!finl , f ,j4:l, ). rli• ~:i ..! ...., 11 . 166 H i;, tr ~1 1(111." - If. 00 I'HIT. .r.r . . -'', Olio 11 t/0 ft.r1 , 411!,i, ~I .... /, if .. • • 'lol l; .A.L.,?.... .- . . tt ,, lit Itl ' t '", - !fri , i/ ,•it'l T. ,r•;•• '..• - • • ' • - - ::.q . • -........,,, • .01.)•': lii , ).„ „i t i ~v - , . ,ir .1