VOLUME XI. FARMERS LOH THIS WAT.I THE opposition say that in a short time the ground trill bo ready to sow Chat?, Barley. 3. e. HMV they know this we are not aide to say, but this touch we will say, that whenever .it gets ready. you had butter give its a call for one of the best Crain Drills. and warranted at that, (no large talk about refunding' money,) but if the article i= not as represented, it eats be returned, and all matters satisfactoridy arranged. Likewise, in due time the grass will be in order for' bay making, and then we are prepared to furnish c a n with Allen's Mower, a splendid machine fur cutting grass of any kind. And in addition, when desired, see have also the combined Mower and Reaper, on Manny's Patent, whirls is manufactured upon a slit . ..! fcrent principle from those made heretofore, and war ranted to cut gras ,, and grain as fast as one team of horses can draw it. And further, we have the Pre-; minun Corn Sheller of Lehigh county, and as there ban been sold a very large moldier in a short time that have rendered universal satisfisel ion, we are can- jident in saying, that it has no superior hem or eh . likewise have a mill fee chapping feed, • is different seetiotm, II C ; OS elI ringer. do; David do: David Ktiliw, :Mewl ; George 13cieid. CORN SRELLE?. REFFiIIENCES. David .13ortz, IVe: , e4wsville; J, hu ISurtz. C1,1:1 r Crook; - Jneol) Wenner, I.ne•cr 1 : ,, 1111 ;13 . : C. A. IV. Edolllllll. Allentown ; Reuben l nckcuLuch, Nortl. Whitehall. FEET; MILT, IIi;IEltli\C1• • Charles Scagreavca, Allmiton•n. Allentown, April 2. RED: OVA -0 F lIHEIHIG, iil &9~El~le T 1) THETTI NEW CLOTHING HOUSE. BIlErS1(1, NELWII 131tEINIG, feulittg it :it imperative duty to iw.couttatiate tie pu6Ct fuutul it necessary to proeure 0 more c( tomudiuu pluue of Im:due:is. and .iceordingly erected a PALATIAL cLuriiiNG in Ilninilten:itreet. tie .r Alorcr's Urug Store. of wide. they Imre jest taken th e hr go o most commodious. and bebt arranged building for tin business in Allentown. The preprielors of this New and M:l , 4nifieent rit.lli ing 14-tal.liAttient, take Idea-tire in further a.mimne lug that they hare oleo increased their tree einhats Winter Stock of Peady-Made C 07'II 1 , and are daily adding thereto ell kinds of art icle3 pertaining to Men and Boys' wear. v.llMi will l sold at extraordinary low rate, as they to upon tin principle that a niinble sixpence is letter than slow shilling." They have no trash of years on God. shelves, lvhich they try to pales id fur new ion., goods, but on the contrary, are superior in quoin} make and style, to any establishment in the pbtee.— Give them a trial and you will find the I'AI..VI .1• CLOTHING HOUSE is the place for every ho.ly. Their winter purchases comprise ci,tirol3 new and d, . skald° styles, such as can lust tie found at any othc Merchant tailoring estahlishmect ill Alb:otow n. '1'11(.11 goods were seleoted with the greatest care. and Aril. be made tip in the Latest style and flush inn, uud war. ranted to prove the stone as represented at the time ol purchase. Observe, that every article ~r .441 by the proprietors' of this establishment is 0, their own make, end may be relied upon as Letup good durable work. Among Lahr extensive assort mentpay be found. fine Mach tont Blue new styl, Dross and Frock Coats, made in the latest fashion 0. French and English Cloths, new style P,usiitu , s Cost , . of Black. Brown, Blue, Olive and Green Cloths, end plain and figured Cassimeres ; Over Coats, of till finalities, styles and prices. pantaloons. reds, and fact evorything in the READY MADE CLOTIII NG LINE, from an over-rout down to an undershirt: The three great features of, Breinig, Neligh Store are, that they buy for Cash, and conselinentl3 Call sell cheaper than any of the others: their p o uts ere 1111111 C op under their own supervision, and but though not least, they sell the at for want they really are. Also, n largo Flock of Handkerchiefs, Shirts, Col. Lars, Winter Hosiery, Under Shirts and DrnWerB of all kinds, nud everything in feet that is usually kept in stores of the kind. Call and see Lefore pin pin.. chase elsewhere, nn they willingly show what they have. They are satisfied that nll their goods bear t, close exnutinntion. December 10, FURS! FURS! FURS! Are till the go now-a-days. anil we ore '.. iteP"l determined nut to be behind the times.— . .` Consequently we have procured a very large assortment, direct from the best • innuttravittren in New York city—where Furs ore got up in the most fashionable style, and at the lowest rate:. Our as sortment to compered of all the styks now in nt.e— such no Sable Vietorines, Tippets and Capes, Stolle ' Idartin, " Fitch, .' Imitation do. n o Rock Martin. " •• Siberian Squirrel, 0 Brown Coney, Black do. n " do. Lynx, ~. Children's Furs of various styles. dent's Fur Collars, Caps and CillVeS. . WC have enlarged our thick of Boots and Shoes and Hats and Caps. suita ble for the season. Out stork of Over Shoos is particularly large, comprising all the various makes in tho market, such as India Rubber. Bur thlo, Calf-Skin, Felt, Web, &e., Se. Ladies and lien ileum in want of any of the above articles, will do well to examine. our stock before purchasing else where. All the above goodl sold at Wholesale at a lib6ral digeouut. te murehnnta•in the country. YOITNO ,t; LEH, . No. •15 East Hamilton Allentown, Deeembet 10,.185(1.. y l AeßiontEL.—Prum'a Rua good No. 2, tlhllie wW Large eize, in half, quarter. and eighth fluer.l C. A. RUM; & SON. Job Printing, Of all kinds neatly executed at•this Office PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY HAINES & DIEFENDERFER AT ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS PER ANNUM. MINNIE HILTON, THE VICTIM MEIVIEMTC.-E. ' 0, how I hate Mabel Sylwood !' exclaimed Minnie• Hilton to her mother, She is forever my rival in everything. As long ago as we at tended school together she sought to withdraw, the aff:ctions of my companions from me to herself, and far too well she succeeded ; and now, not content with having made my school days unhappy, she seeks to take from me the love of Alton Melvin, whom she knew how well I did love, but now I kite him, and her too,' with all the bitterness of my soul. Ile, by the! miserable lies and misstatements of Mabel, has been led to believe that I am the contemptuous. being who would seek to win his love and then turn haughtily from hint. And yet no one. sees the character of Mabel Sylwood in its true light—they cannot see through the veil of art ful hypocrisy that covers her ; but they believe! that she is the artless creature - 011dt she wish- es them to b.lieve her to be. And nosy, moth• er, before you. I promise to be revenged on Mabel Syl wood and Alton Men ;on her, for the reason I have already stated to you, and on him for being so easily turned against ins. Such love !' she exclaimed bitterly, ' is not worth keeping ; but oh! how I once loved Lim, u uu no longer care for him. That love is turned to bitter, hitter hatred, and once more I repeat it, I will be revenged !' Mrs. Hilton looked in astonishment nron her daughter, and how her loving and gentle Min nie could be capable of such feelings was be ybnd her comprehension, and she answered Minnie, darling• do not talk o ; you know it is wrong. Why, Minnie, how no yon talk so of Alton Mervin, and of your cousin Mabel. too, whom T and every one dse loved ?' • I know you love her, and everybody rl