The Lehigh register. (Allentown, Pa.) 1846-1912, August 27, 1856, Image 2

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--- _ ----- - --- 7 ------- . Prospects ef Ct:::ep Bread. UNION COUNTY' MEETING. (ColllMlllliCard for the Lehigh Ref/rater.)
TIIE ELSRIGII TIEGiSTETI, Malt Liquor Brewing. at Easton. . Aejournment of Congress--An Extra Res t on.
The brewing of Malt li q uorsp is carried on to The first session of.thel4th Congress closed on ~ (liv e . us this day our daily bread" is apart REPOET MS 71117. COMMITTEE. 1 DAVID H. !METER'S DESCRIPTIVE LETTERS
--of that simple yet expressive prayer which the, CF A 'WHALING VOYAGE, ezo.
: "WmtcAs, the time is rapidly eppronching !
a great extent in our sister borough of Easton. ' the IStli lit 1 2 o'clock . M. , buying continued °56
' , Riviour taught us. It has I•eeorne a necessity • whin we shall be called upon et the ballot has (I ( NT:NI:I:II l'ltio9 urn LAST.)
The i establishment of the Messrs. Seitz is one of I days. All the general nppropriation bills were to civilized exisu nee. nnd therefore its price, to dis c ha r ge PAN FoAsciseo. Mardi, ISsfl.
dulyw • oweour Country, end •
a (.. ' .0
the largeSt in the place, and the quantities or passed except that for the twiny, which :limo- enters largely into the study of th e . p , 01,it?.01.f. exercise a privilege enjoyed so fully by no other The next day we returned to Flores and re.
T he H ouse . econotpy of the day. flour . Isiiow ny tI . 1
different liquors appertaining to the business', priales about PAlrtemll millions.e itile on earth,—n. privilege acquired by the seised four Portugttese ioys to sera fete our
ll The the pace it wns last winter : The anent el o p perils, still'eringq, mid blood of our ancestors, I namTdoncnt , and with them we received what
they yearly turn out, is exceeded by none or' and Senate could not agree on this bi .
or the country has been sccm•ed in excellent and which should be transmitted to posterity I was far mole desirable. a lot of potatoes, onions,
but few establishments' in Eastern Pennsylva- ! obnoxious lentm 0, in the view or ow taut:. body• ' order. It is eonfidently stated that a gtenter in its polity and to its fullest extent: and. Punll'kina , &e• The bum.bont re nlso,
sin, which fact alone indicates the.fnme and Sll' is the clause in the bill which di stares that iy„):-...44 , -eltli of land was sot. II With wheat last fall whereas, it is well known that the present Na- not quite so profitably perhaps for themselves,
perioritv or their manufacture. The greater or ' part of the military force of the United ~. .
c,, s (Ii iii before. and ill.meli the yie l d per a cre plena] administration, now in the littrids of the hat certaiiily upon our pnrt : for instead of ex
principle qamitity 1 , 1 these beverages consnmed i shrill be employed in aid of the enforcent it en . will .
(Anal I • r
~ Ill.t. t 1,.t. ft. till! last year'. el'ol , . 1 110 so. ,, : di e d I ) ,,,, nern ti o , p ar ty, is i ne x cu s a bly eon . changing blankets and clothes for liquor, we
total viel I tt ill be nincli.preat cr.'--. 11 .-le cm!) r ii ,t, and then"h it has disgraced us at home excluinged tobacco for cheese, bread, butter,
in our County during the last few year; Was the laws'passed by the Ktinsas Lrgislatu c. and list year was II fie nd one, but in onedialf the
, mi l d abroad, our ntiversaries , at the Cincinnati apples mid wine, which tobacco these traders
supplied by them, (as we, have no establish- requires the President to distil in the m•grinized Northein Slates it was gri ntly (Imaged by Convention which nominated James Buchanan were compelled to sninggle on shore. Sailors
meals,) which fact has rendered their name, militia of the Territory, and prevent armed men d a very consideinble minium wns so
, „ - are comfit. . 1
.. exorbitant. p .
Ileil to •nv nn rice in
14114 injured as t 0 he tinincreliantnoie. This
c public ranee. The
amongst us rilinost as familiar ns " household i flom going in to disturb the i . ed anil endorsed it as emu/ ; and, whereas, clothing for their things and nre invariably; 4
year the crop has peen secured in the best pus- thi , • • • 1 1 r •• '
cheated,still ,:mated • ••
words." To keep pace with incrensing de- ; House insisted on its proviso : flu e Senate woula , i hie Cl , administration, iy Use repel' o the Mis- . ns V{•C were, vi • e were exo.l
Th.' . C'",',.'".!'eti Pr i ef C "."'"" 1 sonri Compi•ontise has re-opened the shivery "cdinglY ++/or/ 0 ./ .4171 .t.' clifoindi Again es the
mends, however, We now see in the " Daily Ex- 1 lint recede; but finally, jast berme the time estimates the quantity of wheat Fathered the question, invaded the rights of the citizen and shades of evening closed around us the ship
they fl il ' •to en l arge; fixed for Pilj - airimient, voted to extend the Ses. preseiit hal vi:st as fully till Ta r cult. greater,
_1 0 , fail 'h' •• -
C. CAINrS, r.nrron
" SAUCON" will appear next week
, Correspondents.
We have several conummications on hand.
which will be attended to as soon as possible.
We are pleased to hear from our friends, on all
subjects, but the author's name should always
accompany the production. We received a
funny article the other day, from rn unknown
author, with a request that it should be pub
lished, accompanied with a promise that the ,
becalmed. ..ur failure on the precedingnight
'Writer would favor us with more of the ' same' press" that :imtul it necessary . - . .. .
1 Whereas it is note cleat•- •
than has been gathered any previous year, and' blood, .- ~•1 war .
had not entirely disheartened its, and as relay
sort.' Now, vre ere not familiar With Greek. ; their establishments by the erection of in lion 'two hours further. 11'hile the House teas
alAi states that the i •l • • r the im, ~ o ie Ilett wheatlS
part of the evening,. there wits a
but consider ourself some in deciphering bier°. 'nl malt kilns, &G., 'chichi will increase their; considering this, the hour of noon struck. the excellent-the groin is full and 'night and per- slavery constitutes the principal question in. idly reposing on )he bosom of the smooth ocean
plypbics, but couldn't make it out. IVe hand - ; malting capacity 70,000 bushels per year. The ; Speaker's hammer fell, and the Se s si o n was nu reedy dry and sound. There will evidently be volved in the Presidential campaign, it is there- ,in the carrY
. less range in the ittiality or flour this seasim
ed it over to the toil , and after working him- . Express further sops : " They are also enlarg- • more. fore absolutely necessary that all who are op- ; little knot of men, composcd of myst•lf, R'-m,
self into a sweat, in his efforts to'read it, he re- ing their Ilrewery, introducing, at the same The President immediately ordered an extra
t i hi r i l i c i , t lit: l 7 u has wen for several rears. 1 1
tnr, from a carchil examination of
Y-le posed to slavery should co-operate with uni• .
ted energy. Be it therefolo the blacksmith, and several others, discussing
the possibility of lowering one of the ship's
turned it, with a grim smile on his visage and time, new and improved machinery of different session for the purpose of granting neeeNSnr Y the advices Which it hos - received, feels justified p o r ''•
so/r,d, That we here declare our nrdent, boats and pulling for shore : we were all more
an unsavory smell about his person, saying that kinds, principally intended to still further im- i supplies for the army. The session was called in giving the following figures as the quantity zealot's, and sincere attachment to the 'Constl. vr less armed, and SO desperate had we become
he "wished no further acquaintance with that : prove the quality of the different malt liquors •to meet on Thursday, the 2lst, and will prolta- of wheat gathered in each State this yenr : tntion, most the Union o f ti re St a t es w hi c h it has I,y our ill-usage that we unanimously deter
i i lio-1. ' 50.:c, , .
author." nee we call it funny ; but dau't brewed at . the establishment. 11 - o learn that 1 bly close this week. Some of the ineinhei•s '',lotc,'• ilall• so long and prosperenslY united , and we firinlv mined, once clear of the ship we would only
:•I:iicc, .I,w,iwo mi•,l-sippi, rm ." ll but respectfully lamest against any violation return dead. Time leaned on, the moon, as if
want any more of that sort, they will be able to brew 6000 barrels during : 'cent home immediately afLer the adjournment. , N. H., ,,, i ,,hh.,, , !,„„.,,,,„ .1.:,,,,.,,, I:4l.inti ,
of the spirit of the compact wldch resulted in , to mock our purpose, lose in her queenly splen-
the brewing season. IVe were also informed Those who remain will get nothing for the time V, riiiiiiil, tiliixiiii .‘ll,inisa,... :ale,ialn
I .11 !s,:!!!111! m"I1,." 41' 10•!! T...,,,,,,,,,,. n .21 . 0.0 ,,, i the establishment of our vast and powerful (Mr and secured 10 Outdo lICI'SCIf : ]tote we
that the retail and bottling branch of the house they are detained, the new compensation bill -(
~ ,,, .,,I. ' . • . -, , wisind for some friendly cloud to intervene its M !s! in ac,iy, 5,7;,11,000 ti
is much on the increase, they having bottled for! cutting them off ;N. ..,, Port,, ir,,fne.i.eti :11'.....,ini, :i.e.111 , .1 1 1 , 11 Thrit the citizens of Lehigh county who are canopy bet wetly us and the exposing glare,
I , ~,,,i,,,1, 11";,„,i,„ 1 I.tilni,Vca Opposed to the press nt Nathan, but the heavens reninined clear and rot a spot
several weeks during the hot weather, 72,000 Several importnnt bills !Hive been killed or N. ,, .r.r.e-: I rolininist rn i ion
, Pe,,,,,,vb:1111i1• 13,?:,11.1 1 11 , hlOll.lllll, 11.9. 0 1.1"'I' will firmly resist the full* extension of slave-' nripearml upon the horizon to bid us hope.
per week, which laq, , e quantity even railed to i laid ever, among which isjhe Pacific railroad 11,.1„,,,,. 7,,, , .1 m, ,11 io, 3 c..stio poll
• ry over territory now free , and will tabor un.. , llow futile lire human enekavors and how ab
supply tie ir customers." I bill, laid on the table in tin. Senate. The bill N''''.' land.
-,. vi,..,,,,,•,,, r, rea.t , ..t• ‘i., h',•ll,a,
1.2,:wc.,:, :, "a i-,..csio, Diii,laiii
1* . cc in,- to prevent. such extension.
5....! ~- . . solute and uncontrolable is destiny,—all or
4 J., . for a seini•monthly nuMI across the Plains to ~, - ,: , I.100.ta „, . 'flint en highly disnpproved of the repeal or; n en ' 1 ) . a l l of the officers remained upon deck all
... 1'ar.,..11.% .1..m0..tti, 1,,,
The itegister and Polities,--fiensitive reepla. • • •
California has Leconte a law, and S.:5011,000 ap• :. car,,!:” 1, •!`.101'.1 01. caii:,:riiin, the .lisitri l'onipiettlif•e, becalm ( ' thereby slit- . night, while the eyes of the third mate were
Our experience ill journalism him convinced 1 • ;:,.... ,,, -- - very is attempted to be made Nationnl, and : c "ttimf , lily l'u l ri"lr• 0 " 1. the sides of the Ship"
of , propriated therefor. The bill incrensiog lire ''' ''''f'''•
us that. WC" haN ein our comninnity scow the Al il!•17!1-,. 122" 0. 1 . 0 0 T!•!!!1. 11 . 2.:-116.1 , e0 thereafter to I,e introduced into the free States : ; IN : e. , wl l.' al-aill foiled, and then in a state
A • pnY of ' lie "' l '"''' " r (! ' r r - - ; : "'''' ''' ';'-'''',°'"'• " r ' :l ' - Riiiiile Island, Floi ids and T,onisiana are --that We I'Vg.,lllll . With the &vilest ohliM•renee 0 1 iliSimor we yielded to destiny, which seemed
most. sensitive persons in the known world,-'
r .. , _ .
JOU tor each st ssion, inn also passed, E.lcli ;
omitted in this statement. ns wheat is not the m.. 1111111 shameful acts in Kansas broimlit deft.] mined to take us round the Than.
same of (lion even so hopelessly stupid as to
member will make idiom !: , 750 this session by grown in them to any great extent. The New about and pronotinc«l good by the President, 1 l)irirti the: whole of the following wee]: we
entertain the idea flint their patrontige to a , e . 7 , liised around among the Weston Islands:,
t h e new l aw. The pay r oe ill it eite . e to commit' , Volk • son says the l'r (I' ( 'ltrO nis estimate is of the 'United States and his party, who know
newspnper should influence its sentiments.- • ' ' evidently - a moderate one, as its leaning is to run. no East, no IVest, no :cord'. but only a ,'....:,,idh, 1.11,.y tic lieto•l• all very similnr in ntipenranee,
. as matt% and the hooks for members to Ic.‘ pnid
Several weeks ago a man spied an article in our
,ferrate rather than exairawrate the yield: Last Tlint we have observed with surprise and hi- lint noire spnisely inhabited and their coasts
i fin out of their own pockets. Also compensit-. year. •11111AVIIIISCandino! die injuries w hich the dignation, that the Chi, f .Nlagistrate of this are evil' mare bh.ri and sea-beaten than those
paper which in his opinion sided too much with i,. „ „
lion to be iteoneted ro absence. The quanti- crop sustained la fore being; lian•estcd, we es- 1 . 111011 hos: rip ec,i himsel r sat the head of they,or rinrnS• Pie° is noted for its height,—its top
the Republicans, and therefore stopped his sub-
tics of land given to States for railroad pui•po s e,. ; ported more wheat and lloin• to foreign mum- . Kniisns robbers nod border ruffians. and by his rises Ira ill the Ilir, rearing its StOpeodoolis
scut trot thinking that the loss to tries them in • - •ov nrevious sit on, rind have n i Mileial F - Aver has incited them to robbery, mug- head of solid rock far :thrive the Cliin.leS, illlVing,
during this session of Congress will amount to ` ' "..• • • • •• ' •, 1 ..,
us of his dollar and half woubl work wondet's. sio•plits krt. 'I his year, should it be needed in tar
. nial arson, solely for the purpose op intr o . the arTenrnnce of immense sugar-lop f rising
some twelve iniiiical rirr!!'-! .1 mime! 1110 " --o int of E.,.. 1 . 01 ,e, w e will be able to
.export mie•fmirth . during shivery into that 1 or t ito t . N . ; th a t wt , t i e . nut of the sea. These islands are a dangerous
Tire next we see is that some hot-beaded fellow,
appropriations in monanoey to carry On the Gov- more than we !lid the year past. Altogether Ireeate the wrongs which have there Li limit ticinity. and ninny a staunch and noble shill
under the cognomen of " Lehigh," who evidtnt
eminent, had the ,Iriny bill passed, would have ! the tens rot is that 'limy will role low this fall our brethren in the ,l, fence of their rights,- with her i cute lie buried lone:0h the on
ly is " All Sambo and no Sam," fires a halt . i mr ,l nex t ; s p r i n! ,.. i t s at 1,1., .:, la, then. does not wroii,as, or which the Buchanan party have nli- PY breakers, their only requiem the sullen
been about Sixty-five million dollars.
column dart at us in (Inc last " Va ll ey 'l'vncs," ' appear to lo• any apprelimmiim or pretext nn piov,,l by Gail. Cincinnati platform : and brat mar of the woven as they break over them.
accusing us of overstepping the bounds of po- hocks County ~‘ gricutt lira I hair. I
, which spt•milators can operate to maintain :we pledge ourselves by our influence find our We kept double look outs until tie were well
'hive: at a 10-11 11,,tirot ; yens to wrest, all political power from the dear or thcin and then made a southerly course.
laical neutrality, and siding with the "ante'-, The Ilcrks County A gricult oral and Ilorticul- l'- • • , ,-
.........,_ hands of this Ingistt :de and his subonlinate: (In "' il l-n ' -a g e was new worse than eve r .
rifled" Democracy. It seems he had his ire twat Society. will hold their Fifth Annual Ex-.! , • :
-ec..ruct.on of the 7: - ..:fti,ton Raili : erit.i. Briego. who have so Slianieftilly made themselves un-; The Captain who WaS making his first voyage
raised by certain articles which appeared in hibition, on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and • A t o i egr aphie de, t pal e t, r,.„,,, E as t on i„f m .,„s worthy of th e 11 ,„ 1 ,1c, con ilik nee. in that capacity was evidentlydisc r..snppointed.
our paper of the 1 3th inst.. and then selected Saturday, the Ist, 2,1. 30, and •Itit or octuber. ;us that at a quarter before 7 o'clock last even- Th . nt • .-
he Presi'leitt and his Partisans by pro- . We had come over two thousand miles out of
hibitilia - the for(: state non of liairms floin our course to touch at this group with the pros
' the' manner and means above stated to wa il, 1850, in the city of Rending,. ing Coe eastern span or the Delaware Railroad 1 •' . . '• ' • . _ t r rH ., . • - .., 1 . 1 ,
ienring mins to protect their persons and their 11t,t, of a 1144 ; In
C , I. I Il'elln i w i ' l l.' S l ' Wh l Wo
111,0 11S, which attempt evinces, quite an irrita- • pu•ilge, at that place. broke down. Two Loco- pr0.,0 iv, by silence:lig, the Ness, by ( I,p r i v . ~I 1 1,4 Ill' 5111 , C1191 . and 11101'e vimm,,,e than that
Camp lteettng. i . , -
ble state of his nervous system. IVe will nd- motives were on nt the time, which were pre- ing the citizens of the freedom of speech, by re-: "f . the cott , tuon whale, but so far we had only
A camp timothy ,. amine:iced 0:1 . .M'endav last ' lost to t w 1 hail 1 0 . • • '-•
cur in ,MU Alt .1( MO\ °tong pros
: mit that articles have freque.itly appeared in cipitated into the Morris Canal, together with fusing to bring persons accused of mime to R . • . •
in Peters' woods. one mile north or Bethlehem. ' speedy trial 1,, nap, an impartial court and ',lrv, Peet or - whaks in the distance." We hail
our paper that were perhaps not exnctly with- Several able ministers of the Gospel will be pre- six men, five of whom were recovered, but the by
„ .• (.111 . . ... introduce' J' .- ' •elfin, • f '' , l
it ming tormiay to slavery in- line a premium iis o ._ oto any ono
in boundssof the true definition of the Word other is missing - and supposed to be dead 1 t
• • o tout territory against the will of the Ire, men 1, who sile " hi , - tai e" the first wl " de that iv " ld
sent during the week. I
' neldra/, but the exciting and interesting, events —............-.--
- Fill IL:. .thern or, and cowl:11y to the provisions of' they be "I't"""•
l'iliisas-Neln•aska act itself. have Violated the' ' A 1 ' 111 ! thu latt.(l ' Pnl't of the month of Fientern
that transpired in the affairs of our country, First. Sale of Land in hanf,a, , ,, ,
, At a quarter after 1 o'clock last night a fire ; most sacred principles of the Constitution. I her a most sudden and minevoutin 1 1
i , e , change
etc., during the last year, and a sense of duty l A proclamation is published by the President, . • • -
I broke out in a small frame building attached ; That Kansas should be iohnitted into the i came over :ill in the fore-castle, as if it were a
to 0(11 readei . s, demanded that they should not ;for the sale of the eastern portion of the Dela- !
to Rex , s
'Hotel, in East Allentown, and in a Union only as a free State. because 111111 Icrrj, 1 contagions epidemic. Instead of a general
be cloth into silence. Our views however ware trust lands in Kansas. These Intel,: have
, tory was set apart to freedom by the Mj s . i sPit I , of derze , sion.nnil dejection, each ore re
time was entirely destroyed. It is not
were always as inipnifial nc' vri,iil - 00 —it o , ' I''''" ''l•”..iifieil and ni, t ,,,,;‘,01. and will not he •,_ , . , , the ~, .-..• ~ I but some hate '''''''' i Prohibition. and because by the efeoti,,,,„ sembling more a walking atttomat,,et than the
... , , ~, 6 " C LOCIII 111 a way least pre- sold at less than their npprniseil calve. Tiu, sllO Ait Mitt Mt. 011,.tr.a.!! , 0
ti repot of .4inie sprightly (Icy( n \ ! , •catrirs who first
judicial to partizans. IVe are without prejti- ! ton I,s 810.1 CitiCS IHI!! out on , :e lands will be .
sllSpician that it tens Set, nn fire with the oh- the Compromise, though the rre,.. suu e m t i z ,.,,, : met tis in New Fool(, •lt re sea , a gelieral re
ject of liiillidei big, a (lic,ii. in the liolel of a slim have la em tleiven from the polls by pistols apt! I vol'i"ti of fieling. ;strut at first. it certainly
dice, belonging to no political family, and have i Pohl in lots and blocks. The amount 1, ' ' '
!I' Si.,!: .. - 0 , laM it" !mires. it haS beemm. apparent that the , was open illy pat t, but ar'er It shOri. time I
no especial. preferences for Whigs or Denioct•ats. :is "N.P , 33 acres. The tract ' ' '
A Is nil rich, and'
or mont.y. The upper port of the build! !, wit:
settler. desire . , ,
it to ne tree. I could join in the jolly chorus r f :mint. stirring .
as a siteting apartment by some of the
Americans or Republicans,—that is, in the pa- lies inn, ,• 1
ii - i.iale y nrounil 1 , • - n , .. Li avenwOrtil. 'Hint, we are not. ill favor of the entire nl,oli- 1 sea-song. with the best of theta. It had 'le
per, beyond which iestriction we claim a light i--- , hoarders or the hate,. Tim lons is estimate,' at (ion of shivery, or the dispeision or the stares; come the deteimination of the crew to be tiler
%%shunt and .t.lleiiiirl n tinfdeorof_ about. : - :::',1'0, which is ',vend Ily insurance. , over this Union—as otm epponetits falselv as- Iry at, any-rate, niiii as soon as work was Mi
lo do as WC please, and also acknowledge the: -.---........- s. ; . t, but our position is this ; accotding t o ow . idiot. op came the iii,lin from the fore-ensile,
perfect lights of others in either taking our It I:iiii -as. views la renfter no other slave state should be ntid a score of voices were SOl/11 0115(11 in con
per or letting it alone. 'We are satisfied that
admitted into the Union. , 'nod with its sweet sounding miles, I will give
the course we have pursued has been received, ' 'flint we have heard with the highest in.lig- you the last verse of a song whi,•ll was tlit. fa
with few exceptions, with general satisfaction. nation of the brutal and coll . :inns . assault by, vorite of an old ‘• spouter" who had "made a
P. tirooks 1111011 the person of the Iron. (barks j v"Y"g." •
As for' the " hazardous course" alluded to, we - Sumner, United States Sc nator iron Ilassaciiu
-110 not consider he would experience any loss ' setts, an as:..nult that merits the censure of eve
in such event, and Iherefore has no business to ry patriot and which muse be regarded as the!
meddle in Unit respect. Mr. liiiimil, yon can death blow to freedom of speech and the rights'
of the states, especially so if it shall be approved
scare us in no way you . please, as we care by the voice of the people, ns it has been ap•
little for smiles or frowns, as long as We are proved by the l'ineinnati Bileininan Convention.
conVinced of being in the right, believing that 'flint we cannot support James lluelionan for
the Pi esi di ney bcrituse he stands upon . the Cite
O7This is the season of the year when all
persons should be cautious in their diet. Vege
tables should be well cooked—crude and un
ripe fruits should not be eaten—and exposure
to night air with insufficient clothing avoided.
The season has thus far been remarkably ,
healthy, yet sickness can at all times awl under ;
all circumstances be induced by imprmlence.
County CatWittalos.
As the time for the two political pnrtics to
hold their several Conventions approaches, we
see that more interest is manifested as to who
shall be the favored ones. Some weeks since,
nothing was thought of below the great cham
pions of the different political parties of the na
tion. But now we begin to see a disposition
manifested to look after the " smaller fry."
This is right friends, and each party should sc•
lect good, competent nun, so that in any event,
we may rest assured that the business of the
county will be properly attended to. There
are no less than five Democratic candidates al
ready in the field for the office of t'lleriW, and
five for County Recorder. They can't all get
it that's certain.
Ropublican Man MoJtingo
A township Mass .Meeting of the friends of
Fremont and Dayton was held at Catasatuma
on Monday evening last. It was well at
tended and enthusiastic in feeling. Speeches
were made by Messrs. Gregory, Hand and
Aney, of Allentown, which were well received.
This evening a Mass Meeting of the citizens
of Upper Macungy will be held at the public
• house of Gideon Yoder, in Trexlertown. The
object of the meeting is the formation of a Club.
Eminent speakers will be present.
of Salisbury townstirhliritViamkP e taVN
object, will be held at Treichler's hotel, in
Monster Purker.
Our old friend Mr. REermx Gun:, of South
Whitehall township, thiS county, last week sold
a hog of his own raising, to Mr. A. ('leaver,
hotel-keeper at this place, for the round sum of.
one hundred dollars. It is a betiutiful and well
formed beast, 3 yearn old, measuring S feet
inches in length. and 3 feet 6 inches in height.
" mountain of flesh" can be, seen at the
liZttel-of Mr. C. Who can beat it !
raliam's 111a;.!;:lzine.
The No. for September is received. Tn the
hands of its new puLlisLrs, il, is making rapid
strides towards that perfection in quality and'
variety of contents which h arcs nothing to be
desired. Two splendid steel engravings—" The !
Only Daughter," and a colored Fashion Plate
for the month—and prolw:e aryl mll-excelt:(4l;
wood (111.(111!•11 11:e
On the Kith instnnt, an f!i•lin,r;.• r-t.
JAWS cil.losed nu a on
the Lehigh Valley Railroml, aeuidt.inly f,ll from
a car at Siegfricd's Bridge, and the train 'pass
ing over his leg, crushed it in so horrible a
manner that he died in a few hours.
In the early part of last week a man
named SHERRY, a boatman, acciden
tally fell across one of the cross-beams of his
boat, injuring himself in such a mniiner that 1w
died on the 20th instant, near Slatington. lle
leaves a wife and two children.
Wrass, house carpenter, of this
p ace, on Mondayof last wed: fdl oir some scaf
folding at, Penn Haven, by which he broke one
of his legs, and sustained serious injuries be
sides. He was brought to his family at this
The Public Schools.
On the 18th instant the examination of till
plicants for teachers of the Public Schools of
Allentown District, for the ensuing term, took
place in the Southern School House. Nineteen
applicants presented themselves fhr examina
tion before the Directors and County Superin
tendent, of whom the following were accepted
and received certificates:
Scllool.3.—Mr. Tilghman Good, Mr
R. Clay Rattlersly, Mr. Jacob Simmer, Mr
Jicob Ross. -
FEMALE Scnom.s.—Miss Anna E. Reiss, Miss
Sabina Dech, Miss Maria E. Cole, Miss Sarah J.
Aaron, Miss Isabella Meredith, Miss Amanda
Reichard, Miss Letitia Bachman, Miss Eliza
Jane: Gibcms, Miss Louisa H. Hoffman.
They will open on Monday next and continue
for eight months. Prepare for your studies
children, with•an intention to apply yourselves
earnestly to the pursuit of knowledge. Re.
member that a studious career in Youth pre
pares you for a brilliant future.
lie .iiirrvljii,l
though 1,c1a..1 tip in :4441,
111,, snirriiptini.
The Kansas Vann!.
There aro complaints that the money raised
at the North professedly for the bendit of the
Free State Party in Kansas, has never rcached
its destination. The New York Po.4t has. a
letter from Kansas stating that " not a di liar
of it has reached that. Territory," and the
convention which was hell at Topeka on the
"Id ult., appointed an agent to.nseertain, if pos
sible, what has become of funds heretofore
raised, and secure, if possible, those that may
be raised hereafter. The convention states
that " much dissatisfaction has been expressed
both in Kansas and out of it, concerning funds
that have been subscribed or donated for the
relief of the sufferers in this. Territory."
In) will bo our next President, is a
question often asked of one another. The recent
elections show that :Tames Buchanan will carry
every Southern State, with an extreme posSibil,
ity of trilling exceptions. In the North, the op
position vote to the Democratic party, being di
vided in the free States, between Freemont and
Fillmore, Mr. Buchanan will have a large plu
rality in most of the States, so that his election
is apparently, as certain as any thing can be in
political calculations.
The heaviest train of cars that has yet
passed down the Lehigh Valley Railroad, vent
down on Monday of last week. The train I
numbered one hundred and twenty-five cars,
freighted with over six hundred tons of :
The.engine drawing this monster train is one
of Norris' make, a six -driver, called " Henry
King," after our townsman.
Ea — Dn the Lehigh Valley Railroad, coal
transportation was, for the week ending last
Saturday, 4,387 tons ; for the year 80,134
tons. A cOnsiderable portion of the conl car
over the Lehigh Valley road, is taken to ,
Trenton by the Belvidere Delaware road, and is
there shipped in vessels for New York and oth
er markets. The .Gazdte says :—" This trade,
which is now in its infancy, promises to be one
of great importance to our city."
We stated last week, says the " Pottsville i
.Tournal," (lilt this road would be •10 miles in
length. This is a IMstake. It is only
miles in extent. .To :•bow that this route must
become a great thoroughfare to the West and
New York, and will be one of the best paying
roads in the United States, carrying Passengers,
Merchandise and Coal to its full capacity, as
fast as the rolling machinery is supplied—be
cause the trade already exists--it is not to be
created, lmt only transferred to a shorter and
cheaper route, we pledge es much Coal front
Schuylkill county as they can carry—and fur
nish it as fast as they can procure the rolling
stock to carry it. It will otThr to the Trade of
New York city, the inzan3 of scr.din:.; a locked
car loaded with goods, direct from Jersey City,
to any railroad point in the States of New Jer
sey, Pennsylvania, Ohio,lndiana, Illinois, Wis
consin, lowa, and Minnesota.
The advantage of sending goods at once front
the-city of New York, in a locked car, without
transhipment or delay, to almost any point in
the western country, needs only to be stated to
be appreciated by all business Men, and the
tiation of this new system of goods traffic, re
quires only the construction of our unfinished
link of llS!, miles of railroad to bring kinto ac•
lion in two years' time.
It also runs through the richest portion of
the celebrated Iron ore deposits of Lehigh coun
ty, Pennsylvania, from which at the presen t
moment, twtive anthracite fin traces of the la rg
est class, arc supplied.
It penetrates, almost centrally, the rich rind
populous counties of Lehigh and Berks, in the
State of Pennsylvania, pas:;es through, or near,
five flourishing towns or villages, no connects I
at once, the town of Pottsville, the centre of the
anthracite Coal trade, with the city of New
York ( by a line only HO mites long. and secures
from that region, within a five hours' trip, a
large and valuable trim" which by the existing
route, requires tleven hours,' time.
Finally, it may be stated, that the combined
line opened to the city of New York by the Al.
lent own Railroad, will be shot ter than the pees- !
cut traveled routes, as follows : To
1.1;t, iunnli. 1:01 mih•s halt C'
St. " "
71 "
121 (him r;” N. V. Erie II It
t'lvrelltil, 72
72 4,
This route, in fact, forms the shortest practi
cable railway line to all the leading points of the
western country.
l'iktayor Conrad. who %vas President or the ,
Convention which nominated Frvmont and
Johnston, is now doing service in the cause of
Fillmore and Donelson.
Troubles have again commenced in this un
-1'0141:late Territory, by the renewing, of war.
a telegraphic dispatch we learn that the
Western Porde? , ikt i lmr, in an extra issued
Aog. 12th, says Last Monday night 2(1(1
free soilers attacked the town el - Franklin, Kan
sas, in which were only twenty pro-slavery men,
The light lasted four hours. and four pro-slavery
men and six free soilers wet c killed. The assail
ants robbed Ole post-01-e and then set it on
lire ; and finally retreated carrying off the can
non of the town. Later reports say that 17
free spilers were killed and wounded. One hun
dred iTnit“l Statc:; treop.; occupied the town
the next day. Three hundred of Lane's men
have entered Topeka."
7.Tlie FillmorcEleetoral Ticket in Pennsyl
vania, contains the MIMICS' of at least two men
who are supporters of Fremont. These are G.
W. Youngman, of the Fifteenth, and Caleb N.
Taylor, of the Sventh Youngman,
according to a I.v coming correspondent of the
/Icons], irtinian, has been actively engaged in
distributing Frtuniont papers, and is well
known, in that region, to be for the Republican
candidate. The Doylestown bad/we:toy also
says, that Taylor was a member of the Phila
delphia 'Republican National Convention which
nominated Frctuont, of whom he is an ardent
supporter. It is worth while, however, to bear
in mind that the Convention which nominated
this ticket refused to pass a resolution requir
ing the electors to pledge themselves to Fill
more and Donelson.
',~'7' Ersrerr P Rosa) -There is an old,
gray pussy ent• in Newark, who has recently
had an additon to her family, of six kittens, all
of irha:h are joined !a -t/ her apar the hind legs.
In lifting one . np you lift the whole, like a bunch
of bananas. This interesting group of felinity
seems to live very harnioniously together, kith
the exception that nettiur one ran tull n•/rich is
its own Iml ? These latter appenirages are so
twisted and intertwined that even the grave
and staid mother cat herself Cannot unravel the
A NAITHAI. 01!niosrrv.—A correspondent
fift he Baltimore San writ log from Tully. Lrwis
county, Missouri, says : I saw yesterday one
of the greatest natural curiosities now extant
—a snake with two heads, one at each extrem
ity. The body is about two feet long and two
inches in diameter in the centre. The snake is
Nti - ell 'formed, large in the centre, and gradually
taperS to each end, with two pet feet heads in
every respect. But the most novel thing to
witness was its actions toword the gentleman
that caught it, running one •way with as much
ease apparently as the oilier, with both tongues
out, each raging, apparently with anger. I
have no doubt many of your readers will look
upon this as false (a snake story.) but it is a
fact, and can be vouched for by many of our
most respectable citizens.
einnati slaetty extension platfot tn. front Awhich
helms promised not.totalee,nor to which to add,
a single plank : becau se by his election Kansas
will he irretrievably lost to freedom : because
the Cincinnati plattbrin is constructed for the
bcr.:lit of hie trade : because he lc c been 110111-
in:tied by the same convention which endorsed
the shameful administration of Franklin Pierce ;
because we are convinced that, as he approves
that plat ffirm, he will follow in the footsteps of
his predecessor in 012 administration of the
government : because when the lion. Henry
Clay was a 'candidate for the Presidency, he
aided by falsehood and deception to defraud
that statesman of his election, and because his
friends during the whole time that he has been
maintained in office. are unable to point out one
single act of his, hichly beneficial to his own
State or to any other.
Owing to a want of space we had to defer the
balance until next week.--En.
ID — Never marry a fortune. We overheard
a poor unfortunate get the following sockdola
ger, the other day, from his better half:
You good-for-nothing fellow !" said she,
" what would you be, had I not married you ?
Whose was the baking kiver, whose the pig
trough, whose the frying-pan and iron-hoopcd
bucket, but mine when yt t u married me ?
[a-i.r•.ittC,ir CANAL TRAML —The shipments
of Coal from. the Lehigh Mines, by canal, for
the weLk ending August 10th, amounted to
43,78-d tons; total for the season, 661,143 tons.
fa — During the past year, 152. pardons were
granted by tho Governor of the State of New
York. In 77 years the 'ember of, pardons
granted in that State was 8798.
Three•quarters of all the mechanics in
Americr are working themselves to death to
pay for the follies of fashion for themselves and
117-Fifteen tons of .slippery elm bark have
been shipped froM Hillsdale, Michigan, thiS
•An ,exchango says Buchanan is a
printer, and the first one of the craft who hus
been nominated for the Presidency.
[trTite Bentonites of Missouri .have with
drawn their eleCtoral ticket in favor of the anti
lienton Democrats.
ri -- There aro 175,000 members enrolled in
the largest American organization in the State of
New York.
[a - Counterfeit gold dollars are in circulation
the ,11'p 1n:1,
V. , r1;(•.1 both night :Ind ,:I,y;
Tlivrc',. !illy rt•tit, coining to caeh 11111
(hilt ..r Iho luunlrvd tuna nine'eth Inyr.
demonstrating the finale of a voyage, which is
to either bring von in a debtor, or else creditor
to scum smdi a b ove amount. They are
certainly grand SCOIIIIIII2IS, these owners of
whaling-ships in Ntw England, though they do
snivel and look solemn iu their paid pews and
flourish gilt•udgrd prayer Looks at church. I
!Cave often wondered if an examination of the
hlank pag-c.: would the extorted pro
fits—the blood-money of ninny a gond though
boor deluded soul who has been methialically
niordered by their connivance.
• , „'riNr 1:1,1
[l:7 - Ole Bull the distinguished musician feels
a most lively intetest in the present political
contest in this conntry bet WVVII freedom and
the powers of slavery. lle has contributed
:".. 7 500 towards establishing a Ciernnin Fremont
paper in Wisconsin. 'lle is represented as be
ing so enthusiastically interested in the cause
that he Ins determined to take the stump in
A HANDsomt: Guti. AND t'-',..:15.000 A
TIM . lABlo.n . .—An orphan girl of 20 with $5,-
000 a year advertises herself in a New York
paper as wanting a handsome and respectable
young man in marriage. She prints her pic
ture, and is pretty, and hails from Springfield.
Guess she's trying to humbug somebody.
pondent furnishes the Boston Transcript with
the following statistic ' s of shaving at seventeen
and continuing the pradtice until he is sixty, it
will be found that he has shaved 15,700 times..
Going to the barber's, stopping and returning;
cannot be estimated at less than half an hour;.
which, nt ten working hours a day, will con—
sume two whole years ! A t six cents for each ,
time the amount will be 40.12—enough to build)
an ornamental cottage or pay his board four.
years !"
IaMSTZE ot• THE WEST;—D1111018 would make
forty such States as Rhode Island, and Minne
sota sixty. Missouri is larger than all New
England. Ohio exceeds either Ireland or Scot
land, or Portugal, and equals Belgium and.
Switzerland_ together. Missouri is more- than
half as large as Italy, and larger than Den
mark, Holland, Belgium and Switzerland..
Missouri and Illinois are larger than England,
Scotland, Ireland and Wales.
On the 101 h of August, by the Rev. Mr.
Reputing, Mr. PETER r PERT, to Miss ELIZA
MATILDA KEENLY, both of Upper Milford.
On the 22d instant, in Salisburg, of typhus
fever, SOLOMON BIEBER, aged 53 years.