The Lehigh register. (Allentown, Pa.) 1846-1912, June 18, 1856, Image 3

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    0:7ST1100i1 CASE.--A Womx wrrn A LIVE
&Stop:Times. is responsible for the.following,
WWI appears to need " the documents." For
a :period two years or morn; a respectable
lady (Mrs. P.) residing in Amesbury, has ex
perioneed very unusual and, at times, distress
lull:feelings in her stomach, the dause or which
to 'one could divine. • " This state of things
continued without interruption, and resulted in
the complete physical prostration of Mrs. P.,
with unmistakable symptomsf speedy death.
Her case had attracted the attention of the
neighb9rhood, and she had called in the best
medical assistance at hand, but all to s no pur
pose. Her physicians gave it up as a hopeless•
case, and acknowledged themselves unable •to
discover the cause of her sickness. Having thus
exhausted all apparent human means for her
relief, Mrs. P., (who is a spiritualist and a
powerful medium,) resolved to test the power
of the spirits in the matter of her ailment.
With this object, she called on another lady
medium, and stated her case, requesting her to
invoke the aid of the spirit of Dr. Rush, which
.she did, and the answer was, "that Mrs. P. bad
within her stomach a living reptile, which, if
not soon ridden of, would be the means of her
death !" It also prescribed the course to be
adopted, giving the name and quantity of the
medicine to be administered. These directions
Were immediately followed, and the result was
the ejection from the stomach of Mrs. P. of
live snake, of the water adder species, which
tneasurcd upward of fourteen inches in length,
and one and a quarter inches in circumference !
The snake was disgorged upon the floor, and
was not only alive, but exhibited al the veno
mous traits of its species, running out its forked
tongue, and even hissing at those around.
This event odcurred about ten days since, and
we are happy to add, Mrs. P. is fast regaining
her health and strength. She supposes that
she swallowed the reptile two years since while
drinking from a spring in Maine."
preme Court on Wednesday, a suit was tried,
brought by the sons of Mr. Saul Yatderventer,
who was killed or drowned at the Norwalk
bridge calamity, the particulars of which are so
well known. •
The Judge, in charging the jury, said that
they were to regard the defendants not as a
rich corporation, but simply as defendants, and
-to pass upon their rights as they would upon
those of any private individual. The jury
would err in their duty if they were to permit;
any appeals by counsel to excite prejudice in
their minds against the defendants because they
were a corporation, or any 'prejudice resulting
from this terrific calamity. There was no pre
tence that this was done wilfully on the part of
these defendants—that they committed a wil
ful murder of the father of these children by
this accident; it was a legal negligence, and
therefore the defendants arc legally responsible
for the results flowing from it, because the ac
cident resulted from the carelessness of one of
their employees. Verdict fur plaintiffA, $5O and
I:I:7YELLOW FEVEIL.--Altich apprehension ex.
ists in New York that that city will be smug. '
ed during the approaching summer by 3:cllow
fever. It is argued that from the course the
disease has taken of late, that it is still travel
ling northward. The Commercial Advertiser
combats this supposition with much force, but
takes timely occasion to call upon the munici
pal authorities to thoroughly cleanse the city of
the filth that fills its streets and invites efti
p3lt is estimated that Uteri: are now not
less than $16,000,000 of gold in the banks of
New York City. The large disbursements
from the Sub•Trensury, and two millions ex
pected from California, will swell the amount
to something like twenty millions within the
next ten days. As a consequence, the New
York money market is quite easy, and at the
close of last week, several of the brokers were
offering loans at six per cent. •
7E. Merriam's record for the last fourteen
years gives an aggregate of seven hundred awl
fifty deaths by lightning on the land, only one
person being killed in a building furnished with
lightning conductors. Last year, he says, there
were three buildings burnt by lightning which,
were furnished with conductors.
dent of the Now York Evening Post, writing
from the Clinton House, Niagara Falls, May
20, says that " there is a large snow bank, up
wards of forty feet deep, lying between the
American fall and the ferry. I understand
that it was over one hundred and twenty feet
deep when deepest this spring."
O:7AMEILICAN RAMROADS.—According to the
United States Railroad Directory, there are no
less than five hundred railroads in this country,
in addition to about eighty branches. The
amount of capital invested in all, exceeds $700,-
11:7At Washington, D. C., President Pierce
has made a speech to a Democratic procession,
in which ho expressed his hearty concurrence
in the result arrived at by the Cincinnati Con
ventibn, and predicted the success of the Dem
ocratic ticket in the coming canvass. Senator
Cass and Douglas also made speeches, and en
dorsed the nomination.
Toronto writer says that " largo quan
tities of wheat aro Still in the hands of the Up
per Canada farmers—probably not less than
5,000,000 bushels. They have not had the
good sense to sell when prices were the highest.
The extent of land under crop is greater than
at any previous time."
8:7 - At Mobile they had ripe apples on the
25tb ultimo.
Advertiser. of the 27th ult. says If any of
our Pomological friends desire to see apples,
fully ripe, perfect and beautiful. of Mobile
growth, and pulled from till!! tree on the 25th
of May, they can be gratified by calling at the
sanctum of the editor of this paper. The ap
ples 'are of the variety known as the " Red As
trachan," aro of the editor's own cultivation,
raised, in his own orchard, in this county, some
thirty miles above the city, mud ho thinks are
worth bragging on. Ripe apples on the 25th
of May ! Who will beat it 7"
Q7TnE LARGEST Gux.—The biggest gun in
the world is in Bajapoor, India, and weighs
forty tons. A scat in the interior accomwo•
dates five persons, without much crowding. It
is formed of mixed metal, of which there is said
to be some portions of gold and a considerable
quantity of silVer. Upon being fired off as a
salute on ono occasion, though not charged
with more than half the weight of powder
which its chamber could contain, the concus
sion was awful.
IrrA Ctuttous PLANT.—The Baton Rouge
paper mentions that a gentleman residing at
Livingston Parish, Louisiana, has a very sin
gular plant in his garden, which appears to be
a sort of connecting link between the animal
and vegetable worlds. The plant is about three
feet high, and its stems reach the ground. At
the is armed with a small sharp sub
stance, with which it pierces insects and lifts
them into the calyx, where they are grasped by
the plant and appropriated to its support.
(r7RATs.—A good rat-trap may be made by
filling a smooth kettle to within six inches of
the top with water, and covering the surface
with chaff. The first chap who gets in.makes
an outcry because he cannot get out, and the
rest coining to see what the matter is, share
the same fate.
ri The rector of Trinity Church, New York,
says a New York paper, estimates the whole
amount of property in its possession at $lO,-
000,000! Judge Jay shows it to be double
that•amount. There is no ecclesiastical corpo-
ration in England that has so much wealth in
its possession, and it is questionable if another
similar church organization in the World posess
cs so great an amount of moneyed means.
steel.with sweet oil, well rubbed on. Tn forty
eight hours rub with fluelppowdered unslack
ed lime until the rust disappears.
Ea - Among,. the expenses to which Louisville,
Ky., is subjuct, is the purchase of poison for
dogs. At the last meeting of the City Council
$.16,90 was appropriated for that humane pur
Ea - The Cincinnati Conference of the Metho
dist Episcopal Church have purchased property
near Xenia, Greene county, Ohio, for the pur
pose of establishing a college for colored per
CC7A. hogshead of leaf tobacco was sold in
Richmond a few days ago for $5O per 100 lbs.
It was part of a crop which took the premium
at the late State fair in that city.
(I:7l7lnlloway's Ointment and Pills. a certain ,
cure for Scald Heads.—Henry, 12, Maria, 10,1
and John Amei, 0, of Apalachicola. Florida,
were all three affected with this disagreeable
malady : Maria in particular was in a wretched
plight with it, and although there were many
remedies tried, yet the malady did not seem to
decrease, indeed the disease spread itself all
over the head, to the great annoyance of the
parents and disComfiture of the child ; the blood
of the others was equally impure. At last the
parents put the three under a course of Hollo
way's Ointment and Pills, which cured them
all in the space of nineteen days. Their health
has since considerably improved. These reme
dies, are wonderfully efficacious in all diseases
of the skin.
Nervous Diseases Controlled and Conquered.
Of all the various ills that detract from the enjoy-1
meat of human life, most of them may he traced to a I
disordered condition of thenervous system. The her
core of Epilepsy, or Falling Sickness, arise in moat ea
ses from thin cause. Our readers may remember, on
several occasions before, we have alluded to the won
kalif cores, or modifications of Fits, made by the ;
Vegetable Extract Epileptic Pills, invented and pre
pared by Dr. Seth S. thence, of 108 Balthnere Street,
Baltimore, Md. We feel fully satisfied that these
Pills have cured some of the most stubborn cases of
Epilepsy, as well as the milder forms of Fite, such as ,
severe Cramps, Spasms &c. We now record the filet,
that persons will find these Pills equally efficacious in
curing every form of nervous debility:—no matter
whether manifested in the ecuteand excruciating form
of Neuralgia. Tic-Doloreux, or Nervous Headache,
itin misery of Dyspepsia or indigestion, the sufferings
of Rheumatism or Clout, the melancholy hallucination
of depressed spirits or hysteria, their effects will. be
I equally happy and certain. Persons in the country
I can write to the inventor, and have the medicine
forwarded to them by mail. The prices are, one box,
$3; two boxes $1 ; twelve boxes $24; and sent to
any part of the country of free postage. Direct your
communications to S. DANTE, 103 Baltimore
street, Baltimore, Md.'
'...w..When a discovery is made which is calculated
to bontit mankind; it becomes the duty of all good
chinas to avail themselves of the results arising
therefrom. In accordance with these views, we feel
it our duty to bring to the notice of our renders the
extraordinary merits of at medical discovery known
as Carter's Spanish. Mixture. It is the most power
ful, effectual and certain remedy, for all diseases of
the Blood yet brought before the public. It Las per-
=neatly and positively cured more than ten thou„
sand cases of the worst forms of Blood Disease, such
as Scrofula, Rheumatism, Liver Disease, 'Syphilis,
Fever and Ague, and other kindred diseases, sunny of
which set ast naught the physician's skill, and laugh
at all the ordinary efforts of science to conquer and
subdue them. While Carter's Spanish Mixture con
taMs uo Mercury. Opium, or anything injurious, yet
its success in curing disease has left it without a rival;
and• whenever it hits heroine known is regularly pre
scribed by physicians who are fully conscious of its
effects, and avail theriisolves of its merits because it
has deserved their commendation.' It would be bet
ter to try it in time—the sooner the better.
-To MOTHEML—TIIO difficulty which every I
mother experiences in administering medicine to in- ,
fants, is entirely obviated by Dr. Cliekencr's prepare- I
time, called the Sugar-Coated Vegetable Purgative Pill. '
The pill is encrusted with fine white sugar, so that it
resembles and tastes like a sugar plum, which no
child over yet refused ,to swallow. For worms this is
an assured remedy, and it has boon used with excel
lent effect in cases of teething. The' matron of the
Farm Sohool writes to Dr. Clickonor that she has used
for some time his Sugar-coated Pill in both those
complaints, and always with entire suecess.
The Pills may be had of storekeepers in every
City, Town, or nlace in the United States.
FLAMIIIATION and PAIN aro as inseparable as FLUE
andirEAT. Inflanuntition produces pain, and pain
produces inflammation. Wherever there is unnatu
ral beat, throbbing or redness, no matter whether
It is caused by a fet . er, a hurt, a sore, poison, rheum
atism, piles, scald, burn or sting, there is inflamma
tion. A hundred books or a thousand sermons can
not alter or change the conclusion. To• relieve pain,
and restore nature, inflammation must be subdued.
To accomplish this, the efforts of the physicians are
always directed. Thousands of physicians, and tens
thousands of the first and most sagacious persons who
TOR, are convinced, and admit tht its control over
inflammation is must Wollllol{o and immediate, in
stanny allaying the pain, neutrudizing poison, extract
ng morbid secretions and forcing Illfiure to resolute
her course, renewing and healing. No burn, stolid,
sore, or ailment is too severe to yield to 118 . suothing
and curing influence. Apply it immediately end the
cure has commenced.
The Genuine is enveloped in a steel Plate Engrav
ing. with the names of C. V. CLICKENER Sr, CO.,
proprietors. and HENRY DALLEY, manufacturer,
upon each box. Price 25 cents per bo,x.
/. it' orders should be adilreseciAo C. V. Click
ener ,t; Co., 81 Barclay street, New York.
On the 15th of June. by Rev. S, K Brebst,
KRATZEII, both of Catasauqua.
On the Bth of June, by the . Rev. Mr. Kem
merer, Mr. PETER KAUFMAN, to Miss LYDIA
DnAux, of Upper Saucon.
On the 25th.of May, by Rev E. Greenawald,
Mr. BENJAMIN of Saucon, to Miss ELIZA
BREINIG, of Catasauqua.
On the 31st of May, in Medina Co., Ohio,
li'mtitAnt Diti.o.NG, formerly of Lehigh county,
aged 47 years. lie was crushed to death under
a lumber wagon.
riLl 3E3C Mill 3/Z.A.3a. 33G.F.•90 :S.
. (Corrected weeltly by Pretz, (lull' & Co.)
Flour. It barrel, . $7 Otli Potatoes, . . . . 25
Wheat, 1 5:1; Hato, 1.1
Corn, '',o Si lea 10
Rye. 75; Shoulders,. . . . 111
Oat . 151 Lard, 12
Slay, 15 00' Butter. 16
Salt, 1
(illl Eggs, 11 doz.,. . . 12
"JULY 4, 17761"
• - ; 7 40- - 7 , - - I MA, -
;' , N • ',".,•••
THE Celebration of the Anniversary of American
Independence will take place at Helfrich's
Springs, ur which the following, programme will be
the or der:
The Day will be ushered in with it National Salute.
the ringing of hells, and National Music. The Con
veyances, engaged for the grand occasion will be eta-_
Honed in front of the Columbia Engine House, from
q to 7k o'clock. A. M.. front whence they will proceed
to the place of Celebration, preceded by the Band.
Ountibusses will be run to and front the Springs at
all times of the day.
At the Springs, front S o'clock to II o'clock. 'A. M..
mmtsements and recreation. Dinner at 12. M.—
, Bending of the Declaration, Addresses, and National
Music, after dinner. Amusement and Recreation
until 53 o'clock, P. M. Supper at o'clock, I'. M.
A Quadrille Band has been engaged for the occasion.
'Pickets 52.50. can be obtained of any of the Com
mittee of Arrangements ut the Engine House, or at
' Hotels and Book Stores.
W. Reinier. P. Heller, J. fiontnlio, E. J. Moore
J. F. Newhard, J. J. Stein, Win. llottuntn, T. Miller
A. J. Ritz, W. M. Miller, 0. Ilolrert, A. P. Mnir,
Holfert, M. S. Young.
Juno 19. _
7 4 32iT (2138rJR=1121_415 40
To the Tax Col terttorif ,sal Tf.e Payers ty . Le/atilt
( . otioly for the ycur It( 1 856.
WHEREAS a nutnber of the citizens of Lehigh
County hove expressed a desire to pay their I
taxes during the month of July in order to secure the j
lice per cent. discount. provided for by the several acts
of assembly of this Commonwealth, and in order to
maintain the honor and credit of the count.. the Com
missioners hove
Resolved, That the respective Collectors of the
CMinty tied Milita Tuxes. levied and assessed on the
property and things in the different townships and
boroughs in the county of Lehigh, be and they are i
respectively authorized end directed to melte an
abatement of live per cent. on the amount bf State
tax to each nod every person who before the 27th day
of July next, pays the whole amount of County and
Melilla Taxes to them respectively charged for the
year A. 1). 1850.
The collectors of the several Wards and townships
are requested to pay over to JACOB risuEn, Esq.,
Treasurer, at his office in Allentown, all' monies so
collected, as State, County or Militia Taxes, on the
28th and 28th days of July next.
The collectors and tax-payers will also bear in mind
that the final settlement of taxes must be made speed
ily, that the forbeamnee heretofore extended can in
no wise be allowed hereafter. The collector need
not be put off with a prothise to pay him next spring
or winter—it will avail nothing.
The Commissioners by the act of assembly are
limited for a final settlement if the Militia taxes
on the first Monday of December next, consequently
. on or before said time a final settlement by the pollee
' tors must be made; if no thiodsettlement is made up
to the specified time. no exonorations will be allowed
and the tax must be paid in full, according to the du
plicates. •
i It is expected the collectors will strictly adhere to
the above iu the diNcharge of their duties.
SAMUEL SIEGER, 1 , Colliers.
Attest—EDWARD DECK, Clerk.
Com'ers. Office, June 18. —2w
subscriber having lately opened
JL a new andextensive Boot and Shoe
at No. 77 NVest Illimiltou
street, has hoisted the Union Flag in defence of Home
Industry. He would inform the public generally,
that ho now has the largest and best assortment of
finished work in the piece, which ho is prepared to
Fell at very low prices, for Cash. Country Merchants
will find it greatly to their advantage to call and ex
amine our stock, as we feel confident. we can please
them both in quality and price. All orders thank
fully received and punetnally attended to, The sub
scriber feels thankful for the liberal patronage ho has
received from his friends and the public—will spare
no pains to merit ti continuance of the sumo.
July 18, 1858. ELIAS HERTZ.
JJATS ! HATS !—Just received a fresh supply of
IL nice SUMMIIR HATS, for seta cheap at the
itnion Boot, Shoo and lint Store, No. 77 Wost Hamil
ton street. by
July 18, MSC
ALLENTOWN FAllt.—We think it wouldibe noth
ing mdro than fair' if persons visiting our Fair
next week, and in went of either Boots, Shoes, Hats,
Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, dc., would call at the
Cheap Union Boot, Slice and lint Store, No. 77 West
Hamilton street, and we will soil thorn any or all of
the above named goods at very " fair" prMERTZ.ieo.
July 18, 1858
—...‘r-,, TUST received, afresh supply of Gre
EC dcaries, each as Sugar, Molasses,
i PI ~ . Tens, Spices,. &c., &e., for sale at the
1: 1 -• lowest market prices.
• —• _.--.- L. STROCSE & CO.
3P 1 1:7 - 33 seczt,
' OF.
WILL bo sold' at public sale, on thO protiiiscs, in
Now Texas, on Saturday the sth of July next,
nt 2 o'clock hi the afternoon, the following described
valuable real estate, via
ith, , of Land, situate in said New Texas
-” 4 Lower Muetingy township, Lehigh
sit -to county, adjoining the property id.lehn
Wannennteher and the School Rouse
Lot, containin g 61 rode. Thereon is erected a two
story stone Dwelling House, Stable and other out
buildings, with a large number of choice fruit trees.
llroaind, situate in the some place, with a front of hu
feet. and containing in the entire 51 square rode, the
while tinder good fences.
place, eontainingront 41 feet, and in the entire 39
square rodS. .
The above property, as before stated, is all located
in the thriving village of Now Texas, and admirably
situated fur tie carrying on of any hind of business.
At the same time will be sold a heavy Four-Horse
Wagon, nearly new.
The shove being the properly of William Lobneb.
The condition& will be made known on the day of
sale and due attendance given by
WALTER P. REBER, Assignee.
Juno 11. —4t
CIAIIPETS.—IIIe have in store fine lot of all kinds
1 ../ of Carpets, which will he sold cheap.
sTnousE & co.
HAS lately purchased the Store and stock of goods
of William Gross, in Catasunqua, nod having'
added thereto a heavy supply of merchandise, fresh
from the cities, he now invites the citizens of that place
and neighborhood to give him n call and examine his
which for variety of style and price unmet be out
done by any Store in the County, stock of La
dies' Dress Uuods embraces till the various and latest
styles of •
Silks, Brilliantes, Poplins, Ginghams,
Lawns, Barcge Delaines, Solid col'd..Delains,
Mirages, Swiss Mulls, Cambrics, Jaconets,
Prints, &c., cheaper than they can be pur
chased anywhere else.
MS . ISIFIE_AIL - 111711171NE-.
His Shawl stock for Summer consists of Crape,
Silk, Thibet, Cashmere, Stella and Barege,
at very low prices. Also, a line lot of
Mantillas and CapeS, cheap.
en an a. V) 0, I s IN cm%
Ile has a choice stock of Cloths, Cassimeres,
Tweeds, Cottonades, Cashmerctts, Linens,
and a host of other Goods, that cannot fail
to give satisfaction.
llama Ferninhing Hoods.-11is stock of House
Furnishing Goods will always be found to consist of
a very .general assortment, and at prices which will
warrant satisfaction.
Of Gloves. llosiery, Laces, Collars, Veils, Trim
mings. &c., he has the most complete stock in torn.
GROCERIES.—Iie has a large stock of fresh lam.
ily Groceries; prime,
p Vi taet lit -.3 .lava and Rio Coffee,
80., , , , P . i4;11 Sugar. Teas, Moho
ses Cheese, Spices,.
Crackers, Raisins, &e..
Butter, Eggs, Lard, limns. Sides, Shoulders. Pota
toes, Onions, and Soap, for which the highest Market
prices will be given in exchange for Goods.
Quecusicare.—Of glleCIISWIlre he has a fine mid
stylish assortment, comprising every article that is
Mock , rei, by Iho whole, half or quarter hareel,
No. 1. 2 and 3.
Cailoit mon, June 4.
CSE ----
. --, TN the Orphan's Court of Lehigh county.
AL I 'Lt the matter of the account 14 David
6 Mosscr anti itelli3lllllll Samuel?. executors
of the last will and testament of Philip Mtottter, de
ceased, late of 1,141611 township. Lehigh ...linty.
Anti now April 17th. 1550, on motion of Mu.
(litmus, the Court appoint Edward Kohler. Esq., an
auditor to 'unlit, and if ne.,:sesary resettle the above
From the Wee:
TeFte:—.3". W. MICKI.P.I% Clerk
The auditor above named will attend to the Ihtties
of his appointtnent, on Friday the 27th day of June,
at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. at, the house of I). 1).
Woodring, in North Whitehall township. Lehigh
county, where all persons interested may attend if
they FCC proper.
.Tune 11
11110 - 41101r31F01NE. 01 . 11- 4. 4 .
C - I --
. -- ... NTOTICE is hereby given that in pursu-
SEAL 1.11 once of an Act of the tlenerld Assent
---n bly of Pennsylvania, entitled An Act reg
ulating the sale of Intoxicating Lignins," passed
March illst. 1836. the following named persons trill
make application to Special Court. to be held un the
28th day of dune next.• for License to sell Vinous,
Malt and Brewed Liquors. viz:
Elias Steller, Hotel, Weit.enbarg township-
Lewis Lornsh. Betel, Lower Macungie township.
Charles Noll', Eating Dense, Catasauqua Borough.
Christian F. Bogb, Eating Rouse. Catasanqua .. • '
J. W. MEC liliEY, Clerk.
Allentown, June IL- • —te
rrIIOSE ladies who have been waiting for the. June
.1 Millinery fltßllloll.3 can now be accommodated by
coiling on the undersigned. They have just returned
from the cities with the most handsome 'assortment
of Summer Bonnets that has ever been exhibited in
this place. comprising Fancy Silk, Crape. Neapolitan
end Split Straw from 311 cents up to $lll. Al,. a
tine :assortment of 'Ribbons, Flowers, Lures. Filmy
Veils and press Ceps. Mourning. Bonnets :always on
hand. All we ask is n call so that you may judge Ibr
yourselves before purchasing elsewhere, as we arc
sure we can please you, for we have reduced our pri
ces to c lose out the stock so that we may have room
for the Fall stock. Von will save at least r,o tow cent.
by getting your bonnets at, the cheapen(' fashionable
Bonnet Store at 33 West Hamilton St.
JAD-Country Milliners supplied at Wholesale pH
ces. MRS. STOPP & CO.
June U. —tf
MILE annual meeting of the Stockholders of the
" Philadelphia and. Wilkesbarre Telegraph C 0.,"
will bo held at the Office of the Company, in the Bo
rough of Easton, on Tuesday the Bth day of July
next, at 2 o'clock, P.M., for the election of President,
Secretary, Treasurer and Directors, and the transae-
Lion of such business as may be brought before it.
11. D.' bSAXWELI , , Secretary
Juno 11. •
LADIES' DRESS GOODS, of almost every style
and patcrn, suchns black and fancy colored Silks,
plain and figured Do Laines, Challi, Lawns, Ging
ham's, Alpacas, ,te., ,te., at the Cheap Store of
Cur. of Eighth and Hamilton Sts.
April 23
'MISS JENNY LIND where did your mother get
that fine eat of dishes that oho had on the
table when you were Harried'? At Jos. Stopp's Cheap
Cush Store ! Well I declare, that before Stopp
'came to Allentown wo could get nothing so hand
eomo nor so cheap.
T r • liTlira!h..lW9Cllolro
uE undersigned want three hundred cords of
GOOD BARK, at their Tannery near the Little
Lehigh. They pay eaten dollWarK. M s per OSSER & cord. cash.
. Co.
Allentown, May 21.
7w 1."- ts"
Iteadj Made. Clotlibag,l
amw 141.%)copaa
NO. 2 East Hamilton street, have just returned
from the cities with an another largo and choice
stock or
of the most raswewa,le styles, from all of which they
will make to order, and also keep on hand a large
supply of
at SlLek astonishing low prices, that cannot be equalled
by any establishment in this or any other town in East
ern Pennsylvania. Our Stock is twice as large, and
we sell double the amount of the two best establish
ments in town, consequently enabling us to sell at a
very small profit. We have' on hand every style of
GarMonts adapted to the season', to which the atten
tion or the public is invited for a careful examination I
of quality, workmanship, style of triminings and cut, I
which the proprietors Will guarantee to be superior
to any House in the trade. We constantly keep on
lama a well selected stock of entlemen's Varnishing •
Goods, consisting of Shirts, Collars, Stocks, 'Cravats,
Handkerchiefs, Hose, Suspenders, &c., besides many
articles coaling in our line of business, all of which
are sold at the lowet prices.
Orders for Customer Work will always be received
with pleasure, and attended to with punctuality, and
as two of the firm no practical tailors '
none but the
host workmanship will ho su ff ered to pass our
May 21. —tf
Joseph A. Needles,
(10A ME, medium and tine in mesh; large, middle
k../ size end small in diameter.
Metallic Cloths or Woven Wire, of the test qualities.
various sizes of mesh, from Nos. 1 to SO inclusive, and
from one to six feet in width.
They are numbered so litany sluices to a lineal inch,
and cut to suit.
The subscriber also keeps constantly on hand
SCREENS fbr Cold, Sand, Ore, Lime, Grain, Gravel.
ti nano, Sumae,Sugar, Salt,Thme, Collie, Spice, Drugs,
Dye-Stuffs, S.c.,together with an assortment of bright
and annealed Iron Wire. All of the shore soh'
wholesale or retail by • .1. A. NEEDLES,
5.1 N. Front St., Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, June 4th. —ly
Wanted just as soon as possible at
8100 9 000 Joseph SI
_opp's Cheap Cash Store,
No. :15 West3llamilton St., Allentown, for which lie
will pay no interest but will give a great many of the
following named articles, such as whito Crape Shawls.
from 5 to 25 dollars a piece, Black Silk Shawls, of
many different prices. Stella and many other blunts
of Shawls, Mantillas, Parasols. Ladies' Dress tloods of
all colours and prices, Dress Trimmings, .be
Xander's .
Cheap and Fashionable Cabinet Ware Rooms,
South Boot Corner of Ninth and Hamilton Streets, a
few• doors below Dresher's Lulatber Yard,
THE undersigned respectfully inform their friends
and the public generally, that ho carrita on the
Cabinet business in all its ... various branches at the
above named standovhere he is prepared to sell good and
handsome furniture as cheap UN can be sold anywhere.
Their Store is on the south-cast corner of Ninth and
Hamilton streets, near Dresher's Lumber yard, where
they otter a tine assortment of
411114144' CABINET WARE,
consisting in part of Sofas,-of various styles
and patterns, Side Boards, Wardrobes, See
retaries, Bureaus. of various patterns; Cup-hoards of
different kinds; Card, Centre. Side, Breakfast and
Dinin , Tables; Bed:leads “ftlilterent styles and 1)1%1 7
tents,'Wash-stands, Twist, Small and Large Etagers,
What Nuts. Musie.Stands, Sofa Tables, Tea Tables,
Oval and Serpentine Tables, Chinese What Nuts,
'Fancy Work Tables, Herreshment Tables, Eta,has.
Tete-a-Tete:4, French Divans. A general assortment I
or Kitchen Furniture on hand and made to order.
Ile employs at all times none but the best work
men, attends personally to their business, and will
warrant all Furniture or their manufacture to he made
of the hest materials. Orders fur Ware will be faith
rutty and immediately attended to, mid when rent out
of the Borough will be carefully putted.
May f
_____._ __. T ._~___~__-_.
1:0011. SALE.—Any person wishing - k,
I' purchase a new Piano, eau be fur
. t V nished ivith :melt a one as he may select
front 011 e or time larOst Musical Flores in New York.
ut fifteen per cent. below nutnatteltwers' prices. Cull
April 23. -ti
Lo.NwroNGUE where did you get that !lite
'I Dress, Shawl, Mantilla, Parasol, Mitts, and
theta Under Sleeves, Collar, Sr., that I sIIW you wear
last Sunday at Church when that young gentleman
preached such a good sermon? I got it last Saturday
evening at Stoplis Chem. Cash Store, Nu. We.t
llamilton St., Allentown.
N the Orphans' Court of Laigh County.
SEAL )1 In the matter of the account or Philip
Clams and .10.dtua Rauch, admini:trators
onill and Fik•illar the goods and cluittels, rights and
credits, which were of Adam Clams, late of the town
ship et' Lynn, in the county of Lehigh, deeeneed.
And now, April tlth, 1850, the Court appoint i. J.
Kistler, Eel., auditor to audit. and resettle •the above
account and make distribution according to law.
From the Records.
Test :—J. W. MICKLEY, flak.
The auditor above named will attend to the duties
of his appointment on Saturday the 28th of June next.
at 10lock in the f.menoon at the house of Samuel
Camp. in Lynn township. county, witero all
persons interested may tit
F. 3 d ten it
th ey
Fee pro
. TLER, Auditor.
May 2St.
ft/ C, 1,
r i ll' IS:entirely new style, called the CEYLON It.a,
imported from Canton, Chino, has just been re
ceived and is now offered for sale by the undersigned.
In this 1 1 111 aro combined the many requisite qualities
which have been so long wanted to
leek° the Straw
lint in every way suitable l+ a Summer lat. The
crown of this Ilat is of a medium. height, from :fl to
4 inches, which gives sufficient room liar the head,
and at the same time does sway with the clumsy oppetir
once so touch disliked. The brim is of sufficient
width to protect the face from the sell, 3. 1 1 inches long.
•Tt nets as a self ventilator, and is more d ur od o thin
any straw lint ever before introduced. It is the only
straw hot which the rain or (1111111) weather will not af
fect, either ian the brim or crown, together with the
largest assortment of Straw lints ever exhibited in
the place. YOUNG LEH . .
45 East nonillion street.
May 2$
OFFICE of the " Allentown Iron C 0.," 1
Philadelphia, May 27t14.1830.
election for seven Directors of the
Iron Company," to servo for one year, will be
held at the Office of the Company, No. 13 Walnut
St., Philadelphia, on Thursday tho'nifteteenth dny of
Juno, 1850, between the hours of 10 A. M.,
.and 2
P. M.
JOHN F. CABOT, Secretary.
June 4. —3t
"[IOU% MR. FARMER, where limo you Leen
that you have got such a heavy load. You
will kill all your horses. Ah, I have been to Stopp's
Cheap Cash Store, at No. 35 West Hamilton St., Al.:
lentown. I suppose you got • all that load for about
$lO. Yes indeed, and 25 cents change nt that. Ah
yes, see I got Mackerel. Stilt, Sugar. Coffee, like, Rai
sins. Chocolate, Ten 7, Molasses, Chem, all foe
haying and harvest.
• •
ONE Passenger Tr tin, Daily, (Sunda*si aieePtodi
between Mauch Chunk anti Jlastliit, and if wo,
Daily; bottveen Whitehall and Paaton, nonneeting
with the Belvidere Delaware Rail Road to Philadel
phia, and tho Control Rail Road of New Jurkey t 4
New York.
.//0 WN TRAM ,
Leave Mauch Chunk nt 9.09 A. 31.,
Slatington 0.40 "
Whitehall 10.06 " and 5.15 A. 14:
ockentlauqua 10.14 ",...—..." 6.25 "
ngown 10.30 ~,7 "5.41 "
Bet ottani 10:98p t da B:tti
~ rrivellast n 11.23`" " 6.40 .
Leave Easton 12.26 P. M. and 7.30 P. M:
Bethlehem 1.04 A " 8.011 "
Allentown 1.20 " " 8.24 "
lloclcendanqua 1.38 " a 8.42 "
Whitehall 1.95 " Att. 8.60
Slatington 2.13 "
Arrive Manch Chunk 2.50 "
The afternoon Train connects with Weatherly and
Whiteliven, and with Summit Hill and Tamaqua;
thence by night express to Williamsport. . Passen-*
gers by night express from 'Williamsport to Tamaqua;
can reach Munch Chunk in time for QM Morning'
train,have abundance of time to transact buslimas , Bnd
take dinner nt Easton, and reach Philadelphia or Now
York the same evening. . .
Soli t. and Eng'r.
May 14
A'or a Particle of Nervily, in it !
An infallible remedy for Scrofula, King's Evil, Rhotiz
pietism, Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimples of
l'ostulcs ou the Face. Blotches, Boils, Aguo and
Fever, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ringworm, or Totter,
Si:111111mnd, Enlargement and pain of the Bone**
mid Joints, Salt Rheum, Stubborn Uleors,.
Syphilitic Disorders, anthill diseases nrls
itig from an injudicious use of Mercury,.
Imprudence in Life, or Impdfity of
the Blood.
This great remedy. which has beeorile so middy:,
and so justly celebreted fur its extraordinary efficacy
in relieving and curing many of the most obstinatti
and terrible forms of disease with which mankind is
afflicted, is now offered to thp publie, with the confi
dent assurance that nn ', niscoyzar over
made has been so eminently successful in Caring
ter's Spanish Mixture.
The proprietors aro receiving by every mail rood!
flatterin g .• end estonishin details of cures made in ell
pests of thecountry, and' in most cases when the
skill of the best Physicians hod been tried in vain.
Its power over the 131.00 r. is truly. remarkabro, and
all diseases arising from impurity of that great SEAT
or LIFE, have been relieved and cured without a sin- ,
glo failure out of the thousands who havo used it..
Carter's Spanish Mixture contains no Mercury,
um, Arsenic, or any dangerons diutts,.but, is contpos,'
ed of Roots and Herbs, combined with other ingredi
ents of known virtue, and may ho given to the yonng:
est infant or most debilitated invalid, without the'
least possible hesitation.
WM. S. BEERS & CO., Proprietots,
No. 304 Broadway, Now York:
Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles ffir $5. Foi
sale by J. It. Moser, Allentown, S. Itinicßethlabomi
and druggists end merchants generally,
New York, February 13, 1850,
DON'T road thin ' ladies and gentlemen, or else yoh
will find out that on Wednesday and Thursday
the 1 Sth and 19th days of Juno the great Mond Et
hibition will •bo at Allentown, and you will also no
out that the greatest Exhibition will bat held during
these two days at Jos. Stopp 's Cheap Chsh Store, to
Allentown, for there you will find the most boautifcil
and choice flowers, of all colors, that went) ewe' ex
hibited in Allentown, on his Berogo, Beteg° -do .
Laines, Challis, Silks. Lawns, and on bieGaticoes.
is already. the talk about Allentown and through Lo
high county that Stopp will draw all the lfremiums
for splendid flowers on Cheap Goods.
Allentown, ATM 28th, 1850.
The long agony is over. roam le once moro
stored on the contitiont of 'Europe. Wars and rumors
of wars will no longer bo the theme of conversation.
is tho social circle, brit the more natural inquiry la
us to where the cheapest goods can ho bought, Josh.
received a lot of Prints, first colors, and alsfl if lot of
bleached and unbleached Muslim!, selling than' a at
coals. Also a lot of Spring and Summer dimple'
of everrstyle, for eale cheap. at
April :10.
--,-- -
IOOK this way fur plain and fancy Casslmam
a Kentucky Joans, Tweeds, Gatubroons &o.
Call before purchasing elswhere, and yoli will flnel
all •the abovu goods are offered nt the greatest bar
gains, at No. 29 \Yost Hamilton Street, at the New
York r3fore, kept by
April 30.
ALAHOE LOT of Mackiirer, just'
received and for A nlo a stow(
400 - 0 , Cheap Cash Store. Also, received
\k i lltaNtAPtlJ_ this day. mans , thousand dollars
worth of Dry Goods, from N. York,•
w hick will he sold cheaper than ever, at the cheap'
Ca: It tztore of . JOSEPH STOPP,
:15 West Hamilton street.
DEEFORMS all opetationa on tho'
alfaaa.. 1 Teeth, both operatiyo and mochani.
cal, far superior to most of Dentists. Among tho'
rest, he is new prepared to make whole npper mita of
Teeth on (lotto Pendia, for from 20 to 25 . dawn.—
Persom; in want of Teeth should apply at hie office;
No. 48 Estaat llnanilton street. up stairs, a few doors'
East of pact?. (loth at Co's. Store.
April 30-Jui. 4.
Venitian Blinds.
rime tiiih t ,riber ing purchased tbo entiro establish-7
1 men tof Mr. Muir. is prepared to inanufnettiro art
kinds of Window Minds, of tho best quality , at price.
116 low a any in the city—at :113 West Hamilton street. -
S. 11. PRICE.
—ly •
Allentown, January -0
T usT received, a lot of press Goods, snob as. plain'
el Black and laney silks, infest Vies of Borogo.
Delatities, Ginglinms, ,te. Alto, a lot of,
Flom' and Table Oil Cloths, Brussels, Ingrain and'
Rug Carpets. Call and rico them nt
iIOUPT & STUCKtRtai lb.
April 30
CIROCERIES.—Bre hart a law
r .supply of all kinds of Broca
illacit';"10111, ries, such as Sugar, Cafe°. WWI
7 4.:' "W. yes Orson and Black Tea, Bpicce of
GUTH & SCHLAUCH, 41. W. HamillOn 8Q
s e t t o ree re. t,
t ioar tim
at the Ainerienti.lleteL
Allentown, April 30,1.856.
GOODS.—No havo in Stara Linen -
Slipetings, Damask Table Diapers, Table Cloth.,
Pillow Cuss Linen; Mars:dike Quilts, pleachod and.
Unbleached Muslins, all liidtha, 'Purnituri, and Apron'
Checks, Tiekipg, 'Flannels, kr.
GUTH k SCIILAUCIT, 41 W. Hamilton St:
April 23. —tf
nIJEENSWARE.—Iiro have the fullest mid:host ye-'
raj lected assortment of Queen and Glass Ware over
seen in Allentown, and which we are entailed to sell,
cheaper than it can he bought elsewhere.
GUTII 3; SCIILAUCII, 41 W. EfamiGoil Fit
Upril 23