The Lehigh register. (Allentown, Pa.) 1846-1912, April 09, 1856, Image 4

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AND DURUM - 112077P8, GA141143,Y
.. • • • , ••• •
No. 0 West Hamilton - strotit, Allentown -- . Pa. • ,
BLOCHMA.N. respectfully - informs the citizens or.
o AllentoWn - and vicidity, ihattO is now proper.:
od to take AMBROTYPES in. connection with
Daguerreotypes.' His Ambrotypes aro far .auperior
to those of any other operator in town-,-however ranch
may, ho talked of the "Patent" Ambrotypo, to the con
trary notwithstanding. Tho Ambrotypo is a new and
beautiful style of picture taken on glass, and uneconll
od by any other style. They are without the glare of
the Daguerreotype, and therefore can be seen in any
view. They can ho seen on either side of the plate,
are not reversed, and show everything in its true po
sition. Their cost is but a trifle more then a daguer
reotype, and they aro indestruetablo to the notion of
the atmosphere, and cannot he injured by rubbing or
washing. Both Ambrotypos and Daguerreotypes,
taken in an unsurpassed style without regard to
weather. By long ozporience; arduous toil, a desire
to please, and heaVMPrestments of enpital, he feels
• assured that any one who may favor him with a call
will receive in return a perfect pieture, -- not to
bo excelled, in point of artistic' - beauty, by any one
in this section of country. Ho would nleo invito at
tention to his new and splendid stook of eases, which
range in price from 75 cents to 10 dollnrs. Please
boar in mind, that pictures can be taken in cliaar or
cloudy weather.
Allentown, Fob. 7.
T STROCSE it CO., hereby inform the citizens of
J.J. Allentown and vicinity that they lately open
ed a now Store at No. 9 West Ilandlton street, (for
merly oc6upied by Weidner 1c Saeger) with an entire
now stock of
which will disposed of at astonishing low prices.—
Their stock of Ready-mado Clothing is. by far the
largest in town, and is made up superior to any over
offered by any Clothing Realer in tho place. 'Moil
prices are so low, that no ono can make en honest
living by selling the Barn(' quality of goods at lower
rates. By calling you can bo suited in Over Coats,
of the latest style and fashion, and made of all kinds
of cloth. Business Coats, black and blue Cloth Dross
and Frock Coats. Tests Of all kinds, from a Wollen
Vest, to a black Satin and the fanclost of Silk Velvet.
Pants from tho finest of Cloth blue and black, Cassi
mcr' Doeskin and Satinott. Gentlemen's Furnishing
Goods, such as Stocks, Cravats and Neck Tics, Pocket
Handkerchiefs, Shirts, white Linen and fancy colored
Red, Bluo and White woollen and flannel.
they have a Storo at No. 52 Market strcot, Philadel
phia, they aro prepared to sell Clothing wholesale at
rates aglow as they can ho purchased anywhere in the
olty.-ISZ They have on hand a very largo stock of
and are confident they aro not saying too much when
they soy they have by for the best assortment in
town, as the entire stock is fresh from the city—beiny
of the very latest t#les. They ply particular otter
tion to Ladies Dress Goods. Call and examine then
unsurpassed stock of Shawls, Ladies' Winos, Man
tillas, Silks, Merinoes, Cashmeres, Do Dibnes, Ging
hams, Prints, Ladies' Collars, Sleeves, Gloves, Hosiery.
&c., and on hearing the extremely low prices you
can not help buying. L. STROUSIi it, CO.
Allentown, December 19. --ly
OPNi 711E 1 411331 MEE_ - M
Constantly on hand a largo stock of Leaf Tobacco.
Also a, superior stock of Begets, comprising
the kitest styles ana brands, at the lowest
' City prices. All Goods warranted.
July 20. —ls
ETWEEN Allent" P 'alehom nnd Phi-
lacleiphis. Office. in Allentown, at George
L. RnhO ' S, No. 30 West liandlton street.
0111 do in Philadelphia, No. 101 Race St.
The proprietor, G. S. Becker respectfully announces
to tho citizens and business men generally, that he
has just started a daily Express, as above, via. the
North Pennsylvania Rail Road, for carrying Merchan
dise, packages &0., of every kind, at rates fully as
low if not lower, than any other Express, and all pack.
egos will ho carried with the greatest care, and deliv
ered with promptness.
Having bad four years' experience in the Express
business,Mr. B. feels confident that he will he able to
supply m mutts of tho public in a satisfactorily man
All business for Allentown and vicinity will be
promptly transacted by George L. Hullo, Agent.
Offico No. 30 West Hamilton street.
N. B.—Goods purchased, and all orders punctually
attended to.
• Allentown, Jan. 2
r. J. P. BARNES,
UMl..4tPltePai 9
QTILL performs all operations on
A bu 1 - 7 the Teeth with upprecceded suc
cess. His mode of inserting Artificial Teeth
cannot bo surpassed for comfort to the wearer
and durability and beautifulness in appearance.
The general satisfaction ho has given for years
has been duly appreciated by the patronizing
public. Office No. 48 E&st Hamilton street, up
stairs, a few doors east of Pretz, Guth & Co's.
July 4. X.-1y
.B -1 1:31ELIS I F173E1.13 I I
LADIES why do you go out in tho cold withou
getting a sot of run% when you can got thou
so very cheep at
cheap HAT, CAP AND FUR STORE, where they
lust received the largest and bait assortment of Stone
Martin, Silver Martin, Fitch, Russia, and
other ladies .
ever exhibited in Allentown, being fresh from the
cities, and well North) , an examination holey) making
a 'Purchase anywhere else. Call assee them, as no
charge is made for showing, but iris always done
with .plensure. Their stook comprises every hind,
every price anti mality—from $4.00 to $1:10.00 per
sot. ;..M..GENTLEMEN,' if you wish to purchase
superb Pints or genteel Caps, they give you a cordial
invitation to call and examine their' Stock. They
warrant every article that you may purchase to give
entire satisfacron. For sale Wholesale or Retail.—,
They have
Thoy manufacture their own Hata and nature the
liublre that they are got up right.
• December 5
Viouxiets "Bonnet:a A.
"lurns. M . M. SIDED, have Just returned from the'
/Unities with an immon no stock of'
caps, ribbons, flowers, frostedtmd pilaff velvet,
striped plush entins, and figured fan'oy voils;childion's
hoods, and in short, all that belongs . tO. a Inshionable
Dfillinery Store. Everything ther , havnis non 'and
fresh from Now York and Nindaphirf;:and now offer
tho above goods, wholesale oriitall;:nt-lonit, per
%int less than they can be purehasod;:elSowliel
Country Milliners supplied at City, prices enft o.'ol
bo to their advantitge to give wag . ettllbefera frOnlisli!
log elsewhere. Bonnets , repaired riceording l 6 order:
Don't forgot the place corner. ofpjghtit'4uxtt
ton Stroote, is AlLentxiwn. '
13•1* 12.
A trentirely vegetable preparation, pleasant to the'
i taste, unexcelled in its action upon the Liver,
Stomach and general system. As an Anti-bilious
and Alterative Physic. this Medicine
I have used it.constantly in my practice for upwards
of ton years in all cases where a good Physic and Al
terative was required, and'would not now do without
it. It is the
as well as the safest family medicine in use. Child
run drink it with piastre. It will not nauseate the
weakest stomach. It produces no griping, but oper
ates easily, thoroughly} nud is sure to eradicate all
impurities from the system if it is properly talon.--
Are ready of testify to its superior virtues. independ
ant of its purgative and qutditice. It ha:
cured the worst cases of Erysipelas in a row days.—
' It is a
for Head-ache, Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Kidney'
Complaint, Bilious Fever. Pa ins_in the Side, Beek,
Breast, and Limbs. oads.erninp., Lumbago; Worms.
Blotches on the Skin, Pimples, Cutaneous Eruptions,
Obstructians in the System, Constipation of tdo
Bowels. Dizziness; Mercurial Discasel•, Pleurisy, Fe
male Irregularities, Bowel Complaints, Ulcers of all
kinds, 4:e,. It cleanses by its superior medical vir
tues, the ulcerous humor from the blood and corrupt
bile from the stomach, carrying it-off through the
natural channels ; IT INVIGORATES VIE BLOOD and
leaves the system healthy. I ask toy friends to
test the above Medicine, and pronounce a verdict as
they shall be impressed by the evidence. Those who
know me professionally will not doubt its worth.
Since its first introduction, no medicine has attain
ed such wonderful popularity, and its sides have in
creased beyond the most sanguine hopes of its friends.
Neighbors recommend it as a safe and UNEQUAL
LED PHYSIC ! Physicians carry it with them.
after one trial, and parents should use no other in
their families: People living in low and marshy
countries, subject to dendlysteinsmas t where Fevers.
Ague and FeYer, and bilious complaints me more apt
to be, will find the "Liquid Cathartic" the tnost po
tent remedy yet tried. Give it. a trial.
Wholesale by A. B. &D. Sands, C. V. Meitner &
Co., nn4 C. 1). Sting, New York.
Full directions accompany each bottle. Price 50
and 25 ets. of ten and twenty doses.
Principal Depot, •100 Broadway, N. Y. Sold by
Aaron Wint, Allentown, and by all presectablo Din
gists throughout the country
September 10
Franklin Fire Insurance Company of Philndiplem.
OFFICE; No. MI Chestnut street, near Fifth.
QTATEMENT of Assets, $1,525,040 tiS, January
1...7 Ist, 1855, published agreeably to an Act of As
sembly, being
First Mortgagee, amply seemed, $1,100,284
Real Estate (present values Fl 0,000) cost 82,132 8
Temporary Loans, on ample Cohtteral
hocks (present. value $70,101) cost.
Cush, &c., &c.,
51,5'25,919 M
Derpetnni or Limited Insurances made on cror3.
description of property, in
at rates as low as aro cnnsistant with security.
Since their incorporation, a period of twenty-A)
years, they have paid over three million ,1011.0. Lo
ny Fran, thereby affordi n g evidence of the advanta
of InMantic°, ns to their ability and disposition
meet with promptness all liabilities. •
Cherles N. Rancher, Mord. D. T.elvie.
Tobias Wegner. • Adolp. E. Berle,
Samuel Greet. David S. Brown,
.Tueob R. Smith, ;Morrie Prttcreou
Geo. W. Richards, Leek , Len,
CHARLES N. DANClilit, PreEiden!,
jE l f t :
Tt....77‘..The subscribers r.rc ibe appointed Agents
the above mentioned Institution, and are now pre
pared to make insurances an every description o
property, at the lowest rates. .
A. L. RTIIIE. Allentown.
C. F. BLECII, Bethlehem.
Allentown, Oct, 1855. —ly
Not a Particle of .Iferowy in .
An infallible remedy for crofuln. 'King's Evil, Ellen
tnatism ' Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimples or
Postules on the Face, Blotches, Boils, Ago and
Fever, Chronic Sore Eyes, Iti nt; worm, nr, 'fetter,
Scald hood, Enlargement and pain of the Bones
and Joints, Salt Rheum, Stubborn ulcers,
o,YPhiliticbiaortlers, and all diseases aria
ingfrom an in:, udietous use of Mercury,
Imprudence in Life, or Impurity of
the Blood.
- - -
This great. remedy, which has Somme so rapidly
and so justly celebrated for its oxfraordinary efficacy
in relieving and curing many of the most obstinate
and terrible forms of disease with which mankind is
afflicted, is now offered to the public, with thespil
dent assurance that no MenicAL mscovrmy* ever
made has been , so eminently successful in, curing
SCHOrgLA. end Am., DISEASES or TUE BLOOD, as Car
toes Spanish Mixture. -
The proprietors are receiving by every mail most
flattering and astonishing details of cures made in all
parts of the country. and in most eases where the
skill of the best Physicians had been tried in vain.
Its power over the BLoon is truly remarkable. and
all diseases arising from impurity of that great SEAT
Or Lira, have been relieved and cured without n sin
gle failure out of the thousands who have used it.—
Carter's Spanish-Mixture contains no Mercury, Opi
um, Arsenic, or any dangerous drugs. bet is compos
ed of Roots and Herbs, combined with other ingredi
ents of known virtue, and may be sheen to the young
est infant or most lebilitated invalid, without the
least possible hesitation.
WM. S. BEERS 1: co., Proprietors,.
No. 301 Broadway, New York.
=r•Prleo $1 per bottle, or six bottles for SI. For
sale by J. B. Moser, Allentown, S. Rau, Bethlehem,
and druggists and merchants generally.
New York, February 13,10 A . —ly
Ravenna Seger Stove.
H.D. BOAS, Manufacturer and Wholesale and Ro
. tail Dealer in Tobacco, Snuff and Segars, No.
9 North Seventh street, Allentown, Pa. Ile flatters
hiineClf to say that ho has at all times the best and
cheapest stock of
ever brought to this place. Dealers in the above ar
ticles will flud it to their advantage to give me atoll, as
I seel at tho lowest Philadelphia and Now York whole
sale prices. A general assortment of Atacriean and
Foreign Leaf Tobaeao always ralu;nd,
'Petek Latix
A ND Ocuraniastoh florae lidaler; Catasaturun, Pa.—
,rl. NC respectfully informs hid friends rad tlic!Oub
tiagonerally, tlint holm again looate'd
11 Qat
",au,'lliiii,uhere he le prepared' teict4sit - all diceaties,:of
the hor,e. • '.4lo'btai go'und";lioraidedioue , "etnbleis o
anal lierscacilLgiving'o4esafatlioraaclaadoi - ligr.F l 4 4 :s,
'our depend upull.',o4:tlfikyitll!,loi: Oluddilk
Wit iruarter.' , ;•", • r
110 oleo sells ktd..bnyii
' disedeeklng neatly exceeded.
• April n
' A Vreitt) ..
ivrA.E..2amW.A. , WLYZE
. . .
, . .
, .
'Between Dri , :ihcp's and lliffinan 4. Bro:e Lumbc • 1
rards; in ILunillon sired, : . ... •
P. P. Eigetlieprann 6 * ''- 0. 9
rP'l4.4rNlT's. • - 11r;ftcTrumi
400.WAilia.A.f.b. . .
• .iiii•-1,74r1•41k11.14,,.-sme,„ nOl m the et t
26il tf iiift :p i,it i z ,.. i .
jdiii4 ., ;11, . ta .,: i,,T 1 ...i: i phe z rua i l s ,i
cto o lpi f it il t: l i ti 1
~,,p,„...„:„...„,,,,,,,,,.,„ town and the
ek i
s'hyl'y ••. 7 to , . MARaLu YARD
. •I ' l : f:1 riiiilllo lo l it e a the above
T- is '-;.=' :,!'.111,1!.t„t0 I :.), .named place,
nAN askj , "''..._ "L.. , L,. c . and *re carry-
Wg e. — e. " ----- ; 4 -,. .v 5• ing on the bu
•.:•...,;.,...._!:..v•vir,v21t.t--.... "ve smess on an
extensive scale. They have now in their Yard
a very large and choice stock of Italian and
American Marble which they are manufacturing
into Toinbs, Monuments, Head and Foot Stones,
Mantle Pieces, Table and Bureau Tops, Win
dow and Poor Sills, Steps, Posts, &c. Letter
ing of the best style done in English and Ger
man characters, and all kinds of Ornamental
Work executed in the highest style of art and
in tho most substantial manner ; they will
pleased to furnish engravings and designs Co
suit the wishes of the public. They flatter doing as good work as is done in
Pennsylvania, and certainly the best in this
section, and to satisfy the public of the truth
of this assertion, they invite them to call at
their yard and examine their stock and style of
work. They furnish all kinds of Sculptures
and Ornamental Work. such as has never been
made in Allentown. They also keep on hand
some beautiful sculptures made out of Italian
marble, consisting of very neat and most chaste
designs for Cemetery purposes, with Lambs
carved to lay on the top, Flower Vases, 'Urns,
Doves, and many other figures, to which they.
invite the attention of the public.
[l:7Grent inducements are °tiered to country
manufacturers to furnish them with American
and Italian marble erthe best quality, as they
have made such arrangements as to enable
them to furnish it at city prices.
They hope by strict and prompt attention to
business. moderate prices, and furnishing the
best work in town, to merit a liberal share of
They also constantly keep on band a large
stock of brown stone for building purposes, cot
slating of platforms, door sills, steps, spoil
stones, &c ; &C
July 11
C r:
.il r, I ( 1-F l7,
• i ILI S
-4 9
INI.W t;ill n',lll snecrssrul remedy for tile
Icure of all Bilious ilig,•ii,r , :—Costivcitc ,, , I zuli
zestion, Jaundice, I Rheumatism, Peters,
Gout, Ilumorn, Nervousness. Irritability, Itill.tintna
tions, llrndache, Palm+ in the Bseant, Side, Lack,
and I jolt's, Femolo re. lathed,
vr , few ate the whieli Pur.y.iiro rat-
120,774 20
03,005 511
50,66 57
ctn. is not more or L•
Iles:: awl
ir. , s hut cr:oottial C,llll::rZie wore ffvely Its(
. .
No person con feel Nv el I while a co: List; habit of
body prevails ; besides it soon generates sericats and
often isi,d, It bush might hive been avoided
be 11. e limeiv end jildivisite umt of a good purgative.
'phis i:i Hilo; true of Colds, Feverkli syn.ploms, and
Bilious tlerarliunrinls. They all toint to humlnc or
prodtt..,a the, tl,!_yp .ie.tted warf formidable di.tempers
which lord the over the Lind. Hence a
ttliable fao.ity pny,ic is of the iniportnitce to
public health, rutd. this fill has been perfected
with eewatimonte skill to meet that. demand. Air
triiii of its Nit: 11'3 by Physicians, Profas
sors, Ntient4, :..hown results smpashism
any tiling hithctt i 1011)Wp of any medicine. Owes
bait: been eit'vet.l be) and belief, w• - •er they not sub
stantial 41 by pee ~.i i; of such exalted position and
cithraeter or to terl , :d the sti,.pialon of untruth.
Alaue).: l`wineflt weitleme:: ‘,llO h a v e
el these l'ilk, we mat me,:tion:
A. 11 Arr.,,
prole,:cmal character is en:len-TA by the
II os. HI) I.:vent:rt . , Senator of the O. S.
ItonEnr (I. WiNTuttoe, Ex-Speaker of the blouse
of ILq
Ail;:ovr \ witr.s , ..•:•, :Minister Phil. to Il•ne.antl.
lou:a 11. 1 rty.t. 1, eg, Cas h. llishon L5.,,t00.
1).1..J.T. Cur urox, l'ritetkal Chemist, of
NeW I Or% Cite PlitiOr , C:l 1m
os. 111.1; M.1.11(:1, Secretary of State.
I\lt. 11. Ascot:, the man in America.
S. I,ct.nxu fi CO., Plop's of .the Metropolitan
11c:tel. : and others.
Did space permit, we could give. many hundred
certilieste.., nom all parts whim the fill: have
been a r.t, hut evidence even more convinehig• than
the experience or eminent public men is found in
their enl , as malt trial.
These Pills: the result of long investigation ond
study, are offered' to the public as the best and
. camplan which the preach i state of medical
science can afford. They are compounded not of
the drugs themselves, but of C,e medicinal virtues
only of Vegetable reniedies, extracted by ehemical
process in a state of purity, and combitAl• together
in such a monster us to insure the best results. This
system of composition for medicines has Men found
in the Cherry Pectoral and Pills hall, to produce a
more efficient remedy than - bad hitherto teen oh-
Mined by any process. The reason is perfealyob
vious. While by the, old mode of composition, every
medicine is burdened with'more or less ut neri
monkons end minnows qualities, by this each hidi
vidual virtue only that is desired for the curative
effect is present. All the inert and obnoxious oust
ities'of each substance employed arr , left behind, the
curative virtues only , being retained. Ilem eit is
self-evident the effects should prove es they have
proved more purely remedial, and the Pills it 'surer,
more powerful antidote to disease than any other
medicine known to the world.
As it is frdquently expedient that my wahine
should be taken muter the counsel of an attending
Physician, and as ho could not properly judge.of a
remedy without knowing its composition' 1 have
supplied the accurate °minim which both
Pectoral and Pills are made to the whole body of
Practitioners in the United States and ltri tish Amer
ican 'Provinces. If, however, there should be any
one who. has not received them they be
promptly forwarded by mail to his tiddress.
Of all the Patent Medicines that ere offered, how
few would be taken if their composition was known !
Their life consists in thoir mystery.. I Lave no
ruysteriess .
The composition of my preparations is laid open
to nil men, end all who are competent to judge on
.the subject freely acknowledge their convictions of
their intrinsic meilts, The Cherry Pectoral was
pronounced ,by scientific men to be a wonderful
medicine before its effects were known. Many em
inent Physicians have declared the same tbing . of
my Pills, and even More confidently, mid are will
ing to certify that their anticipations were more
than realized by theiectreets upon trial.
They operate by their 'powerful influence on the
internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it
into healthy action—remora the obstructions of
the stotench; bowels, liver, and other organs of the
body, restoring.their irregular action to health, and
,by, correcting, wherever they:exist,:sUch derange.
manta ea are thodlrst origin of tlisease',l
Being, Sugar wrapped, they are pleasant take,
ttnd being purely vegetable, no Norm can arise froth
• theiruse in' any quantity, ' , • . ,•
/ 4 .'or minute directions, sea. wrapper on titrpok;
•• • "
JA~IESP 0 DYER , --;:
... ,- .1414:24:tkiti.14 , 1110ti-:4l , biore , ttfr
rill'theAliuggiste inlitliettOwtt, era'by • Drigghita
geuereillk throughout the Country..,
Allentown, January 1
r Yl> ladles of miatkitowthit,- , korouhatfig
1. !0-ttlithjr respediftilff tOdT.tti call at
stare: and neiy and' oxtensivo,
loCk o.f . FURS,— all of the latest and most ap••
proved - Myles, 41ousisting'i of ' • •
• Childrens' White Furs, &c.' &C•:, which we
:ellint prices ranging froM t 0.5125,00
er sett. TAdies in leapt •of any Article in this
line may rely upon finding with us as handsome
and cheap . an assortment, as they would either
in New York or Philadelphia. r Having made
arrangements with Manufacturersin the cities,
we are prepared to furnish extra setts Or Furs,
at short notice. Also, old Furs:neatly repaired
and altered.
Our Assortment of Boots. Shoes. Hats, Caps,
Lamps, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, &e., is
as Usual, full and complete. We have Hats
and Caps to fit every head, and Boots and,
Shoes to fit every- foot in this community. As
cold weather is now coming on,. we would call
particular attention to our stock, of Ladies',.
Gentlemen's, Misses and Children's Carpet,
Deerskin, Calfskin and India Rubber Over
Shoes, all of which we are selling cheaper than
ever. We are thankful for the liberal patronage
which we have received, and hope by strict
attention to our customers and friends, and sel
ling at low, prices to merit a continuation of
the same in future. YOUNG & LEIL ,
No. 95 East Hamilton St.
ruTtired. mill murk sirk
ht 1•r I,rovenird, if a harm
Cherol,t, of Moan
1,, xrhoF,c
• r
P. S.—Merchants in the country will be sup
plied with any of the above goods at the lowest
city jobbing prices.
Allentown, Nov. 28
is at Getz's Cheap Sure.
ivm. GETZ adopts this method to inform the
iv citizens of Ulitasauqua and surrounding
country that he now has on hand a very large
and excellent assortment of
easy Wade Clothing,
—A N D
T" 'd ' ' l \ Dl 3 ri IfR A
and is confident his stock cannot be excelled in
the County. He has lately received from Phil
adelphia a very heavy stock of SPRING AND
SUM3fER GOODS of the most fashionable
styles. from all of which he will make to order
and also keep on band a supply of READY
MADE CIIOTIIINU. Orders to make up
goods to measure will be accepted with plea
sure, and punctually attended to, and as he is
a Practical Tailor, he will guarantee perfect
Ills, and none but the best workmanship wil
lie suffered to pass his hands. His Ready-made
consists in part of 44ress Coats. of every ima
ginable style, for Spring and Summer trot
Pantaloons, fancy and plain of all prices, Sum
mei. Pants in great variety ; Vests, Satin, fancy
and plain, drawers, shirts, collars, cravat ,
suspenders. &c., &c., all of which he is dete)
mined to sell at the lowest prices. '
He also has on hand a very large assortmen
of Gentlemen's Sr
per fine, French Mo
rocco, Cal f-skin and
• .7-.7J Patent Leather
L ) : CD CP
besides a large lot
of coarse men's and
boy's boots. his stock of Ladies shoes is very
large, amonm ° which can be found every possi
ble style. Children's shoes of every variety
and style, plain and fancy colored.
May 9. *—ly "
s.a . vvsk ok- lvu NI)
LraitNl Stiles Insuraure, Annuity and Trust Co
S. E. corner of Third and Chestnut Sts.,
CAPITAL ::-.:;250..000
ONEY received. on deposit dank. The
Ai amount deposited is entered. in a Deposit
Book and given to the Depositor, or, if prefer
red, a certificate will be given.
All sums, large and small, are received.
anil the amount paid back on demand, withou
Interest is paid at the rate of Jive per 'cent.
commencing from the day of deposit, and teas
ing fourteen days previous to the withdrawal.o
the money.
On 'the first day of January, in each year, the
interest of each deposit is paid to the depositor,
or added to the principal, as he may prefer.
• The Company have now upwards of 3,500
depositors in the City of Philadelphia alone.
• Any additional information will be given by
addressing the TILHAIIIIER.
Stephen R. Crawford, Past., Lawrence John
son, Vice Pres't., Ambrose T. Thompson, Be
ja min W. Tingley, Jacob L. Florance, William
M. Godwin, Paul B. Goddard, George McHenry,
James Deveraux, Gustavus English.. .
Secretary and Treasurer, PLINY FISK.
Teller and Interpreter, J. C. Och/schicurcr.
September '5.
°C. H. Jreedles,
Truss and Brace Establishmen
South West Cor. of Twelfth and Race Ste.,
.ing extreme lightness, ease and durability
with correct construction.'
Hernial or ruptured patients can be suited by
romitfingounounts, as below :--Sending nuin
ber of inches round the hips, and stating side
Cost ofSingle Truss, $2, $3, $4, $5. ,Double
—S S , $O, 68 and $lO.
Instructions as to wear, and how to effect a
cure, ivhen possible, sent with the Truss.
Also for t sale, in great variety.
Dr'. Bowling's Improved' Patent Body'Braer,.
For the Oure'bf ProlaPsus - Uteri ; Spinal Props
and SupPorts,.Patent SbOulder . l3races, Chest
Expanders and. Erector Bkhoesr adapted to all
with Stoop ShOnideri and-Weallftamngs ; gri g 4
lish" glastiof' , Abdciminall idbfbit . ,; , Susatatstides
taymnges 'male atitlfbnittle:: ,
Altgloti,..- 0 .:0„ 7 ;i-ti,•‘:
• N I :••
77- ,kYrciii-Unit -
00111 kinds neatly executed at t Is Ofrfce.
..; .r . ''•
p E
1:1 SP 10
li LY:informp hie friends .
Us public•in general, that he has lately pur
chased the entire stock and fixtures of Mr.
Joseph Weip; (with whom he has been engaged
for the last seven years,) and has removed the
same. to N0..21 West Hamilton street, lately
occupied by Ilko & Co. He has also re
- • ceiVed from Now Itrk a
large stock of
) 3 of irEL .312,
His stock is well selected,
s tlargintatiNtrZia and consists of a largo as
sortment of Brass Clocka, of every description,
at the lowest prices.
Gold and Silver Patent Lever, Lapine,
Quartier and other Watches,
Silver Table and Tea Spoons, Gold, Silver and
Plated Spectacles, to suit all ages, and warrant
ed to be made of the •best materials.
Ills stock of Jewelry is large and splendid,
and comprises all the most fashionable articles,
such as Cold, Silver and other Breast Pins,
Ear and Finger Rings, Gold Watch Chains,
Keys, &c., Gold and Silver Pencil Cases, Gold
Pens of a superior quality, Silver Combs, and
and a variety of articles too numerous to men
tion. He feels confident that the above goods
arc the best in market. and offers them to the
public at the lowest prices.
Ho would particularly call your attention to
his stock of CLOCKS AND WATCHES, and urge
you to call on him before purchasing elsewhere,
as lie feels assured that ho cannot fail to suit
you, not only with the articles, but what is
more important, with the prices, and would
also inform the public that all his goods aro
Clocks Watches and Jewelry, repaired in the
neatest and best manner and at the shortest
notice—all his work is warranted
Allentown, May 2
Pte. 1 4 *.T.IMIAT Err IDC:,
JEWELRIES, No. 21 East Hamilton Street, op
posite the German Reformed Church, Allentown Pa.
The undersigned repectfully informs his friends and
the public in general, that he has just returned from
New York and Philadelphia, where to has purchased
and now offers for ea% a full and unequalled assort
ment of
Silver Ware and Farley Articles, r.ll of a superior
quality, and de:Trying the examination of those who
desire to procure the best grinds at the lowest cash
rit0,.;:t 4 ,,,,, prices. His st eek comprises Clocks
or all style- and patterns. Gold and
. 00.1." t" •.,L Warches, Gold, Silver and
ether Watch ChninS. Watch Keys and Seals, gold and
silver Pencils. ]Sur Rings, Finger Rings, Breast, Pins,
Bracelets, Medallions, Cuff Pins, Gold and Steel Pens,
Silver Wide and Tea Spoons. Spy Glasses, Pocket
Compasses.o old, Silver. end other Spectacles, suitable
Sro all ages, together with each and every article be
longing to his branch of business. His prices are as
low and liberal ns they will be found in our seaboard
towns, and his goods will always prove to be what
they are represented.
He 'keeps no hand an assortment of Melodeons, of
all Fil.C,? and patterns, suitable for Churches, Ifalls and
private families, at prices as low as they ran bo bought
wholesale of the manitfacturers. His instruments can
nowhere he excelled in point of tone, beauty and low
prices. He alum hums on band a largo and good stock
of Accorulcons, Flutes, Fifes, Musical Boxes. &c.,
at exceeding low prices.
• •'/".•••• C 1 o s , Watches. Jewelries, Accordeons: Mu
siu:al Boxes. &e., will at 1111 times he promptly repaired.
and all work warranted for one year.
September 20. — tf
Ho! For the New York Store
U 1 ..:
On ..h ..... ..
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r—i 14 -
. ro ,
Ct 'fi / , / 1 . 111:14i ,
b 0 ,‘ / * Jar
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71+ • • 4• • :•:•;, t , • - = R
.:.. 4. '
1 \ , k.,•.%A.', N.. ;
t ,
1 - 1
AVE just received a large supply of Fall and
'Winter Goods which they have bought for
cash and arc Willing to sell at a small advance
on the same terms.
Don't forget their motto, " SMALL PROF
ITS AND QUICK SALES,' with a large
assortment, of goods to suit the most fastidious
taste in the universe, including Allentown and
vicinity. Their stock consists of
Plain Mack Silks, Plain Fancy do., French ,
Merino, Saxony Twill, Persian do.,
Monselinc De Laine, Persian do.,
Leyonese cloth, 4 . c., +IT., Also,
Hosiery, Bonnet Ribbons, Gloves,
• Trimmings, Muslins Bleached and
Brown, and in facrall. such goods as the trade
are in need of constantly on hand. •
GROCERIES as low if not lower
1 --- "itt, than can be had elsewhere. Conn-
, try produce of all kinds wanted
-==, in excluingAw goods: '
_ ..
Sept. 5
Surgical and Mechanical
[IR. C. C. H. GULDIN, from New York, in
vites the attention of tho,se in Allentown
and vicinity, who require operations on the
natural Teeth, or who are in need of artificial
ones, to his superior mode ofoperating in all the
different departments of Dentistry..
Having had eight years' experience in his
profession, and availing himself of every valu
able imprpvemcnt, he knows be can render the
very best assistance to the patient of which the
Art.'s capable.
REFEITENOES.---ROV. Thonuis De Witt, D. D
Rev. Charles M. Jameson, F. Clarkson, Id. D.,
William Underhill, M. D., Now York city.
Officelor the present at the American Hotel.
• Patients also visited at their residence if de
sired.- ,
Allentown, Jan:l7, 1855. 117-14'
Venitia.n- Blinds.
The subieribor havini pare!' ased Cho oil ttre:establi
'.ll • -peat of Mr. Muir; is prepared to manufacture all
kinds or Window the best qµplity, - ;atprieee
aeloli a! nay .t.liilalt7-zatAqWetib"
• Allentotili f aiinift..7 . • 9. , • - 1.,
ligiillEaralk.llo l l‘7 7 ;lC - JOR "
;. forgo lot: lof molt a
rqwwllioolto.-4VllZ:irdrtti'RSit;Loti t illteibhti'
at'sls wortlt4.l.l4ll , 4t.Eitaiii.Wabtrfleot; - • neltizieto
' 1091 '7 ch. ) * ' ' I. EITItOI7IBI k CO,
No. 0 West Iburalton'etreet, -
Allentown, Jan.-20.
- A - , l •T'l A-7
~qR . 4 ..., .
'Why are' We Sick.
HAS BEEN the lot of the human rade to
-L.. be weighed down by disease and suffering. HOL
LOWAY'S PILLS are specially adapted to the relief
of the Wrarlipthe•Nerrous, the Delicate, and the Infirm,
of nil cJimes; agcnr,.Sexes; and constitutions; Profes
sor Holhiway personally superintends the inamtfactrire
of his medicines in the United States, and offers thorn
to a free and enlightened 'People, as the best remedy
the world over saw for the removal of disease.
These Pills Purify the Blood:
Those famous Pilis are expressly combined to oper
ate on the stomach, the • liver, the kidneys, the hinge,
the skin, and the bowels, collecting any derangement
in their functions purifying the blood, the very foun
tain of life, and thus curing disease in all its forms:
Dyspepsia and Liver Complaints.
Nearly half the human race have taken these Pills-
It has been proved in all parts of the world, that noth
ing has been found equal to them in eases of the liver,
dyspepsia, and stomach complaints generally. They
soon give a henithy tone to these organs, however
much deranged, and when all other meimshave
General Debility. 11l Health. vk
Many of the most despotic Goverments hive op lied
their Custom HOIMOS to the introduction of those Pills,
that they may become the medicine of the masses.—
Learned Collogee admit that this medicine is the best
remedy ever known for persons of' dolicatevhealth, or
•where the system has boon impaired, as its.invigerat
'ing propetties never fail to afford relief.
Female Complaints.
No Female, young or old, should be without this
celebrated medicine. It corrects and regulates the
monthly courses at all periods, acting in many eases
like a charm. It is also the best and safest medicine
that ran be given to Children of all ages, and for any
complaint; consequently no should without it.
Holt mays Pills are' the hest remedy known in the
world for the following Disease:
Apthinn, ' llciadaches, .• • • •
Dowel Complaints, Indigestion,
Coughs, Influenza, •
Colds, ' Intimation,
Chest Diseases, Inward Wenkness,'
Costiveness, .' Liver Complaints,
. Dyspepsia, Lowness of Spirits,
Diarrlicoa, Piles, .
Dropsy, . Steno and Gravel,
Debility, Sbcondary Symptoms,
Fever and Agne, Venereal Affections,
Female Complaints, Worms of all kinds.
*** Sold at tho Mnnufnetories of Professor HOLLO
WAY, SO Maiden Lane. Now York, and 244 Strand,
London, by nll respectable Druggists and Dealers of
Medicine throughout the United States, width° civil
ized world, in boxes, al 22 cents, 624 emits, and $l.
each. .
50-Thero is a considerable saving by taking Lilo
'arm. sizes.
N. B. Directions for the guidance of patients in
every disorder aro affixed to each 130 M
New York, Jan. 16, 1850
41 OF
enth South
roet, l r ias es t pe C c o t rar y oUa r m m ilt t o h n ei a r nck ion Ses d r ;
and the public that they have just returned from
New York and Philadelphia will) a large stock of
new and fashionable
Fall and Winter Goods,
which they purchased for CASH, and which enables
them to sell lower then any other establishment of
the kind in Allentown. They hare selected their
Goods with an eye to durability and fancy, and hnvo
none but the infest styles in the market. Their stock'
of (loads, among other articles, consists of Cloths of
all colors and prices, Caisimers, of French, English
and Americrn manufactures i Vestings, Silk Velvets,
Seth's, Silks, Worstmit and other descriptions, figured
and plain. Shirts and Shirt collars,Stocks, Cravats,
Handkerchiefs, Hose, Suspenders c., bOiitles a groat
many other article moaning in their lino of business,
and all will ho sold at the lowest prices. Their
stock of
comprises every thing in the clothing line, rota en
over coat down to nn under-shirt, tai to up ator the
latest and most fashionable styles. There aback be
ingfio extensive that none will leave it,• unless fitted
from the "bottom to the top."
will be done up as usual, and for their work they are
willing to be hold responsible, two of the firm being
practical tailors, end all the work is made up under
their own supervision.
Thankful for past favors, they trust that attention
to business, "small profits and quick sales" will be
the moans of bringing now customers to their estab
Oot. 1
F. Xa.nder's
Cheap and Fashionable Cabinet Ware Rooms.
South Dast Corner of Ninth and Hamilton Streets, a
fow doors below Dresher's Lumber Yard,
THE undersigned respectfully inform their friends
and the.publio geneyullyi,that ho carries on the
Cabinet business in all its various branches at the
above named s tend, where he Is proparedto sell g cod and
handsome furniture as cheap necan besold anywhere.
Their Store is en the south-cast corner of Ninth and
Hamilton streets, near Dresher's Lumber yard, where
they 'offer a fine assortment of
consisting in part:of Sofas, of various styles
and patterns, Side Boards, Wardrobes, See
rotaries, Bureaus, of various patterns; Cup-boarda of
different kinds; Card, Centre, Side, Breakfait .and
Dining Tables; Bedsteads of different styles auikpat..
terns, Wash-stands, Twist, Small and Large Etagere,
What lkfots,,Musie-Stands, Sofa Tables, Tea-Tables,
Oval and Serpentine Tablas, Chinosio What Nets,
Fancy Work Tables, ItefreshmentlTables, Mambas,
Tote-a-Totes, French Divans. A. general assortment
of Hitcben Furniture on band and made to order.•,
He employs lit nll times vine bid the best woik..
men, attends personally to their business, and will
warrant Rll Furniture of their manufacture to. be mad.
of the best materials. Orders for Ware will 'be:faith
fully and immediately attended to, and when.,seittoult
of the Borough will be. carefully 'packed.
December b. —tg
4M. ,ThT 33311i71iir P' X 1 2 1 t. 21 0 X t
Geo. Lucas Alk So ns, ..._
_ .
~ . -.• pliilk 1 t IXTHOLESALE ad Retaili des
;',.,-,f:oVirak 'T V ler; in Boots, Shore and
0 . •• " Trunks. After Coming on siege
easeful business for twenty years, tho former proprie
tor on the lattf January entered into to-partnerahip
under thp firm of tire. Luoss A Boxtyand intend:to
carry on the business on. anincroseed scab. Mier
will always keep on band a very largo and. cheep
'stook Of. R 00 1 79 AND . SIMEB, nll of thiir own manufao.
lure. ',They era all perfectly acouainted witli the be.
Cinema, and employ none but tho beat workmen;whielt.
cochlea them , to wenUnt all work as • repreaentetlio,- .
They. ere UonAdent that thehrotock la not excelled try
any.. Other tiatablishrinint in Allentown. : They call
particular, attention to theirsetoekof Lidice, Gentle.
;men's, Marco ando.ghtldt*ealktoroeco, Calfaktn, and
-India' 'Rubber'. overahoes. The Center plainer le
thankfitt for 'thootatienage;beitewad tip Win .during
tholll:Yeareihe hei'lefill in,htiaineet, and hopei' that
ki.!turatinned: etrlet attbtlOn to tuatorders, and coiling
016 W Pilixiii.theYldiltiOoetigtqull slut a of patronage,
ilir•Pahirki.*.: - :',.• ‘' • ' .c"' -' ' • -": '''
.. -- .oa+Caiinpry- iteroluirti'iilli be eilpood . ..t . shid
notice and at the Lykes% Oittg prises. -'
' • -'" ' . ORO. 141J0A6 'A BONS.
Allentown, January 9