The Lehigh register. (Allentown, Pa.) 1846-1912, March 26, 1856, Image 3

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    Mr. Fillmore Abroad
A correspondent of the N. Y. Herald writing
from Rome, thus alludes to Mr. Fillmore :
Millard Fillmore left here to day for Naples,
after having been for nearly four weeks the
pride of every American in Rome, and the cause
of unfeigned admiration on the part of every
European with whom he came in contact.' Such
it specimen of American republicanism does
more honor to our institutions than all the
diplomatic agents we have lately had to repre
sent oflieial opinions abroad. 1 nm a Demo
crat, and no partisan of Mr. Fillmore's partic
ular views or polities ; but I know there is not
a man in the land whoSe elevation to the high
est office in the gift of the American people
would go further to reestablish pence and good
wilt towards the United States, and at the same
time, insure the respect we have a right to claim
from every civilized country, than his, and I
know, even as a Deinocrat, worse calamities
that might befall the United States than his
tlection to the Presidency. Mr. Fillmore has,
during his short stay in Europe, visited Eng
land, Ireland, and t 4 cotland—he has seen all
the German States, including Prussia and Aus
tria. Ile has made a prolonged stay in France
hind Italy, and is about to visit Egypt and the
holy Land, Turkey, and, in all probability, the
seat of war. lle will return to the, - United
States in the month of June, richly stored with
historical and statistical information, and as
good a judge of European Goverments. their
errors and their Ccrillleg, as any person in the
land ; while at the same time, he will be bet ter
able . to judge of the present condition of Eu
rope and the world than most men not having
enjoyed the same advantages. 'laving been
removed from the busy scenes of political
strife and faction at home, lie will return in
better temper, and with cooler judgment than
most of the leading eandidal es. whose principal
stork in trade consists in cili.ient partizanship,
and services rendered to mere fictions.
r,7 - 111,11orails P.//s, an unfailing Remedy for
all disorders of the Vilest and Lungs. ()liver
Tompson, of Little Falls, New York, was ccr•
tainly in a most deplorable state of health tin
wicks ago : his lungs, so the doltors ti,hl
were completely gone, his chest, and in fact his
body generally, had scarcely an l atom of flesh on
it, so thin had he become. In addition to this
he had a cough which completely shook hito to
pieces, (these are his own words): lie has just
called on Professor Holloway to inform him:
that all these complaints have been removed by.
Holloway's Pills, after he had used them for
seven weeks and two days. and he now feels
better than ever he did in his 111;1. These Pills
will readily remove all diseases of the stomach
and bowels.
la - The first paper mill established in :Uteri-
Ca was located at Wissithicon. Pa. The mill
was erected by Claus and William Rittinghou
sen, who were of Dutch ancestry, and went to
Pennsylvania from New .Imsterdam. William
Bradford was also part owner, but he rented
his share to the Rittinghousens, now spelled
Rittenhouse. The original lease, dated Sep
teniber 1, 1697, is still in existence, and the
rent reserved by Bradloril was :.even reams of
printing paper, two reams of good writing
paper, and two reams of blue laver. This
mill, then so celebrated, was swept away by n
flood, between 109 and 1701, and sn import
ant was its reconstruction that William Penn
wrote a certificate recommending the citizens
to give the sullhrers relief.
GREAT Sl,Fautiml.—On the 22d of February,
the people of Madison, Chilton and other neigh
boring towns in Connecticut. got up a sleighing
party of a novel kind. It numbered three.
hundred and fifty sleighs containing nn,,en
hundred passengers. At the head of the live
was a large model of a full-rigged steamer,
in working order. • All ages and classes of
people joined in the frolic, many being in bur-
lesque and fantastic costumes. The entire
route was decorated with flags, and at t lii If,rd
the party was received by a company of fan
soldier; in uniform, and by a cavalcade and a
four-hourse sleigh, containing thirty young
ladies embowered in evergreen. About live
thousand spectators , hail collected there from
the whole country about. 'rite sleighing Kn..:
cession was fair miles in length. Ihi some of
the sleighs fitted up fbr the purpose, shoemak
ing, flax-spinning, flax-dressing, &c., were'
r:PQM:F.I: F11.1::DOM 01 , TIIF; PRES:; tx NICAII.I%!
nt'A.—We learn from a California paper that
On one occasion recently, the IValker troops
did not receive their usual literary food, in-the
shape of the newspaper--E/ .Nicarmgttense.—
for the reason that it was not issued—the corps
editorial and typographical having been over
come either by the climate or agliardif ate (bran
dy.) Whereupon• General -Walker sent word
to the office that, in case the paper was not
Issued by sunset the next day, he should send
a file of soldiers to arrest the editors, printers
and all. Great activity prevailed in the office
after the reception of this hint. and the paper
was " rushed up" just in time.' The tile; of
soldiers arrived just in season to see the forms
of type locked up ready for the press. This is
a regular Napoleonic feat, with the difference
that the French Emperor sends files of soldiers
to stop the press, while the the dictator of Cen
tral America uses his force to set it going.
Great country, -that Nicaragua. Thermome
ter at eighty all the time. Nothing but peace,
plenty, orange groves, volcanoes, pretty wo
• men, end perfect freedom of the press.
Ur) - The Chicago Times says that during the
ninety-two days comprising the last quarter of
1855, the almost incredible number of fourteen
million Ulm hundred and sixty-eight thousand
newspapers and sprinted publications passed
through the post office in Chicago. The
amount of postage on letters received at the
Chicago post office was 5100,880,03: The
number of letters on which the sum was paid
exceeds three millions. .
phla pays 40 per cent of all the, taxes raised in
the State for the support of the Commonwealth.
This is a tolerably large sham to bear, bet the
local taxation:is infinitely more onerous. • It
amounts this year to as much as six-sevenths
of the whole revenue of the Commonwealth.
[CM FLORAL. CLOCK.—A traveler recently
visiting the abode of Linnreus, found among the
relics preserved in his house an ingenious and
singular contrivance, a " floral clock." In a
half circle, round the table of the groat botanist,
a number of plants wore , arranged, which, open=
ins. their flowers at a certain moment, told the
lour witkunerring exactitude.
COOKING Wrrnotrr FIRE.—The last invention New Spring and Summer
is a phut of cooking without fire, described in "
the Scientific American.. The invention is a 0.001 - D O a
combination of tin cooking dislic, placed one JITSI' It ECEI V E D AT
above another, the bottom of one it ssel fitting IR e 1 it, 1 1
C., li, M., IN e, NV XI aY a s 1 1
on the top part of the dish below. In the lower i
dish of all, a small quantity of quick-liMe is • No. 35 East Hainilton Street,
Tee largest assortment of Spring and Sommer I
placed, and then, by Means' of a tUbe, cold
A. Go o ds ever seen in Allentown. 'We pm:chased
water is introduced upon the lime. Chemical . volt (-Asa. wide], ambles ,i, to sell lower than /111 V
action generates intense heat, Whereby the arti- ,"Iller rlell'ing E , lel: l6l lnteel in town. We heee Fe - :
. ; tittle,' nor lloods with an eye lo ditrabilitymnil Piney, i
des on the dishes are quickly cooked. tool have none hill the !Mot styles that mould he
found in the New York and Philadelphia Markets.—,
"Cr keep on hand it nll times a large assortment or
II I'. A 1) IC —MADE Cl.O T 11 I N G , ,
melt as Coats of every eolor find description; l':111111- i
111011 Y of nll styles tool ',rives, all kinds of Vest?,
Shirts and rtolorshirts, Collars, Cravats. Suspenders, I
,t e.. all of which are sold at extraortlinnry
Low. Prices, , I
and warrnnt them to lie not only durable, hut made
op with neatness and taste. I
4 . 1.:5T0,11E1t WORK
1:a - clAmn.—It is estimated by the Journal of
Commerce that there fire sold in the 'markets of
New York, during the year, 10,000 woodcocks,
30, 000 partridges, 10;000 rabbitS, 0,000 can
vasback ducks, 5.000 Brant 2,000 mallard, 30,
000 black ducks, 5,000 wild geese, 10,000 dozen
plover 'and snipe, and 25,000 dozen wild pi-'
geons. Large quantities of game, however, arc
shipped to Europe from New York, by the
steamers. Canvas-bock ducks. command high
prices in England. •
GREAT LEAP.-A correspondent of the r'ren
crick (M.) Examiner communicates an account
of an extraordinary leap by a mare called 1
' Sue,' attached l b o a sleigh, over the limning
gear of a four horse wagon, with the standards!
of the usual height. The mare became fright- 1
ened, ran into a drift, overturned the sleigh,
spilling out the occupants, and dashed dr at
full speed, when meeting the impediment stand
ing lengthwise in the road, she made a leap and
went over like an arrow, carrying the sleigh
with her, without injuring herself or sleigh, and
pursued her course for four miles.
DirpcaExcr.—Wild or Congress
lands cannot be sold in Missouri at any price.
Improved farms can be purchased in the neigh
boyhood of the Des Moines river, for two or three
dollars per acre ; while just over an imaginary
line in lowa, the same soil, the amc improve-':
ments, will readily command fifteen or twenty
dolliirs ! The line is an imaginary one, but it is
at the same time, the broad line between shive
ry and freedom.
litical ascendency of Virginia and the activity
of her leading men, are strikingly exemplified in
the fact that in no instance has there been a
Presidential election, except once, in ISf2F,',
when there was not one of her native born citi
zens in the field either for the first or second of
flee in the gift of the people. The exception
was when .Jackson and Calhoun ran against
Adams and Rush.
[(7 - T I i) I , I'EItENCE. —The winter in Europe
Lai been unusually mild, while here it has brtn
so intensely cold. Last month several beauti•
ful butterflies were caught in the gardens near
TRUTII STRANGIM 'rims Fumox."—
Such would scent to be the case with the reme
dy now before the public, known as Carter's
Spanish Mixture. Its powers in many instances
seems to be really miraculous, and especially in
the radical and peramtment cure of some of the
most terrible forms of disease with which man
kind are afflicted. Scrofula, which seems en ,
tin ely to baffle. the Skill of Physicians, has been
cured in many instances by only a vsw Bur-
Thrs of this invaluable compound. Syphilis,
another of the most awful scourges, has been
et red 1w Carter's Spanish Mixture in over WO
cases. It acts specifically on the Liver and
secretions, and is the best alterative or blood
purifier yet discovered. It has gained reputa
tion wherever known which cannot be ap
proached by any former efThrt of science, and it is
prescribed by physicians and testified to by ma
ny of the most eminent public men of the coun
try, many of whom say they consider it a mat ter
of duty to make its merits generally known.
and cordially recommend it to the afflicted.
NVe knew nil' et, invention of ettetere thee, titet de-
4erve:i or is destined to occupy a higher niche inn the
temple of rnllle. than the discovery or invention or the
Vegetable Epiletic Pihie line miring Epilepsy, or Fall
ing Fits : r'prisms, Cramps. and all the various moth..
tications Nervous Disease. .S'cllt 11.7 u...
Baltimore street. Baltimore. Mil., the inventor, is
certainly entitled tin the hest wishes of rill the benevo
lent portion or teitetittlit, who experience in pleasure.
tine alleviation of Itiiman sitlfering. Mien Dr.
Ranee first prepared these Pills. he intended Mem
for lit,, l'remps and Spasms: but subsequent
experience satisfactorily proved to Min, that in mbli
lion to their. remarinable sanative properties in this
minis of ili,entsc,.. they exert perfect control over the
entire nervous system., Ile was then induced to try
them inn eases of Neuralgia, Tic-Doloreux, Nervous
Ileadaelie, Palpitation or the Heart, Incipient I.'llllM
ysis. Ilvsteria. Muscular Debility, and nt host of
minor ilisease. springing from in leek of- nervous
energy, in all of wink-111dr anticipatiims were vorwneil
with line 'most sanguine success. l'ersons lit 11
by writing end sending a remittance to Dr.
Ilene°, can have the medicine forwarded by mail to
their heist :nee address, Inc innying tine postage. The
prices are for n single box, $3, two boxes. E 45, or $2l
per dozen. 'We have given his ntldress above.
On Sunday last, by the Rev. Mr. Walker,
Mr. Jim II Ester. of Foundryville, Columbia Co.,
to Miss MARV ANN SCIILABACII, of Allentown.
With the above notice we received a piece of deli
cious wedding calm for which they will accept our
compliments and beet wishes in return. May the love
which joined them toget herb(' fadeless, and may pledg
eo of affection, as they grow in years, spring up
around them. cansing,their pathway through life. to
he strewn with never fading flowers. May this he
their lot, and naught bat happiness and prosperity he
their daily . eompeers when the angel
shall say to them '•Conte," fluty they enter the realms
of eternal bliss.
On Siinday last, by the Rev. Mr. Zeller, Mr.
Elms - G. Itltxxicn, printer, of Allentown, to
Miss JULIAN KVEIINER, of Lehigh Gap, Carbon
foias=* -iii..TA crtio p•ip..;* nig giu-=lll
(CorrC'eled weakly by Pretz, Outh & Co.)
Ildur, 'l4 6nrrol.. $8 51Y.Potntoci, . . . .
C. rn, .
ISO hum, . .
611. Sides. .
1 IrrShoulders,
10 Liu (I
20 011 1 Butter.. .
. 110! Eggs, 7a lloz.,
Two dOors below Courtlandt St,
LOVEJOY ti FALLAN, Proprictom
Sow York, March 26. . —3ut
THE LEHIGH 11,E.GIST • A " , '
will he clone up fur our Ivorl: we tire will-'
ing to be held relimuilae.
We invite all people who aeAre immense bargains.
In give us n and thereby envy from to'
SEVENTY-FIVE per cent. in the purelinse of their
Spring ntid Simonet. outfit.
;,% - 7••llentrinlier the spot—No. East Hamilton ;
m o ody oppm.ite tl.e Hermon Reformed Church.
March 211. —lf
New Boot and Shoe Store I
rxram & BROTHER,
ATEIX opened n new Boot and : 4 110C Fiore. it N.
12 East Ilcutillon :freed formerly urrnl trod liy
.ll , Vhfi „ l, SVII ilild the ,ante luedne::: , . but the piddle
uav rollfiderlt Ty rely npmi it that thev will nt atl
times keep on hand, a hotter. larger. aid at the same
iime cheaper stork. than tins ever kept in the build
ing. before. They trill have on hand
(1111.11,11 ., II( ,t,tv n i t 1
roart , e ii, itnil Nhocs for Men nod
Roy , .
.‘ 11 'kind,: of /Ind WOrk, 111:10.0 to
0r11..r in tin.»lo,t approved styli's. at short Waive, mid
id' the hest or litnterhils, nitil ns they hove better work;
turn Ilion ever worltiql in the building before, they
are_ willing ; r arrant all work.
Being new beginfier,.. they hope by. punetnal -
totl , llllll . t. to ‘OII,ItIOSS mud low to receive
„r fuddle' patronage,
March 211.
nn the 2lth glav of Ati.,•h, ,45n, voluntary
os,4mmeut to the under,igliml. or sill IlMir property.
real, personal mut mixi4l. Mr the heuelit of their vuol
ii i s. !mike i 0 herehy persons who . are
hulghtiM to :mill Joseph Frehnan. to.malie paymimt
within days. till ruell who sitar here legal claim,
oguifist =nbt Freimun trill also pre,ent them well au-
'AVE,IiwLIieIII_ lip
H.VT.T.TET. Arsigu ,
lit'd 4 i
- 117417 _TM _1721:2 - rLDMIT"'_gi:EILIEDDem,
0 s E:d.\ E on Hua lv.inews
nro tvviitt..l nl Ihe sili.l Fh..e Slo.rv'of Elias
\1+.0?.. None Intl
Ai!ent 211. —t"
GED r3271i-Fil 311 E., 9 ;
2S C auvtlau Xt bty
.1. S. 13TEI1111.\'8, PROPRIETOR
Alitruli 20.
Mertz's Boot ttitil Shoe Store
~b,_ . w 11.1. 1„.1 l b : i; ‘,. ..: . ietr i i;
i l l . i l i il from ,,,i fh
e t It e l
.4 0 il , :l r
0 4: Aliiiil to liis new littililing, No : 77 ll'e,it
I lititintim :it reel: lii•hviiiiii Ilfigiiiplittell's mud Iliiniigif:,
Iliittils. where he will lie prepared :mil happy to tie
,iiiiiiii:i:hitii Sind supply* :ill hi: , old friends awl et•ittim
.irs. iiigolter with riiii,riii , iir new t,:::•,. ::t• 1.:1et,: 110
:,::::1: :1, the tilienpe,t, mid ittitiele: , gollsl is the hest.
—I I•
Mle,lxto - w Ix S emixx ars .
IE exercises of the IVititcr t•iession of the Allentown
1 Seminary trill clot,e with on Examination or the
imitile in the ['entitle IMportinent. un Wetlnt•eday the
2Mh. and in the l'ifttlu Iteporiment. the 27th inst., in
the Seminary huilding. •kit Rxhihitinn, ettneieting
mmical nieces mill declattuttione. will I.e given •on
Thursday evening, commencing nt 7 o'clock.—
Parents m i d friends tir education me respectfully in
vited to attend. ..Idmitttince to the likhibition in the
Ida eenle,
llutrh •
20.. —it,
fr y Store!
C. 1-I'. REBER,
° .7 "lrestllnj'i"": shred,'eNt!"r toI Nl,tlik”ic'=llt li jt t r:;trnii m
Philadelphia with it large and elegant
stock f.i . g oods, Fuoi..., Frenelt. English -and Mer
man Cloths. Cassimeres. Vestings. ressittets. and
Tweeds, whielt hena
will be ple teed to ike nit to order.
in the most approved style. which he is satisfied he
eau ill', from the rant that lie has employed that popu
lar emitter. Albert .1. Newhard, who is always lip with
time times in fitsltions, and cuts and fits to suit the
tastes of patrons, often any fashion they may choose.
flf readyninde Clothing lie has a complete assort
ment. comprising all styles, qualities and prices, nail
in this tlepartmcnt claims precedence 11• um fiat fail
that the (lathing is all mantilltetured at Ilium., 01' quail
nulerini and the superior style in which it is In:ale.
ill lihrnp secure 11.. r them a riattly and salitlllictury
Eno,r:wing a large assort tent of Shirts. Collars,
Smelts. 'l'ies,.Llm•k and limey Silk Crovat.4. Hosiery,
Sospentlers. blink and Silk Cloves. black Kitt Ii loves.
Gent's white tool limey liantllcerehiefs. Umbrellas. and
lots „I . ..titer artielee too numerous to mention.
Gentlemen furnishing, their Cloth can have their
garment.• made ill good itylo ninrfirtrranted to give
catislaction. Cutting done at cliort notice.
Mardi 19. --tf
112,6;1 Stovekeevexslu' r t 7l
BARRI:LS . .I Pure Clarified . Cider Vinegar
eon he had 11r wiismi Brie, No. 4 North
Fourth street. Easton, ra., 'at 'the city prices. Mer
chants and tireeers, Ile,irotrA of saving freight and
carting from Philadelphia to Eait,n, would therefore
do well by purchasing their vinegar it the Easton
'Vinegar EstaldiAtoent. WILSON HERM
Easton. Ilarch
MOTIEE is hereby given that an in of
frrithig, purporting to be the constitution of
The German Roformed Church of Great swroop. -
ham been filed in my ofiice, and that application has
been mule to the Court or COllllllllll Piens of Lehigh
county. to grunt a charter of incorporation, ant l'Stt
the stone will he granted on the 14th day of Ai if
next, unleFs sufficient revenue be shown to the con.
trary. • F. E. SAMUELS, Prothonotary.
1. Morels
e n t ,. 1 , 1 se
ricn nil re
ecivin~ Prom the bent York Eu,tc
varieties of Fruit mot Ormianental Tree , . inal Arabs,
is now ready to receive orders for the name, at the
most reas,malile rates. •
Per,ons sending to di,-tint nurseries are frequently
disappdinted, it' not actually imposed upon. which
may lie avoided by leaving their orders with one wit
makes It. liii,htedness to have them attended to. A
majority are also unacquainted with the relative val
ues or the hundreds-of varieties wit Ii which catalogues
are tilled, nud ir the seleetion ie 101 l to the Nurt.ery
men. in titled eases, the moot unsaleable. are rent.
Raspberry, Strawberry. Asp;u•ngus, anti any other
plants furnialied at low rules,
Allentown, ...‘fitrelt•l2
Notice, to Assossors.
rpm: AFsessors of the different Wards. Boroughs,
1 and b.wilAtips of Lehigh c ty, sire lierchy re
quested to meet the Conittlisi-ioner in their Oilier, in
Allentown, to receive the Asses sments. Noti
(Ts. Itlld tuteli other instructions is nre leumell titicee
rory to the fulfillment of their respective loth., is
The assessors of the townships of Upper Milford,
Lower Milford, South Whitehall, Washingtan mul
Upper ikhteungie, to appear on Monday ith doe
of April next.
The assessors of the townships• of LowhilL Weisen
burg. Lynn, Salisburg and Upper t 4 aueon, lin Tuesday
the Sill day of April next.
The asSessors of North Ward, South Ward, Lehigh
Word. Allentown. nod of Catasatoina, on Wednesday
the tith day of April next.
The assessors of the townships of North Whitehall,
Hanover. 1 leidelherg and Tamer Macungie, en
the If th day or April next.
Allentown :%fitre:t
A VA lA:A 1;1.1.;
Till , : well I:tw.ww retiwnewly 'nigh
1 limn . , lying 4.11151' to tile MEI/Ugh ”r Al,
tutu lt"nl . the Lehigh ValleY n'
Ili - ' "
ed I.y gown.. lintz, .. elfiladelphin, is otferint .
Prii ate,Salc. It lies ill the nivel. Lehigh. :1 hninelt
or mill river muts along its western side. tool connects
on its sotatli-eastern point with the general Are:mt.--
It t..oatnins about o 3 acres fit' lima in a rood cultivated
condition for raising trucks thud N - egehtbles. Tht: im
provements thereon tire It two story
ift . 4.'iNtl,,: ..- I s Intl 1 . 1 I)IVELLINi; 110 USE
• ilirza
ii. , I, and kitchen, with 11 111/IZII. it new
J._ .-
_born is Under voillrilot li, he 1111111 and
finished in a low months, Ruda good well 'with it lollop.
A li.rg, , new Iwidgv. leading across the Myer to the
Island. has been !milt •111111 trelong , to the property.—
There are on the pltme '7 or 74170 Frith 'Trees, it
rich choice from the New Jersey Nurseries, two-thirds
or which are Peach trees. the rest apples, pears 111111
X11( 1 11'11 1 1 1 . 1.11(0 1 :11 1 11111:11'..4l1 hell of s trnich,r l ies, This
place has 11 great fulvantifge to sell 111111 1 1 1 1 1111 its IWO
4111011111S with 1111 1 'NI4OII I I In 11114 1 1 . 1 1 111. 111111 1 eF. 1• ' 1/1'
terms. .t . .c., which are a little more liberal than lmre
tofore, application must he 1:13,1t. In
Mnre% 12
those boring books. he., t.. hi:odic:in have
their dime 'good and slyli. he
them frith. I). (ifirwure . ..T, Who is agent fur
the 'Bethlehem 'Bindery at .1\01.111.111 All kind• of
work done lit this bindery is it arranlvil. The bindery
is prom mid pill. material-. to .10 in.' (if
work. J. W. HELD.
:k larch
/1. 111)1ITICli ; n Alonthly Journal nr Hot-- !
lieulturnl Science, Lantlsettpe tlartletting !Intl Aural
Art, will ettinmenee on the first of .iaumu•c.
(The second volume or the third series.) by
C. \I. HOVEY, author the Fruit., or Anterion. A
retv Complete Sets in Twenty-one Volumes, Inintl- I
,ontelv Motto!, t 2 moth.
Tht; Fecund Volume of the Tititin f - -fuurim (v o l.
xxii.) was published on the first of Jona:try last.—
It 1111:+ 111 r been vo long before the Int Llie. and is so
loi11111:Ir thriinglaittt the country, that it would appear
superllttom( to urge its claims 'float the 11111 , 11tiull of
volliVll[4ll . S. amateurs. or gentlemen interested in I lor-
H..11111111%1 lour:mils. It has heen highly influential in
diffusing a taste for (ittrilening turd Naval .\rt every
where. unit is au almost haliliensable obi to the
l'omologist. the lover of lliovers. the Country (knife
man. tool all into feel the load interested in the cul
tivation of trees and plants. in the adornment of their
gardens and grounds, or in the spread of ti.,lttete for
Rural improvement. To enlarge its influence, cur,.
responding tel this nuance of taste. and the in
creasing number of cultivators throughout th e \v est .
is the object :mil ambition of the
It will embrace, among other hitolrell sulojeets, the
The Progress of llortietiltum : The Selene' of Culti
vation: Ih.,eriptions of all New Trails:
tioas of all New Flower: , Deseription, of all
New 'rive:: lind Shrubs: Pootological
Landscape I:ant:qui:lg: The kitchen Barden;
lleriews of llortieoltoral Atorlis: Nat Urban
Foreign Notice,: :Monthly this.
Fit:: Replies to Que,tions:
od• ILn•lic~illurnl
Ana to Int'ilitnte the hitters of (goo
Ctilentler of llortiettlturitl titteratiotnt will he given
in detail. and nolantett to the 1'11111(1 Of amateur eillti-
vators. reminding 'thou of the routine of operations
which are necessary to he performed • in the Fruit
hordes. Flower tlardem tirmunental Ilrounds, reen
houses, (drapery and Kitchen Omh), through the
varying seasons of the year. In tine. giving all the
information which the amateur or the country gen
tleman repliers to manage suceersfully the smallest or
largest garden.
In the tiventy-one Volme:: now completed, more
than Ho,, tvit Droiri/pi . of the newest and
Finest Fruits have appeared. many of them in no
other work. and upwards of Fifteen Hundred other
Engravings, illustrating the great variety of subjects
treated upon. No pains will in spored to render the
Magazine what it has heretofore lieen—the 11111 A
valualde horticultural periodical extant.
TE/tlls.=—Two Dollars n vear, ill 1111V1/11e0. A lib
eral discount to igents. Address
\larch 12
1 1 1 1 . tJ i t e t g i e l t . :4e 1 1. 1; 1171 1 .1 ; 71:: If; /
Pennsylvania. ctunposed or the counties of Northamp
ton and Lehigh. and Tiler Ilan„ Kt , /•.
Loinires. Associate Judges of the Court of COI4IIIOII
Pleas of the county of Lehigh. and by virtue of their
offices Jivtices of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer
and General Jail delivery. and Court of lieneral
Quarter Ses,ions in and for the timid county of Lehigh,
have, by their preeept . to Me directed. ordered that
Court of Quither Set:eions or the I'eueo and Comokon
Plea? and Ileneral delivery and OrpLan's Court
for the said county of Lehigh, he holden at Allen
town, on MON DAY• ihe 12th day of April next, to
continue two weeks.
NOTICV, is therefore hereby.given to the Justices
of the Pence and Constables of the county of Lehigh,
that tiny are by the said precepts commanded to he
there at ten o'clock in theforenoon of said day with
their rolls, records, inquisitions. examiniations, nod
all other remembrances. to do those things which to
their Alves ore 'appertaining, and also that those who
are bound by rocognizoneeS to prosecute ogainst the
prisoners,that are or then shun be in the jail or the
said county of Lehigh. ore to be theta and there to
prosecute them no Shan be just. .
(liven tinder toy hand in Allentown. the 1121 h day of
April. in the year of oar Lord One thoosend eight
'hundred and fifty-sic.
Sheriff's (Mice. Allentown, Mardi 19.
Union Cemetery.
N election for officers of the "Union Cemetery) A Assoeiation" will be held on nonday the tfth
day of April next, at the public house of Charles Ihrie,
in Allentown, for the purpose of electing for the ensu
ing Year, one person for President, one Treasurer, one
Secretary, three 31anagers, and one Trustee,
Allentown, March 19.
doIIN if.11,11.1(11.
gent fur Georgv But/
HOVE] St, Co.. Ando'', 31.14 m,
Northam ton Water
clOOll/11N-bat3lV - E% •
ALL persons using the water. of the G nny for
family or other purposes, will please la notice,
that the time to renew their permits is th first of
April next. and it is expected that. they will call upon
the undersigned Treasurer and renew the same.--
Those persons who have riot settled fur their permits
fruit the lot to the 10th of April. must not complain
if the water in stopped from them oiler that time. •
The board reserves the right where the Water is used
by joint Ilydrants, if not paid by nil joined, to stop
it if they see proper, ns they yonsider rid' arrange
ments solely advantageous to there Who connect in
using water. consemiently cannot interfere N 1 lib nr
rangements of this hind..
Notice is ids., given to per-ono who wish to use
Hydrant Waiter for building purpose:; limb they must
bike out their permits before they commente
mid if this rule is not strictly observed the charge will
lie double for the vaster.
Order of the Mord. .
J (nix J. K 11:.% i•su, Treasurer
NOTICE lit hereby given to the heirs. eretlitont and
others. who only he intere:tte4 in the (Antes of
the following deeentool permont, in .I.oiigh county.
to nit:
The second and 111111 neeonnl of Samuel Hoffel and
.T.llll Eberhard, Mihinistrators of Jacob Eberluu•d.
The nevonntMain Melzger, AdminiArator of
Ihmicl Metzger..le , M.
The ac.•unal I.l ' 3lnnaFses and Daniel Butz, Excel'.
fors or susomin Hankol, deeM.
The. : o •rouut (d . 11. C. Longnecher,Adminbitrafor, of
Mielno.l Engelhard. dee'd. •
The nevonnt of Philip Clans and Joehtla Rauch,
Adminkfralors of Adnin I
Tlu• iteeoutit of Joseph LaubHell, Administrator:of
Peter 'I. Hive. 1114.'4.
neemmt of IMvidto::: - .er mei Benjamin Scm
of dread.
The aerwliit of .Imms nn.l Itetthelt Seminger,
ormi,MMn: of George Senshmer.
The :ieeemit .Ineoll A. and Mudd A. Leihy. Ad
Atlmini,trnim• (.1
"kildrt.‘v St.
..r II .1••1
The iir,• u mit Young, 'Executor o ritev.
The neeeent or Henry T. Shell, Adnlini,, , trittor of
Sllllllld SOlll'lllllll. dee'.l.
The account oI Ilitcid Fehti . : lo/. end Abrelinm Die
fenderfer. Dieligelerfer.
The neon tint t i ih,via !Nay. I,rooi 'way and l'eter
Alhithih , troters Dims
The :meow. I of Nathan Metzger. Allininietrator of
Thottim , Worman, .lee'd.
TI11! idolye 11111111111 ES.erittOrS. Administrators nnil
(thardians hove tiled their Accomits in the Register's
office. in Allentown, in mill for the County or Lehigh,
which :aid Acoonits will he Mid before the Orphan's
Court of said County for confirmation. on ne,.11.
the sill day of April. 111:11 at 111 o'eloelt in the
Mrtmoon, ei.l3ll:El, COINER, Register.
TII E ttinkr.zignefl informs t 1 citizens
1 or Allentown and vicinity that lie
al'.`- '' • .
lout dis, , ,,lreol partnership trith 1,. Rei
nert, and rontinnes to carry oti business at 'the former
stand in all its various brandies. As 116 himself' is
considered 11 superior Nworkmull, and as , all AVIII . II is done
tinder his owu supervision. he reels confident that he
is able to turn out work surpassed by no establish
ment in town.
Ile pn}•s particular attention to Horse-Shoeing,
.and feels satisfied that in this branch he is excelled
by none. lUs prices are moderate.
Ills Workshop is in Turner street, between Seventh
and Eighth, known formerly as l'atzinger's butcher
shop. Ile hopes that by punctuality and cheap pri
ces. and Hinting out good work, to be fa coral with a
liberal share I,t ' public patronage, for which he will
ever• lie thankful.
; 7,-.vt 1101,1, k, WHY IS JOSEPH S'lol'l' GOING
to sell all his goods at such low priers. Why he is
going to move in his new More, and wants to cell out
his stork. in order to saes the trouble to more it.—
hook out. 75 vents will pitrelinse 1 dollar's worth or
goads daring the urxt four weeks. That's ett!
rt. grand bargains, for three or four weeks only. Jo
seph Stepp is going to sell out hi., entire sleek of Store
floods between now uud the first of April, to close tip
Imsittes.. Ills steel: is nil new. mid consists of cloth .
eit.nimer, vesting,i, muslin, eheeks. feathers. oil cloth.
knives stud Puri, s, lurking glitsses, glass and imeenn
warm :eel in short nll that is itstutlly kept in A eheap
ensh store. I.4mk out, don't miss the Outlive. A nice
set of ri:tht harness will be :dd clump for ensh.
11.--Joseph Stepp will 1.0111111V111 . e iillAlleSA this
spring at his new store, No. West Ilamilten street,
T TO TicE,i, hereby given that Letters arAdminis
tration in the Estate Elizabeth Miller, wi.
,i„ w , h ate „r the „r Ath ,„ t „ we . , k ,„„ eed . have
been granted , to the subseriliers. Persons indebted
in either Notes, Ilona,. Or 11milt-dohs, are requesteil
to mule payment to either al' the unilersiginul Ad
mini:qt.:lbws. (or to J. P. lltthe, their appointed
agent. who is authorized to receive the same.) within
,ix lvecits from the date hereof*. And those having
claims to prercut against said estate will bring their
account to said .1. F. lithe, Esq.. iu said time.
HENRY -MILI "' Ailmin6tralors
Allvntown. Mardi 5.
only to (tents, as cur don't calculate to sell the former
any Heady Made Clothing.. The filet is we dent sell
them hat almost give theeraway for nothing: to save
the trmthle to move them to the new, store. Call et
Stopp's Cheap Cash' t4tore.
Trial List, April Term,lBs6.
1. E.111"111 . 11 Bolder vf.. Charles Ritter and wife.
2. Jacob S. Helfrich vs. David Stein.
3. William Fry vs. Solomon Gngwer: .
•1. George Meitzler vs. George Breinig.
s..leitzlor .1 Erdman vs. George Breinig.
0. Jeremiah Shindel vs. \Vial!, Neligh.
7. Jacob S. Helfrich Vs. Daniel Hersh and others.
S. Dorhek A KIIIIII:+:. vs. Newhard A Simon.
9. George Ilreinig vs. Edward Doveld.
Di. Frederick Delis vs. Henry Veager.
11. Peter Laub:telt vs. Charles Newhard.
12. Charles Smith •.'s. Remains Lackenhaeb.
13. Elizabeth Rosenberber vs. Gun. Rosenberger.
11. David 'from vs. Lehigh Valley It. It. Co.
15. Jacob Lazarus vs. Same.
10. Jonathan W. Koch vs 4 Mott, liftmen? , ly A Co.
17. Jonathan Knauss vs. Lehigh Lodge, No. S 3.
IS. Francis 11. Weidner's use vs. Tilgh..7. Hoffman.
lit. • Same vs. Same.
211. • Same cs. Same.
21. Tilgh. J. Hoffman's use vs. Francis 11. Weidner
22. William Mink vs Reuben Mink.
23. Stephen A. Henry Vs. Nathan Miller.
21. James Creader vs. Reuben Rice.
25. Elias Mota.e. vs. Daniel Knauss.
20. Laurence George vs. David Gilbert. ' •
27. Jacob A, Leibey vs. Benjamin Levan, et al.
2S. Aaron Lorash vs. Henry P. Seagreaves.
211. flut . t. A: King vs. Bartholomew Minot!.
31 Mmes Rim vs. Reuben Falk.
Reuben Moyer vs. John W. Schell.
32. Jacob Schantz vs. Jacob Bieber.
33. Eve henry vs. Reuben Engletnap and others.
31. Charles Zimernum vu. Sarah Trexler.
35. John Dosch vs. Allentown Borough.
all. Eleanor Coffin vs. William 11. Collin. ,
F. E. SAMUELS, Ptothonotary.
31nreli 19
Allentown Bank.
ANUMBER of persons having left orders with the
officers of the Allentown Bank. for the purehnso
of stock. Stockholders desirons or dispesing of their
stook will pleueo cull ut the Bunk for information.
March 19.• •
R3ll V" 1
SC. 4‘ ,„ DT'S, .
BOOT ANA SHO vrok i cirent
1 1 1 .118 subscriber respectful, 'uremia customers
1 unit friefids Hint he has removed his Root and
Shoe Jilantifabt, , ry to Mit neiy building, oppesite his
fanner Ptahtl, n low doors alibi() Moser's Drug Store,
where he will nlisays keep on hand a inige and splen
did itssortnlcht of
c lij ibili Gentlemen a Dents, Shtte,P.4ll4,ls ItTpcoJ
Ladies and :Mims (Joliet's; Shenk I t o
Slippers, Children's (loots, • And
Shoes. Also coarse Boots and Shoes for Men and
Boys, rind Gum Shoos, of all sizes and prices; which
he is selling cheep for CASH. . ..
All kinds of work made to order et abort notice i 4
the most feshiennble stiles. As ho always employe
the hest of workmen, pad ryotits . up the beat motoriale
in the maiket. lie is enabled to stnitti ,glitttl for any
work turned out by him, end feels confident that•the
same will prove satisfactery to his customers. Per•
sons therefore ivill Pee to their advantage, and cell on
him before purchasing elsewhere. • •
lie will sell at Philadelphia prices. Wholesalo and
lietidl. and to Country Metchants will make a very
liberal deduction.
Ile retonis Ids piocorstlonike for fig rri!orv i Sword
lie hos received froiri p kifitl ptibliC; rind by roOdekto
priers, R uod irni k, mut ili3 ut(tntihn to bueinossi
holies to merit it continuimeo,of.tbb Mine.
Fell 20
w AR it je rue
Joreph Clevell, Allentown, Agent for Lehigh Co.
yOtit attention is respectfully Fondled to the
above method of Roofing, now much used in
Philadelphia and vicinity, and which has been exten
sively in Inca in many of the cities of the West, during
more than eleven veers past, during which time it
Las born tested tinder every variety of eircuthetancee.
and we eonfidently offer it to the , public its a mode of
Roofing unobjeetionable in every unporlant particular,
while it ttombines, in a greater degree than any other
root' in UK', the valuable requisites of cheapness; dn
rability, anti security against both fire and Water.—
This is rapidly superseding the use of all othet hinds
of roofs. wherever it has been introduced, giving gash
end satisfaction, and is highly recommended by all
who have tested its utility. These roofs require ad
inclination of not more than one inch to the foot,
which is ',f great advantage in ease of fire, and for
drying purposes. They are offered at a price consid,
comely less than tiny otjter roof in use, while the
amount of material saved, which would Otherwise bo
used in extending up the walls and framing for a
steep roof, often makes a still farther important re•
auction in the cost of building. Gutters may bd
formed of the same material as the roof, at much lesti
expense than any other. In case of defect or injury;
from any entice, there is no roof so easily repaired.
The materials being mostly non-conductors °flied;
no roof is so cool in summer, nr so warm in winter.
Those %visiting to use our roof, should gite the rafters
pitch or about one inch to the foot. For further in
formation apply to Joseph Clewell, at Allentown, our
magent for Lehigh and Carbon cttuntice, who Is pre
mired to execute all orders at :tiott . nefice:
No. 4 Farquhar Buildings, Walnut St., Philadelphia
The 'following named gentlemen in Allentown bora
their houses roofed with the nboved named composi
tion. and me able to testify to its superiority over any
other kind cif roofs :
B. F. 'roux bun'. Union st.. bettveen Ninth and 'retail,
B. Srurri.on. Walnut st., between Eighth and Ninth.
F. Boum: y, Seventh st., between llnmiltoridt
Boni k EGGE. Linden et., betiveen Fourth dc
J. It. WIILLE. Sixth st.,between Iliunilton dc Linden.
Kxa uss,Nin th et., between Linden dc Turner:
A. Klotz • eornor of Union and Seventh street.
It. E. W nut lir, Fourth st., between Linden & Turner":
Feb. 13, 1830.
.9. :WE 33 FL C> •1 1 lir imp
No. 9 West Hamilton street, Allentorst,
BLOCHMAN respectfully informs the citizens of
. Allentown nn.l vicinity, that he is now prepar
ed to Mice AMBIIOTYPES in connection with
Daguerreotyes: His Ambrotypes ere far superioS
to those of any other operator in town--however much .
may be talked of the " Patent" Ambrotype, to the con ,
trary notwithstanding, The Ambrotype it a now (mil
beautiful style of picture taken on glass, nod unequall
ed by any,other style. They are without the glare of
the Daguerreotype, and therefore eon bo seen in any
view. They can be seen on either side of the'plate,
are not reversed, and show eVerything in Its true i!t3-
Athol. Their cost is but a trifle more thane dtiguer••
reotypc, anti they are indestritetablo to the Sefton of
the sitmosphere. and cannot 1)6 inktred iky tabbing or
washing. Both Ambrotypes and Daguerreotypes .
taken -in an unsurpassed style withatst regard to
weather. liy long experietteo, arduous toll, a desire,
to please. and heavy intestments of capital, he fools
assured that any ono who indY favor him with a call,
will receive in retort) n perfect picture, not to
be swelled. in point of nrtistio beauty, by any one
in this section of country. He would niso invite .ats.
tent ion to his new and splendid stock of oases, which.
range in price from 73 cents to 10 dollars. Pleas°
bear in mind, that pictures can bu taken in clear on
cloudy weather: ,
Allentown, Feb. 7.
CLOSING out lit reduced prices, Black, Blue, Brown;
Beaver, Pilot and Ateltoti Ototit krtrek dttd Sauk
Over Cont,s scone ns ion , no $3.0.
Superior Black, Blue, Bfown add :French Clothi
Dress nod Frock coats. . •
. .
New' style ptain find fancy Clicsimcni kid CUM
Ruthless Coats..
Pine flack, french, Voiskin, Plain and fancy Call-
F inter Paula.
large itssorement
Silk, Saint, Cassintere and Cashmere Vesti;
All selling at icry reduced prices in order to wake(
room fur spring goods.
t.. sTnovstt. .03:1
• No if west Irotifiltoti'stroot: •
Allentown, Jon. 30:
, •
Cons fantfy on hand a large etcett ice T obacco:
Aka a superior clock of gegars, comprising
the latest styles and brands, at the lowest
City prices: Alt Goa's wairantotL
Jtaly. 26.
Allentown, Feb, 6. •
UlMa/1101:11 0 0
pRI , I*:
21 i tl y:t
j E
us l t N re F v f t l y N i :TA l l7 d E f O ur U a l e /,I , a 1 1.1 10 11;t oe
a tt n.:ls
retail, at Itoinaer'd Sharing • Saloon,Yo. 10 East
ton Street. „
f ril-Ilair colored" , time!,' and satisfaation
warranted. : .
Allentown, March 5.' ly
Job Pkinting, -
Of'all kinds Madly thilioat