The Lehigh register. (Allentown, Pa.) 1846-1912, July 04, 1855, Image 3

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    t i RICES OF PRODUCEiIN Nsw Yons.—The de-
Cline in flour during the past week has been an
average of about 25 cents per barrel in all
grades. Common to good State soldier $8.50
to $8.62 per barrel, which is the lowest point.
A gradual fall each week may now be expected
as the now crop will soon be coming in. Rye
flour has also slightly declined. No change in
corn meal. Wheat is of course lower. White
Canadian sold - at $2.25. The harveSting of
new wheat was commenced in some parts of Il
linois on the 16th of June. It is said that far
%nets have offered to contract in several cases at
$1.50 per bushel. Rye has been sold at $1.60
to $1.68 per bushel. Oats have improved, hav
ing sold at 58 to 63 cents per bushel. Prime
new pork sold at $l6 per barrel : prime mess,
western, at •$l6 to $16.50 per barrel. The
average prices for beef cattle were 9 cents per
pound, a falling off of half a cent. In veal and
sheep and lambs no change, neither is there in
invine. Green apples ('yclept cholera morbus
pills) have made their appearance : it is enough
to give one the cholera to look at them. The
strawberry season is now at the full. The far
tners of Passaic and Bergen counties, New Jer-
Sey, send nearly five thousand baskets a day,
during the season, which lasts twenty days.
Counting the price of the basket at five cents a
piece, it would make sso,ooo—a nice item for
strawberries alone. The farmers in New Jer
sey give one cent a basket for picking straw
berries, and board gratis, and at this nimble
hands can make from ono dollar to one dollar
and a half a day. Cherries are now coming in
rapidly. Butter brings 20 to 23 cents per
pound, and eggs sell seven for 12 cents.
PENNSYLVANIA.- The tone of all the Whig
and American papers in the interior of the
State that have yet come to hand-, is adverse to
the position on slavery assumed by the late
Know Nothing National Council. It is also
evident that the Whig party will not unite with
the American organization on a c6tiMdth State,
ticket. The Delaware County Republican,
Lancaster Examiher and Herald, West Chester
Village Record, Norristown Herald, Chambers
burg Repository, York Republican and Pitts
burg Gazette all oppose the Know Nothings,
and favor a Whig opposition thereto. The
Chambersburg Repository calls for the Whig
Committee of Franklin county to meet and have
a Whig ticket nominated against the Know
Nothitgs. It is not yet certain, however, that
the American party will take such a course as
will render a separation from the Whigs neces
sary. The Philadelphia North American says,
the State Council will meet on the 3d of July,
and there all appearances go to show that the
platform adopted at Philadelphia will he re
jected. The • Pittsburg Cuintiiercial Journal
says that every Council of the Order in Alit:•
gheny county which has met since the platform
was promulgated, has repudiated it, and ap
pealed to the State Council.
Coma: IL% ism) Losn Tsr.ANo.—A Long
Island friend, JONATITAN G. Kimms,
writes us that he has succeeded in getting up a
couple of rows—ten yards long—of the best old
Java Coffee this Spring. Ho sowed the dry
berry in drills, having first soaked them in
ashes and water for an hour. When the plants
were an inch above the surface he stuck a row
of oak scraps for them to climb on. Favored by
alternate heat and rains they have come on
finely, and the berries are nearly ready to be
• A CROW STORY.-A man in Pnwict, Vt.,
after having his corn destroyed and his wheat
field attacked by the sable depredators, and
having tried every kind of scarecrow to no
purpose, procured strychnine, in which he
soaked some corn, and strewed it over his field.
As a result of the first day's effects of his pre
ventive, he found the dead carcasses of 200
crows in and about the geld.
DYSPRPSIA.—Bran, simply dry bran, taken
at the rate a couple of spoonfuls a day, is said
to be a sovereign remedy for dyspepsia, in case
where the disease is not owing to any organic
derangement. It is easily tried, and perfectly , t
harmless, to say the least. Try it—especially
ye who have been living too much on fine white
BREEDING FISIL—The National Historic So•
cietilt New Jersey has appoitited a committee
to consider the feasibility of stocking the rivers
with salmon. There seems to be no doubt
that it can be done. The only question is if it
can be made profitable.
By Alderman G. Brazer, in Philadelphia, on
Thursday, 28th ult., Mr. SAMUEL l•mn, of
Bucks county. Pa., to Miss M.= &Amu
Snmormt, of Lehigh county, Pa.
On Sunday last, by the Rev. Mr. Herman
KNAUSS, both of FOglesville.
In West Philadelphia, on Monday last, o
brain fever, MAR): ELLA, infant daughter o
Wesley J., and Sarah Boyer, aged 1 year.
Tho birdling of my heart is gone,
Flown to that better land ;
With angels now she numbers ono
Of that bright and happy band..
31EC3E1 4
Flour, per bbl. - - - -
Wheat, - - - - -
Rye, - . - -
Salt,lt, - -
Potatoes, . .
Ham. per lb., - -
Sides, -
Shoulders, -
Butter t
Eggs per doz. -
Register's Notice.
Not ice is herebygiven to the heirs, creditors
and others, vgbo may be interested in the estates
of the folloWizig deceased persons, in Lehigh
county, to wit:
1. The account of Samuel Seider, Executor
of-the Estate of Abraham Seider, dec'd
2. The account of Edward Lerch, Adminis
trator of the Estate of Peter Unganst, dec'd.
3. The account of Aaron Shifferd (Attor. in
fact) of Henry Shifferd, Executor of the Estate
of Eve Snyder, dec'd.
4. The account of George S. Krause, Guar
dian of David Urffer, dec'd.
5. The account of Levi Lichtenwaller, Exe
cutor of the Estate of Henry Schmoyer, dec'd.
6. The account of John Schaffer and Charles
Bauer, Executors of the Estate of George Mad
dern, dcc'd.
7. The account of Daniel W. Kistler, Admi
nistrator of the Estate of David B. Lichtenwal
ler, dec'd.
8. The account of Jacob Krause and William
Smith, Administrators of the Estate of. John
Smith. dec'd
9. The account of David Peter, Guardian of
Emanuel Wehr.
10. The account of Jeremiah Ritter, Adminis
trator of the Estate of Stephen Ritter. dec'd.
11. The account of James McClelland and
John McClelland, Administrators of the Estate
of William McClelland, dec'd.
12. The account of George Ludwig, Guardian
of Catharine Albright.
13. The account of Edward "Kohler, Adminis-
:ator of the Estate of Gideon Zellner, dec'd
14. The account' of Conrad Frey and Aaron
Bast, Executors of the Estate of Joseph Frey,
15. Tho account of Elizabeth Sheirer and
David. Sheirer, Administrators of the Estate
of David Sheirer, decd.
16. The account of Abraham Rimand tins
ses Rice, Administrators of the Estate of Jacob
Rice, dec'd.
17 The account of Daniel Saeger, Adminis
rator of the Estate of Charles Saeger, dec'd .
IS. The account of Joseph K. Ileist, Charles
IC Heist and Reuben K. Ileist, Executors of the
ll:state of Eve Heist, dee'd.
19. The account of Solomon 'Weaver (Agent)
for Jacob Weaver, Executor of the Estate of
Hannah Zeislolf, dec'd.
—2O. The account of Solomon Kemmerer and
Martin Kemmerer, Executors of the Estate of
Martin Kemmerer. dee'd.
21. The account of Henry Romig.
.jr.. Admin
istrator of the Estate of Henry Romig, sem,
22. The first and separate account of David
Mertz, one of the Executors. of the Estate i f
Frederick Miller, dee'd.
21. The first and separate account of Peter
Harris, one of the Executors of the Estate ( f
etivrck Miller,
21. The account of Charles Ritter and Thomas
Ritter, Executor of the Estate of Michael llit
ter, 'de.!'d,
25. The account of Elias ;Mertz, (Agent) for
Anna Matilda Jlill, Administrator of Daniel
Di. The account of Israel Oswald and Jungs
Oswald, Executors of the Estate of Daniil Os
wald, deed.
The above named Executors. Administrators
and ( kuirdian;4, have tiled their Ac , founts in the
Ile , :istor's °Moe. in Allentown, in and fur the
County or Lehi g h, which said Aii , ounts will lie
inure the Orphan's Court, of said County
for confirmation, nn Tuesday the ith day of
August, Ifq3s, at In o'clock in the fir:moon.
Allentown, July 4. 1 . -- to
Lehigh CountyllilLS6ho,.‘d,
osl En42,6leffes.
James S. Shoemaker, Prise',pal.
rrllE Lehigh County High Salon' will (Tun
mence the second session on Monday. July
:23d; 1855. The course of instruction will
hracethedifferent branches ofa thorough English
Education and Vocal and Instrumental Music,
with the French, German and Latin.languages.
Young Ladies and gentlemen, who may wish
to study the art of teaching and may desire of
becoming Professional Teachers are request to
inquire into the merits of the High School. There
will be no extra charges made for students who
wish to study Astronomy, Philosphy, and
Mathematics. The Lehigh County Iligh chool
can boast of having one of the best . Telescopes
now in use, and also all the Philosophical and
Mathematical Instruments which are required
to facilitate a student. The session will last
eleven weeks. The charges are six, eight and
ten dollara per session, according to the ad
vancement of the scholar. An additional charge
will be made to such students who may wish
to study French, German, Latin and Music.—
Boarding can be obtained at very low rates in
private families in the the immediate vicinity of
the school.
C. W. COOPER, Esq.,County Superintendent.
THOMAS B. COOPER, D. Coopersburg.
C. F. DICKENSMED, M. D.:Lower Milford.
MARTIN KEMMERER, Esq., Salsbiwg..
WILLIAM JACOBY, Lower Macungie.
SAMUEL KEMMERER, Esq., Upper Milford.
Emmaus, July 4. • ¶—tf
j. P. BARNES ,
"; WILL performs all operations on
%aim ki the Teeth with unpreceeded suc
.cess. His mode of inserting Artificial Teeth
cannot be surpassed for comfort to the wearer
and durability and beautifulness in appearance.
The general satisfaction he has given for years
has been duly appreciated by the patronizing
public. (Mice No. •18 East Hamilton street, up
stairs, a few doors cast of Preti, Guth & Co's.
Store. •
July 4.
New I\less Shad.
N EW No. 1 Saybrook Sliadin
1/61/ 05, haly barrels Just recov-
Fgt. ed aud
, 11i i r i V I tt s t
July 4. -
999 9 9 9 99999 9 '9 9
.492 1 1" ®t) EL CD' ..lE'
• The Married Woman's
I3='See Advertisement in another Column...L.l
- 511 50
17 00
Job Printing,
Neatly Executed at the " Register office.'
At the Big Rock!
fiN Sunday next will be the 'regtdar time fbr
V persons to visit the Big Rock. From this
beautiful spot an excellent view of the Saucon
Valley can be had and it is without doubt the
most attractive place in Lehigh county. As
an idea is prevalent that no accommodations
can be had in consequence of the Sunday Law,
I respectfully inform my friends and all, these
who desire to visit the Rock that I am prepared
to furnish quarters for "man and 'beast:" I
will have on hand all kinds of Refreshments,
consisting of Ice Cream, Mead, Beer, Cakes,
Sarsaparilla, Mineral Water, &c. This will be
an excellent time for persons from adjoining
counties to pay a visit to " Little Lehigh."
July 4.
Orphan's Court Sale.
BY virtue and in pursuance of an order issued
out of the Orphan's Court of the county
of Lehigh, there will be exposed to public sale
on Friday the 3rd day of August, at.l o'clock
in the afternoon, upon the premises, the follow
ing described property, viz:
A certain tract of land, with
the appurtenances, situated in -Heidelberg,
township, in the county of Lehigh afore•
.aid, bounded by lan& of Joseph Lauchnor, jr.,
John Kemmerer, Jonas Kemmerer, Levi Fink,
Daniel Krum, Martin Handwerk and others,
containing sixty-five acres and a half, twenty
acres of woodland and ten acres of meadow,
and the remainder in good farming condi
tion. The improvements thereon lire a two
r" .
..„. 7 : story . fog
. 1 ,R,„„enin g House,
, ".=Swiss barn, Wagon house, Blacksmith
shop, and other outbuddin, , q, ulso a never
failing Spring, excellent Apple Orchard.
Being the real e•aate of George Sern.inger,
de -eased, late of Heidelberg, township, and
county alorinadd.
Terms rat the day at the place of sale, and
due a:le:al:H.lP Lli WWI by
I'yhe Cottii: J..W. AlEcKt.v, Clerk.
July -I, 1855
- 3S C 9 C 12,
.1 . 0 he Court of Common Pleas of
t o!: February 20, 1855. " The Le
high Comity Agricultural Society"
'4' r 6 made application praying the said
Court to grant an order that the said Associa
tion lie and become a body corporate in law and
equity under the provisions of the several Acts
of AsSt mbly in such cases made and provided.
The application was read and accepted, and the
Court di' ect notice to be, given in at least one
newspaper in the Borough of Allentown, that
unless cause be shown against the same on or
before the first day of the next term of this
Court, the prayer of said petition will be
granted. From the Records.
- , l!t es/ —F. E. SAMUELS, Prothonotary.
July •1
I. New Transportation Line,
4 . 0gb 4 ,111 41 *P" —.
2 .
-• ; •
TUE undersigned hereby informs the public
1 that lie has established a nets Transporta-
lion Line, and that he is now prepared to ship
all hinds of Merehandize, &e., from Philadel
phia to Easton, Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch
Chunk. Penn Haven, and all intermediate pla
ces. Goods will he received and shipped from
No. 05 North Wharves, below Vine street,
Philadelphia. The Line is fitted ont in the best
possible manner, which enables him to trans
port all Goods entrusted to his care with safety
and despatch. As he is a new beginner, he
hopes, by careful and prompt attention to bpsi
ness, to be favored with a liberal share of Pat
It. B. Sellers & Co., Philadelphia.
George W. Ilousel, Easton.
G. & A. Bachman, Freemansburg.
Andrew M'Carty, Bethlehem.
C. & W. Edelman, Allentown.
(0 - Persons having Goods in the Store House
at Allentown are requested to take them away
without delay.
June 27,
Is at G-etres Clleav Stove,.
AV isl. GETZ adopts this method to inform the
eitizens,of,Catasauqua and surrounding
country that he now has on hand a very largo
and excellent assortment of
Ready Made Clothing,
Han an 331)13,
and is confident his stock cannot be excelled in
the County. He has lately received from Phil
adelphia a very heavy stock of SPRING AND
SUMMER GOODS. of the most fashionable
styles, from all of which he will make to order
and also keep on hand a supply of. READY
MADE Ordefs to make up
goods to measure will be accepted with plea
sure, and punctually attended to, and as he is
a Praciica/ Tailor, he will guarantee perfect
fits, and none •but the best workmanship will
be suffered to pass his hands. His Iteadyrnmde
consists in part of Dress Coats, of every ima
ginable style, for Spring and Summer wear,
Pantaloons, fancy and plain of all prices, Sum
mer Pants in great variety; Vests, Satin, Jitney,
and plain, . drawers, shirts, collars, cravats,
suspendjrs,Xc., &c., all of which he is deter
mined. to sell at the lowest prices.
lle also has on hand a very large assortment
. • of Gentlemen's Su
• perline. French
roue, Calf-skin and
Patent Leather
00 TS ,
besides a large lot
of 'coarse men's and
boy's boots. Ilis`stock of Ladies shoes is very
large, among which can be found every possi
ble style. o,lrildren's shoes of every variety
and style, plain arid fancy colored.
May 9. • ¶—tf
WHEREAS letters patent bearing date 21st„
day of June, 1855, have been issued incor
porating the Allentown Bank, notice is hereby
given that an election of thirteen directors to
manage the business of the said corporation
will be held at the house of Charles Ihrie, in
the Borough of Allentown, on the 26th day of
July, 1855, commencing at 10 o'clock A. M.,
and closing at 5 P. M.
By Order of the Board of Commissioners.
A. G. RENNINGER, Secretary.
N. B. The Commissioners will meet at 9
o'clock on the same day and at the same place.
June 27. ¶-5w
AN ORINANCE relating to Curb Stones,
Pavements, 4-c.
Be it ordained and enacted by the authority
of the Borough of Catasauqua, in Town Coun
cil assembled, that the Curb Stones, Pave
ments, Gutters, and private endways or passa
ges crossing the streets, be placed in Front and
Second Streets in conformity with the lines and
grades given and marked by the Borough Engi
neer, and all owners of grounds adjoining said
streets are hereby notified and requested to
place the same in conformity to an ordinance
passed July 25th, 1853.
Enacted into ;at ordinance at Catasauqua,
Juno 11th, 1855.
ATTEST-E. 11. 'Huber, Sec
June 27
33 -AMU" 'II I CI
TykliE undersigned give notice agreeably lb the
11 Laws of Pennsylvania that they purpose
making application at the next term of the Legis,
lature of Pennsylvania for the incorporation of a
Bank, to be located in the Borough of Catasau,
qua, and County of Lehigh, under the name,
style and title of the
• Bath of Calasaarqua,
to have general banking, and discounting privi
leges, tho capital to be ONE HUN»I1E1) TnousAND
Dom. Ans, and to commence operations when the
said sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars
shall have been paid in.
Joseph Laubach, James D. Sehall.
Rabert Williamson, John Thomas,
David Thomas, John Williams,
liriali Bruner, Joshuaßunt, jr..
E. H. Haber, Augustus H. Gilbert,
Reuben Dilcher, Charles G. Schneller,
George Scherar, Simon Sterner,
William PiMans, Peter Laux,
Henry Sellers, James W. Fuller,
Reuben Patterson, Samuel Thumas,
Charles Graffiti, Owen Rice,
Morgan F.:Manuel, Charles D. Fuller,
David 0. Tumbler, M. E. Albright,
Charles Ran, S. H. Lacier,
William Goetz, F. B. Merin.
une 27. X—Gin
IC CPI° X C:, 30 .
To the Tax Collectors and Tax Pavers of Le
high County, for the year 1855.
WHEREAS a number of the citizens of Le
v). high County have expressed a desire to
pay their taxes during the month of July in or
der to secure the five per cent discount, pro
vided for by several acts of assembly of this
Commonwealth, and in order to maintain the
honor ond credit of the comity, the Coinmission
grs have.
Resolved, That the respective Collectors of
the County, and Militia Taxes, levied and as
sessed on the property and things in the differ.
ent townships and boroughs in the county of
Lehigh, be and they are respectively, author
ized and directed to make ail abatement of five
per cent, on the amount of State tax to each
and every person who before the 27th clay of
July next, pays the whole amount of County
and Militia Taxes, to them respectively charged
for the year A. D. 1855.
The collectors of the several Wards and
townships arc requested to pay over to AARON'
'NOXELL, Esq., Treasurer, at his office in Al
lentown, all monies so collected, as State,
County or Militia Taxes, as follows :
Those of Lynn, Heidelberg, Lower Macungy,
Upper Macungy, Catasugua and Lehigh Ward
(Allentown.) on the 25th of July.
North Whitehall, South Whitehall, .Lower
Milford, Upper Milford, Washington and Low
hill. on the 26th of July.
North and South Wards (Allentown), nano
ver, Upper Saucon, Weisenburg, and Salisbury,
on the 27th of July.
Collectors will take notice that no paper mo
ney of less denomination than five dollars and
only such as is par in Philadelphia. (except Re
lief notes) will bo received for taxes.
For the benefit of the collectors, we will say
to them to be on their guard in taking notes of
the following Banks. as there are many Coun
terfeits on them of various 'denominations, to
wit : The Harrisburg Bank old issue ; Middle
town Bank and Relief ; Northumberland Bank ;
Schuylkill Bank ; Doylestown Bank Lancaster
Bank ; 10's and 20's and Relief. The Farmers
and Drovers Bank of Waynesburg, Honesdale
Bank, Erie Bank are not par.
The collectors and tax-payers will also bear
in mind - that the final settlement of taxes must
be made speedily, that the forbearance hereto
fore extended can in no wise be allowed herafter.
The collector need not be put off with a promise
to pay him next spring or winter—it will avail
The Commissioners by the act of assembly
are limited for settlement of the Militia
taxes on the first Monday of December next,
consequently on or before said time a final set
tlement by the collectors must be made ; if no
final settlement is made up to the specified
time, no exouoraticns will be allowed and the
tax must be paid in full, according to the du
It is expected the collectors will strictly
adhere to the above in the discharge of their
JOHN WEBER. Com'ers.
Atirst—EuwAnu BECK, Clerk.
Com'ers. Mee, Juue 27. • ¶-3w
Pith? Sale of a
lyt ILI, be sold at Public Sale on Saturday the
\a 7th day of July next, at one o'clock in the
afternoon, at the Public House of Jacob Schlei•
ler, in Allentown, an excellent
iißrick Store and Grain House,
' situated in Hamilton street, next door
to Wenv — er's (Rising Sun) Hotel, in
said borough, containing in front 21 feet by 60,
two stories high; with a good celler under the
whole building, erected un a lot 30 feet front by
230 feet deep. The property is at present in
possession of Solomon Weaver. If not sold on
the above named day it will be rented tip the
term of 1 year. Possession can be given on
the 7th of October next, Terms easy.
§ —3w
J uue !',.03
sa maw. ID a
At the Sign of the
?Large Shoe ;
near the Court House, in Allentown, is the
place where you can always find a very large
assortment of all kinds• and sizes, of Ladies',
Misses and Children's Shoes and Gaiters, Men's
Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, Boys and Youth's
Boots and Shoes, which are all sold at the very
lowest prices. If you wish to buy a. cheap pair
of Boots, Shoes, or Gaiters, only don't forget the
sign of the Large Shoe, for that is the place
where you can get them.
June 20. 3t
lim T .
roWO good journeyman Shoemakers, one at
LI: Ladies' work, and one for Cobbling, &c.,
are wanted by the undersigned.
Allentown, June 20. 1— 3t
7121 FL. 3EX. d. Gr FL X NC,
.1 lIIPSPEGTFULLY informs the
zens of Allentown and vicinity,
that he has opehed an Office at the
kilt- Eagle Hotel, No. 3 West Hamilton
street. He has been a private pupil of Prof.
Henry 11. Smith, of Philadelphia. and also at
tended the St. Joseph's, Philadelphia. and Penn
sylvania Hospitals, in which Institutions almost
all diseases with which man is afflicted are met
with. He feels confident of his ability of giving,
satisfaction, and of meeting the approbation of
such who may employ him
Allentown, May 23.
Military Hall
31.1 o.lilfbrill 1111),D311
L oop & HEEBNTR, in consequence of the
Ice Cream season now being at hand, and
in view of the better accommodation of the
public, have lately fitted up their
Ladies and Gentlemen's Saloons
in a new, neat and fashionable style.. Ice
Cream of all kinds, with other seasonable deli
cacies and luxuries will be served up from this
time to the end of the season. Their bill
of fare is as follows: Ale, Porter and Beer,
of the best manufacturers, Oysters, stewed,
raw, and spiced, Lobsters, Crabs, Clams, and
all 'other kinds of shell fish in their season.
Pigs-feet, Tripe, smoked Tongue, Sardines, and
in fact every thing the markets of Philadelphia,
New York and our own vicinity afford.
June 13.
11112 ti 111(.012 7 4'11 j
3ED It CI. 7CllO' 30'
C 0111111‘S SlOll Rev Atauts ,
No. 40 South WWI. Strrel,,Philadelphitt
Cheese, Starch, Pure Spices,
Putter, Sweet Oil, Beaus,
Dried Fruit, Olive Soup, Sal. Sada,
Cranberries, Salaratus Sealed Ilerrim,r,
Ms. Coffee, Farina, Dairy Salt, 4-e.
County Merchants sending orders by mail,
may rely on having the same quality of goods
sent, and at the same price, as if they were per
sonally presbnt.
May 30,
11 I'l' T/ 11YED 1111.110.11)
\*' • •
Music and Instrument Store
In Allentown.
faillE undersigned respectfully informs his
is friends and the public in general, that he
has opened an
Instrument and Music Store,
at his old stand, No. 11 West Hamilton street,
opposite the Odd Fellows Hall, where he for.
merly carried on the Clock and Watchmaking
business. He is satisfied that the necessity of
such an establishment In Allentown, has long
been felt. lie has on hand a large assortment
of American and imported "
He also has on hand several excellent Harmo.
niums, with 8 Stops, very suitable for Churches,
which he will furnish cheap. He will also .
constantly keep on hand a well selected assort..
mont of Violin Strings, and in fact, everything
that belongs to a well stocked music store.
Brass Instruments
of all descriptions, and of the best quality, will
be furnished to order, at prices as low as they
can be had in the cities. Repairing of all kinds
of instruments w:11 be attended to with prompt•
ness, and at moderate prices. His stock of
is large and well selected,—for all kinds of in
struments, and of the latest and most popular
productions. Also all kinds of Books for be
ginners. lie has also made arrangements in
the cities to be furnished with all new music
as soon as it is published.
He is also desirous to inform the public that
he has disposed of his Clock and Watchmaking
establishment to Mr. Jahn Newhard, who was in
his employ between 7 and• 8 years, and perfect.
ly understands the business. Ile would he hap.
py if his It lends would bestow their patronage
on ibis young loan. •
Thankful tor past favors, he hopes the public
will bestow their patronage on him in his new
business. JOSEPH WEISS.
MAy, 23. 1-3 m
. [Successor to Hanley 6E,Knighi,]
Bedding and Carpet
No. 148 South Second Street, Philadelphia,
Where he ketto. constantly on hand a tull
sortment of every article in his line of buzincss.
• Feather.s, FeatherbeclS,
Patent Spring Illatresses, Carted
Hair, Moss, Curn flask' and Straw Matresses,
Velvet Tapoyrv, beautiful Brussels, Three.
l'ly, ingrain. Venetian, List, Rag and Heinp
Carpetings, Oil Cloths, Canton Mattings, Cosoa
and Spanish Mattings, Floor and Stair Dru. , ' •
gets, ;Hearth Rugs, Door Mats, Table and
Plano ... Covers, to which he respectfully invites
the attention ol.purchasors
. Oct. 41, 1854
Castile Soap, Barley,
Great Attractiout
0 12 . MIL= 6 (I)3rf2
3B3IIITAC:ONAT C7C3rillgrAi.
THE undersigned having still on hunt Alamo
part of the stock of goods purchased. =
Weidner & Saeger, composed of Dry
Groceries, Queensware and a largii assn t
of Ready-made Clothing, invite tlib pu is to
call'and examine their stock of Gooda and their, ..
prices before buying else Where, as they ire de•
texmined to self them off St great harping 41,,
the purchasers.
To persons wishing to go into the misrCattlici •
business, at this place, a rare opportunity is here(
offered—the stand is located in the priiici
business part of the tOWn, with the &St IfBapt- 1
ed Store Room ili the plade. The Store fix-,
tures, the Lease of the House, and the
goods, or a part thereof, can be had on very MIA
sonable terms. • .
No. 9. West Hamilton streot:
June 13
ALL persons indebted on the Books of Wei&
ner & Saeger aro hereby notified to make
payment on or before the fourth day of July,
next, to Charles M. Runk, Esq., our Attorney/
after which time costs will be added..
11-4 t
June 13
Fresh arrival of
Ccck & Nevvhard'So
No. 35 East Hamilton Street,
MITE largest assortment of Spring and Summer
a Goods ever scan in Alientown. We par.
chased FUR CASH, which enables us to sell
lewer than any other Clothing Establishincnt in
town. We have selected our Goods with an eye
to durability and fancy, and have none but thei
latest styles that could be found in the New:
York and Philadelphia Markets. We keep on
hand at all times a large assortment of
Ready Made Clothing
such as Coats of every color and description
Pantaloons of all styles and prices, all kinds of
Vests, Shirts and Undershirts, Collars, Cravats;
Suspenders, &c., all of which arc sold at extra.;
and warrant them to be not only durable, but
made up with neatness and taste. -
~'orsloaaace• Work.
%%111 be done op as usual, and for our work are
willing to be held tesponsible.
We invite all people wlro desire immense(
bargains. to give its a call and thereby save
from FIDI'V to SEVENTY-FIVE per cent. is
the purchase of their Spring and- Summet
E7llemember the spot—No. 35 east Hath
ikon street, nearly opposite the German.ftei
formed Church
May 16
Krn;ana Segal. Store
313 C:10 SE3 ,
TObaCCOI Snuff , and Segargt
No. 9 North Seventh St., Allentown, Pa.
rpIIE subscriber flatters himself to say that
he has at all times the best and cheeped
stork of
9`ol3acc,o and SegAys.
ever brought to this place. Dealers in thti
above articles will find it to their adiantage to
give me a call, as I sell at the lowest Phila
delphia and New York wholesale prices.
general assortment of American and Foreign
Leal Tobacco always on hand.
May 9. 11-4 i
Vae,ter . ,
Respectfully informs his friends and the pub=
lie generally, that ho has lately opened a nevi
Liverly establishment in Law Alley, (in the ram"
of Dr. Romig's residence.) where he is pre
pared to accommodate•all' who wish horses and'
vehicles, at the shcirest notice and odresentig
terms. His stock of Horses has been selecteM•
with great care, and trained with an es'peciat
view to safety, which places -him in a positiori
of keeping the very model of ir
•ViiagA ' ;:# "Avery Stable.
He does not approve of hiring out broken=
down, balky, runaway, ring-boned, spavin
or diseased horses, but of keeping the right
kind of stock, such as can travel well and do'
credit to his stable. His carriages and Vehicles'
of every description will always be kept dead
and in good order.
He trusts that by strict attention to business'
and keeping the best of stock, he will be favor-•
ed with a liberal share of patronage.
May 9. •
TO — Paper Hanging done at the extreme 10i
price of 1 . 2.1 cents per piece for all . paper less
than IS inches in width, and 2 cents extra per
incl► when it exceeds 18. Scraping and sizing,
ii' necessary, to be paid extra
May 23.
11 School Teachers Wanted..
•OtOTICE . is hereby given that the School Dired.;
al 'tors of Upper Macungy School District 'wilt'
meet at the public house of A. ERDMAN, tu Po
gelsville, on the filth day of August, 1855; for thei
purpose of engaging eleven competent Scheib,:
Teachers, to teach five Months for the salary of,
twenty five dollars per month. Such who feel
desirt-us to make application for a School, mist
be present at this meeting to undergo an elLaMi:
nation. By Order of the Board. •
1-7 w
June 20