, tr. S. Senator. At 12, o'clock on the 27th, the two Houses as ambled in joint Convention, in the Hall of the House, pursuant to adjournment, for the pur " Pose of proceeding to an election for the U. S. Senator. On motion the Convention proceeded to ballot, and the vote being taken by tellers was announced as follows : FIRST BALLOT. For Simon Cameron (American), • 5 Charles R. Buckalew (Dem.), 2 Scattering, • 7: The whole vote cast was 130, making 60 ne • cessary to a choice. , Ou.the first ballot, tho members voted as fol lows : For Simon Cameron.—Messrs. Crabb, Cress well, Frazier, Fry, Haldeman, Hendricks, Hoge .Ki!linger; Platt, Quiggle, Sellers and Shuman of the Senate, and Messrs. Barry, Boal, Cald well, Carlisle, Clover, Crawford, Criswell, Cummings, of Philadelphia, 'Cuinming, of Som erset, Donaldson, Eyster, • Fletcher, Frailey, Free, Gross, Guy, Haines, Hubbs, King, Kirk patrick, Krepps, Lane, McConkey, McConnell, -Morrison, Muse, Morth, Palmer, Reese, Ritten house, Rutter, Sallade, Sherrer, Smith, of Al legheny,Smith, of Blair, Stahley, Stockdale, Sturdevant, Weddell, Wood, Yorkes, Ziegler, -and*Strong, (Speaker) of the House. For C. R. Buckalew.— Messrs. Browne, 4 Goodwin, Hamlin, Jamison', McClintock, Sager, 'Walton, Wherry, and fliester, (Speaker) of the 'Senate, and Messrs. Baker, Bush, Christ, Craig, :•Dougherty, Dunning, Dugan; Fry, Johnson, McClean, Maxwell, Orr, Thompson and Wright of the Douse. There being no choice, Mr. Fridley moved to Lgti into a second ballot, which was agreed to, • and resulted as follows : Cameron, 54 .Buckalcw, 23 'Whole number of votes cast, 131—Mr.' Al• Ilegood coming in between the two ballots. A third ballot was now had and resulted as follows : • Cameron, 55 Buckslew, - - - - - 23 On the result of the third ballot being an ;flounced, Mr. Browne moved to adjourn until , the first Tuesday in October next. Mr. lialdeman moved to amend, so that when the'Convention adjourns, it, adjourn to meet to- morrow at 11 o'clock The previous question was called and sus twined—yens 104, nays 26. Mr. Haldeman's amendment was then nega tivedyeas G 3, nays GG. • Mr. Browne's motion was then agreed to— yeas 66, nays 65. • EXTRAORDINARY AND RUFFIANLY MURDER. tA shndking murder was committed near opewell, Fauquire county, Virginia, a few !!!days since for which there seems to have been no sort of provocation. A desperate character, aiain d William Sinela it leveled Ids rifle at an aa V he did so, " I believe I will ( -shoot pp."— liewlitt reminded him of the danger of pointing a Icaed gun at him, and Sinclair replie.', "G—d d—n you, kill you any how," and ' immediately fired, and in a few hours his vie. tim was a corpse. Strange to say, Sinclair was enabled to make good his escape, by ''threatening — to kill any person who attempted to arrcat him. CALIFOUNIA NE.W3.—The George Law ar rived at New York on the 25 inst., with $l,- 113,000 in gold as freight. The Isthmus is now crossed from ocean to ocean by Railroad. The steamer Pearl exploded her boilers while running near Sacramentoand about seventy lives were lost, It is said the boat was racing at the time but the agents (of course) deny this. Fifty three dead bodieS were recovered and '2O more aro missing. Thirty-eight ballots have been had for U. S. Senator, without any election. SUCCESS WITU GRAPES.-E. A. McKay, Esq., .of Naples, Ontario county ; N. Y., writes to the Horticulturist that he raised from one acre of land eleven thousand pounds of Isabella grapes, over five and a half tons. IsabellSS commanded readily in our market last fall twenty-five cents per pound. At that place the produco of this single acre would have bronght $ . 2.750 ; at only twenty cents, they would have brought $2200. Monnanors Row IN NEW Yotia.—A terrible •fight occurred in a tavern in New York city, on Saturday night, in which six men attacked and desperately wounded the prize fighter, .Bill Poole, who at first was thought mortally wour4 detT, but is since recovering. The figbfineivas entirely done with revolvers, and most of the parties were wounded, but several of them shot Poole after he fell. Tim RzvourAok IN Mexico.—We have later , news from Mexico to the erect that Alvarez, ,o revolutionary chief, has been honored with a triumphant entry into Acapulco, the road for one league being lined with soldiers and adorned with arches bearing such inscriptions as "Lib „arty and Justice.” It is also stated that in a few days Alvarez inten ded to leave for the Papit,ol in command of an army of live thousand men. When the army reaches Chilpancingo it to be reinforced by the addition of seven thousand troops from the State of Michioacan. On arriving within a few leagues of the capital grey are to proclaim Alvarez . President of the ' tepublio pro tem. WEDDED al WiwiWa.—The Elmira Republican says, a marriage took place at Horseheads last week, the parties of which were respectively about eightyllo and seventy-eight years of age, making eighty age of ono hundred and sixty-three years ! FOURTH OF Jum—We perceive that 3,000 .Ikoxis of - fire crackers arrived at Boston on Sunday, in the ship Andes, from Shanghai. Young America must prepare for the Fourth of a. . • • 'Horrible Sw ing. We are furnished by a gentleman from La fayette, Ind..; with the detailit of &rumor cur rent in that city on Thursday, which fills the mind with horror, in view of the . siatlf6ings of the party to•wi§om it refers^. _On the Saturday preceding the memorable storm cf the 21st of January, two fhmilies numbering ten persons, moving from Southern Indiana to Northern Illinois, arrived at Oxford, the county seat of Benton county, Ind., about forty miles northwest of Lafayette, with two ox teams, and well provided with necessaries for the road. They remained there through the storm, and on Monday morning resumed their journey. Last Tuesday morning a man pass ing over a prairie, only about five miles from Oxford, came upon a sight which filled him with horror. Tho carcases of two oxen, from which the viscera had been removed, lay upon the ground. inside of one of them were the frozen bodies of four children, and in the other the frozen corpse of the mother, with a nursing infant at her breast. rnder the snow was a heap of ashes, in which the iron of the wagons showed that the party had broken them up and burned everything they had in them, in the effort to save their lives. Not far front this spot, was found the body of the other woman of the party, partly concealed in a snow drift, and near her one of. the men. The two other men had not been found. It is probable that the party became inextri cably involved in the snow drifts on the prai rie, and lost their presence of mind. After burning up their wagons it would seem that the men had killed two of the oxen for a shelter to those found in them, and then, accompanied by one woman, vainly endeavored to reach the town they had left, and procure aid to rescue their companionS. The two other oxen had wandered off. There was nothing about the persons to indicate who they were, and nothing more is known about them than was acciden tally communicated by them during their brief stay at Oxford. Houmnex STORY- One Boy Murdered by Anoiher!—A gentleman living in Russia, Herki mer county, who was in this city yesterday, 'n'orn e 1 us that a bon ihle tragedy was repor ted to have occurred in that vicinity a few days since. As the story was told us, two boys, aged 12 and 14, respectively, engaged in a quarrel which terminated in a threat on the part of the youngest lad that he would shoot his antagonist. He went to the house, asked .his mother to hand down from a shelf a pistol which lay there, and told her he was going to shoot a boy with it. She, suppoSing that he , was' only joking, gaVe him the pistol. lig took it, walked ont toward where the other boy stood, and deliberately shot him through the head, killing him instantly. The boys were said to be both Irish. Our informant did not learn the names.—AfLeum Arius, Feb. 25th. TIIE GREAT CALIFORNIA Tnr•.r•..—The owner of the great tree from the Sierra Nevada has asked the Common Council of New York, to let him exhibit in the Park as no building can can be obtained large enough to contain it. The Post says the tree was taken from the Sierra Nevada mountains by Capt. Ilandfurd, an I will be taken to the Great Fair of Paris. It is ninety feet in circumference and sixty feet in height. The owner proposes to have it put up in the southern cpd of the Park for a few days prior to its departure for Paris. No charge is to be made for an outside view of it, but he will make a nominal charge to all who examine the interior of the tree.—New York Paper. Lxvysit A rusToidu.--Thc Freeman's Journal of last week pr - iislies a "letter apostolic o our most holy Lord Pius ]X., by Divine Provi lence Pope, concerning the dogmatic defination of the Virgin Mother of God." It occupies more than six columns of that paper, and concludes with the declaration that " should. any pre sume to assail it (the dogma) let him know that hewill incur the displeasure of Omnipotent God and of His blessed apostles, Peter and Paul." SoLimas IN EUROPE. - The - number of men bearing arms of war at this time in Europe maT be set down thus :—England 230,000, Turkey, '157,680, Prussia 580,000, Austria 590,600, France 566,000, Russia 1,540,000. The Ger man States with the exception of Austria and Prussia 1,398,000, making the whole number of soldiers now under arms in Europe, live mil• lions three hundred and sixty-four thousand.— No wonder the people emigrate to other coun tries. MORE " ITARti T►aes."—Silk goods 'to the amount of $068,000 have been entered at the Boston custom-house since the Ist day of Jan uary, the present year. MARRIED On Thursday evening last, by the Rev. Mr. Dubs,Mr. SAMUEL P. BLrss, of Springfield , Mass. • to Miss ANNIE M. WOODRING, of this place. On the 4th of March, by the Rev. Mr. S. K. Brobst, Mr. ABRAHAM DIEFENDERFER, of Allen town, to Miss ANNA P. Ytiqat.nia, of Salisbury. Ou the 24th of Februatc by thp Rev. Mr. Vogelbach, Mr. CHARLES E. HEERBRANDT, to Miss MARIA YF..tozu, both of Goshenhoppen. On the 6th .of February, by the Rev. Mr. Eberhard, Mr. EDWARD GILBERT, tO.MiSS CARO LINE Tallman, both.of Oatasauqua. On the 11th of February, by the Rev. Mr. Hint • leitner, Mr. Pinup IVENTZ, of Catasau • qua, 0 Miss MALINDA DIETER, of Kutztown. DIED. - - On Saturday night last, in Allentown, of consumption, Rev. (imams RUDOLPLI KESSLELL, aged 32 years. On the 21st of February, in Upper Salmon, ANN.& M. REICHERBACII, aged 78 years. On the 22nd of February, Mr. Jorar - Wmr, aged 82 years. On the 27th of February, in South Whitehall, MART, consort of Aaron Diefenderfer, aged 21 years. . On Monday last, in Allentown, of cancer; Mr, Amuitem GANOWSIti aged 78 years. 1303Etiti ItCAPCIEEMPM.II3. ~,, ALLENTOWN $, T. 'Flour, per bbl. - Wheat, - Cf.ro, Rye, . 'Oats, w Hay, - Salt, - - Potatoes, Ham, per lb„ Sides, - Shoulders, Lard, Butter', Eggs pet doz, PHILADELPHIA . MARKET. FLoun—straight brands, - Western " • CORN MEAL, - • RTE FLoun, - - . • GRAlN—White Wheat, Red, - • Rye, - - Corn, White, - Yellow, • Oats, Public Sale OF Valuable Personal Property. Will he sold at Public Sale on Saturday the 24th day of March next, at the ,house of the late .Toni DIEFENDERFER, deceased, in Allentowri, the following valuable personal property; to wit : Carpenter's Tools. A complete sett of Carpenter's Tools, consist ing of 4 sett bench planes, moulding planes, plows, braces and bits, augers, planing benches and screws, hand and back saws, a hew mor ticing machine, and numerous other articles entirely too tedious to mention. iTotesehold Goods. Three beds and bedding, two mahogany sofas, ono settee, two office stoves, one parlor stove, one common shop stove, stove pipe, one secretary, chairs, looking glass, forty yards carpet, entry oil cloth, copper kettle, clock. Ici t ellen cupboard, and numerous other articles of household furniture. D - " Also seven shares of the Northampton Water Company stock. The conditions will be made known on the day of sale and due attendance given by the undo:signed. DAVID SCIIWARTZ. ABRAHAM DIEFENDERFER, Admr's. Matcli 7. ¶-3w P 1 11 Lie SAL E. i S the undersigned intends moving West, 11 there will lio sold at Public' Sale at his house, in Allentown, opposite the Court House, on Thursday the 15th 'day of March, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, a large assortment of household and kitchen furniture, consisting of Beds and Bedding, Bureaus, Tables, Cane-seat and other Chairs, Store and Rag carpet, Side board, Looking. Glass, three Cooking and one Parlor Stove, in fact all kinds of House and kitchen utensils, entirely too tedious to mention. At eqba, Dom , limo r . lar6c and oFlcndid went of Tin Ware, The conditions will be made known on the day of sale and attendance given by CUAItLES GINKINGER IT-2w March 7 (Eclat pLoilimintlon. •ItiIIEREAS the Hon. Washington illeCartney 41 esalent Judge of the Third Judicial Dis: net of rennsylvati la, composed of the counties ,r Northampton and Lehigh, and l'etcr Haas and Jacob Dillingrr, Esquires, Associate Judges of die Court of Common Pleas of the county of Le, hi ;h, and by virtue of their offices Justices of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail leltvery, and Court of General Quarter Sessions in and for the said county of Lehigh, have, by heir precept to me directed, ordered that a Court if Quarter Sessions of the Peace and Common Pleas and General Jail delivery and Orphan's Court for the said county of Lehigh, be holden at Allentown, on ItIONDA Y the 2d day of April, next, to continue Iwo weeks. NOTICE is th hereby to e Jus ices of the Peaceeref and ore Consstablegven of the county of Lehigh, that they are by the said precepts com. nanded to be there at ten o'clock in the forenoon ,r said day with thoir rolls, records, inquisitions, Ixaminaltons, and all other remembrances,.to do those things which to their offices are appertain. mg, and also that those who are bound by rocog. .liZatiCeS to prosecute against the prisoners that, ire or then.shall be in therjail of the said county if Lehigh, are to be then and there to prosecute hem as shall be just. Given under my hand in Allentown, the 7th. lay of March, in the year of our Lord one thou •and eight hundred and fifty.five. NATHAN ‘VEILER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Allentown, March 7, 1855. GOD SAVE THE COMMONNVEALTII. Albert J 11 Arewhard, I'aIBELDRIII .•: .ALLENTOWN, PA. Most respectfully informs his friends and the public in general, that he has established liimi -elf in Eighth street, north of llagenbuchit Hotel, where he will at all times be ready to make GENTLEMEN'S GARMENTS Mier the latest London, Paris, New York, and Philadelphia styles.. He pledges himself to give entire satisfaction to those who may favor hits with theii patronage. Ilia terms aro moderate. March 7, —,2 rn Great Bargains. The undeisigned having no suitable place to carry on their business, have resolved to sell out their large and extensive stock of Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Valizes, Carpet Bags, &c., and which we will now offer at prices that will as ('wish the public. Country Merchants will I:D(1"ft advantagO to give us an early call as wormve a good supply suitable for the trade. We invite one and all to come, as 'we feel confident that we can suit the closest buyer. Allentown, Match 7 HERTZ & RONEY. Notice of Dissolution. , xoncE is hereby given - to the public that I 11 ,,have withdrawn from the firm of S. H. 14:rt Co., that the same is hereby dis o ed; and that I will not hold myself respon si. le for any of the debts of said firm, contrac ted f om and after the date of thii notice. • ' • ' LEVI HAAk Catasauqua, March 7. • 11-6 w atutza It 11 4 11.41. 41.0032)1t-M" tika AARON' TROXELL, Treasurer of Lehigh county, in account with the Commonwealth. DR. • Aooount of Militia Tax Assessed and Paid during the year 1854 CNN! - $9 OD ' 2 00 - 85 1 20 - 50 14 00 Collectors. Districts. I Duplicate. Losses. i Com's . I Paid. Out —_—,___..l ----- ------ ------ stand 70 Joseph Baer WeissenbUrg - .- - 174 50 $lB sCi l 92 80 $53 20 ing. 00 William 'Adam Heidelberg - - -- 60 30 17 50 215 40 85 -- 12 Charles Colver HanoVer - - - - 88 50 31 00, 282 54 63 10 John F. Ritter " • for the gear 18 52 - 146 00 95 001 255 48 45 10 Charles Ritter " "" " 1852 - 88 50 442 84 08 10 Henry Ortt Lower Milford - - - 75 50 18 501 60 80 2 71 18 David. Kistler Lynn -. ~ - . - 80 50 16 50' 320 54 29 16 John Bear North Whitehall- - - 60 00 11 Jonathan Diehl 'Lowhill -.- - - 27 50 2501 25 23 00 '2 45 46 55 Gideon Ritter Salisbury - - - - 65 01850 2 32 44 18 0 8 ! Edward Beck Allentown—North Ward • 111 50 76 00 178 83 72 J. T. Kleppinger " Lehigh Ward - 37 50 12 50 1 75 , Nathan bhaffer. it South Ward - 107 50 72 00 1 177 33 75 $0 1 15 00 1 Daniel Boise! SOuth Whitehall - - - . 115 00 66 001 245 46 55 Samuel Missemer Upper Macungie - - - 124 00 57 001 335 63 65 John Leith Upper Saucon - - - 174 00 68 CO 530 100 70 1 Phaon Dorward Washington - - - 78 50 27 00 257 48 93 Catasauqua—No return - 1 Joshua Kneecller Upper Milford - - - 1 85 50 .12 50 358 fr Andrew Kneedler Lower Macungie - - - 82 50 - 23 501 205 56 051 .-- -- ---- -- - $9 12 8 87 - 425 6 00 - 222 2 12 - 120 95 • By amount paid Brigade Inspector, per account Cß. rendered - Jones Bear, Treasurer Lowhill Artillery, late Columbia Rifle Rangers for 1850 Do. • do. do. do. 1851 David Knerr, Weissenburg Rifle Rangers 1850 - - - - Thomas Steckel, Treasurer Lehigh Fencibles 1854 - - Jeremiah Sehneck, North Whitehall Rifle Rangers 1854 - - - David Klotz, Washington Rifle Rangers 1854 - - - - Owen Roth, Millerstown Cavalry 1854 - - - -- - - Stephen Rex, Lowhill Rifle Rangers 1854 - M. Kerschner, Jackson Bush Rangers 1854 - 11. Dorney, Putnam Artillery 1854 - - County Commissioners services. Sc., 1854 - Treasurer's commission on $OB5. 1 per cent Balance due Commonwealth - - $ We, the undersigned auditors in and for the J. FRANKLIN RITTER, ) 2,594 54 county of Lehigh, do certify that the above is ELI J. SAEGER, r ‘ Auditors. correct. SAMUEL J. KISTLER, 3 Life of Jas, 'Gordon Bennett, 1 Editor of the New York Herald, WITII A PORTRAIT. This intensely interesting work will be sent anywhere for ten cents (one dime.) Publishers printing this advertisement once, shall receive by the return mail six copies of the Life, or 14 1 three cent stamps. Address • JOAB S. SARGENT, March 7, 1855. 26G Hicks st., Brooklyn. V.xecutors Notice. Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned are appointed Execators of the last will and testament of John A - ander, deceased, late of South Whitehall township, Lehigh county, therefore all those who know themselves to be indebted to said estate, be it in Notes, Bonds, Book•debts or otherwise, will make payment wit, ni siv. weeks from the date hereof. Also who have any legal claims against said estate, will bring in their accountS %veil auther, ticated within said time. 1%1 arch 7 Register's Notice. • Notice is hereby given to the heirs, creditors and others, who may be interested in the estates of the ibllowing deceased persons, in Lehigh county, to wit : 1. The account ofJosepli Benner and Nathan Ziegenfuss. Administrators of the Estate of George Miller, dec'd. of The account of Henry Henritze, Adminis kator of the Estate of Andrew Sehisler, dcc'd. 3. The account of Owen Leobold aud William Daniel, Administrators de bonis non of the Estate of William Daniel, deed. 4. The account of Jacob Kunnel, jr. Guardian of Helarius Schneck. 5. The account of John Trunibower, Guar dian of Sarah Seem, late Sarah Seager, one of the minor children of Elias &lager, dec'd. 6. The account of Joseph Rex, Guardian of Lydia Snyder. 7. The account of Benjamin Grim, Adminis trator of the Estate of Abraham Fenstermaker, dec'd. 8. The account of Stephen Miller. and Solo mon Boyer, Administrators of the Estate of John Miller, dec'd. 9. The account of Henry Fried, Administra.-• tor of Elizabeth Smith, dec'd. 10. The account of Stephen Bachman, Amos i Rabenold, William Krause and Paul Krum, Administrators of Daniel Snyder, dcc'd., who was Guardian of Mary Ebert, a minor daughter of Peter Ebert, dec'd: 11. The account of Joseph Acker, Adminis trator of the Eestatc of Elizabeth Acker, dec'd. 12. The account of Nathan German, Guar dian of llarris llandWerk. 3. The account of Charles F. Dieltenshied, Guardian of Maria Erdman, a minor daughter of Daniel Erdman, dec'd. 14.. The account of Daniel Weaver and Jonas •Weaver, Administrators of the Estate of henry Weaver. dcc'd. 15. The account of Henry, C. Longnecker,, Administrator of Mary Thompson, dec'd. 16. The account of Willoughby Gable, Ad ministrator of Daniel Dillinger, dec'd. 17. The account of 'William IL Blumer,Gaur dian of Anna Eliza Ileimbnch, dec'cl. 18. The account of Henry Dilliriger, Executor of Mar Dillinger, dec'd. 19. The. Account of Stephen Greenawald, Charles Greenawald and J. F. Seiberling, Admi nistrators of Jacob Greenewald, dec'd. 20. The account of Owen llermony, acting Administrator of Abraham Ilermony, dec'd. 21. The account of Owen Hermony, Admi nistrator -bonis non of the Estate of Isaac Horn 7y , dec'd. . The account of Daniel Reinhard, acting Administrator of Henry Jacob, dec'd. • Tho above named Executors, Affiffinistrators and Guardians, have filed their Accounts in the Register's office, in AllentoWn, in and for the County of Lehigh, which said Accounts will be laid before the Orphan's Court of said County for confirmation, on Tuesday the 2nd day of April, 1855, at 10 o'clock in the'forenoon. SAMUEL OOLVER, Resister. Allentown, Feb. 28: £—tc • Notice to Assessors, Tho Assessors of the different Wards, Bo roughs, and townships or Lehigh County, are hereby requested to meet the Commissioners in their office, in Allentown., on Monday tho sth of Match, ter receive the Assessments, Appeal Notices, and .such other instructions as are deemed necessary to the fulfillment of their re. spective duties. rDIVAAD BECK, Clerk. Allentown Eeb. 28. ¶-3w DAVID RUDD, TIR IU/is BLEILER EXecul°rP $1448 00 Mil SEE HERE! Fun! Fun for the Million!! Great Shooting Match at E' rN 'f-'.1 ,- 1".• . ' ,, M7. , k".,4`.` ~, ei-: . . • tL.4.4' . . g - ' '' , - 14 -T - r ti- - , A r ..14' ' - -_ , . :._ ,:; , e - ..?' - - l'' ,-. ,- ,' , • ;----• f Sieoried9s Bridge ; t 5 On Tuesday Ihel3th of March. it A great shooting match will take place at the house of the undersigned, at Siegfried's Bridge, in Allen township, Northampton coun ty, fora MSTE 11 0.10 BE.lii, on Tuesday the 13th day of March. All sports , men in Northampton, Lehigh, Bucks, Berks, Schuylkill; Carbon, Pike and Wayne,are res _rectfully invited to be present on the occasion. Ye'niiii&smen of Lehigh, Northampton and Bucks, 'Of Carbon, of Monroe, and Pike, Come level your rifles and lay down your dust, For " Old Bruin" is now within sight. So come on ye sportsmen from East and from West, For " Bruin" is the prize for hiarwho shoots best, And should fortune favor you in winning the Bear, It will make - the sharpshooters of " Old Allen" stare. C-64. Peb. 28 s Notice,. 1 - ETTEIIS of Administration having been I grants.° to the undersigned in the estate of George Koch, deceased, late of Hanover town. ship, Lehigh county, all persons indebtetl to said estate are requested to make payment within six weeks of this date; and all persons havinr , claims against said estate will present them, duly authenticated, for settlement, with. in the above specified time, to either of the undersigned administrators. JOIIN STROUSS, ) ELIZABETH KOCH, Administra'rs. Feb. 21. Orphan's Court Sale. BYvirtne and in pursuance of an order issued out of the Orphan's coon of the county . of Lehigh, there will be exposed public sale on Saturday the 24th day of March, at 10 o'clock in ihe forenoon, upon the premises, the following described property, viz:. A crtain messuage and tract of land, with the appurtenances, situated in South Whitehall township, in the county of Le• high aforesaid, bounded by lands of Charles Miller, Joseph Biery, • Henry Seip and where, 'containing about five acres of land. The im provements thereon are n, ono and a half story log "moik .19sviilling Frame Stable and other outbuildings, with an excellent Apple Orchard. • Being the real estate of Cathatine Henry, tlectasetl, late of South Whitehall township, and .county aforesaid. • Terms on the day at the place of sale, and due attendance given by DANIEL HENRY, Adrn'r. By the Court: J. W. Mono.; Clerk. Feb. 2t, 1855. Wm. Blum reL Co's, ittanking and .13xchangT c x 332 s. ALLENTowx ; T EL ' subscribers respectfully . inform "their friends and the public generally, that they still carry on the business of Banking and - Exchanging, at thoir old stand in Market Square, and any thing entrusted to their care will be attended to withnctuality. Thos notice was deemed necessary on account of a f se rumor being afloat among our friends, that in case of a Bank being established in Al lentown, our business would be dissolved. We pay interest on all moneys deposited on a specified time. Feb. 28 548 50 $776 60'577 17 's44 20' $241 56 25 00 40 00 25 00 00 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 75 00 50 00 50 00 00 00 9 85 193 87 EDWARD ECKERT. *--2w .e-6 .7 MEI french Drawing (pencil) crayon Painting - - - Piano (per quarter) - - Use of piano - - _- • - - Fuel—(schojars paying $1.5 per quarter • excepted) -; - 50 For. further particulars and references, sea circulars. pa -The Summer Term will commence as usual upon the Ist of May. W. M. REYNOLDS, Principal. Allentown, Feb. 14, 18.55. U., WM. 11. BLIIMER, J. M. LINE. W3l. KERN. 7 -317 STARTLING, BUT TRUEI EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KN How often it happens, that. the wife lingers }bony 'year to year In that pitiable condition as not every for ono day to feel the happy and exhilarathig.inihr once incident to the enjoyment of health. TILE BLOOMING BRIDE, But a few years ago in the flush of health and youth, and buoyancy of spirits, rapidly, and apparently in explicably, becomes a feeble, sickly, sallow, debllle tilted wife, with frame cmaciated,.nerves unstrung,. spirits ilfpressod, countenance bearing the improstf of suffering and an utter physical and mental pros— tration, arising from ignorance of the simplest amp plainest rules of violation connected with the. mar , nage state, tho of which entails disease., suffering and misery, not only to the wife, but - often , HEREDITARY COMPLAINTS UPON THE CHILDREN " UNTO TILE THIRD AND FOURTIr GENERATION," 25 TrailinaggfocsrmirAttPTsizzirrlClLOoFu'ULA, ICING'S EVIL, and other and worse Diseases,'as a DREADFUL INHERITANCE FROAI THE PARENTS. "And must this contimie? lifuelkibis be? Is there no, remedy? No relief ? No hope ?f , '." Tho remedy le by knowing the amain and avoiding. 92 them, and knowing the remedies, and benefiting by them. Thome urn pointed out in THE MARRIED. WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION, BY DR. A. IL MAURICEAU, MUFF:MOP OP DIBIZASEti OP WOIBM One Hundredth Edition, (500,000), 113m0., pp. 230.. • [ON PINE PAM, EXTRA BINDING, $1.00.] A standard work of established reputation-found chased in the catalogues of the great trade safes in New York, Philadelphia and other cities, and sold by tho principal booksellers i n the United States. It MIA first published in 1817, since which time FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND COPIES hare been sold, of which there were upwards of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SENT BY MAIL, attesting the high estimation is which it is held as a re• liable popular Medical BOOK FOR EVERY FEMALE the 'anther having devoted hie 'Achieve attention to the treatment of complaints peculiar to females, In respect to. which he is yearly consulted by thousands both In person and by latter. • Item every woman can discover, by comparing her owe symptoms with those described, the nature, character, causes of, and the proper remedies for, her complaint'. The , wife about becoming a mother has often need of Instruction and advice of the utmost Importance to Ler future health, In respect to which her sensitiveness for bids consulting a medical gentleman, will end such la structlon and advice, and also exptaln many symptom" which otherwise would occasion anxiety or alarm as an the peculiarities incident to her situation are described. Mow many aro suffering from obstructions or irregular ities peculiar to the female system, which undermine the health, the effects of which they aro ignorant, and for which their delicacy forbids seeking medical advice. Many suffering from prolapsus uteri (falling of the womb), or • from flea, affus (weakens, debility, &c.) Many am In constant agony for many months preceding confine ment Many have difficult if not dangerous deliveries, and slow and uncertain recoveries. Eome whoso lives are hazarded during such time, will each find In Its pages the means of prevention, amelioration and relief.. It foot conrso impracticable to convey.fully the various subjects treated of, as they aro of a nature Strictly in tended for the married or thou, contemplating marriage. Reader, aro you a husband or a father? a wife or a mother?' Have you the sincere welfare of thoao you love at heart? Provo your sincerity, and loso no time Iry learning what causes interfere with their health and hap piness not less than your own. It will avoid to you and? ' yours, as it has to thousands, many a day of pain and anxiety, followed by sleepless nights, Incapacitating the mind for its ordinary avocation, and exhausting thaw means for medical attendance, medicines and advertised nostrums which otherwise would provide for declining years, the infirmities of ago and the proper education Of your children. In consetinence of the universal popularity of tbo work, as evidenced by Ito extraordinary sale, various Imposi tions have been attempted, as well on booksellers as on the publie, by imitations of title pogo, spurious editions, and surreptitious infringements of copyright, and other devices and deceptions, it Luis been found necessary, therefore, to •CAUTION• THE PUBLIC to 129 buy no book utiless Y.' words "Dr. A. IL MAURICRAU, liberty Street, N. Y.on (and tho entry In Mir Clerl's 011ico (ho bode of) tho title page; and bay only of respeetablo and honorable dealers, or send by. nutik and itddreas to Dr.. A. 11. Elaurlcteut. XS - A - Upon receipt of, Ono Dollar "THE MAR. RIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL 00N4. PANION" Is sent (mailed free) to any pan of the United States, the Canada, and British Provinces, All letters must be post-paid, and addressed to Dr, A. M. MAURICEA,U, box 1224, New-York Olty. Publishing (Moe, No. 129 Liberty Street, New. York. AGENTS T. B. Peterson. J. N. Moss & Bro., and Thos. Cowpertliwnit, Philadelphia—Spangler & Bro., Lancaster-If. A. Lent; Rcading—E. Benner, Stannejt town. January 10, Allentown Seminary. W. 111..11E 'OLDS, D. D., Principal. THE Rev. C. R. x r's health having in- I (bleed him to relinqu 14 the charge of then Allentown Seminary, at the co of the present k term, said Institution•will fro that time be conducted by the subscriber. befriends and patr6ns of the school arc hereby informed that , it will, from the first of May, be conducted by lb 4 the undersigned, upon the plan hitherto so suc cessfully pursued, and upon the same terms for regular tuition and boarding. The house being fully fitted up for the reception of a considera bly greater number of scholars than heretofore, parents are respectfully requested to favor us with their patronage, and are assured that their sons will receive the most careful attention —. The arrangements for their accommodation and comfort, as well as for their instruction, are am ple, and will, wo trust, bo saffsfactory to all. The FEMALE DEPARTMENT will also be contin ued as heretofore. Experienced and judicious teachers have been secured for its instruction, and will conduct it under the superintendencer qt . the Princial and it will be our obect to give a full course of an elevated and sOlid j femaler education. The charges far board and tuition are as lbl lows : 3IALE DEPARTMENT. For boarding and tuition for the term of • ' five months - - - - $7O 00- Tuition for pupils under ten years - 800 Tuition for pupils" betweenten and -twelve years - l2 00 ,Tuition for pupils over V -celvo - — WOO FEMALE DEARTMENT. Tuition for pupils ov.erNen years - ‘! .‘ under ten EXTRA =AIMS. ¶-Gm - 12 OGO - BOa - 12 00 - 800 - 10 00 - 12 00 - 800 800