The Lehigh register. (Allentown, Pa.) 1846-1912, February 21, 1855, Image 3
WLEAU .VD/NN ' S 0 ZED FRO3I TIE INDIANS IN j =lhis liulait •p'ii)ittlesseth, That We, pokenah Jarathan \Sikals, Part Quesott, Jervis Essbnpenaplc; Tolktroy, liekollappao Eoonus, Machlohille'ticonga, %Vissa Powoy, Indita Mit.% Saoheinaos, right owners of.all lands, ; fioniQuingus, callee Duck Creek, unto 1.1p140 . ,.,ca11ed Chester Creek, ~nd along the • * 'of Delaware River, an: l so between t o said crooks' backwards as far as n man can ttip,4Fo days with a horse, for and in con s iqatiopi. of these following,goods to us in • ndiutid, and secured to be paid, by NViliiam 'elm; Proprietary and Governor of the Province Pennsylvania and territories thereof, viz. 20 20 fathoms matchcoat, 20 fathoms stroud ater, 20 blankets, 20 kettles, 20 pounds pow- Ir, 100 bars of lead, 40 tomahawks, 100 nives; 40 pairs of stockings, 1 barrel of beer, 0 Ppunds of red led, 100 fathoms of wampum, 0 glass `bottles, pewter spoons, 105 awl lades, 300 tobacco pil s i f tobac- ~ 20 tobacco tongs, 20 steels, 300 (lents, 30 airs ofscissors, 30 combs, GO looking glasses, 00 a§edies, 1 skipple of salt, •30 pounds of ugar, sgAllons of molasses, 20 tobacco boxes, 00.4ewSharps,20 hoes, 30 gimblets, 30 wooden IScrdvi boxes, 100 strings of beads-4)o hereby s.cloowledge, ec. Given under our hands, Neiv Castle, 2d day of thC eighth • lonthi 1685. The above is a true copy taken from the .original,. by Ephriam Morton, formerly a clerk in :iblo land office. GooD.—A correspondent of the Penny PoSt, in Richmond, writing from Pan handle District, gives an acmuntof a discussion in those parts on the American party. An official had made a very flaming speech against the Ameri can party, but was replied to in such an effec tual manner by one of " Sam's" boys that he bethought himself to call upon an English gen tleman present to help him out of his difficul ties. We give the balance in the words of the correspondent: " The old man thundered in their cars the dangers of Romanism and the corruptions of popery, and rejoiced that the American party was about to stay - their progress in this coun try, at least. He closed with the sentiment— ' Foreigners and Catholics may ride in the Cha sid! of Freedom, hut Ameriims maims! mince P." FROSTED PLANTS.—When plants, through ac •cideut or neglect, get frozen, they should be well syringed or sprinkled over head, through a fine rose watering•pot, with cold water. tlireat .care must be observed in shading them from :the sun till the frost is thoroughly drawn out, -which should be done as gradually as possible. •Standing them on the floor of the house is the 'best:plan that can be adopted. Care must be ,taken that they do not again freeze after syr inging. :It seems not to be generally under stood that frost merely suspends, but does not -entirely destroy vegetation, and unless plants Are very tender, with careful treatment they :may generally, be saved. lloantin.E.—There has been a trial and con viction in the Erie county Court thin .nook, nvhiCh, for the sake of hunianity, we hope may -never occur again. It was the case of Earl P. Blackmon), of Conneaut township, for rape upon two orhis own daughters—girls not over 15 or IG.—The details are too horrible fur pub lication. • Upon the first count, though the of fence was proved to the satisfaction of every body, save the jury, he was acquitted ; but upon 'the second count, he did not come off so luelty,-and mill doubtless be sentenced to the full extent of the law—ten years in the Peniten tiary. Mow: Nr.w COUNTERFEITS. — We extract from BichocTs' Reporter, the following list of new (vunterfeits : Dank• of Clumfcr Con;lty, West Chester, Pa.- 20's, altered from s's. Vignette, milk maid, farm house, cattle, &c. On either end a medal lion head. Bank of Commerce, Baltimore.-s's spurious. Vignette, female and child—over the latter the words Agriculture and Commerce. Female on right and sailor on lea end. Impression dart. These notes have been altered to " Bank of Commerce, Philadelphia," " Bank of Com merce, New York," and probably all institu tions of this title in the V. S. Comer•..--There is in Berlin, Prussia, a large establishmont for the manufacture of culfee froth acorn and chickory, the articles being made,separately from.gaeli other \ ; the chicko•y is mixed with an equal weight of turnips, to render it sweeter. The acorn coffee, which is made film roasted and ground acorns, is sold in large quantities, and frequently:with rather a medicinal than an economical view, as it, is thought to have a wholesome ern :et upon the blood, particularly of scrofulous persons. CURE von Buis.—The AMerican Agricultu rist says, "of all .applications for a burn, we believe there are none equal to a simple cover ing of-common wheat flour. This is always at hand, and while it requires no skill in using, it 1) *Nee^ almost astonishing en cts. The inois- Ann) pioduced upon the surface of a slight or olead burn, is at Lome absorbed by the flour And forms a paste which shuts out the air. SMOKING Occurntalven.—Mr. Samuel Shinn, a Druggist, was drowned while skating on the Sehuylkill,Phila.,on Saturday, pushing a young lady nam)acl Eliza Russell, to whom he was en gaged to lie married, upon a chair on runners, in advance of him. Upon entering upon a weak spot in the ice where it had been cut away pre viously for storing, both sank never to rise again alive. HEAVY DEPALC xnox.--We observe by an an swor from the. State Thasurer, to a resolution of inquiry, that the late collector Of State Tolls at, Columbia, is a defaulter to the amount of *55,000. A snug little sum. We presume there aro securities for it—or aro they men of sir= SETTING HENB.—In setting bens, thirteen . eggs are enough to' give them ; a large hen might cover more, but. a few stronger, well hatched chick are better then a largOhrdocl of weaklings, that have been delayed in , the shell perhaps twelve hours over the time; from insuf ficient warmth. At the end of a week, lb. is usual, with setting turkeys, to add two or three fowl's eggs, "to teach the young turkeys to pick." The plan is not a bad one ; the activi ty of the chickens does stir up some emulation in their larger brethren. The eggs take but little room in the nest, and will produce two or, three very fine fowls. ' f:NGT.Z.VI MATiRIAOR STATISTICS.—in England, it seems that the twenty sixth year is the mean age at which men marry, and tho twenty fifth that at which woman marry. The average age of the wife is about 40 years, of the husband 43 years ; or the husband in Great Britain; on the average, is 21 years older than the wife. • MARRIED. On the 30th of January, by . tho Rev. Mr. Vo gelliach, Mr. DAvin jlouTz . , to Miss POLT.Y SANGLIT, both of Milford. On the 6th of February, by the same, Mr. ABRAHAM MUTER, to Miss CATHARINE MEINDER, both _of Olcy, Berks c minty. On the 18th of February, by the same. Mr. AUGUST EaNST, to Miss ANNA MARIA STEM, both of Allentown. On the 201 h of January, by the Rev. Mr. css, Mr. WILTAANt A. Iht.l.3tAx, to Miss MARY AVIS,. both of Bucks county. At the same time. by the same, Mr. Gnonar SEIOPERT, of Springfield, o'iSESS SARAH IVILAUSS, of Lower Saucon. On the 27th of Janunry, by tho same, Mr. HENRY 11INKEn, of Springfield, to Miss POLLY ALGART, of SaIICOIL At the same time, by the same, Mr. OwfiN B. Hass, to Miss CATHARINE Sopwrsa, both of Springfield. On the, sth of February, by the same, Mr. CHARLES ACIIE, of Salmon, to Miss MARY Sint, of Durham. At the same time, by the same, Mr. JosErn Mrmil.trint, of Springfield, to Miss ➢Lutr Km- It, of Tinicum' On the 13th of February, by the same, Mr. nrum.rnus STEnsn, to Miss ELIZA Am.:, both of Lower Saucon. DIED On the 10th of Pehruary, in Allentown, of inilamation of the brain. LILIAN Almim, daugh ter of the late William R. Leh, deceased, aged months. On the 11th of Feiruary, in Salisbury, Tuom.ts J. Ottoss, aged 20 years. On the 1-Rh inst., nt the residence of Richard P. Lockwood, in Philadelphia, L'LIZA C., infant daughter of Mrs. Mary Ilechroth, formerly of this place, aged 4 •ears. On the Sth of February, in Upper Simeon, after a lingering illness, Ern, consort of Abra ham Geisinger, aged G 8 years, 11 months and -1 days. lovratVlll.lliv&W4llVlll^x4dle.'l4:-111 ALLEN TOWN MARKET Flour, per bbl 11'heat, - Corn, - - Rye, - Oats, - Hay, - Salt, - - Potatoes, Hain, per lb„ Sides, -• Shoulders, Lard, Butter, - Eggs per doz PHILADELPHIA MARKET FLOtill—straitlit brands, - - - $9 12 Western " - SSi Coax MEAL, - - - - - 425 tyN FLoult IVhent, Red, - - - 2 12 Rye, - - - - - 120 Corn, White, - - 95 Yellow, - - 91 Oats, - - - - 54 VIIISKEY 7 - - - - do . - 32 • Look Here ! Travelers and ethers. It has no doubt be. -, 7 -77 .51%0 5- 4 , .. come known that , the r undersigned has been so unfortmmte as to loose • itlcr-6111 .his L . teense for liciliina uut-'lt , 'V ClPublic House, in Me ehaniesborough Lehigh County. Ile therefore takes this method to in form the Public generally, that a new License has been granted to him at the adjourned court, held on'February the 19th to keep Public House • and that he is again prepared to entertain " Strangers .und travellers" upon tbe most teasonable terms His table will be filled with the best ,the market alibrds, and his, bar Nvitli none liut the purest of liquors. , A ARON DESOII. IqCohaniesborough, Feb. 21. 11-311 Temperance Anniversary. The anniversary celebration of Jordan Divi sion, Sons of Temperance, will celebrate its anniversary, on Wednesday evening next, Feb rtiary 25th, in the German Lutheran Church of this place, when Dr. F. A. FICKAIIDT, of Bethle hem, and the Rev. L. EBERUARD, will deliver appropriate lectures. The Sons, Daughterk and Cadets of Temperance, of Allentown, and all neighboring Divisions, as well as the public generally, are respectfully, invited to attend. Committee of Arangements. Allentown, February, 21. 11-2 w Allentown Ac-ademy, rro NE Annual Exhibition of the pupilS of the lAi. ' 1 entown Academy will take place at the Odd Fellews Hall on Friday evening, 23d- inst., commencing at half past 0 o'clock. The exer cises in Declamation will be interspersed With a variety of agreeable music. The premiums will be distributed by a Committee chosen by the Speakers. The friends of, the Institution and the public generally aro cordially invited to attend. To defray expenses there will be a charge of 12-1 cts. at the door. I. N. GREGORY, principal. Feb. 21. 11-1 W Orphan's Court Sale. BV virtue and in pursuance of an order issued out 'of the• Orphan's court of the county of Lehigh, there will be exposed to public sale on Saturday the 24th day of March, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, upon the plemises, the following described-property, viz: A certain messuage and tract of land, with the appurtenances, situated in South Whitehall township, in the county of Le high aforesaid, bounded by lands of Charles Miller, Joseph Biery, Henry Seip and other, containing about five acres of land. The im• provements thereon are a one and a half • story log gil h Divehi's° House, se a • 'at <- 4 z , Frame Stable and other outbuildings ; with an excellent Apple Orchard. Being the reaLestate of Catharine Henry, eemased, late of South Whitehall township, and c. no y aforesaid. Terms on the day at the place of sale ; and duo attendance given by • DANIEL HENI:I - 7 Adm'r. By the Court : J. W., Clerk. Fob. 21, 1855 timiwistv Mors otice. LETTERS of Administration having been gran'ou to the undersigned in the estate of George Koch, deceased, late of Hanover town. ship, Lehigh county, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment within six weeks of this date; and all persons havin ,, claims against said estate will pres.ent them, duly authenticated, for se:tlement, with. in the stove specified time, to either of the Undersigned administrators. JOHN STHOUSS, Administra'rs ELIZABITH KOCH, Feb. 21 Allentown Seminary, W. N. REYNOLDS, D. D., Principal. TILE Rev. C. 11. R.'essler's health having in duced him to relinquish the charge of the Allentown Seminary, at the close of the. present term, said Institution will from that time be conducted by the subscriber. The friends and patrons of the school are hereby informed that it will, from the first of May, be conducted by the undersigned, upon the plan hitherto so suc cessfully pursued. and upon the same terms for regular tuition and boarding . The house being fully fated up .for the reception of a considera bly greater number of scholars than heretofore, parents are respectfully requested to favor us with their patronage, and arc assured that their sons will receive the most careful attention.— The arrarigementt for their accommodation and comfort, as well as fur their instruction, arc am ple, and will, we trust, be satisfactory to all. The FEMALE PEPART3IENT will also be contin ued as here'tofore. Experienced and judicious teachers have been secured for its instruction. and will .conduct it under the superintendence of the Principal, and it will be our object to give a full course of an elevated and solid female education. The charges for board and tuition are as fol ows: For boarding and tuition for the term of five months - - Tuition for pupils under ten years - Tuition "fore pupils between ten and twelve years - - - - Tuition for pupils over twelve FEMALE DEPARTMENT Tuition for pupils,uver ten years " under ten - - 00 - - 180 PO - 1 25 - 50 • 1.100 - - 70 00 - - 12 10 10 10 18 10 rench - - riming, (pencil) Painting - - Piano (per quarter) Use of piano - - Fuel—(scholars paying $l5 per quarter excepted) 50 For further particillars and references, sec circulars. Lr. 7-- The Summer Term will commence as usual upon the Ist of May. W. M. REYNOLDS, Principal. Allentown, Feb. 14, 1855. tf William L. Yohnt, fjottEse nub Sign pnutter, PAPER RANGER Al GLAZIER, NO. 42 WEST HAMILTON STItEET, ALLIINTOWN, PA. Ir7 . l 3 aper Hanging done at the extreme low price of 12 cents. Feb. 7. 1--3 m ti 00 =MEI MI Co CO Lai al A la . 9 ' 0: . v4' ~• -ft , 7.1 , . -'SAtOONS-F -- . IVO. 9 WeMt-BEamilion S'irecill ALLENTOWN, PA. Picures most rare of beauty's radiant face, With life-like figure and its case of grace ; Perfected eye--truth's magic light of life— Pleasing in infant and the much loved wife, These, and all charms o'er which affection weeps When sad bereavements hearts in sorrow steeps ; Portrayed with excellence of artist's shill, Are had at LUCIIMANS !—go when you will. B. LOCHMAN, respectfully informs the citi• zens of Allentown, and vicinity, that he may still be found at his old established Shy. Light Da, gucrrean Gallery, No. 9 West Hamilton street, where he is ever ready, rain or shine, to take pictures not to be surpassed by any artist hr this Borough. By long experience, arduous toil, and heavy invfStments of capital, he feels assured that any one who may favor him with a call will receive in return a perfect picture, not to be excel led, in point of artistic beauty, by any one in this section of country. He would also invite attention to his new and splendid stock of cases which range in price from 75 cents to 10 dol lars. Please bear in mind, that pictures can be taken in clear or cloudy weather. Allentown Feb. 7. .C—ly Washington Engine Company's SECOND ANNEAL FIREMEN AND CITIZEN MSS Mt AT THE ODD FELLOWS' HALL, • On . Thursday Evening, February 22d, 1855 MANAGERS: • W. R. Sumner, I J. W. Rhoads, T. Siip,. C. Loseli, Win. J. Raines. WALTER C. SMITIL Floor Managers num. R. GOOD, F. STRTTLER, GEORGE FRY, T. W. KRAMER ' ASssistants. F. J. Guru. 11-21 Y Feb. 14. MALE DEPARTMENT I= crayon &Mention Purchasers: : CALb-AND SEE - 7 •• HI NEW BOOT, ME, RAT AN CAP 11, _ . IS "JE 3 CP . 3a ll . , • No. 21 Han " don Sireet ) M` ALLEWN, PA. fl HE subscriberS take pleasure in announcing 7.1" to the public that they have entered a new field oi.operations in the manufacture of . 13ools Cend Effsoes, at their "01(1 stand," No. 21 Ea't Hamilton street sign of the 13ig hoot.' one door cast of the' German Nefortned Church, where they nianufac. lure and sells at 11•Moresare and . all kinds of line and coarse fashionable gentle men's boots and shoes. Also, all kinds of the latest styles of ladies fast , enable dress and other shoes. C:emir !Den's hoot.: manufactured to order from ;.2 ro 00. Doc'; and Children's Boots from SI '25 to z'..l t tt. Ladies Cress and other Shoes from 50 to 50. The aboi'e articles will be sold at wholesale and retail, and one of the largest assertments in the trade ever exhibited in AllentoWh will always be kept on hand. if-3w 411ccastere or Customer work will always be attended to at the shortest notice. The latest New York styles .of Gentle, men's Fashionable Boots made up to order, and warranted to .give full satisfaction. lie has in his employ one of the most finished CUTTERS, and as forAVORKMEN, none lout the best will find employment. COMB! ire a 7 FleaThahlis are particularly invited to call, as we arc pre pared to supply them with a „ homemade arti, cle," far superior to ally ever brought from Yankee Land," and at prices very near if not quite ns low. Therefore try home 'competition and ;:tve us a call. We hope in oar new enterprise to see the faces of our numerous old friends and hundreds, of new ones, 10 whom we will always sell at the lowest Cash prices. Ladies' Dress Ga iters, with and without heels, made up of French, Imlian, English and Ameri, can Lasting, of all rotors and styles. Dress Shoes of Patent Leather, Morocco, Kid, Frendh Morocco, and Seal, black and fancy colors, for Women, Misses, Children and Infants. Ladies, Misses, and Genttemen's Gains, of all the lash, innable styles. LT Repairing of nil kinds done up neatly and exnechticusly, nod at prince that will rive full sa• tisfactinn. RUDE & WITTE. Feb. 7. 11—ft X - 6 w A_ &AIWA stv atovs _t• triT,Rri of Administration having been grunted to the undersigned in the estate of Michael Acker, deceased, late of Weisenburg township, ri'ehtgh County, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment within six weeks of this date; and all persons having claims against said estate will present them,duly nu then ticated, for settlement, within the above specified time, to the undersigned. SOLOMON 11. APPEL, Administrer. January, :31., 1-6 w 73 - 17 , L1T.-LTE RECEETE.7I s kl, ffa t 1:s1] - $7O 00 S 00 - I°oo - 15 00 HAIR DRESSER, NO. 10 AV I I .SON'S ROW, - 12 00 - 800 1 silty it .0i °I ,41:1411 thnt, ho Still pursuing his VOCIItIOII Ul Data Hair after the most approved style, at his old stand, where he cordially invites all who wish to avail themselves of his useful sci ence to give him a call. In addition to his Shaving and I lair Dressil ° -, business, lie earn estly invites the attention of (lie public to the fact that lie has just received, from Philadelphia a large assortment of Perfumery and Fancy ar ticles, which lie oiliTs for sale on terms so rea sonable that no lady or gentleman should be without them. Bis stock consists in part of' Ladies' Curls of superior style, a beautiful ar ticle, Gentlemen's Wigs, Dressing, Toilet and !lead Brushes, Tooth Powder, an excellent ar ticle, Cologne, Hair Oils, and Perfumery of every description, Military Shaving Soap, a line article,. Washing, Shaving. and Toilet Soap, Shaving Cream, Powder and l'ulf•boxes, Walk ing Canes, Segais and Segar Cases, Bay Water ; &c., &c. - 12 00 - 800 - 10 00 - 12 00 - 8 00 - S 00 n — The public is respectfully invited to give dm a call. Jan. 31 zutov 3 s N Ake. Notice is hereby p.iven, that the under signed arc appointed Executors of the last will rind testament of Henry Lauer, de ceased, lat..; of Lower Macon* township, Lehigh counts•, therefore all those Whoknow themselves to he indebted to said estate, he it in Notes, Bonds, Book-debts or• Label wise. will make payment within.six weeks from the date hereof. Also who have any claims against said estate. will bring in their accounts wetl authenticated within said time. NATHAN Executors. AARON SCHMOVI:II, Feb. 7. yj=Gtv A New Book Bindery. E DWARD MUMMER. respectfully informs kJ the citizens of Allentown antl vicinity, tliat lie established a Bookbindery at the office of the " linabham;igc Republic:tiler," No. li East Hamilton street, where he carries on the busine-s in all its various branches. Port. Folios, Music Books, Magakines, Blank Books; &c., bound durable and tasty. 011 floohs re bound .at the shortest notice. Band Boxes, Fancy Boxes, &c., made to order. Copy Books, Pass books. &e., constantly on hand or made to ova , r at short notice. Feb. 7. ¶-5w V/ A TED. A JOF lINEVMAN WIWELWRIIiiIIT is want ed immediately by the undersigned at his Coach Making. Establishment in Allentown. To a good worlintan, of sober and industrious habits, a pet toanent situation with the of wages will be given. A married man prefera ble. T. STATT LER. Feb. 14. • 11-3 w • • C. R nk, oltiorney at Law. °flied on 7th street, three doors North of he Public Square, Allentown, Pa. August 23, 1854. T-3rn • AND I{-2m FRAFILIII FIRE lISERMICE EMBRY Of Philadelphia. • Statement of the assets of the CoMpany on January 1, 1855, published in conformity with the provision of the Sixth Section of the Act of Assembly, of April sth, 1842. MORTGAGES. Being, first mortgages on real estate, in the City and County of Philadel phia, except *30,950 in Montgomery, Schuylkill, Bucks end Allegheny counties, Pennsylvania, REAL ESTATE, Purchased at Sherifrssales mid& mortgage claims, viz Eight houses and lot, 70 by 150 feet, on the South west corner of Chestnut and Seventeenth streets, A ;Muse and In;, 27 by 71 "feet, on North side of Spruce street, West of Elev.entli street, A how.° and lot, 21.7 by 100 feet, on West side eft Penn Square, South of Ilih street, Ten' houses and lot, each 18 by 80 feet, on South side of Spruce street, near Sixteenth street, Five houses and lots, each 17.9 by 90 feet, Nos. 159, 161, 193, 167 Dilwyn st. Three houses and lot, 49 by 51 feet, on East side of Seventeenth street, South of l'inc street, A lot of ground, 17 by 57 feet, -on the Northeast corner of Twenty-second and Spruce streets, Hotel and lot, 50 by 81 feet, on the South-east corner of Chestnut and Beach streets, Five houses and lot, 42 by 86 feet, on the North side of George street, West of Ashton street, Seven houses and lot, 20 by 117 feet, on the cast side of Beach street, south of Chestnut street, A house and lot, 18 by 80 feet, No. 06 Fitzwater street, east of Ninth st., A ground rent of 830, issu ittpt, on; of a lot 13.4 by 40 feet, on north side of Otter btreet, 40 feet west of Lepard street, LOANS. Temporary Loans, on Stocks as Collateral Security, STOCKS 5,10,000 Alms Honse Loan; 5 percent. (interest on). 200 Share's Bank of Ken lucky, 17 Shares Northern Bank of Kentucky, 100 Shares Union Bank of Tennessee, 13 Shares Insurance. Com pany of the State of Penn sylvania, 200 Shares Southwark Rail road Company, 37 Shares Commercial and Railroad Bank Vicksburg, 300 S',r.q Pennsylvania ,n-nod Company. 41 Shares Franklin Fire In surance Company, 2 Shares Mercantile Library. Company, 21 Shares Union Canal Company, 10 Shares Schuylkill I:ail• road Company, Notes and Bills receivable, Unsettled Policies, Merchandise, Cash on hand, 19,932' 37 " in hands of 7,385 21 agents, _Losses by , itt: , es paid during the year 1851, By order of the Board, CHARLES N. BANCKER, President, Attest. • CHARLES G. BANCKER, Secretary. Jan. 31. *-4w Uniteci hates Hotel, CORNER OF FRONT AND RACE STREETS; Calasazaqua l Opposite the ‘‘ Anierican Hotel.'' The above hotel, one of the largest and most commodious in the interior of Pennsylvaaia, is now kept by the undersigned, who is ready to wait upon all who will favor him with their pat. ronage. Every attention shall be paid to the comfert of his guests. The Larder will be sup_ plied with the best the matlcets afford and the liar With the best Wines and Liquors. In short no pains nor expense will be spared, to render the United States" an attractive ht•tel fur visi.. tors. The public arc invited to call. Cil IIIiES•NOLF, Proprietor. Eatasattqua, Jan. 3, 1855. —Jut jD , 3IYII Barber and Hair Dresser, N.O. 16 WEST HAMILTON STREET, . Allentown, Pa. Who keeps his razors bright and keer 4 And shaves his customers so clean That they look like youths of seventeen ? Why Pierre Who bows to all who enter in, And while he kindly smooths the skin, (Jives ease and comfort to the chin ? Ho, all yeUnshaved •Faces, Come ye to' Pierre's, No. 1.6. East Hamilton 'street, nearly opposite Moser's Drug Store, where ho carries on Barbering and Hair. Dressing after the most approved city styles, lle constantly keeps on hand a large assort. ment of Perfumery, Wigs, Curls, Brushes, Powder, Cologne, Shaving' and Toilet Soap, &C., together with such a variety of articles for the toilet, as are indispensible to every lady and gentleman. CO - For the accommodation of his numerous friends in East .Allentown, he has established a !"I"onsurial Temple" near Schinlpf's Hotel. Feb. 7. 11-3nt STARTLING, BUT TRUE! WHAT EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW.:: row otton•it happens, that tho wifo lingers from. year to year in that pitiablo condition as not' even• for ono day to feel the happy and exhilarating infin— oneo incident to tho enjoyment of health.. . . 'NIB BLOOMING - BRIDE,: But a few years ago in the Push of health nedyoutk, and buoyancy of spirits, rapidly, and apparently la explicably, 'teemed a feeble, sickly, sallow, &bill.: tated wife, with tram) emaciated, nerves unstrung„, spirits dFpressed, countenance bearing tho impress of suffering, and an utter physical and mental vim-. (ration, raising from • ignorance of the simplest and plainest rules of health as connected with tho mar riage state, tho . yielation of which entails disease, suffering and misery, not only to tho wife, but otters lIEREDITARY COMPLAINTS UPON TUE CHILDREN' 51,353,058 56 " INTO 'rut TIMID AND FOURTH GENERATION," Trtommliting CONsunt.rmiv. SCROFULA,. rocemlyim lA, INSANITY. GOUT., KING'S EVIL, mot other nod worse Disennes, as a • "And mmt Ibis continuo P Must this bo? Is them no , tomb.? No relief? No ItopeP The rein lv he Leonine ilin ennges and molding them, mot knowio7 the remedies, and benefiting by them. 'them :Lro polut ' ea out In THE MARRIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION, BY DR. A. M. MAURICEALT, TROMIOR nP DIVAATS 01 , WOMEN. ' Onc Hundredth Edition, (500,000), 19nt0., pp. 250. lox FITE rtrErt, ra-rnA nrxma, $l. .1 A standard work of established reptitation, fond classed fn tho ealalogues of the great trade sales in Now York. Philadelphia, and other cities, and sold by tho principal booksellers in the United States. It was flat publishod. in 1547, sine.) which time FIVE MINI/RED THOUSAND COPIES bare been sold, of which there were upwards of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SENT BY MAIL, ntlomliog filo 1411 cAllmation in which it Is held as a re liable popular Molical 6 At Cost 82,830 30 BOOK FOR EVERY FEMALE the anther having devoted his excludre attention to the. treatment of complaint+peculiar to females, in respect to. Odell he ir yearly consulted by thousands both in person and by letter. I hero every woman can discover, by comparing her own symptoms with those described, the Ware, character, IIiCA or, and the proper remedies for, her complaints. The wife about becoming-a mother has often need of instruction and advice of the utmost Importune° to her futuro health, In respect to which her sensitiveness for bid,' consulting a medical gentle, man, will find ouch In struction and advice, and also explain many symptoms which otherwise would occasion anxiety or alarm as all the peculiarities incident to her situation are described. flow many aro suffering from obstructions or irregular flies peculiar to the female system, which undermine the health, the effects of which they nro Ignorant, and for which their delicacy forbids seeking medical advice. Manysuffering from prolapsus uteri (falling of the womb), or from finer attun (we:Lb:less, debility, &c.) Many are In constant agony for many months preceding confine ment Many have dif4cult It not dangerous deliveries, . rurl Om; and uncertain recoveries. Some whose lives aro hararded dnrin,7 such time, will each Gad In Its pages the means of prevention, marl:oration and relief. 98,142 99 It Is of eouree hrivractiestlo to convey fully the cartoon anbjects treateLl of, as they aro of a naturo'strlclty In tended for the married or those contemplating marriage. Reader, aro you a husband or a Whet? a trifle or a. mother? flavo you the Macon welfare of those you love at heart? Provo your sincerity, and Inso no time in learning what causes interCero with their health and hap pinees not less than your own. It will avoid to you and yours; as it has to thousands, many a day of pain and anxiety, followed by sleepless nights, incapacitating the mind for its ordinary avocation, and exhausting tboso means for medical attendance, medicines and advertised nostrums which othern - ko would provido for declining years, the ititirmitiei of ago and the proper education of your cbilth.en. VS Cost <Li 0 63,055 50 7,3' • in cooPequenco of the univer6al popularity of the work, no ovidenced by its estraonlinary sale, various imposi tions have been attempted, as wnll on booksellers as on ...:m, c..s of lilloolingo. spurious editions, Ilpl,nrrmtitimis . infringentelesofspv,riudg„.autl_ol,4s therefore, to CAUTION THE PUBLIC to boy no book unles3 the worts 44 Dr. A. M. MACRICSAr, 1 4 .19 Liberty - Street. N. Y. is on (and the entry In the Ulerk'nlitm on the back or) the title page ; and boy only of rosta—ttablo , nod honorable denim. or send by nod address to Dr. A. M. Ilauricenu. ft - a-Upon receipt of Ono Dollar "TRE MAR. RIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDIOAL COM PANION" is sont (=alai free) to any part of tho United States, tho Canadas and British Provinces. All letters - mart be post-paid, and addressed to Dr. A. M. MAURICEAU, box 1224, Now-York City. PalsHsiang 011 ice, No. 129 Liberty Streot, Now. York. AGENTS. 12,083 50 1,470 25 163 8.1 T. B. Peterson. J. M. Moss & Bro., and Thos w Co perthwail, Philadelphia—Spangler & Bro. l Laqcastcr-11. IV. -Lentz, Benner o ,Sumoryiezen. . . $1,638,452 52 Janitary 10, FiD•C. • xv. 94 .1 7.. • f7s; 4-t - • . 0 2. L arc ers Received I'OR Fruit and Ornamental 'Freest THE undersigned intend visiting the numer -1 ous Nurseries,in the' vicinity of New Yorko immediately on'te Opening of §pring, and will be happy to atetile all orders entrusted to the 4. care in the way of, ;. FRIT All• ORNAMEITA 'frees, Evergreens, .Flower SIIRUBS, ROSES, VINES, CREEPERS, Ilci•batcons Plants, Bulbous and Tuberous Root ed Rowers, Esculant Roots, Hedge Plants, Ed,ging, Catalogues can be seen by making Opplica- Lion to the undersigned. Orders should bo had beibre the first of`March. C. B. lIATNTZ, • E. Ri , NEWBARD. . Jan. 10. .'::282,20-1 39 e N'A . 2 72 C' 7 l"">• . JOHN BrOMltt ti Wholesale and Retail ( 'a,.ll)caler in Tobacco, . Zilliff attb Ocsato, . . No. 1.4 East Hamilton St., .7)) ALLENTOWN, PA. 137 - Goods all Warrautc(l.,Zi Jan. 31. . 11 — . Y ,4 Why Pierre printing, Neatly Executed at tho Register Offloe:1! DREADFUL INHERITANCE FROM " THE PA RENTS ¶-Om