The Lehigh register. (Allentown, Pa.) 1846-1912, August 23, 1854, Image 3

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    (From the Berka and Schuylkill JournaL)
Candidates and Know-Nothings.
It is unquestionable true that the new se
cret order of Know-Nothings, which is sup
posed tit be intended to operate directly on
the decisioa of political questions through
the ballot-borea; has created no small panic
and uncertainty in political movements.—
The Locofocas, having determined to take
open and public ground against it—though,
we have do doubt, entertaining no serious
objection to at least an occasional private ar
rangement with it—have assailed. it-as op
posed to the rights of conscienee—the free
enjoyment of religious opinions, and the
just respect to be paid to aliens by birth;
who 'they' oh are as fairly entitled to all
the rights of American citizens - as persons
b orn on the soil. With thiscontroversy be
teeen the Lecofociis and Know-Nothings
we have nothing to do—it is entirely col
lateral to all W big objects 'and proposes.—
We are opposed to the Nebraska:Kansas
iniquity, and to the whole form and system
of National Administration adopted by Gen.
Pierce. We are in favor of a sale, immedi
ate and complete, of the Public Works of
the State, end inimical to Gov. Bigler's dodg
ing and double-dealing on that and every
other question of the State policy. Such is
our 'Platform and, therefore, we support
Jesus Powacx for Governor, and all the
other candidates on the Whig State Tick
et. In order, as they suppose, however, to
injure Judge Por,Locit for Governor, the Lo
coloco papers and Sta:e Committee are at
tempting to identify him with the Know-
Nothings. WitlAilis view, every lackofoco
paper which we have seen, with an unani
mity that looked like precon&qt, copied un
article front the Philadelphia Evening
gus which is owned by a United States Of
fice-holder, in which it is stated that Judge
POLLOCK has joined the Know-Nothings at
a time and place therein stated, and made a
speech pledging henself to rics upon their
principles. If this were all true, we are by
no means sure that, in the present state.of
publii? opinion, it would at all injure the
prospect of 'electing Judge Por.tocx. But
We believe it to be a lie ; and to differ from
ordinary falsehood, only as being a lie with
a circunistance, Our reason is :—These
Locofoco papers assert that the Know-Noth
ings are a secret, sworn, political order- , -tbe
Editors of these papers are opposed to, and
of course, not members of the order, and.
therefore, they cannot know who belong to
them, nor what takes place in their meet
ings—We do not know whether that is a
syllogism in logic, or not ;'btit we take it . to
be good argument. But, these papers may
say, some member told us. Told you, in
deed, when he wassworn not to do so I Then
if he told you the truth, he was foresworn
and you cannot Geneve sup:h it prejured per
son ; if he her his oath, he told yet; u-lie,
and you were humbugged. We say, there
fore,that the Locofocos' in declaring Judge
Pou.oeic to be a 'Know Nothing, assert as a
fact that which it is impossible for them to
know, and are only practicing upon the
prejudice and credulity of their readers.—
pl ha
to be been
admitted aerted i into that the orderil tta
of Ki so lot ap
Nothings, and was rejected. This the La
cofoco papers deny in toto. We do not
know that the assertion was made in a very
respectable quarter, and we have seen it
positively reiterated' since was denied.—
Whether Judge PoLiceit is, or is not, a
Know-Nothing, we most assuredly do not
know, for we have no means of knowing.—
The Clinton 7'ributtea very respectable
Whig paper --denies it,'and does so, it says.,
on authority which is equivalent-to a decla
ration from Judge Pou.oca's own mouth.—
We only know that Judge Pona.oca is a &rin
and true Whig--an able, hodorable and ex
cellent man—fully to ba depended upon in
every public and private relations; that is
enough for us. He is opposed toile Ne
braska-Kanzas 'favor 'Of a Sale
of the Public Works, and dodges no quest
ion. Ile writes
,no public letters in one
strain, and private letters to be carried in
4 i -socket's. in another. The ecitia:sylvirtatun
—another office-holder's organ—improved
upon the Argils story by asserting that May
or CONRAD and Sheriff Aetssi were the men
who conducted Judge POLLCCK into the
Know-Nothing lodge. This was piling up
the circumstances too high ; for Sheriff AL
LEN has publicly and peremptorily denied.
the statement to be true.—We have no
doubt .that the Know-Nothings whoever
they may be, enjoy themselves hugely over •
these blind gropings of the outsiders, and
for ourselves we have no disposition to be
laughed at by people who have such a de
paled advantage over us.
A Wonderful Pedestrian.
The feat of William Hughes, who a few
weeks since in San Fraricisco, walked dur
eighty consecutive hours for a wager of one
thousand dollars, is one of the most remark
able pedestrian ttts on record. Hughes an
Englishmen by birth, but came to New
York seve i nteeir years ago, and has since
been residing in the United States. The
41la Califorriic . C4escribes him . as being be
tween thirty nine and forty years of age, of
medium size, and very powerfully and com
pactly built. He had been laboring in the
Wales, but his efforts not proving success
ful he undertook this feat for the purpose of
realizing sufficient funds to enable hint to
return to his famiky in Udmbridge, Mass.—
During the eighty hours he walked con
stantly back and' forth on a planklleer. 4f
"teen long by three 'feet bthild, at the iate'of
about three miles an hour—thu s making 240
miles of travel in less than three and a half
days, during all of Which' time he Was de
prived of sleep. - At the hit hoUr he was
`very much fatigued. Drowsiness oppress
ed him greatly, and nothing but the friendly
encouragement of the spectators buoyed up
his exhausted frame. At length the time
expired t and he was. immediately wrapped
in blankets, popeyed to a tepid bath; and re-
I s,eived every attentjert` Which his situation
required. His feet and legs were dreadful
ly swolen, but at lasts egdounis he was rap
idly recovering. •
Despise not New Things,
The world's history is full of the Orsecu.
Lion bf great men who Stepped forward in
advance of their age, warning us to look
kindly on honest purposes, and to judge with
charity what we do not. comprehend. Let
us not ridicule or despise 'things because
they conflict with our observation or be im
practible. There is hardly a discovery or
invention in art that has not had its day of
trial . and'discouragement. Many a man has
gone heart-broken to his grave, in whom the
fire of genius has burned, unseen and unap
preciated,"vihen adverse circumstances, or
shrinking timidity, or cold neglect or the
want, of a kind word have come upon him
and kept his secret burned forever.—Prison
bars have been presented by thorbing brows
which would have redeemed the world.—
The recordS of the world are full of the neg
lect of merit, and yet - nothing has been told.
Perhaps there is scarcely a man living who
has not, during some portion of his life,
known,some one who pined unheaded,want
ing the genial air and sunshine which nev
er-came. Men get misplaced, and do not
meet the magnet to draw out the metal with
in them. Mediocrity writes verses when it
should be holding the plough, and the true
poet does the drudgery of life not dreaming
why the fire torments him. The flint and
steel are cold and cheerless until struck to
gether, and they may never come in contact.
I Turkish Aristocrat.
In the year 1838, I 4ft Oinstantinople
on my.way to Vienna. I went to Varna,
and from thence proceeded up the Danube
. in a miserable steamer, on board of which
was a personage whose manners and habits
afforded me great amusement. He was
courteous and very gentlemanlike. in a re
mar!mble degree, but his domestic ways dif
fered from those of our own countrymen.—
.fle had a numerous suite of servants, three
or four of whom seemed to be a sort of gen
tleman ; these attended him every night
when he went to bed, in the standing bed
place of the crazy steamer. First they
wound up six or seven gold watches, and
the great man took off his boots, his coat,
and 1 don't know how many gold chains ;
then each niciht he was invested by his at
tendants with a different fur pelisse, which
looked valuable and fusty to my humble
eyes. Each morning the same gentleman
spread out all the watches, took off the fur
pelisse and insinualed their lord into a fash
ionable and somewhat tight coat, not the
one worn yesterday ; but on no occasion did
I perceive any thing in the nature of an ab
lution, or any proof that such an articie as a
clean shirt formed a part of the great man's
travelling wardrobe.
number of lilcrbs.
The undersigned offers himself to the con
sideration of the Democratic County Con
vention as a Candidate for of “Re
corder of Deeds" of Lehigh county, hoping
that his friends will regard his past conduct
as n sufficient guarantee that if elected he
will discharge the duties of the office faith
fully. nu wuuw most respectfully bOi,F.ll.
their encouragement and support.
Allentown, Angus: 2:3.
prothonotarn's Officr.
To the Electors of Lehigh County.
FELLOW CITIZENS.—I hereby offer
myself as a candidate for the office of Prothon
otary of Lehigh County. (sub . frct to a deci
sion of the County convent on, and respect
fully solicit-your suilnwes.)
Allentown, August 23. —te
erierlo Office.
To the rrec Ekelors o/ Lehigh County.
FELLOIV CITIZENS.-4 hereby offer
myself as a candidate for the Clerks office,
and respectfully solicit your suffrages, (sub
jecrto the decision of the county convention.)
Allentown, Aug. 23.
11:gi3tx Offt:e.
To the Free Electors of Lehigh County.
FELLOW CITIZELNS.—I hereby oiler
myself as a candidate for the office of Regis
ter. and rec - pectfulfy eolicit your suffrages,
(subject idthes decision of the county con
Allentown, August 23. ¶—te
Bridge Election.
. The annual ElectiOn of the company,
chartered and known as the 'president, man
agersand company fontheerection of a bridge
across the river Lehigh at or near Seigfried's
Ferry," will take place at the 1-louse of Ca
be! Yohe, in the Borough of Bethlehem, on
Monday the 4th of September next, between
the hours of 10 ands 2, for the purpose of
electing ono President, four managers, and a
Treasurer of said company for the •ending
year. • Peter Laubach, Prest.
August 24.
Administrators Notice,
Notice is hereby given, that the subscri•
bers have taken out letters of Administration
in' the estate of Jonas Ilaas, Esq. , late of
Lynn township, Lehigh county, therefore
all those who know themselves to be indebt
ed to said estate, be it in. Notes, Bonds Book
debts, or otherwise. will make' payment of
the same within six weeks from the date here
of. And such, who have any legal claims
against said estate, will present them for
settlement well authenticated to the under
signea within• the above specified time.
s ui strs.
Aug. '4,4.
Boat Coal l .
Nut, Stove, ggg au'd Lunip Coal, in any
quantity desired, for sale . by.
Allentown, April 20.
In Somers, Connecticut August 13th, by
the Rev. J. Vail!, D, Theodore D.
formerly 4)1 this place, to Miss Fan
ny Bugbry, oC the former place. .
The bee through many garden roves,
And bums the lay of courtship o'er,
But when he finds the flower be loves,
He settles there and hums no more
On the 3ist of July. by the Rev. E. IL
flelfrich . , Mr. Oliver Ochs, to Miss Rebecca
Kratzer, both of Moore township.
On the lst of August, by the same, 111 r.
Charles Bier, to Miss Sarah dint 11Ierlz,
both of Lehigh township.
On the Sth of August, by the same, Mr.
lienry Werth, to Miss Lyentla Troxeil,
both of North Whitehall. •
On the Ist of August, in Lynn, of Apo
plexy, Henry !raw, -aged 65 years.
On the 9th of A ugust, in Ringold, Schuyl-
kill county, of consumption, Lydia, wife of
Daniel Long, and daughter of Jacob Kistler,
in Lynn township, aged 34 years.
On the 2d of August, Margaret Gansc,
aged 21 years.
On tho same day, Conrad Nagengast,
ged 35 years.
• On the 4th, Patrick McSafferty, aged
35 years.
On the 6th, Daniel I,hman, of Carbon
county, aged 58 years.
On the 7th, Philip' Nasvickel, aged" 66
On the 9th, David Shaffer, aged 16 years.
On the 11th, .dug. Schultz, need 78 yrs.
On the same day, Sophia Evans, aged 35
On the 12th, Jibraham Gebhard, aged 78
On the 13th, Nich. Sauer, aged 59 years.
Oh thellBth of August, Daniel Smiler,
.aged 85 years.
Agricultural Meeting.
The Executive Committee, of the "Le
high Coun'y Agricultural Society, will meet
at the Office of the ; Society, on the Fair
Ground, on 'l'uesday•afternoon, the sth of
September, at '2 o'clock. General attend
ence is requested, as business of importance
will be transacted.
August 23. ¶-2tv
( r ) U% 21,
Notice is hereby given, that the subscri
ber have taken out letters of Administration
in the estate of . Parr Kneppley, Esq., late of
Upper Salmon township, Lehigh -county,
therefore all those who know themselves to
be indebted to said estate, be it in Notes,
Bonds, Bookdtibts, or otherwise, will make
payment of the same within six weeks from
the date hereof. And such, who have any
legal claims against said estate, will present
them for fpu l..mont authenticated to
either of the undersigned within the above
specified time.
A thn'.itrs
August 24
Aailllivistrators N
Notice is hereby given, that the subscri.
be rs have taken out 16tter3 of Administration
in the estate of George Weber, late of
South Whitehall township Lehigh county,
therefore all those know themselves to he
indebted tosaid estate, be it in Notes, Bonds
[3ookdebts, or otherwise, will make pay
ment of the saml within six weeks from the
date hereof. And such, who have any It •
al claims against said estate, will present
them fur settlement well authenticated to
the undersigned within the above specifled
• • , HENRY WEBER, Adnebtrs.(
Aug. 24.
Great attraction!
• Melded". g:
PROF. R. S. AUSTIN, would most re
spectfully announce to the Citizens of Allen
town, that he will remain at Ihrie's Hotel for
a few woehs, and is now prepared to teach
a new and improved SraTint OF SKUTCHIXO.
Views of Lanscapes, Portraits, Machinery,
&c. Persons are invited to call at Ihrie's
Hotel. in the forenoon, between the hours
of S and nine, and in the afternoon, between
the hours of one and four, for examining
specimens, &t•.
larNo pay will be nsked, it perfect sat
isfication is not given.
Dr. 3.1'. Ilaynes,
Informs his friends, and the pub
ofesi* lie in general, that he still performs
all operations on the teeth, ants) treats diseases
of the gumth and alveoler Processes in the
most efrectual and skillful manner.
His mode of inserting artificial teeth,
cannot be surpassed, for comfort to the tirea
zerand duribility and beautifulness in appear
ance. The general sati,faction he has given
for years, has been duly appreciated by the
Office No. 48, East Hamilton street, a few
doors East of Pretz, Guth & Co's store, op
posite Bechtels American Hotel.
December 6, 1853.
Go and have the "Blues" Cured.
lIIr. H. Lindsay.
Will give an entertainment on Saturday
Evening, the 26th of August, at the Odd
Fellows' Hall, in the Burntigh of Allentown.
He has engaged two eminent performers.
and with himself is able to keep a house in
constant roar of laughter. Go and here the
Catasauqua Railroad and "Know Nothing"
questions dramatized in the Colonel's own
comic style. Girdle your sides if you dOn't
wish them cracked. Fun loving persons
should not tail to hear "Lindsay.' .
11-6 w
ir-1 y
Prices turtent.
ARTICLES, I Per I Allen I.Easton
Wheat . • • •
Buckwheat.. •
Flaxse,ed . • •
Cloverseed . •
'1 imothyseed •
Potatoes . • •
Butter . • • .
Tallow . • •
Beeswax . . .
Flitch . . . .
Tow-yarn. . •
Eggs . .
Rye Whiskey
Apple Whiskey
Linseed Oil .
Hickory Wood
Hay .. . .
Egg Coal . . .
Nut ..Coal
Lump Coal .
Plaster . . .
~'~~~y!'1t~'J`~7~1 ~~~'~~~~~`ifo
The Fall Term of this Institution will
open on Monday, Soptemher 4th, 185.1.
J. N. GREGORY, Frincipal.
August 10
amimstratovs Notice.
Notice is hereby given, that the subscri
bers have, taken out letters of administra
tion of the estate of William Slater, late of
Upper Saucon Township, Lehigh County,
therefore all those_who know themselves in
debted to said estate, be it in Notes, Bonds,
Book-debts or otherwise, wia make pay
ment within six weeks (ruin the date here
of. Also, those who have any legal claims
against said estate, will present them !tithe
undersigned well authenticated within the
above specified time.
August 9, 15'1. 11-6 w
Mministratovs otice.
Nutlet- is hereby given, that the under
signed have taken out letters of Adminis
tration in the estate of Thomas iss , de
ceased, late of the Borough of Allentown,
Lehigh county, therefore all those who know
themselves indebted to said estate, be it in
notes, bonds, book•debts or otherwise, wilt
make settlement within six weeks from the
date hereof. Also, all those who have any
legal claims against said estate, will present
th-tin to the undersigned well authenticated
within the above specified time.
Aclin t strs
Allentown, August 9, 1551„ 1-6 w
N.V—a.Tlrrra' D.
Timothy Hay, Wheat, Rye, Corn and
Oats, for which the highest market price
will be paid by ,
May 4, ISZ3
01 . 13 Cll.l MICS
Inventors & Manufacturers.
$570 In Cash Prices. $570
cLum E TUN OF Tali • SCIENTIFIC :131F:Ftl-
I CAN . COIIOIIeOCCS 00 the Wal of Septenilwr.
It is chiefly devoted to the advancement of
interests of Mechanics, Inventors, Manu
' factures and Farmers, and is edited by men
practically skilled in the arts and sciences.
Probably no other journal of the same char-
acter is so extensively circulated, or so gril
eraliy esteemed for its practical ability.—
l Nearly all the Valuable Patents which
A' is
sue weelrly from the P ENT OFFICE are
Rhatrafed with Engr. \ ving,, and the
" ,, ima of all the Patents ar published reg
ularly in its Got,,,inni,i u s they are issued,
thus making it n pelfect SCIENTIFIC AN.
upon the subjects of Mechanical Improve
ments, Chemistry. Engravings and the
Sciences generally. It is published weekly
in quarto form situnble for binding, and each
volume contains POUR HUNDRED AND SIX
TEEN Noes of Reading matter, .Several.
Hundred Engravings, with a full and coin- ;
plete Index. Its circulation on the last Vol
ume exceeds 23,000 copies per Week, and
the practical receipts in one volume are 111
worth to any family much more than the
supscription price.
The following C.isit Pruzns are offered by
the Publishers. a lor the fourteen largest lists
of subscribers sent in by the lot of January,
1855:—$100 will be given for the largest
list ; $75 fur the second ; $O5 for the third ;
355 for the 4th ; $5O for the fifth ; $45 for
the sixth ; $4O for the seventh ; $35 fur the
eighth ; $3O for the ninth ; 325 fur the tenth;
$2O for the eleventh ; $l5 for the twelfth ;
$lO for the thirteenth ; and $5 for the four
teenth. .The cash will be paid to the order
of the successful competitor immediately
after the Ist ofJanuary', 1855.
TER:as :—One copy. one year. $2 ; one
.stx months, $1 ; five 'copies, six
months, $4 ; ten copies, six months, $8 ;
ten copies, twelve months, $l5 fifteen cop
twelve months, $22; twenty copies,
twelve months, $2B in advance.
No number of supscriptions above twenty
can be taken at less than $1,45 each.—
Names can be 'sent in at different times and
from different Post Offices.
Southern and %Western money taken for
Letters should be directed, post-paid, to
MytiN & Co., 12S Fulton-Street, New
Messrs. MnNx &.Co. are extensively en
gaged in procuring patents for new inven
tions, and will advise inventors, without
oharge; in regard to the nnyelty of their im
provements. '
New 'York, August 24. T-•4w
0 2.5; 9 50 .
2 001 2 00'
1 8 1( 0 11 1
7 0 2 0 ' 1
401 601
60 50 1
1 37 1 251
4 00; 5 00
2 50 } 2 50'
70 60
60 1 , 45
101 18
10 10
10 10
22, 22,
121 11'
81 8
1.1 1 12
3:11 38
SO, 30
60' 60 .
9 50
2 10
1 10
The subscriber oilers to dispose of a very
Valuable House and Lot of Ground. at pri ,
rate sale, situated in Ole thriving Borough
of Catarnurpin, Lehigh County.
The Lot fronts Ctraler street. and aej )ins
lots of Jesse Knauss, and the “Crane urea
Works." containing in front 29 feet and in
depth 200 feet. The improvenientstliereon
. consist of a splendid
F. 5
i . Now Two Story Frame
.19u:ening 'Mouse,
With attached kitchen. The house is 29
feet front and 34 deep, with good garden.
Persons wishing to purchase property in
that thriving Hiroutzh, will do well to make
immediate application, as he will sell upon
reasonable termA, intending to leave for the
West, Further information as to terms. &c.,
can Le had by iipp!ying to Nlosns E. AL
BRIGHT, in Catasauqua, or to the owner, re
siding•nerir Breinigsville. Lehigh .county.
1 50
5 50
2 70
4 50 6 00
14 670 15 00
4 QM 4 50
August 1G
:I 00 ,
LOOK /143 R I I
The undersiened has just received a nice
assortment of Fitt:sti Faurr,such as Lemons,
Olallgt`F, Raisins ; also canvassed limns.
smal , ed Beef, Cheese, Tomato Catsup, bott
led Lobste - rs, Anchovies,' Pickles, Pepper
Sauce, Cranberries, pealed Figs, Almonds,
Walnuts, Groundn uts, &C„ (Sze. The above
articles will be sold cheap tor cash.
Allentown, August IJ. .4.!—dtv
C. M. R ii ii Ir
oil torney at Law.
Office on 71h street, dire«. doors Nurth of
the Public Square, Allentown, Pa.
August 24, 15.4. 1-3 m
4 50
6 00
14 00
I 450'
The subscriber informs .
the public that he has pur
-1111744.' chased the entire stock of
....Er--..florses, carriages, Ikr.,
comprising the Livery Stable of William R.
Leh, in the borooili of Allebtown. He has
added a number of beautiful New Carriages
to his stock. as well as increased the number
of Hor , es. He is therefore prepared in fur
nish all who may favor him with a call with
GOOD and SA FE HORSES, and Vehi
cles cf every description, from a first class
eight-horse Omnibus to a Sulky of single
horse, .
By strict attention to business, and n de.
sire to please, be hopes to merit a liberal
share of patronage. Charges modPiate.
Fe - Large parties e ill be furnished with
conveyances, with or without drivers, on
the mo,t reasonable terms.
rs7 - Give him a•cnll, at the old stnnd of
Chnrles Sengreaves. first stable in Church
v, north vt I lainiftlm ;trect.
Allentown, Adgust 2, 1y34. Ts—Gm
,ow an Steer Estrayed.
Estrayed from the under t
Signod, on Monday night, not
q , *sec a the pasture. Josittia
•, in South Whitehall
lownship. Lehi,te county, a dr'y Cow, spot
ted, wbite and yellow, she had a rope tide
around bcr , two litre feet, the Steer is bk.° of
a 3.d:ow co:or, between three and- tour
years old. Whoever tales up said Cow
and Steer, shall be lib:•raily leaid for his
trouble, if immediate information he liven
to e ither Charles Kramer & Sons, at Allen
mwo, or to the undersigned near the upper
Bridge, opposite Cutasaugna.
August 16
I Notice is hereby given, that, the under
signed has said out his Livery Establlsh•
which makes it necessary that his
books should beseuled up as speedily as pos
sibly, and on account of di,ubility in attend
it3g to the ctilection himself. he has ',lnce('
the same in the hands of Joseph F. Newhard,
E,9., who is authorized to settle the saute.
Ihose . who know themselves itideb:ed will
please cull on Mr. Newhard, wit hoot delay,
IVILLIAM R. !.Ell. •
Allentown, Angnst2, lb5:1. ¶-6w° T 1.1
ag:at S T catllers.
! Notice is hereby given, that Eight School
tTeachers are wanted fur Heidelburg School
District. Schools to commence on the - 13th
day of November next, and to continue for
four months. The pay will be 21 cents for
each child per day. Applications will So
rec. ived until the 2Gth day of August. on
which. day the County Superintendant will
he present tkt, the house of David Ross, in
Germansville, in said township of Heidel
bury to examine teacher, to commence pre
cisely at 9 o'clock in the forenoon.
MARTIN HANDwEux, Sccretnry.
August 9. .e-2ty
Notice is hereby given, that the under.
signed are appointed Executors of the last .
will and testament of Daniel Peter, deceas
ed, lato of l-leidelburg township, Lehigh
county, therefore all these who know them 7
selves to be indebted to said estate, be it in
Notes, Bends, Book-debts or otherwise will
snake payment within six weeks. from the
date hereof. Also those who have any le-'
gal claims against said estate, will bring in
their accounts will authenticated within suid
August 9, ltiv4. lILL-61W
House and Lot of Ground
ivery Stable,
411---3 v
(L) te VS O
'Executor's oticc.
The subst.
not less than 15 )
horse, cows, run em..
proper compensation will
inendatinne will be required
Allentown Seminary.
A Ileritown, July 20
WHEREAS, the Hon. Waishington Mc-
Cartney, President of the several Courts of
common pleas of the Third Judicial District,
composed of t he counties of NorthinThaon and
Lehigh, State of Pennsylvania, and... Justice.
of the several Colitis of Oyer and Terminer
and general Jail delivery, and Peter Elpas.
and Jacoh Dillinger. Esqrs., Judges of 'the
Courts of Oyer and 'Terminer and generally
Jail delivery, fur the trial of all capital of
fenders in the said county of Lehigh. By
their precepts to me directed have ordered
the court of Oyer and Tot miner and Gen,
oral Jail Delivery:to be holden at Allentown
county of Lehigh, on the
First Monday id Srptember, 1851,
tvh;f;ti is the 4th day of said month, and
rvi;l cont;nce cre week.
NuTice is therefore hereby given to the .
Justices of the Peace and Constables of the
county of Lehigh. that they are by the said
precepts commanded to be there at 10 o'clock
in the forenoon, of said day, with their rolls,
records, inquisitions, examinations, and all
other rementberences, to do these things
which to their offices appertain to be done,
and`hil those who are bound by recognizan
ses to prosecute against the prisoners that
are or then shall be' .. in the jail of said coun
ty of Lehigh, are to be tbpit and there, to
Prosecute them as shall he just.
Given under my hand in Allentown, the
9th day of August, in the year of our Lord,
one thousand eight hundred and fifty four.
God•save the Commonwealth:
Sheriffs Office A Ilent.o . .pt,
August-9, . (11—tc
Garden T ruck,
The undersigned tapes this method to in
form the citizens of A 'tenuity!), and vicinity,
that he ha 3 rented the "Truck "Wand" in
Allentown„ formerly occupied by Mr:Jaines
Smiley, where he has raised the present sea
son, and now off-ra for side all kinds of
• AI
Garden and Field Vegetables,
such ns Potritoee, Cnbbag., Tomatoes. Un
ions. Cucumbers, Sipaitie.%,. Corn and every
other kind that comes into season. •
His prices nre liberal and his truck al
ways fresh. I lis stand is in Secenth'Street,
near the Public Squ ire, in front of Mrs.
Boas' house, where he will be happy to ac
commodate his -customers with all that is
nice and fresh in the Vegetable line.
He thinks that by punctual attendance
to•busirtess, he will ire rit a liberal share of
public patronage
Allentown, August 2, 1834. • —2Elt
il . (1) ID A r (r) al 0
Notice is hereby given, that application
wilt he made at the next meeting I the Leg
islature of Pennsylvania, to pass an act fel'
the Incorpora,ting of a Bank of discount and
deposit, to be located in the Borough of Al•
letttown in the County of Lehigh, to be
known bt the name, style and title of .
'The Allentown Bank,'
. . .
with a Capital *tack of ONE HUNDRED THOV
sAND DoLLAR 4 , with leave to increase said
psnal to Two HUNDRED TIIbVSANP . DOL-.
* • •
LARS. if nec*.ssary.
O. I?enin g cr, J. F. finhe,
7. B. ftilson, Joseph Weiss.
.97nos Ettinger, C. Lichtenicalner.
Owen Saeger, 7'..11. Weidner,
.1. F Newhard, Charles Keck.
W. J. Buyer, Christian PreLz,
C. Y. Mawy. TY S. Young,
Allet6)wn, June 2'4, . 11—am
Eight School Teachers
11P°•//. , lig.TELP.
T.te Din ctors of Flanovor" Scion! Dia
(Het wish to engage right competent Teach;
ers to fill the respective stations, to whom a
liberal sala ry trill yen. . The exanaina:.
tiny by :he County Superintendent will take
place on Stiturday the 2J of September
next, at the Public House of Char:cs Ili
ter, precisely at 0 o'clock in the forenoon.
By Order of
Josurit LicirrEsw.u.Nrix, President.
August 2, I t2i54. T—Ow
The undersigned give notice, agreeably
6 3441
to the Lit .2 ofl'ennsy Ivanla, that ltey pity
poso mak. » lication at the next term of
the Legislature c' Pennsylvania, for the ip.
corporation of n Bank : to be rocated in the
Borough of Cntosauqua. and County of Le•
high, under the name, style and title olthe
• Bank of Catasauqua,
to have general 'banking anal discounting
privileges. The capital Lobe Two HUN
DRED . I‘IIOUSAND DOLLARS. with the right of
increasing it to THREE 111.1NpRED THEVEAND
DOLLAR- ; x rid tocommence Operatinne when
the said sum of Two Hundred Thousand
Dollars shall have been paid in.
Josiph Laubach, IV Slelhoagen.
.Hug. 11. Gilbert, Charles Greiff?!
William Getz, Chas. G. Sdotelks,
Isaac E. Chandler., S. 11. Lacier,
11. F. Straw!, Levi Haas, •
Charles Noy, Owen Rice,
Isaias Rehrig, J..W. Fuller.
Joseph Lazarus, F. 13. Marlin,
Charles- Seigly, Joshua Hunt jr.,
Thomas Frederick, John Thomas,
Ilrials 'brawler. - John Williams.
Reuben Patterson, Samos . ' Coldet
June R 3, 1804.
•:nds; &c., for
s ietiven.
E 7
C. R. KESSLi..