3ilbernnitg. againit bp . foss . TOE FR/LIKUN:TIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of-Philadelphia. - OFFicE, NO. 1163 i CHESNUT STREET, Near Fifth Street. STATEMENT OF- ASSETS, $1,625,949 68, January 111 BS*, Publish O ed ageeeably L o g an Act ASSEMB, BEING first Mortgages, empty secured, $1,199,284 48 Real EState (present value $llO,- 000) Cost.- - ' Temporary Loans, on ample Cola teral &entities. 130,774 20 Stock* (present value $76,191) cost. -63,085 50 Cash, &c. &c. l • 50,665 57 • 2,325,949 es Murmur. ottLtstrttn INSURANCES made on every description of property, - in .TOWN AND COUNTRY, id rates as low as are consistent with securityf Since their incorpoiation, a period oe twenty-four years, they have paid over thre millions dollars Loss-nv Finifi . thereby af fording evidence of the advantage of Insur ance, as .the ability and disposition to meet with promptness'all liabilities. - Directors : Chairles N. -Bancker, Mord: D. Lewis. Tobias Wagner, Adolp. E Borie, Samuel Grant, ' David S. Brown, Jacob R. Smith, Morris Patterson, Geo. W. Richards, Isaac Lek, CHARLES N. BANCKER, President. unAuLes G. BANCHEII, Secretary. rirThe subscribers aro the appointed Agents of the above mentioned Institution, and are now prepared to make insurances on every description of property, at the low est rates. . A. L. RUNE, Allentown. C. F. BLECH, Bethlehem. A • ntown, Oct. :52. 11-1 y New oods. The subscribers wou . • reby inform their customers, and the public in general, that they have just returned from Philadel phia and are now busily engaged in unpack ing a very large and well selected stock of Drees Goods, comprising in part as fol lows: - • • For the LADIES we have any quantity of Fancy and Plain DeLaines, Silk Gingham, Linen Lustre, Poplins, &c., also Silk and other Shawls, Kid, Silk, and other Gloves, Lace Goods of all styles, and qualities, and lots of other goods in their line. For the GENTLEMEN, we have a lake assortment - of Cloth plain, and fancy Cash meres, Linens, Satins, Silks and other Vest- Inge, Cmvats, Collars, Tweeds, &c. We cordially invite all to come and examine our stock - of goods, the beauty, quality and cheap ness of which we feel confident cannot be surpassed .by any of our worthy competitors. r.cl April 1854. ' --Ora Groceries. The subscribers have lately U e purchased a very large lot of ;alms cm 1 Stmar, Molasses, Coffee, &c., -- which they will sell whole sale and retail at very low prices. Wo in vite the Cotintry merchants to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere, as we think we can give them good bargains. PRETZ, Guru 4 CO. Allentown, April 20. Mackerel 10 barrels and 25 half barrels, Nos. 1, 2 (Ind 3 Mackerel, which they are disposed to sell at a very small profit. PRETZ, GUTH & CO. Allentown, April 20. 11--Gin Peaches, Raisins, Jim. 50,bushels prime dried Peaches, halves. 25 boxes best barrel Raisins. 25 kegs Lexia ,_ do. 50 dox. painted buckets. .200 doz. Corn brooms. which they will sell wholesale ar2d retail ut the lowest market prices. .• PRETZ, GUTH & CO.. Allentown, April 23. ¶—Om ' Salt: Salt: 200 Sack Liverpool Ground Salt. 50 do. Ashton's Fine do. 100 do. Dairy do. For sale by PROM, GUTEI & CO. Allentown, April, 26. THE LEHIGH • 'v sp a ortatiou Comp.. Pliro - notice that they are now prepared to receive and for Ward Merchandise of all kinds from Philadelphia to Easton, Bethle hem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, and Penn Haven, and all, intermediate places. The Goods will be received and shipped at their ojd stand first wart above Vine street.— They also forward goods to and from New torkevie ,Velaware and Raritan Canal and Delaware Copal. Goods by this line from Now York go by A. S. NEILSON'S line 'of yesseli to New Brunswick, by Sloops Poland Gray . Hound, bo found at. the Albany. Basin , fordof-Cedar, Street, North River. Any information required cfin be had of Messrs. RaYNOLD ar, CLARK, No. 100. West street, N. Y. at Ncilson's Agent office, SS West street, N. Y. With great increased facilities, they hope to give prompt 'degpatch to all goods; to so libit the patronage of shippers. . • DRAKE; W ILSON & Co., Praprietors. AGENTS. ' • Hi,* Morehead. Philadelphia;; Jam Opilycke, Easton. ~ • `dr; 'Knauss,l3othlebem. A. J. Allent o wn. A:ll7.'Leisenrinp'rdaiich 9htink. 4: Pardee &'Co., PeriA Haven Mt:known, April 12, 1954. 4-L:4IM 111111 0111 amatatiitteatort Foreign' and Doinestie Day Goods . ur AtL AT THE New Oheap Store OF. Getz it Gilbert, IN THE BOROUGH 017 CATABAUQUA, PA. These gentlemen, take this method to in feria their friends and the public in general that they have received a very large and Well selected stock of ' , Pinter and Spring Goods, which they are now ready to dis pose off to their customers at the fewest prices. Their immense stock has been selected with the' utmost care and consists of • 82,189 97 Clotites s Cass - liners, Satinet'', Flannels, Gloves and Hoseiry. besides De laines, Alapaccas,Debas he,Ginghama.Plain and Figured Poplins, Muffling and Prints, Mote, Shoes,Hats, Caps, Queensware, Hardware,Looking Glasses, Stationary, Books, & c., To which they invite the attention of their friends and ihapublio generally, confident' that the fullest satisfaction, both in price ann quality, will be given to all who may favor them with .acall. The highest prices will be paid in ex change for County-produce. They have reason to-be thankful for the favors received thus far and hope by atten-, tion to business, disposing of their goods at small profits, good treatment towards their customers to merit still a greater share of customers. GETZ & GILBERT. September 14. , 11—fim Groceries _Fish 4 Salt. The undersigned have just received an entire new Stock of Groceries, Fish and Salt which they intend to sell at the low est prices at their Store in Catasauqua, Le high county. GE'FZ & GILBERT. September 14. COAL 1' COAL I The undersigned' have opened a Coal Yard it Catasauqua, and will constantly keep on hand all kinds of Coal which they will sell at greatly reduced prices. GETZ & GILBERT. September 14. 11-6 m Ready -made Clothing. The undersigned keep all kinds of Ready made Clothing, on hand, and will make to roder, at the lowest possible prices. GETZ & GILBERT. Catasituqua; Sept 14. ¶—U rn Ts Builders. Lo A k m Wa nd n i mi s n o r r a tm l - E e m nt u o s F g on m n n L a CK or , Latche's Bolts,Elinges, Screws; Paint Brush es, and a variety of other building Hard ware just unpacking; and for sale cheaper than ever by January 19, 1853. Map of Lehigh County. From actual Measurement and Surveys throughout the whole County by Adolph Aschbach, C. E. • The Subscriber will publish shortly, pro vided a sufficient number.of signers be ob tamed, a new and complete . Mop of Lehigh County. The surveys are just comrencecl, all the public roads, and the location 6 of the places for worship, Post offices, School-houses, Country stores, Mills, Public Houses, Smith shops, Wheelwrights, Ore beds, do., are to be Tnarked. The names of the property holders generally (including all those in the county who will subscribe in advance to the map) are also to be inserted upon their places, to be illustrated with Vignettes of views in Lehigh County. Plans of the principal Villages on a large scale will be inserted in the margin, also a beautiful Marginal-map of Allentown. The plan will be plotted to a suitable scale so as to make a large and ornamental Map. To be engraied and delivered to subscribers handsomely colored and mounted for Flys DOLLARS per copy. JAMES D. SCOTT, Publisher. No. 116 Chitsnut St. Philadelphia. Allentown March 15. ¶-2m IDIJiII9IIIIII I J9Q Z 91,, (LATE TAYLOR ' S HOTEL.) No. 2S Court kind Street ) NEW .Y ORK.. ;), The undersigned 4 7.ii.. , ;;; , i sx,. - respectfully announces 1 '- r:it•- -to his friends and to the x:? V.l .0 0 , , cal INA,'.:I i traveling and business r: y: .. • oi ii i iii mi __ = f .s , 7 ' public generally that he .!, ._"1-,..,. - •, - i..r ,, /- 4 ~. has leased the above building, and fitted up and finished it as a FIRST GLASS HOTEL. • Visitors to the city, and all others recjai ring superior accommodations, are solicited to call E assured that.no ring or expense will be spared 'to render their stay comfortable . and pleasant. h • ' J. S. STEBBMS, Proprietor. Er - Having' engaged Major ELI STECKEL, late of the ' , Eagle Hotel,". tie Allentown, who enjoys a large circle of friends and acquain tances, in ,Eastern Pennsylvania; persons therefore who visit New York from this sec tion of country, will find ..Courtland • Street Hotel," a true Pennsylvania HPirie• New York, March 22. , 11-8 m - Grain. Wanted, 50 , 000 B u ib e b of Wheat, Rye, Own and Oats, wanted, OF ,Which the highest market prices, rip be paid by the Aubicribers, at their store on the. Sohth west corner of Market S4uare and Hamillon street, in Al lentown. EDSLMAN, 'HAM &, Alletitbwn, April 29 T-15- .••-• - '.-- "" ^ - `'''',.o7"-E,-.:.. g ....7.5-:._:_, ~ .......-,... , : ,- - - _ - 4--i - F-i7L., ..-,...iy-:655-kTv..-_....,-; d. • ;;..,=::.., ....;=-,....,..-_,..., ,;,:,.. n--,,,.t , _"g...,18 44 .2 . ;. - 1.-- . ,0 . i, :. ;1, -. : , - , 1•4-: -'-'-`"- -; • - '' 7 ' ', N.7-- - r:-7 - * *'l —.ll.lDijkllgling 41. i e .' '' •' - '` f irflitE , (II .t IV ;.„.••••$.,,, -Al.: t A- . • ' hi' 1 , , - 1 .1- 2 - c.,01 , ? t:tly • --"',- '5. ~I " ,z` ••55,... , _. - ' - '• , O k.:,'• - ccrAV k- - •,-..-fi ..,____,,,- ri,- '' - - 1 , , 0% . „,.: -:;. A. 1},- - - - - „Tr •P • 1 . 40 iv El "a, ~--, v ."..... , ...- , - , .;.1,-- , :—,, ' . , , .d" •t` I..t`erl'irr,..';'fiLt.f• '... ~ .:•.'.:-.,!-% -• i ,- I :r e. .. 4,-,Lt--4,:. , : .,-,:tr., -.., -il•-•L --- , -(_--)Yi.,"- - ... •_. •''',' - '••••?"1 -, '''' , 1-•:: , flj"--'--;l7`,`7;';''';'i'v, •:' - -.,..- Builders Look Here. A NEW &SSORTMNET OF IGIRDWARE ! The undersigned announce to the public, that they have just returned from Philadel phia and New York, with a very large lot of Hardware, consisting of deeHouse .Furnishing . .Brticles, Cutlery, Coach .71iinitzinst, Sadlery and Shoetfindings, all of which will be sold at eitremely low prices. They ask the public to give Saeger 's Hardware =Store, sign of the a call in orderto convince theinselvesof the fact, that a 'penny' saved is a penny made.' 0. & J SAEGER. April 22. 11-1 y A great assortment of House furnishing articles, such as ENAMELEQ and tinned inside, cooking vessels, sauce and stew pan's, prese.kets ;rt? tles, fish and ham kettles, frying p s, grpd irons, waffle irons, &c. . i v, 11 i i TEA TRAYS and Waiters, f co - mon to fine, in sets and dozens. Al '' h ic form, in sets, and in variety of patterns. KNIVES and FORKS—in sets and doz ens ; also ,knives only ; carvers, steels, cook and butcher knives, with a variety of othe! manufactures. April 22, li—ly POCKET and PEN KNIVES—Razors, scissors, shears, from the best makers; one, two, three, and 4 blade knives. SHOVELS, spades, hoes, chains, rakes pick, axes, &c. SHOVELS and TONGS, Iron and brass polished steel fire sets and standards, coal hods, tailors' irons smoothing. irons, &c. for sale by 0 & J SAEGER. April, 22, 11—ly IRON.—A lot of Hammered and Rolled Iron, Sheet Iron, American and English Band Iron, - Hoop Iron, Cast and Shear Steel, square, flat, and round, just received with Anvirs and Vices, and for see cheap at the atus %.7 tw r bAEGEtt. cxnevelt3.-150.Boxes Glats,B by 10:10 by 12, 10 by 14, 10 by 15,12 by 10, antl various other seizes, for sale by ' - 0 & J. SAEGER. ti TO SHOEMAKERS.—Just received it new assortment of Morocco and Binding Leather, Lasts, Shoe•thread, Wooden Pegs French Rubers, and numerous other artic es belonging to the shoemaking business 0 & J SAEGER. O & J SAEGER. ¶-1y OILS & VARNISH.—OiIs of all kinds boiled and raw, Turpentine, Newark Var nish of all kinds, Glue &c.,—will be sold cheap by 0 & J SAEGER PLANES.---A full assortment of Planes of John Bell's best make, also a large assort ment of Carpenter's Tools, for sale cheap by -0& J SAEGER. WHITE LEA D.-2 tons of White Lead just received, Pure and Extra, and for sale by 0 & J SAEGER. April, 22, 11-1 y PtAILS.-300 Kegs of the beet Nails. Brads and Spikeb,just received and for sale by - OSc J SAEGER. April 22, • I—r3w HOLLOW WARE.-500 Iron Pots ana Kettles, just received and for sale at very reduced prices at the store of 0 &I - SAEGEIt TO MECHANICS:—TooIs of every de scription, such as Bench and Moulding Planes, Hand, Panne!, and Back Saws, Brace and Bitts, Auger Buts, Hatchets, Squsres, &c., for sale by , • 0 & J SAEGER. Jauu try 5, New Goods. New Goods. To House-Keepers. ~~~~~~®l~~pm~ The subscriber, residing at No. 82, East Hamilton etreet Allentown, a lets doors East of the German • Reformed Church, adopts this method to infoitn his friends and the public in general, that he has established himself as an Undertaker, and will constant ly keep on hand a large assortment' of all kinds of ROSEWOOD. WALNUT. and other Qpffins, trimmed and dulled in the neatest styles. He has also prepared him _ 'self with a ' Very Convenient Hearse, to convey the dead to the grave, or else where. He also keepit on hand an assortment of Shrouds, and will make it hie rbOsiness to atlendloeverything - connected with a funer al, with great puntuality.. Ile has followed this blanch of business for.the last 26-years• and knows the wants when a calamity occurs:thereupon invites the public to give hirn acall, and ,he will be found to render perfect satisfaction. liar He returnable sincere, thanks to his old friends and,neighbors in Saucon, for the Many. favors he had received from them, and further; states that his Son continues in the business 10e old stand,. He keeps on hand an assortment of ,household furni ture, and attends to finferali as heretofore. His wife also prepares Shrouds. . , • . - SAMUEL. SELL. March 16. • New Family ll Grocery Store N wILLEAWTO 1P . Ted Subscriber takes this method to in form the citizens of Allentown, and the pub lic in general, that he has opened - ' • A Family Grocery Store. at the stand formerly occupied by Dillinger & Craig, No. 27, North 7th street,. near the Market Square, where he offers for sale for - Cash or in exchange for CountiW Prodace, ra largo variety of Family Groceries, such as . _.......:,„,_•,_ Coffee,Sunar,Mo- ' rl '.. , lasses, Chocolate, . , -i•=4 - r '':,■o l. j:r : . 'Tea,'red and black l• .77 raki, j l i g ,- ''- 4 ' ' 'Pepper, Allspice, — 7 : Ginger, Salaratus, baking and washing So da, Salt, All Um. Madder, No's. 1, 2 rind 3, Mackerel, pickled Salmon, pickled. and smoked Herring, Codfish, dried Beef,Bam, Shoulder, Flitch, Lard, Candles, Vinegar' Soap, Brooms, &c. - ALso, all kinds of fruit; such.aa , LeMona Oranges, • Priines first quality in jars, and in kegs for pies, Figs, Raisins, pealed and un pealed dned Peaches, Apples and . Pears, 'Tomato Catchup, Mustard, Pickels in bot- ties, Cherries, &c. . 1 In connection with the eb . ove business, he - also continues the manufacturing of Segars, of every price and quality, which he will sell or exchange to country merchants for all kinds of produce. He also continues the Candle manufactur ing businese, and will sell by the twit any quantity desired, or exchange them for coun try produce, such as Butter, Eggs, Lard, Ham, Shoulder, Flitch, Soap, Chesries, dri ed fruit, Wax, &c., and allow therefor the highest market price. , He trusts that by keeping the best kind of Groceries, &c., and by manufabturing the best kind of Segars and Candles. he will be able to merit a liberal share of public patron age, for which he will ever be thankful. reThe undersigned is also the appoint ed Agent for the sale of Hoyt's . celebrated fine cut, chewing and smoking tobacco, snuff, &ci, all of which he will sell neloix as it can be purchased either in Philadelphia or New York. CHARLES H. RUNE. Allentown, April 19, 1854. If—Om Tieonsas Brown, DENTAL SURGEON. Attends to all operations on the ' 88 .i;;; Teeth in the most careful and sci entific manner, and inserts Teeth , on an en tirely new and improved plan with contigu ous Gums. These Teeth are far beiter and superior to the best block or single GUM Teeth now in use. rar Please call and examine specimens. Office No. 15. West Hamilton Street. (up stairs,) opposite the Odd Fellows! Hall. . 0. w—am R. B. Wright, vrronNiair a. COUNSELLOR AT LAW Office No. 52,East Hamilton Street, in the Borough of Allentown. Mr. Wright speaks the German language, consequently can be consulted in that lan guage. Allentown, Oct. 5. *_ls, Dissolution of Partnership. Notice is hereby given, that the Partner ship heretofore existing between William Steckel, and Moses Albright, trading under the firm of Steckel 4- Albright, in the Bor ough of Catasauqua, has been dissolved by mutual consent, on the 21st of April last. The business will be carried on hereafter by Moses Albright, at the old stand, in the Bor ough of Catasauqua, Lehigh county. IVILiTAM STECIML. MOSES ALLIED:7IIT. Catasauqua, May 10. 11-9 w Gleason's Pictorial, A RECORD of the beautiful and useful in Art. The object of the paper is to pre sent, in the most elegant and available form a weekly literary melange of notable events of the day. Itt columns are devoted toorigi nal tales, sketches and poems by the Best American Authors, and the cream of the do mestic and foreign news; the whole well spiced with wit and humor. Each paper Beautifully Illustrated with numerous accu rate engravings by eminent artists, of nota ble objects, current'bvents in all parts of the world and of men and manners, altogether making a paper entirely original in its de sign, in this country. Its pages contain views of every populous city in the known world, of all buildings in the eastern or west ern hemispheres, dull the principal ships and steamers of the navy and merchant ser vice, with fine and accurate portraits of eve ry noted character in the world, both male and female. Sketches of beautiful scenery taken from life, will also be given, with nu merous specimens from the animal king dom, the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea. It is printed on fine white paper, with new and beautiful type, presenting in'its mechanical execution an elegant specimen of art. The size of the paper is fifteen, hundred and sixty-four Square inches, giv ing a great amount of reading matter and Illustrations—a mammoth weekly paper of sixteen octavo pages.. En,,ch six months will make a volume of 416 pages ; with about one thousand splendid engravings. TERMS :I-INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. subscriber, one year, $3 00 4' 10 00 "10 « 6i ' 20 00 ,• * Ono copy of The Flag of our Union, and one copy of Glenson's Pictorial, when, taken together by one person, one year, for $4 00. , . rirNo traveling agents are ever employ ed for this paper. 13" The Pictorial Drawing room Comparf ion may be obtained'at any of the periodi cal depots throughout the country, and of newsmen, lit Six CENTS per single copy. Published every Saturday. by • F. GLEASON, Corner of Tremont and Broomfield 519., Boston. May 411.-2 w Glorious News,' The largest supply of goods ever brought ,to Allentown, can be found at No. 31 'EAST AMILtOIk STAR BT, KECK and IMIIARIPS zrazz of .11:181E1.10.74: These gentlemen adoptthis tethod to inform their friends Id the public in general iat they have lately entered Ito partnership. under the tove mentioned firm. and ill follow the ;Ron ANT TAILentRO • —44116 BUSINESS", ....ails various branches at the "old stand" formerly kept by Keck and Leh, directly oppOsite the "Register Office," where they are prepared to. sell at the loctest prices all kinds of fashionable Goods, such as blue black and fancy colored Cloths; Cassinteers and Vestings,Winter Clothes, Collars, Han kerchiefs, Cravats; obb. They also keep on hand at alitimes a large and fashionable as gement or Riadgmade Clothing, such as Coatsof every color and description. Pantaloons of all styles and prices, all kinds of Vestings, - Shirts and Undershirts, Col'ars, Cravats, Suspenders, &c., all of which they will sell at Eitraordinary Low Frites, that no one, who• visits their establishment, can help to buy either Coat, Pants, Vests, or something in their line of business. They have just. returned from Philadelphia and Nuw York and have replenished their Stock of goods that it 'nay with right be turned the Allentown Hall of Fashion. The work they turn out is under their own supervision, and hating engaged one of the best Cutters in the country, they will be able to turn out the ~ best. fits." Coats, rantaloons and Vests will be made up to order after the newest fashion, no matter whether the material has been purchased of them or not. They return their thanks for the favors they have received and trust they will be continued. Fashion plates as they come out are 'al ways kept for sale. KECK & NEW H A RD. Allentown, August 31. 1 11-331 aaananaaaactaaaaamic - aa — iiicinaca E. W. Eckert's a a WHOLESALE AND EE.TAIL - 0 ta Tobacco, Snuff and Segar g, v CrUkOlllMl9 0 No. 30, East Hamilton Street, 0 N ALLENTOWN, PA. eg MPGOODS ALL WARRAN7ED July 20. • 11— ly S liatanaccaaacaarthaacacauca2za Dr. 3.1'. Barnes, Jr, EMTLS . T. Informs his friends, and the pub listriums. lic in general, that he still performs all operations on the teat h, and treats diseases of the gums and alveoler processes in the most effectual and skillful manlier. His mode of inserting artificial teeth, cannot be surpassed, for comfort to the wea rer and duribility and beautifulness in appear ance. The general satisfaction he has given for years, has been duly appreciated by the public. Office No. 48, East Hamilton street, a 'few doors East of Pretz, Guth & Co's store, op- posite Bechtels American Hotel. December 0, 1853. IXTEZDER & DOVER ; No. 25, !rest Hamilton street, dillentown. _ Thankful for past favors and hoping by strict attention -to busi ness and a desire to please, to nier r*-- it a continuance of the patronage so liberally bestowed on them, and wishing the people to understand the fact, that they are both PRACTICAL UrArrEßS—both having served a long apprenticeship at the business and understanding the business thoroughly in all its various branches—they are confident they can MANUFACTURE HATS of all kinds, inferior to none in the market, and also a little cheaper, because they perform a great deal of the labor them selves and buy their material from the impor ters for cash, and understanding the busi ness they employ none but good workmen, and doing a large business they can afflird to sell at small profits. - These are some of the reasons why you often hear-the remark that "VVieder& Boy er sell such beautiful Hats at such astonish ingly low prices. They always have the latest Philadelphia and New York styles on hand, so you need not be - afraid of hav- - ing an old faihioned Hat stuck on you.— Give us a call. It don't matter what is the shape of your.head, we will insure a fit. rifCountry - Merchants would do well to give us a - call, art wo will wholesale them hats and caps cheaper then' . they can get them in the city. Also a large assortment of all kinds of straw goods which they will sell cheap. TERMS CASH: . Allentown, March 10 . .. _ TO THE, LATE AND NEAI TRADE Morris L. Hallowdr.& Coi l 147 Market Street, Philadelahia, 'Ask-the Uttetftion of buyeM to .theii-vt3ry largo and attractive stock of SILK AND FANCY GOODS, which will be' Judd at Greatly Reduced Pricesi•fOr thd reirtisinder, of the'season, to cash - and. six •incinths' dealers, ' : • ; - • , .TERMS.—Six. months' credit or six per cent. discount for cash. , , • Prices for Goods invariably uniform. April 26. 111.-4 w $300,000 Worth of Gifts!- Fog. TUE PEOPLE. - rapPiIECARTI3 . Gveat : :%ift E-ntempristS VP TUE WHOLE WORLD. WORLD'S HALL, Nos. 377 & 379 BROADWAY New.Yoruc. Prof. J. W. Hart, ProprietOr and Manager. F. H. E. Brown, Treasurer. , G. L. Morton, Corresiionding Secretary. C. Ashton Hankins, Descriptive Lecturer. Miss 0. L. 13. Murdoch, Vocalitit dr, Pianist. S. Turl, Leader of Band. Pritteigaf J. WOODMAN DAV ' „ • Nvoidd respectfully inform the citizens of the World at large, that fur the permit; of enabling . pa to sea his wonderful illustration of the • Eittiti World, the Stet and only -thing of the kind *dv4 produced, acne on exhibition at the World's Hall e Nos. 37,7 aiul 37% ,I;trindway. and for the pagitait of popularizing American all; ind•also of 'mind wortd.wido notoriety to his 'renowned "Bockka,,ps; Travels; Adventures and 41,necdotea,!',schich shoal& be read by the million; ae well rib to some florgult ILLUSTRATED JOURNAL called "The Whble World" the largest circulation , of any literary ox bdsiness paper extatit,lte will distribute among the purchasers of his One Dollar Tickets 300,000 Mai l , nificcut and Valuable Gifts, amounting to the sum tolul•el f 300,000, ' • . List of Gins: Prof. Hart's Whole World, worth ari immense fortune to any one valued at. $50,000 Prof. Hart's Elegant Country Scat with 100 acres of Land in a high state of cultivation, The buildings on which cost $15,000, situated on Long Is!aod Sound and cominanding a magnifi., cent view of 30 miles in every direc. lion, veined at A Cash Loan (or MO Years, without reforest or Security The Celebrated Model ofthe City of San Francisco, now on exhibition, val ued at Prof. Hart's Far,Famed Panorama, of the Holy Land A Magnificent City Residence In New york 100,000 Volumes of Prof. Hart's Eaten, sive Travels in the Old and New World, interspersed with remarkable Adventures, Amusing Anecdotes and Thrilling Incidents elegantly bound, with gilt edge's; including:a Portrait of the Author: - Twenty,Five Building Toits r each con. kilning 10,000 square feet in a beauti es ful villa.ze in the suburbs of New York City. each valued at $5OO 30 Rosewood Pianofortes, at $3OO 5 o " 5110 20 o Melodeons, 100 ft) Cold Watches, o 100 100 o 46 75 WO 66 0 50 200 4 , .4 25 100 Bracelets' 1,000 o 2,000 o • . 1 200 Sets Silver 'reespeons, " 0 50 4 , Desert. Spoons, 12 25 46 Table.Spenes, 4' 18 20,000 Vols. Mrs. Partingtott's Carpet Bag of Fun, at 25 Cents 30,000 Pieces of the most Fashionable Music, at 25 Cents each 35,000 Elegant Steel Engravings, at 25 Cents each 80,000 Finely Engraved Pockel-ltiaps of the City of Netv.York 14.127 75 31,009 Port Motu:tales, at 25 Cents 7,772 25 aoo,ooo airrs ' * 30n,000 A V.ILUABLE GIFT FOR EVERY MET-, Each $1 Ticket entities the bolder" of Four Ad• missions to the Exhibition, or Ono year's eubscrip• tion to the Illustrated Family Littrary and Conn. .inercial Journal called "The Whole World," and also to one of the 300,e00 Gifts, thus ensuring eye. ry person invested, and a rare chance to realize a a fortune beside. Ticket buyers will also receive, engraved on their ticket, when purchased, an ele. gant Portrait of Professorllenrt, and a correct and elaborate drawing of his splendid Country 'Seat. one of the Gilts, to which a Grand..Froo Excursion will be given. When the 300,000 tickets are sold, the property will be placed at the disposal a a Committee op. pointed by the ticket.lioldere of any place wherein the greatest number have beep sold, to bo distribe• ted as shall beperfectly fair tindaatisfaptory n 9 all nonea'nfedinild joilink , froin the itietenilng rap. idity . with which the ticketi arebeiug purchased by all chases of people in' every part of the country, it is reasonable to conclude that the enterprise will soon terminate in the happiest style. . • All orders by mail must he addressed, post paid, money'inclosed to Prof J. Woodman Hart. 'Nos. 377-& 379 Broadway, World's Hall. Ncw.York, and the tickets will be promptly forwarded to any part of the woi Id. If any orders aro received after 'the tickets have all been sold the inclosed mimoy .will be promptly returned to the persons sending it. •• ' • ' Every ticket holder will bo duly notified oC the time and manner of the distribution of the Gifts, and all may safely rely upon the honorable Fulfil. nick of the undertaking When the Gifts are awarded, bolder, of tickets shall , also ho promptly notified aa.to whit Gift they will receive. • • ' It in adyisable for those dcsiroes of securing a year's supsortption to the unique pictorial jonratal "TUE uruot.E vvoißLDp To remit the money immediately. in - ordos to. .commence with the beginning of am s first volume. .-J. WOODMAN HART, Proplictor and. Editor- AGENTS —Periling desiring to beechne Agents for the solo of Tickets, by ihrwarding Omit paid,) One Doliar, shall bo sent a Gift Ticket and - a p rom pectus, containing all necessary information. REFERENCES IN NE%V.YORK. L. B. DuHaley. ,Attorney.at Law, 49 Wall.n. .1? J 'Raeder ti• Co Real Estttto Brokers, 34fi Broadway. Any informatien relative to the Gills may &Poi , . tained .through ,the Office of the World;o' Mall; where also may bo bad.any other responsible eel. ()ranee desired. The appended' letter is from ono of Prof, 4r3-},'a Counsel who is one of the most successful &Jul • well road lawyers of the,Newt;Yark Bar: - - ' Astor House; March lath lab/. Prof Hart. • . • .• . . „ •, „Dear Sir:rrinolesed.l send y . on, u rquesimi, it • written statement of oiropftpn relit(*) 'Lola plan roi exhibiting th e hole World, and . I ribt.tlon of Gifts in mineebticin thereWith,,;(4 o which• you will perctiiViewthit - for - the-rectal* therein tamed, there Is clearly no infringrivient upon any existing lett% or anyone .that con Pr. stitutioually htt posse 9 . -. • , am pleasid to learn ;bit your interpit!Cli Meeting with:universal patronage, and Will thatr 4 i . fore:110On terminate lathe most saifsfiptory Mena nee.; • ~Respeetfaiiy. O mG e , 40 WilyStreet,'llear Earle New YOrk,May itt; ".. ' • • - • Job Prititfolg, • Neatly ex.etited 'at, the' 426alster'0.111Ce'". MI 25,000 10,000 8,000 10,000 17,000 75,000 12.500 9.000 2,500 2.000 5 000 7,500 5 000 5 000 1.500 .. 15 EEO 2.000 1.900 600 450 10,000 7,500 8,750
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