Glorious News ! The largest supply of goods ever brought to Allentown, can he found ut No. 21, EAST HAMILTON STRET, HECK and NEWHARD'SE ILI LL of ll.llS ff/10.7ar' methodl' These . :'s to g rt.....ei o n r y i e ri t n in e t i n ) adopt eiit frii t n h d i s s 4;el - ..,, , ,;1 • and the public in general ~ ; ! . • ; ; .;''..=, , :.'q that they have lately. entered f:' , ,:.‘ into partnership, under the 1 ," ::l: ; ! .;:i'4. above ineutioncd firm, and '4 , : 1 ._.,1:% will fallow the alt il i Al r: rt cIIA NT TAt honING t,...1 ' -- diftil in all its variuus branchos at the "old stand" form -11 y hept by Erick and Left, directly cripusite the "llegiAer 0i1ic , .," where they ar f.riiiired to .5 , .‘11 at the lowet paces ali hinds of fitAionalolo Cl,.ock such as blue liiitek mul (miry colored Ciodis. C'itssimeers and Vi sting.s,Wimer Clothes, Ciillau, Flan kerc hiefs, Cravats, km They also keep on hand at all times a large and fashionable as sortmr nt of Neadlyttlvale CleAlting, snch as Coats of every color and description, Patnaloens id all styles n'oil FIiC.CF, all kinds of Vestinttss, Shirts and Undershirts, Col'ars, Cra %%vs, Suspendi2rs, &c., all of which they will sell at Exlvaoralinary L'Apw Prices, that ho one, who visit their e,tab!islnent, can It to to buy r Coat, Pants, Vest,s, soinething in their line of Intsint•Fs. They have ja..4 returned flow Philadelphia and Now Yorlt and have' replenbited their Stock of goofs that it :nay with ri7ht b- turned the /11!:: t wit Hall of Fashion, The %Nor!: th-y hon out is under their own cupervisien, ant I alit r engdged one of the bto,t Cullers in the conntry.they tivill he nth: to turn out the "106 t PS. " COa s, Pa nla loons and Vests still he inade nit to on.h.r after the nrwost fashion, no matter tvhether the material iae bccn purchascd of than or not. 'l'hey return their thanks for the f.ivnrs they have received rtud trust they will be continued. Fn: h ion plate:. as they come out are al ways kept for ‘!":, N EVII ItC). 4.:loNown, ..111,111,:t Clitirles ariltrUSßCy, 11'.17'CII and CI,()CIL . 11 I. EII .1 D \1:)" i f 0) E E 11.: Et, (it .),,fja N 0.23 East Ila t I ton st., the German Exfurmod Church, IN ALLENTOWN, PLNN" Ilm.eby informs the puldic that he has, a few flays sioce returned from New York with a arc variety of rio ,ds in his File of buihnes, which he \t 11, Ivludesale and r toil. as low as they can be purchased in ;Inv of the cities. His stoe'i consists in 'pan!. of Silver and Common ‘t ches, of every size, pattern, quality and price;./11)1A. ”ons, Arcorticons, dusical 13oxes, FluleS and of ratiou. rputhtios ; Spy. ;.;1:1,, , 5c.e. Pocket ennva teed and brass Spectucle:, , , In every variety ; Silver 'fable: and 'Pea Spoons ; silver and common Pencils ; Pens, 13reast.pins, tr-rims and Einger-rings, ffreat yade ; gold nod common Alt ditliotis ; aold, sil vet., steel and brass Watch Clittin;, Seal , and I . .eyat, of all iaylett—and till other arti cles that belong to th , Jewelry but•init.;s. Call and judg.t2 for yourselves. fle can assure the public that his tAocic. contains a larger and inure valtutWe variety of goods than all thit 'Jewelry establishments in Le- Iti:dt county. • Repairin7 ; done Us usual—and he war rants his work one year. Ile it> thatiliful fur past favors, and hopes for a continuance. Allentown, October IP. I—tint 141117 11011132 . Ithtllolll Enlentown. 2 6 , 4 The undersigned hereby in tr&' A..., form , hi e friend , and the public V i , e . it r:11, that in offers his ser vices as Veterinarian Surgeon, (or Farrier,) in all its variou, branches:, Ile feels confident that with a practice of tiiltly years, and with the assistance of the best medical works, that he is able to give full and emir': saticliictino. llis charges will he very moderate, and he further status, that in cases where he cannot give the best satisfaction, be asks ;io ray. 11E:11.Y . RITTER. Allentown, Oct. W. - • - • 1,000 Book Agents lilanted. To soll Pictorial and tiz , eful Works for the vcar 1551. 1.000 Dollars a Year. Wnnteil, in every section of the United States, active and enterprising men, to en. ,ga , e in the sale of some of the best. Books published in the Country. To men of good address, possessing a small capital of from $25 to $lOO, such inducements will be offer ed as to enable them to make from $3 to $5 a clay profit. Lir - The Books published by •us are all useful ir. their character, extremely popular, and command large sales wherever they are offered . . For further particulars, address, (postage lioncra SEARS, Publisher, IS! William St., New.-York. New York, Feb. 22. ¶-3m Cloverseed. A lot of Pilule cloverseed just received and for sale by PHEW, GuTu Sc Co. Alltifsowit, Feb. 22. New Goods. New Goods. r l VI, 1,.',•0t.......1474,4 — 1:„:. - NW......i, • ';•••• 7 4 .. •i-••• . r; - • rz'• ,-- tri , ks' ;:i;l7 .g:-iii..... .1.• ._ ~. ~....• .....-_„. A44. , ..,r., -,-":1•1-•',4h 4 „, • •••••:. -..S 7 "';& c : ' "0"-' - '="*•: 4-;•-•;•,e04::^, tAri:l4.`i'•' - •: .17,,,... ~ ,n.11 0 4:1 1 . • ' il.h. , ,:zi••'-',.=•ii9.lovs.'•• , ...- -'4 .X . .11r: ' ';'; " ;‹ii N17i ''' i IZ ., .1 j; 4 ( . ',l•4'i.. - . 04 s '• il . 1 f1 4 , ,' 1: f ..P":41; ',:':', ' ''lli" PY - ,•11 4' , ' - - '-...:.' ;.. 01'' ; -'.:I-- ' -.-1.- il - r -.1 14: --::- ?,4 . • ,4 1 14 7--Pl r - ' 4 'i - -i-r ,. .; 1.:4 ; :::,: ...-;...i . ,_ ~..g ,_...._.... f ... 4 ~, ._ ..,. ~..,... ....., ......., ,-,-.,...- ••, 111 ;• FE ."'"1,•: t.,,,,,, , A, ';.•-iL';'' -, ~ .--• •,-, -,...i.- - 4 , 7 , E4.7- , I"WY`-' , N ' d;i•__ 4 2. ,'.i . ., 1 , - .:Ai` - 4 . 1 1 . - I. '-. - P' l - - 4.:-..:4 - 7'..b --- -t 2 )751' Builders Look Here. Efeaß ITP WaRE ! The undersigned announce to the public, that they have just returned from Philadel phia and New York, with a very large lot of Hardware, consisting of h i 1 -,,1.1.".:31 florae. liernishing*.arlieles, Cidlerg, Coach Trimmings, •N'a.llery owl Shoc : lindingw, ail of which will be sold at extremely low prices. They ask the public to give Saeger'a Hardware Store, sign of the •103'1 ,1 7.11., i call ut orderto con vince themselvesof the fact,that a , penny saved is a penny made.' 0. & J SAEGER. 11-1 y April 22 A zrt at ass,ortnient of [louse furnishing articles-, such as ENAMELED and tinned inside,cooking vessels, sauce and stew pans, preserve ket les, fish and ham kettles, frying pans, grid irons, waffle irons, tfcc. TEA. TRAYS and Waiters, from com mon to flue, in sets and dozens. A iso, goth ic form, in sets, and in variety of patterns. KNIVES and FORKS—in sets and dos ons ; also knives only ; carvers, steels, cool and butcher knives, with a variety of other manufactures April 22, POCKET and PEN KNIVES—Razors, scissors, Shears, from the best makers; one, two, three, and 4 blade knives. SHOVELS, spades, hoes,. qhams, rakes pick, axes, &c. SHOVELS and TONGS, Iron and brass polished steel fire sets and standards, coat hods, tailors' irons smoothing irons, &c. fur sale by April, 2'2, IRON.—A lot of Hammered and Rolled Iron, Sheet Iron, American and English Band Iron, Hoop Iron, Cast and Shear Steel, square,flai,and round, just received with Anvils and Vices, and for sale cheap at the store of 0 & 3 SAEGER. GLASS.-150 Boxes Glass, 8 by 10, 10 by 12, 10 by 1.1, 10 by 15, 12 by 16, and various other seizes., for sale by 0 & J SAEGER. TO SHOEMAKERS.—Just received a new assortment of Morocco and Binding Leather, Lasts, Shoe-thread, Wooden Pegs French Rulers, and numerous other ante,- es belonging to the shoemaking business 0 & J SAEGER. OILS & VAWNISIL—OiIs of all kinds, boiled and raw, Turpentine, Newark Var nish of all kinds, Glue be sold clwap by PLANES.—A full assortment of Planes of John Bell's best make, also a large assort ment of Carpenter's Tools, for sale cheap by . 0 & J SAEGER. IV 1 I ITE LEA IL-2 tons of White Lead just received, Pure and Extra, and for sale by April, 22, N.\ ILS.-800 Kegs of the best Nails, Brads and Spikes,just received and for sale by O & J SAEGER. April '2'2, • ¶-3w HULLO 1V WA RE.-500 Iron Pots an° Kettles, just received and for sale at. very reduced prices at the store of 0 & J SAEGER TO MECHANICS.—TooIs of every de scription. such as Bench and Moulding Planes, Hand, Funnel, and Back Saws, Brace and Bius, Auger BUts, Hatchets, Sqw.res, &c., for sale by 0 & 7 SAEGER. Jan LI try 3, A spmdidassortment ofFrontand Parlor Locks with mineral knobs, german Locks, Latchos Bolts, Hinges, Screws, Paint Brush es, and a variety of other building Hard ware just unpacking, and for sale cheaper than ever by 0 & J SA EOER. January 19, IS:i3. 11—ly raaUr n itil' t Y1(1.911.,.1a4 Just received at the Store of the subscri bers, a lot of Mill Picks, William Brady's Patent. This is a New Mechanical Tool, the best ever invented and only wants to be used to the proved. Apply soon. 0. Sc J.. SAEGER. April, 13. ¶-4w WANTED. Timothy Hay, Wheat, Rye, Corn and Oats, for which the highest market price will be paid by PRETZ, GUTII & CO. May 4, 1853. ¶-6w ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW Office No. 52, East Hamilton Street, in the Borough of Allentoivn. Mr. Wright speaks the German language, consequently can be consulted in that lan guage. Allentown ,Oct. 5. A NEW ASSORTRINET OF To liTodiSen.fictpers. 0 & J SAEGER 0 & J SAEGER o & J SAEGER. 11-1 y To IBetilders. IPrigiet, AIM 322 3 MIIZIIMLEVaIIIT OF Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods IS ALL THEIR VARIETIES AT THE New Cheap Store OF Getz IP Gilbert, THE 113JR01:611 OF CATASAUQUA, PA. These gentlemen, take this method to in form their friends and the public in general that they have received a very large and well selected stock of Hinter and ~.);ring Goods, which thry are now ready to dis pose off to their customers at the lowest prices. Their immense stock has been selected with the utmost care and consists of Clotlics, Casshners, Satinets, Flannels, Gloves and Eloseiry. besides De laines, A lapaccas,Debashe,G ingharns. Plain and Figured Poplins, Aluslins and Prints, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Queens ware, Hardware, Looking Glasses, Stationary, Books, &c., To which they invite the attention of their friends and the public generally, confident that the fullest satisfaction, both in price and quality, will be given to all who may favor them with a call. The highest prices will be paid in ex change for County . . produce. They have reason to be thankful for the favors received thus brand hope by atten tion to business, disposing of their goods at small profits, good treatment towards their customers to merit still a greater share of customers. GETZ Sr, GILBERT. September 14. ¶-611n Groceries Fish 6 1 1 Sail. The undersigned have just received an entire new Stock of Groceries, Fish and Salt which .they intend to sell at the lokv• est prices at their Store in Catasauqua, Le high county. • GETZ &. GILBERT. September 14. 11-6 m I ri-ly COAL ! COA.L ! The undersigned have opened a Coal Yard in Catasauqua, and will constantly keep on hand all kinds of Coo/ which they will sell at greatly reduced prices. GETZ & GILBERT. September 14. 11—Gin Ready-made Clothing, Ti -1). The undersigned kcep all kinds of Ready made Clothing, on hand, and will make to roder, at the lowest possible prices. GETZ & GILBERT. Catnsnuqua, Sept 14. —(im • WEEDER & -BOYER ; No. 25, i f'est Hamilton 'street, .allentown. Thankful for past favors and hoping by strict attention to ness and a desire to please, to mer it a continuance of the patronage so liberally bestowed on them, and wishing the people to understand the fact, that they arc both PRACTICAL HATTERS—both having served a long apprenticeship at the business and understanding the business thoroughly in.all its various branches—they are confident they can MANUFACTURE HATS of all kinds inferior to none in the market, and also a little cheaper, because they perform a great deal of the labor them selves and buy their material from the impor ters for cash, and understanding the busi ness they employ none but good workmen, and doing a large business they can afford to sell at small profits. These are some of the reasons why you often hear the remark that "Wieder& Boy er sell such beautiful Hats at such astonish ingly low prices. They always have the latest Philadelphia and New York styles on hand, so you need not be afraid of hav ing an old fashioned tint stuck on you.— Give us a call. It don't matter what is the shape of your head, wo will insure a fit. lE'Country Merchants would do well to give us a call, as we will wholesale them hats and caps cheaper than they can get them in the city. Also a large assortment of all kinds of straw goods which . they will sell cheap. TERMS CASH. Allentown, March 15. ¶—tf Coaehmaking Establishment In Allentown. Respectfully announces to his friends and the public in general, that he cominues on on extensive scale, the Coachmakiug Business in all its various branches, at the old stand in West Hamilton Street, No. 52, directly Op; posite Hagenbuch's Hotel, where he is'al ways prepared to nem u facto re to order at the shortest notice, and also keep on hand, 6 ,26„,.- Fashionable Vehicles, rici: - = such as Barauches, Rockaways Carryalls, York Wagons, Sulkeys, 4.c. which, for beauty and durability cannot be surpassed by any Coachmaker in the State or elsewhere, while his terms are as reason able as those of any other establishment.— He uses none but the best materials, and employs none but the best of workmen— consequently, he intends that the vehicles manufactured at his estabWhment "shall lake the shine" of all others manufactured in this part of the country. He professes to understand his business by experience, and therefore, assures the public that he is ena bled to render satisfaction to his customers. Call and judge for yourselves. 't 'Wooden or iron axletrees made to or der : and Repairing of all kinds done at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Old vehicles taken in exchange for new ones at a good bargain. ROBERT KRAMER. May 11. ¶-6m EMI Franklin Fire - Insurance Co. OF PHILADELPHIA. STATEMENT of the ASSETS of the Compa ny, on January Ist, 1854, published in conformi ty with the provisions of the sixth section of the Act of Assembly of April sth, 1842. MORTGAGES. Being first mortgages on real estate, in the city and county of Phila delphia, except $3O 950 in Mont gomery, Bucks, Schuylkill, and Allegheny counties. Pennsylva. $1,199,284 98 REAL ESTATE. Purchased at Sheriff's sales, un der mortgage claims, viz:— Eight houses and lot, 70 by 1501 feet, on the South-west corner of Chesnut and Seventeenth streets, A house and lot, 27 by 71 feet, on North side of Spruce st., West of Eleventh st., A house and lot. 21.7 by 100 feet, on West side of Penn Square, South of High street, Two houses and lots,each 18 by 80 feet, on South side of Spruce st., near Sixteenth street, Five houses and lots, each 17 9 by 90 feet, Nos. 159, 161, 163, 165 and 167 Dilwyn street, Three houses and 10t,49 by 54 feet, on East side of Seventeenth st., South of Pine streets A lot of ground, 17 by 57 feet, on the North-east corner of Twen ty-second and Spruce streets, A house and lot, 18 by 106 feet, on South side of Filbert street, West of Sixteenth street, Hotel and lot, 50 by 81 feet, on the South-east corner of Chesnut and Beach streets, Five houses and lot, 42 by 86 feet, on the North side of George st., West of Ashton street, Seven houses and lot, 20 by 117 feet, on the east side of Beach st., south of Chesnut st., A house and lot, 18 by 80 fe?t, No. 90 Fitzwater st., East of Ninth, street, A ground rent of $3O, issuing out of a lot 13-4 by 40 feet, on north side of Otter street, 40 feet west of Leopard street, LOANS. TEMPOIIAnT LOANS, on Stocks, as Collateral Security, STOCKS. $lO,OOO Alms House Loan, 5 pen cent. (int. on.) 200 Shares Bank of Kentucky, 17 Northern Bank of Ken tucky, 100 " Union bank of Tennes- IME 13 " Insurance Company of the State of l'ennsyl., 200 " SouthwarkßailroadCo., 37 " Commercial and Rail rciadßank of Vicksbg., 300 Pennsylvania Railroad Company, 01 " Frank lin Fire Insurance Company, 2 " Mercantile L;hraryCo., 24 " Union Canal Company, 10 " Schuylkill Railroad Co.,J NOTES and Bills Receival.ll, 5.703 50 UNSETTLED Policies, 1,422 25 MERCIIANDISE, 163 84 CAsit on hand, ;,:;34,352 27 " in hands of agents, 8,927 71 By order of the Board, CHARLES N. BANCICER, Pres. Atlest.—CualtLES G. 'human, Seey. February 8. ¶—,lw Spring Millinery Goods, John Stone & Sons, N 0.45 SOUTH 2d STREET, PHILADELPHIA, have now in Store, of their own iinpor tation, a large and handsome assortment of RIBBONS, SILKS. FLOWERS, CRAPES, and every nrticic suitable to the Millinery Trade, to which constant addition will be made throughout the senson, thereby enab ling them to oiler the largest and most de sirable selection of articles in their line to be found in the City. Phi:a. March 22. ¶-2m-$2 REMOVAL A.‘:11) CRINGE. Immense & Attractive Steck. Moßnis L. E - JALLOWELL & CO. Philadelphia. IlAvmc REMOVED into their splendid new warehouse; entrances N0..147 Market, and No. 21 North Fourth street, are opening for the Spring trade an assortment of SILK AND FANCY GOODS, that for extent and variety will surpass any stock ever offered in that market. Entering into their new store, which is One of the largest in .9nzeriect, with a business of an unusual amount already established, and in tending largely to increase it, especially with those who buy For Cash, and believing that the fairest system in jobb ing g oods is to have UNIFORM PRICES, they will becompelled to sell at a much smaller profit than 'can possibly be afforded where long credits are given. Under their CASH AND SHORT CREDIT sys tem the necessity for charging large profits, does not exist, and by selling their goods at a Very Small rldvance on the Foreign Cost. They mean to the INTEREST of every judge of goods, to buy upon the fol lowing TERMS: CASH BUYERS will receive a discount of SIX per cent. if the money be paid in par funds, within 10 days from date of bill. Uncurrent money will only be taken at its market value on the day it is received. To merchants of undoubted standing a credit of six months will be given is desired. Where money is remitted in advance of maturity a discount at the rate' of TWELVE PER CENT. per annum will be allowed. They ask from merchants visiting the Enstern cities, the favor of an examination of their stock, being satisfied that they will be convinced that if it is not for their inter est to pay the large profits that are A lISOIXTELV ESSENTIAL to those who give long credits. M. L. HALLOWELL, J. L. HALLOWELL, JAMES TRAQUAIR, E. R. HUTCHINSON, T. W. SWENLY, A. W. LITTLE, Phila., Jan. 25. Watelnnaker in Allentown, Takes this method to inform his friends and the public in general, that he still con tinues the Watchmaking Business, in all its various branches, of his "old stand" No. 1 1, \Vest Hamilton street, nearly oppo site the -Odd Fellow's Hall," in the Borough of Allentown, where he has just received an entire new, and constantly keeps on hand a splendid stock of . ...i, i ,,, Parlor and O ffi ce x 7' Clocks; Gold and Silver / %% 2 ; ' Watches of various des -1( c. r criptions, a large assort .,C,,,t, ~. 7 7 ment of Ear and Finger ).1,,,,,,. ' rives, Silver and other table and tea-spoons, a large assortment of G old Spectacles, also Silver Silver and other Spectacles, suitable for persons of all aces, together with a large variety of other Jewelry, and such other ar ticles usually' kept in establishments of this kind. . ALSO: A Large Assortment of Violins, U Violin Bows and Strings of the best quality, and all other articles used on Violins. ; ; ; 4 , At Cost. F 82,131.1 87 a ! v 7 Just received asplendid assort ment of Pianos of the most celebrated man ufactories. Melodians of the most celebra ted makers in the United States. The whole of these articles will be sold at the most reduced prices, and he will warrant that every articles sold by him will be ac cording to contract. Lirßrass Instruments will he furnished to order, at the shortest notice and at prices far below what they can be purchased else where. I? piziring.—This branch of business will be attended to as usual, with the strictest punctuality. Ile further returns his sincere thanks for the patronage so liberally bestowed upon him for a number of years past, and trusts that by strict attention to business, punctu ality and liberal priceS of his goods he will be further thought worthy of the publics patronage for which he will always feel thankful. JOSEPH January 18, 1854. 11—lim 130,774 26 Eshbaeles Eagle Hotel, ECnst g 63,005 50 In Allentown. • .11 The proprietor "%c ;: ® !L of this popular House returns his mostsincere -1 • • `'thanks for past favors, • and would inform his patrons and the public in genetal, thnt considerable improvements have been made in the building, so that be is enabled better to accommodate strangers and travellers than heretofore and that he will be pleased to - meet with many new cus tomers during the winter season. The "Eagle" is located on the north west corner of the square, being the most conve nient house for business men or persons who come to attend court. 93,279 OS 51,525,949 G 8 The House has gfiined a reputation of be ing one of the best in town,and every atten tion tvill be paid. to strangers who visit the place. and witnesses, Jurors and others who may attend court during the next term, to whom he extends a hearty•welcome. JA)PiS W. ESUBACH. Allentown, Nov. 30. ¶-2m aaaaaaacoanaapanaccaccaagaza aa E. W. Eckert's 0 0 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 0 2 li t Tobacco, Snuff and Segarg W10111M.,, 8 No. 30, East Hamilton Street, g ALLENTOWN, PA. 8 0,1 g F7'GOODS ALL Ii'ARRANTED July 20. 11-IyB • aGerCancoarzocriccur.mccoso OCCOU To the Citizens of Allentown. The subscriber having made arrange ments to enter into co-partnership with Simon R. Snyder, No. 262, North Second Street, Philadelphia, (under the firm of Snyder and Grubb, formerly Stonebuck and Snyder,) to transact a wholesale and retail clothing bu siness, and being therefore desirous of sell ing out the remainder of this stock of Store Goods until January Ist. 1854, takes thiS method of informing the Public that he will sell the balance of his stock wholesale or re tail at greatly reduced prices by calling soon opposite Hagenbuch's Hotel or the People's Store. N. B.—lle would further notice that any person wishing to enter into a good and sale business and at as good a stand as there is one in Allentown, can do so by purchasing the above stock of Goods, which will be sold on the most reasonable terms and posses sion given at any time. There can also be a lease obtained on the property for a length of time that will suit'the purchaser. December 14. aamhia, male! 14,9 PAINT, OIL and COLORS, 1151NUFACTURED Int Francis S. Lewis & Co. REPBESENTEDBY LEIVIS,JAMES &CO. 135 SOUTII FRONT STREET, PHIL ADELPHIA. Orders thankfully received— punctually attended to, guarrariteed to give satisfaction and offered for sale on the most liberal terms. For samples and particulars, please ad dress as above. Phila. January 18, 1853. T-311143 Joseph Weiss, Piano Fortes. J. W. GRBBB• If -2w Map of Lehight.County. From actual Measurement and Surrrys throughout the whole.Couny by Adolph Aschbach, C. E. The Subscriber will publish shortly, pro 7 vided a sufficient number of signers be ob tained, a new and complete ITl:ip of Lehigh County. The surveys are just commenced, all the public roads, and the locations of the places for worship, Post offices, School-houses, Country stores, Mills, Public Houses, Smith shops, Wheelwrights. Ore beds, &c., are to• be marked. The names of the property holders generally (including all those in•the county who will subs.trib e , in advance to the map) are also to be inserted upon their places, to be illustrated with Vignettes of views in Lehigh County. Plans of the principal Villages on a largo• scale will be inserted in the margrio r also w beautiful Marginal-map of Allentown, The plan will be plotted to a suitable scare so r.s to make a large and ornamental Map. To be engraved and delivered to subscribers handsomely colored and mounted for FIVE DOLLARS per copy. . JAMES D. SCOTT. Publisher, No. I la Chr-snut St. Philadelphia. Allentown March 15. 4r, --21T3 Wlllc The subscriber, residing at No. :32, East Hamilton street Allentown, a few doors East of the German Reformed Church, adopts this method to inform his friends and the public in general, that he has established himself as an Undertaker, and will constant ly keep on hand a large assortment of all kinds of nOSEWOOD, WALNUT. and other Coffins. trimmed and stuffed in the neatest styles. lie 1 . 13S also prepared him— self with a Very Convenient Hearse, to convey the dead to the grave, or else— where. He also keeps on hand an assortment of Shrouds, and will make it his business to• attend to everything connected with a funer al, with great puntualiiy. Ile has followed this branch of business for the last 25 years and knows the wants when a calamity occurs, thereupon invites the public to give him a call, and he will be. found to render perfect satisfaction. FirHe returns his sincere thanks to his . old friends and neighbors in Saucon, for the many favors he has received from them, and further states that his Son continues in the business at the old stand. He keeps on hand an assortment of household furni: tore, and attends to funerals as heretofore. His wife also prepares Shrouds. _ _ _ SAMUEL SELL.. Straw Goods--Spring 1854. The Subscribers are now prepared to ex— . hibit at their. SPLENDID NEW ESTABLISHMENT, just completed, on the site of their former stand, March 10 No. 41 South Second Street, Philadelphia, an entire new and beautiful Stock of Straw, Fancy and Silk Bonnets and Flans, Flow ers, &c.; and Fanama, Paltn and Summer Hats for Gentlemen, which our old patrons. Merchants and Milliners generally, are in vited to examine,confidently promising them in extent, in variety, in novelty, and to styles a stock unequalled. IT'Orders carefully and promptly exe cuted. THOMAS WHITE & CO. Phila. Ilarch 13. 15-3111 ThOlZtas DENTAL SURGEON. se ttends to aerations on tht aaliW Tee Attends in the mo ll st op careful and sci entific manner, and inserts Teeth on an en tirely new and improved plan with contigu ous Gums. These Teeth are far better and superior to the best block or single Gum Teeth now in use. re - Please call and examine specimens. Offisce No. 15, West Hamilton. Street, (up stairs,) opposite the Odd Fellows' 1-hall. Allentown, Nov. 9. tu-3tn, Dr. 3. V.llarues, DoEXTIST. Informs his friends, and the pub— tifil= lie in general, that he still performs all operations on the teeth, and treats diseases of the gums and alveoler processes in the most effectual and skillful manner. His mode of inserting , artificial teeth,. cannot be surpassed, for comfort to the wea rer and duribility and beautifulness in appear— ance. The general satisfaction he has given, for years, has been duly appreciated by the public. Office No. 98, East Hamilton street, a few doors East of Pretz, Guth & Co's store, op posite Bechtels American Hate?. December 0, 1853. warrTED -2 Journeyman Shoemakers. The undersigned residing at No. 9, East Hamilton street, Allentown, wish to employ . two Journeyman Shoemakers, to take feats on ladies' work, of sober and industrious ha bits (none other need apply . ) can find constant employment, if immediate application be made to HECKMAN & WITTY. Allentown, Jan. 25. I--.lw Rags „Wanted. to Co BANG extensively engaged in the untry Man ufacture of paper, we will pay Merchants and others having Rags for sale, more than the present market prices....-CASIE JESSUP SCMOORF:, Paper Manufacturers,) 'PHILADELP7IIA--NOB. 24 and 27 North St. (Ist St below Arch, between sth and 6th. Phila. March IL. T-ly