New Gods. New Goods *A NEW /MOMENT OF IIaRDIEWRE ! The undersigned announce to the public, that they have just returned from Philadel phia and New York, with a very large lot of Hardware, consisting of ,• House Furnishing Si-ticks, Cutlery, Coach Trimmings, Sadler✓ and Shoc-findings, ail of which will 'be sold at extremely low prices. They ask the public to give Saeger's Ilardwale at i Store, sign of the .Idl' PIZ , a call in order to convince themselve:. , of the fact, that a •penny saved•is a penny made.' 0. & J SAEUER. April 22 To - House-Keepers. A great assortment of House furnishing articles, such as ENAMELED and tinned inside, cooking vessels, sauce and stew pans, preserve ket tles, fish and ham kettles, frying pans, grid irons, wall: irons, &.c. TEA TRAYS and Waiters, from Coin mon to fine, in sets and dozens. A !so, goth ic form, in sets, and in variety of patterns. KNIVES and FORKS—in sets und doz ens; also knives only; carvers; steels, cook and butcher knives, with a variety of other manufactures. April 22, ly POCKET and PEN KNIVES-11azors, scissors, shears, from the best makers; one, two, three, and 4 blade knives. SHOVELS, spades, hoes, chains, rakes pick, axes, &c. SHOVELS and TONGS, Iron and braSt , polished steel lire sets and standards, emu hods, tailors' irons smoothing irons. &c. for sale by 0 & 1 SAEGER. April, 22, / y IRON.—A lot of Hammered and Rolled Iron, Sheet Iron, American and English Band Iron, hoop Iron, Cast and Shear Steel, square, flat, and round, just received with Anvils and Vices, and for sale cheap at the store of 0 & J SAEGER. GLASS.-150 Boxes Gla.s, by 10, 10 by 12, 10 by 14, 10 by 15, 12 by Ili, and various other seizes, for sale by TO SHOEMAKERS.—Just received a new assortment of Morocco and Binding Leather, Lasts, Shoe-thread, Wooden Pegs French Rubers, and numerous other artic les belonging to the shoemaking business 0 & J SAEGER. OILS & VARNISI-L—Oils of all kinds, boiled and raw, Turpentine . , Newark Var nish of all kinds, Glue &c.,—will be sold cheap by O& J SAEGER PLANES.—A full assortment of Planes of John Bell's best make, also a large assort ment of Carpenter's Tools, for sale cheap by 0 & J SAEGER. W ITE LEA D.-2 tons of White Lead just received, Pure and Extra, and for sale by • 0.& J SAEGER. April, 22, 11-13' NAILS,—:3OO Kegs of the best Nails, Brads and Spikes, just received and for sale by 0 & J SAEGER. . April 22, HOLLOIV WA RE.-500 Iron Pots ana Kettles, just received and for sale at very reduced prices at the store of TO MECHANICS.—TooIs of every de scription such as Bench and Moulding Planes, Eland, Panne!, and Back Saws, Brace and Bitts, Auger Bats, Hatchets, Squares, &c., for sale by :tau mAry 5, To L'uilderg. A splehdidassOrtm6nt of Front and Parlor Locks with mineral knobs, gerinan.Locks, Latches Bolts, Hinges, Screws, Paint Brush es, and a variety of other building Hard. ware just unpacking, and for sale cheape► than ever by January 19, 1853. Utaltia2 a•acomec, Just received nt the Store of the subscri bers, a lot of Mill Picks, William Brady's Patent. This is a New Mechanical Tool, the best ever invented and only wants to be used to the proved. Apply soon. 0. & J, SAEGER. April, 13. • I--4w Grain Wanted. 50,000 Bushels of Wheat.Rye,Corn and Oats wanted, for which the highest mark s et prices will be paid by the subscribers, at their store on the South west corner of Market Square and Hamilton street, in Al lentown. EDELMAN, HAIM & CO. Allentown, April `,29 tr-6m WANTED. Timothy Hay, Wheat, Rye, Corn and Oata, for which the highest market price will be paid by PRETZ, GUTH & CO. MIT 4 ► US$. • If-6w T'-13 , O & J SAEGER 0 & J SAEGER wife - to Poorhouse, Anthony Geisler to Poorhouse, John Kuhn to Poorhouse, Peter Cuningham to Poorhouse, Issuing 48 orders of relief, - An order of removal, - Medical attendance rendered to Sohn ler's daughter, - - 200 John Kuhn to Poorhouse, SO Out door relief rendered to Mary Lehr, 29 43 Conveying said pauper to our Poor house from Northampton county, 437 Bridged Sharkey to Poorhouse, - SO Out door relief for Hannah Kr bier's Mary H. Ginder to Poorhouse, 15 paupers to Poorhouse, - Issuing 40 orders of relief, Funeral expenSe of Peter Lynn, Abraham Gebhard to Poorhouse, 0 & J SAEGER O & J SAEGER. 11-ly Conveying John Kuhn to Poorhouse, 1 00 HANOVER Tows:sum. Presenting an order of relief of Tilgh man Ihrier - 50 One visit to said pauper, - - 125 Conveying Eve Licht to Poorhouse, 200 An Insane pauper to do. 1 90 A German to Poorhouse. - 1 GO 2 Irishmen do. .. . 200 George Dininger do. . ... - 190 William Kurtz do. - • 190 Patrick Horner to Poorhouse, . 2 20 Leah Kuhns do. - 140 John AlcEllhoso do. .. 140 Out door relief for Mrs. Hoeler's children, UPPER SAECON. $ 35 30 Out door relief to John Reichard, IO 67 Conveying C. J. Gabriel to Poorhouse, 2 20 John Henneseeto Poorhouse, • 40 _ . Poor House ai r CCOU/8/. The account of CHARLES S. Bush, Treas urer of the Directors of the Poor and House of Employment of Lehigh County, from January Ist, 1853 to January Ist, 1554. Dr. Jan. I. Balance in the Treasury, 826 31 Cash of Thom. Faust, last rears tal. 86 31 April 7. Rec'd. of H. J. Schantz, for the , keeping of Eliza!). Kneller, 50 00 :May 3. do. of Thomas Faust from the Assignees of Roberts & Davis • for Matilda Wert, a pauper, her portion of dower of Geo. IVasum, 214 Do. of Charles Colver, on Note due by Susanna Cinder to Sam. Frey, 100 00 June 6. Do. of Thomas Faust for sheep sold, Do. of Franklin township, Car bon co., for keeping Day. Shafer, 100 00 Do. Thomas Faust. for oats sold, 45 32 Do. of the L'oor Directors for Matil da Wert, part of her inheritance, 19 25 Nov. 24. Do. recovered in a suit against David Kuhns for Caroline Schwander, • - Do. of D. J. Rhoads, Esq. fine for gambling, • - - - Do. by the Poor Directors for W. l'auly from J. Levy Glick, - Do. by hands of 11. J. Schantz, for for 29 weeks maintenance of Ma ria ZeislofT, Do. of George Knauss, Trustee of James Knauss, a lunatic, 104 00 Do. keeping Maria Keiper, a pauper,l7s 00 Cash received on orders on the coun ty Treasury at dilierent times, 4,500 00 TOTA L, Cr. By Cash paid out on orders as follows: IiOUEIIOI.D EXPENSES Dry Good and Groceries. Freight, - - - • • Stone Coal, . Firewood, . . Weaving, • - flats and Caps, • - CJcper ware, ' . Cabinet ware, - Tinware and Spouts, • New Stove, . - Repating Stoves and Floaters, - Shoemaking, • . Dried Apples, - Chit r and Apples, Tobacco, - - Fresh SI al, Elardware, . Making Corn brooms, - Wool carding for 1552-53, Millinery, - Female services, • .• Medicine, Coffins, . . - - Preaching eight funeral sermons, Total, - • 81,841 22 PARSIINO EXPENSES. Male Servants, - - SSO 00 Labor done on the Farm, - - 550 Haymaking and Harvesting, - - 648 Buckwheat, - - - - 34 20 Making Post Fence, • • - 266 Lumber. - - - - - 21 47 Building timber, - - - -17 90 Carpenter work, - - - 142 Wheelwright Work, • - 695 , Black smith work, - - -58 40 1 One Reaping and Mowing machine, 120 00 One Grain Drill, • 65 00 Mason work, - - - 10 55 Repairing Dearborne wagon, - 23 62 Repairing, cutting Box, - - 500 Lime, - - 1 20 Clever Seed, . . • -11 001 Plaster of Paris, - - - 480 Saddler ware, • - - 15 68 Road Tax, - . • - 13 43 State Tax, - - . - 25 65 One Horse, - - . - 130 00 25 Head Steer, - - 1,090 00 TOTAL, - $ 1749 91 Issuing and executing orders of relief and supporting out-door paupers. ALLENTOWN BOROUG H. Out door•relief for Peter Brong, $ll 00 0 months house rent do. do: 14 25 Conveying Solomon Rumfeld and NORTHAMPTON TOWNSHIP Expense of Philip Nusbickel in the Bucks county Poorhouse, SALISBURO. $ 84 Conveying Willoughby Pauly to our Poorhouse from Manyunk, - 4 6 Setting fractured leg of Wm. Giess, 300 One visit to said pauper, - - 50 UPPER MILFORD. 8 8 12 Conveying Chas. Meyer to Poorhouse, 1 00 Boarding &attending Lucas Ettsolin, 30 07 Medical attendance rendered to said pauper,- 2-1 25 - Conveying said pauper to Poorhouse, - 150 Boarding and attending Elvina Doll, 10 92 Medical attendance rendered to said pauper, Medical attendance rendered to a 72 00 German, LOWER MACUNGIE. $ 69 64 Emanuel Sonnenberger, to the Poor House, - - Catharine Fink, to Poor House, Medical attendance rendered to Fred. Nuroth. - Henry Roost, to Poor House, - Med. attendance rendered to Eman uel Sonnenberger, - 150 Emanuel Sonnenberger, to I'. House. 120 31 00 3 00 CM UPPER NI AcuNG tr., Boarding and attending Christopher Kitner, . - - - 16 00 Conveying him to Poor [louse. 1 20 Fred. Wilke to Poor 1 - louse, tio Boarding and attending said pauper, 300 Benjamin Schrader, to Poor House, -I 00 5S CO $. 5,359 92 Bording, Sophia Evans, in the Dellis Co. Poor House. - 16 57 $ 965 30 6 19 LYNN. • 46 57 Cath. Shuck, and child to P. House, 4SO John Erb, to Poor House, 4 00 Peter Snyder to Poor House, 3 20 l'lB 85 125 00 • 22 38 8 37 8 50 - 29 00 86 80 9 50 4h 0:: 58 75 7 12 IUt7IDG•LnERo. lt2 00 Conveying John Kuhn to P. House, 3GO Conveying Wm. Altiyhetie, to Poor house, - - - Presenting an• order of relief of Juhn Garrison, a pourer, - - Boarding attending John Garrison du ring illness of small pox, - 42 50 Medical attendance tendered to said pauper, - - James Conway, to Poorhouse, Ira 73 75 30 8!)1 EMI 13 25 3 23 NORTH WHITEHALL. Out door relief for Jacob Kramer, Out door relief for Jacub Dorwart's, family,- - -62 S Conveying said family to Poorhouse, I 00 John Dorsam, to Poorhouse, 1 60 Henry Nuldy, to ' 240 Jacob Sohn, to Poorhouse, 1 IA) Arthur Flin, to Poorhouse, 2 20 Jonas Newhatd, to Poorhouse, 2 20 - 40 50 . 1077) 56 00 00 SOUTH WHITEHALL. 20 15 Boarding and attending Eliza Bend a= a pauper, - - - 10 40 Medical attendance rendered to Eliza Bent!'man, 13 50 Issuin g 13 orders of relief, 2 60 E. 0. Donald to Poorhouse, 1 00 Out door relief to Adam Dorney, 0 00 80R01.7011 OF CATASAUQUA. 45 56 Conveying Cath. Heller, to Poor h. 190 Al. Boeglin, to Poorhouse, 1 40 Presenting order of relief of Dema Roth, - - - - 92 Boarding and attending said pauper, 15 00 Aledical attendance rendered to said pauper, - - - 3 00 Funeral expence of Demo Roth's child, 1 65 issuing 17 orders of relief, 3 40 George thitzer, to Poorhouse, 1 40 2707 PRINTINO, STATIONARY AND POSTAGE:, Postage, - 11 67 A. L. Rulte, e for Publishing yearly statement of 1851-52, 24 00 J. W. Wilson lor Publishing yearly statement fur 1852. 12 00 Butner, Bush & Co. for Publishing yearly statement of 1852. 12 00 Keck, Guth and Trexler, for Publish ing yearly statement of 1852, 12 00 Stationary, - . 5 95 1 60 - 80 80 - 80 - 9 60 • 50 SALARIEF. 77 82 Thomas Faust, steward for . one year, 400 00 1). Miller, Esq., 1 yeat as Director, 20 00 II Io extra, 15 b 0 H. Diefenderfer,Esq.,l yea rDirector, 20 00 11 ,i extra, H. J. Shantz, salary for 1 year, 41 ' if extra, Dr. C. L. Martin, for 7 extra visit ut the Poorhouse in 1852 at 96, Dr. C. H. Martin as physician at the Poorhouse one year, ~ 50 00 do. p extra visits ut 06 570 Dr. P. S. Leisenring, as Physician at the Poor fur 1 year, . . 50 00 2 extra visits at 90, 1 92 Cha's S. Bush, Esq., Poor h. Treasu. , rer for 1 year, - 40 00 J. D.. Stiles, Professional services, 20 00 do. for contesting extra cases, 15 09 5 Bridge Viewers, - 5 00 12 00 - 80 13 70 - 920 - 700 80 0 120 25 TOTAL, Balance in Treasurers hands, Stewards accoun t._ THOMAS FAUST. Esq., Steward in .account with the Directors of the Poor. and of the House of Employment of the County of Lehigh. .Dr. • - 18 75 To cash recd on sundry accounts as follows : Balance of last year's account, $B6 28 Received of Joseph Hammel, for work done on the road, 10 31 Meyer Schnurmen for 2 old watch., WEISENBURG WAsiiiNGTON 55 :34 300 17 34 21) 00 12 (JO 0 72 144,888 96 500 96 $5,389 92 and one finger-ring, 6 00 Henry Schantz for 1 bush. clover seed, 675 Jacob Yeager for 3 bushels seedwheat, 3 00 Solomon Dorney jr. for one pocket book, IS Jonas Diehl for 46 lbs. veal, - 2 :10 do. do. 1 bushel turnips, - 25 Anthony Goitschall for half bush. corn, 30 do. do. 2 bushel oats, 72 do. do. 6 lbs. beef, 36 do. do. 2 pigs, 100 Daniel Roth for 3 bundles straw, 25 The Directors of the Poor of Schuyl kill county for keeping Catharine Schuck and child in our Poorhouse, 11 99 Removing said paupers to Schuylkill 'county Poorhouse in part, 4 00 David Gilbert for a lot of Sheep, 72 00 1 he overseers of the Poor of Franklin 'l'sp., Carbon county, for keeping David Shaffer, on account, 100 00 J. W. Esbach for 54 bush. oats,at:36cts. 19 44 do. do. 51 do. :18 19 :38 Henry Saeger, 25 do. 88 950 Chas. H. Martin for 4 pigs, . 450 John pastern for cancelling Indenture of H. E. Lafevre, Herman Rupp for cancelling !mien. ture of Susan Kunsinan, Solomon Dorney for haymaking, do. do. for other labor, Solomon Rabenold for labor done, Daniel Bastian for labor done, Lucas Schlauch for labor done; .Mrs. 13, cher service rendered by Susan Boger, Mrs. Fredei ick for service rendered by Htu,lll.l Trumbore, Conrad Seem (or 61 bushel flax seed 45 per bushel, John Miller for 8p s, - illiam Klotz for 2 pigs, - Jonas Diehl 2 pigs, Clcorge Hinkel for 5 p;gs at 75, do. do. 3 pigs at 4;21 Philip Murphy for medical and other attendance in the Hospital, 5 00 Henry Dresher for mending Shoes, 40 Henry W. Meriz for acres clover, 375 do. do. 1 bushel turnips, 25 W. H. Diefenderfer for 2 empty liogsh. 1 75 Joseph Shaffer for 3 pigs. 2 12 6 different persons for Horsefeed, b 9 E-qui:e Rex and others for 4 meals, 75 Victor Blunter Si' lbs. soap at 10 cis. 87 Rev.C. R. Kessler 50 tbs. soap at 10 cis. 5 00 Grim & nninger for 649 lbs. tallow, 64 90 do. do. for 239 lbs. lard, 28 OS do. do. 83 lbs. white rags, 419 do. do. Ib9 mixed rags, 378 5 different persons for tallow, 6 :35 different persons for lard, IS 0. W. Faust for hides and skins, 48 54 Peter Ludwig for hides and skins, :33 b 5 Joseph Guth do. do. SO 45 Found in pockets of 3 paupers dec'd. 431 EiES 19 50 MD S 120 1 00 100 1 20 EEO V. CO BE 250 7 00 2 50 Ce. By cash paid out as follows . Balance of last year's account, S 80 29 Edward Frey 6 bushels lime, 39 Jonas Koch 10 do. do. 100 Coprad Seem for 3 pecks cake meal, 49 Jonathan K. Knauss for 7 bush. ashes, 1 12 Solomon Wood ring for 15 bush. apples,ll - 75 do. do. 8 bush. apples at 40 cts. 3 20 Meyer Schnurman for merchandize, 1145 Mr. Schweitzer, ditto, 7.1 Hen rySchantz for74-days slaughtering, 7 50 do. do. for 3 barrels cider, 300 do. do. for 1 hiarrrel vinegar, 400 George Stein for repairing a watch, 50 151. Woodrinir fur horse shoeing, 25 Daniel Miller for doctoring a cow, 100 Solomon Reinhold for castrating pigs, 1 43 William Blank , do. do. 93 .Henry Jackson for sweeping chimneys, 1 00 J. P. Otto for grinding razors, 12 William Kramer for. 2 lbs. sheep tallow, '2O John %VIKA; fur 2 wash lines, • 81 Sol. Dorney and others for harvesting, 3 251 Lorer.ce Keck for harvesting. 50 John Moll for 6 lbs. powder 5 feet safety (use. 951 Braliss and Miller for 1 bundle laths 25 I Jacob Newhard for repairing spinning wheels, 1 50 Young and Leh for :3 caps, 75 Wieder and Buyer for 1 palmleaf hat, 25 James Honey balance on a pair shoes, 25 Labold Arnold for 5 combs, 50 Chas. S. Bush, Esq., treasurer, 72 00 do. do. do. 100 00 do. do. do. 4.6 32 ' Directors of the Poor of Schuylhill co. for expense of Lewis Keiserman,B 701 Charles Bidding for tinware, 1 64 I Wm. Keller for mending tinware, S7I Dan. Schlauch for 1 bush. timothy seed, 3 00 i Barber and Young for hardware, 00l Grim & Reninger for store goods, 101 55 i C. H. Martin /Or an American Dis- pensitory, 4 50 O. W. Faust for leather, ati 15 Peter Ludwig do. . 43 44 Joseph Good for leather, 30 04 12 travelling paupers, , 10 55 Traveling expense for team, 3 t!, Traveling expense for steward, 27 17 Balance in hands of stewardJun.l,'s4,34 72 STOCK ON THE FARM. $ 671 Vs 1 7 Horses, 10 cows, I bull, 12 steers, 3 heifers, 5 calls, 24 sheep, 56 hogs, 8 pigs, 3 wagons, 2 dearborn wagons, 1 sleigh, 2 sleds, 4 harrows, 4 ploughs, 4 wheel-bar rows, 1 grain drill, 1 reaping and mowing machine, 1 thrashing machine, and 2 wind trills. PRODUCE ON THE FARM. 415 bushels wheat, 893 bushels rye, 520 bushels oats, 12 bushels flaxseed,7oo bush els potatoes, 2900 bushels corn in ears, 70 ' bushels turnips, 39 bushels onions, 40 bush els red beets, 24 bushels soup beans, 3 bar rels cucumbers, 3000 heads cabbage. 34 I hogsheads sower-kraut, 101 hatchled flax, 64 loads hay, 30 loads corn fodder, 140 loads manure put on the land, 2151 lbs. beef hides, .73 lbs. calf skins, 1050 lbs. lard, 1,444 lbs. tallow, and 1,715 lbs. Butter. ARTICLES MADE IN TILE HOUSE. 90 pair mens pantaloons, 150 mens shirts, 25 yetis, 90 roundabouts, .10 boys pantaloons, 72 chemises, S 2 women frocks, 04 petticoats, 58 short gounds, 128 aprons, 40 women caps, 49 sun bonnets, 15 pair drawers, 68 children frocks, 70 children shirts, 37 children petti coats, 10 shrouds, 57 towels, 9 quilts, 70 pair stocking* knitted, 140 pair atookinga footed, 155 cut stocking yarn; 1.05 cut thread, 7 chaff bags, 16 bolsters, 54 bed cases, 84 pit• low cases, 10 pillow ticks, 55 sheets, 7 grain bags, 4951b5. ha rd soap, IS bariels soft soap. MEAT SLAUGHTERED. 10,624 lbs. beet,4 74 lbs. veal, 7,701 lbs. pork. NUMBER or INMATES. In the house, January 1, 1833, 147 Received during the year, 661—508 Discharged during the year, 600 Indentured do. do. do. 10 Died do. do. do. 10 Corpse when brought, Absconded, Remaining in the house, Jan. 1, 1554, 156 This number consists of 71 white male adults, 47 white female adults, 1 colored fe male adult, 21 white male children under 12 years of age, 2 colored male under 12 years, 12 t% hite females and 2 colored fe males under 12 years of age, of which num ber 22 are lunatics. INDESTURED.—SaIIIUeI A. Kunfer, to J. I'. Lynn township. Anna NI. Druchentniller, to Charles Wickert, Lower Macungie. Mary M. Patterson, to Sanford Stephen, Upper Saucon. Fred. Walter, to 'Thomas Ott, Upper Simeon. Willoughby W. Pauly, to li , njatilin Rupp, Upper Swat tia K . tinsitian. to Jnhn Sny der, South %Vim, ball. Nathaniel Xander, rn George Ludwig. Jr , Lawer George A. Nander, to Jonathan IV' , mid. 13orough of Allentown. 1 - I.•tiry A. Druck ennoller. to William I%'ii-and, All, ntown. 3lart•.ll PattersomtaEpliraitti .\loss, 13arringli of Allem( wn. II liNItl" Dtt:t't:t,DERF•ER, 111/L1)1 J. Sciia:vrz, Dirt etora. Inuit lie mm, I)lrectors Oilico, b.. 1 5 00 EEO FIM 2 75 1 25 25 1 75 MD UM 780 - I 75 150 3 7:) Ibi . 1 .11 Tit Ca , CD (U 1 LO "a GI The subscribers have just received from New York and Philadelphia, and are. now unpacking. the largest and best selected stock of staple and limey Diy Goods, that has been offered in this place for some time, and which they are determined to sell at the very lowest prices. A Ilentown, Nov. 16 CLOTHS. American, German and French Broad Cloths and Cassimers, 50 pieces consisting of Black. Blue, Brown, Olives Drab, mixed .Cc, just received and will be sold whole sale and retail at the. lowest prices. PRETZ, Guru & Allentown, Nov. 16. —6fin Ladies Dress Goods. Among 'the great variety of Silk and oth er dress goods, that the subscribers have re cently bought in New Ycrk, and to which the especial attention of the Ladies from both town and country is called, may be found the folloo ing, viz. Comelion, Gro de Rhine, rich colored, and black red Silks, black and rich colored changeable pure satin, black Gro de Rhine, satin stripes, black and col ored super firie French merino, lyonese, Coburn- and thibet cloths, mohair and silk rp, A Ipacca, ramettes, Cos hmers,Mous lin-de- Loins, Mosaics, lllexieon stripes &c., also silk, thibet wool, I3ay Stow, and other square and long Shawls, Clookings, Gloves, llosit ry, Ribbons, &c. $ 671 us Allentown, Nov. 17 Grocdries. The stock of Groceries of the subscribers, is now very large, and will be sold whole sale and retail at the very lowest prices Guru Co.& Allentcwn;Nov. 16. 11-6 m Country Produce. The highest market prices Nyill be paid for all kinds ofctitintrtr produce by Gum & Co. Allentown, Nov. 16. 411-6 in C. M. R II II k, attorney at Law. Has resumed the practice of his proles sion'in Allentown. LV"fle may be consulted in the German vnd English languages August 12, 1t152 Thomas .11 PO ern, DENTAL SURGEON. iforz,... - Attends to all opvrations on the Ir tiZtoTeeth in the most careful and sci entific manner, and inserts Teeth on an en tirely new and improved plan with contigu ous Gums. These 'Teeth are far better and superior to the best blOck or single Gum Teeth now in use. rar — Please call and examine specimens Office No. 15. West Elamihoo Street. (ui stjrs.) opposite the Odd Fellows' Hull. Allentown, Nov. 9 To the Citizens of Allentown. The subscriber having made arrange• ments to enter into co-partnership with Simon R. Snyder, No. 262, North Second Street, Philadelphia, (under the firm of Snyder and Grubb, formerly Stonebuck and Snyder,) to 'transact a wholesale and retail clothing bu siness, and being therefore desirous of sell ing out the remainder of this stock of Store Goods until January Ist, 1854, takes this method of informing the Public that he will sell the balance of his stock wholesale or re tail at greatly reduced prices by calling soon opposite Hagenbuch's Hotel or the People's • Store. N. I3.—He would further notice that any person wishing to enter into a good and sate business and at as good a stand as there is one in Allentown, can do so by purchasing the above stock of Goods, which will be sold on the most reasonable terms and posses sion given at any time. There can also be a lease obtained on the property for a length of time that will suit the purchaser. J. W. GR171113. ¶-2w , December 14. 21-652 ¶ -4 w lUETZ, Gore & CO. 'ff--6111 PRETz, Guru & Co. 11—Gin - . CASH BtlYEas will receive a discount of SIX per cent. if the money be paid in par funds, within 10 days from date of bill. Uncurrent money will only be taken at its market value on the day it is received. To merchants of undoubted standing ir credit.of six months will be given isdesired.. Where money is remitted in advance "of maturity a discount at the rate of TWELVE PER CENT. per annum will be allowed. They ask from merchants visiting the - Eastern cities, the favor of an examination of their stock, being satisfied that they will be convinced that if it is not for their inter-- est to pay the large profits that are A WOLUTELY ESSENTIAL to those who give long credits. M. L. HALLOWELL, J. L. HALLOWELL. JAMES TRAQUAIR, R. HUTCHINSONy T. W. SwENEr, A. W. LITTLE. Phila., Jan. !25. 11- ly 11-3 m IL E. Wright, i.TToRNET k COUNSELLOR AT r.A.w Office No. 52, Fast Hamilton Street,• in the Borough of Allentown. Mr. Wright speaks the German language, consequently an be consulted in that lan-I gunge. Allentown, Oct. 5. a BM IDDINDIR In Allentown. The undersigned hereby in , X forms his friends and the public OMR CP in general ? that he offers his Ser. vices us. eterinarian Surgeon, (or Farrier,) in all its various branches. He feels confident that with a practice of many years, and with the assistance of the• best medical works, that he is able to give full and entire satisfaction, 11;ii"His charges will . be very moderate, and he further states, that in cases where he cannot give the best satisfaction, he asks no pay. HENRY BITTER. Allentown, Oct. Ifk 1-3 it CEMOLDZI Grand Exhibition Of Fashionable Fall and Whiter (a(OZZEOO AT THE New Cheap Store OF Getz dr Gilbert, These gentlemen, take this method lo in form their friends and the public in general that they have received a very large and well selected "stock of F«11 arid U inter G oods, which they are now ready to dis se off to their customers at the lowest prices. Their immense stock has been selected I with the utmost care and consists of Clothes, Cassimers, Satinets, Flannels, Gloves and Floseiry. besides De-' laines, A lapaccas, Debashe,Ginghams. Plain and Fig ured Poplins, Muslins and Prints.' Boots, Shoes,' Bats, Caps, Queensware.' Hardware, Looking Glasses, Stationary,• Books, &c., To which they invite the attention of their friends and the public generally, confident that the fullest satisfaction, both in price and ' quality, will be given to all who may favor them with a call. The allighest prices will be paid in ex change for County produce.. They have reason to he thankful for the .. favor:; received thus far and hope by atten tion to business, disposing of their goods at small profits, good 'treatment towards their customers to merit still a greater share of customers. GETZ & GILBER.T. September 14. 11-6 m Groceries Fish The undersigned have just received an entire new Stock of Groceries, Fish and Salt which they intend to sell at the low est prices at their Store in Catasauqua, Le high county. GETZ &GILBERT. September 14 . 17—ern COA.L COAL The undersigned have opened a Coal Yard in Catasauqua, and will constantly keep on hand all kinds of Coal which they will sell at greatly reduced prices. GETZ & GILBERT. September 14 Ready-made Clothing. The undersigned keep all kinds or Ready made Clothing, on hand, and will make to roder, at the lowest possible prices. GE 1"I & GELBERT. Catasauqua, Sept 14. REMOVAL AND CHANGE. Immense & Attractive Stock. Moan's L. ElAt.i.own.r. & Co. Philadelphia. HAVING REMOVED into their splendid new warehouse. entrances No. 147 Market, and No. 21 North. Fourth street, are opening fur the Spring trade nn assortment of SILK AND FANCY GOODS, that for extent and variety will surpass any stock ever offered in that market. Entering into their new store, which is One of the largest in Stneriea, with a business of nn unusual amount already established, and in tending largely to increase it, especially with those who buy ForC a s h, and believing that the fairest system in jobb ing g oods is to have UNIFORM PRICES, they will be compelled to sell at a much smaller profit than can possibly be afforded where lon , credits are given. Under their CASH AND SHORT CREDIT sys tem the necessity for charging large profits, does not exist, end by selling their goods at a Very Small .thltiance on the Foreign Cost. They mean to make it the /INTEREST of every judge of goods, to buy upon the fol lowing TERMS: -IS,