The Lehigh register. (Allentown, Pa.) 1846-1912, February 08, 1854, Image 3

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    Chester Co: Agricultural Scciety7
Flt an from the "Village Record" the re - .
port of the,Commitice on Dairies of the Chester
County Agricultural Society, believing it to be
of great interest to our farmers, we would there.
cote recommend it to h catiftil perusal.
The Committee appointed by the Agricultural
Society of Chester county,to award premiums fur
the best managed Dairies report. They have
visited all the dairies for which application has
been made, to us, by competitors for premiums
and they have awarded to Samuel. Dickey &
brothers, of Hopewell, the first premium; and to
Dr. E. V. Dickey, of Oxford Borough, the second
premium. They have also a‘iariled to Job
Hayes, of Newlin the first premium for the man•
ufacturing of butter and cheese M i llie same dal•
ry. The committee could not with justice here
Close their report, without giving some of -the
details of the manag,eMent of the dairies examin
,...d. The first place visited was that of S. J.
Dickey and Brothers; their Spring House is sit
uated over a never failing spring, built of bride,
some 50 or Gil feet long, 11 wide, with a .high
story, all plastered, ceilcd, white coated and
iivashboarded; the bottom being laid with bricks,
with platforms up the middle for a walk. The
wall is shelvcd,round some three fret from the
b o ooin for the purpose of potting tha milk pans
nn in Autumn or cold weather. Ii is well vents
latest by numerous tt indows covered with a fine
wire seive, which keeps out all the small motes
and flies, so annoying to the dairy rritiml. The
Spring House is kept to a proper tomperature in
cold weather by artificial heat. Adjoinit.: - . the
milk house, is the wash house, in uhich is ev
convenience for the accommodation of the 'lair;
maid, whose duties, by the by, are not enviable
( - rues.; I being churning morning, we have hail
a full opportunity of witnessing her mi tie of
manufacturing buuer. In the first place a tea-•
churned by one
. of C, per,' trio gallon chinos.
propelled by horse power. Out of this churn i t
,eas taken from the butter milk, and pit into one
of E.. 1. Dielioy's patent boner worker , , M:5 lbs. at
it lime. here one of the committee held Ins
watch, ao m `, found the lime occupied in we eking
out the butter male thi - iroughly, and working in
the salt, to be two and ahai: minutes. They !..;,11
their butter by weight. It is then taken cut of
the worker and put into a large wooden howhand
left to stand until die salt is completely dissolved,
it is then put into the wroker stain, and less
than two minutes the Wine and sneaks are cote;
13v unanimous consent the resolution was
Mr. BiumnyAn. I bi Here that the pre
'Fitly of estahliShing a national foundery
now concech d, and I ant entwine , that the
plan indicated in the resolution for selecting
the site is the only practicable one. The
Secretary of War will, no doubt, as is usual
appoint a board of experienced and disinter
ested officers, to make a personal examina
tion and inspection of the various places re•
commended, and report to Lilo on ihe sub
ject. It is the way in which navy-yards,
naval and military asylums, marine hosid
tals. &c , are relveled. Cunt - 4 . 1s cannot se
lent the site, Ix cawe so many members
think their own particular localities
and hence prec.oticeiv:d epiniews and sec
tional rivalry prem.'. action.
Per the last h it vi ars, Mr. President, I
have ur , ed the i-ropriety • t f et- tablishing
national lunndety. On Elle '27(11 day of
April. IS ;1, then le in a number of the
lcuse of Represewativi s, I submitted a re
port it nn a select committee, recommending
for the reason: therein stated, the establish
*lnert of a national found( ry in the district I
ti:••o :"ad the honor to represent. Now, for
the first time, the Secretary of War has
made a stimilar recommendation, without in•
dicatino . e place. 13y an art passed the thl
of itlarert 1.*5:1, the Si. orison ry of War wis
"directed to report to Congress whether, in
his opinion, it would not be more economi
cal, proper. at, d advisable, to cause till the
arms of the Cat: 'd States to he made by con
tract." The ent:glitcned Secretary, in his
-rd report, cleat 'Y shows that it would
be more "econonncal, proper, and
le" to cause all the' ..niall-arnia to be
~le by contract, and ai;dts :
"It i= riot known wlteth "r. by the use of
the term 'all the arms of the Coned States,'
it was intended to include the gulls
or cannon, I will, however, noon dr, that all
cannon aro now made by contract, e'lgre a
havino - tweekt no provision for a uatiunal
1011111kry ; and will take this occasion to rc
coimnend an appropriation for that oit j ct.
The jest admixture of metals, and the cas'.-
ing br011y... , pieces, require much mechani
cal shill, awl no little scientific attainment.
The examination of ores, and the casting - of
iron into cannon, are tubj.cts which have
'torch consideration from L;os Ord
[mace D-partment, and present a wide tit Id 1
for further investigation tied expetiment.—
The rigid inspection w hien such guns now
ceive has improved, and is still improving, -
their qual.ty ; hot it is believi if there would
be a more rapid advance in knowledge, and t
a higher standard of excellence attained,it
the ad viti.b ! ge of a national foundery were
I persume, Mr. President; in view of ina
ny considerations, it will be admitted that it
the rite:mum - ni - mon of the War Department
is adopted, ;hut the foundery, should be lo
rated at seine rant in the State I have the
honor in part to repre'sinit. Pennsylv.wht
is the great iron produc;'T State of the I lid
on, and has be en such sine the fouadation
of the Government. She is locoled between
the dividing interests of the North e nd the
South. She has water communicathm ivith
the Northwest, West, and Southecest,
the Atlantic; while her railroads and canals
constructed Without the aid of the General
Government, penetrate every portion of the
But there are other reasons why this es-
tabiislimont should be yielded to Penn-yl
vania. One Of die national armories is now?
locavd at Spring fieltOlassachueetts, and the
w her at Harper's Perry, Virginia. The
Fa so rn States will not, therefore, chilli it,
nor will Virginia. For the last few years
Nets' York has been soMuch favored by the
expenditure of public Moneys, and. the es
tablishment of governmental enterprises
within her borders, that 1 believe that even
she, although a rival State, will act worthy
of a generous rival, and .yip I -I up this
question to Pennsylvania. Again test re
no State in the Union north of Mason ant;
I Dixon's line that has stood so firmly by the.
constitutional rights of the South, and hence
we look for aid upon this question to our
i , southern brethren.
-- It is proper that I should add that my
t'f , 1 . 850 69 opinion retnains uncl ang«l in regard to t h e
Amount per Cow frly•six dollars and twenty- I place that should be selected. I believe the
six and three quartin.cents. I valley of the Lehigh, in Pennsvlvania,
The attention of the committee was then do cents greater advantages than any other place
rested to the farm of Job Hayes; here are male but as the-re is a diflerence of opinion upon
some al the linest cheese in the Slate, The qucs- this point -between my celleaones in the ,
Lion being asked how lie acquired the art of mall- House and myself, and as a diflerer.ce
jag so fine an article—the answer given was that i opinion is certain to prevent Success, I
Mrs.-Job Hayes brought that art with her. It Willing to leave the question to the Secreta
certainly arLthat every dairyman ought to 1 ry of War and a competent board of officers.
know and practice in the, slime Manner. Hisl 1 11M' that the different points, not
practice is to make Chese in the Rush season only on the volley
valleys of the Schuylkill, valley of the t Lehigh, butt
when the is overstocked, and butter low. tho:e upon t he
If dairymen would generally adopt this plan, they i Susquehanna, and Juniata, as well as places
west of the Allegheny mountains, and etsc
*mild be able to benefit (11(.11R - elves and realae
then where throughout the State, should be care
fully nod personally examined. It seems
theY u: tally de. Tlw materials to make one J m •
to e that no fair minded person can object
pound of butter, will make two and n half pounds to this course. I hope, therefore, that the
of cheese, worth, generally from it to 121 cents resolution will be adopted, and that the com
per pound. " " ' mittee will give the subject that considera-
The foltoWik account taken from his dairy lion which its importance demands.
shows the amount received for butter from the Mr. PRATT: I move to strike out the lat
firsOfPcb, 46D2, until the first of arc same month l ter clanse, "at seine suitable place in the
1.4531 - . • , t^66o 60 I State of Petinslvania." If a oatmeal (elm-
For.checce • • 9'27 so fiery is to he established for the government
Tor collage cheese 36 001 the question shonid be left open for its selec
• . .
For pork 'WOO I (101 tel th^ committee of the Senate, and to
For calves
Secretary •at War. I think Maryland
• . oo I the
would probably be as good a location as
Pennsylvania for such a purpose. I there
fore move to strike out the words which I
have mentiened.
Th e ameadotent was agreed to ; and the
resolution, ae aroended, was adopted.
pletely worked out. It is again taken out into
the wooden bowl, weighed into half pounds, then
put into p mould by which they are
,printi d into
square pats with great accuracy and despatc h•
It is then packed into .square tubs or boxes on
shelves for the Baltimore matter, I tch tub is
accompanird by its pass book in which arc mark
rd by the agent the sales of all the butter; price
per :b. &c.
Their cnw house is a dj, t he i arn , smr,r
CO c•i in yards from the spring, in wh:eh their
re.,vs, some h r•y in number, are tied by chain.
In stalls except the unruly one=. The.:e are rere•
Need our convicts, put into the pen:trntiary
where they can lie milked widi great safety.
'f he milk is :ht n strum ed into two lame cans '
and ct nveyrd by railroad to the spring, sr h: re it
is put into pans to cool.
The next pace worthy of notice a n that of
Dr. E. V. Dickey, who eertainly tieserer .1 great
credit for the manner in which he has 'a.ranurd
every thing for the convenience of his daily.
His buildirgs are very much I:Ire 'Lose of the
first place d as is also his manner of pro'
paring the butter Here• they had a chance of
seeing' some of the best kind ot Chester county
hags which he was preparing for the Baltimore
Agricultural exhibition.
Tit( it m flung stnrk consists, principnlly of
the New Volk ov Eastern rows, and c o ulaming
!ct strong dash of Devon blood, They arc select',
,rd with great care, and the Messrs. Dickey are
trying, to improve the m by the introduction of
the Ayreshire and 'other improved breeds.
The following arc, unt taken from the pass',
book of Famuel .1. Dickey and Brothers, shows
the hotter meth- I tom Oct. Ist. ISt 5. to Oct I s t.
1853.10 be 5.900 lbs., which was sold in the B,tl•
timore maiket fe.r an average of OIV cents per
pound, from uhoch deduct fine and a quarter
cents fur commissions:freight and battling, it
leaves the nett price 273 cents. The account
then will stand thus lor the year:
Dairy Cr. by 5,990 lbs. butter sold
nett at 273 cis.
.11y calves sold during the year
By pork do_ do do
Whole amount
Deduct interest on dairy
and fixtures 36.00
Deduct interest on cows 72 00 •
Expense of rnaktng, butter 170 10--237 70
Number of cows 28, making 549 823. per cow•
the porlc is valued at UM lbs. per cow.
.The•weight of milk given by one of the better
cows duringthe.Seqson.wal 5,130 lbs.
National Foundery.
• The folloWing proceedings took place•in
the Senate ofthe United Suites::
February 1. 185.1. 1.1 r BRODTIEAD.
Submit the following resolution, and ask for
its present consideration :
Resolved, That the Committee on Military
A fliiirs be instructed to inquire into the ex
pediency of authorizing the Secretary, of
War to select a site for ft national foundery,
at some suitable place in the State of Penn-
$1 611 25
211 11
280 00
;2,138 39
51,30 40
Arrival of the Asia.
Important from the Seat of War.
Turnastt IVAa.—Tt is astonishinoly
difficult to arrive at anything hlie the truth
front the contradictory statements that per
petnally follow each other front the East.. i
Disregarding the positive announcement
that on the morning of the ':oth December. I
orders reached the 11, ens to w,:i , (11 anchor
instaritly for the Black Sea,and that ere.sun
set. Only' one vessel of each fleet wit, HI
in the Bosphorus. We turn to other tic:-
counts which appear more reliable.
Oo December '.?oth or 20th the fleet did
receive orders to enter the Euxine, but up
to Ist inst. (the date of last direct letters) they
%Vert, still at anchor in Beicois hay, owing
to contrary winds and stress of weather.—
The telearaph further informs on front Con•
stantinople, t3d January, that the combine l
t-irlaCirOllS entered the Nile': Sea on that clay;
together with the first division of the Turco-
Egyptian flee:, leaving six vi size's at n.
to i2nard the entrance of the Bosphorus.
Tne sec,ind division of the ( ):tuman flit
is anchored•nt Thi rapia. It was !mown at
Constantinople on ..I6tit ult.. that a 11usi..inn
squadron of three of thy line awl
al frieates hsd I, t n cruising I
.ur sevi.ral days
near the eniritece oldie S. (ht the
'221 they were seen at a (11‘,1;Ine.' of three 01
four loth:. !Rho tie t:otrolico of
rus. . •
Th.. 11.0, iau Corollan , !er in• Chit f a'•
rvakly ri•car:(•d all
the 13lacl; .`_era lit ror.d, zvoit, S,!,a,toi•ol
It was cott,l(lcrcd pr,,babio that I).tlt:fleil,
north of Varnar is tit , first place at ‘\ hic!
the ailirti flirts touch.
NVe Love cyc ,, Inrro to repert hrilUant stir
cosses nehitw,cl by ().1.1 ,. r l'acho on th- I )a
nu be. FM' Fonw dovz , tlt had Ip•en Or ir:
runolr , that tin Tull::: hod ,tormed and c.ti
turd N.lotal;o1, and had put to fruit wit)
urcat liks the n.u.... , :;itt0 thviiutt sr lit to its re
A the communication from the s-at of war
to Olt' COMOI.OT,OIIIoIIt of the line of tele. - 0 a i d] !
arm, is in the hands of the Rth-sians.
it was d unlikely that any coldirun
tion of the nee vk ould ruach us by
that route. Dirt et FAHCCS EaVi , eon r C:)111 ,
to 1.116:1 , 2' details of another victory
brilliant as that of Oltetinza ! The. 0, ws had
again elated the spirits of the 'Fucks and the
disaster of Sinop(' is fortr,oo(M.
Full information is vet wantin , , lint, sift
ing as carefully as we C:111 the accomes that
arc published, it w,uhl appear that on Jan
uary , a Turlsish division of 15,000 strom!,
With 13 pieces cf artillery, attacked the en
tr.lnched position rd Uitale, not far from Kai
afat, and took it hv storm. The IlZin'siam
l os t ;„ , ..50:1 [nun. The Turks, learning that
a rt . i lm, remit( tit of 1--;,000 lZustians were nu
i nacc h fr, 1•3 Ilomvelves
their wa cd alter a brief but sharp attack
fore., d th . eh , tc rrtrar.e.their stria, baying '230
dead on the
The above . irs took plare on tip , of
Jinuniy. but raker and previous successes
had been Hain' d by thee Tullis, under t he
comwand r. flu Jan. the Alio
ister of War eliice. Ily intimated to the defier
salt A nth essadors at baismietinop:e, that im
portant advantaars been gained by the
Ottoman troops lit ft:a la ht.
Fe). several clay' preve,Mus Omar had at. :
tacked iv succession the a,derent Russian
Corps, with apparently varylor snocess.—
At length the Turks intentionedlt fell back
on their centre :Ind thus lured on the: Russi
ans as far as Kalitrat, a position now formid
ably entrenched, lent which at u diStadce
seemed to be , abandoeted.
'f Turkish batteries suddenly unmask
ed, cieusing great carnage among the Russi
ans, tt Idle, at the same time the Ottoman re
serve, which had crossed thin' Dan tube by
night, and were masked behind a wood, took
them in flank, and compelled thin to retreat
With great !ass.
The inhabitant , Of Little Wallachia, who
are day by day mentife. - ting theme Iv, s more
openly in favor of the Tu ;Ls, contrihuted ma
zt little to tlw Fucc., , s,, of Ow:- mmorov res.
Direct accounts from Constantin:l:de men
' Lion that the steamer from Tr: be.'zonde
brought intelligence on `2501 December, L'ul
firming the state:ment that the Teirks had
been driven back from the Russian territory
upon Kars', with much less. The Russians
did 1:ot, however, venture to pursue them
Within Turkish territory. .
These reverses are relived by senie
°loins of success. The inhabitants of the
& I:v [ 3 ;i.: of Paskhoff, and those of
whom the Russians. thought
they could ti Tend, have declared in favor of
the Turks.
A convoy carrying :.*!.000 Men, to rein
force the army of Asia, .was t so out lor
I3atotim on the :Id inst. As the (Vets
are now supposed to hold the Black Sc,:, it
ought to reach its destination in safety.
THE vnity LATens-r.—Defern of the Rus
sians Confinned—Rtnnors of fresh success
es by the Turkish army in IValiacleia have
alarmed Vienna to-day. .
It is coin/1141y believed that the Govern
ment is in possession of intelligence most
unfavorable to Russia.. ,
A note of the Pont', d'a'wn up in confor
mity to the proposals of the Pour Powers,
received the sanction of the Sultan on the
:llst of December, and must havt-; arrived at
Vienna treday.
The Allglian Envoy had left Tehetan be
fore the arrival of the new Russian PleMpo
tentiary, with a threat that if Persia formed
an alliance with Russia. the Aflghans would
invade Persia. (Thursday, Midnight.
' The rumors of the Russian dofeat are ful
ly confirmed.
It also generally stated, though this SeeMS
unlikely, that the Emperor of Austria will
leave 'Vienna for. Warsaw ; this el.:oiling, in
order to have a conference with theeEdpe
ror of Russia on the 'Eastern Question.
, LITThe Liverpool Corn mnrlcet of Feb-
Nary 13, 1854, is dull,,nikd prices of grail,
have came down n trifle.
WYeras teach mote limn books'.
i 5 yb 1111EID.
On the 27th of November list, in Willies
barn., Mr. George Ilelftich, formerly of I.e
-h county, to 11 ins iliargard Shwarr:mcfr,
both of inorsv
On the '22tl of December, by the 11... y.
Zt.ller, Mr. 'Charles .11. Mohr, of Lower
Macunot:., to Miss Sarah .1,0, Kern, of
per NI II lord .
Cln the :10th of Jannarv, .I , OIIIF.
kactr; r. Gtrelnr lie to Nlis.s
IL/gluten:, 6011 of Allvotow
On the 19th .Imuary, by Rev. Mr. Floi.l
r. !teary I I lsler, of Bedminster, Bucks
county, to M is?, Mary Myers, of Saucon.
On Thursday evening the 2,1 of February.
by the Rev. Christian :Meyers, Mr. Thomas
Barber, to Mrs. Mary kekert,.tioth of A
DI 11; D.
On the 111th of January, in Lynn town
;hip, Poll?, Illtdg, daughter of ALrahain
Hied}, agt d 17 years.
On the '2.3d of Jantnry, in Mauch Chunli.
John /W., sort of Nathan and Juliet .Pegley,
;tod months.
Grtind Concert.
imix I. I.Z um will give a Concert of Vu
;•,•1 and In. :rmeen t al :11it , ic at the (bid Fel
:. ws' I bid, oil 'Thursday evening. V. brnary
fruit. lle will be assisted by :11: s,rs. I !er
uct:l nod Ilenlihardt, and other musical
tri •ndil. The programme will consist of un
!icily ne ~ t, aml choice pieces. Ile respect-
I iill v Folicit , the 1 atronage of his friends and
(he pubic, in ;.moral.
EV - Tickets to be had of NI r..10.7eph Reiss,
t.l himself, and at the d tor of
tic ! fall.
No, I, East ilamition Street,
:-1 The subscriber takes
.......7.-i:2A. this method of inform
....;:::', ,;.:.,';:" in \ hig his friends and the
,:: 'i,;; - ,(.. - .,„, ~;,,,,,u,,:,,,t hat he has ta lit o
-.:- `. .... - ',:1',1 " i..- - 1 ::::. 'he above %,,•II 1, nrm ti
.1'::: ='r ; 111 l'e. 4 i
9 Hotel,rucentlyncenFi. d
4.44.YViie_:_ by k: cipur and Good,
and that he is prepared to accommodate all
who may favor him whit their custom.--
Will i in the ptast few months this house has
been luta ly fitted up and enlarged, and as
its h.cation is centr il and convenient, it pro.
s,mt advantm , es surpassed by none in the
Borough for the tray ler or busine s s man.
The propriewr will spane nenlitti‘ pains
:or expeioe to rr rider satisfaction m all who
may give him a call.
AUentown, F, u. s
Vranklin Fire iii , lll%lllC3 CO,
OF PiliLlDELPiiii.
TA' EN:EN ASSETs”flho' C,1111pa" .
11V, C.ll .14.1u.tiv I:ssl,ribh-11.,1 In conformi
ty %col' ilit• provi•ions of section of tho
Act tit A• of April 5111,
molt ru Es
li' in;; first mortgageson real estate, .
I in the coy and county of l'hila - ,
. delpltia, exeept i. 90.950 in Mont-
goniery, Iltielo., Sellnylhill, and
I Allegheny counties, Pennsylea. $1,199;261'10 ,
1ZE.11,1.:5T.1 . 1 . 1:1
Purchaqvil at Sivrill's sales, un
der mortgage claims, viz:—
Eight houses and lot, 70 by 1501
lee', on ihr South - west turner of
Chemutand :Seventeenth streets,
A house and lot, 27 by 71 trot, on
North side of spruce st., West of
Even h st.,
A house and lot. 21.7 by 100 ("Cl.
~,, 1V.....4 side o'l Penn :Square,
South ..f li•gli .street.
1'..e0 house. and lot,each 18 by 80
reel, inn South std.. of 5 10 ace SI.,
near Sixteenth street,
r,. , e houses, each 17 9by ..,
90 feet, Nos. 159. 161, 163, 165
amt 167 1) I.ayi. str , et.. <
l'bree• and 1.0.49 111 . 511. - ...1, I I
on I.:.tst • Ide•of zieventemoli St.,' ••.••••
8 UM • I I': ••• str. et.
1 1.. i of _round. 17 by 57. fem. nit
the Norliveast corner of Twen•>. ;1,5 .xi riot,
or secomi ,obit : 4 1 - ,ruce streets, i.- - 82,139 87
A house and 1.. t. Is by 106 reel. i. a.
South side ..! F.ll...itl,trt.rt, West X
of :!,IXlrelllll Nlrecr. to
Motet ;:nit .'..t, 50 by 81 feet, on the I
South-east g ,,..rner of Chesnut and P—,
13each street:,
Five h. u•... , and_
l o t. 42 by 86 feel, -
" on the N..rth std.. 01 li, •.ege st.,
%Vest of Ashton street.
Seven h• uses and Ito. 20 by 117 ' •
Icci, On IIII• east side 0113...ite1i st., I . •
south of C1.t7.1.t0 st.,
A house aid lot, IS bl 60 feel. N.',
110 Ft•zwater A., East of Ninth, I
• ' . ---- -
A grouna rent 3(1 , issuing DUI
of n 1,0 13 4 by 40 fret, ill norili
,i,t, ;•1 Owir street, 4.0 legit west I
(.1 1,1 par.! i."rret,
LO. '• NS.
TE , ll'.lt 41:1: ?. 130 - 71 "e,
Collateral ei,ruritv, ) -"‘
I , S l'OC1(S,
111,000 Alms 11ou c boali. 5 pcti • .
ct to. (mt. On )
120(1 Shares Haul( of K(.louela.
17 Norilvirti 12anIt (.1
1100 « I:nionllanli l'ennett-1.:f!.
13 o Insuranne Company of
the Stale 01 Pennvyl., I
200 oS. uth~l:ulsßailroadl.u.,
37 , 0
Commercial and Ra'il" I
i • rnadtlanlc of Vicksbn.,
200 ‘• Pennsylvania Railroad I _
* Company, I
01 o FratibliriFire Insurance
o Meiranille Library Co„
21 o Union Canal Company, j
10 tirhui Ihill Railroad Co.,
Nivriin and Bills Receivable,
livsn• PllIl Clef,
111i:111'il 15111[1:,
CAMII on .hand, $30.362 27
111 hands of ancnts, 8,927 71
By older of the Board,
I 7A tiest.-I;itAttirs U. 13ANCKEll, SCC ' y.
Yebr9ary Fr, • •: ¶-4w
Flour .
tV heat
I ye .
Corn .
Buckwheat .
Flaxseed . •
Cl9vorpeed •
Potatoes • •
salt : ....
13tier • •
Lard • • •
Tallow . . •
} IP al
Ttyx-yarn. . . •
F,t, t2 7;" Doz.
Rye hish ry
Apple Whislav
Linsped .
lickory Wood Cord
Ilay. . . . Ton
FoT t sr Coal . 'l'on
N ut Coal . •
Pla,.4er . .
Fin no Foref4
r,.. ,•2-7-- - "rl
D . 4 ‘2?" Ml' 1 P !IP ''.l 3al v ,
~, ! tn 7 7. 7 Just received a splendid assort--
.1J IS :. ,1.., .I/ -J--1 , 1 ment of / /wins of the most celebrated man-
By virtue and in purSuance of an order; afacturii•s. illeloilians of• the most celebra
issued out of the Uri ban's Cent tof the coon-1 ted makers - in the United plate.. The
Iv of Lehigh. there wili he exposed to pub- ! whole of these articles will be sold at the
lic sale, on Monday the 27ili day of Fcbrun- f most reduced prices, and he will •warrant
rv, at 1 o'clock, in the afternoon upon the ' that every articles sold by Lim will be ac
premises, a certain cording to contract.
Nessuage aml Tract Cr Land, Frnros.s . lii.slritments will be furnished
to order, at the shortest notice and at prices
with the appertenances, situated in Lowhill far below what they can be purchased else
township, in the county of Lehigh aforesaid. 1 , 11i , r ,.,.
hounded by Lands of Reuben DauLert, Ben - Thiatiring.—This branch of business will.
jamin Kechir, Reuben Seibert :rd (Akers, be attended to 'as usual, with the strictess!
containing 15 acres nod Si) perches, strict punctuality. ,
measure, whereon is erected a one and a Ile further returns his sincere thanks (or
half story the patronage so liberally bestowed upon
47.4 a.4lrK. him for n number of . years past, and trusts.
ill ",',`,,1;.1 . f r ame Barn, Sprit' , " house and oil:-, that by strict attention to business. punctu-•
1:-.:1lz . i-.'ter out buildings, about 2 acres of alit nod libi ral prices of his goods he will.
the Land is meadow and 2 a:res tint- ...Fp,. ! be further thought worthy of the publics
lwr land the remainder is a!I g oo,l. pa!rot , age for which he will alWays feel
... ; e. 4 .,,,,
farming land the above is all in good .._.1.,- .. : thankful. Joseen Woiss.
fences. January 18, 185-1.
! —ant
Beim ,- the real estate of Michel/1 Fry. dr-,
.. a
ceas , d, lat , of the township and county ilst bte it (1 -14
.. ...1 7 , .11 •
at,,,,,,id.- Unity Encampment. No. 12,1. 0. of O.F.
Term , im the day at the place of sale, and The members are particularly requested to
JO: intim:lance given by attend a stated meeting of the Encampment.
JoNaTit \N Sonmocx, Adin'or• to be held on Thursday evening, at the Odd
By the Court.—N. 11.T . iniiii, Clerk. I Fellows' hall, the Pith of February.
U'elawlry S. t,; —3 w JOHN D. LAWALI, Seey.
til)Xlc, S c
Cr.Pi'l l 'ernona? Property.
\\*ill he sol,l at public saloon \‘',.,ln..sday
he Ict of Nl:ireti next, at In o'clo'cli in tlie
for , •noon, at the I lou.v nC napeirl Sn!pier,
decd, l a te of Saudi \VI,j , (•!::01 tnwu hip,
le high the personal prop
er:)', to viz :
('Li.t l.I:s Inrr
. .
-". -Fl ir.c. ccw. 'F
-F'- -
and other catile, I.) 14..t4. , , , ,
-ik j r.
Bogs, wagon and,... ; .,,:.:. , ,........ 3
plough harness, fly-nets, si vend heavy
wagons, %%a:Nit-bodies, hay-ladders, ore bo
dies, Main-drill, ploughs and harrows, hay
by the tun, f.F.rinile - tone, drum-saw,.vinegar
by the barrel, chairs, lin reaus, clock with
e a se, come r-cubboard, r I ithes-piess, l o ok l og _
gi uses, car pi.ts, tables, coal and wood-stores,
wood-chest, beds and b-d.teads, and a larize
variety of oilier farm, house and I, itchen fur
niture too ter dious to mention.
The conditions will he wade known 'on
the day of s.ale and due attendance nit en by
A din'ors.
1Z1:111,1:N SNI•DER,
February S. e r —3 w
Boot and Shoe Mann Factory
L'l , l A Rieintolvse.
• Th.° undt.r,i2,rn.d u,t, thi, method to in
rt.lill tilt hr (fiends and the pulilic in general,
that they have lately pure" rso 1 tho
ff - 11 i
\t„. Ahoe Sti"til'e
of Daniel Ailing,
mid continue the
I 4tit-:•,.',
c.. . m ..-1„ 71 . „.e . ,....,,1....1J manufacturing of
....,-- • PA` 111.)NA 111.1 i
-rll --- ,
-1-- , !::,.. 4 ,•- > COWS c l ;'...i . thof•S )
as her-t-fote of th.C. t.0:.1 Sant!" INo. U,
F. is 11.imilinn Stret , t, A ilentown, undt I the
firm of //!, /omf,/ cii I /I it
new begium r..s they itivite the public
to give th,g:t a chir, putticularly the Lady
'!'hey are bull) experionced xvorlitnen and
their v. Ml:_ is muck of the hest materials by
the be : - t. hands and under their own
t i cal: , an d t f:( y will stand good for any work
turn• d out of the it core.
I:..cp a lull as:artr,ent of Gum
Shoes on hand, coinprning ccery style and
Ordered cusiorner ‘vorlt dune up in the
best,and most durable inanner;in any style .
desired and at the :honest notice. 411 so re
paring dune upon as :hurt a notice as Fos-
Iluchn,o; &
•Januai;" l , 1834 . • IHly
.__ • _
1 111' • S • 31. r
°'63,085 50
5.700 50
1. , 122 25
11,^_19 Os
1,5959 19 . 68
diogc . ph lirciss 9
ni.E(7binn Nib'
• - Watchmaker in Allentown,
Takes. this method to inform his friends
8 50 5 00 500
and the public in general, that he still con
-75 "" 13 ) times the
1 00 51'57 ;
75 (() 07 1 1 15 7 .11 chma n g
.p) Bs, 30 in all its various branches, at his "old stand"
50 50 00 No. 11, West flarniltoir street, nearly oppc
i 1 50' 150 I site the "Odd Fellow's Hall," in the Borough
5 75 5 50 5 50 of Allentown, where he has just received an
2 50 2 75' 2 70 entire new, and constantly keeps on hand a
55 75 po splendid stock of
;15 45 2( , Parlor and Office
is I :).0 Clocks, Gold and Silver ,
10 12 Watches of various des
-10 1) gip, ' cripoons a large assort
-2g '25 2,t•),0&•- merit of Ear and Finger
12 I'2 15 1..N-11,;k:-.:N4A-Ztr•O-rings, Silver and other
9 It 2 f:1 table and tea-spoons, a large assortment of
5 7 Gold Spectacles,
" :1:3 also Silver and ether Spectacles suitable for
:10 2 , 1 persons of ad'aqe3, together with a large
N) variety of other jewelry, and such other 111..
450.1 50 0 (10 usually kept in c..qtablishincnts of this
(0) (11)25 so kind. ALSO
2 7;0 .1 on 450 ft Large Asseriraent of Violics, •
25 n 3 on 3 no vio;ili Bows and String.i of the best quality,
:3 :311 : 3 rln 3 (1(1 I and all other articles used on'Violins.
4 GO 4 r:o '2 GO
t3riccol .ttrretit.
Pour t
_DEA PrigT.
Informs his friends, ana the pub..
%I= lie in general, that he still perforio
nll operations on the teeth, and treats diseases
of the gums and alveoler processes in the
most (l eectual and Flcillful manner. •
His mode of inserting artificial .teeth,
cannot he surpassed, for comfort to the•wea
rerand du ribilitv and beam Oldness in appear
ance. The general satisfaction he has given
for years, hirs-been duly appreciated by the
public. •
Office No. 48, East Ilmnilton street, a few
doors East of Pretz, Guth & Co's store, op
posite Gechtels•Americun Hotel
. :I)ecember 0, NV.
Februzlrr 8
Dwelling House for Rent,
The subscriber has a conveniently arran
zed two story
Itrick. Rouse .
ups for rent, situate in Walnut street.
gz,.. It has a handsome flower yard in
.z_• -
front. two rooms and an entry on the first
floor, and two rooms on the second floor, 'With
a large garret, a very handsome lot, and is
located in a pleasant part of the town. Hy
drant water in the yard. Rent reasonable.
Apply ro EDAN'IN Sl' ICFR
Allentown, Jan. 25. ¶-1w
Proposals l'or a Cemetery.
Propo, , als will be received front the Ist to
the 20:h of February next, by the under
signed Committee, for the purchase of a lot
of ground, within convenient distance to the
borough of Allentown, suitable for a Ceme
tery. The lot to contain from 10 to 20 acres,
and the bidder to state location and price per.
acre. The proposals can be sent to either
of the undersigned.
Tni.unnAN Gucp,l g
LENvIs Scintinr,
Jolts J. THOMAS, }•Ei •
Alivntown, Feb. I. 11-3 w
':ie•oaacr•.e 4'l46.wcbteresers
The undersigned have just received, and
constantly keep on hand, a large supply of,
all linds of Coal, suitable for Farmers and
I,imeburoets, ;Ind the coal consuming pub-,
lie in general, which they .will dispose of ut
0 D -following reduced prices:.
2 Journeyman Shoemakers.
The undersigned residing, 3 at No. 9, Ent
Hamilton street, Allentown, wish to employ.
two Journeyman Shoemakers, to take seats
on ladies' work, of sober and industrious ha
bits (none other need apply) can find constan t
employment, if immediate application be
made to theintAx &
• Atlentown, Jnn. 25. 11- -4w
Sa T,P9
• • MON PAINT,,..
mu! C6ZORS I
Francis S.. Lewis`B. Co; .
REr RB,STA WE it la wit,Jamssao.
Orders thankfully puncTually i
att-nded to, g,uarranteed to give satisfaction
and oared for sale on the most liberal terms.
lor samples and particulars, please ad=
dress as above.
• 1 0 0 ' PRIMni•TVG,
Neatly executed at t.hq eqie g i s ter 91fice.'?
11-1 y
New Supply of Coal
Clirsluut Coal at $2.2:
Extra Nut Coal, $2 37
Et,3.g, Stovu and Lump at $3 37
April 20,4853.
Phila. Janunry 18, •18453: