The Lehigh register. (Allentown, Pa.) 1846-1912, October 19, 1853, Image 4

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    4:44. c ri_ t „AN
Grand Exhibition
Of Fnshionvbie Fall and Winter
4') tr'lri. 2
Igeiv/ Cheap gi;tcx-e
Thc:Fo , cntlemon, mkt. thi, !hod to in
form do it frierichz and tilt• Hblic nt gvnerni
that tlc' have rercivi d.a Holy large and
woll selocmd Hock of roll and 11 info'
Goods. which they are 110 \V ready to dis
pose off to their co:Aminis et the lowest
Their immense stock has been selected
with the utmost care and consists of
Clothes, Cassi3l:ers,SatEraris,
and Eles:oiry, besides 1)c
-laines, A la pa cco log hanis, Plain
and Figured Poi lifts, liu lies ,and PrintF,
13oots, Shoes, f Cubs; ativ..nmare
Hardware, Louki;ig Cdassi.s, Stutionar
which they invite the attention oldie
friends and the puldie esenerafly, cimfde
that the fulk....t 1.,,t1. in I. vire a
quality. will pave nto Nil who may Iu
thorn with n
Eric's ‘N iil be !•::id in
change for County produce.
.They have reason to be thankful for
favors rect teed thus far r a nd hope by alt
tion to hnsinct , .s, disposing of tht•ir goods
small proliis, good treatment towatds the
customers to merit n ill a greater id are o
customers. CETZ & 611.13E11T.
Septemter 14.y;—Go•
roperi•ics _Fish 6 Neal.
The undersii2ned have just reci.ived an
entire new Steck of Groceries, Fish and
Salt which they intend to sell at the low.
est prices at their Store in Catasauqua, Le
high county. GETZ & GILI3EIIT.
Septeintwr 11.
0r.11..1 . !
Tho h:tre oprded a Coal
Yard in (..!iiia,-'311.1:o, and x‘H;l pan t:uui
keep on hand all kit:•!:.3 (.1 Coa/ which they
will t:,..11 at zroaily rydne, d pi ices.
Septerul:cr 1.1
( 1 1)11ilno .
Th, ki,t, all kinds of Ready
made Clolhiag. en d, and %tiff! make tu
order, at the lowezit unsisible prices.
Catasauqua, Sept. 14. 111-11 in
E. W. Eekert's
-g- .
ID t t. i . D .
`obi - tece,sillv.i' , ,lnciS-ir!lt.r
til tn
ol No. 80, &lit. Hamilton Street, 8
e _
t7GOODS ALL frAI:RANT • I) 4 1-
t? July 20. 4:- yg
! ,. f;l2 :'•1111 012.,
John 'ttptip 41:1np,
1'0.45 S')[ i i 1 sEi 'c INF) S LiZEE'r,
A re now oponina for the Fall Trade, a
large and tccll a.sornuent of
ISillin IT Goods in general
Confining thenralve:sexclusively to this
blanch of the trade and. importing the lat..
ger part of their stock, ei.ables them to offer
an assortment, minorpasseil in extent or
variety, which
.will be sold on the inost
faviirable term .
September 28. ¶—arn
Sellin!x Goods at Cost.
In Order to qui! Business.
TerB.73E. Cash I'
The subl , criber would respectfully inform
the citizens of :NllcntOwn, and the public in
genera!, that he is srllin his Entire Stock
of Store Goods at lir:zt cost prices, in order
to quit The stock consists of a
general vari.•ty of every dp, , cription ofGonds,
and therefore invites the attention of all to
this pciiive fact.
So all who want Bargains, ple'ase give
him a call at the , •Beoples Store."
Syr'. 1111) , r ;73
.I;iisim:ihrt or Partnership,
t`,,Lice is r, t,y • , that the Partner
itercterort I,etween Thoinas
.Iloore and .Nuthrut Lamletischlager. in the
and:Coal bu:-ii u in' Allentown. has
.• di solved on the I t of September,lbs3,
-cr)svnt. All those who know - be indebted to said firm, are
ear!, i i'e4nested to c tll oo 7'homas
ciid olaci•olf hwiness, where the books
moil remain a short time, and settle their
accounts, in order that the business of the
old firm can be brought to a close,
1 nomAs Moottu,
Allentown, Sept. 7
Timothy Hay, Whcat, Rye, Corn and
Oats, (or:which the highest market price
will be paid by
PRETZ, atm] & co.
'll —0 w
May 4, 1189.
Breinig, ricligh and BrAnig,
South East corn cr of Hamill »t and .S'event h
,S7reet, .411m/own.
Inform their friends and the public in gen
eral that they have
Merchant 'IP a i Earl ng Fr,nsinss,
2 . 7 ) ~--: lately follow, d ly N. ligh
~,,!, ...., and Breiiii2, and intend . to
r .. . - .` ..:17 '. - -::-.: / .- continue the salll , t 11101'' P.X
.t'"'":-• ,• ' I' Illt'l. than veer. Thtly
!..:.:-..., 7 ) , therefore adopt this oll' a ,t)r i.
i 'l i .... to informtheir old custoMers,
....;--'..: • :- and "hundreds of new onus"
I'q r-i - t
1 Ii i that they will at their new
i 1 , , i. 1 ,,_ ..,.....6:... PSI a hlif.hment, present the
Newcst and Fashionabfe Goods,'
ever brought to this place, and having pur
chased in Philadelphia and New ` link
Fe .0' COSA' 1 them to sell loiter than any
ntlit , r estaliiishment of the kind in A Ilia:town.
Thee have seli etc(' their Goods with an eve
to dutability and fancy, and have none but
the. latest steles in the Market. Their stock
of Goncls ninon , other articles, consistinf
Cloths of r.ll color.: and priers, Cin.sit. is,
of French and American inantifacnirers ;
Vestings, Silk V. Ivets. Satins, Silks, Wors
t, r d ri:,d other detcrii.tion.-,fivlred and,
btrts ;:lid Shirt-collars. Stocks, Cravats,
Handkerchiefs, I lase, Suspenders. fie., li. -
:ides el:tny cher articles coming in their
line of binito FS. and ail will be sold 'ai. the.
!owt , :t prices. Tb, it stncli of
Itcr,),lnade flothing,
compr;s,,, v,,ry 0,;,,i-,, in the clothing line,
from an over-coat (lOWn to all under-shirt,
ina.a up after the hue ;t and 1110`.4 iiirditOtia
lII,' Si 3 !i':. 'There t•I0Cli heillg SO I'Vells.i 110,
that tune 'A tii leave it, unless titled from the i
i•bottom to the top"
Cust.oiner Work,
will be d, to up as usual, and for their wort;
they are willing to he held res to amide, two
of the firm being practical
and all the work is made tip
under their own supervision.
Thankful for past favors they trust that
attention to business, "small profits and
rinick sales" will be the means of bringing'
new customers to their establishmnt.
15.1.% ti e r
::v ilf i.
, -
Jo ItEIN ..
AlklitiVO, &pt. 7 , ll—Gin
No. 246 Washington St. New York.
The Undersip . ned hereby respectfully in-'
form their friends and merchants generally,'
that they hare csaddiz.twd thenast Ives ;
"Wholt sale Commission Alercliants and
Produce Doalers,"nt No 216, 11 . adiingtun
&reel., in the city of Nev York.
They have facilities to render every in
ducement to Pennsylvania, ns well as other
State merchants to trade in this market, with
their various articles of merchandise, where
in they can at all lions realize a price, su
perior to any other it) uhe United Smtes.
It is an aciolowleilizA fact, that the great
trade heretofore wending ils way to other
markets, is now rapidly finding avenues
throurth the various additional hail Roads.
to the Gr..‘at Emporium of New York City,
and why is this'? I3ecause merchants find
upon trial a profitable result.
They belzin to open their eyes, and Set'
hew 1011.1 they have suffered by other mar-
Leis, whereas had they had a niarlut
the one op.•n to thew, the result by this
time, would have contributed materially to
their W) !fare ii) business.
Nlerchunts consulting their own intorist
plainly see, that inland Ports. :ire inade
quate LO consume the amount of produce
and other materials sent to thein, and tl,o
result follows. that a groat ainotrin of the
some find its way to the grrat centre of at
traction Now York, to which place, (alter
citv speculitors go to :nuke their profits,
aid in this they generally succeed I:,r the
consumption and exportation there, is so
much greater und prices consorpv.iitiv none
Thew are upwards of thirty Steamships
now running, and others in pro t . t retss, and
will soon be athled to the vatious
inakinz, regular trips to and front this port
to the various ports of our SOlithern States,
Cuba, South A merica, California, A ustralia,
England, Ireland, France and some GI the
German States, and hundreds of ships are
constantly sailing to and coining from all
ports of the World.
All then come here to procure a share of
our countrys production, and Ni w York
'city being the greatest commercfal city in
America, and the most convenient port of
uccess•by ships and steamships,it is thert - tfore
constantly flooded by them, cat rying at way
au enortnoits a.nount of merchandise.
%' - 6 W
The Undersigned, therefore solicit con
signments of all merchants, that may feel
disposed to give the market a trial and they
hope by prompt attention thereto, and per
severing efforts to procure the highest market
prices, to gain a liberal share of patronage.
N. B.—Any further information can be
had, by addressing the above firm.
(,co. Wenner, P. 13. nrcinig, jr., F. 11. Weidner
C. & L. Denison, No. tit & 84 Dey
New York.
Sillcinan, Sheliald & Co., 226 Front St.
Harper & BrotherSiPublis hers, 327, 329,
331 Pearl St. • •
David D. Wagner, President of the
Easton Bank, Easton.
Augustus Luckenbach, Esq., Jacob Rice,.
Crider and Lerch, Bethlehem.
Grim & Renninger, James F. Kline &
Co., Weidner & Saeger, Allentown.
October 5. 111--Gm
CO:111111S81011 Merchants,
References I
A Ikrll,w Landlord'
egreeos: 17. .11I'cub,
wreby informs his friends and the public
in r , eneral. that Le has takcit the
Itiechnuiesboro ia!(.11c1.
, lately kept by Samuel
in Al, chanics
•, bow. Smolt Wheithall
l_, high coon
t}', wit re be will he
happy lose,. friends
and old acquaintances.
house favorably :Milted on the pleat
toad from Allentown to ;;I:tuch Chunk, ex
cellent %valet before the door and the best of
liquors in the /Jew.
11r. I:trett is a ;rood provid , r, keeps an
exerliviit laid,. clean bed:, in short it is one
of the best public houses.«) he . romad in the
county. 11,, trusts by strick t attention to
business, be will met it a good share of pub
lie patronag.e.
:11 , rhanicshoro, June 1. •
11 1 . A. 1.15,110115
r 'c'r) 1 1'7
4ilt. .1 .10 it) 4, IL
.. 1 X EJfin'iro TYX.
Tile nod. r•e2.l:, II t. I lus mpthod to in
form 1;i:: friend- am! lbe public in general,
that he lat, ly receive d lreno New
and i'llikt! , -IpLia a splendid a , ,-ortinelit of
;I •
.r> f3oas, Cull's, Furs, &c,
of which he the low
est s
, . ,
1211 RA
Ile al.o nninulartmes all the above men
tionedarticles to order, upon the latest slyieS,
and under,tarid the littiners practically as
well as nny manufacturcr in town. ile
also employs mule but the most finished
win limen ilia! Can ba v.ut. the
si cad that -Neck'..: Ii ii. taka and e. - ear t•ci
well, and are now " a ll
I le holds forih one door WC!' t of Sebum.-
the mirth of Hamilton
it.).Aliere he will be happy
to sir e .
‘ltioriirki favor hint with their
lie returns his sincere thanks (or the ma
ny favors he has thus far received and trusts
that his goods and their extreme low.prices,
n•ill induce not onit• his old customers but
- lots of new oni•s, w pirrchase of him.
Allentown, Sept. VI. t
The largest supply of goods ever brought
to Allentown, can be found at.
Fla Zit of
gi A , 'l'llese gentlonte a adopt this
big method to inform their friends
,r - ".;': -. .. , s.‘,..",:r:;7 1 and the public in geneial
:;.:,.-".-••,•...: that tiny have lately entered
r;:o PL .
/'', into paitnership. under the
V.,..-..,: ii..i... ;.:-.., above mentioned firm, and
f" . ( r .j')
14...' . will follow the
1 l l NI 1: ncu T 1:
•0- -- . ETa7§4INENii,S,
ill all its various bra»clies at the "old stand"
formerly Lept by licele and Lch, directly
opposite the "Itd , ...:ister ()lace," where they
are preparod to •Il at the lowest prices all
kinds 01 fashionable Goods, such as blue
black and Lowy colored Cloths. Cassiineers
and Vt stior s, \ ‘.. inior Clodo.s, Collars, l lan
kerchiefs, Cravats, &c. They also keep on
halal at all times a dirge and fashion:tole as
sertint 111 of
Er.leaC4 tnnde l'llatiking,
tiucli as C.iiat, el iitiiry ir and description,
Pantaloons of all Ftyl , s and to ices,all kinds
of Vestim:s, Shim: tool Coalorshirts,Corars,
Cravats, Suspenders, &c., all of which they
will sell at
E 7 .N4ir:lovcii2Drary,' Low Prices,
that no one, who visits their establishment:,
can help to buy eitlit r Coat, Pants, l't sus,
or stanethin.:, in thoir line of business. 'Phey
. jll-1 rtititat• I I from Philadelphia and
New loi li ;nOl barn replettddied th e ir Siocl;
Of goods tbat it may with tight bo turned the
Aill'ill.olll :iall of Fashion.
The o.orlt they turn out is under their
OWII !...111ii.11'1,11 , 11, ;1111 Into ing talvged one'
of the lust Cuiters in the cautitry, they will
be able to turn out tlto"best /its."
Coals, I?:tri:C:tieunits .11:1,11 Vests
%%ill lai indile ii ; i to order after the newest
fashion, int matter whether the material has
been purchaSott of them or not.
They return their thanks for the favors
they have received and trust they will be
Fashion plates as they come out are al
ways kept lOr sale.
Allentown, August 31. 4 :1 —3m
New Supply of Coal !
Farmers 6' LiDueburners
The undersigned have just received, and
constantly keep on hand, a large supply of
all kinds,of . Coal, suitable for, Farmers and
Limeburners, and the coal cossuming pub
lic in general, which they willdisposo of at
the following reduced prices:
Chetanut Coal at $2 25
Extra Nut Coal, $2 37
Egg, Stove and Lump at $3 37
April 20, 1853. 11--w6
A chance to gointo Business.
The subscriber would respectfully inform
the public, that he intends to relinquish
business in Allentown, and thtrefore offers
his entire stock of Store Goodson the most
reasonable Terms to any persm or persons
wishing to go into a good and stfe business.
J. W. 3RUBB.
September 28. • ¶-Gw
-sir,Ttiosin. 011 C II ea.
Me Le? igh Transpertsti;on
Glyn 'NoTicr Cory ore now prepri..l , t;
to and forwitrd it
priunpiticss dtititich from
to Easton. lit:ll.l,:it•in. A lionimtn,
Clion1;. P, on I lavvo, ' , .1 . 11iN. I lorun, nod
Wilke:ll:lFr , , and ;1 1 .,0 to oil oo,•roo , d;ra,.
places on tilt• lidoware and
nod TAligli
The proprietors would inform their friends
and customers that they have added several
new Boats to their line, which will greatly
fac":-.- their business. They still continuo
to fin husint:ss rtt the old stand, first wharf
above Vine street. directly opposite the Salt
Store of 11. & .T. Wri t zlit. They also for
ward aouds to and from Now York to
Wilkesbarro. also to all intermediate places
via D.da.c are and Raritan Canal and Dela-.
ware and Lehirli
tit)o;ls 1.. v this linr• will g,n by A.
S. Nvikoll':. Into 0; vo.-*.els in New
wick Ivii;cll will bo funnel al LID. Alb.loy
f , .ot of Coda]. t;treat, Nnrtlt River.-
r, can be had of
, ~, , N.). MO %Vt.:4 Sire( (, or
nt N.•ikon's ,‘lront. oflico, ti ' , Nest Si re(.t.
Tho Company hay° lar , o Sioro I lou,os at
how. All, mow!). Mauch
1\'ll;io Hat , . o \Villiesharr...
WIFLSON & (!0., Proprietorzz
Aug.J. liitz. A Ilvtilim‘n.
I. S. Alolrehead. Philadelphia.
Jahn I.)pdvelp,
I3Arh-cl; & ictiati,s,l3olhlohym,
A. %V. .11nuch
H ol t on Wilki•shatre
May 5, 153:3
tuqua Ahrble Yard,
Oppo-Ale Laub; ciem Hotel.
.1 - eop; vp it _La sib Ch
Adopts this method to inform his friends
and the puHic in general, that he has
purcha , :ed the mock, fixtures, teals &c., of
Tra,ve/d !'irk, and hereafter continues
tL busia:•:-s in his own name. at the "uld
Stat:d" directly opposite the Tavern
in the Borough of Catasanqua, Hanover
township, Lehigh county, wffere he will be
prepared to furnish
Monuments, Italian Tombs, Head
Stones of all description. Plat
forms, Sills, Table Tops,
4.c., Sc.,. 4.c.
tog,pther with every other article in his line,
of superior quality, and on as reasonable
terms as any other establishment in the
le keeps the hest and most experienced
workmen, and his prices will 1.)0 such as
will oatisft• those who may favor him will'
their custom.
Catasatiqua. June• 2!). 91--2111
C. H. it II k,
stilloriacy re 'dill,.
Ilan restifficil the practice of his profes
sion in A
7 - 11 e may be consulted in the German
and English hinginines.
Ang-ii.4 12, 1,`":12. 11-1 Y
Dr. S. V.
N. 4S,Easllhui i!toit street, A I
-171.-lenno.vo, adopts this method to in
form his friends and the public in general,
that he has made Allentown his pellnanent
residence. Ile has opened an office at his
dwelling-, opposite Bechles American [Jo
wl, a few doors east of Prctz, Guth &Co's.
Store, where he will be happy to oiler his
professional services in the science of Den
ti,.nry. Ile will call nt private residences;
if requested.
t:r ilk terms are reasonahie. and ha in
hart iiitich experience in the
feel, .satisfied that he can give general satis
A Ileiltm% n, April 2 I, ""_45 I . IT—ly
Coaeinnalcing Establishment
ili 111 3AI 2110
nes!), cattily announei s to his friends and
the public in general, that fie continues on
an extensive scale, the.
Coaciunaking Business
in all its various branches, at the old stand in
Weo, Flairolion Street, No. 52, directly op
posite lagenbuch's [late!, where he is al
ways prepared to nrinu facture to order at the
shortest notice, and also keep on hand,
Fashionable Vehicles,
such as Baranches.flochaways,
Carrllatis, lark flagons; Sulkeys, \;e.
which, for beau!y and durability cannot be
surpassed by any Coachinalter in the State
or elsewhere, while his terms are as reason
able as those of any other establishment.
He uses none but the best materials, and
etaplays none but the best of workmen—
consequently, he inttrids that the vehicles
manufactured at his establishment "shall
take the shine" of all others manufactured
in this part of the country. He professes to
understand his business by experience, and
therefore assures the public that he is ena
bled to render satisfaction to his customers.
Call and judge for yourselves.
LV - Wonden or iron axletrees made to or
der : and Repairing of all kinds d'one at thr
shortest notice and on the most reasonable
Old vehicles taken in exchange for new
ones at a good bargain.
May 11.. ¶—Om
'gf -3 11
Nev GOPI T IS. Goods.
rn,.... :) .,,_,...„..„, , ,:,.,,,„.;,q519).•,:c-1`;
U. . ?4'4.1 1 M*A ! ' 4i.A516.1;4:.‘;:.'..51C.
r -r; \'l'.A-, ..A.4l:;AZ•t"::::Vret:Z.G.4iV' ?7.2,.1,•C,
I.4C'' A: -Ar; 1 ;g11_' 1 ffZ r i '15?1 1:1;i11.:,,,TiL1.K
Cf:41‘13.:?rei44.:1374;;::—01e..h.,4 -.11:09:1-114i.104.7)"-
gi ' .1 , ristne-' ~,, i ''',. ' 5"-F7t4
` r -rv:/: ..1 . 1 , '• 1 .LszJl! 4,41 f t tt fiirr fir p.
1' 0 Vie Orl i•
Z zA VT 4.
1. :.: +r-4.41P- '-'.. e gil_ itr r ..- -, 0•T.- 51 :a. •-•
f :`;'.:,:.c:74:. ---•-egta.reS 4:::''',t;'#,41;;;,,,,5-,;,,. ~- '''
Liza:, ...-• ....,-•.:.-zirc.g.:4:x...,;,.;:.E.::
-,?,;:id;;;„6.-: , ~,:r.,".:;',,::-;,..-1 AA ,
s r iel :lS r ..t Ci I'. r J 0..:ry:1%a .. cr .
A r,il:l.v
grY / p . r:
:Rua ..1 k• eje PP./
; , ul•ltc.
that tlioy I'l,l r:•tu:ncd frolp l'lti i;p1( 0 ,-
ph in and New %% • itli a errs la t•(_. lot
of I la rdwarc, cot:;;;:h t , nl .
11011.5 e
( 'oach
NUJ/NW MEd ShOrriiiitntit;'N, ali i i Wl:iCi;
atll 111' z•illti ;it t•Ntrt'iiii it• o• e: priCes. 'i'o,•a•
todi : the pohlie to _iv, 11;;;dt%
Store, :-Lti ( , 1 t;.,
- *3' -1 4 "1;
a c 1,1 o,tivr to c.nvihN. :v0:-.f,1 the
lact, that a , iwt.ny
4 , I V
'l' Ela .!te•rs.
1 , -(ol:icht ficuFr. furniAing
1.::CA11 .E 1 )and timwd insitiv, cooking
crss is, sn,:c and snw, ,
tlvs, ham I:l.nlos t irvinfz puns, grid -
irons. irons,
1`...S IV..itors, front com
mon to st‘c , A
IC l :Pill, lli“! iii \-Nri-ty of potil•rns
KNI yrs :inil rtIIZI.:6-1:1:-.etsiewl doz
en,: :11,30 I;nive, (oily root;
and botcher ‘vith 11 variety of other
April • T—ly •
Pi)l' !ICET and PEN ICN:ll`E3—lrtazors,
scissors. ,hears. from the hest e:akurs ; one,
two, !Ind •1 blade knive. , .
Si lOV 1 7 ,1,5, spades, hoes, chains, rakes
picl;, axes, i'cc.
mlO\7El;3 an d '1'.07.:C =S, Iron and brass
polishod :loci (ire sets and standards, cons
hods, tailois' irons fzinuotilitio . irons. C.
fur salt! 10%
April, '22.,
.1110 N.—A lot of Hammered and Rolled
Iron, Sheet Iron, American and English
Rand Iron, I Iron, Cost and Shear
Steel, square, flat, and lono.d. just received
ivith An.ils and Vices, and for sale cheap
at the store of U & J SAEGER.
bloxvs (la-s. `4 by 10, 11)
by 12, 10 by 1.1, Ili by 17). 12 by 16, and
various other SOIZCF, fur sale
Sil( /1.1 \ [AKERS:Just r t' cAsi " s i `.. /
ne%v t - t•••so..tment of Alnrocco ntol BitninlL'
I, ,, ather, I,;t:As, Shoe-thread, 1 1' ooden Pe;; .
Pronch IZ,lbers, alld 1111111CrOlIS other artic
los belonging to the zslioennthing ho,:inef-s
J S. iER.
OILS NTA uNISII.—()iis oral] Linds,
i,oih•d and rn;e,'l'urjnplitint., Var
;ii:,ll id :di Huck, (rilth• 6'; sold
()& .1 SAE(
I'I,ANES.—A lull assortment of I'lanes
of John I 1),•,t n I -A a a:ssort
intuit of (. 'grin em :- er• • I. ' r :ale cheop
I. J .
NV I II VF: I).-2 tot:s ttl Lvad
just rect2i red, Pure and ENI rt. ant: tnr sale
April, 22,
of the bpst
13rad:. and Spilies,just rt.ceivcd :Intl for :;111
/ kk:' .1 SA D.*: I.
April 2'2,
11(11,1.,(111 . and
jtv-i. rec. iv, : izt very
pilee: ti.,
'l'o tick- of evcry dt
scription, such as LI, !lel., and .\l.;al(lin.i
Plant's, Hand, Palinc;. and Each Suws,
Bract. and I;itts„.l.u t :,,..r Butts, hatchets,
&c.. 14. i ',Au h 3
tvy Y
A sp'mndidassortmt ot of Front and Parlor
Locks with mineral knoLs, oprman Locks,
Latches Bolts, I linges,Scr.•ws, Paint Brush
es, and a variety of other building Hard
ware just unpacking, and fur sale cheaper
than ever by
11-1 Y
Janunry 19, 185:1
Just received at the Store of the sphscri
tiers, a lot at Mill Picks, William 13rady's
Patent. This is a New Mechanical Tool,
the best ever invented and only wants to be
used to the proved. Apply soon.
0. &J. SAEGER. •
11-4 w
April, 13
Grain 'Panted.
50,000 Buishels of Wheat, Rye, Corn
and Outs wanted, for which the highest
market prices will be paid by the subscribers,
at their store on the South west 'corner of
Market Square and Hamilton street, in Al
lentown. EDELMAN, HANSE & Co.
Allentown, April '29 ¶-6m
Office in the eristerri front room of the
building of John D. Lowell, forrnerly Horn
beck's west of the Courthouse.
Allentown, April 4, 1850. ¶—tf
Notice to Travelers '
I ,
tv ~,!,Avk..„--- ----4 ----o_,'
..1,•,.'J.v.,,..,41,,,„. - .____ .•
. t.Z . g..z . ,ii r ; ;7•:t: "
,—..../ . ,... 4 _, ..-- _ . •
-.:-.-ta., - 21.116.;.• ,- y.n.... ,7 ---'..
'Tice traveling public are hereby respect
fully informed, that from to day, June Ist,
1:j3:3, a line of stages will commence
miming between Allentown and Pottstown,
and in connecti o n with the Reading Railroad
convey passengers to Philadelphia. The
:-;' , u t zcs will leave J. Y. Becht l's American
low% Ade:limn, every mornin (Sundays
- x
tccpied) at 2 o'clock A. M. at'id the pas
seiezen: will arrive in Philadelphia at half
;.tet I I o'clock A. M., and in time to take
tt c \\'‘‘,:ern Railroad train for Pittsburgh.
Tro•:,••willai rive in Pottstown in time to take
the n,ctitine op•train to Reading and Potts
vt,le, tool ;inlet. at the former place 10,
;ilitt al Ihr hot. r. at 12 o'clock P. M.
'l•h, end, 1,u 2 1,cd are neither time,
eNp, rise or treuith. to make this line one of
the hest to, Havel to either of the above.
11 has engaged sober and'
cart lul di i‘ els. last horses and good coach
cc. and Leittg that the nano passes through
a delightittl countty. many will choose to
tfelV.•: a Ott tl,i acc!,unl.
Alleet , Ave, July. I.
i i..''i'c oii'
The hseri her , %% ha arc largely engaged
in the puLlicaiio.) of Scheal and other Books,
have lowly made arra f or t h e P u b.
of one of the Lrrt Series of School
sev. ii in iinintair,—ever pub
hi din this :Am,. They are calculated
for the gradinil ion of the pupil in
the ordinary loahches hlpapular education.
The i:lmarmiemi ate admirably adopted and
cannot Mil to fix Alr'inind upon sound moral
principles which, is ever the foundation of a
good etiucaeon.
( ht the whale thee believe Sanders' series
1.-.2ch00l Books by far the most complete,
that has river been published and would
recommehd them for adoption
in ail the (roe in the State.
No ' 11, North :;rd Street, Philadelphia.
Good dorstis and Safe Vehicles!
e fate),
4:-1 3
Till: subscribers take this method to in
form their friends and the public in general,
that they have emert d into partnership in
the Livery Business, in the stable formerly
own e d by George Beisel. They have an
entire new stock of
4) Their Horses ore gentle laid all
- ste
good trio ell”rs ; their vehicles mostly new
and of tin , lan st style, and such as have
hem - ) used are repaired and repainted in the
best in:thocr. 'They continue the business
at the old stand in street, in the Bo
rough of Allentown.
will altvays lie prepared to furnish
:ho iv C 11,1.01111. rs at the shortest possible no
tice with sale and gentle horses, good car
riages and cartful drivers if requested.
Families can be suited at all times with ve
hicles to their particular taste.
Their rhorgos are reasonable, and in or
der to continue their high credit they here- ,
mime si, , d ul being the "best livery estab
lishment in Allentown," they will leave
nothing undone to beep on hand the best
and so feq hoist he neatest and most splen
did can iages, and sober and careful drivers.
, it r ar,, s are very reasonable and
Lope by strict attention to business to satis
fy all those who may favor them with their
custom. 'l'. P. HOFFMAN.
Septythl, r
ti . Vsolesale
Wine and Liquor Store,
.s .1
Inform their Irionds and the public gen
erally, that having made arrangements with
two of the largest importing houses in New
York and Ph ladelphim to supply them with,
cc'i:ii3 Wines, Liqours,
- 1,41. 14 lthev have just received, and
shall continue to receive, direct from the
custom-house stores, the choicest WINES,
LIQUORS, &c., such as
Dark and Pale Brandy, Pure Holland
Gin; Port !Pine, Madeira Wine, •
Sherry !rine, Claret Mize,
• Jamaica Spirits,
4.c., 4•C- '
They will also always have on hand and'
KEY, Wine Bitters, Cordials, Demijohns
and Stone Jugs.
To all of which they invite the attention
o f Store and Hotel keepers, and others
wishing to purchase, to call and examine •
before purchasing elsewhere.
Allentown, June 15. 11--9 m
The subscriber having procured a Fash—
ionable Tailor, is now, prepared to do cus
tomer work of every description, at the shor—
test notice and in the most fashionable
style, also all work done in this establish.-
tnent, warranted to give entire satisfaction...
Call at the corner of Eighth andElamiltorrs
street, opposite Hagenbush's
Red Sign. J. W: GRUBB.. ,
Allentown, August 3. 11;,-Atti!v
Sanders' ;:choul Books.
lAN ist V.,.stftitAislxineut.