The Lehigh register. (Allentown, Pa.) 1846-1912, June 29, 1853, Image 4

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    ,ANDLORD !
Allake Rising Sun.
The subscriber takes
this method. to inform
• . his—friends,—and-qhp
i . pitbtie in" . emeral, that
! ' Inf,. has 'lately taken'
tl*. well Imoitrn tavern
,--- stabil in the Borough of
Allentown,_sign:iotthe' ' .'
2 Jr 71
which he ha's refitted in the most comfortable
manner. He has occupied the same from
the lst of April last, and he will make it his
business to add many other improvements
to the Convenience of those who may favor
him with their custom„and make it equal to
any public house in the place.
His. Bar will be supplied wit% the choice
est of liquors, bis Table set with all the sea
son affords,' and his Beds are all new and
clean; in, short, neither trouble or expense
will be saved, to accommodate customers in
the very best manner.
His stabling is late and convenient, with
the hydrant water in the yard, and an atten
tive ostler to attend te customers.
He trusts his strenuous exertions to ac
commodate those who may favor him with
thelr_CallsThtill berth alneans - of belting hiin
numerous, new customers.
April 13.
li~lers' Boot and Shoe Store
The subscriber takes this method to in
form his frieuds, and the public in general,
that he has lately established a new
' 4 " ' BOOT & SHOE
„was. in the fourth frame
- • - shop, east of' the
• Allentown Hotel,
on the North side of Hamilton street,No. 9.
Where he has - fitted up a splendid Store
Room, and will be prepared with a lorze
assortment of finished work to• accomodate
his customers in•aFer.g,..branch cf„-his busi
ness:_ The:, follstWifigq. are . named, among
some of his pripeif.: t . -•-•
Fine Calf Skiriß to 05 ; 25
Coarse slant,. tri:B7so
Boys' do • do . .-IAOO. to 2 . ',25
Ladies' Morocco Slippers, 10 . to,l 25
Misses, and Childrens according.toAuality;
and sizes. ",
He will Benet Philadelphia prices,'W hole
sale and Retail, and to .Country. Merchants,
will make a very liberal deductiom ,
As he always employs the best of work
men, and works up the best materials in the
market, he is enabled to stand good for any
work turned out by him, and feels confident
that the same will prove satisfactory .to his
Persons therefore will see to.their advan
tage, and call on hint before purchasingelse
He returns his sincere thanks forth° many
favors he has received from a kind public,
and b 7 moderate priees;good work, and due
attention to business, hopes to merit a con
inuance of the same.
['-3 rn
March 23. 1853.
A New Hotel
At No, 81, West Hamilton Street,
Messrs. E. & J. GEORGE, have lately
purchased •the splendid three story brick
House of Samuel Lightcap, No. SI, West
Hamilton street, 'in the Borough of Allen
town, a few doom above Hagenbuch's tav
ern, and have completely refitted it for a
public house, under the name of the
Farmers and Travelers
1110 TEE,
which, the permission was
ginnto- I ,li!the last Court.
p i44.-si`use-is well calculated to entertain
stranger, being located in a very conveni
ent part of the Borough. His furniture is
new ; table-twill be supplied . with the
best the Market-afrords, and his bar will al
ways contain the choicest liquors.
He has a large and convenient yard, that
can be entered from ,the front and rear, and
his stabling all new and conveniently arrang
orwith the Hydrant water near at hand, and
good'attentive ()Wens will always be at hand.
Thankful for past favors they trust that by
punctual' attention to business, and moder
ate charges they-willmerit a liberal share of
petrel:age. They 'have a large acquain
tance through - the upper section of the coun
ty,, all of whom they will be happy,to "shake
11--4 w
Ne,w 130,0 t and Shoe Store.
John F. Iteeseir,
Respectfully informs the eitizenb of Allen
town, and the public generally, that he has
cc-commenced the fashionable
No. 13, East, liamilton street, two doors
weal of -1,. B. Moser's Apothecary Store,
whore • be is now. manufacturing, and will
keeptonstantly on
4 , . •i I
f hand,. a large as
..:., ' •• .' - - ,1 2 t„ . 2piortment of • -
`I adieu and
Boots and Shoes
01 every d'estriptints; W c h , 'lio ' will sell'at
moderate prices. k'. , F , t , L. "r ' ''..:: ..
Wintmade.te'ruft.iattriOliciiteat notice.
For neatness and thrability, , tto cat(' aonff.•
demiy gra) his wtttkishall not -frilepaSfelt
tic wilt emplqy i tftiiiii l ln,!t the beet,Twotk
men, add will : gi , e'.111 . 1'1)41sO .pereonal 'often...
tislMPittisitttrines B -: ' The public Pationar
is therefore respectfully Solicited: Clieelt ra
a will.' Recollect tkiirtilioe.ri r , ''.,':.. ' ''''
Allentown, Affril 20;1860:' ' i t-am
Philadelphia, ✓dlenloion Mauch Chunk.
Transportailln — Ltne.
For transporting merchandize between
Philadelphia, New Hope, Easton Freemans.
burg, Bethlehem, Allentown, Weissport,
Mauch Chunk, and 'White Eleven, and all
intermediate places along the Delaware and
Lehigh Canals : shipped from Third Warf,
below Vine street, on the Delaware.
They being new beginners, hope by care
ful and prompt attention to their business to
get a liberal share of patronage.
The proprietors have large and cornmo
dious Store Houses at all the above named
stopping place . s..
t7'Boats are leayink Philadelphia and
Allentown every day, so that rio:delay need
be occasioned in sending freight either way.
LUCKE% Lose & CO., Proprietors.
Stetiliell - Tkirik;Ph i ladd ph in,
Samuel L. Opie. New Hope,
Gip W. Housel, Easton,
G. & A. Bachman, Freemansburg,
Charles Seider, Bethlehem,
William Hecker, Allentown,
Lewis Weiss, Weissport,
Robert Klotz, Mauch Chunk,
A. Pardee & Co. Hazelton,
Horton & Bolles, White Haven
May 25, 1.853
4 New Landlord!
**iron .11: flesh,
Hereby informs his friends and.the public
n general, that he has taken the
Illechanicsboro Hotel,
lately kept by Samuel
Miller, in Mechanics
bore, South Wheithall
Itownsp., Lehigh coun
ty, where he will be
/happy to see his friends
7 - -;, , -.and old acquaintances.
house is favorably situated 'on the great
road from Allentown to. Matadi Chunk , b ex-.
cellent water before the door and the best of
liquors in the Bar.
Mr. Desu is a good provider, keeps an
excellent table, clean beds, in short it is one
of the best public houses to be found in the .
county. • Hu trusts by strickt attention to
business, he will merit a good share of pub
lic patronage.
Mechanicsboro, June I.
g ,
400(1111 • Ar,
Spring and Summer Goods,
The 'undersigned, residing in Mechanics
bore, South Whitehall township, Lehigh
county, respectfully informs his friends and
the public in general, that ho has purchas
ed the entire
Stock of Goods,
and has done business sinco the 21st of A pril
last in his own name. He will be happy
to see his old friends and acquaintances give
htm n call, us he has just returned from
Philadelphia . , with a large and well selected
stock, consisting in part of
Dry Goods, (.4ro
?Bra i n.) ce r i CS, Queens- ,•
Yr.... ware,
Fish, Salt, in short, every article that is
found in a well filled country store, and
which with his stock on hand, makes a
large assortment of Goods, such as is but
seldom found in country_Stores; and which
will be sold under the adoptedl Motto of
"small profits and quick saleizt. "
All kinds of country produce will be taken'
in exchange at the highest market price.
He returns his sincere thanks for, the fa
vors heretofore recieved and will strive to
merit a continuance of the same hereafter.
All those who know themselves indebted
in the Storebooks of Miller and Minnick,
will please call at the store for settlement of
their accounts.
Mechanicsboro, May 25. ¶-3M
Coachmaking Establishment
In Allentown.
attonlv 111D:41219
Respectfully announces tb his friends and
the public in general, that he continuos on
an extensive scale, the
Coachmaking Business,
in all its various branches, at the old stand in
West Hamilton Street, No. 52 directly op
posite Hagenbuch's Hotel, where he is al
ways prepared to nmnufactu re to order at the
shortest notice, and also keep on hand,
Fashionable Vehicles,
such as Baratechee, Rockaways,
Carryalls, York lragons, Sulkeys, 4.c. .15-c.
which, for beauty and durability cannot be
surpassed by any goachmaker in the State
or elsewhere, while his terms are as reason
able as tliose of any other establishment.—
lie uses none but the best materials, and
employs nonetut the best of workmen—
consegdently, he iritc.nda that the vehicles
manufactured at his establishment "shall
take iffe•drine" of all others manufactured
iti this ,part: of the country. Lie professpe to
understand his business by eirpertence, and
therefore ugebres the that hois ona
biddAP,r6iiirsafiefaußn _ his
Cititl'iiid;fidgit -- Yours6lves. t •
5 W '. en orjron corles madpto
:of .41.1 Ickide dian . erat the
shortdi(4tiCe the .
'vphicies, iiikertiii:tiOnupte,', for new
on6at* : loOdlitirgarn.'
ROWAtt ggotMgo4% •
Mai ir•4l4.
New Goods. .New Goods.
op •_,_
4-55•Vi";•P'-'00..,5;;*-7-7.--1,---,./" rieCir
Nrm,ris',z a e 14 - c - Al, '''
. ti2 l.- .4, -: - -, , e46 1 ,,,, - 1 / 4 "c . - . 1 / 4 1,' -..• •
.• , ; ,. 1 / 4 , ,-. n 4, , _ ~,,••••••,- .44,,i,L .: , ~!, . :, , ,.. s..e/4 z
- ..*l r i r. b - I ' _i f ; l'i g g tr VIVI , 'rYsisl ,- ,11 j
1521 - 41 Ai ; :l i n fi iv„q+ l ,..ic
- r .7.,-...-. - •. , ,, .v, 0. , •;• • "-- , e•
i it•di ';, , ,1' *, • tha t 1
j oiry
lair rellol * '
- 4 - t I 1• 11 i;, 4, 1• - r%•l• - .-
• Vi4;l,lip,---
L q,'4‘
. . ~,,.. ;..
. 7 „,W. - -..‘4,-.4- ,, ,•- -- . • ;!..-_,-;.-=!.
Builders took Here.
- fireaßD FroIRE
The undersigned announce to the public,
that they have just returned from Philadel
.phia and. New York, with • a very large. lot
r of Hardware, consisting of
e pl jr ri,.: House Furnishing .8 rticles,
Cutlery, Coach Trimmings,
Scullery and Shoe-findings, ail of which .
will be sold at extremely low prices. They
I ask the public to give Saeger's Hardware
Store, sign of the .
a call in order to convince theinselvesof the
fact, that a.•pen.ny•saved is a penny made.'
April 22. —ly
To Meuse-Keepers.
A great assortment of House furnishing
articles, such as
ENAMELED and tinned inside, cooking
vessels, sauce and stew pans, preserve ket
tles, fish and ham kettles, frying pans, grid
irons,-waffle irons, &c.
TEA TRAYS apd Waiters, from com
mon to fine, in sets and dozens. Also, goth
, is form, in sets, and in variety of patterns.
KNIVES and FORKS—in sets and doz
' ens • also knives only ; carvers, steels, cook
and:butcher knives, with a variety of other
April 22, If —I y
11-3 m
scissors, shears, from the best makers; one,
two, three, and 4 blade knives.
SHOVELS, spades, hoes, .chains, rakes
pick, axes, ecc.
SHOVELS and TONGS, Iron and brass
polished 'steel fire sets and standards, coal
hods, tailors' irons smoothing irons, &c.
for sale by & J SAEGER.
April, 22, 11-1 y
IRON.—A lot of Hammered and Rolled
Iron; Sheet Iron, American and English
Band Iron, Hoop Iron, Cast and Shear
Steel, square, flat, and round, just received
ivith:Anvils and Vices, and for sale cheap
at the store of . 0& J SAEGER.
GLASS.-150 Boxes Glats, 8 by 11), 10
by 12, 10 by 14, 10 by 15,12 by 10, and
various other seizes, for sale by
TO SEIOEMAKERS.—Just - received a
new assortment of Morocco and Binding
Leather, Lasts, Shoe-thread, Wooden Pegs
French Rubers, and numerous other artic
les belonging to the shoemaking business
OILS & VARNISEL—OiIs of all kinds,
boiled and raw, Turpentine, Newark Var
nish of all kinds, Glue be sold
cheap by 0 & J SAEGER
PLANES.—A full assortment of PlaneS
of John Bell's best make, also a large assort
ment of Carpenter's Tool, for sale cheap
by 0 & J SAEGER.
WHITE LEA D.-2 tons of White Lead
just received, Pure and Extra, and for sale
0 & J SAEGER. .
April, 22, —1 y
NAILS.--300 Kegs of the best Nails,
Brads and Spikes,just received and for sale
by 0 & J SAEGER..
April >22,
HOLLOW NV A RE.--500 Iron Pots and
Kettles, just received and for sale at very
reduced prices at the store of
'l'o MECHANICS.—TooIs of every de
such as Bench and Moulding
Planes, Hand, Panne!, rind Back Saws,
Brace and Bitts, Auger Bats, Flatchats,
Squares, &c., for sale by
Jane try 5, t--IY
A splendid assortment of Front arid Parlor
Locks with mineral knobs, german Locks,
Latches Bolts,Hinges, Screws, l'aint Brush
es, and a variety of other building Hard
ware just unpacking, and for sale cheaper
than ever by
January 19, 1853
,vat lt2 Tal l /110Q
Just received at the Store of the suhscri
hers, a lot of Mill Picks, William Brady's
Patent. This is a New Mechanical Tool,
the best ever invented and only wants to be
used to the proved. Apply soon.
• April, 13..
Grain Wanted.
50,000 Bushels of „%y heat, Bye, Corn
and Oats wanted, fgr4hich -the highest
market prices wiltbittpaid b'y the subscribers,
et their store on ;the South west corner of
Market Squaie and Hamilton street, in Al
• ' , ,:-13imtalot,.1-1,1,N5'4,4b Co,
.V0)! () % 1 14,1• 4 0. 1 1 1 ^ 11--aut
, .
' ' ''. , rlOtitekt i rEtO
; TiniOftlyrtlayi:Wheati+Aya, Ann, sad.
Oath, tot which , ifie,..hikOastmaripn
lii PAt!.3r
May 4,,1e5q:
To • iluilders.
11-1 y
tmomet 3
Grand Exhibition
New Fashionable Spring and Summer
Op •
Getz 4P Gilbert,
These gentlemen, take this method to in
form their friends and the public in general
that they have received a very large and
well selected stock of Spring and Summer
Goods, which they are now ready to dis
posri off to their customers at the lowest
'Their Spring and Summer stock has been
selected with the utmost care and consists of
Clothes, Cassimers, Satinets,
Flannels, Gloves and Hoseiry. besides De
laines, A lapaccas, Lusters, Gin ;hams. Plain
and. Figured Poplins,. Muslins and Prints,
Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Queensware,
Hardware, Looking
. Glasses, Stationary;
-Books,-&c. ; ---
To which they invite the attention of their
friends and the public generally, confident
that the fullest satisfaction, both in price and
quality, will-be given to all who may favor
them with a call. •
The highest prices will be paid in ex
change for County produce.
They have reason to be thankful for the
favors received thus far and hope by atten
tion to business, .disposing of their goods at
small profits, good treatment towards their
customers to merit still a greater share of
-customers. GETZ & GILBERT.
April 20, 1853. ¶-6m
Groceries Fish Salt.
The undersigned have just.recjived an
entire new Stock of Groceries, Fish and
Salt which they intend to sell at the low
est prices at their Store in Catasauqua, Le
high county. GETZ & GILBERT.
April 20, 1853. 411-6 m.
The undersigned have opened a Coal
Yard in Catasauquk, and will constantly
keep on hand all kinds of Coal which they
will sell at greatly reduced prices.
, A pril 20, 1853. 11-61 n
Ready-mad 6 Clothing.
The undersigned keep all kinds of Ready
made Clothing, on hand, and will make to
order, at the lowest possible prices.'
Catosauqua, April —l3m
Wholesale Variety Store.
Wm. S. Weil,
Informs his friends and the public in gen
eral that he has lately removed his establish
ment to the three story building, on the
North side of West Mimilton street, N 0.39,
a few doors East of Ilagenbuch's Hotel,
where he is at present opening, and will al
ways keep on hand, a large and beautiful
assortment of new and •
Fashfonable Jewelfy,
riolins; Violin Strings Buttons of all de
scriptions, French and Domestic Suspen
ders, Whalebone, Combs of all kinds,
plain and ribbed' Perrasion t aps,
. Linen and. Cotton Tapes, Hooks •
a nd Eqcs, Stay Bindings, La-
COS, ging• Bobinet, Col-.
• Jars of alldescriptions,La
dies Dress Trimmings,
Knitting Pins, German
• Pins, Patent Thread, Need
les, .Spool Cotton of different
make, all kinds of Fancy Soaps, -
and Perfumery, Razors and-Razor
Straps, Pocket Knives, Scissors,Lead
Pencils, Slate Pencils, Britania 4 best
Silver Plated Spoons, and Sewing Silks.
Ile also just received 100 cases of his
superior friction Matches, which are so
extensively known thoughout this county and
which he will sell as cheap if not cheaper
than they can be bought elsewhere.
The friends of Music will take notice that
he sells Musical instruments either by the
dozen or by the piece.
Country Merchants will bear in mind,
that he will always keep on hand a large as
sortment of the above mentioned articles and
many more which are too tedious to men
tion in this catalogue.
The above - articles will be sold wholesale
at prices as cheap as they can be purchased
either in Philadelphia Or New York, and to
convince hie country friends of this fact it is
only necessary for them to call and. examine
his stock of goods and price them.
Mr. \VEIL, hopes by punctual attendance
to business, and by adopting the motto, of
small profits and quick sales" he will se
cure a liberal share of public patronage.
April 20, 1853.
.Is hereby given, that the undersigned
have been appointed Executors in the last
will and testamentof .ftelerick' G.
deceased, late orthetkirbiigh of Allentown,
Lehigh counti. Therefere all persons who
are indebted to Said plettie make
settlement, between now find the 16th day of
July next, and lalso all persoriphaiing claims
against said 'estate, will please to present
them within said ispeciOirtiine. •
Limo %mit' = ? Executors 1 -
May 26,1858:
: I ‘Ntratly. e'rocifted , ai tho
q - 91fice'of'tho I,Lehigh".Regi§tei:"
Pelton's System ofGeography
Splendid Outline Naps.
This system of teaching Geography is_r_a
pidly-becomirrgtincrodlidir.iii—all the schools
throughout the copntry.' , The series con-
sista of seven maps, each covering about
fifty square feet, boldly. delineatedebrilliantly
_colored, varnished and mounted, and form
ing-the—most—magnificent,—as well as — lW
most useful part of thy furniture of the school
Peltou'sKey to Hemispheres.
This is intended for the use of pupils com
mencing the study, and a good knowledge
of the Geography of the world may be, ob
tained from it.
Pelton's Key to Full Series,
Containing a minute descriptitin of each
state and country, the political and physical
features of the earth', &c., forming a complete
epitome of the whole subject. W here these
keys are used in connection with the maps,
no other work is necessary in the hands of
the pupil, and their cost is about one third
tho usual-price of a Geography and Atlas.
Wherever this system kris been tried, it
-has excited theadmiration
74e — sae - Cif, - and -we might fill a volume with
the testimonials received in its favor. We
append but one.
READING, Narch 1853
Believing the introduction of Pelton's sys
tem of teaching Geography by the use of
his series of 'Outline Maps, into the schools of
our city, would enable the pupils to acquire
a better, more lasting, and mete practical
knowledge of that science, than is general
ly acquired, and in one fourth of the time
usually devoted to that study, the under
signed, Teachers in Reading, most cheerful
ly reccommend it to the Directors of the
different wards, for'th'eir adoption.
Severn, Principal, N. %V. Male Gram
mer School.
Rachel D. Griscom, Principal, N. W. Fe
male Grammer School.
Geo. H. Tracy, Principal, N. W. male
Secondary School.
Mary S. Hahs, Principal, N. W. Female
Secondary School.
H. V. Hamlin. Principal.
M.' Cram, Principal, S. W. Secondary
M. A. Jeffras, Assistant.
Peter Cleaver, Principal, S. W. male
Secondary School.
S. Abbott, Principal, S. W. Granuner
C. Heebner, Assistant.
James S. Lee, Principal, Spruce Ward
Grammer school.
John T. Rudolphy, Principr.l,• Spruce
Ward Secondary School.
Lydia L. Cresson, Principal, Spruce
Ward Grammer School.
R..C. Bertolet, Principal, Secondary
Georgo Printz, Principal, §. E. Ward
Grammer School.
Bell. W. Jones, Principal, S. E. Ward
Grammer School. •
Daniel S. gall,-Principal, S.' E. Ward
Secondary' School.
Catharine Ilynernan, Principal S. E.
Ward Secondary, School.
Joseph Milsburger, Principal, N. E.
Ward Schnol.
C. A. Harper, Principal, N. E. Ward
'Crendall, Principal. N. E.W. Secon•
dary School.
Price of full series Maps $25 00. Orders
received by the publishers, and Maps or
Keys sent to all parts of the country.
Booksellers and Publishers.
No. 84, N. Third Street Philadelphia.
Phila. May 4, 1853. "
Br. 3.. Y. -Barnes,
No. 48, East Hamilton street, Al
lentown, adopts this method to in;
form his friends and the public in general,
that he has made Allentown his permanent
residence. He has opened an office at his
dwelling, opposite Bechtel's American Ho
ld, a few doors east of Pretz, Guth ofi t Clo's.
Store, where he will be happy to offer, his
professional services in the science of Den
tistry. He will call at private residences,
if requested,
I._" His terms are reasonable, and having
had much experience in the professions,
feels satisfied that he can give general suds
Allentown, April 24, 1951. IT—ly
Good Horses and Safe Vehicles!
lAN ell Y. stablishrekeat ,
THE subscribers take this method to, in'•
form their friends and the public in general,
that they have entered into partnership in
the Livery. Business, in the stable formerly
owned by George Boise'. They•have an'
4 - ' entire now stock of . . :••
likrri .
irTheir Horses are gentle and all
goo travel ers ; their vehicles mostly new
and of the latest style, and such as have
been Used are repaired and repainted:in the
best manner. Thev continue the business
at the old stand in William street, in the'Bd
rourth of Allentown.
T hey will always be prepared to furnish
their customers at Ahe shortest pttasible no;
tic° with safe and gentle hakes, good' ear-
tinges and careful drivers it requested.
Families can be suited °A ill times with
y e- ,
picks to theirparticular taste. . -,
Their reasoriable, and in or
charged nre "
der`io-continua.their high - credit:they, here=
tofore gained' of being the übeiAllvery estab:
lisliment"id Allentown," 'They - Will Y3t - iia
nothing undone•to keep orinand : *(3`;bopt
and Safest hcirsee,th'e neatepian4 rinekt;d.p,liilii.
ilg•carriagea, and. sober and 61'140110yr.
l ,Ilia ellaiges are very :reiiiipiollutd,
hope -birlCriet tiltefilitin•tp:ttetillgiti4ti c ittp,
fy all t hose who a 0: fiiiillillitOd t `V
custom, .-'':'':') -ArA2ilitiPrm
t i t
ilgeptember is; liiiti I":''',"' ' " 1 " 'll2-4in
astrie Sn'ice
Prepared front Re nnet, or the fourth Stomitcß
of the Ox, after directions of Baron Lie
_lig, the great-Physioiogicnl Chemist,, by
J. S. Houghton. NI: D., No. 11, North
Eighth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
This is a truly wonderful remedy for In%
tlige•stion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Livet
Complaint, constipation, and •ebility;
curing after Nature's own method, bj
Nature's own agent, the Gastric Juice.
r - R - Half a teaspoonful of this Fluid, ihiliSed
in water, will digest or dissolve, Five
Pounds ofßoast Beef in about tw o howl
out of the stomach.
Digestion.—Digestion is chiefly per:
formed in the stomach by the aid of a fliii4
which freely exudes from the inner coat ot
that organ, when in a state of health, called'
the Gastric Juice. - This fluid is the Gretre
Sovent of the Food, the Purifying, PrederVz
ing and Stimuating Agent of the stomach
and intestines. __Without-it there - will'
digestion no conversion of food into blood/
'and no nutrition of the body ; but rather a'
foul, torpid, painful, and destructive condiJ
tion of the whoe digestive apparatus. A
weak, haf dead, or injured stomach produ.:
ces no good Gastric Juice, and hence the'
disease, distress and debility which ensue.
Pepsin and Rennee---Pepsin is the thieb
element, or great digesting principle of the
Gastric Juice. It is found in great abunP
dance in the soid parts. of the human sto
mach after death, Lind sometimes causes the
stoinach to digest itself, or eat itself ilp. It
is also found in the stomach of animals,' as
the ox, calf, &c. It is the material used by
farmers in making cheese, called Rennes
the effect of which has long been the spe
cial wonder of the dairy. The curdling of
mik Is the first process of digestion. Ren
net possesses astonishing power. The sto
mach of a calf will curdle nearly one thou
sand times its own weight of milk. Baron
Liebig states that, ."One part of Pepsin
dissolved in sixty thousand parts of *uteri
will digest meat and other food." Diseased
stomachf• produce no good- Gastric Juice,
Rennet or Pepsin. To show that this want
may be perfectly supplied, we quote the
Scientific Evidence!--13aron Liebig,id
his celebrated, work on Animal Chemistry;
says: "An Artificial . Digestive Fluid may
be readily prepared from the mucous mem
brane of the stomach of the Calf, in which
various articles of food, as 'meat and eggi o
will be softened, changed, and digested,just
in the same , manner as they would be in the
human stomach."
Dr. Pereira,. in his famous, tredtise :on
"Food and Diet,". published by Wilson.ds
Co., New. York, pago.3s, states dui sift&
great fact, and describes the method of .pro—
paration. There are few higher authori
ties than Dr. Pereira . ,
Dr.-John W. Draper, Professor of Che
mistry in the Medical College of the Uni
versity of New York, in his ~ T ext Book of•
Chemistry," page 386, says, "it has been
a question whether artificial digestion could
be performed,hut it is now universally ad
rnitted that it may be." -
Professor Dunglison . of Philadelphia, in
his great work m Human Physiology, de
votes more than fifty an examine.
Lion of this subject. His experiments with
Dr. Beaumont, on the Gastric Juice, ob
tained from the living human stomach and
from animals are well known. "In all ca.
ses," "he says" "digestion occurred as per
fectly in the artificial as in' the natural di
4s a Dyspepsia Curer.- - -Dr. Houghton's
preparation of Pepsin. ,has produced 'the
most marvellous effects, curing cases'of De
bility, Emaciation, Nervous ,Declineo and'
Dyspeptic Consumption, inippciscidt to be on
the•very Verge 'of the grave,: - hisitriptissi
ble to give
,the details of cases in the limith
of 't this' advertisement.= but authenticated
certificates, have been given' of more than ,
290 , Remarkable Cures, in Philadelphia,'
New York; and Boston elone.,l' These were
nearly all desperate cailes,..'and - the , cures•
;wore not only rapid anclAtinnderfAl t iAt per.
It is kiretti:NervOuil Antidote,•4d trnm
the iisignishingly . eniall'.'quai!ticvneceolltr
to produee healthy digestien,.n+liaratei
act upon ' s'
Eleelro-fliagnelic Prinefo/4.ll"heie
no for'm of Old Stomach Gomplainteffiyhich;
'it does notbeem to reach and remove at once,,.
No matter how bad 'they may be, h
instant relief !:Asiio dose removes all the,
unpleasant sYniptinns, erni it only needa,ie,,.
'be - repeated, for a short' time, to maktki i lieee,
good effects perinanent i purjty, 0f 4 1401;46,4
vigor of . hody, • at - orice: jittTtielga.
larly excellent iij;catiea ofNaueeii;Va a rc ilr air„ ,
Cramps, Soreness Orthil pitOtthOtturnich,.
distress after eating, low,'cold;scata.g.tlie%
. .
Blood, FleaViness,'LoWnesS.4r. Spir i ts, Des,:
•pon bnc , E tiactation, Weakness, tendon ,
cy to pisanity, Suicide, &c t
' Price one dollar per bottle:, :00kboitlitir
will often effect a lasting'cure.
' PEPSIN IN 1, 1 0WbA 1 11.%.. - :.e . ' l ,'"'!
Sent by Mail, Free of Peell!iif7.:'
'venience of aendinifte all parte-Of tite4burW
try, the. Digestive matter of the pepsin is
put,the form of. Pnivilers, with direc. , be dissolved in dihnektilailiblir.Wit•-•
ter, or syrup,- hythe patient pow
ders contain .julitt , . f ili%,afkinti 44_Itt4 : ei . .ne the
bottles, hikt.t”. 4 444,lP,l.C3itrzfet Arn
be ea o
pride, 4qd F r i iii .40 !N o s py l poo „fr e e of--Post.-
age r ,,:coi.Onc iinkrgiektUiclitpaid) to Dr. J , -
S kliiagion;;Ne t lI Norm Fight streets'
' •
Six packeges Eier.p%
' and ; heitic.beaript o.wr k t en -;
ef .1).;•t Solon, rek
prt' • t r •
4,41}10 his- ,
"r-..A:gqnts wanted, ' in eYell4te*ti':in the'
United States ` Very
Tenin'iliertleiler. ~Druggists- jiatinaiters,
and kiiinkeellersarb desired tonctles`Kientii: -
A ugust 8