"Selling. Out to the Polo." Such is the eig,nificant title-given by the Journal of Commerce to the action ,of ;the Vew_York...Senate,_on_a_bill which p roposes test all the property of all the Roman Catholic Societies in the. Bishops of the res pectiVe dioceses, who being subject to a for eign Pontiff, the effect would be essentially the - same - as - if this vast amount- of- preperty. ere - vested-i n-the-Pope-of-Rome_l_Whatis_ the object, asks our cotemporary, of taking this property out of the hands of the people 1 Cannot the Roman Catholic laity be trusted, as well as the ecclesiastic ? In this free country, are we to consent to have the laity stripped of every vestige of power over their own temporalities nay, are we going to le gislate it away from them, contrary to the known wishes of many of their own number, and contrary-to_ the _whale genius of our in stitutions ? The legislators who do such a thing, ought to understand that they are ta king a step which cannot be revoked ; a step which will cause, very great excitement, and which will be an entering wedge to other exclusive and monopolizing claims. Roman, Catholics residing among us are entitled to every right and. privilege which other de ,noininationsejoyi but noothersnot one. Mr.. TABER, the mover of the-bill; by a flinty sophistry easily seen through-, has attempt ed to make it appear that this bill concedes no more to Rornanists than is now conceded. to Protestants. The Albany Register ex poses the fallacy of his reasoning, when it says : "I. Mr. 'Taper's hill, proposes to vest all the property of all the Catholic Societiei No single individual, viz : the Bishop. .The Dutch reformed denomination vests its temporalities in separate trustees in each society, so that each society haA its own serf amte and independent trustees. 2. Mr. Tuber's bill vests the property of nil the Catholic societies in a single trustee, who is appointed, not by such societies, but by foreign power, a power not subject to our laws, who has no sympathy with our people or our institutions. • The Dutch Reformed societies vest their property in several trustees appointed by themselves, -who are members of such so cieties, and worship with them. 3. Mr. 'l'aber's bill vests the property of nil the Catholic societies in a trustee, who owes, by .the creed he professes and the vows he has taken, superior allegiance to a foreign Potentate, to whom he is apdebted far;his official position, and who can remove him at his Will. . . .The Dutch Reformed societies vest their property in . trustees, whose first and lust al legiance-is to God and their country ; who owe their position to no foreign spiritual or temporal prince, and whose sympathies are all with the people and the institutions of Or own country." When our legislators are invited to admit this Grecian 'horse into their citadel, let them:reinember what a 'St. Louis Catholic parer, the uShepherd •of the Valley," lately asserted, With more frankness than pru dence ; , •If the Catholics ever gain, which they surely will do, though at a distant day, .by an immense numerical majority, religious freedom in'this - country is at an end. So say our enemies. So we believe."• 'This bill has-been passed to a third read, frig in the New 'York Semate, and it will, if pass6d, vest all the Roman Catholic Church property 'in /itch-bishop Hughes and his 'successors. A correspondent.says • ' 4 , The Protestants who defend that bit! must be ignorant of history. Let any one read Blackstone, if ho would know how this very movement of the Romish priesthood embarrassed British legislation, through a long course of years ; and how the profoun dest Wisdom of British statesmen was taxed to head riff this very measure ,of the priests to-grasp millions of property.. Is any fact More clear than. this—that such conces sion's to the Rotnish politico religious system are fraught with untold. mischief to society? §ee how yfars'of legislarien were necessary in the British Parliament to recall what was ' once so unwisely granted - , The preference of making such a bill safe or popular by ex tending its provisions to nib-when no other denomination asks it,-and when it is known to be peculiar,to the Romish system of sub jection to a priestly power 'at Rome, - is of course, a farce, and shows the animus of the Measure,. to deceive. the .people, and to: cm power. the priests. ~. • • would ask the Senators, if they (to not know this to be a measure of the priesthood to..enslave the people ? Is it not against ,their. Proles ?. And most of all, is it nor agaiost the foundatiqu principles of our Con alloty such a consolidation of monied. power in the hands of an-individual for - entailmenteand especially in the hands of a foreign -priest 1 Do not -the Senators know that the Roman Catholic den.omination differs tram others in ,being. a- political .sys. tem, in league with a-foreign political, pow er,. and that these Church dignitaries are among us as membeis of the •Popo's Legis lature, political ministers of the lov erunent t Let -this :measure :be carefully pondered in•this light.' IT Senators will.go' headlong,- in the' face of history, the people must tako it in hand. This question be tween Protestaatism• and. Popery—between free Republican- Institutions and a system of foreign Popedomi must go to the polls, and there as already at Detroit, Cincinnati, &e.,-it must meet a signal defeat. ".‘According. to the usages of the Roman Catholic Church This is the-plea. Those . .usages are to-be sanctioned by law, and they 'are to be granted, in this •free • country, all •that Papal law grants them against our free principles, when it is well known that those usages hold -these. very bishops and arch bishops under oath -to the Pope, as a Politi cal Prince, uphold his . government against albotherst. Before this -bill is „pass ed, let it be amended, by reqeiring That its provisions shall extend .to no ecclesiastic who is under oath to a' foreign political Dubuque ciiy and county, lowa, has Subscribed,three hundred thousand 'dollars tolho Pacific Railroad. Murder Will Out. If any Whig journal at any time impeach es the Management of the State Improve ments, which are under the exclusive con- Trol7oft - itscofocosn trmatter - upon — w hat-au- - thority, or how clear its proof. its statement Or charge is pronounced a Whig lie, and a Locofoco denial thus made. is regarded as quiet sufficient to establish the falsity of the impeachment. We may avail ourselves, therefore, of the opportunity to spread trafore. - our renders what a Simon Pure Locofoco journal, of no less character and influence than the Pittsburg Post, says of the Locofo co management of our Public Works.— Read it carefully, all ye who are in search of truth. It is not a Whig lie, but copied from • the editorial columns of the Post of Thursday : "The management of our internal iin _ provements require relcirai. We - are free to say, that under no administration has it been properly maim vpd. The public works have been used to fill the pockets ojthe of ficials, while the poor working man has been left to starve. without any remuneration for his labor. It is painful for us to refer to this matter, for the Canal Board is now in the hands of :our pa rty - . -- But:we - cannot - refrain fromTal , • ling upon them to reform the evil complain ed of above, rind we hope that they will at once remove the hard-working - operatives. They would rob the State with as little re= morse as they do the laborers, and they should be shipped at once. If this evil is not redressed by the Com missioners before the October election, it will then rest upon the peo - ple to expess their indignation at the ballot box. The hard-toiling workman is not to be plundered to fill the pockets of lazy officials. Their nominal wages are low enough (foil knows ; but we iliac them suffer a shave on that is cruel in the extreme. The laborers earn every cent of the money promised to them, hut from the above statement it is evident that they do not get their pay when it is earned, and that the lazy officials, of whom we have before spoken, draw it, and spec ulate upon them at a heavy discount. Our public works are badly managed and the fact cannot be disguised that the evil rests in the parsimonious remuneration offered to those who superintend them No man fully capable of discharging the duties of a Canal Commissioner, would ac cept the office at the present salary. A man with sufficient canacity to dischar g e the duties of the office in a proper manlier, can make more by his industry in any other branch of ordinary business. It is the same with all the subordinate of fices on the public works. They have to labor at starvation prices, and, of course, they will adopt some means to make both ends meet. We have heard of n Superir , tendent who went upon the road not worth a dime, and left it with forty thousand dol lars in his pocket. Flow did he rnakeit Not from his salary—that would not allow of such an iitimense profit; hut it was real ized from the check rolls' of the 'poor work ing man. Thiel man has gone West, and we suppose he is enjoying the full fruition of ht's speculation nay the Portage road. ANoTHFit SetENTltilc,WoNona.--;-repsin ? an .artiticiallNgestive Fluid Gastric Juice. A great. DyspepSia . Curer,.:prepa red from Rennet, or the feUrth'lstriiiinch of the Ox, after directioni of Baron Liebig, the great Physiological Chemist, by,J. S. Houghton, M. D:, No. 11, North Eight Street, PhilU;. delphia, Pa. This is a truly wonderful remedy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaun dice, Liver Complaint, Constipation, and Debility, curing after Nature's own method by Nature's own agent, the Gastric Juice, See advertisement in another column. NIA 1{ Kt Elk On the 19th inst., by the Rev. J: S. Dubs, Mr. Peter Schneider, of Schnecksville, to Miss Sarah Haas ,• of Heidelberg. Oh the same day, by the same, Mr. Thomas Hardly, to Miss Levina Weber, both of. North Wheithnll. On the same day, by the same, Mr. Jo seph. Haberstock, to Miss C'aroline, Meyer, both of South Whitehall. On. the 14th of June, by the Rev. Mr. Yager, Mr. 'Joseph Spengler, to Miss Eli zabeth Schmnenberger, both of Allen town ship, Northampton County. On the 10th of June, by the. same Mr. Francis .I...Freiman,of South Whitehall, to Miss Clarissa Irciandt, of Allentown. On the 26th of June, by the same, Mr. Edwin Roth, to Mis 4 Susanna Ihnhard, both of Allentown. On the same day, by the same, Mr. Tilgh man Ueberroth, to Miss Caroline Klein, both of Salisburg. On the 14th inst., by the Rev. A. L. Her Man, Rev. J. Herman, of Maxataw , ny, Berks county, to Miss Isabella, daughter of. Mr. Samuel Grim, of Macungie township, Lehigh County. On the sth of June, by.the Rev. Jeremiah Schindel, Mr. John 8.. Keck, to Miss Sarah drzn Faver, both of Lower Macungy. I now have got a pretty wife, A little house to keep her, • I loVe her like a lump of gold, And no one dare come nigh her DIED. At Easton the 19th of June, After nn of about two weeks, Jefferson K. Heck. man, in the 55th year of his age. fie was a member of. the Borough• Council at the. time of his death, and at different - times was Called to 'fill posts of honor. He was a mern.! her of the Legislature for several years and served ono term in the Senate. In Bloornsburg, on Monday the 20th ult.. 4braham Klotz, formerly of 'Mauch Chunk, aged. 74 years. On the 14th of June, in Catesauqua, Maria Eberhard, aged 3 years. On the Stiv of Juno, in Heidelburg, iel Niwhivd, aged 65 yearo, Ori the Ilth ofJune, in North Whitehall, Afich*l /Vctvhard,•aged 53 years. prices tEurrent. —Per ' A Ilent.Bastoll Phild' ARTICLES Barrel Flour_.. . QM Wheat . • Rye Corn Oats ..... Buckwheat . • Cloverseed . imothyteed Potatoes • • Salt Butter . • • Lard Tallow . . . •I Beeswax . . . !Tani '• Flitch . . • • Tow-yarn. . . Egg"' Rye Whiskey Apple Whiskey Linseed Oil ;Pound =EI I Doz I Gall Hickory Wood Cord ' 4 . 50j 4 50 ' 6 00 flay . . . Ton :14 0020 0025 05 Egg Coal . . Ton 3 50! 4004 50 Nnt.Coal-. . 2 5(1 1 _ 3 00,-.3..50 romp Coal . ' 50; 3 . 50 . 3 05 Plaster . . . 4 50 4 50, 2 00 (t) 11(0'11 To the Tax Collectors and Tax Payers of Lehigh, County. FOR TIIF. YEAR A. D. WIIIMEAS a number of the citizens of Le• high county . have expressed a desire to piiy their taxes•during the month of July, in or der to secure the sth per cent. discount pro . - vided fur by several acts of assembly of this Commonwealth, and in Order to maintain the honor and credit of the county the Coin missivners have Resolved—That the respective Collectors of the County, State and :Militia Taxes, le vied and assessed on the property and things in the county of Lehigh, be and they are here by respectively authorized• and, directed to make an abatement of 5 percent. on the amount of State tax to each arid every per son named in their respective Duplicates, who, on or before the 213th day ofJuly next pUys their whole amount of County, State and Militia Taxes,, to them 'respectively charged for the year A. D. 1853. The several collectors of North and South Wards, of Allentown, Upper Macungie, Upper &wenn, Hanover and Lowhill, arc directed to pay over to Ephraim Yohe, Treasurer, at his office in West Hamilton stret t, Allentown, all monies so collected as County and State taxes and militia fines on or before the 25th day ofJuly cyst. Those of Lehigh Ward, of Allentown, South Heidelberg, Washington and Salisburg,•on or before the 26th day of July next. Those of the townships of Upper and Lower Milford, North Whitchall,Low .er Alacungie, Lynn and Weissenbmg, on Wednesday the 27th day of July next. We wisli to direct the attention of the Collectors 'to the fact, that no paper money of any description, of a less .denomination than live dollars, and only such ns ispar in Philadelphia (except Relief notes) will be . received for taxes. For the benefit of the collectors, we will say to them to be on their guard in taking notes of the following Banks, us there are ninny Counterfeits on them of various de nominations to tvit The Harrisburg Bank, Old issue ; Middletown Bank, and Relief; Northumberland Bank ; Bank ; Doylestown Bank ; Lancaster' Bank ; 10's and 20's and Relief. The Farmers and Drovers Bank of Waynesburg, Honesdale Bank, and Erie Bank, are not J;ar. The collectors and tax-payers will also bear in mind, that the final settlement of the taxes will have to be made speedily, dint the fOrbearance extended heretofore can in no wise be allowed hereafter; the collector need not be put 'off with a prcan.ise. to,pay him next winter or spring—it will avail nothing. It is expected the . collectors tvill strictly adhere to the above in the discharge of their duties. PETER .I';NOELMAN, DANIEL HAUt , DIAN, COM ' S. ..T9sErit ATTEST-J: M. LINE, Cleric. Corn's. °trice, Allentown, July 29. 11-3 w 1111112.Dr3 11,EHILL $ lathe Opphans Court of Lehigh • County. • • In the matter of the Account of Jacob J. Deshler and Peter Ilieltk v, AdminiStrators of the Account of James Deshler, deed. • •And now May, 3, 1953, on motion of Mr. Reese, the Court appointed Charles 'Saeger, an Auditor to Audit, resettle the 801110 ac count, and make distribution according to law, and make report to the next stated orphans Court, including all the evidence which may be submitted before him. . From the Records. . TEsTE—N. METZGER, Clerk. The undersigned, Auditor above named, will attend to the duties of his nppointment on Monday, July 25th, 1853, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the•house of Kciper and Good, in the Borough of A-Ilentown, where all those interested can attend if they see proper. CHARLES SAeoea, Auditor. Allentown, June 29. 11-3 w . • New .Supply o f Coal I. Farmers' if' Litnelastrisers LOOK HERE. The undersigned. have-just received, and constantly - keep-on hand,"a large supply of all kinds of Coal;-sliitable for Farmers and Limeburners, and the coal consuming pub lic in general, - which they-will dispose-of at the following rediCed prices Chestnut Coati at $2 25 -Extra Nut Coal, • $2 87 Egg,-13tov.f:apd Limp at"- $3 . 25 EDELTIEN, HAWSE & CO. • , April 20,1868..' • •%. -8w: 6 00 ~! 5 00 95 1 00 - 1 10 75 81 81 60 1 60 60 33: 38 68 50 -50 :15 -A-37 -1-50 -1-5 - 400' 5 50 5 52 2 - 501 2 75 2 70 15! :35. 50 501 45 30 121 18 30 12: 12 9 10 -91 8 22' 25, 28 12; 12, 15 9' 12. 8 N' S; '7 10, 20; 20 22h 22 24 25 23, . 24 60; 85, 55 Adopts this method to inform his friends and the public in general, that he has lately purchased the stock, fixtures,. tools &c:, of Mr. Lev°lcl Pick, and hereafter continues the bustrwse in_liis_arin_name._at the "Old_ Stand" directly opposite the Tavern House, ' in the Borough oh Catasnuqua, Hanover toivrislip, Lehigh county, whele he will be prepared , to furnish together with every other in his line, of superior quality, and on as reasonable terms, as any other establishment in the country. He keeps the best and most experienced workmen, and his prices will be such as will satisfy those who may favor •him with their custom. The subscribers who ore largely engaged in the publication of School and other Books, have lately made arrangements for the Pub linden of one of the best Series of School Books,—being seven in number,—ever pub: fished in this state. They are calcu'ated for the gradual progression of the pupil in the ordinary branches of popular education. The illustrationa are admirably adopted and cannot fail to fix the mind upon sound moral principles which is ever the foundation of a good education. On the whole they believe Sanders' series of School Books by far the most complete, that has ever been published and would respectfully recotnmerid theM for adoption in all the free schools in the State. SOWER iNr., BARNES, No. 84, North :3rd Street, Philadelphia. June 29. If Wino and Liquor Store, N. W. CORNER m: VIE uu'r SQUARE, ALLENTOWN, PA. "MIL XGI &. CRAIG Inform their 'Fiends and the public gen erally, that having made arrangements with two of the largest importing houses in New York and Philadelphiu,tosupply them with FOREIGN - nri ;#4lloi f i Wines, Liquors; &c,, , • 1 1 -!.,3, ti! ... 2 ihey have just received, and 'shall continue to receive, din et from the cnstom-house stores, the choicest WINES, LIQUORS, &.c., such as They 11111 al,.a alwayt: have of hand and for sale DOUIILE-ITECTIFIED WE-Ifs- KEY, Wine 13itters, Cordials, licinijohns and Stone Jugs. To all of which they invite di& attention of Store and Hotel keept!rB, and others wishing to purchase, to call amid otamine before port:basin.' r;;ewliere. 1 )1 LLINcEn & Allentown, June 15. t Notice to Travelers ! L . .); 1/ - ) K . :. ...._, t,lO--t,t-1---_ ...--,,--_,------.-------- __ _.,-----.T. - xi., - - ---- -ALLENTOWN AND_POTTSTOWN. The traveling public are hereby respect fully i»fortned, that from to day, Juno Ist, 185:1, n daily line of stages will commiMce running- between Allentown and Pottstown, and in connection with the Reading Railroad convey' passengers to Philadelphia. 'l'he Stages will leave J. Y. Bechtel's, American Aaentown, every morning (Sundays excepted) at 2 o'clock A. M. and the pas sengers will arrive in Philadelphia nt half past 11 o'clock A. M., and in- time to take the Western Railroad traih for Pitt burgh; They .will arrive in Pottstown in time to take the morning up-train to Reading nod Poos• Yille, and arrive at the former place at 10, and at the latter; at 12 o'clock P. M. The undersigned will spay' , neither time, expense or trouble to IllabV this line one . of the . best to travel to either of the above named places. Ho has engaged .sober and careful drivers, fast horses and gocid coach es, and being that the_ route passes through a delightful .country, many will choose to travel it on this account. CHARLES SEAG REA YES. Allentown, Juno I. If-3m The subscriber, residing in the Borough of Catasaugna, Hanover township, Lehigh county, offers to dispose at private sale the collowing_deicribed property; desirably situ ated ,iri increasing Borough, to viz : Three Adjoining' . • . Two story,ltrick -„ ii • D la. N G nrek " with u front (ire Church street of 15 feet, and 30 feet in depth, vith pizza 10 _ feet deep,,, - Tha, lot on which tit use, [louses d ire erected, is . 60feet in fr4ne on Church Stre'o, :and 1019,feet in ' depth along a public:alley. - • . For forlher,particulartrompirriofthik.dn'l dersigned; residing on We'prernises.. , . , JOI McnstrrEit; caleuniaqink; Infle -tSw Catasauqua Marble Yard, Opposite Laubach 7 s Hotel. .!9seph_Laiebach, Monuments, Italian Tombs, Read , Stonce •rf all description. Plat forms, Table Tops, (S•c., JOSEPH LAUBAOH. Catasnuqua, June 29. ¶-3111 Siffi - deN"'S'6litiolTßo - olcs; ElPholesale Dark and Pale liranJy, Pure Holland Porl TI ine, Nadel ra Trine, Sherry Wine, .Claret Jainaica , 45. e., •S• c • 19.111:11* ILLIA'JE Between 'Valuable Real Estate ..11 0 1 43 A.LrJ C) N . a-vigation. Oveued. The Lehigh Transportation Comp. IVE OTICE that they are now prepared to recieve merchandimi and forward it with promptness and disptitch from Philadelphia to Easton, Bethlehem, - Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Penn Haven, White Haven, and Wilkesbarre; and also to all interntediatu places on the Delaware and Lehigh Canals and Lehigh and Susquehanna Railroad. The proprietors would inform their friends and customers that they have added several new Boats to their line, which mill greatly faciliate their business. They still continue to do business nt the old stand, .first wharf above Vine street, directly opposite the Sult Store of H. &J. Wright. They also for ward goods to and from New York to Wilkesbarre, alSo to all intermediate places via Delaware and Raritan Canal and Dela ware and Lehigh Canal. • Goods shipped_ by this line will to b,,_ A 7 8. 7- Neilson's- line of vessels to:New :Bruns wick which will, he found at the Albany Basin, foot of Cedar Street, North River.— Any information required can be had of Reynolds& Clark, No. 100 West Street, or at Neilson's Agent office,' 88 West Street. The Company have large Store Houses at Easton, Bethlehem, Allentown, :Mauch Chunk, White Ilaven and, Wilkesbarre. DRAKE, AVii.sos & Cu., Proprietors AGENTS Aug. J. Ritz, Allentown. H. S. Moorehead, Philadelphia. John Opdycke, Easton, 13orheCk & Knauss, Bethlehem, A. W. Leisenring, Mauch Chunk. I Lorton & Bolles, Wilkesbarre. Allentown, May 5, 1553. 11-3 m Ready Made Clothing Store In A I lentown I • Haigh. & Breinig, 5 g . Adopt this niothod, to in form their friends and the - ; -i- J , . - public- generally,-that they e- ' , o •' have just returned from Phil f,-, , ,;, adelphia, with a very heavy WI. . ~., . suck of 4 f'• Spring and Summer • i Goods of the most fashionable styles, from 'all of which they will make to order and also keep on hand a large supply of Clothing., at such prices, as cannot be equalled in any establishment in this or any neighboring town. Their present large Stock of cloth ing mishits in part of Dress Coats, of every imaginable style, of Spring and Summor wear ; Paptalorms ,fancy and plain of all pri yes, Su miller Pants in great variety ; Vests, . Satin, fancy and plain, Drawers,,Shirts, lars, Cravats, &c. &c. all of which they are determined to sell at the lowest prices. It is therefore •money made" to those who wish to purchase clothing, if they first call on Neligh Brcinig, before they purchase elsewhere. Orders of every bind, will be accepted with pleasure, and punctually attended to ; and as they are Practical 'tailors them selves, none but the best workmanship will be suffered to pass their hands, so that they can warrant the clothing they manufacture in every particular. Thankful for past favor:, ihey hcipe by punctual attendance to business, and dura ble jobs, they will be able to gain a contin uance of favors from a generous public. Allentown, May 117 111-3 m Notice is hereby given, that the Partner ship of Miller, Brauss Miller, in the Lumber business,, in the Borough of Allen town, was disolved by mutual consent on the oth of. June, 1853. Such who have any claims against the late firm. vUI pres ent them ler payment to BRAuss & MILLER, who continue the business at the old stand. JACOB MILLER. CHARLES 13RAVS;t, • JOHN MILLER. Allentown, June 8. . • 4.---fitv IY4Dur - trox, - 6) , ,, To the Directors of • Common Schools of Lehigh County. In pursuance of the 82nd Section of an act, entitled, ~A ri act for the regulation and continuance of a system of Education by COMIIIOII Schools," passed the seventh day of April, A. 13., 1849. \Ve the undersigned. Commissioners of Lehigh county --=" hereby publish a -State ment of the amount to which every • district. within the County of Lehigh is entitled for the School year of A. D. 1853,—0ut of the annual appropriation of $200,000 by thu snid act : tts per report made to this office, by the superintendents of Common SchoolS, as follows, to wit : *- • Allentown North Ward, 195 1 1 1 • '• South \Yard, 189 00 Lehigh Ward, - . 41 40 Hanover and Catasauqua,• 252 00. Heidelberg, -107.2 g .. Lowhill, - .' 80 2S Lynn, , -- - 164. 80 • Lower MocungiPt , Upper Macungie, 7-' ' 100 68 Upper:and Lower Milford, '• . "30240 Washington,;' '". 'f2 • 140 40 Salisburg, ' ''' '' ' . . ,- ;t - :' " ~ , r, . maw upper'stiodoN , e.c:. , .*.t- Is :7'k%'`. ' 2 6 eV62 ; • Weisienbilig; ' '" A ` "'''',, 4, ' 21 ."':'4- . .0 .14 0::( 10 4 Vciiih:. NV hii,oiltil I, ';::-. ~ ,...i - :: - y. , .. 61 :41.40,04.- : ' golitti , AVltittihalli, t,. -, -, --• V- 4' . *:24 42 00,4; .- : Dipifi l t, irrAtniraittu: ..,Canypispioncrs::: :-.!..., bail* ;s4# l, ltiffi'," ' - •"," ~ • ''-, ' '!":• 4 , i s 1 ...,=,-.... ATTeArk•f -4:;t1 , 14 Nl, Cleric. .' •, : , - ,':-.:Alletiowii;Y:fine 15.3868.' : - . lr .7ii4iit .30cinnity again TIRE: THE. FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE} COMPANY-of - Phlladelphl; ' OFFICE, No. 163 i CHESNUT STREET Near Fifth Street. STATEMENT OF ABiETSp. $1,815g534, January tit, .11.154 . 3. __ 4ll `L' . Published agreeably -2 f° an OF ASSEMBLY, BEING First Mortgages, amply secured, $1,021 0 166 63 Real Estate (present value $llO,- 000) cost. Temporary Loans, on ample Coils.' tern! Securities 96,497 68 Stocks (present valao $76,191) cost. 62,285 60 Cash, &c. &c., • 52,945 51 10 . 1,318,534 ou PE niqrtuAL OR LIMITED tNSURANCES made' on every description of property, in TOWN AND COUNTRY, at rates as low as are consistant with security: Since their incorporation, a period or twenty-four years, they have paid over three millions dollars Loss nv Fine, thereby afd fording evidence of the advantage of Insur ance, as the ability and dispositiori to meet. Directors : Charles N. Enricher, Mord. D. Lewis: Tobias Wagner, Adolp. E BOrid, Samuel Grant, David S. Brown, Jacob R.'Smith, Morris Patterson, Geo. W. Richards, Isaac Lea, W. , . IIARLES N. BANCKER, President. CIIAIIILES G. BANOKER, Secretary. F . ..7 - The subscribers are the appointed Agents of the above mentioned Institution ' , and are .now prepared to make insurances on every description of property, at the low , est rates. A. L. RUBE, Allentown. C. F. BEECH, Bethlehem. Allentown, Oct. 1852. Allentown Hotel. The undersigned respectfully inform their' friends: nd the public in zeneral, that they . have oh the first of A'prillicame'proprieiors of the Public' House, lately - kept by David Heller, on the, Northwest corner of Ilamild ton Strict ,abd . -Maritet Pqnare, Allentown• so wUt known asthe t •1 Itentown JlirOle • - ,?. , .,which their have fitted up. in : a'new and hand-. some style, for the ac commodation of the horne and travelling custom. " Their Table Will always be supplied with the 'best the market affords. Their Bar with. the choicest li9uors and wines, and proMpt and obliging servants are always ready to attend to the wants - ..0f their cus tomers. • • _ , 00' . .; 44 ',"fif, 741;„ 6'14, 1 : 1 , 4 c_ They have taken the House, with a de termination to spare no pains .or expense, to malre. l .their Elotel equal to any in . this countir,;e4d..by personal attention, to give any'aol44oiion to their customers: Tluiy.:thirefore respectfully 'request thoie who.visit'Allentown, either from the imme- . diate neighborhood; or from 'a distance to make The Allentown' Hotel, their. home, and test the truth , Of-their assertion. prStac T es leave the above .lElotel, daily for New York, Philadelphio..Reading, Etta./ ton, Mauch Chunk ans.l.Hatukurg, DAVID KEIPNR, • TILGIIIIIAN H. GOOD. Allentown, April 13. John S. P - Faust • - Informs the public, that he is prepared to . give lessons on the 'Violin to classes or in private. Gentlernekresidlrig'out of Allen town a reasonable disttinepi.tvishing to form classes, can receive, all the'necessaiy infor mation, by addressindttline" to'John S. P. Fatist, Allentown, Pa. Charges Modetitte and attendance punctual. •• .• • ALSO—That he has (in order to slive•tho' time employed in copying for this.' hes) had published . hissystern.. - of, teaching upon the Violin.- ;This , book has beers pre pared expressly -for tha,heginner.and ,con tains thorough instructions, . in ,all: thri..itayse bowing, lingering,arick tuning aleit . azTarie' number of exercises .amtrigad eitpresel y to: assist the pupil in tonation;•*ith this boo k . before ,him and the ptoper explanation its contents, the pupil will find his progress conSiderably aecelerated . . 'Book for,sale at Blumer, Bush' & Co,. Allentown, June S. Two JournoyinouSboemokols.'.. • . with the undersigned' residing ity,lllo*r ough of Catasauguti, coutiryt , Wir Journeyman ehoentakere-can •find - employ-' mint and good tvagiis." , •One , is requirod,lo . work on sewing and , the other on pegmor:k. Inunediete application ehouldtbe magi JOHN' A, Wll4o* Catasaugua, June I, 1853, • illg@lffiblat3 DOtallt:, ../ - ht the. Orphans Court "qt Ze os ow, e 1r '',, ' high - County. z.. A... rit -,....%,.. ln t m Triattoyo the account '." 4 1W 4 , , of .!qcol;* Pinitiger, - Execti,tor . of: Eli zilhet 4 Kitause; : lnle,or 'A lictit'o4n i n Oted. t).nd'ilow, Mity 3`;1860; the cbtirtappaine fe3Bo SitUtiele: tciittitlit tint,. extmatte.iividif °Cousin:lt illevitif '! s t k kipi9.o o 9nkettit'lnflWilitt tatitiorifto - cOlikth 014 tr , tutolitiOtkoqiitott ' t here° f . to 4 hejitl d . : ads{ eluding all , thet!' fiticnoe4% - yhiott tatty be itObl• mitted.beforialiefiviit-A , tr,ewl :. , • 1 . 1 ,:,,,, , • From the Riteqr4o4.:l : - • ' - . `:,'-'. 'llisiii.;..:-$: MgMakat9terk. The ;'undersigned, 7. Niitinicl; for the purpose 01 .4 1lieriip*iitil iit.clii'Fedity; the_ fret,fdillY 1 44 1 . 04 f X; -- ni, 10,Vtlock• ifi thi? 'ratio tin,lit, l ftho ficiiie"or &Inuit ,- Afiiyerc' in .41,11erkto3in,! - Nibitteftilfre , theed,:luterested• can 4itentliffifersfie pectOnt: 0 #.,' ,1 , ' * '..: • ' '''' JEBEI - 7.44141141:1PLEk Aviliter. .' ',•' . .Tutiv(il34llSW'..` ' ' 4z* `•:" - ' 41H3w. 82,447 63 4--~4,K*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers