New Dry Goods Store In Philadelphia, NO. 253 NORTH 2a, STREET. Thorns It Y. Issindes ) takes great pleasure . to inform his circle of frienlls•and former customers, that he has taken 'the well known Store, No. 258, North Second Street, formerly occupied by Simon R. Sny der, opposite the Black - Horse Tavern, Phil adelphia. He is prepared with a well selec ted and entire new and fashionable Stock of Dry Goods, consisting in part of dmerican Cloths, French Cas semers, and a large Stock of other Goods for Gentlemen's wear. _He also invites his Lad thr - - J . customers when they visit the city to give him a call andex amine his beautiful stock of Silks, Delains, Berage Delains, &c., in short he keeps a 'full assortment of every kind of goods be longing to the retail Dry Good business. He trusts that by strick attention to busi mess he will be able to gain a liberal share of public patronage. Don't forget the place, call at No. 253, North Street, directly opposite the Black Horse Tavern, and you will find you obedi ent_friend. • THOMAS Y. LANDES. Phila. January 19, 1853. T,-3m ~lope ' s YAmiress, Among the various Expresses that have recently extented their operations, and en tered upon a new field of enterprise, we know none which is more hopeful than Hope's New-Jersity and Pennsylvania Ex press, via Central Rail Road of New Jersey. Tide road extends from New York to Eas ton, Pa., and runs through a splendid coun try—affording an avenue to the interior of Pennsylvania hitherto closed up. The su periority of this market for buying and sel ling goods is bringing a large amount of trade here, which formerly went to Philadel phia. The advantage of Hope's Express, by which merchandise of all descriptions can be forwarded promptly, when fully real ized on the above route, will insure a com plete success and prosperity. A. D. HOPE has made arrangements with the Central R. R. Co. and various Stage proprietors to sell Tickets through to Wilkesbarre, Mauch Chunk, Reading, &c., at reduced fares. r Office of Hope's Express, in Allen town, at the Variety Store of AARON WINT, who will attend to the forwarding of all pack ages. February 2, 1853. INDEMNITY. THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE • COMPANY of Philadelphia. OFFICE, Nu. 1831 CHESNUT STREET near Fifth street. Directors: Charles N. Bancker, Geo. W. Richards Thomas Hart, Mord. D. Lewis. Tobias Wagner, Adolp. E Borie, Samuel Grant, David S. Brown, Jacob R. Smith, Morris Patterson, CONTINUE to make Insurance, permanent and limited, on every description of property, in town and country, at rates as lowas are consis tent with security. The Company have reserved a large Contin gent Fund, which with their Capital and Prime. ums, safely invested, afford ample protection to the assured. The assets of the company, on January Ist 1848. as published agreeably to an Act of As semblyovere as follows, viz: Mortgages, $957,613 64 Real Estate" 84,377 84 Temporary Loans, 125,605 73 Stocks, , 62,325 50 Cash, &c., 54,568 29 Since theirincorporation ,a period of eighteen years, they have paid upwards of one million wo hundredthousanddollars,losses by fire, there by affording evidence of the advantages of insu• rum, as well as the ability and disposition to Meet with promptess, all liabilities. CHARLES N. BANCKER, President CHARLES G. BANCKER, Heey. The Subscribers are the appointed Agents of the above mentioned Institution, and are now prepared to make insurances on every descrip lion of property, at the lowest rates. AUGUSTUS L.RUHE, Allentown • C. F. BLECK, Bethlehem. Allentown, Oct. 7, 1852. 1-1 y Remedy for Consumption. At Bethlehem, Pa., there can. be bad a certain and effectual remedy for Consump. lion, and all complaints of a Pulmonary na ture. Also medicines which will cure Rheumatism, acute, chronic or intlamatory. Persons afflicted with any of the above com plaints, by addressing a line to the under signed, stating their case, or asking infor mation respecting the medicine which prom. ices so much, will be cheerfully answered and the desired information given. HENRY GANGWER, Druggist. January 20. ¶-4w letiMaa li cl Notice is hereby given, that the under signed have been appointed Executors of , the last Will and Testament of Solomon Inman!, deceased, late of the Borough of Allentown, in the county of Lehigh. All hose, who know themselves indebted to said estate, be it in bonds, notes, book debts, or otherwise, will please make settlement be tween now the first day of April next. And .such, wbo have any legal claims against said estate, will also present their claims %for settlement within the above time. JESSE KNAUSS, CHARLES K. KNAUSS, Executora. WILLIAM K. KNAUSS, JONATHAN K. KNAUSS, hnuaty 'TO MECHANICS.—TooIs of every de- Acription., such as Bench and Moulding Planes, Hand, Pannel; and Back Saws, Brace and Bitts, Auger Bats, Hatchets, Squares, &c., for sale by ,O'er, J.SAEGER. 4-1 y • January 6, OF THE Peceipts and ExpenditureB of Lehigh County for the year 1852. COUNTY TAXES OUTSTANDING, *Allentown, 1850 - $l2O, 16 Upper Macungie, 1850 - Salisbury, 1850 - • Hanover, 1851 - Allentown, 1852 - tUpper. Milford, 1852 • Upper Saucon,. do . South Whitehall, do - North Whitehall, do Hanover, do - Upper Macungie, do * Weisenburg, do - *Lynn, do *Washington, *Heidelberg, Lowhill, Northampton, •Since paid. Warily paid. Financial Account by 'the County of Le high, January, 1, 1852. DR. To-amount-of-Loans-remaining-unpaid-on the day of January, 1852 $13,222 00 CR. By amount of Loans, paid dur ing the year 1852. - - 700 00 Amount of Taxes assessed and remaining uncollected for the years 1850, 1851 and 1852. 5,211 20 Amount of Cash in Treasury, January 1, 1853. - 6,205 13 County Deficit, - - - 1,046 67 We undersigned. Commissioners of the county of Lehigh, do certify, that the above is a true and correct statement of the finances of said county, on the first day of Jan. 1853. PETEr ENOELMAN, COMMiS'II DANIEL . HAUSMAN, of JosiPil-MILLER Lehigh co. Attest ; J. M. LINE, Clerk. Commis'rs Office, Allentown Jan. 1, 1853. The account of EPHRAIM YORE, Esq., Treasurer of Lehigh county for the year commencing January 1, 1852, and end ing December 31,. 1852, both days in cluded. DR. To amount in Treasury, us per report of Auditors for 1851: Current funds, $4,154 40 Uncurrent funds, 23 00 $4,177 90 Taxes received for 1850 343 20 46 66 66 1851 1,432 04 66 66 46 1852 11,002 70 ¶-4w $13,437 94 Additional tax 7 19 dbatcments on Collectors' commissions. On State tax for the year 1950 147 91 " " 1851 883 60 " " " 1852 207 37 Jury Fees, 4.c. John D. Lawall, Cleric, - - 56 00 Old Lumber. Of Robert Dubs, - - 2 50 Rev. R. Walker, • - - 1 00 J. M. Line, proceeds of sale at Apple's 7 00 Jacob Hart, - - - - 1 00 M. D. Eberhard, T. Ginkingers estate 1 75 W. H. Blumer, J. S. Gibons' estate 200 Enoch Newhard, - - - 9 75 $1,284,309 94 $l4 50 Charles Ritter, stray sheep sold $2 00 Dividend on water stock - 035 40 Grand jurors - - - 312'24 Petit do - - - 060 01 Constable and tipstaff - - 126 64 Court Cryer, Daniel Fried, - 74 25 Clerks' fees in commonwealth cases N. Metzger - - 207 06 Commonwealth costs for Wm. Heck- • man, • 21 67 Loans, • - - 700 00 Interest on Loans, - 746 86 Warrants drawn by Directors, $3,000 00 Election Expenses. Amount paid to officers and others $BO3 57 Amount paid to Assessors to others $354 65 Printing, Stationary and Blanks. Blumer, Bush & Co. - - 94 59 J. W. Wilson, - 79 00 M. Hannum, - - - 134 50 Guth & Trexler, 59 00 A. L. Ruhe, 64 00 F. L. limier & Co. for docket, 12 00 Hogan & Perkins do - 0 25 Gustavus R. Leuschner, binding 15 40 Inquisitions. 636 65 John Erdman,- - - 43 80 Harrison Miler, - 22 04 Jonas Baas, - - - 18 31 1-Ow 694 24 Amount paid for Fox scalps, - $7 11 Abat . emcnts. W David Delong, N. hitehall,lBsl, 75 00 Elias Guth, South Whitehall, do 121 54 J. Reichard, Allentown, ' do 120 24 Charles Ritter, Hanover, do - 110 00 Elias Guth, South Whitehall, do 75 00 S TE.JIIEJNT. do ~ - 60 87 do - - 172 39 do.- - 13 22 do - - 94 67 Slone and Brick CR. • By Cash paid on orders of Commis'rs : Court Expenses. Loans and Interests. Poor House. .1188essments $431 00 Blanks Books and Binding. Retainer Weisenburg, do 63 22 Jacob'Zimmerman, Lowhill, do 33 54 Isaac Hartman, Upper Saucon, do 169 41 Sol. Fogel, Upper Macungy, do 150 79 Charles Peter, Washington, do 45 82 Jacob Wenner, L. Macungy, do 153 51 Daniel Follweiler, Lynn, do 90 50 John Yost, Salisburg, of 1852, 76 18 289 60 232 29 4 53 - 668 03 1.035 21 • 214 70 716 04 - 99 27 530 33 - 589 66 SO 43 - 270 01 Total, - $1,275 75 County Bridge:. Building Apples' Bridge, Jordan Bridge repaired, - - 55 77 Jacksonville Bridge repaired, 192 03 Scherer's do do • 32 32 Bitner's do do - - 20 57 Furnace do do - 3 94 Joseph Nunemacher, for whitewash ing Steckel's Bridge, 16 00 D. HilligasAo Trout Creek bridge, __6.oo_ I. Fetzer, labor at Dietrich's do 100 D. Milhouse, repairs at Holben's do 10 24 Sol. Butz, repairing sundry bridges, 60 13 Jonas_Haas,_repairmg_Haas's_do 5_50 Day. Kline, do Daney's do 776 Elias Rex. do Kunkle's do 207 David Gold, filling up turnhole, 50 Abr. George, repairing Derr's bridge, 5 50 Boas Housman, do Kernsport do 66 70 Daniel Kline, do Scheyler's do '2 65 D. Kemerer, repairing German's do 102 $5,211 20 Penrose Y. Eisenbrann, marble slab, 525 George Blank and others - 30 00 John F. Ru he, auditing States taxes in county offices. - 5 00 Amount paid for repairs, &c. $195 15 Commissioner's' Office. $13,222 00 Samuel Knauss, - - • 112 00 Peter Engelman, - - 105 00 Daniel Hausman - - - 95 00 Clerk's Annual Salary. - 150 00 Miscellaneous. 8402 . 00 Scrubbing Court House, - 16 00 John D. Lawall and others, expen ses of dividing Upper Milford town- ship, - - - 69 25. John R. Kuehner, district judgo to meet Carbon judge, - - 3 30 F E. Samuels, Prothonotary, fee due, 36 25 R. E. Wright, solicitor for Com., 50 00 0. & J. Saeger, Hardware, - 12 40 Frederick Wagner, two stones for meridian line, - 15 00 0. L. Schreiber, appropriation to Le high County Agricultural Society, per act of Assembly. - 100 00 M. S. Henry. for map, . - - 200 J. L. Hoffman & Bro., lumber, - 49 87 A. L. Ru he, insuring Academy, a 2 00 J. F. Newhard, conveying three per sons to penitentiary, . - 00 Chas. H. Martin, medical attendance' - of prisoners. - - . 675 Charles Eckert, new issue of stock, 282 Charles Eckert, water permit, 25 00 1. Diefenderfer, county tax o'crpaid, 900 J. F. Newhard. jailor fees for 1851, 187 76 J. D. Lawnll, transcribing records of Clerks office, - 800 00 J. Depue Davis, comparing records, 50 00 William S. Marx, do 50 00 Charles Seagreaves, livery expenses, 12 00 Joseph Lehr, coal, - - 53 12 Peter Butz, erecting wood-house, 90 00 A bra. Crow, ten bushels Charcoal, 1 00 D. Harris, half a cord hickory wood, 225 Reiss & Sieger, 1 and half doz chairs, 13 50 $1,236 36 Amount paid to Eastern Peniten tiary for support of convicts for 1851, - - - 76 03 $12,441 76 Whole amount of Dr. - - 18,073 31 Deduct amount in Treasury, as per Auditor's report, - 4,177 40 818,979,31 Amount paid out as per orders &c. &c. - - 12,441 75 Amount received and pnid out 27, 243 96 Commission on above at 1 per cent, • 272 43 Amount in Treasury, - - 6,265 12 We, the undersigned, Auditors in and for the county of Lehigh, do certify that we have audited, settled and adjusted the ac count.of Ephraim Yohe, Esq., Treasurer in and for said county commencing on the first day of January, 1852, and ending on the 31st (lay of December, of the sane year, (both days included ;) that the same as above is correct, and that there remains a balance in the hands said Treasurer Of .$6,- 265 13. $1,701 87 $1,446 86 In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands this sth day of January, 1852. JONAS HAAS, HIRAM J. SCIIANTZ, .theditors. J. FRANKLIN RITTER, February 9, 1853. ¶-4w Straw Goods—Spring 1853. THE Subscriber is now prepared to ex hibit to Merchants and. Milliners his usual heavy stock of Ladies' and Misses' STRAW AND SILK BONNETS, • STRAW TRIMMINGS and ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS ; Palm-leaf, Panama and every Variety of S.UMMER HATS for Gentlemen ; which for extent, variety and beauty of manufacture, as well as uni formly close prices will be found unrivaled. THOMAS WHITE, No, 41, SOUTII SECOND STREET, Philadelphia. • February 9, 1853. ¶.-3m-93 WILLIAM S. MARX ATTORNEY £ COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office in the eastern front room of the building of John D. Lawall, formerly Horn beck's, west of the Courthouse. Allentown, April 4, NM 11--ti - 2 i 7 69 Suditors Expenses Court House and Jail $14,601 91 $18,265 :31 Lana 111D2214 The subscriber re l. spectfully informs his ,;. 1 - ! :1,y,/..-#• ;• friends and the public '' ''''''''''''''' generally, that he has aug taken the newly erec• ted three story brick tavern of Jesse Grim, at the north west corner of Market Square, in the Borough of Allentown, called THE EAGLE HOTEL. Tho House is known as one of the most spacious and convenient in the State—none more so out of Philadelphia—and contains 94 rooms. He therefore feels assured that he can accommodate satisfactorily all who may favor him with a call. His TABLE shall nt all times be sup plied with the best the season and the mar keis afford, and th - e - atu - with - the — choicest Wines and Liquors. The Beds and Bedding, together with all his furniture being entirely new, the pat. rons oriliiihouse may rely upon finding those two great essentials—cleanliness and comfort. The Stabling is large and commodious, and as he will have none but kind and at tentive• Ostlers a due regard will be had to the proper entertainment of the House as well as his master. In short, the subscriber intends to spare neither pains nor expense to keep his house in the best manner, and ho therefore re spectfully invites the public to give him a liberal share of patronage, 732 46 E a - BOARDERS will be taken on rea sonable terms, and as the rooms are spaci ous and well adapted to their wants, they can be accommodated in a satisfactory man ner. Families from town or county accom modated with Boarding. $35 00 JAMES W. ESBACH. Allentown, Nov. 24, 1853. • If—Sm C.itLR nk, sittarney at Law. Has resumed the practice of his profes sion in Allentown. I.V'He may be consulted in the German and English languages. August 12, 1852. y • Doctor William J. Romig. Having returned to Allentown, offers his professional services to I- . his friends and the public. Office at his residence, in Hamilton street, south side, first corner below Pretz, Guth & Co's. Store, in Allentown. February 10, What can be got for Five Dollars! The undersigned have entered into an ar rangement by which they agree to furnish the Knickerbocker Magazine, (monthly,) the Home Journal, (weekly,) and the Musi cal World and Times (weekly,) to new sub scribers, at the very moderate price of five dollars a year for the three publications; all orders, enclosing that amount to Dyer Sr, Willis, will be promptly attended to. SAMUEL HUESTON, Published of the Knickerbocker, MORRIS & WILLIS. Publishers of the Home Journal. DYER & WILLIS, Publishers of the Musical World 4- Times, No. 257 Broadway, New York. GRAND LITERARY and ARTISTIC COMBINATION. Arrangements have been made to furnish the KNICKERBOCKER MAGAZINE, the HOME JOURNAL, and the New York Musical World and Times, to new subscribers, for five dollars a year ! This is cheap litera ture with a vengeance. The Knickerbocker is $3 per annum ; the Hone Journal, $2 ; and the Musical World and Times, $3 ; $5 a year at the usual rates. That three such works can be obtained for jive dollars a year, is a fact truly worthy the Caloric ag e, which is just now being usher ed in. Of the Kickerbocker Magazine, ed ited by LEWIS GAYLORD CLARK, it is unne cessary to speak. For twenty years it has been the most genial, humorous, and spicy "monthly" in the world ; and the present volume will be better than any which .pro ceeded it. The Home Journal, edited by Geo. •P. Morris, and N. P. Willis, is well known as the best family newspaper in America; and the Musical World and 'l'imes, edited by Richard Storrs Willis, with Lo well Mason, Geo. H. Curtis, Thomas Hast ings, Wm. B. Bradbury, Geo. F. Root, and.other musical writers contributing; and which gives, among other things over $25 worth of music and a ftill course of instruc tion in harmony annually, is the very best musical Journal, ever published. These three publications . will post a family up in regard to nearly everything worth knowing; Art, Science, Literature; Music, Painting, Sculpture ; Inventions, Discoveries ; Wit, Humor, Fancy, Sentiment; Newest Fash ions and other attractions for Ladies ; Choice New Music for the Sabbath, the Church and the Fireside; Reviews and Criticisms of Musical Works; 'Performers and Perfor mances ;in short the very pick and cream of Novelty, Incident, History, Biography, Art, Literature, and Science ; including whatever can be given in periodicals to pro mote Healthy Amusement and Solid In struction in the family, and help to make it Better, Wiser and Happier, may be now obtained for five dollars. Address DYER & WILLIS, 257 Broadway. CR - Editors publishing the above three times, and sending the papers containing it to Dyer & Willis, will receive the three works named, for one year. February, 16. ,o-3w $1,739 27 Ready-made Clothing. The undersigned keep all kinds of Ready made Clothing, on hand, and will make to order, at the lowest possible.prices. . GETZ & GILBERT. September 10, 11352. ¶-6m JOB PRIXTEMG, • . Neatly ,executed at tho "Register" Offtc,e Good Horses and Safe Vehicles! -allesttown 'Livery Establishment. THE subscribers take this method to in form their friends and the public in general, that they have entered into partnership in the Livery Business, in the stable formerly owned by George Beisel. They have an • A ' entire new stock of 7 46i nli HORSES CARRIAGES , &e. ..c.rnr. Their Horses are gentle and all goo. travellers ; their vehicles mostly new and of the latest style, and such as have been used are repaired and repainted in the best manner. They continue the business at the old stand in William street, in the Bo rough of Allentown. They will always be prepared to furnish their_customers at_the shortest possible no- Lice with safe and gentle horses, good car riages and careful drivers if requested. Families can be suited at all times with ve hicles to their particular taste. Their charges are reasonable, and in or der to continue their high credit they here tofore gained of being the "best livery estab lishment in Allentown," they will leave nothing undone to keep on hand the best and safest horsea,the neatest and most splen -diercarriages, and sober and careful - drivers. Their charges are very reasonable and hope by strict attention to business to satis fy all those who may favor them with their custom. T. P. HOFFMAN. JESSE SIEGFRIED • September 18,1851. ¶-3m The People's Store Revived! General Removal. J, W. GRUBI3. would respectfully in- form the citizens of Allentown and vicini ty, that he has removed his store into the house latterly occupied by C. Samson, as a Store, opposite Hagenbuch's Hotel, and so extensively known as The People's Store, where he will be pleased as ever to accom modate all who will please favor him with a call. His stock consists as ever, of a great variety of the most desirable goods. Ladies Dress Goods, Of every quality and price,such as De laines, Cashmeres, Cobergs, Thibet Cloths, French Morinos, A Ipaccas both plain, black and fan cy colored, Dress Silks of every variety, to gether with a general assortment in that line of goods. Also mourning goods of every description. Men and boy's wears such as Cloths, Cas simeres; Sattinetts, Jeans and Youth Plaids, Also a general assortment of Flannels, both wool and cotton, apron and bed checks, Manchester Ginghams, Muslins, Drillings, Cambrics, Calicoes, &c., &c., all of which will be sold at reduced prices. So please give him a call and see for yourselves at the well known corner of The Peoples Store. I-Te also returns his most sincere thanks to the public for the liberal share of patronage bestowed upon him heretofore, and hopes by strict attention to business, and studying to please each and every one, both old and young, grave and gay, to merit a continu• ance of the same. Allentown, Dec. t 5. Register's Accounts, JOSHUA STAHLER, Register of the county of Lehigh, in account wiih the I ommon wealth of Pennsylvania, from Decembgr 1, 1851, to January I, 1553, inclusive. The accountant stands charged with the following sums : DR. Amount of collateral inheritance tax received, - - - 1,423 19 do do do do 4 73 CEO Deduct for prompt payment, 37 52 Commission on $1,300 40, at 5 per cent; 69 52 Sept. 9, 1852, paid to State Trees- 499 37 June 3, 1852, do do 154 04 February 27, 1852, do do 609 57 • $1,267 92 Balance due Commonwealth, 160 00 We, the undersigned, auditors of the county of Lehigh and State of Pennsylva nia, have examined the account of Joshua Stabler, Esq.. Register, as above stated and do certify that the above account is correct. Witness or hands this sth day of January, 1553. • JONAS HAAS, HIRAI% J. SCIIANTZ, dhlditOrB, J. FRANKLIN RITTER, February 9. ¶-4w Phil. Easton and Water Gap RAILROAD COMPANY. AGENERAL Meeting of the Stock hold ers of this Company, was held in the city of Philadelphia, on' the 10th inst., at their Office, No. 61 South Fourth street, be low Walnut. Isaac S. Waterman, Esq., was called to the chair, and John Ely, Esq., appointed Secretary. The supplement to the charter of the Com pany authorizing Municipal subscriptions to its Capital Stock, was accepted by the un animous vote of the Stockholders present. As required by law, an election was then held for a President and twelve Directors to serve during the ensuing year, the follow ing board was unanimously elected : PreBident—TlMMAB S. FERNON. Directors —lsaac S. Waterman, John Brock, John Welsh, Jr., Chan. W. Church. man, Gillingham -Fell, John Jordan, Tr., Isaac R. Davis, Jacob M. Thomas, Chas. Henry - Fisher, James Traquair, Johri O. James, John Ely. January 26, 1853, ¶-3w Great Bargains ! New Arrival of Fashionable Goods;, Pretz, Guth a" Co. Have just returned from Philadelphia and New York, with an immense stock, of Win ter goods, which they are now unpacking, at their store in Allentown. They have been selected with much care. and in point of cheapness cannot be excelled in this or any other country town, in the State. Their customers and other are invited to call at the Store, and make their choice of Goods, for the winter campaign. Splendid Ladies Dress Goods, Such as Silks, of all colors and prices, De tains, Merinos, Calicoes and Ginghams. The Ladies of Allentown, - will find it to their ad vantage, first to call at their Store, before they purchase elsewhere. Cloths Cassitners and Vestings, they have in abundance, of all colors and qualities, also ordinary Cloths and Satinets, for every day wear. PRETZ, GUTEI & CO. Allentown, Dec. 15, 4 11-6 w GROCIERIES, --- ....... Several tons of t , aro • .(N i m eqi, am Groceries such as 14". mot.•, molasses, Sugar= molasses, Sugar at Coflee, Spices, Teas, Cheese, &c.—all for sale cheap at the Store of SALT. SALT. A large quantity of Ground and fine Salt, for sale by Queensware. A splendid assortment of Queenswarn comprising every, iminaginable article used in housekee ping, just received and for sale by PRE PZ, GU I"" & CO. Carpets Carpets. Just recetvtd and for sale a splendid as sortment of Stair and Parlor Carpets, at the store of PRETZ, auTEI & co. STONE COAL. Just received, a largo supply of Lump, Egg, Stone, Nut and Coal dust, at ilwir Wharves, at the Lehigh Basin, and o ill Lie delivered to any part of the taws by PRETZ, GU l' 11 & CO. Allentown, Dec. 13, ISJ•3. • 11-6 w Bank Note ( Corrected Weeklii from Bicknell's,ran Could': and Thoinnson's Detector.) 13k of N Amenca par Ulc of Pennsylv. par Bank of Commerce I ate Moyamensing par Ilk of N Liberties par Bic of Penn Towns. par Farmers & Meehan .par': Kensington par Manuf. & Meehan par Mechanics par Girard par Philadelphia par Schuylkill par Southwark par Western par Commercial Bank of Pennsylv. par Bk of the U States 12 COUNTRY BANKS. Bk of Chambersburg I Bk of Gettysburg 1 Bk of Pittsburg Bk of Susq. County 85 Bk of Chester Co. par Bk of Germantown par Bic of Danville par 13k of Delaware Co. par Bk °Middletown 1 13k of Montg. Co. par Bk of Northumberi oar Columbia Bank & Bridge Comp. par Carlisle Bank 1 Doylestown Bank par Easton Bank par Exchange Bank Erie Bank ' 2 Fanners & Drovers Bank 1 Franklin Bank Farmers Bank of $1,427 92 Bucks County par Farmers Bank of Lancaster par Farmers Bank of Reading par Farmers' Bank of $1,427 92 Schuylkill co. par Harrisburg Blink 1 Honesdale Bank 1 Lancaster Bank par Lancaster Co. Bank pat Lebanon Bank ' Lehigh Co. Bans 60 Lehigh Navigation Co. Script. 10 Miners Bank of Pottsville part , Merchants & Mattaf. Bank, Pittsburg. Monongahela Bank, Brownsville, I Taylorsville Del. Bridge Company, 25 West Branch Bank, 1 Wyoming Bank, 1 York Bank, NEW JERSEY. Belvidere Bank Burlington County Bank par Commercial Bank 751 Cumberland Bank• par' Farmers Bank par Farmers & Meehan ics Bank,Rahway Farmers*Merchants Bank, Mid. Point, Morris County bank • oz)-The notes of all Ba (—)are not purchnsed Brandreth and Wrio rs its Pills. Country merchants and others. fire here by notified. that the fur famous Pills o Doctors Willl4at -4 , ‘ Wright, and Benjamin Bnindreth,,kepA ,for alibi it the office el thot4Lettigh Register!! by the &min bexes'at wholesale prices. July t., PRETZ, GUTH & PRETZ, GUTH & CO Mechanics bank of Newark 3 Mechanics bank at Burlington par Mechanics & Man ufacturers bit ilk par Newark banking & Ins. Company New Mope & Dela ware Br. Comp an lied Orange bank 3 Peoples bank SO Plainfield bank Princeton bank par Salem banking Co. par State bank at El iza bethtown,Newark, Camtlen,N.Bruns wick, par Sussex bank Union bank a ' Trenton hank. co. par Yardleyville bridge company 25 DELAWARE. • The Banks of the state of Delaware are all at par. NEW YORK. New York City bks Chelsea bank 80 Clinton bank 60 Commercial bank 10 Lafayette bank 60 Washington bank 70 COUNTRY B•NKS. I Allcghany county bank 70 .Bank of America 35 do of Commerce .40 do of Brockport 35 do of Lodi 25 do of Olean 35 do of Tonawanda 50 do of Lyons 2i do of Western • New York 30 Binghampton bank 40 Canal bank 5 Cattaraugus county bank • 35 Crie county bank, 50 Farmers Lit Drovers bank 5 Farmers bank of Se neca county .10 Hamilton bank, 30 Lewis county bank 60 Mechanics bank at 46 Buffalo 45' Merchants bank at • Buffalo 'Millets bank of New York 1 0' Oswego bank 21r Phenix bank 3 5 'StatenS Islnad bank 5 IState bank ofN Y 8 5 Bt.Lawrence bank 7 5 i Union bank ' 2 5. United States bank 3 0 N. York bank. Co. 7 0 Tenth Wark bank,• 2 5 White Plains bank Ailotherbanks on mentioned in the above list are from I to 2 Per cent discount nits marked with • dash by the brokers.