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',,,, 4 t.n.' , ; - - , i, ,t.•gl, „,....,f0.7 l int ' -4 4; -__••• . __ __ . .._ dr.....t....---- - '`' s --- -- =...- , _. ~•• ...4 . 2. ^ . ~_ ." 111 , , ~ ~, .{ i , .. e - ii - V - 7r !)1,, r ER AND MECHANIC, . . oteb to VOLUME VII. THE LEHIGH REGISTER, .ispublishcd in the Borough of Alleniown, Lehigh Count y,l'a.,cvery Thursday i n AVGIISTIUS L. RIME, A tslso per annum, payable in advance,and $2 00 if not paid until the end of the year. No paper discontinued,uptil allarrearages are paid except at the option of the proprietor. Ancr.wrisemmers,making not more than one square, will be inserted three times for one dollar and for every subsequent inset tion wentyfive cents. Larger advertisements, chat in the same proportion. Those not exceeding ten lines will be charged seventy-five cents, and those making six lines or less, three Insertions for 50 cents. rei A liberal deduction will be made to those who advertise by the year. r-"Ogier in Ifamillon Sl.,one door East of the German 11i:formed Chard', nearly opposite the "Friedewbole Oilier." Grand Exhibition - OF- New Fashionable Fall and Mulct act.)01...00 AT THE New Cheap Store Getz A° Gilbert, These ,entleitien, take this method to in form their friends and the public in general that they have received a very large and well selected stock of Fal and Innlcr Goods. which tht v are now o ady 10 pose oir to their customers at the ILwist prices. Their Foll and [linter stock has been selected with the utmost care and consists of Clothes, Csssitners, Satinets, Flannels, Gloves and Hoseiry, besides De laines, A lapaccas, Lusters, Ginglarns. Plain and Figured Porlins, uslins and Flints. Bouts, Shoes. lots, Caps, Utietosware, hardware, Looking Glasses, Stationary, Books, &c., xyllich they invite the attention of their friends and the public Qeneraliy, confident that the fullest satisfaction, both in price and quality, will he given to all who rosy favor them with a call. 'I he highest prices will be paid in ex change for County produce, They have rca.-3on to Ine thankful for tin I:%v nrs received thus for and hope by atten tion to businoss, disposing of their ¢auds nt small profits, good treatment towards their customers to merit still a greater share of mirtomers. & GI ',BERT. Catasaurpta, Sopt. 16. GrOCCrii 'S Fish h . Sall. The undi.l-siz,ned have just received an entire new Stuck ul arocerios, Fish and Salt which they intend to sell at the low• est prices at their Store in Calasaitqua, Le high county. GETZ &GILBERT. Sept. 16, 1952 CD AM ! COAL ! The undersigned have opened 11 Coal Yard Catasatupta, and ‘vill constantly keep on hand all kinds of Goal Which they will sell at greatly reduced prices. OETZ & C4IL,BEFIT. Septvinbi.r 10, 1 ab. 11—Om Read3r-ma de Clothinp,.. The und,..i g ned ICeep nll kinds of Rra made (lathing, on hand. and will make to order, at the lowest po,sible prices. C;Ii."1"1, & CiILEERT. September 16, 1652. 11-61 n Fort Altell House, ELSSPO RT, C A RBON COUNT Y, PA., BY GEO. MOYER. 11111-lIS is a new, elegant and commodious house, erected on the site of old Fort Allen, with which are associated so many remembrances interesting to the antiquarian. It was opened for the accomedation of the public on the first of May, and afflirds means of entertainment for travellers and families, surpassed by none. The rooms- are large and airy, the adja cent walks and scenery spacious and de lightful, and no palm will spared to provide the guests with such rarities and delicacies us are come-at-able and render their stay agreeable. The Suttliag, attached is large and conve nient, and an attentive and faithful hostler will always be found at his post. August 12, 1652 uava.q.)l2,,, The undersigned respectfully begs leave to inforM his friends and old acquaintances, that ht , is at present engaged as . salesman in a Wholesale Grocery and Commission establish ment,No. 82 or 84 Dey Street, New York, where he would be pleased to see them. Recollect the place . No. 82 or 84 Dey Street GEORGE• WENNER, ' 107.4 w October, 20. A FAMILI NE Nem, Eitel:alum poctri), 2giculturc, the Miffusion of lituful Itformation, Omani Ittelligence, ltinuoentent, Strewth; Bzr. Eagle Hotel, Ito. 139, Third Street, BETWEEN RACE AND VINE, PHILADELPHIA. C If ART. E S_Al. Ll.l 0 INI 13, ?. I!MEM These gentlemen take great pleasure to inform their friends and the public in gen eral, that they have taken the above named well-known and de 7-',,' ff.. ; 4 l 3;ek , servedly popular ,i •% ;2 11 . ...,ift • • T:' , N, EAGLE HOTEL, ,-•:;,, 0 .. 'TS air raj Mti u s rd C W ..-.: situate in the most bus •' •'?"" c tiV ' El s • loess part of the city, il i.il il . ' . • 4) .. - • ....., -1--1,... , ...... which they have fitted up with entirely new Furniture and Bed ding of a stqooior qualify. The house has also been renovated and improved in a manner, which will compare favorably ukb the first class Hods in the city, and cannot fail to give satisfaction to those who may patronize the establishment. r , •••'Their Table will always be supplied with the choicest and most wholesome pro visions the market affords. and their liar, with the purest and best liquors. The sta bling heloncring to their house, is good and extensive, and will be supplied with the best provender, and attended by careful host le rs. Notitir l ; io short. shall be left undone to make their Guests coin to rtnlA.;, an() 41,1‘7 flutter themselves. that by strict attention eo business, they will merit and receive a lib eral share of public encouragement Philad., May 27. . 111-6 m 5:5 x^.00.1 - ° 2 A. if. 14.1C C KERIS 0 4., g WITOI,EsALE AND RETAIL a l a 0,.) 1 1 ObaCCO3 Snuff and Segarg 0 8•- - - j - ria! cr) 111 IPA a 0 8 • 0 9 A few doors below the Ger till man Rernrined Church, r 4 CI El Hallfiltoll Street, C.) AIL LENTO W li, VA.. •tl tj _ el r ,t , ra c-- (7 ()ups 4LL WARRANTED. „ 1 33 a o tlll- , • • 1,) 0 • eff I x tr',,, C,:a3-4.',Cl 4 333oC2C.rtZe`ZU::',.a:. - e.30•0.0U,ME13 WHEREAS, the I lon. WashirPoon Mc- Cartney; President of the several Courts of common pleas ofthe Third Judicial Di,trict, coin r osed of t he con lilies of Nur;hamptno nod Lehigh, State of Pennsylvania, nod Justice of the several Courts of Oyer and Termilwr and general Jail delivery, and Peter Hans, and Jacob Ddlinger, 17,qrs., Judges of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and general Jail delivery, for the trial of all Capital of fenders in the said county of Lehigh. B their precepts to niedirected, have ordered the court of Oyer and Terminer and Gene ral Jail Delivery, to be holden at Allentown county or I .ehigh, 011 t h e 11-6 tri Lost )litiloy in November, ISA tthtch is ilio. `2911i day of said mouth, mei will continue one week. NOTICE is therefore hereby given to the' .1 of3tices of the Peace and Constabit.s of the county of I whip lt, that they are by the said precepts commanded Lobe there at I It o'c leek in the forenoon, of z. , ilitl day, with their rolls. records, inquisitions, examinations, and all other remembrances, to do these .things which to their offices appertain to be done. and all those who are boatel by recognizan ses to prosecute against the prisoners that are or then shall be in the jail of said coun ty of Lehigh, are to be then and there to prosecute them as shall he just. Given under my hand in Allentown, the 3,1 day of November in the year of oar Lord, one thousand eight hundred and fifty two. God cave the Cominontivalth. JOSEPH F. NEWHARD, Sherfe. Sheriff's Office Allentown, T—tc November :It, 132. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been appointed Executor of the last will'aud testament of widow Elizabeth KnattsN, deceased, late of the Borough of Allentown, Lehigh'county. All those who know themselves indebted to said estate, be it in notes, bonds or book debts, will see the necessity of settling their accounts within six' weeks from the date hereof. Such whn have any legal claims against the estate %rill present • them well authenticated for payment within the above specified time. • JACOB D/LLINEOR;EXeCWOr. Allentown, Nov. 3. 11-6 w ¶-3m ELISHA FORREST, ATTORI 4 :EIt AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office on the Eastside of Hamilton street, formerly occupied by John 8. Gibons, Esq. Fir Can be consulted in the English and lttnguages. April 15, ER. VSPAI ' L e . Proprietors. PROCLAMATION. xttcouLuiaa, ~ ~ ` lANDIVAS IUAM The subscriber would respectfully inform the Ladies in Allentown and vicinity, that he has just received a splendid assortment of Ladies Dress Goods. consistingin_part-of Mous DcLeans, all Wool Detains, Nous De Beges, Cashmeres, Persian Twi lls, French Morinoes, Pararneii as, Cobreg and Thibei Cloths, Plain Black and Fancy Colored .111a,Aticras, !des ires. Plain Black tet.l Figured, Silks. Fancy Colored Silks, (yr' every discription, An of which he will sell at prices which cannot be undersold in tho pinco or its vi ciuity, J. W. (JRURE3. Sil AWLS SHAW LS Just'reccived and (or sale at very low prices a general assortment of Long and Square Bay State Shawls, Thibet Shawls also Children Shawls. J. W. GRUBB. BPool Comfort I Just received it very fine assortment of Wool Comforts, Children Ties, H oods, Coats, &c.. which will be sold very cheap at the Red Sign. J. W. UI:UE3I3. Cloths and Cassinaers, Just received It first rate assortment Black :gown and Olive French Cloths, Bangup Cloths, also Cassimers and Sattinetts of vv• ery description which will be sold at prices which are not nottm..ta to th e Town call at the Red Sign as Ever , Bla,nkets Blankets. 'rust received a large lot of all Wool Blankets, which will be sold as cheap as the cheapest, call at the Red sign as usual. 3. W. GRUBB Allentown, Nov. :3. Tifirlei 11, LIST. FO R November Tcnta, 18.51. 1 John Wagner, vs P.vbecra Wagner. '2 IViiiiant Fry, vs Solomon OancA•lve.r 3 Nathan Dresher, vs Thomas 1 Thv Cf;ntinniorvealth, VS Anthony Gan r and others. fi Tiiennan Weller. vs Daniel Steckel. 6 The Commonwealth, vs 13rnj. Jowl. 7 Abraham Schmover, sen. and Adinin Ist raters, vs Abraham Schmover. 8 Solmnon A pide, vs Nathan 9 William .1. Eau% vs Solomon 1 7 ,1!;v1. 10 Cleo. H. 11.4 r, vs. Henry Eisenliait II Conrail lin •der, vs Daniel MIA er: It2lentitte Geist, vs Samuel and Cash,: aline Shaffer. 13 Catharine \\'eb•-r. vs Jesse Webov. I•i Thomas Shoim , r. vs Na ban Lerch. 15 James Divhi. vs Ilenry Paizinger. 10 Union Slate Quarry, vs Lawry & Sae ger. 17 Jonathan Downld, vs Frederick IV. IS Daniel Edelman, vs Charles; Mertz. 10 The Commonw.alth. vs William Eb ert and terra tenants. 20 St.•phen Balliet & Co., vs Jeremiah Itatcr. 21 Prarson Crosby, Isnac Le`WISI. 22 I),lvid Styflcii V Robert Stvciol and others. '2l Ileury H.tor. vs Jamos Niossor . . 21 Pew'. Kmtz's administrators, vs Jos h= Pry. Commissioners of LelM2h county, vs John Weidlinecht and Samuel Smith. 211 Ono W. Nleit;:sner, vs Haas &, New . mover. 27 David A. Tombler, vs Samuel Niiller. 2S Philip and Sebastian Blaidcl, vs Geo. jr. F. E. SAMUELS, Proth. • November 10, (e) (E) • Nolice is hereby given, that Joseph Neck el, and his wife Sarah, of North IVhi: hall township b.high county, have 011 the tith of November, IS:12, made n Voluntary As-, signment, of all their property, real. personal and mixed, to the undersigned for the bene fit of their creditors. Such who know themselves indebted to said Shekel, will see the necessity of 'calling upon the subscri• ber without fail and settle their accounts. And such who have any legal claims will also present them well authenticated to the undersigned. EDWARD KOIILER, Assignee. North Whitehall, Nov. 10. Zeiliteolcow, A meeting of the Stockholders of the "Dol. aware, Lehigh, Schuylkill and Switiehan : na Railroad Company," will he held at thti President's office, in Elston, on the 27t day, of NOVEMBER. next, at 10 °Von A. M., to decide upon the acceptance of th • supplement to their act of ,incorporation, pa: sed 10th of April, 1852, and the authorir, tion of the loans therein provided for: _JAMB M. PORTER, President. October 27, 1852, 11-5. The Only True Portrait of Washington Engraved (by permission) from Stuart's on ly original portrait in the Athene um, 13oston. This superb picture, Engraved under the superintendence of Tni.ovis Sum.v. Esq., the eminent and highly gifted artist, is the only correct likeness -of Washington ever published. It has been characterised as the greatest work -of art ever produced In this country. As to its fidelity, we refer to the !utters of the adopted son of Washing ten, GEORGE WASIIINGToN PARK Cums, who says, is a faithful representation of the celebrated original," and to Chief Jus tice Taney, of the Supreme Court of the United States, who says, "As a work-of art its excellence and beauty must strike every one who sees it and it is no less happy in its likeness to the Plither of his country. It was my good Lirtune to have seen him in the days of my boyhood, and his whole ap pearance is vet strongly impressed on my memory. The portrait you have issued ap pears to me to be an exact likeness, repre senting perfectly the expression as well as the form and features of the face." And says SENATOR CASS, it is a life-like representation of the great orignal. PRESI DENT PILL:A.IIE SayS, "OW Work appears to MO to have been admirably executed and eminently worthy of the patronage of the pub• die." Says NIA.acnANT the portrait easinter, and the pupil of Stuart. "your I riot :•0 m . irint is tame re walkable. thou any iothOr I have seen, for presenting the whole imdividuidity of the oriuitial portrait, togeth er with the noble nod dignified repose of air And manner, which all who ever saw him zinsidered a marked characteristic of the il isrious man it commemorates." For the great merits of this picture we .ould refer every lover o/ 1 , 1 ashinglon to Vie portrait itself, to he seen at the &ice of Juts paper, and to the letters of the fo ll ow- State.smen, Juris ts' and Schol irs aecompanyinif if. • A 1 - ai 1 . 5.-Ilarchant nod Elliot. of , !etv York ; Rothermel, and Lamb- ,in of Philadelphia; Chester Ilardinez, of 3tezton ; Charles Frazer, of Charleston, S. v. ; and to the adopted son of kVashington, /len. Geo W. P. Cwois. himself On artist TATESMEN. His Excellency Filhnore, :11,1j tr Gen. Wiofield Scott, lion. r..1.•0rp,v Al. Dallas, Wiiliam R. Kinc., !lon. Daniel' WAster, lion. Linn Bop], ',lon. Lewis Ca-s, Hon. Win. A. Graham, Hon, John P. Kennodv, Hon. R. C. Win throp. LL. D. JURISTS —Hon. Roger B. Taney, lion. John Doer, Don. John, .11cLt an, Don. Maus Choate, Scuottris. .—Charks Folsom, ,Esq., the well known ibrarian of the Boston Athenetim, who .:ays, would rather own it than any pain :l4l copy. I have ever seen ;" E. P. W hip- Richard Hildreth, Hon. Edw. Everett, D,, Jared Sparks, LL. D., William H. LL. 11., Washington Irving, Ralph J. Emerson, Esq.. Prof. 'l'. C. Upham, J. Fez Green Halleck, 11. W. f tenet how, \V,n. Gilinorit Simms ; and from Europe, Lord Talfouril, 'l'. B. Ala undey, Sir Archibald Alison, Lord Motor Lotlon. &c. The PRESS, threughout 'e entire Union, have with mar voice pro- I :wined the merits of this superb tmgraviiez. J. W. G11U1317--- To fill to pos‘.:i.i.s this troa,ort.,.it is sold at the low rice of ti 4.5 per rpy. Published by Gtmaor. W. Cuir.ns, N. W. Corner of Fifth and Arch St., Phdadcl. D. I). IiYEIILY, ;'ole Agent for the States of Eastern Penn sylvanht and Delawaro. This Portrait can only be obtained from IlyErtLx, or from his duly authorized agents. A rrannements have been made with the Post OdiCe Department, by which copies gat the Portrait can be sent to any point, per mail in pi rfcct order. rTePersons by remitting Fivrt Domotas to D. D. I3rEat.r. Philadelphia will have a copy of the Portrait sent to them free of postnee. rii : Alagnificent Gilt Frames, got up ex pressly for these Portraits, furnished at the low price of 615.00 each General Jackson, Pip - ,raved by 7'. B. It ELCIL ESQ., of :ter the orignal portrait painted by .7'. SULLY, ESQ., il'his Portrait will he a match for the Washington, und is in every respict as well 5.00 per copy. Address asabove. lelphia,Nov.lo. GROCERIES: does not know that J. W. GRUBB .e cheapest and best groceries in town and also that he has just received a fresh supply which he is selling cheaper than . ever, at the red sign opposite Mr. Seider's Hotel, f. W. GRUBB: JUST PUBLISHED, 7'. B. WI ELCH'S' AL , IGNIFICEN7' PORTRAiT OF IVASIIINGTON, JUST ISSUED A nuiNiriciENT PORTRAIT OF FOR FARM A Country Wedding. "Did:l ever tell you of a certain wedding I once attended ? Its history runs in this wise. On one stormy Thursday, last win ter, as I was going to the post office, I was accosted by a young man, nr old boy. (I don't know which, but shall leave you to judge.) with the irquiry— ..l say. mister, can't ye tell me, sir, where Dominic Smile lives V' "I suppose i am the mar. you are seeking." The young man's countenance changed. The expression of intense anxiety passed away. and was succeeded by one of ludic rous haslifulut.se. "Well. then, you're Dominie Soule, be ye ?—Well, I want to see you a few min utes, if you've no objectiens." "None at all, sir. Be so Mod as to wlt into my study with me, whereyle...s.ari'it,t, tend to your business by the side of a com fortable fire." Once in thestudy, he asked again, You're Dominie Soule, the rnisister, be ye 1.! 'I tun.' 'Be ye alone c,. : Sid he looking sheepish ly at the half open bed-room door. .We are," aid I, as I closed it. I knew well enonglrv - hat he wanted, but was wick• ed enough i enjoy his embarrassment.— A (ter hitching and shuffling, and hemming awhile, lie spoke out— I come for to get you to go and marry somebody to night.' .indeed; and how far i 3 it ?' .0. it's only just seven miles up horo. you know.' I wanted he should get One else : it. For med furiously, and I didnot feel like boflining a cold north-raster that night. But he said 'No; the folks %vain you, and the gal wants you, and so do I want you, and the old folks woudn't like if we didn't have you know.' *Well, if you must have me, I wish you would postpone it till better weather I will then come and marry you.' 'Oh, dear that won't do, no how for we've postponed it once, and we wouldn't post poned it again for nothing. •Suppose you bring her down here ?` 'No, that woudn't do neither ; cause the old folks wants io see us '';it married, and von must come any way ; you sha'nt lose The poor fallow iwaLred so hard, I con cluded to no, and accordingly hired a horse and cutter and about five o'clock started on my novel iqdding mission. I found the travellinl , ei6eetlingly hid all the way and pet-6611aq so all'arl left the main road. At loto ,s, li I nncliU the log house in which the fair bride lived. Hitching my horse, I went tome door nod knocked, when a stern voice bade nee come in. EnterMgoehouse I was invited to sit down With all iny,,over elLnhes on. I asked the oil man ifCtlpy , vere gointr to have a wedding there that evening. Ile said they wen:. I then look -1.1 round to see, if I could. where the par ties were coining from. There was but one door to the linos:E., and that let out into the world. Very soon, however, I heard a clattering up stairs, and to my astonishinect, the bridegoom and bride mire down the ladder. Ile back, d down lending her by Loth hands. They were seated. If you aro rendy•for the ceremony, you wi'l please rise." v tired at each other, nt the old folltr, at mo, but sat still. Twice I repeattd it and twice was met by the same vacant:4am if . you want to get married, stand up,' said 1. That they understood, and 1 pro ceeded to make the twain one. When I Caine to this part of the ceremony, the mat ter ran thus : , Du you take this woman?' &c. tartinly, sir.' •Do you promise.to love her above all oth ers?' &c. , W.hr,' said he, 'Tye done 80 this long I almost fort the solemnity of the occa sion in my t (Kitts to :oppress laughter.— When I came to the bride with this ques tion, "Do you take this man ?" &c. He's took inn, hain't he, for to be his wife he's my husband, then without my takin' him." ~ IDo you promise to love hint above all otlicre ?" "I'll love hint jist ns long as he loves me, and that's long enough." I smiled,•but succeeded in governing my self so as to conclude the ceremony, which throughout, was of the same unique charac ter. When it Was over the bridegroom pas sed around a bowl of good old strap, nod then gave a cigar. Just as I was leaving he gave me some change, which I put in a seperette pocket, to know Just how much I had. When I got home, I paid ten shil lings for my horseiend cutter and on coun ting.my change, found that he had given me the sum of six nod sixpence. But, us he had said. I did'nt “losu within," the oth er three and sixpence I had in Jun. REABONATILE''LIIILOSOPHY.-A shrewd Scotchman, who lived a bachelor's life was once asked why he did not marry. "Be cause I don't like old woman," was his re ply. "Why not mart 'a girl, chen"?" ".Be tame they don't like old nitln 1" NU-M-BER-7 The Bankrupt Merchant. Raymond Wellford was considered, al. though a very young man, one of our most . flourishing merchants. He was a welcorm• ed guest in the so called highest circle of fashion, while many a calculating mamma regarded him as a very desirable son-imlaw ill perspective. Suddenly he was over.. whehned by pecuniary losses andecabarmia ments while the news spread so fait as gos sip tongues could report it. Strange to say although his elegant mansion had tp,Ati.saM rificed, there was not a debt whi unpaid—while he h..4,09n,, men, la the reviewel,ofilis conduct, were heard, io say tlj i -hti was exceedingly honest, or i ‘ tnultiterate fool. '•"1/Vhist think you of human nature, my friend t". "It is a philosophical emigma," I replied. • "So it was with me until I solved it.'." said he. 1 found it a stange compound. the largest portion of which was selfishness.-- For instance when the guilding of wealth covered my name, I was sought af ter by the very men who now turn their backs upon me. I was flattered by the wo• man who, if my name was now mentioned in their presence, would aflect a forgetful. ness of having heard it.—After dinner we'll make some calls, during which you will perceive ample illustration of what I have Accordingly after dinner we set out.— We fi;st entered the counting-room of a met chant to whom he introduced me as a friend.. I soon learned that :ny friend was not held_ in the highest estimation, from the cold form ality with which he was received ; we did, not even have the courtesy of chairs offered. ns.—Wi th a meaning smile, Raymond bade the merchant a good afternoon, and we soon found ourselves in the street. "This is illustration number one," Ray mond said, laughing. "Is it possible that you could ever have been intimately acquainted with this man ?" I asked. "That man has been reduced to the ex- . tremity of being obliged to beg his dinners. Time after time have I thus accominodated. him. I even loaned hint money to com mence business, and you see how g raciously he has etitained me and my frien d." We next paused at the door of an elegant mansion wherein Raymond had been a fre quent amid honored guest. It was the resi dence of a professional gentleman of large. fortune, who still did Raymond the justice to regard him on all occasions as his friend, and to treat him as such. his lady had professed even greater friendship for him. than herhusband,if not for borown,atleastfor her daughter's sake—so Raymond's misfor tune! had been whispered to tho world, she. no longer spoke to him as a dear, but endeav ored to persuade her husband "to rid the house of him," which provoked the calm reply. "fielsa gentleman, and Ranch it is my will that ypu should entertain him whenev er he may" honor your house with his pres ence." on this account trlppo .. se • wo were toter! % ated in the present inglanco for the gentle man was not nt home. 1 4 110.1ady received us rather, Coolly, which I *as prepareCto: expect. After we were seated Itaymond. hal u red for Mien Richards, the daughter, to, which t h u lady replied With an apparent shrug of the shoulders, that situ was well; but at present engaged. • • "No, mamma, i. ion not," said the benuti-. rid girl, as she lightly entered the room.—, "I am happy to meet an old friend, who, I am sure is not the less welcome by being unfortimate." • i The lovers—for really they were—bad, not Met since Raymond's misfortune, and* their meeting was now so hearten that I could not for a moment doubt. the, affection. of either. I saw also the cloud. which res-. ted upon the brow of Mrs. Richards, nor was I surprised to hear her say :--- My daughter is so pleasantly engaged; gentlemen. that I trust my presence is n o " . longer required," and without ceremony she left th... 1 room. . . . "Clara" said Raymond, taking her white'. hand "are all my loudest hopes to the real... ized I Can the daughter of u wealthy gen-, demon condescend to acknowledge her affec tion for a poor bankrupt merchant?" • The fair girl blushed and looked deal* fully at me. "Do not fear to speak in his preseneeit'.. said Raymond, "for Pennville, next to yotsi self, is perhaps my best friend." • "Then listenod, ' she said, etniling sweet; ly, "a few weeks since by the consent ofmy parents, I solemnly plighted my loth* td ono. who has lonuposseseed my betide beat af;. fections, did not ask the at.ight Ofhis me-. ney bags, nor the depths of his colTers—for„ those were matters Which - Aid - tnot form one s item of consideration t found, him .t gentleman, and as gaVe pint my hand. Until lam convincedi am MIS - why should i desire to rottikct my words ?" "Clint, you are an angel,74iciid Raymond covering her Muni with-,laskes, ..and this treasure I value, inore - tiii)&.nifif , :agietanr.c ...4 for in adversity as vsifell as progiferity, it is, still true to trig." • -
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