The Lehigh register. (Allentown, Pa.) 1846-1912, July 01, 1852, Image 1

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Elcuotcb to Ncwo, Lttcratttre, Voctri), Science, Ilicel)anito, -a griculture, the Miffticiion cif thleful ?information, ecnerat latelligencc,
"s published in the Borough Of Allentown, Lehigh
County, Pa.,every Thursday
At $1 50 per annum, payable in advance, and
' : s2 00 if not paid until the end of the year. No
'paper discontinued, until all arrearages are paid
except at the option of the proprietor.
ADYEUTIHEMENTS, making not more than one
square, will be inserted three times for one dollar
and for every subsequent insertion twentyfive
•cents. Larger advertisements, charged in the
same proportion. Those not exceeding ten lines
will be charged seven tytfive cents, and those
making six lines or less, three insertions for 50
lar A iiheral deduction wilt be made to those
who advertise by the year.
Cl' Office in Hamilton St., one door East
of the Gerinan Reformed Church, nearly
opposite the "Friedensbote. Office."
Boot & Shoe Establishment
In Allentown.
SIB affr 4 limiter.
Respectfully inform their friends and the j
public in general, that they have lately
bought - outthe - Stock - OLM r.
and trill continue at the .old stand, in Ham
ilton Street, between the Allentown Hotel
and J. 13. Moser's Apothecary Store, where
theyare prepared to execute all orders in i
their line of business. They also inform the
public that they have just returned front j
Philadelphia with a large assortment of
Ladies, Alisses LS.
th.n. shoes.
They also keep
on hand of their
4 :* 4 ,..„ own manufacture,
general assortment of extra fine end coarse
Oentlemen's 1300 ts, !\lonroes and Shots.—
Also, Ladies' and Nlisses' ;Morocco and Brit -
neila Gaiters, Bootees and Shoes. Bays
and Childress. Bouts and Shoes—all made
(tithe hest material, of their own selection.
They will warrant all their work, and or
ders will de executed at the shortest notice,
and in the neatest mminer. The hands in
their - employ are of the hest that con be
Lund, both in the Ladies' us will as
tiemen's branch of the business.
The assortment they keep on hand is
very extensive, comprising every article that
way be called for in their
Persons who are in %rant of a pair of good
Boots or Shoes, an article highly necessary
to keep your feet warm and dry, will do
well to give them a call, before purchasing
elsewhere, as they do not intend to charge
,anything for showing their goods
April l 5
Tanners Furnishing Store!
11111i:flu Grim,
Herewith makes known In his friends
and the public in general, that he still con
tinues the •
. Currying Business
in all its various branches, nt his old stand,
directly opposite Hagenbuch's Hotel. He
has just returned from New York, with a
very large stock, which he is determined to
sell at city prices.
Sole Leather.—Ho constantly keeps on
hand an assortment of /?cd or Hemlock tan
ned sole leather. Also an assortment of
Oak tanned, which he will sell at the lowest
prices. Cayskins and Upper Leather, of
the very best quality-at reduced prices.
Ehls.—He has an assortment of Span
ish Kids on hand, that cannot be excelled
in quality or prices. •
Oit. —lle always keeps on hand the
very best quality of 'Fanners' Oil, which - he
is able to sell nt Philadelphia prices.
Persons wishing. the above articles will
do well to call on him, before they purchase
will be taken in exchange for goods, or will
be paid for in cash.
Punctuality in his business, and the low
prices of his goods will induce not only his
old customers to continue their favors, but
will induce many new ones to favor him
with their calls. He returns his thanks for
the favors heretofore received.
May 0.
Brandretli alldWrights Pills.
Country merchants and others, are here
by notified, that the far famous Pills a
Doctors William A. Wright, and Benjamin
Brandreth, are constantly kept for sale at
the office of the •'Lehigh Register" by the
dozen boxes at wholesale prices
July 5,
NAILS,-300 Kegs of the best Nails,
Brads and Spikes, just received and for sale
by 0 & J SAEGER.
April 22, —:3w
JOll - 1 4- 11IM - T -- I•VG,
Neatly executed at the “Register" Office.
Coaehmaking Establishment
tae allentown.
b 13111
Respectfully announces to his friends and
the public in general, that he still continues
on a more extensive scale, the
Coachmaking Business,
in all its various branches, at his well known
stand, in west Hamilton street, direCtly op
posite Hagenbuch's Hotel, where he is al
ways prepared to manufacture to order at
the shortest notice, and also keep on hand,
r . Bar6trehes, York I/ agons,
0 ; ,
AL ; 17r, , Carryalls, Sulkies, ,S•e,
which for beauty and durability cannot be
excelled by any other establishment in the
county. He uses none but the best mate
rial that can be secured, while his workmen
are second to none in the state, consequent
ly he feels assured that the vehicles he turns
out will bear inspection in any community.
He will warrant his work as it is all done
underhis own supervision.
Wooden or Iron axle-trees manufactured
to order, and all kinds of repairing done in
the neatest, cheapest and most expedition,
1 - manner.
Ea - Horses, old vehicles, &c. &c., will be
taken in exchange for wagons.
Thankful for past favors, he hopes that by
strict attention to laliness, to merit a contin
ual increase of public patronage.
'May 20. If —3 w
Merchants Look Here!
a. 21.. ,
Ilerellllll l ,l l ronsporlatip,ll
if E El ET111.:13.A
& !I 11'EN.
The undersigned tidies this method to in.
form liis friend:: and the public in general,
that he lately established a
New Line of floats,
for the trainpoinition of ;ill kinds of Mer
ehandize between Philieh•lphia and White
Haven, and all imernit-diate I laces, at re
duced fa iglus.
e is prepared to receive goods of all
kinds from A. &..F. Wright, '2d wharlabove
Ville street, in Philadelphia, and forward
them without delay to White Haven, and
all intermediate places.
Thankful for the very liberal patronage
heretofore received every effort will be made
to merit a continuance of the same.
A. & J. Wright, Philadelphia,
C. & A. Bachman, Froeinansburg,
Charles Seider, /30.111ehein,
James Kleckner, Allentown,
Ilorton,& 13olis, White Haven,
li.Untst.rtc, Proprietor.
East Allentown, June 3, 1852. 11-4 m
Navigation Opened,
rgi E Immon
':aAxsrowniTtos COMPANy
give notice that they are now prepared
to receive merchandize and forward it with
promptness and despatch front Philadelphia
to Easton, Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch
Chunk, Penn Haven, White Haven and
Wilkesbarre, and also to intermediate places
on the Delaware and Lehigh Canals, and Le
high and Susquehanna Rail Road. The
goods will be receive and shipped at the
first wharf above Vine street, directly oppo
site the Suit Store of A. Watmer & NEmt
r.w. They also forward goods to and from
New York to Wilkesbarre and also to all
intermediate places, via : Delaware and Rar
iton Canal and Delaware Canal. • Gnu&
shipped by this line of vessels to New
Brunswick. The Schooner R. F. Stock
ton, Sloop Fox and Grey Hound, will be
found at the Albany Basin, foot of Cedar
Street, North River.
Any information required can be had of
Messrs. METTLER, licrNomos St, Co., No.
61 Dory street; or at NEIL§ON'S Agent Office
No. SS West street.
Merchants having goods to ship from
New York will find this route the nearest
and most expeditous. The company have
large and commodious Store Houses ut Eas
tern, Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk,
White Haven and Wilkesbarre.
Jacob Able having disposed of his inter
est in the late firm of Able, Wilson & Co.,
he business will be continued as heretofore,
by the remainin g partners, who hope by
strict attention to businessto secure a liber
al share of patronage.
MAKE, WILSON kCO. Proprietors.
H. S. Moorehead, Philadelphia,
John Opdycke, Easton,
Borheck & Knauss, Bethlehem,
A. J. Ritz. Allentown,
A. W. Leisenring, Mauch Chunk,
A. Pardee & Co., Penn haven, •
Horton & Belles, Wilkesbarre.
Allentown, April 22, 1852.
.2 GENTS: .
Atteatiou M ake, -Room
Clothing Emporium
They talc.: this method to in
form their friend- , and the
public in general that they
still continue the
,71 ItuNiateKs
at their old stand, d ireetl op•
polite the "Lehigh RegiSter"
printing office, and that they
—although touch is said at other places of
low prices—will sell as cheap, if not cheap
er, than at any other estnblisment, in this
or any other place, and if any thing, still a
little cheaper. They will always keep on
hand, a full supply of
):7, - • '4..w- - i
" .. 'lli - , '''
t 4,.1. e
xt ,„
i Il'
Reatly-Natie Clothing,
of every descriptions, and have on hand at
present a large supply of seasonable_goods„
at their "emporium." They are both
practical Mechanics, and no work is sufil2r-
Led to pass unless fully examined by them, so
s- i - they can Worr• - •-• h
Avy can warrant Mein to be not only du
rabic, but made up ‘vith neatness and taste
Customer Work
Will be punctually attended to, and made
up to order in the most fashionable manner,
no matter whether the goods are how , ht
elsewhere, it will he thankfully received.
They are thankful for favors heretofore
received, and they will make it point to
serve all with entire satisfaction, which
they trust will secure to them more favors
and be the means to extend their custom
still further. Call and examine their stOck,
before you, purchase elsewhere, and satis
fy yourselves with what is said above.
Al:entown A pH s ! 1.?:),
Two Piano Fortes
)r,t s a w a
The undersigned has just fin
!shut and has ready for sale, two
six and three quarter octavo Piano Fortes
with Rose wood cases. Apply at his Piano
Porte Manufactory, in Hamilton street, west
of Hagenbuc h's Hotel, in Allentown.
April 6
A complete assortment of every descrip
tion, cheaper than the cheapest.
Cloths, Cassimeres, &c., made up to the
shortest notice, in a style calculated to sur
prise the Parisians, not the "Natives" only
— . —and still he complies with his motto, "No
fit no pay." With such inducements held
out to an impartial public, a Hottentot
would'nt for a moment doubt but what he
is bound to eclipse all his competitors. And
now take his advice
"13uy cheap while slugliards sleep;
And you will have goods to wear and keep."
So come one and all •
And give ine a call.
April 15, up—mw
VII - 3 lE4_lll 3
The undersigned hereby inion n th e citi
zens of Allentown, that they have built it
large Ice ['oust!, and are now prepared to
furnish every morning a supply of clean
ice, though the whole season.
They would also inform the citizens of
Allentown and vicinity that a supply of ice
to preserve the dead can at alt times be had
by calling at their office in East Allentown.
Customers in town, will be supplied 'reg
ular every morning at their doors.
'Hwy will make it a point punctually to
serve those who may tu'or them with their
East Allentown, May 20. 11-2 w
Notice is hereby given, that the store
books of the firm of Samson, Wagner Cu.
are put into my hands for collection. Those
who know themselves indebted to said'firm,
will please call at my office, in west Ham
ilton street, for settlement, within two weeks
from the date hereof, if they wish to save
costs. J. P. num:, J. P.
Allentown, May '2.0, 1852. ill w
To the Lathes of Allentown.
'We want all the ladies in Allentown and
its vicinity to call and get a dress of Berage,
Berage de Laine, Lawn, Gingham, or any
thing else they way wish, at the new cash
store, cornet of Wilson's Row, the place
just revived. J. W. GRUBB.
Rakes 1 Rakes I
Just 'received a largo lot of Rakes, which
will be sold very cheap . at the ew cash
store, corner of Wilson's Row.
May 13, 1852.
New Goods.
Builders Look at - iere.
IF - 0/ IleD irrelßE
'Fhe undersi2ned announce to the public,
gird. they have jo:t rotni fled from Philintel
phia and New York, with a very large lot
of consistin , _ ! of
Botts g .11.1 i tits
Cy! r , Coach 71 iruirirrgB
, Vati WOW Sh ngs. till of which
will be tiohl nt uxtreintily low price t• 'lllol*
n:ik the piddle to give B.‘ti.oEn's IlAnDwAttE
sr,T RE , or - rhe
a call, in tatler to convince theinFvivcsof the
fact, that a , penny saved is a penny ntadv.'
O. & S.VD
April, 2'2,
To Floerew'. gEfxprrs.
A great assortment. of House forinsliim ,
articles, such as
E.NA11E1,1:1);111(1 tinge
ves. , ,:els, sauce aml :..tew pa
ties, fish and hart kett .
irons, waffle irons, tC:c
TEA AVS and I'Vnitrs, from com
mon to title, in sets ;Hid di, ns. 11ko, li
ic form, in SelS, [lll,l in v; , ,rjely of . paut
KINI VES and )11.1 S-111 Urn] di/1-
;2ns ; ako knives only ; carve N. Ste(' k, cool;
and butcher knives, with a variety of other
PUCK ET ;mil PEN Ic.NlVE'S—Ra.;:ors,
scissors, shears, from the hest makers ; o u r,
two. three, and 4 blade knives.
SHOVELS, spades, hoes, elmink, rakes
pick, axes, &e.
SHOVELS and TO OS, Iron .and
polished steel lire set. , and standards, coa!
hods, tailors' irons sinoothin imn.. Arc.
for sale by . d'.: SAJER.
April, '2'2,
IRON.—A lot of I hammered and Rolled
Iron, Sheet Iron, American and Emzlish
I3and Iron, I loop I run, Cast and Shear
Steel, square, flat, and ionnd, just received
with Anvils and Vices, and for sale cheap
at the store of & J SAEGER.
GLASS.-150 Boxes Glaz-s,S by 10, 10
by 12, 10 by 11, 10 by 15, 12 by Di, and
various other seizes, fur sale by
SHOEMAKERS.—Just received a
new assortment of Morocco and Binding
Leather, Lasts, Shoe-tlircad, Wooden l'ev
French Rubers, and numerous other artic
les belonging to the
tj & J SAEGER.
OILS & °fall hinds,
boiled and raw, Turpontino, Nl•warl
nisb of nll kinda, Glue
diva') by 0 & J SADJEIt
PLANES.—A full assortment of Planes
of John Bell's best make, also a large assort
b ent of Carpenter's Tools, for sale clwap
by 0 & J SAEGER.
MECHANICS.—TooIs of every de
scription, such as Bench mid Moulding,
['lanes, Hand, Rionel, and 1311c1c SaWS,
Ponce and Bins, Auger thus, Hatchets,
Squr.res, &c., for sale by
W I I ITE LEAD.—'2 tons of White Lead
just received, Pure and Extra, and for sale
by. 0 & J .S AEG E
April, 22, 11—Iv
I IOWA) \ V %VA 11E.--500 Iron Puts and
Kettles, just received and fur sale at very
reduced prices at, the store of
• The subsqribers hereby inform the citi
zens of Allentown, and the public in gener
al, that they have concluded to give up the
Store business, end are now offering their
large and splendid stock of
of every description at first cost. Now is
the time-t-and we hope you will not sujjetr
it to pass—to buy cheap goods. Come old
and young, rich and poor, great and small,
we will be ready to servo you all.
Don't neglect the chance—goods are now
.ahnost given away, now or never.
Allentown, June 10, 1852 11-4 w
The Perils of the Desvrt. TOBACCO.
By the time we woon epprioaching tb 1 This luxury was introduced into Europa
' most elevated poiet of Central Asia, a Parr i from the New World, in 1559, by a Spanish
Lie wind hail sot in from the north. whic ! gentleman. trained, Hernandez de Toledo,
lasted fifteen days, end increased the rige ; who hrought a small quantity into Spain
the cold to a degree that threatened us wii. i and Portugal. from thence, by the agency
orent misfortunes. Th.. : I,y ",,, s still ch.!' of a Urrinch ambassador at Lisbon, it found
b ut t h e co ld was so terrible that event 1 its way to Paris, where it was used in the
mid-day the Hitt-nee of the sun was scare• j form Of a powder, by Catharine de Medici%
IV perct•pulile. Even (Intimg the day al ; the abandoned instigator of the massacre
i' cours, , still mere during the night, ‘i Of the Protestates on St. Bartholomew's
were under the continued apprehensions'; night. This woman, therefore, mar be con
bring frozen to dine h. I may memion ol 1 siilerod the inventor of snuff, as well as the
' contriver of that 'nest attrocious transaction.
circumstance that will eive all idea of the t;
i 1
trtimity of the cold. Every morning befit: It was received with general enthlusiastn in
setting off the caravan used to take a a the Papal States, and hardly less favorably
and then not again until they t;ncatriped !tall
in Eneland where it was introduced by Sir
lint as the Tsandra was a kind of food so hr. Walter Ifideigh, in 1555. It was not with
tle egrceolde, that it was difficult to tido out opposition, however, that it gain e d a
enough of it at Collf ; 1.. li) support us durin; footing - either in this country, or in the rest
the (Inv, we used to soak in t, a two or titre of Europe. It was epposed by th e pri es t s ,
balls of it io keep in reserve for the days' Phy•icians, and sovereign princes ; by the ,
jeurnev. 'We wrapped up this boilin g p ii t• former it tuns declared sinful, and in 11131
ill very tvarin linen, and pl a c e d it 0:1 01/ 1 7 C1) , 1!) VIII, I)(lblkhCd a bull, excommuni
breast ; und over tbis we had our &airily , caiiile: all persons foetid guilty of taking
namyly a earment of sheep•skin, then ii-inuff in church. This bull was renewed
waistcoat of lampskin. then a short earimerin If/90, by Pope Innocent ; and ahem twe,n
of fox's skin, and over all a cireat wooletty-nine years afterwards, the Sultan-Amur-
N e w do t ing ibis fortnieht we consult IV. made siludiinrz a capital offence, on
,ply found the EiTls of '1 samba Irozemlm - grrTsird orits producing inf7•Trlllity. For
:lilt! when ‘ve drew them from our hnsetrist ini"o time stwiking, was forbidden in Rus
tilyy were so hard that we hreke ou l iid, under the pain of having the nose cu t
Roth in attempting to vat them. The cat-l'ii• The public regulations of the Canton
It sull'eryd terribly, especially the noth.en•iriie , in ireil, placed the prohibition of
and horses. Ivhich are net so strelie; :is th,iiiiil•inr4 . in the list (tithe ten commandments.
oxen. We hod to dress then) in hilt car•lnd that British Solomon, Janus I, did not
pies, nod tie camel's •ihin r, to d their Leads think it I , eneath the royal die - ni:v to take
a;;; . 1 ill any ether ri ,,, nm , i ,,, c „,. ii: , ;r a 11,,,, np his pen on the stihject. Ile according
:ince would ceritinly have exch. il tier Idle It'. in I r i'''": . % 1 11114 h-bed his l'innons "Counter
it y, lee now we wyre ii) no humor t!or laud !il:!''''' t,) Tobacco," in which the following
for notwithsltouliti , ) ,,l precautions I ; Pit , -new oecnrs:—"lt is a custom loathsotne,
to the eye, !careful to the nose, harmful to
i the brain, dangerous to, the lungs, and in
the Idack, stinkingfume thereof, nearest re
sandiling the !torrid Styeirtn smoke of the
ph th a t i s hoercidass." And, morover, his
nitijesty, di ciao's that,—"were he to invite
tito devil to a dimeir, lie should have three ; first, a pi,y, ; second, a penult ling
ail.' IrlUStitrd : rind third, a pipe of tobacco
for digestion."
Tobacco ;nay now be considered the -most
univer,al luxury in existence. The effects
of tobacco are considerably different from
ether inebriating agents. Instead of quick
eniite: it lowers the pulse. and when m o n! t o
exe-ss produces lenetior, depression of sys
tem, e iddiness, and cenfossion of id, as . It s
esiaim al oil is sr, lots r•iyly powerful, that
i', , m or three dery iesarted in a lOW WOUIId
117(1111(I pan's 11111100 111, , IlliiIV ftl' , ll.
\!r. Piirrow. i • his travels, sp aiki of the
me made by the Hotrentots, of this plant for
the purpose of destroying snakes. "A I lot
tyntol." says he, "applied scene of it from
the short end of his wooden tobacco pipe to
the mouth of a snake while darting out its
tongue. The effict was as higtanteneous
as an , lectric shock ; with a convulsive !no
tion that tt•ns t»eneettary, the snake half un
twisted itself and never stirred more ; and
the muscles were so contracted, that the
whole animal felt hard and rigid, as if dried
' in the sun."
. Dr. Alacnish, from whose "Anatomy of,
Drunkenness" these are condensed, speaks
thus "f the effects of tobacco :—"When used
in moderatinn, tobacco has a soothing- effect
upon the mind, disposing to placid enjoy- .
mem, and mellowing every passion into re
pose. Its effects are therefore, inebriating,
and those who habitually indulge in it, may.
with propriety be denominated drunkards."
An air of peculiar satisfaction beams on
the countenance of the smoker; as he puffs
forth vellum's of fragrance, ho seems to
dwell in an atmosphere of contented happi
ness. His illusions have not the elevated
and magnificient character of those brought
on by opium or wine. He does not let bis
imagination run riot in the clouds, but re
strains-it to the lower sphere of earth ; and
meditates delightfully in this less elevat6d
region. If his fancy be unusually brilliant,
or somewhat heated by previous drinking,•
lie may see thousands of strange forma float
ing in the tobacco smoke. He may peoplo
it according to his temperament, with agree
able or revolting images or—with reptiles, -
serpents and the whole host of dirablerte,
skimming, like motes in the sunshine, amid •
its curling wreathed. .
This is all that can be said in favor of
smoking, and quitb enough to render the
habit too common to leave any hope of its
soppresion, either by the weapons of ridi
cule or the mare summary plan of the Sul
tan Amnrath. In no sense, except in afford
ing a temporary gratification, can it be jesti
fed, or defended. •
It ',elutes the breath, blackens the teeth,'
‘Yastes the saliva, which is required for di
gestion, and injures the complexion. In,
addition to this it is apt to produce dyspep- •
sia and other disorders of the stomach, and,
in corpulent subjects it disposes to appo
plexy. RAMBLER,
New Goods.
cook i»
ying F , auc , grid-
MIIIIOI'US hro://..11 tiv rs th• It \Vt . I
1):15S UCCaSiOn.'ll US mach 11 . 011h10,
ti: W 111(11 ;HT ."11.:1'.''.FV:11'd It
wcro ohliffcLl to Inwe a I;,,ti , for 111(11,'
,teal ea 1.;.e ice, and breal.tm4e
top of it with our hatchets ; yen tite,t.•
had to lead them vory car, fally, tine ir
the otht.r ; and if one of them chanceo
make false step and fall, it was scare
possilde to get it up 1111%1 in. 1? first we Ina
relieve them el tht it baonage, and the.)
drag them on their sides to the river
or spread carpets ler them, 0 1 1 ,1 tu rf ti t tt
w i t h a ll our wind l i, Inn 'eery oftentto no
!'""`" ; theY won't; not
tort to rise. and they had at lasi to ll'
~t 1 t - , tr it h o pt ) ,-, 1 1,1it, il, this iri II
(10,1111,y, Nvaijii, (JO the Whir:l,i
camel. All these hardships thrt•w imnf
the travelers into deep dejection. Tit
mortality of the 11,01101 15, eta, not: ad
that of Men, whom the cold seized, and )
were left to perish on the road. beet
when the exhaustion of our beasts'nf but
had compelled us to slacken our march!
perceived a traveller seated by the wavf
on a large stone. 1 lis.head we bent dt,
his arms pressed against his sides, an!
remained motionless as 0 statue. \\'e
led him several times, but he made no
saver, and we thought he had not heat..
What mad 111:6S, WO aid, to stop, of t h e i
in this way in such weather. This 11L
Innate man will certainly die of cold. e
called him again ; but as he still did nti
swer, alighted and went toward hi—
His face had the appearance of waxs
eyes were bulimic!) and classy, and ltd
icicles suspended to his no:triis aud !Ja
ilers of his mouth. Ile just turned hies
towards us with a terribly vacem exprin
bin he was quite frozen, and had butt--
sal:en by his companions. It appeam
cruel to leave hint thus, without an t,ito
eary him, that we determined to takan
with us: and we lifted him from the i)d
and. after wrapping him up, we plactin
on Sandadebiemba's mule. As soonye
had pitched the tent, We went to stint
the companions of the unfortunate mhd
they prostrated themselves before Us. itg
WV had excellent hearts, but we hatlim
ourselves trouble in vain; their cute,,
they said, was lost, for the cold had red
his heart. We returned to our tettite
whal we could do for hint, but In; al
ready dead. Afore than forty tnen pied
thus in the desert. When they cmo
longer eat or speak. or support thefes
on their horses, they were left on tlttcl,
though still alive, n small bag of unwind
a little wooden bowl being placedhle
them as a last mark of interest in date
\\'hen every one else had passed the
crows and vultures were seen. Meet
round them in the air, and probalbey
began to tear the unfortunate metforu!
they were fairly dead.---Hoc's
7 - Justice is said to have no Cyes4ere
as well if she wero without ears (ludo
and then she would never be tnisledkws,
nor bribed by clients. •
nrSomebody says that he is a b
that isn't afraid to wear old clothe
is able to pay tor new.
ta'"Why are every body's pant . too
short ?
Because their legs stick thr ,
"Never touch the property o
ti - The first swallow tail coat that old
Sourby got, so displeased him, that he scrach
ed the skirts'and used it for a boot jack.
Cam' An Irishman being charged with
stealing a wagon, swore ho had it ever since'
it wits a wheelbarrow,