The Lehigh register. (Allentown, Pa.) 1846-1912, May 06, 1852, Image 1
- --•,--....... - -....____.. - ...,_,. __. ............... . • TIICLEIIIGII REGISTER, . , I IligillY InitattailtNems2t -18 put/la/red in the Borounh qf A Iletitawn,...Lehigh-i - aunt y, la.,erery Thit;'sitay , ) ....1 .. ... : ....,„ 744. 1 113 y AUGIUSTUS L. 'MIKE, ..-----, -. . Atsl 50 per annum, paYable in advance, and .- .., $ 13 213 if not paid-until the enc L -of the yedr.' No - - t,4 ii paper disenntinued,until all arrearages are paid ~..., except at the option of the proprietor. = ..... • .. ADVERTHIEMENTS, making not more than one .r...,C. square, will be inserted three times for one dollar i NeVAT Store Opened .and-for every subsequent insertion 'weniyfive • BY . rents. Larger - adVertisemqats, charged in the! JEti f teirfilel2l 9 iiiS dt CO. same proportion. Those not exceeding ten lines I On the south-west corner of Market will be charged seventy-five Cents, and those ; Square and Hamilton Street, directly oppo making six lines or less, three Insertions for 50 I sue the "Etigle Hotel" in Allentown, which cents. (WA liberal deduction w they style the cheapill be made to those F arme i. a . and arechani-e-, s Store. who advertise by the yens vv . Office in Hamilton St., one door East They have just returned from Philadel _,,_ . ma witn au entire' new and sele ol the German Reformed C'hurch, ra '..' l pi ll i j stock of the cheapest and most we beaulltifulc ted ipposite then Friedensbote Office " n ........1 Spring and Summer Goods no! that were ever exhibited in this place, em 'l : bracing all the I • •Latest and most Fashionable Styles, to Which they invite the attendance of their i ifriends and acquaintances generally. These A Igoods have been 'selected with great care and attention. IVe name in part, 5:, I Fancy Style Spring Silks; all widths and ;;• I qualities, Foulard Silks, Black and Fa n-1 ; cy Colored Silks, Berege de 1 $ Laines, Persia)? Cloths, . Wool French de I-aines, Ging i hams, French Chintzes,faney Lawns, Calicoes, front 3 to twelve -cents a yard. WHITE GOODS, Of all description's, Jaconet and Swiss _Ed gmgsJnsertings. Linen and Cotton Laces. 300 New•stvle Ladies' Needle Work Col lars from 6.1' cents to 31,50, IVristband:3, Cuffs. &c. A good assortment of iloisory, Cloves, Mitts, &c. always on hand. A large assortment of silk and cotton Umbrellas. Parasols of all styles, colors and prices. . c. capaccoiLCCCOMMEICCOM M gECKEIII I & 'WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ti Tobacco 5 Snuff and Sega . • U % all .9 ij 0. A few doors Lam' the Ger man Reformed Church, Hamilton Street, C,) ALLEIVI'OWN, PA. 4'4 ILIV" G OODS LL WA /MA 'T ED. Ir : Dec. 18. v 2 AiriCa.n3Quan utiocrefuraeaormarjoribu AMERICA N HOTEL, GENERAL T SA GE , OFFICE, Corner of flantillon und William Streets. ALLENTOWN. ' • John P. Bechtel Announces to his friends and the public,- 5. - ! • that he has purchased the stock and fixtures ‘. of the above named Ho. In] recently occupied by Jonathan Kolb., The house is one of the largest and most conve nient Hotels in the borough, and its location ; in the immediate vicinity of the Court house and public offices, makes it a desirable stop ping plaCe, as well to the men of pleasure as of business. The proprietor therefore, assures the : public, that Jte is now ready to accciinrriodate all Wlie May honOrYhim with their custom. in the best manner. His TABLE. will always be supplied with the best the market affords ; the BAR with the choicest Wines and Liquors; the BEDS and ROOMS are clean and com fortable ; and, in fact, everything is arrang ed with a view to the convenience and cont. fart of his customers. In sherrilie has determined to spare nei ther..jinins nor expense to make his house equal to:artY. in the counrry, and he there fore fripeCtfully s r olieitS . a share of the pub lic tiatronate. AllentoWn and Pottstown, and the Empty and Reeding - Stages;';.stsrt freni . this himao.: It is alio the stage' office for the other lines that leave Allentown. " April`2l). 9-3 m • • • •-;!",•:;n1V 7. 2 100 a: firm " • -FES .11 1 .1G EfT Nzvor - trAir AND CAP Manufactory 'ln Allentown. 01. Wieder, Respectfully announcesiq s ,the citizens of Allentown and its vicinity, that he has late ly established himselfin the above business, in the- Store room formeily occupied by Messrs. Mertz and . LandiP, in west Muni'- ton Street, in the Borough of Allentown, where he hap just received an extensive -ifnew Stock of superfine • • Hats, Caps, Boas, Hunk &e. )1 of winch he will be atle to dispcse of on the most,reasonable terms. His stock : of Gentleman's hats, is compos ed of the beautiful and costly to the most _or• dinary article. In other words from a Five dollar to a5O cent hat. And such that will bzcosfie the old as well as the young. The . isamic may be said of his' - . . • -PR STOCK OF CAPS . .. whiolk consists of superfine and ordinary. -.;TO-the•Ladies.Ho; has it.wOzci to say, he invites their par ti,Cularatitetitio9,.t9his, stock of Furs, his usiortitie4. 9l:', sotte r Mull • go" k.Clollth dicc. cannot: be boat irtAllentiiivn, and he is pee• pared;; with bit a very itnall ad vanie. the shortetit',o-4Rigt,44.. „ea. sonable terini, : -11e:iffpder„tosta , #1 4 at keeping a good'";:cl4riskji:pß and reasonable pricesktiOvit Jtp cure E, o oof public • , fsc.;`: • , ./Yvember JCS . ....,; ._,c,' '- , --., ' • .. . • ' .. ' .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - " - - -- ' -----7 .. - 1. ---- t - ET- - , -,_-- -- a---- - = - . . .. . 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"''' - • '''' ..1 , . it.l A • .." ..1",,, --- -:= 1 " . ." - -=-__--- _ •'• - _ ~. . • -!...., -. . 4: :::: : -;:...;.- . ' ' , 2•••: , „.. ".,-.::, • -.,:::,. - • ..• • , ,„. - - • AIL _ .. . _ . oit_ ~,,, , 76........-4a- .4 .. A . :;t -'-- - .1 )" "i . "': l • 4 t -2 1:::: - .. -- -..•••• -. " V I ~.-',.14--:".Z4.1 • -At; i .... 't• ~7 _ ,JA:<-;•'1 :1-' -. :, ~,T;.; „ -.....-e i • Z:7•A • , . .-:::.4.,i7 • ...... , f,---eri ' ~": —Tot . ....It-%•• -,'..-;•-• er•••••••-•:1:•..p , ti , . —,•:_42. ~ • • ...4 .. iii- t r ~ .. s• ~.r . ..73- . - ^-:-- - . • SP APE PE II I . - 7 2-______.-- , ,...„.= ..- - • --..- . Jor- - 0 ,.01:6 ,, , ,,,, c„_-,-;- , :, -___ — 7- - - -...-.• - .T.X. , ' - . , ..... ,i'L -. ...• -.....______ --........--___ -4 . :. . ....,.... .--..... • 4 •-• • • • • MCIIO feb News, ,Ctteralure, ipoetri), ,ertenre, itteriptics, 'Agriculture, tbc Miffusion of - Useful 3 Ent:Emit:sr, 1 - lAssE & Co. Allentown, April 29, 11---6 n) Do - ctor William J. Romig. flaying returned to Allentown f.jr: offers his. professional services, to " 5 " his friends and the public. Office at his residence, in Hamilton street, south side, first corner •below Pretz, Guth & Co's. Store, in Allentown, February 19,. • , Assignee Notice; Notice is hereby given, that Edwin Mar lacheri and'his wife Leah, of the - Borough of Allentown, Lehigh county, , have on the 27th day of March, 1852, made volanta - ry assigninent of all the property, ralv.per sohal and mixed, to the undersigued'for the benefit 'of:their creditors. sSuch. therefore, `Whci-ar9 indUbted, to. - - the 'sti d Edwin liar lecher, yvill - seei the necestiti of making sq: tlement Ifetween now and the 15th if May., next ; and those who hive inY• lB'gal cla i ms,,' iiill - tiresent':iheM'in the 'abeiVe'istiebifted., lime to.Eli'J. Sciegir,;EsvoinriAllentoviri.. • ' -..ABRA HAM i3tlTZ,Aisis%iei-::,'. And! I.' I=l4* ..~~. ~ 711-.1; "A la GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, French, English and American Cloths, of various colors, Plain and Fancy Cassimers. Satin and Fancy Vestings, Satinetts. A ' large assortment of Woolen. Worsted, Lin en and Cotton Goods for Spring wear.— Cravats, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Collars, &c. Also, a bealtiful and handsome assortment of Goods for Logs' wear. They are satisfied that they have selec ted . a stock of goods as cheap if not cheaper than ever before oflitred in Allentown, and are determined io sell them at a very small advance. They hope therefore that through strict attention to their business, they will be able to draw a large share of public pat ronage for which they will ever be thankful., EDELMAN, & CO. Allentown, April - - - - Groceries ei• goteeissavare. The subscribers - 7atit ; • • have also a large igpz4 _ stock of fresh fain- I cf—L ily Groceries, Prime, Java and Rio Cof fee, frotn Iti cents a pound and as low as cents, Sugars, Teas, Molasses Cheese, Spices, Crackers, Raisins &c., &c., Butter, Eg,7s, Lard, flatus, Sides, Should ers, Potatoes, Onions, qnd Soap, for which! the hightqA Market prices will be given in I exchange for Goods. • _ . . All Goods sold at this Establishment are warranted what they aro represented to be. Calf and examine for yourself. Goods free ly shown with strong inducements to hsi•, • EDELMAN, UANSE & Co. Allentown, April 29, II —6rn Grain Wanted. 50,090 Buslith of W heat, Rye, Corn and Outs ,wanted,, for which the highest ma rkk_pricesmill be paid by the subscribers, at their store on the South west corner ,of Market Square and Hamilton street, in SI. lentown. • r . . 3 '-,r " ~ , , ~ • In pursuance of the 32nd Section of an act, entitled, "An act for the regulation and continuance of a system of Education by Common Schools,' passed the seventh day of April, A. D., 1949. We the undersigned, Commissioners of Lehigh county hereby publish a State ment of .the amount to whichevery district within the County of Lehigh is entitled for the School year of A. D. 185:2,—0ut of the annual appropriation of $200,000 by the said act ; as per report made to this office, by the superintendants of Common Schools, as follows, to wit ; A I /entow n, Hanover, Heidelberg:, Lowhill, Lynn, Lower Macungy, Upper Mactingy, Upper Milford, Northampton, Salisbury, Upper Saucon, Weisenburg, 'Washington, North Whitehall, South Whitehall, SAMUEL KNAUSS, PETER ENGELMAN, COMMiB.S4O/ter3 DANIEL. HAUSMAN, ATTEsT:—J. M. LINE, f:/crk. April 20. Adopts this 'method to inform his ql a.... friends and the public in general, that he hits made Allentown his permanent residence. He has opened an office at his dwelling, opposite Ko/b's American Hotel, a, few door's east of. Pretz, Guth R. Co's. Store,:where he tvill be happy to offer. his , professional services the.scionce.ol,Pen tistryi...' He will call at , priVate residences, if requeated. • 2 ra' ; His terms tiro,reasonable,-and having had notch experience` In the profeatoons, feels satisfied that he - can give general satis faction. Allentqtyn,-Akil g 4; p 351. Biandreth and Wrights Counfry merchants and - others, `are here. by notified, that the. far famoue Pills o Doctors , William A. Wiik,ht; and'Etanitnnin Etiariclreth, are aonatent4r,itelifqnrTetde the OIS4 ihtr''.tehli,lo63o3ile? dozsti 4ll mtee,:.av*holesale:prteSs...., July • T-4011/ r,LENTOWN, - LEHIGH COUNTY, PA., - T HE LEHIGH TRANSPORTATION COMPANY give notice that they are now prepared to receive .rnerchandize end forward it with promptness and despah from Philadelphi a to Easton, Bethlehem,tc Allentown, a Ma u Chunk,,Penn Haven, White Haven, and Wilkesbarre, and also to intermediate places on the Delaware and Lehigh Canals, and Le high and Susquehanna Rail Road. The goods will' be received and shipped nt the first wharf above Vine street, directly oppo site the Salt Store of A. WRIGIIT & NEPII- Ew. They also forward goods to and from New York to Willtesbarre and also to all intermediate places. via : Delaware and Rat.- iton Canal, and Delaware Canal. Goods shipped- by this line of vessels to New Brunswick. The Schooner R. F. Stocic ton, Sloop Fox and Grey Hound, will be found at the Albany Basin, foot 'of Cedar Street, North. River. Any information required can be had of Messrs.. METTLER, REYNOLDS & Co., No. (i 4 Day street, or at NEILSONIS Agent Office No. 68 Weit street. Merchants having goods to ship fro New York will find this route the neares m t and most expeditors. The company have large and commOdicius Store Houses at Eas tern, Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, White Haven and Wilkesbarre. Jacob Able having disposed - of his inter est in the late firm of Able, Wilson & the business; will be continued as heretofore, by the remaining partners, who hive by Strict attention to business to secure a liber al share of patronage. DRAKE, WILSON & CO. Proprietors . EN 7' : IL S. Moorehead, Philadelphia, John Opdycke, Easton, Borhecic & Knauss, Bethlehem, A. J. Ritz, Allentown, A. W. Leisenring, Mauch Chunk, A. Pardee & Co., Penn Haven. Horton & Belles, Wilkesbarre. Allentown, April 22, 1852. 141 0i - ViMa4 To the Directors. of Cominon Schools- of Lehigh County. 1)r. 3. P. ;arues, DIEMTIS T. ,to any city establishment, and done at the Shirts, Collars, Cravats, &c. &c, all of which having followed the business for a num- i prices. It is therefore ..moner made" to those who wish to purchase clothing, if they _____._.---......,..„...... r...........r.".... I New Millinery in- Allentown 1 I Ready Made Clothing Store I - yies..A.. S. tinurnman, . . Made ..• In Allentoltn !! , . ;:;‘.:, - ••• Respectfully invites thel -- • 1 i i 55 . 44 „; •,1, , attention of the Ladies of Al- i : siVe/j4lrk, ir Itivinig, 11* r , •-:. 3 . . ?dig: lentown and its vicinity, that ! o'''' - tif). ! - - -irk' sibs still keeps open on the ~ ) 0 ) 1 and the public generally, that they have verAyd h c e p a t vy th s ia t. :m ck et o h r od, to inform their friends 4 1 - e :Ii ,I. neaeastrcoorriewar German Wilson'sutlßefoßrmoewd' just returned from Philadelphia, with a ••.; i Church, directly opposite J. i B. Moser's Apothecary store. She has just Spring and Summer Foods returned from Philadelphia with a new - lof the most fashionable styles, from all of And Fashionable -Millinery Stock, comprisin g the latest styles. Her stock con sists in part of Gossamer, Braid, Fine Hair , which h they will make to order and also keep I on hand a large supply of Alleady-made Clothing, and Blonde, Jenny Lind Looped, Fine Sat- ; at such prices, as cannot be equalled in any tin and Pearl, Alborg and Sattin, Imperial' establishment in this, or any neighboring and Tripoli. China Pearl, Coburg, and eve- town. Their present large Stock of cloth / ry other style thirteen be named. Also Casing consists in part of Dress Coats, of eve ; ing Bonnets of all kinds. Artificial flowers ry imaginable style, for Spring and Summer of every description, Caps, &c. I wear, Pantaloons, fancy and . plain of all Repairing, shaping, whitening and pros- ! prices, Summer Pants in great variety i sing done after the latest fashions, and equal 1 Vests, Satin, fancy and plain, Drawers, shortest possible-notice. 1 they are to sell at thu lowest her of years, believes herself competent to i first call at Neligh 4- Breinig, before they give full satisfaction, and hopes that a gene-I purchase elsewhere. rous public will still extend to her a liberal patronage, for which she will always feel c Orders of every kind, will be accepted very grateful. To those who have favored I t with pleasure, and punctually attended to ; her with their calls, she returns her thanks. and as they are Practical Tailors them- April 15, *-2in selves, none but the best workmanship will Iteenora ----,---:----- - --- - ------- -------------- be suffered to pass their hands, so that they l. can warrant tho clothing they manufacture • GEORGE DECK,• , in every particular. • Thankful for past favors, they hope by TAILOR IN ALLENTOWN. I punctual attendance to business, and dura- Informs his friends and the public in gen-1 ble jobs, they will be able to gain n contin era l that he has removed his shop in the sec- 1 uance of fivers from a generous public. ond story above Reber's Store, directly oppo- Allentown, April 15. a 11--43 m site O. &J. Saeger's Hardware Store, where ---------________- he still continues the Tailoring Business, and will at all times be 'ready to make gen tlemen's appatal, after the latest London, Paris, New York or Philadelphia fashions. Having employed experienced hands, and being detertnined to render satisfaction to all such as may favor him with a trial, he feels confident of a continuance of theircus tom. He tenders his fortnc.rcustomers his grate ful acknowledgement s for past favors, and hopes by reasonable prices, and punctual at tendance to his business, to merit their con tinuance. April 8 , 11-3 m l'ivo Story house • JT ibaq • A large and commodious Two ;;‘,. , 1 • Story Brick Dwelling House, with Opp: Front basement, situate in j east Hamilton street, in the Bor- I ough of Allentown, lately occupied by Jas. • Roney, one door cast of Dr. John Romig. For further information apply to ELI J..SAEGER, I Allentown, April 22. 11-3 w Two Piano Fortes uN t ia ,ka ala The undersigned has just fin , ; 7 v lish cd and has ready for sale, two six and three quarter octavo Piano Fortes, with Hose wood cases. Apply nt his Piano Forte Manufactory, in Hamilton street, west of Hagenbuch's Hotel, in Allentown. SI.MOiN SWEITZEII. • April 6, 17-3 in WILLIAM S. MARX ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW. I Office in the western front room of the buildin g of John D. Lawall, fortherly Horn beck's, west of the Courthouse. • Allentown, April 4, 1860. 117--tf • - 316 79 227 52 114 94 82 16 163 13 204 21 176 56 322 08 74 26 163 53 244 90 149 31 ; 134 30 ! 247 (16 253 59 ' Dissolution of Partnership. Notice is hereby given, that the lato firm of &nem:, Wagner §• Co., in the tnerean ' the business in Allentown, was dissolved on the Ist of April, by mutual consent.-- Those who 'have • claims against the firm will hand them to C. H. Samson; for settle ment. Those too, who are yet indebted to the late firm will please make settlement.nt the above place, as the books will soon be put in other hands for collection. - • C. H. SAMSON, A. A. WAGNER,, J. W. mictilaw.. April 15, To Fishermen and unters Take• Notice:••• • • - .. The undersigned residing:in.. Bierysport, Hanover fownsbip, Lehigh eountY, give tine- herehy,,,thet they will not sufferpersons •to fish. or hunt - ,Ppon any of their landi.4. , Such.then, ; Who will notJistentotheirwarn ings; ihek are the law , 1 4 . 01 40: 31 *Itiro!'"' : A;pnl 22 • '.• _Sfitip*.iv . Bin ' :1!,---7 Y New Spring and Summer SOCKDO at the oVen, 14011; Store. ---, I The undersigned take this method to in l form their friends and the peptic in general, that they have just returned froth Philadel iphia and New York, with a large assortment of new and fashionable SIRING AND SUMMER GOODS, that cannot be excelled in-this county. W a hereby extend to you a polite, invitation; to call at the New York Store, one door east of the Post Office in Allentown; and you will find that wo can suit you with the most fashionable style's of Goods the- market call furnish. Our stock combines every article of Ladies and Gentlemen's wear, and no one would ask of us to enumerate them all. Among them are to bo found 11-2 m - - .111 kinds of Dress Silks, Satins,Berages, Deram '' e de Loins, dlpaccos; llloreslin dcLaines, Lawns, Ginghains, Calicoes, .Edgings, A—A full assortment of Cloths, of all colors and qualities, fancy Casimeres, Sati netts, Tweeds, Vestings, and other fashion able goods too tedious to Mention. Call and examine our stock, for we are prepared to satisfy all. ICERN & KLINE. Allentown, April 8, 1852. eilThe undersigned have just ,"7,f e ralm received a large stock or ne w Icor:tr.-n-1. Groceries, such as Molasses, - Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Spices, Chocolate. &c., which they offer for sale at the lowest cash prices. KERN & KLINE. QUEENS WARE. • A large assortment of Queensware just recieved and for sale at the store of MACKEREL. .MACKEREL. • Just received and for Sal& a new - lot of Nos. 1, 2 and 3 Nlackerel, in whole, hives and quarter barrels. • . • SALT, SALT, SALT. A lnrge lokof•Liverpool Ground and fine Loh. just received and for snle by KERN & . CARPET'S. OIL CLOTHS, - - LOOKING GLASSES, DRIED PEACHES, coo: are all article which are offered for aofeye ry cheap ai the store of • COUNTRY PRODUCE. • All kinds'.. of Country Produce %vitt- Ito taken, in exchange for,Store Goode, for 'Which the highiterniarket.Price *lt he • • - 18;5'2', Jl►_q '}p E „ • • - .ELisitrA FOREST, •'• • *olfibe• on:thitast.picip:i44llimitrao formerly bY ar6m - iiill - 1 - 1 1 0 - i les . • :•-• rr•-411fti. w NEUTRAL IN POLITICS, GROCERIES =V!EIM KERN & KLINE KERN & J r ust.ilsstabtished:- fountain ileotaureutt ! I • The subscribers have 'lately entered Ite co -partnership, and have rented the large and spacious building known 'as the "Old l -. Ranking House," which has undergone . thorough repair, And is now opened• as the' Allentown - • • Fountain litestauratit. - . The proprietors are both young and. tic- - tive business men, and those who will visit their establishment, will very soon convince themselves that they fully understand their' business. • They will always keep on hand, a fresh supply of the best Oysters, Clams .when in season, Balonies, Porter, Ale, Beet: and Meed. All kinds of fruit, such as Oranges, Lem ons, Figs, Raisins, Prunes, Apples, 4c., &c. Almonds, Pea and other Nine ; Candiee of all kinds, and every other artice that may come - in their line of business. They have also furnished their Ice Cream Saloons in the most fashionable manner ; which makes them a desirable place of re sort, after passing through the toilsome bors of the day. • They hope by punctual attendance to . business, they will be able to gain a ihare of public patronage for which they will always be thankful. - April 21, 1852. Boot & Shoe Establishment / In Allentowni Shaffer 4 Hunter. Respectfully inform their friends and the' public in general, that they have. lately bought out the Stock, of W.- John Resimr, and will continue at the old stand,.in Ham ilton Street, between the 'Allentown' Hotel and J. 13. Moser's Apothecary Store, where they are prepared to execute all ordere in their line of business. They also inform the public that they have just returned front Philadelphia with a lane assortment of Ladies;•fifines Gentlemen'. - Gum :Shoes': Swab. , They alsci'keep • on• " hand of :their own manufeCtuy, a general assortment of extra fine and cos se Gentlemen's Boots, Monroes and Shoes.--, Also, Ladies' and Mises' Morocco and •Prit nella Gaiters, Boakees and Shoes, SoYs and Children:4 Boots and fibees:—all made of the best material, of their Own seleetiort. ,• They will warrant all their work, and or. ders will de executed at the shortest and in the neatest manner. 'The hands in their employ are Of the • best.•that can be found, both , in' the: Ladies' ae as--Gefl tlernen's branch of the bueineris. • The assortment they, keep on/let:o,-1a very extensive, comprising everyarti,cla that may be called for-in their line., Persons.who are in wantof a Pair cifleird Boots or Shops; an article highl y necessary to keep your feet warms and. dry, well to give them a call, before'tkurnhielng elsewhere, as they do not intend . tophitrge anything for showing their giicide.7' April 15. aa91 4 .1111 1 3 04 — ‘‘. To the Heirs of Paulßalliot, Notice is hereby- iira gn , •thit - •theflaidlii: signed, one of tho executereof the ° ladl, will and testament of Paul Ballet; tieoeitatid. lato of North 'Whitehall ItfwashiiWLehigh county, is pay,all.the :legal 'Heirs or Representatives of the said kelp:: Bince however,: the estate. is yet 'in Jew, it will be necessny to asli,of • each and every Heir or Representative, a'Refunding Bond. with ap proved security, before his or her respective portion can be paid. • The legal Heirs and Representatives and those who .may be in terested, are recluested to make application for their respective portions to STEPHEN BALLIET, Jr., Acting Executor. A pri! 20 IT G. SICKEL BRASS WORKER, Philadelphia. Respecifull3i:infortns the citizens of Al.' . lentamniand-its-vicinity that hi continues' at- his`rold itand, • No. SarNorth Second Street tbe, tnanufacturiug :Of 'Gds axturee#•?qtc4ele!.. Patent Ifuid Laritneet'hanifitiet4;Qtrandoke t ; Boquet Holders, c,, Ors ' Oils•• • ,-11 4.441ces wilt "with . therefit pet Therefore iantenffittr.'t 'IrP4 'NOrirt! eihnito Tit Noi;-271.1851: 1- "' . "- 4 '. F 416 r ES NUMBER 81,, H. ROTH & CO. 11-8 m; IT.slm ES