The Lehigh register. (Allentown, Pa.) 1846-1912, April 29, 1852, Image 1

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DcuotO to Netl)s, titcrature, poetrn, ecience, Mechanics, '2arictiltitte, the Miffusion of Useful iifurntation, eencral 3ntelligencc, 2onusentent, llitratets, &c.
Us published in the Borough of Allentown, Lehigh
County, Pa.,every Thursday
At $l5O per annum, payable in advance, and
1,2 00 if not paid until the end of the year. No
paper discontinued, until all arrearages are paid
except at the option of the proprietor.
Anvr.wrist:mt:sTs, making. not more than one
square. will be inserted three times for one dollar
and for every subsequent insertion .wentyfive
cents. Larger advertisements, chat zed in the
same proportion. Those not exceeding ten lines
will be chargetl seventy-five cents, and thi , e
making six lints or less, three Insertions for 50
zenis. •
cr?".4 liberal deduction will be made to those
who advertise by the year.
r -- 011iee in Hamilton St.,onr,toor East
o/ the German Reformed Church, nearly
opposite the "Fricdensbote Offirr."-
Sound the Tocsin !
An Unprecedented Display of
all the Old Corner
of I Imnillon and James .S7n(ets,.4llentouvz
The, VeoVie,'.6 Stove
11.wIt. had hi , rC.'n•sar,En:7lind her ("Tw
ne'', Vrance her Napoleon 1;011;1p:311P, and
A lleforw n
where goods may be purchased at the most
reasonable prices, as any one can be sati:ll
- who will call on
late of the jinn of Nohow?, ll'audicr 4. Co
who has pist rcccivvil a spdendid lot of
Which are the admiration of all who hive
viewed them. They are chap, too, and
no inittalic—not cheap ton one yard of
the counter and dear all over the other, but
from side to tide, nom front to rear, and
from top to bottom, wholter
41 DV'S 1 , 11 writ "11 ""
or anything else you'll find. Ills motto is
with the Ready John Davis down—th, on
ly tvay to du business, “us is I u,invF.s."
Now he don't intend to enumerate what
be has; he will not say a word about
Jock Wahrts and Casimrrrs ; nor the dr
g,a;zt supply he purchat•:cd for Dressy: for
li.itai . lf rimiks • 1
tmr about the ` . /1/,.s and &tilos and Rib
bons and the eltvetand other matters that go
to make up a tip-top assortment, because he
not only anticipates, but is sure, that all
who expect to appear in unparalleled appar
el, will come and see for them selves—juel t! ,
for themselves, anti buy fur themselves,
(just as he does when he goes to the city,)
His.Grocerie , -
. c ".. Consist of a large . ....-_ ,
frog supply, selected '1 1 0;, 1 !
t ulti. with great care, cy..
ri .
• I ' . ---;-- land comp] Ives air -- -"--- •
hinds of various snicks in general use.
His annnNswAnn embraces a beautiful
nssortmcnt, from which a choice cannot fail
to be made
Maac Clot%lin% 1.
A complete assortment of every descrip
tion, cheaper than the cheapest.
Cloths, Cassimercs, &c., made up to the
shortest notice, in a style calculated to sur
prise the Parisians, not the "Natives" only
—and still he complies with his motto, "No
lit no pay." With such inducements held
out to an impartial public, a Hottentot
would'nt for a moment doubt but what he
is bound to eclipse all his competitors. And
now take his advice
"Buy cheap while sluggards sleep,
And you will have goods to wear and keep."
• So come one and all
And give me a call.
April 15, 11--t;w
Look! Look !!
—.311 new for this Sprin p•„ and cheap too=
Gilt and Velvet Wall Papers,
Embossed der, 0., Plain and Printed
Papers, Marbles, Hall Papers, of every
Lind ; Satin Papers of the best production
of France and England ; the low-priced
Satin Papers, so much in demand ; togeth
er with the cheap Paper, at ten cents per
piece. Transparent Window Shades, Bull
Holland, by the case or piece, Tassels, Cord,
&c., all of which have been selected with
the greatest care; Purchasers, at whole
sale and retail, are invited to examine this
stock, as we assure them it. will be to their
No. 7 North Third Street between Mar
ket and Church Alley
April 22
New Millinery in Allentown!
Mrs. A. S. Kaufman,
-•;:!- k-OF:". Respectfully invites the
4)04.7 j 1 ;. , attention of the Ladies of A1,,y,,,)i1..5:"
,,y,,,)il..5:" . - 41' '4 lentown and its vicinity, that
It'' O.
17:1-, ' /irtf. ) she still keeps open on the
'le east corner of , Wilson's Row'
. • near the German Reformed
t Church, -directly opposito - J.
B. illoser's Apothecary store. She has just
returned from Philadelphia with a new
And Fashionable' Millinery Stock,
comprising, the latest styles. Her stock con
sists in part of Gossamer. Braid, Fine Hair
and Blonde, Jenny Lind Looped, Fine Sat
tin and Pearl. A !bona and Sattin, Imperial
and Tripoli, China Pearl, Coburg, and eve
ry other style that can be named. Also Cas
ing Bonnms -of all kinds. Artificial flowers
of every description, Caps, &c.
Repairing, shaping, whitening and pres
sing done after the latest fashions, and equal
to any city establishment, and done at the
shortest possible notice.
Having followed the business for a num
ber of years, believes herself competent to
give full satisfaction, arid hopes that a gene
rous public will still extend to her a liberal
patronage, for which she will always feel
very grateful. To those who have favored
her with their calls, she returns her thanks.
April 15,
Infolnis his friends and the public in gen.
end that he I:: removed his shop in the sec
ond story above Rolwr's Store, directly oppo
site O. & T. S.tegvr'. Ilan:ware Store, where
he still continues the
Tailoring linsincss,
and kill at all tints te~ ready to make [l,ll
- 11111 aral, attar the latt-;•.t. Condole,
Paris, New York or Philadelphia fa-lions.
Flavin g tani , loyed expeiienced hands, and
being delerminecl to render Yati,littiiloll to
all such rs may favor him a trial, he
feels confi icut of a cordinuance of their cus
11 tenders his forinrr customers his grate
ful achnotviedgenictits for past favors, and
Lope: by reasonable prices. and punctual co
tent:anus to his hush'. ss, to merit their con-
A pnl 6
Oflice in the western front room of the
building of John D. Lawall, formerly Ilorn
beck's, %vest of the Courthouse
Allentown, April 4, 1t450
Tn pursuance of tho several acts of As
sembly of this Commonwealth, relating to
-Conty rates and levies."
We, tbu under-igned Commissioners of
Lehigh county, hereby give notice, to the
Taxable inhabitants, the owners and agents
of real estate andrpersonal property, taxable
for State and County purposes, that appeals
will be held in the Commissioners office, at
Allentown, for the benefit of all persons in
terested, for the several Wards and town
ships, of this County, as follows, to wit :
For the North and South Wards of the
Borough of Allentown, and the townships of
Northampton, Ilanover, Salisbury, and Up
per Simeon, on Wednesday the sth day of
May next.
For the townships of Upper Milford, Up
per Macungy, Lower Macungy, Weisen
burg, and Low hill, on Thursday the 6th of
May next.
For the townships of Lynn, Heidelberg.
Washington, North Whitehall, and South
Whitehall, on Friday the 7th of i‘lay next.
On the same days and place the Com
missioners, will receive sealed written pro
posals for the Collections of State and Coun
ty 'Foxes, for the present year, the sureties
must be named in the proposal; The Com
missioners will however not invariably con
fine themselves to the lowest bidder, but to
the one, who they believe to be to the bet . -
ter interest of the County; and to the district
for which he collects.
SAMUEL liNauss,
PETE!: ENGELMAN, Comul2B32onerS.
ATTEST :--J. \I. LINE, Clerk.
April 22, 11-31 v
Dissolution of Partnership,
Notice is hereby given, that the late firm
of 51177130 n, rapier .S• Co., in the-mercan
tile business in Allentown, was dissolved
on the Ist of April, by mutual consent.—
Those who have claims against the firm
will hand them to C. 11. Samson, for settle
ment. Those too, who are yet indebted to
the late firm will please make 'settlement at
the above place, as the books will soon be
put in other hands for collection.
April 15, T --3m
Avveal 'Notice.
Ready Made Clothing Store
In Allentown!!
MeUgh !' Breinig,
Adopt this method, to inform their friends
and the public generally, that they have
just returned from Philadelphia, with a
_yery._heavy stock of-
Spring and Stunmer Goods
of the most fashionable styles, from all of
which they will make to order and also keep
on hand a large supply of
Ready-Made Clothing,
at such prices, as cannot be equalled in any
establishment in this or any neighboring
town. Their present large Stock of cloth
ing consists in part of Dress Coats, of eve
ry imaginable style, for Spring and Summer
wear, Pantaloons, fancy and plain of all
prices, Summer Pants in great, variety ;
Vests, Satin, fancy and plain, Drawers,
Shirts, Collars, Cravats, &c. &c. all of which
they are determined to sell at the lowest
prices. ft is therefore "money made" to
those who wish to purchase clothing, if they
first call at Neligh Breinig, before they
purchase elsewhere..
Orders of every kind, will be accepted
with pleasure, and punctnally attended to ;
and as they are Practical Tailors them
selves, none but the best workmanship will
be suffered to pass their hands, so that they
can warrant the clothing they manufacture
in every particular.
Thankful for past favors, they hope by
punctual attendance to business, and dura
ble jobs, they will be able to gain a contin
uance of favors from a generous public.
A Ilentown, April In. m
New Spring and Sumner
at the oVem Icor* Store.
The undersigned take this method to in
form their friends and the puplic in °illegal,
that they have just returned from
and Nrw York, with a large assortment
of new and ftnibionahle
that cannot be excelled in this county. We
hereby extend to von a polite invitation,• to
call at the New York Store, one door east
of the Post Office in Allentown, and you will
find that wo can suit you with the most
fashionable styles of Goods the market can
furnish. Our stock combines every article
of Ladies and Gentlemen's wear, and no
One would ask of us. to enumerate them all.
Among them are to be found
i r: -2 ril
11l kinds of Dress Silks, Satins, &rages,
Berarre de Le - ibis, illytt,erts, :lionslin
de /nines, Lawns, Gidghanis,
Canieces, Edgings, 4-c.. 4.c
ALso—A full assortment of Cloths, of ail
color:4 and qualities, fancy Ca3imeres. Sati
netts, Tweeds, Vestings, and other fashion
able goods too tedious to mention.
Call and examine our stock, for we are
prepared to satisfy all.
Allentown, April S. 1852. 4 ,1- 7 -1 w
Ma' The undersigned have just
- received a large stock of new
I.linv Groceries, such as Molasses,
Coflee, Tea, Sugar, Spices,
Chocolate, &c., which they offer for sale at
the lowost cash prices.
A large assortment of gueenswara just
recieved and for sale at the store of
Just received and for salo a new lot of
Nos. I. 2 and 3 Mackerel, in whole, halves
and quarter barrels
A large lot of Liverpool Ground and fine
Lalt just received and for sale by
arc all article which are offered for sale ve
ry cheap at the store of
All kinds of Country Produce will. ho
taken in exchange for Store Goods, for which
the highest market price will lie allowed.
Allentown, April 8, 1852.
BrAndreth and Wrights Pills,
Country merchants and others, aro liere
by notified, that the far famous Pills o
Doctors William A. Wright, and Benjamin
Brandreth, are constantly kept for sale al
the office of the "Lehigh Register" by the
dozen -boxes, at wholesale prices.
July 5,
11-6 in
: Just Established I
(Ir-Ir fountain tic9tantant ! !
The subscribers have lately entered in
copartnership, and have rented the large
and spacious building known as the "Old
Banking House," which has undergone a
thorough ri..pair, and is now opened as the
Fountain Restaurant.
The proprietors are both young and ac
tive business men, and those who will visit
their establishment, will very soon convince
themselves that they fully understand their
They will always keep on hand, a fresh
supply of the best Oysters, Clams when in
season, Balonics, Porter, Ale, Beer and
All kinds of fruit, such as Oranges, Lem
ons, Figs, Raisins, Prunes, Apples, &c., &c.
Almonds, Pea and other Nuts ; Candies of
all kinds, and every other article that May
come in their line of business.
They have also furnished their Ice Cream
'Saloons in the most fashionable manner.
which makes them a desirable place of re
soVfter passing through the toilsome la
befs of the (lay. ,
They hope by punctual attendance to
business, they will be able to gain a sham of
public patronage for which they will always
be thankful.
11. 110TH & do.
April in, 13:ii?
Boot & Shoe Establishment !
In illientoTorn.
Via Ere? lirsmecr.
Respectfully inform their friends and the
public in general, that they have lately
bou , zltt out the Stock of Mr. John Reeser,
and will continue at the old stand, in Ham
ilton Street, between the Allentown Hotel
and J. B. iNloser's Apothecary Store, where
they are prepared to execute all orders in
their lice of business. They also inform the
public that they have just returned front
Philadelphia with a large assortment of
Ladies, illi.sses
*.O , They also keep
on hand of their
own manufacture,
a general assortment of extra fine and coarse
Genlemen's Boots, Monroes and Shoes.—
Also, Ladies' and Misses' Morocco and Pru
nella Gaiters, Bootees and Shoes. Boys
and Childrens, Hoes and Shoes—all made
of the best material, of their own selection.
They will warrant all their work, and or
ders will de executed at the shortest notice,
and in the neatest manner. Tho hands in
their employ are of the best that can be
found, both in the Ladies' as well as Gen
tlemen's branch of the business.
The assortment they keep on hand is
very extensit e. comprising every article that
may be called for in their line.
Persons who are in want of ft pair of good
Boots or Shoes, an article highly necessary
to keep your feet warm and dry; will do
well to give them n call, before purchasing
elsewhere, as they do not intend to charge
anything for shcm ins their goods
April 15
(f) cf,k 4 IN) U.l cl
To the heirs of Paul BaMet, deed
Notice is hereby given, that the under
si7ned, ono of the executors of the last will
nal testament of Paul Bailie!, deceased,
late of North Whitehall township, Lehigh
county, is ready to pay all the legal I tetra
or Representatives of the said estate. Since
however, the estate is yet in law, it will be
necessary to'ask of each and every Heir or
Representative, a Refunding, Bond, with ap
proved security, before his•or her respective
portion can be paid. The legal I leirs and
Representatives and those who may be in
terested, are requested to make application
for their respective portions to
Acting Executor.
April 22. 11-6 w
Office' on the East side of Hamilton street,
formerly occupied by John S. Gibons,
Er.P'Can be consulted in the English and
German languages
April 15,
' , IY4II2'dIII.I)2I ) AYI'L
The stockholders of the Northampton
Water Company, are hereby notified, that en
election for five Managers, to serve for the
ensuing year, will be held, on Monday the
10th of May next, between the hours of 10.
A. M. and 6 P. M., at the house of Major
Err SltexEL, in the Bore Ugh of Allentown.
By Order of the Board,
M. D.' EBERHARD, Secretary.
April 22, • / 11-7-3 w
The Navigation Opened !
iteiIINEBR -
I Philadelphia, .'lllentown 6.'Mauch Chunk
For transporting merchendize between
Philadelphia, New Hope, Easton, Free
mansbu rg, Bethlehem, Allentown, Weiss
port. Mauch Chunk and White Haven, rend
all intermediate places along the Delaware
land Lehigh Canals ; shipped from Third
Wharf, below Vine street, on the Delaware.
They being new beginners, hope by
careful and prompt attention to their busi
ness to get a liberal share of patronage.
The proprietors have large and commo
dious Store [louses at all the above named
stopping places.
G /,'
Stephen 1,0te4.. Philadelphia.
Sdinto.l L. ()pie, 'New !lope,
U. W. Housd, Easton,
G. & A. 13achman, Freemansbu'rg,
Charles Seider, Bethlehem,
William Hecker, Allentown,
Lewis Weiss,'Weiesport,
Robert Klotz, Mauch Chunk,
A. Pardee & Co., Hazehon.
Horton & Blakeslee, White Haven,
March 25.
Doctor VlTilliam J, Romig.
Hraring returned to Allentown,
oilers his precessional -services to
Ilk fi iends and the public. Office
at his residence, in Hamilton street,
south side, first corner below Pretz, Guth
& Co's. Store, in Allentown
Fcbruary 19,
Manufactory in Allentottn.
E. ell. Wieder,
Respectfully announces to the citizens of
Allentown and its vicinity, that he has late
ly established lihnsell in the above business,
in the Store room formerly occupied by
Messrs. Mertz and Landis; in west Hamil
ton Street, in the Borough of Allentown,
where he has just received an extensive
new Stock of superfine
Hats, Caps, Boas, Mai, &et
VI of which he will be able to
dispose off on the most reasonable terms.
His stock of Gentleman's hats, is compos
ed of the beautiful and costly to the most or
dinary article. In other words from a Five
dollar to a5O cent hat. And such that wilt
bscome the old as well na the young. The
same may be said of his
which consists of superfine and ordinary
To the Ladies
e has a word to say, he invites their par•
ticular attention to his stock of Furs, his
assortment of
Boas, Thatik,lll74,
cannot be heat in Allentown, and he is pre
pared to sell them with but a very small ad
Hats will be mahufactured to order upon
the shortest notice, and upon the most rea
sonable terms. Air. !fluter, trusts that by
keeping a good assortment to select from
and reasonable prices he will be able to se•
cure a share of public patronage.
November la. orr
II the Court y* Common Moo
OW, ry . Lehigh County.
•of• •
n t matter the account
4 4Y0 of Benjamin Fogel, Assianeo . of
John Romig-, under a voluntory ° deed of
And now, Feb. 20. 1852, the Court ap
point E. J. Moore, Esq.. auditor. to audit,
resettle the account, make distribution, and
report to the next suited Court of Common
Pleas of Lehigh county.
From the. Record,
Samttels, ProLlfy
The . Auditor above limed, will meet for
the purpose of his appointment, on Tuesday
the 00th of April, nt 10 o'clock in the fore
noon, at the office of E. J. Moore, Esq., in
Allentown, where those who think proper
may attend.
11-61 a
A pril 8,
To Ilieilders.
A splendid assorttnent of Front and Parlor
Locks with mineral knobs, german Locks,
Latches, I3olts, Hinges, Screws, Paint Brush
es, and a variety or other 'building Hard
ware just unpacking, and for sale cheaper
than ever by 0 &J SAEGER,
May 9, . . ,• *-4
E. J. MOORE, Auditor.
1f —4w
Valuable Property
PRIgjJT.E 8.611 L E
The subs'criber now offers at private sale'
the property situate at the south east corner'
of Hamilton and Alargaret:Streets,-in- the.
Borotth of . Allentown.
The improvements conist of rt' large and'
„ . ,U Brick Mansion House, -
I.Mbuilt in the most substantial and fin.'
islital manner, and surrounded by beautiful
Shade Trees. It occupies with the ground'
attached, ono entire square, 240 feet front
and -Itio feet deep. A brick stable, Ice'
house, and other out buildings are upon the
grounds convenient to the 'house.
The house will be sold if desirable With
Part of the ground. The 'tido is unques
tionable, and payments will be made easy.
Eli J. Seeger, agent for
¶-6w .
Allentown, Jan. 8,1851
WI I F.HEAS, the lion. Washington Mc-
Cartney, President of the several Courts of
comman pleas of the Third Judicial Disttict,
composed of the counties of Northampton and
Lehigh, State of Pennsylvania, and Justice
of the several.Courts_of Oyer and Terminer
and general Jail delivery, and Peter Hans,
and Jacob Esqrs., Judges of the
Courts of Oyer and Terminer and g,eneral
Jail delivery, for the trial, of all capital of
fenders in the said comity of Lehigh. By
their precepts to me dirk act!, have ordered
the court of Oyer and Terminer and Gene•
rat Jail Delivery, to be holden at Allentown
=mil- of Lehigh, on the
First Hominy in May, 1852,
which is the 3tl day of said month, and
will continue two weeks.
NoTim.: is therefore hereby given to the
Justices of the Pence and Constables of the
county of Lehigh, that they are by the said
precepts commanded to be there at 10 o'clock
in the forenoon, of said day, with their rolls.
records, inquisitions, examinations, and all
other remembrances, to do these things
which to their offices appertain to be done,
and all those who are bound by recognizan ,
ses to prosecute against the prisoners that
are or then shall be in the jail of said coun
ty of Lehigh, are to be then and there to•
prosecute them as shall be just.
Given under my hand in Allentown, the'
Sth day of April, in the year of our Lord.
one thousand eight hundred and fifty two::
God save the Commonwealth.
Sheriff's Office Allentown,
aff t c
April 8, 1552.
)14,11.ti a tea
For May Term, 1852.
I Jonath. K. Knauss vs Gid.
2 John Smith and wife vs Philip Fetherolfe
3 Mahlon Luther vs Henry Helfrich.
4 Win. P. Hollins') vs Chorles•Mertz..
5 Jesse Breinig, vs Nathan 'Whitely.
0 Charles Mertz vs Solomon Dorney.
7 David Erny and wife vs Samuel Rinker:-
t;i [)avid Schinoyer and others vs Abrahture
0 David Remely vs Iloffert & Levers.
10 Amandes Holfert vs Jacob Jacoby.
II John Miller vs John Snyder.
12 Angeline Siegfried's use vs Thomas=
Shmner and others.
13 Solman Appel vs Nathan Lerch.
14 Catharine Grim's use vs Peter Schneider'
and Terre Tenants.
15 Catharine Gries use vs Henry Schneif
der and Terre Tenants.
11 R. & J. Newhard vs John Sherer:
17 Robert Steckel vs John Shorer:
IS' James Trexler vs Peter Moyer.
19 : Peter Marx vs John Sharer.
20' Christian L. Knauss vs Charles Stop'p
21 A. K. Wittman vs Mathias Weaver. ,
22 Barbara Om vs Henry Oru.
23 George. 11. Reber vs Henry . Eisenhard.,
2.1 Conrad Rwder vs Daniel Roder.
25 Valentine Geist vs Samuel and Catha:
rinu Shaffer.
26 Catharine IVeavcr vs Jesse Weaver.
!.27 Trexler •& Bush vs Henry Beitler 4,1
28 Thomas Shcener vs Nathan Lerch..
29 Michael Deihert vs Catharine Peter:
30 Jonns Diehl vs Henry Fatzinger,
31 Jacob Troichler vs William Craig: .
32 Elizabeth Ebert's use vs William Died
& Terre Tenants.
F. E: SAMUELS, Pioey.
April 8. s—avi
TO FlShellflell and Hunters
Take Notice.
The undersigned residing in Bierysport,.
Hanover township, Lehigh county, give no
tice hereby, that they will not suffer persons
to fish or hunt upon any of their lands.—
Such then, who will not listen to their warn--
ings, will nit complain if they hr•• dealt
with in the strictest sense of the
April 22•