I; Grand Exhibition • - OF New ) Fashionable andiVell Selected S(DC).O NEW YORE SPORE KERN & KLINE! 'Admittance Free! As every-body seems to be engaged this fall in blowing his own trumpet, to what he or they can do in the Dry Goods and Grocery Line, we have had half a mind to .try our hands at the 'business ourselves, but feeling a timidity about it, we will only say, that we have just-received several Boat L comprising the latest styles of rich and • costly goods, at which we have all hands engaged in unpacking, Our customers generally,-and—particularly—our-Lad3r—cu•- tomers, we now remind that such an assort . - - —ment-of 'Ladies' Dress Goods has never been brought to this or any oth er country town, embracing every descrip tion and style of all that is New Neat and Fashionable, at prices ranging from a few cents to dol lars per yard, therefore high and low; rich and poor, are sure to make selections. The following Comprises part of their stock 1000 ps. Muslin from 2 to 12 cents a yard. 1000 ps. Piints from 2 to 12 cents a yard. 500 ps. Mons de Lanes front 121 to 25 cts. 100 ps. Cashmers, from 20 to 75 cts. 50 ps. Scotch Plaids from 25 .to 50 cts. 100 ps. Morinos from 20 to 100 cis. 100 ps. Alpaccas, from 124 to 75 cts. I 500 Assorted Fancy Long and Bay State ,snaitri.s. In all other kinds of goods, we can show in quality and Price, whatever others can produce, and a considerable sprinkling that cannot bo found elsewhere, especially in Cloths, Casslmeres and Sattinetts, and we will venture io add fall and ivinter goods generally. 150 ps. of Cloths from 50 cts. to 5 dollars 200 ps. of Cassimers from 50 to 2,50 •do - 500 - psof Satinets from 2510 75 do per yd. 200 ps. of Flannels from 12,1 to 50 do per 50 ps. of Carpets from 124 to 100 do per Since we opened our establishment here, we have fully demonstrated, that as a gen eral thing, we sell as low as the lowest, if not a little lower. We do not profess to sell one, two or three articles at a very low price, but we profess to sell everything, in either the Dry Goods or Grocery Line, so cheap, that we are confident our friends would be the gainers by giving, us a call and making their purchases. " - Ilernember the NEW YORK STORE. KERN & KLINE. Nov. 6. 11-3 in J. E. VAN METER, Manufacturer and Importer of Paper Hangings and TYide . Curtain Papers, No. 33, North Third Street, ATOW oilers great inducements to the Country Trade. I am determined to adopt the motto, "Small Profits and Quick Saks," and no combination. As I manufacture the article myself, I will warrant all my goods full length and width. Always on hand a rich assortment of Gold and. Velvet Borders, Oak and Siena Marble Papers, and other decorative styles suitable for Halls, Parlors, Dining Rooms, &c. Also a deal) article suitable for Chambers, Kitch ens, &c. Fire-Board Prints, &c. &c. ItaeAll'orders promptly attended to. Warehouse, No. 32, North Third Street, East side, four doors below the City Hotel, Philadelphia. J. E. VAN METER Feb. 12 Straw Goods—Spring 1852. T HE Subscriber is now prepared to ex hibit to Merchants and Milliners his usual heavy stock of Ladies' and Misses' STRAW AND SILK BONNETS, STRAW TRIMNIIMGS AND ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS ; Palm-leaf, Panama and Every Variety of Summer Hats -for Gentlemen ; which for extent, Variety and beauty of manufacture, as well as uni formly closo prices, will be found unrivaled. THOMAS WHITE, No. 41 Soulh Second , S7recl Philadelphia Feb. 12: • • Awful ! Astounding! What an awful and dreary winter this is ! Our hangs and fee!—Yes our very ears are freezing behind the stove ! But the most astounding thing of all is, that these frozen limbs can becured -in the short space of four days, by the application of the genu ine Siberian Frost .Spiritus. • - . • This valuable remedy, that • is the germ ' ino article, can be had only at the Apothe onry •Store of Dr. Dm:4AT, in Allentown. .The sale of severalo hundred vials is the best evidence of its curative powers. , —Such of you who suffer with the pain of frozen limbs, and wish to free themselves from the. unpleasant feeling, will please call •at the Drug Store of the undersigned, the :fourth door east of the Post office, in fiatn: ilton Street, Allentown. :EV' To Druggists and• merchants in the country, a liberal discount will be allowed. Dr. W, P. DONOWSKY. Allentown, Jan. 29. ¶—Ow AT THE FARMING EXPENSES. 1771) 09 Male and female servants, 142 37 Haymaking,, 12 75 Harvesting, 41 00 Rye, 99 bushels, at 75 cents, ' 71 25 200 fence posts, for 1850, 18 00 Lumber, 15 85 Carpenter work, 1.1 9 5 1 Wheelwright work. 11 80 Blacksmith work, 51 48 Difference in trading wagons, :35 00 Mason work for new building, 21; 01 Pave stones, 11 00 1 SadVer ware, 12 97 2:16 001 2 horses, • 25 head of steers, . 9.18 50 , 1 dog, 4 001 State tax, 25 01 Apple trees, 1 00 i Repairing winnowing, mill, 200 1:383 87 Issuing and executing orders ( . 1) reliff and supporling out door paupers. 1101 LOCO If OF A LLENTO WN. Conveying 9 paupers to poor house, 3 75 Is.thing, orders of relief, &c., • 8 '2O Conveying 2 paupers to poor house, NORTHAMPTON TOWNSHIP Conveying Richard Moore to poor house, Boarding and attending Richard Moore, a pauper in Carbon co., Medical attendance to same in Carbon, Keeping Hannah Barker (colored) and children in Northampton county in 1850, - li —3 to AIANOVER. Conveying Thos. Russel to poor house, Keeping George Kunsman in the Northampton county poor house in 1847, Conveying Daniel Baer, and Re. becca Giddinger and child to poor house, Conveying John Shultz to poor house, UPPER SAITON. Keeping Jacob Pink inVert hump ton county poor house, in 1817, Keeping Philip Nusbickel in Northampton county poor house, in 1847, SALISBUIty. Serving order of relief of Henry Nagle, Boarding and attending Henry Reh's (colored) family, during confinement of saitllleh's wile, Conveying Aaron Weber to poor house, 'UPPER lIIILFORD Conveying Jos. Wolbach to poor ' • house, 291 do. Frederick Bosoy do rBO Poor.Hotcse .Iccoient. . .The account 'of C HARLES S. Bum, Trea surer to . the Directors of the Poor House, for Lehigh county, front January 1, 1851, to January 1, 1852. .Dr. Balance of last account, .. . Received of Thomas Faust, for a horse sold Received through the Directors for two turnpike shares, From the County Treasurer, per order, 500 00 do do do do 500 00 Thomas Faust, for two paupers front Northampton county, . 23 05 Of the County Treasurer, order, .500 00 ' do do do do 500 00 Of Thomas Faust, cash, 51.53 do do - Ihr - pmdirce, SO i-i 0 I do do for cattle seld, . 71 00' Of County Treasurer, per order, 1,000 00 do do do 500 00 aD ml UM By cash paid out oil orders of Directors, as follows : HOUSEHOLD EXPENSES Dry goods and Groceries, Stone coal in 1850, . do . 1851, Fire wood, Weaving, Hats and Caps, Cooper ware, Cabinet ware, Tin ware, Casting, Dried 'Apples. 'Cider and vinegar, Potatoes, Tobacco, Fresh shad, (lard ware, Stove, . Shoemaking, . School tax fur ISSO. $5,37 ; for '5l, $l3 15, Wool carding, 1850, $0 `27; 1851, $G 30, Bed and bedstead, Coverlids, Making brooms, Medicine, Coffins, Funeral sermons, do Francis Weber do do Frederick Neuroth do do George Siler .do do Sarah Kerchernhal & children, do Francis Sigfried do do Daniel Brown do do John Heintz do LOWER MACUNOY; Keeping William Hein, a pauper, • -.- in the Schuylltill county poor house, 20 20 Keeping Emanual Sonnenberger in the Northampton co. poor house in 1848, 1.20 Aid to Reuben Schmidt's family, 4 10 $302 SS 100 00 Issuing 17 orders of relief, 3 , 1b Conveying David Fritz to poor house, 50 Conveying Mathias Elkvino do, 1 00 25 00 WEISENBURG. Conveying Fred. Walter to poor house, 2 00 - Conveyirt7g Catharine Wt id!: and children to poor house, 1M Conveying, Chas. Apple to poor house, . Out door relief and funeral expel'• ses for Jacob Becker. Issuing orders for relief, $4,655 96 $25 37 108 II 121 IN 112 I:.s 51 10 17:N :3 62 uEinu.nuna. Boarding and attending David Koch, in Carbon co. Medical attendance to David Koch in Carbon county. Benloving David Koch f•om Car lion county to our poor house, Keeping Susanna Clark in the Northampton county poor house in 1817, Kevping Eve M. Logenhagen in Northampton county poor house, in 1819, MB 9 " 0 1120 Di 50 900 SI 1?. 53.11 3 20 32 l‘s 35 00 Conveying Lafayette [kin to poor home, CM NORTTI WHITRAALT.. Conveying Patrick Levan to poor house DID 1'257 1001) 28 75 6 95 15 9.1 15 00 3 00 do Conrad Boyle • do do James M'Corty do do Patrick-Sedan-= -do do Ester Settles do Medical attendance to John flies —out door pauper, Aledical attendance to Daniel ter, Boarding and attending Daniel Kiefer, Boarding and attending Polly La bold Funeral expenses for Polly La bold, SOPTII WIIITEIIALI Issuing six orders of relief. PRINTING A. L. 1 - Inhe., publishing notice in 1810, do ' do do !SAS, do do tho yearly statement for 1510, 12 00 M. flannum, publishing yearly statement for 1550 12 00 ThomaN Faust, Steward, for I year. L. Alartin, M. 1)., for out-door nod extra servici•s.in the poor house, for the years 1810, '47, '-18, 40 and 50, The same for 2 months salary in full up to January I, 1851, The same,for one year, up to Jan nary 1, 1952, The same, for two extra visits, H. J. Haberacker, M. D., for one year, up to January 1, 1852, Henry Schantz, Director for ono 3 001 EEO LEHI 1 00 do do do extra, Jonas Mobs!, Director, for one year, EMI do do do extra Daniel 'Miller, Director for one IBM ME do do do extra, Charles S. Bush, Treasurer, ono 31 15 year, • S. A. Bridges, professional servi ces, MO ETD Balance in hands, 2 80 Total, $4, 656 06 We, the auditors of Lehigh county, have examined the account of Charles S. Bush, Treasurer of the Directors of the poor of the said county', from January I, 1851, to Jan uary 1, 1852, and find the same correct es above stated—Five Hundred and Sixty Four Dollars and Forty Film Cents in his hands. 1 10 1 40 1 40 1 57 $lll3 GTO. BLANK, JONAS HAAS, - Auditors HIRA.II J. SCHANTZ; February 29. OEM Thomas Faust, Steward, in account with the Directors of the Poor• . and of the House of Employment for the county of Lehigh. • ..i.S 97 Dr. To.casit received on sundry accounts as fol lows : 5 00 Balance of last years account Received of Daniel Stahl for an amount due Samuel Seagreaves — a - pauper, Of Jacob Sechler, for keeping his son Benjamin in our hospital 4 Iveeks, Joseph Hammel, for work done on the road. . 2 60 Grim & Reninger; 70 lbs:soap at 10,. 'i 00 do 245 lbs. tallow at 8, 19 00 do 25 lbs. white rags, 125 do 01 lbs. mixed rags, . 1 22 1 40 1 40 1 00 80 $ll 07 all] UPPER MACUNCY. Min =EDE ESEM WE 17 00 UM 7 00 EOM MU 1 5() 1 50 $2700 SAI.ARIES 400 00 MB MIEE 50 00 1 b 5 50 00 20 00 681 20 00 741 20 00 2 63 MED MED 4, 0:12 51 504 45 'IT - 4 w 51 53 14 68 8 00 do 130 bushel bats,4o MOO Samstin, Wagner & Co., 307 lbs. tallow, 31 76 do 20 lbs. white rags, 100 do 13 lbs. mixed - 80 4 different persons, 43 lbs. tal low, at 8 • 348 3 difnrent persod, for lard 4 00 T. 13. Wilson, 14'2 lbs, hircl, at 8 11 36 1 different persons for beef. 1 44 'Solomon I)orney, 1 bushel turnips, 311 4 different persons for lime, 38 1 Reuben Butz, for lime and oats, 2 80 Solomon Durney, 1 bushel flax seed, Conrad Seem, for 19 bushel flax. 25 50 seed, • Moses Fleberly, half bushel corn Nathan ',Orman, 5 bushels corn, at 60, MB uffa at 35, do 1 cord wood, do J stove, Directors of the poor of North ampton county, for 2 paupers, Solomon Fogel, trustee of Deborah Schantz, for keeping said De borah in the poor house, Found in pockets of 2 paupers deceased, Stephen Smith returning Eliza Emirr, rt hound to him, , David Mertz, half a day plough - = - FEE MID 9 50 40 IThE Mil mg, 80 do labor done by a pauper, 200 do ' 17 bundles straw, 136 Alanasses Swartz, 6 bundles straw, Si) nanid Gilbert, 1 cow, 2! 00 .ficolt Ridey, cattle, 50 Oil :2 dill: rent persons, for horse feed 37 Ilenry Schantz, 1 bushel and 12 quarts clover seed, at .1,:50, Conrad I3oyle, for one vest, Chades Litzenbermsr, for tobacco, 2 different persons fur medicine, John Shirer, syn., account duo MID rifi EEil 18 69 EMI Polly Lobold, a pauper deceased, 150 Joseph Good, for hides and skins, 23 70 Poor Ltidwig, do :31 25 A. &O. Faust, - do 030 Owen W. Faust; do 37 10 Peter Schneider. cash of Polly La bold, deceased, BE 2 17 2 17 1150 217 2 00 C2l 13 . y cash paid out as follows Balance of last year's account Daniel Stahl, account due him by Samuel Seagreaves a pauper, deceased Mr. Startler, repairing spinning wheels J & P Gross, 8 bushels dried ap ples Amos Reinhart, 4 bushels apples, 1819 Jesse Le Fevre, wheelwright work Barber & Young, for band iron William Blank, castrating hogs, Solomon Reinbold, do Joseph Weiss, repairing spectacles Do. do. watch Owen [ - lollmann, do do Mr. iklertz, mending harness Bernhard Schweitzer, for lace Grim & Reninger, store goods Samson, IVagner & Co., store goods Thomas B. Wilson, store goods David :Ilertz, 1 bushels middlings John. Butz, for fresh shad Elias Mnsgenug, one pair haimes Do new haime and re pairing cradle, John Kramer, blacksmith work 3 different person for tin ware 5 different persons for ashes William Eschenbach;lo.' bushels lime, William Diehl, carpenter work Israel Wesco, ten bottles porter Jesse Miller, five bctdes porter Jonas Beidelman, cutting a coat William Mertz, 210 feet lath, &c ;11ichael Hauser, making baskets Charles S. Bush, .Esq , treasurer Do for produce Do for cattle John Wack for 2 ropes A pedler, for matches Henry Giddinger, for harvesting Henry Schantz, for butchering in . 1850, 4. 75 . to stacking hay and grain, 2 25 W. Jackson, for sweeping chim ney, 37 Costs of removing Wm Hein from the Schuylkill county poor house here, • Joseph Good, for leather Peter Ludwig, do A & 0 Faust, do Owen IV Faust do Traveling paupers, per order Traveling, expenses for team Traveling expenses for Steward, Balance in hands of stewart, Jan 1, '52 3 00 s•roci ON nun', 6 horses, 16 cows, one bull, fourteen steers, 2 heifers, 3 calves, 34 sheep, 45 hogs 3 wagons, one dearbon wagon, 2 sleds, 2 harrows, 3 ploughs, 4 wheelbarrows, one threshing .machino and 2 winnowing mills. PRODUCE OF TUE FARM 085 bushels wheat, 920 bushels rye, 490 bushels oats, 234. bushels flaxseed, 9 bushels Icloverseed 1890 bushels corn in cars; 475 bushels potatoes, 95 bushels turnips, 37 bushels onions, 50 bushels red beets, 12 bushels radishes, 3 bushels soup beans, 3 barrels cucumbers, 3500 heads cabbage, 3,1 hogh'ds sour Itrout, 108 lbs hatchled flax, ' 05 toads hay, 23 loads corn fodder, 148 loads manure put on the land, MO bushels lime put on the land 1578 lbs. butter, 1092 lbs. lard, 1258 lbs . tallow, 1972 lbs.-beef hides, 140 lbs. calf skins. - ARTICLES MADE IN TILE DOUSE; 129 men's .shirts, 67 pair men's pants. loons, 40 roundabouts, 29. vests, 40 chemises 1 50 28 50 25 :3 00 1-00 2—do—at-50, 2 bushels oats 70 2 :37 5 - 00 I IBM MEE 5 00 6 IS ion ME 19 71 EOM 1 00 CEO 33. i 9 2i) 1 li4 25 62 1 00 14 I `•J 33 3 5 :3:3 62 11 36 ME :101 035 • Pamphlets containing tables of rates, and explanations of the subject; forms ofappli- cation ; and further information can be had at the office in Philadelphia, or on applica tion. to A. L. Run r;, Agent in Allentown. 13. IV. Mow - um, President. JNO. P. JAMES. .deiyary. December 13. 111-1 y Ist 81 62 10 1. .16 2 20 2303 bO5O 71 00 60 Seventh Semi-innnal Trade Sale of Carriages. HIS Sale will take place on Wednesday - 16 - Morning, 2I th of March nest, at 101 o'clock, at the . • 0 , 4 too 1 3 - CHINESE MUSEUM . , •"."--0 Philadelphia. I and will occupy both of the extensive Sa loons of that - capacious Fo"The Light No-Top WAGONS will be arranged in the large Ball Room, 2d story. The Stock of Carriages to be sold on this occasion, will be the largest ever offered at Auction in the United States, embracing over Ttvo Hundred Light Vehicles of the manufacture of •Dunlap & Co., Flager e Co., John Merrick, Howell Sparks, J. D. Doughty and others of acknowledged repu tation. 3 25 219 S 41 26 IS 92 25 16 2 'l9 2 69 12 52 No New Carriages will be admitted in Cat alogue unless warranted by the makers, so that purchasers may rely upon securing a good amide. EllEo 41/5 71 rtrOpen for exhibition the day previous. Lie Purchasers from a distance are inform ed, that there will be no postponement mi accotint of the weather. ALFRED M. HERh:SES3, SUCtiOnCCF. Ul - Auction Sales of Horses, Carriages and Harness aro held at the Bazaar oppo site the Museum, every Sattirday through• out the year. - 'rho Establishment is open at all times for private Sales of Carriages, and the stock kept on hand is believed to be the largest in the United States. Feb. 2 Brandreth and Wriglits PillB, Country merchants and others, are here by notified, that the fat famous• -o DoCtors William A. Wright, and Benjamin Brandreth, are constantly kept 'for stile at the office of the “Lehjgh. Register" by the , dozen boxes, at wholesale prices. ,July 5 67 wotnan's frocks, 35 peticonts, 50 short gowns, 121 aprons, 30 woman caps, 8.1 sun bonnets; 30 quilt bonnets 33 pair hoS's pan talooni, 9 boys drestes, 70 children's frocks 50 children's shirts, 27 children i t petticoats, 12 shrouds, 69 pair stockings knitted, 83 pair stockings footed, 120 cuts stocking yarn, 71 cuts sewing thread, 52 towels, 18 chat!' bags 14 holsters, 30 bed cases, 35 pillow ca ses, 2 bedticks, 42 sheets, 12 grain bags. 3 pair mittens knitted, 661 yards linen' checks 453 yardk tow linen check, 3 111 yds. tow linen, 105!, yards Hussy woolsciy, 293 yards carpet, 450 lbs. hard soap, 16A , barrels soft soup. 111 FAT SLAMMTERED 15,514 lbs. beef, 854 lbs. veal, 0,710 lbs pork, I- NUMBER OF INMATES l uLtha_house,—Janl i -185 Received during the year, 411 Born, • 2.-54E3 Discharged during the year 399 -Indentured Died Corpse when received A b::conded Remaining in the house January, I, 1851 1:31 This number consists of 59 male adUlts, :37 white females adults, one colored female adult, 22 white male children under 12 years of age, 2 colored male children, 10 white female children under 12 years of age, 1 colored, of which number there are 15 lunatics. INDENTURED David Etnk. to Lewis Birry, ni South, Whitehall, Lehigh county ; 'S Your ft, to John S. Ora lint , horn y , h of A lentown ; Josiah Miller, to Daniel Lintz, of Washin7ton, Lehigh county ; Abraham Emig, to Joseph Leith, of Lower Salmon. ' Northampton county; Magdalena • Stoudt, to Joseph Yeakel, of Upper I lanover, Moot tromcry county; John Kneller, to Daniel Henninger, of South Whitehall, Lehigh county ; Peter Mertz, to Robert Johnston, of Bucks county ; Eliza C. Emig, to Stephen Smith, of Maxatawny, Berks county. JONAS BROBST, Directors DANIEL MILLER, of DIEFENDERFER_ the Poor. TuomAs FAust-, Steward Director's Office, Feb. 2U, IBZTAABIit The Girard Life Insurance Annuity am Trust Company 'of Philadelphia, Office No. 10 Chestnut Street, Charter Perpetual, CAPITAL 200,000. Continue to make Insurances on Lives on the most fa yeinble terms. The capital being paid up and invested. lro gether with the accumulated premium fund afibrds a perfect security to the insured. The premium may be paid in yearly, half yearly, or quarter'y payments. The company add n BONUS nt stated pe riods to the insurance for life. The first , bonus was appropriated in December, 11344, amounting to 10 per cent. on the sum in sured under the oldest policies, to SF per ct nt, 71 per cent, &c., on others in propor !ion to the time of stantling making an addi tion of $100,5"57,5t), $75, &c., on every $lOOO originally insured, which is an aver age of more than 50 per cent on the premi ums paid, and without increasing the annual payment to the company. No. of S.lll m ßonus .%mount of policy and or bonus payable at the Policy. fusured Addition. party's decease. No. 5• is' 1000 $ 100— " SS! :1500 250 208 : 4000 ' 400 275; 2000 121 :1:101 5000 4:175(1 INDEMNITY. THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY_ of Philadelphia: OFFICE, No. 163} CHESNUT STREET near Fifth street. Directors: Charles N. &tacker, Geo. W. Richards Thomas Hart, Alord. D. Lewis. Tobias Wagner, Adolp. E Boric, Samuel Grant, David S. Brown, Jacob R. Smith, Morris Patterson, CONTINUE to make Insurance, permanent and limited, on ever}• description of property, in town and country, at rates as lowas are consts tact with security; The Company haits te.^,erved a large Contin gent Fund, which with their Capital and Premi• tuns, safely invested, afford ample protection to the assured. • , The assets of the company, on January Ist 1848 , — as — published - agreeably senibly, were as follows, viz; Mortgages, ;957,513 64 s rl, 13:3 $1,28 8 90 9.1 Since thcirincorporation,n period of eighteen years, they have paid upwards of one million Iwo hundred thousand dollars, losses by fire, there by affording evidence of the advantages of insu rance, as well as the ability and disposition to meet with promptest:, all liabilities. CHARLES N. BANCKEIt, Presiden t CT - TARLES G. BANCKER, Sec'y. The 'Subscribers are the appointed Agents of the above mentioned Institution, and are now prepared to make insurances on every descrip twn of property. at the lowest rates.. AI:GITSTUS L. 13.1711 E, Allentown 0. P. BLECK, Bethlehem. Allentown, June 13, 18.18. Sc.v . ' aO. c au a. 'Ml:lily , et a" PRODUCE AND GENERAL COl2B DU iSBIOI7I .Merchants, . No. 67 No writ WUARVEFIi Below Vine Street, Philadelphia. Adopt this method.to.inform their friends and country merchants in general, that they have lately established the above business, in all its various branches, at No. 67 North Wharves, where they will be happy to at tend to the wants of their customers. 7--117 If - 3 w __Among the many articles Constantly pt on hand off)ried and Pickled Fish, &c. &c. will be found an assortment of 3-trickery!. Salmon, Shad, Herring Mlle Pi.vit ; Cod li6h, Pork, Lard, Ham, Side; S'lmulders, Cheese, 4-c. Atlofwhich will besold at the most rensooable prices. Recollect the place March 0 ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR 11T LAW Offiee ea feu doors west of the Court Ho u se. -10-" He can be consulted both in the Ger man and English languages. Allentown, April 4. .Bank Note £i it. (Corrected IVerkly from 81 r6•nclr8,VanCourt's and 7hongnmeB Delo:dor.) Bk of N America par Mechanics bank of 13k of Pennsy Iv. par Newark i Bank of Commerce Mechanics bank at late Moyamensing, Tar Burlington Bk of N Liberties par Mechanics & Man- Mc of Pen it Townsppar ufactuters bank par Farmers & Meehan.par Newark banking & Kensington par Ins. Company -.I Mount'. & Meehan par New Dope & Dela , - Mechanics par ware Br. Comp. failed Girard par Orange bank i Philadelphia par Pcoples bank a Schuylkill par Plainfield bank Southwark par Princeton bank par Western par Salem banking Co. par Commercial Bank ' Stale bank at Eliza of Pennsvl t. par bet htown, Newark, Bk of the li States 12 Camden,N.Bruns 60UNTItY BANKS. i wick, par I Sussex bank I Bk of Chambersburg 131: of Gettysburg 1 , union bank • a Bk of Pittsburg a Trenton bank. co. par 85 Yardlvville bridge Bk of Sum'. County Bic of Chester CO. par company 25 111: of Germantown par, DELAWARE. Bk of Danville par . The Banks of the state, of Delaware are all at Bk of Delaware Co. pal* Bk of Middletown 1 par. Bk of Montg. Co. par ilk ofNorthumberi dmr . NEW YORK. Columbia Bank & ' New York City bks i Bridge Comp. p‘ir Chelsea bank SO Carli s le Bank 1 Clinton bank 50 Doylestown Bank par, Commercial bank 10 Easton Bank par; Lafayette bank 60 Exchange Batik 1 3- Washington bank - 70 Erie Bank 2 • COUNTRY BANKS. , i Alleghany county Fat niers &Drovers Batik 'bank 70 Franklin Bank ' Bank of America 35 Farmers Bank of :do of Commerce 40 Farßucks County par do of Brockport 35 Farmers Bank of ! do . of Lodi 25 Farmers Bank of Lancaster P ar , ,do of Olean 35 Reading p a r' do of Tonawanda 50' Farmers' Bank of Ido of Lyons 25. ' o . ' Schuylkill co. par; d New of York Harrisburg Bank 1 , Binghampton bank - 411 Honesdale Bank li Canal bank • li' Lancaster Bank pat! Cat taraugus county Lancaster Co. Bank 1 bank ' 36' Lebanon Bank Lehigh Co. Bank b 0; Erie county bank, 50‘ Lehigh Navigation 1 Farmers de Way . eii . bank Co. Script. !0 ; 6 ' • Farmers bank of Sc *Miners Bauk of I neca county 1 , 30 Pottsville P ar Hamilton bank, 30 llerchants kir Alanaf. Lewis county bank 60 Bank, Pittsburg. i Mechanics bank at 46 Monongahela Bank, i 1 Buffalo - - 45, • Brownsville, 1 - ;Acerchants bank at Taylorsville Del. ' iA nk 25 40 ti ß lle li t ir s i b r a o of New ' - Bridge Company, West Branch Bank, l • Wyoming Bank, 1 ! York 10 York Bank, ... b an k 1 I wswego 20 NEW JERSEY. • ; Phenix bank 35 ' Staten Island bank 50' Belvidere . Bank - '' ' - I? i State bank ofN Y -7- 80 --- - Burlington County j St. Lawrence bank 75' Bank • ' part Union bank .. • 25 Commercial Bank f United States bank 30 Cumberland Bank par: N. YoFk bank. Co. .70 Fanners Bank par; Tenth Wark bank, -20 Farmers & Meehan 1 Whiterlaitia tan k ig; ics Bank,Rahway,• i ir* - Alfotlierlianks no. Farmers dc Merchants 4 meritinned in the above, Batty; Mi&Pnint,.. i llsfarefriith . l 'to' 2"pe." .- MorriS'County bank- i .cent discount. nzy•The notes on all Banks marked with a d• (,--) are not purchased by the brokers. $ 1100 2750 4100 :175 5137 ' 11-4 w 11--6111 SEMI Heal Temporary Loans Cash, &c., EIDNE.UND .7. MOH a 84,377 84• L25,605_73 62,352 59 46,481 39 11-1 v Q-tr riii
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers