BreaRDIUW 17 LE The-undersit-ned-annon:ice-tn-tFr-puii• that they have just tvtol ncil from and New York. tNith n very large lot of fiarthimre, con. , ,,istinu of 'Thule l'arnisiilnEr Srfielex, ••:‘'.4K 1 ".• cuircr, Trimming,, Saddlery and Shoe-find;ngq, all of which will be sold at extremely low pr.; cos. 'l'lie‘• ask the public to give SAEGER'S lIARDWARE , s; ., • STORE, sign of the • a cull, in order to convince thein,,olvi Eof iht fact, that a 'penny sav,d is a pc:my !undo.' O. J SAEGER. May 8 To ifoose-R:efper.q. A great assortment if Clause furrn.:ltim_* articles, such as ENANIEI,ED and tinned inside, rts:•l. vessels, sauce and stew .rans. hr. set'; e kt t• ties. fish and ham kettles, fry mg pans, grid irons. waffle irons. Sc. TEA TR and Wait! fmtp mon to fine, in se!, d ,:s. form, in sets, and in variety of (m'ie'ns, KNIVES and FO 9—in !..-ts :111.1 doz ens ; also knives only ; carvers, atoci, conk and butcher will; a vi;rirty manufactures. POCKE land PEN li - NIVE - S-IZazorz scissor , . tdicurs, from the b;•rt 001.. two, thrtr, and •1 I):acie SHOVELS. spades, hues, chains, raises pick, axis, kFz.c. sHovELs an d ToNr,f", iron and bra:.: polished, steal fine s:ns hods, tailors' irons for salt. by 1,1:( El;. 1130 N.—A lilt 01 thou-0.0,i nn.! Iron. Sheet Iron. Aliwr;eau 'mu; Band Iron, 11001) Iron. Steel, square, thy... nil,l iuno.l. ins; with Anvils told \*,res,•••••, , i at the stoic of I) J GLASS.-1::0 ;0 . by 12, 10 by 1-1. lii I.y 1.1. 12 IT variyus other s, fur E.aio Lv seri lulu!). suet' as U. Plant- - 3, 11tH. 11. .1, ft tr IN ..,.c. —77-- 13race and :Jilts, SquLres, &c., i r sr:4 , h SII OE .‘l , l Tc . Eri ; 4 . t r new n.z,i(qinlotil. ; . . . . . Lentlivr, La ,u , , : ilk. -.1;r 4 _:: V. ~ ~ H t 1 1', , •• FrenchlZubert4,:iti,!. 1:11:rtyrou , wiier artic les bvlontrio , to tt“.. 61,,c , ..:11,.!,:r. 117. iii,.:..; COILS & VAItNI6II,- boiled and raw, "re-re ff i la nixh of ali cheap by PI,ANES.--.1 1 I!! of lobo !.. ,11 went of Carpeith.C.: by 17•' 4 7 ::?..., io:r 1.1 ble E . "eh ;Felt's, I , t r -, , V i ' _tot-a n. one•l‘nr,,e I u ; N : v in I .: '• .0; . :1:.. ...“..9 il 1 'Yid. ' 0 ‘'Z J :F , .t.F.r;1:,1'.. .' I '" - I''' , ` . ("It'll. "r "),..— t ...,.!: , ..;41...,.,. ;;;.‘ :.: \le that twit- :lit the ' pi i° k -- 1 - -:- _ ____. __ ._. I, . NAILS.—:',OO Kt..z , oi !;.r. hrst I: , :tri.s, fancy 1.1 the ct‘tettler. k..114....-_,.;_....7.4-...-...." Brill, and ,jr.z.t rec. i v -(! nt.''. for ,:th• ' 'll l ,. ac k o ,,to,.d cze .,! uhillt v of the partncrg, by «& J E k i .J.:tErt• __. .. ,;n liitild inc., Pniiiiimy and * Trimming. isa . FioLLow A nFt . __ : . ;oo !roil sttliivit•nt goarttott.e that their vehiell,3 ht the test for beauty nod durabilin% iCettlos. just receive) and lc: ;tny manuflettired Penw , rlvania. reduced plies store of 0 J SAEGER. 1 7 1 , (Vol vehicles repaired at the EllOO.O 4 St at very moderate priers. n it .i r w.• 11: 11111 bl• IVIII triotttl to h e daraW. Thankful for the many ftvors heretolort. r , .c.•7v.d, [low its.-uied that no nue who w (iv LIP 111 . 111 rlclW, will Co away dis- Litionla 1. —3lt. Miv 8 MEE El ro. • . Prirutr zSa! iler9n ::.:' tor , ethPr 1.1 eNc , : lent farm land. ‘voil , ' fraw haw" I aru, ri a ti , •4l ah , lat three miles in a natih.kv thrt.Cl,,Tl r,•m A 11 , ' 111MV , . l'• - •711' .1 .hri Sollill 1i hill( rolpitr. \VI)OVVVr ll.r fl il,4Cr valunhlr 111 , )1 , 111'. whit pit.i:t.o Carl upon uncler..,igtat'd 111 'Xlll'll'llll'. Octol.,r :10 MIII . IBM kV Stir- II . Adopt this method to inform their fiiends Lock This county .merchants in genbral, that they lor have lately established the above business. "I thinly in the wily o h in all its various branches, at No. G 7 North •.• " " "I' , even harres, where they will be: happy to at and at .kis than t ( . 1 , ( 1 to the wants of their customers. : . Arnomw ! . tho litany articles constantly kept "'"' i(::;jcity and du on hand of Dried and Pickled Fish, &c."&e. n • !'" ' has will be found an ivsortment cf whcre , •Vmd, Blue • •is h. Pork. Lard, Aim. et,` C, rill' L.; - ME NM OEM MEM il,t4,uat It, EDS iEilli v in to tot-iiie•t: to sivib !'y ail ti cBr Will: "lay favor thin with their SAEGER I ru,toln JSAI',( - ; En ':( 1. 3 12:A7,-ELTG - vari.,t hrwichts, Ett th. , :;•• N-,• ;;; 4. 1 ..1,r• u.dirrt , the wus ho f'?doo,d hv losrph Kramtr, , ll Stollol It t ;;:2, LAvt. • l n )11 , ,, 1 ?hems, ivcs it ti Lii,Lis ISMlX!iiiMilli A aSS111 . 111:0111 of Erma:old Parlor w:a h tnho•ral koobs, t r,•rn i an acbes. 13oas,Iliog.os, Screws, l'aha llrtash and a vat let y ot taller 'buildAttz Hard ware jw.t unpackinz, and for sale. cheaper hntt ever by t ) .1 SA EGE ~; 1'1•fll~ 111 w ii rE.I ; E :\ oms or White Lead just r Ccired, Purr HMI EXtra, rind f(irsalt 0 & J SAEGER. =OE :i am es 1. S eAivitl4 go, o. •10 J PRODUCE AND (ENERAI, - .TiTcrehants, No. ti 7 Nonni \\'nnscr•.s, . Below Vino Sireri. Philadelpliin, tk) ~) MIMI ME =EI L, .44:40 Jr? ,ff-",4 1 Z 1,4° Tl. , lle' C7l , —3m I Neatly oxecutt'd at the "Register" Office NEvv - Go Ds. Bigler has Come. Hurrah ! FASHION/DIILE JPIATINT EStabllShilleilt The ur elf I 'go, el oeg hale to inform , ~ ' („;„?‘„ (Anal. ~nd Good 11 mein's. 'it in:. y r t.toniers rend the public getter- aun- , '' g -1 ("' Sii. CO j, , I.,at ila 3 late inst rott,rind (ruin I NEII GOODS A f"ITIE 1 1, . A.) ,..; , -,%;„\ Jeu ell: 4.:: Silver-ware, 1..4 a stilt at,d it tot% at N , o'. `,aril, ' Ipl e. i i a are post bust') (iiiage d in 111- P‘ on:i 4' it're. it hen Per than el Cr' ,e.k .1, 4 Second tau et, cornet ni el 11 I. :(hire sae of the- lan d-e int ini d 'tufo st , i t' .r.C. , :5..6 . .i - • .s.•\ l'oeir new; 'ode is CCIIII i ho' and comple ir•1. , ,.. 1'N, r - si-teir 3 , l'hiladel plan. ck of rA LL AND 111N1 ER GOODS -es even.• 3 in ty. style. q uality and puce, Gold Lever 11 atclo ~ lull Jeu elled, It' car, i ei 13. to this et cnon of country. that cm hi. found in this vicinity. cases, $3O and over. brut AS--WV cordially 'nen/. you to glve They Lava barn selected with great care I Silvio Lever Watches, full a call as soon as practicable and ex On- and cannot fail to Please if see n. So ladies jewt Ile d, 810 and over. our snick of Drees Goods in your line, have the I, melte ss to give 11 , a (all and they Silver Lo pine Watelies, Jen d ii 3 nu do riot acknowledge at rinse. HAIL shall be shown to you with our, best ;paces elled, Ell I and river. benutY• ( .1" 11 1 , and c l " 1"" °I. II "' Omits. Our smelt of Cloths, Cassuneres, Silver Qoattier 11 atches, $5,00 to 10 Qoods far surpass 3our e ~r , mt., ~, w,il I.„ting,, S, s,&i ., i Is LOlll,lOO mai Cold pi,iirih‘, $1,50 to 7 he mute in Annie. worthy of your immediate attention ; so just I Pine Gold Ring , -, ;171 cis. to h 0 (EN 1 LENIEN—u,e also have a %•,* xtep_iml no u.. have our—measure-41th] Otleer-articles-m-propmemn,---A 11-Goods 1 lv,-, nip hnnild in give you fits. wartunted to be n hat they are sold for. In the (' lathing for we .Ivf., Constantly on hand, a lull assortment of COMPE I'ITION line GOLD JEWELRY and SILVER for we Lave it, our e•mploy one of the hest i WARE. Also, an assortment of M. J. To (-tutors in the county. Our inglio ir 1201 i/ bi as & Co.. E. Simi - eon, Samuel & Broth no nay. ors. E. S. Yates & Co., John Ilarlison, U. 11E IDY MADE CLOTIIIN . G. 4- R. Beesley, and other superior Patent We haven la roe assort me nt cumuli-11T Lever Moetnetels, which will be cased in 200 I ).11als :tom . 75 to $ lO . OO any stx•le desired. 210 I . esis " ,50 " ( i' oo Arrangements hate Loon made with all 100 frock, I)ress & Sack coats S 2 to 20 . 00 the above celebrated makers, the, best man -75 Over cents from 5,00 to 20.00 ofacturers of Liverpool. to furnish nt sho r t and B. modaltome, Shirts, I?-awe r, &C., notice any required style of Watch, for u; hoot nambt r. which orders will be taken and the name Cott.n. all of NOO who ar e in want nft hew a nd residence of the person ordering put on Cl, thine goal mve us a rail. We .0 , 0 hull i f rt , Ti ,,,, , d . 0111 , 11%1A 10 It aditie,4 to cut nr totihe j it --; O. CONIV.D. No. 90 North 2nd. St. to ttrelt r, upon the shortest novice and upon Importer of Watch( s. the most le terms. ' . 11 : 1 A el p i 1 ' 1, N (A. 2 ) . % —I OI IA r 2. 3. argo no, c.rni , eta tn•sortment o goo s in yuur Iwo, and resrectlii:ly in vitt_• yaa to Come tnni jutize Ctr your.Ft Iv • s, as IV,. Irel C . )llebiellt runt tint goods will give satisfaC- Wm both in fioonoFs wig! gnnlitt PIZETZ, L UTI 1 & CO. 1; w OctebL r 2, I.WA Tbe etilpscribevs. have note on hand, 50 Barrels, 1-lalis and o,oarters. NnF. 1 2. and :3 netv runicerel, which kill be stdd whole tale :yid road at thv RTZ, GUTH & CO. Hntt-wn, Ocit , twr 1',231. Coeti Cf:ll:t3 aid rehichs: 0411c,:atcacr; PlAt - TI slit --crilJers tahr thiq no.ihod to in. 1•.-am I tthltc that they have lately entia• 11Ci. Pirlll , l':•liip in the lathe III. " I . ..mei - iv oa Gcorp.. tely P1.4'1.1,110] '.." I heir hror. r,f 14. t'A GELS, &c, Their Horses are salt• arid all g.,ett tluerllcr. ; their tehicles into he new and of the latest style, and such ns hare been are repaired and repainted in the. tanner. They continue the business at the old stand in William street, in the Bo rough of A Uptown. 'Filet. will alwaytt br pre; tiled to furnish heir ca - int.-1t r:: at the shortest possible rm . . Hi sure and geode luris,s, good car nud cart ful drivers if roo l ut.sted. can b....suited in nil times With re hieles to their itirticular tr fret. Their ch.t.L70.... r 0..• reasonable. and i.l er der to coni..ilio 0.0 credit it has :I :,f Ire ry est;;li. In tVIli I , llVt , 1,, I..crp oil 11.111 d file b,•,ql hi ith ond wiz; And c.:trclu! c Ii vvrf.. nre v. IV and I frm:MAN & COMPANY. Sci.trmh•r I'.I~:~I. Crj d MACH 11: NUFAt TORY, Es.egttevtirt2, E"ra. r.„-Tu.-TE P 17NDF: -4 1C;';F:11-IT vE Ly entored int.) vartnershir ,1 111. To R. \i,,t• 4 trios( rent:enable is , 0:1, ct U plitee Afitreh (; ...„! ,' . A froz.ii ; tiprlv. ja , t rea..iv-1 ',I-/0 .. :linl nt re•doced 1 - o:cc:: at the W 2 -,,t 4 l'erl;!cs' tiLnre by WAGNEII& CO .111.1018. I MA currd I for by SAMSUN, WAUNE,II & .Tid CAC E L. 10. :new mackerel in whole; hall and quarter bhls. for sale by SAMSON, WAGNER. & CO. Chri A la Ige iismiitirwia of Glass and Qmoens wan:, pp:4 iihpaciiod nil for by SAMSON, WA(..4NR T-5w octriber t 3. 1,\51 1311:E1 J. MOUE:, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR ATLIW Wire a few doorr :resl of Ihr. Court flutist Ile ;fin be consulted both in the Ger man Ithd English lang,nages i , nt , ,wn, April .1 Co:le'ort: ;king Establishment !Is clitessiOWlS. .1 '' 11. ; J 3, Pe.p.cttt,liy annonnees to Ills friendm and the pul,lic in general, that he continues on an e xecwiivel scale , the Coaclistialiiiir; In rill It- various it the old staled in Nt - t dirertly orp...pirr I inte!, h e rr Im is alty;l\ r•Tared to iii.l,l , lfar:llri . pril, , r ti u • alt-o ~,AC8".17_,. r,, r;,11 (MA. ie ..„%• ,•.. a,1.1 by aky 'thiellina!;er ill iilt• I,is ternl, o f nn, Nhvr mew. Ili 11,-s iNtio but fir. , traiv itritet ill:4, ;Intl 1.11 , I.IIV 1.,,•:4 oltvorlc mon—c..,(lllo-11;y, hr intcmilz that the vv blrks walittfactured at his establish:llNa hiler Mr x/tier. Off" of all others mau l ufactured in this part of the country.. Ile professes to understand his business ex perience, and therefore' assurce the public that he is: enabled to reader satisfaction to his cos-toniers. Call and judge for yourselves. , S - Wowlott or iron nxlctreos made to or ;kr ; ;Lod IZypairing Of al: kind:, done at dn. shorte;it ounce and (Al 111'2 11111,1. rcasuuahl urine. Old 1; - chicles taken in exchange for new 0111'S at a good ROBERT AI ER. July 10 I's shionable & C Atailmtacton- IRA E1i0.41011. LUCAS HAINES, wt u LD respectfully invite the futon non of his old cusmmers. the public in general. and the COI.7NTRY MER CHANTS in particular, to the large assou ment and superior style and quality of Atits an d e Ps, snilahle for the 1, Sl' 1.31E11 TRAIW I Ivilich he Ints,just received and is selling at redact d prices. • He has a leo on hand n large assortment of 11, Silk, licarrr, Nett( ria, Rim 11 4. /Wady, •• • Bruhl, ,/curve, ('arruilit Shiite, and eery other kind of Hats, and ‘till be ahle_to suit the . taste.and _inclination of all who nay favor him tvith a call. has Leen ....elected tt•itlt the greatest care. and having spent the greater part of his life in the titanunicture of lairs, hilows that he can ;:ell as cheap, and as op at an d ptvr tee! nn 'article as any other estabtablishinent eilla , r in Eaton or the Cities. I lit: Stand is nn the north side of North-' ant pton street, one door above Hader's Store, ; and nenrlq opposite the Easton. 1 COtiNTI? AIERcILINTS', will do w' II to examine his stock•; n$ he'is prepared to accommodate them on the low est rms. 11-ly EaFton, May 29 7- 1 731 r. qtr t nir ....L.. a. a. --ly • .Septeinbvr c 1 w v. 3. . 13.1° TITS F. ti. -7 - 4; :tr,,tz Adopts this method to inform his Irietels and the public in general, that he has wade Allentown his pennant-10 residence. Ile has opened an office at his dwellin t y, opposite /I'4/ Vs American Hotel. a few doors east of Pretz, Guth & Co's. Store, whore he will be happy to ofler his the science of Den tistry. He will call at private •residences, if requested, IV' His terms are rea.s•nnable, and having had much experience in the prnfes:.ions, feels :s4tisfi t d that he can give general wiz,- faction Alit -Alum - li, April '2l, ISSI ITY -1Y TY/=4 \V E:III1 1 Yi L 1.2 The Girard Life insurance Annuity Hod Trust Company Of Philadelphia, Odle.' No. 169 Chestnut .Street, Charter Perpetual, CAPITA L 3490,06(). Continue to make Insurances on Lives on the most favorable terms. Th,., capital being paid up and inserted. together with the accumulated premium land affords a petjta security to the insured. The premium may he paid in yearly, hall yearly, or quarterly payments. The comploty add a BONUS at stated pe riods to the insurance for life. The first bonus was appropriated in December, amounting to 10 per cent. on the sum in sured under the oldest policies, to HI per rant, 71 per cent, &c., on others in propor tion to the time of standing making- an addi tion ;if $lOO, 557,50, $75, on every 'lllOO originally insured, which is an aver ' 2. 7 , , of more than 50 pur cvnt tot th , it u~i uou paid—and without int:too:hi aunty' I ravoicot to the company. • ' -t f I No a m z; Innisl •• :;:i[ l o 250 400 `2; 5 1 b'no 12 , 1 --- ,• stloll 437 Pamphlets coittitinitt , f tables ,t rocs, itnti ' explanations of the subject ; Inrtne nl appli cation ; and further inforinat can 5e had nt the office in Philadelphia, or ca applica don to A. L. Rum:. A ;2elit in A lleittmo. 13. IV. Ilion/mos, President , Jso. P. JAMES. .de(liart/ I)ecetuber Ia BANK ISTaTICE. A PPLIC A 'HON W ILL HE 1l APE to the next Legislature of Pennsylvania for the incorporation of a Bank, with 0-ene rid discount and oilier banking privileges, to he located at the Borough of Allentown. Lehigh county, to be called the "iiiiineor' roid Mechanics' Bank," with a capital of One Hundred Thousand Dollars, unit the privikaii of increasing the same! to Two I loodred Thousand Dollars. Eli- Steckel. :Thomas Salonam Wearer, Joshua Hansr, Thomas Feager„ William R. Craig, ' James J lJine, ! John Wagner, 11. Sch»aramn, ..lase/>p Dietrich, Thomas 13.11 . eidatr,,Caarlcs MitsNey. June 26. " 11—tint Mover's ink Alannractory, IZENIOVED Ti) 11 , 1 RACE 'STREET, • (13rtween Ptiorih and Fifth. opposite Crown St.) L.IDELPIII.I. Where the Proprietor is enabled, by in creased facilities. to supply the growinz deinand for HOVER'S INK, which its widesprend reputation has created. This I nk is now so well established in the good opinion and confidence of the .Ameri ego Public, that it is scarcely necessary to sny anything in its favor, and the manufac turer takes this opportunity to say , that the confidence thus secured shall not but abused. In addition to the various kinds of Writ ing* ink, he also manufactures .Idoniantine Omen/ (or mending Glass and China, as well as a superior Hair Dye; a trial only is necessary to insure its future use, and a fl 'ox, well adapted for Druggist Branuretn and vvil_votsrit ills, and Bottlers, at n very low price, in large. Country merchants and others, are here or small quantities. by notified, that the fnr famous Pills o Orders addressed toJOSEPI-1 E. HOVER, Doctors William A. Wright, and Benjamin Manufagterer, No, 144 Race Sired, Brandreth, are constantly kept for sale at Betweent4th & sth, opposite Crown. St., I the office of the "Lehigh Register" Ly the PHILADELPHIA. dozen boxes, at. wholesale prices. • n I .July I\ Donu:, Ad.!mon.' I I no .750 4•!PO 3 I T,-1 v INDEMNITY. ; Another Scientific Wonder: THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE•PEPSIN 7 COMPANY of Philadelphia. .1N SETIF ICLIL DIGESTIVE OFFICE, N''. 163 6 (1/E ' 3N " ;-'IIIF3E.I. vi vi a (w (last:tie, S li i. c. e. V ...ay Plait ,treet. . 1 P.:: , ei , r.s ' A (;PKAT DISPEPSIA CURER! 1,:111..., . 7 .`•;. Pi,:,clier, t ' , e , . lr icicl.ll..: i, d d (re m Pr,inct.llr ihc fourth Stomach l'homas liar:, M•r.,l. 'i. - ;. 1..cw1:% ici `l, itt'l" '!ir:•( - :,:,t1:3 of Par on Lir l'4:as Wagner, Adolp. E I:t. , r.e, I Gig. the groat Pity.stottigical Uttentiet. by Samuel Gram, David S. EirGwn,. J. S. Iloggh.fon. M. D., No. 11, North Jacob- IL Smith, Morris Patterson, Eighth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. roNTENNTE t o 'mik e N sun i nee , permanent This is a truly wonderful remedy fot In: and lila ned,on every deqcription orptoperty,.in digivion, .Da.vaymia, Jaundice, Licet town and country, at, rates as lowan . are conNis• Complaint, Con.rtimaiun, end Debiliit.4 tailt with security. . . : . . . T:le• Compativlvive reserved a large Canon. i curing niter Nature's own method, by gf•nt Vutil, whit,h with their Capital a n d l'reini• ! I\:itture's own agent, the Gastric Juk utni. , -,--q•tifrly-itive-tttrtirtrord-arnir tr - Erntrviol. ~• th, , as,irt..l. ' will digest or dissolve, Five The asset, of t h e company, on January 1 , 1. : kn teat"', 1898, :is published agreeably to an Act of A,. I'oAnds oilioast Beef in about two hours,- seinhly, were as tollows, viz: out of the stomach. Ntertgages, f,590.558 65 Digestion.— Digestion is chic per. - Real Estate. 729.35$ 90 Temporary Loans. 205,159 00 formed in the 6totnach by the aid of a fluid Stocks, - 15,563 lh Wide!) freely exudes from the inner coat o!' Cash, tice., 46.581 81 that ortun, when in a state of health, called I the Gastric Juice. This fluid is the (Imre. $1,220,097 67 Solvent Of the Food, the Purifying, Preserye- Since theirineorporation. a period of eighteen lug and Stimulating Agrnt of the stomach yenrs, they have paid upwards a our mimm and intestines. Without it there will be no-' hen thou:quid elolbirß,ll.Nscs by fire, there by a dirresnon -- no conversion of food into blood, affording evidence of the advantages of insu• atm no nutrition of the body ; but rather a ranee, as wen as me ability and disposition to meet with prompters, all liabilities. foul. torpid. painful, and destructive condi (ALA RI.ES N. BANCIiER, President lion of the whole digestive apparatus. A CITARLES G. BACKER, Sec'y. weak, half dead, or injured stomach produ ces no good Gastric Juice, and hence tne The Subscribers are the apprintcd Agents of the above ineneoned - rostitutfen, and are now disease,distress and debility which ensue. prepared to malie insurances fin every dvscrip. I mid licnne.--Pepsin is the chief lion of property, at the lowest rants. I elemi g rum digesting principle of the AI7tII7STI'S 1,. 1:1711E. Anentou n Oasttic Juice. It is found in great abou t:. F. Bethlehem. dunce in the solid parts of the human sto-. Atieutow_n,June 13, 13.18. ¶—l y m ach »fol. dcash, and sometimes causes the WILLIAM 6, MM. stomach to eliqcst itself. or eat itself up. It. ATTortlvEr 8. couNsELLoR AT LA w , is also ',nod itt the stomach of animals, as the ox, caif, &c. .It is the material used by farmers in mak illf• cheese, called Rennet, the eff•ct of which has long been the spe cial wanner of the dairy. The curdling of !n i ilk is fil e lint process of digestion. Reit net possl'i:Se power. The sto-- mach of a calf will CUrdl” nearly one thou- I send times its own weight of milk. Baron. I dediy, states that, "One hart of Pepsin dis.mlved in sixty.thousand parts of water,- will diez-est meat and other rood." Diseased stomachs produce tin wood Gastric Juice, Rennet or To show that this want y he perfectly supplied, we quote the • d; evytiter ilfriee in the wrstern front mom of tho boiling of John 1). Lawnll, former; v Elm n beck's, west of the Courthouse. Ilentown_April 4. N5O. LOOK HERE A Certain and Elreetual Cure, The stili,rtiber, I)rtifsgist in tin , Borough 1i. , 1111,11, m, Northitinpton inctlitid to inform :“Ifl , r,rs Ithi•n. in:,ite coin! kilo. be it ur Acute, that he iireptires p.I ~ 1 ,•,! riao, that wi cti;.et a ruvi , wide spred ty in Quart bolt, Is, t.ncli od by a bux htilawlii. Tilt! 1., taken internaliy, and the ainniamt r• .. - Iv. The genuine article can be 1,a,1 poly IV the urder,igned, a practical I)iiiv !2 it.t and Chemist, and ori t jattior of Ow Price two dollars pl.:r bottle, or six bottle:- for ten dollars—which 'till he sent to inva lids in any part of the county, free of charge All orders must he accompanied with the Cash, or they will ri•ceive no attention. This inedicine needs no punimy., it spenh s for itself, while perfectly harmless in its ope ration it eradicates the system from the ,•(Gets produced by unskillful treatment. It has already produced some astonishing cures, and of cases where the patient has been confined to the house far years, nod 1,0,e that got al,road only with the list. id 'rutches, were set at thirty b the i (.1 truth one to .lc Both is. 't•ftiti , •;;lvs cu• can he !.. , I.(?N'tt nom lt,t2 Ino,l Et,prtft• Lreviiine without his u •ign;ltti re in Nu,. HENN Y (:ANT;wEiz. Propr;elor, Be! hicht tn, Penn L./y(7cm Uvr 21. I t. widri.:, havo cnt..r. , , 1 int Co -T . :ilt und,r I lie Finn Iti9l 'CO CARIIV ON TIII: l'a per and Rag 131p:-.ints13 Al.' NO. 5 NI IN( /11 iN - 1121i.T.T, PII 11..1DELNILI, Where they intend liceping n A— sortnient of Papers, &c., C.,ll,l:•Thig lit putt ;(S rolloWs : I'Vriting Papyri; Wove and Lid, Am, I can and English. Path Posts and Note Papers ; \Vove and Enid Gilt and Plain. Polio Posts, Flat Caps. Printing Pa. pers, all sizes, I la rdtvart! Papers, filial 19 by '24 to 40 by TS. Unloa=d and White ti,sue Papers, Amer ican and Englis h , Ilollings.worth's Patent Manilla Papers. Colored and White Shoe Papers, com mon and estre sizes. Buff Envelope Pa rs. Colored Printing and Corer Papers. Manilla Papers, all sizes. o!azed Royal, all colors. Druggist, )Floc Medium and Filterim . 2 Papers. Tea, secret and Cord Papers for Confuc- timers Alandla and Straw )Vrapping• pers. • Bonnet, Binders', Box, Cop and Trunk 800 rd s. White and Buff Envelopes ; Legal, ter, Note and Card sizes. irA ,, ents fur 13Iiss, Potter & Co's PR INTER' S in I ack and sheets, white and colored—odd ell( to order. Also; their Gtlt, Figured and Plain .glazed Paters. JOHN 111MBY, lote of A 9 V. Third.S!. • N. S. LAN% EENCE, late of NO. \;.• nor Street. N. 13.-500 Tuns of Rags r x chnn for. Phi:adelphio, July 43 lull a 'teaspoonful of this Fluid, infusod' OE .c.,';•; , ; :1):,6c Et:Howl—T.3mm Liebig, in ii.• r! I. itaarli on Animal Chemistry. -ays : -An A ruficial Digestive Fluid nifty roanlily pr , pitred front the mucous illent.• brallt` ul thi• t. , lolllaell of the Call, in which various article s of food, as meat and eggs. will ho softened, changed, and digested, just in the saute manner as they would be in the sitnnach." Dr. Peroirn, in his famous treatise on “Food and Diet," published by Wi I son & Co., New York, page :35, states the same great fact, and describes the method of pre ; arati Thcre arc few higher authori ties than Dr. Pereira Dr. John W. Draper, Professor of Che mistry in the Aledical College of the Uni versity of New York, in his "Text Book of' Chemistry," page :356, says, "it has been rmestion whether artificial digestion could ;h e performed-1.10 it is now universally ad ! milted that it innv be." 1 1. or phihniclpion, itt g r nt tverlc on [lnman Physiology, de mar, th , in to an examina- 111 .10ti tif t to, ,11!..iret.. I li;experitnents with affht, en the t fastric Juice, alf alfa-I t , .1/ lilt' 11611 ,, Iffun.ftt stomach and tt,;to lliiiinalS irll ; e "1111111 ea "lff.s.ays" -diecstion occurred as per t'f•ctiv in the artiticial as in the naturAtl di .2rf u Dippepsi,l Curl r.—Dr. Houghton's t;reparatioit of Pepsin has produced the .tio , t ninrve (lets, curing eases of De- Emachition, Nervous lh cline, nod ; Com-umptiLti. t.upposed to be on eery vt•rDt of the grave. It is 'impossi to m give the &wits of cases in the limits ~t" this advertisement but anthenticated et-rtiticates have been given of more than '4l lleuarlwille Cures, in Philadelphia. Nt iv York, nod 13oAon alone. These were ovally all desperate cases, and the cures W , •p• not only rapid and wonderful, but per manent. It is a gr,•at Nervous Antidote, and from the astonishingly small quantity necessary to prodtiCe healthy digestion, is believed to act upon Eh clro-.llwrnelk Principles!—There is lin form of Old Stomach Complaints which it' oes not seem to reach and remove at once. No matter how bad they may be, it gives instant relief! A single dose removes all the unpleasant symptoms, and it only needs to be repeated, for a short time, to make these good effects permanent, purity of blood and vigor of body, follow at once. It is particu lai ly excellent in cases of Naust' , a, Vomitinw t (.7 ran:ps, Soreness of the pit of the StomeeD,-.. di•tross niter wine:, low, cold, state of the 13;ood, Heaviness, Lowness of Spirits, Des- pond. hey, Runt i oion, Weakness, ten den- - cy to ItLianity, Suicide, &C. • Price one dollar per bottle. One bottle • will often eti;•ct a lasting cure. PEPSIN P Sent by 11ail, Free of Postage. For con venience of sending to all parts of the coun try'. the Digestive matter of the pepsin is put up - in theform of Powders, with -direc tions to be dissolved in diluted alcohol, wa ter. or syrup, by the patient. These pow ders contain just the same matter as the butiks, but twiev_tbe quantity for the same price, and will be sent by mail, free of Post o[re. for one dollar sent (postpaid) to Dr. J !S. Houghton, No. I 1 North Eight street, I Philadelphia, Pta. - I Six packnes , for five dollars. .Every pacliage and With: bears the written signa lure of J. S. Houghton, M. D., Sole Pro -1 prietor. ,„: 1 rirAgents wanted ill every town in inn' I United States. Very liberal. discounts 'pi-- 1 yen .V. 4 ,the trade. Drugizists, Postmasters, and Rboksellers are desired te act asagents. 7-6111 i A urim S 4 F, —1 Jr =I