The Lehigh register. (Allentown, Pa.) 1846-1912, October 16, 1851, Image 3

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    Wreck of the 11. S. Steamer Jefferson. I enjoyment of his 60 - ills and property, and
Wo publish below n detailed account of
in the use of his oidnions ; the judicial pow
the wreck Of this ill-fated vessel; off the ier shall he. sustain, d in the free exercise of
its funetions,and I ,, ithing shall be taken by
coast of Patagonia, on the 28th of May last.
The writer was one orate crew of the ves-
the liberating furers without payment for the
sel. This incident adds another to the mel-
Third: As a gnarantee of Cho rights and
ancholly catalogue of disasters on this in hos
sovereignty of the States, n reformation of
pitable shore. It is gratifying to know that
the Federal Constitution is required, reserv
no lives were lost, and that a speedy return
ing to the StautS all the powers and enjoy
of the offiders and crew to their homes may
mints not granted to the General Govern
be expected.
Peer Ms; nu, June 17, 1851. ment.
DEAR SIR :—Trilling events have hap-
Fourth: The national representation, or
at least in the Senate, shall he equal, or by
{tuned to me since my list letter from Monte-
Video. Our snug little stenrnship is now States, and elected popularly, abolishing the
power of the Executive to appoint otlizcrs.
a total wreck, lying at this place, in wild
Fifth : The abolishment of prohibitions
barren - country not inhabited. We
left and the reduction of import duties on foreign
Montevideo wit h fair prospect of a good voy- ,
merchandise is r, quired. and the duties jut
hge through the straits, .but the hand of • 40 per cent., ad ca-
trovidence ordered dillerently. 1l was on I b roil.
]'lay the 10th we left Nlontevideo, bound to
neth : The heart penalties applied to
Valparaiso, and had pleasant weather un
smngaling, which makes it a criminal of
-01 the evening of the 24th o f Ni ey , w h en a fenc e ,, imposing absurd fine, shall be abol
heavy sea and wi n d i m peded our p e a -
gress. Preparations were made for our ished ; the lass Or the goods, without fu e
'safety, which are common in these latitudes
responsibility, is enema h, and from, th
and in this season, to reef all sails and putduct of this a fund shall created for the
and sacred purpose of making
Ihet vessels under situ , soil. T he gale ta• war on tile savages.
Creased to a tempest, and our craft cracked
Seventh: The introduction of groceries
tend bounced liken little shell on the wave. shall be pern;'tted, on the frontier of the Rio
The morning of the tliith tile wind fell a
omen, free of duty, for five years.
little, with the sea running mountains high
Eighai: For the foreign commerce a
and n very ugly cross-choped sea atrik int! 1, 0 , 0 ,, - , r custom H.00.,.c shall be established
our little vessel on all sides so as to make
at the town of Reynosa.
her unmanageable. I: was found she would
Ninth : The town: seconding, ;his plat,
not answer her helm, and the sea: break-. f.t od ,,rt owins,elres, the authorities of the re
as to disable our machinery. The whet - I- I
:houses were stove in by the
Teolh : This movement is eminently naseen,
and in
tional and liberal—consequcntly the States
-afternoon at 10 minutes to :1 o'clock, we ,
atm towns flint may rolopt the same, shall
to - united to, and were bore dcwn on cur b e
susin i to d by the iibern(ing . forces.
beam ends, and the only resource was to;
vrnt h : A portion of said forces shall
nut the masts away, when she right. el and ht,, permanently destined to carry nit hnstil
came on even keel once again. The i
n " itit';.• rigainst the barbarians, until the coot
she wa3 on her bcamr ratel about urteca! n i tth , r,eilicHlion of the frontier states.
minutes ; she was steady nod that was all
Titte(p/e: These towns will not lay down
that saved us. 13eing about three lutu !
t ;
miles off hind. and this place the nearest. their arms until the contents of the eleven
proceeding articles be granted and realized.
the captain and ofrcers run her lwre.— :
If the General Government should be ob-
This is a place for "digging guano." W ' stinme in refusing the armed petition of this
found a Mr. Powell here, and ten miles dis
frontier, contaitiMg all the watts of tie,:
tent he has n gang of men digging guano.— t
, whole nation. the States adopting this plan
At Sea Bear Bay there is a
ancilpra g e • will organize a Provincial Government. lay
.and there are four or five vessels down tiler;
inu aside all id, a of secession or annexation,
waitinz fur their cargo of guano.
nu ' Pin. • and that in order that this plan may have
my Califor.nia prosprcts. Vur ship tea.
: the tfccessarY publicity, this meeting was
condemned fur survey, by the ea Plitt" and it . s m ee d in a dd ress the attune to the illustri•
officers, rind they reported to the crew in •
our ."/ ,, turateinienta, b, ivy the holy of thic
. sriti ut n aft the quarter deck, tbnt the eii leaving to
nod de
.ship was hogged. broken dt.WI) 1111i1C1' th'l,l
111/Vrati(lll tile manner which they will
machinery. nral leaving twenty-four inehes proniuleam it.
in the twenty-four hours ;and also, the they , •
ANALEZ, J. M. OnsvAbcs &c.
considered her for service and inis, J. Lr
(.As;t' AT THE LonA, Sept. 3, Itisl.
worthy.—They directf d that every thir,f2
thnt coubl lw saved shonld be taken care of,
and that shonld rrocure n ' paqsw2e. all hand , . A Brent-ii Merchant hi Trouble.
and embark for the 'tii:vd States. We The /Cal ni.yrh e eilungof Sepiember 11,
are now busy in hreakin., th e wreck to pie- gives the fullocting curious, narrrative of one
ors to get tine engine and out- , •1 "lint nem" of Bremen, which we
with stunt other property as is 10 he rt . - translate. for The 7'rihii
moved. Mr. Po well has loaned us
. n '
I ivory Engelbert I blase, now GS years
sloop to net as a tender to us, until such of when five years of age been'
times we can revile,' n—i,truice from hoot,.- left the orphan a n small trader in Bremen,
video, which is about flUff milcsliaison ,
During the gale, we hove the most of i a near relative of his moth
provisions over board, together with .
and hrong.l,t up by him as his own son
I person, whose name was Geisler, af
paints, oils'', anchors nml fomge to lighten , ter o,ords cook hill 0. , a
her. So we came , in lucre lot miry. and ye - and when he died, i n Iso6,
ceived assistant from ;Mr.. Powell. a kind ! iii the hoofers in
connection with Geis-I
and rich English, contin
g.entleinan. and mime- ..
nu using . I I qt . ,: t
idaw, for about years, when
for oldie guano. The crew held a
the establisdanent was closed, I laase being
after the gale and tendered a fetter of thnnks considered as a inan of large property. Ile
to our Captain and officers for their gallant, .
, vas one of the most highly respect e d urn
conduct and self-poses s ion during the gale in
in Breinett.—h o lding several public o(fices,
saving our lives and the ship. Some game
tinstee of the schned-fund, of the missio n .
is shot here. ()strict!) and Guanacos, nr arty and Polite societies, an ndministrator on
Lama, is.our ford, with duck and muscles. t he
estate of many, dec,aged persons, and LI
We have hunting, parties ever I• day. Dr.
cruprdbin of sevrral orphan children. lie
Martin is now ill. and 11 " a c c d d fr e'".,
en o:une. : mv the impression of the ill 11St tictive be
tieveb-rwe, and the highest integrity, and
abound, in both pub;ic ruin private chari
ties. Na one ever sought his aid in vain.—
a ltyti es gave with great 'liberality.—
in the biuliest degree, he was al
ws the man to whom his friends entrust
ed the it obligations when they were absent,
on jon;IICVS or otherwise, from the city.—
Whatever was placed in the hands of
f !mist . was deemed perfectly safe. • lit ISI3,
he married into nu old Bremen family, but
his wife died on the birth of her first child
in Irtl , l. Sitter , 1S:30, in which year he in
herited 850.000 from the uidow of Cieisler,
he was an A Idermnn of the city. A cer
tain cnxcombrv—for instance, he wore jcw
elS and lace, which was not usual, mid took
every mums to conceal his age—was for
given him, on account of the high esteem
which lie universally enjoyed. No (MP ev
er ventured in the slightest degree to ridi
cule Alderman Ilasse; in the opinion of ev
ery "tie, lie stood firmer than any man in
Bremen. With remarkable hospitality, he
entertain e d, every witelc, a distinguished
company of both sexes, and it was consider-'
ed n great honor to he invited to his par
ties. A degree of luxury was exhibited, at
his dinners which was excusable only in a
rich man without children. He pursued
this course since 1809. flis repthation for
honestly was perfect ; but nt that time he
had comtnenced a career of swindling on a
Inrcre scale: In the very first year of • his
eiitablislilnent , he spent a •grent portion of
the properly of the widow, deceiving her
with false accounts, and paying interest on
4ttLets which were no longer in 'existance.
In taking possession of- the Geisler legacy,
paid the tax of $B,OOO to the' State, although
the property had been previously made way
with. This tax was paid with the public
money which since that time, he had — used
it both in luxury
for h i mself, soundering
and charity'.
Th e w h o l e :!mount of his defalcation is
not !vet folly - knoncrl. But it is certain that
there is a deficit of 10.9.000 dollars in the
School Fund, 8.000 dollars in the fund of
St. Stephen's Church, which he attended
twice every Sunday, and 9,000 dollars in
the Missionary Society. In his annual State
ment of the different funds, he solicited the
inspection of the books, and often pretended
that the value of the property had inpreased
by advantageous purchase and Bale-orstocks,
frequently offering the overseers to short,
them the certificates in various closetootndl;
Revolution in icxic o.
i c
The brliArtvi, T raphic dispatch from the
Southwest Pass. announcing the arrival of
the steamship Yacht, Captain
hoot Prazosfit. Jaao. nodins' that a rev.
°lotion had broken out in New' Mexico,
publidotd in The Dc/ta of last, evening.
created much excitement :n the city. and a
general desire to learn all possible pa!
Jars. That desire we shall now proceed to
oratify, by copying the following front The
- Brownsville Rio Bravo,• of the 2 , 11 h
brought by the Yacht, which arrived up in
the course of tile afternoon
We copy. amt's • The Rio Prom. from
The Bien Public°. of Nliitamoras. the fol
lowing plan and pronuncininemo, sicmed
.by Don Ignacio entialez, nod other citizen
- of Guerrero, and forwarded by them to the
commanding General of the Mexican forces
at Matnmoros. The movement
,seems to
extend throughout the State of Tomaulipas,
and it is said will be general in rill the north
ern States of Mexico.
Tiie Patriot forces are commanded by
'Col. Don Jose, :Maria J. Caravjes, and al
ready (mother nearly a thousand men.—
His plan and pronunciatnente;:re extensive
ly circulating throughout the. TiPpublie,
:adopting the twelve articles of the Guerrero
Patriots, as found below. • •
The movement looks truly formidable,
nod we believe is so regarded by the author
ities of the General Government over the
PLAN. --The subscriber.s., rill citizens of
the city of Guerrero, in the State of Tomo
lips, convinced that the national represen
tation has paid no attention to the repeated,
petitions which they have sent to that sov.
ereignty. through the corresponding sources
for the abolishment. of prohibition and the
reduction of the tariff; the protection due to
stop the depredations of the Indians,-alrea--
dy insupportable, ns well ns the oppression
they stiffer, owing to the restriction together
with the hostility of the barbarians, nre the
complete destruction, not only of those who
speak,"but of the whole frontier, have deci
ded and resolved to sustain with their arms
the contents of the following articles:
First : The permanent troop shall be ex
pelled the territory of the State, as being
pernicious, oppressive and useless.
• , Fecond : The citizen is inviolable ic the
oaken chests. It was naturally deemed a
gross imputation on such an accurate ac%
countant to except the o(i!r. In order to
preserve the honor of the City several of die
inhabitants were willing toad vance 1000) or
even 21,001) dollars to hush up the [natter
but it was ton late ; the all tir had already
gok wind. Justice mint accordingly take
its course. Every one sees that it is a great
misfortune for Bremen, the consequenoe of
which cannot as vet be fully calculated.—
On Saturday, when thu explosion took place
men wept like children; they were pale as
death when they met on the Exchange, and j
all businesS cone to a stand-still. The
streets were perfectly hushed ; people stood j
in groups, speaking to each others in whis
pers of the astoundinff discloSure.—The de
ammo'. of I Inase at the examination great- !
ly snr trise the ltd uses. . With 2-reat
posure he listened to the charges, displaying
no traces of distraction : and he still remains
in a state of aelf•deception, persuaded that
he will receive pardon, as_he confessed the
crime and yielded himself to justice when
he gave up the accounts and resigned his
A Terrible Tragedy.
The Tuscoloose, Ala., Monitor of the 211
inst. narrates n tragedy of which the sub
stance is as follows :
John Kirby an o:ti and respectable citizen
of Ttiscaloose, Ala., wa , shot in the Cour
[louse of that town on the 20th oh. A re
contre had occurad iii April last between
Kirby and Prederick P. E!all, ako of Tus
ealoosa, in which the latter, who was unar-1
mod at the time was seriously wounded.—'
I lull was held to hail. and appeared to talc..
his trial nn the 30th but on affidavit it was :
postponed, when Kirby asked Permission
to address the Court. which Judge Walker!
refused. Kirby then drew a pistol, where
upon Mr. Newton L. Whitetifid attetapt
ed to wrest it ifom him, and in the strugale
it was discharged the ball pasEin!,Y . through
Kirby's thigh, severing the feanoral artery,
and causing his death in a'fety minutes and
penetrating Whitefield's leg, inflicting a
painful but not a dangerous wound. A son
of Kirby's supposing that his father had
beon shot by Mall, fired at him but missed
huh ,-razing the foot of one of the jti
rymen..and rebor:ion' !loon the loop. Hall
wasarrested by direction or the Judge, who
also supposed that Kirby had b N :ri shot by
him. Hall handed Iris pistol, whin was
still loaded, to the :Tadao, and
. pla"ced him-1
self in the hands of the Slwrid. The pro
6.etlings of the day were of course brought
to an abrupt termination by the occurrence
in its presence olsuch a terrible tragedy
i f. Philadelphia Market, Oct. 11.
Thv market 1.4 dull. There is little
or no export demand, and standard brands
are dull at $4. 061 per barrel. The sales
fur city consumption are limited within the
range of $ 12-1- asl 75 fur common and
extra brands. In [Zvi , . PLona and Coax
MrAt. nothing doing, and but little of either
ell;!ring. .GRAlN—There is but little Wheat
arriving. and prices are steady, Sales of
WOO bushels good new Southern Red at
SO a NI cents per bushel ; Wheat ranges
from toSO cents for and strictly prime.
CORN is scare, and an MI VtITICO (WOO our
last quotatimis has been oir.r,d (or some par-1
eels of good Yellow to arrive. Sales at 6'2!
rt (ks. cents. (I. Ts are in trhod demand,
and 3000 bushels Southern sold at ;35 cis.
per bush. WnisrcEv is dl/11. Small sal e s
at 2 I a 22 cents, both in Mids.:lnd barrel.
Philadelphia Cattle Market.
The olf•rings at markets last week corn
prised 2250 head of Beef Caule, inelnd, !l2:
n5O driven to New York, and ISt) head re
! nitiining unsold ; 3SO Cows and Calve: , , 030
hop, and 2liist) Sheep and Lambs.
Cattle continue in better demand
(larger sal .s having he , Pll made this week
than Own• was last.) lan no change in pri
ces. Sales at $5 to $:150 per 100 lbs. for
interior quality, with a few sales of extra nt
$7. Cows and Calres.—The market re
mains dull. Sales of Fresh Coles at $lB
to $3O; Springers $l2 to $25, and DrY
COWS Sib to $l2. Wl:lS—Thew was a lar
eer number sold this week, with but few
remaining over unsold. Sales fit $5 75 to
$0 25' per 100 lbs. Sheep and Lambs.--
Sales of the !Mriel. $1 25 to $3 50, and the
latter $1 SO to $3 cud'. according, to quality.
Independenoe of Principl©.
Lord Er, nte was distinguished through
life for independence of principle, for rigid
adherence to truth. • Ill' once explained the
ride of his conduct, which ought to be deep
iy engraved on every heart. Ile said : "It was
the first command and council of my earliest
youth always to do what my conscience told
me in be a duty, and leave the consequence
to Gml. I shall carry with me the•rnernory,
and I (rust the practice, of this parental lesson
to the grave. I have hitherto followed it, and
have no reason to complain that nn obedience
to it has been any sacrifice. I have found it,
on the contrary, the road of prosperity and
wealth, and I shall point out the same path to
my children for their pursuit."
Famine in &vet/1.'2.-14m scarcity exists in
the district of Oestmark, province of Wermer.
land, in Sweden, and the inhabitants ere ;tetm
ally obliged to crush the bark of trees and eat it,
mixed with green rye, chopped up like straw
for horses.
rirPusey, the remnant, was In malce an as
cension from York, on Satorday, hilt failed.
an artificial Digestive Fluid Gastric Juice.
A great Dyspepsia Curer, prepared from
Rennet, or the fourth stomach of the Ox,
after directiolli of Baron Liebig, the great
Physiological Chemist, by J. S. Houghton,
M. 11, No. 1.), North Eight Street, Phila..
d e lp!lia, Pa. This is a truly wonderful
remedy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaun
dice. Liver Complaint, Constipation, and
Debilty, curing after Nature's own method
dy Nature's own agent, the Gastric Juice
ae.a adyertisegient itleviolher
On the 9th of September, in Ilnnovrr,
Samorl tr., infant son of Joseph and flti
rFetta Floris, aged S nionths.
On the 24th of Se pter»her, of infhmation,
fdtzahclli Beier, aged 70 years.
On the 7th Hronnb.-r, in North White
hall, of fever. il/qPilla, thnizhtor of Peter .
and Anna Iltre, azed 91 years.
On the 9:h of October, in Allentown, of
croup, MP/07)/w? K. son of Thomas nod
Elizabeth Wilson, red 5 years.
On the Sth of October, in North White.
hall, of inflamation, Sanwa Falk, aged 51)
years.—The deceased was engaged in quar
rying stones, when unfortunately a mass of
around and stones (ell on hint and injured
him in such a manner, as to cause his death
• Lades' day ...Latta'.
Of Vain:Able Rea! Eslnte.
Will he sold at public sale on Saturdav,
the 25th day of October, at 1 o'clock. I'. M.
at the late residence of Char/el Koelt. de
ceased, in Upper Sancon township, Lehig'h
county, the following, articles to wit :
Two horses, I cow, 3 hogs, 1 large dog,
1 two-horse wagon and bolt•. pl oug h, liar
row, wheel-barrow, swfugletrees, ladders,
bolster and drillers, plough gecrs, saddle,
lock-chnins.sythes and sliest hes, grind-stooe,
grubiting•hoe, sand and grain shovel, post
spade. grain cradle, skoop and other fish.
no s , barrels, meat and other tubs, potatoes
by the boshel, &c. Also house and Lichen
furniture, consisting of 2 beds and hod steads,
sma ;1 (10., tables. Closet, desk, chairs ; wood
chest, iron ln•uel, boilers, t ru minds, benches,
&c. &c , also a fowling-piper, together with
a variety of fanning, household, and kiehen
utensils to Ott ire2rous to mention.
The conditions will be made known on
the day of sale, and due auendunce given
by ti ,
JUDE KOCH, Alministrtileix
Upper Saucon, October 11-2 w
PUBLIC 841,1 g.
Valuable Personal Proper'iy.
The Subscriber will sell at Public sale on
Saturday, the Ist day of November next, at
1 o'clock in the afternoon, at her residence,
in the borough of Allentown Lehigh coun
ty; (late the residence of Mrs. Greenleaf,)
t h e lilio l cinfz valuable personal property :
13ureaus, l'ablo, Chairs, Stoves, I )ress
mrd I'ier Tables,l3tandv, irrurs, Sofas,
Clot hes, Presstes, Side-boards. Carpets, Van
de Ornaments, Parlor and Kitchen furniture
of nil kinds, Pictures. Beds and I3edding,
&c., and a variety of other valuable person
al property not nvcet.tary to mention.
The lurniture ollZ;redis of the hest qual
ity and of the most litshionnh:e style.
'clic sub:scriber is confident that so supe
rior a (piahly of furniture has never .been
°tiered for sale in this community. Any
person desirous of seeing, and examining it
can dos() at any time previ oils to the sale.
Tenns a SO I
Allentown, Clctob•r 13, I S3I —3ll,
COMPAN V of Philadelphia.
OFFICE, N.. 1633 CiIE:. 4 N :sl'ltEE'l
near Filth street.
Chat los N. Bruickcr, l
'llionias ilait, Alord. D. Lvwis.
Tobias ‘Va t rtivr, Adolp. 11: font.,
Smoot.] (gout, I )avid
.lacol, H. Smith, Ahrris l'attorsoo,
CONTINI:E to make Insurance, permanen
and limited. m every description of property, ii
t..tvrt and mitintly, at rates as lowas are coiistt:
tam with seen: ity,
The C.unpany have reserved a large Conon
sent 11111,i, Wl'lei' with their Capital and Pretni
tons, safely invested!, atrurd ample protection td
the assured.
The assets of the company, on January Ist
1818, as published agreeably to an Act of A,
sembly, «•ere as follows, viz:
Era I Estate,
Tem pont ry I.o . ants
Cash, oce.,
Since theirihcorporation,a period of eighteen
nears, they have paid npwards or million
h!tivirr(llhritimia tholliirs,ll),ses by fire, there
by affording evidence of ihe advantages of insu.
ranee, as well as the ability and disposition to
meet with prompters, all
ClIARI,lit3 N. BANCKER, Presider' l•
The Subscribers are the appointed Agents of
the above mentioned Institution, and are now
prepared to make insurances on every descrip
tion of property, at the lowest rates.
A ITGITSTITS 1,. RUH E, Allentown
C. F. BLECK, Bethlehem.
Allentown,June Itl,. atild. Y
Volunteer Bata!lion.
- olunteer Bawlllion, will be
hold on Saturday the f2rith of Octo
ber, at the ('en/re Mad, in Goths-
Ville, V South Whitehall township.
Lehigh county. The following
' Companies will be present, to
, viii
1 4
" l'he Whitehall "Cavalry. ' C.,apt.
Thomas Hoch, 11'nshingtan Ca va 1..._
rv," 'Capt. Lucas Schlauch, Nlaj. Joseph
Steckel, is respectfully invited to be prof.lit,
rrAt the srune• time and place n, Horse
Racr will take place, on the beautiful ince
course near the Hotel. Sportsmen and
others.,_who w.hich to train—their—horses,
will have end e x cellent chance to do so.
October 16, 411—flw
To Builders.
A splendid assortment of Front and Parlor
Locks with mineral knobs, german Locks,
Latches, Bolts, Hinges, Screws, Paint Brush
es, and a variety of other building Hard
%vare just unpacking, and for sale cheaper
than ever by 0 & J BAE.OIpII.
May: 8, 1-147
5890,559 65
ns,:ins UU
':05,4 59 On
15„(3 3 15
16,581 67
$1,220,097 67
1"4 Cj
COlDilliitiNiolB efeC'D'eff?(Gi6l:,‘:,
No. .67 Noturti
DAM,' Vim , Street, Pliihiclolphin, I, :
Adopt- this method to inform their then%‘v„,,
i;tid country trwrchnitts in 2etientl, dint they
htit•i• lately et , tablislitql the shove
iti ill its variory , t !winches. st No. 67 North
\Vltarves, where they xvill he happy to a'-
tend to the wants or their enstomers.
Among the many articles constantly kept thi Th .r
on hand a Dried ond I 'WI; led Fish, t.<;c: irl L,
will he found nit assortincrit or •
3/(ckr.ret.l/rr'rirl,rcl/hir Sl,)re
FiNit, Cod FiNh.
A'hattlyer.. L'herse, S
Atinfn• hichn'ill.heseldntthentostreasni•ahle
prices. Iteccillect the plac.
March 6. , For In
Jon .Paitvo.77.7o!Gr, . •
Notfil , titt'eufeit o.tls,t ..ittistrt" fl fn rc .
Builders Look Eerc,.
The undersi L med atinotwr , . t 1 1 446 , .. H tY
dam they hay... jii , t retmrp-t; fr: r! .1
of Hardware, c n istin of
Ilwtv• Fterilishin7
-1 6,11Z,Crellery, Cortelt
Saddlery and — Sll , Jr-lholiastv, :ill or wH.I
will' he s(ilfl at xtn.:ll,lv Ina I , rirr 'I ,;,•.
tho I , nblic 10 i I.
• i tiTpRE, (1 1 ,.
• 4 01.1' F.,
call, tirdor to cont.hic, , thvill•‘i
fact, that a •pettny pl.pliv an'!,
). tcz
Jfa7,• 8
To liotuve•liCel3f",r;;s
A Lfrent assortment of !louse f . UCM,I:irlr ,
arti , des. such as
Vet:FHA, satin' 41111 ptP•.l' Maur. 1,1•;-
dos, ji , h and ham het:h•s,'Cryin , ,.-
ironN. %vain,. irons. .' r .
TEA TR .11 . : 4 I
mon to lino, in sots and
ic form. in , i•ts.inid in vdriiity of 1401.. riv.
KNIVES' and Pt
: also only ; !WON. sti"d.', rod.
rind witii a vitriiiiv (if oln,r
I'OCK ET and I'EN .t.
th rev. abd
lio t
pick, fl KOS. &V.
SHOVELS TON'L;.-;. Iron rind. r 1 ,.• 1 1
polished steel lir,r seis rind snindo.d,. ro,l
hods, tailors' irons sinoothin, •
fir sale by I) 712.1;
I of I I
m!), Sheet Irrm , Anivricati T
Band Iron, Hoop Iron. (2i nil , ' t. 4 11, , 0r
Steel, s , itrin.. Ihi, nt1;1 tumid, it's!
with and 1 ice,; - ;111,1 sn i . ch , ip A
itl the sum.- of .T S. 11•:,
GI,ASS.--1:10 linos
by 12. 11l hr 11. In p 2.
Ivr Scr
~ c ription. such It, 11 , 1 i r);t,i 11 o
Pia Hos, Had. I I :.•;,
rm.l ,111 , 2 , .r
Stitir,rus, tor :otly h,
TC) Si II \JAI\ ,1 ;1 ri
11 0 ‘1! fl.:.S , 11111t. W. 01 . .\ ) I I
Louth r. Slme- , 111 ., :id, `tV,:.
Prtmeli p , !di Who!'
lOS bt Intl it tr th,
()If .ti I'A :=i -
hail (I Nrid . 1 . 11 ' ••111 : it
Wish of •
diva'. by
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n duced priv , , at I h!.
A.7 1 ,- :;:::75, Ivoil
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!wilt ..1.0.1)„111,1
131'i(12:1. nt iit;.t . ill 071
orviiptincy 01
The Prort•riv Itook•
rettairoti, t tie tmw. t.l
hits 4 pm (*first rri!t. T'retiir..!! biter/. .N7o/1,..,,
tho pot% tt'r tool location is titt.urrn , :t rl in
1 -tolli2[lcoultly, for particulars tool terms
ititioire of.
I n'tit or ;.
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