Co pity Statement. t•r Account Of CHARLES 1-1. MARTIN, Esq. f'reasurcr of the county of Lehigh, for the year commencing January 1, and .ending December 31, 1950. DEBITS. To amount received of J. f law e, former Treasurer, as per report of Auditors: In current funds, - - $3,649 51 rre nu funds, - - . 00 ...rived for use of County, 2,900 00 ' xes_r_cceiLlecLO_Lhe.follo • ing; in Mica 1919: Fleury Romig, 40 03 Solomon Bohm, -13 Y 31 John F. Ritter, - - 141 27 Jonathan Werly, - 71 14 Aaron Donat, • - 95 59 John Scheirer, - - 86 42 Jonas B: Kammerer, :3 23 Abraham Roth, - - "119 $2 John Steffen, - - - 100 . 63 Charles E. Rader, 171 is Adam German, - 16'2 61 -Jesse-M.-'Line;---- John hringer, on account 14 IS 19..195 00 Philip Person, county tax previ- 2 .61 ously exonerated, - - Paid by the following coliecto!rs fur 1850, on account : John Steffen, - - Florentine ficehly, - Jonathan Trexier, - - Jacob B. }fillips, - - Thomas C. Kramer, Gideon • Guth, Jacob Scheirer, John—Weidknecht, - Lewis M. Engelman, - Josiah Rhoa , lF; r , Daniel F. FollweileN Adam German, Tliorna3 Ktr)tz, llenben :ic!icirer, Retained on State taxes, being riapi. cent for co ecting, - Fine mceived of John Seiber ling, collected by hint for peel liug without a liceusc, - - 'Win. H. Lilunif A.:,,ignee of Nleendkpl, lino for keep ing tipplinO lo use, Sam. Harm y, for old lumb6r, Charles Eckert, dividtmd on Water Stock, - - - ‘.)11,1.*: , ;1' or• DELITTS $ 20,384 54 CREDITS. By Cash pail ordt.k . s of the County Coal : Cwer! nst. ratitl J uroN, Petit J u mu, Court Crier, 05 25 Constable &Ti p.,111% es, 1:;(1 (Pi Commonwealth costs, 17 97 Clerk of o, l r. Se&iion, 3 , 171 11 I,fraitv ul /Wert's/ 011 account of loans, 006 50 Intere loans, GlO . 51 Poor House Paid on warrants drawn by ? Directors, - .111cietown dculemy Appropiimiun by the Orwl Jury, paid to IL Treasurer r of the Academy, - Efret EapcirNe3 Paid Constables and others for attendance at Elections, .11ssesvitent Expemscy Salary paid to Assessors and Asi4stant Assessors, - 5 Printing Guth, Young & 'nester, 7S N 7 Blumer, Bush & Co. 00 00 James \V. Wilson, 00 00 Rafferty & Hannum, 7S 50 M. Hannan], 32 00 A. L. Untie. 70 37 Blank Boots and a lrtl : Hogan & Ph meson, docket for Prothono .try's office, Aaron %Vint, tationary, 131tnner, Bush & Co., Stationary, U. R. Beisinrer, binding book, Pox Scalps : Paid for 'Fox scalps and fees, • Cuailly Bridgcd: Paid Isaac API lose, on account of South Bethlehem Bridge. George Probst; on brid,;e emt tract in full, Sol. Butz, for sundry bridge re peirs and extra xvoik, Peter Rotti, repairs at Rinker's bridge, - • - John Roth, repairs'at John Appel, repairs at •Trout Creek bridge, Wm. Romig, repairs at bridge in Upper Mucungy, - Dan. repairing' bridge at Kunkle's, Daniel Uilligns, repairing Jor dan bridge, near Allentown e George Sieger, repairs at Ste "ger's .bridge, - Lewis Lares, repairs at M illers. town bridge, - - James Kleckner, repairs at the 'l'urnhole bridge, 13. Gackenbaahi holing stone to bridge at Schmoyer's, David Knerr, repairing bridge in Lowhill, • . _ 1 13orough of Allentown, Thomas U. Kramer, . 2 South Whitehall,— -Giaeon Guth, . . : North Whitehall, . . Jacob Scheirer, sea. 4 - Upper Macungy, . . John IVeitlineclo, 5 Lower Macungy, . John Stellim • . • • 6 Upper Alillord, . . 13. l lily nts,. • 7- Upper Saueon„ . Lewis Al. Fogleman, ?‘ 4 B .disinirg ,. • • . Josiah lihnicl.:, Ilanovor, . . . Hoehle, . 11) Wiisettlarrg, . . Charles Sell, . •. II "f•yan, . . ." . . 11 F. Folweiler. . . It!, Heidelberg, . . . Atkin (.lermatl, jr., . 1-13---- 4 -Washirrgt . . . Thotrats-1-ii . 1.1 'Northampton, . . Jon. . . . . . Itenben Slieirer . .F. - ar.rboseularked unai a (') have paid Financial Account of Lei►ig To amount of Loans remain ing unpaid on the ht day. of January 1850 To amount of Loftus mink. 6 1,364 r):3 Amountrought over, Inquisition FITB 855 (j. F. Mertz, holding three 800 67 jin Inisitions, - . .13 17 287 66 Jolin Erdman, two do. 37 11 076 5 1J, P. 11:11bach, one do. 17 69 173 67 ID. Follweiler, one .10 6,3 I David Behan, one do. 16 F 47 1.163 (10 I U. " 00 1 Frederick, one do. 17 12 30 _ 00 _ Drs—Rosnig_ancl_Mu rtin, 1 1484 07 snaking pmt mortem ex amination on inEint found 770 001 5110 _ 60 in the Jordon creek, 25 00 . 708 00 03 00 2-10 00 308 00 .Ibaloniml nn Mkt.loro Cononiion.s. : Daniel Brobst, Lynn, 83 07 .T. Seiberling, Weisenb'a, 45 , P 2 J. Fryman, N. Whitehall, 50 00 John -A hnewald , do. ;30 00 John I3ertch, do. 01) 67 R. Reiss, balance dtiC in . S 10,6'M 10 1,015 50 35 00 50 00 0 00 25 00 ::3J 7c; I,O•VJ 1,71 . 2 77 1:117 01 3,000 00 'OO 00 459 09 007 80 457 37 ME 13 1 17 17 99 050 00 5,000 00 12! 60 5 50 6 26 4 00 14 97 76 55 LID 1 00 30 44 1 00 6 00 U SI 14,404 01 Tabular. Statement of County Taxes for 1850. DISTRICTS. TOTIE, h 'County, January 1, 1850. By amount of Loatt3 paid Bor ing the year A. I). 1850, 10,9"1-3:2 st) A mount of Taxes assessed for the year lsso rentaininv,. le V t'i r P:450 - .2,000 00 - - - (1111'111j in 'ISIS, S. J rg, :10 00 Ludwig, Lowvr I acun,,ry, Chas. Ritter, I lanover, 101 10 C. Poster, Up. Milford, 131 11 Ad. Sinozer, Salisburg, 106.10 Jonas Knorr, LowhiH, 29.61 flenry Yaeger, Saucon, 127 83 Collet 1 lotw and Jail Scrubbing Coil rthowie, IS 00 tinpairs at Coil rdiuwin and EU Tax Refunde.l Tolin Unth, cowl' y tax ovci• paid in 19 1:1, Jacob 1(i tt, county tax overpaid 1:),3 SO Soiorobn - 1 I .101111 Javo - - I )aniel Kam ig. - 1 \Vidow - :3 "I conviel,r : Paid to Eastern Penitentiary for support of convicts for the year and .19, .luditors : Paid C. L. Newhard and others, Levi P. Franke, auditing State taxes, in county offices., - Mises/lane° 11.7 : Weiliel.&flollinatt, tables for court house, - Du. bedsteads for Jail, Thomas 13. Wilson, coal for court house and jail, IST.; and ISSO, Edelman, Grip & Co., fir coal, A. Graber, charcoal, - Geo. Beisel, horse and cart 'lir..., Charles Seagreaves, livery and ap peal expenses, '4S, '49 and 1850, Seagreaves .S•Leisenring, huree and cart hire, - - - Jos:epli Hillman, conveyiwz prison- ers front Easton. - - E. J. ,11tele, maltitt7,, ballot box, O. Snyder, hawling and housio, co a l, ." Jos Lo hr, do. do. - Jesse Schaffer, Mr candles, Wm. Fry. horse and en r ire. 1519, Solomon Gangewer, lumber, M. E. Hornbeck. posta go. J a c o b Cfeisinger, use of private road, Charles Eckert, water. permit for court house and jail,' - George Brobst, castings, John D. Lawall, arranging docket and office papers, on account, 200 Jesse M. Line, expenses paid for holding appeals, - Nathan Miller, transcribing Judge ment thicket, - - 150 Samuel Marx, for Lehigh county's part for laying out a State road from Allentown to Jonestown, C. (brie, Jailor and Sheriffs fees, '225 • Commissioners Tice: Commissioners salary paid Benjamin Breinig, 150 00 Do. Samuel Knauss, 60 .25 Clerks yearly salary, ' 'l5O 'OO • .17,411. 40 Total amount of debit, 29,351 51 Received of Treasu rer Joshua flimsy, 3,672 51 .- Ilec'd.duringthe_year,lo,7l2-03 Alumna paid out; 17,441 40 Rec'd. and paid out, :34,153.43 Commission on above at 1 p. cent, , 341 53 Amount in the Treasurer. 2,601 61 Wu,the untiereigned, auditors of the coup- COLLECTORS. onconeeied. Bniance in the hands of tha Treastirer..lnlitiary I, 1851 2,601 61 County . Deficits 4,818 S I:l,bti2 50 11,e1 4 04011 ty of Lehigh, do certify, that we have ex amined the account of Charles D. Martin; Esq., TTeas - drer el said county, ft om January Ist, A. D. 1559 to 'December 31st, 1550, (both days included,) that the said account as above stated is correct, and there remains a balance of Two Thousand Six Hundred and Ono I),d:dr.; awl Sixty-one Cents''in the 'hands of said Treasurer, 1.0 wanes _w reel, set our bands:, tlii3 eighth day of January, A. D. 1851. JOHN E. CLIFTON, FORGE - BiTA - N. t - tutit - crn JONAS HAAS, January 0, 1851, 177 55 EDWARD BMW, Regi.lCr o f MP county of 14high, ticemiti with the -Common- wraith (J . I'musylvania: Thu accountant stands charged with the following: LIM Dr. Izecch.c 4 l as CuHatteral Inheritance tax, fur the year 1650, to ii it _ . 1 'i7 :1 1 January !)—Of the estate of Eliza beth Knapianibero,er, - Pub. 6-I.lenry Mieterner, 4 , 2:3—Cathaiina Stull, - Ality 7—Sarah Yael.el, - 44 10—Alary Landee, Jan. !21—Alaria .\ tgu:4 10—Henry - John fled, - Samuel Itunk, •I.l.l'lliil(~BuchecLer, 1,002 VI '2 1 1 50 '23'2 30 .rmi ;la ry r rocs ipt of $209 00 419 6.1 Comini,4,ion on '-',.;f;211!:, at 3 p. cent, 31 55 10 40 Overpaid, which is to bo deductcd, 27 133`:2 We., the undersigned, auditors of the county of Lehigh and State of Pennsylvania, have examined the account of aim rd Beck, Esq., Register, as above stated. and do cer tify that the same is,Ouvrect. Witness our hands this 12th day of January, 1551. ' 27 00 15 00 8 00 71 (11 5 7•2 0 110 1 30 PENSION AGENCY ; At Washington, D. C. 33 37 The undersigned Attorney and General A gen t a t th e City of Washington, offers his services in procuring. Bounty Lands and Pensions for those entitled.—Being perma nently located at the seat of Government. with a thorough and familiar acquaintance with the necessary forms and routine of bus iness, and having access to registers and Rolls filed in the [T. S. war office, he pos sesses facilities for the speedy and satisfac tory adjustment of Gnvernment claims of every hind. By a late Act of Congress, Bounty Land is granted to the officers and Soldiers of the war of 1912, and of the various Indian wars since 1700. To those who served nine months MO Acres, to those who served four months SO Acres, and to thoSe who served . one mouth 40 Acres. T: 75 10 00 300 3 00 h 0') If; 05 2'i 41 3 91; I . 15 00 25 00 28 8. :30 00 Arrangements have been made with gen tlemen of the Lepl professions in ditlerent sections of the country, for the location of warrants and the sale of the patents, when issued, on the most advantageous terms : for the payment of taxes, redemption of Lands, sold for taxes: collection of debts and for the transaction of general Lnw bus iness, in the'difTerent States, and Territories. !le to members of the profession at u distance, and when, claims against the Oivernment; are prepared hy.a local Agent, will abate one . half his listed fee. The necessary forms and instructions, and information on. all subjects appet training to a succes.sful prosecution of this business, will be furnished to reizular - correspondents without charge. InfermatiOn eh - vetfully given, and - all comMunications .Promptly replied to, if ad dreSsed, post-paid to • CHARLM'S TUCKER.„ (B4x:-No. 167, Wtishingt.oti,'D:P ! P. 0..):J •)30.-01. 335 25 $ 20 3 884 84 .10111 .P Tl', 6 executed . "Register" Office. - 410 pl icate. Anil. Paid.. .1438 18 473 97 904 21 1,731 :35 1,163 00 , :271 35 1,160 66 1,212 . 60. 218 66 LlB9 60 130 00 1,1159 60 L5ll 86 835 40 646 46 1,784 79 976 59 SOS 20 ,561 01; 1 .,141 97 70 09 1,052 29 770 00 282 29 1,183 89 593 67 290 22 513 91 539 00. 4.91 h 56 96 798 00 178 96 351 11 93 00 258 11 94-55 . --426419-65_5 r . 311 30 287 50 53 89 325 21 308 00 17 21 16,136 7 - 2 10,621 10 5,525 62 Register's Account, Tot:11 Debit, EMI State Trg aurer, Ditto ME Total Credit, JOHN K. CLIFTON, GEORGE BLANK, Auditors JONAS EIAA*, February 6 T.-- 3W • -AND- • inOther StienlificiVotiet: ..I Bijandreth's Pills , ' PE. PSI N I . • FOR TUE. CURL OF IN.IRTIFICI3I, DIGESTIVE j Consumption, Coughs, Colds, 4'c., S VIAIIIA' OY Gatkile, ,-tute, 1 . . I . HosE . : • r who are su ff er in g f rom remitting A (MEAT DISPEPSIA CURER I or Intermitting Bilious Complaint's, shoulp Prepared from Rennet, orthe fourth Stomach j Tad the following, and be guided thereby : Of the Ox, after directions or :Baron Lie- cause of Pain.—Pain is the consequence big, the great 'Physiological Chemist, by i of the exertion of the organ or part yvnere it .1. 8. Houghton. M. D., No:. 11, North :, is present to throw tifl morbiclorterrno hu- Eighth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. •. , mors, for no pain can exist but from the pre- This is a truly wonderful remedy for In- settee of those matters which are of an !in digestion, Dyspepsia, idandiee, .Liver healthy character. When we have pain complaint, Constipation, and Debility, in the head, in the bowels, on in any other curing after' Nature's own method, by partof tho body, it Only provcsthe presence • attire's own agent, the Gastric Juice. of matters wlciarrhiritoral is tryint to tv r-itllttlf a teaspoonful of this Fluid, infused move, and it is this struggle which is the oc , in water, will dinest or dissolve, Five camp of.pain. To bu bled, only removes Pounds of Roast Beef in about two hours, I the anguish in proportion its the amount of out of the stomach. I life is redneed, and:the Sintrie iffay liesaid Of Digestion.— Digestiop is chiefly per- all lulling ur soothing remedies. Not so formed in the stomach by the aid of a .fluid with Brandreth's Pills ; they at once go to' which freely exudes from the Inner coat of 1 the assistance of the blood in aiding that organ, when in a state of health, calledl T discharge bad humors, to conquer the Death -1 the Gastric - Juice. This fl uid is the Great r Principle. o relieve pain. in this way jSolvent of the Food, the Purifying, Preserv- ' does not leave any bad efl'ects, The Life ling and •Stimulatmg Agent of the stomach Principle ii'.. - Trot - reduced, nor are -the teelh _i_andintestiOes—Withotit_it there will be no destroyed ; but all the organs are cicaused 1 digestion -- no conversion of food into blood, and their health insured. • ' and no nutrition of the body ; but rather a rir The-above Pills are for sale by the I foul, torpid. painful, and destructive condi- , dozen or single box at the Register I ‘3fliec j non of the• whole digestive apparatus. A' in Allentown. ' weak, half dead, o r injured stomachl.produ4___Jantiary W. - - ' ¶=ly ces no good Gastric Juice, and belief: the i -„,......,.- „,..- „..,.- „. . c i,..„ disease, distress and debility which ensue. i Dilt-r2:1.814. 3ilJussmx.iltr 1 Pepsin and Rennet.--Pepsin is the chief unit is• 2.1 Cents. , . i clement, or great digesting principle of the ~. ,,A7 -4 -. ;. \ \ By means of the pocket I Cast! ic Juice. It is found in great a L tm _ 0 ., . *4_, Esculapius, or, every one dance in the solid parts of the human sto- ! ../. \''v his own Ph v , ician ' 24th . 1 mach after death, and sometimes causes the I r i O „-"`.." , :.f.‘, edam, v,ith upwards of i sl :04,, ~,1 stomach to digest itself, or eat irtAf up. ,It ; r ...47.4' , '.;31 . hundred unotaVings, :is also found in the stomach of animals. as . !--',',. ,: •. r ' 1 ' showing private diseases , .4 1 ‘;.. 1 ; t . ,_the_Ox,_calf,_&c.___lt_is_tite_materiaLused_by„' '• \ Sri.. .-7-7- k. ,' q ij , in every shape and form, farmers in making cheese,,called Rennet, A V4t• .0>• :-/. anti 'intilfo — rinitio - n — s ofllFe the effect of which has loin; beet the - , ir :: - / generative system, sm.- cial wonder of the dairy. The curdling of . . "..::, 13v Wm. YoUNG:M. D. Balance. 4 4J00 50 5,525 G 2 SI3,SS2 50 e iwreinito te irst process o c igestion. Len- , This time has now arrived, that persons net possesses astonishing power. The sto- suffering from secret disease. need no more mach Of a calf will curdle nearly one thou- I become the eictim~ ~rrrre k ery, as by the sand times its own weight of milk. Baron I prescriptions contained in-this-book any one Lielsig states _that,-- 7 "One -part—of — Pepsiw t Inn ettre himself, without hindrance m bu dissolved in silty thousand' parts of water, ins s. or time knowledge (tithe most ind•nale will digest meat and ether food." Diseased friend, and with our tenth the tomal ex stomachs produce no good Gastric Bennet or Pepsin. • To show that this want nay be perfectly supplied, wo quote the following ScienlVe Evidence!—Baron Liebig, in his celebrated work on Animal Chemistry, says: "Au Artificial Digestive Muhl may be readily prepared from the mucous inein• bluns of the stomach of the Call, in which various amides of food, as meat and eggs, a ill be softened, changed, and digested, just in the seine manner as they would be in the human stomach " 11-1 w $3l 21 :30 63 II 52 70 00 31 ',I 25 00 175 00 130 23 100 00 7 (a) Dr. Pereira, in his famous treatise on Peed and Diet," published by Wilson & Co., New York, page 35, states the same great fact, and describes the method of pre oration. The're are few higher authori ti:•s than Dr. Pereira Dr. John W. Draper, Professor of Che mistry in the Medical College of the Uni versity of New York. in his "Text Book of ChemiStry," page 3513, says. "it has been a question wbether artificial digestion could be performed—but it is now universally ad mitted that•it may be." Professor Duntolison of Phlomphi, iu his vein work on Iluntan Physiology, de votes more then fifty pages to On cxaurina tinn Ibis subject. I lis experimeUts with Dr. Beaumont, on the (astric Juice, ob tained from the stomach and from.animals are well brown. "In all oa ses," "he says" "digestion occurred as Per fectly in the artiliCial as in the natural di gestions:"' 3s a ngspepsia Curer.—Dr. Iloughten's preparation of Pepsin has- produced .the inost marvellous eflects, curing cases of De bility, Emaciation, Nenlons Decline, and Dyspeptic Consumpticn, supposed to be on the very verge of the grave. It is impossi ble to give the dk'taiis of cases in the limits of this advertisement—but authenticated certificates have been given of more than `2:10 Remarkable Cures, in Philadelphia, New York,and Boston alone. These were nearly all desperate cases, and the cures were not only rapid and wonderful, but per . - imment. $631 I'2 651 :19 631 12 It is n fy,rent Nervous Antidote, and from the astonishingly small quantity necessary to produce healthy digestion, is believed to act upon Elie! rn-lhumelic Prinriples 7 -There is no form of Old Stomach Complaints which it does tint seem to reach and remove at once. No matt , .r how bad they niay be, it gives instant relief !-.1 single dose removes Oldie unpleasant symptoms, and it only needs to be repeated, for a short dine, to maim theso good effects permanent, purity of blood and vigor of body, follow at once. It is particu larly excellent in-cases of Nausea, Vomiting, Cramps, Soreness of the pit of the Stomach, distress after eating, low, cold,. state of the Blood, Heaviness. Lowness of Spirits, Des pondency, Emaciation, Weakness, tenden cy to Insanity. Suicide, &c. Price one dollar per bottle. One . bottle will awn rfii.ct a lating core. PEPSIN IN P9II'DERS, Sent by Mail, Free of Postage. For con venience of sending to all parts of the coun try, the Digestive. patter of the pepsin is put up in the form ,of Powders, with ,direc lions to be dissolved In diluted alcohol; wa• ter. or syrup, by the patient. - TheSe-pow ikr c•aorain just. the Same matter us the boles, but twice the quantity for the same price, and will he sect by mail, free of Post nio. for one dollar so n!. (postpaid) to Dr. J. S. Houghton. No. "11 .North Eight strioet, Philadoolphitt,'Pa.' , • • '; Six . packages for' five dollars. Every packagti and bottle, bears the written signa tore, ofsJ. S. }longhair), N01'.,13.; Solo. Prtio. - A at'aliS Mintfid in et;eryi totvri:iia - the Unit d•Snues.. ytiry liberal , discounts gi reit in thy trade. Druggists, Postniaqiens, and Blioksellers are desired to act as agenti. Abgu3t 8 1:—/Z pease. fu t - P I Mon to.t to fienera of private disease, it fully explains the cause of manhood's early decline, with observations ou marriage—beides many other derange ments wide!' it would not be proper to enu merate in the public prints. irAny person sending Tiveidy-lice Cents ondused in a letter, will recieve one copy of this book, by Mail, or five copies will he sent for one dollar. Address "Dr. /V co/mg% No. I 3 lt,'ptuce street, Phila delphia." Post-paid. - 1 - J.irDr. 1 oung can be consultt d on any of rho Diseases described in his ditlerent publications, at his Offices, 15'2 Spruce every day between 9 and 3 o click, (Stiti day., excepted.) July 7, • I y Bank Note (Corrected Wrckly frout Ilickadre,ranetniti Wed Dchekr.) Bk of N America par, Mechanics balm of Bk of Pennsylv. par' Newark l Bank of Commerce I Mechanics bank at Late Moyamensing par e Burlington par Bic of N Liberties par I Mechanics &Mari ni; or Pon,' Towns. par! ulacturers bank par Fartncrs & Mechan.par I Newark banking &. Kensington, part Ins. CoMpany Manuf. & Meehan par, New lloir. & Dela Alechanics par; ware Br. Cutup. failed Chard par, Orange hank A Philadelphia par, Peoples bank i Schuylkill pat Plainfield bank ••- South WM' k par Princeton bank par Western par Salem banking Co. par Commercial Bank :Stifle bank at Eliza of Penasylv. par! bethtown,Newailc, Bk of the E . States MI . Camden,N. Bruns- Cues Fair II INKS. : wick, par 'ussex bank ' I 13k ofChambersburg 1 . 1 b ll Union bank . (3k of Gettysburg 1 1 ,” 2 . , R , , , Lento!' bank. co. par 13k of Pittsburg u , Yardlevville bridge Ilk of Susq. County 85 t L 4 Ilk of Chester Co. par i ompany 25 Ilk of Germantown par , DELA WARE. Bit of Danville par : The Banks of the state Bic of Delaware Co. par ; of Delaware are all at Bk of Middletown I'p a r . • lilt of Montg. Co. par NEW PORK. Bit of Northumberi oar , Columbia Bank & , New York City bliss. i Bridge Comp. par ! Chelsea bank 66 Carlisle Bank i ! Clinton bank . 50 Doylestown Bank . par Commercial bank 10 Easton Banlc par Lafayette bank 50 Exchange Bank g 1 Washington bank 70 Eric Batik 2 , Couxrur amts. Fa i niers & Drovers Allegliany county Bank • 1 bank 70 Franklin Bank 1 Bank of America a 6 Farmers Bank of do .of Commerce 40 Bucks County par do of Brockport 35 Farmers Bank of I do of Lodi • .., 25 Lancaster par. do of Olean I do of Tonawanda 50 35 -Farmers Bank of RE.Egling, • Par do of Lyons, , 2 Farmers' Bank or. i do of Western Schuylkill co: part Nov y urk 30 Harrisburg Bank n Iji3inghamplon bank '4O Honesdale Bank ' Canal bank •• 5 Lancaster Bank Par Cattarangus county Lancaster Co. hank par bank • 33 ~ Lebanon Bank i; Eric county bank, 50 Lehigh Co. Bank ao' Farmers & Drovers ' Lehigh Navigation, 10 bank ' 5 Co. Script.. Farmers bank ofSe.. Miners Bank of neca county 30 Pottsville • Par -Hamilton bank, -30 Merchants & Mane!. Bank, Pittsburg. Lewis county bank 60 i Mechanics bank at 46 Monongahela Bank, I Buffalo 45 Brownsvillr, . I( Merchants bank at 'Favlorsville Del. It Buffalo 40 Bridge Company, West Branch Bank, . . -25 i Millets bank of New Wyoming Bank, 'I I York •10 I ' Oswego bank , 20. York Bank,'. . • ''' I I rhenix'bank • .85 NEW JERSEY% .Staten Island hank .50 ~ Belvidere Bank . g State bank ofN Y BO Darlington County ' St. Lawrence bank 75 Bank • - " parrUnion bank "• , -?A R. UnitedSta.tes bank : .30: Commercial Bank. ~ . Cumberland Bank par N. York bank. Co. 70 Farmers Bank,,, . pa r tenth bank: , 26 F A ruacrs &Mcchipp- -, ' • 'Wh.itc Plains bank 6 ics Bank, Rahway . it i (*-All Other banks not . Farmers & Mer6han to menthined in the above Bank,; Mid:Paint; • 7 11 jlist are , front -I , tb :'per Morris County bank "J' cent discount.: 1 ~.• . crj•The notes on all Banks nifirtted with dalh . c-,--) arc nut purchased by tilt:brokers. - FASHIONABLE . Jewelry Establishme n t! ,„,„ Cher!),and Good ' WatChee, it it:W lelty 'SD Silver-ware, 'whole= ,d ( \ sale and retail, at No. 96 North A. .'q..., Second street, corner of Quar- Vi . &.);iiil ry, Philadelphia. Gold Lever Watchea, Nil Jewelled; 18 caret . cases, ' WO and over: Silver Lever Watches, full • : . jewelled, Silver Lepinc Watches, jew elled, toil and over. Silver Quartier Watches, $5,00 to 10 Gold Pentils,isi,so to 7 "Tirie - Fin' - Rings, 37 4 Vt - s: to Eiti Other articles in proportion. All Goods warranted to be tvhat they are sold for. - _ Constantly on hand, a.full assOiltnent-14 fine GOLD JEWELRY and SILVEtt- WA'RE. Alm -an assortment of M. J. 'l'o= bias & Co., E. Simpsdn, Samuel .& Broth: ers, E. S. Yates & Co., John Harrison, 0: 4- R. Beesley, and other superior Poßiii lever Movemcirte, which will be . cased iti nily-style-desit-vd. Arrangements latVe been matle'With alt -the-above-celebrated- innkers v -the-best-man:. ulacturers of Li'vel•ptiut, to furnish at short. notice, any 'requi'red sk*ife of Watch, for which orders will be taken and the name anti residence of the person ordering puVoti if requested. 0. CON RAD,No. 9ti North 2.tuk kinOrret )3f Watches. NoV. IV. MERCIIA\'I" S C Liu tA'l'Ei) rolitloo R. HORSES-7;0 t ‘ - r - IiNPARILLELLEO iq THE HISTORY of MEDICINg, AS THE 319.9 T • Remarkable External Application ever Di'srobered Facts are Stubborn Things!l WHAT lIAS BEEN DONE CAN BE DONE AGAIN Ignorance of facts and philosophy, however, Ann at the assertion that any one reitndy eau possess within itself the virtue of entling canny diseases. Experietme of mole than fourteen year: has neverthelesq establizdied the lact that Aterah ant's celebrated Gargling Oil, Or Universal Fam ily Embrocation, WILL t Vint most cases, and re licca all such as Sp,2z.ns,Staceny, Ring: June, End; Callous, Cracked lltels, Gulls of nil lamb., Fresh Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, Fistula, Strai es f.urruie, , :•, Sand Cracks, Foundered; Feet, Scratches ur Greese, Mange, Rheumu; tiva, Mks of Animals. Externaluisonsi Painfid Nercaus Affections, Frost Bats, Boils Carus, Whitlows, Burns and Scalds, Chilblains, Chapped !lands Cramps, • Contraction of the Muscles, Sivellings, Weekness of lhe Joints,' Caked- Breasts, 4.c., ktc., efc.. 4c., 4-c. The celebrated Dam. Parker also writes as follows:—Dear Sir: I have prectibed your Uarg ling Oil in various cases of Tracheal Surgery. as a. finiment, with marked success and would commend it to physicians generally fur external use in all contutions, tumors. sprains, white swell ings, and in MI rhtlinatic allection, Where exter nal means are necessary. As a discutent• it is harmless where the febrile symptoms haveheen reduced by general treatment. In such canes it is the most efficient remedy within the cittle of means now in use. . I would also recommend it to community nt large as a safe and powerful remedy whefer there is no general fever in all the above diseas es to be used freely and to counteract intlamation in a remarkable manner, In bruised wounds•it prevents swelling and consequent soreness in hot weather. From the peculiar nature of this Oil, and the .unparalleled success it has met within the hands of the Farrier, Farmer und Stage Proprietor, it is but justice to say, that of the Great number of medicines which hate been Weed, non ?. ha ve been so well adapted to ihe'prompt cure of dis eases ; to which horses are liable ; it has .been very justly called a complete PANACEA Masc. For instance read the following : . n Owners of Horses. 'this may certify it at I have had for many years the care of from 100 to 200 Horses and havin' made use of Merchant's Gargling Oil for years past and can safely say, that for all the eases that horses are. liable to, I never saw his eqiiat.• F use about One botile per month, - ands recommend it to the public, as the best medicine fur horses now in use., D. D. MINOR.. Cautionlo Purchasers. 'leant fe vt CoIINTERFBUS , and be stirrther name of the Sule l'ropriclur GEO. W. MElfielf AN:l', Lockport, N. Y., is blown imam side, of the bottle, and in his hand writing over Brit &mit. Lout be persuaded to take anything'else Vfitlr the promise it Is just as good &c.*This•is prim tised by those unprincipled .dealers whose con science will stretch like • India Rubber, and Wiwi' are of a kindred spirit ,of those in our ,itstge• cities, whose nefarious practices • have su eently been exposed to the action or Congress: All orders addressed to the -proprietor' will be" promptly respOnded to.. . Gera pamphlet: of . the' Agent, atftl'sec t hint' wonders are" accompli§betrAi. the s asc of this! medicine. • • Sold by respectable dealers generally id thti United Sitites nint.Canada. Also by Simon Bait' Bethlehem: - & lieasy; Heston; Amos'Bog ers. Sim th Easton, Lewis Smith & Cu., A lien to WII G. Fruiter, Orwigsburst:J:C.'o , Hughes,. Vlt oa, vine. M. A McCoy, Nortkumberland, 11:J • It:. he 4 ter, Milton. Henry,Suit bury. S. C 1:&. Ailenijersiy Shore S. Martin, *Will041 1 glitlil• C. W.Shaftle, Lewisburg, J. seebold NeW•Her' lin, Mimi) dr.-• Por er, -To w iindn ,•-C.a.440 yn tek;_ A thens,"Srnith & t' ray,Bellfoute, & ()halftone & fitip:hea. Pan yiile t Mauch 'Chunk, A.Misnlfi'scr 'Jon es &Bro., Owders,port.l3ll.l3lllll4,Vitiift &:Beach. Mansfield R. Taylor, covfnetaM - D.: S. Niort•bria.. Trough. Si Hurd, L lire am./ phrey, S. Sh title; Lock - Haven BeLettil...t . : in $l6 and over OM