The Lehigh register. (Allentown, Pa.) 1846-1912, February 13, 1851, Image 1

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Elcuotcb to Ncwc, kitetaturc, poctro-, ndncc, Ilieclymito, 'Agriculture, the tiffitsion of ilcieful Itformation, Oenerat Jutelligence,:kinuoemeitt,lita tt ictc; szr
• , .
'hit UrilG
(hi Borough of Allentonin,t,r7ll:.!;h
County, Pa.,every 7'huraoy
kit liimusTus L. RUDIE,
,At $1,50 per annum, payable in advance, and
If not paid until the end of the year. No
paper disUotitinued, until all arrearages are paid'
except at the option of the proprietor.
AM/ER*l'lBbl nsTs, making not noire tine
. ielnare, will be inserted three times for one dollar
for every subsequent inset lion t venty.fil,
'cents. Larger advertisements chargd in the,
proVition. Those not exceeding ten lines
be charged seventy-live cents, and those
Making six lines or less, three insertions fur 50
1:- . .V."A liberal deduction will be inade to those
rho advertiseby the year.
!W'olliee in Hamillon Sl., nne ((nor !k ' itli
of the German Reformed Church, wady
cpposile the Frierlembolhe Office." .
• 14EL E To gra°
LiVepy Establishment.
wHE subscribers take Olio method to in
-IL form . their customers and the üblie in
yt'eneral., that they have lately purchased of
Mr. Genttre,Deisset, his extensive Livery
establishment, v' obsisting in Fart of
!tomes, Carriages, LT.
and contiabireg Ilftt business in
the old stand on Williaitt
in the Borough of Allentown.
- They will alivoys be pre' ared to furnish
their customers at-the shortest possible no
tice with sure tind ntl o horses and splen
did Tashionnidti vehicles.
Pleasure patties or societies, will be furn
ished with gentle horses, good carriages and
careful drivers, if requested. Families can
be suited at all times with vehicles to their
particular tastes.
it charges are reasonable, and in or
der to continue the high credit it has here
tofore gained of being the ••best liver• estab
lishMent in Allentown," they will kat"e
nothing undone to keep on baud the best and
srifest horses, the limiest and most srlendid
carriages., and sober and careful drivers.
They retorn their sincere thanks for the
liberal patronage thus far best&.Ved, and
trust that they Will be able (nailer to merit
continuance of their support.
J. &'l'. HUFFMAN. •
November 2!
Take eV° C e
StirVeyor and Seri
The undersigned bt. : 7t4 leave In alinctilley
to his large circle of friends and One public
in ,tztAieral, that he - still continues the Sur-
Stlieeninu busitu.l.:s, in its vari-
Mrs- biatithes, at his e trice, near Ceepers
burg, in Upper Suucun towndiip, Lehigh
Ile has lately purchased at a very great
cxpence, nuipher of the Mwest and mom im
proved Nalhcinatical InstrumenlB, which
will enable hint, with a practice of 20 years
standing, to give general satisfaction.
His expel-tette its a Scrivener is undoubt
ed, as he has lOW. IbllotVed the bust it.'s3 for
mithy •c•ars. Terms moderate.
I.V'Elti %%111 always be ready to set.Ve his
frientlz,•. ht any reasonable clisituice from
hit:lair.; When eitllrd upon.
Diii3 IV K. WiI"rAIAN.
Oct. 31
111 1 111 1V1Z1111.10112,
Tbe'Girard Life Insurance Annuity and
Trust Company of Philadelphia, Office No.
169 Chestnut Street, Charter Perpetual,
CAPITAL 300,000.
Continue to make Insurances on Lives on
the most favorable terms.
The capital being paid up and invested,
togetheiwiththeaccumulated premium fund
itiTords a poject security to the insured. •
The premium may be paid in yearly, half
yearly, or quarterly payments.
The company add a BONUS at stated pe
riods to the insurance for life. The firi-t
bonus svirs appropriated in December, ISII,
amounting to 10 'pei cot, on the sum in-
Wred under'the oldest policies, to 61 per
t cat, 71. pet Cent; &c., on others in propor ,
lion to the tin* sta nding making an addi
lfdil 8100; 487i50, 875, &c. 3 on every
610,00 originally insured, wht6ll is an aver
lige Of snore-than 50 per cent on the premi
ttmspaid; wild ivithout increasing the annual
Phyrireat to the) company.
' ,yes
I onus Amount of policy and
Addition. bonus payable at the
PoliOy. Itisured- Ad a
It party's decease.
No. 5 . . s:1000 1 tlOO . -- - $ I 1 ou
. 88 8500 , 275)?,
A 2:Sie 4000! it,fo)) •
. 20 09 I - - 217 r!
.1 336
. : .: 6660 „ : 347 40 : 1 , :.513.7
Palnylhlets l containiriFpAbles of rtites, anti
explanittlatiirdt the subject; 'forms of a ppli•
dation; Mid ftirtlicr information can be bad
rli e• orlitio• philatl'elphia, or on - a pplica•
Lion tto , ,ittut ge t!t' In. Al U4ano Ott.
' Ribitivitne, President
,TNii. F. .Tames, .2cll(ttry,
.--Pc cc rr . itter 13.
Franklin Fire Insurance
Coittpany of PhiladelphiM
- • , .
STATENIENT of the •. Assets of the Company
on January 1, 1851. published in conformity with
the provisions of the sixth Section of the Act of
Assembly of April sth, 1842.
beirp, !irst 101ortgages, well secured,
fr'ett of grunnd rent, in the city
hie' county of Philadelphia, ex..
re pi $ 37,950 in Montgomery,
Ducks, Schuylkill and Alleghany
counties, Pennsylvania. Also,
17500 in Ohio, secured by Real.
ESILIIC in Philadelphia . .
Purchased nt Sheriff's Sales,l
lo o ter mortgage claims, viz:
Eight house:; and lot, .70 by
150 feet on the S. W. corner
of Chestnut and Schuylkill
Sixth *streets .
A !tense and loi, 27 by 71 feet,
west of 11111 street . I
A house anti lot, 21.7 by 100
feet, on West side Penn
Spin' e, couch side li'gh si. 1
Tlcn house::. and lots. each 16 l
by 60 ft-et. on south side of
Spruce streehneat Schuylkilll g
• 7Th street . . • ,
Five hi uses and lots, pitch 17 9.1 ei
by 90 feet, Nos. 131, 133,
135, 1:17 and 139 Dilwyn I n
sttect . . . . •
Three houses and lot, 49 by 54
fzet, on tast side of Schnyl-
Sl:ch torert, south of Pine
street . . . . .
A lot of ground, 17 by 57 feet,
on the northea,t corner of
Schuylkill Front and Spruce
A house anU It.i, 18 by 106 feel,
on south ...ale of Filbert st.,
WeSI lil/y ill 7111 t.ireet
Hotel tend lot, 50 by 81 feet, o n .
soulh•eai:t corner of elitmt•
nut and 111 aeh sweets .
Five houses and lot, 42 by 68
fret, oil the or•rth t.itte of
floortte street, west of Ash.
toll street . . . .
Seven houses 'and lot, '2O by
117 fert, on the ett.t side of
Reach wit of Chest.
nut suet t . . . ,
A house at.. - 1 lot, 13 by 80 feet,
NI , 06 Pone:ll<r street, east
.of Ninth site(' . . .
Temporary Loans on collateral se
cori•ies amply secured, .
512,000 Altos liouse Loan, five
per veto (inlet c:d out) •
200 shares Gawk of Kentocky,
17 do: North. Bk. of Ken.
100 do. Union Bk. of Tenn.
13 do. lusitrincc company
nf the Stale of
200 do. South work Railroad I 8
Company, • I Z
37 do. CaThitim•einl & Rail i 74:1
It ad Bk. of Vicks•
hlllg. 'E' ~..,,
s ' . '
300 do. Penn , y!vania Rail - 61,689 00
ReadCompany, a +
91 do. Franklin Fire lii,u• ,E,3
ranee Company.
6 do. NI ercantile Library
(3 do. Union Canal Comp.
9U ; do. North American C.
• Company..
10 du. .
R. Road
MO !forth merican coal loan j
Notcq and Bilk Recciveable, .
Merchandise. . •
Cash on hand, .$35,554 :7
Cash in Agents hands, 19,097 94
$ 1,212,708 44
Order of the Bonn!,
CHARLES N. BAN ER, President,
Teste—CIIMILES G. BANKER, Secretary.
January 30: W
EDMUND jr. 70011111t 3
Oftiee a few doors west or the Court Howse.
lalle can be consulted both ni the Get
man and English languages
Allentown, April 4
10 4 (0MaitriP9
Office one door east of Kolbs Hotel, Al
lentown, Lehigh county, I'a.
Allentown, March 28. ¶—tf
Office in the western frobt room of the
bulldog of John D. Lawalljormerly Horn ,
beck's, west of the COurthouse.
Allentown April 4, 1851). 11A—tf
a al 374
m..g v • 40k0
tins opened
.his office, in the building
with Jugi. Ruhr, in west Hamilton street.
opposite the "New York Store"
He can be consulted in either the•gerrnan
or english language. •
Allentown. Jan. , 9. 1851 • Cl—.
Of every deseiption needy executed at the
ir i ,
BuildeitaA L
1. ç••
3,18 60
4a, /Ak
43 1, a
4„ : 61 w 4 . 7:4
The 'undersigned announce to the public,
thEtt they .have just returned from Philadel
phia and New York, t ith a very large ha
of Hardware, consisting of
•- Howe Furnishing
Ctalcry, Coach 7 1 ! innings,
Badellcry - and - 6•hoc-findings-11-of-which
:VW be sold at *ektretnely low price. They
ask the public to give SitEciill'il - EitDWAtit:
STonE, sign of the
a a° PAUL,
a call, in order to convince themselves eir th't:
fact, that a 'penny saved is a penny made.'
0, & J SAEUER.
ffirOiltie...iieffy f lerSo
A great assortment of House furnishing
articles, such as
,4 Ai Cost
:83,377 78
ENAIIIELED and tinned
vessels, Sallee 1111.1 ". t het
tles, fish :yid yitT pans, grid,-
irons. ‘'vniile
TEA TR.\ VS anti Waiters, from com
mon to fine, in sets mill dozens. \ 1,0, goth
ic farm, in sets, and in variety of patterns.
KN I VES and FORKS—in sets and doz
ens ; also knites only ; carvers, steels, cook
and butcher knives, a variety of other
POCK ET awl PEN K.Nt V.ES—ltazors,
..cit. , ;For:s, shears, from the best makers; one,
o, three. and 1 blade knives.
SI lOVEI,S, spades, hoes, chains, tit s,
pick. axes, &c.
SIIOVEI:S ;mil TONGS, Iron and brass
polished steel lire 80t§ and standards, coal
hods, tailqrs' irons snionthitia irons &c., and
for sale by C 1 & J SAEGER.
IRON.—A lot cf Minn-tiered tth,l Rolled
Iron, Sheut Iron, American and English
Iltnd Iron, Hoop Iron., Cast and Shear
Steel, square, flat, and round, just received
with Anvils and Vices, and for sale cheap
at the store of 0 & J SA 2.0
$ sl,tlG6 17
GLASS.-150 Boxes Cilas, 8 by 10, 10
by 12, 10 by 1.1, 10 by 15, 12 by 10, and
various other• seizes, for sale by
TO AIECIIANICS.—TooIs of every de
scription, such as Bench and Moulding
Planes, bland, Pannel, and Back Saws,
Brace and thus, Auger Buts, Hatchets,
&c., for sale by
TO SHOENIAKERS.—Just received a
new assorttnent of Morocco and Binding
Leather, Lasts, Shoe-thread, Wooden Pegs
French Rubers, and numerous other artic
les belonging to the shoemaking business
F 1,265 51
1,265 26
163 81
NAILS.-100 Kegs oldie best Nails,
Brads and Spikes, just received and for sale
by 0 & .1 SAEGER.
55.1,652 21
OILS & VA RIMS! I.—Oils of all kinds,
boiled and raw, Turpentine, Newark Var
nish drill kincta, Glue &c.;-z-Lwill be sold
cheap by O& J SAEGER.
PLANES.—A full assortment of Planes
tif John Bell's best make-, also a larfre assort=
inent of Carpenter's Took f,q•
by k g : SEC ER.
WHITE LEA tons of White Lead
just received; Pure and Extra, and for sale
HULLO WA RE.--500 Iron Pots and
Kettles, just received-and - for sale at very
reduced prices at the store of
Decetn her 12
A splendid assortment of Front and Parlor
Locks with mineral knobs, german Lucks, j
Latches, Bults, Hinges, Screws, Paint Brush
es, and a variety, of other building Hard
ware just .unpacking, and for sale cheaper
than ever by 0 & J SAEOER.
December. 12. ¶--1y
Uoi3evt ~ila~ penny,
Manioclurer of Warm Air Frances
Premium Cooking 11 . stime.u. •
The aul) , ,clib,:r has, lately establithed
himself in the above business, and is pre
pared to filLordera _to an) distan6! .in the .
Ile can Ivan:ant his artich.s to be of the
iffiest aial . inot.t.approvell stylve, with a say !
ing.ef at kiist ,21 - 3 per cent:. in . the 'fuel.
it eaollict the. place, NO: 11‘2, South Sth
street, Philadelphia.
/Aria -. LI.
& .1 SA EG Eft
O: Sc 3 SA EGE,R
11-1 y
To Builders.
• .Lochalta ts IP Leh, ! • • ,IN N
DEMrrY. 1
4 31.1Nup - Iv?tvi um ,s , 4 . DA . ..1L1:11 0 THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANfE
I N—. COMPANY of Philadelphia...
Boots Sitoes lilts & Caps.
3 L. , , L.. ( CFFTCE, No. 1631 CHESNUT STREET
__near Fifth street,
'l'h° nineteenth century. being the nge of Directors:
Magnetic Telegraphs. Steamships, Loconto- Chat les N. Bancker, Gco. W. Richarus
fives, &c., and in which all Ititals of bust- , Thomas Hart, .Nord. D. Lewis.
ness is. done in the very quickest and most ;'Tobias Wagner, A dolp. E Bone,
expert manner, it likewise becomes ntices- Samuel Grant, David S. Brown,
sari' for the trading i oldie. to take small ! Jacob R. Smith, Morris Patterson,
profits and oak quick sales, in order to i coNTNuE to make Insurrmet, permanent
keep up wait the improv-miyits of the times. : and limited.on every deseriptien of pr..pvrty,-iP
(Thou this principle we Imre detehnined to 1( , ,k - fj ar,ll c1111.11(V, .1! role. a, ti.w as are (11 , 11: , 1,
act. We will sell can. Goods it such 1 tires "" Will stuunly• -
: The cempany have re,erveil a larire Ciitt:m
as Will astonish the buyer.
' aent Fund, which with their Capital and Prem.
The following are some of our prices. to tuns, safely invested, atrerd ample protection to
wit:— , the assured.
irren's Cali-skin Boots from $2.50 tc01.40 ' The a,,ets 14 the company, on January 1 , 4,
do course do •• 1.:10 to :3.•4) tn-tn. as pithli•heit aartmatity to an Act Of A
do kip do tt . 2,00 to -2.7 5 -iiid:V. 1‘ eri :is ioltf•\l., viz
do Gaiter do " 1,50 io :1,00
- findiest - Gaitters " 1,00 to-1-,41-
do Slippers and \Vujts
Buskins :31 to 1,•.?•7‘
7 ' . Besides a very
U Inrge and i-x ton
•t, . :trite nssurtinent of
"iiskairo.. "' • ...,,,,j,; ready'-made
i.. 0
--' --.....
iltnits & Shoes,
cheap for cash.
The', :- also keep For su!'it,' a s'dendid as
sortment of
_...„.,, Moleskin, Silk and SI-t1e1157
~-. , . H . A 1' S. l' c ''''
Cloth, ginzed, fancy and military
Trut‘k, Umbrellas, Camphine, Latid and
Fluid I mut pc, ( 7andelttbras, &c., et::'•
::•il Ilectillect the place, one door west of
U. & J. Set!er's Hardware Store, in the
building, formerly occupied by Smith's Apo
thecary store, in I lamilton Street, 4 Perflown.
.Dec. 19, 5;-3.:1
Stutterio& and Stqu b allerina .
~ l !
In from Five to Twenty Ninnies.
ralf LE Undersigned would respectfully no-
J 3 L nounce to)the citizens of Lehioh and the
adjoining cotinties, tiiat he hab rOtat'ed him
self in Nt iv York for the purpose of
E FIT, C 7'(. 7 .1 L Lir CUR ING
persons who arc troubled wit h
So confident is he of sucet-ss, that no pay
will be revired until the utmost satisfaction
is given. Ills method is so easy, that any
child five years old may understand it, and
yet so eillcient, that he *ill forfeit ate runt
sand Dollars to any person who Will stam
mer and apply it.
No. :37 Chambers St:, New York
P. S. For further testinninies as to the
efficacy of his method he refers to the Me
dical Faculty of New York, who witnessed
the application upon a grialeman, %Om was
an inveterate stammerer, and had been
operated upon by other Physicians. without
the Icast.benefit, and astonishing as it may
seem, Dr. Wyckoff" cured hiin in 20 min
utt s, that he was able to speak and read
with case, without hesitancy or semblance
of Stammering.
The Doctor also has over One Hundred
Certificates of cures performed among which
are several medical gentlemen.
N. B. All letters of inquiry, (post-raid)
Will be promptly answered by narnin7 the
Post Office and State where they reside.
• January 10. 17—tr.
1' üblie, otice.
Notice is hereby oiven, that the rariner
sh ip heretofore P X kti %yr ~• n 1 .
SIIA'W, as Con tr:Yrwr : !;,; r
of the Philadelphia a:11 1,1;••,!in
gnipli Line; and th.. Sti, , pediatin.l t i+'..r .
and North . mid %Vest Branch 'l' , l , yrd
Line, is this day disfolved liy torna
sent; All persons having subscribed 'and
paid for stock in "The Philadelphia and
Wilk - esharte - Telearaph Company," are re;
spectfully requested to present their receipts
for such payments to Eit J. SAcran, t sq.,
in A llentottn, Lehigh county, Pa.. President
of tho said Company. and receive their cer
tificates properly a ulhentieated therefor; and
all persons batting subscribed and paid flit
stock in "Thu Susquehanna liver and North
and \Vest Branch Telegraph Conipany,"
are alio respectfully requested to present
their receipts for such payments to A. G.
GOELL, at the American Hotel, Chestnut
Street, opposite' the State Hoitse, Philadel•
phis, President ofsaid Company, or tri T. 0.
VAN A Ltr.N, Treasurer, Danville, Montour
county, Pa., and receive their certificates in
due form therefor. Aptl all persons having
claims auainst the said Parini frldp.
& SHAW, relating to the cimstruction of said
lines, whether upon promissory note, .draft.
hook accounts, or otherwise, are respectfully •
requested to present : correct statements of
the same, wit hotit delay. to JOHN TITUS, Esq..
No. 12, Slereantile Library, Philadelphia,'
who is authorized to receive and arrange
for s e ttlement of the same. • •
• tW 4 I. ;
m p , .ra ry L,ans
st , ek*,
;71,220.097 67
Since their t neorp.tration, a period of eighteen
years, they have paid upwards of one million
Iwo hundred lbnusend dollars, losses by fire, there
by affiirding evidence of the advantages of insu
ranee, as well as the ability and disposition to
meet with promptess, all
CILIRLL•'DN. B A NClalt, Presi den
The Subscribers are the appointid Agents of
the above ment;oned.Ensittution. and are now
prepared to make insnranees on every deserip
lion of property, at the low'rst rates.
ArM;STI:s 1,. 1011 E, Allentown
C. F. BUCK, Bethlehem
lehiott a, June 13, 131 S
LO WS 1-I.anE!
A Certain and EitectuatCtire.
The subsci iher, Dru , :gist in the Borough
el nethlehem, Northampton county, adopts
this !net had to luforin sufferers of a Rheu
matic complaint, be it Inflamatory, Chronic
or Acute, that he prepares an article of med.
ne, that rfrect a certain cure of this
%vide spred and painful disease. It is ptit
Op in Oman bottels, each bottle accompani
ed by a boX of Ointme n t. Th e liquid to he
takettirsternally, and the ointment external
ly. The genuine article can he had only
by the undersigned, a practical Druggist
and Chemist, and originator of the medicine:
Price two dollars per bottle, or six bottles
for ten dollars—which will be sent to in va•
lids in any part of the county, free of charge.
.AII orders must he accompanied with the
Cash, or they Will receive no attention.
This medicine needs no pulling, it speaks
for itself, while perfectly harmless in its ope
ration it eradicates the sa•stem from the
efrects produced by unskillful treatment. It
has already produced some astonishing
cures, and of cases where the patient has
been cdnlin e d to the Louse for years, and
those that got abroad only with then use of
Crutches, were set at liberty by the use of
from one to six Bottels. Certificates of
cures can be shown from'the most respect
None is genuine without his written
signature in blue ink.
Proprietor, Bethlehem, Penn.
December I. ag—ly
• 1 3 1 AN 0 V 0 1 11,TV,
\Yr a jll l- OCO Tat a
171 Chestnut street, above 1)7111;
• rhiEncllelphia.
11'29121 011111? STAND,
Oc:7 , i , ;i? I
o pr 7'i.oj.e than a third of a Can-
IJ( ei; by George InMg, Eq.
ut Would most respectfully
fal,ll,olliire to the public, that he Is ,4,7,ent
fur mire than lie , ntt) or the tnut , t celebrated
tecnufttciurevs of i3usion, New Fork, Phil-
adelphia, and elsewhere ; and is constantly
receiving front them
of the richest and most varied styles, of so
pallor tone, and of the most superb finish,
of 6, 6.1, 61, and 7 Octaves, which are
warranted equal to any manufactured either
in this country or irope.
JUSt received, also, a further supply of
chnich, a nd Parlor . Organo,
of very beautiful patterns and fine toned.
ilis ►unb6 is constantly supplied
with a choice selettton ill
from ut.d rtiogt extenNive manufac-
:! Sums; among Which
a •111'W *Ayr.. of ./fREDORG.riN, havidg
rhares palent improvements, with gilt
pipes in front. and cuss elegantly carved,
.unel .ornainental.. •
• Tuning and Ikpairing.—Sig. Salvador
La. Claim, a. distinguished Piano Fort!,
nontifetenner and Organ Buildtr, will at.
tend to all.ordera.
171 Chestnut !that, Phklcidelplik.
Au-usi 10.'
There is no subject perhaps .on which
false notions exist more generally in 'the
min& of those directly interested in the
matter, than upon the education of children
fur whom the profession of agriculture has
been chosen by their parents. In many of
our sister States the agricultural interest is
sadly depressed by reason of the neglect
' with which it is treated by legislators, and
the more . cull ible neglect with which agri
culturalists treat thumselves. Commerce,
tit::i.ett.ceute, a. d be currency receive their
sioal, 1 to tHtm f r om our statesmen
and leuislativ, s, the inurest
final:' his-blood of them all,
is ti..) much ail too generally forgotten.
But if farmers wool I cease to neglect them
selves, they would thrive in spite of the neg.
b et of legislators, and by suitably educating
their children, they would secure a more
general representation of their interests in
It gislatiee bodies, and the I assage oral! acts
-- rtir.a.dfal - forits fostering andprotection.
When the farmer discovers that one of
his sons is gifted %%jib more than ordinary
intelligence, he concludes that he is too
smart to follow the plough, and then he is
willing to make sacrifices, if necessary; to
secure for him a suitable education. If the
boy is to be a minister, or a physician and
live uyoh the disease's oldie unfortunate, or
lawyer and live upon the quarreli. and
mistakes of the passionate mid the weak,
he must have a thorough education ; but if
lie is to furnish food for all classes and prii
fessions—if hb is to assist nature in the tidi
ly miracle by which she feeds her children,
then the most scanty rudiments of knowledge
must suffice for him, and he must be con
tent to dig among the clods, and become
almost insensible as they.
Now this is wrong—totally and radically •
wrong. The farmer should have a thorotth,
I general, and professional education. Of
i course we would not recommend him to,
'study Greek and Latin, brit he wants the
benefits of schools designed expressly to
pupils for the professipn of Agricultural
schools in uhich beside the common Eng:.
fish branches, Natural Philosophy and Che,
inistry in their relations to the business of
the fanner, and the production r.nJ elements
of the soil, together with every other study
necessary to fit men fur active duties as
citizens of a self-governing community, and
practical farmers, should be thoroughly
taught. When farmers are thus educated,
their piofessiOn . will be come more respect
able, and more profitable. Their interests
will then be fostered in our legislative bodes,
and will thrive at home. Then will their.
influence predominate in the council and the .
mart, and it depends upon the farmers them:
selves whether they Will take the position
they should occupy in one of the most con
siderable nations of the earth, or plod along
is the beaten truck of their forefathers.—
Fiirikee Made.
205,159 00
15,513 15
46,181 87
The following extract from a letter of a
St. Louis gentleman to a friend in this
cinity, will give some idea of the scale on
which fanning is conducted in Missouri
"Yesterday I took a ride to see one of our
fine Missouri farms, about eight miles from
St. Louis. A Mr. Sigerson and Brothers
have one thousand acres fenced in with a
rail and post fence, which, is one mile and
• a half lung in a straight line both sides, and
with fine large gates every quarter of a mile.
They have 150 acres of corn, 40 acres of
, strawberries, 30 acres of peaches, about 80
acres of flowers, and about 200 acres of fine
grass, and 200 acres of various fruit trees.
and about 30J acres pasturage, &c., all
lin the completes! order and neatness,• and
to a high state Of ctiltivritiOn.' They hayil
about 100 head of cattle, 600 sheep, &C".,
2,500 pear trees. They have a row of these
trees set out three quarters of a mile long
in a straight line, with a row of arbor vitro
trees on one side., I cannot begin to tell
you of all the beauties of this place. The
natermelon patch was about the si2e of
half the Boston Common, and completely
covered with vines, and melons of the most
'lucious description. You must remember
all the land occupied by the fruit trees is
also covered with straWberries, grass, .&c.
This farm has been opened within six years.
Can this be beat in the old Bay State any
where ? If so, let me know. There are
fine carriage avenues through the farm•
crossing at right angles the main avenuei
bordered with flowers each side : about n
quarter of a mil. I spent n &Tin the vi
cinity, and -dined there ow the farm, 'was
escorted all Over it, rinfrfh/ated in the most
hospitable mermen"— Traveller.
EVIt was Bonapar t who said , spon ging
alfamily.quarrels.—“Our dirty linen should
be privately washed."
. .
CPU you .with to get married,
When was ever honey made with one boo
in.the hive
lirNever be ashalied •ici be seen in your
shirt sleeves at work:
12irWealth and prosperity can he obtain.
ed only through industry and economy;
'it is easier to resist our bad plistanns
at first than alter indtilgende." .•••••
Education of rarmers.
A Missouri Farni.