The Lehigh register. (Allentown, Pa.) 1846-1912, November 21, 1850, Image 1

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Mcnotcb to. News, fiterature, poctrn, Oricace, 'agticultutc, the Miffusion . of 'Useful Jutormation, ecncral lintelligence, ',Amusement, ilidructs,
Is published in the Borough of Allentown, Lehigh
County, Pa.,every Thursday
Atst 50 per annum, payable in advance, and
00 If n not paid until the end of the year. No
paper dlscontinuea, until all arrearages are paid
except at the option of the proprietor.
ADVEATISCMILITS. making not more thdn one
square, will be inserted . three times for one dollar
and for every subsequent insertion -t wenty-five
'cents. Larger advertisements charged in the
-same proportion Those not exceeding ten lines,
will be charged seventy-five cents, and those
making six lines or less, three insertions for 50
tar A liberal deduction will be made to those
who advertise by the year.
IF Office in Hamilton St., one door East
o/ the German Reformed Church, nearly
opposite The "Friedensbothe Office."
Facts for the People !
A Jenny Liud Song.
By Samson, Wagner & Co.
1. An appeal to the judgement,
A candid appeal ;
With facts on our side,
An assurance we feel.
Fact, Fact, is our maxim,
On facts we rely,
And to facts we appeal,
In the Goons we supply.
2. In this ton n our Store,
Is seen to attract,
A triumph in trade.
• And in truth a great Fact !
And still it shall stand
As it ever has done,
A glorious fact.
For the name it has won.
Readers ! We are not about to carry you
away with any false or unfounded asser
tions. We intend, in appealing to your
judgment to state facts and facts only with
out the slightest fear of contradiction. One
prominent fact is, that the articles of
Samson, Wagner & Co.
are distinguished by unequalled style, in
proof of which we would call your attention
to our second purchase of
Fall and Winter Goods,
which we have just recieved and unpacking.
And the prominent fact is, that at our store
you will find an extensive assortment of ev
ery thing which is usually kept in a coun
try store. But the fact of all facts is, that
Samson, Wagner 4- Co. sell goods cheeper
than any.other Store in Lehigh county, but
dont take our word for it, but come and see.
Come men of all stations;
Each rank and degree,
Come old maids and young maids,
Who yet are so free,
Come Jews and come Christian,
Come Gentiles and all,
Come each and come every one
And give us a CALL.,
November 14. it —4 tv
1 6ATItErtl Allanllll,
Obb Sillows' frit.
L. KNICKERBOCKER respectfully announ
ces to the Ladies and Gent;..inen of Allen
town, that the evening clases have commenc
ed at the. Odd Fellows' Hall, on Monday and
Friday of each week, from S to 10, in the
evening, where all the most fashionable
dances will be taught, which are as follows :
Mazourka's, • Lancer's, Cotillion's,
iledowa,Schottisch, plain and other Walzes.
Persona desirous of making themselves
familiar with the innocent exercises of the
most fashionable circles, could not have
better opportunity, as I shall endeavor to the
best of my abilities to give entire satisfaction.
Also private classes for children on Mon
day and Friday of each week from 2 to 4
P. M. Terms moderate.
1-3" Apply to Mr. James Mickly, at Sam
son and Wagner's Store, at Wm. Craig's
Hotel,. or at the Odd Fellows' Hall, on the
evenings of practice
November 7,
ler tri (1) DI
In pursuance of-Mpented solicitations, the
board of Directors of the “Allentevim Sav
ing Institution" have passed the following
resolution :
itesolved—That the President be direct
ed to call a meeting of the stockholders, for
the purpose of considering a propoSition to
amend the Constitution, so as to allow the
sale of stock at certain periods, to all persons
legally capable of transacting business. The
meeting to be held at the Actuary's Office,
con"l'hursday the 21st of November next, at
ij o'clock, in t
J. B. e afte M rnotiti:
OSER, President.
R. r, Secretary.
November 21. T-4w
WHEREAS, the . Hon. J. Pringle Jones
President of the several Courts of Common
Pleas of the Third Judicial District, compo
sed of the counties of Northampton and Le
high, State 'of Pennsylvania, and Justice
of the. Several Courts of Oyer and Terminer
and general Jail delivery, and Peter Haas,
and John F. Ruhe, Esqrs., Judges of the
Courts of Oyer and Terminer and .general
Jail delivery, for the trial of all capital of
fenders in the said county of Lehigh. By
their precepts to me directed, have ordered
the court-Of Oyer and .Terminer end Gene
ral Jail Deli Very, to be holden at Allentown,
county of Lehigh. on the
First Monday in December NO,
which is the 2nd day of said month, and
will continue one week.
NOTICE 19 therefore hereby given to the
Justices of the Peace and Constables of the
county of Lehigh, that they are by the said
precepts commanded to be there at 10 o'clock
in the forenoon, of said day, with their rolls,
records, inquisitions, examinations, and all
other remembrances, to do these things
which to their offices appertain to be done,
and all those who are bound by recog,nizan
ces to prosecute against the prisoners that
are or then shall be in the jail of said coun
ty of Lehigh, arc to be then and there to
prosecute them as shall be just.
Given under my hand in Allentown, the
7th day of November, in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and City.
God save the Commonwealth.
Sheriff's Office Allentown,
November 7th 1550.
N. B. Magistrates are desired to forreard
their returns in crtminalcases to the Dope.ty
Attorney General at once; and . to rzctlest
prosecutors to call at his office before court,
and thus affbrd sufficient time to prepare the
indictments, and other matters necessary for
trial. The amount of unsettled Imsiness
renders this at present absolutely necessary.
November 7. 11-1 w
TrMl List,
For December Term, 1850.
1 George Kemmerer vs Charles and William
Edc Imam
2 Benjamin S. Levan vs Christopher Henritze
and others.
3 The Commonwealth vs relii Kahn.
4 Nathan Rex vs Ceorge Lauchner and Cedrge
5 Daniel Weiss vs Godfrey Roth.
6 James White vs Eli Steckel and Edward
7 Nathan Dresher vs The Lehigh Crane Iron
Company and Sol. Butz.
8 David Stem•and others vs John Wagner and
9 William Walp vs Stephen Balliet.
10 Jacob Zimmerman vs Peter Hoffman.
I I Anna Bright vs A. P. Mcßride and others.
12 H. J. Haberacker and N. J. Ritz vs John G.
&indle and others.
13 Franklin Hililebeitel vs Samuel Hartman and
14 William Dech vs Enoch Schaffer. •
15 Isaac Zenner vs Jacob Ochs.
16 John L. Twells' use vs William Fry.
17 David and Daniel Moritz vs Charles Moritz.
18 Thomas B. Wilson and others vs. Stephen
Balliet and uthers.
19 William !little vs Michael Elder.
20 Edward Kern and others vs Peter Sieger.
21 Jacob DeLong vs William Mohr.
Novembor 7.
Good Store Stand
The undersigned offers to sell his valua
ble Store Stand, at private sale. It is situ
ated in the village of Butztown, Northamp
ton county, on the public road, leading from
A „ Ter s Bethlehem to Easton. The
" are large and convenient, besides it
is admitftid to be one of the most beautiful
and best situations, in this section of coun
try, for tin enterprising .business man, and
in point of convenience cannot be excelled.
There are five acres of good land belonging
thereto, upon which is an excellent never
failing spring and a well.
Possession can be given immediately if
required, and the conditions cap be made
easy. A. S. DECEI.
rrThe "Bucks County Intelligencer,"
will please insert the above eight times.
July 18. . If —4 w
11 -4 w
Notice is hereby. given, that the under
signed are appointed Executors, in the last
Will and Testament of Henry Elmer, deed:
late of the Borough of Allentown, county of
Lehigh, therefore all persons who are yet
indebted to said estate, be it in Notes, Bonds
.etherwise • will make settlement within
weeks from the date hereof. Also those,
who have legal claims against said estate,
Will present them well authenticated within
the above specified time.
MteliAßL ll.tutnuilie, Executor.
JOHANNA L. EDNER, Executrix.
ni • - c_ew
&W. bwvb• 4
® G ~~~0
Surveyor and Scrivener.
The undersigned begs leave to announce
to, his large circle of friends and the public
in general, that he still continues the Sur
veying and Scrivening business, in its vari
ous branches,. at his office, near Coopers
burg, in Upper Saucon townshi2, Lehigh
Ile has lately purchased at a very great
expenceot number of the newest and most-iin
proved Aka/L(7)2(16ml n tc: which
will enable him, with a practice of '2O years
His experience a:, a Scrivener is undoubt
ed, as he has also followed the business for
many years. Terms moderate.
Virile will always be ready to serve his
friends, at any reasc. - mble distance from
home, when called upon.
Oct. 31. —3m
Fall and Winter Gnotls,
Parid Gel
Merchant in Hosensack, Upper Milford,
Lehigh county, inform his large circle of
friends and the public in general, th:.t he
has just arrived from Philadelphia; t.lid is
now unpacking and offers for sale, a large
assortment of seasonable Gccds, as follows:
Plain lut;tres, changabla and figured Al
pacas, plain and printed muslin 'do lains,
ginghams, calicoes. checks, ilannels, &s.,
&c. Enllish, French and American Cloths,
of all colors and prices, cassimeres, vestings,
sattinetts, thibit and woolen shawls, cotton
yarns, 6-.. c., &c.
ore.:o Stock of Grocerieg.
..,.... Molasses, Sugar,
~:: . Coffee, Tea, Spi- 0 . 2:7r,
i li : x j ,,, ces, Mackerels cf :,47- , - z....
•-,..- . - - all numbers and at ' . "=--
cheap pricea, Salt, G;ls, /Lc.
Fashionable hats and caps, shoes for la
dies and gentlemen, tole and upper leather,
calf skins and morocco. •
gt ICII"-
A large assortment of aueensware, Earth
enware,Hardware, Looking Glasses, Drugs,
Glass, and Dye Stuffs.
Just received, such as warranted bar and
hammered iron, American and Swedish'
steel, warranted at 6 cents s' pound, cast
and sheer steel, bond, round, ha!f round and
cornered E. refined iron,• sheet and hoop
iron, cast iron, stoves, kettles, pots, boilers,
grates, plough Shears, wagon boxes. Also
a large stock of English wagontire ; of e ;cry
width and thickness, at 2! : cents per pound.
His assortment in general is made up of
such a stoc!: of Goods as is' but seldom
,in a country retail store. Ile there
fore invites each and every one to give him
a friendly call and convince themselves of
what is-said aboVe. No charges will be .
made to show goods.
He returns his sincere thanks to his
neighbors and friends, for the very liberal
custom bestowed upon him, and trusts that
he will make it their interest further to con
tinue their calls
Oct. 10
allentown Sensi ne.f y.
The Winter Session of this Schoo will
commence on Friday next, the Ist of No
vember. For admission, catalogues, refer
ences, &c., apply to
C. R. KESSLER, Principal.
October :31,
(a -
Office one door east of Kolbs llutel, Al
entown, Lehigh county, Pa.
Allentown, March ¶—tf
Office in the western front room of the
building of John D.Lawall, formerly Horn
beck's, west of the Courthouse.
Allentown April 4, 1860
illiDllolll3 . Yiolllll4
In the Orphan's Coda of Lehigh county
itg.r 4 .
C, In the matter of the Account
~5'. 1' 0 11 . of Jacob Mushlitz,
Doitcri deceased, Exc.cutor, k_C- it c o .
4. -r. of Jacob .I.
. 4. 41- of Upper Saucon township, Le
r * 0- high county.
Anil now Sept. 6, MO, nn motion of Ro
bert E. Wright, Esq. the court appoint Ed
mund J. Mohr, Esq., Auditor, to audit and
re-settle said account, and make distribution
according to law, and report to the next sta
ted Orphan's court. .
From the Records.
' I ' ESTE—J. 1). LAWALL, (Jerk. ,
the undersigned will attend to the duties
of his appointment on Friday, the 29th day
of November, A. D. 18 . 50, at the Eagle Hotel
in the Borough ofAllentown, Lehigh county,
Pa., at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, at
which time and place all persons interested
may attend if they think proper.
Ell J. MOHR, .Ittditor.
• .5-4 w
Look Here ! ! !
The undersigned announce to the'public,
that they have just returned from Philadel
phia and New York, with a very large lot
or Hardware, consistinf2: of
. .
434 ~..cuilm -- lions 2 l'!:rnb.-hing--.a Hides,
.:..:( varry, Co,tch Triwini»p.:B,.
Saddlery and Sho,74indings, ail of which
will be, sold at eNtrernely low prices. They
rislifliu_puldicAo_give SAnor::: s IlimowArtu_
STOTCrf, signor tio,
-,,, , ..1-! . .. , . • ell.i" ENIL,,
:, call, iii order to convince limns...dyes of the
fact, that a 'per.ny saved is a penny made.'
0. & .1 SAEGER.
To Ificcfsc-licepers.
A .gt.; , at assortment of house furnishing
'articirs, such d
ENAMELED and tinned in tide, cooking
vesz.:els, saucc! and stew pans, preserve ket
tles, fsh and ir.m Icettier., frying pans, grid
irons, wank irons, &c.
'I'EA,TRAYS and IVaiters, from coin
iron to fine, in seis and dozens. Also, goth
ic form, in cats, and in variety cf patterns.
KNIVES nod FORKS—m cots and doz
ens ; a so knives only ; carvers. steels, cook
ltd tmcher knives, with a variety of other
scissors, shear::, f,01, - , the best 7 my!,
tw:), thrE srld 4
pick. airs.
SIIOVEU) and TONGS, Iron and brass
pc,l;7:Jci stool flre 4e.s r.nd• standards, co,'
tzti!ors' ircrs se.lotA'aing irons &c. and
for sale by 0 6:„ J SAEGER.
Vt'A.N.--A lot of Ilairrxerrd and Rolled
Lidieta Ivor., Anieri:aa and English
band F cop Irc i, Cnst and shear
so,narc..., lint, and iound, just received
with and Vices, rnd for sale cheap
at the store of 1) & J SAEGER,
I ".C4LASS.—ItI3 P.exes Glat-F,S by 10, 10
by 12, 10 by 14, 10 by 15, 12 by 16, and
various other seizes. for sale by
TO MECHANICS.—TeaIs of every de
scription, such n 3 Bench and 7.toukling
Planes, Hand, Papnel, t,nd Back Saws,
Brace and Bitts, Auger Eats, Hatchets,
Squares, &c., for :ale he
TO SHOEMAKELIS.—Just received a
row assortment cf Morocco and Binding
Leather,'Lasts, Shoe-thread, Wooden Pegs
French Ruhers, and numerous other artic
les belonging to the shoemaking business
NAH.Z-300 Kegs of the best Nails,
Brads and Spikes, just received and for sale
SCYTHES-20 doz. genuine Griffith's
Grain Scythes, also 'a large assortment of
genuine StMertnark Grass Scythes, cheap
and for sale by 0 & J SAEGER..
OILS & VARNISH.—OiIs of all kinds,
boiled and raw, Turpentine, 'Newark Var
nish of all kinds, Glue &e.,—will be sold
cheap by 0 J SAEGER.
PLANES.—A full assorunent of Planes
of John Bull's best inake,.also a large assort
ment of Carpenter's Tools; for sale cheap
by 0 & J SAEGER.
WHITE LEAD.-2 tons of White Lead
ust receiti•ed, Pure and Extra, and for sale
• 0 &J SAEGEU.
11OLLOWARE.-500 Iron Pots and
Kettles, just received and for said at very
reduced prices at the store of
0 & SAEGER..
April 18 11-2 m
EIDS9UIiD 9. 31 oran,
Chief a few doors west of the Court. !louse.
!barite can be consulted both in the Ger
man and English languages.
Allentown, April 'l. 11-4 r
a(t)Quo. - m , 4
In the Orphan's Court of Lehigh County.
ou .a cir a In the matter of the Citation to
(.7;2 Philip Both and. Charles Keck,
5 ^ J c . 3 Executors of Adam Klein, dec'd.
tig 34 - 11 : 0 - 2 late of Salisburg township.
And now, Sept. 5, 1850. Answer filed.
And September
6, ISSO, the Aceonnt was referred to J. S.
Reese, Esq., with instruction; to esamine
and if accessary resettle the same.
From 1/ie Records,
For the ptfrpose of his appointmnet, the
undersigned will be present at the house of
Henry Leh, in Allentown, on Thursday
. the
14th day of November next, at 10 o'clock
m the forenoon . .
• October. 81, • - 11--Sw
The young man walks in the midst of
temptations to appetite, the improper indul
gence of which is in danger of proving his
ruin. Health, longevity and virtue, depend
on his resisting these temptations. The Pro
vidence of Go is no more responsible, be
cause a man ry improper indulgence be
comss subject to disease, than for the piet
Mg of his pockets. For a young man to
injure his health, is to waste his patrimony
and destroy his capacity for virtuous deeds.
should a man love God, he will have ten
times the strength for the exercise of it, with
a sound body. Not only the amount but the
quality of a man's labor depends on his
health. Not only lying lips, but a dyspep
tic stomach is an abomination to - the Lord.
The productions of the poet, the man of
science, or the orator, must be rigected by
his health. The man who neglects to con
trol his appetites. is to himself what a state
of barbarism is to society—the brutish part
predominates. He is to himself what Nich
olas is,tb Hungary.
Met buy pains, and the purVeyor and
market man bring home disease. Our an
cestors used to bury the suicide where four
roads met yet every gentleman and lady
who lay the foundation of disease with tur
tle soup and lohster salad, as really commit
suicide as if they used the rope or the pistol ;
and were the old law revived, how many
who are now honored with a resting place at
Mount Auburn, would be found on the cross
roads? Is it not amazing that man, invited
to a repast worthy of the gods, should stop
to feed on cabbage ; or when called to par.
take of the Circean cup, should stop to guz
zle with the swine.
, If young men imagine that the gratifica
tion of appetite is the great source of enjoy
ment, they 'will find this in the highest de
gree with industry and temperance. The
epicure, who seeks it in it dinner which
costs five dollars, will find less enjoyment.
of appetite than the laborer who dines on a
shilling. If the devotee of appetite desires
its high gratification, he must not send for
beef tongues, but:climb a mountain or swing
an au.—Without health there is no delicacy
that can provoke an appetite. Whoever
destroyS his health turns the most delicate
viands into ipecac and aloes. 'The mansthat
is physically wicked does not live out half
alive while he does live. However gracious
God may be to the heart, he never pardons
the stomach. •
Let a young man pursue a course of tem
perance,•sobriety, and industry, and he may
retain his vigor till three-score years and ten
with his cup of enjoyment full, and depart
painlessly ; as the candle burns out in its
. . •
socket, so will lie expire.
But look at the opposite. When a man
suffers his appetite to control hint, he turns
his dwelling into a lazar house, wheather
he lives in a hovel, clothed with rags, or in
the splended mansion and -gorgeous cloth
ing of the upper ten.
I ask the young man then, who is just
forming his habits of life, or just beginning
to indulge those habitual trains of thought
out of which habits grow, too look around
him, and mark the examples whose fortune
would covet, or whose fate he would
.abhor. Lien ne we walk the streets - ( , e
meet with exhibitions of each extreme.
Here behold a patriarch, whose stock of vi
gor three-score years and ten seem hardly
to have impaired. His erect form, his firm
stop, his elastic limbs and undimmed senses,
are so many certificates of good conduct; or,
rather, so many jewels and orders of nobili,
ty with which nature has honored'him for
his fidelity to our laws. His fair complex
ion shows tha this WO has never been cot-
True Freedom
A Tyrant needeth not a throne;
To win the hated name;
Who ruleth not his household well,
Must own the tyrant's shame.
Who tramples down of slaves but one,
Is e'cn a worthless thing;
No matter be his title great,
Or be lie one of small estate,
Or master, Ion!, or king.
The__husband loving not his wife—
Parent to child unkind—
Who shuns his home for brutal joys.
Tu suit a brutish mind,
Whoever harms a brutal thing,
Whate'r may Le its name—
The ass that bears its daily toil /.
Our meanest worm that crawls the soil,
Must own the Tyrant's shame..
When peace prevails—in every home,
When kindred love is found—
And each to all shall feel the tie,
Brother to brothers bound;
When none shall dare a deed to do
'Which others' wrong may be,
But each shall govern well his heart,
And shun himself the Tyrant's part,
Then—then mankind is free.
41 - litccliancott9 !;:icicctions.
Abuse of Health and Wealth.
rupted ; his pure breath that ho has never
ed.Lhis_d igesti ve-apparatus_for_a_vint-_.
ner's cess-pool : his extract language and
keen apprehension, that his brain has never
been drugged or stupefied by the poisons of
distiller or tobacconist. Enjoying his appe
tites to the highest, he has preserved the
power of enjoying them. Despite the mo
ral of the school-boy's story, he has eaten
his cake and still kept it. As he drains the
Icup of life, there are no less at the bottom.
His organs Will reach the goal of existence
together. Painlessly as a candle burns,
I down, in the socket, so will he expire, and
a little imagination would convert hint into
liirotlfer - Erro'c hTtranslated - frotn - earth - to - a
better world without the sting of death.
But look at an opposite extreme, where
an opposite history is recorded. What wreck
so shocking to behold as the wreck of a dis
solute man ; the vigor of life exhausted, and
yet the first steps in an honorable career net
yet taken; in himself a lazar house oldisease;
dead, but by a heathenish custom of society .
not buried ! Rogues have had the initial let
ter of their title burnt into the palms of their
hands; even for murder, Cain was only
branded on the forehead ; but over the whole
person of the debauches or the inebriate the
signatures of infamy are written. How na
ture brands .hitn- with stigma and approbri.; -
um ! How she hangs labels over him, to
testify her disgust at his existence, and to
admonish others to beware of his example !
How she loosens all his joints, sends tremors
along his muscles, and bends forward his
frame, as if to bring him upon all fours with
kindred brutes, or to degrade him to the
reptile's crawling! How she disfigures his
countenance, as if intent upon obliterating
all traces of her own image, so that she may
swear she never madeltim ! How she pours
rheum over his eyes, Sends foul spirits to
inhabit his breath, and shrieks, as with a
trumpet, from every pore of his body, "136-
hold a Beast:" Such a man may be seen
in the streets of our cities every day ; if rich
enough, he may be found in the saloons and
at the tables of the "supreme ton;" but sure
ly, to every man of purity and honor; to ev.:
ery man whose wisdom as• well as whose'
heart is unblemished, the wretch who comes
cropped and bleeding from the pillory, and
redolent with its appropriate perfumes,woidd
be a guest or a companion far less offensive(
and disgusting.
Now let_ the young man rejoicing in his
manly proportions and in his comliness, look
on this picture and cn this, and then say of--•
ter the likeness of which model he intends'
his own erect stature and sublime comae.
nonce shall be configured.
SoCiety is infinitely too tolerantof thereat.;
the wretch whose life . -long pleasure it has
been to debase himself and to debauch
others ; whose heart has been spotted with
•infamy so much that it is no longer spotted,
but hell-black all over; and who, at least,
deserves to be treated as travellers say the
wild horses of the prairies treat a vicious
fellow ; the noblest of the herd formin b %tt,
compact circle around 'him, heads outward,
and kicking him to death.
Tact and Talent.
Talent is something,but tact is everything,.
Talent is serious, sober, grave and respect
able ; tact is all that and more too. It is
not a seventh sense, but it is the life of all
the five. It is the open eye, the quick ear,
the judging taste, the keen smell, and tho
lively touch. It is the interpreter of all
riddles—the surmounter of all difficulties- F .
the remover of all obstacles. It is useful lit
solitude, for it shows a man his May into
the world. It is useful in society. for it
shows him his way through the world. Ta
lent is power; tact is skill. Talent is weight,
tact is momentum. Talent knows what to
do ; tact knows how to do it. Talent
make a man respectable ; tact will tnalie'him
respected. •Talent is wealth ; tact is ready
money. For the practical purposes of life
tact carries it against talent, ten. to one.
There is no want of d rattan ic tact; there is
no want of dramatic talent: but they aro
seldorn together; so we have successful pie
ces which are not respectable, and respec
table pieces which are not successful. Take
them to the bar and let them shake their leer,
ntd curls at each other in legal rivalry ; ta
lent sees its way clearly; but tact is first tit
his journey's end. Talentlas•many a com
pliment from the bench; but tact touches
fees from attorneys , and clients. Talent
speaks learnedly and . logically ; tact trium
phantly. Talent makes the world wonder
that it gets on no faster; tact. excites aston
ishment that it gets on so fast—the secret
is, it has no weight to carry ; it makes no
false steps ; it hits the right.nail on the head;
it loses no nine ; it takes all hints and by
keeping its eye on the wheather cock is
ready to take advantage of every wind that
Take them into the church,--talent has
always something worth hearing; tact is
sure of abundance of hearers. - Talent may
obtain a ; tact will make one. Talent
gets a good name; tact gets a great one.
Talent convinces ; tact converts. Talent is
an honor to the profession; tact gains honor
_from did. profession.
Take them to court--talent feels its weight,
tact makes its Way. Talent cotufnands
~~ .