The Lehigh register. (Allentown, Pa.) 1846-1912, September 05, 1850, Image 1

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;Ileboteb to News, titerature, poetrn, Ocience, 'Agriculture, tl)eiffuiiOn-oflasefid Inforination, Gencral Intelligence, Anntsement,
• NUNI011:"48;:`--(:.'
.. . •
p Maher, in Ihe
• Boraugh pf Allentown, Lehigh
catgut y , Pa.;every. Thursday
At Si 50• per annum, payable in advance, and
4 1 . , •00 if not• paid until tile end - of the year. No
paper discontinued, Until all arrearages are paid
except at the optioU of the proprietor.
AnrscrrrasmasTs, making , not inure than one
• square, will be inserted three times for one dollar
andlor every subservient bisection twenty-five
-penis. Larger advertisements charged in the II
same proportion. 'nose not exceeding ten lines,
will be charged. seventy-five cents, and those
. making six lines or, less, three insertions for 50
. • WA liberal deduction will be made to those
who advertise by, the year.
.W * . Office in lltnnilton St., one door, East
. t ol the ,Cirinan Reformed Church, nearly
opposite the"Friedenibothe Office."
Texas and Disunion !
Da,nger Ahea,d.
Ten Thousand Customers Wanted
A T CUE NEW YORK S • rone IN ALLL% rowN.
Just received from New York and Phila
delphia,a' large and splendid assortment of
which they oiler at the very - .lowest priCes.
Persons'. visiting town during Courtweek,
shotild make it a point of business, to call at
the New York Store, and examine their
stock,.before purchasing elsewhere, as they
feel eonfidern tlnit by doing so, they are able
to cleartkeir traveling expenses. They
hold to.tite maxim of making -quick sales
with small profits." .
Their Ladies dress goo's consist in Silks,
Bombazines, Alpaccas; 141orinoes; Mouslin
de Lanes,'Gingliams, Calicoes, &c. of Which
they have - an assortment that-cannot be ex
celled in Allentown.
Superfine Blue, Black, and fancy colored
Cloths, - Cassimeres and Satinets, Vestings,
of every description illuminable.
a x Mid KLINI3.
August 22
aAw Just received,a. large
,;;/ . -_OOl O fresh *siipply of Stip,af, Coffee,
ac., ”! &iff y Molasses, nice, Ten, Spices,
••mid nll the other varieties of
Groceries. for sale.clicap by
• • KLiNE.
Fresh c Perch
Nunibers one; iwo and thiao 51aelieri.1, iii
whule, huNes,and quarwr barrels, fresh and
for sale , -',l(EndSr,
with Nlahonny„frotnels, for role. very,,rheap
at the store of ItiaN &;KLEIN.
QUCCitSeVare. '
A large and beautiful assortment; Consist-
Wig in full sett of all . PriOni; dishes, Glass;
forsale cheap at the store of
• • KF:RN &
Country Produce.
All kinds of 'Country Produce %till be re
ceived in exChtiote for goods, for which the
highest marketprice will be allowed:at.the.
York Store of,"•—•J EctiN &.KLEIN.
• August 22.•: ,_ • .
L 1..5)
P.F.TEII - pELt;!s; . Piiiprietor:
- Ma
Sucre - 6 to.lioustun,t Schrorr, •
.21'0:•.2-1 I 'Ntio,TH IBET,
Between Citllowliill anti Willow Streets, ~
The undersigni4 resprrtfully, informs his
many.friends and the'poliliC in general ; that
.o has lately rented the tavern Stand,
.h.X.;5;241i North Third Street; liewireenCtil=
iowhill and Willourstreeui,'Aiell' known in
this section of the country; as . the„
Black 13 eak
itablishment'he-line _ fitted'
mperior style, rind isiow
lecornmodate nh thoie
,with their custom'. -; The
find Commodious, and is tid;
`4ro,suit,ttio • convenience of
ply (aim . him with a trill
• -
tige.;..ttnd corn
ltt!entivi,nastler waat
i#Wad4Pqs!„ , ' •
Jj,P- cniterio4o,o iiisgyatonters,
and t v.deidttitninOttilhvti , Fo for , loll, L i t te
ProPritillir ;6 4l l o , 4oAl e6oll A , V l6,'- E R ZW ,
' •
• • s •Ytl ~.:, , &•17 ; ;
. • •
• •t: -ft „,.`
Regular Volunteer-Candidate
Pox. Sheriff.
To the Free and Independent Electors of
I hereby, offer myself to
the free and independent citizens of
the a Volunteer candidate for the
Office of Sheriff,
at the ensuing election. be. thankful
to all, be they Whigs or Democrats, for their
support, and should I be so fortunate us to
recieve a majority of your . votes; I, will en
deavor to discharge the duties of, the office
with satisfaction to the public.
licriff 's eanbthatc.
To and Independent Electors of
• Through the recommen
dation of my large circle of friends [ hereby
offer myself to your considcration as a can
didate for the Office of
• saEnirr,
at the .ensuin g October election, k abject to
the decision o f the Democratic county con
vention. Should Ibe sofortunote na to re
cievelt majority of your votes, I will faith
fully endeaver to discha - rge the duties ap
pertaining to my. office.
August 8
3 1 211.111'212'3 1M1D11.0121,
To he Electors of Lehigh Courtly
By the snlicitation of
a large•.pumber of my friends and fellow citi
zens, I hereby. oiler myself as a candidate
for the Office , of •
E di~ .11 - FF,.
nt the next. October election, subject to the
Democratic county convention. Should you
favor me with a majority 'of your votes,
promise to discharge the duties of said office
with faithfulness and impartiality..
Josnigt F. NEWHARD.
11—te I
41Plar jor Fry irs the Field:
'31112111 4 3 VI/IU%
-To ihe Free mirllntlependanl Voters of'
Encouraged Uy a large
nurnber.of my fellow citizens, [ hereby oiler
myself as:* candidate to your suffrages for
,The Office of Sheriff ,
of Lehigh county. Should Ibe so fortunate
"as tO'receive a majority of your votes I will
endeavor to fulfill the duties of the office
with fidelity nnd to the best of my abilities.
COMPANY of Philadelphia.
near Fifth street.
Chat les N. Bancker, . Geo. W. Richards,
Thomas Hart, Mord. D. Lewis.
Tobias'Wagner, Adolp. E Bone,
Samuel Grant,. David S. Brown,
Jacob R. Smith, Morris Patterson,
•• CONTINUE to make Insurance, permanent
and limited, on every description of property, in
own and country, at rates as low as arc consis•
att with security
The Company have reserved a large Contin
gent Fund, which with their Capital and Premi
ums, safely invested, afford ample protection to
the assured. .
The assets of the company, on January Ist,
1848, as - published agreeably to an Act of Jta
sembly, were as follows, viz: ; •
Mortgages, • $890,558 65
Real Estate, - • 728,358 00
Temporary ,Loans, • 205,459 00
. • 15,563 15
. • • „.. 46,581, 87
'o3sta, f3c.C.,
' 67
• • .
Since their incorporation; a' period ol,7!;tht e '" i
Years, they - have. paid upwards of main' illton
two Imadrodthoostuttlotollara, losses by fire, there
by:affording evidence of the advantagei of irittu
ertnee,'As' well as.the ability and diOosition to
meet with promptness, all liabilities, • •;, . • •-;
• ~ , . ..CHAftpEO N. BANCKER, Presidetv
tiThe.tfiubseribers 'are , the appointed Agents gf
,the :Above - mentioned Institution;:and are. now
Trio . areli to Mahe insnrances.on evety. - deke,rip7
tn oflOperty, at t 4 lowest iaces. • 4 '
inxcw, 'Bemoan . : - - 4- -, 1848.; ; •
- •
Y torso.
COtton YarYarn
NO. 7i IYorth Front Strfct,
Cotton , tied Eileen ChaiN, .VVrirps,
co 131ue 'rytistierrve tlet c arn,'Fle..
La Wkdtc, 9 01 ; 0
• Laps , sflic•l& 6 lfilek diCO4 - c /-
O r ders promptly
PO' 1-.15'^,760144
•_..•; ~...,-'..;.-.:.'-'...--......-',.4".. e.,1 -.,,;?.:,-14:_.,..,.,.,
-• • ,
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M: ( Iw.
ALLENTOWN,..LEII:I.O - .11 . , COUNTY, PA- SEPTEM.I3M..-5,;: 1850.
Lehigh County
Lehigh county.
- ,r
'SIDNEY. W Buncor,''
Painter :&- Phlitr4jangcr-.!
The subscriber adopts this method - to in
form his friends and the public in general,
that he has lately removed into the house
formerly occupied by Mr. Nathan Schaffer;
in Hamilton' . Street, 'Allentown, nearly op
posite the German Reformed Churdh, where
he willalways .be found , ready to attend to
calls in the different•branches of his business,
which are
Muse and. Sign Painting, Gra'"ning,
Glazing, paper 7 l.langing, '
During his travels he has made himself
master in the above branches, particularly,
Paper4-langing, the panel work of which is
now all the fashion. He will variant his
work to be well 'executed, and his prices
.will at the same time be moderate.
Le constantly keeps on hand a large
supply of Projecting Letters varying in size
from 2 to 18 inches ; they are used for signs,
and have become very fashionable of late.
During the time'he has located himself
in Allentown, he has enjoyed a very liberal
support, for which he returns his sincere
thanks, and trusts that his Avorli.will further.
insure him a liberal share of public patron
aze. S. W. BURG A W.
March 28.
E TER -IPl''Cli OFF,
Has removed his Law Offiee; from the
corner opposite the Courthouse to the'new
ly erected brick building, one door east of
Smith's ApothecafY storei on the north side
of Hamilton Street,: between Kolb's Hotel
and the. Courthouse.
He can be consulted and give advise in
the English and German language's.
Allentown, April 25. 111-3 m
Allentown, Lehigh County ) , PM.
Practices in Lehigh and adjoining coun
IrirMay be consulted in Getiiiiin'
August '22,
Office a few doors west of lire Court House.
I2FIle can bo consulted both in the Ger
man and English- languages
Allentown, April 4
la CO D'Olilaate 9
Office one door east of Kolbt; Hotel; Al
lentown; Lehigh countv t Pa.
Allentown, March 28. 'll—tf
Office in the western front room of the
iMiiciing a Lammll, formerly Horn
beck's, west of the Courthouse.
Allentown April 4,1850. tf
Formerly of Philadelphia, now a '
resident of Allentown.
Office at Steckel's Eagle Hotel.
Refers to the following gentlemen resi- -
dents of Philadelphia and Allentown.
Sam. Geo.Morton,M. D. I E. Townsend, D. D. S.
llenry.S. Patterson, I.l.lCTownsend, Dentist.
John B. McClellen, 0 L. IL Kmeker, Dentist.
Charles 11. Marlin, IT. P. Shantz, M. D.
Charles i.. Martin, IJ. Romig, Jr. M. D.
. rerTeeth and roots extracted gratuitous
ly when removed for the insertion of artifi
cial teeth.
May 9. y
Between Eighth and Ninth Strs, North side,
• • Philadelphia, -
All kinds of Foieign Wines, and Liquors
such as— . •
. ,• Old Cognac Brandies,. Dark
and Pale, Holland Gin, in-
Spi ritsPish and Scotch
'loft 1 47 hisltey of the very
finest quality.• • T .,
' WINESe--Suel as Madea.; J.-ert*
Stierri,'renerilre, Sweet Malaga 111uscat,
Mira - and:. Clmmpagne, very • cisoice and
'Also; Manufacturer-of Domestic Distilled
Braridy.:and:t3in,.Pure Spirits,: Deodorized .
Alcohol, Peach arandy, Lavender Brandy f
'W,ild-cherritzßmndy,, rind Fine: Cordials, :, „.. , , ,e -
Raipberry,l3randy,, New.:.E4iglati:d Rum, • WashingtonT - nritihg : Press .
&4. t .fic i ,. also a . large 1114114•••,PS;#6' Old • ' 11P . Jai' AL4 - 74 ." . '''''
111onciiirMelit'Whiikey Ori;lAml.',:;" :;-"..-•!.. ~.-•••!...' .- , .. , 4.,-: 4 lFisk. ." -
Thi s at,o,;„Lioors *lit .be sold at the "vC• " A Superior ifOri•Pribtint'PrOliolVa : shing?
ry•loviCsi;pgiceS..':,COlnatit%MeizlitiritS rind ton's ~ p ritekt4'With'er bo : 2l,bYtB4locla'es;ir l,
.Tavorri4teepeisollr do"wallmy'.gilie qic;tirt4 firci l riitil'prdorailf'Zaledattlifs , Mitt i A ron.a6.:
•dercigried.*palklielbili,PoPlMsins,eltieWere, coirmiodmktikOrmiddtPisieV.;tx.4ai.,,o-cii,
and otiuning‘rtlie:l.dqiMicS,Vihic:ll4::Youzkii post pAd4irti,3.o,ll l ;:iy-- - ;') •;::::''..{:Vk' ';.:-;ill,';''i: •40
L P-St'lbilliAelif:44e4Al.o,o4l3i64oi:t'iirdOlieet: ' :`:,s6liireAtiPl'l,4l.y6l.liw:.‘it,,v;,',,—*.=keedA.!•,-, '.
IDlchitioninitorigttliiiiiiii4.-,fr..:,-.:, :.'; ~, , ~..r .,..„,,,,.,
:.,..-. 4.,:).,,, gg-- , ..'; , iYftsjaplOgitti ' l v ft• - ,- . 4 , q; , AclAtivT.:.." . --- - f t.- 2-
„philioeliiia.;,,,.bed:ol.,:t;"›,:Yl.43.l,r-iy. ;tsid,i‘iliriieCiiielitii`,.3.l.4o:l4l6ii*Or'
;Zn -... -'1t,;,;,-1r1; , ,.'. • f''",i'P'.oj.'i- . ...' ,. ):11t ) M';. 5 .1 ,*-7:1-s-.1. ' :. ! • = * ' , ' .1.1.1,i'
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3 V,
.Lochtitan. Brother;
Boots, Shoes, Hats & Caps.
The nineteenth century being the.age of
-Manetic-Telegrap hs;Steamships, Locomo
tives, Sic., and in which all . kinds of busi;
ness is tit:Mein the very
,quickest, and most
expert manner, , it likewise Weenies neces
sary for the trading public, to take small
profits and make quick sales,'-in ; order to
keep up with the improvementS of the times.
Upon this principle we have deterthined to
act. We will sell our Gooils at sucti : prices
as will astonish the buyer.
• • ,
, 'rile following are some of our prices, to
Men's Calf-skin Boots from $2,50 to $4,40
do course do" 1.,50,t0 . 3,00
do kip
do Gaiter
Ladiesi - Gaitters ' . 4
do glippers and Welts
Buskin's • 44
31 to 1,25
' • , Besides a very
largo and exten
sive assortment of
5 46 . `i ^ ready-made
Boots & Shoes,
cheap for cash.
.They also keep for sale, a splendid as
sortment .of •
Moleskin, Silk and Slouch •(' •
• - 11 A T S.
-Cloth,'glikzed, fancy and military •
c 411
Trunks, ..Umbrellas, Camphine, Lard and
Fluid Lamps, Candelebras, &c., &c.
rerieeollect the 'place, one door (vest of
O. & J. Sager's 'Hardware Store, in the
building:formerly occupied by L. Smith's
. Apothecary store, in Hamilton street, Allen
'May- • 31n
lillll2 )1111BD:ill& •
*4leX.itrttrd Li fe .lnsurance Annuity and
TinStCompany of Philadelphia; Office No.
MU Chestnut Street, Charter Perpetual,
CAPITAL 300,000.
11- 1 3
Continue to tnake Insurances .on Lives on
the most favorable terms.
The capital being paid up and invested,
together with the accumulated premium fund
affords a pcVect security to the insured.
The premium may be paid in yearly, half
yearly, or quarterly payments. •
The company add a BONUS at stated pe
riods to the insurance for life. The first
bonus was appropriated in December, 1844,
amounting to 10 per cent. on the sum in
sured under the oldest policies, to 84 per
cent, 71 per cent, &c., on others in propor
tion to the time of standing making an addi
tion of $lOO, $87,50, $75, &c., on every
$lOOO originally insured, which is an aver
age of more than 50 per cent on the premi
ums paid, and without increasing the annual
acrment to the company.
No. of
No. 58 $lOOO ' $ 100 , $ 1100
"88 3500 1 250 I 2750
" 205 ~ 4000 400 I 4400
" 276 2600 124 2175
", 333 5000 I 437 50 5437
Pamphlets containing taliles of rates, and
explanations of the subject ; lorms of appli
cation ; and further information can be had
at the office in Philadelphia, or on applica
tion to A. L. Runk:, Agent in Allentown. :
B. W. RICHARDS, President.
JNO. P. JAMES. Sit:Nary
December .13.
- .
„ .
~:",j ~:F,+t ~s
do " 2,00 to , 2,75
do " .1,25 to .3,00
1,00 to 1,87
Bonus Amount of policy and
Insured''Sum orl bonus payable at the
Addition. party's decease.
To Farmers and Men of. Business.
THE SUBSCRIBER ofier;i,at the
est rates; in any quantity to suit purchaseis,
• Gemii* Peeuvinn.Gumio,
and every variety, of •
Manufacturers, Tanners. Farmers, Deal
ers and Consumers, are invited .•
• GEO PIDGAVAY; ,•'••••
Vo. 27 North ‘Yhtirres, the' first
• ''l2&o// ,
below Race strcet,
luinst 22. • -1,;;;---.3r-ri:--2i
:; , , - :, - /!41 : -'i,,(.;.'::,A
pocticat Eleparttitclit.
- - - _ The °Horne Jciornal.")
. -
• Thi*-Rest in Christ.
Dear. children, ye are absent now, ' knows yotrnot, "-..
Your. empty..crib, and . cradle,low,
Endear Ikat hallow'd pot i•'
The silent room We tread with care,•
It seemeth that ye still are there.
In' (Wrist, ye.all were born anew,
•And sign'd with holy,crnss.
-Your:entie—forin§ Re, then withdrew;
And now we mourn our lass;
Tu you, ye lor'd ones, ;pith,
To us it seemeth nought but pain
In the damp enrth we laid them low
With this assurance given; .
"Your suffering ones are happy now ;
They are-with• Christ in heaven .
With angels blest, their spirits soar,
And grief, and pain, shalt ltnOW no•more."•
Dear Lord, on u 3 Thy Spirit'be, •
To live as pure as they," , •
That we, with them, may worship Thee,
Forever-and for aye, •
Thy love, thy mi .- nitrous love adore,
Arid shig . thy praise for evermore..
United Stares and Macedonian,
On the 25th of October,'llBl2; after being
separated' from the squadron, the United
States, commanded by porilinodore Decattlr,
fell in with; and captured, of the: Western
Isles, after an action of an hour and a half,'
the British frigate Macedonian, Captain Car 7
den, mounting 40 guns, and carrying 300
men. The Macedonian being to windward,
had the advantage of chosing her distance,
which was so great, That fur the first half
hour, the United States could not use her
carionades ; and at no time, were they with
in musket or grape shot. To this circumr
stance, and a heavy
.swell of the sea, was
ascribed the extreme length of the action.
In this contest the superiority of the Ame
rican gimnery Was strikingly 'obvious.. The
Macedonian had 100 Men killed' and' woun
ded. She was totally dismasted; aitdd had
neat ly 101:Ishot holes in her hull.' On board -
the United States there were only. five killed
and seven Wounded;, and
,so little injury
was done to the ship, - that in five minutes
after the action, 'she was fully prepared !tr.
another. • • •
Shortly after the action commenced, such
a torrent of fire • proceeded frorn'the. United
States, that the crew of the Macedonian sq..
posed she way actually on fire,. and' gave
three cheers. .
The Macedonian was a frigate•of the lar- •: 0 ' 1 .: in---ti'..67l.llgt"4".;hobu-s' ;yrthoughtless thiont.i.
gly est crass, on two years old,' four months r
alone of this 'titirldly multitude, dratinii '•
out of dock, and reputed one of the fastest
sailers in the British service. nigh to heaven: I Iliattlt the paternal levee
All the private property' of the officers .. , . ~ . .
that taught hint to itspe,nts•evening priWer,,,...i..
and crew of the Macedonian was given up vhethee Catholic or ' Protestant, ...whetlrerig'4-11.
dead \ or living, whether.far Off or' nigfr.,' tY' - t l i'? i •-1
to them: that claimed by Capt. Carden
amounted to $BOO, and was paid for by the: could scarcerefrain ,froiri'•Weeping then, ' ribi rz:•.,
can I now, as I. see again the sweet chidi:.•
Commodore, . •
An instance .of the generosity; which. is in the crowded tomtit of a steamboat's cablir,.. '
bending in.' devotion before, his Maker. ' • - - •••
so predominant in the breasts of American But a little while before, I Saut a' diaW4 .
tars, must not be omitted. John Archibald, of admiring listeners gathering about a cot&
one of the crew of the United 'States,re-
pany•of Italian singers in the uppe
trivet' a mortal wound of which ho soon
a mother and two sons, with . voice, harried - -.•'
after died. He left three children to the violin f but no one cared for the'child Ot
mercy of the world, and a profligate mother,
prayer. , • '-
who had deSerted them. When the father finished his '
of Archibald went on board the frigate, to . When
. the little boy had dnishe overt!,
claim the wages and property of his son, an in devotion, he arbse and kissed his father •
inquiry was made into the circumstances of 'most affectionately,,who put him luta his ••••
his family. A plan was imaiediately agreed berth to rest for .the night, I felt a strong`
desire - to speak to tltem, but deferred it till
upon by the stamen, for the relief of the or- morning. W.ltertMeraing came, the conk...
phone. Two dollars were subscribed by sion of landing irevalityd me from seeing
each of, them ; a sun.of SAOO ums made up, them crgain,' :.put if yver ineet that boy in .
and placed in the hands of suitable trustees(
for the maintenance and education of, his his g 'P lia l iri ff 4lllh *' l6'hia *R lthin .f .Yon3.
I'll thank lilin`TorlhitlnliSifertc, aoltit itillAtfrf,'
children, •-• • -. ' pie ;of thnf - :nioll i sitle . Vulitiii; • and '. bfeiii: Hid'
Commodore Decaturiiiriieit Ot4slnW.ll;on
don, with his iirize, on the 4th of DeCem. nam sc e Et : a o e t i h y 7 a '/ Y riy at i , ii i s c ir riit ti !'i a iti u e ld h e i ; f h t , l • 9 llll f . :o: . ;iir; ; • „
her. He received from 'aill'qOniters, 2 the '''''
congratulatbins'of hia-Conntryinen. 4 . •,..A' geld
,T e i„ v 7 e k ri lil t a ;:.4 : ;!' r e o e t in 6r, :" l i i P ri d! re • t ip a a s h ic r c e• o d n 6) th e y dr til iti l a n 't d :4l . : : ';,...'
medal. waS preieritatl to;ililliliy:..COfigTedif,' '
in` testimony of their high • sense-nfhis Eal:', h L 6 J lv !.. itrreit/ .,,,, 9 113 ‘. 11 °,,d' flr itltirifjil.."-e.0 , 0r, W 4 ,- :
lantry, good conduct' , and servicea:'!Viie, "v4 ll .'•''!" , A`v•hb''o l .t:CYli oll it:•StelltuPoat. •` who - -'
iiittn,.their children, fop rttyiitren 0, tioliol.: 1 : - .
Ituislature of Pennsylvania..voted:'hirn , their I
thanks and art,elegant sword ?:-.antl'snrioits :4641.e..1(.),u.../,'ni!lit.;•6-..;;::C.,-:•...•:-::...1,::"..,:i.t.;;:,;,•',:„,,,. .., 4
other testimonials oC public regard Were ..1)e.: :' me ' 7 A' ,i' ,•;,' --,,,,,-- -,.,• . i . . ~.i.
_l ) ., T , t jt \,.• ll `,„,':'•;i; '‘ • . ; .,,,' 4l
stowed uponitim, and:his crept --- '•- ' - ''' . "."-"-•"`•-'3'•°."-tiithill'O"c'w-:111Yr141010-"- :".... I'.
. ....• : -...1 • -''. lelaturenftet o'lenut . h ' 'fiiiiiitt l a 'A
'rhe.newe of 'this.brilliicar viktenyWra'reil ii r T r A,.• - •,,,'F'Arsi 4 ,-- - .11 , v-1-1-44 ;t & • ,CI zfi ' .':i''
ti g WasltingiOn .0, tltenientojr,Of the -,::::-;71,—;,-1,14,116Lqii2..iLt4,,E,_tw.;:e1,4s; 0.,...•.44i;. , - ...-, , !,i,„ ,
. . ...
Bth Of December:.i It litipPeriail,.that un,that '• ',,',.711r;4441.,t,!.).r0Q97f:t.fgc1e:'. 'ill!: Ir e i7-:!'".;•fi':' , '" , ''
iveninti!a povivp.i . ,o(in in' complimentte: '.. 4-eri ''''''''''''''''';''''-'c el.:l7 :: :!.:2.J'; '''' ; '' '''' ' 4 ''' 44l;'4
the / officers nild'likvi:goii'Oriiilf;:.,ll'4lP.Oi ' '''''':°ii . e l/ 11°4 3 5' f.3t4Ofitti-t 40(iti?:ttil : ..,: ~,''''''';
cularly- i3,Criirt.;":B(eWari,'"in;aclittntilOdgiit- 15 1 3 $7 1 '4till, A f t ti . „4 : il e t, 6 .' ' . ; : „ '7' , , i ':''A li, 4 , ' ; ' -r:11-'44.1.1i
mot: of his politOrieliiiiiiliebkiienanf Witidi i l '''t'u at. ' '; .. i:
r' - *" . ilk '
ingtaanera.'rederWribiiiialeiioifi;;.",,l,i•g;.,...t ..;;-;.;,.0•,1.11,1illifor',11-tiettli• , ~,,,,,,,,q111 4. - * •
A large• and iititiCeeibleCdri ' f iny"`''''' -. 14641417. ' lt ' *l4l44-4 "' igtfi ' l4cfArY 4at ' ertil
assembled, and,theiscalte,tvaagraced o 44titel tq . 'll3o;•*eilieiml, p,. , g,,0141 fg: - :
~priiA'nee Of .itl I:. ilegbia9ty, , aind: l (citibiiirt<i)( ii= v ,'"i44- 0 6- m - '4lpliti - ,.`00 , to ir if f _r t
~, h 9i, ., itY4 • r,.'Thq',roPiri'ilMyh,,icli...."thii. ~,$110.,6-3k-• Ite'''.‘-ii'ti"-Cter'N'itu;iiiii-,.-:'-lniaidiiig,ti .. 7 r+ - 1:` '
wire 'itasetialtlo4rhad' b6e4i' 4 44iCotat d ..:witti , 'teiViiiii''' IS :t„ria : iinititai t iiitil. Id ' ,.1• ',
theAfoillliejeafiiii:Vitlilallibti:‹Tlitattoia mistress •,,,,„‘:_ ~f4i1t51,9,U,,;41„i‘ t ,,' k,..% ~, A.
'of the Gterriiitii4iiidiAleit7dhiPtiiicio44 he' , is cild',Ciiiip • gh t 0,64'4X I.P"X• ' 1 11(4 ..1; :47 -'
Novimt qi la •ien*SedtlhaifenlitikitiifliskriiitlhWtitidl ';''. l- • ? ... -'4'"li'''r''''''''' '' ''. -- '-iv „. ”
Xe4'ijiAtilariftidkkh,elfbilitiAlecitneiTO'f'thn' '.!-'l37'llliit4ribi,:4;illilik.r :=., l 'e (1= 1
1 3.
brimetr,lchlitiiialfOitiowit•i4o-er... lfifirlseirr,OiifettliitiaiV... , .vii,. 1 :,
i.'*olllB*iiiliiiiittp: Ela*lff,iiii ifitybOritii 1 biriiid;;:,-'llf4ibricidiillaiiria4; ..," d 4,l;'
INP:t6,ol6oo6oo,l4o6dalititGad:4ol)4fatiei -hilc.the4:ololPitiqed,W4AC,' ii 4 e'" 1 1
Sr9riiitiOitri9ealkittiON6 wag reCelfreOvitli: ..tieiii , i , ,dittlierfirliotoottiva ~ , t
Todd tartigumit•kii-desccoedtalhoseitiiii -,bii,4 , 4, , iii, ,, -. ~,,,,,,,,„4., ~.,,.
~ .f,,:.,...,..,2„,,,,, , . • -,, -,,i,, , ,,,,,,..?„ , ,,,
.-,,,, , , , ,- , :c. , .,, , ,-„.. , -. •~. •,,,,,,,,,.: ...,,_ —,
- ~ , ::.•. ' ...,,,., , . .. ...: 'l, Al'eSgt:
' - --- , •, -, "1, .;,:!,W,..tegi!:,,,
, : - .4 . '.d, , ,1 , ,..'-,'"f,',!!!,' , . , ,i,:.'• , ': , 4 - .
a'aYr r-4~(~ e y Lt
..: .
~. ~,,..:,. .
hall ; and the colors of the - React:loam ‘4701:1:1' . .. 1; .,; .. .._
borne int . ° the room, by:Copts:JD:lll4a
Stewart, and depOsited withlll4 . tr
Guerrieretind Alert, -
Beautiful *C Little.' StorP s l , y =
A few weeks since in coining ai i nspsl.
North River, I was seated in the •driE.iff , ';..l - 61 t
the magnificent steamer Isaac
conversation with some friends Irs' :1-`
coming !mein the evening, and 00 44 i 4 • •• 4 ,.
another, seeking repose trotn the care
toils of-the-day,made_preparations..tpt
to their berths. Some, pOlfing offtheir
and coats, lay rest; Qtl y .,
ers, in the attempts to make it seem
much like hornerts•possitile;threw ofirknort,4,
of their clothins:,- 7 ericli one,as'Alteir4ithy . 4, , ,‘:
fort or apprehension of danget•dietrit,/?' - : - 7 7 . - :;" - z - : -. '
I had noted on deck a fine leeklnfr
abOut six years ofnge;' - ‘fOlkiWrite
man, evidently his fattier., „whose
ance indicated him to he 'n • folteitnl
bably a .Gerninn—a man of mediutti
end respectable dress. The child
usually fair and fine looking harm
featured; with an intelligent and Ettrtt;ii,
expression of countenance; and 42:114
his German cap fell chestnut
Flustering mull.' •
'After walking about fora time, theta
and son stopped within it few fed of
we were seated, and began pfelltftt4itt
going to bed I watched them,"
adjusted'and arranged the'bedillifi'Wla,
to occupyi which was an upper
the little fellow was undressing •
Having finished this, his father tic • ;' 4 .2.4
kerchieraround his hetid, to prole i"ft
which looked as if the sunlight
young,- happy heart always - I.ore.
This done, I looked for hitnsteseek:4l4oro , t;%,
ing place ? but instead of this, •Ire.rriW - ,••• - :*:4, 4 ;1
kneeled down upon the tiodr;-pai. his h t et
hnnd together, so beautifully , childlil93o.:;;.-4 - •;:x;
simple, resting his arms onthelnwer . ,ftffki.o.
against which he knelt, he begarChni:',ltfai'4"- .
per prayet.; ' • e
The father sat don by his
ted the conclusion:, It wes,'fot
long prayer, but well understood:. l could ;fir
hear the murmuring of his sweet' v'oice;:littc,;;' , ..;." %4
words could not distinguish the ords:l44ipelrai.. 'A f rFe
l'here were •men around hint--Chilstiaril
man retiring to rest _without prayer_f•otitip-_, • •
praying at all, a kind •of mental desire •
p rote ction,, without sufficient courage-er pie'. •
ty to kneel down in a steambnit' cabirt,-and ,
before strangers,'aeknO%ledgn the goodness • '
of God, or ask his protecting lovee , • •
This was the tratning"Of sortie-plots' WM. •
ther. Where was she now? 1:Iont many,
times bid her kind hand been laid - °niche •;,;•
sunny locks, - as she had taught him to lisp
his prayers T. • . •
A !rat:hilt:ll sirfht it was, that Child al p7V,..,
~ I . ‘,.a.
s ; S;^ r
Ik l